HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-04, Page 3I
- . M1Mi"1,_._d,A.,J4L � � . �� � -- " . .
�L_&rd,�",�h ,,, I I J� ,, .� ?,. - - , 11��� . . . . . I I I " � .—. — ". , ::::: .. . �� � I . I ,. 1. . .
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. . I Iq 11 q � .___.1 I � I
__1_1.1-11.�M__. ",.,. old(,# sliptleal, wedso-shApf4, and the average fruit welighs gbout O"
tMos which, have Jarty emsooj3olo Pound. Is perfootly =0 0111 I
like %4 44"
ASTHMA or ridge. As. a general rule, no eggs aot contain any hollows Awny
I -V 011100th " an apple.
h*" Asthina, don*$ should be Incubated whicb, weight 010 YOU KNO tither varieties, and the surfaco Is go
W-01-1 Y"OT, YOU Must Q. less than two Ounces, nor ovor two
Via A sulforu,nt-I'l and A half -111- Mh. 4A I "Who Dush Is more solid tbAn any other
misery, . � vot � tomato now known, and for ,.aeuTdr
8491,01!Qukek, Aura andsafel be 1119 Is a Most valuable Yario I JA
I ;9FQ4"4e';10V7JUhJv00A the. weighs from 28. to 8o Ounces to t * " . F a 11
n. doxen. it is an egg-glip,ped opeci. magnificent dark rat r � ICA =84
, men, nicely rounded At o;,e and with 46 it very attrACtiVe. it 14 Very sweet M
- , I freO of the acid wto. �
--%� TEMPLATONt.9 9 gradual taper to the Other, and hay. st bld 0ore or skin d140440 ,�ol "The most Astonishing thing about t
, 'Ing a lirm shell of good ,texture, free yours. breaks out Again? It's b*- 'QUI -Ito IN that It has proven to be q
from , bumps, orruga,tions and ridgell, 041180 the remedies you have been Isolutely blight Tooleting, 140t 71
I RAZvoMAH I De careful riot to UF .1 . F40IDS do not get t 1,49upallue or gores, in California, w,
Ce ,.4e eggs w M ex dise 0 the root of the , this tomato Im
. ediuSly thin Or VerF thick destroyed by blight, And
. pliello, age, 'Out remain On the surface. grown 4101198148 of other vorletleis whi
. 1. CAPSULIES or those having Invisible cracks, term, Try ZAM,Dukl It penetrates.
"'" , to the havO been 111110d Off entirely by bile
, � We otra no certoln of ro. ,. ed "checks" in Poultry parlance. U4404Y1119 tissues, And has not been in tile least , fro
I suits we W114 Bona, YOU , destroys all . a
� free sample of those cav!L Those lattOr defects can 'be doter. germs alld 4-CUres from the 04 root 10 vu,
"Thus far -my Work has been ObJ04
allies, corlildent tilat YO � MIAed by tapping the Shell gently up. Hence, ZRM-Buk Cures aro. W,
will an . , - th f lowers, it to
i (Istraeg. 0 AV ? ; With Ono's finger nail or a lasil pen- last 11 dealers, 00% b I only since 'the Isf
. tons, t to oil. . . ox, Part of 1915, 4t the request of Congrei
10 I I o St. 'O 9 111411WIll!
. I alds that I have worked on food, 0141
Canto. DON'T WASH W,GS qiftwh� IRITI XOnt And with blo linane,
I . . �
. . 0194 b1t011able drugrts 1. I 011011 as wheat, corn, tomatoes, bearis 4
r It eggs Intended tar hatching are W
I .- overywj 0, .11 Sudan grass,
� M or() ror $4.06 a ox. as SO badly soiled thatthe poul-tryman is Bu I "As to my method
- . 1: ", I I . -.1--m disposed to Wash them, Ulls apparent Met that When I Wa, X will mention t
I . I 0 butooventeoll YOV
%01%. of ,age, 'while crossing ,tuberous. bf
.:! � ____ ---
�4��. . I ----- — necessity slioald (bar them as desir. 0111481
able batchl opp"M 1. found that many Of tile reau
#"**$"*##Q#V,r#" ri an$ I Ing off springs were vigorous in grow
_. I Avoid washing eggst because to do so, __ and the flowers therefrom greatly 1
M13 destroys -the musellagenous cohing creased In size. These observations eu
r I 11, . .. or "bloom," which is Intended to pro. geste4 ail unknown law worth huritt,
., & - . ?, fl� for, I
tion, the egg against undue eV4pora- ai 1. , 4COnsequently, I made All on4loos nul
and the entrance of germs 4 > I A P * Z -x oer- of crosses, Keeping careful recor,
I through tile pores in the shell, ` �'P
tect I ie
- POULTRY � WORLD . ;4 MAI " A Or the ,sizes Of the Plants used or ,
I hal3adl I I the sizes of -the flowers Used In makh
tell y Soiled eggs are not likely to I
11 1. '. qP*"0**"*"* , well, because of ,the soiled wai. . I the various crosses, With -these recor,
PICKING EGGS FOR HATCHIN ter clinging to tile silell, in which � I at hand Wh011 the seedlings came in
0 G. � bloom, it gradually became elmror -
(By Robert Armstrong, Expert Paul. case washing might prove somewhat xsw I,AW ,11,, ,PLANT- BRU34DING T me that I Was on the track ofsometlitr
I trymau and Writer.) beneficial; but, as ,previously men- very Useful, for while All "the croas4
� California has another .plant wizart], showed diffiront results. certain crosp
There Is no phase of poultry raising tioned, It,were better not to use such ,Richard Diener, Whose Productions have
. , at It gave ine an Inkling Of the method to I
� 11, If they are used, and attracted considerable attention. igo says used In increasing desired variations.
Which reflects tile starima and quall- W*l,.1,hQd, Immerse the eggs,in alcohol, ,Plant And an I
- 40� of U . imal life may be greatly "Fifteen years Of constant experlinei
a flock at fowls. 80 accurately an(i liten aklow the,ra to drain and dry Anereasad in size and quality by 4 scien- was required to work out this process I
As Incubation, It the birds ara in 1?f tneir own accor tific ,Process 110 has discovered, such a Point of perfection that X coul
d. Do riot rub them Jils e_xperlmental nursery Is located In be confident of results. This conflden(
good health and vigorous, and the with a cloth, As a -,precaution against w Sheltered valley In the shadow of fa. now extends to certainty an to resull
feeding and housing conditions are as disease, eggs are sometimes dipped mOus ATount Tainallials. -in this secluded 'Which will be obtained from certain pr(
thWlohould be, their eggs will batch in a mild disinfectant. Alcohol may spot# working Without much danger of Posed, crossings, as to size, form C
Well, If the birds are out of condl- be , used for tills purpose. Interruption from the outside 'world, color -'-New YO* Sun..
