HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-26, Page 3. , - iqu - __Vf7-"RX6F5 % 1-1 '14 T ,:1 W__ "-. 1., --Ir IFT 7�
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Lft aft
would you bs irld o
a �,,
ir til -t I Not"
fe-11 o t on
I 8,
00 tic nervo-cou t a,
ever movement? a W.�
58 have XQU
" In .
I vm* ,L--$ .
T F 19"s
r Rheumotoic
I L tiapswes
many dootozo pro4oribo
Z,rite TemPlatons, 114
Ins St. W., Toronto, tor
00 sample.
Oold b - OtA
every I Or, 0
&W. r. . - . I - _ 11 ---- --
-15111:1 11:11 111=�� : 11:1 i i: I 1:
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Al- .
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Mxporlmental VMrms Note.)
I Sudan Grass.
C*noldermble Interest has lately been
�mkea Irl Sudan Grasa_%s v, forage pjant
- - __ -,-
11 n a
a plal
It han C4
� .--A* A fArmei
I time ago I
r Gress, He
� I I a seedmaj
� � volous qu
ociribed In
� I tion was
the grass
� . ton to tw
The, vu,
� In itoelf a
in the. PE
, I more tha
� � fraudulen
� % posed to I
� ,V�ms publi
, erin set
t M I
as a valuable graos.
4 fide belief that It
Ilan agriculture.
notlace ,however, that
LOS been grossly
; least one seed deal -
iled -by a c
to a heig:
at least.
of Buell a
it to a ch
� �
a onort
on Sudan
Icon from
the mar -
were de-
of some
oicture Is
Ltl6n, but
to it Is
- case of
out hup�
;a can do
i an Am -
ft is a x�lexlcan pLanu cioneiy
Indian Corn. And to be sure,
out has also been used to 11111$�
merits or Bo -called "Man's
which is 0, Southern Millet that
Luseless In Canada. I
circumstances a few words
Zd about the real value of
mss4 Ito born out by un-blased
no. I
�raso Is, as the naine, $ndleateg,
rom tropical Africa, As such,
� considerable ,heat to develop
The Unitoo states Department
ture, Bureau of Plant IndustrY.,
m, D.C. published . fell' years
Il.tIn on Sudan Gress, telling
_. - . . - I .--
_000 that Sudan Grass has no particular Value
. . except In the most southern parts of the
Uniti�4 States. In the narthern States
Its value Is not 4ny,greater than that
. of any of the ordinary millets, It 10
. Quite obvious. then, -that Sudan Grass
I I I g6fluot claim to be of any outitmitaing
_111 .d§- value to Canada, and certainly not to
any Aistrict where the summer heat is
. leso than in the warmest i!�rts of New
'York State.
When, this summer I visited Washing -
I I ton, 13�C., I asked several of the 'United
States Forage Plalit,Experts for their
I opinlon,on the at least the ' varities now
. available, would have any ,outstanding
11 Value for Canadian agriculture,
� . ;aA -few experlmoUts conducted In Can,
I da bave confirmed this opinion and un -
I der the circumstances, the Sudan drass
must. at present -at least, be looked upon
� as a forage plant of very doubtful value.
ML 0. Malte, Dominion A.grostologist.
. .
� I � . YARD MA$URIi. I
� I
. I � (Exp6rimental Foxins Note.)
.. . The winter handling ana care of barn -
I %. 1, yar,amanure has been a much discussed
. Problem tor the reason that there lima
- . b0n considerable difficulty In finding a
. Practical solution. It Is an very well -to
_ . ... -.I -.t1 +1,.
I .,.
. .1 1
� 4—
L i . . I
veca.Use that 14 a mosz important; i.mut,vw
requiring every consideration. but, unless
the plan can be carried out In a practical
Way by the farmer with the remnants -of
labor left to hita demandipg two proces
for half work, just so 16ng will such
suit,,gesttons be unheeded,
11 'he pros and cons ,of different methods
'of conservation have been all threshed
oUt, Indtudlng.otoring In box -stalls and
manure pits or sheds;, Piling In large
he In Yard and field; hauling to the
fligland distributing in small piles and
d4vantaggs out when considered from a
present day practical. standpoint BOU10
Vdil- not "pass musten" (1) The box-
ato-11 and manure pit method Is a most
desirable practice since there is a *Mlni-
murix loss of valuable plant food"don-
stittitions. (2) Piling in yard and field
hardly meets this requirement since the
A 11" leach away the best of their valu-
ab I plant food through a winter's wast -
Ing. (3) The distribution of manure in
small heaps has an advantage over me-
thods one and two since hauling can be
doni during winter when the cost of
this Operation is muell less than at a
busy season of the year and fadlltatds�
e n time. The chief I i
disadvantage Is that th;�ro is an Uneven I
distribution of fertility In t1he soil hence �
ununiforra crop since, Invariably, the soil
where the heap had been is richer in
the more soluble elements of plant food.
(4) The last. but' -by no means the least,
satisfactory of the methods under dis-
�.S� ..... -,.,..-- _-
all others are (a) That the labor requireu
In bandlin
g Is reduced to a minimum.
(b) That a sooner manure Is spread on
the land after being made the greater
Is Its value. There are, however, limit-
Irn All. I
i u ALL WOME111
Wis Woman, Recommetwh
Lydia,E. Pinkham's Vese-
I . table compoui�ALA4�
Personal Experilencto
MeTjewi Neb.-" 1 want to reewriu.,
fuend LyIsi V. Pinkham's VegoWft,
,,, � _ _-Comoound to a I I
any fulletto
imnee, as
Ktionx Vh will,
Ing point, while the ougar, spread upon
tins, Is heating In the oven. Add the
look!uX 41teii 444. sategurding the
orablynt 6 I&A,Vr0Ul411"A11rTP411t1V1
civil concerto of the dissontsve. ,
If hilly, abou d net bo froxon when
upplIcatiou I# made. Lowlylng land.
At prwat thstr duty to to "s that
to floodinq is an un4olir-
too �
11M 410'e'0111t,"lon for winter sprea,ding.
$100 Reward, $100
t e civil Aud-roligious rights of tho
Non-0onformists 'Are not Infringed.
Direct opreading has been 4doplod 041
farni* to
A OV I 5 Z
lit conjunction with the general body
r1any progressive and worthy
of tonoideration on many others. It Is
Catarrh Is a local disease gre atly Influ.
eneed by constitutional condltion$. it
they p000eso the right of porsonal 4p -
on gested, therefom, that the manure
04mrSuIc, because they hav# proved
proac-'a to the King.
Oellh be pulled under the littor-car and
that It does what to olalmod f or it,
Not% Ithotanding that liberty of .
tile, "direct -to -the -land system'* given a
triol this winter. 13y uprinic an oxperl.
