The Wingham Advance, 1920-02-19, Page 2-11 7-1-1 ­ . __ r— f r 1-7 i I - — P­ip_,"�`4 1111PIPF"! i N� ____ - I I �! ------ 44"��� � ­ ­_ " lk--, . , �.:,- ',K,"��!FRV,%!��Pl . "I"t"N"M I 11 ""!"! � � -:_,_,.1_;,W � I " , "r�,�,,`""_" , IV -,!!F I I "'. r . '"I"WIP-1 ­, � ,, , � 1. I 17, '9�� " 1�0�1111�11111111111,4:,J:I;A "I, . I . , . , :.. 6 . =Oio I I, I I! t I. :! I : I != ROOM 6 4 A I I, 1, 9 0000"No. i --------- -- , " - - -- , --------- -, ,-- - - ­ , - _1-1 I _____­­ ,---. 1. ­ . __ - - , 00 . '11141 1 1 4 091"I . I RRM, ! 4 F IN 1.11 * w 1(^"X*"*0**,P.0W.,"%W",W_._ 6— __ , _ 6 ,- . 6 , ___ _ I .- - __ . - � � &� r ­ rl -A 11 .11 ' ­ I ==="W= 9 - _ _. . 66 ,11orod undertook to obtain an explain- PSARL DIVING 6 . "", , 4tion from tbaro, but none "old be B 4 , 'I Al,eady orsAulaed to b4ttlo for the 1 7!!Im 1 Obtained. 1110 next step was. to put I I . _. WoPo#ed development to link wouwom , SHIPMENT OF 1' Greal Lak" with the /Ah t the guard to death In accordanco with - *� I . LANSING - S Tho 8# *04terit sea are f6ur! - . , I 41 I I � ) %6[ ." FM Mon M vauwtu Is Zx. and nortliwest vk* U* 00* I , . 9 1 t4a Roman custom. After this he ro- I I %� oftilig. allied In the newly formed Great 0400*04 "A . I I . 'QW,. .1 turned to Caesarea, We seat of gov- , . - 4" Utbes-St. 1.4wreuce Tidewater As- X" 0041K OVX^ am I 11,161, U I , I * �� - ' CATTLE BY RAIL 'O" , I ornment., I - r . 1 4 sociation. They urn: Canada, Ohio, OUNDAY scitoor, Lesson VIII. Questlons-Who ivais Horod? Whom ACK'FOR A L , 6, - ' ;. 00 Tile Vaulnotu Islands- sometimes Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, MIcht- Waka tot" *A, go, 4164W #1 — February 22, 196- r did he kill? Why? Why 4.1.4 be take � -----,-- _____ called "goldmino3l, of the eastern P&- Kan, North end South Dakota, Wyoau- 409 %: �v 40 *0 *10A 4W rdtor? What feast occurred at this . - cific--proicut a Weird and pleturesqu rl f six! JJV _0 Peter .delivered front prison. The time? Why was Peter kept In pris scene during the season for Ile , StOQJ� Men Meet Rail. Ing, Jdaho, Mont4na, Colorado, Iowa MKI001% MWDATIV" Acts, 13; 5-17. DIX? 0 lng.Vrom August oil come the natives and Nebrulia, All these Want - ­ i - ­ � 00NOW How Many ooidlem guarded him? Real Reasons Come From Fundameotal Dif fer front the surrounding islawla to dive Way Commission . er rates for transporting their�"`Plvo- *v8*0W40 COMMENTARY, --I. Peter's Impris. � .. . � ; 16 1, 1�� � . . Who Prayed for h1vil Ilow was be ;,J, ,­ . 1. . �'. � C; ", - � ., . - for pearla In the calut waters of the - ducts to tile lies. 0"To"s 0 0"Ons, 040104t (vs. 1-4). Herod Aortppa, a delivered'., To w4cise -house did Pe'er � �, . �61 - lagoons thrown open for the purpose. Tito big coal compantes selling t AN"04 W040mot 014 - Kr%Adson of Herod the Great, wits ,,go;? Who responded whon Peter 6 . ences of opinion ii� po,lc Within tho narrow strip of sand. which On Matter of Drafting New canah-wilich gets tile buik of itoll 1 6 1 I 11 � 1 04 1 *--.A WOO or ruler of FAI�stlue.which office knockedt I . I . y 6 . surrounds the fishing groundare liu4-. � coal from the United StateS-are ex he held for throe years. Cruelty. was PRACTICAL SURVEY. - I ! I ,tiled 3,000 or more, in A, mushrooVa Contract.. pected to, be represented In oppoill. DU41*y Hoha" . one of the characteristics of the Her- Toplo�_,TIlIngfA wrought by prayer. city, sheltered beneath corrugated I- tion to development of the tremen, Oft sAd this, Rerod bad the same dig- � " Iron or thatched huts, It Is a motely Ottawa -Dispatch - Prortiluent live dolls unused waterpdwer along the NAM"O"014 $""I"% am . Position. Ile desired to be popular 1. Persecution renewed. wia oe No more Resigoations ... His Success St. Lawrence. With the estimated . . , ~ NOW 041^ W006#000 I 6.. . 1. I . I ock men representing the Great 14- 2,0Q0,000 - I , � com teresto which. are vitally interested in horsepower at Its oervlcQ with the Jews of his province, hence 11. A miraculous deliverance. Tgarny'are P4umOtu "divers, bronzed fit - Ike had the' Apostle James, John's 111. Tiniteti prayer. � . sea gods -who, witit their ancestors the shipment of cattle, representatives Canada would be alap to displace ' ro er,­alatft. This act pleased the , or Still; Not Named, much of Its presout"Tia,ports of fuel R. Vawtoxio J x, whereuvolf lie caused the arrest 1. Persecution renewe(L The'Derse- . I have been for ages masters of the of the railways and railway brother. from title country by the "White Coal" . - . deep and conquerors of the shark in h 0 amw"T" Am *0L*#T*R- : f other prominent apostle, Voter, eutor of the lesson fas Herod Agrippa, . 6 oods, the C%undian Manufacturers' or el ctrio power generated Along the 6 1 ,, his own native element. The diver If' Aszoolation and the Toronto Homane I , t a purpose of publicly putting hthat vile Oriental," as Renon style$ Washington Desparch-.Uobert 4aue� la, mao, be said with a St Lawrence,, it Is claimed. 061W 49 4W A NN as 014M 1111, 0, son a of uth r . great degree . Ahe coutre of solicitude fol, the buyer Society gathered to -day ill the rooms f Arlstobulus And grand- . , , I 'to 4 th, thus allowing that he soclated Press)-RebuXed by Frost- 'Ity that, while the Presictent I ble commission decided to -day to � . wild trader. lie to the Indt..