HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-26, Page 2wq�p� . I " - -` * .. 10 .. I I - I � . 1. I—— I . ­­ ..--- - - I � P i � i , I I vieetion. suldswe A44 oyorMolft his ' ! Ctical-4 ritined is not to be x1voiO - � 1. tile welgelit. It Ueserves. I Qugetlout--Whot NAe Petor? What RLY TO Wtill --_-..4"q.#, --- � - . (flock Is wuro. -- I """ I � I I "I couiluWam VM5 given to him In Com- At. UES' RE � N '_ � � A Pill That to Prized.-11bere have � I moll with ,the other apostles? Name r been tually pow put Upon the market � several plues, � In which h10 1(lbored. 1� I 11 I 93.. N nrat and pree0ed upon public attention, I To whom did To address the i L but none has e so I met ,­ Lesson IX r,eb. a, 1920 Rp:stlet ROW, Are Christims to gcow PAVES WAY TO COMPROMISE with 20 much 11111VIUY10V as lilurwroleelo I , in gr,400? n-011% Wb4t OU01114, they I Vegetable Fills. Widespread uf4e of . PiKer writes about Christi living abgtaln? WUM bonora -Are couterred - 0 in bas, attested their great yalue, : Temperance lesson. upon them,11 How shouhl the Clirls- and they Zeed no further advertise. � -ID-25. tiAn we't U4491. perso went than this. 1101ax firmly es. � � 1. .Peter 2.1-04 11. 12 cution.? What Note Will Not -he Published Until a Favorable the . example is set before Ulm? Why is !� tablialled 'tueloselves In -public es - I 0U.)T-XWT4kV,Y—I. Growth In Grace Christ apoken of as -a SlIepherd and town they now rank without a ,o, 1-6). 1. wherefore—This word .1 I � (v , I . peer 1 coun,06ko what tuo- apooftle :Ia About to Blithop 4f souls? Decision as,W ,Fiume , in the Jist of standard vegetable prep- ; g&y witli, the prmediug chapter. Tbe PI�ACTIOAL SURVEY. �. ____._­ arations. - � I eternity I an(i� potency of the W Topic.—Ideals for Christian living, IN I , - � Peter 1;25) Is the foundation for Ox- 1. Ideals for personal We, TRIPLZ TRAMY- . hortntloag VVb'Ch 1011OW" LRY4'ng Aside Terms largely Conciliatory ... Turkish- Peace -_ : --Put off once for all, as one lay's . 11, Ideals for Associated life, . � I , . : aside a garment that 14 dleeardod. In the lesson, we pass from apoll; Michigan Farmer Rills AI%1,.,c0__4 d4alWattlon. to lnjurq,.an- tolle history to apostolic teaching. Th Parleys Mean. Much i other tO, Vratity P&60-1191 1111ger,' bat-' genuineness Of the Petrillo .Epistles Wife, Child and gelf. red or Jealousy. This ,,440 the other has been. acknowledged from the be. I , � diapos.Itionq , or acts, moutJolted In this ginning. They Were evidently written London cable says: Andrew Bonar ,assumed control,,,Qf the city, is still Bay City, Aliell., Despatch — Proin verse, are ut rly put of barmony with shortly after Peter's wartyrdom. Q Law, Government spoke�qmau, dented there, During his occupation two little village Of Twining, thirty miles thie love -to I Z.1101; Ave, are" exhorted in Pete 1: 1.4), Which, Was by crue IfIX1011 In the House late to -day, in answer Plebiscites have been held, both of' north of this city, came a report of . Y. 22 of the preceding chapter, Guile ,at Rome about 64 Ve 65 A� D. There. to i%. question by Sir Edward Carson, which have indicated that the iallab. a. most revolting triple tragedy to- _T%e d1mositton to pmettee doeqp* IS all Interval Ofr tourte6n, years from that a "harsh" reply to President Wll� Itanks have desired d'Annunzio to re- day John Daniels, 4 young farmer, . � - � tion, HypQcrlgJes-:-­Ac,tA of deception. the counell at Jerusalem in the year son's Adriatic note had been original. tire, He has. declared both elections shot and killed big wife, knocked out jouvje,�_Eu , I'd an- ,vy is III -Will tONYA 49 till his appearance at Itome, during ly drafted, but later revised. Ile add- Invalid. the Lrallis of his one-year-oI4 baby other ibecg4se of his superior , ability -which we have no account of his ad that all Allied statesmen were ful. Personally, ,according to well in- by swinging it by tile heelslagainst a ; Evil speakings-­%al- � I or pmosSIOUS. activities, Ris epistles Nvereaddressed ly awake to the importance of main- formed sources here, Ile would wel- bed post, then ended the bloody orgy lea 4all4b1g. sit another's hurt; envy : to t.he dispersed ,Mws and- proselyted taining a good understanding with come an opportunity to ler.ve Fiume by sending a bullet through his brain, . Pines at' *Act.,1b,W0 good; Aulle Un' Gentiles. They" are. general In their the United States.— This was greeted but the Opportunity inust be of such a The bodies of the three wore found parts. 4 61tki , t$ the heart; bYpoc- scope and ;.ire desighed (1) to explain by a volley of cheers. nature as to vindicate in a measura by neighboro to -day frozen stiff. The � . . � , PtlitWty) finparts duplicitY to more fully � the doctrines of Christian- t4a tonatke; qlr�.17abeak'1499 �YoVnd the his action in seizing the city, And autlioritios believe the Crime was ebawtak of' analaor�­Auguollle. 2, ity, (2) to direct and persuade to holy Washington despatch: The Allies' this Is wbere Italy to left in the lurcli. corprilitted last Saturd4y night. As nowil9r.1-t, -11abes—Ohristl4ps bftyO, lAring and the faithful discharge of reply to President Wilson's note, Even though all -efforts to eomprO- Saturday afternoon Daniels was in r; ,23 of 'personal and relative duties, (3) to wherein lie Informed. them that It miss failed, and she fell back on the town, made some �lurchasas and re - been b(irli '4gi!ii, As told' In , . p to patience urned home, Tills was the last time the preo�odjqa 1� they persisted in their Tiliume settle- Pact of London, she -will not rocejl,e _,V,hupter, Dqejro__I,Qug­en,1ur, and persever. t for, $tncerq MINC of the wb�d-�-Tlle' -ance in the faith In the midst of went such action would lead him to Flume, lie was seen alive. Motive for tile , , infant Aeilr4, th� * notirigILMant tb4t ns,_ _persecutions. consider witlidrawal of 4he Peace In connection with the Fiume Im- deed is wholly lacking, The young ture,providee, for it, so -they who' are 1. Ideals for personal life. Every Treaty from the Senate, was received broglio, however, It developed to -day farmer 'was apparently devoted to his I born,, of the O,pirit long for,: 4nd: .k4re' . true Christian desires t6 be the best here to -day, It was Immediately that the United.States will probably ,wife and child and seldom went out nolirlihp,4 by, the. Wor ". I sent from the State Department to participate actively In tile Turkish without them. , � d, ,,of God_Tbat C,hrlstlari Possible. Any lower aspira- . ,ye may grow erpby�-It Is, Q,Pd',�� plan tion is so utterly disloyal to Christian the White House, and it will T)e 'an- peace negotiations, which will soon , The condition of the live stock on . � tU t � In i4eallsm as to .rorfalt 411 just claim to swored by the President, be opened In Paris. Such participa- the farm rhowed the animals had ,4 Hie chil Ten ihOUM � '*.rOW 91mce, an4 he y1a1j71qjIy­0rOj�It.Jed for th' profession. Every true Christian been without food for some days. Two , . I A . 'for them Id striving toward his Ideal. There is, The terms of the note are uuder.� tion, it is believed, Indicates a desire calves were dead and other cattle I I that .growth, It 6hIY roWfillIs . KIM.In first unfeigned self-dIvestment of "all otood to be largely conciliatory. It- on the Part of the President, to V0- Were suffering for water, . to co�.o.perato sincerely ,with # is not at all sharp, and while It Is engage more actively In European at- I th,at , -3 - I � plan. . "If 4jV-1lo, -y.q .have -tested,, guile. and hypocrisies, and envies, and ative In the diplowatle fairs, I �0 , -As they were born of iSlod, and had 411 evil spankings." Desire and effort argument - t � astod His good-nesei they w0uld nat- are always equal. With this teaching sense, it nevertheless paves the way It wasexplained to -day that of all of urAlly diMlro,�tho salllo,pure,.waadul- Paul is III perfect accord (Rom, 12Z, for 4 compromise, according to the the decisions reached by the Supreme SAY SECRET . toratod,�mljk:.pf the word,­01ar1re � . .,. ,, 4, 17-21). Truth unfolds itself only t; impression here. Council at its last meeting in Lon- . 75D WUQIA­,00331111g��-49wlng to QhrIst;' sincere minda, The desire for, and de- The Allies' note was not made pub� don were entirely tentative and cle- not oace'fdr' lutf: 'but'60utinue'lly coan- light In, truth is an infallible standard lie, and, in fact, none of the notes are pendent on what transpired at the I . tug t6him for'' ihe supply of spiritual of spiritual life, 1, Spirituality, Chris. expected to be made public until a Turkish pead'e negotiations. As the � 61PLOMACY needs, a living stone, disallowed in- tianIty Is distlactiVely a spiritual type favorable decision is reaelled. Then, United States.was not at war with *4eed_pf mea___,Reteraace'l;g.:heee made of,religiopi Its essential experiences p . orhaps, the complete text of all the Turkey, the Presidefit Is undecided as — to Isa, 28.16. Christ, ,the only sure lie wfiolly within the spiritual domain correspondence will be available to Jo whether this country should be ro- British Press Criti ' . foudation,'was, .rejecOd by ,thooe of man's mature, It expresses Itself the people. It is understood, though, presented by a plenipotentiary or as cism re . I i . whom he ca�illo%0"iivia ,(John 1:11). through outward rites. but is essen- that this Government has requested as an observer. The fact, though, Wilson Nota. of G,64'" -beg* make L that the United States is 'lot going to Chosen .. 0'04V :only tten tially distinct from them. all, The permission from the Allies to , , . � Son, I rrec�joua--��Olirlst � .was k6olood ;4postle places a moral resurrection at the correspondence public, accot a mandate for Armenia lessens — . I and,tisjeeted by the World, but in I the� ,Its, threshold. "You hath, he quick- One of the reasons that argues the necessity of her association III tile Claim People'Should Be In. . alghi. of the Father wcat� 1preclous,'and' ened."' Believers are God's temple. He against publication of any of the treaty making, but the fate of Ar- . . . .. tire ,pm,&._*.JIl dowe,.Wbon. before Him Awalls in them (2 Cor. 6: 16). They notes at this time Is the internal menla, alone which is slowly assum.- formed. , ' . aver'� knee shall b(IW.-. He, -now has are also a holy 'Priesthood, to offer up condition -in Italy. Italy is in a bad Ing the form of the greatest tragedy . , a name which Is abqvii every other spiritual sacrifices. God is not wor- way now,. and anything calculated in history, will cause the Presideni, to . " I I iiawe� , , He Is preclous,--because of His. sUlped by the works of men's hands, to excite unduly the Latin tempera- take an active part, It Is believed. Tihe London Cable,—Criticism, for fa!)- . . dietyi. - precious be�luij-, of Hie 004- but by the devotion of their hearts, ment is best left unsaid, In tIV6 opin� Armenians unable to defend thQm. ure to Mahe public President NVIlson's � . deseension, precious­�beeauae of th note and the Allied reply, Is a feature � I b e "Abstain from fles4ly lusts," Grace ion of the men who are striving to ,selves, are bemmed In by relentless Of some of the comments In London pap. i glorf�`HeVlkl' hare 41th: His: redeem- 'does not�destroy, Uut regulates, re- find a way out of the Fiume muddle, - -enemies, whose only wish is to see ers to�day, While the denial that Vls- ed oines. 5 '%Is' also, L � , 4 . 