HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-26, Page 5,:.. 5- , " y .'•pm i , . « ` aewe . i ' 'y a oa+:• '. w"•*'- r :.yt . A ,• 1 .,n-• a .- .. ,• . ..- :.. 75 a r. • ' . .. r Thww6t, ka u- O s w. 101 T W1 1; QM A. M A, A,' , aswrseestrsgr +. .- .- - w M'+wr4,,ryrwer+Milr4r Il;rxtvt l 0WICKC19i TUAL Mires Grata Armatrang spent this werk- 42 and with her brother, Harry in: London, l+arty«seventh rannaaaal Mooting Of isttr* +rur+►n aaaf Company Day bargains Whale with flu .and bad colds. the 17r. had a busy time around the village lake The 47th. annual meeting of tate How- ' weak but all are doing nicely, now. i ick FarmPr>" Mutual Fire Iildnrance COM - Mr. Gecrge Daley is quite sick with an party was held in the Township" Hall, i ' That You Cant Af'f'ord to Miss It attack of stomach trouble. Gorrie, Friday last, Chair was occupied ,I Lott and McDonald had a Rale of cows, by the genial Pres'ulent of the Company i on Saturday last, but on account of llu until the minutes of the last meeting and -- "` scare the crowd was very bmal% they the financial statements were Disposed of, were a fine bno alt of cows. ! The Farmers 'Club have unloaded cite then by W. H. Gregg,: of Hawic>c town- f ship, who very ably filled that position for ._ car load of B. C, shingles this week. the remainder of the meeting. r Mr, liarry Wilkinson went to Toronto,-Piesldent's address was as foflows;-- 1 ' this week to see his sia+ter, who is very A• D. 1919 will go. down into history as i sick• the year in which an interesting Treaty i On every item In thy'. store. Mr, Joe, McBurney unloaded two cars of Peace was signed by most of the ~'" •Jr of fnrtilixer here this weak. Nations who. were combatants in tete Nlr John Armstrong has disposed of great war. Unrest and uncertainty, bow- i - his farm to Mr. Gen, hook of Belgrave. ever, still remain and multitudes of the i Mr. Armstrong and family will move to European peoples are suffering and many 1Vpw is 117$ time to se- Biy+th. _ thousands mire dying for want of fuel, i a - 4 +, left Our new Wallpaper Swallowed. Lead Pencil cbthing and food Canada has never j 1 l ylacked for the necessities of life and out t i and Oat 20°a Owen Sound Advertiser: One of the 4 ti 1 discount, of war conditions some of our citizens 4 ky Y_ g most peculiar accidents that has happen- have become wealthy and many others ed in this vicinity for a long time occurred .find themselves comfortably rich in mat. L ^" to Harry Pearson, stepson of Mr Vail, erial things, It is fit and proper that we r Our Millinery Dept, is Balaclava, Wednesday, when ht got a should sometimes pause for a moment lead pencil lodged in his lung, and thi6k of our goodly heritage. r now Showing all the New The lad, who was attend,ng school at The Howick Company has added to the time, was holding a short piece of the cash on hand from the business of Spring Creations. You lead pencil in his mouth when he was h x., ti 'ti p g 1919 in round numbers $1600,00, This seized with a fit of coughing, and the i will saving ;1-. to $2 Oil shay intake of breath drew _the pencil is a very small sum compared to the p amount of insurance now in force. V +' down his throat, where it lodged. While r ` ` Insurance written was the largest your new Spring Hat on ,, .,,,•r • 1z .a his condition at the time was not alarm • for any single year of the 4;;ompany's ex- d , y . $ Day. Ing except for a slight straggling and diffi- istence--being a little over $5,000, 800.00. V. culty in breathing, it might easily have ' There are some 71•campanies managed by developed, into something more serious farmers in the Province of Ontario and had not prompt attention been given, among these there are 43 with less than d had the an Lots of new Prints and Gingllams just'arrived Dr, M. Donald was called$6,000 01,o.00 in force, -The net gain in boy taken to the G°neral hospital here• the amount of insurance was a fraction at 20/ discount, An