HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-05, Page 8I .1 T V , - "14 1 77,7v-, X log, in te- r lain ale 41 -f the Sansom aest'Slling EventoBig Money Saving Values ly waiting for the Ail'arly buyers who have attended previous sales� have been anxious r &i -j', qsta Never before have we offered such Money Saving Values Y� R b�bie oe an 0 r B -g Sh d For Eight Days Only r -LB 7 t ull, 0, ALURDAY CLOSING S I. n, Paul VauNess'old stand, the Purity Restaurant, just gone door north of Field's butcher shop. THEY ARE NOT NEW -BUT CHEAP announ em nt v all lines of merchandise. This its an opportunity WL 1_ Ivance on This is 9 XIA tnpite of the steady ac General Clean Up Sale of ' y ah comes but once a year« Odds andEndst broken and obselete liner th d I d FEB St r Eli IBM X 7 21 ,'O, 1011UNI !2!t wo tie WILLIS..:t Wit SOLE AGE, NT FOR LADIES' Crepe De Chene and Geor- r) A' 54K Buying Save!.Money tette Blouses, Taffeta and, Mq 1, 4 AND DERBY SHOES FOR UEN- Men's and Boys' iers�,y S i lk Underskirts, Separate Skirts of Serge L S and ults It. I and Gaberdine, Silk Charn. WINWIAM MAKKVS _181t .4* We. are glad to report that Miss Mary .75 �r, Stokes is recovering from her recent I C5:��Ir $55 to $6$ Suits, reduced to ...... $43 r,Q . V, �i ",-- tte and Kid Gloves, tar s.- ''I ts, reduced to ....... 33.50. Bullding�8ffl For Sale illness. (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Al $40 to $0 Sui 80 - I reduced to .... 29-50 Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 195 to 280 INA, Hosiery, Corsets and Un If ol $35 to, $40 suits, re Word has been received of the dea all L ...... 1 2 so ­_ - i K t rt Wheat No, 2 r 06 to $2$ to $30 Suits, reduced to ... 19,50 Composed of the following material Annie Johnston, relect of the late Ma $a to 7 15 yt4 ilk %rderwear. 12 Pa, 10 x 10 x 22 ft. Haskins in Hamilton, of pnuernonia, ; k1lout ... 35 to 88 Winter Coate in all wool, Chev- a. 10 x 10 x 26 ft, to , i Laid. ..... .......... 65 Men's Wint $12.50 to ;16,001 Separate SkIlItt Bps. Committees have been appointed i Butter.....; ....... 55 to iota,• Chinchillas and Tweeds, all. sizes reduced to $9.95 5 ps, 11 x 12 X 26 ft. take charge of the work of enlargening, Eggs ............. • 60 to 70 10 10 Pa. 8 x lu X W ft, 1W - : th 6.11 and it is ex e-tted 900 tn' 10 00 1-t i I - I ... I - Au/0 0 9.00 to 12 00 rancy Walsts telae 2 PS. 0 x 9 x 50 ft- anL4 mprov ng . e r . . , Cattle, med., i Prices $25 to $55 all ..... $7,49, commenced 1p the Spring, 12 00 ed to........... ...... pat 8, X 10 X 10 ft. work will be com. e Cattle, butchers Choice. 11 00 to Bo s' Suits, Tweeds and Navy 9,co to 12.00 S1.1h Underskirts, re- 3 Pa. 8 X 8X 12 ft. Mr. Jo%. Murray. intends dWvIng to 1 Hogs, liveweight 18 26 to is 30 $695 1 ]Pa, 6 X 8 X 12 ft. �70 0 duced to.,... Ba Ips 8X8X1U1t- Teeswater. 19 00 to, Sergos. - pl Hay ... ...... �Ioves reduced • $18 to values ......... $16.50 1.25 Charnolsette 15 PS. 2 X 10 X 13 ft- Mr. Thomag Inglis- has returned from. Cream . ........... 95c 28 Pa. 2 X 5 X IS ft. visiting his daughter at Sunderland and values for...: 12.75 to ... ? ........ I ......... t Qi $14 to $17.50 tvm I's, 5oo pairn Ladies Silk Hose, best 45 Pa. 2 X5 X 14 ft- Stieets4ille, makes, Holeproof, Penman's 220s. 2 x (5 x 14 ft. East VIV awanosb �ib130ysl.\Vinter overcoats, etc, reduced to ........ "1 41 rafters Io ft. long. s. Darling has sold his. farm pir oats, Sizes 6 to 16 Mr. Jo 27 Pa. 8 X 4 X 10 ft. the $ years, all reduced 20 to 25 Per cent' p,,sa All Wool Cashmere Hose re- 10 Pa, 2 x 5 x12 ft. ae to Mr. John Hoelzle. Miss Ella James is visiting in Wing..A 0 wopth of F"Ps duced to ................... $,69 300 Remnants at 40 Pa, 2JX 8 x12 ft. TENDERS WANTED ham. $10100 6 Pa 2 X 8 x 12 ft. .3 - P 2,50 riinnelettfi Night Gowns.. Mrs. George Bropbey of St Augustine - and WinteP COats at 4ps.2Jx8x8 ft, Tenders will be received by the-underaigued liss returne;d ho 500 Men9sHats 10 doz'PrInt. House Aprons, reg half price -and less X 6 Pa. 2 X 10 X 10 ft. Up till noon, March 22ad,. 1920. for the con meAfter spending several structian of the momoti�el brain. Plaus and Money Saving Values 89C 5 Pa. 2 x 6 x 12 ft Mcllfleh- weeks with her son, in U. 8, A. 1,25 for.......... Dress pe Itleadons can be skiwi at Robt. D 14 years 3 00 Remnants frc 1 12 flatted sleepers 26. ft. apl. Lot 14, Ooio� 0. or at the Clerk's office, Lot adian Middles 6 to from I to 5 yards of 1 1 6 Ladies' Hudson Seal coats, Can, INlisses N $2,49 Ings. ftit- 0. 000 ft. of inch. Square tim- 13. Con. 7. �111711b(lrl`F marked ch clue for This vicinity was sbocklzd to bear, of; value for .................. Goods, Silks, Velvets, Coatings, 17 )t Contraoi PA rice must accompany A;Iand ill cent d, of Car - Muskrat Coats, Marmot Coats 1011.1 the death of Mr Jerry Desmon I Inge, Cottons, Towellings, Gingliams, der rock elm- lot olisses Colored Middles 14 to 20 trader. The lowest or any wader China I)og years 3,50 value ftir.'. t. $2.05 Galateas and etc. Also a car Of Shingles for Sale. necesdarily accepted. I � gill, he has lived mere for many years, isHatil. Winter Men's Alaska Beaver Coats, P. Po*wELr. pilt, Velour and.Christic a . 1�11111111111­ Coate.' Fur C t:O,,;-Iup- for 9A, 'i , (Come early and get re Tp. of Turul)erry 7t _1,1 ;R 20 ollaredpoats, Nlisses White Middies,15 to 14year fi 3t choice) -Apply to Olork of the He was 85'years old. pue MART to $0 per cant. Caps,. Fur Mitts and RobeIr THOS- ST qlelitollgo 0 HEX Ontario X MIN 7-0 Bluevale, XV -241 Xm Dress Goods and Silks 14 X, 0 Mels s Waterproof Raincoats Iwo CO. HANNA & Reduced Be more. raincoats, best,British makes, X X Fancy, tweed and Paramatta A 56 inch All Wool English Serge, 6.50,value for ........ $3.95 Curie and Miss. X .50 Mrs, and Mrs. Wroo 7.50all wool.coats, reduced to 95C fir'36 in $25 to �2 ...... _$21 ch Union Plaids, 1,50 value for.... ......... - jean. who ,ave been on the list have X %s to $22 all IV601 coats, reduced to .......... is so- reduced to. ............. $2.79 $3,50 Black Mcssaline Silk red recovered. X ............. ­ $1,15 $15 to $18 Wool and Cotton Mixtures, reduced to .... 1.50 Natural Pongce.SlIko reduced to PAO .1.1 ........ 2.50 Silk Poplins reduced to.. ...... Murray Mulvey is confined to the 1�ouse X KIA 2.00 Extra Heavy Habitaif reduced to .............. Men's and Boys' Odd Pants 51.65 Spec KING'S ial Values In Linoleums 1 X and ripickers Reduced 1111 4 Beat Quality Linoleum 4 yds wide reg 6,50 reduced to $5-50 to $14 Men's Worsted Pants, reduced to .......... $9,75 Remnant 50 ends of Wilton and Axtn' later Carpets ........ 