HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-03-04, Page 14,.i S . _..1.. a- I -L,,. r , ^4'v ,:. "•. w,,a„ ^„'.q lrT+F y ,.'7d,, ,
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the xray from 395 to 7,222. Mayor
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THE DUA1'tl ROLL ""`'"...... „ ,""`""' ",•"„',""""..•"*'"" 'J14
be 2,687. Messrs Wilbert Gallaway, Alex
.+ ._ ,_. .a local Items
FaetlkiW# Mot4sr, Diku9; tsr glad Uaugh-
1-.-% sow.w+r'w.+.«..... •..r.,r se:.F•.r.»•.. . . c•*
lY1i•s Florence p HeerlC pit retie ill Prize
t Roaal$g ,ad. - lYo
tsir a Huabaxd, Ars Afi. St►akNa.
Miss Harper of St. Helens, is visiting
We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. H,
who has for r n
some years been the
, *••^ .•^*•^^• •• ^^ •, •"• • .
Her many friends around her old home .
e Der Appoint
Harr»ton, Feb. 2b. -,-Today will go
with Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Shackletun,
. .,—
'k After ma narrow escapes, in which
at Zetland will regret to hear of the death Easter Sunday, April 4th.
of I iiza i3.'t'liam, I3eceased was a dough•
The March council meeting was held it
down in history hers as one of tri@ saddest
in the towns experience, owing to the
Miss Marion Casemore is visiting with
frequently failure only to use the precise
1VIr. and Mrs. C. E. Judson have rented
ter of the late Chas• Thorn and was in her )Vic Alex Carson's red brick residence on
the council Gurney de Monday evening,
Mayor Gurney presided and
triple funeral from, the Pridham home
her sister, Mrs. W, M. Adair in I£incar-
language necessary in addressing her, the-
mysterious Miss. Dollar, (Mrs, +Geo•
80th year, Sl.e has been in failing health Victoria St.
for some time and for the past couple of
Elllntt, Fells, Mitchell and Currie wert
f1rom which father, mother and daughter
were buried privately to Harriston cent.
Miss Lillie Lamont spent the past
Young) was captured on Tuesday After-
3 b Miss Florence
Hear Murdison in "Bonnie Lucy Lee"
years had resided with her mother and in kilt, bonnet and feather.-Wingham,
brother in Colborne Mrs,
present, The minutes of last meeting
were read and adopted.
etery this afternoon.
couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs Sam
noon, at o'clock y
Pocock, daughter of Mrs. R. Pocock,
township, John
Campbell, Wingham, Mrs. David john Monday, March 8th.
A commuication was read from Ridge,
It was only a week ago that G. M, Mc-
Donald pawed away, and now his wife, a
Bell, near Toeswater. .
Catherine St , in front of W. J, Greer's
ston, Ist line, Morris; and Mrs. Cronin of L, O. L. No. 794 will meet in their
town, town ,council asking the council to
endorse a resolution which has been -
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Pridham, has
and Mrs, Lay Wast Bluevale.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Robert
Shoe Store, ' ,
Harriston ars Sisters of the deceased, lodge room on Friday evening, Initis,
The funeral was held to Win ham Deme- kion and other important business. Visit-
getown and several 'other places
th G
passed away, together with her Parente,
This has removed the parents of twk,
Graves Lower Wingham,
Miss Dollar had a busy day and found
much, to interest her in Wingham% up -to-
tery on Thursdayafternoon, The mother ors welcome
a Provincial Government should
give the same grants to towns and villages
homes; in the McDonald home are left a
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntosh have
daze and busy stores As a matter
of and family have the sympathy of a large Private G. E. Roberson, 1st C, .E, F„
circle q# friend,.
for rmanent roads as it is
Pe ' proposed to
family of four small children, who are
returned to their home in Blucher Sask.,
tact, Dollar .Day, was a most coxispicfous
. Late Stoker P. 0. R., N. C. V. R„ resew-
give to townships, Several of the coun-
also receiving medical attention at present,
after spending the winter in Wingham,
success in Wingham this*'year. Genuine
_ .n
fxEoxi+D Er L;ncoxx ed his 1914--15 star, also King's certificate
cillors felt that ai a goodly share of the
while in the Pridham home a family of
Mr, John Johnston has rented the
bargains were offered in 1Ningham's Stores
some time ago.
