The Wingham Advance, 1920-02-19, Page 8• i ` - � - Ake •°. �� fr+lt.tr k�'pl Ty t INA Ab V� ' boy `OU. lot1� 9 k -o & coo, HANNA ,i. We are ;showing many new spring models, in stylish Serge Dresses, Suits in Trieotine, Serges and Silks, 1301molr e , Stamper pratisntad these with a. boxii1illil °'' silvor Casserole, Pyrex ovon glass, also a Snow banks and thu price of butter Ave i silver butter -knife and ,sugar slloll, till xoAring,. Tear Mr, and Mrs. Smith: !Sirs. Arktill, 'leerwatet is sponditig a It Is with a fooling of deep sorrow and ..w weeks with her father. Mr. Thomas ? I regret that we have learned khat you are nglis, who has been laid up with a ,suvero s ttack of neuralgia, i about to depart from our midst and that iwo cannot look forward to your ossoolat- Miss Shand. Toronto, is visiting her {{ ion in the future, whilo . you bave beeii istor, Met;, Corrigan, i with us, you have proven yourself untlr- Mr. Richard ,jeffray's sale last Thurs i ing in your efforts to help in; all caua9 e lay was well attended and T. It. Bennett connticted with the ahurch, Sunday bought good prices School and Epworth League and we Our enterprising store-kooper Mr, feel that we cannot let You depart without ohn Gowdy recaived a valentit� shower,'some token of our respect And love so we com pupils of ttie Public School.., . ask yon to accept these gifts not for their A gang of men are at worts ice Vit value but in recognition_ of your faithful o )avid Marshall's bush gettingut their -services' and that God may bless you trimmer supply of wood, ! with long life of happiness and prosper. Mr, Jas, Darling has bought file farm ity Is the wish of your friends in the Blne- )wned by Wm. Hackney. Mr, Hackney vale Math. church. vill move into the: village. Signed on behalf of the '13luovale Meth. arc , The regular monthly tweeting of the l ch h Women's Institute met at the home of Sir Smith made a suitable reply thank - firs. Goo, Doubledee, Saturday, about So I ing them for their kindness and good will, members being present, It was decided I` The evening was spent in gamete and to tend twelve dozen eggs to Toronto to'` muttic, after which an excellent lunch was be used for the benefit of sufferers from I served by the ladies of the congregation. the "Flu", also the sum of $25.00 was i voted towards the Armenian Relief, A t debate resolved t`Tbat we follow Mrs, gamily Nearly Wiped Out Y Grund " was decided in favor of the new . When their parents were carried off by ative, Miss Blanche Irwin favored the infiuenza within three days of each other company with a solo, A dainty lunch this week; two tiny tots, the children of served by Mrs. Doubledee and her daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster', who moved tern brought a very r,enjoyable afternoon to Windsor five years ago from Sault Ste to a close. Mrs. Wm, Eiliott,invited the Marie, were left orplians. With t e other ladies to hold their March meeting. at ber members of the family all confined to home. their beds with the dread scourge, the father, himself ill, left his bed to procure Provisions for the children and his sick Bluevale wife, A few days later the wife and Address and Presentation: mother passed away, and the father be. About forty of the Bluevale Alethodist came steadly worse. The remains of the Congretation, met at the home of Mr. parents were taken to Belleville for burial, and Mrs. Milton Smith, Tuesday Feb. while the children are now in the care. of 10th, to spend a social evening before their grandmother, who is herself confined they move to their new home at Brown` to bed by the malady; Shortiy before town. The following address was read Christmas the family lost its home by Miss Laura Rolph and Miss 'Hazel through fire. • Exclusive• Coats, Irom`best'makers, in Trieotine, Series ` and Velours our stock$Will please'ytau. 3 ' 'I'lais season it-evillypay you, i- to buy,earl d in,%pect our reasonable priced ready to -Wear.. - y �iHa,na o.. X The Store With the Stock. XXX i..t1CIC1ClUW - _ CANADA'S WAR FiN?