HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-05, Page 4False rotit A. G. SMITH, Editor stead Prop. igrave aA. union. service will be hold in Knox Church at 2.80 next Sunday in connection Witt of the V,.trward Movement, The three resident ministers and Mr. Catxaoran of Luck low, Will be: tiro speakers, I'be choirs of the different congregations will supply the music, At the close of the anee.ting'tat.olieetion will be taken for the At tnenians. <.- •* Mrs. lan Robertson of . askatohewatt, is visiting her parents, Mr, and MrA. Adam Holliday. 111195 Molicitael of Seaford;, spoilt a f9% days with her friend, Miss Greta Armstrong. Aliso Gerrie Bone has been engaged to tach school noatr Bothwell and left an Sxturday, commencing her ditty on Mon- daa>y. 11Irs. J.14icholson, Mra, A, Taylor and blru, J. Haugh of Wingbatu, were calling 9a ;Friends in the village one daylast week, Airs. Stewart of Bayfield and Mrs, Wslkar of Brussels, spent a few days with their parents, sir, and Mrs, Halliday. Miss Gladys Jordan and Miss Agnes Garbutt are visiting friends in Brucefield. Mils$ Taylor of 131yth, is spending a few days with her friend, Mrs, 11-irkby, Tbo members sof the Methodist Church suet at the Par"nonage, Tuesday evening, ;and a very pleasent, sociatl evening was spent. They presented Mrs. Davidson with a purse of money. Don't forget the Scotch Concert in' the Forrester's Hall Belgrave, West. Feb, 11. Sig success at Bluevale. IutOr Church Rally, an Sunday .Feb. Lith in the Presbyterian church at 2.30 p, tk; Xr. R. D. • Cameron of Lucknow, will addresa the gathering an the For- ward Movement, all three ministers tak- jug part in the service. Special music by the inter Church ,choir. The offering of this meeting will go to the Armenian re- lief fund. Regular church services witUdrawn. 'Bring your own ohiireh hymn book. Mr. Camerou will also speak ata similar Rally service- of .the Forward Movement in the Thick church last • Wawanosh; at xx a. m, of the same day, offering for Armenian relief, GreY Quite a laxge crowd from this locality Attended Mr. IV=. Lake's funeral .last week, He was 89 years old. Garfieid'Baker hipped 2 car loads of cattle hast week. `•Donaid'McNeii, x4 con., has sold his too acre grass farm to George Whitfield of the same fine. George has loo acres .now. Mrs. Maxwell Abram and son, Vern visited at Wan. Sclinoek's last week. a Mrs: Robert Baker, xo con;, visited with her parents, neax Trowbridge. About 5o of the `Ethel folic and vicinity took a surprise party to Thos. William• soil's last Tuesday evening and did not get home until the wee sma' hours. Quite a number have been heard say- Ing, oh my sore coral ' "David Sanders who was sick with blood posouang is able to be about again, Urs: Roy Cunningham and son, Ross .visited in Listowel, last week. Mr, Levi Whitfieldhas undergone another'operation. We hope for a speedy recovery. Wan. Holleubeek visited his son, pied in Stratford -last week, A baby boy has came to . stay at the • home of Wm, and Mrs: McMichael.- nongratulations. The Annett family, Henfryn, are all sick with the fin. We hope that they will soon be weed .again. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaynor visited at Dan Cooper's on Sunday. Salem Mr. and Mrs. Cloin Higgins from near 131uevale, called on Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mitchel last Sunday, Mr. Richard McMichael of Toronto, visited friends in .tuns locality recently. Mrs, Wm, Weir is at present visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Abraham is -at present con• fined to her bed with a weak heart and nervous trouble, We hope to see her :all right goon again. The sacramental services were adminis- tared in the Church here last Sunday, say it With Flouter$ FUNERALS, WEDDINGS, UTC. C(&Wo *s a town on requftt, WN. X J1, ZA:rO a d. Photttl;142, Witt2batt DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN OSTLOPATHY 0800lsathic Pbysician, only 4041100 mtawpath in Nortb Huron, - ,Adjustment of the opine is more quick! %, curod and with lower treaatmento thsi by any other method. Blood pressure and other examination made, All diyeaaae9 treated. tJllFICE OVER tHRISTIE!