The Wingham Advance, 1920-02-19, Page 4Ulu AMITH, Uditor .111il Prop. lm ij2u W1R1VA*R.V 1020 0 0 If 0 Sviu'hon 'cur Wed Thu Fri. fiAt J 4 7 0 0 10 It 12 13 14 0 VV It, 17 V, it) 20 21 0 22 i93 1011 2Z# 26 2-1 28 0 _2 0 0 FliBRUARY Ifth 0 piEs igi i,,, one of tfio greatest %bli in. the world to cap. vitality, It's a ) irn that, cuts into your self-respect. ( The,'. 'i�gI.Pbleii is put off from day -to day grow!-Vnth eachvasElng moment until it bedome-�'a,womterwhich you are afraid to tache'' Tiv, emit. 1; MAY to get your it comes ti', band,.`. I'rhcqjblnatjon populates the POW hone. Oorrie V. ; Iolule" Manager of the Balij.,of 1,laipilton and Mr. F,. Radford tell;_-t,pwyt -laid 1117 with the inumps this N-mi"'tt'nie "Atiecessfully put ogi;.carilival in: tile Gorri(.t rink, on $at. urif* , Tsikl incl 1VIr r. -Molvyn Hammond, of the week ell d at the honle of ,i 1tGtssrtrtuncl'ty parents, Mr. and 1'1�t I r, aW& Mrs. A: NOE:t'e, Of Poffland, Oregon; 'are atpreseatihe guest., of Mr, and Mrs. • John Nvylli,. Axl!, Mck"ej, a -brother to Alis. Wylie, M7. los. Arduh left on. Tuesday inorli- ing, for tris liame at Caruraii, Dian" Afer speading the past rionth with his parents, Air. and Mrs. John Ardell Of town, The regular weeting of the 'Woman's ;} stitut,e will be held at the -home of Miss I, Ashtofi on Wednesday, February:Eith. at 8 o'clock p. ra. A -full attendance is requested. Connon and two children alio have been visiting firs, Connon's pWther Mrs. A. Ross and sisters f6r the Mast six weeks, left on Tuesday p. in. for their house at Fniersou, Alan. 15lr. and Mrs. Thos: Bradirock were in Palmerston on Thursday last attending tUeiuneral of a niece of Mr. Bradnock's Hiss Jqssie Murdock, who -died of pneu- xtroffla-on Tuesday after three days ill- Aliss 4 J. McLaughlin, of Swift Cur. rent; -$ask., is calling on old friends in 1fi6 Village this week, Alias McLaughlir q resident of Gorrie. It i: y4ars �sjnce she went west, SO S h is a welcomeVisitor. Xf and Mrs. Wm. Hastie eutertainec their heir U. F. 0., friends to a euchre pard :pn Friday evening. 1 SELL Town and Farm properties. Call am seamy list and get my prices. Ihav some excellent values, J. ­G. STEWARI WINGHAM. 1 bona 134. Office In Town Hat' >...;DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC C practice is * confined exclusively v6y Chiropractic, the only and original Sy tem of Spinal Adjustment. Effective '95.p er cent of all cases, '. "Chiropractic locates and Removi Afie Cause of Disease: Nature Heals, Also fully qualified graduate in 'Oste pithy.. Phone 101. Hours 2 to 5, and . Say. It "W I t h Fiowep RPM"" 7 TAED WING"HAM ADVASOB ft SVIDNIEV OASIC SLAG ANOTHR L6TTER FROM TIM, COMMUNICATION The following Is ta)c4n, from the report of the Misistor of Agriculture, 1,119: Nve Have received anothar letter from To Corroot A Wrong traprossion of ,xperiments with 41ffeivrit forms of Phosphoric Acid were conducted. These. plots our (Id friend, Timothy Hay. We were Uvouth-cloy AElvwntistA ;reiocatod Orr,the farms of Mr. Chas. White in Humberstone Township and Ray-;,tfraid that Tim. was sore at us because Recently a report has gone abroad that )nd Davis of 'i"inftoet Township. Plots containing 1-26 acres were used and cacti we rebuked Win for being so down on the Seventh -day Adventists teach that non* t of plots were In duplicate. Fertilizers used were Acid Phosphate, Basic, Slag and V, F. 0., but now that he has again made Will enter Heaven except the observers of round Steamed Bone. The tabulated results are given as follows: up his min6 to join them we will not look Saturday, the Bible Sabbath. Seventh-daY Adventists do not believe I)Mvis fa Yield of r Yield of for him to cast any insinuations at them. Yield of or teach that no true Christians exist out. A eld of wheat straw straw Mishterside of their communion. On the con - ,lo ,lot Treatment w bushels �erl pounds per tons per Editar, Crary, we believe and teach that there are 40. pounds Pe acre plot acre Dear Sur: plot Quaretings is bappinin awl over the many true children of God in all churches I ate days, so and many of these have, never heard of or I I Acid Phosphate, 400 pounds 1 75 S1123 105 2()(1 wittruld in these deginir, You funderstood the obligation to observe the 2 Basic Slag, 600 pounds .... 