HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-12, Page 6�_ I � . . . . . . . . ., I -T "' ­77WWW 7, 4- .. ­ - -A.... ..... I.,-- ,� �� I ­ . - I I.. — - I I- � , W, . F _ , I'll 10-11 -Hol __ __ � I , , e .� I � I � -7 - I , . I , . ... �-- 11 I , � "I., _717K ... 11 ,, 17 � I . " . .. �� . . . . . . � , I ­_ I t,� . - - ", I . � � . 1. %�,! . ,,�, M I 1)17'11� �111 I ,779rw W -P 7 -1 - , 171"W""', I. I ..... . � - --77`1111P7 - ___ 4 . 17.7 777 ­�,..... � ... ­," ,,.-- 01. "I't �� �, 4. �, I I I , . , I­­­­­ 101 I -,",----,------,----------------,- _,_____,__­ --..- ___­.__ ­ - ------ I I- . ___ ­ I ­­­ .1 0 I ,-" 7 =111-1 - ­ ­� _ ------ ___-1____-__. _­­ ­ _._=�Ml_ . . . ..... — ­__­­ -, I I _0110MOR Yk i*111011"O."WiN =14=?1_ t2j!"ll .11 ,,:, I I :1 : �;6 A;;� �: - r I '' " - , - - _____ -;! �� m,� L _� I , 14- , :212 21221 2 1112:11. -A ily ;"11 I — —It ! I r ; ;; --- ; , ­­­­_ r- A - - . - , � 4 ; � i, ; __ p�� - _ -, _­ _. - - . ==1=i"_== __ 4 " , I , � 1 4@404.0 4 0 .0 ,$I**,.*.# -++#.+,$to++-*++.*-*.+ . ALI - cupboard, took out tJis wine irlaso. V1,4084. It ls&" to Bullancham ,Val- ISSUE '�6. 8, , 1. ,4. : Donl Tr ust, X0 Luckwwws_,� With wreat ftxe ate poured halt of t1ts Fras CNV"Ifo "O f"m HY40 PIWX 0=10r. it JA tim �­_= = I - I , , 4 -_ - . � .__.______­_._ � . I � - . I _­_­ colorless liquid contained in the glass B,40IM can-tre ot Interest Jrom & apooW I * I WK,V *-1 0 ­!!! �..; 0"r"... . ­­ . I- 1- I . �. . I � I . . � gp=;;_N�� Into a smsat vial; then sate a,tood with ota4dVolig, as it Is tAo tavorjW drive I - ftlftl 0 -n� , I I " 1, � I ,ftozambfqu... the glass In her hand and pied at Its � � M ,*=d Of tuilli , -the church � No~ ___ - _ _;�_ �_ ! nm j4kP41W0 (;," (;W4 Exavlo W on. On isuadayo 1 I " , W,1ven, ()r4ering Tea, but Instat oj) herbrows drawn, her lips tly set; , 440 10 0. 1400t brill.J,Ut "t*410. * 0 32 Mr. JR= M.�tx.g, I I I . I in H" 7v# I 0 and At last she filled the Tolausa With Ths Wooeh Inifluenve In Am*wla, - . r, I water systom an4 fureass, - 0% . : 9-t-4 too, I* 00 0+_#"+#*# 0+"+ getting the rella,ble... water, And Quickly, As It She wore I ­ I � . . tUr* in London Is evidort, wborever I buildInsw, so aor" trapolf, $4 *4- r tt, I P0114 ro ixnjw, 1-71 ,> A Isx, Phu, 'Tb,,, war iii over but the uecefi2ity - desirous of not girving herself time rb 0 4T, One soss. Charing Clroae, which the sortment, of aberr , 0 , I '9' 0 Lo modern Unftner calls the 'Icentre of fruits, This to a most ( z,4 10 W_ tvr Iu.,v,)jhj,4 P-trauge, -,04,1ding name% � for consideration, drank the contents 0011 . 33 ossom, tion for a summer how* art , " � " ,,4t I . � I to the last drop. , . UW& Dity the world," Io an English corruption fitable fru4t farm., J'. 1 . I :�.�� - � �,.' ut�w 1.A;!fj.,1 R-14 People is far I I � - , Jilin I" of -a ,ou"ime Preach name. I Clyde Block (Relcont, 004) _9F,_1 .0 I from I CIA% come up rather late that night, f", D .1 ovor." gaya a bulletin from the U. S. It I __ , 11 it had been -for Mollls.vM Percy- uro <10=4 ' When VdWard- the C*nfewW Was ... r - . r , - I It n. 4V briaginvile wy of his queen (roan . . i 94 ACRES CLAY LOAM. P!* Nation � no � - W ralle from stons road, 4� �� � N ,i.l Qeugraph' society, in Wash, . a vem,pleasaut evening, and though I . � , , � , C,Iytla"had at first lbeen somewhat II12. North glAutl ate 'retinue in their h',,ttou, Nviitch predicts titut I rho opoo # S,.,) �� , : r I 11 � I W"%t 18 It route to Westminster Abbey deposited - I Southeast Of Hamilton* , no."A Pri V "I absent-minded And preoccupied, she that makto QUIC' I houvokcement, cellar. s welig a ; ,11it, which bu broui;lit to view Rua — I = had thrust away her own grief and the 1! 1, Canadian wo,- r th0gor at nightfall when they atruok ff Van barns, one =,tv tho c � I Vtfl,o knc,wu peop:es as the czsch% - A- I � drive house, SUK obicken % . terrible p - men often P416, camp. At each reatins plo,ce a, crotio . h*0 1: and the Ukralalaug in .�_",el...­ pen, 4 acres apploA boaring,r 10,4orle. A thro (*r,)Atr1 410 . roblem of her lite and en w46 erected. " 'a 0 I I�alrvpu, now will be turUS4, In pST4 , joyed the b4diriager With Wjjj0bV X01116 . oallow-likoodo or sale at a btirgalp with OV The Tea Thi -it Never Olsa'ppol . with dark dr. Throughout England -there are now * pic W'nf F - - had brightened the meaL Olytte found W thou ,took and Unplamont;t. X*,A t (in MrIca. cloo under the towns, Villages Ana, hanileits which ,� I mediate possession, X D, ; "Throiv.h the rea'strlbutl*u of 8us4n Marsh w4ltlag for her. - . I Zirif C 0% (ROM . olacks� Oreon or Mi=4 so Sealed Pachets 0Aly4 . eyes, "4 VW 'ibear the name Of "crow." One can gent $34). = Clyde 53loo then, I colorlial possessions and the, removal I . ,,, I . I - . "I am .0raid I aj*A very late, ftsAtipll . :, often old At thus Almost UsAo the course of the Ont, r - of tbo 'bliglit of Oermart domination, r . r I , she said. . 1.1 forVAlve when 1�_____­_____.1_ � - I � I ­_ . I . I ==­ I 1=_1 _ r . . . ....... 11 11 ".." the dwvjd be cortege. The last testing place they ��� I , HUN VAIM *�frl boom tor.- . , =M_ S san murmured: "Xot at all, miss," '. . tl� own , Dltr,D AORM : . lea bids fair to be the ___ - - ___ I , ib. rime? reached before ,they got to Weatml eale-olay loam,�.Ild'olning t?V,M of - - 11 in eir 1) . t1wen, (1 the 20th century." � . ­, -104 , . I and helped Clytia out of her frock I :!:I Ik 0 , . I � �, - I 1. Ai Women mt- ster w" "Chere. Reins Croes' (Dear 4 - Milton; 5 minutes,, from & W6 this Introduction the 6001W - r I . .. .. . and proceeded to brush her 'hair; but ii 1; for in ilrlbood QUeen Cr<)se), now cQrrupted to , I i I station,' 33 miles from Toronto; frame , � � ) stopped And, staggering . P. f 100 .014!001 .1 I— �'r r aiv,vmr,c��s a series of bulUetlas deal- I . V � suddenly shi I N;� rora, backache O'Charing Cress." . . " house, electric lights,, soft water, bre .. "I'11,1: ... I ... I I ­ - now banIc ; ilig w�lth colou!es of the era " � Slightly,. I � iai' spG-scho iina I'Bfiftnve WRIk " in At jampie — laace, large brick garage, : , tilille , , i et the bruslies fall from her i ­ixirk c6nunent.11 First -of these is, i Noz-%rabique which, it Is explained, to i a Porittguose colony to the soiiith of I I what v�aa German East Aitrjqa, now . � releaso,4 from the'luipLrIal dosigns ot ,� (lArulaa expariMon, and therefore ex- � I treme'17 apt to play, a more couspicu-. � � ous part III Afr!ea devel � opment. I a I . A description of Mozambique based - : ^_i- t .+T�� 41"n A IM -n."- -, - . �. .44 V ." . . . 11 I 9 if The star fish naturally seems to fol- - . rett, t4QIjoW.S, . I l T11 JL&JJU - eyes half-rloseil, and she citing to the (especially by my father and mother) ever Ibocage," 14"Aiug grov'e:"And B13* low the moc.. ft h. WANTUD-11OT4T0Z8 AND "#tft, - I 1 04 back of the chair as It to prevent her- 3incolmarcmembor, They always proved mge Walk Is, indeed, a pleasant a -Almost everybody . any quantity, Will pay highest prices. A -country as, big as' the Atlantle finger Apply D. B. Gordon, Cor. Xacauley and 1 r . ' een amb- star fish thrown upon the beach. Wheti Mary Sts,. Hamilton, Phone Ragent SM.' . states,from Florida to New York, with L - __ - __ �=@. _____ - r I I self from falling. Clytte sprang up yery oatitifactory. Through overworU X at grovo, where lovers have b T Is familiar wlth the little five r the os-oltal near the southern boUn- I . . I i I And ,caught her, an she swayed uncer- one time became, all r=.4own in health, ling the Norman coliquest , . r � I � - . f itily 10 4 0 1 taken up It dangles helplessly In the 'a I I r - . r ' . I ftry.an(t halt a dozen ,smaller towns om r I 1, 1,11 11 I � . WIMMyn" , I and managed to get her to a wag on the verge of a complete nervous hand, but It the history of that one ig � L _ r I . . scatte,itid; along the coast, more than � ' Th r 4V6u50 had remained inotlo , Aless, "Mr. Hesketh Carton seems a -nice couch; then she ran to the bell; but break.dqwn. I went on .