48; lively OWU043 strains and'directs, natural Impulses. The situation., so lar as facts and not �Ahein exterminated. , Their defence- count Grey arid Lord Robert Cecil had as 11VIfig " atonea,llw—R, V. A loose relix ion' -physical appetites in- raneies',are concerned, Is th1w ' less position is aggravated becaur,o influenced the -'Council. to modify its reZ rn� . Ply Is declared to be untrue. , I . —They vho are,bo � 'gai. partake, sureasoul ruint 2. Patience.' The per- The poet, d'Atinunzio, who has re- -they are split into two sections, and The Daily Mail, for Instance, says It � ef the liature,of th6ir-,Nvi�e .)faster,, faction ofhpat)�Aoe, I.e., the power to eelved the plaudits of Italian militar- ,the Turtars, and Rurds are between Is an OPQII secret that the country owes �.. , � They are �61yliitifb)lly alivie and are on4pre Peacefullyand quietly the un- ists ever since he entered Flume and them, a debt of gratitude'to Lord Grey for his I � 11 . lbutlt Into Chrfatt,g ap!rItual temple of plea , and afflictive. ip,xverlences of , . ., . . � activities In tile Matter, and the Times . I .. , which He le'.11the chibl.b6rner stone." life, ,I *")IVea the ' . . . I � 1. . I � I - Characterizes the denial . as "an example ,;t .1. .. . IT. ,Christign Temperance (vs, 11, � IV, , patecting of all . — of verbal quibbling which inferior in- . 12). 11. Dearly ­belo'ved 4eter Is. associate graces, "Tribulation ,work- . . I . telligences mista)te for dipionlacy,,, . . . 1. and I eth patience.", S. Growth Progress . maintains that though it may be Ver. about to exbort,Aha.cb'.�.rC,h earnestly . , ' RIP1119 z ' � I I to�show thofi,jkiilv,d� gbnilinevVyllowers ,Ig elverywhefe, 6e i0xv of &ated lifil. 1 � : U, . � . bally true, it conveys and Is designed to I . . hg addTjASas thaM With , When. dovei;�)A�nt: ceases, deoxy com- I . ­ conivey, what is untrue, L I I . � of"Chrl9t, and, I'VI I . insisting that publicity of the Whole : thdie jidkilug- t0fike. 'Baseeoh—'3ku- . . � - . I . : .1 � mouceo Ili. Ind qual or associated life. Ut' TIMA M BY -� W BON I � situation is necessary, the Times says . . trest, urge.. . As striilgets—"As so- H. ideals f6r"p.ssociated life. Chris- . , " , . it is right that democracies oil botl% I . � % . jooriiet% .�� . '�., V Ch'rf$04 Sides or the Atlantic shall bQ.t9ld tile P , truth, and aserting that this Celina is : . . . I 6 bt-` seL beinj in --a 'town or ; litions of lifinlan ;life and fulfils the . ... apbl;l " I I . I countij ,pol"Thbilf. own. 'They have obligations counacted therewith. It I . cherished much More widely In Great � . . 1. 11, M. he are ..tianity r6cogftiz6� ,all the complex re- I - ' oft I . OR �. ON A , .-� ATIU � 3ESTION 13ritain than 'tile I no cit1j'efis'hi� z ifisib; for they are citi- ttwch� . a an �osp,,Aads; . , o'-hOlplifftes d considerate I Ministers ­ $coined to . . _' , . Sup; � . I mieniy- cot�ntry. Pll- �1' forbeara�*k'ce fn,gur ielatio , '. zens of the Ili, _ u � I I 'We are not OInK to stand by E,nd -1 . grims—Trav,61reis, 'They- are making felloWa. (Phil. 2: 4)."The supremacy of have Out- frienSehl and relations with � . I . their Jourupyto Moont.Zjon. Abstain the kingd�om. is supremacy of suffering U-0 � America Jeoparafteg, by tile proceedings . � ' r President's Note Sa ,; It s. wwi withdraw of a triumvirato sitting behind close(I . . - . � I I I from rleshly"Iustd�`Thesie are enum and service. Christlanity'topchas tile . I d9QrS, , The Alnerican demo raer, ,Nv 11 . erate& W Gal. W 10-91; . The child of purest and highest Patriotism. It In- I IyOugine, will not be less c s! I ,� . - � Ived . . . God Is warned agalust,'tho gratifica culoates rosp6ct for Properly consti- % Sert tbeir rights and st2lesothIs 11 . at Secret dIpi6niacy.11 � offgrt t1oh of ovary- appetlk�,,r�.�,,o an. � a From Pact if Pres'led Plan' Stand - The ii'ally Chrolliclo aiso rnal�es 4 . I Xt8IIt - tuted authority (vs. 12-115). We are � . S . I that would bb'.',iXTi"hIfidran,de to Him commanded, t6 '�pray for the rulers and � I . strong plea for the Publig4tioii. of the in�.tlie div!n�,,,,Ii'to,"',,4n&..*4gain e tUoTity. Christian. liberty . ,; . PrPsidelit's notp, coiiree 'thaCi6iii( , 1 Inju, I- � soul 110 is not license, nor to be used "as an again vellem- � 't6,H16, ;n Both tile Times and jumil I I , Cully express anxiety lest the Suprome , , -us.& Modoyatloti,la Minis 'tba. t occasion to Ihe- flesh. I The Ideals of � . ahourd, � . . - . utticially Disclaimed �a,s a Threat, But the Council's actions I.-Operil the relationship are la*A11, 4114"41140414. trO14 ,all., thal ,';Christianity Lare the most elevated, its . I between inlurope and Amerlea, � Is',hat-nifful., .Tlile: eiboqr,t�tlon would Incentives the strongest and Its re- -1 . aebleved, arid Tho `Ohlbit�­tho nee oti:ol , former believes a direct agreement be- , Or , tolliollo - Vqaora, suits the most beneficent. . Is tween IWY and tile XuRp-Sl%va Can be - tobacco aua babit-i6rining drugs. .1� . Me'aning � * Clear I- than frustrated by the ! W4r agalilf W. 11. C. � .t,tllo r 'Ouj4tho L� interests � 0 - ---... \\ Selfish intrigues of movWpprs Qf the Sf4- eolil_g� I . of the 1f,er *11aii undue atten- . ', Pre"10 Council. They will resist presi- .1 ti6n is- paid to ,eating -and drInking, There is no.more ,effective vermil- Washington Despatch — President , Washington Governmaut to -mor- heir proper peril Over .." I fu e on the ,market than, Miller's a question' on which Ile IS suhstalltl4l)y I and the ,gratification , of other bodily W'Drm Powders'. They Will not only Wilson in his note to the Allies on' row. right, for, it unroward consoquencles appe'tltea,* and W1h&,AW):mtfIfition;of clear 'the . stomach and bowels of tile Fiume question, has, attgr all, The Council made it known In Itp fOlIO%V their handling of p. matter so � I I wealth. 32. 