Richard Diener has Ill a little more than I � �. _10440—
U04P - as the result of careless brood- . 0 0 0 - three. years tripled the size of a half ' ' '
hg�� injudicious feeding, defectiVe a dozOn well known flowers. He claims
"AOUSIng and the like, their eggs will SNUFFS OUT A COLD to have mado six bushels of wbe,%t grow
4 11
Oat Produce satisfactory hatches. Sue- wher grew before; to have develop- THE BEST TONIC
, ed a blight proof tomato beat -Ing fruits
COSsful i"OUbatlen, whether artificial, IN A FEW M weighing three Pounds each; a potato
� er natural, depends largely on the se- . . man. IBI
100tion _ y times tile size of ordinary "spuds',
and care � of the eggs# as we Clears th� n roster weighing
shall see from tile following article: .Nostrils, stops Sneezing, atennd a White Leghoi n1
pounds, whose progeny may lay —
. it is a, mistake to assume that in- Heals the Throat Quickly. ma,lunl9th. eggs, It is to be hoped that ,increaso your Nervous
. the quality of tile flesh of the Leshorns Energy b�
cubation CommenceS witli placilig . � I for food has been improved In p Building Up the BIOO
eggs Inside of an Incubator or under a the size, r roportlon d With Dr..
hen. It poor hatches are experienced Catarrhozone Works Wonders "'DJener is a short. stocky mail of forty- Williams, Pink Pills. .
Six, and began experimenting with Plants Nervous People who
'it Is wrong to Condemn the Incubator when a lad of fourtop
,11 in tile Hartz Xoun- developed a disease that can be re
bon, without first investigat- ' Lots of people used to let their tains, in Germany, The results he is have not ye
Ing the circumstances preliminary to -colds "work off" -they suffered a now Obtaining are the fruits of lifelong cognized and treated by the medioa
1. I Perience and hard 'work, profession have the greatest troubl,
. the actual hatching process. it is whole lot, sneezed around thel house, e'xAt seventeen he began to notice that in finding relief. Irritation headache
Possible that the eggs are at fault. r -till the Whole family fluall:r caugilt certain plants Increased la size through I
And it Is probable that the operator .the Infection, Ca crossing, It repulmd fifteen years fo., sleeplessness, nervous indigestion, Al
ih to blame for the evils in the s)Ws. Nowadays colds are cured by _ him to master the process. theso'discomtorts make life miserablo
Strictly speaking, the first setp In tarrhozone before they'really get a Meantime he.
Incubation begins in, the breeding -good start. This where lie pract ScIlligr4ted. to England, but 4re endured rather than run I
healing vapor, full i ed horticulture for sov- doctor's bill without hope of recov
cral Years, then moved to Costa Rica, ery
atr Every such sufferer Should k-olqv
PeAd; the second step is the selection ,of pure essences, gives Instant relief. from which Point he exported orchid
I eggs Which have the qualifications -It fills the breathing organs with a to all parts of the world. in 1001 he came the danger of such a condition to thi
bf hatching eggs, and lite third step bealing, soothing vapor that relieves to America, e
lies in nervous system, Nervous debillt3
Inwhate%,er Pert Of the world he might and even paralysis may result if th(
thq care of the eggs prior to Irritation at once. Ordinary colds be located always 110 was at work cross-
batchIng. All of these fa�tors have are cured in ten minutes. Absolute. ng different varieties Of f101vera, Hybrid. tone of the nerves is not restored b3
sure for Catarrh, and ,zing species and "tearing up strains.- As a tonk
�L,gratdr influence than is generally 'lY Ili throat I building up the blood,
supposed, . trouble it works like a charm. Ca- As he described it. He met with many for the blood and nerves Dr. WilliamE
BIDWAI�E OF SICKLY STOCK. tarrhozone is a permanent cure for fallurOs and had numerous dishearten- Pink Pilld have been used with the
. Ing experiences. E ven after he had
Common sense dictates that it is bronchitis Arid throat trouble, Not tically - mastered the system of in Pr4c- greatest success, They have a direci
to secure stron an experiment - but a cure that'a everything larger through hybridizing- action on the blood and therefore on.
9 -guaranteed. Get "Catarrh -
offspring, from an4emle, poorly fed ozone" to- even chickens -ho found himself sud-aen-
.. listless, sickly or Inbred parent sto�i day, and beware of substitilites. The ly without means to prosecute his e.,:. able it to carry to the nerves the ele.
.dollar outfit 1 Parlance, and, hi desperation, ments they need to fully restore their
Prime, hatching eggs.are laid by fowls 8 guaranteed, and suiall ,to Congressman William Ii.ent, appealed normal . fulictloli-and at the Same
. .size 50c; trial- size 215c, at .all dealers. of Call.
IA prime condition. This is a natural tornia, who financed his present enter- time improve the general health,
1.4w. Strong, health, lively chicks , ,, 0 6 6 - prise. . The
I I ��re 4atched from prime eggs, and no 44THE COTILLION IN MULLIGAN'S Here, during the early years of ths benefits that follow the use of tills
, war, he perfected his marvellous - medicine is ,shown by the statement
others. The poultry ralser should see. ,1� ty wheat"-pldlitin Liber- of Mrs. Jenny Marr, R.R. No. 3, Part
to It that his breeding stock possess eighteen Pounds of
. - ,. FLAr , seed to the ac?e far,tQad of the usual Rowan, a well known school teacher,
'6s standard requlreinerlt� for a given , sixty POUnds-ancl reaping a Yield of 150
11, Variety and that every spenimen Is .1 — bushels an acre, as against -the twenty- who says: "Some years ago I became
. five or thirty Which result from the greatly run down, and was in this
In sound health, Until this condW .(BY Mr. O'RsffertY. Boot And Shoe Average �I-Dp, condition for nearly a year, A doctor
tion is establlsl�ed beyond all doubt, I . He then, turned his attention to corn, whom I called In said I wds suffering
batehing to a gamble. . Artist.) I . and though California is not a corn coun. from complete nervous prostration. It
- I ' eigh- would hardly be possible to 011 all the
I Ye may -talk of.yer great balls at Lon try Producing, It Is said, an car w
don or Paris, lig tWo"Twunds and a half, grown on,
GKIiWoft Roeo, CoMpUp great twelve feet ataMs that bear as symptoms of *my case, but anyone who
. fl, Of New York's "four hundred,", an, MAY as a dozen cars apiece.
I � . . stalle, ail' all that; � Diener claims has passed through a nervous break-
"� , . I I 1 .4 SeVe. reliable reoulating But of all these great function's _i4 blight *resisting t to have produced a down will know what I suffered. As
iudicine. Sold in throe de: Ciliate, Perfectly round I did- not seem to Improve. under the
*es of strength -No. 1. $1, wall to compare is and wefghing three pounds eao
� I � go. 2, $3; No. a. 65 per box. Wid our big cotillion in Muligan's white beans many times the usuall'sizaend doctor's treatment, I decided to try
11 SOM Py ail t1tul,glats, or gent The experiments began with flowers, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and the de -
d on rece pt of xrIce. I"' lat! . I resulting in carnations much larger than cision was a fortiluate one for me, as
. Mtn, , ordinary flowers, large flowering
. pamphlet. Ad ress: �
I I THE COOK MEDICINE Co.-,' Chorus- � gladioli I soon found some relief through the
�� .. and petunias. These Petunias are con-
.. I tinually Ili bloom all summer long, con. use of the pills, and after taking eight
, . I - TORONTO- OKI-IM11018til Wild"r.) Whack f,tl-al f,%i-a-lay, falladidy! Directly opposite to the ordinary boxes I was fully restored !to health.