$ STOR DR. C. H. ROS$ t,,;rodwtle RoyA Crrllav of DUM t Urraatm*ta Uu, <'tia 'i11' of Tor000 Factec Of y tows ar'aafrc M JL l rl'as stoats. ,. 1* ," ► A _ . ... 6. A:a , , ''' . d. ' ' .g ,nQ I, $'i:.` +d \jam. - „ wr OwAftwoo is i, polopo- - _ ,,ticl now to army 'on top of than put. plarspt of amen ora bnailr cutting XX'XX xxx -s _. ... . ice Onff The Wolgous, Institute put oil a vary the river, we understand stoma is fining sucewwful concert in than town hall 'Istat aaaltipped in from Winghstu. Friday night, an orchestra from the brassy 11Ir, Norman 1'atersou left last aveelr a band supplied music throughout the ever ' for Teeswater where he will tape a posit. . i aria , solos,. dusts and uartetkess b ng Misses Martha MacCailum, Mar Ait ion t the Barak of the local ranch. '% % y been trauf+erred from the local branch, chicon, Mrs. J. 1'i `.. Joysit, Miss blsbelle Mr Alex McNay has taken a position in a 4 1 Allen, Miss J. L, Joynt, Missy Money and . the 112olsons Slack here as junior. Messrs J. C, Anderson, T. $, Reid and C. Rev. ltlr. Snell of AViu liam, preached ,r ' ' " ` a Douglas, also drills by pupils of the . HE " ria `. t r i l xceee •1. the public school, and musical selections by morning anal evening in the ,Anglican miss Rtttlt bzitchell, Mrs. Dr,. NQwton church. Rev. Mr. Ucclestone preaching and Mrs. T. S. Reid made a very enjoy M in witigham. ,' r' + TOutput,-, Place • able entertainment, and drew a crowded 'ii'''i %am! 1 Rev, 14;fr, Irwin u#` rise' Methodist t .A, house, The proceeds go to school im- clitirclt, oxohanged pulpits with Rev, S. IoW provemeut. During tlae evening a quilt . C. Anderson of Ontario St., Methodist r was auctioned by Mr. R. McCharles and church, Clinton, In the interests of the went to Mr. Inc. Joynt 111. P. Pr for the Forward Movomeut, a Company y - sunt of nine dollars. The Ford lw,.ao . .1pany -advise. that, At We annualineoting of the Presby. Reduction i The annual "Burua Ball" was held":N terian church held ou Wednesday )light y r ^f,+ t the ball ora Monday night and a good last week the pastor'a salary was raised t° ort• account of the sh oirota e, of raw time was had say all present, The crowd $2oo, Mr. R, D. Cameron was chairman ■ + was not as largo as in :Former years due and a fairly large crowd was present, and no doubt to the couditkin of the roads,. the meeting was most successful, The ter. ^ N DST ,material y entertain no hope o :.. . 7,ucknow orchestra supplied music and receipts were larger than any year In the-' ,.. d o po * + d Air.111acAonald of the pipe band played history of the, expenditures were also sup lying the 14 Sweep Out S►.IVp the pipes for the Scotch reals, larger, and the contributions to naissians i' ' „ , I.ucknow hockey boys have two games were larger than any previous year, an .< . during the co , 1a •g +t ^y effort will be wade this year to' re -seat Cara d l.s.rin 1.h .••• •v' •t . ,.,y 1e.r o on band this week, on Tuesday night' Is now going on and will continua to the £did of " they will cross sticks. with Ripley and on the basement, a lighting system has been installed to serve till hydro, arrives, r the month. ' . Thursday night will asset Brussels, y fl r allotment n o ` will Fath these teams are strong contenders A number. of friends of Mr. and"Mrs. s, fi said our lads will have to be at their best James Miller met at their new home in small` town and presented them with a kitchen s111i ,all compared with the demand cabinet, after which the evening was We have a large stock of