'Conversation—Conduct, worms, but will prove a very service- informed thein that it they pro- daily semi-official communication to momentous as thd presovation of Arnarl- � I behavior. , laotkest—proper, commend- . . call fellowship in tile affairs of Enroile : abld -medicine for children In regu- the newepapers that It floes not pro- � . � able. Among . the Gentiles—The. ceeded wiLb. their settlem h they Will be illa(le to bear tile full re - I . lating tile defantile system and main- pose to make public the correspon- SPonsibility of their acts." i Christian to 'carefully witelied, and � I Adriatfj3 situation Ile would consider The Morning Post, wIllch hitherto had t his dohduU WI1J:PTe0ChL the Goopel If t"1111191tinAllibalthy condition. TUere tho withdrawal of the Peace Treq . 'lot commented on President Wilson,s I . . I . ty Oence, so, th&t. the lItiestion of . I . It is"Chr,'.9tlJlke.,..,As Eilldoers—The is nothing In their composition that' from the Senate, . -whether the text of thp notels I will Lnote, says� . I � "The � v4ga�e among whom Christians lived, WIN Injuf6 the -mosit delicate stomacU Mile the President's 4otiq . be given to the world, rests with coi-ilplexit or the situation,is a I w1ven, directions are followed, and .n hgs I y � . � qun the President's 166kod upohrAera -as � die been Officially discIRIPIP-4 48 4't.brettit, President Wilson. I necoAsal , . , - regarding al -be given to 01114ron,vin. the ,act reMains that be sot forth spa- . Since 'the main faag �, r.glation _ their ustowe" and hence they gave. ad toward tile constitu0nn and pol- , _ ... � , e . they Can,, � . them the, repatattgn. of, botrig lawless.� the full assurange that they will Ut- A . are public 10-V Of his Own country, which -has been � I —fically to tile Allies the flAll Congo- "property, U11mely that the Pragl4ent A Source of wpaimp.4s,to tlie ill)loj .�;jllce '-M.—Patliiii endurance (vs, 19-25).' terly destroy all, worms. quences of ally 4ction tf, . (lit,_ opelaing Of the peace conf%-,�neg,l, I I r -, . . ken on the stron,gly objects to thp solution. of Tile Paper finds It diffictilt "to state � 19. ,t-h,ankwoItkhy—C,or*mendabIe for� I � . Fiume matter without his UnOwlefte the Italian-Jit'go Slav Problem by that Obvious truth without �eemjn& to r ,. , — r I ,conscience .to1%Ja,jA tlod_L_Thg 0 �rls-, ; � , I ..Or consent. the 4ppliclition. of the treaty ol! Lon- reflect upon the President's vlews,"�but tion. hu high rLegqrd for. Ithe " The President's note was not wq4a don thereto, and 613Jocts so strongly dveras It Improper to comment U11 the , .� conscience. '110 " recoomizes I. — I 1 IN I Public at ,either tile White HOUse or as_,r6 ,co�tpmp'late Awerica'a. with- Singular position OCCUPICS In 111,1131-f- , � GIVEIK,.�; T E ,;To, he . . given ito guide him abigbt. . �. � � � � .the State DepartuipUt to -44y, ` In. ad� drawal froln the Versailles cowpalet call Politics. It adds. `V'noly ' "NVO feel sure, however, that tile � 4L ' r1af,`AUffLTIng Wrongfully— , dition to mentioning tha Pe406 as a p'ossibility, and that tile Ca�nell President would agree that the alit , in . � .. e, � I . - 'u,'FORCES � . �11 ' ' '4Aej$, WS, COAftlellee :$a li- , . ,C. Treaty, a t a V N*b ! 1 01 however, objects to the re -opening Of the dealing With his demand , re bound to , F . it is understood require some reasonable guarantee that , that lie may have indlcatO to 11 . � able to be misunderstood and lnlere� . 11 I Ftr4ilao question, the arguments exchanged acquiescence oil their part -will be rec- � 1. brosented, ".1fititiftbeiett fhousands of a similar necessity that would ponipel shall be -published WbilO the Con- oglilz�ii by the United States Senate. In , Godle saiints, have suffored at the , Unti) him likewise to withdraw trom, the troversy Is hot on �tho anvil. default of tbat assurancO we do not see I . handil dF�-th4i"etieWeA of ,011111st �Dl? Osman y- is, AlloWed nprican defensive The statement from Washington than an endeavor to arrive IndeDtn,1,Allt. . . Senate the Fraueo-Ai what course is open to the allies other . . n& 6ther"Teae-oa tbw beeause tbeY July 10 alliance wherein the United. confirming the first reports that the IY at a Practical ,solution Or the niany . � Wbift t4)oY,Alx�6 voice of God speak- - States pro= to go to France's pro, President bad intimated that re- formidable Problems with which they v) 1�9 - ihitugh 'their conaciotaloes. 20. tection. In case of an ua,w4rrantod at- jection, Og his policy mAght be tol- 'Ire confronted." � ,b�ffdted—Tha word means to strike - To Out Army Down to 100,- lack against liar by Geringuy, lowed by diplomatic reprisals fi4r- . 0-+_ *Ith thebalid or flat, to cuff orknoek � All told, the President's aatton� nisheg anothelc surprise to the poll- I I , Jabout. fadit"fils or wroftg�dbfilg- 'I WO -Men, w1lich, with the exception Of the text ticl4no a4d the pliblic, Who olotsido I taixe It patl4itly — There Is, to � Of the note, was revealed almost on- of- 4 OM411 hilt i'lliportaut cleele .SIR A. GEDDES , "Wom" or Virtue, in oiliduming with tirely to-44y—ls the strongest move W0104 r t . I I geo a twice dally Ili Dpw4inj _i*U6uw tht puntsknowl; tha,t is Us- London cable says: Germany has he has yet made to Impress Buyope Street, and the OvIagra in tfie " -4-Whan one wrofully and .6onjaclen. given up the treaty light, that he doe . group 1NGTON ,defted. thle. 46 Ateeiptablo with God been allo�ed a con,ceogion trow tb,e with -the knowledge that he has not confidenep of tbis oxporl- TO � WASK � ' terms *1 the Treaty or Versailles 8 eiroed, thp greptesi; surprise because t1ously obeys, Ood, and because It ulth regard to the -speed W�ith not concede tile treaty beaten, and, it camo close on the hoels of other — this obedlento ,suffering Is, tail!Ttetod � Which her military forces, must futthermore, that he will not accept W4shington. massages, intimating upon Ift, aAd he bears it patiently. be ratification of the treaty ulpless Art- that only American retirement from To Succeed Lord Grey As I 0� God liple"ed, iwith the courser he has Veduted. Preintor Lloyd George, it ,ale X. is Intart, Its part Jit pollelng the Adriatic i � ivUs learneit to -day, hag notified Dr, i � I t0en iid will grant.him: his blem- .St., nomer'� Ills note, in brief, flifornis the Alifea Was ln.ten,;1-4, Ambassador, I � tho'Gorman a that lie will not brook any action at. . i lag. 21. evonbareunic, were ye call- nvoy, that I the date ,when bar army must be re. this time, without The Council Issued an emphatic . 