HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-01-29, Page 71* . , - - , . I , - !, . , ­ I . -v ,7 I _ I '7 W 4;11 11 , , err, r,'7 F.777 I , r M , ; - 'It 1 77 i '! 1" , PFF" T W7"Tm -,'.! 44 , Z11 , 411777 , N k 'I" . . - _. , ,_ , ",117; -.. , 1 I I , . " , , 0, - I . I . I.. , '.., . , - ,,, -4 - I , "11 . I . - . 1. . .. v ­ . 1. I I .. .. I., . . 1, 1. , .. . , 6 . . V A. -.1 , I - I P .7 " 1 117 11 ,I , . ". 1 * 71. 4,it " T , " " , ., I , 7 4, I , ." " I - 77 I rl"Z 17. 11 ; , . . . . . I I I . , .1-1 I 1 I . . I . . I. ., . : 11 I . . . 4 I. I I I .1 11 __ , ­ __ _-1 __ ­ - . - - 1 7, ;,31p7t, .­ . , , I r , . , ", , . ." ­ , —M, I - - ­ — - '4f, '* , ,.-k ;' , ., ; .4 . I M ,,, WI : 1, I " I . ; I ... 4 1 , I I I- #,>, I , , . Z ik 117 . . 4. . I . -­ - - *'W- , ­ ­ . , - .1 L . I - ... I ... I'll I 1. _. Ift ". 110%.- , 1 , , I .. I I I .. V. _. I . 1. , , , , I I . . . ). I .".1 , I . , ,.. I . . I "I ­­ - , _1 , - I - .1 I—- — I----,-- - __ _.;__I. — I__ ­LINF 1, I I .41" $­­PK - i - - -, - _ff .;-"- ­6. 1 ;;Ama, .1, . . . , I - ___ I- I I . I , J ---- -_ "I I ­ ­_ . I .. 11 111,1,11.119 __ ' , -,7T-- __` , I , . &7 "'Wo A hand In it." I 1. 011 F ... % ... 1 I g,o ljig 11!1 - - 'i. __ . 7 ;—V- , . - . , I I .. . I i I. , :7 , , 4;4. - ­ - - - __ - I 11 ., I t, - : - . 11, . ;' I , AV .. ; ., - I - 1111 1 I giyl gail i l 1, 11 i jl 111111, jl 11 Nowl", ' t I ir" 11 , J' ! ." , - y I I In iiiii . , . - - - N, . N . yes" the Deputy is quoted as ro ,0, JIVIAL - ,A - , I , P ' "Prowler Orlando IN, Out' Of '. , f , I " 1 I lying, # V I 1, I . I . , . mi, MENACE - 1K SOUTH I I . . c office, Premier illewsuoftil is again , i -1 . . " Ill pri-vato life, and President Wils*n I MOM I 11 , 4, . : ;. ", - 1 . ,G COST IN CARING' FOR ' , . ..... .. " 7 has mat with reverses; In WashlAt- CUTTINf .1 !I ,; .,VNMENTAL Mo - 4661m^w .r .. I'll, .6 1 4;1. :. ton. only you have beea spAred." I . 1. I .1 , , ,*Yes, and la less that Ai% months . . r4r No 4 44 440#4#4 04110 0, t 0 * 1. 1. I -f, . . i , ' t %. I . .. I 10('001 -SIA LESS ALARMING it will be my turn," Is the reply At- BE E -F CATTLE . sa,causa of the W'W"OreAd , , - 11 I tosi I -------,.-,--- __ tributed to the British leatler. . MH I I ENDS tIaA concerning ttbe future poff, k_% -1 A .. of Korea, and the cbsrow ar .. _* _­Ow.ff# ------ * Give Your MAU, a M=oo t* RoWn Y u a Fair WOM­1101V ng 8n4 Gfta4 (JAV4, 1:1, # ''I',," un. Houwltaainj Uodphogs. I I I - ­_ . ­ ­_ ­ ­ . - i . fla1%,111a $Preoeuttou tber% the uwod I The 00,106'"Viki Are Now Deep in Enemy Co ' ' I , I ; ;:11 11 pill iic 1=4!mlo 0111111 I; :N I Useful Disoussion OU Bet- i8sUWede6aU)0$U01V10atLPn4IcxI owe'oaahewty 01%404* 401$r*v , 5 - -!! 11! , 41: , "' it to said tbat when In canip during 11 _. T #=W0 . "LL____ _.iW_"_`_ , mi "I"', ; : 1, I 1: L _; I . I . - . . . .1 L. ''I'll 1. rmo, II - - .1 E-.4=1`._-_1-1-1- I . I I L 1. I L I nor of "the hermit kingdol" . ,. I the Winter the Woodsmen Of M%lue I _L, . arranged that tile bony- attompt 9f Nature to malm the k A clviliz4tloa try, With Poor Communications entertain many strange guests—blue- (,Qy Q. W. Muir. Aeglatant Domiulou sboula be so , skin , tement of Rural Oou, - "Although Kmv. It" , extending nearly 4,060 yearo Into 04 I Jays, chickadees, wood nitee and hedge- Animal Husb4lidm4n.) lest consuming cattle—I.e. tho breed- do part of tbework of the luiij;s, with munifleo. the Ilogo among the* ____._ __ nl. J)nQ Woodsman L During the last few weeks of open lag oows—will be nearest the source tile result above etated. I — past, many of the nativo -in . - weather, when the ti of,sup , nd the Animals on lighter . north bwre never seen a whit# Warx, caulp on a, Saturolay