HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-05, Page 5.. r.` F' � s 4ir E3eslgr w+t t1� RON 11 V C,0001 tat�SWAs a U" 0 101- 10-0comrpl'tton for Haar year IM. I ,.114ccr hoot lil.:z.liRAVS ON Yvay. 11 TH (Contiousel from Page 1) Moved`ip iaixut'nrtrt sill by Meg" J. w Ladies' ENIVE dCH bridge should be built straight. There M. Cutt and H, Crieb that the striking ,ry\l npIl»ffalo, N. 'i•., Jan s, 1020 was a dispute also as to the material of committee be composed of Messrs. oof a V.,e rials f r-. La - New To 1Vhoni jt ivl•+y tr:ottct:rat the bridge, Latlabtan wanting it of steel porta, rilfofi'att, Armstrong, Mitchtsll meld This. is to certif that I take the neat-- Y g' and our t`»gineer in favor of cement. Mr: Hackett, est pleasure la testifying to the fineabilit otfYCar?bell thought the dixPutemi ht tieThe amendment carried by sv, 1:5 Broadcloths, Cheviots, Vicunas aald Serges, in. all wool mat, .rials. All the of Mr. A• W. Murdison, as an entertainer well go to the Municipal, Board. to 12. + ' , who is touring; the t}. S. and Canada, in Mr. Campbell also mentioned another '. 17, ding shades, suitable for Ladies Suits ;and Skirts. Those are scat Ge �;ao�s Moved by Mo�tt;rs, >�. F. Methal sad theatrical sketches of a Scottish, character dispute; with the County of Bruce, as to R. J. Miller that .Mesar,. Hackett, Doig and, our pre >ent stock is limited, Call and inspect thenl. � � in which he so ably typifies in every way, the .portion of the boundary to be main* and hiesiZ be the Road Commissioners for .' the character of the true Scot. This tained by each county under the Good 1820: --•:Sent to special Committee. young and able Comedian is certainly en* Roads system, Bruce wanted the east end, Moved by Messrs Doig and Grltivtt Navy"Blue and Black Navy Blue and Blvic� tering upon a brilliant career, which in but it would be easier for Huron to have the opinion of miiny will prove; second to therm take the wast end as (our Good that Messrs. flood ong Ro Laporte and Hoc- , at ren s r none, and wilt compare more than favor- ,Roads system being conducted almost as kelt be lifeon Good Roads Gommissi �' ably with thu great "Lauder" himself. township .systems) computation would be Sent to special committee. A beautiful material for Ladies' ,• ' It was illy goad fortune to secure his easier withoniy one township interested Moved by Messrs. A. Neeb and A Mit• ' weight ht and A cloth that will give exceptional Fhell that Dr. Clark and County Clerk 1.4ttits and Coats, splendid v g service for ,Hog;many nicht, as a part in .dealing with Bruce County. Ott the • wear and satisfaction, Extra quality program West there was the lane township. Ash- Reiman be appointed a the Board of extra .quality 56 inch wide,. $7.09 a yd. � Y of the ria ram for out annual celebration, Criminal audit for the year 11120. ' similar and all wool 56 inch Wide $7.50 a yard. which was the largest in attendance ever field # while on the east there were two, Moved in amendment by Messrs: Mc Also Black c`iln(l Grey Vicunas S a y seon at our beautiful Club House. The , Bast and West W awanosh. Nabb and Armstrong that Mr, Crich and t0 °shave Cloth at ' 6.50. reception ;'vhloh Mr. Murditicn received, A communication from Mr. Goveniock, County Clerk Holman be the CHTnal ��'yy and the encores which he was asked to recommended the appointment of Rev. auditors for 1020. `•> Vl'eSerge, � Suiting Dress Goods respond to, is a 'sufTiciont recommend to Mr, Mcl ogney as chaplain at the County rg ; 1• , his ifts as an entertainer of unusual and The council then adjourned till Wed- I, We are showing a larg6 ran of g Dome. He had been temporarily appoint- r,esday morning. Fine even weave, a most serviceable g g g great ability,y His portrayal of the "Rol- ea, the former chaplain having moved The usual smoker was held on Tuesday cloth for: .Ladies' and Childrens' wear, these goods that )etre money saving lirkying Scot' together with his numerous from Clinton • Scottish jokes, made a