-,persable 'Was I taking sides with 'the Jaw4, son of Herod the, Great, the persecutor dent Wilson for calling Cabinet meet. and, 2\1r. Lansing were together In , of the Dominion Railway Commission I draft a treaty for adoption by the . W"W"A^ b . I MIA against the new rellglon'that wits be�, of Jesus and Infamous tot his many lugs during his Illness, Secretary, of Paris. other d1fterelleeta Of more than object of the moving picture man who. to a4sla.t the mem. ers of the railway Vnitea States and Canada,-. givin � ­.. ".. lag taught by the followeN of Jesus. orimes, espeolally for the massacre at State Lansing .bas resigned, A6 minor nature developed, , has busily built his theatre of "cor. board in t4q flraftiug of A new live the executive power to ask for 'au'd, 7%Ja, waa during the least of the Pass. Bethleheln. .Re Well sustains th , e tam..I The President has accepted the re. Those who were present at the rugated Iron Where lie dis . PeAses stock contract. spend money apropriations to en- - Arthur I IrWin 'over. Crowds of Jews would be Pre. Ily history. ;1 Re, received tile title of' slgnat�jou ,Iwitu appreciation," ,and first C01net meeting after their re- amusement at metropolitan prices. it W, L. Best appeared befor t rail- force its r6commeadations of last' D.P.&, L.P.S. Is the diver who spends his earnings way commission this aftero4ollo . ci would king Upon the accession Of -CalX41a to Mr, Lansing becomes the seebbid a ratter on to year to Insure against W6 Pollution Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penn- sent- in Jerusalem And the tim I turn to the States ciescribe riding In the wheezy motorcar which protest against 4. Wrong impression Sylvania College and Licentiate of Delo- ' be �opportuue for making an Jmpres- the throne of the Roman empire, And. Secretary of State to leAve't-h tense and dramatic scene. 0ongreea the owner operates along a half -mile will th otlierhood of Lo of International watpro, particularly 4 Illy a Ad- 6 oil e 33r tal Surgei f -f Ontario. .; 4to like his grandfather swayed the seep-� ministration over a, disagreement %A as full of rumors that the Preelden t cOmetive at Detroit and Buffalo. , . � wuPon them in Herod's favor. - - of sandy beach. It Is Ills earnings Close4i'overi Wednesda,v Afternoon, . ter of kingly authority over the whole with his chief, was so disabled as, to be constituton- �,vlllch � Nnglueers and Firemen thought had — , . � . 11. Prayer and deliverance (vs. (vs, OX Palestine, He died at Caesarea, . Tbe-re 'will be 'no more ri I all ,unable to discharge the functions attract a hn�t of others. been given the o6mmission at the Cal- - - - .0fTicoln Mjkddolhald 0146k. (vs.' -6-11). 6. Prayer was made - 11 supposedly within 4 niouth or two fr, es1guittlons of ilis office, There wa,s talk of what Ill his habits of spending his earn- gary sitting on live stock matters. I ft "A -Christian community believed in om the Cabinet as a result of the Ings the Paumotu diver is much like He quoted 0. H. Temple, of the Ca�rxj ALLIES "NITED 1.-.-' . after the Incidents of the, lesson, Ab- Lansing incident, It was said ]night be done to place Wce-President the American prospector And miner U W. it. HambAy the, efficacy of prayer And loathed for - at the Manshall at the head of the Gqvern� adiall Pacific, Railway as stating t a . hbrtod Tor"Ills crime � White House to -day. of the days of gold strike§ and boom delays in live stock trains frequentl $.so., M.D., 0,M. . clsed themselves In this serviqe� -for hid condltIQn.­An effort to ingratiate � ,41 ment, land ho -w Congress might go, y , SE ftedail W,atjon paid to d[Neas" UbJects aP- . Lansing -Wilson controversy; the let- pertly nothing was too good for him. men took rest periods ever.v 12 hours. V , ,of Women and, 0hildren, havius , I eXt011t of the Pi " EPRADIMN the relief of the apostle. "Tile pray- .himself with Ills Jewish a aut not going to discuss the about doing It. Nobody knew the full mining camps. In the days of Ills pro$- were caused by the f4at that engine - 6 ers Of the church werp ottergd by aq� pears to Uave'been a, strong Incentive t ors speak for themselves,11- Secro- -0Idi6nt'a illness, It He buys the choicest of foods And till- If the commisiiion could change that, Fm A . tak" postv"usto work in stm. semblies of Christlami, me4tihg In to a renewed perseaution of Chris- tary Tumulty, said, � had not then become 4noviln that he ned goods. ' He is proud of the ap- Mr. Temple was understood to have - - . varl*us private houses (v� 12),,for the ' had partially lest the use of his left Efty, atetwolowy , t1aus, It seeIns to ed There was no Inform . and adonufte , have been direct ,#tiou. available pearance of Ills wo.)nen folk and lav- said, the rallway would be only too MsdiotwL . perafttition, would now render, Vablid' par,tteularly" agailiA the � Most Prom- at the White House as to a probable arm and log through all accumula- ishes on them silks, satins, CUrtstian; services dangerous, as we inent among them, The first recorded tion of blood In one of the arteries ot lReGs- ,glad. Chief Commissioner Carvell as- Will Insiot Upon Demands otaft In the Kerr resideme, b* successor to Mr. Lansing, but tile 0,p� Chinese shawls, high4teeled sho,.a sured Mr. Best that the impression lie , . tw*ft tke Quesuls Hotel an4 th* . _ kltq�w was often the case in the early victim was James, the son of Zebedee pointment IF. expected to be made 4le brain. There were even ugly ru- picture hats and corsets, the last A had. received from the stitement made Being Obeyed. B&Ptlat Ohurch days?' of Christianity,", -Cam, ,Bib, and saloj�% and brother of- John the soon. John W. Davis, Ambassador More that tile President might not be recent discovery. All of these things by Mr. Teraple was simply that the An UwInt" giy*x We& S#6*1026 . Witt , tary > facultleO, the trader has thoughtfully provided. men were entitled to eight hours rest P. 0. Box us , kout eftsing-The prayer was apostle. 