after ale $Vellt QU the ,o P% The unhealthy ,VDpearanoo of the oay-3 the bulletin, which is qu pow noon used to neglect properly to close land Is, valuable, the live stock are ra est away. The arrange- skin way not be due Aftoacther to the . OA! 0" "Ay'ag ,,, 9 _! I I th frout. a, coultnuales,tion, by Roy C. ­ Denikiloo's PO'sitioa, Better and People Loyal the door of his sback in order that too often left to shift for t1lemeolveo, meat In the accompanying sketch, I lack of ventilation, as the prevalence THE OFfICERS drews. -1 , ,dgehogs might ontor a -Ad clean but when the final freeze up ti%4oa L PIXQWIUC floor, PI%a of 0. combination of lice way vase bring .-,bout a BOD10- L "The.y are living among the 11,1110 I 111i3 lit, I . I . hie floor. place the farmer then has more time , barn, will illustrate this, point very what ulmilar apprarance, Needless ter I I , 0 . Kolchak Heard Fri m Inasmuch as the principal constitil- to give -to. the Proper houaing And well. Another Important considera- say, It Is poor economy tO feed cattle to­da much as did their allOOStOm I eats of tile canip menji,are pork And care of the gtook, It at this 'time Plano UQU Is the case of cleautus out, This harboring these posts, and now, When EXPerts Advise On Various centuries ago, wors-lilpying MY1111041' I eks and tre" on every' % I I . n and other dishes, rich In are laid eo that beat use Ica made, -of factor IR ws] , takou care of In the gode Ja the ro London cable says- Tho Position of meat slid arforti full eupport, to beaus, baco shown. The manure from tile they aro not so nuincrous as they will Phases,of Work On mountain top, keopling their womM, , . . J)eal fat, much grease is r,pllled upon the tile accolualodation available-1wep- "all in the tied stalls may be taken 4 , in isami-alavery and dying In I or- , !ug In mind suitability ter the class cattle be later on in the winter, to the time ' Goteral Doulklue, autt-Bol0lie'vist Ire. floor in a week, and a hedgehog, will L out by either barrow or litter Carrier to got rid of theai Lice will be found Varnis. once that, beyond the narrow .1coaquea , leader In, Soliukhern Russia, to all aP- 7ho Bolshevik ad,valloo, in Siberia risk his neck for a bit of fat. of stock, economy of labor, economy . ar opening off the I most numerous on the sides of the, I of their; own peninsula 1108 a World appeam to have slowed down, The Al- Just na soon, tboreforo,,oa this par- of construction, with particular ret-, by way Of the 491 in, at the, tal . passage between the cow stable find i nook, over the should( I roRlete with undreamed wolidera. pearancea, Is somewhat bettor, 40- lied Illgii toomaile3loner has received Y,as deserted by its arence to any remodelling or addi-' I . -flank but b re Guelph, out., despatch: With. the Wrap cd in ,tile .0041 .. ticular camp - liorse stable, and dumped dirdotly la, 11, head, and about the 8, t o . mantle of Orl corddug to the War 0011ce ,oum104TY a ,message from Admiral Kolabalt at' occupants the splay gluttons ,would dons that illay be neceseary-tUen . Will. be A L few scattered abol.11 - tlle election of officers, ,,in tatorestlag disr seclusion, for couturlee Korea 0140* N'j4J-Udlna'k, etating that'lle is to" the 4uture profits may be expected to the manure sleigh. A system that , cessfully guarded the secrets of her ,- (9 thq situattoa. The tmevitable PAITG Maiming there I with vho millftters of hasten in and begill to 'Plalie off tile to Increase in proportion, Is often praoticed-Is to use the manure body as well, so, that any rome . al oussion On Rural Community Better- , has occurred. which mu%t follow any hie suite, whose -late lie Intei WB to surface of the floor with their