HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-26, Page 6 -7nir.W7 Wll - - 11 ;11.7 - , ------.. - ­- , , F-nr"1"4XF1M-Fr1--"", :r7:71-T--""1qFr*T11,1 ­AFA,11,1, "'.' r,,;.," -, . 11 '-Iil 17 I ,4 , """ I A e:' MIN"M .", ­777 7 1 7 1 , i - . ;, . -V - , '-.Tj; ... I "t - -,,,,-- ,- - 11 I . *n;, " . 10. - .1 I -Q.1- . . I , ;, ­ , ,.7, r M 7 I / I .1 . " , . , I . I . ­----­­­­.-- - .. I ­ J - " . --- - ---.-1----- .­%, ­­­­ ­­­ - -0 11­10%N., W­­ . - 0 III M - 11 66 1 1-11 --1111-1 ­Rwi W$"r41A10"*4"­q11wV1­­.1 A" - - - - - Iā€”ā€” 111:11=21: 11:111A-211=12 I: I'll M1111311,11111111imi"Me = =--- -11201401 M11 I I W'- I .1 6- ­. 6 A quiet, 00 " you can help as flot # W- - - "" --- -ft- i I , ,7V pm - - -1-111 11.1 ­­.. oflail , 11 11 part hro'l,Y04%, w1ahim.., I 11 IF YOU HAVK A FRMND The isixul se=el U, - a, 'is ".-. i I I -THE- j "', "I SWI UOt 0411 04till sold X0111A I .1 IN ILL HEALTH The belief ,of some V at they ISSUE NO, ((8, 192D ­ ­ I , between ber t4ptu. ,,It my siater is I'A , ance of a ­ 6 ft*kes away fatigue, and is absolute danger, I can bear anythfA CRA Always datoct the Pr . . ­ ". 1. I . - . X -to Save Paxs'"1114 general f0m4lo t=10 ^10121P they Will be opidor In the same room"wIth tbom '. -PAR= FOR SAT41 . L I her, Tell me, tell m% quickl,, gratoftg, and of other people thit they coo tell , :t . oul 1'e.x H o u r harmies , as a am MUy moistened her lips. 'Wr. Hog. 0 C I . . . . . .. ,, - A genoral tonle for women, growing womanbood, 6 . S I bewerage, * TRY k4th CRIPA to 11111ch yesterday," she R .... r, .... X, . . . . . child beating. change otlJfe, etc. when A, -Oat is near is. fouslas 'A lively $4W. -ft AVRU ROTITH OP BMAXA - - 11 . . 6 . I . ­ *0"WAO" po id at all pruwg*4 or sout direct In plain controversy Abroad, and a scientific vIII4. 2 atery frame lieu". **- .., . 6 For Th*"htfw 1,0011,10. 6 , $aid ,no calmly AS sibe vould,-"I was 11 1 1111116- ­ per an retalept ot prioe, J1.0o per box. , wrop. study of the suppomad ability has bomi n'"t C01lar. frame b%rn 36 x 44 mossly 1 I . Passing through the lower liall,; ,he - - , Ira tanoe. small orcha'­I. ciny jonm. 0 1 . 9. .r, 11 11, P -P 0 . -6 04.01- I I- -0006410"P,409 I , -- lA_SAW %1 j-,.­,r9,..­j­;.­--,, . ­ r9.9 . I. I I I 1111 141111 1 111111111111 by Psychologists. One get- I W Immediate p , , : r ­-, ­ 6 6, 1 was on the terrace. I Saw lit r, I ", , -R-9 r I -911 - . 0 111 11! 1111111m! Outlet bao advertised for Ver*ou4 who R rOl wheat. oxseoelm. J. I .11 I I!r .j -j j; -191 ­".* 4ar, ) q ­.­­ r"r. ,, cm bak In the dining.rooln, % 44 the thorns ov 119 = Cly4e, 131ock, *Iamllton. .;, ( 'jo. 9... NFLUU4<114. 6 Ab, MUVr Mollie, You V THE BEWILDERED NOTHE ' r and fell, throwing ber bell a they have ,the strange power Ont (W090111 A14), It, I I , ,,An AaVet linno. rider In the Vatla of the elephant, o and are willing tobe tested, The ex. ­­ ­­ ­ 4 . No stream from Its ,Source . 11 Ina Wb%t I felt attlia sight of hIM; th A I lily FOR SALZ- . ,Flown ,seaward, how lonely soever Ito . I . r Q Therolg laudoijile, and Gladys, and t .% Av,Rgg Op V,ALU. I the loathing! The table WAS !)orothy. and Jane, eW toot bObiud In full chase, The 'UtOuce Of Any such souie to denied by 010 fruit land# all Idn4s. 110M 1, .1 'Ve' They're protty-livoiy girls enousla7­0 ware recovered herself in an Instant, A%0b1iYt Scientists, who wribe It to the yarda from Grimsby It I 33.1;t course, laid. there was no one but himself that 4 dowt complain; A . eaell an4. Ratllaal - " I and rushed Away. The elaphaut,. of noticing every time a guess &9(400114 On Tervia road. Apply to, 11 What some laud '14 gladdened. . III the rbom, I watched him, . I saw What makes ant) lose my isleep at ni..,ht occupied by -her white color, pal 0 1 correct d taking no conscious C1148, N. uuttan, 0, I eqo Star rover rose .1 him loolcround cautlously, saw hi and makes any days all sad, d n EI An Out. . And So I'l , 11 11, . r.. 16 .1 I I . IA go, rs C attention to the man, but trod -on notice of the failures. Othere have -­­- -, -- . , - " I I - I . I" I W61W , " - - . I 'i 11 - ", -LADA '11, , t wit4OUt 111fluence somewhere. 'I $a - I 1 to Cly . Vince At the table, a Ach, of them has taXon up wmewrazy .1 I 1 16 r tie's .Ad - I modern fad. , him In the Pursuit and' broke, 1,110 Suggested that It maY ,be true and 4ne 1 X DTINDAS-19 ACRES FRUIT AND I Who know$, 8570., Her hand, closed tilitly on x0lillelo . garden land; beautifully located with IM tor the. detection of a, 14lot odor. -Rx, drive, from earth's low. OnCe, and You'll never forsakeftS USea Arm. "I saw 11 him. pour VOr Uadelino is 11torary-and poQIA QO`40 Dan, who had been between the change. 6 lawn and ornamental trees, big What earth needa saw thigh. eat creAtu . re? No life I I . I .- I something from a little bottle, Into C to her, , buildings. Will sell ejabloo or will mub- I P , omparing tier to sunsets, whe I MP . divide. This is a - Can be pure In Its Purpose and strong. ,,, ......... it ta per. f elephant and Dick, bad wisely JA C4 * 0 *-­ - . , most desirable oub 6 . . . . . . ­ -6- 6 ­­- --- -- - - - -- Miss Clytios wine-gans$, X011Ie` , fumed breezes , Into the thick tborn.a. AS th urban home, . j,,Z , BIr.