115 47.9 220 2 715 �will not be surprolsed whin I till you that I only weekly holy day God instituted and 3 1 Bone Meal, 300 pounds 72.5 31).2 187.5 234 11 am back at my ould jarob av takin care 4 Check ............... ... 45 18.7.5 130 1 C)2 , 11 commonded. 2 iv the goat in the Farrmer'R lodge Agin, 5 1 Acid Phosphate, 400 pounds, 1 794 1 3310 100.6 .38 i I God excuses the ignorant, if they are 6 Basic Slag. 600 pounds 110 1 45.8 217.5 •1.71 the byes tould me that the poor crathur, 1 not wilfully or negligently so. 7 Bone Meal, $00 pounds.. .... 0016 1 21.0 i 110.4 1.49 was pinin away fer lack of company since Further information will be furnished Check .......1. ...... 25.0 1 10.67 76.8 1 -90 1 left the lodge so I wint back; and be. L gladly by the writer, upon request. what the use av allways bin on soldes, wh,-iIPaul E. VanNess, It may thus be seen by using certain ,commercial fertilizers on wheat the yield the losin side, as my frind Sinatur Proud- i Wingham, Ont. ras more than doubled, In figuring the average profit per acre derived from the use foot wud say f these fertilizers we find the following as per table, I Lawyers is sliver ]ads, and useful whin Bitten by A Pig Increased a fellah hits into trubble, Wance whin Quantity 11 aer my naber, Jack Pott, saw a cattle baste Mr. L. Helin, a farmer living near applied, ;Cost per ton j�C7tper cm, P'O"t P Formosa, while butchering pigs recently Nature of Fertilizer pounds wheat per per that looked loike wan av hisn pasturin in had his hand badly bitten. Believing the bushel i i-gy back fifty and blamed roe for slitalin pig dead they were about to scald it when $ C ; t lie crathur, Iliad to get a lawyer to deAnd kcid Phosphate ........ 400 30 00 OO 28 80 1 it suddenly opened its mouth and grabbed 600 20.06�0 6 00 49 20�,., me, Wnci you belave it Mishter Editur Mr. Hella's hand near the wrist, lacerat. 0 Sone Meal 300 68 00 10 20 11 80 lie proved that the baste was brathey and qu*ck action of his ld ing it badly. The had jumped over the. fince into my fie I nivir knew friends assisting in the butchering, in pry - The above should prove to you that Sydney Basic Slag, is the best and cheap- av its own accord, and that ing open the pig's mouth at the time Id that the whoite shpots probably saved his hand from being bitten eve, an ,at Fertilizet-on the market, Order now from O. G. ANDERSON, Wingham, R. R. it was th I'm it had been turned black by rubbin off. aginst ould half burned logs and slitumps, and not by any wilful act at the hands av rylorris Council Shouldice, refund township rate and error the defindent, as he ixpressed it, I won dog tax the case just as aisy as annyting, and ' ax 13.50; George Harman refund Jack Pott had to pay me fer 2 months township rate 6.25; Peter IVcNab, auditor Council Meetiog, Morris, Mon. Feb. 9(h pasture, fer kapin a bracbey shteer. Yis An other 1920. 12.00; Richard Johnston, auditor 12.00 ,him lawyers is slimart byes, but Mishter The council received no tenders forlDroory had a bard tolme foindin wan! I The Reeve and all the Councillors were I oonstruct1cm of the Mills, the Sellers, Or . , present, The minutes of the last meet- the Kelly drains art enough to take into his cabinet. lag were read and approved, Th ra co un- I You, will ixcuse me Mishter Editur fer One Y e t cit decided to take no action in the matter The council will meeL- at the township not wroitin more this torme as I hev, to of distributing Red Cross monev now in hall . at o'clock on Monday March 22nd. grace my boots yet befoor goin to bed. Farm lands are rapidly advancing the Treasury, ElueVale being the only 1920 Come nift Friday noight, health and in value and wise men are buying. society requesting a share, A. MACEWUN, Clerk weather permittin we intind houldin our W, J. Geddes was appointed assessor. -simmyannual eliction av awfficers, at the For a short time only we can offer a salary $80,00. lodge, An inflooerkshall dippytation, (con, 150 more farm with gobd buildings, ,The construction of the Mather's Drain' No Free Advertising (con- sisting av my missus and the boired man) close to school and church. Gravel was let to Henry Mathers for the sum of waited on me lasht noight and asked me road, rural mail, telephone. Suitable $2248.00, A traveling entertainer boasted of the to slitand fer the position av Sickryterry, . and I consisted. If I succeed in landin either for grain or grass farm, cement Auditors Johnston and McNab present- possession of a geniune Stradivarius violin f1cors, water and litter carriers in ed their report. 