chisel- The eyetom of feeding cattle out of from the borse stable lit, the gutters measures must tb sr,ch that they can mont and eome results of the mouataims amd her people; but -at like teeth, eating away all tile wood of the cow stable as am absorbent, It be applied to all parts of the body. co op" last tho clamor of'foroignere at her long and rapid Qrjea3ive each as has doors throughout the whole winter, of L &tJVo 0 arm literature door$ could no longer be stilled, And . . share. , that hold A traco, of grease. On his to a good, ou.e,,and it saves straw and Remedios comin - been conducted 'by the BCA'Glievild In ouly usecl consist or 11 . South UumlA. The further course of In Nvest Ifu-s-31% the Let -to, since the the only shelter being an opearfront return to caulp the owner would shed, such as the one shown, Is prac- greatly enrle s the manure 8wing to powders, emulsions or ointments, coal- that threw quite a broad I!Slit on the she yielded roluctan,tly Inch by Inch, . thir,coeratioun. will probably favor the openhig of their c1fensive on JanunrY sweep up And anjoy the comfort$ Ot a tlted olalto largely an western farms, the holding Ili It of all the liquid The ta d et sprays or dips, and oils, needs in this respect, t] . is Ontario At- although realizing -that the founds - side ab,is to make ,the beat Use of tits 4, 1havo taken a stretch, of ,the'v clean house for angther week. The , . . r pro u uniza : tiona oil her- Week governalent 'wore . . own country about forty miles In and also to a more limited extent layout of the above stable makes this The, powders, while --fairly easy to riculturel and Lixperimutal I . tims, at its disposal for reorganization. prisonera only serious objection to this method 'n the east. The oyatem, is, open to praotice.yery easy to carry out, As for apply to someparts of the body, are meeting we,% brought to a tlose to- crumbling beneath -her. .. d,opth, and captured 13,0,04 of housecleaning lay Ill the fact that * the clohning out of the box stalls, th ulgli't. "It was In 1882 that the -first treaty . This naturally will be easier for and. considerable Tnaterlal Sixty it was now camp more general adopted, as It has been 16 difficult to Apply to others, *and are The election of officers fo,r the, with Korea , was ,Vgaod. by the . 'Jutted ­ '", i, neces6ary to lay A proven to be practical and has many may be most easily accomplished 07 not very effective. The emulsions or ers -_ .. Ir .0eneral Doulkine, Who IS nearer his tory still rx.ralus floor freqr,ently. eO ok Up their base AA,d .reoeuross than the Boishe- m4les -of Lettlah t%Ti I . advantages, which might be enumer way of the doors, opening from 'the ointmeAtsi usually containing kero- Ming year resulted' AS 1101101WO; statea, and fbre to I I . I Ylki, who have sone deep into the In Bolshevik hands. -_---.04-4---- , Ated as follows, (a) Other things Into, the barnyar I ol or ,oven 8,ne oil and mercury President, H, F. Revall, Goderlell; r(*IdcAC0 with Official 6411CUOIX at enemy country And depend for sup- The Bololievikl ,.,have ,concentrated pflor"ough one of tile windows where uO 0 . , respectively, are Vice--Prea!dent, J. B. Spencer, ot- Cheraulpo, the seaport of the Capital- I pl strong torces ol troops for t 0 0. being e4`4al, cattle fed under above fairly effective, but they a.,e rather V Yea with tlits foothold Irk ally-de d cqndit!ons require very little, if any, door Is available, It, however, It "14 . tRwa; Secretary, Dr. Zavit&. 