�Mjig for about_ Must Xftp Sjj�nt. for One, My. pa,rticularly were known , it probably I 9 'R . ALE I � 3,00,00;.Inhabitatits, of which Only . she remembered that the other set- two Tears, durinj which I about one per cent. are white L ' so motionless that she might hav men," remarked r untless numbers of ; One of q . The Mouee� vants would be In bed by this time, isidbir. , time I auffered A b4da In Xorea, begins her mar. would tell of co FOk SALE-," or4 Tractor, used , possessions been carved out of stone, and her took Dr. Pierce,$ Favorite oysters and other edible mollusks It , only one month, A cou. the cidest of all Ettrop6an The maid shrugged her shoulders. and Susan, at the same moment, and riage lite in Wilence. During the. first dItion, Make offer. rt rid Conotr . tiotfQu ; rble; caly- her eyes "041, yea," she said, but with a, notice- Prescription and it soon builtine up, In good has killed and devoured. on looking aud one of the rietwot,in agripulltqral face was like .ma In a feeble Lvoice, begged her not to , day $110 must not speak, even to 11,Br at a star fish. You will notice that the Co., Ltd,, Hamilton, Ont. . posolb -but one of the 00timed Alive. Su4denb,� as It she, had abl; lack of enthusiasm. "He's a very r4ig.' Clytie caught up a bottle Of Sal- 40alth and Pured me of the nervous oondi- husband. It Is considered a breach Mouth I$ at the r very centre of the .r P I I jIlt!06I rat least, Pleasant - spoken gentleman, but I flon. I consider it an excelidnt medicine least ,kno" countries In the world. bee4 restored to, lite and the power of volatile and gave ter some, kneeling yard tuixors . mov CUAA 04or J13 permitted to give full rela to mouth that it devours shellfish of one steam and one electric, both Such Is mozarabl(l4e, ement by come 'magio, electric don't care for that lda4 of counten- . of etiquette. But the next morning this FOR SALE-' Smith 2-3 i ance, And his eyes look hard and cold- beolile her and -watching her. for the aamenta 0fwOiuW_1—MRS. . rays or arms, and it Is through r with leading hoppeirm.. . "Four or five good Ports and as agency, she passed swiftly and 'With '!Are you better?" she asked, anx- VMS, Jr., 28 Duke St. . r I In Al � like when he smiles." Oh, my friends* �4 ., — 11 CQud tion, 'Make offer. Frid, Construction r � many bad onesv, five tons ani a Absolute noislessuess into the dining- lously. "What is It—A faint?" . om I .:�::_#�_i or tongue, A r every. kind. Sm r -to�data capital city, and .,rqorA. canght up Clytie'js wine -glass, how little we think that our "later- , . d $0 - Even though the oyster may close Co., Ltd,, Hamilton, Ont. I j , � 411 rbiEt up tore," our servants, our cler1rB and "Yes, miss," said Susan, evidently Thimblo Lore. I gCN r his ,he star fisn's . � ­ . *�snp . ,f6tia L'U b - - replaced tt by one - work -people, criticise and Analyze struggling - . ,. I . ­ �"' 9 shell tightly upon -70,000 wire -but Clay . a . U , M or of military posts , against the deathly faint 0 Spanking Does or the FOR SALE os,,ts, a ;Ow of which are In I from the buffet, and, with the -other ' ly, that, Pleaso—please. - ' � " t CUrOl approach it cannot escape, f . Brick, 1.18,50 per X, - I. - Tow interlor*,�� milli , ons ot , covered by h . er hand, darted oat of even our smiles! "And he's got a Way uses; Illy, 'as on 7 ' f I " � star fish calmly proceeds to wrhp Its f.o.b.'Hanillton, Frid, Cofistru tion, I att",0(1, re"Ot'? I Of dropping his eyel-ids while he's don't call Anyone" I shall be better, , 1hough the thi,mble Is claimed to DoWt think children can be eured of bed. : arms around the shell and waits for Ltd., Hamilton, Ont, 0 . Co,, . . It -ora$ of ilI6 fineist -alluvial sell fairly 1, roomAnd upstairs to her own. Quite -well, In a moment or two." be a Dutch Invention, soulebo Wetting lZy T I speaking that gets on my nerves; it's ,nklo " I --- . I t dy who gthem. The trouble Is con. -the oyster to have open house again. -- aching to- show the famel-wha big I She had covered the glass with the as If he were thinking You over and '110h, but you—frIghtened me!" said knows says thaA they had them. all , ofitutlon", e chit cannot ,help it. I will send r KNITTING, YARN, Ar,L WOOL, $AUX I . .hand, so that noth er my 1;u=e60fU1 h r . quality as we made for Red Cross. ,e grow�; Aaterw.Ays like ' Palm of her '" didn't want you to know What he was Cly -1:16. "I must call Miss FIREF. tOauy m0th . ome� 'When this happens the star fish Is . r lvlollle; she the way back In the days when Her- . . I treatment, witli full instructions, ,qulok to attach Itself to the unfor� Grey only. One dollar thirty per pound. the-L-�a'alb�ij,'Ifie Limpoto, and pleaty could iogoape from it; and she how thinking. Do you understand me, will- not have gone to bet yet, Lean V youreb t Sample skein thirty cents. , Atilt or t I of',julall ­6ries to allow cheap �%nd- placed it carefully on a table, and, Mouse?,, - culaneum. Was, Sailors formerly wore . Ildrta trouble Tog In this way, send ns to ake It I r I ; g e door, examined the - bick­w4 * shall not be a moment or a like device on their tjiumbs, , and no money, but writeme to-dily. Mytreatment, Into Its 5tomach in a very peculiar sample of our fine LambsWool colored ,� link., Of - products; �..mo, ,dt$e,rts, no salt 11XVIA looked th "I -think I do," replied Susan. twO," t$Wgblyr4COMMortsdcdto4dulto.ttoubZc4. Au Mrnti, Georgetown Woollen Mills, . urIna4I6lictdtIe*bydayoruI b, w to . W manner. The stomach of t y 'etc slrijj�, n4 L.-laige KWa,mPs, no, MQunt_ gkj�ftqp. There wao a small quantity Of "Not but what he hasn't believed "Only Miss Mollie!" Susan begged tte7 called them thumb-iliells or 61m- g t ri 4j " he star fish Georg wn, Ont, , ; I 4.-:cQ,Iorj%a liquid, like water, at the . ply thimbles. Hence the Origin of Vialtroatigmt. I comes out - through Its mouth and — . - ! . I t,altibila *astej; 'no. imponetra4le, Jun- I 'very well," w' t on the maid as If earnestly. I the Present word. a HELP WANTSD r ,, � i en I 1, ! r r bottom of the -glass, and she sank on Mrs. N. Summers wraps around the' oyster,'holding it L slei; out of Rome 20, only*cne or two g I she were dealrous of doing him Jus' Clytle nodded, and ran to Mollie% You'd never think, would you, that 33OX 8. Wumsost. (),,,dg firmly in this matter until digestion - -------- . r triVes th4t�,o'bpect�,ssrlqnsly to paying the bod and, grippin ier ehin Au tice. "Many a gentleman�. who ,as You room, and brought her. Mollie bent It takes twenty men plus a. great deal . 