X-ray examination showed the foreign over $1,000,000.00. The total amount body to be lodged in the left bronchul; paid by the Company for losses since it and in order to remove it an in - commenced business on July 10th. 1873 strument known to the medical profession to the close of 1919 was $398,032 56. inghain, as the bronchoscwp was necessary Such jj When you consider that stock Fire In - an instrument was not availiable in Owen surance Companies have been charging Sound, so Dr. McDonald had the boy sent' about 5U cents per $100 00 per annum for to Toronto, where, with the assistance of insurance on farm risks where the Howick The Big Store with the Small Prices. Dr. Jeffrey Boyd, of that city the opera- rate has averaged a little less than 20 tion wassuccessfully performed had the cents over 464 years past you arrive at lad is now able to be around again as us- some idea of the amount of money that ual. has been saved to the community by the ,/.-- w'- _!- ''s residents managing their own fire insur. AO r? '3K` '` 3iL` " Ott` 'lit ` ' 711.` " i " encs. The amount paid for live stock killed or i r damaged'by lightning in the fields for the Fast ten years ran 440,388.55 and the ®e total losses for the same period was $193,• httersoh"SBigHalf P Jewelery 060,95 which shows that a little over $1 • , out of $5 or 20 per cent is being paid for i+ losses on live stock in the fields. It might R , ... Till Not End Until .' • ..19- be interesting, especially to the younger men present, to note that the average price paid by the Company for the/first k" ten cows killed' by lightning was about . •s $30.92 each and for the last. ten $98.19; ., D- A Y "MARCH j l d 4 sheep early price each $5.12. late price 9 ----- $21.80; lambs early price, each $3.30, late "4 - price $12.75; horses, early price $89.00 In order to give $i Day .shoppers a chance for the extra big bargains each and late price. $150.50. and to get the Grandfather Clock. y The directors, officers, and agents of the it Company appreciate very highly the -4y y port and goodwill of the policy holders Keep your eye on the windows and counters for goods ticket - who have made the success of the Howick red at half price. Black ink regular price, red ink, sale price. Mutual possible. . The retiring Directors and Auditors per, were re-elected, Directors for the year 1920 are.- Pendants re.Pendants at Half Price.,-- John, Jackson, Harriston, President; Fg Hugh W. Edgar, Gorrie. Vice -President; 824 00 14K Solid Gold Pendants . , $12.00 8 00 Gold. Filled Emerald Set Pendants., ...... 4.00 1.5.00 14K Solid Gold Pendants . .............. 7.b0 5.00 Gold Filled Cameo Pendants 250 John A. bryans, Fordwich, Director; t 13 00 14K Solid Gold Oynx and Pearl Pendants 6.50 4.00 Gold Filled pearl Set Pendants......... , . 2.00 Albert E, Gallaher, Wroxeter, Director; .,. 3 00 Gold Filled Pearl Set Pendants........... 150 Jas Kirton, B,uevale; Director; 15.0014K Golid Gold Oynx and Pearl Pendants 7 50 2 00 Child's Gold F.11ed Lockets and Chains., .. 1.00 r w ........... 8 00 Gold Filled Cameo Pendants .. 4.00 2 50 Child's Gold Filled Cross and Chain....... 1.25 Alex McKercher, Wroxeter, Director; 6 T. R. Bennett, Vingham, Auditor; ' y h V 4t Adam, A. Grabam Gorrie, Auditor, W. S. McKer,.her, Wroxeter,, Secretary - Treasurer. Raney Is Elected How W. E. Raney, Attorney General for Ontario, was elected by acclamation y in East Wellington, on Monday when Lt. Col, Pritchard, his opponent, withdrew from the contest. Col. Pritchard claims that he had every intention of running until Friday night, ,Both candidateswere "b billed to speak every night during the week and both candidates' nonimation papers were fully signed. Now the U P. U. Government are off to a start. Watch (Fobs Half Price Ladies'. Rings at Half Price Howick Council n Gold Filled Watch Fobs. $5 00 for,... ..... 2.50 $128 00 5 Stone Diamond Ring ..............