1 04—Tbe Christlan Is callod Into fal. duced to 260,000 men hits been. fixed either his know- denial on its own. behalf of French Say$ A,- , I! Iftehip with Chrlot, to be ldke him asApril 10, while the Is allowed t1,11 lodge, consent or approval, whichmay newspaper reports that It wag per. Londor, Times A -All I � dn i6baraeteir -And betavlOr alid td: later, onAlto assumption that the tin- -suadod to modify and soften the � I "to in his MANKUgs. go left us July 10 to bring ;lt down to the Ited Stateg Will ultimately be a mem. Poltitment Sure. � an '62amole ofratiout endurance un- 100*000 limit. � I bar of the League of Nations, commit first draft of the note, to President ­..�� � "I h4vo tho honor to Inform .Wilson by intervention exercised by . � d*r isuffeflug. 92, who dl(I�Ao',sln— for the jnforilla,tion, of the Ger you this Country to responsibility 10 con- � 0 — Sir , Ctelgit was absolilt-ely sinless. 'There nian � ection with upholding decisions to Viscount OtOY, L6rd Robert Cecil , Lidon Special Cabl J � Government," said Air. Llo),4 " hich it was not a party. _ and Austen Chamberlain, Chancel. ,Auckland Ged4eg has been definitely was no guile In him, yot he suffered Goorgela letter to Dr. St. Hamer, W lor of the E xehequer. Tho liftop. � as " orll-doe. 23. when he wits , " that "be ,attention of tile supreme � OUTLOOK NOT UOPPIPUL, tibilitiIA of tho non-Britishs main. . chosen to succeed Lord Cray as Brit. , rotiled—Re was broken agoinbt dur- Co awn t -y the pro. Washington Despatch — The, be -at bera of tho council were one of the Ash Ambassador to the liaited States, 4U his m1nistory, during b1s. trial and sident of the Commigolon of 6htrol friends of the peace treaty In Wash. factors behind this denial because the Times announces this morning, dUring h14 suffehilgo on. the cross. In Derlia �to the difficulty with which dftgton were not very hopeful to-filght the story Wag calcultitod to give the . Sir Auckland Geddes has been Min- � roylled not again—He did not raurn the Gprman Government will be con. Of the possibility of agreemont be- tuipresslon. an the continent that the 1-fer of National Service Since .Li -VI. evil for evill. fronted It tho Alli,es Ine1t ,on ,ftrict tw(.,en Itepublicaun and Democrats In British WerO dominating 010, confer. buring the recent railway strike lie . 24. Alara our ising lit his own body— intrilm't Rs had no sin for vh1ch he dt,.sorvO ,at of the artlelL, of tile treat,* tile Senate on the roservil.tions. en(!P. Conducted the negotiations with the requiring A reduellon, lit tile German "It looks as though we might COMO The feelffi,g At Italian headquar. strikers and the 11triple alliance" on to tifffer,'but lie suffered the puniall- .army to 100,000 not later than out at the same holo, m we wont In," tors In London with respect to tho behalf of the Goveriinlent, slid earn. 41'ent oor sins deswed, und on tile AjarcU 31, was the description apl)lled, to the sit- president,+) action Is strong, lyllor. ed nation-wide PIANO by the efficient crow powe& out 44 .,precious file for , . F tm. Mag dftd to slit&-.41aving tho 'As this article was ilrafted on tho 110tioll by Senator Hitchcock, Nino- 1101al,ly it is spoken of as all attack manner in which lie handled the situ. Kfe of tin d"r6y#4, should livel on- AssniiiPtion tb4t th<, Treaty of Ver- OrAtte leader In the 80nate. - Ile Add- . upon Italy, and axis memorandurd atIQn, particularly Ili organizing tL I to rigbitsousne"-410 whose *Ina are cailles, would bAyk boen ralficil 4t 0, ell that the ReDubliewis evidently is described Re on ulthilatuin. The voluntary transport and supply sys. mueb, oarlier date, the supremio wished to avoid any tolutiromisci Oft Italians also feel .that Italy,s ,C10,11115 tem which saved London from partial pardouml through. the atonoment. of 4!0uncil decid,ed to permit that M6 the Inatt0r, On the dthOr hand, M 'to ,consideration for,her part or the starvation. Geddes, who was raised �. bWs"i*ies to PU4** 004- Ile lived 0orman fom&4 should be rixtue.stl to declared that there, would be no tati. war and the SoLerifilbeg made have to tile nobility in 1917, Is one of the is xocordan6o wl,th the Trinotples of .200,000 by April 10, that Is to say, fleAtion ulile,;s there WA% first Z (=- � never ,becn (1111te 0pri,clated by Aer YOUIlgest Of DtItftill's- statesman, be- rishitewit4a. by whose stripm ,Y# -Urree, months from the comidg Into promise, , allies, � Ing only 41- years old, 110 Is tho. is **ere bwed-Soo Iss. 63: 4. 6. 