0. A. 0,; SVOUL les, 4nd equipment ,on partl that they At I fence -of the haportalit Julic too stormy or tile snow is too deep slstaat JSeerqt,, ry, I strbyerd. tOwA%- 2011 Of' UKRAINE ARMY -more grain per pound gain than these had to mix and Apply so prct, W. J, the neW country the unwelcome. Vint- _41 the support af- Rictiliftea, and are a!so conutor-at- , will not burn the sida, The dips W, tore Pushed their way but slowly Iut* , Much -depends upon . fed Indoors; (b) the labor for caring to clean out the box stalls by, this $quirrell, Q, A, C.; Treaeurer, A. ' lation at tacklug, -the Lettiea along the Pskov CTIMS ro them and ,Irly readily made from ocoal-tar products,,made up krte of the kingdom, -lxud , I forded Deniklue by -the POPU I F%rn liff , the cost of hoitslu.- method,,they can be fa - MaLson, 0, A, C.; Directors, 'Dr. G, 0, tile other pi Rallwa I y have' .,beert I t . Creelinall, 0. A. C.; , n, - I hi - , y, where thee I I hem is reduced to a minimum; (0) cleaned by means of a barrow or lit,. according to. directions of the manu Holl. H. Nixo as late as 1897 only a relatively 0MAll' I .- still commands, their pulsed -with boavy lee re; TYPHUS V I . the value of the manure to Increased, ter carrier through the doorway al- facturers, appiled .W. Widdifl-61d, portion had been visited by White I ,q re,%r. Latest reports aeo= to In , aes The Red while fairly. warin , ,,-t, George, out:, j. , dicate that he . . "?ra u8_11, W. ,P. P., Cxbrldge; law,, I I I full -c , outideacelan,d loyalty. Howevery have not succeeded In checking the ,. Provided sufficient bedding to (soak up ready mentioned. lit the nedding with eltlier a zt-m-gx, y or a br .C. M.. Laid men. k lils leems c.f materigg in the rec4,xnt LetUall advance in Jae coutre, The All ino'eture Is used; (d) last, but not down of the box stalls all kjuds Of are amolig the most effective reme- Burwas6,; D QNIeArtii - "After tho.Russlan-Japaneee War of, , Ith- ui,',App1n. 1901, however, whon,tbe coun-try was i I rotiftt are bound to have a grave teaelon between the Poles and L l ntire army least, the health of" the Animals is refuse, sweeping of mangers and- the dies, Care should be taken that tile Trea,.,urer A, W. '111adoa . repdrted . - t only small freely opened to foreigners ,and Ito . . ' u4nians, con-tinues. -bu 1. , .. Don Is 90 Arms* encountera between .Partisan of 10,000 men, romilauts of Gen. Pet- in d In like, can be use to good advantage. material is thoroughly applied to I re Ip, effect, on future- operations, uch better than when house a' 00 t,3 Uf 5,268.19 aml a balance .ou, . - Q2, 8, - I railway had been completed. the ex- I I i lura's Ukrainian force Is stricken with =,,,ventl ated barns. This le, par- thereby. turning it into a better grade parts of the bw!7, if after the aPPli- hand ot $1, 8 Meanwhile the, Mver ,,,, I Ahern part Itro- , , Sw4olloa b,y. aieA,vy,.ira,'no%. as to render bodies have occarred typhus, and 30000 moll In the East portaut In the care Of of manure, The stalls should be cation tile cattle are blAnketed for two Rev. iNl­t; 'edgeworth, of Choltell- Ploratlon of - tho, Ao , ? it, difficult o pamage, and the Don In tile Caucasus -the Bol-shevilol, ad- 'o s by leeps and bounde, until 1. I Galician armF, -ommanded by p the only extensive u itknowa, are% IAY , , , 0_ brooding stock, Furthermore, the as- cleaned out at least once a week, It or three hours to keep in the fumes, bam, led tii,6 ft-eussion bil rural bet-' gi s ed . and Caucasus am - . vanca down -the western c4oros of, , vieliko, who. from Is, so much better is not onlY more wanitary, but it Is - much better, a,zation that along the north ceatral boundary be- I , jes have tlxua gain . time,to timo co- similAtion Of flood the results will be that torment. He, said tbaC , I ed A yalu4ble respite, which will,be the ,Casplau appoaxe ,to threaten Pet- operated with Petlura, 1.9 in an almost Uuder coadlVous