,.r Whack, huroa, for Mulligall,s Flat! petunias, which wither almost immediate- To -day I sm, strong and hearty, with-
. ly after they are Picked, these flowers
. .,�Realizfng the Immense advantage'Of �On that festive avenu' the big village When out and put in water will last for out an ache or pain, and feel I -am. In -
being able to pile-determlne the fer- tavern, , two or three Weeks and new flowers debted to Dr. Williams' Pink Fills,
tlllty� of eggs and their sex, from time Ill bloom while in water. I
,,i_ r Diener says It is ail done by scientific and can heartily recommend them to
. de that this Mulligan sint, anyone suffering. from nervous
to time claims are ma - Froinwhich the invoites Misthress w
. Orn . crossing. It requires two generations of
,%Atiorl Can be obtained through mps.loik-e Aladdin's cross .breedinx and careful'zolentifle se- troubles."
I Particular system, instrument or .see- brolght cavern, leetion to develop the big flowers and You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink
r6t.�_ As a matter of fact, these ' Plants. The exact Process he declines to Pills through any dealer in. medicine
"methods" are, al unsuppo* To wilcome the guests of that divulge at prosent-not because he wishes or they will be sent you by mail at
rtdd by sel- molghty evint! . to keep it. secret, but because he refuses
6nt;1fIc evidence. There*,Is no theory Chorus. to Impart such knowledge except thr 60 cents q6 box or six boxes for $2.60
'or 1)rActice by which it i� possible to careful ough
. personal t4raching. Whether by writing direct to the Dr. Williams
� Diener has discovered something new or Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I
I distinguish the sex of an egg,'and it Thin to see the elect of the di triCt has simply worked out well known laws 10 S - I
I Is - to tpossible to matg..a pen so that a prancin' remains to be seen. ,
. t4e-sex can be coutrolled� Moreover, up on
It. . In,the rooms av our hostess During the,Wurse or &,recent Interview THE BRMSH MUSBUk
.$& not possible to determine wheth- the first floight, Inkin, re#arding his work, Mr. Diener ,said:-
- er an egg is fertile, without opening The bowin' and smoilin', the dhr I clusively proved . I
the egg. All claims to the contrary I that any Variety of a plant, fruit, flows ProteWve Measures During Air
hrw nations. I -an' daricin', 01, grain, or any variety of animal can e
I The old-fashioned idea that round I The hugg:*.,i' an' squazin', was jist enlarged at will, and the Process can be . Raids. ��_11,111.. ,
out av solght! repeated until that size is obtained whldh I . . . _ .
r egj6 would batch pullets, and long or Chorus, . .4 Is most desired for continuous use. In . I
Pointed eggs cockerels, Is entirely I I/ . Plants It takes only Ono cross to double
, � the size of the parents, In animals, I , lJow the treasures of the British
without foundation, . The sha'pe of The "imparial neetar" the tavem pro- have had opportunity to try It on Ohick- 61useum were protected during the re-
, iui,egg Is Influenced by the Contour of 'ens only. It takes two crosses to bring cent epidemic of air raids Is related
r � voided
tho.oviduct, or organ in which the egg Wlnt down 31st as quick as a man the same result. So I am sure it works the Muse r
rtoelves its albumen and shell, aii'd cut say seat! with animals as with Plang, .An which I Ili the report dealing With Ulu
this � Characteristic 18 peculiar to the And most of the guests wva a bit have tried It a thousand differ.eg, the year ending 1918� iesued as a
Iii4ividual hen. � . Another interesting fact Is tb b7y A ryet. Wforhito Paper. When it became known
, decoided I versing the proe"s I can mako plants that air raids were likely to take
,� T ' he idea that the position of the Whilin they woke up nixt nia,minj smaller with each cro.qsfng.
I Ale cell indicates sex Is equally unre- I jist Where they,were'at! "The discovery means so much to civil. place Ili greater force and with
liable. And the weight or specifier Chorus. . .1 fza;tlon that few will be able to grasp its heavier bombe, the most Important
gravity of the egg is no indication of etfact. Already from the common wheat among the portable objects In the do-
, I Produced now varieties which wield at partments of antiquities (including
I sex or fertility. Thin to see Misthress Mulligan start r the rate of 160 bushels per acre, and tills
� I _sPr.0lPic GRAVITY COUNTS, I the cotillion, � i e the same fertiliz- the, frieze of the Parthenon, the beat
. ation and the same land. I of the Greek vases and bronzes, the
A. knowledge of the specific gravity A boundin' around lolke a Swater "My new tomato Yields thirty to forty chief Awyrlan bas-rellefs, the Rosett$
�cf an egg has certain advantages. It rubber ballo tons of fruit Der acre, and has proven in Stone. and the finest oblectA of me-
Aerlds -to show which eggs have the With the "nectar" an' dancin' her face every respect far supeilor to anything diaeval art), together qLith practically.
bt t Chances of being -hatched. Por existing now. The size of the, first fruit r
I 0 was Vermillion, reaches the *eight of three pounds, but the whole collection oT,�- coins and
example, there seems to be some cor- As she chasseed around in that gay , ..I'- 11 I medals, were transferred to a etation
relation between the specific gravity festive balll . . — - . on the newly Completed Postal Tube
of an b99 arid the vigor Of tile 'ten Chorus, . i " Railway, some fifty feet below the.
I Fifteen vanloads
that laid It*, but this observation Indl- � surface of Holborn.