great impression evening in the Bedford Hotel, 55 inch Nvide,'$5.25 a, yard. values, It Will a you to see these l I; p A communication froze the County of On Wednesday morning; a Petition from pay y on the large attendance. Should he e' er Perth asked co-operation in petitioning over forty ratepayers. (comprising the before bu in � 75c to $2,50 a yard. come this way again, he will receive even the Legislature to amend the Act so that Dark �3xt�jt>d and Viand y g y majority of the freeholders in the territory r I:a greater recuptio». X predict for him a county councils could, at their opMtion ' great and brilliant future in his chosen make the renumeration of councillors so. affected) petitioned for the incorporation t llrocXr�thosry end Underwear vocation, much 8 session, instead of to much a day, of pOrtigns• of Stephen and Bosanquet. townships in Huron and, Larabton co�n- Respectfully, believing this would conduce to speedier • Si ned ui ilii Q. Cneirizsi r ties respectively, as a police village to be Here is. an ideal cloth for Stilts and, , (g ) ' transaction of the business, suggesting a known as `Grand Bend..—Referred to We are headquarters far Ladies' y fee of $35 a session and mileage and limit- ,*�•. :separate Coats, W11lCh we Lail recom- � Fast :Pres't St. Andrew"s SociQt ' Pres't Board of Trustees, special committee. mend .ver highly,54 inch wide, $4,50 and Childress' Hosiery and Under- ti Club, ing the number u sessions to slat, The reports of Inspector Field; the y , , St, Andrew's Scottish, b, Another communication from the same a ,aid, wear. Extra qualities and values. county asked this county to join with it inspector of jails, the jailer and the regia- S g In 13eigrave, Feb. }1th -Forrester s Hall, in asking for the amendment of the High- ar were referred to committees. , tr h The following motions were disposed of t Wroxeter ways Act, so that no municipality could as indicated: f be held liable for claims or motor asci- ` • Sent to Executive. 4 Atter such a severe January, the change dents where the speed was over 16 miles BY M. Armstrong and J. M. Cott that to warmer weather has been quite agree- an Hour, . a grant.of $1600 be made to the Child - able, One from the County of Dufferin was , ren s Aid Sactety, 1 Reeve. Douglas returnee( from Godericb, along similar lines, but put the speed BY M. Armstrong and A. Tipling that Highest Prices. for Produce.. Fresh Groceries always on hand. down to to miles an hour on .Saturday after attending tiro county . we grant $25 to each spring seed and =live council, The County of Essex wants assistance stock show held in Hensall, Seaforth, _ in petitioning the Legislature for amend- .�___, Me, and Mrs. Herb Henning of Turn p all do taxes be aid to the .Clutton and. Wingham,. and also 1625 to ments so thatg P i berry, moved to A,,roxeter, a week ago, each Board of Agriculture in the county. BrttgsOl s States to take charge of the Pord auto dell, who was visiting here last week, is we welcome thein to our burg. county treasurer. By Dr. Clark and John Laporte that a. mobile agency. Mr. McCall has since now 8o years of age, He is an old The County"of Kent and the County of grant of $26 be made to each Agricultural The ,balance of the ,wood supply, b g Y Married --at the Methodist parsonage n to t o have the grant want t h g Ontario both a a n t o enter military ser- the C ant Crimean veteran, entering m zta y society holding a fall fair in h Y it, standing timber by the town bought the valuable property of D. B. Toronto,: Air. Clarence White of Wroxet- Y boughtg vice when only is years of age, Mr. Provincial and county roads increased, for 1020. '' Council from A. Hislop, Grey township, McDonald, Turuberry street, known as Ardeer; to Miss Minnie Heiueburg' of Ford - n also saw service in the >�ast Indies and ask co-operatiozrto this end, By J. M. Cott and M. Armstrong that is being cut and Will be ready for de- the F, C. Rogers old home.. Mr. Mo- where Joe was born, The latter.I mar- wick. • An