The Wingham Advance, 1920-02-19, Page 7_.. ___ - __ ___ __ _____ __ ___ -, ,777 _:-Ml �T-,-F,r-r--,-:T'-!W, — J�
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� ��110, � 41,aw Itivoinlilk'a and oov*r all ift I -i �io "'_ — — - =! i !� � i M'. A qi 0MR. -!,:!,:, =ft ft .1 I ...
roatlere iquit mexico, REK t whw'h Dwly Nuncy Astor added, ]PU Quilt
I "and huirallt!7 4.4 0, Wbola�" Tbove "
zo, ur I c,cn .fl.rgivoil ly -int-criceflon-i called , 'I I 11
'1?XiR action ,oil their part_ has "
U. Sit STATE SECRETARY OUT; the 111ri-si- LOYD GOO" cur,11111f 10' ENT - lkwth lauMiter PUT EHAISER U.Sx MAT , '
. j,�? t a 1 I'vil, I aA;d 4,he4ris. I
so 9% 0% h I � .1 Mr. Chamberlialn 0oncluded that
The Prcs4dout'a letter 7 I I I fcame the Ull"10:1 states, 11.0 Wager WN"RENCE ON –
at February ,drank ,al(-ollol they wantea all Im- I
. ', P PLE,oly Ineroaaed anlouiat 'I susar I I
H"ARGES "B"i WILSU" 11, means only Mexico when he VOY4 � U U Ut r OUT OF EUROPE u rt I
_-_____1_-_._ to Air. LanslnX: 'to cowponvate, 110 'i fibould TOE ADRIATIC ii
Inca my return to Washington I in Ca —%---- that tile Dulted Stal would not say Allies'New Note to'Holland
to opponentSy SaYS Th 3 not . .
have been struck by tile number of 4ft`vO Rolle, dry, but the cf.1�70t Was die- . , So to'Hint.
President Accuses lmin!i of Usurping HI'S ""
41 nlattOr,S in WhiclI you have apparently � , . "Stio , Reply tirctly Unf.,011"Upate. HU4 ho thouqht —
tried to forestall any judgment by for- ey that the moderate drinker. like him. " .
� Prerogatives During ois woess IllulatIA9 action, and merely asking 1. self. )who sold-om tolvehed sugar, but Pival Praft is Ready to lie MI -son 'Will Not, Approve .
� my approval when it Ivas inipo"Iblo Will kk til got ble,own'stwer Out of the alcohol Lloyd Oeorgelo Settle-
- for me to form independent Judgluent lie drunk, N1110 A good 101tIzen. . seut. .
I ------ . �
, because I huainot had,%,, opportunity . Z'numcratlng the Conditions ;laces. , meat There,
to examine the circumstances with Gary to a return -to -a better at,ate of London Cable _ Hallanq,00 takes — I
I * Calling of Cabinet CuunciI3 the f vouble- IF. n any degree of Independence." Illawlerlala -said that a care�ullywor4ed hint that 'Is said ;
U , " or Itillnum. Air, C
a The ftillk QUOStion to, he Dohated—Lady Ast 1ho first -was. increa.3oa i)roductipu to ba contained In the note willob.
Although Mr. Lansing. doilies th, t . I . I a,
110 attempted to fashion a Mexican . A r" 'I"DORRIMUt the world. Ile declare'a tile Allies will despatch to The Ilague
. wer Resigoatiops possibie Policy, and doclarea that lie followed t � ANSWER READY ,
. I Ulat Wanufactureati must ,,$a Im to.-morralffl, the world may'before long
the Prosidentis clirectlons. Ili all mat- to iahe Part 10hodR to Increase Ppoduc: witness re-Onaotment of the last
. VMOv0d 'Ir � 4
, . torsi the Preuldent's letters show that -,-- tiliow. Then it would be n net at the Na-poleoule 4rama, with
. ,
. Wa0hington. DoBpatelt-(By tl'G As- ask their vio � I he does not c6hsldor this to be the I . .
wa or the yle1we Of any case. th,at. -the Government halt lfrc`-13211101rr� a representative of Japan sitting in- But, Premiers' Reply to -, * , �--
- lo, more MWJ09 on tile revenue amount, lie the 'final draft of the freali ,note to
.Uon. President of tile South Wal4s Ail",. of general elections, 33ut I a] Holland was agreed upon. It N
,R6 W-Alght rosip, ed as Seoretary of one of them on ally publia qtwc � Loadon--iCoible - iWillia,m Brue, have no fear at by-olactions; ' President is Being. lCept
State. "I ta Publication of tile correspoudelwo ill afraid asiwrited hia 1)clilej that tile Govern. vills-
. Re thi's Illatter up veith you era Federation, spea gro Pored reports "leaking;" out from the � I
Mr, Lansing left office because he becauso of the developul between the President and the -Secre. Ring, ill the of wIng controversial,,, added the `MeAt ,Ulld -stopped and that the n&"
ont of every House Of COAIRIDRS Ili behalf of labor P ,Secret.
was charged by President Wilson coastItution.-I systoni, ou3toln and pre- . tary reveals that there has been rellater, us if by an afterthought, ticnal debt had reache conference room are authentic -and
vith assuming the prerogati codent are of tile most serious can. plenty of ground in the past for the to -03Y, Moveil an-alluendw d Its highest
ve% of the ,, ant to the whiell. drew tile biggest burst of all- podat. 1the .w..ovenlent henceforth [be, theY were generally credited here to- I . I
. Chief executive during thp past four reports that tho Secretary at State reply to the opeech 'from the t1IrOAO preclation of ail, ing ftwnward, I night -the document will lay stress , Paris, Feb, 15. -Hugh 0. Wallace,
I Wouths Ili calling and presiding over sequence, and I think you will azreo . expressing regret for "the RbsencO Of Mr. Lloyd Goorge.went on to de-, I, -Great Dritaln, the I on the point that WIllielm's continued the American Ambassador, accor4lag
. In destring not to 1pad in ally wrong Intended' to resign. Air.. Lansing, any Proposal to nationalize the coal CluDaileetDor presetee so close to the border of to the Temps, yesterday delivered
Berl -Do Mr. Adamson's llpleas*t fort, said. must fund Ate floatinz debt and' his former Empire is a menace to
, Ineetings of the Cabinet. . direction. I have, therefore, taken himself, sets forth three 6ecasions on mmeq of the coun-try along lines reo- night In Ireland," -,Ili Ironic reference then BrI1,Ish credit would lmq)rove ,ran
His resignation, tendered In a letter tile llbertY of wrltbi,g you to ask you which lie Ny4s about to have unt a to the Foreign Office a memo , dum
under date of Feb. 12, to the President till, .ommendea by the majority of the to the recent visit there of the. Labor rapidly. As long '.,.a there was world peace, and that this point will from President Wilson, In Which he
,I queStlon, and I ,qm sure you ivill letter of r9signation to. the President. members of the royal commission 6n leader and his colleagues. . 11 b:410 be stated in such 4 manner as to open iaia lie could not approve of Premier
.was accepted by the latter to -day, a44 be glad to answer." One of t1jeso was whil � o lie was still a � Are we tazm massof floating debt it waG not
. became effective at once. Under -Sec- the coal Industry, which was appoint- to withdraw our troops afid leave tile wa,y for the delivery of the Kaiser, Lloyd George% Proposed settlement � I
Replying on Feb, % Mr, Lansing ox- member of the American, Commission Od to Advise the Government- as to omrvct -to Fay :that the' Gtoveru!nlent or at least Ills banishment to one of -tion, which, had. .