XJ#o 3,3. 1_1 PoNey, graduate allrog,
, now won general roc- -
coacclellco has ,
went will havebecome 4 custom and one
of 8220 x1chtgan Avo" chloago,
,ogattlon In England, As In Most o0un-
only appreciated to the full when the
says., I Five, a patient who a -
tries of the World, the old right be-
atrugfie to m4int4in production begins,
tie t rri I I piles. Zelm-Buk
stowed upon the fathers of Non-oCou- �
copoo ally by then%) farmers who must.
tako up Ole bolt another notch to go
14 0 1 , edy that ,gave her
formlty Is ,still exercised up on Im-
ahead upon their second or third wWd
portant occasions. Proylouw to the
while the rest of humanity to squabbling
"I Ave Used zam,-But myself
offering ot peace felicitationis recently
whether It shalt work eight hours or not
for the same Allmout, *loo for sores
the last time the right woo invoiced
at At% W. D. Graham, AssletAnt, Domin-
ton Field Mobandman.
and burns, and have tbo greatest
was when King George Asce4ded. the
tonfidence in. IV' ,
throne. I �
SuvrX POINTS OF on SOZ P BaTiti-
110 , I
- -..,.
LOOK114G Alm. Al). -
The Question of I I and maintain-
" U
"Do you believe In the Darwitilan. the-
Illf fortlllt� may, 0 marized In the
I %
m uk,
0 ry?1I
to lOWIXg ott'il't, S�
"Haven't ,been paying much attention
1.t_,0JVe 0 I3,114hor Ugh drainage.
� I
to, It lately." confessed Farmer Corn -
2nd --see that the soil bas sufficient
tossol: "The way things have been do -
vegetable matter or humus In It.
RPWM-- � ____1NQ4XWW
velopin' have got my ;mind more stirred
8rd-Correat the sournema of the soil
,1,11: , ��� � i::vwiv4'�,111 I 'I'l
up about where we've goin! to than
by drainage, and, by applying lime,
Where we come from,
2:;--- —
4th---olve the soil proper preparation
by deep lowing and surface tillage,
oth-Cultivato to
can; cover with brandy and goal, but
do not heat in any way. 14�,
I � .4, � 0. ,, I
1,�, PLATING !9AF D.
the soil sufficiently
keep down the -weeds and to, -prevent
"Why do you call ,every operator on
evaporation of soil moisture.
Oth-;-Apply plant food In the ol%mpo of
Cut apples Iii,quarters without romov,
Ing skins Or seeds. Cover with sweet
t1le street A Napoleon of finance?"
'WO11, it'S a safe term, V Its whether
barn manuro and fertilizers,
c ider, and cook until tile apples are ten-
he or goes broke.,' ,
7th -Seo that the fertilizers contain the
der. Drain without pressing the apples.
,, 000 — ,
three Important food elements In All
form Ii $or
F or each pint of juice weigh ,out a pound
LUT a woman ease yoursufferlog, Iwano
available proper quantity
fh. "k +a 1_��+ �# +T- .". I
Of sugar, Heat the juice to the boll-
. YOU to write, and let me tell you &
�- - ____r__',�� � "�
I � �'..
I i � � -
"t - `�.,
: "%� " " �". , . ,
. � I al I ",
I � IV I --J, 1-i
-0. ++t4,1 � - . . It.
oz. � I
I the L.ausdLos ",r trapk* il
hiAoz twblab bAs Ast 01046d 4II thU_ �,
oltyj ;t a vr�utpr b,s&d-d.r6%#. t �
Milo b,161 I
Tongod to Prince Joge4w. t * X41%.
or,# Y;oungefit IOU, TW* boAd-droos
I . in topped with A hUNG 'bunAh of
I 'algrette!` plUM64.
wait could ba aliov# ,jaMWe for a
Uerman. prIneeling's Ut - W#A thill
badge of ,cruelty? Who wonlAn In
Canada wishos to follow 1115 style
and flaunt XIMI14r : Umes. ,before the , I
Byes 1Df'MAnY Who '=V, 1118 StOrY Of
ths egret?
In cafte the rea4erbM never heard
tile reason for callIA9 AA OVOt 9111108
the Gorman badge .of cruVtY, -4 lit-
tle of the sordid story is told. SoMe
of the' most beautiful species of bW& 0
on this ,Continent imve, bees reduced
to a piteous remnant urprovide theoo�
� plumes. .
The spe,016o w1liCh have 81iffOrOd
most In North America to provide, I
tile "aigrette" plu-mas -Of C0141130"O,
have been the Egret �Herodlao
egretta) and tht), Snowy F_4;r0t
I "gratta. candidissima), �Whiok to &.400
1. P. .
Ing point, while the ougar, spread upon
tins, Is heating In the oven. Add the
My simple method of home treatment, .
send you ten daye'lrec. trial. post-
Jjdl�lal humor, though -'Lord 'fore'.'
" '"' "vL"1"q.0 1*""4f' —
1, �: I I,, I., . .* ... I � .
I : .-alled the Snowy -11eron., Both SP00-
hot sugar to the juice, and lot boll Un-
til a little will jolly slightly on -3 CEL14
paid, aud' put you In touch with �&
women in Canada who X #
burn did puce, remark that It, 04pro.
verbially w U the
$100 Reward, $100
Ics, are believed to wander north-
NeXt In �Xtent of territory comes � ward after the bree4ilair season. and I
It is a, simple matter to test seeds be-
fore solving. Take a Piece Of white fl4n-
dish. Serve, out In cubes, In glasses or
as AnV JeIIV4 -
sladlY tell what my method . lop
. � has done for them * INV
010wific&tOlOn of wit." There�.,Iis that
story about Mr. Justice Wightman,
Catarrh Is a local disease gre atly Influ.
eneed by constitutional condltion$. it
the, Republic of Andorra, with 115 have ileen recorded from 'several of I 'I
square miles, nestling up among the ,s of Canada lit the 14tO I
. the ProvIne
nel, put It in a saucer witIX water oi�if-
ficient totsaturate It and keep it so.,
Lot thwgelatftio In & two OU11410 Pack-
It you are tralubleA SQ115%q
v6ith weak, tired 1.1
tione, bla4-..
feelings, he
who, when a witness described 4. Man
as "An Independent gent," Inquired,
therefore requires constitutional treat-
Pyrenees, between the VrOu011 Depart- � I i
Ineat of Ari0ge And the 6paulsh prov- summer. These beautiful 4AY0110178 I
might be more numbOus'wad of more J
Count the'seeds that are placed on
flannel and make a record of the num-
ber. Cover -wlth another saucer
It go stand In a cup of cold water until
softened, then dissolve over hot water.
a d. 1% der weakness,
ache, b a c k- I constipation, Cm.
