HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-02-05, Page 3I
0 .
�_____11_,:, , ., � " ..'". :
It you have asthma. don't imagine
that you must always suffer untold
. misery. Relief ,quick, suro and safe I
Is guaranteed In even the worst cases
I by using
"" of results we Will
'r �" sample or these
""" are'30 c' �
capauleyaou, afld%et th"t a will find
I tgmi 411 �?Q ,I've elairvie0d.
Sold by reliable arugglatS every-
where for 41.04 a boxt, I
. Per fr9e, sample, write to Temple -
tons, 142 King street west, Toronto.
- - � - � �
T 11 I I I - 0 4 0 0 0 "*.*."
. It A TAL ID rifty Little "
Couutry :,r I
. Nearly always, in the history of a
nation, there comes a time when
more territory appears necessary for
the further growth and development
of that country, and no other solutlon.
of that country, and no other solU-
tion of the problem seems possible.
This was one'of the questions which
England faced early in. her history,
for "the snug little isle" could never
support Its rapidly increasing poPu-
1411on, not even raise food enough
for all, apparently;' so, presently,
younger sons from the large families
were setting out from England shores
to settle fia distant lands, which they
claimed for the mother, counjry, till
to -day her colonies nave become SO
numerous that it is the boast of Eng-
lish subjects, at home or abroad, that
the sun never sets on English POS�
sessions, that is, they encircle' the
globe, , I -
The United States, too, felt this
need -for territorial expansion� af-
ter the War of the Revolution, when
. . thd young republic hugged the Atlan
tiesewast, scarcely dreaming of the
wonderful region across. tre Alle-
glienles. *It was Horace Greeley who
offered some hesitating youth the
shrewd advice, "Go west, yount; man,
go west!" and for a time it seemed
I as if all America 'was determined to
"go west,,, till the Indians betook
themselves to their allotted reserva.
tions and ttLe Star and Stripes floated
over the Pacific coast as well as oil
the Atlantic shore. Soon there weYe
those Who declared that the Tmstern
land was fully taken up, that is, all
@f it Which as worth settling; but later
on, proper irrigation as to reclaim
and make available thousands more
acres of good United states territory�
which might otherIvise have lain ut-
teriy -useless to the country. .Tile
United States was, of course, very
fortunate in having such a huge coifii-
try in which to expand. That is one
reason why it Is to-dacy such a greal
and influential Nation. ller coun.
-But what about the sma
. L tries, European ones especially, whiel
did not get an early start at the 0010
, wk,19 Qum Root compoutl&
I ,
1. .. A. safe, reZ.1able fregu7atin
I owdicinc. Sold in three de
I s of strengt - 0.
I If' .' 2, 33; .. , 5 Pdr Ox
I .sold . ail r giffts or Spit
. �w on re el t 01 rice
I ` I K�P- pamphle . Ad reas
i 11 . TORONTO. ONT. ( r lifly WIld"r.
. I- ___ __
nizing game, and have apparently, n
further rO01nB at home In which t
spread out? Take Holland, for e
ample, that sturdy little land lyin
partly below sea level, surrounded b
Germany and Belgium for nelilibor
and the stormy North Sea on th
northwest. it Is a brave little na
. tie nation, and it has courageousl
held Its place against enemy and ele
ment for many years; it has sen
forth sturdy sons, and has pstablishe
a number of foreign colonies in Oth
continents. (For, you will remembe
that the Ilutch were early merchant
s, the settlemer
of New York was dne to the desir
of the Dutch to trade with the Ii
dtans there.) At home Holland ha
been rather soershadowed by her la
ger and more powerful neighbors
abroad her longing was for. trad
rather than for settlement. How n
to Increase her borders and provid
mare rOOM for her crowded popu
�-� tion? This is one,way In Which He
land has been attempting to solve h
problem. ,
We have said that parts of .11ollan
are below sea level. YOU know som
thing. of the great dikes whiclake
back the hungry sea trom the Dute
fields and homes, and you may hai
Iad the story of the brave laa wl
said to -have saved Holland I
guarding a leak in an Important dik
till help could be brought. Mfa�ny
the Dutch.streets arecunals or wate
Ways,you know, and there are so
oral reat lakes in the country,
1840, Holland, feeling the need
more land, began to drain one
the largest of those, Haarlem L11
And to her delight found that In th
way she ,could add a large amount
land within her borders. The ta
Was rather a great one for the lit
Nation, and occupied some 12 year
but by 1852, some 40,000 acres
fertile land had been thus gain
This meant an additional territo
nearly its large as the Dist4at
presently more land �wds need
and the people again looked about
see what they could do. This tt
they �hoiiight of the Zuyder Zoo,
still larger body of water, wh
lnuph of Holland's fishing Indus
has been carried on. Oyv.etullY
systematically, the thrifty little
Non has begun its plans for rocla
Ing the Zuyder Zee from the Wat
thILt cover It. A bill for this p
pose UoA already passed the Legis
ture, and In June, 1918, it was BI
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I I.. - The worX Is ludlorously primitive. RN UM WAS WAOT, . - 0 110 OR I 1. � — — —.- I *-* i � + �+ �. 4 I 0 * S%*t**11k rr**-"+,r I ,:. .., * .''
� ed by Queen Wilbelmina. A, Com I C �, �,
11 -
Tits operator 04tracto tul toetb, with . . " � I E 0 r 11 11 I ,. I � � �
. ��,,
the expense will be some $90.000i- that 1114 success to astonishing, From Piekod Up rour Bushob of Logs I . I �'; �11
i I .1
mission has been appointed to take youth to manhood be, to trained to I I � I I PmE RA ..."k,f.
up the matter, and it estimates that late fingers, And It must be, admitted .
DO yo,u''Koow � "
000, the cost As well as the so- . . 4 After One Shot. 1
pull pop from a wooden board. This i . i�--.6`
tual draining of the Pea to extend ' I ; :I
over a period of perhaps $6,000 year6. training changes the aspect Of the I . *##.$ #f'4
It is Planned to repay the fishermen, lianaand gives the student A finger A party of gentlemen at 0, hotel I i +--++++,-+ - 0 4 0 i 0 ++ , � t 0, L $.'OI #' I I � .