I TetarY of State Franh Polk Is to -night plalned that lie called "informal co�. to Negotiate Pea-ce, but at that ti assassins In chargo9�11 dramatically albae �could cobtriol Inflation . I
. the ad interim head of the State De- fe I` "IQ the best methods of reorganizing thei - Of the Adriatic 4ues
� Partment, and may be named as Mr, rences" of the �:ecretarlei and OX - be felt that his resignation .might ))a industry." I I as%od the Premier, banlrors -must co-operatte. - the Holland's colonial Possessions, far been submitted to the Jug"lays. e
Lanuoing's successor. plained his rea%on in these wo misconstrued, another was upon Ills There was some comment by Isaem- from Europe. The*uewspaper awya that an Identical I
rds: I 110 mid he expected that the fInan-. , ,
I "Shortly after you. were taken III return to the United States, but agaill, bere that tile Premier made no refer- Thus, what was- recently Indicated, Rienlorandulh was dwivered to the I
I The entire correspondence between Landoll,10a1le - (By Call-adian enco In his speech to the League of clal year 1would end rather imlDre, f Rv. as a possi-bIlity, has, overnight, be- BrItisli Iloreign Qfltl London.
the President and Mr. Lansing was I in October, certain members' of tile the treaty prevented his actiOn, and Prom)-Prelhier. Lloyd Georg ombly ithen Ue believed when he come a strong probability, Lifelong ,ce In .
a bad Nat*.Gna or to the temperance pro- � The Temps says President Wilson
1� ja4de public this evening at the State Cabinet, a? which I was one, felt that, the third time lie was thwarted in Ills none of the - haggard' appearance gramme, both of which found a Place prcembe'd the revised Budget last exile of the former ruiler of Germanf allowed It to be understood that the
I)ePartment, The letters because of Iu vlow Of tile fact that we were do- attempt by the serious illness of the which, he has often been observed to Rays 'were coming In �
I . in the Ninglo ,-speech. a0tumn. Reive in ,% place so tar remote from the po- United states wOu14 find It Im
I gravity at the charge broug t against n ed communication with you, it was President, wear when he has addressed the I .pos-
hi g to- '\ well and ProAspects (were -good, It litical area of Europe, as to remove
. wise for us to confer informally "Is, it true, as I have been told, that House during, the past three years , THE'Lal-Im QUEETION. sible to continue in conference It the
Mr; Lansing by the Presid t consti- gether on .1fitordepartineatal matters during my illuozs you liave frequent- Ill Ills, appearauce yes erday. He 11.6ondon.-C tile counlory wao careful Its resources permanently the danger of a "come- Allies settle ther Adriatic question '
,- -,40�N ' tuto one of the most amazinegn chapters t ablc��The drinX quea- were Guirficleut 'to -f�ace Its,obligat-lons. babk," There Is no doubt that if without, consullting the United .
in the history of any Administration and matters as to which action could ly called the ]leads of the executive was in the best of spirits, a:ad his re- tion waa briefly discussed In both at pstaW1,41l. Its. ocluill1bril4m, -to pay Holland aggroes to this, the Powers , St � I I
I not be proposed Until your medical departments of tile Govethment luta I PAY to the strictures uttered just HOUG03 Of Parliament Yesterday. lilarl its I.Yfay, to -ates.
. of the Republic. . pravilde a ainkla-9 fund will see to It that a repitition of Na- � The Premiers have draifterl a reply' � .
Never before in tile history -of the advisers permitted YOU to, pass upon . conference?" previously by labor leader Adamson Carton told the Lords that ,the bill on and im,allw a substantial -redaction in poleon's ocup after his Ilyst ba-Rish- to pre,oident Wilson!$ note , . DR ,j,lI6
. country has a President accused.a, them. * Accordingly 1, as the ranking The letter bearing thWquestIoR was on the record of the Government were U116 st-bJect to be introduced would outstanding liabilities, lie ,asserted. ment w,1111 ba made Impossible,
i to member, requested the members .at written by the President oil February received, with deligh contain pro Adriatic question, whict will bo .
. . tea ,shouts f real vis;ons for shorte nclu,s+�oo, Mr. Chamberlain* Hollaads biggest colonial posses- trailamitted through the Amorloan
Secretary of State of attempting . . r hours In co
usurp Presidential prerogatives, I the Cabinet to asseniblo for such In- Poventh. The President returned- to every part of the House, . at sale. The experiment at utate pointed ,out that Anglo-AmetrItan ex- sions f�r�- the three islands Ili tile . Ambassadors to a meelber of Prom.
In his letter, tendering his re-419na- formal conferences and in view of Wai,,hington on September 28th last. a ' Mr. Adamson and Sir Donald Mao- . management certalu�'y .would no -t, be I
,tt Jef, were ftoppe,d, he said, I change was roa,IIY Enropeall-Amerl- East Ird!ig.,O,ceall, Borneo, Sumatra, ter Millerand's staff, who arrived In I
. .on Air. Lansing said he could not' the mutual benefit derived the prac- very sick mail, according to Ills phy� Lean, Independent Lill'oral ob , can pvchaugge, und th,ait Great 13rl- and Jivi. - The adrth-western tip up Pal-ts 'to -night .