A former resident of Wingham, in the
auto licenses are paid in towns that this
three sons, all engaged in farming in
house on ,John St., until recgntly occupied
and satisfied customers Hampered hen•
person of George Ellicott passed away in The Globe has raised its subscription
action is right o
ght and props. The Mayor
Minto Township, are left. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. Mr.
by C. M. Walker, The Walker family
dreils, The day was ideal and the roads
Wingham were lined "with cutters an;i
to ,
price to $5.00 per
Swift Current, Sask., on Wednesday, Feb, P year. It is expected
and clerk were instructed to sign the re -
solutkon, '
Wright of the Methodist Church, where
gone to Grand Bend.
Mr. Andrew Reid of Moasomin, Sask.,
sleighs from early morning.
that other dailies will follow short! and
25th. •:Oecedsed came to Wingham about Y
fatty -five years. ago with his Parents from weelklies will be compelled to raise to
A letter from ,Eye Board of Trade en -
the deceased were members,
who has been , spending the, winter with
Clinton. He was an employee of the old $2.00 in the near future,
dorsing the action of the council in their
people believe that they were not the
his sister, Mrs. Alex, Robertson, town.
Sick Children's Hospital, $5,00; Nation -
years `before
A.hair factory for several Mr. Hugh Gilmore and Mr John
request, made some time ago, that the
tiuesslog The Beaus returned to his home last week,
The guesses of the dumber of beans in
Mr, Elmer Shackleton of Dungannon,
a the jar at W. G. Patterson's ranged all
returned to Wingham Business College,
, , . , err an, wor on si ewal , 6 c,
Fred Scott, work on street, 2.10;• Public
the xray from 395 to 7,222. Mayor
His mother accompanied film and will re -
Who very ably carried on as Miss Dollar
Gurney, Councillor Bennett and Neal Mc-
main in Wingham for some time.
School Board, advance on levy, 700.00;
Lean counted the beans, which proved to
Messrs Hammer and Rintoul, horse
of the Wingham Advance-
be 2,687. Messrs Wilbert Gallaway, Alex
Mrs. Wm. Prince arrived in town last
Elliott, rebate hall rent 5.00; J. F.
Groves, Typing Auditor's report, .10.00;
McGinty and W. S. Mitchell tied for
from Sussex, England. Her liusbaiid
Quite early Miss Dollar . started out on
clock, each guessing x,700.
has been here for several months ano
M. McLeod, work on street 5.00; High
School Board, advance on levy 1200.00:
11 .the
Station Mester Beamer Retires
is employed in the Bell factory. They
will reside in Lower Wingham.
her rounds and now has many interesting
We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. H,
who has for r n
some years been the
. Misses Beatrice Baird and Helen Ham -
T. Weir, team to fire 2,00; J. A. 'McLean'
efficient agent at the C. P, depot hart,
ilton who have been .attending Central
experiences to relate, of how several bus-
fins decided to retire and will probably
Business College have returned to their
lumber, 8.00; J. Brooks, salary '67.50; J.
locate in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs.
homes in. Palmerston, where they have
iness men, clerks and others accosted her
Miss Dollar but were
$eemer and family are among Wingham's
secured stuations.
Radford, salary 104.40; ft, Lockerid e,
most respected citizens and we trust they
Mr, Orville Habkirk at his home
as not Careful
enough to follow out the instructions
'1 I
in McKillop, on Monday and Tuesday
'salary 103.64; I. Walker, salary ,104.40;
going West. He was in partnership with
his brother-in-law, Mr. Win, Marlowe,
also a former resident of Wingham, in the
lumbering business. Deceased was un-
Mr, Wm. Ellacott of Wingham, is a
brother of the deceased and left on Friday
for Swift Current. ,
WiLLL, n RAi)voltD
East Wawanosh lost a Valuable citizen
on Monday last in the death of William
extending over
Radford aft n illness xt i v
era a e e K
seven weeks, terminating in paralysis to
which he succumbed.. °11 '
The late Mr. Radford was a man of ex-
cellent qualities, an obliging neighbor and
much respected in the community in which
h 1`
Mitchell went to Drumbo, last week and
purchased a purebred shorthorn bull for
a Syndicate, who have since disposed of
the animal to Mr. William Eadie.
Monday, Mar. 8th. Hear Murdison,
The Scottish Comedian, with supporting
Company of Talented Artists, "Murdison
takes away the Blues;'. Reserve your
seats eariv.--McKibbons. Drug Store,
Who's comin' tae, our toon on March
8th? Murdison—the Real McKie --at
before the war prices. You'll know him.