411Do you M�an a gentlemanTo 641k
Is I taken Internally and acts throuxil the
B 004 on the Mkloou 6'f the
Iuce of Leride, This little nation dental ocUrrexice in the I �
ha I Ito tball atcl I
a a population of about 6A0. �
paper or
turned over It, Blotting paper my be
two cups of sugar (often less sugar
acbe,bear. tarrhal cQndltlono.
inc- ; 9 pain In tile sides, regu.
gent, -my lud," repeated the witness.
I'Ah," said �Ur. Justice Wightman.
,destroys the foundation of tile disease,
no.-th if these two �peelafk' Uad not.4141 � �
executive authority, tWo vIgniera, are I . I
61rds 14 the
used In place of flannel. - ICeep the
sander In a warm place. T he percentage
will required) and five clips of older,
Ana strain Into earthou moulds. For a
, .10 Wly orivresularly,
n see. That's something short of a
'13 the Patient strength by Improving
Appeared as breeding
appointed one b-y,:a ,Spanish bishop .
middle 'United States,
of growth can be calculated by count-
Ing how many seeds in the hund w
change. mould In the jelly bita of candled
fruit and brandled peaches, .
. bloating, sense of failing oj'
misplacement of Internal "'�,
gentleman, IsWt It?"
long-winded having
general health and assists
doing Ito work, nature In
$10040 for any case of
ai*d the. other [by France, It we supose that the' --birds; which
The principality of LIchtenstela,
I --W a 0 , 11
garts, acrtrousness, desire to cry,
t# palpitation, hot flashes, dark rings
A counsel ex-
Plained his arguments at prodigious
that HALL'S CATAR1:tH Mr -,D,
ICINU falls to cure.
next In order, is but little more than ,occur occasionally .,in Callada, oome ,
I North trom the Most northeri rook -
Select smooth -large red tomatoes (not
too .A
ripe). Lay them In brine (saturate,
� . under the eyes, or a loss of interest
in life, write to MO t4ay for freo tpal
length to 4 weary Kentish jury, the
same Judge At one point Interposed:
Druggists 15c. Testimonials, -free.
F- J- Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
a third the olze of Andorra, having an . �
ar erics, 'we are JVS likOly' tO�*,50e these
ea of 6S square rallps. The populs
txorth- ,
solution Of salt water) for 21 hours
then wipe them, Put them intg & jar'
treatinvot. .
"I think you have told us that be-
. 0 0 W � ,.. ,
lation Is given at ovhr 9,00. Lich- birds. here now Vhen; We Most .. I
ern colonies arer % North i Ca , rolina, . . �
with whele aplee, cloves, peppercorns and
-broken cinnamon, and small hutton On-
Mr& M. Surnmars, Box 8, Windsor, Ont.
I r 1, 4 1 *. _1 I
-fore Wr.—." I'liave 1,; my lord?"
said' the barrister, "I am very oox.ry-
Relics -of 5 Xin,g,niaker.
Guy, the famoU�-
tenst" .
ein is eleven miles Idng, And - .
from 1,200 feet to six,milea w.ld,e, It than whou the northern rookeries I . � 11
were in New Jersey' or. Wineonsin. .
ions, or aliced onions, in alternate layers
Of tomatoes, spice and ortions, having
Passing of, the FoTeig'n Cointry..
r had forgotten M1 "Oh, pleas ` I
Earl of Warwick,
known in history as the "King-
Is a mrUntaln valley botween Switzer- .
land ani- tili Austrian Province of They now breed from North Cro- .11
' , �
A layer of spice on top. Cover With good
oldex, vinegar, cold, and seal. They will
Gradually ,the foreign country Is.
apologize, Mr. —," waa the
-answer. "It is quite intelligible --it
wak'tr," was a Man of great statu�%
How far
Itna southward to Chilf and Argen- ,� "
Tyrol, And a little south of tbL6 Lake . . I
Una, Although they are pr I
Rich,' Rea Blood Necessary to
n for use ,for two inonth$.
This Pickle was reser�ed as a speci al
,passing from the world'a map. In the
Was such a long time ago."
myth Will Improve upon
facts Is Illptrated in his case by cor.
of .,QC.ni3',21.^o. Lichtenstein has- been I I I .
More or 1c,3ki Indepondbilt since 1719, North America by.tteaty between the I I 1. �
. I.. 1. i
MaltlL slid Strengt3l.
deli6acY to be eaten Sunday vith baked
beans. '
International consciousness ,of the
progreeelvo peoples of tile earth It
. 0 *-a-
Warts are unsightly blemishes, and
taln relies shown to Visitors At War,
"On the Allies' o'de, of the fight, United State.5 and dauad4,'ther Njil I I
� . I
, , � . 11 1 4
be else`wherO their . I . � I
Ii nore people knew h0W 'Many Ille
hal alreadyl Wetptpeared. Geographi.
corns are painful growths. , Hollo-
wick Castle. Principal a mong them
are his porridge his, '_
Just where the olde- slaughtered .In
at repablie in the �. � �, . , �
world should (be expected to be, is range as ]one as their pluitias are In . �. . .
and Paine are caused by thin, watery
blood a great tdealof suffering w1buld
The following is a native recipe: One
and a limit pounds of molst sugar, one-
c I
a 1Y, we are ,drawing closer to-
gether, -so ,that "a foreIgn people" to
way's Corn Cure will remove
_w .
pot, Meat
and his armor. I I
Tile '
holds 120
. I
San Marino. Of all the dwarf nations demand in the feather market,,itild " . . I , I I
of the world, the little Republic of ,this demand is created by the use 61 � I ,� :.
be avolded. Von and W-0-men-aften
,sufreir for long periods from stomach.
quarter pound of dried chillies, three-
quarters of a pound of salt, one-qu4rter
A misnomer, New trade routes, short
cuts, railroads, danals and
porridge pot gallons
the Meat fork is six feet long,.and tll�
. 11 �
San Marino, b1gh up dt An Altitude of their plumes for millinery purposes. I I -1 i
I I .
trouble, ,headache, p,1.1piitAtion of the
pound"6f onions, three quarters of a
pound ginger root, One_qU4rter pound
, shipa Make the world one, Distance
Pet Insisted On Poll -owing Hii,wii,i-
armor is ample enough In size to fit
a horse. I .
10,000 feet among the'.Appenines) be- The plum0-hunter visits tile nesting . � .1)
, I . i
tween the Italian -provinces of Porli ground of the Snowy Heron* or of,the 1.