; "permit to pass ,unchallenged the lm. tice was co, . ntInucd,. . eiciall, I even moved to laughter at some Of In the House pf'Commona ,the -s,ub- tain's task would be lightened ior Of 0119 -rittarest" of these, Sumatra, The greatest discretion is being ob-
I putation that, in calling into Wforipal, 411 can 4issure you that it never for eting. called by 'the Premier's trusts at themselves, ct wa,3 allud-ed to by Sir Donald rkraidered ,Woro dafficult-though it is some 5_,9 miles from (lie heart - served as to tile contents of the re -
conference the heAds of the executive a moment entered lay mind that I Ur. Lansing was held early in Premier Ll:oyd George trot his first ��IacLean, acc,on,pliebluent, would not be pre s of I41UTope. I Ply, and It will not be made public .. I .
. . - '
�dopartments, I sought to u b1low in'concerning Sir Donald Mae- , "The' fact that America -had gone The note will be sent to Tile Ilague ,
. surp yoUr was acting unconstitutionally or eon, October, and here in Washington to- Lean's reference to the by�eloctloni. 'dry' is an eeponlic fact of the grav vc ate-&- according -to 'the Tviedom or by courier to -morrow afternoon, the until after it Is iece4ved by the Presi-
. Presidential authority." Ile exdlaln- trary to yoUr wishes, and there cer� nl,,bt tile only inforenoo ,drawa from tb T Ir with whIch ,other people, deat of the United M-tes. However,
. ed that,he believed the Cabinet eon- tainly was no Intention all nly part the PrejeddeTit's remarkable question "So far as the Right Honorable gall- cat Importance to Great Britain " he 'O e "I 30 talu Dutch Minister to Br.1tain being at anoth�r delay In the Adriatic settlb- �
) feiancea were for the best !Lterests to assume powers and exercise tuac- Iva$ that he Was in total ignorance of tleman's section is concerned," said, lie declared tho Tzrif!ah exi)'andl. is ,wel-I 'as tll:)33,.Ot Gtisat BIT I resent in the United States... Publi- �
. 'r 01V out the Premier, "they have ture for d-riuk &Z.GOIULely staggered conducted their affairs in Chose dif- �P luent, as a consequence at the tucl_-
of the Administration and of the Ro- tions whiel, under the constitutioa all Cabinet meetings between October a , cation here Is looked for not later dent is forsean In French ofticw : I
public. He also declared that his be- ,� been forced into third Place, and he him. - The coulitry spent more .than ,ficul� dap3. than Monday. . I
� , are exclusively c I onflned to the 0 Prosl- and February. I had much b'etter, therefore, have left 2164,000,000 for drink in 1914, he said, The famendment of Sir Arthur __41_� circles.
: lief "wa3 shared by others Whom I dant." Mr.-LgInsing has been Secretary of Premier Millerand has called A
� it for his labor neighbor to, have men- and thlo'expendituro increased stead,- rJteel�Maltlalld wivs roUeeted 'by 'a �
. i consulted." The 'lettcr conclude,, Ili these State since June 29,,1915, whell he tioned the matter." . ily 'Until It was z532-59,000,000 In 1918A vote of 188 to 44� -a,nd the 111DUS0 t meeting for Tuesday to bear
I . MAY INVOLVE OTJA;LRS, terms, . . succeeded William Jennings Bryan, The Prenliez, Proceeding seriously, 11:1U0 ,it . W&3 wthliated that *the then adopted the address. . his account 6t the London Regatta-
%. . RhEDS Tu" FIRE ON 'a"no . .
. Mr, Lansing's declaration that lie "If you thinkthat I have failed Ili The "flourish of friendship" in the .eferred .to soldiers looking vainly expeadolture for the - year ending ' "A , - , tious. He 'Will also make a state.
. I I consulted with others—meaning other my loyalty to you or if you no !%iger final letters between tile President for work, and drew loud cheers when March 81 next, would be nearly - ' ment on the diplomatic situation to, 1. 11
, '
I 'TRembers of the Cabln6tmbefore sum- le famous he declared there was nothing, but "'PS 11,,Le SellatO Committee of Foreign 1. . . I
Ing them into gave have aaother condiget our foreign at- farewell tendered Air, Wilson by Mr. tinde union regalations gtandi,g I Ai I
I won, , contcreace , the duty oil consumption for the last PLARN RELIFF OF BRITISH SHI '.
. have confidence in me and prefer to and Mr. Lansing suggests tl 9400,000;000. He was unaware what
� � Tise to the thought that all members fairs, I am, of course, ready to relieve Bryan when lie stepped out of office. . n named lyiriad would produce, for the . In his meanorandum. President I
eir getting it. Wilson' critiolses Premier Lloyd .
I of the Cabinet, who participated in you of any embarrassment by placin'.., AT B a I 9* bell these regulations are Bus-
� r. ry 1 aid: "Good-bye, 'Mr.1 Pro- 4W public, revenue, -but the. duty of 1918 � I
the meetings, * might feel it ineum- my resignation Ili your hands," sident, May'God bless you," " W-,�G -943,500,000, It was a form of � George's plan as communicated to .
� ant upon them to terxder their Tesig- On r, eb. Il'the President put t1ae Mr. Lansing would make no state- Vended; when the national need Pon -,G revenue that all Chancellors of the Odessa's Young Governor the Jugo-Slays by the Supreme Coun-
first, then ybu call ask questions of 11 of January 20.. The President . I I
Olons to Mr. Wilso,a. Efforts to de- Issue straight up to the Secretary for ment to -night in amplification of his tile Government why these ulon are 142�--Choquer i,�ould be pleased to be ____ Looking for Trouble. a I
.termine. whether cr not any of tho Foreign Affairs. He said he found correspondence, and all that is known not at work, but Ili the meautime I aib4e to 0%)euse with, he said: Ile � examined the plan, but deelkares he 11
nt'S Cab- hop3d the measures prrilcaed by the cannot approve of its tenor. lie �
other members of tha Preside nothing in Mr. Lansing's letter 10 of hi plans is that Ild intends to re- ask this question, of the Labor party." 33r1tain Prepared to Give papticularly opposes the idea which
. 1.9
� Init took this view were unavailing "Justify your assumption. of presiden- turn to New York to re-engage1u. the .Gavernment would prove to be a Berl- . Soviets Find"Two Goldfields I
to -night. as all those approached on tial authority in such a matter." , practice at Idw. I The Premier proceeded to say he ous I attempt to grapple with the evil. up to $50,000,000. consists iR giving the Jugo-Slays, the I
� the subject, with the exception of ,See- - . A had no fear of the judgment of a ' . . in Urals. choice between this plan. and eXe- I
I DIVERGENCE OF VIEWS. - 4 v 0 -- I . The liquor quegiti6n will be,debated
iretary of Labor Wilson, who bas -been , � I ,,British jury whell they had the real -in the I -louse of ,C.oplmonis during the ontion pure and simple of the Lou- I �
. P,n attendance at all the - "outlaw" ses- "I hdve to remind you, Mr. Secro- An Adam's Apple. rt.1cord of the b-6vernment. "That Is preseft -week, when, according to a ___ don pact, 1� I .