'.Town Hall, Wingham. March 8th. See
advertisement on page b of this paper.
Tito ADVANCE is well equipped with
the latest type and material for turning
out the newest and most up to -date print -
wires of the Bell Telephone • Co. and the
G. N. W. Telegraph Co, be removed from
front street was filed.
The clerk reported that he had received
the new map of the town ordered from
Mr, E, D. Bolton and he, thought it was
a good one. The cost of making the map
was $60, but anyone wishing to secure a
map may have one for $1,00,
The following accounts were recom.
i mended for payment by the finance com-
mittee:-- -
F. r
J Groves, salary la 96. • G. Allen,
Y $ 16,
40.66; E. Lewis, 58.33; Times, Printing;
etc„ 64.10; Municipal World, Assessor's
Roll, 11,26; A Sanderson, snowplowing,
etc., 49.80; S. Burke, work on roads,
4155; T. Musgrove, work on sidewalk,
210 W Stn -d k •d k 0
wi l at east continue to reside here fora
few months longer.
attending the funeral of his brother, Gar-
a ived for so many years.
When a„child of six years, William Rad-
ing, We have calls for printing from
, , . , err an, wor on si ewal , 6 c,
Fred Scott, work on street, 2.10;• Public
St. Paul's Church Notes
net. Deceased was 29 years of age and
s survived by his wife,
Who very ably carried on as Miss Dollar
ford carne to Hallett Township from near
several out of towns people who have seen
our work.
School Board, advance on levy, 700.00;
Mar. 7 -Third Sunday in Lent. 11.00
Messrs Hammer and Rintoul, horse
of the Wingham Advance-
Brampton with• his parents, Here he
grew. to manhood and was married on the
A few of our subscribers would do well
Elliott, rebate hall rent 5.00; J. F.
Groves, Typing Auditor's report, .10.00;
a, m. Holy Communion; 2.30 p, in. Sun-
day School and Bible Class; 7.00 p, m.
buyers, purchased percheron team from
Sandy McLaughlin Brussels, The
Quite early Miss Dollar . started out on
25th of September, 37 years ago to Miss
Elizabetir•M. Scott Of Morris, and five
to remember that the subscription price
of Tlig ADvnrrr is $2 00 per year in
M. McLeod, work on street 5.00; High
School Board, advance on levy 1200.00:
Evensong. -
price paid was 3700, and the weight was
her rounds and now has many interesting
years later they moved to lot 39, con. 4,
future. When paid in advance we will
T. Weir, team to fire 2,00; J. A. 'McLean'
I Thursday Mar. 4th—The . Woman's
experiences to relate, of how several bus-
:Past Wawanosh, where he remained until
continue for the time being to give it at
lumber, 8.00; J. Brooks, salary '67.50; J.
Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs.
A special meeting of the Women's s In-
iness men, clerks and others accosted her
Miss Dollar but were
the time of his demi e For some six
the $1,50, but this must be strictly in, ad-
Radford, salary 104.40; ft, Lockerid e,
F. Roderus at 3,00 p. m.
Friday, Mar., 5th -8.00 p. m. Lenten
stitute will be held in the council chamber
as not Careful
enough to follow out the instructions
years h- was trustee of S. S. No, 10 and
'salary 103.64; I. Walker, salary ,104.40;
service. illustrated Lantern address,
OnThursday afternoon, March 11th. at
8 P. m. The directors in charge will be
given in Tutu ADVANCE and just simply
"Are ,.
the section received,excellent service, In
politics he was a Liberal and in religion a
It a with regret .that we learn that
Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Kerr have decided
Brooks, wages 18.00; J,. F, Groves,
postage 3,75. J. A. McLean, coal 816.56;
Subject "Favorite Hymns" -
Remember, awelcome awaits you at St
Mrs. (Dr,)'Hambly and Mrs, J. Pattison,
asked you Miss Dollar to which
she usually re " „
plied Sure i am and
leaves his his
to move from Lower Wingham to White-
W A. Currie, repairs 5.50; Times, print -
ing. 3:70; Can. Co., Can,
Pout's church. All Seats free.
All members are requested to attend.
continuedher walk. While she found the
Deceased to mourn Goss,
wife, three sons and one daughter; namely
church. They have purchased Mr
Clubb's house in the village, and have
Express 85c;
Gen. Electric Co., 21.00; P.