And nervous eompliallitg such as
of g three-quarters pound must
a ard
Is a matter of time, not miles. Wire.
I �
lum I
an. Pesaro o is the best known Egret, as the birds grow these P . so
d -Urbln
neuralgia, wtthbut susliectitng .,.that
seed, tile same weight of stoned rathins.
two lbott I
les (two quarts) .02 the best vine-
less stations are (being,,eatfvNished by
whicli rwe are to Wk the
. . iau Queen,
As aomEptter of fact, It is a horse's
Armor. The fork Is not a fork at
I , � .
and has had the niost Interesting his- only during ,the nesting season, U.Ud . � : I
anaemia: ,or flylood-lessneem 19,the cause.
gar and 30 large unripe apples. The
globe. .
I -
but a medieval military weapon, ,and
ioti � . .�
, The republic has an area of kills tile old birds as they retUrA tO �,:
The blood gues to practically every
part of the body, carri"Ing oxypn and
Bugar-,must be made Into a syrup, the
garllW onions and ginger root must -bore
I .
Once there was a Queen In Hawaii,
the porridge pot Is a -garrison cauld-
but 23 square miles. of mountainous feed the young birds In the ne.94 The. . � . . . ,
. , I -
,soil, but its population numbers about young are left to starve ania.the,plume .
nourishment. The efficient action of
Ped fine, the mustard seed washed
C -hop Id Vinegar and dried in the sun.
1. .
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminal-or
-e "
�All driv worms from the syst,.,m
who had carefully rpared a favorite
hog, making of it, 6s wao a COMMOU
C . - 1�
ron of the sixteenth entury. ,
Intshort, the so-called
11 ,
10,000,. and It claims to be ttble to put huRt,ar, after cutting the "osprey" 4 . . :
. �
overyorgan. In directly dependent Up-
on -tille, quality ot the nourIsImAeLut it
The are Peeled, cored and sliced,
then boiled In -a bottle bait tile-
-to tale child, because
without Injury,
practice of the h1athen days of the
, . relics are
takes. But the average ,'�Isttor at the
in the field an Army of 1,200 men,- 1, 01 plumes from the parent . ..
ai.�4ru:,' '. .
virtually all the wzn and boys be- bird, leaves its boauti-ful b06 to- � �
i ets l4rom. ,,he Wood. It the bloo:a i's
t, .
and a of
vinegar; when this Is done and they are
- Its action, While fully off4ative, Is
mild. �,
island, a household pot, In after years
had ,become a devout ChrIB44
ca acc6pta them in
stle, who is amazed,
� I
tWeen the ages of 16 and 40. However. r3t In the swamp whore It made 1 -to .,
- :1
&hIn lt'Oecauies weak In.nourislikent
cluaO cOld,put them into a large pftn and
I .
.when she
, ,full faith as veritable. � I
the standing Army In -peace times Is a h-,qne, while lie p,, rsu is I I
bi ody I
I ;I es h Q C
andi boalth, falls, The best way 0
keep ithe (blood rldh an �d an&,tlhus
d rL
mix In the rest of the ingredients, includ.
Ing the remaining half bottle of vinegar.
Stir until the Who 1 I, blended,
� I b I .
7 Making a Soldier.
tiaa, and faithfully attended aer-
vices hold by the ,Missionaries, the
I - I 0 &.0'_
Persistent Asthma, A most dis-
. .
Militia of 60 members. I I I I
C0111715131 .. ,� . 4_
Considerably smaller In territory to Nor,lias the plume hunter stopped I . .1 �
enjoy good health Is tbrough 06 use
0 and
then Put Into bottles. Seal 'wIth new
Whether the people of this country
bog, which had grown enormous
of tueke pro-
tressing chfaractdristic of ,this debil-'
, . .
t,he principality of Mou'aco, Located *-Ct -bird slaughter. The Audubon - , ,
of Dr. Williams' )Pink Pills, At the
corks and tie bladder over them.
want universal military soryloa In an
size with a pair gteat
truding fr his jaws, Insisted on
lating dasease, is the persistence with
DW- the ehoreg of the -Nlediterraneau.'. Zoe-lety appointed A warden to guard .. I 11 . - . �
91rat slign of w!6-knese these pills
undetermined question, and will prob.
her to the church. He
which recurring at -tacks dome to sap
surrounded on the Jand sido by the it bolony;bf Egrets at Culthbert, Rook- I . � . I
ohould be taken and,, good) �rdbust
eal Liver Pill ,A tor-pid liver
ably remain ultdotermined until the
waddled in after..her and took Ws
away strength and leaye the sufferef
French Department of Alpes_M4.ri- ery, wiltch 'was located in Southeta .. . �:.. , ..
bealth will soon follow. The state-
me,at of Mrs, LT. J. Xurray, Cor'betton,
nle)aam a, disoidered system, mental
depression, lassitude and In the end-,
league covenant and t4e,peace pact
!are digiposed ce definitely and -until the
place be -side her, much to her iU0011-
-and annoyance, .
Ila a stiate of almost cobtinual exhaus-
tion. �ko wiser precaution can be
times, between Nice and the, Italian Florida, His name ivas ,Guy, Brad- , -
frontier, Monaco Is a peninsula 21/41 ley and he lived on a coral key ,with - .
Ont., sjhows the value olf Dr. WIllIAms!_
it care be not taken, a cbronle state
of debillti. The very best medi i
e'll 4
people ha.N-e made up their minds as
But the hog knew no better; in 1110
taken than that of keeVing at hand a
supply of Dr. T. D...Kellogg's Asthms
I., � I .-1:'
Miles loug, with a width of from 166 his wife And two' babies. The Plume. I : I.. i
to 1,100 yard -s, and avi g a ar I �,
h ii fi ea o hunter litin dead and then kill- . ''I .
Plak Pills In cu es of this Idu_-4, She
eays:---j'A few 3 cars -ag,o my daughter,
to arouse the liver to hea .
Itily action
hel Tb I g on the n
to t r ear n f ture peace
ot the world: I .
mistress' pagan dans gy,eat affection
had been lavished upon him, slid he
Remedy, fp.mous as the mo,st, potent
shot � .