--A,(- temporary, t4ough cur ' Is Awaiting. Action of the 'Conetantinople Cable a la addition, according to t,he
. I � . §10xis, preserved silence. All that See- tary," went oil Mr. Wilson, 11tha, ' __ - .(By Th
. . t no - time T1111 lobby report Lady Astor will spkk ueral Ubore-. Temps, the President finds the
topl�, in which she Is much Vitch, the 28 -year-old Bolshevik! com- Lloyd Gauge plan too. divergint I
� tretary . Wilson would say, and he action could 6e taken without me by . J%IaRis badge of. beauty and brains come," cont.nued Cho Premier. "I am -on the States. Aissociated Preeis,)--Ge
I would talk only through a third party, the Cabinet, and, therefore, there could is his. Adanlis apple, that Projection longing for It. You -go d,,DNvn into the interested, and upon which she has . mander at Odes -,34, has threatened, -to n an U131 a up at
� was that "he knew notbing whatever 'have been no disadvantage in awaiting In the torepart of the neck which has constituencies," he proczeded, ifidleat- addrezGed several Incetingge dilriug the open fire on. the British warshlos fro-fil. the mai or d dra,Nv - I
. been. so called from the notion that it Ing the benelles oppo, able, - Replying to a London last December by .Premiers
% � .lot anything pertaining to tile entire actloR with regard to matters, eon- ,;Itei "and YOU Parliamentary vacation. It will not there 'within three days if they re-
- . was caused by a bit of the forbidden say nothing is being done. .question as' to 'what steps. the. Gov- Lloyd George and Clemenceau. with
, viltuation", . corning which action could not have fruit -%,rl if You oniN be her ladyship's dnal.den speach ernmeut proposed to take for the re� main !n the bailbox, accoraing to, a tile collaboration .of ill% ,American I
, Against view that the President been taken without me. ' gich stuck in Adam's throat. only took the trouble to attend tile in the House, but the ff mcosage re,ceivea here from Rea,r-Ad- I
might be tandered a sheaf of resigua- "This affair only Oeopens a feeling Scientists have many theories On the House of Cownions you would know r4st occPslon ilef at Central Europe, Austen Gham- re-pre-se.utative, I .
. subject, and have told alo for any woman to be heard in Parlia- berlain, the Chancellor at the,11Echeq- mirEi 9, A. T)IcCully, commanding tile I.,
11 .� tions, however, was the'fact that only that was growing Upon me, While we ng StOr�r Of more. of what is really bein., done. I Irent, I The President gives it to be under -
a few ,we,aks ago the President ap- were still Ili Parts, I felt, and have the ovolutloa of -the apple -how mail . uer, said in the House of Commons United States na-val foreeG operating stood that if the allied powers settle
i, came by long descent from ill -formed a _. this afternaon that the final arrange- In iftwssiirt waters. I
. pointed -Secretary of Agriculture Hous- felt increasingly over since, that you Spineless things that came t t lif b ___ . The messwge waa, sent aft�or the the Adriatic problem without consult-
` , �. iton, ,whfy was Ilk-Gwise III atteudancO accepted my guidance and direction on . n o e y , 0 I . ments couled not b6 made until the Ing the United States Goverfiment,
,, i -fr gress of the United States had -conferred with
� . at the "outlaw -teeting, Secretary questions with regard to -which. I had� chemical action, Then eame @�, Con American officer had the 'United States will'fand -it impos- �
� . which, a� a as they granted the necessary powers. The Gen6xal Uborevitch, who . expressed Bible to concern itself In European
� I of- the Treasury, to succeed Carter If. to instruct you only with increasing O NOT ou - , rpr!Ge that the Brit!sh war,zhipa had
, so� ekbones, 1i
Wilson began to develop, something like rellef administration and the Brit- Bu affairs.
. Glasf�, This action by Mr. reluctance, and - &since my return to Alam's ajypies. Prom the primitive 99 15-1 � Ish Government would have preferred fired on hia, troops, , The memorandum was immediate- .
I .1 � makes. it apparent that lie believes Washington I have been struck by -General U-borevItch, the mewage .
i Mr. Lansing to be the one guilty party forms of the ancient seas are believed . 6" K to spare a comprehensive plan, with ly examined by the chiefs of the al-
; l I the number of matters in which you to have come the'mammals, train which, WORK UF NATIONS' LEAGME Cud"MT Allied and. neutral co-operation _ r.- reparte, said �he uu-.�-erstood that the ,,ad Governments before the French I i
f and 1,he one On. Whom all the respon- apparently tried to forestall my judg- I , - . M British had 1hade a. treaty with the 4"
� sibility rests. � . sprang tile human race. . -------.— Chamberlain stated, bat in vl�%� ' at Premier left Loll -don for Parts this
� I . Illont by formulating action, and I$, the urgency of the need and de 8ol6heviki 43overnanent. *Ile declare(k I �
. . I The Priedent in his ,IctW, to See- merely asking my approval when it It Is ,I long story, but the fact re- Court is not a court of Justice, and Is, si)lte morr,haut ships, ,would be welculne at, morning. I 1,
I I mains that as the human racef de- Say Bourgeois AS '"oix- I 1 tlIQ tinanclat situation in the United OdesGo, for commercial purposes. POSITION OF PRESIDENT.
i, . . otary Lansing exprcGsed ignorance was impossible for me to form an s umm still less a permanent edurt. Kingdom, die British Government has .
: I that <)&bInet meetings had been held I independent judgment, because I had voloped and became more civilized ing of World Court of , "it is for the Leabe Of Nations, informed the United States that in The general stated that li,o sup- Washington, Feb, 1& -White House .
� , , not had an opportunity to' txaialn�e pressed looting Immediately upon his officials to -night reffted to. discuss
� I during the four months of his illneci:3- tho 'Adam's apple. In men became . an outcome of the war 6f nations, to addition to the R12,500,000 voted for
: . Rc. eaid he had ,been.'told so and the circumstances with of more prominent. The ancient Greeks - Xustice. . . establish a permanent court. This the current financial year, it was pre arrival, and ha&, molested nobody but the statement of the Paris Temps,
- -
I � . wa�ated Mr. Lansing to intarm him . depicted- their strong heroes ,and . not ,spleq ond thieves.. I that President Wi!son in memoranda .
