HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-04, Page 4Pq4 rout I ­ 11 . - 7 ... . . . ...... ...... Aiqbam Shaw A. G. SMITH, Editor and PrOP. TKIRS)AY, MARCH 4TIE. J*dxod On Its Rocord The. old political Patties have been vary kind to the now U. F. 0. 100vern, merit, wbick has been afforded considsrA- tWn never extended to a now, AdminstM tion before. Obotacles have been cleared from its path., it has, received every on- wuragemont. From now On it will be judged by what it does, not by what its mouthpieces say. on its. work, not Its words will t1le now Ontario Government now have to stand or fall. Lot it rom-em. ber this Itld make use of the sunny days., I J. Morrison j, 1, Morrison was born in the Town. ship of Peel, lot 12, cpvgess1011 11, Well- ington CO, His parenip came from the, north of1reland in 1$46 and hewed a home out of the Yoush and the crown deed is still in ' sesgort of the, family and has pos n4ver been out of thoir custody. He re. celved his early education at Arthur 6V .,hool, Hjs early days were spent on the homestead assisting his father. and because farinitig did not pay he began to study the reason why, He was P member Of the old Gra0ge movement being secre- tary of the Dominion 'Grange. Some five years ago he was elected secretary of the U. F. 0. on the inauguration of the Co-operativo Company and the United Farmere'Assoclatiop. For a time he con- ducted the affairs of the organization from .'his home in Peel, but so rapid, was its growth he ' found that his whole time was required to lQ614 after the organization. He moved to Toronto and can be found at 130 JQng Street, East, where during 'memorable the past few months some',, gaherings" have been held in the, inter estsof the T1. F. 0. SCHOOL REPORT Aep*rt of S. S. No, 8, townships of Tina erry sfor the mouth of b aod Iviorri, Vebruary x indicates two or more exams, were miissed, on account of sickness, Sr. IXI-m-Totai 4s5-,--P-aS8 273,,lion0ure 342, lack PovvI0, 425; ]Wna Henderson, 472;XWill. Htllder$011, 141, Second-TotaI$-z5,Honourq :243, Pass x95, Alvin Procter, 294. Sr. I -Total 580 HOU011-ts 435, Pass .348. Wns Procter, 48o; Arthur Render son, 47x, Bernice Lockridge, 442; Murray jeukinx, 26Z, No. oil to], 19. Avtraga attendance fo ;U1011111 7. Uttex,'Teacher. ills DNZYS AND PAINS IN THE BACK A Asnists Jaito in back, sides and bead .'and all 1114 Tesulthig frqm deT.Ingtd kidiley-ar Sucli as Thttlivatilou. oaiiea, =Cill"butradig"'. swollen 30nu-4411a e Relieve caugestiou, sootbe inflinned 'oormal actiou, whitch pprines the blood and eorrects the Allblents, Gin Pills bave helped tbou- mods. Theyvdtl itelp, you. send for freesqtaplo, or tt tL WX frOln Y01'r 'de Fr, 60c. with inoney- Addr"%- Tim National Dzug & t2h*yslf0*ICo.*fC*tlAd&, Ltd., Toronto gozi'S ACT a". Inc., lzu st . lltorltow,.10* N Y, 121 F Op it OW Y. t;,k I NCR the days of our G'ra I'd In other there has been a*.positivc ellarill it, the use of silver candlesticks. They add to the decorative scherne of tile boudoir, the living rooni or the library. i A pair of thei-ri forni a pleasing gift to the bride or a later anniversary meniento. Your sight is the guardian angel Of Your Other senses. Our expert w ill fit your eyes with the proper glassee. R. M. MANY Jeweler and Optician wingliam Wroxeter Gorrie The school.