'His Martyrdom I% �4!4' to at London, and Under-Secre , i Olk In Possession of all hi's botWearriest And continued. ^6. When have occurred about tell years- after are,being discussed, ,Same oeriators mere evidently cell- - Sunday is an J�Iaster parade, and a after a 12 -hour run and that this was Refer Ques-pfionbf Exchange M'" " . , HarW would have �brou&ht himi forth, , e A on the '� Cabinet meetings will be resumed tomplating some action t performance at the platiars theatre covered by a sontract between the 11 . I . the Ascension at 3 rusalem . n4 "to f!nd on ThI411was aftew"the'Pasadver. Tlhe'�� Anniversary of the crucifixion. It ful- li'very� soon," and, as announced a whether we have a President or not#" like an evening at An opera. In nO railway and Its employees, to Experts. Dir, ROW. C. Redmond . Jowl;, would have been As one of their riumber put it, These - golden "horse shoe" in the world are The major portion of the afternoon . � - I — . displeased It fIJle4 the Lord's Prediction In Matthew few days ago, President Wilson Will stories were, Of couree, a!I disposed . . . the!,execution hadAnk6n. Place duting 2.0�, 23. of the Apo to gro p, 4,149.8. (Eng.) . 5 lie 1% James preside, more observant or critical eyes, and hearing before the railway commis- � . , theteast, 7. -Angel of the Lord,7--The died f White House Officials ,of. and ahown to be pure and un, London, . Cable - The Aillea Supreme , IhRX P. (Lond.) . irst and John last. It appears to reiterated to�day that lie was makifig founded gossip by the lat woo betide -the Paumotu belle who sion to -day was occui)ied by counsel ().ouL.11do pro -da . ftor ' 11' r develop- . IV, OIL discussing the PHY11101AN AND SUROKOX, Lord sent a he ave been the PUr 'fancies she call attend two of the fune- for tlie 0anadfall Pacific and Cdna- situation arlsill from Germany's ,av�uly' bejng�!to bring. h poge of the persecu- rapid strides toward regaining; his ments, but they were beingp, circulated tions clad In the same cost-%ime with- ,dian National Railways in discussing violent protest over the extraidition (1)r, OhIshokal's old stLud), I I deliverance to his faithful servant. A tors to paralyze the church at its health, and widely credited last November, out being --subject t6 scornful comment. various points in the uggested live demands, agreed on the question of In- ' - . . a ligh . �:'shlned Ili :tile Vrison-4rhe. light centre and, by the destruction of. Its : Although the correepondence. be- When, the Cabinet assembled for It- � 4 sisting upon those demands, It was A was tupernatura, like celi which PeteV Jay asleep W48 illumined as it probably never had been before leaders, to u1sperse ,14e,r tollowers. 1%feantii-ne the church was forming a of effort at Antlocii, tween Mr, Lansing and the President lbdkes the calling of the Calbluet meetinge. ine,ident first conference at tLe call of Secre. ta7 Lansing. 3 -O.— � FERN". M.Pa stock contract, on which they were able to' see eye fo eye With lite shippers. When statei to -night. I I It has been reported that there were , differences. between Itranch and Great : and now centre , the which leads 41- t Cabinei meeting c alled 54,3NN adjournment came to the dernands . never was after that, By this light 11. A miraculous deliveraucei The e r 6tly to the Secretary's resignation, , by Secretary Lansing during the Pre - I suhl'ortly after six o'clock, Mr. Jil P ' Bilit0lill tas wliilether should be modified, �t is probable that , Pete$, could see all his surroundings,. Smot. Out' , e Peter -To arouse him fr' his importance Attached to the Arrest of Peter is evJdent by the precaution Persons* "on the Inside" of the Ad- ministration, who know what has sidenCe illness, Dr. Grayson was ask- ed to attend. Mr, Lansing is rePort� IS UNDER TRIAL, it Fljntoft for the C. P. R. and Mr. 1i�- taIr Fraser, representing the Can _ tile position of tile Allies will be set forth soon in a sLateinent. This may lsleel�! Raised him up ­PAwok - , , .e. him," taken to Insure his:safe keeping, and . Oeen going on, say that was only an ed to have asked; "We wish to than National, had placed their argu- take the,form of another communication :' V. . . -R�, His chains ,fell off -The this makes his deliverance the more � .Incident, and that the real reaeQus.for know the llatUre,and extent of the � � . � ments before the 0olumissloners. Ad-, Journment to Germany, or possibly one to Hot- land, As far as can be ascertained, how-. OhMWith" *hI0lX:.`he. �Was boupd. to so . - bvidently miraculous. Hfms(.ilf man- I the' break go -back over a period of I President's illness, and whether he - Was then taken until to- ever, nothing definite has been decided I tile Idlers! word miracul. usly re-;, 0 aeled, ,four quarterutons,' or sixteen 'many mOuths, and come from fund,a- will be able to perform thb duties of morrow morning at 10 o'clock, When regarding any further steps to be taken oi#d froaIAIs,1ij4uds-,` T ul hus fAt lie - ' soldiers w ere� appointed a special # Me ntal differences of opinion In � Ills office, I so that we may determine Robert Barto-n . Charged it fs'probablv that some ,of the repre- toward Holland, wos4ree only within.bb$ cell, but soon I would be his. full1lberty §,4� Gird guard lest an escape o 4001104- Ea6.ter season being at hand, . 