-ar, Stri Clyde .... I -- - , *Q0 -- - - woAd have Sprung up; A cry of horror, Xlolain%laor little la a Ole- yeted Block, Hamilton, out. (Regent 431). In Atis strife . , ali9idr`for hours, which, phatt jilmsell passe4, ho ap The DoWli Warrant Deli . And All life not be purer and stronger 1.7 r ' I . . .. -1 I Z,. ,, '.,r.6 --- t.. :, ON . I of terror, non rang out No defeAce can be offen%4 TY441PIA 1 ------ I'Z I 1 6 1 - ,. -:--i , rly escaped her lips; but I ilak Is a shame, - I thereby. . . ,'.w,4, . . she pressed her hand upon - $Iae BOYS my want of'QuIture!s the paly , behind And followed with. his drawn ' , ­ . them and , $word. You apply PUtna-Wo to a ogre corn- . ACRES FLYLLy BEAR. ; The Spirits of, Just men made perfect ..' . : I Sank baf-Ir sjIAn+ tknA +r.mulf T.T thing to blame. $13,000-" 1 . I th a PA -A V. 11 , Ing, It acres irrapes balance . on high, . I . The Array of Martyrs who stand by . ,f , the throno, . And &44* Iato -the face the . . . I . . . t .makes I r glorious their own, I Know thiffi, aurkly at last. Honeat , r. I I,Qvo; honest sorrow,. I . . . Honest wQrl for the day,, honest 0 L hope for the motrow, Ate these worth. tiothiiig more than , I . L r . 0, - 4 drew a long breath, Audi waiting till XQW Gladys to athletic, and Jqst tlie . .. go ;1 Jumping over Diews Body, to Was 0 .440. 4,40 Ing $0 list In time to deliver 4 tremendous cel,tain to quickly -cure corn$ as Put- I tree fruits, framo house and barn, Ij miles from Hamilton, and close to Mollie was calm again, went on: other day, 1, I Went up In a big aeroblano, *n4. stayed "He , L ,le ejePj U&M'S COrA And Wart EXtract0r; try but At the bind leg of'tl ilant, ship. Plag station. Records f an o ot . .or a AU b r went back to the terrace, to the, aanontla away, , L2 in A0140, and that must otherwise have killed both PUtUttMiROL jiVS free fro Year$ show till$ to be a Money malt Ing I t, farther end, and I crept Into the room And ahe and her young fellow Came, I pa jn.leaa. lboroes and probably Suleiman a.lso, 6o bottles sold by 411 4e4l- Property. J. D. Biggar, 205 olyde 3310 11T. Hamilton, Ont, . ,and changed the glasses and. b down far out at sea, r . rqught Were k ier-4nd nelgh- the othqr up here, 'There was a . ere. AS the three were cituglit In a pasgag . I , a -0 - - . ­ (negent *I). ­­ I small . quantity of something like water, bors tongues are'free. . . . -that had no outlet and would 114*el I I been At the elephant's mercy. r QUEBEC' T.RAGMD31. 000-:00 ACRE. S. 10 ATIT'so v no.-' VA. . Cobourg, 1$5 4wres under pl0i c th no sro.Qll to It. I And Dorothy's an Iluolift" girl, and ' r I- - - - r balance large pine and beech bush and took half of It-,, every slum in town, I she knows Just like a printed book , MInard's Inimont Curee Dandruff. . In , . Pasture, heavy Band 104M, level, orch4rd. 7 room frame house bank I... .. W W A jko^4 I F 000 11 , , .. a on,;, the band they make weary V& 4e LUrAW LO Iler-wIfIL all AnUe- spite of scandal'a frown, , Morchant ,. Fatally $hoots foundation, nx 50. Will take good city . ,The heart they have saddeii'd, ibe . . . sarlbable look. "Aiid-en4 it was bad, And 16rings home every night with 110V It BONO Or TRFJ SIURT110. Property In exchange. J. D, Biggar, 205 life they as you know. It was meant for Miss the kind of toughs. , Clyd I leave dreary? . "o dare expostulate, obe I B 001c, Hamilton, ont, (Regent 1 4 All tho I nr '=9,t MO Partner's Son. 934).o ,Rush! the sevenfold heavens to the .111 -- Clytte. It was not the fir4t tim , . . ' I ,"-- " . -- -- - - --_j , . e ­,she 4118 lanaemic muff5." . . k I voice of the Spirit I I - -- , . has been Ill several times after taking Turned Down Three Tilues a"I Victorlaville, Quo., San. 29,--Aj 100-ACAO FRUIT FARK 60 ACRW Echo, He that olercOmeth shall all - XNW"a9WWnV-V1"11' = a. weal with Mr. Hesketh Carton. But Jane she Is the worst of all, In Finall . I beating, 10 acres wheat, 2 elabo , r- Wnge Inherit. .Mollie laughed. "I was never bet- about the world alone; but 1'. yea, I de, Don't speak, Miss Mollie, dear; . don!t, politics she's starred, I y Accepted by Fun6h, Pbonse LotoUrneau, hardware MG homes, with grounds and shrubbories, I And holds, uproarious meetings right out I Mer- 4 tenant houses, l IDDIVARD BTAXE R. ter in my life," she said. "I roder rath. served It all -and worse, for listening cry oUt; be as brave as you lieve been In our back. yard, client of this town four -100 feet green- ., last night shot office building, large I -and you've been braver than I or,. I think: the girls are crazy, bu oet-lovers but are familiar Alphonse Auger, the son barA and silo, brick storage building. or fast, and am a wee bit tired; I to him; but he was a gentleman, and t they F ew P hOuseb, elaborate . LAST' U, A RS TilS BFST. Aupposer that Is what makes me look I was a poor, Ignorant girl -and pecte4!-and I will Show you." say -"poor old ma," I of his bust- double garage# nuinerous sheds, chicken I 'A fr eaad said, to me not long Ago, pale. What did Mr. Carton want?" - 0, I cant to young . She unlocks(! the clipboard and took "You're just a. dear old fossil -we, ft IL with Thomas Hood's Song to 1110 toil ness partnert" in the Presence of Con. hOuS0, )109 Pon, blacksmith shop. water -1k, , `Aly husband and 1 have agreed to she Asked casually; but her brain was A ' 11 YOU, and I won't out the glass with the remainder of low I.Freeaom,s Star.- or, "TJ . ie Sonk of the Shirt," .Which stable Bedard. after a feud of piped below tell ou an)r more, Miss MoIlle", . system in all buildings, I I . ailake the lagL years of our life to- worklug hard -and Mollie's brain was i Molille, 'young and Innocent he the liquid In It. -By Reginald Gourley, Pleton, has been translated into more for durAtion, which culmin long frost, natural gas furnaces in 2 )houses . #1 I . As a Ont,, eign. languages.than any other POOM alleged threat on Let ated In all and offices Tj if I 1 91 tht r the beat of all." Iler face by no means a slaw one --all sorts Was, did .not need to be told,, and she "There It Is, And It's evidence to ourneau's life by F -1 . . Woo Illumlia written by Tiodd. This fpoem was - ­'-fil ­­­ 1414u, is a MoneY-mAkIng pro- " . Ad Mr, Hesketh Carton to the the deceased, POS On, being offered as a going Con. . ated so she spoke And I ' of Ideas, preposterous, as-UoIlle. men . sat with downcast ,eyes and tightly Be .gal- Minardla I­1n1men.t*1o*r sate everywhere first prin,te4 In the, LondbM Punch on The two men had engaged in a hot IfIce. 