HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-05, Page 6I
: ***+,4*+++*4*.+�+-*+*",V* I .11 ... I ---
I— Orange thing h4p*nok ho wAs with
. -T-he "Quality" Chara'cter of. me only A very Short t4me, And do.
M L fn ,_ ,
I ' ' �
. .
10 wer . ,4�
-111 A .10 0 Med, Whither I I
I mow not",
. , this brand has an YUO's face grow hot apla,.but
I � . Ur. Granger went on unsuppeetingly.
i of London I International Reputation, for lao WAS 19404ut of Jaelt's pros-
9 4 .0 0 t t 0 ++.++**+++",+4-+-++++
. ,
I The Tower,of London, suggeste,a r,t3
. 4 PlAce where William 110henzol,ern I
Might N held pending his trial, Is
: described In the following bulletin �
I I �
� frQ= the U. S. National Greographic
. society.* - -
. "Palace, And prison, onee Acted al..'o I �
� Tor Ito ruenagerle. and Its pageantry, I -
I � I birtbplged And death house of moo
�' I Archs, scene. of halrbreath. escae; I
wwv 441, yvOlWycompe, 44% '140 As *1
)CI . a I
know, had carefully Avoided Ylsltla�
Uramley or Ito vicinity,
"After lie had gone, I was called on
: of the room to see -a gentleman on
business. We, returned to the office
And discussed .
. the matter he bad come
about, And when be had gone I =ISO -
e4 this Important document. Of.courso
I huntok , for It everywhere; and I
came to the conelusion-4ho welcoing
Coneluslon-ttAt. Sir Wilfred had su4,
0060 donly changed his mind Anti elfbat
'4W7 I
i.� , ,7' 7' - - 1�' : V 7 " F F771P
� �. . I
(� ,
J V , �RT _ 11 -W '11 I
I 2, � ... ,
� I .. 4 '1�. 0 ,V
� ! - �,
�. .
, ,
� I I - . I � I—- 1. �- -
__ I � , . I . - — � - I Im
N,A�, IF YOU *HAVE A FRIEND Obarrita oratilrothe cage wore me.del ISSUE MA, 4 1 P20 . �
� _ . Y llandw guarded by, Aseptic rubber I
. IN ILL HEALTH cloth. Into xuch sterilized cage throe I UAM0, Iroa 15A114 .
� I Pass this general temals tonlo along, they will be 1161141! 0,990 were P1404 after having ,�,,,,,,,,,,,,. � - - - I I - �,
�� grateful. been externally aterilizod. The Rage I P:& A(,,Rr � I
I 11 A general +-1. # _ . I IV- #1+f A a I � 's ON Iowa ROAD, VACT
� � I Oil — . I 15 Qff no WOM0,1114014" q . a !Jama Pavilion or Qf Orunsby, 10 rooin fr4m* house, I .1
. . . . . . . . . . .. . Ila bearing, QhAnxe oflife, etc. I chicken run, where the chickens ,could terraced lawn and tentils pourt, frums
M . OT .1 I-OwtI.M10 sold at all Druggists or sent direct in plain Wrap- develop during their six weekw .go. out-bulidl a In good repair, 13 a0oa
.. .. Peronrecteptotprloo,,Jt.00,perbox. III amsortlelf fruits, balalloo of th* W�J, - ,
t _. __ - , --,.--- _ - - � - JOUru In the CRIM TV the cage were excellent vegetable soll. Will t4lcs Voo;l I 4W
- _1 o____ —_ _____i,;;- ,sterilized air, Pure *Ater, sterilized Pity property a* part payment, J. D. ,�
p 17� .$And alld sterilized feed. I B1994", ROK(snt 931, 0 Clyde Block, Ham, -
Had P, Return Tio'ket. In addition to strong roNglouft prill-
When Mr. VaIrweight came to tow . A Wplesp The . The ex,viluents showed that lite 111011. '. , " 11 — .
finger containing Well does not,aepond 1,
Zlelied nails leads One to gather ,tile _,pon. valeroboo, W " ACHas ON HIGHWAY. MAST Or
. OnA Visit he discovered many'things im,pl-00810a , of deceit, whereas it that the vIt'.1 w0ilc of the organism Alberton, clay loam. rollinif franla
th4t buses could go without horses, lrn.f-.w" -p� 1. &1, + +1, Is a 18 easy and natural when everything buildings, I bank barn 46x5o Another
11 M e owner vt U%; Is sterilized. without foundation SOX36 hox Pon, chicken
that You could walk rora whole hour !nails Is sehf-a4crifleliag And consider- - go 0 9. 1 'house, $0 Acres Seeded, 10 acres wheat,
� without striking a field or an Re- ate - 11 acre,, plowed, s acres bardwO64 bush,
q-11aint4nee. and, finally, that you ' good fences, radial freight stop on the
couldn't hit a policeman simply J�t the muscular portion of the i P�omtoes. Immediate 4on. T. D�
cause lie compels you to move out of where It joins the hand one WELL SATISF 7319 ur, Regent 934, = U
be- itbuMb- ._ IED IWITH ,ltff PICOPY840011 , lock,Xam-
other people's way. 10AR 'decipher Imagination and rouian- I
As he was being taken to the Sta- ltllciRlla, In accordance witil the ABLETS 102ACRV,q, OXFORD COUNTY,
tiou, he Inquired what the policeman it"Bight Of this Particular part. People BABY'S OWN, T I � miles from Norwich, clay And 4A
Intended doing with him, -1,14 no enlarged joint At tills Spot loam, 00 acres, working balance Pasture
I I lare sorely dependent uponothers And i 114 bush, 9 room brick house, hot water
"Never mind. YoWlI find out so Mrs. A. Bernard, LA, Presentation,, 4he4tlng. 13asemont barn 4040. with Wd �
on icalanat thinli: or act ror them lv6s, Que., wrltea:-111 ba;,�o used Baby's, stabling, Water, bastne for cattle. ,III I
enough," said the Policeman, grlral)" This ,soinewha.t -corresponds so sell or exchans
"Seven days, probably." tO the Own Tablets for my bxby and Ce, for Igrcer farm, price
"80v= days! Ali, that's where I IsIde of the hand w1roro the ,small fln- well satisfie Ani $100 Per acre, has. Shaver. XorWl4h,
have'Ye, old $or is connected for when placing the . 4 with them. I have __ .1... . - -
blue -bottle!" chuckled recoxiiineuded them to several of my
� palm. downward upon the table tile di- !rr il.j
. lends who $13,000 R ACRES BZA.UINQ
have also used them # cherries, plums .