Wiaghatu 6, Seaforth 3
Cottage Prayer Meeting at Mr. Charles
Cook's residence- Patrick St„ on Friday
majority of the stores crowded she
courageously pushed her way through.
Mrs. Geo, Caldwell, East Wawanosh;
sold their place in Lower Town to Mr.
cartage 3.96; W. A. 'Currie, repairs 1.50;
Wingham and,!Plinton Junior Hockey-
evening, also as undenominational meet-
unnoticed by the bargain hunters. Be-
John Radford, Wingham; and Archie and
Normae at home; also one sister, Mrs. A.
Horne, blacksmith for Mr. William Rob-
Rae a Thompson, supplies esti W. H.
Gurney, pipe 2.00; Westinghouse,
istss met on Wingbam ice on Friday even-
ing will be held in the Salvation Army
tween thirty and forty times Miss Dollar
p McMartin, Concord, New Hampshire.
supplies, 66.30; Clinton Knitting Co.,
ing last and played a fast clean game.
Hall, Sunday afternoon at 3.30. You are
was asked if she were not the mysterious
The bereaved family have much sym-
Friends of Mr. Hiram Smith, Lower
waste 2.25; G. Allen, salary 36.65; J. A.
The local team won by a score of 6 to 3.
pathy in their loss.—Blyth Standard,
Wingham, will regret to learn that whip:
McLean, coal 42.00.
Mr. Murphy of Mount Forest, made a
P y
We have this week. received two com-
Mrs, C. B. Armitage and Mrs. A. G.
Mr. and Mrs. John Radford attended
coming down a ladder at the stable he fell
The following grants were also recom-
splenaid r farce. Outing to the lateness of
muicatfons for publication in TFt» AD=
Smith had difficulty in makingseveral
the funeral,
and badly injured his right' foot. Mr.
London train the Seaforth boys did
VANCE, and wbile we may think as the
people believe that they were not the
- -----
Smith celebrated his 80th birthday on
Sick Children's Hospital, $5,00; Nation -
not arrive in Wingham until after ten
writers do in regard to the matter in
Miss Dollar.
Christmas eve. Thig accident will be the
al sanitarium 5.00; Salvation Army Res-
o clock and the game did not commence
question, yet we cannot publish them be.
The boys of the public school were on
Evelyn Marie the dear little daughter
means of confining him to his home for ,a
cue Home, 5.00; Town $and. 200,00;
until 10,40. In the first period the Wing-
cause of the fact that no signature is on
strike and in a body visited the different
of Mr. and Mrs, Evan Haines died at
few weeks.
Wingham General Hospital, 200,00; Hur-
ham boys scored three goals, and also
the manuscript and we do not know who
school trustees, and when they received
their home, near Francis, Sask., on Feb-
Mr, Lennox wishes to publicly thank
on County Children's Shelter, 50.00;
in the second. When the visitors
the writer is,
the consent of most of them they feels
ruary 16th. The family had just moved
the men on )Route 1, Wingham, who so
Turnberry Agricultural Society, 50.00.
came bash on the ice in the last period
Mr, and Mrs, George Hunter of Kal•
their petition to Principal Posliff stating
to their new home and were getting set
kindly took charge of his mail route wbile
Councillor Fells, chairman of the prop -
they put, up quite a struggle and scored
eida, Man., were guests of Mr, and Mrs,
the fact that they had received the con-
tied, when all but Mr. Haines Werre taken
lie was ill at home. Those little deeds of
erty committee stated that he was ex-
• three goals. All of the Wingham boys
R. J. Tindall. They returned to the
sent of the school board to take a half
down with "flu." The doctor had been,
kindness are the kind that .live. long in the
pecting a scavenger from London, He
played good•game and it would be un-
West with Mr. Hunter's sister, Mrs. John
holiday, and needless to say . the ladies
with them on Saturday but was called to
memory, and how much more pleasant
had another man hired but that he had
fair to mention any of the boy's work in
Sims, woo has been sick with influenza
who shopped in Wingham without being
a patient some miles away and could 'not
would this world be to live in if more
changed his mind about taking the job,
particular. The smallest' and possibly
at Exeter, and the remains of her son,
touched on the shoulder and asked if they
return till Monday, and the little child
people showed the brotherly feeling.