invitation was received from Strat- , grant 1U to each, Woman's s Institute r a . g J we a $ l e rs or g 'h remains -of the at i41 Ge e 1 e g is.. . t red fatuity purpose removing a in a i1 0 . • earl Donald a us.e t ti will n ne to to a m J livery shortly. Quare ty t Y y P P Tied and has s children and is now eizter• ford to send a Bala g in the county. equal what was of out last winter, from Bruss¢ls, we are sorry to state, as Johnston, who died at her home in Grey q g ed upon his 2nd. year at Council . oazd Township, on Saturda were laid to rest 29th re. the Toronto to Sarnia Highway. By T. Wallin and Dr. Clark that we he has sold his business to Howard Bol- y in the Wroxeter cemeter blonds after- Change 6f Properties -George" E. Me- , at Carinae Man It is zi ears since p' y y, y The Ontario Hydro Power Uniform grant $15 for flowers for the Court House Cal hasdisposed of his comfortable re- ger, of Walton. He doesn't knoll .where Toe was here. Vor a number of years Ile noon. Rate Association asked the county to be- grounds. he will move to yet. was in the. employ of 1, C. • Richards, J, R, Gibson shipped a car load of- come a member and pay the fee. _ R sidence on William street to -D. M. Scott, pp y J: C. Pardon and Johtz. Douglas no A deli Gorrie father of Joe Ar- welcome visitor. Applications for the position of county mad to each Pub - auditor moves to Brussels from the United J + J- I Brussels, He was a w v maple axles to Guelph last week, P that a grant of $25 be e auditor were received from F. Metcalfe, lie Library in the county: _---- Blyth; D. F; . McGregor, Seaforth; Goo. By John. Douglas aril Jos: Hackett that fir. rwa„puoy�t�sMw�,frW+r�A,�+'�+*w �+"'ti P. Gould, Godericb; Thos, G. Alien, Ash- a grant of $25 be made to each school fair. i field; Peter Cantelon, Clinton; John Cam- By John Douglas and John C; Purdon eron, Kintail; John Wilson, Auburn; • A. that the grant to Continuation and fifth- R� �� �for, a Natiosftal Scott, Seaforth, and Robt. F. 'Clark, class schools be the some as laetyear,. F%JUI G o o d Godericb Sent to Finance Committee. Something in the nature of a bomb was • . By A. Neeb and Dr. Clark that the 1 exploded when it became known that de- o v, e t �' bentures of the county for $20;000; of auditors be asked to make a complete and Frward M'�� which the treasurer knew nothing and on concise statement as to the assets and which the auditors :had made no report outstanding indebtedness of the county had become due on Jan. 20th past. They and that the same be' published with the were paid, but there was much question- auditors' report ing among•the councillors how 'it could Sent to Education Committee. happen this liability was overlooked. By R, J. Miller and H, W, Trewartha The present treasurer of the county that Mr. Sharp. be trustee .of Clinton said he had accepted the statement the Collegiate, By Dr. Clark and A. Neeb that Juclge formerr treasurer that the county was free of debt at the time the debentures were Dickson be Trustee of Godericb Colleg;- issued for expenditures in connection fate' with the war, and he "had no record in- BY John Grieve and F. J. McQuaid h tea, that R. S. Hays be 'trustee for Seafort dicating the liability. Collegiate Institute. l espite the four years fury of War, and the year of unser- There seemed a disposition to think talnty just ended, the people of Canada have prospered. that the audit of the county books could By B. W. F. Beavers and r tee for not be of much good as at present con- that Rev. A. Tramper be trustee for f Yet spiritual glories revealed to tis in the great C,onfict Exeter High School; ducted, if such a condition could exist, are being clouded by drifts of class -hostility, mutual suspic• By A• Tipling and John Laporte that • and this was the reason of a .motion by i ion and cynical materialism.Messrs. Trewartha and T. R. Wallis that D. F. McGregor be auditor for 1920. each year all the county treasure 4 By Morton Elliott and F. J. McQuaid treasurer