I � I 46 . .j
WHY wore telling stories one night recently Though Turitey will be dU=am- � I I
Who iMl be obliged to Stye up ,their that old o �STIP amazing in Its strength, eq1twa- It of famous shots and how many bered and pushod out of Xuropo, the 10
trade on this particular stretch of , ora or skin disease *I lent, In tact, to A lifting powep of . and other
water. Their Industry will probably yours, breaks out again, It's be. hunre Pounds. For I . qualls, partridges, ducks ottoluall Fulpire probably will eon- . I
be reestablished ox cause ,the remedies YOU have boon toothache be employs, opium, popper- I � .. ,�o. 4 , birds bad boAA killed At a single dis- cM�� tinuil. in eont.,%)i of Rowe of the, sacred
a, tile Nbrth Sea, oot of the � , � charge. After listening to what t4irlacta and, mopt r.roctous history
later on. It Is ootlmatefd tl4f ni64f- loolng do not got- to the r 'mint O% cinnamon oil and clove oil. . .
disease, but remain on, the surface, . . seemed 9, wilful exaggeration by Of- . zpot,,; In A,�4a," fays, a buls-etin tro.a
ly 620,000 Acroo of land will be re- He sometimes fillst teeth, but does It . *
stored to Holland by this engi Try Zam�Buk! -*It PouetrAttos to the so bunglingly that the filling$ stAY 14 � I . terent natrators, a strauger,,W)w was I the U. S. Xa.i=4, elcographi,., hu.
neer- Nt ... present volunteered his experience of � � . Oty I
Underlying tissues, destroyo. all - ,It . I.. .
Ing feat, and that some 00,000 -acres I' only a few months, his only use of the fatal double- I - .1 ointm . ; hre is the Roi�k
� I
of this will be fit for cultivation. For gorms and cures from the "root All element of superstition runs barreled gun as follows., vat
Up, Hence Za.m-Bulc cures are , . t r I,i.�-ra, kriosvu as vie *44a .
a country of only some 12,6100 square .,�4.",�-- -�, " y u
through the work. According to, .:. I 111 went into the field one day to try '),"i. 0i carw_-.1fi o", route w1W
miles to undertake to add over 8QQ . lasting. All dealers, 500. box. all dental woes are 1. I Is 1%. Oood For The Ski* : J'�,ip.. I ,
" '
� tile system rn ng. Tito only game discovered - ' i wares to 'Tyre. And Sidon, �
I, geni ,:i"4QU
, square lulles more, by getting rid of � ,]Bilk brought on by moth worms. The nerve ., _ �) . An immense flook of blackbirds, * For emeragil, mbes, plinples, JIM- . ii;t it r.l;-j containe Iniaraoli's trem- I'll
a whole sea, sound$ like quite an ulk- . .01019twk 'pulp is such a ,wbfiu, and Is always - - I should say there were 10,000 in We tations, itchings, chaungs and dan. ury. . I
dert4king; but no one ,wbo, knows ff" shown to . the patient. For humbug- :71- 1 tlook., Slowly I crawled up to them, druff on scalp, as well as for cuts, I I I
, ,
the character and history of the REM ging purposes glao tile, c . 1. I nad 'when not more than four rod$ wounds,brulses and bites and stings IV
, ! , lentist carries '._ I - _v� Lu'!et.0 (molti, from: a toa,i-
Dutch people can expect them to do 111 ,et some white grubs, ..,;I -away the birds rose In a solid mass. of insects, Cuticura0intmentistruly
aught but , succeed In the task, and I I 39 about in his pociX I - �- wtic vtlaa 'I , y y,za"lle-111 rl. Hoskins,
192sap and after lie has extracted. rx tooth lie I'll 0 1. I fired both b%Trels and how Many. do Wonderful. It is so soothing and ".4; � ol%, 1
thereafter to take espeolal delight in I . I __ 0 . 0 6 __ etr.,I, wq ti'llowo:
the gift which they sturdily wrested __ shows a grub to the sufferer as. the �, . 1. you think I Icilled? healing, especlaIlTwhea assisted abF � "The highlands eaFt of the Jbrila�i
� I I
, .
, I .---.----I--- cause of all the trouble. .- Different guesses were made by the Cuticura Soap. irst bathe the a - I
from the waves. . charged with 4%ving in his possession ..0. I party ranging from 20 to 100, . fected parts Vit7a Cuticura Soap and _'vie v.r,� ,i:o% n with ruina marking
. 0,04. I , - 1,a riv-o an't fa -I o. im�-(WsMrfa civiliza.
copies of these early 10-abilling notes. 0 x mowing machine. it is more '."Not one," said the stranger, "but hot Water. 3Dr 'Juv.4-Se...,4UQ, ureek, Rowell, Chris- -
, I 'y � gently and anoint
ad S than ,suspected that this sound, too, I went out with my brother to loolr with Cuticura 0mitinent. This treat- .� .1
1000 taff and his, defence was that he 11 . IT CURB, . on rising and re ian, ,,mol-uninedan, and Crusader.
bbs . made them fora Joke, which 110 Ox� I Is produced otherwise than from the *fdr the results, and I picked up four mont is best , tiling. iH,cle rul-.,,, Dave been preserved� for
plained as having on his pals by poel- I throat ot the bird, bushels of legs. I had shot a little Soap 25c, ointment 25 and 90c. Sold
� OTt Of 311ghtjAr � throughouttheppininion. CanadianDopo lie wol,.-rn e..i.%Iore.* by tho tides 0
Ing them from a roll and solemnly I In Canada is v, s 'bull- under." - - - - . limited. SL Paul St., X,ontroii.. jo,;7.a4l.f�* ,Uo, ivillch owept up. from' the
lighting his pipe With Ono. The judge called by the country folk a, 1 - %Wpautiguraso4pshaveawl out . I
from Nery Hen bg,t.11 Like ail nlghtjars, it 14 a night� ' SLIGHT �MRROU. ,, ',ra:�Ilan do,.,,.rt; but .gt the solither1a
. I believed his story and fined him $ilnp- BRONCHITIS flying bird, but sometimes, Come,% Out Cuot .ad to bring ond of this no m=xfs land"(10cp in
ly a nominal amollut. I I Is -er., "I say. I've b ,
Lately , there h.%ve ' been several 11.1t You don't have to In the twilight. The sound th bird back those boots I bought last night." 'he mountains of 11140111, lies, one of
New System Of Poultry Keepling- banks of COun" wait for relief 'When make& Is a curious booming drone B001tmal;er, "Weren't they all rightT" slabs, leaving a spa I e EtrA11g.'fA, 1711OSt Deautigul and most
complaints from the from Customer: "Yes; that's the trouble. One . ce of about one- A
Get Dollar A Dozen .Eggs--�F=OUS terfelt money being In circulation, a you . use Catarrho- which,certainly does not come f lem, ought to be left," . half Inch between each ",oard, and nghwating spots upon, this, earth -
Poultrymen. � the . notes in question being an imita- . I zone. the throat, but Is probably ma � . .. � � 0 1 the whole covered with a root to ,10 poctic ett7 of Petra. 'Its story
of the.now-design 10 shilling This wonderti.il In- its wings as it swoops aftor an inaect. 1111 out the rain. of course, t,40 arrics -,is ba,Ot to tho daWn Of hulilalt .