Mr. Mitchell thought the committee
one of the yomngest players, Wylan, of
Edgar, who died with the same disease
were not Miss Dollar, were few and far
Passed away before he returned, Her
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Deans and Mrs.
should not hire a man but report back to
Seaforth played a star game for the visit-
about a month ago. Burial will take
between. To carryon as Miss Dollar in
father, mother and two tittle brothers,
Harriett Deans wish to publicly thank
the council. He also ventured that had
place in Maintou to -day,
a town the size of Wingham is a far more
Robert and Irving are left to mourn the
the friends and neigbors who so kindly
Mr, Stokes been rightly handled he could
difficult stunt than to be Miss Dollar in a
loss of a sweet little child. Their many
showed sympathy during the recent death
have been re-engaged. Mr. Elliott and
city. • . ,
Wingham friends will sympathize with
and illness of the late Peter 'H, Deans.
Mayor Gurney stated that they each had
Miss Pocock who captured Miss Dollar
them in their bereavement,
They would also wish to express their
approached him as best they could. Mr.
OTION SALE—Farm Stook acid Implem-
g ante at rot 21, con 1, monis, iBluevale
Wingham, March 2nd, 1920
said she was so sur surprised when she was
`Safe in the Tender Shepherd's Care,"
thanks to the members of the I. 0, 0. F.
Mitchell said he was sorry that there were
Road! on Monday, March 15th. at one o'clock.
To the editor of the Advance
answered in the affirmative by Mrs.
MRs, CovikNTRY
who were so kind and 'brotherly in their
no deputations present, he had heard
see hills,
T. Proprietor.
Dear Sir:—
Young that for a• minute she could
On Wednesday, February
y 25th, another
time of sorrow and bereavement.
several but people seemed
T. R. BisNN>brr, Anctioueer,
r • ,
I noticed in your last weeks issue a
scarcely believe her own ears and really
old and highly respected resident of
Mr. Gordon Hastie has moved from
backward °about appearing .before the
UCTION SAL—Clearing Sale of $took and
letter from ,a ratepayer in which he com
did not believe it until she had the $10
•VYingham was called Home in the arson
Bluevale to the farm near town which he
council. Mr. Elliott said he thought the
Im plaments, Lot 1, con. 4, Morrie on Fr!-
- day, March 12th.
merits on the present sanitary condition
Prize in her hand,
of Sarah Manning, widow of the late
has recently bought from Mr, James
committee were quite capable of dealing
- JOHN ,&Tj.o moxa, PROP.
Jas. Tat, QR, Auctioneer.
of our town. After reading it I recollect
Of course, afew wise acres, who always
William Coventry. Deceased was ,76'
Fowler. Mr. Fowler has moved into the
house on Diagonal Road which he ur-
- with the matter. TiiE AavANcr along
with several other citizens, would greatly
FARM FCR SALE -109 acres of gond soil be.
ing west halt of lot 22, con. 8, Cuiross. on
that' at last nomination meeting our
worthy councillors and mayor, made
it, claimed that they knew who
that mysterious lady was all the time,
years of age and suffered a second attack
of paralysis a short time ago. She is sur-
g P
chased from Mr. Wm. Gannett, and NI r
like to see a scavenger appointed without
the premises are good bank barn, frame house,
site, windmill, a•.d other out -buildings. For
further apps the rentiees to.
solemn promises that they were outin the
As an advertising scheme we are satisfied
vived by seven daughters and one son,
Gannett and family will move in with
their daughter, Mrs, Deans until they can
A number of ratepayers
P Yers near the top of
particulars on
Venmux 1 tniasn.
vary best interests of our town. Clean-
that it was a success, for several business
Her husband predeceased her about two
move into their own house on Scott St, X
Victoria St., would like to have the sewer
FOR SALE—No 10 smith P, emium Typewrit-
or for sale. A.bs, ain, see it at.
liness being next to Godliness, surely the
sanitary condition of Wingliam is most
men have heartily thanked us for assisting
in making Mar. 2nd the best and most
months ago,
The funeral was held to Wingham ceme•
It is stated by those who are in a posit-
extended past their property.
important to our citizens, Some years
interesting Dollar Day ever held in Wing-
"tory on Friday afternoon, Services at the
tion to know that Armenia will need
Mayor Gurney stated that during the
e idemic he had secure e 1
d o e to o into
p P F g
SALE—Solid bre k building a
ORo known a
e White Cate". Hard and a
7rh i t oft water;
a o r
no o the establishing of the dr
ago, Y
t h a 1 h
barn. Tim ,)VANassistancei
a E A Cts e c
added sever l now
a v
hue n r e ere conducted e b Rev.