Oates a. state of health and nothing An$ to gee Misther Bumble, the great MOTHERS of the most .Precious literary and ar-
-Inore, Then, too, the specific gravity an' the wilthy, I T�o tistic treasures were transferred to ,
setvesto establish the age of an egg, Who -Neighs half a ton, but can the National LIVary of Wales at Ab- �
arid this factor, of course, has much skip 161ke a rat, orystwyth, and a small eolection of
:L to do with the hatching qualities. It Oh, he capered around -so nimble ail' B E exceptionally valuable Printed books 4
1 , hao.been found that the specific grav- hilthy waa housed by Mr. 0. '%r. Dyson Per- I
It t the average new -laid egg Is , Wid swato Biddy Doolon, the belle Should Read Mrs. Monybar.',, ,,. rins In the strong room of his house I
110,,Oafter ten days It 19 1,072; after av the Platl Letter Published by near Malvern. I
throe weeks 1,068; and after a month Chorus. Other articles were placed Ili the I
11mo. . Her Permissioll, strong rooms in the basement of the I
'Tht Important of selecting riche Ohl thestollo on' refolnement av that Museum, and the sculptures 'which I
but well,totmed eggs for hatching charmin' matin, . Mitchell, Ind.-" Lgolia 19. PffilthaMoll' were too heavy for removal to the
purpom cannot be overestimated. The "Verve an! angtfaltimong," COW- VegOtableColnpound elpeolmose; Tabe were protected by sandbags. I
Not only will such a selection pro- ., I much r
lions AW chat, during the time I Much of the glass 444 China which t
duce bigger hatches, but It will to- . . . M r
suit In Improvements generally. Nor- The boundin.' and' Squagin,' the dhrink,,- waglookingforwarrCl could not bo re *vetr was protected I
bml oggs are a.1moSt Certain to pra. I ift' nil atin, . to the coming of my against the risk of eonew%lon by be- s
4two ,chickens V01itch will lay normal Av the crame do Ia, oramo in Mul. ., little Clio that I am Ing stored In packing ,caaea. As soon I
6g,gs, while the reversox Ig eq,lally ligaWs Platt � . .! V. . recommending it to as the afahisttee Was signed, the ro�
1. L % 21 I otherexpectant storg,tion of the Museum w" at ance -1
truo. Chorus. ! I I .. . .. I I mothers. 13 a f a r e taken In hand, and the re
blec4rd all eggs Which are abnor- �' taking It, some days collections from Aberyst turthift, Of.t,h,6_ ty
r Mall, those WhiC,i P nixt matntill" tie fate
tA411y large a ,1 are Whirl I woke u I 1� I I w
*w long, foo round, flAtteno-d on one on the pilly" . i I I I suffered With neu-n Vern and the Tube station began In" r
'rl '�to coat in the stove, Aw Me shoog I i rafg!& so badly tilat December. a
. Jr 1111 li 111i � I 1j, I thought I could Aa a protection against air raids c
I - _ ___ _ - , I in me hat, i nor, live but aftell the study collection of �malj mant-, C
0-Ow"ib.". I found that the rapture had knocked I I b . taking ifiree bottles mate Was sent to the Royal Albert t.
I J I ab - me qualte silly . ,e , of �7dio.E. Pink- memorial M 16eulft, Exeter; the Sloane V
, � pe
w our great Cotillion. in Mulligallos I ham a Vometable, Herbarium arid a, number Of ty
Platt I Compoundl was on. specimens and original drawings of p
rm . Chorus. ..", k , �. I., , ; tirely relieved of plants of historical value, as vroll as
. p .1
" 40 I Reginald 0ourlar. tieuralfla, I had a number or meteorites, were, by the a
� � �� I
- r � � I r, - - I � I gained a Strength kii.,dneils of 14rd Rothschild, houdod f,
.)p ,_ XvIJ)P,1;Tt,0,r IN Lovn. 11 ........ and WvA able to goo Ili hib museum at TrIng. Since the 11
� (t,ousvillo cout14-yournal.) Around and do all cossation of bo6tilitles, all the ep"I. C
46M** � I.. I 44t fear the bookkeep6r Is In love,," ,said MY houatiwork. My baby Wholi Seven triers have toon Eftfoly returned with- It
I bl* t Wh A*"* . 60, . �
*0 k, 'm *6" rr 4, �J., the Wier. I I ontho old weighad-10 pounds and I feel . cat less or rflr�hap. r h
= "O .. I cww the 8,whyr, rettOW than I sve for a lonr time. I __..r-. *4 6 , I - r �
%WA*_"WW6tjSgN,r&WA#1q"NMeMW ,&%,, "Re Jimt V"SM Tne a gush Pettit to ba beVot had aft Inodlelne do Ine so sting SIGN, ti
I +or= %n %,"----'t:.*��M ,* � tortifled", im-ach 0*
=%, =0 �
ft N a N. A, Aw boo tMos", J *_� � 4. A � 6 , ., � %)cd-"�� t4--,PXk%-H0Ny"4 Payko-"What would you say Is ,the -
Webs I 7-1 ,
I I first, Indication of Insanity?, Ike--IINVIten
"M-k. I Iteidth Iting 'tWO can live
.0, 0. At"KNOMM
N***.r "Itwhtw�w. Ik* A UAW OrTARTS. 'Good
'60M woustim tnitteft1ty Is lk ; 0, follow believes that
*"" "d 1.."4*"== , I Cheaper than
oft$" Vp,korWhAr,# your humbAndln Most IM rtvmt actor to both Mother _.9!ie1__11 - , .1 .
.*,t !�� -N f. - ov pw &W. *M I* #A business? ana chnN4 InanY letters bave been
J=&""%M*fib%0kt1*"b"kW0*M "h Mrs. Diblelilm (Who takes Ili washing- Lyd-14 R Pinkharn , M"AN DAUTNI !
' 116`01 41L 0Ontr&6tOr. odialtio , 1,3=4 Mass., telling of, ,, (cwItlatt mriquir4r.)
THE WALKER HOUSE- � C*nfius Taker -What )]nol 11 ,Wth ra rin thf# tr erlod DO you think it is safe to trust I
%ON 10 f~"*1L � u _ yinf -
ift *Mot 4 to, vol..... Xf& Dibktn*-X6 oontrtow W4 y the .
I debts ft � us of L r, I Plukham sW&*- m'"Ity to malls?" asked Mrs. G&bb.
4*01110 UKAW* "d a JgX whimWor k4 xwts 0, Ob&U* � 1110 , , I r t;,A big=* might "far owl, trustifilly it I
I tk$ fOUL1614" A"*1,$A W, "04 �
; r.4
10 .
th �
.rorThreeYears. Hardand
AwNly Sore. Didgured,
Cuticura. Heals.
441 Will been suffecing with 4 pfmv
Fly (040 for throe yCoo. my lar,e,
Was tull of pImples and thq wore
I hard and awfully sore, Thq fee.
Wed and driod up, and were acgly,
and 41ofigured my face, Tboyvaue4d
me to lose a lot of Weep, and were
Awfully ltft, MAIdng me ocratch and
Irritate my ace. �
if I started to use cuticura Soap
and Ointment and I used two cakes
of Cuticure, Soap and two boxes of
CUtIMM Ointment when I w4p
bealod,11 (01 .
� - ned) Cliflard Yeomans,
]Feet Chozzeltepok, N. S.
U46 Cuticura for evory,.dgLy toilet
purposes. lWho with SooLp, Copthe
with QIntment, dust with Talcum.
Soap 29c. Ointment 25 and Soc. Sold
� throughoutthel)Qminion, CanadianDepot;
Lym,ans. Wmited. St. Paul St,� mofttreaJ4
Awcuticura Soap sh-es wlthovtlimg. I
-1 _
Newest N_oces
of Science
Courses in highway engineering ar
being Conducted In 115 American col
I According to an Itallall� Universit:
profes�qr, 'radium can be found in or
dinary dew. .
TO facilitate Serving several person
. at once. a double-deckea tea trky ha
been Invented.
F SOOtch manufacturers have had fat
, Ja Making paper hvith pull
made from the common nettic.
An electrically driven extractor ob
tains 0, gallon ,of orango or, Ionic]
� Juice from fruit in five � minutes. I
. A century's supply of peat found nea
1 140400W will be converted -into heat aw
light by an electric plant.
I All atomizer for the nooe Ana throm
I small enough to be carried Ili a wom�
� an's PooketboRl, has been Invented.