" ,
eight square miles; -but the t6fal PQPU' ed all the adult Wrds In t1le; rooUerY � � 01,1
Lillie, .-was In -a very badly amn down
Is -melee's Ve-getable Pills, They
are compounded of purely vegetable
But one thing can be det ermined at
was Accustomed to ,follow her' . says'
Ledger. -The
remedy for eradicating the disease
from the tender air Vase -ages.
lation is about 19,006. Within It$ suaw-vUlte plumes- I .�
4D obtain the :
limits Is located Monte' Carlo, -the perhaps tile Iderld6al ones than ,were ,
,oudition. She was ipa-le, thin, aV,d
scarclely able to about The lealst
substances Of ,careful selection and
this time, and that Is that t1hree I
Mo nths' training, as propozed by See-
The Philadelphia Public
Idea of such a porc.'ne'pet Is repul-
el .11* -O—
most notorious gambling, resort in the used to orna,meUt the, win -ter bead- . I 11 ..I
. .
exertion made 4her heart paTpitate so *
no other pills have their fine. quail-
ties. They do not gripe or pain and
i etary Baker, will not make a soldier.
' 61,ve t*6 the civilized mind because of
Ocean Newspapers.
. .
world, . :1 I
' ' dress ,of the Kaiser's son and Also I . I .
Now, at the end of the list, we -have, the fdshlonabI6 hats of many Women : -
,violently that cae was actually afraid.
they are agreeable to the mo.st sen-
In Europe, where military problemmr.
The first , trans-Atlantic liner to
the smallest nation ,of .them all, Mor- la this country. Remember tile crus� r .
. .
one -of these, spelle miglit carry her'
�sltive stomach.
have received more study In ajiy g1v-
publish a neviepaper made up of wire-
eenet Neuter, located four in'les south- side of the "aigrette" story When- I I..
- I .
%offt She olept so badly -that 'often
. -
ten itlonth than they ever reaffived,in
I The Greaf Engfish Pre dration.
lees'iteme yttaiz, the American liner St.
wdst of the City of Alx-la,Chapelle, evei- you the dairay feathers, re- I
Ashe would, lie A�ako -until tmoraing.
thiscountry In any twelve months, a
,0 Tones andinvigorates whole
'. Blood
Paul. It ,tva43 fourteen years ago
bordez!ing on Germany, .'Holland and membet the slaughter 'of the old liff ' .
� do
Mrastment.dId no.t seem to belp her
Minimum service of one year with the
� pervous system, makes new
, Veins. Used forPervous
while Mr. Marconi was cr0aing the
Belgium, with a total of'only Ij40.0 .
and - starving young onesi and re -
and ,we Ivere almost In dbapair When
colors -his -been requiredi and more of-
in old
I bebility, Mental and Brain Worry,
Atlantic on that vessel that he per-
acres. .1 . . i
� member the murder of the. warden
& ifrIen -d 'advised. the use of Dr. Wll--'
Il1V*,Jdng of This Old Right, in
ton two years. ,
Desponden Loss of Enerr P41pitation i7f
I eonally directed the issuing of the
* - .- - -
- - who was -faithfully guarding the,birds �
hams� Pink Pills. A,few wleeks' use
If we vlant universal miJitary train-
7, ,,,,
theHeart, ailinghlernary. rice$] per box,six
, '
-first number of the Trans -Atlantic
Children suffering from worius soon _ht of A
in his 4=e'and the very 019
I .
of thse, medicine showed adecidecl im-
ing, let tli look the facts In the face.
for $5. Sold by all druggists, or mailed plain
Times, the first wireless newspaper
show the symptoms, And any motheT . fill
spray of "algrette" feathers
,pr6vement, And a 'further use of the
I � I - I
There is ao royal rose to effiel .
sucy "'
.pkg. on receipt of priq An;) pamphlet niqiled
, c,
W000 MPICINIE C040RONT0,8141T.".
published at sea. Such publications
ca4 detect the presence of these para- .will
you With log,thing. ?
1pills fully,restored ,her to health, and
The "right of appraach to the
this -helld. The intensive training of
. -
now Include the Daily Bulletin of'
the Cunard Line, Das Atlautische
es by the writhings and frettings of .
slit Although mucal. has been said and
the,,chtld. Until exp�.11ed and the
ith hog, but when
habits the
sille ba$ ofluce, been a estrcog, linailthy
throne," which datesback to the days
six months or Wore Which was found
Tagelblatt the Hamburg-AmericAn
system cleared of thedil the child can- very much written about this subject -
girl, ,Some -time atter I was taken
1.11 myself. bL11149 badly run-down
bf William and Mary, is seldom ex -
necessary for our doughboys before
they were ready flor the finishing
the fI y Of
Christian mi"lonarles first 'vent to
and the Ocean Times of the White
of the e�ret, it Is doubtful . whether
. I
not regain its health.. 'MIller's Worm awakened I
the public conscience Is yet
,frpm household -are. A doctor was
I 'c
erelsed, In England at preson
� ' tj al-
touches In France Is sufficient to
the -Hawaiian Island hc,gG 'Were the,
of the Hawalian
Star Line. On the Pacific on otev.m-
ors to AlaE,ka the Wireless
Powders are prampt and effieleill,
not Vly for the eraddoAtion of w*rms to the wrong and cruelty which 1has I
lealled in but hisimedicine ,did not
th0uglf it was Invoked recelitlY when
prove that three mouthis, training
pats and playthings .
Women. in many instances their own
Herald Is published, The'stations. at
' been connected With this trAftle. T643
but also as a toner up for children Ao
ec.-em, -to ,bring back my etrength, and I
a delegation of thirty called at Buck-
would simply be a was,te -01f, time and
were burled alive" or drown-
P-old1hu and Cape OGII furn'.6h most of
following incideilt is mentioned
tho't are run down In - � . I
,reivembering 'what Dr. Williams' Pink
Ingham Palace with All tho ceremony
energy. ---Chicago Evening Post,
by these unnatural
the, -ilreleae news received board
4 � 0 1 emphasize th!s point. . r ,
,Pslls 1hitd. done fo,r 'MY daughter, I
drop tliQ doctor's Medicine
that marked similar events In the
I !�� .
ed or,strangled
InotherG, and they lavished upon a
the tran&,AtlantIc liners In regard to'
JUN ,At,a motion theatre was shown re-
, A P CALY PRAGAS. c utly a series of very beautiful vlews
iajud. -try tQ�jem. The results that fol-
Ancient days, The party consisted of
Free Church leaders, who presented
hog the care and affection Which
I �
refused their children,
what is going on on shore. -Railroad
Re,VD�t and Travelers' News.-,
I/ � _.ro�_ ,�. � of the' snowy herons and egrets at
flowed wore -like ,thoskin ml, daugh-
I co
Nte monarch an addreso of congratu-
. Or' " P0
Christianity v�,as early embraced by
I 0. 0
. F I
hame. tOreatures �of ',kmatvellous
One of the Noidents, of the Last ' grace, they were, aud,,olie could only'
� and through'Ith',es use 'Of bhO
lation and rejoicing on the comIng, of
N F1
118 UNt
virtually all the Hawaiiana because
� 00ronition, believe ih9, t people, who ,buy their
pals I VMS Goon a well wtonlan. I am
,I � my ey,perience, lid -the
1glad to 9IT4
The delegate,s represented the gen-
I ,
Members the royal tamily were thd
earliat converts Made by ,the U110-
Gets Instant Relief,
I I �
. lo.therevby pay for
0— . I bridal plumes, aij(d
. V,ot ,bt ths
their destruction, know
.hrope ,that some other -sufferer moty
'fin.d. the way to heall)6."