1'� r . I I , r . her hanas, gazed -at the glass Wt Ell an, r \ . takes place. Larger specimens of star taxti tto ,tho. gpyerriment, now that , . I is � MEN WANTED TO WORK AT PORT. may say, had .a right to look forwarcl over Susan as Clytte bathed the girl' of expensive machinery to make one fish have been seen which have taken able Saw Will. also Bush work, a -ad . toet realize 'th4p the ta�x collector expreoplon in which horror, pity' and to being his uncle?s heir and the mas- forehead with eau. de cologne. TWO BRAN RE401PBS I The little thimble, would you? When Teamsters, Apply H. 0, Cockburn & , I I . is j' yffit'-Organ--of the-, white tribe, tlate-:fought for predominance. ter of Bramley, wolild have been out "Why, Clytie," said Mollie, b alting the whole shell*lnto their stomachs, Sov,.Guelpb, Ont. ' . I tigress *hich is in most. women, re t .John Softinc Introduced them from I but finding it some trouble to disgorge ' 4 v*Wlt Objects to� any one tribe -ex- up enough When he found that his the 4�j.ibuj��sllence, "she looks Jul' Holland into England in 1695, he ThM WM A 110USe. after Its inmate was t0i0nating another ln;.the good old sh,044 In her eyes, and revealed Itself nose was put out of Joint by a, young A : digested let the I - ; . . 4 you looked when Y*n had due of ppeal to the , MARAIED MAN WANTED. MAXX,339 a bqih 611ceman In ,he curve other lips, Which, drawn laly-,I mean Miss OlYtIe. But,he 1111S . virtually Introduced a new industry , shell rematias a part of their bodies, fruit. aild vegetable farm, also, w4,*�­ for,, wicked �as P those attacks, She 11, I Int , d sh Ic- ,be de , wife. Star fish are one of the f . t`r7,,e1$1, baok,,slightly, showed ithewlitte b4eth, Ea . ishermen's chickens and bees. Apply H, G, Cook. . to be, lie niust need far L been quite pleasant about it, and has Ing, and her pulse is quite low!" Mol- 4 0 0�i. burn & Son, Guelph, Ont. a "a a s .. sto,r s fall � the grip. of her fingers on "' helped Miss Clktie to manage the so- : tI6 h � - � I I . of t1te, .unrestrained, chief's and � ad spoken -scarcely above her Minarolq L.Iniment Cure �ndruff. . worst enemies, and before more was . . —_ ------- 4 r , 'JILftue �? ", I .; chftt,,were making white marks on it, tate, as if he bore her no grudge at ' , -1 L I 4 I 0 — Just to prove that Boston Isn't the known of them. the fishermen would ' r L .14 'the' e'�ily 'h%�,�ry of this strange while the' sweat ga.,hered On her tore.. all. Have you nearly finished? I won- r — I I lY Place that they know he merely tear them in halt and throNv WANTED - , , . . r . I bead, � � * der whether you would wait I "Rome DisWats" of Bir4b, on W to them back Into the sea. They were LASS -KNITTER, ; EXPZR_ ' . L r se,00on of Rast AA,doay should not be, � (Presently she 'got lip st fly, as It ba aTIS45 'Clytie to_nIght? ILt'S . . . cook beans, we have here two English IV I I e'.T.Cc d IL o,re4.Af1t'ccu14 b% written. We know thus unknowingly making more star on Dubled Flat )7-ashloning I "then -�)JdrntlmeL -blF I her whole body bad been held in . L Mttehlnc� Good wages p&id toi capable "ft "WAS. as' b�d. as a . my night off, you see, and I don't . recipes which are ,recommends# as . fish, for this peculiar * thing would 4 � . barbl�ifinl ,be,,Iaid theotindless tile I 8�me fierce teusion, $Ind, after cafe� like to have her to attend to herself I Suppose a bi-rd spent the summer $:Imply grow new arms on the two man. Best working condition2i 1: upboavd, in a tree at the end Of your garden very tasty: � 'L In daylight mill. Mercury Milo, Ltd,,.. I . �of perg.ttten, fully placing the glass In a c 4nd brush her hair, She said. the . r 6 Hamilton, Oni, I r I , t,.wl0spread, and contin- which she looked, 'went to the dress- I halves And , be ready for mt chief I ' at I might ask you. Do . migrated In the autumn, and return- BEAN AND LENTIL RISSOLEs. again. They have been F . wo - .here she usually worked. you think To . .. Limited. uous butchery uld not be good to ling other night tb: ... " ­ . I . L ,room V I Minard's Liniment Co, bd agaill next sipring. Would you One-half pound of haricot beans, , I . read t' _. . - ' " 11 4" - L .. . � : CIA10'..had'by- this tilne gone down, u could do it, -Mouse? I've Have.used mixARD'S LINIMENT for know him? . , . POULTRY WAXTXD. . "Wprq",;�* hk�.,a,�,. ii,, a'A - I . I 4. promised to meet Qeorge—" ID ­11, 3,1 ­+ onik-half pound of lentils, one-quarbor %��,­^O�.," I ie'l, - for nmt—ieg + I � . I . '4erstwous tear or sai . anu,her maid was there vu." hm Ott a o t Water,, and her mistress' evening frock. ' "Yes, I will do It," said The Mouse, hand. ' th. - Clytle bad been sitting with ber - i UUaUacUI" 10L. I i* ... lowed by .1� ) . ,Park, is An Interesting example. pop- collective family of -'Ishes commonly barn 06M water bowls, tat I litter W* r1er. windmIll. driving'Ahod Xxo, rr' 9 cuVi. , CHAS. X. ,$HARP, . .head bent, her thoughts dwelling on I . 3, result * . � and an , ,, as of the wo, OrPAS ore ular belief generally to that in medle - Val day they use4 to hangb'ra cages called pilots. It Is a .Food fish, and, mO* along with the rudder fish, is w � pen, hen house-, all In good ropair. 0 . particulars apply Fred. Inman, X14 , I I I Jack, the husband who had fled from her; now she Awoke with % start,. and', wqre, common t Any .hau but 4 V - � delfin in Active praotlq� 4 . I ,o with 9onc birdis in them from the boughs trees that mark the wsIk,. times ,seen following vessels to gather ont. � . _==!M= . 1, j � I seeing Susauls face reflected In the � looking -glass, u ttered a cry of alarm. ONTARIO WOMEN TESTIFI� Of so 'at folk ramb ling by could be dO" ligUed with the -music of the feath- up the refuse that Is thrown Over- board. Its flesh to rather coarse In =130ZMAXXO,V0 -------- � -------------------- I � � . T IS ALWAYS SAFE To so" ' , . A , I Dominion EXpress ' Money Ordeva I I ­ i I . i I I lolTe'r InliAtri"60-) P"tro'llel, with the more than willing to go out of their r. " ter? Are. I'suson', Nhat to the mat Chatham' Ont,�-"Dr. Pierces medi. ore* Warblers, TheIt IS er-rOU00110 I texture, and for that reason it ligs _ not been very popular as a table �. �. Yqu Ill?" she cried. . 9"Ona was as white as death her 0 31nes have beeaused in my famil at home . V "Birdiragd. Walk" to nothing more I . tha� a �rril ftn" ^f QA V'ranob W,OrA delicAcy, . 0 . ' Five dollars costs three cents, — - . �. .44 V ." . . . 11 I 9 if The star fish naturally seems to fol- - . rett, t4QIjoW.S, . I l T11 JL&JJU - eyes half-rloseil, and she citing to the (especially by my father and mother) ever Ibocage," 14"Aiug grov'e:"And B13* low the moc.. ft h. WANTUD-11OT4T0Z8 AND "#tft, - I 1 04 back of the chair as It to prevent her- 3incolmarcmembor, They always proved mge Walk Is, indeed, a pleasant a -Almost everybody . any quantity, Will pay highest prices. A -country as, big as' the Atlantle finger Apply D. B. Gordon, Cor. Xacauley and 1 r . ' een amb- star fish thrown upon the beach. Wheti Mary Sts,. Hamilton, Phone Ragent SM.' . states,from Florida to New York, with L - __ - __ �=@. _____ - r I I self from falling. Clytte sprang up yery oatitifactory. Through overworU X at grovo, where lovers have b T Is familiar wlth the little five r the os-oltal near the southern boUn- I . . I i I And ,caught her, an she swayed uncer- one time became, all r=.4own in health, ling the Norman coliquest , . r � I � - . f itily 10 4 0 1 taken up It dangles helplessly In the 'a I I r - . r ' . I ftry.an(t halt a dozen ,smaller towns om r I 1, 1,11 11 I � . WIMMyn" , I and managed to get her to a wag on the verge of a complete nervous hand, but It the history of that one ig � L _ r I . . scatte,itid; along the coast, more than � ' Th r 4V6u50 had remained inotlo , Aless, "Mr. Hesketh Carton seems a -nice couch; then she ran to the bell; but break.dqwn. I went on .