I �Sread that keeps fresh two weeki
after being wrapped Ill Paper and ateri�
I lized is a Prench baker's invention.
I A handled device to be clamped to c
I heating radiator to aid In moving it hai
� been Invented by EL Mihilesotam,
Graphite producers in Madagascar ar(
Improving the quality of their producl
Instead -of Increasing -the quantity.l..
Triangular trays, four of which fli
together to cover a table, have been
Patented for carying food in c4fe�
Adoption of electric traction has en.
Rbled Italian railroads in mountainow
regions to triple their former traffic.
A novel garter for men Is supported
I by a Bern] -circular clip Instead of a clr�
01114tion, restraining ,strap around the
-& back rest fell motorcycles to be
fastened around the waist from the
handle bars of a machine. has been in-
vented In England,
Operated by compressed air directed
by one man, a now implement for use
about mines literally shovels ors, from
Pile' into cars.
Though Prussia, had six more mines
it, operation last year than In 1918. the
Production Of coal decreased nearly
40,000 tons.
An Inventor has patented a dowel for
woodworking, the ends of which break
Off when It 1.9 driven -into Place and
hold it securely,
English experts are carrying on ex.
tensivia tests of the value of coal gas
for , annealing; -tempering, hardening
and melting metals.
A new vacuum ibottle is made entirely
Of metal and cannot be injured by rougll
handling or changes In temperature of
Its contents.
Sheet metal splints, adJustable to var.
lOus dives,'have been Patented by a Vir.
ginia surgeon for temporarily dressing
. broken limbs.
An Englishman Plans to chango the
shape of horns On cattle by -hanging i
weights thiLt he has Invented on thorn
While they are growing,
For electric delivery automobiles an
inventor has combined a front bumper
and step, access ,to & car being
through 6, hinged dashboard.
An observatory In Berlin clairils to
have the Wbrld's most accurate clock,
Which. Is kept in an airtight glass
cylinder In a basement.
Intended to kill wasps, but working
as well with other Insects, is all imple-
Inent that squeezes them between plates
as a trigger to pulled.
State of Q4zlO, City of Toledo, Luc"
County. --so. .1
F rank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is
senior partner of the firm of ri, J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In the
City, of Toronto, County and State afore-
said, -and that said firm will Pay the
any case of 'Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL,.S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this Oth day of December,
AID., Im.
(S6&1) A. W. Glea,son, Notary Public.
taken internally and sets through the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho
Druggists 75c, Testimonials* f -
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, orloo.
. A
V61mon Castle's Lut With 111s ;
. Wife. . . i
11 _... .
, . ___6_._�_ . J
01 have taken out all that seemed 11
00 sacred to be made 'Public aAd I
ocked It tightly in my -heart." I
These words appear in the (pretace I
Of a @01911ant, human document, "My t
lusiband,11 written by Irene ioaotle, t.
he dancing partner of young Vernon 0
lastlo, Who ,�avcrlficad a salary of I
�5,000 a we ' t
ok, and later his life ) to ,c
erve his country in the Royal Ply- T
ng corps. r
Vernon Castle, Whose sunny Ull. 11
are Won him friends In, all parts of I
tie ,world, was killed An Texas In Fell- a
uary, 1918, at the U90 of -29, while
ttemPting to SaV4 the life of a fly. b
ig oupil he was Instructing. 0
In the story Of his life. written bY yp
is w1dow, Vernon Castle appears in t)
io role of the ideal a0ver. Thd tl
OUng Couple stArted life together 1)
raOdCally penniless, thelit only as -
A being their art. Pr d
on't a VArl6d 3'
Irter In dingy Cabarets In Parls, the t�
)uploi atmeed their Way to fame arid h
wtune, which Was itt Its height when fi
-or and sevaratloti icanie. I a,
H40r0 18 the AcCOJ11fit Of tile great V
irting: 0
1'5w4ll0WIng )lard, I UVed feebly ,I)
At Of the window as the ttairi Moved It
OM the Platform, leaving him stand- "'
4 At the salute, ,every bit & 13oldler. I ej
A06 out of sight I sobbed t my V4
�1rtls e0frtent and (to tho fields and 61
,Ila Mled by, 1hatily I Wrote thin lit- 4
� prayer for him, We poor, I kno% ft
._` ! i i '! ! !!!! � !! bi
but I 4uots it bwAuse he wore it tied
WuAd bis uGck'witb a dirty Mol
string for the next nine months;
"Almighty God, it Thou Art therf%,
lAsten to MY hUniblo prayer,
n Sato,
X00P blinx In yourcare a4w;ayo,
W4tch o'er him this weary fty,
And keep him sar%
Make h . Im feel my love and morrow,
Bring him back some near toomor-
row, I
And keep him safe.,, .
The l"t, dance Of the dancing, Pa
ere took place While Vernon caa
,as on leave. "On the night of
ivinely. At t
lose of the performanca Many bell
'ful, flowers were handed to us a)
Is f 00tughts.
"In the Wings Vernon nervou
ISS my hand and there were tot
x his eyes, I wondered ithe,guess
ro bad dauced�04ur htst da � nee, a
le last ring of applause for us IV
Ill. The world had
I US. Together we, tested .%V,v
One and money. Thank God
� no time during that night did
remin,it was the end," I
In OuMmIng up his career, Mrs. Vi
DU Castle says-, ,
� 14 Vernon Was so like a little b(
U was interested In everything;
IVO heard of no one Who disift
11111 - It' spite Of the money he m%
3 never had any, He loved open
Lg It. You simply, could not pe
lade him to save for the future.
ri happy now-tbat he spent and e
yed the money he had to the fu
;t degree.,
many reme
failure -my
: worse inatet
. inposeessior
on Medical
I stomach see
. great faith I
� aulTerer thal
covery' a tri
be without I
t Now Wiltshine, P. I
three isars with bronchi
weak could hard
time, Icouldnotaio.7",
Ws yuptherestloftheilig
ised me to use.D.
Medical Discovery so I i
!or a bottle and when I �
I felt a great deal better.
bottle I soot for two mo:
whed the third bottle Iwt
"It is over two years ei
Pierce's Golden M�dlca
have not been troubled
8inco.'.'-ALEX MeLE C
Hamilton' Ont ,-,,I
rheumatism,f�r the, last 11
only taken three bottl,
Anuric (anti-tiric-acid) ,
bottles of 'Golden Medi,
at s
ere I
In th
.A. O
ter t
is 1%
hat I
he i
led t
o 100
11 Is
s Pa
he lo
I all
ad th
06va 0
10 :e
�w 19
� dov
) otn
rt .do
: 10A a
Ill b(
"no 1.
Ar6 4
1 V
Id lib
lin C.
.00 !
it IM41
.1 1. .
Outf -
I .
.__--_1--_--_. I -_---_'_1 �
...... - �. __
- ___ _.1-__.__- _____ -
------ _ �� I -
I - __ - .. .1.. -11
status, 11
__ -
.N-1-..- ... _,4 , __
OV tblIto.�'...;;Wooi,"iiilgo,;;i..:.; 01134mig-OU4
M- I 4:10 16"0111 a to; .