11 - po�rloley disagreements between the what shall be done to carry on the , With Making Threats. sentatives of the bodies Interested In shipping Will be heard. I The Council, in dealing with other ques- , tions, decided thd% financial experts of , thy�olf­-The iugells command was execution. was delayed until it Was i d of ,the State business of the. Government. MI, A 'D m , it . — During the afternoon a, brief state- 1� . tile Allied Governments, many of whom are here, should meet soon to discuss the ! that�',,Peter should - gather his loose past. Nothing more clearly displays Daygnment even ankedatetheentryox -0 M a PuYsician is quoted . I ment, wa made by Mr. Bric Osborne, problem of International exchange In an , I the �Cango in Peter'd consecration and tates into the war. The by'some of the other secretaries. as Dublin's Mayor -elect Stays the representative of the Toronto effort to devise EL ptan for Its stabiliz- gari�abnts Into a belt or girdle that he the United 8 . migIrk-move rapidly and easily; Bind � character than his quiet of splrlt� and relations between thS two men almost having replied in substance: I Humane Society, who outlined cer- ation. It was not settled when the first . reached the break!ng point early In "The President is doin in Prison. tain improvements which might, be meeting of these experts should be hold. on,ifiy"s'andals"Pdrpare to leave the restfulness of demeanor on the eve of I g a� well as The Council decided finally that Its � � *n headquarters should remain In Paris. Per pr,lqq#�_: gqudals-�- � covecrecl. � only 1917, when Mr. Lansing Issued his could be expected; he is In full pos- . - made in order to ellrainate cruelty � S H 0, R T Oms . the apparent martyrdori, Not even his celebrated ' statement, saying the session of all his faculties, and he cattle shipment.Mr. W. R. Ingram, of the convenience of the British Govern - bottom of the feet. Cast thy gai- peaceful, slumbers were disturbed by, 'United Ertatce was daily being drawn It (Dulblin ,Cable. -�- Raert Barton, the Swift Canadian Company, Winni- mental authorities, however, it will con� 4n -About t1tee--Ref4rence is - made ,I)ect (Isla. 28, 3; Phil. 4i 6, 7). . As directed me to inquire of:You by J -e for the i" MAnt tli6�pr6r t ne I Silin Fein member of the H tinue to sit hei present, prolb- -� toAhe outer garment or cloak. Follo ' The,,miracil6,us .6huractor of,his'deliv- arer and nearer the war.- By some, what ,Authority this meeting use of peg, set forth the.attitude of the ship- ably through tile coming fortnight. -It r N W unot be, questioned. In vain it 'was taken to forecast the entry of of tile COmmolls, who - was arrested last pers with regard to sending a A man � m4r�&'ixtget would b6nduct Peter er4fice � ca, , Cabinet was called, what business is March, escaped from the Mount Joy with cattle shipments. . Is expected that.Prewler I&Ioyd George , . I � the United States. The President 'before it, and what business it Is ex- and Nittl will be in constant attend- . out,ot.bondagd lixto, liberty., 9. Wist - "the kings of the earth set themselves, made every effort to overtakq.- th.3 pooted might be transacted at a Cab- Jail, was re-arreste'd, end again es- . Counsel for the Canadian National ance. Premier Alillerand will probably not -Did not know. Thought lie saw a an;l�thelr rillers. tikecoulis'el." Events, statement after It had been $ c I . gfven -out' just Meeting without his partloipa- I caPed, only to be recaptured re6ently, Railways, Alistair Fraser, Supple- be ailed home before ]ong, in which vision -It did � not. seem real or Poe- grUgt6r� oblall ore steptping stones t6 toft case, F rance r sible to Petbr-'thit he was set free. � th61JresIst10ss'Mdrph 1 ,to maj 9tic: it the ,%late Departulent, but It, was tiou?,, - . was.tried to -day before d court -mar- mented the argument of Mr. Flin will be represented by 6 pull- lulposs!ble. I Philippe Berthelot, political director of . . .. I I � . dal, .� with an argument -against the pro- the rioreigy, Office, and Paul Cam4on, 16. � - The. first and the second ward� POSOO. According to *the story told at the The charge hgainst Barton war, that Posal to make the railways entirely Ambassado.. to Great Britaln. I I When Mr. Lansing was a member. time, Secretary Lansing had no op- Although Marshal Foch an Word here means � the same as guard. 111. tfnitetl prayer. We -discover a of the. American delegation to Parts, � at Shillelagh in February, 1919, he de- ,responsible for the dare of live stock 4 General Sixteen Tourists Killed in POter, under the giiidance of an angel, . n4w. ,revelation of the unity and bro. More differencer, developed, With portunity to,reply, because some Of livered a speech in which, referring in transit and dispense with the AVeygancl -arrived at No. 10 Downing - � ti,� the other member(; stepped into the Stro�it just before the first session of : .4 escape4,::.!he--,fo4 soldiers- 131it. ! therhood of the early Christian church. other members of the American mis- to the imprisonment of the local, Sinn necessity for the shipper furnishing a the Council ,to -day, they did not attand ' Motor Accident , Near- I , weke placed to4tAiard.11111. , - " ' ' I The imperiled brother becapie a sUb- qion_ he iias not In accord with the ,breach and asked Dr. Graysor� to say Feiner Fleming, he said; . man in charge, David Cromble, Of either of the, two meetings held. Belgium , , %,I. When Peter was come to himself. i ject of united and imceasing impor, Pres'dent'G Idea of. making the treaty to the President that the only purpose "I do not malig a threat, but , it the same road, supported Mr. FraseiF Vas represented by Premier lielacroix, San Remo, Italy. _1rhis speedy release was,A-matter0of . tunity. A great emerg � ency gavc full of P`eace' 'and the en . ant of I , the of the meeting was to inquire, the Fleming dies Ili Sail there Will be re- 'with reasons from the point of view 61-0— , - - , astonishment to Peter.. He had gone test.to their faith. Prayer was their League of Nations coonve and the same state of his health, and to send him a prisals against Lor(r French afid of the traffic expert why It should be "4 WOULD " REA011IG Ic U. SN � to sleep .closely guarded And- was ; otilY- resource. - They had - no- Weapons, I M,r. message of loyaty and encouragement difficult and expensive for the car- . lisAparable document. It, was Prank Brooke (member of the vice- 8uddenJy,,,AwAkeued76y