eral body aud-thadleGenting deputico,
twenty ministers and ten laymen, Af.
slonarl6s, and they helped overthrow
the native idols and Driesteratt. But
In spite of the doubting prenloni-
tions of Queen Alexandra it was 41e- devastation they cause in tile egret I :
You can procure DT. Williams Pink
ter assembling at the memorial hall
Giver. Effective. Relief In.Five Mlnw
utes, and Cures Perfectly.
the ,Hawaiians are no longer in the
Islands and
cided that Princess Uary and the I ro-okeries. it is .certain, that every,
r iraose -blrds� so realis-
P11% through any deal,er in medicine,
they donned their rolbes of office,
, . —
ascendancy In their ,own
four elder princes should go In a I tically p*ctured in their native haunts,
.or ithey Will be, isent, you by mail at
5o cents a lbox or six bom3s, 1,or $2.60
t4eir university Mods a -Ad college
caps and drove to the palace. Cordi-
1, 'If
I a atrongh6ld
Buddhism s making
there.' .
state carriage unatte4ded, I
Before riding very far, it appears, was lost in Admiration Df them. ��
-by, �"Jting direet ,to The Dr. Willhams'
ality marked the King'is reception of
The Japanese now greatly outnum-
While many of
The very next tifin*s1lown on the I
the attentidn of the three youngsters I I -
s-creen, portrayed an actress dauclug
medicine 00,; Brockvillo� Oint. '!
I __ � -
t". well wis'hers. .
Before freedom of religious thought,
It was their inability bo reach the
ber the Hawaiians and,
.the former are'Chr-'stialle, Buddhist
Kidney Disease* and Insomnia Had
Made ,Her a Nervous Wreck Till
I , .,A
On the front seat was , drawn to tile for an enchanted audience. it was � I I
gorgeously arrayed figures of their In
- -
00"0* 4"O,�,000""40000��
and action had generally con�
England, the "right of ap-
real source of chtarrh and broffohitis
that cauself the medical profession to
uples, may be -found Ila the Islands
tei pper,3 Is In. �
the number of worehil
She Used Dodd's Kidney Pills. ,
, surely a ,strango coincIdenke that . , .
older brother and sister, the . 1
same her coiffure waa fastened a. spray of, I . . .
proach" was used, often bV-thwe who"
drop liquid cough medicines and
creasing, The EplecOPAI Church,
Durivegan,jilverness Co., X. S., Feb.
boyish and- girlish beother and sister . . - .
aigrette ip"nilles of truly bal6arie pro- . . ". I
with whom they Wer6 accustomed to . �.
believe their rights were being tram-
pled upon, and In man'Y cases 'their
adopt "Catarrhozono" Instead. This
wonderful Inhaler provides .a method
which -to6k -over the work of the
Church of England In the islands
16.-(SpecIal.)-'VVr,1Uen Who are drag-
ging wearied limbs arpund, Weighed
portions. I I ...
omp about the girou�ds of Marlb*- ;, How Many watching those two p'c- . 1. :
I .
'rough 11ouslin, Certiii4 nudges and , the slaugh- . .
4� -6
contentions were well grounded, Hl$-
of breathing into the lu4gs certain
when they Were annexed to
-to the bodily
do*n with a suffering and tirefte�,,*
grimaces ensued, which began to III tures knew ill! sLOrY of �
's- I ter,of the beautiful -and Innocent birds
0 RE%'.-/'1FPES I
tory tells also that the dissenters on
Various occasions, failed to receive the
rare niedle!Aal vapors ,v.*I,Ich are so
healing and comforting as to efttirely
United States, ministers
And spiritual vead4s nut only of the
that can find no rest, will.find zim.
sIlIner and hope In the message Cath-
1 I
tract the eyes of thii t,ivo ratter. I to provide that bead-dree,�s. . . �
-peat, � '�ontrary
atemlplo treatmeiit accorded to them
banish coughs, catarrh and throit
lano, but also of' the
native HAIM! I �
-orine McPherson, of this place, sends
Soon, on the front there was ,� .
, I Partunately, it is 110W to .
. "
by King George. -
trouble in a very short time. �
japauc4e, Chlnd�e, Koreans, Portu-
to them.
something going on '110sembling all I
law to im-port the plumage of' -these . " , -
CANNED 011APP., �.'
Nou-Comformist bodlea, according
to the "right," have the of
The most wonderful thlpLab6ut
is that, Ti4isre'
guese and other nationalities repre-
eented there. .&s 8, reAulf of the Epts-
"I have just used one box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills," Miss McPher-All tates,
old-fashioned free-foNall tussle. The b,rds Into Cai,ails. and the . . 1,
Princess Mary, with 411 the authority United. States have agrod bty trekity ..
" I
. ,
Select white grap% as they have wore
maer skins than the colored vlxrietles,�
to Int6
appfoaching the sovereign And laying
Catarrhozom no matf6r
the germs of bronchitis 6r catarrh are
copal natlon-wide campaign now In
in t 0 United States to U_
"But they did wonderful goo& fo5r me.
I .
of an older sister, admonished her . ta protect Many beattiful, qud Useful I
brothers, sharply rernWatrated. Her f3nng,of bird We and this treaty is . .
pick from the stems and flit jars,
she'Ring occasionally to settle the fruit;
before hirn'the facts regarding any"
curtailment of civil or religious lib-
hidden, Catarrhozone Will reach and
prro r 5
and extend all the undertakings
"For nearly four years kidney dis-
' I . '.
wordsflew as chaff ibove those bob- being adequately enforced In both .
pour over them It, boiling made
from one pint or sugar to each pint of
orty which may threaten them bem
destroy them. ..
Get the large size, lasts months, is
I if t 1B 0 rch, its schools, nliesious
It finally develop
ease ed
Int6 diabete& I' became a nervous
bing heads and mdviug atnis. It c.,untrIcs. All tile heroug, ,to which I I'll.
water: seal and lot the jars stand sev -
eral days. Then drain and reheat the
caU60 of their faith, A general body
was formed for the purpose of car-
sure to cure you, �rice $1.00; .smaller
ail a ho gpitals in the Hawaiian
W1 receive oro funds and more
Wreck, and Insomnia wag added to my
ms as" If any monlent the little � family thb egrets belong .are protect --
1313P I
princes might tumble, In ail Inglorious ed throughout The Year, in.bodi"c0lin- V ! I
.syrup, It necessary add more sugar; pour
rying/ible, right Into operation. It was
size, 5M; sample or trial size, 25e,
All dealers.