Mr. FaIrweight, triumphantly, produe- rect stialght line gives Way to ulatl*l- with rapes, currants and barrIes, v)ne)r4rd,0i.
� ing the return halt of his ticket, "I've beneficial results." The Tablets g
iness and curiosity, just oppoelte IIX . are a mild but ndition and best veir,' .
got to go baeu oil Monday, " * thorough laxative letles, frame dwelling And good' barn,
I "10. $140 I - - - I 'Weall-Ing to the curved development, whiell, regulate t4e stoin , ach and bow. convenient to station. and radial, 13 miles
Mlnwod[l 1. ment Cures Garm from Hamilton. Returns from this P 0.
,4 InI q in ,ldetermining neatness and discretion, 010 and thus !prove of -benefit In cases r
cows. , Prominent knuckles -ha.vo a .ten. PertY show profitable investment. 1, D.
, - - - � of lndlgest:on, constlPat'O", C0110, Biggar, (Regent 034) 0 Clyde Block,
- - � I lIslicy toward rood fortune land Colds, etc. They are sold 'by medi- Hamilton, Ont. �
wealth, the well covered bomes claim- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents 4 -- I i
Oare,Eyed Mon. Ing the Attl4lbutes of a struggling ex- 'box from Tile Dr. Williams' Medicine 180 AMES STRONG $AWD LOAX, 20 .
What actual disability is involved daience, and a profound self-respect. Co., Brockville, Ont. I acres hardwood, limber, mostly I
large body trees, 16 acres pasturo Is � ,nd,
In tile loss of art eye Accident in- Loatly, we define the hollowhaud 1000 9 roqm rough cast house, bank barn,
surance companies usually estimate or palm, the four point.a. of ,Which cement floor, hog pon, other olltbuild- I
It at 50 per cent., but Sir Arthur connecting -all fingers (exclusive Of Hair Cut Physiognomically. Ings.. silo rack Ilf0r, apple orchard, I
Pearson told the British Committee the thumb) are -prominently raised so mile from churches lmd school, on gr4,Vel I
road adjoining'stone road, north an
, 15 miles from w
on the Administration of Soldiers, and as to make ,distinct bumps upon the "Hair out physloganoraleally"As the fr Waterdown, I qgaan:� 'e4.,_
Sailors' Pensions that this Is abse- surf -ace. This sort unmilstak-ably b Impressive Sign on the wl I I tonn" J. Biggar, 205 Ciyda Blo.cic
lutely Absurd, r e- 034)D,
-and suggested 25 per longs to the person whose head gov' "tonsorlal. artist" in the AdOw Of A (Regent Hamilton, Ont.
Pont, 'as a more reasonable estimate. erns hisheart and who seldom exper1i. -- 11 -- -- If 4- �1
It depends largely upon the time of ences. regret. .section of Now York, �101000 CHOICE PEA,011 '.rAR�,#
� neat, Vineland station, 2 .
lite at which the eye is lost. BY Through a study of. the hand, char- "What's the Sign mean?" asked a storey frarne house, 8 rooms, bath and_
binocular vislan. says the Lancet, we actf;r may be easily read, 'custowervilao drifted Into the silo toilet, hardwood floors, large verandah.
fuse two slightly dissimilar Images of . P a$ cement cellar, good barn and stable, with
an object, which ______411� a barber started to wait on h cement floors, all now,. abundance of
are focussed upon Minard's Llnimont Curee, Colds, etc. im. ' good water hard and soft, In addition to ,
ythe two retlaas, and this enables I us ----------- 0-0.0— "I don't know," ' was the reply.' tile peaches there are aprIcots, cherries,
to estimate correctly the relative po- .
oltions or distance of objects. This WORTH KNOWING, "Some new tangled idea f good assortment of small fruits well �
,�- I located. A money-maker and will, take .
power, however, Is not confined to boss'," ` city Property in exchange, J. D. 'Biggar
, One of ].is best ways of cleaning (Ile eat 034) 205 Clyde Block, Hamilton,
those of us who possess WherL appealed to the proprietor of 031�! I
eyes. The man who has been blind walls -that is, the removing dust from the place swelled with pride, and In _�
In one eye from Infancy possesses it them -is to take a large wad of cot- 'his welglitiest tones explained his M1804LL"ZIOUS -
in almost equal perfection with the ton batting and place it In a loosely - , .
possessor of two eyes. For many woven Piece of soft cheesecloth and brain child In this manner: WD'AlIT 33Y DONIINION EXPRESS
other factors unite to compensate for go over every part of the walls with ' "That means that whon you geQuto Afoney Order. If lost or stolen you
the absence of sto,eo,"vop(� vision. it, changing to.a clean piece of cheese- the chair we study your face And then get I . . .
A—Mmum.= .___QW_ . hair Ili suer a ANV FURS I 'i I
. __ - ____ I .. . 11 � I ____.__.___________ . -1 . -7 �*F� manner that the trimming will con R BY PARCEL POST.
