HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-12, Page 1F- 11. I W. ,7 .. ­ 174W-1,11 11 ___ --- - '.1 � — - - ­ I .�- 7, � I � I .. � , � , � . , 7�, I I I "'. I I -71T- . -_ , V , �'. 71 .,;Iwm �, � � . . I � 0 I -, :" , , I , ,:Io A " �.. , 7 M T, W , , -0. " , ­­� � � I , I . ". f I , , , I I 9 A Z , "I . I , , , , � � I , , ", , � , , , , � . . q � . , I I � 0 , ; � : -i,;, lk ,4,�. , , . I " � , I , , . I I . �,� I "I , I " . __ _ ,:?.2 �,'-,N,. wl::4j�K I ��# "7 ­ ---I -p-, - ! _.; �� , I PW WARP" I I.;q , o I ..: I . I �, I :: ... 1� -11' � 1 .1 , ": �­111 : ,A, � I I I . A, ,� , �, V RG, ;,­." , 1. . :: I ,,, . .. 1-,� "" , . �', . ,: . � � I .,; , 7 JV�7 11 . �, ... � , . ., . I., I ;_ ;, � -, �, 0 1 . � , , I 11 . � I I . . � . , 11, F711 � . 'A'� . I � I .5 ... - I , , , , , . , , ` I '70;1.��Ae.j I I ,. , " � , 01 . . , I . '�, lli, I O.. I 1-1 ­� " .1,4�,�'. ". .. ,(" " , "" , I ", _1 . , , I � ;1 ;,, . I . , ..p . I I .,. 11; , � . � . , , . �', 41, �, � I I I � . , . - . I ­ I �, 11111� I . . J . I I ., , 1. i�,; . �!� 0 . � .,*, ."! , I , 1� � I , . �, , -, ��. I ., - , �, . ... . . . . . . dshh." � . ., . , � . .. . �;'-� . , . , � - o . , � �11 , - . I 1. .1 . , . I -,. I . I I I � * . ,,, , . . . I �., I w : .." I 1), , I � I � I �� ., : 1 , I. . I . -F ­ .. .., . , � . ".4 .. 1� I .. I I . * J V, � I . . .. . , � ,, .. � .?, . � I " ! �.�, 'f�T-'.�r 11 � , '. ... � I T" , " , " 1 RP , ,, 1� , , �� �, , , �,.� , ", IF " . , . , , - ". � -,:,- , � I .� W , , , , , , . , " . . , r r , , �. , ;4 " n? .4 , . . �, 7 11mA � . � . - " " ,.", � " �', `4 , �,M,ff, ,� , ,,, ,,, _�Ww:A �� ,% A*,. b, � 11 . , ;W I 0 1 . .. , is, I ,., . _1. .1. . I V... I � . ­111� I I t'� " , 1;11 .:,­ � I I I , . , I , � . - ''.", , -, , , \ . . � I : � I .. I � . #�,,�, 11, , , . , t : n , ft - _ .- b .iWJ&11.. ft_.��' r� t* I . . . , ,� , . I � 11 � , '. , ''IF .1 1. I . 7 � t, I � 1W � � . . '' I 11 , t _ r . � �,% i. ", I � " � . , I �� 11 . 11 . I I I I I . r � 1 I I I hie I I . I , - I I I I AWS IW4%oftp I , I I I I � # 14 I I I I . . . . 0, oftlmv,� I, -111 gq I 1------------,.--,��1--�.---------�-�-------.--------.----�---.-WI "� ,,, I '11 1�11 11 11 I 1. I 1; ,.'' I,, _____ "Mk=w �t=pft-_ - - _�,'.41 I - . . . 1. I I low ,,'I, _.�W=M__­___­_ ___ �101 .... I'll .... "I,,.,,,,,, _____.___ _.___._____ __ - __ ------ '�ingle Copies - Three Cents I WINQUAM, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1920 , —.-.---- __e__.________ ­­­_ - -11.11 ­... _­ ­­ , PIP I'lli�IP!Iltllllllilllll�1g�-,Mm ---------------- - - -,---- - - ----- � �— - __ - subscrIptleay. $1.,50 per year . . - .. ____ - ____ , � . - I I I I I ___._ - � - _. .11 I ­­­ 1".., ­ 1-1 11 ",,,"', 11 r. � _ 11 -_ --- .__.____-_-1__..111. � `10 A10 I libIRS OF OUR DEAD —1 WEDDINQ BELLS PUBLIC SCIJOOL REPORT BOARD OF TRADE I ON X" I---- —.-----.-----,- . 1-1" I y won tint prize in the F____��__�­­ HVNT9A-M0MATX0X. I � _*"'�`"­­`­­�"� ­ 7 ' 0 1 Atipus IVICKU , local Items, __ 4 ENTRANCH0488 The annual me or' the Wh*b= Personals 0 - I . - 01V - St PAUra Anglican Church, Wingbam, Total 40(). . . sting - #' I poetry c()I)tvst at the High School. - The Lo. ­­�,.Ow%,#��_,W~.',..",J Board of Trade , E_.'.. j ,_ 7he - . 11� IqNOWIM 04 , , was held in the council ,�.��%(--��­-,_ " S&11*40 � , rr Poem waa as follows.. We test eyes -fit glasses. and guArantft � was the scene of a pretty wedding at 12 Dorothy Snell ........... � .......... a4o I Chamber on Thursday evening, when the Mr. And Mrs E. R. liarlison and son, 2100M 0 mothers of the d w�d. yet living hoit. ' 40WActloa at McKlbbon!s Drug, btom Gelock, on Weduesoay, February 0b, .Mabel Casemore .... � ............. s2o following officers were elected for the Roas,'ary visiting in Toronto. . I Wbod,uep in Flanders, where the pop. Valentine Cards, Wingbam Views and 1920, When Miss Eva Marjorie, daughter Oliver Fells.. . ................... � . $17 year 1920 � pius Ellett Comics at Mitchell's Corner Drug Store. Of the late John McMahon, formerly- of, lmrgaret Cmikobanks ... � .......... 308 flon. Pies. -W. J. Greer. Mr, A. Welck Toronto, Is visiting at X . ThOr pQuils, and the murmuring winda Liotowel, was united in the bonds ot holy ClIarlie, Mason I !dent tbt home of his brother -la -law, Mr. W. J. I , .Whisper sweet secrets to tile unknown. Who will get the 100 lbs. sugar free. at wedlock to Mr. Robert Meredith Hu ­- $90 PM .-W, F, Van Stone. GrW, . � � King Bros. Sal% there is a chance for . nter. BeatriceDobiq ::,::::":.­1*.,:1' ... 4 3oS Ist Vim Pres. -L. S. Beninger. I . dead. son of Mir � and Mrs, William Hunter of Margaret pettioe* ... : ' - Colds and La Grippe . everyone. . . W . ....... 805 2nd Vice, Pros._ J, A, Mills, Mrs. James -England who has been v;s. . . Frult of your, body, to whom you first Wric,irdine, The � Rev. H. W. Snell, Barbara Weir ... _ ":': ....... $04 3rd Vice Pres. -W. A. Currie. iting Duagaution, friends has returned . gave brtath, Mary Thurlow, a pupil in the Wingham , rector of St. Paul s offlcja�ed. The bride Arthur Fields ........ "" ' . 800 Secretary, -C. P. Smith. home You gave 1%, freedom all you had t.6 PuPlIc bc,104 tell oil too ice 4 tew, dAys unattended entered the edifice� On, the Percy jo """'"'", 11 The season for Colds and LaGrippe is now heret, , _ , hn6on .. t.:: �::: ........... ,92 Treasurer -A. G, Smith, - . . ogv, and lrac�ured nor leg. arm of her uncle, Mr. W. (L Patterson to Vera Robinson ........ Mr. Parkid Higgins who bus been visit- " give-, I t , he strains of Lobengrin's Bridal Choi us. Kenneth ClArter.. .... I I .... 289 - . COUNC-IT'Lons. ing with Mr. and Mra. Robt. Doyell has The two best combinations to combat them, with are . You sent them forth, 4 smile upon Your 4octric Psitturos-Appliances and sup I I......: ........... 287 Ward I -W. H. Rintoul, A, E. Lloyd, returned to his home, . . I I I lips, plies. Have you seen the new white, For many.years the bride had been 4 Aaron Drown ................. � .... 269 and W. H. Gurney, . I - Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, Rexalt Cold' � member of the choir, and it was to do her Margaret Johns .................... 2 4 Word 2-V. R. VanNormim, j, M Mrs, Carrick was called to, Toronto, on , I I To sacrifice their lives that we might Lhpiekss mazag bwb'.;t .Kow, liarawaro. I sPeci4l hOnOt that they Most efficlently Bessie Boardman .......... _ _ _ _ , 6 . Wednesday morning owing to the illness Tablets, or . live. I ' -.1 20 , Graham, and T. R, Bennett. . ' I . . � . . . . Dr. J, A. Fox I* in London attealing assisted during the service, Join ng the Lloyd Zurbrigg ...... ­ I .......... 204 Ward S -T. C, King, J. W. McKibbon, of her daughter', Mrs. Roland H. Hill, Yours was the sacrifice that pierced the a met -Line ot the Vrugi�ess Pllysi * .......... __ 261 W. J, Armour, heart, tls�ueldwuli W1114;h is OWIIJ& 1 clulls groom., who had taken his place at ttle Willie Kew ... ­­ - Many friends will regret to hear of the 2, Riker's Syrup of Tar and Cold Liver 011t . held on Wed, altar, the beautiful service of the Angli- Clarence n . , Hinscliffe ................ 257 Ward 5-A. Bell, R. Alle , A, Angus. death In Toronto, of Mrs. Colvin, Rikeps Laxative Bromide of Quinine Tablets , . � I Like Abraham of old, . you stood -the lic§aay, I -can Church was wlerntrized, Thebridc Miller Patterson ...... ''......1.1111 250 Auditorf,-A, Cosens"n J. W. Mc- dau&hterofMr.Wm. Bone, for erly of . I � . test,, =g.n Ci bon ­ I M Fach i�bot or stab of steel that found its Murdison the Scottish Comedian hits lookedexce4dirigly chArp * i a .suit Of 0A Anna Forgie .................. � .... 254 1 b . Wirighatri. These'are Recommended by Us and I Ono 01 the llne$t collection Of stories eve., blue, peach cloth, over Which she wore A xJean Carruthers .. I I I ... I ..... I ". 243 Several Important matters were brought Guarantood. . I mark, . I 94knCred LO&ethCr� Wingham Town liall, gray squirrel rcootee, the gift ol the groom. Alberta Walker ..................... 227 , Up and will be attended Miss Patience Scott is visiting her aunt, . I . , '. . Was lodged as welt within some mothers Oil Mar. Ist. I She wore a hat to match, and a beautiful Fred Isard ....... 212 1, 111.1011111 1111-1 to'Immediately, Mrs. J. E. Fells, Diagonal Road, previous � . I breast. ' Owing to the flu epidemici the Valentine corsage bo,46et of sweetheart rosesi also Corson Boyce .... .. " * ' ': " * *':::: 209 __ ­ to returnmo.to her school duties at Lloyd- After the La Grippe I 0 mothers of these lads who fought and carrying a white Prayer Book, the gift of, ""*"' **.'. BORN' I , minster, $ask, I . . L110d, bucldlt w4len Was to Du'hel(l, in tile Moth- om's grandfather, . . xJames Corr ... � ................ * 207 . � , I'll I ' LIIbLL;nurcn9A Friday, Feb, lath, has gro Vida Bell ......................... 201 r I I - 1�ir. and Mrs. W. G. Patterson enter-, You need a builder, . � To guard the weak and keep our liberty, u The bride's popularity was testified to Charlie Pattison ; .................. 191 H6t-,Pai&­In Morris an tained the choir of St, Paul's Church to Pecil WILIACUUwn , Wednesday . � , . ,� -M . . I 0 *1 I May the spintof your sacrifice live 011, by the, large. number present to witness the Florence Pocock :, � ................ 17$ February 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle �.inaer at 7 o'** on, Wednesday even- R -OL—The cod livei oil to' . 1. . � , VY e Are sorry to reportL the r . nic with a . Throughout the ages to eternity. serious ill- ceremorly. . .. i - . , xDorothy Lavis .................... 