106'sts satisfactory and of which he was very proud and so inform the jawb I will sind you rigular account I stables, A bargain. Owner not able was, accepted and adopted. Following ed the editor of the local paper of the av our matings. to work it. accounts were paid; town in which he gavq one of his concerts. Well, as I sed befoor, I am back wid C. Pope, repairing grader blade $3,00; In reporting the concert next morning the fartmers parthy agin, fur the prisint, Municipal World Assessors' and Collect- after it was given no mention whatever Ibut mibby whin the next elickshun comes or's Rolls, 10.75; Philip Ament, gravel was made of the Stradivarius violin. He' around the Tories may fQind me and say 2.20, Thos, Miller, repairing Nichol drain made haste to make known to the editor I belong to tbim, and thin I shall be ABNER COSENS 22,50, A. MacEwen, B. O. H„ express, his disappointment at his failure to men- resthored to my rolghtful owners," as the Insurance and Real Estate telephones $1,30; Stewart McLaughlin, tion the instrument. The reply was., "If decision av the judge was in the cilibrat- shovelling snow 1.20; Frank Kerney, old Stradivarlus expects any advertising ed Pott versus Hay cattle shtalin case. Successor to Ritchie & Cosens, roadwork and gravel 11.90; Win. Elston; in the columns of this paper he will pay Yours as B 4,Wingham, Ontario., expenses to Goderich (1919) 10 00; R. 10 cents a line for it." Timothy Hay. 1010 M 01 S 7 FUNI.qZALK WED DINGS, ETC. (,ataloguc8 .shown 6n request. WM. .5'NEA rft 1 boric 142, Winglis '6RWLE58 PHYSICIX Gb'rjOPATHY 0,tecqatl).-c Physician, only qualif m Nol (h fluron. Adiu,lwc34t 0 tLe spine is more quicl seculod.jai t w0h ticalnit'lits tf, by au} t,,, hi -i- m,:1 hod. blood epi etist!rt,, and kjtbur oxarnin%ti( knedu% Ail IreAted. 01"TU."Y" ovl-At ('11vi5'i'ws 5101 R. 0, H. ROSS C,vr"duatt Royal College of Her !,!1uA&Aq (,,rad�txv I mNri - ity of Toronto Facv A)' Dentistry Lglict QwrIi. 4, 0 ed Fly an 'ns it tal sty I Cvery ocoAnygood ivaikman I flewphono (-aph can build a.' ADDea" On tfle.market ralHn Machine"", Only the emus Of An Ed OVIA could oduce • ID I AM0T%.TD q NoNk AM WAMWMM�11 6101000fth, 0 AqM JLd JM i he World's Greatest, P-h-onograph Value) You need a phonograph in every way it is superior to ordi-` ';shape and composition, are prac- your home. Every home in nary phonographs and "talking tically unbreakable and last for Canada needs the cheering, machines I " years and years I soothing, refining influence of The tone has been pronounced All the world's best music cod music. But you want the superior to that of other well- is recorded on these Amberol estphonograph made -no other known phonographs by scores of Records,from popular songs and is good enough for your home, phonograph experts after strik- dance music to grand opera sung your family, your friends. ing tests. The genuine Diamond by the world's greatest artists. How can you tell which is the Point Reproducer is permanent- Every month new Amberol best? Easy -if you use mom- no Changing of needles. The Records are issued with the mon sense. Difficult -if you wonderful Amberol Records, in latest hits and new . recordings trust to the claimsu of nurneroua nf famous artists. manufacturers. Look for the man behind the Phonoraph-the brain that evolveT it and perfected it. If you cannot discover any person- ahly behind an instrument you inay well doubt its perfection. The brain of Thomas A. Edison, the greatest 'inventive ganius in the world, is the birth- Wace of the Arriberolat Edison 6s perfected everycletail of this wodar phonograph until in Go, listen to other phono. graphs and, "talking machines" if you will ' then come here and listen to - the wonderful Amberola.::' Above all remems bor that the name and fame of the greatest inventor of the age guarantee its superiority. Last but not least, Edison has succeeded in making this re- markable phonograph to sell at = r considerably lower than to talking inachinee J. Walton McKlbbon, Wingham, Onto k4ftkY, Peti- t 06 ----- ..... X+ _K+10- 40 Red Hot Battgains for Everybody at the Isard Storesiwoo"Enoyloh Said". X VOA P LACES M t bars soap .................. 