Winter Goods on !land and for quick selling have marked them at • spestt ingames and dancing.. that will exist in this territory. t..ory. ll.l one case of `-flu" has made its appear. . price$ which must appeal to your sense of economy. , encs in town Mrs. McMillan (wife of Mr, January is our stook-taking;month'.and the stock must be "reduced A a A McMillan accountant at the Molson's Bank) has baett seriously ill. but is, reg several thousand dollars before inventory is taken, Now is the time for order to obtain this allotment .t covering. Ivou to buy seasonable goods at a:big.ataving• will he necessary to shoe the ForelYet ,b Jas, Meekfouna sad Frail 'gJoiey'y * + left lastweekfor Harriaton, having join. Women's ' e •r' Store Company the actual. orders,, ' ad the telephone linemen while here. T.adies', Misses' and Children's Winter Coats to be sold at clearing J • Farm lands are rapidly advancing An old pioneer of Huron 'Twp. passed prices. See our Women's Coats to clear at $5.00, or in value and wise men are belying. awn last week in the person of Mrs. .. y p Women's Fur Coats Fur Collo>'ed Coats, Sweaters, Iiosaery, Un- ' e Thos, Scott. She was in her 84th, year, derwear, Waists, House Dresses, Pttuffs and Stoles of Persian Iramb, ,y Ford Dealers districtFor a short time only we can o#%rr a and internment was made in George- Sable, Mink, Marmot, Black Fox, Molle, etc • at bargain prices. X 15d acre farm with good buildings, town cemetery. ' close to school and church, Gravel we are anxious to serve the corn Men's r ® road, rural mail, telephone. Suitable .. •°°--- •--••-- ' ^^ •-- either for grain or grass farm, cement Bluevale , ; > "Special cut prices" on Men's. Pur Coats, Fur Lined and Fur Cot floors, water .and litter carriers in fared Coats, Men's and $oys' Overcoats. Sweater Coats and Underw.eaay I muni!' to the hest of our ability. stables. A bargain. Owner not able The Woman's Institute Bluevale, will Gloves, Mitts, Peak Caps,, Top Shirts, Heavy Rubbers, Boots and Shoes .l..rR o y r order now g r ,fes '8 will t4 work it. meet on Thursday Feb. ll th. at the Y placing i.il 1,../ yV .! i.4• VY .home o£ Mrs. Milvert .Sellars. "The - school as a centro of influence" will be the r See Orin' Nlell'S and Boys' Suits at Reduced Pries. assure yourself o f e- • t ng your 'car paper given by Mrs. Aitken, Opportunit• t7 ht1 J it L{l ,3 wJ ABNER C® i N ° les for the roman's Institute by Mrs, Breckenridge, Discussion and music. Your account is now due and we will ap- n t a later d a e a32 Insurance and Real Estate . q Mr. Robt,- Mathers ..received the sad , Successor to Ritchie & Cosens. news of the sudden death of his son, John r®C C your Ndlt9i1 1 T Cn"RA r nCCa Ontario. of Saskatoon, on Wednesday of last week A. Me C A,WFO , - eater, W*nghar l Winghams following an operation for appendicitis, Oi • Y bar, W. D. Donaldson and Edward of s s • Regina, spent the week -end at Mr. Phillip j?4 Thomas. ✓ ,t ✓ .s a a as✓ ✓ a .r,✓ ✓,®8i 8a G,a'i • b1 Ii Aa1 l atli +3 r °yam l =. + Reduce the H. C. of L. by taling advantage"17 .. ' Wile World's of the Exceptlonai Values liven below Greatest Phonograph Value, - - ► Cocoanut oil Sbampoo, reg. 35c, sale ............19q PIROXOG1aN - - -- Peroxide of Hydrogen, reg. 25b, sale's for. , ......2be EDI o l NEW I A Nu zated Iron, reg. 8i,00, sale . . ... . ........ . . . .. . 79c Pinkham's Compound, reg. " r.25, sale , . , . , , :96C Laxative Cold and Grip Tablets, reg. 25c, Sale .... 15c - - - 'r 4 Millers' lamulsion of Cod Liver Oil, reg 75c, sale,49c 1, -x ! V P;no's Fruit Salt, reg. $x.00, sale ................79c q OF -111L Awdo , M _' :,, , Syrup of Hypopliosphites reg. $t.00, for tlSc _ Tooth Brushes, large assortment, each.... , , .. , , . ,1se Reg. 5oc, for .... . . . . . . ...... . . .. lQuick i Read t this through and three dads ample time :For careful + ,,.,.,., . ,,, .,,,,,,, - a► .grasp this extraordinary opportunity 'judgmezit and 'comparison, At the TAI,CUN AND FACE SHAVING RVW_UISITn8 a<odayl ,This !remarkable offer is the end of alae tl:resclays`freeTrial if you . POWD1 Rs CVy® Pr Adaco Shaving Cream, ,y result of Mr. Edison's expressed Wish do not want the Arnberola we will' .. 