tie Except for [L slight diffel-elice . , 11 I ' halor treatment is Beam, like pigeons and cats, have - M,romanl's lee house may be ,built with A regu- -Astory. �
"IrELLS HOW . not, I , A
. In the tint and a rather poor produc guaranteed to cure an Instinct for "homing," it seems. I lar frame, lined In
- . . side with rough : CENTRE FOR CARWy'-A-NT$.
I ,V
tion of the back design, they were any case Q,t_Catarri In hie book on. "The Grizzly," H. A. ' ' lumber and, it a more finished ap- ,
' I .11 thlo story about a pet . pearance is desired, It can be covered 1,in the dayi of tile Nabatheams,
"The great trouble with the poultry difficult to detect and ilulte a number no matter how Mills quates Trouble Cetra I t,-ar,c, the central Point (4) .
business has always been that the 1.%Y- were passed. * . chronic. bear: "He haIj been teased by a visit- �, on the outside with clapboards or -,viijeh the caravans from 1310 I11torIOV I .
Ing life of a hen was too short" says ... Ing ranchman, When the ranchman Stratford, Ont. --"I do think Dr,plerco7s
oultry The sequel was the selzure I'll \ You breatthe througl; other siding. There should be plenty India ca.-ine I
Henry Trafford, 'International P had been reaesembifed and revived, it Favorite prescriptio of ventilation above the I ,rabia, Persia And
nearly eighteen notes and the apparatus for printing this inhaler and ll� I a onc� of the best medi- ce, The 02 -A ith all the 'proclous commodl-
Expert and Breedei, foi them tile other, morning at Paddington so do was decided that the. bear must be oineo I have ever same -procedure should be followed .adou ,%v
years Editor of.Poultry Success. If by the police h e- I Ing you send ,lost.' He was led two hundred miles known for the ail- in stor ng the lee and covering It with ties of i,le r.ti,,st, and from watob, these.
The average pullet lays 150 eggs.. i,il instantly'all through I ments of women. I . I inoditlez, vrerof distributed through,
kept the second year, she may lay 100 fore the JusiLices of a doelc laborer I fron� the ranch and bidden to go his I sawdust, as advised In the preceding "O"I
more. Then she goes to market. Yet, .- the breathing, or- . - had for quite a long 1,,gypt, palestlile, Syria and all Vile .,�.,
floally established that named Hemy Chamberlain charged . I - way. His return to the ranch pre-�' been having paragraph, .0 in i i I w bordc-r1Tit*,, on t -1. e .Al I V k e r- � I
It has been sclenti . hay! I gans a powerful va time .
everypullet Is born or hatched with over With uttering notes and ng ma- . I per that is. full of eoeded that of 416 keep by eight Wornan's trouble It sawdwt cannot be obtained, ( CTU I
ono. thousand minute egg germs in her terials for counterfeiting In his .POP- soothing, healing, hours." Mr, Mills gives the grizzly a 1 which caused me to planer mill shavings may be used for ranaLtil, for even Tyre and pni�l)a 4L. I
session, He was remanded for en- character, saying that he rarely , � become all run, packing the lee, or 13i cases where rived many of their precious 'WaTC3 I
system --and will lay them on a highly ,_ 449RIZI,
period of foul, I germ - destroying good. �
profitable basis over a. quirles. I properties. attacks a,man, When brought to bay, � �k down, week and neither is available hay may be used and dyes from Petra. . I .,
, I doe, 'ock Cifv was alvr.tf, to these
to six years' time if given proper care. I i however, he Is a courageous fighter. lv4t nervous thing as a packing or covering.,material. I'Tbo 1. I
4 �� proof, k � . ' I
How to work and got 1,ODD eggs from In this way the . tored 6 no - Wali
every hen; how to get pullets laying, car- Complete In I't'so !, Mother Graves' Th!s incident to cited in it �Wo Marsh or "slough" hay or any fine regwn; and peoples .what I'-O;"c
a seemed to ve me . , Salem to tile .
ly; how to 400P ul) heavy egg production - Worm Exterminator ,does not require I destroyed. Sore nos- grizzly was chased by dogs arid hunt- I � relief until Tibegan, wild hay which grows In low places ,Q Rotnans and Jeru
all through cold winter months when I The bear I gives the best result -.,,ve. 11orites, 14idoutites, Nabatllealxf;
� 1111
tile assistance of,any other medicine '. trils . and weak ere Into a box canyon. 11, 11 - '.I taking 'Favorite s.. Ii lat y Is �,
-gs are highest; , I I iced and
eg triple egg production; fought the (logs with coolness and -re- . E,, 1 r o
make slacker he�g hustle; $5.00 "profit to make it effe6tiva. I -t -does not h - - PmcnptIoA,I This used, the space around,4he lee or be, ;tud Itow.ans have I ej
n . a I , gave me -of the this
from every ben six winter months, fail to do Its work. I CoughtnM hard source while the hunters watted for A medicine tween the ice and the walls instead boasted possession of
These secrets are contained in Mr, Traf� 0*0 I 1, chance to �shoot. When the dogs at- such wonderful rqh.ef that I am, glad to roo- of beingorfly 1 foot, should be at least tf),�,,uQ gtrolighold and most remark, I
ford's 111,000 EGG HEN" system of POW- breathing, and ta6ked him from behind or at the onimead it to others.".'. -MRS. A. GOD- 2 feet, into which the hay must be -.0 city of -a
try raising, one copy of which will be . A CRUDE WIRELESS. � sneezing all stop, WIN, 60 Brant St. ,:ntiquity.