% and churches are still clos- of day, od on account of llflo," I Straining the mft in the dairy, turning A number ill and around town who have the cows aWAY, Swee tl lnf the floora in the hitcInn, n ,e cds upstairs, been ill tire getting bett6r. Ag Yet Tho swfLW6 have ju's't heart received CH PR IRO RACTIC ot*K'death of Mrs. Joho Young who died parlor ckairs, _,-,e2nd ot Mar. with pneumonia. Practice is confined exclusivel . y t the only and original Sys Mrs. UffluilsOn Son. who has been living with her Milton town of Spinal Adjustment. Effective i son, of passed 95 ( r cent of all cases, P 'Cblrooractic locates and Remove aNvay Monday afternoon at the advant-ed the Cause of Dis-ease: Nature Heals.' age of eighty y0ars. J. A. FOX, D., D. 0 Mrs. Wtu. Rutherford who was taken Also fully qualified aduate in Osteo to Gutlphj for treatment about six weeks Pathy. Phonti 191, firout, 2 to 0, slid ago diod Thursday worning Peby. 26th, to m. and was brought home for burial Friday, Sturching their "fixinv, for Sunday, A privale funeral was held orr Suaday. Belgrave lotetmant being, ma4d in the Wroxetet Comeearlyas the hall will lye crowde vonletery. Much rVillpathy is felt for the on Thursday evening, Alarch 11th, to bea family. Murdiso real McW%e. He is appear li NOTICE ing under tbe.augpicas. of the Foresters PERISH. Mr. Murdison is an excellent Scott!s Two sisters, sole sumiyors of a Comedian and 1Q sopported by severa onee haDDy family, greeted us pleas- Grace in every motion, music in every* antly, as we visited In a sunny ward tone, Beauty of form and feature, thousands as, thb Xliak6ka Preo Aospital. might covet to own, The itiother and several other . Cheeks, that rival -the roses, teeth the nisknibom of the fanilly liftd died of whiteness of pearls, and the plague had Oneof these country maids is Nvorth a murked tbeFw two girls also Tol' its fortituatelY they score of your. city girls. )Ns;n; but wo" folind in tinle. Nlorris one ot t1ir-ni .4aid: "I teel tile Ron- Miss Cora Armstrong was 6tue for the pital has dolie me a great deal ill week-ond from Stratford Normal School. Alyt)ll. everything 14 lovely, And I * The influenza epidetinic, which has beat, like It alwAil well." The otlior: "I wi 4espread ill this township, is well nigh lim v galard fwelvc- liounds, and thIlA cleared up. Fortunately there were no., Ii III IV able to go home All, gowd deaths although there were sonle Serious '41Z montlim." Sitell N the work of the Muskoka Mr, 14 4, Johnstoll, who has botiq vihit- Yip -e f1cwyltal for 41onstunfilivfi, in - her(- for the pn9t few months, take% a 'rhollAandx Ot Statf-fill Patlenl:s ear car of horses back with bitil. Mr,;, Jolin. toottify to ihr help they hav4% rrvetv ,-fl ston was also hei-e and their stay was 4herpin. It roxti; a. groat deal 01 much enjoyed, itionpy to carry ott thp work. Will Robert and Mrs. Slieddert, Ah line, Pur* #)IT h#lpt pose removi.ng to Brussels, where they costirsbiolonn 111my b's slont if Itave bought -it home oil Queen street Kir WlUlsw (Tup, 84,11PIttlina nyentie, They are. old residents of the line and well or Oftolp A ROM, I 13 C*Uft-# st rw, knoun ill the con'Rnutlity. We wish them well, Wm. Henderson has taken (belt- ADVICE 121 F Op it OW Y. t;,k I NCR the days of our G'ra I'd In other there has been a*.positivc ellarill it, the use of silver candlesticks. They add to the decorative scherne of tile boudoir, the living rooni or the library. i A pair of thei-ri forni a pleasing gift to the bride or a later anniversary meniento. Your sight is the guardian angel Of Your Other senses. Our expert w ill fit your eyes with the proper glassee. R. M. MANY Jeweler and Optician wingliam $0 ri.znewal - 'as practised in Europe accowits for.. the very high yield per acre attained in European farms, and soil -renewal simply means restoring plant food and humus. This is done by applying ordinary sta I ble manure and commercial fertilizers. Q, are scientifically compounded. They contain Nitrogen or Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash in readily soluble form. ENperience abso- lutely proves that it is more profitable to work 50 acres with a good fer- tilizer than 100 acres without it. I Fertilizing means not only bigger crops, but better and stronger crops. It is strictly a quality article. Pound tor pound it is positively the cheapest as well as the best fertilizer offered. WRITE FOR THIS BOOKLET A OFertilizer Results by Satisfied Usere'- sent.FREE on request. Read what fhrm ers in all parts of Canada have accom- IN., plished with Harab-Davies Vertilizer. 