3. x). Biggal., . I thOu Ilt 11,0v boaullfut It would be It t4IIY called them, were seething in compressed lips. I lowff. A cruel, wicked man, a-mkir- I 68rn at a great sacr . j , ; I moro hwabaudsaaaa wives would agro4.0 that -brain, I "Aly real name Is Mai.v Seaton, It dererl" - :0-_ December 16, 1843, and created a battle of words during yesterd (Regent 034), 205 Clydo ., to do thiti. 1'erhups many do find said Mary. "I went to Australia a Mollie stared at the glass, Shrinking TROD ON BY BLSPHAM sensation in London, and A was soon noon, the source of argum ay aftero Ont. I Block, Hanallton, "He didn't want anythlrag, " -taid , n(I . reprinted 11hroughout the Witi,sh Em- ent having . I . 1. their greatest happiness together at- Clytio, with a smile. "*Te came. to found a home there, and never meant from it and wringing her hands, been a flock of hens, Auge --------==!h n1 I - , ter the toll and stress of life Is not pire arid ,,shortly thereattisr it was r being a ... 1, I ask us to go to a Picnic, which he is to come back to England; but I had 110h, olytio, Clytie!" she moaned. But lli,z Roaliless Mam Lived to reproduced practically throughout poultry fancier. Auger Is then sup. bV80ELLANZ0Ufj I IM -know, ft should be so, going to give.as a M , .. , so great. We . Ad of bachelor's tO come, Miss Mollie, to try And do my "Nhat shall I do, what Shall I do?" the world. Posed to ,have threatened Letourneau, BuY yotTR OUT_O A - I - 11, their lovea has 'rown, duty to one who had been Very good "There is only one thing to b Toll of It.' 1, . and the latter wrote him a A with Domin r, -TOWN SUPPLIES W-Pol g with thi! return for our and other people's hos- e done, - There Is quite b. story connected Ion Express money or., . Years; but we all ItnoW husbands and , to mo, one I though I could hdIp. It miss," said Mary, as she returned tUs ,- --7.----' through -4 notary, warning lit Ote dem Ylve dollars costs three con wives. whq have grown apart with d - with - Hoddle' composition of the an to kee - ta, Vitality." P Wasn't by accident that I came to the glass c refully to away. The letter 1, . the ;of life all . gone, all the as 'A picnic?" said Mollie, as casually . the cupboard And An African wand6jer gives an jnter "Song of the Shirt." On October 26 was delivered to roinimefi Hall, 4jes Mollie. I wanted to, " and Put the key In her pocket, "We must eating, account of the* reckless dqring it was brought to the attention of Auger by Constable Bedard, a d Auger I e er voice which she could not pre. sc , . . immediately upon recelFffig in , befors, but With A little catch in hemed to come." take her away out of his xeach. What of the natives in in I t went to I little couftbale6 I ft behind in the b I years that have gone, trudging Along , vent, for the preposterous Idea were "Wby?" asked Mollie. else is there to be done? Sliss CIytie Gments of excite- --------- - I Letourneau, the constable accompany-. together In a careless indifferent ment, he afternoon lie shot I . , we),, "To watch Mr. .Re6keth Carton," -you--would not bring him to justice two elephan Ing him. I I buy ally quantity ,of Eggs. . WI-th kli amp of It all -oil that,,- crowding In on her again. "You didn't said Mary, "to try and serve the per- ts and early the next "Ok"s QW11 Rod Compoutilk Lotourneau was standing behind I -4ces. - Say we would go, did you? Because 'The scandal, the public court, the' morning sent some of his . APPI115 e at, Potatoes, Paranips, carrot, 01.+urnlps, - ,- f , -" ., son who ,,had saved my life and been assistants , Wlll fluote You prices on -any other , ! , , I . . a , rdfabWraq , I I allaW slagme of It all! No. miss Clytie could out to bring In "tike tuslus, So many .* I L.ulat the counter In his store, that of the N090tablea or good butter. . 9)4 i ae. sold in tareo ­ .110iout ani tidings of - reds o! strenehi.-A 40; hours passed 'r Im - liELIGION. AND LIFE4, ,t, arid I won't ,permit you,to a true friend to me. I little thought not bear it. There is only one thing 41 Letourneau & Auger Co., .,vheu the I (14&: man, In heZtle;d, =. do, so. You'd catch cold, or -or eat . how necessary it was that I Should two entered. Auger went to Win and 0. 13, GORDON . I I .1fidependent.) L 11"'nu(l something that would -would disagree come, that Mr. Carton should have to do, ta take her away." the -party that he begas to be anxious. .. - o 2; 0; no. LI. &I a.- or. Cor. X&rY and Xacauley, Hamilton, OAt, I . with 'You " "Yea, yes! " assented Mollie, agitat- I the late afternoon. be saw in - ola . ail druggizoo, or eant angrily protested agajuS4. what he.said (Phone Regent 3049) . "Faith Is not .bAilt. on. disquisitions A some one to. watch him who know the I ­ rop.1bi on receipt of X 11 I, ., ; I 'M dear Mollie, how ridiculous"' I how bad he was, Oh, Miss .Mollie, T edly. "I see all you mean, I under- distance several men, some mou ,ria-. In the letter. Leiourueau, retaliated by ... - -- . . L - Tala . said Clytie, staring at her with a don't know how to go on, how to t nr; but Where?" uted too pamphlet. Ad rose: drawing a revolver IrO . I I 'rhe thinkg.