'IV" side, he brushed them off without . 'well packed, The ice should also be $'The entrance to the Rock Clt)r is
,sent absolutely free,to any reader of this . For lasting cure use turning his eyes from the front At a g a eway f
paper who keeps six lions or more. Eggs . . � only Catarrhozone.. favorable moment he charged', seat- NERVOUS AND RUN-DOWN' covered with about 2 feet of the hay. the most strikin 9 t 0 any
should go to a dollar or more a dozen ; . . it is a narrow
. .
I this winter. This means big profit to Long Used by An Indian Tribe of . 1! I Refuse R sustit'ate' tering the dogs and killing two of Brampton, 0 it*" -"A, flow yeurs ago I ' - L city on our plau,ot. ng a mouXtain of
the poultry keeper, who gets' the . the Ama,zon Valley. .1 Two months' treat- a in a nervou ition An Early Street Oleamer. _ rift or defile, biseett.
eggl� , them, disabling two horses, breaking wa and run-down cond I ,A many -hued sandstone, winding
Mr. Trafford tells how. If You xe. 11 I meat (including the [� the rock as though It- W&$
chickens and want them to make money o . a man's Arm, and making good his andfeltgreatlyi needofatonic, Afriend
for you, cut out this ad. and send It with �� inhaler), price $1.00 escape before the demoralized party who was being9 helped by Dr. Pierefe's "One day," Ben Franklin wrote in through t elcy. This Pik,
ur ni:me and address to Henry Traf- Ili these days of wireless telegraphy Small size 500, at Golden Medical Discovery advised me to . the most Plastic o
yo' ,could fire a shot. 'rem the ve 'le, is nearly two miles long.
ford, Suit. 631 D, Tyne Bldg,, Bingham- It may be interesting to learia that as - � - --- try it, too. It helped wo i ry staA his autoBlography, "I found a poor, or clef,
ton, N. Y., and a free cop "THE] ,hi- at all dealers, or The Catarrhozone- and eventually restored me to perfect health, Its gencral contour is a wide semi -
e senT of long ago as July, 1898, The Geograp Co.,'Kingston, Out., Canada, ..\ warts will render the prettiest I feel in a position to. praise the 'Golden industrious man Who was willing to �
1,000 EGO HE NII will b by return cal Journal recorded the discovery Of ,000 . circular swing -from t4a right to the
mail, � # I hands unsightly. Clear the Medical Discovery' ver undertake keeping the pavement clean .
-0 A 0 a wireless telegraphic apparatus ba use ex�cres- .,y highly and take left, with innunierabld short bends,
m1nong the, Catuquinaru, an Indian KING NEVER. DIES. cences, Way by using HollowAY's - COrlL pleasure in recommending. it to all those by sweeping it twice a week, carrying having sharp curves dlid corners lit 11 �,
Change of Color in Fishes. Cure, which acts ihoroughly and pain- who are at all nervousI weak r run-down,". , I
frlbe of the Amazon'Valley, in South , -MRS. ESTHER PE, ATSON, its general courae, I
I A-merica. I . lessly. 4_0_4�__ 1 1 oft the dirt from before all the neigli- "The width of the sik varies, from 12
Changing colors at will Is a property The. apparatus, called cambaryesu, The Law Simply Admitj a Trans- Dr. Pierce's,mQdioineo ere made of vege- bors' doors for the sum of 6d per feet at its narzoNvest, point to 35 Or . . 11
,of certain mammals, and it Is found- consists.of a hole in the ground about fer of Royal Authority. A SUDDEN VOLCANO. table growths %hat nature surely intended month to be paid by eadh Please. 1 40 feet'at other places, Where the . I.
that In the fishes under observation halt filled with coarse stand; above . for backache, headache, pains, irregularities, then -,N,rote and printed a paper set- gloonly walls actually oveihang tile I
In a biological laboratory of one of this layers of fine sa'ad, fragments of . I ' and for the many ,�IiVorders common 'to 'ting forth the advantages to the roadway and almost shut out the blue I .
the universities in this countTy such W owd mica - It Is a curious point of British law Visitors at Honolulu See Unex. . I .
change is possible when changes of fill it almost to the surface of the that the king never dies, or, to put it . . women in all ages of life. - Dr. Pierce's neighborhood, what might be obtOued ribbon, of sky it seems narrower,- and .
surrounding conditions are made. Tha ground. These materials are Gur- in another way, it would be useless for peoted Outbreak of LWa, Favorite Prescription is made of lady's by this small expense. I sent one 61 perhaps at many points above the I .
fish selected for the experiment were rounded by a case of hard palm wood. ' any barrister to argue that the raler'i ____ I slipper- root, black cohosh root, unicorn these papers to eaqb: house and in a stream the walls do come closer than .
common green killiflshes 'or salt wate, Y.hich extends above Abe surface. The preaecesoors have really died, since A small group of visitors who were root, blue cohosh root Oregon grape root day or two went around to see who 12 feet. T116 Ixeights of the perpea- .
minnows, which ordinarily in da,yllgh' upper part of the apparatus cons'sta tile utmost law will admit Is that there watching the volcano close to Tnid- and Viburnum. 'Wolen who take this would subscribe an agreement to pay ,dicular'side cliffs have been estimated
hay.N v light gray color. This in Vi) of layers Of hide, wood and hard rub- may be a ',cieluise of the crown," night were startled by a fountain of standard remedy know that in Dr, Pierce's these sixpences. It was unanimous- at - from 200 to 1,000 feet. Heights, I
. dark becomes almost black, as was ber. Betweiii the upper layers and meaning, of course, ,simply, that there lava which suddenly gushed up from Favorite Prescription they aro'gettine: a ly signed and for a time well executed. like distancesi, 11-1 this clear desert air .
the flib. in oyal au. s � ome hot cracks i.ear tho postal rift safe woman'� tonio so good that druggi._gg This raised a general desire to have are deceptive', but after many tests and
demonstrated by placing - has. been a transfer of the r all the streets . paved and made the observations we are' prepared to say .