441:1 . "
� —
-to I --avtd k0op #
_J 004, . 'a . flu
ga 14',� �,_,,,, (14,ir a I
P. . qj", - - 11 N.
. I
a V,;,L) ;
.6 A 14
0 * 00
U. � 1 �Voa
� .
�d, go
, "
U4116, a 9 V * I
�. U ._..4
set ". '-fle. �-g 0
.. =11.1t�___ -..,.,- � �
" -
a 4
Ili-,; hair, afterw,*.r4 kMward 1. with
i. R $1
i I I � of
I .1 1.
.1 i
-1 ------ 1- _---111 I ---
� .. .1
re �� .
.4 0 0 ft
1114, Q
.106 93-TRAIA-r-s- ,� � ;
. �
Young, prince. The battle of Zvosbarn,
. 11 V�
. 0 , ,
. I
I � 11
. -1i" �
a , � - _.7
_ , , _""
allgo, . I .
- i *W
. I.
. I
. Bpi L , ,
*1 ; RUM `=
, � .
Llewellyn. � .
-10 .1 i-11
. , I _iQl 1, . I .
� 4 1TPXyT_W.,
! A51454
I . . I
. I ortity, skAsImt ,.,� .
status, 11
rt- fatig" . "*W �4R
tie Cold$ 4Pd 011111S
In Welsh legend , "I'La'ad stoM �
I-o!ewel:yn is a vWar.,e rig Armor,
-to I --avtd k0op #
Ind his brobher, D3vld, wam, t.ho trait,
he - A 1.
I -i
Qr3us Modred is
at b, oaurt. Since
U. � 1 �Voa
� .
44!nry ill, tit England had, invested
r � I
Ili-,; hair, afterw,*.r4 kMward 1. with
017 -
� the Xngllsh royal claims in Wales, , it,
� .. .1
re �� .
m4lit have been RAPPO"d. that
LIeWODYn wouM try to. Vlacllte the
4? r - __1 . I . L__ I
Young, prince. The battle of Zvosbarn,
I I �
tought while Henry Ill, was yet living,
a , � - _.7
_ , , _""
had resulted in mapy couceloolon .
0 to,
ad , I I t:=Z., �
, � .
Llewellyn. � .
�_ -
at 0 60 to 0 go 0 0 ##+4+*+*,t++.**4,"
I '
But Llewellyn Incurred the 4lo- 1
Pleasure of Edivard by Costing tilo lot
with the famous 'Montfort family, and !
perpetuated what i
r- 011
was considered, or
root affront whert Ile announced his
betrothal to .Eleanor 40 Montfort, ,
'i �
7. 9
I ,,
Nforeover, he deollued to 40tend. the .
ed ---------- # # 9#4*"4#_"*+f-#
coronation of NdwA:4,
W -A -thin two years after that car, I
de A lo not. ,an easy tmng,,to iomp�. ,
d- .be
onallon-just 600 years before the
appetite of the �Iuxl Ild, beinw.-,o ttr
Aimericall Dcclaration or ladopen. �
d,JAt Of the convaioKeelit 10' n,%ttrrall.,,
I �
dence was signarl-Nd ward equelud-
u- restricted to B1111140 dishes, but N-griety
cd,a vigorous campaign in Wales 'with
11- Is just. as essDutial all Ill
tTUY as on the dinig,& table invalid's
a, so he' *
,ile Conway, by '"teti,
U.ewel'�yn had to sign away maiit.6f .
are ,a few sngge.Woue t%,It -hi,ay juaa
his privileges be had won a deo.a.de
the lot of the borao, llurso a "bit easter
earlier, � .
. for another week of ,C�q..vnIolicoace;
live years Walejs was quiet, I
Then David, Ninho had Aided the Ong-
lLQ11 king against his brother, headed' '�
Afillilitty dessert to ,this made from
a revolt against English rule, s
the yolk -of flu egg, Ono and a h Ulf
torch to FlaWariden. ca . stle and pree.jol- . - i
Itablespoan,ful$ or lemon Juice, Ono
tated a war In which Liewe;IyA *#s:
tablespoonful of -sugar and %pincli of
killed and Edward was Conqueror of.
salt. Cook All this oy,or boiling, water
� ,
WWI e s. � I . . .1 4
Or In a dauble boiler until It t1hickorle
There was ail ancient prophecy that ,* i
3 and add Me beatten whdto of tile egS�
th0 Prince of Wales some day wo '.
. uld �
Serve cool, ,
be crowned An London. In mockery �
of that, It Is believed. Edwa;rd lta4 . . i
'So often rhot ch 1 4r
Llewellyn's Llewellyn's head -V-.ought 1. :
uror many years I .-V U 0, I'LLOU611 a to London arid wroathed in Jv3� -to 1. .
i trouble and I tried very soothing drink for Invalids, Vnkn- -.bow to the people. , �, . . I I
1ey seemed to be a not be served because the boiled mJllr While Edward Was re. � . I . I I . ;
seemed to be I � aking Sur _, of
gettinc has a ten4e P I
Dr. One day I came a ncY at constipate, I -Tore lq ll.',s subjugation of Wales by building ... I . ,
I ze's Gold ' Queen Eleanor ' ,
5 of Dr. Piere Wa,7 to, make it so -that it will not a string of castles, .
and took it. M ' have any harmful offect; Boil about joined him and in the newly coft- . - : .
If-tely cured. 'I bay y half a cup of Water arid add ito it a Pleted Carriarvion a son was �orn, J
. I . . . �]
diome an - hope any teaspoonful of cocoa an:d one of sugar, who became tile first, English PrIUC�e , , �
is . ,will give t a 'Die- mixed thoroughly. Llot le,all boil np -t*x7.i.. - A 1 4 1
. I . .
d, you , - 1� V� IV -as King r.;u- � - �
never up well, add a Pinch of salt and u dash. w . .
'S,Jr.,2$Duke$L . ard 11. According to a popular.. . I �
of nufteg, -and lastly the cup of milk. Diary the conqueror exer6ised" �1$ . ..
�, .1
' 1.:-"I suffered Don't lat the milk come,to a boil, but grim humor by proullsifig t.he weia I I
� .
eathms. I was so rentove it just,belkwo the bolling Point. a prince who cou;d g1peak. no Euig7
: throe stops at a -ro . Aal. I -
le condition. Only those
t know what an awful c4
one in. I am sure if it ha
r. Pierce's medicines and
31Y would have died.
'want to recommend D,
Ines to any suflerer wt
e or to anyone rundown al
Plu'. Also try Dr. Pierce
it up and
y 41riend
. I e M As no 4 rV en0u&a aug. a
small lump at butter to the boiling
1121i, construed tQ mean a native ,
scri, iintil Ptd-ilrd announced upon
Old .
water, sugar and cocoa. Instead of
the blrt.h Cf his s,)n,. that the In.f06
ig gist
nutmeg., a few draw of vanilia. will
Was the Prince ot Wales In, ques� I
half .i it
ised that
make It'very �ast,r.
tion, . ,
lon I fill-
NAriother that story be true or not,
ly cured' .
took Dr.