�Mjig for about_ Must Xftp Sjj�nt. for One, My. pa,rticularly were known , it probably I 9 'R . ALE I � 3,00,00;.Inhabitatits, of which Only . she remembered that the other set- two Tears, durinj which I about one per cent. are white L ' so motionless that she might hav men," remarked r untless numbers of ; One of q . The Mouee� vants would be In bed by this time, isidbir. , time I auffered A b4da In Xorea, begins her mar. would tell of co FOk SALE-," or4 Tractor, used , possessions been carved out of stone, and her took Dr. Pierce,$ Favorite oysters and other edible mollusks It , only one month, A cou. the cidest of all Ettrop6an The maid shrugged her shoulders. and Susan, at the same moment, and riage lite in Wilence. During the. first dItion, Make offer. rt rid Conotr . tiotfQu ; rble; caly- her eyes "041, yea," she said, but with a, notice- Prescription and it soon builtine up, In good has killed and devoured. on looking aud one of the rietwot,in agripulltqral face was like .ma In a feeble Lvoice, begged her not to , day $110 must not speak, even to 11,Br at a star fish. You will notice that the Co., Ltd,, Hamilton, Ont. . posolb -but one of the 00timed Alive. Su4denb,� as It she, had abl; lack of enthusiasm. "He's a very r4ig.' Clytie caught up a bottle Of Sal- 40alth and Pured me of the nervous oondi- husband. It Is considered a breach Mouth I$ at the r very centre of the .r P I I jIlt!06I rat least, Pleasant - spoken gentleman, but I flon. I consider it an excelidnt medicine least ,kno" countries In the world. bee4 restored to, lite and the power of volatile and gave ter some, kneeling yard tuixors . mov CUAA 04or J13 permitted to give full rela to mouth that it devours shellfish of one steam and one electric, both Such Is mozarabl(l4e, ement by come 'magio, electric don't care for that lda4 of counten- . of etiquette. But the next morning this FOR SALE-' Smith 2-3 i ance, And his eyes look hard and cold- beolile her and -watching her. for the aamenta 0fwOiuW_1—MRS. . rays or arms, and it Is through r with leading hoppeirm.. . "Four or five good Ports and as agency, she passed swiftly and 'With '!Are you better?" she asked, anx- VMS, Jr., 28 Duke St. . r I In Al � like when he smiles." Oh, my friends* �4 ., — 11 CQud tion, 'Make offer. Frid, Construction r � many bad onesv, five tons ani a Absolute noislessuess into the dining- lously. "What is It—A faint?" . om I .:�::_#�_i or tongue, A r every. kind. Sm r -to�data capital city, and .,rqorA. canght up Clytie'js wine -glass, how little we think that our "later- , . d $0 - Even though the oyster may close Co., Ltd,, Hamilton, Ont. I j , � 411 rbiEt up tore," our servants, our cler1rB and "Yes, miss," said Susan, evidently Thimblo Lore. I gCN r his ,he star fisn's . � ­ . *�snp . ,f6tia L'U b - - replaced tt by one - work -people, criticise and Analyze struggling - . ,. I . ­ �"' 9 shell tightly upon -70,000 wire -but Clay . a . U , M or of military posts , against the deathly faint 0 Spanking Does or the FOR SALE os,,ts, a ;Ow of which are In I from the buffet, and, with the -other ' ly, that, Pleaso—please. - ' � " t CUrOl approach it cannot escape, f . Brick, 1.18,50 per X, - I. - Tow interlor*,�� milli , ons ot , covered by h . er hand, darted oat of even our smiles! "And he's got a Way uses; Illy, 'as on 7 ' f I " � star fish calmly proceeds to wrhp Its f.o.b.'Hanillton, Frid, Cofistru tion, I att",0(1, re"Ot'? I Of dropping his eyel-ids while he's don't call Anyone" I shall be better, , 1hough the thi,mble Is claimed to DoWt think children can be eured of bed. : arms around the shell and waits for Ltd., Hamilton, Ont, 0 . Co,, . . It -ora$ of ilI6 fineist -alluvial sell fairly 1, roomAnd upstairs to her own. Quite -well, In a moment or two." be a Dutch Invention, soulebo Wetting lZy T I speaking that gets on my nerves; it's ,nklo " I --- . I t dy who gthem. The trouble Is con. -the oyster to have open house again. -- aching to- show the famel-wha big I She had covered the glass with the as If he were thinking You over and '110h, but you—frIghtened me!" said knows says thaA they had them. all , ofitutlon", e chit cannot ,help it. I will send r KNITTING, YARN, Ar,L WOOL, $AUX I . .hand, so that noth er my 1;u=e60fU1 h r . quality as we made for Red Cross. ,e grow�; Aaterw.Ays like ' Palm of her '" didn't want you to know What he was Cly -1:16. "I must call Miss FIREF. tOauy m0th . ome� 'When this happens the star fish Is . r lvlollle; she the way back In the days when Her- . . I treatment, witli full instructions, ,qulok to attach Itself to the unfor� Grey only. One dollar thirty per pound. the-L-�a'alb�ij,'Ifie Limpoto, and pleaty could iogoape from it; and she how thinking. Do you understand me, will- not have gone to bet yet, Lean V youreb t Sample skein thirty cents. , Atilt or t I of',julall ­6ries to allow cheap �%nd- placed it carefully on a table, and, Mouse?,, - culaneum. Was, Sailors formerly wore . Ildrta trouble Tog In this way, send ns to ake It I r I ; g e door, examined the - bick­w4 * shall not be a moment or a like device on their tjiumbs, , and no money, but writeme to-dily. Mytreatment, Into Its 5tomach in a very peculiar sample of our fine LambsWool colored ,� link., Of - products; �..mo, ,dt$e,rts, no salt 11XVIA looked th "I -think I do," replied Susan. twO," t$Wgblyr4COMMortsdcdto4dulto.ttoubZc4. Au Mrnti, Georgetown Woollen Mills, . urIna4I6lictdtIe*bydayoruI b, w to . W manner. The stomach of t y 'etc slrijj�, n4 L.-laige KWa,mPs, no, MQunt_ gkj�ftqp. There wao a small quantity Of "Not but what he hasn't believed "Only Miss Mollie!" Susan begged tte7 called them thumb-iliells or 61m- g t ri 4j " he star fish Georg wn, Ont, , ; I 4.-:cQ,Iorj%a liquid, like water, at the . ply thimbles. Hence the Origin of Vialtroatigmt. I comes out - through Its mouth and — . - ! . I t,altibila *astej; 'no. imponetra4le, Jun- I 'very well," w' t on the maid as If earnestly. I the Present word. a HELP WANTSD r ,, � i en I 1, ! r r bottom of the -glass, and she sank on Mrs. N. Summers wraps around the' oyster,'holding it L slei; out of Rome 20, only*cne or two g I she were dealrous of doing him Jus' Clytle nodded, and ran to Mollie% You'd never think, would you, that 33OX 8. Wumsost. (),,,dg firmly in this matter until digestion - -------- . r triVes th4t�,o'bpect�,ssrlqnsly to paying the bod and, grippin ier ehin Au tice. "Many a gentleman�. who ,as You room, and brought her. Mollie bent It takes twenty men plus a. great deal . 