.a darkened dish.` If the fish were - thority from one person to another. Ill a Spot considered perfectly safe, everywhere sell it in liquid or tablets.'It b .
placed in a porcelaia ba,il In th(; I - .. I It is a maxim that "the Icing can do says the Honolul-- Star -Bulletin. The without alcohol. people more Willing to submit to a tax that at places they are almost she��, . .1
. Z light it would become much Paleo�, I no wrong," and under the law he lava Which poured forth covered a . I for that purpose." -, . ,for 300 to 400 fcat. - .
9 ' - - - SILENT V OR 1,800 YEARS.
. even though the Illumduation Was the - A �� .1 " � would not be held personally respon. large area of the crater r,00r, demol- .1 .
I I ,
� The Motiow of Plants.
I - col -)r was at th. - , '4 1870, . . 7 ,,Seen at morning, at midday, or at
I same. That the SINCE .. f rail which led from the old
. . sible for any crime or "tort" that he Ishing the t How's This -
. control of the fish w4s demonstrated � I I _. ,chae to commit at any time. At any horse corral to t* e molten lake, Par- One of the chief distinctions betweea . midnight, the sik, this matchless en- I I .
t I We oifor $100.00 for any case of Catarrh
. by severing the sPin.1a Cord Of On 6 I Tate, we are assured by high consti- ties visiting the crater the afternoon vegetable and animal life is that ani- that cannot be .,cured by HA'LLIS trance to a hidden city, is unques- I . .1
* f at had uadergone the observel . befor6 crossed the hot cracks from . CATARRH ILWICINE. tionably one of the great glories of
III &I tutional authorities, the law should er of choice and of vol - � I
41 changes in a normal m-,nner, In this which the lava poured later, on, and mals 4ve pow HALL'S CATARRTI ME DICIXE Is tak- , "
- 30 )DROPS COU� . ncient Petra. Along Its. cool, loomy .
) case ,lie postorior i art Temainel STOPS . GHS -actually and literally be so construed
and that the e'Mtutes hold thal any In- noticed nothmig Indicating an out- untary motion, while vegetables and en Internally and acts through the Blood " .
- . on the Mucaus Surfaces of the System. ans of antiquity . -
,lbsolLitely dark. The 'qght affecti9fl, by Sold by druggists for over forty years. Damascus and the East, from
flih!s ,eyes was found 0 be rs- . jury his majesty might inflict upon a burst beyond the usual amount of plants grow only mechanically -frow.
0 the subject must be ascribed to the king's -_ : natural law. But 4he nateroscopi PrIbe 75c. Testimonials free. Ohio. the desert, from Egypt and the heart
0 sponi,ible for ,he* co, .;: clat.nges, vs the lower layers there Is a hollow &i,A(1i seems to show,that many vegetable F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, �
Ing the apue. With a club e advigor§-* One thing seems to be cer- 40 0 0 of Africa, kings, queens and con- .
-- � liese 0d not occur af, or cutt t,,, much like th Twes Rhospho forms can move as easily as can 11 �
. quarors have all mal-irelled: .at its
g 01�.tie nerved of fishea v.,hose ,hanges 6tick used to play b , ass drum, the tain, and that is that his majesty can Tho Great Bnalish Remedv. animals. . ,a STERILIZE BOOKS. beauties and its, sijangeness. Wealth 11
y bad bven normal. native strikes the Jayer cif rubber -under no circumstances whatever be Tones and invigorates. the whole �There !a a plant called Volvox glo-. __. untold went Ili and OUt of it for cen- I
I that forms the top of the inGtru- -arrested. Nor,'moreover, could his nervbuo stem, rnakeenew BI od -
S "*. ent. I . goodA be distrained or taken In execu, Min old Vains, Cures Arervous baWr, so minutes.that nqllions of it Use Simple Apparems for Lurles, and now for over 1,300 years .
8 Awful Asthma Attacks. Is there a 331 Debility Mental and Brain Worm, De 072� could be put In a wine glass, which is Frenoh . it has been silent and deserted. �
- family who is in the One of these Inetruments is cm- tion should he fail to meet his liabili- delicV, �'oss of gitcrgy, Palpitation q7the seen to whirl like a top across the 1his Purpose.
coaled in' each hamlet of the tribe. ,tio .ffear4,;pWing Men box, six I
member of Your ,j, .. torv. Price U per . "Carved in. the face Of the cliff,
y power of this distressing trouble? No The villages are not more than a I A qualnt f . eature of British I for $5. ' : Sold by all field of the microscope. Some plants . half revealed, halt contealed in: the
- render him will equal I aw 113 nailbd in *pTain pkg. on receipt of found' In our ponds, Which are still � V_" IS. Lone of the
t jjjS0p7,1ot.a?1cd,f,ec. THE WOOD .rowing shadoi ..
service ybU ,can ttention of Dr. J. mile apart and are Placed In a direct that in theory the king Is present re minute, move habitually, 'as Almost the first thing to 4aeet ihe L.arg M_t, most peife�t aud,,m.ost beau- -.1 -%.
t the bringing to his a This north and south line. Although a . -the law-ecITR at every sitting, though ...TORONTO.ONT. (hrmorlyffludw') Me eyes of the French hygienists Ili their " euts� of antiquity- I 11 I .1.�,
d D. Kellogg'S Asthma -Rem-10. standing oufsIde the building. — with an apparent purpose. war time campaign for protecting the ,ifUl nioniuln .. I
tr remarkable remedy re'stg. its reputa- Person he might In point of fac- -, -------, n closer Almost as per- .1 .
tion Upon what it has done for others. in which the apparatus is kept- can- on the continent or elsewhere. It fol- sulphur fumes. In, the evening a Scientists Who have give ounger generation was their I old on- .,haraoh's treasury. . I I'll.
r study than others to climbing plants X he day it come fictiii.bjeneath .1
s It has a truly wonderful r noL hear a blow of the stick on the lows, therefore, that It Is impossible large number of guests of the Volcano erelse the emy, the circulating book, well known feet as t 1,�foo or .4,000 1 . 1: .
V faring years and years of =co,V11- rubiber top, it is quite distinct Ili a to "nonsuit" him as plaintiff should I -louse came to the' edge*.of the pit, state that these seem tp ex as a carrier of disease. The many .no sculptor's chisef, I � I .