ac- that Robt. F. Clark be auditor for the The world is troubled. *Old conceptions are giving place to new. Yet, the King- counts, also all highway accounts, be door of God remains, firmly grounded on the -great principle of love. It has the one audited by a chartered accountant. This coming year. remedy for a world diseased.,—"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be By John Douglas andT, R. Wallis that saved," motion was -referred to the special corn- N Five Christain Communions—Anglican, Baptist, Congregational, Methodist' and mittee. this county couanti e d and Mr, Plum a. has been quarantined and was recom• t• • '' Presbyterian -call their various constituencies and the whole nation to a livelier and Other motions were as follows: a be put on the ay list. mend that h p P t• �S' . • more sacrificial Christianity. They are making a great financial appeal. it is fitting Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Beavers By Dr. Clark and P. F. Doig that Hon• s,.. that the public should know the reasons, that W. F. vanStone be re appointed trustee of the Wingham High School. Mr. Biggs be invited to Goderich to ad• r( - The sharp rise in Sent to Education Committee, dress this council at this session, the 1 L1LeLl111t' prices the world over r� . Coincident with this ► �1 Unity r These are the clerk to phone him or make necessary ar- The Call The, lJ Illi of Moved by Messrs. Wm. Elston and W, financial difficulty,new y facts. Faced with - rangements.• has effected injuriously and glorious opportun- such conditions, the J. Currie that, as the grant for the High Continued next week) 1 21romAbroad Filth slid FY's er hurch le ders at mitted for 1019 the sum a� the Dollar the position of every!ties for the .extension y Church leaders Schools was om " ries are in of Christian teaching have appeared. In India, literal- first were appalled. They went to their knees, first in of $600 be paid to. each High School or man working fora luted salary. Missionaries ly millions of 'roxztcasts" are leading, for Missionary separate denominational groups then in company. county as ar The Man Who Wlas this category. Stipends that were. -ample in 1900, and Collegiate Institute in the n y preachers and doctors. In China a new National spirit Putting aside for the time being ditlerencet: of religious Committee. er a man, ti n Commi is he av a a duce o wins t , — -ret to E n who g re rs\ Se he ma m r a T insufficientonl Ebel .common belief i 1 2 re utterlyr ur a tl re- n ,consider n nearly adequate n 91 , ahas been born. Missionary teachers are urgently y temperame .t t g Y •- on and ` plan, S tt particular a r Almighty n n a rs m n a , 1920. There -has been no general increase in these quired to help facrinulate the National system. of edu• in the Everlasting lathe ,the Alra gh y So , and the Moved by Messrt. W J po Not built o any p P e until the Canadian . eo le cation. Hospitals. Missionary nurses, doctors and everpresent Holy Ghost, they prayed together. Then A, Mitchell that Messrs. Hackett, BeaV' Not blest with any particular luck, stipends. There cannot b , ti h P p dentists, are heartily welcomed by the people, i'rom e their giving to balance the decline in purchas• they arose, thrilled with 'a glimpse of the wonderful ere, Trewartha, Laporte and Clark be the i Just steady and earnest and full of pluck cl u ss. g e p g f e comes th red t e I ods o f Sea ! Japan, Africaand h ala h to ear together to e J Missionary opportunity, a h • P Mlssio a pp it Y P Y,. ._ ing-power of the Canadian dollar, same story. whole body of Christains in Canada. - .•t:Y.:�j..�j.►�.:..1j:..►:,..►�.►�if►��: ►�i�'..�1:►moi.• _: v, ►7''+ �•, (, rA� I�► Ij� !" Ill !