1'� r . I I , r . her hanas, gazed -at the glass Wt Ell an, r \ . takes place. Larger specimens of star taxti tto ,tho. gpyerriment, now that , . I is � MEN WANTED TO WORK AT PORT. may say, had .a right to look forwarcl over Susan as Clytte bathed the girl' of expensive machinery to make one fish have been seen which have taken able Saw Will. also Bush work, a -ad . toet realize 'th4p the ta�x collector expreoplon in which horror, pity' and to being his uncle?s heir and the mas- forehead with eau. de cologne. TWO BRAN RE401PBS I The little thimble, would you? When Teamsters, Apply H. 0, Cockburn & , I I . is j' yffit'-Organ--of the-, white tribe, tlate-:fought for predominance. ter of Bramley, wolild have been out "Why, Clytie," said Mollie, b alting the whole shell*lnto their stomachs, Sov,.Guelpb, Ont. ' . I tigress *hich is in most. women, re t .John Softinc Introduced them from I but finding it some trouble to disgorge ' 4 v*Wlt Objects to� any one tribe -ex- up enough When he found that his the 4�j.ibuj��sllence, "she looks Jul' Holland into England in 1695, he ThM WM A 110USe. after Its inmate was t0i0nating another ln;.the good old sh,044 In her eyes, and revealed Itself nose was put out of Joint by a, young A : digested let the I - ; . . 4 you looked when Y*n had due of ppeal to the , MARAIED MAN WANTED. MAXX,339 a bqih 611ceman In ,he curve other lips, Which, drawn laly-,I mean Miss OlYtIe. But,he 1111S . virtually Introduced a new industry , shell rematias a part of their bodies, fruit. aild vegetable farm, also, w4,*�­ for,, wicked �as P those attacks, She 11, I Int , d sh Ic- ,be de , wife. Star fish are one of the f . t`r7,,e1$1, baok,,slightly, showed ithewlitte b4eth, Ea . ishermen's chickens and bees. Apply H, G, Cook. . to be, lie niust need far L been quite pleasant about it, and has Ing, and her pulse is quite low!" Mol- 4 0 0�i. burn & Son, Guelph, Ont. a "a a s .. sto,r s fall � the grip. of her fingers on "' helped Miss Clktie to manage the so- : tI6 h � - � I I . of t1te, .unrestrained, chief's and � ad spoken -scarcely above her Minarolq L.Iniment Cure �ndruff. . worst enemies, and before more was . . —_ ------- 4 r , 'JILftue �? ", I .; chftt,,were making white marks on it, tate, as if he bore her no grudge at ' , -1 L I 4 I 0 — Just to prove that Boston Isn't the known of them. the fishermen would ' r L .14 'the' e'�ily 'h%�,�ry of this strange while the' sweat ga.,hered On her tore.. all. Have you nearly finished? I won- r — I I lY Place that they know he merely tear them in halt and throNv WANTED - , , . . r . I bead, � � * der whether you would wait I "Rome DisWats" of Bir4b, on W to them back Into the sea. They were LASS -KNITTER, ; EXPZR_ ' . L r se,00on of Rast AA,doay should not be, � (Presently she 'got lip st fly, as It ba aTIS45 'Clytie to_nIght? ILt'S . . . cook beans, we have here two English IV I I e'.T.Cc d IL o,re4.Af1t'ccu14 b% written. We know thus unknowingly making more star on Dubled Flat )7-ashloning I "then -�)JdrntlmeL -blF I her whole body bad been held in . L Mttehlnc� Good wages p&id toi capable "ft "WAS. as' b�d. as a . my night off, you see, and I don't . recipes which are ,recommends# as . fish, for this peculiar * thing would 4 � . barbl�ifinl ,be,,Iaid theotindless tile I 8�me fierce teusion, $Ind, after cafe� like to have her to attend to herself I Suppose a bi-rd spent the summer $:Imply grow new arms on the two man. Best working condition2i 1: upboavd, in a tree at the end Of your garden very tasty: � 'L In daylight mill. Mercury Milo, Ltd,,.. I . �of perg.ttten, fully placing the glass In a c 4nd brush her hair, She said. the . r 6 Hamilton, Oni, I r I , t,.wl0spread, and contin- which she looked, 'went to the dress- I halves And , be ready for mt chief I ' at I might ask you. Do . migrated In the autumn, and return- BEAN AND LENTIL RISSOLEs. again. They have been F . wo - .here she usually worked. you think To . .. Limited. uous butchery uld not be good to ling other night tb: ... " ­ . I . L ,room V I Minard's Liniment Co, bd agaill next sipring. Would you One-half pound of haricot beans, , I . read t' _. . - ' " 11 4" - L .. . � : CIA10'..had'by- this tilne gone down, u could do it, -Mouse? I've Have.used mixARD'S LINIMENT for know him? . , . POULTRY WAXTXD. . "Wprq",;�* hk�.,a,�,. ii,, a'A - I . I 4. promised to meet Qeorge—" ID ­11, 3,1 ­+ onik-half pound of lentils, one-quarbor %��,­^O�.," I ie'l, - for nmt—ieg + I � . I . '4erstwous tear or sai . anu,her maid was there vu." hm Ott a o t Water,, and her mistress' evening frock. ' "Yes, I will do It," said The Mouse, QrbuP; found nothing equal to iT; sure . � . j . - jV - si,ble that he might bear an Identifi pound of mashed potatoes; seasoning, . . so,�.,,i�han Cha-ka., Dlngaan, and, their I , "MW BramlOy wag Quite upset o6he in her usual quiet way. "I will dress, her, too, it you want to go early.11 cuVi. , CHAS. X. ,$HARP, rm of a small one teaspoonful of mixed herbs, one teaspoonful of chopped Parsley, ' one I W*'er flenos,hao devasted.piw tical- . . , _ . . . about being so 'late," she said; . ly itli thp.Jaa4 -between: Zululand and �Aqgh and, s, shako of .the head. '%Isa "You're a good sort, Mouse; I'll say � Hawksbaw, N.B,, Sept. Ist, 1905, . ringround his leg . About ten years ago a scheme by which the migration Onion (minced), one pint iitock (vege- .. . 1x,Ji4tmb4jp��"y.-fVIhj Jviials and ,gollie," and dikelaughed In4Wg,intly, -0 I "I " that. for you," declared the niald. "I , of birds ,could be Watched was launch- 1able or cereal. 30ak the haricots , . 1 6 '"' ,vilibI6 I-Abes b;Y -Vcori'eli, they for ,Mollie wa I . I ev n I s� a great favorite with � accept, and than k you. . Be careful you I .1 ed,, and now some ninety thousand li x boll or steam , ca&6' to, a lo#g ch2in of Jakes (the all Ahe_serv,4uts, who wer.3 always doiL1 pull her hair. Miss Clytiele so P 1. birds have been ringed, each bearing them till soft. Wash the lentils and I ­ i I . i I I lolTe'r InliAtri"60-) P"tro'llel, with the more than willing to go out of their -so sensitive. She won't say any- . its own special letters and number. i put Into a sauctipan witl the stook I I VOW, and there they stopped, thus 'humor her. "I . way to often think," thing It you do, but she'll winco, and, . . � Nearly three thousand of these have and onion. Cook till soft. Rub ! I - . I I ! � � lAffils one tr'.be of true", jjure-b1Qod sbq, went OA�, "that it mxw* be very for my part, that'sworse than,letting been Identified again at a later "through a sieve with the haricots. Mix I � f ", -.� t �f I 11 � , .11 011111 . . ." I 1� I . . I I � _ . . 1. .�­ ,.::.I 1. . . . . . I . .1 . jz. � I .: . " , i .. I I �- - I .. , ", , , I i-�01&, . Zv�- WANTED AT-TIr" .. r r i " -0 �-4N & ja �m - . 'Xpound, any kind, any size,'. No de. .tlon for shrinkage, I pay express from any station in Ontario. * Ship col- leot on delivery, In crates or'boxes. Al- bert Lewis, 666 Dundas at, West, Toron- to. i - I I WANTEr). . T ADIRS � WANTED, TO DO PLAXN LJ light sewing at home; whole or spqr , a . - I t , Ka,tIrs who had -f,!.ed over , onto the sq.ange to -'Mr. Carton, to come as A out at you, as, my last mistress used dafi6s and low, biIshy hills Iletween visitor to the house where he once to do,,, bre& , but jousan heard ,uqr, and a, r eyelids quivered. "Yes; exactly as you ,0 quar- period, either at some -remor ter ito which they have emigrated or Well cogecuer with the mashed pota- toes, herbs and seasonin . Shape into l 9 � susan's eyeg, filled With tears, and she pr6tested that she was quite well time; good Pa,y,, work sent any distance; es paid. Send stainp, foi- particulars. CNII.at,179.nal 1 � , th�.'