I 1�1: g I What have u? lvhat price? Reld .
I - , 710, ,
I form to your general physiognomy, E!:��Botliwell nt,, _ ..
Inealling your face, Sometim-_ - _ — , - (
FARM1ZS'CLUB,S & WINVEIFERVEAT PEALERS is b. victina of his barber In regard to BVMWESS OHASPES .
. his appear4nee-you know there are 1� ^^-1.1--.1-W.� I -
We are buyers of Ontario gT�ins and 'sellers m rber business here FOR SALE-HARD-YVARE .bUSINESS_
"RM :
" � .
who ought to be shoemakers and can- from give to six thousand stock-,
T "' '�
* �d Is ' R3
I of Western F eeding Oats and Barley. turnover eighteen thousand, F or partioti. 11
! , not see any further than the hand lars, write W. H. nuniball. VlotorIEL Har- �
I- 4V 'that holds the expected tip. We bury bor, Ont. . =-11 ,
_ (0 I defects in -the face by the manner Of , I . .
. 1.1 O'C"o . S C 0 IT PAS" F, To"01 0 . I hair cutting and enhance th6-good FOR SAIE .
T6UPi4o ROYAL BANK -RUILPIAG To rao� ( points. Women don't overlook this I . I .
L Wz� 465 . I - . To A . .
E N MADE Fort RED .1
ADE:LA1'D'1V 4603 TOMONTO putting up their hair, and there Is no C2'OSS, groy and blaoic only, Will clear I
I . I reason -why men should." I
. , at dollar and quarter Per Pound; sample I
i " skoln thirty cents. Georgetown woollen -
____ - - - - — f - r.x a -M I - % M I � �_ THOUGHT IT WAS SUICIDE 1111, Georgetown, Ont. �*_
These are atmospheric and shadow ef- cloth when necessary. This is an Im- A prominent 'inerchant -was discov- P AIR PRACTICALLY BLA,Cic Xi,ox' , ...
fects, parallax and, abov-3 all, memory provernent over the old Plan Of VIP- ered a few days ago brandisfiin� es, also twenty other pairs. Reid ,� � , I
a Bros., Bothwell, Ont, I .,
of what the shape of objects really is, Ing the walls with tile batting Alone. razor At midnight, His wife called I - . i . I.,
According to khowledge which has because It is Impossible to leave tile for assistance, but found her hubby HELP WANTED . ..
been acquired in early years, largely tiniest atom of line when the batting was M; Paring his corns. Far lbet- I _____
by the sense,of touch, is Inclosed In the cheesecloth. " _____ % -,
On the other hand, if one Who DOS� % ter not to risk bloo ' d polsolling-use WANTE D-OAX CABINZ T WoiRIC. I
sesses this faculty is.suddenly de- Putnam's Corn Extractor, 25c, at all era on Oak cabinets. Reid Sjo�., I �
I found it Impossible, even with Bothwell, Ont. I I
prived of It lie will be considerably , two heavy silence cloths, to keep the ,dealers. -_ � ------ 41� ' '. - —_ . --.,. I
handicapped, - especially at first. A top of a handsomely Polished dining ' WoUdEN MILL
.woman inay find she can lVe haVe openings for female I
not POU3' table free from the marks caused by ANYTHING EXPLODE'S'? weavers and apprentices to learn weaving.
from a teapot into a cup without spill- hot dishes until I purchased heavy cial consideration shown af3prentioes.
ing the tea. A baramerman may take a�bestos paper and cutting this into WHAT HAPPENS WHEN Rpet
. I I caching this wcrk and good wages .
Soule time before he can hit the nail round or oval mats, according to the . while learning, This WbrIc Offers per- .
manent employment, and experienced op.
oil the head with his former accuracy; shapes of the - dishes, embroidered bstauces erators earn high wages. Other openings
indeed, whether or not,he can ever small linen bags to slip them into. By explosives ,Are meaut su for w1nders. Finishers, etc. Full partt- .1
attain It again is doubtful. . that can be made to give off A large culara will be given upon application. fl.
- .0-9-4— ' The use of nuts as everyday food is quantity of ga:; In all exceedingly NVrite us. The Slings,by Mfg; Company,
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria short time, and the shorter the time Ltd,, Brantford, Ont. .1 . .
. 3�� — Increasing. One of the newest ways of - � � .
baking apples is to care them and fill required for the Production of the __�;, I
THE HUMAN HAND the qentres with sugar and chopped gas the greater will be the violence of POULTRY WANTED. ��.
almonds. They are really My much the,exploslon. Man� substances that -11,*����
better than ordinary baked apples, and ordinarily have no explosive qualities N1, und, any size, V-0.13. your statipia.
And What Its Contour Reveals of possess a higher food value. . may be ma6i to act as explosives , T"Piothin 200 miles of Toronto. Ship
Charaoter. I under certain circumstaucc C. 0, D. in crates or boxes. Albert I
-as cc , .