110[q 2, Ontselo Fertilizops Limited N Dept. W. A. West Toronto, Ont. Gray 'Dort Quality Goes Clear Throunoh The Gray Dort has earned the goodwill of its owners through its, own good performances in their bands. It ridta and drives easily. It bolda the road clooelv. It wears down fireg slowly and evenly and it makes each gallonof gasoline and cluart of oil defiver full ralleige. _x-_ Dropit and look over tho latest mWel in 'THE' SPECIA1.1 we lia" one on the Aom E, Merkley 6 Son$ NIT I 7 In TAX WlNGRAM AI)VASOR FARM ERS' GIRLS DRUGLESS PHYSICIA Gorrie We are pleased to see Miss Pearl King of day, back to the telephone office after a se ere I Straining the mft in the dairy, turning Attackolthe "flu,0 Al iss Bernice Brawl oy was a Toronto' the cows aWAY, Swee tl lnf the floora in the hitcInn, n ,e cds upstairs, visitor last week, Ag Yet Mr, Will Ro , sS, late of tile Batik orcom. CH PR IRO RACTIC merce, walion, is spending a few days parlor ckairs, with hir. mother here previous to LiAking up a position in Winnipeg. lChiropractic, Practice is confined exclusivel . y t the only and original Sys Miss Phyllis Stanley of Ripley, is qpend-'tem of Spinal Adjustment. Effective i 't of ing a few days in town. Tile gues i 95 ( r cent of all cases, P 'Cblrooractic locates and Remove her aunt, Mrs, (Dr.) Whitley, 1 the Cause of Dis-ease: Nature Heals.' Mr. Geo, King has 4ceepted a po lition J. A. FOX, D., D. 0 6 with J. Douglas, Hardware Mercliant, Also fully qualified aduate in Osteo Wroxeter. Pathy. Phonti 191, firout, 2 to 0, slid Mr. 13. V.. Arnystronc ulade a buslness to m. trip to Harris.ton on Tuesday, Sturching their "fixinv, for Sunday, Ur. Gordon Barton of Fergus, was the Belgrave guest of Mrs. Robt. Stinson's over the Comeearlyas the hall will lye crowde week -end. on Thursday evening, Alarch 11th, to bea Murdiso real McW%e. He is appear li NOTICE ing under tbe.augpicas. of the Foresters All town licenses exalres oil Feb, 29th and Mr. Murdison is an excellent Scott!s inustbe renewed on or before the let of1larch, this also.1noludeXI dog tAr for 1920. Comedian and 1Q sopported by severa P. ALruN, iColleotor i excellent numbers, Grace in every motion, music in every* $0 ri.znewal - 'as practised in Europe accowits for.. the very high yield per acre attained in European farms, and soil -renewal simply means restoring plant food and humus. This is done by applying ordinary sta I ble manure and commercial fertilizers. Q, are scientifically compounded. They contain Nitrogen or Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash in readily soluble form. ENperience abso- lutely proves that it is more profitable to work 50 acres with a good fer- tilizer than 100 acres without it. I Fertilizing means not only bigger crops, but better and stronger crops. It is strictly a quality article. Pound tor pound it is positively the cheapest as well as the best fertilizer offered. WRITE FOR THIS BOOKLET A OFertilizer Results by Satisfied Usere'- sent.FREE on request. Read what fhrm ers in all parts of Canada have accom- IN., plished with Harab-Davies Vertilizer. 