�:i('17. fhe masquerade carnival put on in Population Is Not Large But It Is Lorne rink on Tuesday evening was a Prosperous grand success, financially and otherwise. During the first year of the war, Mr, Alex Ross has said his house on 1914-1916, Canada's total revenue was $133,073,481; for the tis�,al year Quality Hill to Mr. Brooks who moves to 'just 'ended it was 305 million dol - town from the farm, Iars. Up to March 31, 1919, Canada 4, had spent on war 1,24:1 million dol.. Severalof the middle generation took lata, and by the time demobilization in the old time Skate on Tuesday evening is ended she will have spttlt 1,500 last week, and claim to have felt younger million dollars ort this account. Dur - afterwards. ing the wall period she raised, through the usual cliannefs of rev- - - - enue, 1,103 million doll nr:. and in addition, the subscriptions to her "Jim" McBride Dead. War Loans totalled $1.680,G'21,550. Thefuneral of James McBride, of Col- Possibly the gr, :hest rw'!,rise in borne, who died on Tuesday, in his 74th Canada's financial efTori wn,: i lie sue - year, tools place on Friday and was cess'of her War Loans, `i'liia applies attended by hundreds from the surround especially to the- �'lctory !.nails of Y 1917 and 1918, ilo,tted by popular ing districts, The late Mr. McBride was campaign methods, I3 fr. e ho ivar one of Colborne's most highly esteemed Canada was a he vy borrower, owei get - residents, llring near Smith's Hill for up- ting in some years as much a , 331 million dollars from abroad. Up to wardsof50 years. He was well known 1915 she had n;•,.r blared among throughout Ontario as a stock dealer, his her people a Dominion lo: it for a cattle and horses being of the highest greater amount than five million (101 - grade. He is survived by his'widow and Iars. In the 1917 and 191 R cani- paigns, however, tho total sti),scrip- oneson.. tions amounted to 1,100 willion dol- _,.-®�—_ — lags. To the 1918 loan the ubserfp- tions averaged about $85 per capita, ttie Tire] ! which speaks volulites for a country Jest a A (, (1 whose people, before 1915, hardly thought of buying Dominion bonds, In addition to raising theses large This ire tt� BoginWng of ad Nervoies revenues, and subseribingso liberally to national loans, the Dominion Gov- r-reb&-down ernment daring the last ibrt-c or four years has granted over 1,000 trillion dollars in credit., to the various allied now often do we governments. '.Chase to Great Britain hear people gay "Oh, alone total 900 million dollars, and > there's) Uothing the to these must be added `advances to emitter, just a little France,- Italy and Russia. In this a I xtantloxvxi, tliad;s all." connection mention should be made r=s of advances aggregating 200 million e This may be the dollars rlrado by Canadian banks to bogfra reading se Iver- Great. Britain. This policy will, to vowel Breakdown and some extent, be conafnued by the DIZZInmay ease be followed re ion of t e, Dom inion'Governmont while the need Spine,e % !azuls iu the region o! the of it exists. Already an advance •of Spine, ;%sal: Digestion and many 26 million dollars has been made to othor t;ro}rubles. Itouniania, and others have been of- Iiael.int 'o 11eart and Nerve Remedy `fered to France, Belgium and Great Jig €clrrtoat i?tu ,<, Nervous 73rltain. Collarr;o. It io just the right thing �-- for Nei-vouo Troubles of any kind. Will Alarit nattletfelds. Whom you "don't feel right," and tiro I The commemoration of Canadian easily you €;liould not delay in taking.: battlefields is now oeeupying tile' at. this wr.�fider remedy, aro it will bring e,'ntion of the Dominion Government. hacl,- the 1 gor and Vit ility of flood Hon. A. K, MacLean has made a tour Trealtli, than 'un t;u limen dENite. of what was so short a time ago It drivC9 nw: ky blear, Nervousneso known as our wes(,,rn tion, and his and send tnakeg your 1 visit Was mainly in eonn,•cti,ni Nith Eleelb ZaE�a i 11;.:-tfiil rtnti :4ratisfying,, It this object, It has l000 i ltrolir,s.:iti to r. {`,:. Et'C't eight nienrJr'la 9 Cptt lilt: it 9 f� tt (, 11 t iurat- Is €i. �t;.i-i ,.tae ,,tra�iar;tliettor to th I . � r,• , . �- IIcW+i°C, the lit+i vt'a, the Brain and the ing probably the anatdh-, t battle. Bolds at it. Julfeii, t,oureelE etc*, hili !leer. CO, Vinty Itidge, 51, l:lol, 1',•:;:;eholl. Don't a!A don't give tip be- daele, Anilens, awl Cui,ibrai. It is eautle t,Elae .; ilwli(416C14 have failed to I understood the (,w r rinn,,t:i ir•a t=1- ilt:Il) °Erni Ibtiy at rt~w tboxas of Hack- (really selected '¢ frit.' for tilt Ypres ii,f"tl 1Fc ,,t tread .,'ervn Remedy from druvulorlal. g,t,tar elcalel' ti-cldr lind an improve- ; _ a.nttt in ;;