-w and ol%ers on foot, While one led a " In his Pocket, , e' Wuat; believe are few a 1, THE COOKrED"NE C04 and slagoting five times Into FOR SALE "To her husband," said Mary, in a camel with a curious -lo king 11 TORONTO. ONT.' (rojghelly WI4j#r,) Auger's I :, alld Plain," . I smile.. "What are you saying?" - tell, you all I've, dledovered ,without , . .0 ioad. I 11 . men. The latter fell, fatally . I - ­ - . "That We won!t go to the picnic. frightening you!' she broke off. ' low voice, - - - i, , Abdo WNITTING YARN, ALL WOOL. SAXIM . 60 wrote John Dryden nearly ,240 my child" said Mollie also with al ( , ! , Mollie started and sta d. "To her =-­­­ -1 wounded. He was taken to the hospi- ^' auality as we made for r? -A ^.- . jvgA:s Sr.0, WIlat T,m thiugs,fte, has pi.oVided Material for perpetual dis- eushion',-:164 lug ejjtjjjj", and . -will - Pio,) abl 4-*lb4. l,--coutinue-ti;,do So; since v4i1,QuS-,.44fi;bmi.11ntIons, ari - neVer on- tirety 4)oeod - as - to Ua' Iaenticalgi6s , , I , of , -thel'"Akilft"; Mid 'Whit - aPp'tarst " , " I A'PlAin" to -dtirat is ililved with, ats- i ltke , by`k$tWi j as tar from- pcs4oaing; the.. I , ­ " ' i4jklicity, hich- their particular tl ' i'aa ","di'mands. - Yet the ' unblaiaed .. -1 I P smild, but. with that aii of resolution which -her friends called obstinacy. "'Here you are,,porfectly well;. and you . viant,ta run the risk of a picnic, one . . -Of those beastly 6utings at which S,ou sit on the YfF grass or In, a bovling *Ind; or a blistering sun. Do you 1 1 -think I want thp bother of nursing you ' Virough. aaoth& Illness?- Not much!" , 401)rtid knew it was no use a] A ou w n r irigaten me. Susan - I Mary," said Mollie. "t have My SUS- Pic,ione already -scarcely suspiclons,t, 'YOU cannot suspect anything halt as bad as the truth, MISS -iMollie," said Mary. She peVsed a moment, as it to choose her Words; then, in a low Voice, she went oii. "It's about -Sir W14lain's will. You ,know who will come into the prope)rty if -it 'Miss Clyde dies?" . husband! Then -then -you know?" , "Yes, Miss Mollie," said Mary, "I iknow. I promised -'hot to tell, but I m h sake, The person ,who saved my life, who would %ave saved my little.011d, If he,could;'*as Mr. Douglas -Sir Wilfrid Carton. He foundme when I was wandering, starving, out there In Australia, and he befriended Mo and found me shelter -- I 1 the Post that a wretched Woman tal at Arthabaskaville, wh Grey only. One dollar thirty Per pound. ' I this morning without re ere he died Sample skein thirty cents. Ask for ,lamed Biddell wa7s chaqged at the gaining c0n- sample of our fine Lanabswool Colored, . . Dambeth police station with, h,avjng s4loAsness, yarns. Georgett),%Vn Woollen mills. . Pawned articles belonging to her em- Immediately after the shots were Georgetown, Ont. I I ployer. It was shown'that,,she made fired Letourneau, Accompanied by I F . .1. trousers for sev-16tipence a, pair, and Constable Bedard, went to the police FOR SALE -1 CANT Bnos. S9 BAND I . the iutm6st she could makaiwas seveii headquarters, and gave hirpself UP, vol, '4Ws No. 116; 1 Cowan . Wei I Ing bed plainer; I Goldlo McCullogh shillings a we( ,k, which Jierl employer There he ted anxiously for news Power mortiser, with boring attachment, I . looked Upon as "a gooa living foT of Auger's condition, and early to. above machines nearly new; 1 tw " . woman who had herself.and two . ? day, in. when the message of the latter's death spindle shaper, good condition-, 1 48 3e-pii' ­ . Iff'claild"- +- v- 4& J) A- 1. I horizontal boller I fort ­ - - I Rey v vljv a . a4as av sat; And been receivel, I - se vonari4 41b- OAIOQ I - ould say"thit,1-*If)i,a,HttId with Mollie when she wis In c Mollie bent her brows thoughtfully, and a home. A true, a good friend, a --- - , I Compound engine, 2 Pumps. .T, Hender- I , Ak' stian, Charity on gentleman, Miss Mollie! He left Aua - This cas6 Attracted #great deal of he broke down and wept. son, Blenheim, ont. I Q both sides, ,it these moods, so she shrugged her "Mr. Hesketh Carton," she said; then h that attentloft at -the time, and .two days Both men are very -,veil known I - I , , 10494 to - e e to arrive at a cona-'­ tboulders, .reslgAedly. 1, she uttered a faint cry and Shrank tralla, when I was there, and came to some I; I )IRM Jumping-off point -a Point where "You write and decline at once,- back. "What do you mean?" she de- JDpgland. It Was my doing, for I fountl -thing Was wrong and in a faw inin- later the London Times had aqpower- throughout Arthabaskaville county, FOR SALE­$ECOND HAND Rog .. tue'rellg.ba of every a paper, telling of Sir William's death, utes he clearly perceived a man ly- ful-editorial on the in,oldgnt. puAc,h having been engaged in businb I as here Stop Cylinder Press-aixi2l, 00.4 1 j4ay life ahoult! sajd Mollle;" Ad V11 send James with manded, with vague terror, . condition. Price on a , I I Ing upon a makeshift Utter, carried quoted from this "Ieader ' with sting- for in years.- PPlication. Also " be 4tated in such unequivocal terms it., picnic, 111160VP . . Afary's white'lips twitched, And she and I gave it to him, not letting him by the camel, While Dan and "a any I . motor if wanted. I ' . . - t,dat cliere should be r.o teed fot.hatr- She dragged Clytle to the writing Inclined her head. "Yes, I 'see y know +hat I knew who h6'was, I Sulel- tug additiond---:probably by Dougl . -- - A -0-6-e- . Hamilton, ont, XcDonald Printing co,,, OU. man accompanied the party. horse- lerrold-the 'Rdlowing week, Hood, I I No HOPE. . - tiplitting argameaitq, -as to what cer- table and waited W111le Clytie,.balf- guess, Miss Mollie!" she whispered. thought 11a.e. would come to his own, tain words or Phrases weant, qr were laughingly. protesting,. wrote the note; "It's that!" and that I ha(l paid him back Just a back, % 'whose sympathies Wgre Stirred by (Passing Show.) ' * ,. I no, Ot I very little for all big goodness to me; They soon came tip, as the story suffering, penned hJJ "Song. Of the "Oh, Mrs, 'Icks, I'm so upsoil Our lit. . . . Dilght be disiggennousi.y distorted' to -1d by a writer in the N4 w York aach, his vvife. 