an unfamiliar ! no � distinguished 41,leuds at court to Lansinglis idea that such a plan would At that point the meeting broke up Hers to furnish complete supervNion HEOLLANu I _ � . roy's advisory council), who will sUf_ . - I . peJsdnaW&,- Hv� ­` Was 111iman " eydn Whom they might apperal, and no treas- . delay the ratification of a peace treaty . without having transacted any busi- ter injuries as he did." of live stock .In transit. - I I . I , thouih:�ski*verftatural,forced were � opier- , ures to offer as a ransom; *but 'they and In this he was 6upported by I ness, but it did not end the so-called It Is alleged that he repeated' the The hearing was adJourn&I wntil &I O:h . atInW,4u ,hii3 behalf. - It took4ilittlo ,had a dIuvIn6'Ititerc'bs96r. When,God Hiliry White and E. - M. I-fouse, I Cabinet conferences. a- Wednesday morning, F A 6 . i tlfde for him to eompr6hend, the situa- MoVes, no obstacle Is too'great..; Peter -_ 1 $ me threat at Carnew. The court I JOIN THE L UE Britain' Buys Patagonials tion. He said -He, spoke to himself had but to -obey. Xeeg6is slept,� chains - . --- __-_ - — renrved decision, Barton offered ho - - I I Meat Output for Year I W defence. " -Fetef�.WdlVlfulls, �� convinced , Ran N , YJ 11 R N ELI", , t A report was In eirculatnon after G" HO"T ON -, Parliament to'Collsid6r Par- � 1920. Ajfj�ce he was alone, Now I kno .of :fell Off, and., lrow doors- and gates. vft�ft 11 � a _Surety� � � opened "of their owa,acedrd.11 Prayer Wr E he trial that Barton had been reg- STIFF F1 and made a strong statement of his - should be the'habit of the Mir — � -�-.1V.W,9-T.joia'h ' sent bid ,Ailge 1111 I billet fi;,. U " " . . � ; . , � I "%:' . iR U cued, This proved to be incorrect. . I :1 ticipation. as .1 ,, Is nothing too small to eliciv -V-- K , T1 "I ['� LABOR' N I . - ­41ig-.1elJoW_, Christians bad bren en- interest and nothing too great �qr 14ii',H.,�,s,,%�g ,,!r; i`�,� � 1 .; i, ":; , � ;, . I ... I . Raiders intended to effect the release Motor bandlts� hold ugn and rob4cd- . . . - 1. - g�ged In ,earnest Prayer In his behalf divine control. Ilrilty­ln prayer ad#'s '.." I .. � , ,.� I 9A - , , the I)risoner, but Attacked the ROUTE, Tau OCEAN .Mveral va-cous Saturday n�ght in . V 'I ,I Ss g wreng car, and Barton 'was carried to i ... � ­ - a" he was Sur ell I i I . I Will .Probably Submit Re. Toronto. 0 s�o a � . the Jail and looked up. . Major J. H. Ha-erman, former Wqr. , ,o . .. . e the iiisw6r had be - force tO"POtlti011 (Matt. 18: 19). 7 � I J '111HERE of . den of Durham � gly - � "It Is* one of the protoUndest * ' NYT rl"T. z'",�RY' U -4 ' � I ­ , 'il WON'T RELI-34SE MAYOR-ELTECT_ b4t;fs,ln my own life that there was t " -1. . � .:1 1. I � � St, Lawrence Scheme to Di- servations. . and Northumberland I g's Bench . cOUnty, died in his pighty-third year. la'itital.,conneption ibetween the pray� I , .. — . . I Dublin, Feb. 12. -The Kin . I er-mbeilug-and tbi� DMOA.-'­36wett. Katur`e s Minor - Division Court here to -day refused to vide, West and East. ------ � � .& :!�J _,_,; ­ i$ �� . , ;�.', .1 .. �, &I he release of the 1. . I memorial sa�vice to the deati JU. At the placeof prayer (vs. 12.- 1 1 .- '. , : . . .1 The Rague Cable. - Neg6tiationG hercles -of the 16Dth Bai'.talion was held 17)','ri2t ��*hen*.hellacf considered the ,a Wilob -it; �'*O:;' Lloyd George : Says Mine Nationalization is Lord Mayor elect of Dublin, Alderman . 3f the Dutch Government with other in St. Paulls, 0 1 . ­ �, Anglican Church, Tor - thing -,-When he had -comprehended " .. rrhn in well . .1 I ­.";', � �1� .. __1 . Tom Kelly, Who Is in Wormwood Big Interests, Montreal and ,leutrals regarditg entry !lite- the onto. - I— I I 'Scrabbs prison. The refusal Was on without t'he situation: He ca -me to redlize . � , I I ify S 1% the ground that Alderman Tom Xelly N.. Y. Oppose. result, according. to a Government Brantford elxpects a 3-anill Inerean 1, I ,. - cret a s �. o ,i,;%�, lllaihst at DO"' I '10tere is League of Nations have been on nad healthy- wbat had taken placeaud that he was I 's parkle , . - � '-: ­.,.,_ S I Wits out of,the jurisdiction of the . statement to the Parliament,, -which the tax rate. I - " " . � ­ � I ­, a 0`46e man: througli su.D=iturial p6w-' ­ ip her eyes, a. -i I.., � .. _ , . _ ., . ' to -morrow will take tinder cons;dera- Rev. Dr. P. L. RichQxdson, formerly I - I ­ � . . �, . . court. . .�er. . house of Mary-This,Mary was a ... 1, rpse tint in her . J I .,CONSIDF S. .lgelv �-*r�- D*,�pat,ch-A 6talbborn tion Holland"s Participation. �, , � in , DRB D DANGEROU Presideent of the Montreal Conterenco, . . 4Wter of,733atnabas, '(001. V4, 10), and: . . ,i4fths,, an n oPherson, fight between great opposing, In- The statement says that neutrals died In Brockville, - � London, Feb, 12.-lan Ma . the mothdr,of,X61in"Marlt. Aer house' .N --- �s rich 1 ,s',w, Any Attempt tu . Go " terests,'*Involving a score of States, could not Make general reservations, I ...P �. , nyince Country by Forc Llic-Seeretary for Ireland, Was asked SoMe officials,at Porinxii-outh Penl� ' was a -meeting-place t�r the follow- � %?lood. After . .�' 5i... W I Pi �; . I ; � . 11 municipalities and railroad and mill- because Article I does not admil, of tentlary rAfuse to rcsign, although "i ,; Z � in - the Ilouse of Commons to -day .. I I . 11 ff why Alderman Tom Xelly, Lord May- age limit. ich Dr. � , `h t . I Ill sUbulitting tile measure proposing ers of 3eatts, manY were'Satherdd to- 1 ­ - f�kibg nature's I I L . Ing corporations is promis6d before any. The Dutch's Government's delay they have reached the " . ;­ ­ I the International Joint Commission &(Aber pr�jing­­bhristlans- were tak- - , . I u Fo * A u ii Ing their burdene. M the Lord in pray- . 