I . If you have a pan or bottle ot for example, L, aused vei Lewis, 666 DUndas St. W. Toronto
. I The human hand, like . the eyes, has. soured milk, lot it stand until it is tive boiler explosions wJien a quan- WANTED. �
a Ivor orks, I .
a ,language of its own and can be thick. Put tarnished at f tity of It has been allowed to enter
g study, The lines e air -have L ADIES NVANT141). TO DO PLAIN � .
niadean interestin, spoons and small pieces into a shal- an empty boiler that had become red I
in the Palm deal solely with palWls- low pan and pour the -milk over them. hot. Particles of dust in th , if ht sewing at home; ivhole orspare
Let them remain' in the 'milk half an Occasioned explosions in saw tiiills,. t mo,' good pay; work sent any distance-
try, but there is still another method hour or longe-, then -�vash them and where the air alwd-YT contains large I , I ia�ges paid. end stainp for partioulai-W
af character reading itound In the jntl.d� I National Manufacturing COMDUAY. Alon.
rejoice in their briglitliess. quantities of dust. A flaine . treal. ; I
shape of the hand, and In this in- duced into air thaL is heavily laden __ . , - - ._ . __ -
stanca thought may be centred at CIrst Orange juice Is'011e of the best of with dust nlay qause n urn- the burning Is slower and continues .
upon the fingers. dressings for black shoes. Rub a slice Ing of the Particles near it, and,%from
Long 'fingers denoto perseveranoo lot. an orange over the leather and these the fire may be conveyed so Until the projectile has traveled to the
and ambition, while extremely short brush with a soft brush until it shines rapidly to the Others. that, the heat UlUzzle of the Run. In this way the
ones Indl,co-to the habits of laziness like a looking glass, . will cause the air to expand suddeni I projectile is fired from the gun with
and indifference. Those coming un- _:_Z_4_01�_ ly, and tills, together with the for- as much force as If tile explosion had I I
,der the head,of medium In length lay Minard's Liniment Cur,97t)i memper. mation of' gases. from the "burning, taken place at once, but t�ero is less
iclalin -to vawlty. The type thick at . ____-"_S._ will cause an explosion. . strain on the gun. .
the base of the hand and which tap- Life Wit'hout Mierobes, It must 'not be thought, however, . - - I I I �
era to .96 narrow point at the finger that fine sawdust or water Would or- Appropriate Boats. �
itip usually belongs to a selfish and Microbes are not Indispersable to o h sport. .. I
unforgiving individual, contrary, to all life 19. the- , indispensable to ."_ For gentle Deople: Tender, _�K_
the person possessing flat finger tips, -any. The question has been definitely I TEMPLI11TONIS For pen and Ink art-ats: Liner.
wherein a Stubborn nature aid strong settled, it.Is claimed by some author- For doge, Barque. I
(will Is eonstl'tuLw- Itles. ror fifteen years the standard For surgeons: Cutter. .
The .ra-rest liand of -finger Is that A cage comp7etoly sterilized at 96 specific for Rhouniatisin, Neuritij, For barbers: Clipper. ..
which U thin at the top joint, Spread- degrees Was inado and the openings of ! Sciatica, Lumbago, Neura)gla. F or klssso,3: Smack. .
Ing Ot toward the tip In P. compar- the cage closely stopped with cotton . Many doctors prezcrlb,c� them, Per Jokers- Jolly -boat,
atively thickened outline. Here we and protecte I from ille outside by a 4 write to Tomp!eton,% 1,19. King street For tramps., .Buin-boat. .
v1ro.,t, Toronto, for free sample. I
i,linnaedlately discover elements of re- herineticalry closed metallic chamber. Sold by reliable druggists every- For Door POOD141 Dingy. I .
tnement, intellect and deit,ornAnatton Such manipulations as Were lieces- I I where for $1.01 Per box. , �� F�r grave dig, -M: 1)119-0`Ut� . I
.. � . - - � �- '' I I I I W!"! I 1. -Cartoons Magatine.
- - — - -_ -----00-0� �
I I . 11 11 11 - - . . In life, as in art, the bestutiful - .
I - � -_ - , dinartly be classed as explosives. The moves in curvos.-UUJNN,er_l,yttOA,
I- , ,, - - - 11 I eneraily applied only to . .
. I I" terin Is 9 ----.--,-- _! ,
, , those substances that may be very _!t' I I , , � I" I I.....
0 t1111111 Ili! 00111 , , I
I ?
. . � I I I easily caused to explode. '
L , I I The oldest, and, inbst widely known,
, � r . T I explosive that We Dogspvs is gunpow- - 40W TH S
4 4 � der, the Invention of which Is gen. I
. I I I J 4 1 erally credited to the ChIne gBj% ,Am&
'. k a mixture of potaqsf;*,ni. ,illi'l I Sr
\ I,--- .... I'll . %te", 0
U 11 saltpeter, with Powdered charcoal and NERVOUN UVO
V *,
\,_ - . fil sulphur. T,ho proportions In Which w, MAN
�w I
. 11 ". ( these Substances are mixed vary in
\, � . different kinds of Powder, but they GOT WELL
' � ,� I! 111111 11 , - usually do not d1fler much from the �,, — . _k�
I I I following:
. f., -
I III I , Sulphur ... .... 10 per cent. To-ld by Her.Sel Her Sht.
�� ) � Charcoal ... ... 10 per cent,
I I I I I Saltpeter ... _74 per cent. cority Should Con.
Tho exDlosive ('111ality Of gunpowder VinCe Others. I
.. Is due to the fact that it Will burn I
with gfeat rapidity without contact
0 . Q with tile all*, and that In burning It VibrIstOpbor, 111._Ilrlor totleyag, I
I 1. �� vgu �
I liberates large volumea of gas. ,�on pUfrerod from irt latitioa, weikness
Addg New Pleasure I a spark is Introduced Into It, tile ear. "... I . nervousness, ana
I boil, charcoal, and sulPhur combine I was 'in it run down S
Tht clean-burnhig qualitito of Imperial I . With U, Portion of tile Oxygen con- 11 I- condition. TWo of
. I our best doctors
P,oyalite adcl a new 4eaturo Of soaldfattion -- I tallied Ili the saltpeter to forin car- � 11 1. I..