25* form -of the treaty a providrd for it is goller,gly agreed that the de. The feeling In the Sug,3-81av catup brother of Sir Eric Mddc%s. ills wife as *beep going &%*Y -Those to whom, � In Article 163, 4n(l to 10,CM bJ bAte will Ile allowed, to run its full I . WAR Isabelle -,*ambel, daughter of W. IP*termu *r4tiog were 04co wander. .r, y 1q. 0, equally strong, but hao thn clo. A. Ross, of New York. Ile saw tLetiye � dug In Ignomnee and sin and ftomeit J al Pourne without any effort to hasiten a mclit Of elation that thl% Shiva bAve service lit the war. His hobby Is fxn. � "I lisLye the bonor to request thitt roll krall on r4ttfication. it strong champlon, They feet thitt I to be eternitIly lost. They thth itc. y" Will ron!'Munloste th,ti dee:,41011 - COVIOCIL PRENIES REPLY. � 00111Y, having been a professor in e#pted no she-pli#r4ling ooxa. Shop- they are at it d1sadvanta,le li"ause, that. science at geveretl univeraltIts. bord *nd Blsbop of your souls-4emaK to 06 (lorMan Government," I 1-london Vable - Tha Anl*rlOktl Minister Truplblteh As outside the Vs,or a year during MY War be 'Was di. U)* ,sf �� �-­----41+*--_ *0 lo;I y Is enxaged to-ftlxht In end. coun(q1t, or 1 -be p4wero, and, lilie rector of recruiting, . M t,alled "tho good shokplierd" be- if one be fr(mbled with r.orns and hig min forwatding to Washingo% t � lie Itgllanm, hilve thplr Own griev. Tause -he has a toudor care for his _____*_&4__ *art#, he "I find in I the reply of tht� Supreme Vonnell aw,e in that thty conmider that tho If VIlechIlLtIon Will k"p one fr(j.m ,I ITIovit, The word Tilwl" hiks In it the (va,rft CHM aft appliestinn __ __ I to PresiOn t Wllmnn't�� Adriatic note, rget th(t e e I the f,doltiol'ovortilght. XTnd*rC.bTIft0t11ro* , ' _y w r n war Irani this fak*ftX tilingim, wily Ilot try it or, the entirely relle" Nufforing, whirti will bf.* In the band* 4if the j#tart, find that thpir �cnuntry wait klo,ptottintilht? � . � � � , .� . � � . . # ' ,;.,7 7,' '-%' " " A .1 I . -; 1� 17 "" -_ : I §Mff C'm sented. New stalls have been erected I to accommodate the rieW Alsatian — ROW r, 0 ton of many forms the most terrible Indictment agaiml; the ex-Progiller, - - P, - ,.& __ 1111111111 I arwd I 1AIN"UNST man Minister of Justice, E ugene _Caillaux a velvet armchair behind his counsel, 110 'based upeii: 111 11WIA& 00" while Ili his rear several places had been reserved for the witnesses. The latter Will Include ambassadors, chan. DEMATELAND THEMN . .— 1'rlvgts IlOtes In VaIllaug's band. �wrftlng discovered In a safe deposit " i 11041111mil" 0^ _-,,,�_ - - Dread . of Asthma makes, countless other high placed personages, making vault at 141orence, Italy, Italy, and 14 ska-4 0#1W OVXK^, "M , . -*-I--,- ­ t which he outlined 9 ischeme -by TA"OU Ile WOu!4 rwume Office oil A Platfor 44ft 0*0* 04 ,04 *w0ft 0 = . Greatest Legal Ta sk in An. of Immediate peace Wl (It flermany. ills X, %oft 81qR4g%* ' L . Uals of 0 rime Starts. vianwas to become virtual die. tator of Franco by veans of it coup d4etat. I 040011K 1-flitkilia-M-101-1-01 11 1 4,111,14W ' . ') ..0ablernessagestroin, theGerilian ImTo" 4, 0"'Xisk I P. lanning Case$ Against the � Minister at Buono,, Aires, Alr'gentluil, L A#&WJ4 V111110601*1114 War 04minals. Seat to Berlin through Count johanil , 1104rich voll Bern."tortf. These Ines: . are Pqfd to toll"Q!, Caillaux's I 11 _RL ,0 L 00, 0""� 11-4 1>4410y, Rol" I =Oan 1, Lon don cable: Tile greatest legal with Ilerr Lipacuor, a 111111- gitrli n, during the war, and with Ger- Wllworr^ .0044007* I 9M task In the annals of crime Will be 1)(191111 at Parls to -morrow, When Lord . man't emissaries. To tile 14tter lie As said to have given the impression. that I 0*11W N" " w1l""Ph - Birkenhead for Great Britain, m. 1g. nace for France, and X. Jacquew4la I lie was ready to negotjate peace with Germany and to foster a Franco -Ger- - . � R. va W.0" for Belgium, will commence the work of drafting the Indictment against the mQn. entente. L 10 callIall'""n acquaintance with many � I ONWAWO Aft #OLOMW4 I German war criminals Who ;ire to be tried by the German Supreme sus'pected Inen in France, Italy and, tile United , Akow 0 so" 4.4 ION 00" I Court at Leipzig. � States, Including Count Min- otto, husband of the. daughtQr of a I WOW^ I I Lord BirkoulI.ead went to Paris to. day, accompanied by a large staff of millionaire meat Packer of ChIca&o. 4. Caillaux's alleged declaration In , . I L . 9 ­ � 9.9, L " Arthur I Irwilill.1 assIstants, prepared to examine thou, ItItly to ex-NUnister Martini, repre- . sands of pages of evidence collected sentIng France as exhaustecl antl P.D.&, C.D.G. against the culprits, Separate indict- ments will be made out against every. ready to make peace on 9 a basIs at the evacuation by Germany Or 130- Doctor of Dental .Surgery of the Penn. Sylvan�t College and Llconl:14,ta of D04. tal 9 one of the nearly nine hundred ac. glum 4nd the Invaded n—enell. areas, Suruery .nf Ontario. 1 Closed everi Wednesday Afternooll. cused. In each case a list of many witnesses In England, France auanei� Against territorial and other compen- sation to Germany from Russia, Office In M.acclotiald Block. . _. gium will be cited whoin the German SZVERAL OUTSTANDING 1,11A. 9 . � ... �, I W. R. liarabky Prosecuting lawyers Will be able tc; TURES. call when the trials opon. As Britain calls for tile trials of From a spectacular 'viewpoint, the trial of the former Premier be . 9,010., wo., 0.w t ' 9P0*Q attantlon, paid to 41zoas" Only 111nety-seven German nationals. Lord Birkenhead's task will be light way divided Into several Outstanding fe,t_ W � L of Womik aud, Children bavlut . � t taken * in Our* as compared with that of the Frenell and Belgian legal,staffs, tures, which,will be chronologically: A—CaIllaux's speech In Ills own postgr&dua woile 6M. Datteriology And. Salontifto i Aside from the illegal and 0 owardly defence, which is expected to be sen- sational. . xedlalwk (K5% In the Kerr re0daims b& - I execution of Edith Cavell, t he major- ity of the Britih outrages B—Diselosuros of his relations NVith two" the Queeli'll Hotel im—W tho I Daptint 0hurch, perpetrated by W -boats and Zeppelins Count Winotto. � C—Fresh sidelights on tile Bolo All Wuntil"s tivou WiKul lkttotmm . . and prison camp atrocities. I The French and Bel 1% . glan Judicial Pasha case and Caillaux's relations , Pbo" K 3P., 0� box �111 I , , authorities will haveto resift a tow- ering hbap of affidavits concerning with that 'cause celebre.11 D—Iiielioes from the Lenoir treason Df. RoAt C.Awedmond crimes,sucli as the wanton sacrifice of , civilian I�ves and the destruction of CaM