11 . ... �'srno wh` qv,.. � �; 9415 . ,, t he'. kat' . or elect of Dublin, had been sent to on Waterways over the proposed de- the entrance of Holland Is 0 The British Government haq com� ' - . .1 F"�? !4; . - �Alierce called . I.. � - I .1, ;:'.4 i,'� prison. Mr. MacPherson replied that � :cused in pleted the purchase of thowlt-ole Pa-ta. N er. It wma.knowu that-4-lerod,intend- ��� "17 Pre- � Kelly .had been atrest6d 'and deported ,, k", . � , avorlto VelDPMent Of the 'St. Lawrence be- the statement on, the ground that the ed to have"Petor slain, and they pray-, . iai: opription " London CAbI0 - William Brace, quoting from Leon Trotzky to phlow under the Defence and Realm Act be. tween Montreal and Lake Ontarlo,,It United Statea has taken no action as goulan Meat ,qutput for 1920. "il for his deliverance It It might be;� ,.!t": , 'PIVAdent of the South Wales Miners, , that the was learned when the Conimission yet, and the Scandinavi,an countries , At least filty thousand farmers in t'llore's elasti. Bolshevik experiment of cause he had -been, suspected of having 74,1�.,' a 0 a adjourn d its sessions here to -night, have also delayed their decision. the Unitad States own mutor trucks, the will of thq Lord. It la more -than " I Fcder'.lftll, OPgaking In. tht House ,of uAtIctlalig ti n J ' Russia had fall- Rote meet again March 1 In Buffalo Holiand has trot been asked to sub. i1the Department of Agriculture an - ,city In, OV017 d In a manner prejudicial to tk3 It -will 0 Probable that this -wais only one , of 1 1 ��. . n-ovement and CO=Imolis In behalf of LwVor to -day, ed, and that thic Doitheviki had been public interests..- .for its first public hearf,ig ,on the init a plan for a h;gh court of justice, noun,ced, I I w-anyi U,casloiid ,on,which the follow- , wrved an aillendmont to the reply ,o Obliged to revert to conweriptPon of ­_­%I�b__ ject. B are of Jesus were gathered for prayer' _*1,:' a SPring in her thlo Speech from the Throne expres's. lab,or. This bro.,ught forth excited \ CA &%, OW fR J The principals in the canpaign t but, iievdrtheless, has submitted one, Davila Stal-ca, ha been appolirted In Mary's ho"e. -,13. Feter knocked . ill'. � ...... -!!!..,: ptep. Love Ing regret for "the absence of any 0014ts of "thanks to your figh-ting." Ili , 0 Which will be further discussed at a Ro-unlaid-an High Comiv!0.1:i;ner to . M­­cornes to every Proposal to nationalize the coal mlncj� I*Anr Brace's 6ch-c,lue, the Premier , -ce development meeting of delegates from Holland, Oanadaaud -the United States. , - . at the door �f the gato--This Was the wM66:*hbhaibouWdi h&.1th-but � - , pro,cure St. IAWTen a <,otcr doc.r of tte entrance Into the 119 -when or the count GRAIN,�-Un . are the Prairie Provinces of',Camada, Switzerland and the Scandina-VI n � ry along lines recommend- contended, would discourage the de- 11 14 northwasterh States, northwestern editntries, at The Hague, on' F eb. 16. SP-rfeilteon mon alleged to ebe anar- ' Muer court. it damsel came to'heark- � she - Is- Pallid,, dull eyed, languid, she .ed by the majority of the metnibl8is Of Ve'4�cpment of the mining Industry, I ou Canadian cities, and ports and ship' Tile Dutch press considers Holland's . chists, ivere talten in a. serics of -rald.3 - ell---�'A. maid came to anower."­R. V, has to magnetism nor does she appeal to the RoYD! vomin!"A" On t'he coal Ill- while It was Impossible too eliminate . ping Interests on the Great Lake. entrance into the league as certain In Paterson, N. J., by agents of the Rhoda was In charge of thIB'duty and soy Mau, . dustry, which was appointed to Ad- .' A N fful OP'U"EkITICS .one of those who �Yere , - ­ � . tbe'speculative Incentive except by . . Opposed to them will be ihe State though probably reservations will b�' Department of Justi-ce and meirbors ot W" dcollitross Vlee the Oovernment as to the bost couff6tiatfon, and that was a dan- . . Of Now York, the city of Montreal, submitted and discussed in Parlia- the Amen,= Legglon. . praying, . -methods,of re -organizing tile indWs. gerous game to begin. eastern railroads of the TJ:41ted Lont. - ED A LIFE try," m The Cunard liner Valacla, from � 150.' thou are mad -The people did SAVE The 1�relnfer argued that what. Executive Will Report On states and the coal interests, which ____,d__ Ilavro, Firane-3, with Chinese coolies - 'not seem to be abIre to gra3P the .. In outlining h1i scheque for Na. the I Allnerfj* Federation really want- are now selling'Canada most of its ollboard, arrived In I-Tal,lfax." thouillt, thtt Peter was out of prison. , Eltutras 00- ­�'X .11MV0 & very kind feel- 06nalizatton, Air. Brace ,sald there Provincial Entry. fuel. . They declared that Rhoda. was be -side 1�29 lbr,Dr. Pierce'.$ Itavorite, Prescription Would be a committee to manage ed was full control of thee colliorlo, Pr,)posed development of the St. Mrs. Miarparet Gifford Conant, wi- herself She could not be talking for it once saved my mother's life. When ,each pit gnd a commItt,,,s for each' cnd that to hand It over thus Would of Lawrence Includes welding the con- POUND AGAIN dow of Thomas Conant, well-know�i 60algd. affirmed -that it wan even &:�-- Whit tbr6ogh vilddle ago her health failed IDt the 14 districts Into which Great be dleastrous to the commu-nity and nwor Nationalizing necting link in the chain of deep- Can-idian author, died at Osha,xva. Rkodes continued demaratlou,3, sane- very'last; she suffered vith pain in her head, Britain would be ,divided. VInally, � a m;sfortune to ,the miners them- , water transportation from the Great "I'llo London Sunday Times caye It Referring to the Government's SEA NATION understands that the Earl of Rradlng IV uttered, convinced the company and "backdelle, in fact, she had pains and Riere would