Utinent, similar building 6 mile distant. When ibe not put in an appearance when his .but only one part3r remained late liberty of choice. Their tendrUs, In uticins of the. problem jehrs ago; colored with,,the natural ,*,.� -J
e almost every gart of. this CO climbing over pleces of wood with Obvious Sol .oandstone; which .
and even beyond'the seas. one -of these Inotruments Ja etruAk the led, since the law especially enough to wItTIODS the spectacle Of the holes, will try ,one hole after another shared one advantage- while killing .lucs of the brilliant . 11 4
neighboring ones to the north and -ca-40 iscal
S , �*-*-p south eChG the blow, The Indian eta- Iptates that the king Is there,, In a outburst. ,j until they find one that pleases 'the -germs they, qestroyed the book- al- added an indescribable 016ifient, to the . .
�, areb
� - About 11 O'clock In the evening the ,itectural beauty; flanked and .
r- se the king Is always eon them. One investigator saw a tendril 20, ted by Dr. .jurlijolunted by the cliffs, which had , "I , .
- ,096ught the L86wyer. tioned at each one of the posts an- similar sen I large lake began rising rapidly and all For the method perfee . .,
; swers the stignal, and by means of struetivelY present In parliament, withdraw itself after having located trid tinted in turn by the .
d Philadelphia law- fact, thousands of signs of fire disappeared beneath the Marsoulan, and now practiced in the ,)een carved , 1!
e When a celebrate code messages a- long conversation though lie be, In itself in a hole for thirty-six hours. �
w� yer Opened an office It was In a base- black crust. In about half an hour A . - ,Institute for Wounded . and Infirm ,owte,rls, of nature; -approadhed by the I L
- .000 Inys . �
may be 'carried on. miles fr6ra )its shores.. Exchange. ous 4efile-it, is almost Over .
e meat room, which had been previously *�_ � - I hissing sound was heard and a huge Workmen at Montreall, It Is ctalnfli'dl
I — fountain of molten lava sprang up 141ope for the Chronic DyspeptlO� that fo� one-fourth ol!'a cent for each .powering in its effect." - - I -1
a- occupied by a cobbler. He was. some- it Bids Pain Begone. -when geu- ,'- - Thfough lack of consideration of the .
1- what annoyed by the previous Oecu- ralgia, racks the nerve$ or lumbago SeW618 On An Idol. from the sulphur cracks, going fifty book., and with safety to operators, ________4_+_16_ . I � I
scamet irri- I . a idol must feet in the air at first and 3uter dving body's needs miany persons allow d's- books can be sterilized without tue THE GILZETTE. I
c finally Ir eripples 'the back is the time to tett The jewels of an*ludta;, of those .down to fifteen feet, -while a flow. Orders of the digestive apparatus to slightest injury. Two pieces of very � - . I
ay one of them enter- the virtues of Dr. Tho,XnasI li3clectric be *orth stealing it many endure -until they become,chronic, fill- simp e apparatus" are used,* It beater ____71_
table when Ono tt . oil. Well rubbed in it will still the -apidly covered the hard rooks round Ing - days and nights With suffering. 1 . .. �1 I I 0 , , I .�
d ed and said: I remarkably hideous images possess I Within half an hour se,�eral and a dtointector. . n
0- "The cobbler's gone, I see." . pain amil produce a sensation of ease Triplicane temple, in Madras. The about. Volcano House and To these a course of ParmeleWs The beater is a long box open at c,niD I
NP "I should think he had," tartl a- and Test. There Is nothing like it as such valuable head ornaments $is end . parties from the Vegetable Pills Is recomme end and communicating at the other Venice. , .
h sponded the lawyer. a liniment for its curative properties made for the idol Parthasathy, Ili the summer camp arrived at the crater sure and speedy way to regain health. with- an ordinary stove, Inside of the I ___- I , .
e "And what do You sell?" inquired are great. A trial of It. will estab- Ornament is worth some 50,000 rupees attracted by thfS fountain, which Was These -pills afre specially compounded' beater are wooden rods so arranged I I I . 1,
the iffaan, looking at the solitary table lish faith in It. plainly visible from. the brink of to combat dyspepsia and the many thatthe turning of a handI6,will'cause Not Rollie, but Venice, holds first- ..� �
0 and Is makle of sovereign gold, stud activity be- place in Jo I urnallism. history.' PrOrn � ��"
y and a few law books. i - ded with diamonds, emeralds and rub: Kilaiiea. Later on, as the Ills that follow in Its train, and they them to strike on the books placed,on .A
e, "Wockheadel 11 replied the lawyer. CHINESE DENTISTS. I ies, the largest emerald being valued came less noticeable, several persons are sAssful always, a 'sliding frame. As the rods beat the thc latter city we get most Of the I . ..
of ,,uml ye must be doln' a fine buoi- At 1,0oo r"upees'and the biggest ruby ventured to the edge of the hot lava, ............. 1,+- — books, the heavier particles of dust. nomenclaturo of the modern news� I t
r- es apiece. but gas fumes prevented thern from 0_�� fall into a tray of disinfectant be- raper, says a writer In the Quill. Here
V. ness-Ye -ain't got but one left." 4- and, diamond altring in'ihe vicinity of the flow. �
_.qp-#�_ . Crude Work but Still Has -0 .604I rem though, the place of the outburst low, and the lighter are carried by an new;; was publicly posted as in Rome, .
In I .. At had Storage 'of ke exhaust tan to a stove, where they are but to -read it 6st, It Is said, tk small .
of RELIEF .A_T_ LAST, "tron' Dr. Martel'S F�mnlehlls was not located,,V.rof, T. A. Sagger . burned, &Din, a gazetta. Not only lit Latin
of bo -n predicting something spectacular StIMMer USe The books are hung, open by spring countries, but Oven in Allaerica, Ga- I
0, l want to help You it you are suffering For Women's Ailments - lava column h For elips from a skeleton framework, and zetto has been a favorite name for a
it the Chinese can boast that noth- for a,week. The as been
Is from bleeding, itching, blind, or pro* " Ing Is now to them and that all the A. Scientifically prepared Remedy, recom. rising rapidly and there have been I . wheeled into the disinfecting obambor. .
physicians, and sold for near- erilows from the large lake . newspliper. 1111 the ca3e Of tile 33 -
of truding Plies. I can tell you how, In in mended by : several Ov which is equipped with % tank eon- original colonies, nine tit -des out Of .