177 HoPpAr, a daughter, Ing, 4 mostenjoyable evening was spent. I dash of Creosole, . �... ? lfti$ fit IVAA44or JUCK and Miss A�dnh After the signing of the register, the xxMary Johnston.,.. ­. I ­ I � ... I 171 11op.pHR I . ­ � I -_ 1. :.;__­W� . I I In Morris, on Wednesday, Many of his old friends were glad to see , I . : . AUI(l, 9LU CV11. ot Xura4orry, both Lire guests proceeded to the home, of the Laura Hartnell ................... _ 150 Fe - or PEPTONIZED IRON TO 1 1 . I I . V MEMORIAM I stuitalog. Irom a severe cold, . bride's uncle, where a dainty wedding xxElsie Blackball ........ � ........... 134 bruary 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. C68. Mr. Richard Forter in town on Saturday. , NIC, wh*ch will I .4 . I I I ssed � Re - '.Flke'-flee use of Klenzo Liquid breakfast was served, atthe conclusion of Hopper, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Porter spent the winter PRP. ,; I . give you more I . . . � i Dorothy M.-rgaret Elliott, who pa WIL!Sok)t�C as 4 mouth wash and ,gargle which, Mr. - J. J. Hunter in a few suit- JR. IV Ross -In Wingham, on Sunday, Feb. 8th, with their daughter, Mrs J. W. Pattison . . � . . . .. ��� � , . away Feb, 4th, 1918. Total 439. Those marked x mimed one at Port Elgin. M,. Porter came to visit . � I I I . , will lest,oa the liability of infection. able remark$ proposed the health of the or more eXams. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ross, a son, � ..". . Fir and oft our thoughts do wander, .101d at IVIC41DOOn's J,)rog Store.,k bride. The groom made a neat response . I with hie son, Mr. Jas. Porter, Turnberry, I .. , J, Taylor .......................... 393 . !_ but Mrs. Porter who has not been in the , - �- � . . . . To a grave not far away, -Mr. L, S. Berlin' his thanking all for the hearty manner in E . . I : Where they laid our,darting Dorothy, . gor, has dispos4d of which the toast had been received, The .� Carr ........ in Beautiful Trophy best of health will remain for a time with . I . , � bu i I � �. . just two years ago today, . "Lling' lot on "lame St. to Mayor Rev H. W. Snell after a few beneficia4 1. Hunter... - � ................ ­... 380 Mr. A, M, Crawford's rink.of curlers her' dOughter- McKIBBON1 DRUG 'STORE . 1 14, 1 uumey, We understand Mr. Gurney , ' - 377 . . Do not ask us if we misA her, remarks proposed the health of the groom, ­ "' were successful in winning the trophy at , � Mr 1). Wilson, Manager of the T, . Drugs and Stationery . i, I wid erect a dwelling on, the property. ...... 11, ....... 377 the Harriston bonspiel last week. It is a Eato * iay � � � . There is such a vacant place. which brought brief responses from Mr. VFY n Company, Winnipeg, spent a da . .... � I Owing to the great amount of sickness fe ........................ ­- 30 splendid oile, the presentation of Mr. I I:: I ,,: I I � Can we e'er forget that footstep, . Win. Hunter, Mr. Wrn. Patterson and . ast week with Alderman J - J. Cunning- V 1111 1 illill�'ll I 111,1, . 6 i 11 I - , I I I ­ ........ I I ... 3 5 Mieklejohn of Harristion, who proudly ham and purchased a, number of stoves �Q I RC V 0, - I �-� . . I And that dear familiar face. - In cuuntry and town the Conundrum Mr. Robert Hunter, . G Robertson ....... M*k . � I I - . ,, I . - The bride was a recipient of a magni- W Maria .... � ....... � ............. Sol held it. last season, The shield which and ranges from the Western Fou I � ;WK. I . . I . Not dead to us, we love her still, bucial, wincti, the Women's InstltutO were � ndry. � -_ -_ . =,=I 111, I . I . aken �'. "�� I , . . Not last but gone before. pitting on is cancelled foethe present. ficent array of presents, among which C Louttit- * ........... " * " . i... q. $59 was held by Crawford's rink last season - Mr. Wilson was very much t with —' ,1, ,."�,,� ... I � llti­.� I 11.11:11111, I I ,:I, . , I .. I . � � . I I I . D Armstrong .... � ................. 358 1 1 1 � . . . I . I . I I I . � . She livegin memory still, I Home washing removes danger from were many substantial cheques, and a w nt to Harriston rink this year. The Wingham, ,and we cannot see why he Late Delivery Osmowmamomm4w�amomommooloo. I 1, . , I . 1. . And will for evermore. Outside infection. Time Saver Electric beautiful service tray from St. Paul's R McDonald ....................... 344 winningrink is composed of Messrs D. shouldn't be for his wife is a former Wing- I � I . . I . . ' . I . ' I C M I � � I _. � Owing to the overwhelming success of Elisl . � I . � .1 . Sadly mAsed by mother, father, and yVasat:r, operate for 2ct , rec Anglican Church choir. I K. Dinsley ...... ... ... - 1 343 une, J. A.' Currie, W. S. Mitchell ham girl and many friends will fondly the first day of our sale, it was impo!ssible .1. . I I . Per. hr. F I � ...... '"' Fort . , I I , M, Angus .... - I I I I . ! ... -, 341 andA, M. Crawford, They are taking remember her as 'Dot" Johnston. _,� to deliver -orders Saturday. Customers . % ''. . family. ­ trial iri your own .home -Easy payment ThobiLppy couple left on the,afternoon C. Cook .... 11" I ""' ...... I RISTI .. � W . . , . --O I . � . Sam. Elliott, arranged. Ross' Hardware. - to Cali- .