A Tefresh-Ing arid nou'rishing dxiul-
the heir apparently Was not formal- .
ly Invesited,wIth the title until Ile was,
y 'and r
for between meall; Is Wade In tble
seventeen years old. Ever since
way: Squeeze the jull000f one, orange
then the heir to the British throne I
into a glass, ibea� up the y4DIk of one
has been known as the 1�.rinco of . I
�ed With
egg with a teaspoonful of sugar, add
Wales, though USU11147 he has been .
d I have
balf a ,cup of milk and add to tho
invested with the title and not, so J .
4 three
Orange Juice 4r,L -the glaos, Now add
last the belat3r, w1hite of .the agg,
_ � , .
endowed upon birth, - L .
. I 1
No less ro-Y, antle Is the st .
cry of thd I I
t �rd
7 ad
Ing 4t VeT7 Ca,reftilly through the rest
Insignia and Motto of' the at .
""" in a �
at the liquid. Four,into a tros'll. glass
,Prince ,
Vkrales, Here again,, hIsIOTIAns do xo� -
p have
an(I serve,cool, but not too cold.
fully credit .
the generally acceliteo 1
,It,,. .
story — 11- 1� .
---.1-1., —1. �U. 'luKt".
- a a -
ys Believed That They Would
Possess Homeland Again.
o Jews are the oply race, so tar
hi-5tory records, that have carried
them through cehturies of diaper -
what they firmly believed to �)e a
e Promise that -the hoinoland of
h they had been dispossessed should
oine indefinite period, again come
their posession.
at this long -deterred hope promises
Ong to reach its realization is evi.
from a written statement from Lord'
on, British Secretary of Poreign
irs, read the other evening at- a
meeting in New York. "I have
pleasure," read the statement, 14to
0 You, If 'such SsSurance Is noces.
that no change has 'taken place
a Policy of British Government of a
,h national borne land In pales -
Ut two years ago, and a year be -
final victory was a"ured the al.
forces, Arthur J. Balfour, the then
tary Of Foreign Affairs, in a let.
0 Lord Rothchild, made a al il&r
Want. "The Government,— homsaid,
,with favor the establishment of
tine as a nationai home for the
It People, and will use their best
vOrs to f4cllt&to the achievement of
object." .
ell, however, th-o matter came up
al the Feacd Conference for adjudle-
both Syrians and Arabs set up ail
ent claim for possession of the
al bolneland of the 1ewish peo.
On= Britain championship of the
h cause they warmly resented, and
last resort Pleaded for the right of
etermination. The conference, -how.
decided that Palestlne'�ahould be -
a guaranteed state. In other words,
should become the homeland of
Wish People. The recent state -
of Lord Curzon Is, therefore, im.
t, showing as it do" that the
11 GOvernmOnt Is Insistent on the
Of the Peace Conference being car -
0 9, Succeisful issue,
territory embraced by this Zewlsh
and Is 140 miles long And from 70
miles In width and is practically
olated Oasis, but relatively .Small,
lestinO is �Characterfxed by a wide
Of Climate, being isub-tt'01)10al ,at
wer Jordan and Sub-alpfile at to
part of the famous rival*. Its
al interest, Of course, lies n I
Us associations, an Interest which
ke shared In by Christians and
niedanS as well as ,by Zews. The
0 Of the CO?Anti'Y Ara about $S,00,
0 Imports $4,00,006. 000
OxlrAatOlY throe thousand yearg
oapsed since 'the JOW41, bY Divid's
Of Jerusalem, came Into full
loll of Palestine, While, about 1,850
have Passed since, with the des.
n of the Capital by the ROblans.
Wish nation ceased ,to exist as A
I entity.
I'dillf to 4 *tatfthent made'publio I
the first Year of the war, the
prepared 'to cO1011izO tit* land,
elOV it, and t,* make life there
And prosperous oil & scale Which ,
br 114tiOn la likely toattenipt.0,
es riot follow, how4ver, that -or
t a lonst tiniA +A �� ".1__.-
I It an�, -
, In 401
able to
. Its nodd
�O say ,no
which oe,
119 Power,
. 4 an 0a
6014YA445 VlaeM the) "Unlbf,r
the world at 10M.M. Tn
ro wo" at the 14st 061kaus
,rod *10A A401 ten Yotts b#-
JaIllZmriji 45_rx_j�" i�rUSUMUOV.
Pool a, medium-Azod ap�le very
. � As that ano er.*.
Zdward, known as the Black Prinev, .
I . .
1. I
emove the 'core carefully so
because Of the armor he wore. aaoot� I �
'd the feathers and the pledge. �,
. .
th-at there Is not a bit of the hard Us.
sue left. Lot the apple bake slowly,
The point of doubt is whetilidr. he,.'.
sprinkling just a bit of sugar over It
actually did stumble over the .hody - .
to imalke a ayrup. When findolled, Into
or the vallent John the Wind, of Bo� d _ .1
. -
hemia, after the battle of Crecy,, arut ,
- -
. —
was so struck with admi,ation �i thel � ,,,,
� �
Sightless warrior, who had his chaft�,`,�
er attached to horses of his conipsn.f ,*
Great English Poiairati*
,A, Tones aw invigorates r ati.
'�e wholl
ions so he might not fall in TwAlty . .
. �
� nervous sYstem. Mak s new Blood I
I I in old Veins. Used for NertPous I
to his al.
ly, Phillip of France, 4haV. . �
Edward plucked the Insigillu from,
Debility, Mental and Brain Worry his enemy's uniform and swore to,-
I sponden , ss of Enr,rg, Palpitation i wear it forevern, after. . I ..�
lie Heart, ilingWmory, I
. . I I
rice rbox,si I At least Edward's own bravery on- -
for$5. Sold by all druggists, rmailedinplai
kg. on receipt of prico, am ma that occasion and his chivalry upon,-� .....
� .
fee. 9 0 X101clult Co., R , 0 ; many others Make it entirely .plaus- � �
. .
— - — . 11,11 i-4ble that he qhou'd acknowledge the 1. Is .
'� �
. . �
- I Valor of an enemy. It was the ,first
I I .
the space left by the core put a spoon. I battle of , magnitude in which! the ;'
ful Of orange marWalado or zurTant � Y011,119 prince had engaged and his - . �,
Jelly, and: top the apple with a, .d$b at ' bather, Edward III. watched from the -
arriand a candied cherry.
crest of a hill, h,oldlug relliforcen onto ... .
In leash while Ws soll fought ai4lusi. ,
I �
Feel and slice one large Spanish
great odds, King Edward� explained ,
Vhat he wanted his son -to wl' Ill a
onion and - one fresh cucumber; slice
three tomatoes, Arid take out the seeds;
spurs in battle, nor 'did he wIsnh td - ,;
. .
arran&o carefully In a shallow earth-
deprIve h,lm of Credit for the victory, . I
The victory ,wag mos� decisive,'., -
� .�
.. .
en pa,n, tier 'upon tl&r, salting omd I
thougll one M -3y discount somewhat �
.� -
. .