Or your, own home and Without anyone's arts and sciences are old stories ly fifty years for Delayed and Painful ere a spattei cone The storage of a few blocks of lee rmaldehyde.
I' <)hlna-, it Is Still true that for opera Menstruation, Xervousliess, 3DIZZIness, into a small pit, wh taining a 8011110011 Of to de- ten the first noNvspaper in any one of
tie aivilitance, you can apply the best,of - Backache, Constipation and other Word- has been working. These flows have for summer 19 a Very simple mat- The temperature is ;.Fiised to .120 then, was a Gazette. Often the .price 1,
S;' all treIlmollts. � tions In dentistry an American or a an,s Ills. Accept no other, At 7our been accessible to visitors ..nd g,Veral ter Where the lee to readily grees 'Pahrenheit, the formaldohvdo �,�
of � . druggist, or by�inall direct from out can- !or a newspaper has furnished
European would hardly*eare to & have been able to re..ch the l0a, lake. available. Any unoccupied, corner Of �e germs, and the farnes are Paid I L41xample% may be found
go adian agent:WLyftian Bros Oo.. Ltd., a shed will serve for the purpose, A kills t1
ea. t aceipt of price, ;% The rim of ir"o old pit Is rising aCtIle off by A funnel, - Popular the name.
PILES "HA.Ek.) AT Toron ot Can., upon re fet square carried in the Cent Of PlailadolPhia-POssibly
ry to a Chinese.. Despite their boasts, - — rate of four feet a day and largo cracks rough board enclosure 10 fe 'Mochantes magazine. Amerlea-and
of I promise to send you a FREE trial of the Chinese have not been slow in BIRD NOISES have been- opening I'D near the r3outh and 8 feet high will hold enough ice .1 I -- -- -_1 the first Ifelilly raper 111 s. Skeat
the now absorption treatment, and re- recognizing the superiority of Ameri. . 4 lake., The volcano now consists. of to provide 50 pounds per day for ISJ _ 1. __ the Picayune, of New Orloan y of .
ed, foronees frOfft your Own locality If you dan ,dentistry, although there are . . I three lakes, all exceedingly active. days,, after allowing for a reasonable Ill his "Etymological 1)Ictionar aer
to will but Write and ask. I Assure Yold Some who adherts strictly to ancient All ,Soun(b DO Not COM0 From -.6.04— . amount Of Wastage. The smaller I the English Languar,0,11 gives ...-O
me of immediate relief. Send no Money, methods, and It Is averred that every AlIllefffs Worm POWdOr-4 'not only t1le.quAntity stored, the largerls the . .. $ the word "OftzOtte," ail Abstract of
a but tell others of this off6r. of Their Throats. exterminate intestinal and other !proportion of waste. . at Venice; the original
ere _._-.;i1_ . toi Th7e bottom of the enclosure should sense is either (1)
yeat one or two Chinese dentists edy Pack Your -Butter .ncN,,r3 issued a magpie, from
Aadress, the old school come to the -Chinc-8e. worms, but they are a, rein dhil4ron. � I I co it may have
. e (2) 06 very small
nd 'This Tub ltal'an "r,azetta " when
try M RS. M. SU M M MS, 9OX 0, ,, quart rg of every large. town and re- qlas, it ever occurred to you that many other alhI1011ts Of be covered ;With about I foot of a&,#- ,
g stopach dust. It the soil underneath Is Ina- In meaut tittle-tattle; or I
11 I I I il 0 , 11
4 nd
Ing �
�870, _ ZI
Windsor, Ont. main until their customers have had, many of the sounds, which birds, make They strengthen thO 70un I
4- � their teeth "put In order.11 I tgainst biliousness al "cal pervious clay It will 'be 9,11 the bet- cata pelhaps pald foil the privilege of
im. - - - 4(y not come from their throat at all. '[ . ter If there to a low inches of gravel hudd of latuntied VTLCG*ws— .,Vs, J -1.0m. Itallah. "'gov
'' in tbeir effects where the child flut- . reading the ne
orq *so COUNTERFEITING. .... * I I !!t!. In fever. under the sawdust. In putting in the WhIch b wood pulo-woulded un
.!! nTn�t but are pro,luced as mechanically as fers frOln 108B Of aPPetite- derh bidauabytiffautieprmwd a I, a coin less than a fart1ing.
. . ---.--- . the noise made by a boy rattling a ish,.6onditions they will be found use- fee the boards tan be taken Away #Ad baktd t6 Ornt-Illaq hafffteli. zatt. ,�
Uf-' � ! . w ! � — Lllr Pain from one side and replaced after the Affordsoodo"Protectl a aloft rhe Ireader May Choose- Since '""3
la* It Has Beco:�ie a Lost Art. In I I 1. - - L I I.Y. I � = stick along pallngs. ful and they will serve to V As in position. A space of I foot $16terklition. ZV.rr3WM,er= distille"Illshod pl:Of008'0r of Anglo-Sav-
gn. -, __rr I %� and griping, in tile staInaell, ftom lee 00 on at the T,TnivetflltY Of OaulbrldgO
12 .* ��A I) between the Ica and the
� -
—I Ono kind of woodpecker products
Brit" I .. ,'I I Which children so often suffer. should be left sure ,,11)out :the derlva-
tft _� a sound exactly like the, distant roll —4-0- I boards to be filled with sawdust, and . I - I waa not watte
� I .- VIN P INWRAVEO A ffnred a OhOleO to hia retail-
e I a%., 01 a (11-UnI the, too should be covered With about WARS tIon, ill, V lie that tile t%VO
� �j walea can Ue ileara. Unix Mackerel for Nerves. EAWAJ A 0 FMK fl,", It N 1-ITLAY PI"13ib .
counterfeiting is almost a lost art a, mile away oil a still day. the same thickness. It Is 'the saw- ., I '.1zetta" - e." tho
�, 11. Mackerel 1w an even better food for the It% g� �lv
In 33ritaln. So far asithe coinage of 11 � . , The ,,beats" are made at the rate dust which keeps the ice from Taelt- U.V.11 k� _f , lian I � r nw.110.