1. FOR SA,LE . . Intended to convey, - and what t4ey then she w nt7 out of the rooe with. "Oh, n r gasped Mollie. ' It'ig but he came back to"Australla, ura- Is, 0 Shirt" and ,sent it to Pu tle Johnny's lost!" ! . ft, followed by Cly,ae's "Really, you -It's Impossible." I saying as "Well, 'e'll be found all right Every-, ap ear to mean. Still, all are agreed axe too bad,. IvIollte!" . "It's true, miss," said Mary solemn- . happy, wretched; and one night, when Herald. Poor little - DIcjr, a plucky ,the VaCkWe was done UP: body about 'ere knows ,im., ' s: .11 11 In declaring the nev4 for rellgion"in Mollie despatched. James with the IY, "I've listened ,to the oth,)r ser- he wad driven beyond himself he told , and ,active ally, lay, as the A man "NbW mind, Hood, mark mY -words,"' "Nobody'll know 'Im to-day"- eoa rvol,OATMEAL MILL . I I from him alr ost un. thought, dead upon, the litter. They this will tell wondepfully! It Is one Just washed limit, I ,. L]16 llfe of the world, and we have, tr, note, then wett to bar own room, and, vants while they ve been talking of me --It broke t1lings 7ou eier did!" CAPAcitY 140 barrels. ' very- disquIeting truth that a q removed him gentl Of the best ------Q-0-- I ' I 1 fac4 the sitting 'down, buried her face In her %iss Clyde's strange attacks; and I've aware --what had happen0d here In Y, administered I . I O; vner re, - . . spirits, and on examination found his e tiring I I . . .. : . lied -.'Christian natloxia our Clyde' has always fallen Ill after Mr Mollie continued to stare at her, Vortunately it was a sim-ple f rac- ceipt of the manusclApt in let a- Front street East, Toronto. . . . for herself, falling -to do so she . "' in HEALTHY CHILDREN ter ge, of 'the religious Illf a hands and- tried, to solve -the problem tbigh broken a Iftle, rbove the knee. the editor of Punch , recalling the r 0 j ge reente asked questions and found that Miss .Zugland." from business, Apply# 39 . ,60 ­pe Mark Lemon, whq was at th tj , . .a vent own Include4--is la cklnj; lit reality. er years, - i . :, . , . up to Susaalsto6m. In answer to her (Resketh Carton has been to the Hall, almost bre4liless with amazement, ture. - said that the , author accG111- I I I . 1. ManY People Will never believe In 'knock, Mary Seatoti ,6pianed the door, for a Meal," , ., ."He loves Miss Clytie, loves her with Dan now explains the Cause of the panted It with a note, saying -that . HELP WANTED , .1 anything but what they want to -be. ' I . . . I . and , when Mollie had passed In. turn, Mollie Pat out her hand as If to all his heart and soul," continued : li4v In; hen Wave the terrible accident. While the camelmeu and the lines drad ahteady b ARE HAPPY HILDREN . . - ce the multitude of Sects , auggestloji, away, Mary; "he Is eating his heart out with een rejeeted 6 MEN WANTED TO WORK AT PORT. I ., I 1. I . that profess eaq)Vto be the aolo Iftold- od the. key, I and laughed a forced laugh. t there In that wild, ,others w&re engaged in cutting up the by 'three ipapers; that he feared it able Saw 31111, also Bush work, and .. . ei-4 ,'.of the t "Now", said Mollie, with a stern- 4T. dead elephants, three agigageers was not suited to Purmll, and -leav- Tgamstera. Appft- H. G. Cockburn 4; 11 , . . rue Itoy to the Christian ness beyond her years, "I want to to 01a. -you're mad!" she said. "It is desolate place. Ali, you'd kn:(),w what The -w-ell ch'ild Is alway%. a happ Mai, Guelph, oat. . . rel On. SmsQ wotider, then, It In . o, far fetched, too improbable! Mr. " found the track 61 a wounded bull Ing it to Demdn s discretion wliether 31 - . I I .. I IN!'perplexing state of affairs'. the know everytIling; arid I will know it Reeketh ,Carton want to -try to ' I ­ - that had paonped Into the thick Jun- tv,.put-it An the ii ftper or io the waste child -lit lai a -baby's natwre to be . . '- Simple-minded eteker after ,the road before I leave, thli room." - . oi-)" gle. Ile was tracked In a p6sition basket. . 'happy and contented. MARRIED MAN WANTED. ATANAGA I . . Mary Seaton was verypale, but she P Mothers, it fruit and vegetable farm. also I .. Jo ,a bettor life becombs bewililered Mary Seaton looked at her steadily. . within two or three hundred yards of ', The contidence of EooWs wite In Your little ones are arose and, peevish chickens and bees. Apply H. G. Cook* . the. dead elephauts. . The Song oV the Z1-drV1 was justilled. aT)i,crY a groat deal,they are no burn & Son, Guelph, OnL I . . I and ends by giving lap the struggl -- was quite t calm now, - with the hard "It's nut IMPoearble, 'Mise .Mollie; It's Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. . The Poem In -Fun t well ,- I 1. for & time, at leaet; the spark of re- -look in her eyes. with which the people not Improbable; such things - As there Nrai? no guns Wo of the n. I ch ctmated a sensA- -they are in need oit medicine-gome- I V I . hsLPPeA G6nticMen,-1dy Asag-later, 13 years old, flo t .was -copied dn the Times and I . . I 11-glous, desire b0r,00108 amothellb&' b3t At Parraluna, were familiar. very often; one reads of them In the men resolved to ride through the tier- 'thing thwt will -set their boWels, and WANTED tho -weight of mundatie considerations , "First of all, I want to know why was thrown from a sleigh and injured row passages formed -.by the large other Joir4nal% and as M. H splel- stomach in order, for nine-tetnthis of F IRSTCLASS ICNITTER, EXPER. . 