- - I- .. - - � I � limila fIM"I fl.. -A,1 -, U 1.1 ..� � I failed to do me toy
. All" romed hidden t asure. glaas ' discovered tile A
In Ito memories of tortures and kill- ,gaper or taken It Away
A Trial Packet Will bring speedy convictlift with I'lalm, $morning the geiatle�
IUS,% and agered for Its mart.-ra, the I I man ,Who cams to me that night Sent
Tower of London Amply v.arrants V- _. ______ - - . , I . ___ ------------ me ,,00ine documents ortaining to
. ____,_,____ _____.__._________,� P
I I desgrIption as the 4most aue'ont att — .
. - � -111 I— _ ___ __ - e ease he had coule to onntAnif mt.
mclot poetic pile Ili Europa., +
Williani the Conqueror gav3 14on- I � I
: don a 04rter, but built the White 1 :
: Tower to show the people how little !
that 04rter might mean. J,'ka the i
� i
I 111,119lish. e0astitiation. the r4ambling *
� �. I London ToWer of to-daY Ja a product
I of centuries, and not One, but many I
I toweri, iio,0 are scattered over .9olno
13 Acres. The site had be3n a fortress
since Roman times, ' I
"To t44 Middle Tower ='Irabetb I
. � came back A queen f1vo years after
-her jea!6qe.,b1alf_4I;at1v 'Mary, 1*�a:l kept
. 'r
her there A prisoner. The hump. i
. 1; .; backed .11ioll.ard IIL hired thro6
. 49949sln� to murder his nephews In �
I Bloody ToWer, Not unt'l ywil latet I I
were tl.reli bones found �nd talcon to
I about, And in the midst of them I
found the missing paper. He, had ac�
Mentally tied itup with his own, And
there It bad remained until I dis-
covered It tills morning, I heartily
� wish It bad not been round; ,and if I
were nat the member of an boiler.
. able pr6tesslon And burdened by
scruples, -which I admit are old-fash.
toned and out ,of date, I Should have
destroyed it." .
"It can be destroyed now," said Cly -
tie, In 4 low voice, and bile took up
the paper to tear It; but Mr. QrSnger
� . .
swiftly took It from her.
"I think not," he said grimly, "You
seera to forget that I have tile Ails-
fortune to be your legal adviser, And
that It is my duty to guard your in -
: Wi;trsJnster:Abhey. , �
I "There's no news, excepting that I
That same evening, whilo ll.ogkoth
terest, oven against yourself. I In-
love you, ,UoIlle dear," lie whispered.
Carton was sitting writing In lit$, prl�
tended leaying this paper with you.
but, a � sing that burdened
"Lady A= Grey, she�,who 'haa t'
. * said news," retorted Mollie s0v�
e rely.
vato office, Merrill knocked ,and "me
you are not
WIIh the acrupples which hamper
1� -
. bftth of 0, princess,. the lite of a
saint and tile death of a naalel'actor,'
I 91111othingle been heard of Jack Dou-
lu� Heskoth, though -lie was writing an
Important letter, wap, wondering, With
me,. I will take'obarge nt the pap-
. I
, Nvw4 beladac'e" In London Tower.
glae", he Said regretfully,
I ' The days passed, marked by no In-
half Ws brain, how Mr. Granger bad
er." He Put It away carefully, and
shOok his head at her relaukingly.
I Renry VrI1 wattee to hear a gun -fired
I "'rOul Whits T"Or, . a
Of the
oldeuts, with the. exception of two,
received the renunciation, and Wheth-
aribe was deceived by the Plausible,
"It only remains for Mae to dongrata-
. Signal
I I oxeclition of Anne Boleyn, .ao he might
, which were not without Importance
and significance.
story which accounted for HesItetWs
lato, YOU, Miss Braniley, on the -
sloia of one of the finest es,tates-in this
'. marry Juno Seymour next dav, lien-
. _v�Z-1 ,
ry,a minister, 'Thomas Croinwell, sent
I One morning Air. Grang( ir received
a bulky-looicing envelope froni ',Nllr
Ignorance of the fact ,that tile paper
was among those relating to the Bull
I - I
country, and a very large fortune. I
"Clytte managed to
� hosts or enemies to London Tower to
be butolaeredjflatil he belpol pllek Anne,'
Fleisketh Carton. The letter ojlxelos'e�
r4n, thus:
property; it was therefore with a
. barely concealed impatience ,that he
"Thank You," her eyes down -cast, her
hands gripping each other tightly In
of Cloyos,for�'Iils inuch marrie,.1 mon,
I j"Dcar Mr. Granger: You will re�
turneld As Merrill entered, and his eyes
her lap
Arch ' when Henry saw tills pros-
� membor my coming to see you al)aut
rested Just Above Aferrilrs head.
"Is 4 -Is It necessary," she asked,
, peo e_
tiv,b be pronounced her 'a
! the property adjoining the works,
"I'beg your pardon ,Sir," said1jor-
falteringly, "to-tQ make this, known
. Fland:ers i�narol and off Went Crom�
Which I Was desirous.of buying, It Is
i I
ril, who Rilaw the expression very
at once?" - ,�
well'a"head *ith tile .rest. I
. .
"ValievihC' 'stories
I still in the market, and I ain anxious
7 to PUXOIRSO It, I enclose the
well, "but I'm sorry to as y that Raw-
"Well, I don't know that It Is abso-
such of royal
. ,cruelty, are the immortal Ila-st wordsr
, lara and a memoranda I made during
son's broken out again. I thought I
ought to.tell YOU.,, .
lutely necessary," replied &11r. Granger,
� after considering -moment two,
Off brave men and women wbo laid
; ou.r conveTsatioul and .1 should be
� - it will 0 give me Your ad -
Hesketh Carton's dark eyes flashed,
a or
'$that Is to say, there Is no Immediate
. I their heads bn the axeman's 'black.
. 4
, lgla,l you
I v.'Ce In the matter and tell me it you
his Rds drooped, and his lips twitell-
burry. The person ,who is principally
. .Q�d forbid. the 'king oliall use
I any more such mercy to my friends,'
tllnik'it would be wise for you to
I make a proposal, to �he vendors.