where Plenty of much more easily done. thall w4en Ifft If this treatment is applied on A fairly gets top lle%vy 16 going- to decay. . , . I raising, rovsk, the -base of the valanteer fleet. equally bad plight. Death, results I,,, good fresh air, coupled with i little I for moutbA at A time, as it does not warm day aiid the ,cattle lire not Our'civilization has been growing top tw'sen the Tumen and Y4,u rivers, . used -fully In reforming and Ght;n1d in Trans-Ca pla 'the BolehevikI have ezerelse, Is available that any t get packed so hard, F urthermQre, I We "This wao said to be & region of . further reinforcements that about E0 per cent. of the oases, It I$ 0 . exposed to drafts, thc-o need be little hoa,117 in that we are . reas!ng the treacherous, swamps) densely forested I . . 'shortly be Available to replace the not yet oa,ptured, Krasnovod,Ak, as To- said, consumption of feed under ollnxolroar'l less bedding is required to keep the, city population at thelLe-Vpenle of the z They ,have penetrated as far conditions to more than counterbal, anitn4lo clean. I fear of their cat0iing cold, It Is esti- country. We are tacIng a'serlous de.; plateaus, and gloOnty =0116-a Vast . . casnalt1w," prortod, The American Typhus Commission j of feedIng tb mated that these treatments, labor . wilderness, -treasuring in its depth& , . . . imminent danger ae Yapinam, ,but are hold up by vol- anced by the - better aesimilatiou of As regards the wor , 0 population, and In .one township the XoroGfer, the . has been overwhelmed. Even the en- i inoluded, cost about' -ten .cents per .the ghostly peak ,of ths.'Loag-Whtte . . . . to, ,their country has caused both the ', unteets, 'who occupy ertrong Pealtiolie, ormous supplies Which, the commission the $eed. The Ideal shelter Is an Open anlinhIs, the floor levels, type -of man- animal. Of the o!ls most commonly speaker has seen 9, 46-9 r cent. de- .11ountain, wonderfillly beautiful Irt . I . 04 n Cossielw to. rally while ,the Bolsboviki flanks are ox- brought have proved insuffi front shed, built. of single ply T. & ager, etc,, have a 10t-tO-99 'with the recommended -,nl used Is raw Ila- elluo of rural . . . . D ' and Xuba Ci6itt. Ito robes of glistening Pumice, 'The I . . vfbo leheartodly around the Govern- D000d to, fire from the Gea. - Several officers and men of the com- G, lumber, or of rough lumber with saving of labor.. The most Approved seed, , oil. it is applt d, with a stiff The remedy is not to:1, be found. In ,:oecret of Ito sualialt, wbere, the . . I . --- I I I _., I _____ - ,.—, mission have died, Including a" -col- hattons over the cracks. The feed-, type for tle-up stalls Is a continuous, on length bristles and outside fGreee, It mivat bo evolved. by , Dragon Priuce & Vbol' Ilea far dowin 1. I I , _ , — brush With imoV the people residint, ther'e. The great -cleat orhte , had been 104M- . .. onel who was In charge of the worlt Ing is usually done at the most con- rounded bottom One, wIth 'sides abouf rubbed well into the skin. Factors In organizati6ne of soctety, such as the IA the an, . .. , X voulent place,outaide of the shelter six or eig .Thc pas ,. ed as early as 1709 by two Jesuit 1016- 1. . . I At TaruopoL , - ato that 'go- in ]lay racks and troughs, whleh ght inches high, . fa,vol, of this treatment is that It4s home, school and chureh,­.must join ' -f - the north : ,.. , .. WILHELM Reliable reports - Indic, would be the P.etter of partial cov- sage *ay in front should be On & level easily applied and cau, be applied In forces and co-oper6te ot results will elonarles, coming rom . I I NEXT DEMAND FOR . viet Russia is being devasted by he ering. One jot . the drawbackia '. which With the upper.edges