� '"", I .... I ­ 341 pa " the bonspiel at Owen Sound this I I . �. . , I Mr. and Mrs , train for Toronto, on their way I ---"-,. ..---..7' w ­ , I I . ... ' I I I I A. Corbett ' - '�. ... ... I -.1. -340 we rt P ! 11 � - - I , , ould And it much to their advantage PHON'si �'59 , I I , ,..: ": * el�.,., 0, ,:;, . . � Hamilt011- Mar. Ist. keep that date . fornia where they will spend their jl�ney- ' "i ,� . . � I . . ` I .1 I I , Monday- . C. Dickson.. ' "...'.1'.. 330 I . I I . . , ,�_i � ,,�� , . '-Z,.? to shop eaTly in the week and in the I .� . I � . -____14._____�__— — . � ,*. , - � .. - - � �_ 11 I open -Murdison The Scott , moorf, and on their return will reside in � ­'" . ­­ . .. . ­ .'.. . . . ' ' - - 11 .. I _� � . 1, ish. whirlwind � ==�� : I . . -01 I I "t-,� E. -McLean 1.111. 331 . DIED '.' �,, -"." c .. morning when'Possible. --�` I . 1� , -1 "*'�^---`�` ' ricardine. Amon ­ i ... * * ... * " ' ­ ' I I . I . ­ . . - . I I . -1 I I . I I . .:� .141, . * F 7 will be here. Belgrave concert has been K' .g those, present were: G. Anderson , .I.I.. $31 M. Hill ......... � ............... I . 468 . ­___­_�_ ."'. " mo I .1 I . ; XIXN�� BEM . 1. 1. I I . . ..: ; . I . Postponed uAtil. March 4th. when it is Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter,' father and ........ � ....... . I ­ . . I : �.A I - . E. Williams_ � . . . . '16- I . . �".. . 1� . moth � ...... 327 G. Spotton . � .... � ................. 449 $1XJR60N-Iri Jamestown, � o� J;ibuary ra alay I .. .111�1 .. . . ­_. I . I , . . I hoped the sickness will be over. er of the groom, Mr - and Mrs. .......... I ... - . I � . I Eit . .. I . . . ; " - M. Sbackleton _. � ........ � _... � 307 M. Tennant ...................... � 436 28th,'1920; James Simpson, aged 78, Drury Is Being Opposed I . .-QU I I . ., . . , .. i I I I I CL AM Mr, I AxInstrong, Belgrave received Robert Hunter, Mayor J. J. and Mrs F. Bell .... _ I ' 41S years, 9 months, IS days, Hon. Manning Doherty, Minister of I � C . I . .. I . . I FtF. 1ABLe Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson, . 11 ., ... . .'.'.'. I ...... 299 I J. McAllister .... ... I ... 1. ­ 1� ..... ' I � . . 18 hogs from Currie Bros. of the 12th ""' . . I Agriculture for Ontario, is elected by ac. T,e a �;- � � - , RASLe Mr. Faymond Patterson and Miss Pearl D, Llqyd ................... I., ..... 298 N, Carr ............. � ............. 402 , � -_ .--- . . . I I .. . - I . . � t� con. or East Wawanosh, which averaged I. Ellacott ........ � ... 4 L. Groves ......................... 397 1 . cl , I I I FOR 5009L anD COLLEM , Patterson, Mricardine; Miss -Irene Arm I ............. � . 27 . amation in East Kent, but Premier 4ea f s .... I . I . I—' , Milestone Drury will be opposed in Halton by E,, J. business, and the reason f I 2d3 lbs, The entire Jot brQuilit in the J. McLean ,.- g82� Passed ffis 85(h. . orms one Big * part of our I . I t neighborhood of $1000. The price Paid strong Chesley, cousin of the bride, Miss G * Angu ­­ ............... 269 . ­ I �. "..........: , or this ,a 11 118 per cwt. was 18.60. -,'- � � Alberta Willits, London; Miss Gertrude M. Vansickle.. ... 266 F. Ford ... �... __ � ................ 38i The London Free Press has the follow- Stevenson, He is a returned man and we undoubtedly to,be acco t, . "I. . I I E. Forgie ...... ""' ............. ... 265 P. Gibson .......................... 352 ing to say of Rev. J. Kennedy. father of ,think he . could have found something. I . ' noted for White, Gorrie;.and Miss Eleanor Cornyu, . I..... I ...... � .. I by the Extra Good . eal I I . "�Broniil Grippe Tablets, Bromide Quinine H, .1 "I I M. Hill ............ *.,..: ............ 259 A. Hartnell ....................... t 340 Dr. J. P. Kennedy of Wingliam. 1110170 useful to occapy his time than to be . I Quality. we ,, . ' , /. Pell , I . rablets, Nyal Laxacold Tablets and a,, arm ton. I . — . .., xW Sturdy ............. I ............ 249 G, McDonald ....................... 045 "Rev. Ji Kennedy of 516 Colborne the tneans of an election, for'he hasn't supply Our customers. , � . I � . Ask, for the the other leading -Grippe and Flu Cures at S=rT-DUmoND M. Swanson ... 11, ........ I ..".... 234 J. Lavis ........................... 290 street, thiscity, to -day attained his 85th the faintest chance of winning. Every I I � ' .. I I I � Pocket Mitchell'sl Corner Drug Store. 6 s I bel A Tpial Opdep . I 11 . I ' 4, Another of Cupid's Victories. resulted in xH. Sutton,................, ....... 281 R. Wagner ........................ 289 birt day. having been born in the vicinity chiz n bou d p and not hinder the . . . . I -1 seif�Filling ,W. Lavis ..... - - 210 V. Campbell.. . .................... 256 of Ottawa on February B, 1835, ime I Type � TO 'the F armers,, of Wingham locality: the marriage of Miss Anna C. Diamond ' . * .... ­" ...... I new t, F. 0, Government, . It is, ti Will cc nvince, you that our. ciali� , , i $2.50 , We have taken over the business of. T. R. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. XR. Henderson .­. t'.. I ......... �. 203 M. Carr ................. � .......... 252 About 6.5 years ago he calue, with his enough to get after them when they have to sell Superior Teas is justly made � I ! . . I � I � 'UP I . � 'I Bennett at this place and *111 endeavour ,Diamond of Bluevale, to Mr. H., 0. Scott C. Lockman ............ I ............ 194 R. Lockman ........................ 242 parents, andsettled near the town of Sim- proven a. failure', .. . 66, '70, 75, 80 and SOcts per lb, I .. . � I � I , I I I - . ,�. to serve you in our line to the best of our of Kingsville, at the Presbyterian mans6, XR. Carr , - - . 1. . i ...... I ......... ... ISO M. Saint.. I... .................... 218 , coe. When' about 22 years of 'age.the They "Listened -in", ., I I � i .. . . . __ I bility; Call in, get a calendar and iet Bluevald on Wednesday, Feb, 4th, xH, Wilde .................... : .... lag Sit. Ii I church laid hands upon him, and he was . . -------- *_� � . I . . I I I : - I I .� . us get acquainted. Livingstone &Son. The biide was a � . . xM. Henderson , �. � .... � ........... 181 Report for January. Total 250. sent out as a "junior preacher" ,to assist I The practise of IfIlistening in" on rural I . . . � . . gotli , I I . ccompanied by her . - I � I . I . , � V. Fox ,. ..... I I ....."11, .Rev. Vm. Lund, 'on the large ,Walsi � I The Tea ancl Coffee Houm 11 , , � I 1. 11 . � . . he Quarterly Board meeting of the Younger sister Caroline, while the -groom - I SR. III. I .......... .. 245 . 'to lessen the usefulness of thi telephone I 1. % . _ Gt,UX ON I 'Att [n. linesdoestnore. perhaps, thanany other . 6 1 1 . - ircult. Later he spent a term at I � � . . I Wingliam Methodist church gave -Rev. was ably assisted by his brother, Walter Senior Section. Marks obtaliflable 572. L. Thompson ....................... 241 ha . m ci odn � I . .. 7 . . .. 'i Mr Armstrong -an unanimuous invitation of Victoria University. After the wed M. Cbrjstie.,.. I . ... 217 Victoria College and was ordained is a to the farmer and his household. . . "N"11!!"'M I . 41111110 1. L�.�.--�---Ne�-� .1 I........ 535 , Upholding the action of the Sandwich -_ I I I . I � . 1. � . .., I I to remain as pastor of the church for a ding, ceremony the guests returned to the M�"Mitchell ... - ­ 11, t ...... M� Robertsoti . ... 217. minister of the Methodist church in -1861, . 11 � . - I . -1 .......... 1.111 524 - 11 � . � 11 , I � ­ . � ... ­­ rIQ " "*""" "' ' He is familiar to thousands in London West Telephone company in removing . . U 101 Valtir h" fourth year. The finan�es of ibe ch ch home of the'bride, Fairview Farm, where f4., Snell , M. Weir ........... � ......... � : .... '. 211 . ­ . . 11 I . . ­ � J.; "Vi 4a%0V1AJ1T.1LF1 re all in excellent condition 4 forceful a sumptuous wedding dinner was tastefully M. Thurl ........ ' ... ­ ....... ... L. Hutton ,, - . _ 9 orthe past quarter of telephone equipment from the h6nis, 6f ,10 having lived here 11 � I ­ ­­ � -, ...". - _­ I--- I ow ....... � ................ 510 "' " .......... ' - ' . . . . ALUCT-ONSALE'-Stock, implements. etc preacher, I served. The young couple left on the E. Hartnell. ...... ­­. . - . .. I ....... 498 F. Carter .... 209 � a centuryi serving as assistant in the First Albemy Meloche because, it was claimed, . I.. . Lot, 1, t . n LI, Turtiburr tA6 onev'clock on .afternoon train for TOCOTIO, Detroit, G. Mitchell E. Lepard ... :­'.,.,.,.'­ "'I"':'." 202 Methodist church, agent for the Bible members of the family had "'listened iW1 . Thurm sy, FoUruttry 12to. W bills for pard. Tile regular meeting of the Women's .' ... ....'" 497 . � 1. . I � * � . . 1 culms.- 1 . - London and intermediate points. After J Field. . . . - � ... ­­ - W. Tennant., .1 .... So and other forms of good service. on party lines, justice. of the Peace ... R10HAUD JBVFR,&Y, Proprieto.r. Missionary Society will be held in the lec- ........ ".....I.: ...... 403 - ., 198 That he is -so bright, cheerful aud alert to Joseph White, at Sandwich, Thursday I . . T. it. BENxZTT, Auctioneer. ture room of St. Andrew a Presbyterian their honeymoon the young -couple will D. MacEwen. I ............... ..;... 492 H. Field.,_.:::***"*""" ____ _ _ .___..._ , __ reside on, the groom's Fruit Farm, E. Chettleburgh. , ". . R. Binkley _. ­ ....... ' .... *:,. 198 happenings about him, continue to be a January 22nd, dismissed the, it brouffht su I ---- I I . .1 AUCTION SALB-01parl g SoJe,of f xrm. Stock church on Wed. afternoorl,February l8th. I ... � � ...... 401 " * "' * .... * ..... . I . . and impiuments, at, 144 3 and 4, COn. A. At 3 o'clock. The subject will be -,Wo, Kingsville, Kent County, I J Cowell...'_ ......... . 489 M� Mitchell .. ' .... '. 