6,39 ........... J price 4 $7 50 toslo NILit's Worsted Pants, reduced to y Dpn1i tosZ yards long at............... �nGrocer 11 4 r ........ 1.89 Also ends of Linoleum. oil Cloth end CongoleUrs from 5q pairb boys bloomePs $2.50 and $a values far -Idea to 5 yards at clearing pt Pu e Foods at Money Saving Prices Greatly X Men a Furnishings House Furnishings Surprise, 3 for 25c Buy your soaps, Comfort, Gold, Sunlight, Reduced 1000 Packages Shredded Wheat.. ....... 100 logo Packages; Now -500 (Curtain Scrims, Kellogg's Corn,'Plakes ....... 0 l70 liltse all W061 each- 1500 Cans Pass, Corn, Tpmatoes, (Aylmer) 170 sacks for.... $Lls 1000 Cans Corn Syrup,, 5 1b pail ................ 48c Nets and Voiles. 111)�- more 10 lb pail ................ 950 $1.2S all woolworated 20 dozen Extra Heavy Brooms, regular $1.25 for 95C The Spring Prices Will be 20 to 30% higher flocks for ........ .89 Black Tea, Regular 70c lb 5 lbs for.... $3.15 Cream and Ecru, 500 lbs .... 290 t +s,L9'�i/' 2 $2 50 and $3 Cape and 10 Gross Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes for ...... in White, C .......... 39t, Avloolia. Gloves. 1,95 500 lbs Cooking Figs, 2 lbs for ... ion per bottle ............ C'Mr, Beat Flavoring B with plain and fancy 7 $1 and $1.25 Neck 25c 5 Cases Toilet Paper, 6 rolls for ............ Ties .... ...... -89 5 Cases Corn Starch, 3 packages for, ...... ers. Reg. 85C to $1-00 re - $2.50 and $3140,9090 '9 Royal yeast Calces, per package ....... ........ 50 1 450 duced to 69c. More ex - Shirts ...... 10 Cases Best 'ted Salmon, per can ........... t $2.50 and 40-00 Work P.4 IN pensive Chintz, Madras shifts 4.0 .1 and Tapestry all 2094' dis- B Count. Men's and Boys"underwear, F P: a I Free F P01 Sweater Coats Reduced b Big Saving on Staple Dry 100 tbe Sack Redpat Geanu Save 20 to 30 per cant On All winter lines, Goods. $11.50 to $14 all wool sweater coats ......... ui Froo So p1does Beat Quality Print$ regular Ste for.......... 29C $6.50 to p So nll.,,vool sweater coats ., 'L ........ 6.50 lated Sugar Absol 1000 Yards English Flannelette regular 50d for..., & " 39JO NO Boys, 1;wegter Coats, to clear ...... 2 as 20 plocc&Beat English Gaititeas regular $06 for ........ 300 --GIVEN AWAY—— S pieces Table DamasU, regular 1.25 for .............. I With every $2.00 Purchase we , will issue a Coupon a pieces 8uglish'Circular Pillow Cottons regular 700 for $30, Men c,, Socks SaturaRyl Feb. '20 cases Cotton Batt, Large size,, regular 40c, 9 for .... $1.00 with a number. On the last flay Of tbt Sale, 2DO Bath Towels. regular 85 c- to 1,00 for .............. 600 20 dozel� ­*ws 81,wk Union Socks of Wtool and Cotton 21st at 8.30 P.M., the lucky coupon will be d'raw'n, and the 100 pairs full size Flannelette Blankets ........ mixture, Regr-lar 356 to 60c redimed 4 Vale f0V person holding the number to correspond With the lucky one I Case Towelling Remnants for 14and or Teti Towelling, Will receive a 100 1b. Sack 6f RedPath Sugar absolute- length* 2 to 5 yards, greatly reduced, V ow, ►ination ly Free. IS Doz. Mena C *b House Dresses Reduced Misses' And Womens Print and Gingham Dresses. made Underwear This is at OPPottun;ty fitting die sae, all $1204, reduced In good styles and Perfect A ;,Aor. medium w4igbt w00% Alldcotton, mixed 1r.IS*'i4raI1r. (Oteveryolle. 20 per cent, pli suer! 51,�-titkl tt,, clear at $2.00 a suit. so W's h Ont. in M A this week through illness. 1114 1 t ­v A a I Miss Mabel Baker, has returned borne T�g W A t 211% after spending some time w1117 friends at X Harriston. NA h re 4%s t o r ke Miss Mary Alticen, will leavetor T;iooto soon, where she will train for a nurse at Cottage Hospital. .Mr. John Gowdy, our general store the Stock keeperp has sold his stock of goods to Mr, yll� Wm. Herd, Holyrood. 140 gets Possess- ion the first of March. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs, Gowdy from our midst. thought of the advantages in Mr. James Darling, B, Line, Carrick, Have you ever has disposed of his farm for the sum Of 1%buying at a Store with a large stock-tbey are $10,000 to Joe Hellesley. N.,4 Mr. Thomas Inglis has sold his house many. Our sale just closed has brought this fact and lot to Mr. Peter Hackney. more to the front than ever. The Store with the The Annual meeting of the W. F, S. met at the home of Mrs. Jefferhy, Friday after- Stock always has: - noon, with a goodly attendance, when the following officers were elected for the 1. A complete line and assortment, coming year, Mrs. Rev. Sinclair, Presi- dent; Mrs. James Ballagh, Vice President Miss Nellie Harkness, Secretary. 2. prices less due to better buying facilities. The Annual congregational meeting of Balmore Presbyterian Cburt;h was bold on 3. Bigger business with better service, Monday Jan. 27th, when all tl-.o reports showed the different branches in 900d standing, Messrs. Richard JetTray and elected to the were d J. B. Dickson board of managers in P1ace. Of Messrs GEN George McKee and Peter 14ackneY re- tiring. Mr. W. 'Mundell was elected Con, BRAND gragational Treasurer in place of Mr, Geo• McKee who i5 moving .to Gorrie. Miss TAILORED BY Nellie Harkness was elected treasurer for Fthe Porward Movement Drive, Carl - 9• vaster$ were appointed to took After the TORONTO filter fill business Affair's several districts, were transacted a danity lunch WAS Served by the ladies of thd C60gregat'01" rflonnf Goderiell, is vibiting NOTE Miss Mcpbe Mrs. Wm. Darling, Until cleared all winter goods at greatly Mrs. log. Hall spent a few days of the pAst week with Wingbalil and Teeswaier reduced prices. -Ladies ready to Nvear friends. N, W, H. Lowry received` the Aad news clothing and underwear. 'of the death in Calgary Ofleis '"nole' Met OF Mr. Hodgson Was We ► Ralph Hodgson, several years ahighly IVIPOPWA resident of Winglism and moved to Calgary R ft'w years ago. He leaves a wife, daughter h And three 8=4 to mourn his loss The Womed'4 111stltule will hold their a& 00 monthly meeting at theb(Ime of Mrs. Geo. Doubjedee on Saturday, Feb. 7thatrangLl- oient% will be made to give a play some. I Die Store W*th theamock. time In the **At future, 14r. *rA Mrs, Otto Johann have bec6VA Ike rrsaj PAMets Ottl ilAot 4*0tw. XX MOM MR f