E—Ca,illawer. relations with the . K.1114.8. �Ikr.) — UR4.11 TAnd.) . private_.2roperty by the German arm- newspaper Bonnet Rouge. F—The story of CaIllalix's trip to PHY4101AN AND 81JR,GKOX. I , lea of 6-etupation. Ex-Premler Clemencean rec6litly Italy. - . Opinion Is divided as to Calilaux,s W Chlsho�m's old otsn4l). , I . told Arthur Balfour that the world ers and tile towns. and villages wera — -_ acGAVJ.LIeS in Italy. oome ItIlLian poll. would be shocked to the core when it ticians assert he actually invited became fully acquainted with the da- Italy's aid In the prompt coliclusion tittle of the charges against German of peace, while others, equally proin. officers who are accused of having inerit, positively deny this. murdered young women in Northern The prosecution is conducted by �Prance in the manner of primitive, Judge Mornet, the man who convicted conquerors. Mata Hari, the beautiful Gernlan M. Ignace has classified all the tes- woman spy, � timony in his category of the charges The Senate chamber was crowded to and the cases form an amazing story overflowing at t9-d,iy1s opening of . of tile turpitude created by German the trial. All the senators were prea- militaTislil. alit. Leon Bourgeais, presided. The The work of the Inter -Allied CoM.- diploinatic corps was widely repre- . U 11,11, y_1 rl 11 411 . .. I, . 0 1 . ", I , I u, ssion ea %; J as am on w occupy many weeks. The final drafts sented. New stalls have been erected I to accommodate the rieW Alsatian — �L of the indictments and lists of prls- onera will be forwarded to the Ger- representatives. sat somewhat isolated Ili ' W614 R u LO'S mamnST man Minister of Justice, E ugene _Caillaux a velvet armchair behind his counsel, Schiffer. It is not expected that the . trials will be 'wiped oft the European slate before the end of the year. while Ili his rear several places had been reserved for the witnesses. The latter Will Include ambassadors, chan. DEMATELAND . .— cellors, e%-premlers, publishers and _-,,,�_ - - Dread . of Asthma makes, countless other high placed personages, making thousands miserable. Night after night the attacks return and even up the most distinguished list of wit- nesses on record in a Prolich trial. - Such is the Pinsk Section of when -brief respite is given the mind ____*_-_41__ . , Poland Now. is still In torment from continual antlolpatton. Dr. J. 3). Kollogg's . . this. CANADA1 KI , , . . , � . I . As thma, Remedy changes all 5po,000 Helpless and Slow- Itelief. comes, and at once, w1lile f u- , I I ture attacks are .warded off, leaving 0 A ly Starving. . the afflicted one In P. state of peat ,e and liappiriess. lie onoe believed he rd AGAINST TUIlKS . . , Two opposing streams of lorlotil. omeward bound couldnever enjoy. Inexpensive and I refugees, deserted villages, carcass and bone strewn I . sold almost everywhere. - � I roadside,�, barren fields and great' � � 0_01� Wants No More Moslem flocks of inevitable carrion crows ) BITTEERW FIGHT Rule in Armehia. croaking thei mournful .calls amidst tII3 terrible desolat' ii -such are some , of the highlights - of a trip through ' SURE, AT TRIAL ' "Interests" Busy to Save I the Pinsk section of Po1aLd as de - scribed by Frank W. Amerlefan, an American Red Cross Ili that I the Ottoman, worker country. . OF CAILLAUX Ottawa I "We travelled in that iluralmse . stretch of territory east of the Bum De.c.patch - in view or the Itiver, which is probably the most WidesPread desire evidenced Ili Can- desolAto country Ili the world to-d4y," ada that the Armenians should be writes Mr. America, "Most people protected In u n the heard of it for the first time during � Ex-Prohler of .Fran Ce bestial treat1iient given them by the the war when its towns, riva-s an.1, ChargOd With Betray- Turks, it Is understood that the Gov- ernment lifts niade known to tile Al- marshes Were fought over and -Were mentioned in the official communi-, , iAg His Country,, lied Powers the Intense feeling of Canadians that the Arluelliall Prov- ques, It is a country,of lakom, for- 04t alid marsh, about'2o,000 scju.re I . 1110eg ShDuld net be restored to Turk- miles in area, where 5,000,000 pag.016 , DIRTY LINEN - isb rule by the Turkish treaty to be negotiated, Cana(la il of the to tile treaty, are absolutely helpless. "The highways were full of wander - parties anil ers and tile towns. and villages wera there Is no dolibt that tke Govern- pi�tures of do.,,-olation, haager And - ­ . - nient feels Its Influence should be disease. The wanderers were refu- 1n Political Life of France cast whole-hearte4ly Ili favor of Ar- ,gees going in opposito directions, menip. eastward and westward, teom all to Be Afred il 'the CAMOUFI,,I,GB OF GUNUNPORCIt-i, Pftrt;� Of 1111884� and eastwar.1 froln . , .4 - Contemt, INTFUR)DiSTS. Germauy� Some had been on th,� way . for Months, All they Do�.;,3,%;ged thay . - London Cable - A strong, cabal carried oil their bacl(p.. .&II w6re !I' the 11011s8 Of COMMO116 Is violently homeward bound. Pqrls"'Cable - Colifronted by his opposed to tile. Supreme Council's do,- "We noticed that the roadsides Pem,S assembled as a High Court of cis'lon to allow the Turl;s to remilill were itrewn with the bone.j of ant- .4 � � , J=tive in the Prench $enate to -day. III Constantinople. mals, cows, liorsw and dogs,,whieh Joseph Catllaux, ex-Promier of Ili the lobby of the House your bad been thero long enough to be Prince, husband of the ,Woman who correspondent learned that fears of Parched white, The barren fields did not hesitate to commit murder t3t the attitude of the Moslem popula- were full oi carrion crows, Nolte of ' love of II04, Uad nothing of tU3 de- l tion of Irl(tia .,Ire regarded merely as us had ever before seen so mttny of Jected aDpearance of a man whose camouflage to co -ver c3nimercial in- these