197 source or gratification to his many friends. by Moloche against the company. � . Carr1ok, one half miles Xoriti. of Belmof 0 on ':': .... ­­* ' 190 Nearlyall his year� in the active minis. Testimony of 27 Witnesses was heard Feb. 20W. dee buls for further part. men's Place in the Battalion and Whyl� .... I''....... L. Bennett ... I � 1. The bride's travelling. attire consisted of A. Laundy ............ � ........ ... 483 . : try have been spent on circuits adjacent before a decision was reach . a of ... 187., ed Silm � A11111:14. ' ' '­­ ....... "' I I . W.v. MoXgr, Vrop All ladies are invited, - .. a blue serge suit with Picture bat to N Williamson __ ....... I I ...... 473 I. Wirth ...... � ...... � . . . . . . � G. W. WALICIOR, Mt, -Woluntary nursing in home . s, I soupsand match and a beautiful Hudson seal coat W, Hunter ........ � ............... 468 E. Stoakley .. * ..... * ........ :, *... 188 ' to London, Belmont, Dorchester, Mount the, witnesses told the court the Meloche � � trimmed with sable L. Peterman . . 177 B,rydges,, North Londonk Thomdale, family had interrupted cgs on party 'ffUILD YUUR OWN etIONOGIL PA -We , -, tho gift of her father. A. MacLean_ ' - - . bupp,y compl,te moobutuical equipicout other noUrishuienti are Solicited by the . �::. � I ....... 11- ... 461 " ' ' " t'� ........ :,:,. 170 Siloam, etc," . lines, during which strorg' language was . H000, adie . r MarlY and, costly gifts bespeak the, E Swanson ... .................... 1 461 J. Clarke ....... ' ' .... � ........ . . P, . used. , . I � 4ub (.., j W ubie spring Xuwr. Uneqmipped L s'Auxilia V W the Wingham General high esteem in which the' . xL. Smith ......... . I ........ ­ 1 164 The Late John 1, . "ins ,(A. young . Mathers I LH if rt�qulre Hospital durini the piesefit. epidemic. couple J. Young, ............... I 11.1- ... "4 - . The court held that M61oche family :*I- - 11�1AN"tcD Prtoxot;nApa SUPPLY 00., were held. We wish them a pleasant M. Sanderson ...................... 448 . ­ � ...... I . 163 There passed away in a Hospital in had violated the company's rules in allow. ,, 43vvyjudbamSt.Vae1&oU,0nt, . Anyone wishing to .contribute, will kindly ge through life, , . � A. Irwin ...... � ............. ....... 427 xN. Taylor.. � ................ It— 159 Saskatoon, Sask., on Wednesday morning, I � PLBAWN0 AUUI10,N bAIX::mr, in-mett leave their 'name with Miss Mathews, voya . .. . ing his family to intrude on busy lines. I , w Amit-rof1ut 5, con I Turuberty (Birie. T Robert- X. Piton .................... ; ...... 157 " -I- 4. I � . � I .. I 11 . . ­ . I.. . � _ . ­ . : . .�, . I . I . � I I ­ ":­ . - . 11% , ..�, I ­ . . - . I . I . I ..... ­­­­..... . � iony.28M. beloved son of Amir, er : � I I I Vale roA) wid ould m Cleal-Ing A110�1011 tiSl � at the wingliam, General Hospital. , ,", M. Coutts, . " ..... I I I - ... 150 Mathers, Bluevale. Deceased bad taken . I - . - .. I .1 . . ....... �m. �. of farm stook and inittlemcnts on Wednesd%S, Phone, 114. k- Juniors In Semi Finaig I A. Ludwig. . . � . � ................... �,, 417' - - February Isth. tommenuing ao I *?clook. . 1 McGee .... . 416 XX Williams : .,:,:,::,:, ­­­* . 154 sick on Friday, was taken to the 14ospit- llllllllllI Every tbing to be isola Wit hoto re�ervo as tud � Rev, J. W. Hibbert. who is closing his The Clinton Junior Hockey Team met B. Brown ............... ... ­* ... XXE, Bennett,.".: .. . :" 114 �r r1% or 18 giving up forming. T. Rj B.%,,;- - - � ­­ ........ . . I .....S.., 133 . s -o- * =2 N L�', P . I ..: ......... ...''.. XK. Reid ......... t".........'.. :. 126 forappendicitis anddied earl ties- "_ )p 409 at on Tuesday morning was operated on 'r �E 111 LIU LUC allo 100ear. third year as pastor of Grace Methodist defeat at the hands of the local juniors in W. McKibbon": 305 y. Wed = I n moathq. Durham, . 122 day morning. It was a great shock to ,,- . ........ . 110 = , ainable 500. I ... - 4 GA� F Folt 13ALL-To ___­__ church, Essex, has been - invited by, the the Wlngh�m rink on Wednesday night XxR. Rae� ....................... I . regaAeredt Itime, good. zp $,to. . quarterly board to remain a fourth year. byascoreof9tol. Thegamewas fast. Junior Section. Marks obt . r . 200 to his er than the $core would indicate. The ..... ... 465 a- 41� � A. Mitchell.. . ............. . JR, 11, . expected. He bad been travelling for a 6�_ m -s - in V JOVAN C. - Pry. ................... ;11 the city and all his friends as it was un ' Belioqra�' The board voted an additional $ ., - Barga"* * * of go 4 Boll be. Sal this Total 228, el = pltW Fult -ALIC-lo9 more ary.. and many complimentary things Wingham juniors are now winners of ....... 11-1. 408 - & - Ing west, limit a lotn. con. S. On rsho� ii were said regarding the minister's work district and they will, Meet the Se r th F. Arigus ............ numbex of years for Richardson � e a or 406 .... #_ � C. Hingston .................. ::, * , , 401 No,,- tbo premise4 are goo. b.nk bat n, frat X SturdY .......................... 162 Son's grain ,merchants of Winnipeg, up ' � ""' there.tLondon Free Press, boys in the first round of the semi-finals, M. Moffatt__ ............. 