of tile manager. the coldest of weather without dreneh' not be. cb#.,ained. The -Tural school Of through Malicburl. , , bat the ap- I I disease. It 'wag. stated in March last eal of This type Allows of easy cleallin., and, Ing.the cattle; it leaves,#thu hair in the, present, I Proaclics to its base frot4 the souilk may be found.against this i yst ' a Lieant to graduate Its year that there was 3,340,000 'known, teed u ring is ,alao handy to put the feed iAo. pupils into profess!oiml life. There and weet in Korea- had, never been ' ' I - .ng is tile diffic Ity of wate an oily condition, which is detrimental . I cases of typhus in Bolshevist Russia. In the *feeding Of silage the writer has to future hatches of lice. One draw-' al traversed by a white Man. I . . I AIA conditions this year Are apprOc- the animals' saWfactorily, However, ust be an adjustment, and. our our- IVIusan was a rovelatift Here, OR , . . " DIRECTED 1`0 BERLIR as the maJorlty of beat cattle are found an ordinary wheel barrow Pro- back Is that the oil :s .rather high. In rioula ,must be so arranged that . . MAY B E .. jabiy worse, with at least 2,000,000 turned out to water any Way, the ferable to a larger truck, Once it is price At the present time, but prob- teafting will pa,rtake of-, a greater tit(,, YeTI edge of XoriA, lies ,this I 1. I . wonderfW ancient city, Its grim old . ------- — ,f cases, _' - . hardships to be encountered are more filled it can be run along the passage .ably where only a few head -are to be number of subJe4ta wIA10',constitute five centuries ot It's- , , I . I I I I walls, bearing I , - - fancled than real. Where there Is a and t ff Into the treated it could be a,)plied profitably.' rural work. . . . stepping backward I , I . . . tory. It was like . Inoculation for Measles. good ddo-p well In the yard, ,we ter' mangers withoitt further foi'king, ex One p,int is said. to be sufficient for "Regarding the rural, church," con- to Another wofld, iuto a storY.09 the . I Premiers of -Britain, France an! Itally, Wil may be pumped two- or three Aimes eept possibly in the case of the box thr6e or four head. The- only precall- tlnu d the, speaker, "it .')lag A grea Arabian Nights. — I . , s . '*- . I I . I * I I There is A possibility that children daily Into a tub, care being taken stalls, In the feeding of hay and tions necessary are to see that the Place ind part to play . . in rural lIfd, , . ,,Few wihite men have been' fortu- 11 . . . . . . _1 3 may be made lmvj,io 6 Iroin miasies, that any water left is at once thrown straw, In the above mentioned type of aul s, tlie welfare of . . ­ . by inoculating, The fact thatchildron mals are not subJected to direct provIded it exi ts for I nate enough to wander Inland to the . I Confer Before thg Next Move . OUC ' Water, when first PulmPed, Is manger, ft Is not necessary to put the sunlight for welve hours after appli- the people. Thatlor which the church gates of the ancient city. During the I I , touch warmer than when left to be- I ` tinder six months of age seldoul con- l, material back into the manger two. or cation, and that they Are not exercised stands 14 , essential - ,advancement, ausso-Japancee War several Russians I I I .1 . 1 . tract measles aiiggested to Mr. Charles came oated over w.1th tee, lience At three times, as Is of ton the case witl% for two or three ,days after applica- Rural life is the barvie'. hhtng in na- took 'refuge there, And e!nce then a I I . I I . 11 Herillan a few years ago the possibility should -only be Pumped when the cat- mangers with a high front. One tion, No matter what tile remedy tional welfare. If it live$ UP to its half dozen foreigneris. have discover- .