110[q 2, Ontselo Fertilizops Limited N Dept. W. A. West Toronto, Ont. Gray 'Dort Quality Goes Clear Throunoh The Gray Dort has earned the goodwill of its owners through its, own good performances in their bands. It ridta and drives easily. It bolda the road clooelv. It wears down fireg slowly and evenly and it makes each gallonof gasoline and cluart of oil defiver full ralleige. _x-_ Dropit and look over tho latest mWel in 'THE' SPECIA1.1 we lia" one on the Aom E, Merkley 6 Son$ NIT I 7 In TAX WlNGRAM AI)VASOR FARM ERS' GIRLS I'll in the early morning, just *.t the mop Another of day, I Straining the mft in the dairy, turning the cows aWAY, Swee tl lnf the floora in the hitcInn, n ,e cds upstairs, One Ag Yet WaAilng th.e breaRfait, dishes, dusting the tS for spripg parlor ckairs, Brushing the crutabs from the pantry, Form land% are rapidly advancing hunting the eggs in, the barn, in value and win men are buying. Roasting the meat for the stocking yarn. For a short time only we can offer a S prtadinh, the snow-white linen down in 150 acre form with sood buildings, the bushes below, k close to school and church. Gravel 14-insacking every meadow where the road, rural mail, telephone, Suitable strawberries grow, either for grain or grass form, cement Sturching their "fixinv, for Sunday, f1cors, water and Utter carriers, in churning the golden cream, $tables. Abargain. Ownernotablo Rinsing the pails and strainer, down on to work it, the runtilng stream, Feeding the geese - and chic1cens, malting AM _0W -M, W _M1 N -0 puddings and pies, Jogging the little one's cradle, driving AONER COSENS away the flies-, Grace in every motion, music in every* Insurance and Real Estate tone, Beauty of form and feature, thousands Successor to Ritchie & Cosens, might covet to own, I Wingbarn, Ontario . Cheeks, that rival -the roses, teeth the whiteness of pearls, Oneof these country maids is Nvorth a Tho Vonconver Express score of your. city girls. For Winnipeg-CalgArv—Vancouvor Nlorris Passengers for Western Canada will find Miss Cora Armstrong was 6tue for the the "Vancouver Express" from Toronto, week-ond from Stratford Normal School. 10 P.m. Daily via Canadian Pacific a * The influenza epidetinic, which has beat, most coriveiAent train, It stops at and wi 4espread ill this township, is well nigh connects for all principal points, cleared up. Fortunately there were no., Tne equipmeqt consists of up*to-dato deaths although there were sonle Serious Standard Sleepers, Dining Car, Tourist Sleepers, Compartment Observation Car, Mr, 14 4, Johnstoll, who has botiq vihit- First Class Coaches and Colonist Car. in - her(- for the pn9t few months, take% a 'The most beautiful sconexy in Canada car of horses back with bitil. Mr,;, Jolin. is along the line of the Canadian Pacific ston was also hei-e and their stay was with magnificent Rocky Mountain Re - much enjoyed, sorts at Banff, LaUe Louise and Glacier. Robert and Mrs. Slieddert, Ah line, Pur* Those conterrip lating a Pacific Coast pose removi.ng to Brussels, where they Trip should get in touch with Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or write W. B. How- Itave bought -it home oil Queen street aid, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. They are. old residents of the line and well i knoun ill the con'Rnutlity. We wish them well, Wm. Henderson has taken (belt- ADVICE 7 farm. The 27 act -as located Ll, miles south of -When hope seems dim Brussels, haft been - purchased by Alex,, And theworst's Insight, Nichol. who hold his 100 acre farm on the When you've lost your vhn, Oth tine, from Win. Dark and took pos. I Just bang on tight. d i -ion on March Ist, Mr. Dark may ess I Give blow f6r blow, locate in Brussels at least for a time, Mr j I Anddon'tgIvein, Nichol contemplates a'aumber of improve. i Till you've let 'em know ment to the property. That you tried to win, SOMB RE MINISCENCES Of 0ORRI9 METHODISM (Wroxeter News I Mr. "tor— Tht writer has allowed his r4ind to take in Gorrie and some of its peoplo. during thepastdayortwo. I didnot keep a diary i but