$ 04.00 Fordwich, Feb. 18th, 1920 6 Gold Filled Watch Fobs, 3.00 for150 76 00 Tiffany , Diamond Rin 38.00 y .. , .. , ..... y Setting g""""' '.: Council met in Bcswitlierick'a -rooms, 70:00 Modified Tiffany Diamond Ring........ 35.00 a pursuant to adjournment. All members 56.Diamond ng... ........... present. The R 00 White Gold Did Ri,28.00 `eeve in the chair, minutes L• Clacks at Half Price 55.00Oynx and Diamond Rings.. 57.00 of last meeting were read. on motion of ' [ 25 $2.50 Alarm Clocks. each.....:. , . , .........$ 1.25 30,00 Oynx and Diamond Ring ... , .......... 1500 Hubbard and Inglis were adopted. 6 $6.00 Kitchen Clocks, *each ................. 300 18.00 Diamond Ring . , ..... , .. 9.00 Nl oved by Spotton and Bryans that the .1 35,4+0 4 Stone Pearl Ring .., .... :.... 17.50council give a grant or $15,00 to the 18.00 3 Stone Pearl Ring ................. : 9.4'o { 15 Umbrellas at Half Price 12 00 Single Stone Pearl Ring . . . .. . ...... . 6.00 Huron Children's Aid Society --Carried. 12.Vt Single Stone Pearl Ring ............ . . 625 The Auditors presented their report giv- fi' 16.50 Pearls and Oynx Ring ......... .... 8.25 ing it full detailed statement showing a 50 Strings Fancy Beads from 50c to $7.00 to be sold 14,00 Pearls and Oynx Ring....... , , . , 7.00 + cash balance of $1982,76 'in the Treasur- at half price. 12 00 Pearl and Oynx Ring .................. 6 00 12.50.Pear1 and Oynx Ring ................... 6.25 ' ers hands. 9,00 Oynx Ring ..... :......... ....... 4.60 Moved by Spotton and Hubbard that Solid Gold 13ir"ooches and Bar 19 00 Black Cameo Ri g ............ I ... 1. - 6.50 the auditor's report as read ba.adopted- 15.00 Green Cameo Ring ............ 7:80 Pins at Half price 14 00 Fancy Cameo and Pearl Rings .... I . , ... 7.00 Carired, • r 7 5b 13 00 Cameo Dinner Ring ................... .. 6 50 Moved by Inglis and Hubbard that $1,x.00 Solid Gold Cameo Brooch ...... . ....... $ 1000 Cameo Dinner Rin , , ....... 5.00 Thus. Nasb, Gorrie Viditte, receive the 10.00 Saud Gold Bar Pin .. . ....... . ....... . .. 5100 8.00 B1acK Cameo Rin g• • • • • . + • + 3 , g •; • . • • . •..... • +, .. • . "100 ` contract to do all the printing and adver- 8.50 S< d Gold pearl Set Bar Pin.. , .... , 425 18.00 Cameo and Pearl Ring................. 9.00 J Oil Solid Gold Bar Pin ................... . ... 4.60 2 60 s tiling for this year note the Feby meet 5.0o Cameo Ring ............... ....... a 10 01 Solid Gold Pearl Brooch..... , .... 5.00 18 00 'Tiffany Pigeon Blood Ring 9.25 ing 1021 for the sum of one hundred and 6,00 Sniid Gold Brooch... ............. 3•W 8.00 Ruby Dinner Ring'...................... 4.00 forty dollars." --Carried. r 5.00 So'Id Gold Brooch........ , 1......... 2.50 Moved by Bryans and Spotton that the 6, 5.00 Solid Gold IiroochFS, each .............. 2.50 - .:.-, u... passed boy Nicholas _. following accounts. Brantigan. un ¢r s g . d bu hin lot 28 con. 15 c' 75 Gold Filled Brooches and Bax Pins Bag bargains in I,.adiee and Gents' $8 75; John Hyndman. tile 13 35; G W at 1-ialf Price Watches of all kinds. Walker, express 50c; J'okn T. Winter, gravel 10,00; E, D. Batton, bal. of fee on Day municipal drain 25.00; Geo. S. Ash» ton, wood to Levi Newton 17 00; Bert All other ,goods at a discount of 25%. All goods must be spot cash. Laird, gravel 6.80; A A Giaham. salary as Auditor 20.00; ll, W. Laird. its Auditor No telephone orders accepted for the above list, nor Will we Suplsly 20 ; M Ra son, ravel 8.50 James 1 the retail trade at these rices. o< , y g . ','t Reis, Spreading grave} 7.50; Wm. Stew. ,+ Art, gravetlinzr lot 32 non 6 and 7 9$9.00; 4„Y Wm. Barr, raking stone H. and M. bdy, " 7.0o; John Kroft dog tact refunded 2:00, Jameison and Patterson. •Mils 1.911; Wna 10 0* PATTERSON 4 Jameison. tax. Collector lw'i'ait Div, 70.00', J, Beswitharick, rent for roc4tir 1,50. The GreatWatch Doctor and Optician Moved by Inglis said Hubpbtard that the council adjourn to tarsen ]n the 7'p. HOG WINGHAM, ONTARIO slants, cc the thh%i Wieslwl tirsw to mativi `¢ ~) r wbaiit Ps.oia raft 11 alp' ,.. , +,/,,.,,,, ,',aye °; .. _ - ,y,y ,i" _ ..Mn ...r.. yp, t , r., ,. % ,'k. wit t, f c ,JFa,. .W ►'if+K 51tr.3= _ a:u.,lniW.6.i ,+!M,: [r>r,. .._ .i.. '.'