1',- C. Blatchford .......... .......... 151 till he had taken sick. elt- I I "i'D a d other out-butidin . For 1Uit1h1�1-111n1!i1r11&hhLrs appl W_ I un the mwi-eg to. . - I 1� . ' � -.'880 ~ 9 � I I ALTAR ULS11ALL, I 1, � ...,."w_ The Late Jobn Terriff N. Beattie - N. Drummond .................... 140 Her leaves to mourn his loss a loving := i ­_ ___.1. - ­_ ­ - I I ... 1- ... - ............. 871 J. Angus ............................ 118 wife and five daughters, an aged father, = ' .." i FORS,'Mr.-Ch'ap. 2 ve,rations, I counter. A former esteemed resident of Winghgm G. Rintoul ........................ 368 Men s Boots a � Wit.ildr&Wer, tshalVOS, One 3j,*r cooler, 000 Only The Old Le drippe � � -10 !, ice cr-a-st conw, gum abs,ard, juv cream, Passed away on Friday last in Howick . J. Brooks .......................... . 3s2 XH, Browne ........... .... ..... t. 110 three -brothers and five sisters. His re- 091.2_� r = di�li�9,1�)ttW,,i;blc,,ol,iwuuter. T6oe sold e,t ,�Wik.ham and vicinity are witnessing a xxH. Barrett .............. ­...... 103 rdains were laid to rest on Friday after- ' I = Once. AVIPIV Lo. , in the,person of John Terriff. Deceased G. Lediett .... I?-.."...". .. SIB = . , great amountuf sickness -at present, The bad bieeh aty invalid for the past few years, M. Cowell .................... M. Hartnell .................. ...... 100 n000 in Saskatoon cemetery, many 0- I I -10 _­­­ Tun ADVANCS. m � :..:: 304 = # = . I ­­­ ­­ *60 of the local medical men diag. , D. Wagner ........................ 95 beautiful wreaths were sent, one from the 0 We have 18 pairs of Men's Fine Boots, In � FOR SALF-Solid brick bultding known as nose the, epidemic as the old fashioned Hewagat6ne irne an employee of the W. Taylor ..................... Soo *O%A .1 "ThO W I& 0 Cafe"- 113rd alld Soft Water, � Union Factory at Witigham, And was a P. Stokes ...................... : ., ,* : 208 xA. Coutts ....... e employ- ~ a P eleetxio alght; becund floor hix room nwening, la grippe, although there ate a few .cases :::�-' - Lace and Button which We will clear at = Allis. 4 RICHMONX), member of the A. F. & A.'M. Interment V. Naylor ..... ....... ...... I ..... 984 SR. 1. ed and hisdaughter, Clara as sterrograph- - I _�" bt. Jacob:s Out. of genuine influenza and some ow_ ­, ___­ . I— of Pile"' took place in Drayton cemetery on Sat- C. Tennant ........................ 271, Sr. Class. ' Those who miseed one week . er and one from the Collegiate his daugh- 9,,."O_� FOJt SALP, 1401810-11 cow and monia. Posilbly never before were to sy. I J. Lavis ............... � 252 or more marked x. Total 587. ter, Georginia was attending and Otis . , big cut price. du"t* MO middle Of Apill.lr"'m urd ............. = . I . � ternl�, Apply Lo Re.....".N." many Sick in bed at one 'timeo as is the w = Tus ADv.&Ncg, case now, and the worst cases Appear to Ban ON Public, meetings In. ill "_ I I - — _ ­ -___11 ... be in the country and x1eighboring v!l- -�Dr. Stewart, M, H. O., has ordered 'Glass A. Total 620. E. McKay ...... ... � ............. 821 Eva attended.and many other wreaths, E � I I OST -A gold wrist, watch o C. Coutts .................... __ 510 He had been a faithful member of the .,_ . ,� e1n"4,,,y -a .,t � i L -k Air. Puter bes.fs ,,, A"A t ., P � uetwee. lages� The regular price of these Boots range 110tipital. 101 dLr kindly le,*Vo .t �! schools colleges, churches, Picture house, E' Tamlyn ........................ . $86 M. Redmond ........... � .......... 606 Methodist church for,a number of years = ' and rectnVW roWard. sl,�,J,g 'taro �.L public library, opera house closed and all Y- McPherson .................... 581 G,Snell,,,.. , ,ady todle, he Ei from $6,00 to $7,50. a ___ � , The Atibatilan Pand . ............... i., #, go$ his words were fie was re ­t,T-A parew, containing a piac6 at unc meetings cancelled Until further notice M. Isard .......................... $74 W. Miller .......................... 400r he had lived a clean life and told Iiis, wifa = 0 , Waro b0inowner butween. Xiok'g Store and ns have been This step was taken, In ordef to guard G. Robertson,_.. I � I 0� A L lar. The following contributio sade price. $4,98 21 John Fowlt'V�q, .131t16%,816 'HOAA1. An4er Wit( CeCeivod W assist the assist the sufftring against the ............... 671 X. Rittoul .............. . _ .. 408 and family to meet him in Heaven, this is — - . 11 IlleMe Itave.'aluo 4tt. spreading of - influenza or A. Swanson ........................ 565 C. Nan$ ........... ....... ­ = . ...... 4,gl another reminder tbat death is oil our = . ' TAX ADVAvot. Armenians and, will be forwarded to grippe which it Pr6VAlenta in this vicinity G. Fry ............................ $48 T. Hendierion-, . ...... O.- a I . I—— ra- . ....: ...... 484 track. � EE Rvery pair first quality and could not be I 1013i, Toronto on Saturday along with any other at present. He further requests patents to M. Sell ............... ; ............ B44 M. Howw ....... 482 Rome at last, . a - = purcha,sed to -day for double the price. _!d_9 1 E,71111'-', ,,,,,,,.,,��,,u,rr,,,,,,,,�,,,,�u,o,,-,,.,�-,,,, =VW01"I't donations, which way be banded in At keely their children at home for a time, : C. Worth ........... � .............. 525 J. F,li*Cott .... ". .:.:­, ­­ 478 Homeat IaF,ton Iloavenly mountains. yt� I ,,,,,-, y I , ,,, i 'r. abt­ ! TRY ADVANes. Tits At)vAxan office between now and ,� B. Robinson ....................... 801 A. Gantweg ........... ::::::::,:: 478 Heard the coming Winter in, Nw- I LCL;S�l -A len - ­ I.. 11 � theb-. Met Id C1111toff M"" dk� U01larbid vtoniv*here on Adatu - , 600 M, Zurbrigg . * - ft� len,&M I I " W91-ulit, on fttuida,y afternoon, The Executive Ckimmittee of West ... I ...... I ... . .... 467 Saved by life's fair flowing fountains. 40 - or hilluly le,tvo fit John PalcOnOr, Tteswatft ........... $2.00 � E. Boardman. � ........ " , '. , , , I '. , , " 479 D. Miller...... ........ ......... L= Samples in Men's Window— . k, ; ll usc Ar)YANvx, Alex Bryan,' Ugrave . ........... �, 5.00 Huron TeacheW Asyxiation met in, the 40 Saved from earthly taint and sin, � — - ,- Model School, Clinton, on Saturday, for 'M' SiMPIOU ....................... 472 R. Copeland ......... .......... .' ' 460 Free at last. from all temptation, &_ � --.1.1-- I �11` CAVAM03t W.,%NTM)_- oltoation-4 for W. McPherwn,, Wingligm ........... S.W 8 Blatehford . ..................... 471 G. Burke .... ..... I I � 9 thm 10tt-il.too of wavaltypil.r tho town of J. & Isstd, Wingliam ................ 2.00 the purpose of prepsaing: the protram for ... ....... 462 No more need of watchful care. See thern--Pick out your size. I wil,go-sol Will'innP, "AVA'd 0,Y Wit undersigned H. R. Isardt & the next teachers convention to be held in H. Groves ......................... 457 E, Roo ............................ E 1, Co .....I. I I ...... 20.00 ... . "7 joyful incomplete Salviation ctp It., ag -tiourti*>. For). 14, ParilelliaN Ag to I I M. Mitchell ....................... 438 M. Currie .................. 446 Given the Victor's Crown to wear. I I ulid " Kfid 04144, tKII be ObMined from the "trich, Oct. 14h. and 15th. 10W. , . �� I OMPIKII&I. ElftkIli, Bible 'MAO dl tha,Wlngbarn The fiAlown W. Tiffin ..................... i .... 433 M. CAmpbell ................ ­­ 2 Welcomed at the pfarly Portal. J. F. Owtv". Town Clark Motbodtit Chmh ................ I6.W 4MOMbOM Of the committee 1). Scott ................. � ... F ( J. 9 Linklaw - ...... ........... 1.6o 416 j. Lepad ......... 442 Welcomed by the Angel band, . � - �11, . --rd'se 16" Murray of Ex- M, Cloakey ........... � ...... ..... 371 TZA �hhlt 'A AN 1 %I),- ror & M No. 8, wart "ant' :­ ... ........... ­­ � 1 4 arnimonr -tiff, o1w &%ftd qq#dfi*k%. Tg1Mb&1ry Literay ............. 1. 15100 st6r, Pretident; Mr. X Dghtne, Vice. 440 Welonmed to the Life Immortal - I long. folio wast. PAPIPr. , Prwdent;zwich; W, H. Jobnoton, 3e,. C. b4cKibbon .............. � ....... 20 M, 428 In the Blemed Kingdom Land W ­. I ­�" �. '. � %('1%AAY WILA0114, ftq.TrftA.., &&L Q, Jobb. .................. .. .6-00 W. Johritton ...................... Us it W ,,v 6 I Greer - .V, * i gh,&m. Out. --� G�ft ronum ...................... 10.00 crdary-Tra"Wer. KIPP=; Mr. ROY 420 "Home, mved home" our home forever. , I I .), 9 I. X Sharm .::::: 360 Weary Pilgtimsgea Past, V� L . ., 1L0t1lJ"11rt8A1.N A qUoati6y of ArY hiud. ftb*td Oft*n ........ . ........ 6.00 St riabouee. Myth, ID- HAMY ................ � ...... � . 2H C. DmbW*e ............. . * THE HOME FOR G001) GOdarich i0d fk. RM , . edram,d, 4% C40 B. Total Mo. ... 11 �, AXI At*4 A ppir W. wmty tawtirr a hL wow ............. ##..­..W.W �, Z. W, R PW xM. Perz*m .... .� .... ........... nz Welcomed hm* to Wander ntver, - SHOES. �� 4 .. I . pwdevh Zwosm (;. Dobit ..................... � .... 479 (CouUnvid n"t w0k) 1. I Skvvd thronh Item,, Home at Last.19 1; " WIWI 4111WWW""'W1 -4. 1 . ... . & %V_-.� �) - ., . 0�. � .. � I � . 11 I . - . . . I ... I I 1. . 1 4 1 . ,,, . I . I I . . � .� A_ 1. I I . � ,-&,� � . I �. I . - .� I I , � � I ... �11, .11 " I , A I " . ­. 11 , 1, , , -1. 1. - . 11 . I ­ 11 ,,,, *4 �, 4 � 4 I �" � 1. 11 --' 1 IV4 1 - d. ,-0. 4" .1 .. - ­, �t, * .. I � ... � , , . . , - ,,, 1. . 1-1 - I I . ., I I . . � , � . "' � I . , , t �, , . , ; *� A., , � , 4�,� � I I . . . -1 . . � I I k - _ � ,� . .1 1. .1 I � , I � I .i . I .. I I .�, _ 11 I � �v A ,4 . � I "I � I I ., . , � oAh&&�-,,, .,,�� � . - ­_-�� 'A , "I , . 1#1 , " , � 11 .., , ` , , I I I ., VI$14. , . I , ,,� I "., I � ii) �, , ,,,,, , Q,- I I 1, .,. I I I ,*. . I .,�, .1- I . I I , I .1 I'll, I I I ", I , , 'il�i`�,.rlllk' 11 l��,�,- , ­ 11 .1 , � " L , ot � - 'k' - , , lk�i� .. �.� ,".;`� V �: 1� "I I " -%Ak&�" . -� t� I L 1"� 11��. li ,�, �,-A&,i��-_,,�W, � ... . 'e'.. &g6l6iV �,,�L Lh _ _ * J 11 AM