I think I can record nor , not and events with, tolerable accur4cy and the reading of them may be of interest to those of the I present generation, I was statlooed' I there at the Conference of 1876, with the 11, late eateemed Rev, E. Xershaw as Super- intendent. Our labom togetber were of 10 the moot happy- character und a friend- I ship'was formed which: terminated only I at his death,, four years ago, At the ago, of 1 82 years. The, two side gallaries were I erected4a the old frame church (which 1 was built about the year 1860) about one month before I went to Gorrie. They were a necessity, as the congregation. occupied every available sitting. Among the earliest Methodists in the place were the Greer's and Leech'e, the latter having come from NewbQro about I$", James, Robert, Edward, Geoise Wesley, and later, John and Nathaniel. The children of thm, as I recall them, were As follows: Robt, John, Edward W., Chas., Lizzie, Emma (Mrs. Holmes), Annie (Ur& Code), Willie, Lottle, Bert, Albert, Hilliard, Uva, From Jan. lot tojuly Ist my home was with Mr. and Mrs. Code, their hospitality and the warmth of the affection on the part of all the people abides as a precious memory, Then there were George and Samuel Greer, Wm. Dane. Henry Besan- son, Edward Pyke, J. P. Smith,, Win. Evans, Abram JAcksons. Armour Mag - wood, Thos. Nash, John Day, Wesley Johnston, Robert Turner, Richard Ross, Nathaniel Hughes, and many Others The class leaders werw. Robt. Leech, Goo. Greer. 8, P Dorland and Edward Lowry-, The localpreachers were: S. F, t)orland, James Thompson, Mr. and Mr& Richard Darlington and Henry Smith. The last named died a few weeks after I reached the circuit (Aug. 1876) but the peop* talked much of his ability. In his earlier years, in York, England, he listeped to the peerless orator, James Parsons, and his style was somewhat fashioned like unto his. His favorite themes were ,usually fotind in the book of Revelation. The classes were largely attended. and the congregations also were most encour- aging, They seemed to -listen att6tively and receive with avidity the ulAvarnished message of the Gospel. I presume there are not now nearly to many residents in and about Gorne, and, as in many rural sections, ihe population har. decreased. Between 60 and 70 young peoplt ranging in age from 16 to 20 were usually found in the young people's, prayer meeting on M Monday evenings, And the greater num. -E T I TRE ber of them took an active part therein. L T'U H A Those were tbo days gre the Epwortb T — tia "A MAW= Wrideal—ra c . into being, What a choir and singing we had for ourS4bb4tb sorviml The pipe. orgin made by Mr..'V. Hughes was then Thursday, Friday and, Satupday in lise. , From 1863 to 1806, Rev. Edward Cragg was pastor. It may be of interest to a few who can remember him, to know W that heand wife. are-stli I living in Calgary, he having passed his 90th birthday last June 8th. I have several most interesting Grirrith's and cheery letters, (written by his own band) during recent months. The Leech grist mill, the James foundry FAVORITE STAR and a wa— shon were the chief indus- In Bu" 0 S, A;4 A Par4moutit Picture Just shoes, but what a worh of love, thrills and fun they hold The sanie funny "little gir ........... ........ who pla yed "The Little Disturb 0 T14YGIS14er in 'Hearts of the World,' 11 C> 0 tp and wbobas ben getting bette ever since. Maiinee Saturday at 3.30 p. m. No advance in prices. tries in those days, In January, 1877 a Mr. Potts started the "Gorrie Vidette," which I persume, has been published lAn- interruptedly, during the past four de- cades or more. The present pastor of the Methodist church in Gorrie and the writer, were members of a c1gss of 22, who were or. dained in London, over 40 years ago. That Mr. Xetr is still able to "carry on $ is a c4lqse for than kfulliess, as the greater number of them are laid aside, and several have been promoted to higher service, 14411 always cherish the memory of the year spent on Howick Circuit as -among ray happiest and most successful terms. in the Christian ministry. The work then comprised the following ap- pointments., Gorrie, Wroxeter, Salem, Belmore Zion, Lakelet and Orange Hill. Of each of these I could record many items of interest, but I must not trespass further on your space. Hoping these fines maybe of interest to the younger people, and decendents of the worthy ones r named. I am, Your& Sincerely, D. St. Thomak Ont. Feb, 17th, 1020 BrUsSel$ Mrs, W, R. Davidson, a victim of the tragic occurance at Cobeau, Sask., when she was fatally injured and her two children, Gordon, aged 2. and Margaret, aged 8 months, were killed by the explos- ion of a lamp in thoir home, was a former resident of this locality The public school in Morris Township reopened on Motifty after theban being on for influenza, There were many sick folks. Brussel's school% will not reopen for another vreek. Thomas Davidsos sold his fine farm to Milton Rand from the West, Before the Davidqon famitv moved to Brusselt a big crowd of neighbort and old friends called at thoir home *Ad presented upholstered chairs, and a fountain pen to Thomas. The comfortabls home of Uri, Goo. Spatling, Church Street, hat been put- thased by Robert Dark of thia town, who gets posemlon next month. The 27 atrt form of Wm Dark, loeattd It miles south of town, has rocentIr dio- potedof hit 100 ticres on the *ame line, Mr. DAtk *ill tako up tesidenco In Brus. sels. Wo dtoply ftgrtt to *nnounc# th4 doath otimothor rebiderit of Vroxot*r* in the porson of Xrs. Vw, Rutherford, WWO which m*d av*nt took Plats at Outilph Spualcial Monil, Toodau 0 Way Rotplttl, *bera ik* wow t4mt wivit time Ma Air tt%*trA4ntI OU witt of a v4ty lftd *KA ltrftlilo dispodtfou at kw tiod"t Admittion 16c and 25c. 40ain *M b* Aft* f*#Mt4 Vy ka L, (. , - - N au WIR S P rl' ng Goods We have passed, into, stock shipments of Spring Goods for all Departments, 'including New Liras 0.0ods, Silks, lPoplins, Ladies' Spring Coats and Suits, Top Skirts, Silk Crepe Wx1st6, Print$, Voiles and Ginghams, New Curtains and Curtain mator- ial, Rugs, 011cloths and Linen Blinds, Comets, Hox- ierY ana Gloves', Wornan's, Misses, and Childrenis Boots and Shoes, FAEN'S WEAR ST 0 RE '7711 ats and Rain. st Menos. and laps. lots and Shoes vest,you.11- tS for spripg lues. many friends and neighbors. She is ly for her home, near New Uskear;, ;n -t. survived by her husband one son and ughters who have thr sincerest four dq, Mr. John Gowdy has purchased the Sym . pathy of a very wide circle of friends farm lately owned b . V Geo. Westlake, In thtir great lose. Salem. Ur. Thomas Ingl I Is still continues very Mrs. James Huffman, VVroxeter, Is the low aad little hope is held out for his re. guest of her cousin Miss Mabel Baker. covery. Mr.and Mrs. John Darrocb, takelet, Mrs. Win. Irwln and Miss Blanche spent Wednesda . y with Mrs. J no. Gowdy. we?d on tile sick list having' contracted Zdr. Win. McKee's sale was very large. the prevailng "Flu." ly attended, they will leave this week for Miss Jennie McKee, New York, 1 _yfslt. their new liome; at Garde. Ing bar parents at present. _ . The Sacrament ofrthe LordIssupper MFe, Abe Under, and little son, who was Observed In the Presbyterian church, has spent the winter here will leave short. sundq, with a large attendance. For mother. -"% father, the boys and girls. lt*s the sweet for q11 ages — 'at work or plays. When You*re nervous or tired, see how (t refreshest The Havor *A., Lasts sit - 74 A lwmr 7"IMP771-, M11 . I