50c Bargain lot of Lace and Inser- Bargains in ends of silk, see our COATS tion, sale price ............ 5c remnant counter. MR, Girls' coats on sale at ....... $3,95 PANTS 21 'A USHE.V Sale of Men' Pants, your pick W212)0JV.S A lot of Hair Brushes and Wide Hair Ribbons, all colors., 17c for .................... $2.09 Clothes Brushes, to clear ... 25c JPZANJVZL SALMONExtra quality gray flannel, Choice Salmon, on sale at ...... 25C Special cut prices on boy's tweed wide, sale ........... 50c OVEWALL.V suits $4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 6,75, 7,50, Special line. reg. value $2.50' - V C O!R.VB T -V sale price .............. :$2,00 CA!R211ETSAJV2) RUG - 6 doz. to clear, bargains...., $1.19 If in need of Rugs or Carpets see IVJVI)E IR WEA IR our stock, you can save money buy, 2)AXIJVG 21OW2)EIR Mefi,s wool shirts and drawers ing here. I lb. tins Maple Leal Baking our cut price ............ $1.89 Powder .................20c COATFURS Twenty per cent. discount off all UN DF, -A WFA 'R 10 Women's cloth coats to lines of Furs. 3 doz,_.Wornen`s Vests to clear. 45c clear at ................$5.00 LSECdr .SHOES WAISTS Gem Lye 100 per cent pure, '41 WomeW.s Strong wearing shoes Women's voile waists, your tins for ..... ...... 25c February Sale, price ....82.95 choice for .............. $1.39 _VH1 'A T -S _Vr001__V VA -A.M Men's fine English Cambric 3 200 yd Coat's spools ........ 25c 6 spindles of factory yarn, to shirts, choice patterns.... $1.10 SOA 2:0 clear per lb . ...... ..... $1.50 HF_ IR �R JIJVG Large bar laundry soap, sale 17C Kippered Herring in tins 20c Men's biack and white stripe VFIILIJVG working'sbirts, sale price.81.25 MUFFS' F -V Special to clear plain and spot b -RES -V G002) -V A)V2) 9,0 8 Muffs, good style, your pick. $7. 50 veiling, all colours, sale 19c �s ILK --V 04 -VY,. I -R Ts SWEATERS' Big stock, big choice, big bar - A clearing line of Women's All lines Men's, Women's and gains. No room to quote prices top skirts at ............ $4,75 Children's on sale 20% off. here. Come and see. 'LL E4 MARL) 45 CO, THE WINTER WOOD And the foaming creek had more to say, But the brown leaves whispering under Than on a tawny August day; I went into the winter wood my feet I heard the water fall between, Wondering if life is good, Had pleasant things to talk about, Its rimy'spark)ing rocks rejoice, And I said to the bare, black trees, The cold clean Airwas spicy and sweet, With deeper laughter in its voice - "You have no green to give me ease. And the path ran softly in and out There were no birds and little green, Oh, why am I here, who all sick of feeling Where hemlocks smoothed a velvet song; But who could leave the winter wood The hurt in my heart that has no heal 1 The leaves of laurel were green and strong J Wondering if life is good? %XTE ARE Ford Dealers in this distrix and have formed an estimate of the number of cars we will require to meet the needs of this territory. We cannot get enough. Cars to- fill that estimate because there are not enough cars being made to fill all dealers' estimates mates throughout Canada. The number I of cars we can get depends upon the number of orders we send in and the early date at which we send them in, as the Ford Spping- hi De ,partment follows the principle, First Come, First Served." Cars ordered now will not be delivered until -March, and deliver - les will be uncertain throughout the year., , If you do not want to wait for summer or autumn delivery, li come in and reserve your car by signing an order today. As m. RAW, FORD, Dealer, ' ` ingham r LAI