„_.u..S.,•.r '."'yl,:,.r, f. +....iW¢..t'y .uR...!Rf1.. Y... v11;liN' . ^.... .,r..,:{. . .w.-._. s...x,,.' ^"aM.'_ •..•:fl''. w..i ','•ir r ` -. s -„i v .... . Three Days Sale, Tues„ Wed., Thurs., March 2, 3,,,4 g COMMENCINGDOLLAR DAY We are offering our entire" stock Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Rubbers, Groceries, Etc. at Bargain Prices Curtains, Aceta and Sarims Silk and Faixey Dress Goods Exceptional values including our new Any piece of silk crepes, georgettes, etc,,. spring stock, Get your supply now, greatly reduced. Big choice, big stock, No room to quote prices. Come and see tete Towels bargains. 5 doz Huck Towels, full sized 70 per cent. s ± Rugs and Livioleums Linen, a real bargain, reg $1,00, for . , , .79c ••rt Buy your spring supply now and save money. Prices greatly reduced, Men's and Boys' Wear Men's and Boys' Fur Coats and Over- A Shoes and Rubbers coats, all high class makes, special discount's „ ti At money saving values during the aaie. of 10 to 20 per sent. Boys' and Men's ®nits, Raincoats and Odd A Host of Articles Pante-•-A full range to choose from, all the Big reduction In all sweater coats, pullov- naw styles 10 to 20 per cent off. ers, underwear, hosiery, mitts, gloves, scarfs . and sets, Men's Overalls and Smocks Dream Goods and Settings Blue stripe and plain black, Still made, full sizes, sale price $2.50 a garment. Our complete range of dress goods, suit- ings, coatings at money saving values. A special lot of dress goods taken from dur regular stock, reduced to 75d'a yard. EXTRASPECIALS 5 pieces of cretonne, fine quality and all, good patterns, special 36c,a yd. Factory Cotton, heavy quality, free for specks, 36 in, wide 500, sale ............................................ ......37c Groceples M' ONLY 6 YARDS TO EACH CUSTOMER Our leader 80c Black or GreenTea....65c 1b' Long Cloths and Bleached Cotton, fine even weaves, suitable or 5 lbs for.................... $3.00 - for whitewear etc, 40e. sale ..33c Choice Valencia Raisins . 22c lb. Sunny Monday Soap,.4 bars for 254 2 cans Peas, 2 Corn and 2 Tomato for 52,00 f 1 serines 1 Prints I t {' Flannelette Taylor's Toilet Soap, 6 assorted' Bali in es 411:1`2 box, large cakei sale......... .45c box 500 yds Crum's best prints in 600 yds of fine striped Flette, as. ' Old Dutch hand Soap... . ... . .... .5c bar light patterns. Regular 35c, sale sorted patterns, heavy quality, yard Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 for ... , ... 25c 23c a yd. « Y wide 40c, sale 33c yd. Best Red Salmon, small tins, 2 for ....... 35c 11A Shirtings Flannelette Blankets 300 yds heavy drill shirting, extra Grey and white blankets, best quality 60c, sate 49c a yd, quality, full size 12/4, $3.90 pair. Huck Towelling Scotch Fingering Yarn h Extra heavy quality 23 in, wide, Grey only, a lovely soft yarn, 4 50e value, sale 37c yd. ply best make known, sale $2 Ib. NOTE THESE 100 lb sack best Granulated Sugar ..$15.50 08 lb bag of Purity Flour ............... ......... 6.50 I L L No goods charged at sale prices. Produce taken as cash. Delivery will be made of pods, the day following, ° ;"' • "' ' "' " " " " " Buy Your Printing Out Of Town e EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO Mysterious Miss Another evidence of the ungrateful at- CREDITORS N T SELL'..", IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OFt I D011ar titude of a few of Wingham's business JEREMIAH DESMOND, late of the Town• people to the home papers who boost for ship of G'reenook in the County of Bruce, Yeo- Town and' Farm propertied:. Call> Wl Ar man, deceased, see my list and et my .priced, I have buying at home and help in a hundred Notice is hereby given pursuant