- I 1. . . I.. y Come to afiderstal U%ig With H911--nd of inoculating children to wake them tie are ready to drink, which Is sw,eeping of thavralk after feeding Is used for getting rid of the lice it is possiblIttleig It will develop the best ed it; but, except fQ-r these stragglers, . Ma 14 6 immune to that most Infeqtlous 'and itijually after they liave eaten a large . . . most widespread of all diseases. Tho Care shoul.6 be usually sufficient, and, moreover, aways necessary to give a second.ap- and real standards which the ideals Alusan lies unknown to the westera: I . part of their feed. More Is never any accumulation of plica , tion from ten days. to two weeka point -to." I ' world, The great central palace, or I ,, I jig , substance used was the,serinit or bloOd. taken not to dump any water In 4lie litter on it. ,If such. a manger Is of after, the first. The first application . AL. receg,tion, hall, remains Intact, and, I I - I "a ' , cy for the took - R= I I I ul%n His Future tW6-Kee ' ,drawn from patients convalescent with yard to make it 1 s , or. i ,RMATION USSENTI - . V cement construction, with a little fall may not kill the eggs or nits present, Mr.': George A. PatnAm Superin- close by, In. partial ruins., Is the temo I .... . . measles or with the actual virus ob- loga from broken limb.; may result, to one end, it call be used for the be at the right age for tendent of Institutes, Toronto, stated ple guest house, The smaller public , . 1_1 I tained from. tile nose and throat -of The question which will naturally watering of the cattle as well as for and these will . that he had watched with IatgTest billiLdinge, the gates, the watch towers, 1 't3 the punbahment ol! Opunt. He- those In the active stages, In the Pro- arise is: "What class.and age of.cattle killing at the end of the interval.,men- for t1te past 30 years the '(14vb`lOV- and. most of all, the walls tli'em-' . I . 1. Paris. , cable: tBy the Associated gaim I - feeding. Some feeders. prefer this W%nt of the Experimental U211011. . solves, each one ha's its own peculiar I I . henzollern as a 4tiestion or seatiment. viflence city hospital 17' children who can be housed to best advantage un thod to the individual salf-1111ing tioned. A treatment once a mouth I . '1?tw--.)-Coafcreuces between the Pre- IIAH thinEe c0is'dered, *the ,only had been exposed to infection were der outdoor conditions?" In answer it me thereafter would"be time Well speat,.""Your association has rendered a fascination, teffling Its Own stOrY Or. , .. . 1 14 Britqtn, France and . I method, and it is much cheaper 0'Pter to that of, Its 11 I . . mlem of.Greal thirg remalullig i r us to do tsr to treato,l and none of them developed may be said that, generally speaking, bow N as the first treatmeAts will hardly great se,rvics econoral,cally -to. the adding a ch . . 1. held balers the next asles. - This, of course, is too small this system of feeding is best suited to Install., I ever remove every louse, and theio farmers Of the province, Increas,ing. iiel,g I . 11 Italy. will be I co. -Me to an understanding with 13-pl- me * ,hbor. . . . , inove In the p ing I oas surrounding a itumber on which to base conclU,sive to the work of carrying over the fat- It box stalls are axallable for only may be some othe* come on the dat- ,rural population, and, an ev$r in- nearly three Weeks 11 . I roceed, -s to extradite land on ,the condit.1 - olally in a matter of telling stockers and, feeders from the a limited number, they should be ueed tie from the -w.00ftork of the stable. creasing wage being Off0red In the h Owe spent . I .1.1 . 