35o Mavis Talcum Taft , .....24c • G1111i G reg. $ ; sato t , . , .x6c `1 5oc Djer Diss Talcum , ,Z$c Williams Shaving Stick, ' ► to see a ph6nograph in every hollers; call for it --and thank you for giving It the Atnberola this trial. If YOU, do ® 850 Mary Garden Tal ...57a In reg.(, Soc, sale, ..:....85C I3 Canada. 230 14lennen's Talcum ..15c Rubberset Shaving + .' want it, We will arrange termS Of. 75c Djer Kiss Face Pow- NOT WATER RRTTLE Brushes, reg. 35c .... 22c `+ .14e has given his consent to this paynilent to suit you. '' der ... , . ...Glc Free Trim of the Amberola in your Pi ---•-•--- `• -- Moulded (Ona Piece) RUBBER GOODS .:. Where are absolutely - no How can Arnberola dealers afford to give - home. Cuticura Soap .... , .....25e Tubing 5 ft length, reg. `rstTin " to this offer, these Erre Trills? $ecause .in the aver All guaranteed for 2 years. SUMP YOU do nOt ,yt,.hclarzing majority of these Free Trials] Resinol Saap 4444. , , „80c 35c, for , . , . , , 444:4. 190 have to pay or promise to pay one people newer want fa part with she Arnberolal Twin Bar Castile, .. , , r , . Sc $9c, 98c, Y. 9, $2.53 Combination Attaches cent in connection with this Free Trial. L•' .di great inventive brain leas trade W d Infants Delight , .. , .. , . 90 meats, reg, 9oc, for , f,7c You are not placed under the slight- the Arnbcrola so superior to ordinary phono- Cotne in slid see Haase Ti & e unitary ];'ceder, graph;! and "talking machines` :that in those Zara huk, reg. 5oc, sale .32c goods and We are sure you reg. g5c, for . , . . , .210. est obllgatlan, three days of Drees Trial it sings its way hL g fL J l . --- - M - - Won't go away Without ate. t Into peoples' hearts and homes foreverl Gin pills, rag. Sora, sale, ,82c pink Pills, reg 5ac,'for„82c bntXe t0 offs! store today Or t omox- _ .i,.si■wiml rclwr, pick out your Alnberalsa and a Numbers of people will instantly avail J W -' thernselves of this Free Trial offer, if you ^° Aoleetrie 011, reg, a5a, sale ,... , .. • ........... . . .17c eTp,TIONIl;RY dozen Arnberol Records, We will do lies :act ret once we may have to put you a' -.at . deliver them torn tl to our borne. ear from xac lnvelopes, z pkgs for P p Y y on a waiting list. So lot uCi is Petroleum -Small , .4c -•-Very large ........21C rya Unvelopes, for ...... . . . . . ...............Joe Let the Arnberola entertain you. (W you right away! + 15c Writing Pads, for .... , 4 4 4 4 . , ..... 4 .........100 l;ruitatives, reg, 5oc, sale.... 2 c Writing fads, for .. ...................,...820 5 g 1 ja Fountaln Pen luk, for yes Y04007 Aspirin Tablets (finest duality) reg. 25c, sal© 4 5o Scribs, for ...r ..,4 . .....,.1Gc . Styptic 'l.'entsils, reg. too, for 5c Melitholatum, xeg, 25c, sale ....................15a >.. Toilet Paper, $rails for...... ........ , , 4 r .....,_350 Brooks' Baby Barky, reg. Soo, for ... Limit 5 to ani customer, =W...,,.dw.. ..:_ . .._,.. ,......__.._.. _.-_.:._...>, ..,.. .._ 17el5oCo',i"aoth Basket' reg. Sec sale ,... ,....,.,.38'0 Beef, Troia and Wine, reg, $1,00, sale ...r,.....,,67a .. Witch Hazel Crealm, reg 250, for ........,...... 16c ✓ Millor's Cold Cream, reg. 350, sale - - Peroxide Tooth Paste, reg. 25n, '4416 .............. 16C ' , if--_._._ _ ........ . Kkovall health Salts, tog. 18c, for ............4.140 , Kellog's Tooth Paste, reg: Ase for. ...... . ........24C At d ► ... ,... tr 'AIt rA.r ZXTItA y The above: prices are good for 3 da ata February '`and A h Win ham, Ontario OrGEO., MASON & S 0"L N At.,,q r t. ry