11 - newspaper,,, wbou they are found out; hq- elbow so badly It r6malned stiff and went hoA, put It, in syMpathetIt ap- all ohildhood. ailments atlee, from a 4enced on Dubled -Flat Fashioning Skid Is lI:ibfs`%4,eXtIhctlO)k at any m 7011, were, VbIthlng Mr. Resketh Car- but how of ten do ey happen and game and take their chances with the . 0- , . , It th . e go, cc a 0 bowels and man. Best. workink conditions Ment. It &eds­careku&fannIng to tork, And what You know ubout him? are not found out very Painful for three Years. Four bot- elephant Sword In hand. DI 1, a preclati Atof Hood as a conrIbutor to disc.,rdered. P,ta,te -of the Machine. I Good wages 4)aId to capabW . 1. 't It Into ae'tjV!ty agalln and this said Mollie, her,eyes fixed kee ly on Mollie shrank still farther from It stomach. Such a medicine -Is Btv y'a In daylight mill.. Mercury Mills, Ltd., - .. I . I.. Star n ties Of 'MINARD'S LINIMENT complete- usual, took the lead on his little -gray, Punch, It"'weirt. through the land likd- . - . must bo the work-eof -the'thurches. Mary'st . - .1 I . "Mr. Hesketh Carton! A er. IY ctired her and -she has n6t been 'Mare. ' With the greatest difficulty wildflr6." Own, Tablgta, They ' I. Their aim la "the-Aworld for , .A Olarlst,t gentl6mant" troubled for two years, the. tanigled The hiotorlau,of Punch claims that aTe a (mild but I-Xarnilton, ont. - I .. "I am going to toll you, Miss Qv1Ol- "A gentleman who stooped to be- . he advanced through thor-ougli laxative -which-regulate the . . ' ' 'lie," said Maiy, in a low voice. " 4.121 r. traY a young girl and cast her off to - I % , roken by the ' 9 of the I . and their m ssago th'=^An to the Di. I Yours truly, Ivi thorns, which bed been b the pubMation. of "The Son VOWFIF'S, Sweeten Vne stomach, and POULTRY WASTS15. . .1 vine one-- "God eo.loied, the world ,U6sX6th'Garto4 is a bad man, a cruel, AtLrvol Ali, you don't know him, MIS . I ' B. LIVESQtjE, passage of heavy., game.' To the Shirt" trkbled 1hG circulation of that I IT 1. a . Journal. It may be said also to hav ,th,us driveout conetlipation, c<)ijo, in, " .............. v---,- -ibegdtten. SoUP Wicked man. I have every reason to . Mollie; I do! But You think I'm only I I digastion; break up colds and simple bat R'e gavo ,rffls. on St. Joseph, P.O., 18th Aug., 19Q6. ,right and left of the passage it was HD.N,s WANTEI) ALIVE, 26 CENTS A -- Isay so.-- . I I 1 , Pound, any'kind, any size. 'No de. , , o, message that,, ohou q ; stand out In impossible to move. trebled ,Hood's fame and ,popularlte, guessing, have ,only got the Idea from . I ­,kq. but at the time. , Y, fev,6e an -it ma,,ke the baby healthy and duction for shrinkage. 1 pay express 1. , '­­,. ­ . letters or frr, oil the frr nt "Yq,a knew him be -fore he came to one of thoc3s. novels; no, I've -got Dan had wisely dismounted, -'\ 'happy. concerning theftu, Mrs, Al-- from any station in Ontario. Ship Col. I . I e I , of every I . I church and Chapel % the laud. Tbelle the Hall?" said MdAle Swiftly. . Proof, positive proof." I . Suleiman followed Dick. On arriving 0 i 0 . - I le.t. Unity of )hWdjg0 th,%t'Should belp ---- - - errev-11le, Que., Mary stood with bout head, her -- - ­ Minardlef Liniment Relieves Ne urajgja Pent Hamel, pi , lect on delivery for full amount, In. a M le 11 "Proof -evidence!" murmurod. Mol- I Within a few yards of the elephant, - . wrJ.tes:-11Baiby%9 Own Tablets are the Crates or boxes. Albert Lawls, W6 Dun. to balig­bur,iellglous bodies -together, tbdth clenched. "Yes, MIS DII , I e. I . . There have been Droors of late that It meant, what he's suffering, if yOu,d which was Invisible in the thick - , das street west, Toronto. Ont, was a, girl at the works. I know him "Yes " said Mary, drawing n'*earer seen him, ,heard hini, the night -h thorns, Dani crept forwarld on foot, SOME 'InCONOIAY.11 .. Pbest W.edicite,-I knpw of for little - - - the churthes,,oro-awa-mlingtoa, sense then -to my cost. He did me a cruel and re' e . tones. They relieved my litt . apectfully laying her hand on oppned his heart to me! He's' a rich . and discovered b1m, Standing, with (Life.) . Is girl PROPERTIES FOR SALE, . "I . ,Irom constipation when nabbing else - 1. I , . . ears cooked, evidently waiting for thei City's firiances. a success? ),Vould, and I can strongly recommend SALE-VILLAG)g INX, WELL i of- their rosponsibility. )tnd -are do- Wrong, the cruelest wrong A heartless Mollle'ff arm, as If to break the shock. man now.f, Willis: Was the Investigation Into the , '716ting'. e0edlal' attention 'to . the man. can do a young girl. It's not fit ,,I wa,s Ill Idst night. It was an, Ill- "Rich!" echoed Mollie. Gillis. Yes, Indeed. The committee aft. tl-e3p to other mothers." The F OR . j attack. As Dick, followerd on hiS 4, j I Younger generation, real!zing thaT th4t -I should tell you any more, Miss ness, -an attack, .like Miss Clyttelft. I "Yes; they found gold/# . little gray mare, the elephant caught, C Tablets located. at Township seat, leading I them Iles the future euce - said Mary overed that almost $10,OOP had been are Sold by irledicine dealers or by highway, fourteen rooms, Large sitdble. i with oss of Mollie, and I would1t have told yon so heard you Say so. Do you know what simply. "But all th tlie wbite color and at one charged, spent Illegally. also good space for general store and I tfie ext41101011'"Of CbrlstlaniltY, and the Muth It I -hadn't