be a ,body witli a Pre- selvea. Wheat Marketing. Lakes to the Atlantic, and utilizing A &� bet repqrt ituSt bd Well tounded. it adheA A �hroughhor body. Shal6sstweight, s'dergt of .mines an chairman, to sup- � . approximately 2,000,000 horsepower I I will ,accept th3 post or Dr.;.tlsh ,&in- , , Is his 4ingel-WhIle they believed It waa Vcry.,*Aervous, would become, dizzy and erviee all the ­ coal fields cif the proposed bill, the Premier Insliited of potential water power, at a cost � b�,szailor 0 the 17,nlitcd States. could, not be Peter himself, they do- th,at the Government wm. not oppota- S&sliatoon Peport - Saskatchewan . at timedfoint and fall wherovor allo chanced country. The miners, the officlais Grain Growers, in their nineteenth an- estimated In the hundreds of mll- Dr, Jacob Gould Schurniau, presi- Iliz, a blank wative to nationalIza- nual convention here, decided to -day to lions of dolldis. The project con- Troops, On Own Soil, Dip dent rt the Cornell lJnlversity for 14ftd lf4aii his ange,%, for the 11DWs jo be, 'Thig noce3sitated otir watching her ti n by its conotruetive scheme for anot to the Executive Committee the templates dredging channols slid IN and the golleral public would be re - believed that a guardinn angel mints- all the time, we dared not leave her Alone. . P�6ocntcd, and each would be In I 0 1 nearly 26 years, and !brmorly idenif-' torod, to each person. 16. Peter dou- She was as miseml,16 as the �nilnorltyt riliproving ,the mining Industry. . tasle of drawing UV a PlatfOrzn, deal- canals of Drobably Ithirty feet depth, Colors in the Baltic. fled with savcral colle,es, In Eastern. one could be and , I Ing with tile aasoclatlOn Ontering 1)"' building- possibly seven great locks L' Untied knocktug-We WAY readIlY live. Df. !Norc�'s Itavorito Pmeription Mr.' 13race declared that !his Plan THE ISSUP, Dnr, INE, D. vincial politics. Tile decision was reach ,- 'and erecting numerous water power Canada teuderal his r,wignatitill. conclude that In big contin-Ited knock. was not one of confiscation, but of RejorrIng to the address of Wil. ed,after two days' deb.te, during whial was recomm'61'ded to her. Silo took sit the 2,000 de'cgatOs Ili attendance fought plarits to servo both countries. sea Coast. Surrendered RU At the Aberdeen cattle, show five Ing he was 4uff!elently energetic to fair purchase. The 4ovornmont. Ilam Lunn, it Labor membar who for floor cpace, and gave President Ala. I -11 with- wo Id give the sharoholderis bonds had r,poken previously, domanding he,rg much trouble to holding them- to the St. Lawroute as a deep water. Pru I, .. , bottim and Was: iomplottly mt6red to . ul Opposition to the development of , thowt.,and gulneag were paid for the CommAnd the %ttention of those good lxcolth.""URS. B. E. UPT11U­ C, ss'%. chat-,rpmn Shotithorn bull *111,othi�- hi,viey wereo astoulshed-The answer . for their present f0iaros- Ile asked the nationah2ation of -all Industries, the five-rulnute ilikilt. To -day's rosolu- brif,14aire, Xnfght." It will be to thtorayera of the amembled Chris- GAOV9, Box,= ` � . that a trlibunal be establid'hed tto fix the, Premier deiclared that lit tiny at- tion, Which Wa-19 PASAM almost unanim- Way from the areat Lakes to the cd i10 Argelftina. . export. , . - � 6._� ousty, reschided the decision reached, yes- sea Is expected froni the State of Warsaw Cable - Voliell, troaps, t1am wu so sudden and,eo marvelous a -fair price for isudh aharea, and he tempt Were made to tonvinco the ter(lay, .,Vhcll tll� tion decided to , New York, possibly through Chair- , stand -Ing upon their own coll Several cases of sitialirpox amoug the 00-0f five to dra%v up man Clitton) dIPPed thag, they tould not at once realize The Wliale's A=Lq Appourdus wouM favor -even a gentroirs price. Muutry by violonco It would be rk appoint a committeonvon of tile State Barge , In t' 'o -thing thaVVeter wAs with them, 17. beek- *.. W -_*A._4- I -To said coal would be s6ld to ox- eklallenge to the whole fOaric of free tile a2socla.tIOn's political policy. the national color'% in the tidewaters ptim-m-prs oil the Fronell steamehIp I .. , �Conferance, which is scheduled to Ich arrived at Xow York, tonNW... to hold their ' DC-aeo­Tho, porters under' the nationalization government. Oil such an Issue, de- The two days' battle did not change of the Baltic on Tuca-day after the, ab. Patria, whi - " . aft�aa of Peter's follow Christians Ali eminent natural!et saye, con- In substance the decision not to enter consider the subject a meeting in sence of Poland aa a sea nation for reautte-,I in� the ship being detained at 91 cerulug the breathing apparatus of -system a,1 freoly as at progent, with ol.afed ithe Premier, "We will fight the political field for a year, but inerelsr Albany next Wednesday, and Super- quarantla-I. WfiW "Irod great not to find expression, the whaje: "The wlsolpo does not the prov.1so illat the exporter dt- him to the death." Such action, 1111111,11141d the Rxecutivc with tile duties Intendent WGtherSDO0111, of tile State Throughout the now republic bbl,,3 A Berlin ,court decided that .,the clo. * And they verb manifesting., their JOY communicate With vide With the diatriot. mintnN coultellA dmlared Mr. Lloyd Gsorm would which yesterday were assigned to the 11arge Commission. Protection 01 , W vaitimm *aya. Pet7r bail a testl- the mouth; a hole all the profl�o over one shilling per not be a istrike for wagc)T . special committee of five. of New Yorles investment of wlllions tolled and a holiday spirit prevailed ca,112d Xalser film, depicting tho For - Is as It weire, berm right through 0 I and bet The convention declared in favor in. cornimemoratton, of the hlotorle, Tunes o? Wilhelm IlL. was a ser, us luo�y for the Lord and