.-',I.*oC,,try1 Or' blackish lagoons aL,ai Ity4d, -and which, I dare say, he "I will be careful," said The Mouse. I . . � , do!" said Mollie, with a puzzled frown. on their return to Britain. rissoles, coat with flour and fry. They only one arm left, the others having Manufacturing Company, Mon. treal. . , the' Indian ocean. This tribe, the 'thought would be his when old 817 4sOh, so you are going to wait ,(m I i0lytie gazed dt Susan with a per- One tiny wood-g0bler, which was cau. be baked In the even after shap- been lost by accident, but even with 'I,:,"",. ­ — PROPERTMS FOR SALE, � I I I . . MI�hbv!s, In the purest If not the only William died," me, Susan," said Clytle, when Ate plexed worried air. irlaiged when a fledgling, was discov- Ing If liked, on arm thc:- seem to get along with- fi . I � I : � . . unnifted Kaflrtrfb� now In existence. of them, are came up to dress. "It Is very kind of - * , "'Yes, she does," she atisented. "I ered twelve months latter nestink , CURRIED HARICOTS. out any Inconvenience. I OR SALE -VILLAGE INN.' WELL F goad:'6f talking of their mistress' and 40 ` 1<,o w Amd iho �gii`od for- you. I expected to have to dress my- qas s 0 � . � # 4' I � ­ mdat&sl - wonder what it can � be. Poor girl! J� ithi two dre y r it ol w n hun d a ds of s d , One pound of haricots, one ounce of vements of the s The po, tar fish are � tulrto, wituags a bs,taqtie, or ball,, attalia-and why sboul4thef self. I like You to help eaek other. lastfix,T n6arly three' days at WhIch not be? -and it needed only a word or And bave done my hair I am so glad she happened to be hero and not alone in her own room. Are f4p 0 t. It had probably travelled thousands of miles in the Interval, flour, one onlon (minced), two table- exceedingly graceful, as they glide locat d, at Township seAt, leading highway,efourteen rooms. Large otable, , you very il . . a,bdrft S.000 tine v,pochu6' two from. the usually , unresponsive nicely," she added, when The Mouse � . ng, .1110stly . "Ilouse" to encourage Clytie's maid Yon better, Susan? Don't be fr Ighten_ L J40 ath er ringed birds have been und S onfals of curry powder, one apple PO or a small piece of rhubarb, one ounce along with a smo,th and velvety me- tjO-L While slipping over an uneven also good space for general store and large refreshment room, Orchard gar.' I I [Lduiti, wem present, To descrIbe the had finished. "How Is that poor fellow, L , to continue the 'subject; and before �. I vel.rd m1nor mu.,41c'M th,p in:-�Lrimbas, I I Rawdon, Susan?" She had sent Susan ed.- It Is only a, fainting -fit. I have 0 - attack several had the same kind 9, at Cape colony, Natal and the Trans- vaal, and- In Scandinavia. a�ud Russia. of dripping or. tat, two tablespoonfuls surface. There are many varieties of star fish., none of which have Been den. Iffood water. Apply H, 0, Cook - 'burn & Son, Guelph, Ont. � I � I or hng(� xylo-jilinnes, the b:ood freez- long by the aid of an apparently cas I I - to inquire lor him that morning. . Ind Indifferent question, The ual a - times, and thought all a orts of terr- Birds nearly always have two "home faith ful of desiccated cocoanut (it.liked), one .1 . L plat of vegetable or cereal stock or - use except for decorating found of any a sharp ed, and with a faint cry of AWM, hur- . — � . Ing dt-atli chinW the thr'.111,ag w3r . L s The Mouse's eyes -were cast.4own, I .,ona. the ,exlpie,A�4on' dinces of both Mouse learned that If anything lisp- and her lips came together. Ible things -but I Um all right, you see, frightened, Susaal" Don,t beL , districts," and are in turn to each. -Answers. i water,In. which the beans were .cook- the centre table in the sitting -room or the what -not In. the library. reached a length that varies from balf . � L ' '1' me.1, r'tes 7n,.l divination gened to Miss Clytie, Braniley and ; L L - Wf"" - .Ifj Ir William's j4oney yvould pass to :'Much better, miss," she replied, � � . . <w.remonl,�,i. \&hlleh ti. -,4 xv tr1i dactor:� 11 am glad," said Olytle; "we � .1 .The girl opened her eyes and sat the hair from her bro W - 4 � 0 ed. Return to the fire, bring to the . boll, stirring all,tbe time. Then add And now we come to the angel fish. an Inch to an Inch and. A halt th6 hornet returns nearly, but not quite. L L I must . . wou*d ra. , Mr. Hesketli Carton. , ,Wv.ro,hId11CA(j t.-.1 5halv us see If we -can find some work for him "Not up, pushing with a trembling hand. Dr. Martol's Female Pills the apple (peeled, cored and chopped) After hearing its awful history you conclude that 4s to the point of beginning and- deposits IL .. L I that he has much ch c of . . , quirp w1jeb �;pap�e. I I !. an when he has quite recovered. Perhaps getting It," said the maid, -wWh a �,j &ia better n6wo miss," she said, For Women's Ailments or rhubarb, and simmer gently. Put will problibly proper berth should be In'the lower regions as8cond strip, soon after that a third and so on to complotion. L I I�Tho youtits Alfs' daiiep. of tho Mr. Carton will give him atiother . dw V 'elvipl tribe riquires several years' laugh and' a -shake of the head. Mies . . , chalice," . 6_k_:_e L I Q,V4 I am not frightened. I must that upset me. A scientifically prepared remedy b ! the. cocoanut into the basin, pour on a gill of boiling water and let it stand instead of the heavenly place for one After a certain etage In this 41agu- � . . Clytis-*Uat a dear she is' Yon , practice belOre the dirtictEA poses couldn't have a better mistress -and, "i don't think he will; theV say that aten, something X. Am so . sorry to -to have been Be proven worth, recommended by physic ians. Sold for nearly had centure in twenty minutes. Strain Into the our- of whose inmates it is named, Who. ever gave it this angelic name must lar work of construction has been. L. reached the queen of the hive emerge$ ,_,,L and contortions can bo successfully . Mr. Carton has been very lenient with I say, Mouse, you may think your- Susan L . perforiue& .. Apkle rattles are Worn him," remarked Marsh, In i4uoh tro4ble " " oh, don,t jbink of that 11 responded Patented Tin Hinge Cover Box with Sig- n' ature "KnIckerbocker Remedy Co." ry sauce. lvhen the apricots are coft, strain and add to the sauce, s Im- have had in mind the fallen angel, his from her roYal,seclualon and p rf r a 0 we I ' self preelous lucky that she took a an ; b:r the ,Vrls. These hollow spheres fancy to you arid engaged you!" impassive voice. oytie gently, "Can you re6mber sat- across aide. Accept no other. At your Druggist or by Mail Direct from 'Knickerbooker mer tea minutes, then sq itiatize a little sanatic majesty, Beelzebub. It is as hideous a flsh as is to be found in the a imost astonlehin,g oPeratto . C rr , n a, y Ing a ball of pulp of her own, she are. made of pa'Am lelat or grass, it : "I do," said The Monte, In her low, "Well, we must see what can be . not young gourd tritits, atil.are par- i 'done," said Clytie. "Yes, I W-111 have Ing aiiything