been compelled. He, made me Ill? I,11 tell you. e gold in the e mail at 25 (Puts a box ,Ulom The Dr. i - Es, pe was next *to impossible Willis: Great -work. Carrying of- UO balIner r)f the erces But You, world is 'Worth nothing to him with. large refreshment room. Orchard gar, ,, left me to starve, to die. I had to go njusta,t call. out, Mi . "I a" Gillis: Sure -was, WO felt that the $87,- 1111-arns Medicine Co., Brockville, .r. C. Cook, e I - 8 Mollie; you out miss Clytte"I , . Dick turned his mare, sharp W cTen. Good Water. Apply I . . Into the world. away, lemvef, my honio, to wa;ider must be bravo and 6 _ rout . , M7 that the comfrifftee's expenses Ont, I burd & Son, Guelph, orit. Mr. kL M. Cressweil rayne, an ex- . , strong, atid keep ' Mollie sprang to her feet and Paced tind she bounded off; but sh caught amounted to was well spent, ­ I - . I - --- 11 - -­ - . ­ - - - -- 0 jiflutenatt of Via Royal 1-ugineera, I - down. "Yest Vaal" she ­ -- - I -, = N FOR SALr-IN - HE . .. ...., .1 ­ . 1 - - I I P04111-17 a maral In 0. re4cent art.cle in . - - . cried. "And MY Sister loves him, - ­- .-- - - - I - WATCH YOUR HANDS. - CalstOrville, a large frame dwelling, ­ . --.----- with & general grocery store and post ' . I . 71he Quard-.an dealing with religicn.in ­ I - Mary. And She's here eating ' her . . ­­ I . -- office In connection,- stock - r the army abro%d, which Ito Worth I . I heart ,out,, ­too, And Mr. Heaketh I included In I I rok store , house and store equlpper . with ; btaring -Ain mind. "NinY ftetl-and - , 111111 111i I Cswtonl" She shuddered, - and hdj . Even If You Berub and Dust natural gas; good barn: J919 model Ford . 'T h 0, .S..0 I somet*mw to my greet Gubrise," be . . IF. bonds clenched, "Oh, it I could Onlk D K 0 WAAD ,­ .- ­?10211st Don't trot Them Got Rough. to, truck, 5 -passenger 11cLauglilln car-, . eays, -I heard My ellow% -gay; 11 liked gat her there, If we could only b ftjjg . ", : " . . I I . -- I I now, fee house, -with 2S load$ of fee, 14 " " . - I . ­ 6(i padre's -serl].014 It WaSn't great. I them .together. Hell)N.t I I : 70 NIAGARA ,SQUARE, - UFFAWp NfEWIVORI<. , # :" a0ro of land. For further Particulars ap _Ue, Mary! It I ,a IOUL it wila 0 0 Ser!pttre.1 There I I V I must be done --but how, how? Can I I . . We are being told that- In ' a tow Ply by letter or personally to Thos, . s I I I You In 0oubt Price, Cafstorvillo P.o., Ont. . Lo doubt that in tho hearts arid 11.vea We not send to him? He Is rich A ,Wn. Are years there wIII be no servants, and , i , ,...,,,,,, of tbo rualority; of ollt. follOW)TIen *111 -7 . . OW; , QVo, LYOU ' r - --- ­ % he will not be tM'Proild to come.00 As,ft your tr*W169 44 .OM4 skin tso pr,rhaps the finwt ladiog In the . , make no profevolon Of rollg!wj, Who ­ I ' Mary shook her head, "MISS Clytte eruPtion IlAt Iti,ottibbor4 Nai resisted treat. ,coulatry Will all have ito toalle to '"%EA NS . a4bacrib&-to no treed, nd'Who are not - I 11 . I Would have to Wait for him, remain Mont? it theli,,* hervous conditton f#ki*h housework sooner or later. I -t -would %lumbered as menibers of any com. . I , , , , here; and Mr. Heaketh Carton- - tj ,,, 1 . ." d"i1nat"Impm"'111"O'01% f'rest, diet Ind ­­ milnift, tho Bible Is the, first, and I - . notrbe half lawd if one's hands did not best, book 11% the world. The preach. I To. think that they' should both -be In, ' mWolfte.. , Are y6U Ofta..;IoWn hIll4teadilyt - I r, ill I danger! 11 AAR YOU MERV get to looking rough and red a short Send SArnples. $tate Quantitiqs. -9 I 1119"tbat Is to.ffll*our churclace, agay.n, I "Mr. DoUglas--Sir Wilfred, in dan. &hd ClobliftR4 MUS and d000lldont, wok, time lit the kitchen. 4 Aildr to `brlig back the wt4 who a - d; NNO nwhifte;. no amoltion 90r, toot" Mid Mollie, with surprise. . ! Y6dr ,ago Word facins,,the t ,&, nnd I -II&1i"J,,1ft6MQry-49&,1 4a,W1y'fAtlgtnd01 e);- A few old hints repeated mlay not MORROW & Cor'll I "YOSt Miss Mollie; there is alW4ya cKablo *ad: Irrm6tif ISAR of onetay aild Qon". come &MISS: caime uoAr-how near we nor thcY can danger In a diggers' camp; And he is denct , r ja th#r4..f4ffn9 p"4 a dralti on thor The first Is., Don't use cleansers 39 FRONT ST. Z, TORONTO, ONT. ever kIlOW-to dying for their I # , f, ,- ! r! 'frltade,l . surrounded bYbttd and detparate char. . - Must be above all.Sorlptural;. , 11 ..... eystqml 09"01A.-Ahi-61d rolloblo'sP64:101" wrtbout. first donning gloves. They aild the,ijtctilal words and -teaching of ­ I actors. He might have bee'a killod 64IMPTOM1%. Opr VARAOVS AtLMONT4 pl-eaifi -that Is 0, fact, (but as they ON TRE WING. .4". , I . - :.'. ; iv*** 9",*,Ot! :. .411 .!A. '! ­ , ,,I ! , , ! . I I Itake dirt off vans and -vote and oath. JOSVO ­%Ust 4ver talto the-pre-eminorat .G, - - " I the last time I SAW him It I had not - . Hub -The ]low cook Is a bird. envondencro Wife -Yes, a bird of passage. sljo,j$ , i & ' r . ,' I . I Weak an rel'IX04 atidi of the, 6 I 116i d poot tabs, so they take, the ooft white cuti- Diace." oeon a6le to warn himp I Mid IMAP rst"= it IF 1101idelthd 06war I 9 , I *:,!. .. .*,.. * 14 r, til - of ofng to leave to mo row. - to mind a very olmply ­ - MO in on. "Oh, ft$l and doncent .. Nth dmgar or v4lsforA %lo from. the hou.0WIfels, hands. . - I tunej roWstineso and to d6ncV W file,406 . -11166p, dark rin" U if yon *80 kerosene In cleansing TTXV1 SPVC11111S. I Mollie uttered an exclatunti He!,, L041 """- wo riwo . IMI, r , 'That brIfigs . Quality Cou"- 6 coal Oil rtg*Fftrjl put Statement of the Chr-'stlan halth *1' ,- r4r f, I gee how to do itill She 'cried. . W, b1l - odar i 4 . " oyts. w"11 9 in bX I I . - W14, 0044t) UO%- 11604. -- I 0 . tu tostl Oil litt"Aa liest is go0a enough. kvtry 'It ho'ls In danger -that will bo,quito 71nwallffh, 14.116MIAnt .1 w1s' ,I.C4AOU Randolph'ti little book, "The , t .cooking utensils, ,to secure against the (.1"age.) b . - eara! -0 V Ain IIATI'A mok of Religion" (Njow- I enough. for my sister, She loves Sir, ovatilruoug Met ca in bil 0 . 