I , whether or not the report which had independence. highest types: of beauty with Prom- ' 1: . � league will �et free from all national pared to contribute a further sum,
� "I, therck'ore, feel thal preoccupations for the exercise of i, exceeding �ZIO,00,00 Oin all. I to tile French and Brithish Foreign
c - re.wkhod him was Ore, ,* � I mus -t luent. "apples"" although modern London'�Cable (By the AsSOC,alt- sovereign Jurisdiction, will be calcu- Mr. Chamberlain said the British Berlin Cable. - Tivo valuable gold- Olfices,had disapproved the latest
� I I It was recalled �bat all during the ftanikly take, advantage Of your artists -and sculptors rather ignore it ed Press.) -The Council of the League lated to remove all anxieties, and will share would be ap,plicable for rl�e fields, have -been d4acavored (-,ince the "
� . ecluslon b'nd Eu-p-gmstiou tbat if I ,should pre. the wearbil';*of high stoaki� and collars .1 propo ,I for settlement of the vexing
, r4riod at the President'o s in fe'r to have another to conduct of, Nations transacted 'Its first Inter g4arantee against attack the principle provision of British supplies, food- Rnpalan Soviet Government recovered Adriatic problean. There was aelth-
� �. � t.1'ere- wee ah intenee dceirt cat' vrould,ceem to point to the fact that - of the equality of nations." snhiffig, iaw materials and other es- tbol Urals,, according to a .Moscow at confirmation or denI9,1 that the, 11
. .
! - in whether c -r not he f0re'gn affairs you are ready ici re- man is not altogether proud of d.,B_ national business in St. James Palace A resolution was adopted, which, sentials, and the payment of. the newopaper. position of the United States again '
was competent to Perform the dutice lieve me of any embarzar.9mant by playing Ills badge of beauty. -Tit -Bits, yesterday with the naming ,of Elihu while ofirming that the neutrality of freight charges on the good One field is said ,to I.'o thirty miles and been laid before the Allied God- . .
of his oftloe, BefQre the Senate ,had pladIng Your resignation in my .*4 0 ,, � . a carried .
� ,Root as one of twelve International a* member of the League was lnoOm- on British ships. if the American north of the most northerly -mine of ernments. .
soated, upon the Fall Rvwlutica, re- -hands, for I must say th-at U would. jurists to be invited to form a commit- patible with the principle that all grant was limited to $50,000,00, Tdr [lie E-taterinburg-inining cent,re, The G,ranting that such memoranda as
I ,ijuicoling -the,ldent to WR4AIaw relieve me of ombarrassm - But, the tea for planning the organization of members would be obliged to co-op- Chamberlain added, the necessar� Soviet en&ineer,s have reported that it reported by. the Temps had been de -
1 � __ gec�jn,tton of Mexico, the Senate ,embaVracalinerd rof feeling your re, ,a world court 09 justice. The United crate in enforcing respect for their tonnage for tran I sporting the Ameri- machinery were available, these fields spatched, other Officials interpreted .
. . F oreiq4 Po'.ations Comm'Ittee co"t- tNv,, luctance iiald divergen,cy Of Judg- I&n States was not represented at thp engagemonts, recognizes that Switzer- can sUppliess could 'be provided. would make It- pcee',ble to increase the step as designed to. bring to ahead * � .
. o or itemembers, Senators Fall and ment, If you would V,Te your pre. , - council, . land is in "a unique situation, based The Canadian Government also, Ruw:a'a gold oll'tj.ut by sixty p -ex cant. the negotiations over Fiume and
. 11 I 01tcki3cck, to the White House tocon- sent office up !and afford me an The meeting -was for the purpose of on tradition of several centuries, said the Chancellor, had Intimated within two yeara. Herr Roiche,- n Adriatic. territory which have been .
4 . . ter .'.Ivith the President slid report ,optpo�rtunity -to Gelect , 'Some one' POLISill TZEEATY making public and openly ratifying which has been explicitly incoiporat- its desire to make a contribution, aerniall. engineer in tl�e service of the dragging along for some time. . . ,,.-- I .
� back, to the committee 6stenelbly his.- whose mind would more ivIllingi � - . �
, . . y ____ the results of tile Councill's secret de ed In tile law of nations.)' on- Soviet, Is said to have confirmed this'. Dis-Ap,proval of tile most recent 1.
:, Vloi��,4: on the Mexican eituation, but, , -0 wlor,g wtth =,!no. I liberations. .. . and tile BrItIsIl Government was c . ,
in rr*lity, what wa.3 wanted Was 1% I ' I I In connection with the court of Ili- . proposal, which was advanced by
France, review- ternational justice, Hall. Arthur Bal-. tral overnmentS also would co -OP- .
EVIDDINCE OP RANCOR. L,-a,,,,,ue Of ITTatians Cou ci Leon Bourgeods, 6f' fident that other allied and nou- repart after a personal �nepacllon of ,rc,luler Lloyd George and' contem-
� . tal and . -1 n 1 a the fields. . I -
reptr� OR the Prealdeut"s men ing previous attempts to cstablh,h ail four, who proside[l, announced that KOIXIIAX's EXECUTION, - plated the making of Flume a free
f phy,%!�.ial condition. TPe correepondence between p,i'ao " erato Ili this emergency measure for .
� So Decides,. , international triblival .capable of set- the council had promised to consider . dealing with the desperate needs of .