Pepper1rig each to taste, ,Pouring In.
the chroniclers who reported. that thw
11 . ,
,Plenty Of oil and vinegar. Last of king of France fled at nlgUtfall wItit.
..... �
:, I
allp lot the salad lie In E4 cool spot for only five. knights and - 6,0 ', soldiers I '
�. � .
an -hour or two, then sprinkle ovor it leaving more than A000 dead ana -
I 11
two, handfuls of bread crumbs. -. dying men, on the field. I., 1 .1 �,
" t�
I , 11. 11
D, FF] ClICTS OF PROST ON FOOD. I .0 0 0 . . .. I �
I �
and breaks Its shell. Apples Can- . I
tmct so much that a full 'barrel will I Loudon's, La ndlo rds., I 1.
I .11 .
I .
ehrink Imt1l. the tolp layer Is a foot ' Wil"ij S'r ',Nlarcus '�-aaluel paid for,",
I .
. below the chino. When the -frost Is the twenty acres Or the %Vest-oh�,
drawn -out the ap:,el" aseurnei their which he bought recently, -it Is Imw', ,
�. �
. ,
normal size and fill the barrel again. possible to GaY, k'A�is Ttt-Bits,, As#'. ' -
Certain varieties are not appre- however, the land itseit Is Wort:i
ciably injured by being frozen if the ajbcut $i0,000,000 anl the -buildingi ,
frGSt IS 'drawn out giladuallly. Apples erected ,oil it are worth another,$15,.;
� � ,
will. carry rarely In ,a refrigerating Cox 000,00.0 ft is eazy to arrive at a ralr�',
'. I
While the mercury Is registering ifully ly correct estaliate of ,the thequo .
20 degrees below zero. which he 6ignel for the property. -',
Potatoes, being so largely composed 1 This purchase places Sir .V,arcuo ��
at -water, are easily frozen, Oilce ,among London's biggest landiordd'.
� ...
touched by trost they are rained. . to publ-'a however,
— - the i16- 6quare lillf.es Of London '
FIREQUR NT TRZATATE XT. County ar6 ,ilot o%vned by a few. but
by thousand& 16f, llindlordis--38,200 14,
. . I
A negro mammy had four boys who were all. - More than Zb,o�zhalf of thes . 4
so polite and well-behaved that tb#y' Ox" only own two or ill oi4%-hoilsu.�' *hl.0, I
cited the Interest of the mammy's inis- there only '00 Who 0-No,ji
tress, says the Cincinnati EnqVirer. are eatft(4
"Nifandy," said the mistress one day, Of fl-ve acreG and, ui)Nards. ;�4 Pa.
")low did yen manage to raise your clesia.stic-11 Uonlfflai.srorler,5 mkill D bl*
be .
. a 3 wal'ar pr,�petty, %ilich 1,r�:I,,% .10 �g,'
FAll-101 tweell"Y'd'u, MLSSUS,11 replied 3ran. 500,,,00 ,l .,cdl �, 14�:" i,.!,T '.'eti.kA, � ."�.11",
dy. "Ah-ralse dem boys ,witil o, ,barrel .
atAve, and Ah raised 'Oin frequent.#, I The Duke . (.r , etn;t. ,n.,ter id - t"a
-1 Q . largest llidiv.0 wi o�%rer, HIS 400
Tenderfoot -Why do they have knots aerc,7, ,*u P.n...t.v �it-ltl ,I yearlY. rej%t
oft the Ocean Instead of miles? PrIst, of $:6 000 030. I 0,11 llo%%ard do Waid.
01989 Sc011t-Well, you see they cOul4 en c�N'qla 292 aer-is (if( Oxford itreot,
not have the ocean tide If there were which brIng In an a;1riliall rout Of 414.*
no kn4ots.-Yale Record. .500,000, in .
(Icrki�nAe'l Lord Vorth!
*_ --il.l. ,,,, I W"'- ampton, ta Vne blggwt landlord, ol%*n*
- , I Ing 2GO acros worth P"000,000 a yosir. �
I Lord Portman, the Duke Of Bedford �
Earl Cadogan owil betwon thom ,
I .___ i 270 aero, with a total txnnual rental
I Of ,1, 28,000,600. -
6 I ..�__
4 !_�.
.. I
I el -I
11 - -.# , ", f PrImm Wall of Afthirb,
Kf I
� 0
P ( * From all Aceounts, the Xing's heir
I'll, . 1. I -ANk has a etrelluous t1mo In front of him.
, , Not only is he setting up hottookeop.
11. .
�, 11. � , 'A Ing on his, own account, but he Iii tak.
� I '. ing a very practical hand In the man -
. V
11 �.\J
Ir. I - �* aaemont of his win estates. Thoia
. . . , -
I 11 �� ..----. 11'...t . Include some rather negletted house
. property -'n L*ndom, and even *later
IlMany it Cinadian ; fisherloq at the MoUth of the Hol, In
I ;1 I Cornwall. 1118.1toyal Highte" to now
. , I .
owes her ilreodfug ba:f-wIld ponies on Dartmoor
:.. I I
. I � And (leveloping in!nea of tin and wolf.
exquisite complexion
1.� , raut Ili the duchy wbich giveo blirt Ou6
to fhe use of
!,�t.�A:,� ef 11, mobt fauicus titl".
.1 I I Ile bldg fair to eqval bla graliLd.
0 father a,3 a ngetu of liffiVre.
Own s0ap
i I
i have been various refofto,toi
. t toly to the Prinee of Nvales, f
, Cl#"$69_R"lf"g_rft9t"t Itt.4,,; for A -TaVorlte briar," butot
'4�, 1
X 4 it Royal llighnos Is not " w*d,dq�d to
.tjg Pisifior Paby 0, . big pipe no to neglect . the Mono*
. 4 "
�, I andPeR,lor You'$ ('h,fr))r4 �If a Pilkar. And. *bIrt Sk
I 1,
� 11 moro, b.!� 1A a Xond jualte Of & 4t WO,
. AlWA "" U**A Ift, xwk*4 - 04 ai vas blog srandfat'her ,befom him
I � 1,
I, I A
� , I .
", I -
. I . .. I . � I .
,;I ,� . . .1 I - - ... :6 - . . 11, I . 11. , I �, 1, . . ! "I i ,
. . , � t I .. ". " , �i-,.q- _. � , " , 1, , � I .� . . 11 ; '� I . . .", I .
I , 4., � "I'll _I . .1-1111 . . . . . .. 11 I ...... I'll, .1� 11 ldllk�k �1'1'1 ki�& #. , . I .
i;�Itn i I I . - A21"h0d ��� .t.61� — ,�.,__Ah_ I'll, _-4- , ���_ _�: '. '1� -i- � . , .
� im-, I 6 I Ai I � I 61 L . - - - - ,;-,�CAO�..",:� �AL iil� ..i�� _� " k
66,,Aia&ii�q — . . . . . . .� "I'll, — — - - - " , ,2�.�. " . ,.�,(,,A.� _��& x�
- , 1- , ��, I ..,
. L� "I
... -
. - ��