to the g E Revised Statutes of Ontarlo, 1914, Chapter 121, some excellent valued. In order to assist in advertising ways to Beep the old • town alive, is the that all creditors and others having claims or Wingham's Dollar ' Day, March fact that a traveller while spending a few demands against the estate of the above • r G. 5 + `iy named Jeremiah Desmond, deceased, who G l rr 2nd, Taic ADVAxcr9 has,. at the hours hti town waiting for the next train, formoxly resided in the Township • of Wrist solicitation of several advertisers, died on r ill the county of Huron arta who took out his printing supply sideline grip died on or about the sixth day of January, /j jlU,j-j . • • decided to again give a prize of and sold over $100 worth of printing to 1920, -re required on or before the ilfteenth $10 t the,person who captures the day of Marsh, 1920 to sons, by poet pre - paid or Phone 134 Office In Town!". local business men. One of these men at to deliver to James J. Donnaptley, Pinkerton, post offlee, Ontario, the sole executor of the •••••• ••••" - Mysterious Miss Dollar. Many present owes THu ADVANCE over $50 for last Will and Testiment of Jeremiah Des - will will remember the great success advertising and printing received last year, mond, deceased, their full namos, addresses DRUGLESS j aj"j 1SICIAj with which Miss Dollar performed and f Choir alas and Putt pa tune of in w•rit- another is in the hotel business and -we tug of their claim and the nature of the scour. OSTEOPATHY her duties in 19161 when Miss Ber- ides, Dit ens, hard by them, have often sent him business. The first AND rdholldRIMER TAKE NO11C>t that the McKay captured her about man is not a merchant but a business man after such last mentioned date the said exe• DR. F. A. PARKER autd.or will proceed to distribute the assets of 4.30 on that afternoon. The lady with a shop on front street. Other orders the estate of the said deceased, among the Osteopathic Physician, only qual[W persons entitUd thereto, havin regard taking the part of Miss Dollar was were from merchants who expect the only to the claim of which to then Osteopath in North Huron., Miss Latera Ansley, now Mrs. R rinters as well as all others to patronize ,•hall have had notice and that the said exe• Adjustment of the spine is more quickly p cutor will not bo liable for the said ascots secured and with fewer treatments titan M. Lindsay of Regina. This year them. -Can you beat it? or anyparts thereof to any parson or person$ b an other' method. of whose claim he shatl than not have recelved Y Y we have been able to secure another notice at the time of such distributions, Blood pressure and other examinatiosto very capable lady to act in this , G. H. ROSS Dated at Walkerton this tech dish of Feb- made. rear,, 1920. 110BExmaaN & IUMONAB, Capacity, she will come to town to Graduate Royal College. of Dental solicitors for the Exeoutor: All diseases treated. y shop with the rest of the crowd «,.»y.w..y w_.e. OFFICE OVER CHRISTIE'S' STORE about 10.30 o'clock. She will make Surgeons Graduate iCJuiversity ti Toronto Faculty 41 OrrltC 'Turnberr some purchases and have luncheon -r Y • of Dentistry Y Mr, Wm, S. King agent of the Wood after which she will again mingle Mr. C. W, Williams and family left (7fiict over H. E. Iaard's store, this week for their new home at Bram 'with the crowds and continue to 1? stock Weather insurance Coy, attoaded patronize the stores of the mer- ton, Mr. and Mrs, 'Williams and Hewett their annual meeting on Feb. 12; At wood., chants who advertise in THit AD- Wroxeter were highly respected citizens of the stock And reports the company in gond vANein until caught, A .bulletin village and we regret their removal from standing financially and paying claims *11C willbe posted in our window from M, Leslie s McLaughlin, g Swift Cur- our midst ver much, They carr with rent, who has been visiting his parents y y y as rapidly as possible, time