� _J�__ T%�',�,-President in his corrcaponO- President and the Secretary of St.c,j,.o London Cable - Nevi,1 of the exe- city under the League of Na;tlons and
7 tllnq amicably disputes between na- certain Gorman and Austrian propos- the awarding to Itmiy as a recom- I I
1, .cicc- with Setret�ry Lansfnj�, net only is TICniarb,^ble for the undpreurrout _— - tions, said. I the central part of Europe. cution of Admiral Holchak, former .1 0,
; ad-=Ats that he -did �ot know what, Of Tan-cor end bitterness between the I als r6garding - composition of ther ______'&-q_0._ I head of the All-Ruc%slan Glovernment, po� ge a s-crip I territory toward the
1. the Cy,,blnet ww3 dGing, but ebargui two men. 'The Fibsident ,bas come ", . - I "In 5PItc of ,Its title, The Haguo courL I �, , haGbeen olCclally ronflrlrcd� Admiral sjuth from Triaste, it was said,
11 97ISS to Join 'Under Con — — I I 11 .1.1 1=11.1;= _____ - w
Mr. Vxhslng Wit'a ,having umirned to a rpirtirg of .the way w1th many .-.-�----------�-==--t-v-,ascvngmmm--nww,�m Xolc!ha,k and .011.0 of 111P. Ministers, if. culd be entirely in line -svith the
�, he Preal- I of :a,' -s Cabinet officers in the paot . diftiolls. I I . � ENIES PLOT Peplelalcv, were G'aot at Irklatsk at 5 stand taken by Presictent Wilson at 1
4 1 some., of the P110rogative'A of t d L i V r I O'clock ,(:n El.iris that Finnie shoNld be award-
-11 t., 'c"I , I t, . the inicrning ef February ad to the Juga Si.ays. This poBltlono
. dc Ind , 11,cre are to -day cilly throe �,
I 11,qVEJJTIG,ATI0NT NOT - PROB , _�4 1 R 7, It waa learned to -d -ay. I
I- , 1r,Cn in tbo (labinet who v.rcre 'wata LoVot Cablo - Th�,, -1 V 6 - CH a it has been stated, is ille only one
� . �ABLr - Council a,' AVER"I F."A ..AiN,-GE CR PrLB=.0 **.C—
,� I � in vI&w of this atimls,ilon and I lilim when he can,o into ottzice, Ili . the Loague of Nat.1=3 coV.-ladad its To G4, E T T 1111 R 0 11 E — which Air. Wilson considers Is In ac -
r . ff t cord with his 14 points on which
�L I chargo� there was a good deal of gco. 1913- -but never, bofcl,,o Ill,as lie, 017 zcEsiens to -day. Th:� ne.xt nueeting - %. % , " .
I . FIV to -night to the cliect. that tile li-no a Cabinet -off!car, Mveit with A MONUTER . Italy as we,:1 as the other Allied
I Sonaza'might, Doemibly think It adiviv- ,,uch 'Iraltvolent mobidulousnass on OI` the -Council -wa�j fixed for ,Ila%�,,b NDIV U3 M 17' R C 11 A i,q_ I M A ril i NE ---- , Gavornments made Peace -With the
i . �ble t,f appoint a committee to in- the -weitters ait I�sue between t1lem. 15 at Rome. � I I . Ex -E mperor of Austria Im F, . Contral Powers. 1��____ I
the kroundz of the charge or usurpa- - European Countries Cannot"-----,----"--,------------*,,,,--* I , LE B I
ltegtigafa aal the clrcmr4ttaneeo zur- There ft a wealth *i., matorla,x In 01-ie.ha motion oki.Saron M.M%Ul, the , Hi
tounding, the past ,'cur months and all tille, Prckident's lettep, ,C -3p ,of I y Pleads Not Guilty
� , e al to Zrapangse rerro�entative, -the C.oune!l w � G I 8,
f show th-at whilli tbb ,eilIIn2;. of tlae a,c - RITISM TRADE
J. ired to pl.-ce undlar tho ruar,an, - 1.
. . .c.L .
tion. Cr,blnet meoitlurA b§ �kir, I-an,sin- Is of ill,, League inie wipuia,-g�.r.,a c,f th,. Charter U. S. Tonnage On OU G �'R fl Of Attempt to Rule Over
� Ll
� To aseert.tin the PcosilvIlty 02 8ne*11 ripte't-sibly the weason fc:r his ,bau-'Gh- treaty -betwerun,, the United Stat.". of X ' 8 U �'kl . U. S. Planning, to Construct 1 - �
a step, hait a dozen at' the leading me& S: fk'
., it Ll._
� . _1 * lerel, a Dollar Basis. . .,81lows She is Trying to Rea
Republicaft t-�enatort3 were cWTIMU111- n �v served as a Great DrNalu, 'France. .Ualv end Jop- . Hungary. . the Laygest Yet. I
Ight, With all e.,,cop- Vehicle f'or Itho Prreldeava WiSbArl In An, on thu one side, and Palhaad, . — Ili 2 " tify EXchange. .
cated*wIth to-ul
tion or 60, they were liath to Cam- riO.dirg the Cabjptt Of the Sepreltoalry t!la. ot,.Ier, ill so far as they affe,,t.p-,r- ,'London Cable - (By � .
at state. - t - A U It", I' I I 071 R y 7P . --
� Canadian I , 0 * " C'! n Budapest, Fcb. 1&.-Additilonal de. Length,99-1 Feet-�To Us- I
Mont on Mr. Laumn,"A Mi,nation KIIIIS, 43cim,girg to r.?;cA`Al, re%tious Or Press)-Slhip brokers, the Times says, . tJiti of the alleged plot for the return * .. London, Feb. 13 -The trade returns
i - for publication, but all declared they The Paris. question, alt(i tile offor't' lingUiEfle winoril,ks In 11,11and, I oC lormor Emperor Charice to 1111 n. Helium Gas.
dl,�d not think an Inquiry have h1ad ample evidence of the effect for January furnished a commentary
'%%Puld * be ot Mr. Lov,iing to formul.,110. a ',%Iex.,. Th�, C-cundi. agroz"I 114 aamit 8w`t- of the adverse exchango in I a to the Allied Slisslon Waahlington, 1040b. 11.--PI,ns or the I on e,xchango conditions. 'The figures
v, can poldley cczetitule the IAOUVO ar-I.- zerland vs ail origl,rdl n,frutor r,f.t1Iv ' here, stato-that ho V,.!as to have*oro,m. t):O 00114titICCoa I plainly show that Great Britain 4s
I undertaken, They took the OW L tilling Chamberlain Gives View in g ry' given Navy DOPartment �or
( that It waa no -w too latle ftr an In. nat,rg vme rresident iin MPPM,41181 Long o of k,',ation.s, ,aceeptin- t, trado. 'Incidentally, It adds, the rise I ta the ,Swlzo border Into Liellonsteill, of the latgeEt supor-dir.1-11;Ic in tile I buying mainly from countries which
U av British House. ze Rhine, walk Into world were presentej ,kp3 1� tha 11 : so ' have suffered relatively from the wat,
I vcstigaden VW1 t,l:(,, EMPM4 of 11r. tiansing. ne- �gITI,,.,4 Ciovernine,11t,0 can!14ticill�� to.. in the price of dollars in ,Hurop� is i - - - __�_ . by boat acrc:!,g tI ' 01
� _-The olost surprising feature tr, the C(adirg to thL, fCu(V"I CP1111011 h0r,' lilalntaln�ug Sw�cs ncr4r.11ty and hor proving a bad thing for the new ar,tvla, ,Iilu Proceed to Woit Ilungary Naval Affaira Co-nimittee, to -day by and is selling most to countries least
� o
. senators ua,s, the Preeldient'G practi. tO-Illght. Tlve 1;.resident .say's Al)ecl- t0u,el to T,nrtfoir-a40 In Any milftai� American merchant Marino, ,.Vuropean Must . IM . by autcanobile. Iilm.m PyorrhathelY, Cap-atin Thomas T. Cra 0
1 A . I Fost Hungary, he was to have called of Naval Aviation. It,^ I
N . � W the soldierB to rp.11y to Ills lately.