W _, era to combat'the rising influ-
oik Coliflicius.
troubles. I was soweak and tired itiid
Irritable that every trifle added to ui:i�
, ---
heap Ll� - . . I trles. ' Severe penalties are provided. , ���
. . �n,�-'
again over the fruit. nep0at this three
composed of representatives of three
� -
on of nudd-ho, and
, lftg,L
Quickly reaching forward, Princess' 4n -Canada for buy solling, or
times. A. second Way of canning grapes
is to take the largest site glass jars and
great Non-40onfprmlst churohea--Oon-
-� �
An Adam's Apple. i
When ,Captain Cook, thO famous
discovered the
"Dodd's Kidney Pills gave ilie In.
Mary tried physical Means, moral ones Ing in possession any ,Portion of
fill iilth whole atems of grapes, combin-
gregational,.Baptlot and
English - navigator,
' They are a wonderful
having failed. She ihietk her,finall these blrdS. �
Ing all colors, Cover with a rle It syrup
at the boiling temperature And seal.
"Dissenting 0sputles" were ap-
pointed in 1732. They were layMen
Man's badge of beauty and brains
Is his Adam's apple, that projection
Hawallau Islands in 1779, the nati'veo
had tG Invent a new nam e for the
they had
stant relief.
medicine. I shall recommend them. to
' 18 hislance �
small brothers \aDart, , cuffed them it is hoped Vait In Ill. �01,
slightly and set them again'. civilization will trumpil ,over bripbar- 91
Pulp the fruit and place over the fire
and were chosen-prIgiiially to coneldet
all application to Parliament for the
In the forepart,of the neck which has
�besn so called from the notion that it
d%coverer and his crew, as
never before seen white Naen. They
the choicest Ap-
all my friends." Purely 0,
Dod&s Kidney Pills are
They put the VAneya
tn the process She4bF'A her crown, ism and that the Oerman badge of' I
but eqlmly PlItAt on again When the cruelty will disap0l,ar WOM, but mldst� �
in a little water. When soft rub through
a colander, add the 61cins to the pulp,
repeal of the corporation and the tebt
The deputle,
�ts. ,; bacamf� A, perma-
Wag ca,usM by a bit of the forbidden
bestowed upon them
pellation. in thet r language, for CftP-
kidney remedy.
In s)lape to strain all the Impurities
Prince of Wales pic�_qd It up from -------*-#4-, , �, . I 11 �
_ .
SuRqrstiti.onS. ��
and one-half the kinount ot s;agar to the
11011t body laterI. with the object or
fruit which stuck in Adam's throa&
Wn Cook Was talt-811 by them to be
.out of the., blood. Thaes why they
the floor of the car'ilago, whore it Queer � I
gi-apes used; simmer slowly minutes,
. � I � ,
Scientists have many theories on the
God Lono, returning to their
bring health and restful sloop in their
had fallen. Then, the fracas settled, Some curious ,,,oneluslousl have, bean . 11
being careful not to scorch,
subject, and h&ve told a long story of
after a long absence. They
their passed on in 'decorous .LfltatO reached as a result of .wfiat are cAINJ .
� n
nnn_ , _
SPICnD GAA11r.s. .
� .
the evolution of the aDVIs-how, man
Called him Hoall.
again, "as lovable 0, quintettO as 1au the ,-preferred numbers" of the inhab.
Take sovell pounds of fruit, 3% pounds
Of Augar, one pint of vinegar, ond one
came by long descent from Ill-f0rined
140%v �Hoafl means white hog. The
could find from John o'Groaf's to italits of different countries$ says an . �
tablespoonful each of oftiamon, cloves,
� . .-
spineless things that came Into life by
name carried no Idea Of disrespect
Loind's End," exebangs, The basis of the hlyostf* 4
allspice and grated nutmeg. Pulp the
frult, boll in the vinegar until soft, press
chemical action. Then *fTill,
which, as soon as they got,backbones,
whatever. Hogs,swere the largest ahl-
found the Islands and theY
." -------- A-� V , gations had to (10 with the Various
a man Is in straightened eir- denominations Of Money, bOAgge
mals upon
Six Little Peoples of Pauropo Who,
-MAT'Y' ialtli). ,
through a colandqr, add the skins, sugar
and spices, then'boll until thick. �
began to develop something like
Adam's aprples. From the
were re0rded by the People With
' . � � - I - '.11, , I
�OH%lg to IndepeUdOnte.
cumiltances simply because he refuses . ,;tanips and othor mediums of �
be crooked, I It appears that lica".1y till litc-eg
Arrili 019CUMB131% PICXr.r1s.
- r, 0 Dy S, om, --E
forms of the tneient i9oas are believed
. . � I
to . I . - - I .I
I __ -._--t-*- , evince a marked preference f3r the
_��� �
Thinly pare six ripe cucumbers, cut In
I halves lengthwise and scrape out the
. 13AW
^t4 IT" —
%W �
to have -come the wammals from which
sprang the human race,
,�. r I( I - i
Arthur P. Whallft in Saint Nicholas,
... - .- ...
I ' 00. . numbers tWo, three and fivo and th(Jr
�3= 1 � __ . - I
I Multlplc3, The Mohanitnedlans how
seeds, then Out Int-) half -filch strips, taY
On & Platter, sprInItle thickly 'wIth salt
and let stand over night. Noxt morning
I Don't just ask for a box at
It Is A long story, but the fatt re-
lualiv,bthat as the human race de-
,:.N, � 11� i
91 6 I
The six ,,tt,e nat,ons, hl"en away
tg Earope which have clung to their
.depeUdollco so 0,turdilY through
I 4 -_ - �*A _,�,�,_.
. , . '
- li, V. r . I ever, tcr avoid the use of the number �
- 1� three, Among, the French and txhor
-1 ,,,, ;
� , � five lu(.te
drain and dry a tovv�h From six large
red poppers remove 'the seeds and out
_, histehes, Ask lot 11A l9ozz baf
violol,. . and became more civilized
tho Adanili apple In became
/ -
many centuries, Luxemburg, Andorra,
Lichtenstoln, San Marino, Mona.000
I . - L,atin peoplm tivo and are
r -f z_. �1. � pilVialItr than three, while th,% Ping- I
In fine Atrips; also out one root of horse-
radioll into small pieces. in a stone jar
goo that the adint Is on rvery
hot you buy. It is your ituar.
firitteor"Ketr1add Intuh Adt-
luore prominent. The ancient Greeks
I depicted their strong 11croes and
and iMoreefiety were drawn out of their
isolation by the WiLt And 110W
A .Z; lish preftr two alid three and ther,olet- .