that may have disagreed Remedy Co., 71. r-ront Street Bast, Toronto, Can., upon receipt lemon juice into the eurry. Add salt nd s H d rice wiM it Ntaters and grows to a very large size. spine around one leg as a radius and ,;:�� ­­ expressionless voice ,. - 1� tially filled with large seeds, posh- � "Thank goodness, Miss Clytie Is thp diamonds. Lady Mervyn andLord with you?,, $-dean shook her bead as ,she strug- of price, $2.00. - ' it and chutney It liked. Being one of the flat fishes it stays near the bottom, where it stirs up aud deposits a circular ribbon Of papor. LeE.3 agile than the tvorkers, who . bits,y etc. T.40 no'se of these ankle strong and healthy, and will keep him Sihfiton are dining here 0 -night. In L 11" In keep- I ' an, 6 rattles in ,supposed to ass I out, for, of course, those attacks that Jewel box; that Is right. SOS gled to her feet. "No, miss, nothing any different A 0io, '. . ,ut Sun. - � . devours all the mud fish, and in fact complate their labors In two or three Minutes the requires least .. Ing time in the dance. . This i Is Which she used to 'have are of no YOU are not looking well to -night. I . to the usual food.". . . . . - Unfit to Live—Must Die anything living that scurries across its path. Its skin Is very rough and queen at' . . tive minutes for her spin. . . probab.y a Zulu custom, and even to�. consequence," hope you are not Working tod hard, , . - day in '01vilized ])urban the ricksim "What that .( 'Do you think anything is wrong of the s Canopus, the giant olax Sys- The verdict rendered a thousand times think, sometimes being used as a sand- Instead of building annexes to the Attacks?" asked The ultfouse,' you take enough exercise? I'm with' the Water?" Clytle asked, turnao tem, is, according to a recent calcula- When coma got sore. Do them to death PO,P er for dressing down wood. Though hive, the hornet may use half the bill boys freQuently wear 8imilar orna- and she was promptly and ia detail Afraid youdo not go out enough." I � "I Ing to'MoIlle quickly. tion, 49,000 times as bright as the sun. by Putnam's Corn Extractor; It cures painlessly In twenty-four hours. use a species of shark Its mouth opens out all Of pulp In cell -b ding, although ments. . . t Informed of Clytic's peculiar fits of. am quite well, thank you, miss," . "Near Mopea, three d3,ys lip the , Illap -responded Susan. ,SS, I "No," said Mollie thoughtfully; be- sj�es, you were taken Ill In Just this Its diameter is 134 times that of the sun; It Is 19,000 times larger in sur� m's,11 the only vegetable remedy ?n.uwtllla, price 25c, at all dealers. in front of the head instead of below as with other sharks, and it is fur- whole balle of very flne pulp - -are gathered tor this special purpose. In ­* I Zambe through two "Quite terrifying, they were," wound si, we ,p%ssed When Clytle went, The Mouse stood ' w"y At Weybridge,' and there was. no- face, and 2,420,000 times larger in vol- . - - - nished with a generous sup ply of principle, cell building Is exactly like . small native kraab In -wh'ch the lions ' up the maid; "but she has got over for a moment In the corridor lookin for,a 9 tNug the matter with the water there, uMe. The distance of it from us, ac- Fishes That Bear Heavenly rather long and sharp pointed teeth. the process described-, but the ,paper L had eaten 18, pop's In thr0 laonth.% them now, and hasn't had oile down at her mistress with a troubled . . and If there is anything wrong here. cording to this calculation, 19 09 The length of a full grown angel fish used Is finer and the work Is7earried .. It Is quite Impossible to i long tim% thank. Heaven! for they Find anxious rega d; tl n h . I previous. . ,r is a e went up at - Bramley, why weren't We All Ill? light years. Names. frequently reaches eight feet. on with greater tare. Like a good ! hunt these mauweaters oa Account of made me quite nervolist" to her own room and, unlocking the the (four to feet Do You, think You feel well enough ,,suppose," says another authority, - -1 5 artisan, the worker retouchts the . . tall, rank grass six I . . -- L I . . I . I . - "_ I Sujan, to go up -stairs?" . "that instead. of being at this enorm- M inard's Liniment for sale everywh are mO f4t cell after completion, smoothing 'the $YL Soon learn that .­_._�_­­... - 1.-- . _. I ­ I ---ON high,) ajad,_since th . V.f?,T .1, .%.I$ .1. In +ha next I The sun fish,taking Itsname from , ,6 � &__ . down Inequalities and finishing � I two or thrte tufts will make a, big . hole Irk the, . side of the ,ordinary hut, I � the poor native =list roo.ct high or I I I d!e." i I � ­*_--"-W- low rX 10Z � � AttraoflVe Wty a Serving Sher. � bets tud Punohes. I I . 11 - I , Otis of the fashl6nablle catt,rors haa ; F brought out o, charming ,fashion in 1, =& Ices wh*,eh every wotnau who i I ,a pretty tablo� And 9� dAsh of ! ,novelty for It will be Interested In. � It la the idea, of bringing cherbert, I i Xmv,ohts and overything of that na. I tul* to table iii tamblers of mouided. I Ice, � Women are Adopt!tig It for their little IuAcheofta ond di"erij, where lWyeatleb count many points. 1� until you"Ve own thetin you won't ImAglAe how pretty and how apvc- 11� orlato they Are, . h OBut they must cost t6tribly," I i ear the housewife Object. Xo� the, 4harga, it very reaoUable. Unless, of ,course, You have your : heart set upon tho" which aria made , to, reprewit rorta!ti kinds (if glato And pottety, ,whieh tire eolorod, otc,, and baye &Icorttlotts, festoons and mot- to". Tht" ,-oma high. � Otd!ftartly the Ice takea the form � *I y of a ttLblc tumbler or a wine I 912! Tkit Is fII14d entirely Or Ut part witb %be puu*U. Fmh tlVnbler � .1 16 *d"Od upoti. 6, dopurate plate. it I th* aborbOrt, 14 dtoply colored Its � Vat* tbtftSb the traskarset leg are � wdollorly lovely, .11 � wft; Z,=y,;R11S-D. 11 (TorkerA Atataonmu,) - "WMt 1* the- �"by orying *o about, ., JK .t e"' � mMtrev shirt, stuAq, mWnrn." I %, d I you, let the littl* eftr hav* f th*1031X11XP1 . ,O;r #*'X^ and h*'m ftv*ll*v�tod . I I , 0 . ,I 4�' , I . .111 . ;.�, ., , I ,,, " , 1� ­,� ,A-, ,,�L" 'A�_*QLALI'-�-!�(,�. ,� .. ,.--,-,, �,,�,,, " -, ,, � � , � -, I -1 . .1 . V, . -IV room,,, said ClYtIo promptly, I OUS u1stance t, were plaved In the the largest heavenly body of which etntre of the solar system, in 116tr of we have any knowledge, Is naturally no RNET AS A PAPER MAKER. with exquisite attention to 4e - wall . tall.6 � susan's eyeg, filled With tears, and she pr6tested that she was quite well the sun? It would then o(Mpy .85 of the sp selected for first place. It Is easily acO lying within the brbit Of captured, but gettint it out of the Although ,the pa,per of which ,the. cells and eilveloPeG are fashioned to In again, und could not think of giving so'miieli trouble;. but the two girls Venua, and as seen from the earth water is another matter, for the. s -.m would subtend an auglO of about 70 That a hornet Is both a maker of pa,per -and An able ,builder vie knew itself perilously weak, the nest Can weight swiftly made the necessary proPar- 4tions; and got her to bed, Walthag fish frequently wolgbs 500 Pounds or en its lower, degrees of are. `Thus,wh more, Some years ago a ,jarge SP001- even before Insect science -Was s