Cal confeaziah Of filtow"Petollce for a -ficilly that "v!11110 Nve were p,td!l Irk (I'Perri",:'.2.4- under',alven ur&,r the au�- countries cannot afford noiv to char- prove His Methods, Inipfttj front the 'United States tire �
V, r1od, of four montho during all ef 1',UI'I�'j I 'felt, and JIL�4,jro folL XIM%Xts- 1')iU,i Briantif acturer " t�p-pncprlaflon -of $2,700,1 WIllo Director abie to iaeet their (ibligati ns Immed-
. of thn Lcu-uit, at,* to po-...111t upon
which Culp Cabinet meotingi AVOTO lilt-Ily eveir since. thit, you, ;1T_VtekI w ter American tonnage oil a dollar I
� 1:110 passa,-0 (';I ftralgn trOC'1)3 thl'o'll"11L ' etandard. IYUrPOI.C. � r 0
i held alm,)4t e�ery *Pck. Another ro� lliy ,euldarzce ttl:d di.reictiall on C b a a lo. A short time ago the poun(t '-- . 1)E*XTtAF OF ST01(tir. " ,C544,000,000 and exports X33,000,000.
.que-1, ' t'i "'IS tt,.1i)I't,,,)r., but ag to par- sterling III London would buy about bta Debate oil tile -
I reoing Tbo tpcdflcat`cne of the prcpCeCd Austria Iml)orts 4111,000,000 and ex-
el' (leneva, Feb. 15, -'Tho sp,vLretary of nerlal dienel,,cuPht, thA3 rOW-1qJtt,!c I r,orti XW,000,000. New Zealand im-
; - 0 M any economic prei;sure ap- $4 In Now Yoric, so that the rate of adaiasq Ili re f , to -day W -as told, icall ,'::r a ien-th of D04 fc(,'I. ; ports �C52,000,000 and exports 49,000,_
1 p,:,,tion oxoorlenced by the canatoro Rcro V.111 regard to, Ivillch I had to t -P London C1
� was the thought that .Air. Lansing Instruct 1,oll c,nly �*,itth ftwreasiiig re- 1,'nel(l I,v' th,') 1,011gue. 113 itzerland's trolght for American twinat,w of a frolti CIO TilrOte ,A -M4 continued Ill that the Budapest report ,of a futile .f.'Ifty fact great,er than �`t'lls giant craft
I belealloo of tfi� manner Ili which ��p Ilretallee.11 . . w . PlY (10 tile Kftli-��',s ,211PP01 ormer Xmilerior Charle�i stated
, I wos treatid, at Paris And cince 1:16 IVII-110 Mexico Is 11-t Incuttwu., - a17W,!Q,EJ,.)n to tho Lca�,Iue, b,owcv,^.r, Is $40 ton train New York to Europe 'the llcu%e .Df COXIIMOIIS to I 000. Canada imports 9.160,000,000
" -
I 'IV., t fl.r.1"'Itnt rpon a Swis3 rtifc-,r,%,.AunI 11 w and exports 116,000,000. �
� I ., -day, 1whe attoilpt i1by the formc# EAPL"ror to no .1ituildir,g in j,,'ngIDnd for tho Unit-
.�I?g thtpe, 'eclulittreng. 200 shillings, but now,'with the poural ,"� - t, 111cVed La alil:011dalent to OW �Id- Ind re-eatwbII*h Illirself on tile throne .1 .
v�tura to the United Statci3 by tild r trft e, 4T. (I a is 110 do' "I'll would roprement a paynient of about Sir .;�x-lhur 11. Steel-Nialtiand, ttilJon- ontep �tqigary under Woo par-6,port u- der I oil the other hand huports front
� utt Ilut tlialt It fecl.,! Od Statco. Thiry airAiip nmv I
Pregldcut, ,should liavc "Agn" �L is tho su`bjvct Jup Nvillell the lllre�.- " if c--listruction J�n T:I�nrgj-nd ,A!) I its -,.sler
2_;-,`h�;� J. r. -I our, tile Brltl,�q%. ro- uternng only buying about $3.40, tho .drevi' France are X48,000,000 and exports
�, long Clue ago. dent refouq wl . , 11AVU1119 that tllq COV,nra- ivaii entirely false, Tile secretarYsaid aUp bellig fulit I y aw im "I
,qlt. LANt�AJXCVS AXSWEP. 'ell 110 cn�lrt','(13 Air- I)XIOsentative, who, pre.-d0ed .1� t!IO �!czt of -.sterling to), the Sallie rate of mertl,s c:,rclulldwro lad bel -a allmied that Charles was olightly Ill all VY at TalC3 t-147,000,000. Italy Imports 914,000,- .
Laroing vifth having -.,L%Lte)l,,,ptA,.1 ti, ,, annon. .�� ad
" I. -t"'J th�Lt a com-inis- freight of $40 ha�s made tho,pst at ' d b- Hutst, N. J., are the ran, a o!! o .4; the 600 and exports X27,000,000. Belgium.
i Vilder date of Pubrnar,V 7 ., the "fore,sv611 his Judspmcut.'y ' to ccntinuc at co high a alatip, %lt,q not left tile groundu of 163 chateau at
Vre8ldeat wrote ta 1,:eerctary Land, ng' sk)ft WTOOrW! *f 11101111MM !O -f the American - tonnage practicall� pro- c4cp.�cf.ufn;t depleciation cf ti,,c ligi. Prangina, on Lake Geneva, for the largo'st Dri.tish vemil of ,tlL-,,s klml. Imports ,C9,000,000 slid exports 4 -48, -
Tit was 1,ecrallcd ,#tG-1,.i1- It that Couittell wenld be fui�truetesl to sr(!U_ hibitive. The cost of remitting ,t1c The test of the prop000d dirigIblo 000;0000, Germany Imports' 993,000
�# � I
� asking liffil whether it was true that shortlY after the allddiction and later Ral cred! 't ond an Increase In the ,last three weeks,
� during the PreAdent'G Iiinces Mr. Illell t cenfore,"re of the ft%toi; eon- freight at ;40 would now be 235 81111- Coo, of Iming. � ___.o�#�*_ will Pp� �C-0,00 greator than the two und exports 414,000,000. Roumania 1. .