"Discharge him," he said, curtly,
concerned, and at present only con-
corned, is yourself, While you are
. lauglipil Sli TlNmo#, More, wlion told
1 11$ shouI4 have written before, but
and beat over the letter again.
living no one -else has very much in-
. that;'qeAry.VIII had Imercifully' con-
I mislaid the papers and -1kad to hunt
terest In the disposition of the pro-
Oent4 to let1im'.be beheaded Insten(I
for -them. However, I found them just
Mr. Granger Intentionally arrIved'at
perty. Of course, you know, remena-
, - _ - -, � ,,, - - of Uatiged. and, to the executioner, as
"' ,
as I had tied them up at your office,
the Hall Just before lunch. Both the
ber that It You Were to dio-of which
. h
asldo� 'Pity that
end I Send them to you.
girls Were very pleased to Zee .him, for
there Is at present no likelihood," he
. out that has not committed
I "With regards, I remain,
he ,was 9. favorite ,of thei rs, and, with
put .in, with a sualle, "Mr. Heaketh
treason.' .
I Yours very truly,
the quickness of their sex, they had
Carton would inherit. But as the
"The' pounteog �6r,saijsbury Proudly
refu6ed tolay' her- heAd on the block
I I "Hesketh Carton.'
lvlr.� Granger found the papers tied
seen through the bluntness and bluff-
ness which were by
icontingency Is, as I am delighted to
feel convinced, extremely remote, we
. becalis ' e she bad'idoinnaltted no wrong,
, Up, as Hes ' keth had said, and -he un-
-,tied them and looked them As
only assumed,
him as a kind of, armor, and thev
need not trouble ourselves to.consider
I so, tbat, says all observer, ipologizing
for , -, , 'he was con-
,the executionei
he did So, lie started and uttered .an
knew that under the rough exterlO'r
beat a kind and loyal heart. He had
IV, � I
Olytlo drew a long breath. Yes, If
I stralla�d 1:04et4'lt off si I
- I �
.10 � ' - � Ovenly.1 I
for Inthe nalds
. I. of them
I was tile sheet of which Jack
a pleasant meal with thean enlivened ,
she had died before-ohe had married
I Y`
.It On, Strike AiD twice, I can-
, paper on
- Doliglas had writtsn his renunciation.
by a passage of arras between Win
J adk, Mr. Hesketh Carton. would have
not pronilgei6V fiok to atir,' warned
: To say that the discovery caused
and Mollie, who delighted In teasing
succeeded. But no one could rob Sir
Uolalilbutlit_ As%�ed .to raise . his -head
! Mr. Granger A -shock Is but feebly to
s grim, cynical re-
Wilfred Carton now. Her "sacrifice"
a bitg Algd�uon'.Sldney retorted, 'Not
describe his sensation time of
torts. I
had not been In vain. .
. 1 Untit4he general resurrect on; strike
. .1
Uacc had expired, and here was th
When the 'lunch was over,'he zald
44 Yes, I congratulate you, Miss Cly -
I .. on.' -,"Peter,' Inquired Sir Walter
Ral6*, to keep up the spirits <if 'hit
4 , fatal slip of paper which ga-te Bram-
I ley and Sir William Carton's fortune
to her: .
"Now you run away and play, Miss
tie," said Mr. Granger; "but, All
sarao, you must not feel burt it I say
- N I att� At, 'Dost thou know of any
to 'ClYtie Bramley. I
*, '
'ItTollie; I want to talk to Miss Clyl.le
business." .
that I regret the course things bavi)
I'm Sir Wilfred
. � � o a's head -on again
. I . .
21 r. Granger -leaned back and Stared
on .
taken, and sorry that
. - when; � Iff, �
. . It, was cut O
at the hurried Scrawl. He had no
"Isn't It rather a pity to deprive
'should have deprived himself of �hls
I 'a i - ett .1
ftsto to the tower for
difficulty In -guessing how the all-,Im-
Portalit Paper had into Hesketh
yourself of Day valuable advice?,' re-
torted Mollie. "I am the only one in
patrimpny; And I tell you frankly that
I think the estate, and, at any,rate, it
. some
'1; '
1 - Sir, 'Ahltei set 6. fashjo�.l
,,, arton's possession. 11e, Mr. .Gran- I
the family Who is uny good at bus-
large prooprtloa of the money, should
,wh I made a salon out of the pajace.
ger, remembered that I
Hesketh Cartan
had sat In the
Iness," she added, as -she left the row.a,
throwing a warming at Clytie;
have gone to him. I took a. great
fancy to the young fellow the night he
. prI40n. While he was not "ttending
his R,ardeu and distfIling essence from
chair Wilfred Ca,rton
had occupied; Hesket'll Carton must,
but there Was no need for it. for C1Y-
came to me, and I have often thought
plaut�. 1�4 wrot6 Ili's t,uaint 'I listory,
have gathered up -the sheet With his ,>Ue was on her gAard, Mr. Grangar
that It You two could have met- But
of 'th'a World ', and1liere, too, Wil-
own Papers, Without noticing It; or,
came to the point almost at once.
there's no use thinking of It. Hp Was
'' "'
I llalA� 'PoAh, ' .wrote 'No Cross,
Perhaps,- had picked It up from the
and, laying the renunciation on the
. 14 �
. .Nq
- I Cro*'n.� not to mention the writings floor, -thinking that it belonged to one table before with a little pat, said:
of t�o IYUke of Otleaus and Sir John
I of tho sheets on which he had made
"Allow me to present you with a
. .