house and av w o ct d ea
until after the harvest. While
e where t family
hems he all he am y were down
oleotric high',; second floor six room dweliIng,
rth closet system, we had an epidemic
names to its list of subscribers and we feel
J. -F, Dingman, pastor of the Baptist
the res onse to public apppeals bas been
sick, and he felt that they should be paid
Aim E. RiorrxOND,
gt Jacobs; out.
of typhoid that caused expense and loss of
we have benefited as well as our advertis-
church, who officiated for Rev. Mr, Arm-
most generous it cannot be expected to
for their services• In one case he beliey
FAItM 'Olt SdI,>v—Sixty soros of first class
land about twenty minutes walla to W ing+
life, After this epidemic had wrought
havOck, laws were laid down compelling
ers, and the purchasers got many bar:
gains. •
strong, pastor of the Methodist church,
who was ill at his home.
I keep up for an indefinite period and Gov.
ernment assistance is the only way out.
ed a little girls life was saved, The
him Pott Office, will either sell or exchange
for larger place, For farther particulars,
people to install dry earth closets and a
` ' °" ' "` °'
Canada's action should not be dependent
matter was left over.
'While driving through a pitch hole near
apple* to.
THE ADvAxo t.
scavenger was appointed to keep these
closets clean, This law has been
An old and highly respected `resident
on that of ony other nation. We should
stand upon our feet and do what we can
the B. line -corner, a cutter was upset and
WARM FOR SALE—Bantle hat[ of InE 4Z, Con,
plied with and the town has been in a
in a
Mrs. Harvey Anderson moved into the
of Turnberry, passed away On Saturday.
and at once.
badly broken, . the driver thought the
It, Beat Wawanosh, containing loo acres
nearly air ander grain and areae. Largo barn,
etonestibles. driving house and hog pen, frame
healthy condition ever since, but under
house recently vacated by Bertram
Smith which she purchased Some time
Feby. 28th, in the person of William
Johnston, Deceased was born in Ireland,
Murdison "The Real McKie who is
town should pay at least a portion of the
damage. The councillors took the stand
dwellin , drilled well, windmill and cement
supply tank with float, 3 acres of orchard.
Present con0itions how long will this last.
There etas been no scavenger on the jab
84 years ago and immigrated to Canada in
Booked for Wingham Town Hail, Monday
eve, Mar, 8th is a comedian of the first
that as others had ane through the same
Farm situated on main gravel road between
Wingham and Belgrave, small payment
down balahoe
for the past two months and the condition
Rlr. Ina, Little who recently sold `his
the year 1801, coming to Turnberry where
water and is at present on a tour of East-
hole that day they did not feel like doing
anything. The matter was Left over.
and On mortgage for a term of
years at 5 per coat, P0059essiou any time,
Jo r W,
in most closets and back yards are alarm-
farm on the outskirts of town has bought
house in
he has lived continuously ever since. Five
years latex he was married to Augusta
ern Canada, with a style peculiarity his
Mr, Bert Hart madnpplication to buy
ilauto 5, Wingham,
ing, What will happen as soon as spring
a Listowel
Homuth, who predeceased him twenty-one
own, he captivates his audience from
apiece of land from the town, near the
001? GRASS FARM FOR 8A1,E-••104 scree,
. a water all the year, situated on B. line,
sets in, and that must must now be in a
few weeks, even before a scavenger who
One of those unrortunatc individua-Is,
whose reason has deserted them, came tosuccess
years ago on March 5th. One daughter,
the moment he appears. The tremendous
in these parts and the encores he
Electric Light Plant. The matter was
left with the Electric Light committee to
Xfowlck, d.pply further articulars to,
a. HsrrNlrla, Wroxeter,
would be hired ;,,,once could get around.
tawrx Tuesday morning, rhe flagged the
Mrs, John Nichol died in Wingham about
fifteen years ago. Six of a family
is asked to give is sufficient to recommend .report,
ANTED. -Ex err n
Apply toy p e oed Lady Stonbgripher,
If the asst o knewahe condition r affairs
in at least Dna of Wingham's largest in-
train near the 0th Con„ and when it came
to a stop got on board and came here.
viz. Robert, on the homestead and Adam
him as an entertainer, Tickets will be on
sale at Mcltibbon's Drug Store: beginning
Council adjourned at 9 o'clock.