� Lanming . had fri,quently callad the the arr.tst 'of. William 0. '1611king, e0tl-m-d to telMly internati-anal a-,- lift9s, a rise of 35 shillings a ton, al. NOT NOTIC14AW,V, n(;Av untie%, cor�4trnatlop, wilie,lj arli Wt. imports ;C2,000 and exports ;e5e
I wilt lat Puebla, leer'lire ,trd finnnee 'diffit"114UP3. though tile rate of freight has not In- 'of the Exchequer, 4n reply, derlared "Tlip coqt of living In terriblo!"
AmerPean Vonmlar A9 AiistclI Chanibc.'r.,aln. Chancellor V,cted. to I,e ,completed t1ye latt�er
heKda of tile ex-i-cutive departments �l pqrt 600,000.
z into confer,ence. '; llnsju -r.clr.,nfi.,,,7;rt1 wag at). q c, as c d, "Yelg� but nilghty feiv People are an. or,the oammer. It will be built 211 the , - - _. - --+*-O—
I legn sittlail-101i A ,'-',a a lIntil quite recently tho that the 1VovPrnlnen,t (1!)uld not x1ous to die to SCLvo 1v 1,
I atta!nNI Eorious I propordw-l-3, that polriled, c'#11qIP4tInP,, of Mr. Ithil't, IrV14- 'ale 'Into In Yuroi,o were charterhir
"If it lo," wrote tiv� 11re-t4dent, "I 1'rell, , blall.ed for qt�e 11,1gh 1; P, I 1110noy. 11nited states 'after the 0,111) be -Ing
. p,r. ,
� I --t feel it my duty t. u,,,, .... atter.- h0th, I-011sling and Ilonry 11� I'le,tabor, bt,r C�r t1lo, iir4L.Rpst (I nt,ll 0 ,qtjl,�, .4morican tonnage tar the Importation icis, vV111'eh - — 1,1111t Ili England Is brouq-bt ,ovor. A" (r,ondnn Tit-BIES)
'011 td Nvere tbo 1(t;1;lt of w.-Orld c%_.I,g2!,q. GIVINT =rt1.C!UTt011q. vrew now to bj,-n!,,, trained to rialze ,,
tion to ecnelderationR wMell I do Who 11111111 a wock ago waq United r,hairman,, Alfro,d vo,a Doch Landrath Of 99aln, but now RAnY cannot aft &-meng othcr thfrp,s, ho 8ald the Tbo viellulst's oxecuflon Was '$Imply .kil(J.- colitinuod, nit, narrator of tbo
not care to &well upon until I leara Stateg A-mbassad6r to, Afwdaa, ,w�re of Searl,ouli for *,-*,v.-%r; C,ouut P3 1.110 cost, owing to the Inercased prolee World's .su,-,Wr productioll VAa vbort. m."'rvellolla." th.11P flight, 11o,01111g, I.Xperionce, "file great WAWA
from you yourself that this 1.1, tile In favor of a Ittrong policy tov;jrd Moltko "'t-TVIdtifeldt tor Dounlaik, Of '010111111ge. 11VII811"t It# though? You eould see tile Th� new vomel Nvill re�lu,re at 1(,,I�,t tollod on and ori, until at h1st ray frAll
Alexic.d. I . . . is 4 0, -.-- Udienco hanging on every 110te", a yp,ar to build. Ill 1,411 havo a calla. a, ,,in
vrd I cdaM,0 tha United i:3ta,1.m; w.,,r. a bawtue w. s arremed by onebming
fett. Under our rotuititutional 1%,w artil UaJor Lamite,�rt for Delglum, A c�e,ryll they wc-ro UsIp, . . .-
.!,v Illuell ta,cro . wave naore poworful thaii the rest," I
11 I I ,
and, Practice, Aa dQveloped hitherto, _Ntr, I.nteing and tbo, Men 14',nUas- fiVi I niftber of the ,et;,minission, v,411 -poet A P"T'S 1�kLAINT- vaig"ar. . clt.v of 2,706.065 cuble IiMt'Of 9Akft10 I --wvil. -ind what ilid vou do when your
o one but tho Pro3blkent WL,i the . 0541,or F1t%t-(-11or, npDcarv'.,1 before the 1(3 ftilubtIllved latter, I to M Itublisher about the fallure . ,, will require about $C,.00,000 p_llilu.,
" . 0! ort t Ida bool.s. To. f1dAl to the 1111cerles fof the �jliy I bo,at was arreitod by this wttvo?" Asked
,rlgbt to (agramo the hri& of the Strato Fordpra Relatione Cc,mirltteo 1,:ieh M(Untor 'Will b6i%lald 100.000 -rou o .Atlptrewi (to timv Pervant)—islary, wby ! ror maintonalwo, it bpinp; neevq;oary to , tile eylle.
ti . mid --,Il ALI& Tirlted StAtes goes dry," didn't You bripic on tho finger hOwl-147 r,-plitce tke ouVr Moth eovorIn,,,, Pq,i7i I V4L,Iltulcr., I
ve I don't advertito wt,,, lie . %,,I I i "wo 11a left her cut," .#aid the ad-
, rt�
dxftll J.eutg !ntq e.,oilfer- In epic!el fcssiion and pave teatinvolly , frs;nc,l ,.(,a,
, cly, the chairman rft.61v. bitterly. M.". 'C'411ilborlain (1cclared. Didn't the, -lady �ou la -4t worked for
nn Nit tbo "ImMCent wbich vo its thp baffll� of ithe F01 re- I 1119 s(P eXtra MON fftnes for anilar. I "' t " Interrupted the poet. Ns year. Ilellum. tho non-Inflaminallie, 4 lm__ I
(s � I
I Iko 0 Wh(�,Ibarrow. it won,t go Unless , &rvnnt-4%o, muni; her friends alwetylt gas 41'seovered daring this war, will bo ' That charming lromenada—my lifoi, �
And the Congrfti lift -r, t!,(,- rIght to solution f.f_l,.Jn5; the pro3ldejut to tainin- � a A Laltor inewbor Interrullted with 11ft". thcrA?
. &. IV* pushed," ,for the beidefIt of the world,"' t� washe4 their hands bpfora they o,anie.' Idsod. I —I-fteot Ronan, - i
. .
. I
I .
. I , I I . I �
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