, . ,"= ew,,, f,heot the!
tillver money Is concerned little has � � � 1- I ,.... 11 of at least sixteen per second, and the nervousthan, cod ftud sOmO Other Ing. The drier the sawaust Is tfie Butter Xubs I..'aill n ___*�44.__.
----.,, .... - 2 � how the bird can do it to one of the kinds of fish because It cOnt9ins 11 better the lee will keep, and it to � iwouw W I i ITA -1) rr.
been the work of the police mince Wheny 1, ( .. I many Mysteries of nature which has' larger percentage of the fat which the P. good plan, as tile lee to removed I T,,rownf,. ,,t d,.tln,t 111,%rry beautY. InY I
'ou thin � 1� 0, . , position; ,
- 4 otill to ba 6olved. nervous .system requires. The food during the sulunler, to throw W = 6" 4 J,oy; I didlVt 1`111-11 V�Clt!tu or
.. out 10�
about ten years axo they unearthed gw4ys Itill it . .% I I., .9 I
a pia"Ut that was busily engaged 11% � J The "beating" of a anipe Is another value of ftiftclWrel is, Water, 73.4 per from thue to thdo thit driest of the 'i, -;
go i it -tri. .tl for tlympathy." I
Mr I dAE linpzling performance. The antpo Me cent.; protein, 18.3 Der cent.; fat, 1.1 .oawdust whoira it will bo uAdor cover . . ,L�I!,'yoxf have hillie!" I
coining a bettor grade of silver than Ttft ATRER =Z*V:0_0t= 01,(fi�i. "A%* - 1�
I M.r . .
the standard, and the gang went "%0I*".(L%d"0II*""A.V#. Wa " ii;Z� a way or risfing high In the air, then per cent.; As% 1.2 per Cent-ChICOSO ,and conti,aus to dt7 out sud thttA be --.-.- _4b.#4�.—
down for a few Years, Since then W"I,,Rt1~.(M"#.MfhM-I1,?M,.#1W *4 diDping sharply, with wlnga and tall P1Nflq,1,,, sowiTtOW. ��
IM4,ht "� (O tl* .;Ad It Wit" Won ,,W-74 1* b"" Journal. In botr. 6*0100A to be fd#od Attlikit' , 9WA& 11
. � -1..".w.k ... A-
... - __
stlyer bas risen considerably In Price, "L ".60_W WM 6 ... oKt#d 16 V% W'I' "" U* oat6pread. i I I 11 t, ou t1o. I got 11
I *I.",* or lfmvo�. ;1, till*111 964 ths ty"AW 1k.1to air ��_ 1 ! __� !, _!t !!!!!!t!!:tft- I o,wing yotr. The Idet shoul . I llubby: "I PMI't 14ve V 11
the W, uhr= d" 11" or T�ftlo, .:. a.ifti, or fm The wlngm quiver from force of b- t. in blocks of unitbral - - -, � ::X, . 11 . llotie(l fl,"1111 Illy bank Otis inarwrig that �
and It no longer PAY$ to coin al .riven thfough them, �and - URIIN , 0 0% I �� I J."I'l e'verill-ti will" I
metal. VIAL premute d, 011. I* I I * packed as closely together as pos- Us" wifev. "Wirt'l. tl'V ,oluif. wher bank. . �,
There *6ro gults a number of Cages . h is t6 fa%W, N"ke t6t PW" the vieurul Is. believed to come from . I " ' 0 sible. 040 * C""o They'' e'-,'n't vlI be oveedrawn." �
of counterfeiting the 10-thilling note WW IhWd .4 W WAL101. R 1161181! (71* "� -r 01**0 the rapid fluttering of the individual ! . I it it is necessary to erect a speolkI I -___.-*-6-- 1.1
I0"**AW)? ft... Im".404hr"'Wiff—A"It" Night I ; I
1. ,"*~If 111,04k or who, ltm�*I I"" 1. M", � teltherfl. in ,Rny came, the sound Is I'll I
printed on thin pat*r 4urinx the first lee house the routhest kind of a shad ... Vy .-;4L)T DI'MWETUTP1. I
. r.oww�Kwow..N.."V"fw, it's produced, not vocialy, but Instru- I o4 Morn in 9 -4 A � . " ,,l io.i m.
few montbo of the war, Aud 4111to a , .... 3=1.." ""14 tkht w9l keep out the weather Is All I .t,,. -I,- .I!,, . cuier. 1,tIm atmid
'. 9 1 t!ta� . .1
: ft"Aox _,~�L that is to,cossary. Poles ITIAY be I'll, 4 � - I I - I Ir yX4u til -Al UP' 11 (!(40 - . 1
. 0* ,.:= *** W "d A" A * - V � .
few of those were drawn with pen and "... wta Ad " montally : ! � S,ertile fftlrehood."
0, "." ( You 6,vo perhaps, kftrd it 6orn-' ii�epYburf_ jqs .Nv. I did'i't i-amnrnn," pratpAt#d
ink, but the Bradbury Issue OtOMOd ' Houscor L r. N T ' Itha drivou into the ground And 1*664 41P 11 I- , Nt� t-:,,; -I ,oltl il t la an awful burrl." ,�.
thl raotios. ,
I " . . _. cra.ko 'ImAping," it to a moat harsh 6 , V9 ea th,4 Illaide witU rough lumber, or . .1
oury" tue Qu,*r day A Mau was ad unDI**"nt no,ke. rather lAks that __ _ I_ _- -- - ,.!
. ,
I A �
I .1 I - I , I I . .� , , . . I , L I ,' , .
__."� 1. � � I , 'k , , L., ii I � �
. . .. � " � � - � , . I :� I.. ;
. .'. _ -.1 .JoI If I .1 1�4 I r , I , 11 . 1. � 0
� Al _ ,,,, I . . .. L . � '- . I - �,' It" - ,� . . ,
I __L�_.� _. _. �- I :" "I i%%&6 ., . , , . , .1 , L .
- . . . A
womb - � 4, I "_GWW=k-____V-agffibh� I d1lb 1.126"'s"- I * ,-.-. , - —, ."a&__�_ _J * ___""A"_- ,. .. . .,