vultures. � life 4epends upon Ills ,Ability to clear tere.4ts. "We came to a . all village.' No himself Of tile 04arge Of 0efts". on .4 � 0 amoki came from any of the thatch - the contrary, he appeared as one Protect the child from the ravages rooted buts, and It looked very deso- thoroughly sure of himself and ready of worms by using Mother 0raves' late. W. walked down the village to take up the treason deb4te on th; W"In Exterminator. It is a stand- found one po*r crying woman who floor of 'the Senate in a. spirit of 4rd remedy-, and years of use have ,was lioldin,; in her arms her. baby. eqiiality with the I-Aen appointed by enhanced its reputation, I Tile chi'l w1lis dying from lack of the nation to judge him. . — � - , nourishment. i'liother woman who Dramatic tenseness . marked the Read1*11,W Us 41ow Without Aotion. had a ealld with her complained that ;opening of the trial, the outcome of . she had visited tile authorities of a . whI&h Is to solvev tile three years' It youwant to got value out Of a nearby town. b,!e!glvg assistance, but ridle that has been' P zling the uz - hook, however, don't lean oil It as ea -ch day had passed her on to the statesmen of till Europe, Whether tills thOug1l yoti were a cripple. A book call next with the reslilt that she did not former Premier, universally conced- thke you by %hear force, and project receive anything." � . ad to be one ot the keenest brains YOU,Jnto a good Job, or put more Of tile ;.000,000 people in tills un - of the continent, did or did not money in your pay envelope, or make fortunate region, Le*veral hundred thftsanCs beli-ay Ills country to the enemy In you industrious or patient wholl you are .Te_ according to a,l- ViUs rocetv,d from. its the midst of the war's grapple for life are oklierwise. All you can expect of agents abroad by the American Jewish Relief C,0111� or death. Elegantly attired, his head held a boolt Is that it tells yo how triesd things can be accomplislieud. Th� real mittee- DesPerilte efforts -are being made by these agents to 'rush kosher I high, CaIllaux, replied In a clever voice to the formal questions a,t tile opening job lies With you. - * A 0 ' Meat and other nc-cessary food sup - of ,the hearing. Als, , , fingers toyed Thoso karal Profiteers, )Mw to tlla�qe I hard-pressed people. negular shipments of supplies are with a pair .Of priarl grey gloves 4s he listened attentively to the read- And men relate that Mrs' Newlywed go_ Ing forward from 'New York to Dan - Zig I'dId these are to be trangportpd Ing. of the long Indictment, Now and went to the grocery store to do her I inland With all Possible speed. then he Passed a whispered word to morning marketing. And she was __ --4-+— his counsel, Judges Glafterl and Moutot, both memb-,ra of the Cham- ber Of Deputies, and Judge Deftiftuge, determined that the grocer should not talto advantage of her youth and Ili-' I POLES RNISE a venerable member of the I-larls e,vDc 11 ,rience. These eggs are dreadfully small,,, atch bar, especially appointed to w, the ,legal proceedings td see., that I4 d he criticise . It, all. "I 1111 it lie qwered, ,,But i 'RED$' ATTACK the code !a strictly affliered to. . .0w that's tile kind the farAlers bring me. Certain passages or the Indictment They are Just fresIt from tile Country called a sardonic =Ile to Vaillau's (Ills morning." ­­__"� lips. This mulle, together with -hIA entirely detached attitude, was oritt- "Yes," l4aid the bride, ,land (11at,g the trouble with those farmers. They 'vVar-q-1w, 1�'OV- 2ft.-All attaek whiell. a POliall Offit'lal P0114110111p,"Ittoil terms elsed ,by lits political tilouiles as "bluff," while Ills ,frienda thme to . are so anxiom to get their e99:3 sold tile OPC111119 OZ ft lollg-prppared 1101. ' ,charaotorlze It ao Proof of a clear . 940011!"-000VIalld th. at they talw them off tile nest too Plain Dealer. "'Ilevik offensive, Was riolimilsp(I y the Poles oil tho north.eftstorn front, Re- conscience. Caillaux Is chargM with having en.- . dangered the security of the slate by --------- 6-s-*- - A Prime OPts9ing for Wound[C-In cording to the C011111111111oation, after e. The. 13olqlIpvI _ ki, *. . plots and machiftatIons ealculAted to sotue factories and work-s'110ps ear- balle achl Is kept for use in eauter. 11 ('O 'Ing III (t vOlIth-WC-sterly direction � betiveen 116IO(It and Robruisli, lend to a premature pe.we, ,contrary to the Interests of the country, Ile laing Wounds and cuta allatained by were thrown baelc (worywilere wItU "heavy fit ,eipected to make a ,grinat speech , the workmen. For botter to, keep losses." The of deronect, Probably Friday, III which be will fully develop his own theory on hand s. bottle of Dr. Thomas, E,f.. IeMrlt Oil. It to Ju8t at; quiek In cominuitic,fttloll adds t)lltt the Poles took the offtln,4 . qvp at the same and Attempt to DrOV3 that his Dolle action and does not flear the skin or U110 In the 80tith, inaLk Ing territorioLl tbough It may be d1sapproved iby Ze burn tim flesh. There, Is no Otlle�,,r ' wilm, And mapiliring Much Inaterial. prement Prench Government, was Ac- Oil that linq Itq curalive qualitipm, It is Oatllwd that the T,1oI,Jh(.%,v1k1 wew, tu9,tpd 1)y patriotic motiveg. 11A.1414 OV TIM AVVITSATION. __-__44L*_ X0 "Ll' 11" Such A, Nllnlly 1l1qP0MI- foreed to evaellafe the title of Strrtrok­ 01INU111thlOff, Pro-41turoff, tjld refir(ld flon that M Van aVoM to plUtud in big it) tll,ft Ilue ninning front rilava to Thn accuRation, which lit Out opin- own light. � _ MlOzyborg and 11pliet.-h�V 1-1 , , , " : �� I . . I . I . � I � 11 I . I 111� . L, , . ,, ���64'1, � _ I , I - � . I 1, '1"L , � I , . I I ­ 1 4 . . I 1 �� 1 I I , ' ' ' � � � Illii"o I 11 �, , , . ��_.So_ �.�.�, � � - kL� ,, , - _�. - _�_� �&__ I —, AL_,� ­­ . � , I �_ _, —_- _ — "I.iZ'�& ji�' �'�_ �� il'� ��l L � I , .