Joltit 0714r,
duatries, we believe they would rise up in
He was standing between the rails in his
of Wingham, Mrs, Jas. Showers, Turn
Monday,. Feb, 23rd. Indications point to
--- -.___ . __,.: _
,Lu6kkn"ow, tint.
rebellion. Is this state of affairs at pres•
bare feet, and put his shoes on after he
Wawberryno8h, r Jo McBurney, East
sli, Mrs. John Ireland, Taeswater,
a packed house so Be -on -hand Early. Re-
Broke Her Wrist
txI'eNTicb-- : girl toiX email ptivata family
1i in London,
ant in the interest of the laws of health?
got in the Gar, Arriving at the station Ile
Mrs. I2icllard Porter, iJadericli.
servations. Reserved 75c, Rush Seats
Mrs, Robt, Day while down town on
Attractive proposition, All.
ply to,
How cana. elan be expected to get this
took the bus to the Cain house, where
The funeral was held on Monday after.
50c, See advt on page 8.
afternoon slipped on the side -
P. t . EnwnrtDa.
Cars of Carl, Ezptess, Town,
mess cleaned up before the spring floods
p g
now that the first of March is past? We
he took off his Coat, hat, shoes and socks,
and went into the dining room and had
noon to'4'Vingham cemetery and services
The spectacle of a wealthy nation like
walk in front of Geo. Mason & Son's store
broke her right wrist•
were threatened withfa flu epidemic, but
breakfast, after which he went out to the
at t house and grave were conducted by
Rev. Mr, Sri -ell, rector of St. Pauls An h -
the United States hemming and hawing
about few million dollars for relief, white
New Libtariaa Appointed
••- ••-
Good clean stock of groceries in the town of
''Wiagbam, centrally located and in cod gdinrr
when the water starts running over the..
back yards, carrying; disease with it, we
waiting room, and_ sitting in Dna chair
deposited his feet in another and hada
can church of which the deceased was a
millions of people are on the verge of
starvation is anything but inspiring. As
Y Mass Marjorie 1-iaines, daughter of Iver,
order. stook and fixtures arotin eignt•en
can look for a worse epidemic.
sleep, Reeve Johnston was notified and
The pallbearers were the late Mr. John.
far as Canadians are Concerned, we are
and Mrs. Arthur Haines, has accepted a
s librarian Miss
Ap Apply tore,
Apply to J. tl, arSWAikx
.Box' 844, Wingham
The council let Mr. Stokes go because.
he asked for a raise in salary, surely no
Constable Noore took hini to the call.j.
Ile proved to be Angus HeRay of the dib
ston s "two sons and four son -in-laws.
certain that our people would like to ace
position succeeding
a , g
Annie Cunningham,
business matt would let a man go in this
of Huron a very well to do farmer, and
" ""` "
our Government make a substantial grant
for Armenian Relief, irrespective of what
Typical Western Cow Boy
r• osiv6d -
'1•t?rter• Wi11 be rea•lve4 b.y the trid•rsigued
manner until they could tecure another
vary highly nmpected by all who knew
C:vrlluitiwb: Luis;
other nations do. All that Canada tan
Shorty Campbell, a typical Weatern
ftp Citi noon. March R2ae to, for the build•
one to take his lags. Are not tboso of our
him. Ile was taken to the Ontario Has-
As we go to press we learn with regret
da might be woefully iriadequated to
Cow i'ancller, drifted into town on Tues-
r1 na a,ana•, in the viilaga of White-
sna arra ap•osaa LWbi eavn
citizens who are not fortunate to have
pital at London on Saturdky,
that Miss Catherine Lee passed away oh
meet the situation. But five millions
day and entertained the audience -at the
64kw Mr.
itE t1tr, •oxge 'Covtla` , whltaohnroh. A
ro . A
9ewet• connection WOaY Of a little res-
''Work is victory ",
Wednesday morning at the home of her
would save some lives, and, whatever
Lyceum Theatre with this rope throwing
rtrirltarl oh•gne t the ouncraoc price
OCwea,nr ray tilt• t•nd•rr
„Thera is always room for a man o
nt!phew, Mr. Wm. Breckenridge, Lot 8,
happens, we should have the falling that
really lie is
• l+i,weer.