Ys_ tematized. But the processes j)y sustain tin astonishing of larvae and hornets, whioh speaks well with her'until she fell asleep. ThOy limb was o,n our horizon, Its UPPOr men was ,exhibite' 'in the New York would be f the which the paper is made and the for the engineering skill of the I jat up, talking In a Whisper, in,Cly- tie's room, for some time, but Mol- Aquarium. It weighed 450 pounds, tenith. Nedless to say, no life could and was five feet long or rather round I 'With elaborately -planned nest Is built were shrouded In mystery until they were builder. . . .0-00" MInard's Liniment Cures Burns, Vto, lie said very little, and looked grave exist oil earth Such a neighbor." as the sun fish is almost entirely one studied by Charles Sanet, a French- , * 4 06 ,and thoughtful. III *111 send for Doctor Morton quite * 6 0 litige head and looks something like Minard's UnImbot Relieve& Neuralgia all old fashioned millstone. Its Latin I � man whese investigation of Insect life 'has .Attracted 1much attention. '. - AS USUAL. "But, think!" we obided. "YOU Cannot � %Lrly Ift the m0ryllngt" said Clytle. #tAnd he will her a tonic, as be � 4 0 I name Is mola, which means millstone, "UOTTZN ROW." it has fins to assist It In controlling Janet found that a, horAet's Pal)er- making methods will4bear oomparleon afford it, and- *,That," replied the womar�, With a toaA "is give gave You," Amid Mollie absently, "I its motions In the water, but It almost With those ,of our ordinary paper ..... I I 11 I 1.r� �� I � . of her head, the very ro,tson why I Want and must have Itl" Built stay with you to -night?" IoNo, no," Ortle replied. "It would qUrj0VW . ZV6,Utjon of p=OUS ,,ever swims UPTIght seeming to pro- ter lying on Its side And letting the It 'place I __,.,.,....'#.M 91 1. . I ' WHY BABY CRIED. �, (Yorkers Statesman.) __L I Wa 0" R40t COMP811111 . only mak(3 poor Susan think she was more trouble And fuss. Oo to English wmes. passing waves vatt from to plittee ' ' ,,4,vqf,-. r,diable ov ulatin# %reo "What Is the baby drying so about, Xatle?pt I causing bed now dear." giltoftft, When closely 4p�roaoh6d the suit now" loan ugly name, but fish ainks slowly out *i eight, In the " . � Inecticins. Sold in de - re 3; 0. 5 r � , wasterli shirt studs. malam", I a,The . "Why 'don't YOU let the little dear have - in the) middle of tho night Susan voke, and starting 'up In bed, gated It Is that given to London's most warm waters around the P 16rida coast fashionable driveway. The strange Cuba It is usually harpooned, not I . '.. SM , all IaO or , 11 - !Cpai Olt recel 0 I. I !:a 0 . them, then?" $#I,,dld, Ina'am. and he's swallowed at the uftfaWlIar surroundings with tertor; tberi she r6member' and part of it Is thet -this homely APP61- because of its gameness in struggling * rea pa blot. "t C I I a . i rem I I . � - a sharp ed, and with a faint cry of AWM, hur- l4flon, mlaplace& w It -obviouely Is, to Ascape, but I�Ather on aecottat of its was born of .one of the most beautiful TORONTO. 611T. ( 6 VAN4 3 1 ! None are so Q4 a's 1�og'a who refuse to look betor.o they leap. I ried to the next rooln null beat Over ClYtIe S1PPrsh0nsIV01Y- CIytI6 Was weight. plirksea In the French language. En There to a smaller namesake of the 1 Whett the Normant populated g. 0� ___ mills- The ,hornet seeks some rotting . _­ —1 - . alsoping likhtly, and woke to meet , land, gftet. the Invasion Of 1M, it tol. Ungainly sun fish of the ocean with almost overy stuall bay is fardl- , tree, removea a piece of wood, and 11 j f ­� . .1 _1 I.,. sus111114 tearful, questioning eyes fixed on her. which lowed that they gave Y'roach names . to many locations and places, not list,. The little sun fish that Is found oliewe it till lie produces a ball of pulp about a quarter of an Inoll In leeel y , ( � . I �. ,101j, what to the Matter, Susan? Are alone In T,oadan, butthroughout; Eng- in practically 0VerY 0 -reek and river In tht, is a favorite catch of even diameter. Laden with thie, he flies to I . I I "I - I � 1. you Ill age,1011 the cried, springing up, � � land. So they Awned tho driveway country through London, parks "Route, dU I#r many export 4tiglers. It, too, to Ali- the nest. The search for a suitable pip'" of dercayed wood and the chew- ._ . a whem M kw I say volaon W4 g* eftfia'a laid her hand on her Into- tr"s, 06rm Soothingly. (route of the Xing) ,because It led to most round, It we eliminate the fins the limperial Palace. Time passed and And tail, but It is a beautiful fith, and Ing of it have. ,consumed not more than six minutes, and perhaps only to Tomdo. U*ft my* ofild 04wayit Oft to 0,twm they 6fe 1-6 awk 440M afto". M WAK hoft Wy K1 4#X0, to, miss! I am 411 'gh the Londonm hAd great difficulty In the reddish Orange tints that usually two. 10.1inging to the comb with hie " 06 " it id jud bAv'#0w it'it It tbms*. ' . all tight; but -but I bad a 661mVIX t ' thouglit. you wero III -1h dauger-X- 11 DID- Dronnuncing thI4 plaraft and I'lloute UP the has give It A Mth6t fl e 4u. Uot" aego,116ratm Into "Rottell P so small a fish. Itlooks middl6 and hind foot, the worker juggles the ball of -pulp with his -tore ON fat I hk# it No. ,,*,m &Cqwd WME ft 0*0 " Ind matok "yb e*h It 1*1* it *4 &Wt I beg your pardon." Vow.11 :14.t."ti,11,11.1,1111rike 0, large, flat perch- feet, chewing It Conflullously to' ft"0N6*sbi(6"t(ftt*t6404%%. slyou Wr giril You are, quite up. Rotten Row Is ,ono, 4 London' show I The moon fish is a 1,.embor of the make It more olastle and adhesive, The Iltdo 4�kl is Nght 1,46tl,, amid Clytie siltying. "Why should I be Ill? What $14041d UPPOU to Vie? I , � � __ - 111101.9 -limbmg -- - , - .1111, ... M .I I _­ 1,11110 0�1 . I I , , _ �. I , ! ! M!��!!!!!� - 1! I '-- ! A,fter oufflelent eliewing he d1oposefs, , of the ball In ropairing or In build- , *7 � TI* WALKNA HOU41 No,oso,' . -1 .- Go buk M yout bed and try and #I*$,), Ana, mind, you arb -tot to got - ' " '' ' " I ' ' I I P YOU HAVE A rRIEND Ing additions. Selecting A suitable . he at O', -he ball part of the neat cheo t rklift ukor6pisew owrA In ofteft FA WOMA Wd ammv*A Wt4d smvwft \ WMWA tow4t*ft ~*. . 4 up In the =0TnIl1$ until tba dod(w hoo IN ILL HEALT14 and then drags It'r le#.Vj11g behind, a 1r4&Mft0*""1II,kftW4�* seen YOU." ,-No. jiol I don't want the doWrIll 8,"041, 'Tlsake don't for NAA this "horal fom%lo Wile wtong, they Will be rrliteull 0 . narrow ,atrip of PaVer. As'the bial of pulp Is unroolod, It 16 I 1haped by the Inleoft'o JAWS, and by 14ftWjMd*WC1r#6rT*"ft nd I I I � I HOUSE Uld SM4 him. yon woult, If I *= quit* well A coneral toftia f Or W StOWIDIt W0014131100d, a Mo. eta, Inomiant tamping along the joint It . 1, 0 0 .14". 4 40. r ......... � I III th* OW411*t" eft -4 006900-0 _I , .-, child b"rin% chanitt �JM#fl, 00SA" ���� ....... Sold at #Al ft "t dlr#4t In plain W,,O* W N 1-XM._1___­­_1_­ 1-4 "roAr*(K"t0?VVrI"44,,4j. porlim It Slued to the 0hest of which It 14 to torg it ptrt, Wh#u th4 rMou hm I MON T*0 , VANAII .* ____________1 ------Ie~~A^* - - I , 0 . I . ,,, " 4 � I . ,_ I , I . I ; , I " � 1� , , 1i" 7 i, � I I . I . I I .. , -.d, zzz live,61I& .,. � 2� I I I � ­ " 11 t, _& A, ,, - I . , I - � ��rj, I'll , , , " �.� �_ , 11 , — __ __ - _ ___�oLAA&�,",�Ak-"_.,kwf, . &"tQ �Ilji .1