Eliot,,. '. .'' , . I I Inemoranda. It was singular that
document w1hich practically makes yon
"Xi5ot'it " th� iiiahi 'entrance to the
, Hesket1l Carton had ,not glanced at the
mistress of 13ratialoy, Miss Brantley,"
tower Was a inenAgerle until a hun- 1 Papers all these months; and ye,
. ! A It Is
Clytle took up the Paper and road
Tile - Publisher of the best Varnier's
paper In the Maritime Provinces in writ -
ago, L
I I 0 dred years or so because F red-
'lot singular, because Hesketh Carton
it, and grew White, but she said no-
Ing to us states:
. orick IL of Germany sent Henry III.
Was All extrOlnoly busy man, - and
thing, and Mr. Granger, who thought
',I would say that I do not know of
of England v.iveral panthers and
Would, no doubt, put the papers Away
the sign of emotion quite natural,
a. medicine that has stood the test of
.. I � Honry-did not know ,wbat else to do
with them. Later James I., wlio liked
and think 310 more of -them until he
heard -that the property was still -in
"In my letter J told you that I had '1�
time like ALTRITAUD'S LINIMENT, It has
boar� batting, added -those anillials to
the r &rket aga n.
A I It Must have been
not got this Paper In my p saession.
been an unfailing remedy in .our h ouse-
hold ever .since I can remember, and has
the zoo. .. - �,
"The warders., knoWn, &beof
SO, and Carton could not have seen
the paper, or seeing -bow important It
I ought to tell you how I first ca. we
by It, Perhaps I ought to have told
outlived dozens of would-be competitors
-1 ., eaters,, 06bably they ones
was to him, he would at once have
you before, but I thought It Wiser
and Imitators."' .
' -
were fed on rations of moat� � form one
brought it to the lawyer,
not di) so. Sir Wilfrid Carton wrote
" - . � . of the curiosities for London visitors..
'Mr. Granger was both -sorry and die-
that in my presence." Clytie started
- .
I They we,§r.Tudor costumes, and. like
APPOInted at the ;turning up of the �re-
lightly, and her face grew red; but
,, , , �. _.,.., � I
he thought her surprise only
the Swiss bbdygdaid�of the Pope, they RAnclation. HO,bad taken 9, fancy to "He
keep their anclet. customs, undis- the ,Vrodigal for that -night, and had
natural. came one night, quite
as proud As Lusifer, and as obstinate
turbed by currents �of modern fashion.
Wished him well; besides, to"such a
unexpectedly, and under an alias; he
as a mule; and I suppose he has gone
"Just before midnight the head
legal mind as iMr, Oranger's the fact .
had an Interview with me, and, not-
back to the wilds, and we shall hear
%yardet and the Porter. farrying a
that Sir William Carton's Property
withstanding my renlonstrances, wrote
.vhat renunciation -for I must tell you,
no more of him. if we qshoul-d,�_bo
paused -"perhaps, Miss Clytle, you
bunch of keys, go to the guard
roona. Summon 'the escort of the keys.,
had now Passed Irrecoverably from
his own son -was an unpleasant and
frankly, Miss Clytle, that I should like
would like to offer -him so -me sort of
made *xtp of 'beef eatcra,' and then
unsatisfactory, one. But It was of no
to have seen the condition of Sir Wil-
liam Carton's Will complied -With by
compromise, But there, again! what
Would be the use? I feel convinced
proceed ceremoniously to loelt the
,great outer gate. The. password _s
Ilse tocrY over spilled Malik, Wilfred
Carton had robbed ,himself with this
You two Young poople, and I remon-
that he wouldn't accept a, Penny.,,
given formally to sentries as the pro.
-1 cession passes, and in b5liclaslort the
own hands, and it only remained -to
him, Air. Granger, to car,ry the
strated. With him very strongly. I
,thought he was ,a tool, and I told him
"No, I anrsure he would not," said
Clytia; thenj as Mr. Granger looked, at
,. �etatl valutes tile keys As the order
g,gollatl6n ,with legal form.
So, But It appears that Sir W11fred
has- inherited his father,s obstiftacy,
her with some surprise, she added,
stammeringly: "I mean, from *bat
cries. Dreserve the King." Every
three months the reigning king or
He shrugged his .Shoulders, grunted
fil, a dissatisfied Way, put oil his hat,
not to say Mulishness, and he, wrote
this paper, postdated as you see, so
yon say,clf him."-, �
"Ola, be "We7l,
queen sends the paasw6rd of the tower
to the constable,"signed and seaWl,
And set off for'the Hall. ,, I
- , -
that it should be effectual. XoNy, EL I
Yes, Yes," .assented. I
must be going, When you think you
and the Mayor of London Is the only
111�1 . -- I
__ - —__
� __,� _1 1.1 I IN W I I M
would wish Sir Wilfred's renunciation
+U . �.44 � .� 11 + 1� A—
� `
and -your colasequent noQsesslou ne -
- .A . 0 k, ...11--, , "
it. This cusibna ar a rello, of the thile
when the tower ,.ms prfinartly A for.
"Like the Bastile. London Towor
has been stormed. Desperate efforts
have been lualle to steal -the royal,
relies kcDt there, 8r.11oll. include the
kneltut lanointing Spoon,' and Queen
Elizabeth's Salt cellar. One famous
effort, In Willett a Colofiel, Mood, dis-
guised as st clergyman, nearly made
#,Way with the b0k,Wod crown, is
thought by some to have. been inspired
by Charles II., because lie needed tile
money the rare gems Would bring.
"One of the 1033 well known, but
most, spectacular incidents, WAS the
escape of two priests by a rust that �
would have done ere.*It to 'Monte ;
Cristo. One of tbein having*been
Strung up by the hands for days, And
th4n. put on a rack while Ills wrists
wero still J."Tollen, without inaltilli ,
him, betray his falth, wrote In orange
lulce to friends outside, Tor a light
to" with. A. weight at one end. Ile
Also asked that it boat be brought to
the river bolow Castle Tower oil a
certain night. On 1* at night lie made
hill way to his 1#11ow prisoneeff room.