1c. nervaus, bl6od Zj skin tatte, of oil in the food afterward , ix Y611 &,ty simpkina has become a I . 1. 0=8109 6400 for qtisllfy , A clean, tefiti#4 oil --a $4066. V e. 6 I 11 mi'mr?" I)r*Y),'Whl(;h Is thus aummarized: "A I Wilfied-I told You -and %?*lieu a : h agghtto bouseWlfe must Own ,Vl6nty of odok. fiat burns w1thout toot or amoke, t,fiat go*g Into IY that xornotb Is 1. . ,,,, h6d. In* "Tes, every 'light he 40ountA his bot. I ChrIbLiali Ie,one ,who believes that . woman liko MY A18tOt loves a Man and at . 319. y 01 AA4 th ".."Pt", useful energy t6 the last drop -that's the ail t6 h* t4n%lQrs I Ing utensils, ThOt pot Scoured Vith tles." ... -­ I Clod has revftled IIIAligelf as One Clod . 4a .111 danger she will not lot Prjd76 . ' t)jj to-diast inuist,be well rinsed and set I In Three 11grgone.-the Father, I 1. a AU f 16111 t Auk**104 , - any Ing Or joet me r4 Ar 9 .t A. Let .%a tao Ot I . - Atorsy. , , 0 4 jr ogm t , ,j the choose fot your cook -stove, laeater$ limp, tractok se pre"At her from go. . Ataro y W h a )6 out In the op,111 for 14 hours, The PROP =,SIONAT I '1110' to Im.11 I T Ww" ,0 a We&kl 'I . loft 0, ur bawqjo 4404,61 , *440dw 11 801i and the Holy Ghost; that w an I" or otationoti'y tilgille, 1, , ... . 6: 0 O' . ,a t,fi6 kerosene will have evaporated thy that (London Mighty') 4 ., Ire, U4 ­ tw oilk 11owabip a I SOaton drew a breath of re. I I up. Qtjoo-t "' . "vk* '1116410 (Of - UntPn sind ' fe I 'in trAutific 4 Row. time. Wash the pan agairk, then It was one of those rar000ce.slon,g whom 11 Ith God; that slij bays W You on't buy bttter tast oil tl ljjj Imptr1,41 if I y 461 3440h*:14 . Xe Sir 1". Ilarshttll Hall, the Ittwyer, lost it .Arred thia 'At must be at once, Miss Mot. I vax,h in i8calditig water ah,d u961 Od p4rpose of 1c;od, ao that ,11.0n finds 116y4lite, It is a ttiperlof product, rertnea t4. 1*111 she Said, "before-before---4ha Of, WAN'S MOM6d* Vr*W140v Tb000u4h and Po xk and lie Wasn't feeling so very hap. himelolf 10116u - I rMinbat" jer pour the oil In the ,Pot to be py over it. .. I ted from God; that man . .1 : meet tifery known test to 'which oil call be sub., Must not be alloWed to run gijy more ft V6d t"1126 Met Y U,bA*f r4 OA6 tift to ftft4o ' U rftli" tb*t ,scrubbed. ttSO 0,019th wet only With "Your Profession 01411't* make Wig VP , , oil. , elm eft6ft"Rtly fteedO r*d4:mI)tI0n or re. tt i &. r aft xnUsing w6fit of = 101.1bylArn. :hft.lthf 4.31to *or Ily'Ag is * 9= on of won does foll said ,4& medleit, ereatfou-tilt , Jfttell. Xt I'd the same uniforbi 4aglity anywhoro friend, tetiftInglY. t fatlAre beifig more or W4 2091*0 of One's b"ll awus wmoz h1q, PIC'eo of lomon on the sink "NO," retorted Sir' EdWArd, IM cOrruPt. siDd- Prone to ty.,I, he I.. , you buy It. Givbs th* $*Mo hill eatiolgetion fog -1 . 901110 nodded. "Yto, we ,shall go to M*4. X0110P a t"dg rtcovery; that ,C.br%t . *11 power, heat or 116ting pu*otes. ­ at Once" and no OM Alifill know, in And u" It on your hands As soon Ii et 'that 16 . came . I cs*-In case things do not work out a Ond thing, WO )MV0A to You do rill- Aovtn from heaven. gn,T wag wada , 1 11 you egotti;Uleg or, ------- 4-4-6- "VAA I* 6146f to Ile his ltedtewer ani! V* to Atli by dettlero vre"hotra, It OA0 11041>11*- We Will MY that We are g(y- wtash!rg 41ity dlFhom, Alwayo cook Olivia sWid nothing lot a moment; .7 . I , Italy, spajn a I many vegetables as "ible with theft, no It suddenly r mewberjng, I ­ K'W'111r; tbAt Ch'.114t d1d, in fact ,die ­ I L Costs Ud ftoT6 thau ordiatty toal a ,-" . " atlywhotlol)p . - r. 1. 11.11.1 Iā€”. ,-­ ,, ­­ 4 It?", fwtr ,f'A- (Iled that We might, I)e . 10-11 to AfflMn= the okin'*on. -1111,1111111,11 - , fo,';';11141; thA' V%v'* 10066 ftm r-.0me. - . 1. . I 1. I . .1 W YOU will.1hot toil Miss MAIO what orplas "OUR41 0 Cwto 6 -P.n doodAyt-40 cto, +4 1, - , ­ , 0 , " I . 1. , 1*0 6 have 41ftoVered?" askeif Mary, I I 1 04,16 1 1, Int' If- IN I* file Spirlt. 1!f 4led . . I . I Minstrd0s: Llnlrnowt,zurall aurns, Itto. t:) -mitkt. n,i gw ,4. And on HA IMPart4 I . (To be continued.) ' t 10AX-9 00MUCTATION *XAMWAVON. ' ' -1 . .41 (A L I : 6 * . ­ . ... "Im lirt f", IM In fbo OWTIMehfA bv .. ­ -660 -- 8144ft b 1I11 . "'I blubt r"M ywt t*X= 6060 tot & SOWING SUSPICION. NO'ghf . r 6$ I -4 ftra 11! ONPW tilt V.-Tilrif. om thsit thA IrMairptlon oes tyAo, ."O"14 i I , " vtet Mrs. Young -My A040d sayt I am V lr W'1-41711 nut f ,r i-4 nn flif (*rt, , g% L , - - VC019, - I , In"y tAtdl1VQtWi4 out "A the &&Ino, pA***,i,q KWK 0 C , . '4 'IV . his right btud. 04 mpirning .4 - flo worXv out In vs by Ills Holy . Irer Noth#r--t hope, my dear, be * i e ­­­ Aft-- 1. .1.1111, .."..1. -11 "I -1 I - ­'­­­ ... ­­­ 1- ­­ ­ I '­­ i isn't a = . , g ­ . A -jWWM0jFjX§"­'-­­-­­ . = ­ . t -- - . . I - - . . 1. ... I., -­­­ Und kAOW V110A his 10t Utud doft "K 4W 0" -. '64 SOMP L be OW of ths =0 lutes of ylittao $At . IF 70 Iowa squat* alwallo, N. Y. -, 00* -014, 1 , 4 I i+ an Who UsVer IOU his riot , t:epVour 40""t-00 0AAW &I 440 C I t4 , . 4 0 , t: am_ " 4W 1 .1 , . 4 , ,I.wft ., , I I, I . I 1. .- ` W r: ­ ,- -, .­. dft.­ k, I 11 J r .. I . ,; - - 0 . Z, 1. . ' L ' I . ,,, I . . ­' ,, Vr-- L" ', . , . , . 1*1 1.4 .J% , I L , I W. I . . -" : , ,, ,., 11 101AW&A I -, , , - , , " -S­­& 11 ""L, cakiAd:j,