.1 , 1 1
. . . � ; mail,,; three And five.
pack th6 Propared clicumbers, Peppers
and horseradish, sprinkling- througli
Isfaction. Diret do ydars, of
--- 0--odn- etrptildned to
highest types of beauty with prom-
" I I
. 11
age -long
are likely 'to be aws6pPed. about by the
. ��,
6k, N *11 5 I The Mines% are said,to rowyubla �
. 4h�4 h 'A -1lZt h I
— icine w au ouricring them orto-htlf & pound of whito mustard u MCI batills AAA A lo . . V I " .. -
woW,aM11'-7Ar#. ,TORN X011,baLMAM, R# geed. Pour over sufficient boiling hot back ot It. 111611t, "AlMles," at 009h modern � 1 I ,peace 000ftrenee before the map of When outhihi-6 . i strong liking
vinegar to cover and set away. On the ThtrO`0 * match for tV4rY artiste n cp ae gnore It . Buir,ope Is finally serttled. . I . ... . i peoplox of India have,&
11 I - - .1. S 11 �, 3,1,� 1 for two. Tli,5 humber sovet Is-,%mo.4t
No, 1, Metean, Nebroka. , third day drain off the vinegar and mr- the begaly 40 the wearing of high stocks and tollars � Luxemburg Is not very lar96, 66 na- A, in . � 14V , I
This fatnotio root gM4 beth remedy, range the tilckles In glaos Jars. Bring the Vdibfrtgtootli Itliddy brondo. I 'Would seem to point to tbio fact that OX6 Cubea contain the rich noutish- tjolt,g go, having an area of 082 o4OMO . I I . ijaed Ill t1le SlikvIc countries. Thib ....,
� Ask far nadyte 118ilent I man Is not altogether Wud ,of dig. ment of prl,lrd kef, *3ik so tompi6t 4,nd Intlea, or, in other Words, 40MO'what . He' FIR - % highor numbers are not much used . 11
Lydia V. rInkham's Veginable COM- vinegar to the scalding point, pour over � do"imb"A'A44% W. ,.-h Y*%W ,4
_ the j5loklefi and cover thein. In another riftl% IV* the btst of all, . *0 ,=.2.(WZ-"~, A*M. .A It- except in Spanish speaking oouat-tea. _?
., d has been restoft woman of ,week playing his badge of heaft-Tit-131to. converlietit a form that they ard Mora than threa-f6tirtha tho area of *.*Nkeh %V*V9WkW%k-0-A"-W-k1-416# � .. h.
=fc& Z health for more than forty ,WAI be ro,,ady fqr use, but "M % 0. 96131 CO. LI 0 , - 1 406 - Itho" Island, It has 0, PoDulattob 'of ft."r%iw*k%-"r-�*Qts#w 1--ilt ,,,As eleven in ftivador, ftV6VAe0n Ilil .�.
, .
tter if allowed to-Ath'Ad for a yLL CANARM . *4w* 't V-00* L, Ir." W.4 04 lym.4 9~ . ,
will be'lley 1- � m4kattl roild p4per, Towilints -1 Stop the Cough.—Coughing Is ows- toe uto anywhere, at any tifil'a. = 260.0. Ito Iron mines constitute the %M� WM"* 0" OMit *r TOMA 40 lh-L% A %b- -Mexteo, nineteen In Spain. The PC*. '-
y 0 od it will well pay any woman month. I
PT � . oubt-hot water-eind it Whoult 6t two- walm Notft pie of llawotil are said to be Wd ot N
w stiftere from disNadenients, In PIMLInD OnArts. AYqo 's 4Wd#1krPotffJW4Wes. , eed by' IrritAfAoft in the reisplrator,y go,.Ircei,of its great&t wealth od fur� I *
flowmatioq�, ulceration, frreplaritl4t, ]pill a jat with #,lt6m&te layer of , I A—imMki C" , Dassagoo and Is the offtot to disW90 -and a light oustaWing mto.1 is rmx4y. Dish 4MAJoyment for 8 000. The ateol It k it* Ptnml SeWo 16i Pkaw , thirteen. . V 10 6 I . A
.11, ILY46 I
Wtkache, hobda4chles, nervousness of itraves dn the stern and sugar, let It I obstrueflone that ceme from lhtlm- MIJU and foundries h, an antival *W d4ft *4 OW WALM HOUN 06 R,*m0mow '
I prouttlon of godva to the value of 14=0"hwh "*""'="',"*"*Ar
io 0 blui,mll to glya thi9�9U&4sofal Atand Over night. In the morning pour to . 160.tm Groma men Are the true loo, tho �
'I ma -tion of the rnueous mk-.mbMn0. ,� goo* �, k .r.1. T.. . ult�u to 4%V'hom natum has sowasted. .
ft%#dy 6 trial. I over this fruit A strong spiced vinavar. Trfttment with Dr. Ttomas' WlectrI6 . , %f rAW Wh* VAJ go% .h" *Wft to- P N " tf,a I . L #F'
boiling hol; cover the jar with XrAV# I! # , I 14'"'000,000, The Grand nueby 0� b"I" " om&,* Jk 1,*Wbr*r X.0 4&t.w -M&I They &rA not extraordinary, thty av -
rot fs=lgaf teallami �w . to I l"veN stnd koop in a cool, dark V&apko, 041 will alloty the intlammAtice and I I Luxambure, Atm offAlcial title,076 a eoni Aw V* *An Of 00" *W0.1d_ uk.wAft *mwoftc .0 11
I I I (V $.**OA**d lit Ille true ordt,r. tt to the i�*�k I
vat W ent to lidis, E. wo'Whaw � UP_8NDIZD GRAM. I I In c6us6queacs the cough will oaus, I bututional ln*llarchy, the 1)roesnt ,*" , "" , ' -eole, I I
'm ra"It 2rut I 11 " It, A94 you W41a U04 no otkv I 4 oftVA Duch"M - r -ri sl� tt of men who aft %lot Wh%t Oty , �
*A4%* C: =1,, aos. Tbo jws J*" =*tk perfoatly ri" tq%v" oxe9nr zft,Hous at KIM"
- .
. ough 1,
%oiko laft 4040 IiI Itt "vat ""ift, 4fto 4 of ~ to *" wev*UUM W %. 004d. . 10 rotor Was it Mat- � ,
, 0� .1 � M;p lotu. � I I I . . .- t to be. -A%161. �,' .:
. I �
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