�1 I�1 IL�,l� I4e rl� i �� 1 Ir. IA ! ♦ �� I International exchange has been unstable. Money 1 he Home • the work of a tinge The `'"realest lord �e us believer i n the %� e . for export has been subject to heavy discounts. In �pp lizing Indiana and f Gospel He proclaimed. Your . ( view also of tho increased. cost of materials and of l�es�7onsl�lllt Eskimos must be of All Gllti0 country has become great }� labor, any new building programme abroad' has been undertaken wholly by the Radian Church. The • through Christianity. The hope and love of the Gos- , s rapid growth of our cities, the expansion of the West,` pel have warmer! year heart and illumined your life. . u 8.1 :� Music r Music M nut of the question, But the need for new bt}ilding the great immigration of the last twenty years, and the Next' week, you will be asked by the represen- is imperative. Some missionaries ars living in clay- depopulation of rural areas, make a four fold problem tatives of your Church to show practical proof of your floored huts. which ,can be solved only by radical readjustments of convictions., : Be prepared—not to give a trifike out of policy and greatly increased resources of men and your abundance, but to taste to full sweetness of e ► money. sacrifice. �-• The Anglican `Ui% S •• �1 New $ynoda, the Baptist 1� Are N ecesaary convention', the Cones si gregational `k?nion, the Methodist Conferences and the Presbyterian General Assembly have set new standards for the salaries of Clergymen actively engaged in Canada. But, for the Missionaries, and for the Superannuated Ministers, no increases have been possible, One of the -aims of the Forward Movement is to show the )Eine-spirited, generous, Christian people of Canada that the old standards of giving for Missions must be revised. It is impossible to maintain existitV stations, even on a pre -War basis, without more men and much more revenue, A 1 he Pressure • Finally the tie- lineof the dollar on the Colleges has created dif ctiltiea in financing the Colleges and Universities established and maintain- ed for the training of the Clergy. Last one Col - le g� which head been able before the CrWabarely to subsist, facets an additional charge for coal alone of $1,800. Alla other expenditures have risen in like pro- ppoartion. C".hriatianity has been the mother of Higher Education. A thoroughly trained Ministry is the great need of the times, The men of faith, filled with the Holy Ghost, who proclaim the Gospell story by the frozen Coppermine, beneath the cone of Fujryama, along the bank of the Yangtae anti the Ganges are the product of our Can- adian Colleges. Thera the vision first: appearec! to . them. That Church must stand behind thane institut- ions. .4 T'h ed on'.�l ar�paYg�. Representing the Simultaneous but Indepeindent Forward Movements of the Angtitan, Baptist, Congregational, Maathadist anti Fr�sb teri�n Cornmutnians in Canada. Inssrttt� by the 'mg C.ornmittft, All the IdLUDLpop u ar songs ... Always Up-to-date .. , - Anything you want in "VICTOR. R CORDS1.1 Violins and all :ports at 'Mail instruments`at the '4 very lowest prices, , phonographs and Rianos .of the highest duality, Ho W. SO W E Music Dealer. Phone 292. WOMAN of fashion. foal&roi4pt-,., l .arta.- ed t" � if she is wearinga brooch sot with precious or semi-precious stones. We. aro showing some clever designs in platinum that are the last word in personal ornaments. Our prices, will pleasingly surprise you. „ When your glasses break save the fragments. We can quickly replace the broken lenses, i Jeweler and Optician 'Wingham 0 C 9 nV �i�3����'1t�1i[•��ff1:�f�161� �fi�#f1���illf�� ARE YOU INTERESTED IN RAISING MUM'-. �• Well, I Cart supply You with ' u` hatching eggs: or day old chisko, j .. this spring from my White Leghorn poultry planta lately; plMaisd 14, from W. H. Willis. 3100 Call at A. Bell's and let. we book your older early for dates when you want stock, first orders!• have f , !� ���•• ':. preference, I. A few cookerals for sale. F . fi i \vhe �+� 3 O A. Lei 3i •e '��j�/�� nen " •mac- . m in h Ontari' . � g a �. �?!1T'Y1�1}�ilfaNlf-Vii-USS-Yl1�ll ���- - f1F'�sY1� . • an go of u ss, MClearing Sale of all lines. -1 Comm in f or Barg'ains, R X KNOTS TOR E JEWELIERY ., V a• The to , l t. -Goody-Land t r V ffE ifO i Ut;! f iA