to time telling of her where• them the best wishes of the community. Mrs. Wni. R, Davidsem and son Allen► abouts. here. for some time left for the west an Gorris's loss will be Oratnpton's gain. ' est Wednesday, • h leave of V'ewton, are spending a few days at ` The person capturing her m 'arter, Svhd trained here and Mrs. O tfuerrin and family who her parants homo, Mr, and Mrs, Win. S, e eft shout- Mr., J. W, G t „ r we are pleased . touch her gently on the l been down with Flu are, p 14in , , wont overseas with the 161st. Bn„ der and say, • You art the Myster- has to state, getting along nicely and we trust 8 , ious Miss Dollar of the WINGHAN opened a shoe repair shop in HArriston, will soon be able to be around again. Mrs. Stuart McBurney and daughtsrt a< few days visiting ADVANr71s" and at the same time We wish Billy success.' Lavnia aro spending hold in their left hand til COPY of We are sorry to learn that Mr, Thos. 8 Miss Margaret Ashton, who hart been her parents, Mr. and Mee, Wen, S, Wag. 7i•hompson, who joined the 181st. here confined to the bonito through illness' .., . .:..» Tan ADVANCE of Febrttaty 26th, since since last Christmas is, we art glad to , - lg sit'WRil10e11 purchased at our Office at the regu- and who has been at Speadwell 1920. Copies of this issue maty be and was severely wounded in France, hospital echo oitlty recovered and is able to attend school again. On Thursday at 'f p, mo Mr. Michaot larprlCe 3 Cents. since his return from oyersras, will it, all tack pnam- robabilit have to have ecce of trig arms • Mr, J, '8, Bennett who arrived herr Carroll, Lucan, died After a at The above rules will be strictly probability, mos at the home of his father, Luasm, adhered to and Miss Dollar will a amputated, from f3drnonton to attend the funeral of m Tho funeral tank piaci' from his tense admit her Identity only when they Mr. Thos. Jacklia is moving thi, week i his father, rite late 1Zichard Bennett, r at 8 o'clock to the Rommir Catholic ohufth art. 4 to rdat farm ]te recently purchased frena about twos weeks ago, left on Tuesday f 41 r. As. atlant rte ntl the Howick-Grey afternoon for Copper Cliff where he will 9 Luean, "where 1kequiemHig4 lldsiisa vvA4 Subscribers will oblige us by J y 3 i sung by Rev, tr'r. pagan, 13rt is sury *64 telling their friends of this offer, ' boundary'... Mr, Ballantyne: is moving to visit his brother, 3r. J, FI. Bennett ba» fare leaving for his home in the West, a by his father and mother, three rYistsnrt ....+.-u.,.+r-r...s-• . ; town. and tSvo brothers. } Derring the, sevrxe Storni on 'Wads, Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ds, of Brandon. S,eS. No. Sof East Watwanosh, rva hops tweeds s Place io The attip4re night the, residence'bi,,Mr, tVm McLean, Man., are visiting friends in iaxtd around will anon reopen after being closed two Canada is the fordmast of the family of town this week. :lir. Wade is an old the British Rntapire, iNtatl, being nearest I fust north of lrii'roxeter. mas burned to the weeks. tlYa lrrtrltit reltpatisl'lallity rests capon her, ground. Thr. fire waw caused by the, pipe 40range Hill boy having lived far a burn- Mr. and Mm. William Roborstoo u4 not alone to aid and ar-txxrr in batt* but from tho Nrnaco and got M b0wren the 3` ►Atwi with the lata Mr. John jam- family Ctrs able to ba out After Pert ttttttwtk to Stiaid a vsad tt, sill ibCsruis of iftdtaartt'W partition. 0v itMg to the. wt X Swlnil it qt" Ht called an ptiamitter Irwin of ,•flu,% ft to st s f opport to fonvsst'd' was with difacolty that the bat VMS ser - and betrtg old aaiaool bo"ttlgwtltsr, chirpy Mr. Therese IMI, C.tirillSa it twrrlMsrdy etstia y • 1 ed. rwasidomble of the furan ,e of the 4s0"gtw"itly 40joy°al A pl+wasttftt Ohtt On ill is the O*n6ral Hospital, VW Wish, frtitt allf a!'tfa t dot e• loves scarp wits *a vol frVititir tits' +cies. l xesalnttert e+st, i vlaittnala; • y .l, =t y.A ,F4. r4. r..._ •..•., .1rFRlY aa1