The LW6 flung the Weighted, end of
the rope to their fr1eads In the boat,
,vulled up a lawler rope, climbed .
frout the st"l) walls to the boat elatoly
and made their escaj.e." -
4 0 6
Atyltt TO SERVE T81tit.
(P:dlnly�rgh ftotmman.), ,
Xrfi, VASSIdy-440rAll W4XUirC IS iftl;111'
irm aw1kill Her husbaiRals got three -years,
but ht can get wen off for mood be-,
Mrs. Vnrlen-Tell her to tp.-t a!!,y.
sure, An' he never bthnve3 bita.io f.
(130ston Transor;pl,)
Dfaust-T got evort with t%*It photo -
who look 3 Y pietltre.
W140"Intow, door? n 'I
Dontlat ... When he got into, lily 11 xi�- I
� *01M. '140ft VIOARAnt. PIOAAC"
I , ;I � "
I � .1 ., . -
I I I I '.I, k _.��t-_A_.._ �11WQ�1��;..�.-Lfih��,
.. I'.""- _i_ SEEN __ __ 11 - 11 ftm_,,�', ...At
Iestate to be made public, let me know,
and I will take the necessary steps,
Of course, -you must not keep the Pub.
I!o In Ignorance for an Indefinite time;
but we call hold our tongues for a
few weeks or months,"
"A few we6ka or months," thought ,
Clytie, with a heavy sigh; It would be
all the 8=6 If it were a few years;
...Tack would not come back, And what
was she to do about this renlinela-
tion 0 By her marriage, she had
made It of no more value than the
paper upon 'Which It was written.
Bramley and hIV. father's money were
Sir Wilfred's, wad she blushed And .
tingled with ;r,hamo And 4istress-Sho
was living ot tbp Hall * and sptladlug
the money, living In his house and
spending his woney, without possbos-
Ing any right to do so. It was not
the -first time this reflection had tor-
tured her,- And, if she had been Alone
she would have left"tho Hall And gone
'back to poverty; but Mollie, with no
little reason and mud common sense,
had pollated,out to hot that such u
course would be inflicting An addl-
tional cruelty And wrong on Sir Wil-
-Irld, aud insisted that It was absolute.
Lv Clyties duty to live at the 11411 and
take care of the estate.
"Ile may come back at Any Mo.
Aleut," she had a ; 'land A nice Ind
,10 Ito you Would have app6arod to
h ve been, if "it had deserted the
11 ce and let It go to rack And rultal"
to the roora,;,
Clytit told bar tht purport of Aft.
Grataget'a visit, And Mollie, with bor
native perapla-selty, quickly Saw one
significant potnt In the affair.
(To bo continued.)
I .1. # i 6 - —
"Who So l9dith to marry?" "Ills
name Is Bridge." "Good gracloug!
U ehe carrying this frAse 04 far ON
tbat?"--Do$t4M TfOAMCrIpt.
some girls tak* up palatirre, Aot
that tuay 10Y6 swt 1660, but that they
loys their complexions more,
4 � . J,' ". 0110 "c . ", good. I heard ob
gas and at the saftlo timo tile 111tro- 11 !I. , ,
1, ;: " , rhuch about what
gam ' contained In the saltpeter Is set .�,.�, Lydian.'Pliftoro's I
free oil the ga.-Aeous form. Thfg ac- � -;�.;
, ...
"x ", � 11 vogetablo'com-
tion takes place very Suddenly, and ... I .. -, .
,! I I .. .�... ".. .,_. p pund had dofte for
.. .
.. �,,
the volume of gas set fl-c,e Is so much . . . . . :� .. others, I tried It
. . . . . � "4 1:!
greater than that of tho Dowder that " , � I F
an explosion follows. f .", :::::: I :, , �. ". sald was tared. I I
. I" 1. I I , arn 110 longer Ilbr-
11 .,
In tile nifti-lufacture of gunpowder �, I , - 1'.. b - �", 1.',,'�UT � VOMN 4M regular,
all that is absOlum!y neceso.ary 14 to � 0 ,,, _ - #Xee . I , lent +
alft la threa fiigret,lfonts tboroul be eve tho d Win
, lily beedth, I . I!
and R11 thO, ProPm, livoportions, I)nt turO SnY f eftlAto troUblq5*t=,AU0%
to fit the powder for use III firing. 111%LUR, Christopher, 11h
SnIall 1111115 and vall"On It ia made Into . NerVOU110fts Is often ok 9 ,,,,IV of.
03 11M
gralu!3 of various sizei, the small siges weakness of a.oh* ftnetion;j joige.
being usecl for the. milall ArIng with ment, Wbich Mhy ba overcome by this
short barrols, -ad the laroge 91204 for f'41710110 root &Ad ,hWb romody, LAR
emition. The roa.,on for this Is that V. Pinkham's Vagetalais Compounu,,#A
if tile powder !ii mad(, In ,very sn),
,tll thousands of Woo*" h4ve, joUW by
gealas It all burlis lit one.0, and the experiedec I
v%plenien I:Aie'l P!�J,e so - Itcomplitath",
vadd(mli � eft�wsfw Ly&% a
N.�t an e%'ee0Lli!fn)y , . PinkbamMediel,*6 0_ y" Mwo.jor
" . , , '11rong R1131 J$ Sagg"tiono III i� top" Alhnftt�
h"Juirell to WMAM411.1 the .explosion. 'The rstalt of JU tmg oxPethaft go
VU0 If lar,gPr gralms are employed, j%t v4W 4,otAQ �