he.dcglred to t9e back of the head. Vilgin, torment -of cordition's tot labor but nationalization of marketing of whoat. lit tile Nele Canal will be oiie of the I 'I e6rs t0ft, event. At Putzig, on the Daltic, Gen- Ilibel on the forwv'w Xalser and order. b6 k#Ard. tho Lord had brought him Muld do well to copy the aWon ot LLOYD GrI10AGE's =1 PLY, a Soviet, Dele:mtes opposed the proposal to forin arguments brought forth In colubtlit- oral Haller, com,niandor-Iii-chtof of the Out of the pr!60n-PetVA' Tit Once -g�IVO th6 Valve of the whale'a blow -hole; In roplying to 'some 6f the argat, And that would mean the end otcon- a. tariff board, and favored better pro. ting the St. Litwrence development, ed till coples, of tho film to be de. vision for toldlors, disabilities fund and Polith avulco, rtOlftlDled, in the namO stroyed. tte 1glory to Gvd for his delivoranto. g more P011fft Pieee of (ArUtur6 It tnonts advaneedi Premier Lloyd stiltutional government. for soldleral pensions. It was predicted. of tlie republic, the ,sea coast which . etew the -4 thIngs unto 1. .4 18 It0lOsMble to imagIfte. ' DAY And Georg6 argued that It would be Im- A resolution was Introdueed,, calling The big railroads carrying freight fell from Polaitd to Prussia, after the Atcording to registrations at the %mos�Thl "This nation hag ever fought for . � wirs'prol'Ably Jam", the Lord's 6ro- night, ag!opp or awake, the whale pogsibrIo t<w have natlonalization liberty, and will fight for It again," for Thanksgiving Pny Ili future td be froni Chicago, Detroit And 'Baffalo first diamember-ment of Poland, In City Hall.. 75) deaths, occurred In Wind - nix Nov, 11, Armistice Day. President to the seaboard -Including the Now sor lit the perl.ld front January 26 to tber, vrbo bad tbarge of the churtli Works Its breathing �50paratug In without hureaucracy. It would be Mr. Lloyd Goorge oxcla!mod. Maharg refprred to the action of the 1772, Ot ,0.rwtalm. such a mannow that tot it drol) of 11 York Central Lines and tho Penn. 8�-.ulultaneousl�y witil Polalld'6 roach- 14,bruVrY 12, IIICIUSIVO, frout pilot%. Water ever ,kot,4 4aown lht* the Junp, V .g,eless, he paid, to tsatbliell tmother � Verti-on Rairwhorn, a memillor C42 Vetleral authorities Ili thii regard, and sy;-lvanla system -are looked for in Ing . out to TIP. PrWMtt6rX astonished 08. 18 ,ysteru unless M.r. Brace was able to the Nat,fonai LNeentIV4 of tile Mill- & V*tA "s �'Celde(l on to .Ask tho peder '71 the lialtic tile Diet V,elc- InOnla and influeliva. ' Again, the wbalo nlu*t of noceocAty thorities In this regard, and �,l veto the opposition to the deepining Of brated Ile, first birthilay. Tito weet Tht $halt of Persia arrived lit Rome' 1,A). Naturtilly, "hern woo no small pr6y,o that It would be better than eral Pederation, warnc)-d the (4o,veru- au t was (1001ded on 0 aqk tile lilederal the St. L4wr6noe between Montreal sttr twong the soldit", wbitt waff �be. AaY I muell 10n,goft` J>erlod under tho ,6xl6t49g system. He declared luent that if tile motion was r(N,jeeted authorities to fix the first Monday in strikine, epaech waa made by Svealter itud was greeted by the Crown Prince 4vw* of Pete.r. I who bad been ilaced Mkt#tv -than', s6lila; . MIA alone might usluess to November as Thankagiving Day each and Lake Ontario. The city and Ministers. Ile, drove- to thp. Quir- ,h " thd . year, . Montreal, Alao, Is expected to light triumphed, giving Anal, where lie W,18 Nvelcolned by the "Ibly drovvn it, Infismuc there was no guarainw that ,under It would bo the mluerEV ,b Of TholuiRzynglit, Who proclaimed that W Vrlm6n at 114�rndlor order. The tfght 1111199 talinot have 9(tem to, troalt the plan proposed by the member decl& Whether to domnild st, big --.,., _­ I 4- �_ it through fear of losing its prestige j�stica had fit la,q W(" blit rplimft be w9a bound with Air. We f!nd that this diffimity hit# the Present output would be luerms- vvttgo Inerram In lorder to get their "Tile less we have, tile easier we as Canada'm biggest inland Atlahtle Polltild Mecess to the sarl. "Poland I�jljgl t*o­Vbitlnm, will it toldfor orl_efther beon antlolpaitod and obviated e4,. The Pr6mler ridiculed Mr. share of w& I v,4111 detelld this 1116torleal strip of by a goo or tako stepi .to wit- Part With It," said tile bald-headed PODt. land with Ita very last drop of bloollf" Fred n. Loveldn, fornierly Reeve of bldsviid with kolop!!rti before tho. doom, wultair reoervoir In the tfmttous oya- Braces 146a tbs,t the ralfr6m would Dol the a0vernAlOAt 'to utillZO 'the plim. "What the douce pro you talk- The principal Argunkent of the too be declared. Clarko towlishil), We5 found dead lit eft4ft ooldlors were obarged. wlth his ; tem - wilkh roerybir I- - '#u work harder for Ole State th*n for cUrplus Profits, *1 the ,mine# to 1my Ing abotlit?" demanded the barber. Ot dO t wIll be that the bail- I I , ated at — "' -, lit,.; -orehard at Kileout form, with a 6064-taiping. Tb6 *o1di6ro could not tho'back ot th* Itruw" - rAmIly privato litterecs, Mr. Lloyd G"r,gs I out the shartholdere. MP. BrACV4 "Hair," rePlIsd tha bAld-hoaded man, tell = trom it will not jus- ,%jarriage may be at matety plu, but. bullet through Ills head and a revolver ap4k 'hk xUato front PrIA014, 14r0d, 4rtiktod #Olgathlng ,of a sgeft# by VAMeAdint%ut WAS 4014MG4 by 4 'Vote madly, tify thil O%PeUld, it WAS SAM, It Often cowts unhooked. lying beside him. I . , �A, � I '"M .. 1.r,w�,�� . -----�.---,�--.��.-.-,�-".,.-,-I .I--.--..,.-- ----1. -...-- . . - ­ .. 1. �...., ..... . __.__­_._,­­= _,.7raF"= . ,�'­ =,­­=F,_______M_"_ �____­�....,_` I � I - ­ __ ,-. 777— . M. -T, . _­ —, ­_­ ___.-__.__-___-77_ ­_ �_­�:,e, ­ V-T74r"W­-- - I . - - — . . ­­­­ ­ ...... ­­ � ___ ... -.____--.-1_ _..­.__­_._­­­____ - . - � N .% A *­