` aft dyer w+;it ;u•o arily
T*hdbto i r t 04 ;parts of the
Dollar i ty rtlay be ttlrlght but not for
forts and he m+skrti room for rritlriy, t,
Cron. I0, Turnberry, Deceased was in
the Dotriillit>n hied not Stead caealaaltlY by
dr d n t1rus cowboy hat, spurs,
be r, r•id ed,
a arays„iNs.
:, Maks yourself nil yr to iiorris-
her 90th year.
and watched a Christian nation starve.
thsips, belt, whip; revolver, baadsd gloves,
s rc 'a `ow
YOWI ,Ill the intsreets of tha town,
p'uneral W Wingharn cemetery on
It will be tis 16" to oif`at' rrrlsaf iifttr the
otic. I4s is Y6rt4rg l of the South African
A toparm
"Fowm d 94 witty Ctb"elu iso,”
xldsty ttftsllaoOn,
As risrlfa m are dood.—OdIlla ;l cic t.
War sod the' Gmt Wow.
V ..: , P.'ii'
. +a. M_, S)h i+N': `" Iota;Allait r ""' 'i, eiii;aktit':'. ' i krr°?.s .'rw' `"" 3.
e },
' Subsi,riptiol , $IJ0 per yeAr
rhi ?R_______ AtiL + •,t 't't'
At tlrst sign of La Grippe or Influenza
go to• bed and call the? doctor,
` Daring the epidemic of La Grippe it free
use of "Klenza' Liquid Antiseptic" and
"Laxative Cold Tablets with .Aspirin"
will greatly lessen the liabiility of .in-
fection, '
Drugs and Stationery , ,'
Edison Phonographs ' Phone 53 Ci. P. R, Wickets
Merchant Buys Parrs +ewwtrrmiilrilt ra
Mr. John Gowdy, who has conducted a t r
general store business at Belmore during y T 1' '
the est four e
p fo y ars, has sold out to Mr. f
Hard of Holyrood, who takes the business i ®N y -
over ori April 1st. Mr. Gowdy has pur- ! t ,
chased Geo. Westlake's 50 acre farm on i
the Wroxeter.road, near Salem, and will ! ,
move there after April est. ' I, '
Per Selling Tanglefoot Who , Rfi { B
Dr. J. G. Bricker, a Cargill physician You . , .
was fined $100 and costs for issuing pre- o want a ggod .cup of Tea
scriptions contrary to the provisions of the without having- to'pay for some.
0. T. A. Two charges were laid, but one thing you cannot use. ,
was withdrawn. ,
R• J. Stewart a Kincardine barrister, 1 '
wasalso fined $275 for selling liquor or ®UP Bulk Blonds 1
buying a carload and 'distributing it,
among other purchasers. Are decidedly Big.. Value,- a;1d.
Pretty Church Wedding give supreme, satis#'actidn to all who
A pretty church wedding was solemn- use them, We invite you to try us
ind in St, Paul's church, Wingham, at 6 for tea, I
o'clock on Tuesday morning when, Miss .
Annie Cunningham, daughter of Mr. and '
Mrs. R. D., Cunningham was united in I
marriage to Mr. W. A. Coates of Listowel, The 'Tea and Coffee House
The happy couple left on the earlytrain I
to spend their honeymoon in Hamilton, # I 1
Niagara Falls and other points, after ewe. stewuwrrr>Irrsse#
which they will take up their residence in .
Wingham. They have the best wishes of
a host of friends.
Died At Medicine Hat , 11
From the Medicine Hat, (Alberta)
News we clip the following.
Died—In this city, February 17th,
1920, at the home of her father, Mr. E,.
Pearen, Lavina Ann Amelia Pearen,
aged 30 years. Funeral service will be
held in Fifth` Ave. church at 3.30 on
Thursday afternoon. The remains will
be at the house, 406 -Seventh St„ S. E.,
on Thursday morning and will be ship -
bed to Vancouver for interment Thurs-
day night.
_.. .a
TWELVE DOLLARS for your smart neve* . ,
shoes—and ruined in one little shower. .
Dampness discolors leather, softens it,
makes your shoes wear out quickly.
You can protect your slangs, and still have
yottr feet look shiart.
We handle only FIRST QUALITY RUB-
BERS ----'they fit acid fit well ashy style of
All sixes inLadies, Gents, Misses, Boys!
and Children's Rubber.s.
vu 0
0 J. Geer
1- 414