101- the internment of the former Emperor, judgment, esPe Ing men unting t1aere. These vorthori I I tigers forraer Emperor Wl"Xiam. from, I . elon, for Allied negative evidence, but It Is sufflci0 UY time, that they are year-olds up to for the young calves, the fattening Last, And by no means the least centros of population, draw ara splendid animals, more beautiful ­ I I 1. . . land is decided upon, according to In- ,in which some pro,T1 krrant further Inves- the time of sale, and for the growing: animals And the herd bull. Crilves Important, comes the question. of, from the land the problela of rural I o I . - Covernments b5 examina the I)Utcll. ancouraginet to W ' ' than their relatives of India or the . I illext tigation. ;1 of female breeding steel; from the time will i; better in groups than -when I betterment becomes a most 1XV­ I formation, glvl!n the Associated Proza answer and decided upon the C . grooming the cattle.. Those running .Nlalay Peninsula) and range among I . .0 bids lip to the time of tied up singly, provided, of course, I open do not require plexIng one- Rural c6inniunt the bitterly ,cold mo4ntalns of China, . , I I 'Ferelgn Office. Whe- .1 course to take. " they are year- loose in the ty bet- . ... . by the French, - ving. It is true that the sys- that proper precautions for isolation o, be accomollshed by Korea And T . . 11. ,14ex t , next demand for t of ,La Vic tend to it torment Is not t Manchuria, far UP IlitO I I- 11 he surre-a- I Gustave Herve, editor I tem. is equally' alloptable to the hand- L grooming as' they can at St . In, , . . .. 'der. P,t " ling of a herd of spring oalving breed- are taken if ,any communicable disease pretty well for themselves' Those In paid, Gfflolalo, although, they may, her . . . I . . he erts-twhile kala:er will be I tc-Ire, thillL6, -on the whol% it won And Will, be a factor in, attaluing'the ,,On the first d 's hunt At OOzaud<) . .. , . . STEEG M AY QUIT I "' 5t `a' breaks. out amongst them. It has been bdx look after 'on, and health- $y 'lip, bullet pa0sibig . ..: -directed to The Hague or Ecrlin will !"N, bet -ter "for the KalMr to stop ing cows should the necessity arise . stalls Inside can aTS; des.'red results. Rocreatt a deer was shot T . . . a subject to be deo . found by repeated experiment tbAt certain extent, but a ful social llfq are cosentlal. "Co -opera- .. filled th . , I I I %beth main L t6rmln6d I ;1ere he IV'. I to make use of1t. To meet with the steers or other fattening, animals make themselves to A through both Itinge e thorax .. 11 .. .. I I toy tile tlifee,Governments. - ' . .. 'tit Napoleon bad-bfca lallo ea to I best success. it is important that all I little groolning' would work wonders tion Along business lint$ lit the MAt- with ciottei blood, And so, soon ao .1 I .1.1 . . . . It .',a undorstood that tit least one d le of cancer in Amer"ca, the Napo- HIS", PORTFOLIO the animals in any one enclosure be better gaInG when allowed to. run t6wardo Improving their condition ter of bay'Iag, prodi;eIng and sellingi. the an'lual was opened Palk, b * ., , . . that loose in box stalls than when tied u p.] par - I Tremler to not aver -se J,o, asking Ber- lernic legend perhaps ,would have of about equal age and size, so and appeArahce, t1cullItly I' they is 0, very forceful factor In secur!ng Korean gan-4bearer, plu ged ,hie fa,de 'It. I I i ' L there miay be no "bossing" tit the This is particularly ,so If the -cat%le are being,prepared for sale. It is the and holding, the Intoreet, bt all claaes into the balt.liquid mass, drinklug F 4*1u,to call for the return Of Count feebler viings,", he declAred feeding -trouills. Another means to are at all wild or, dervous, for thoy"'do- J -ad2jewriollern to Germany, and then - WILHELM NOT SURPRISED. ' h Fre- -this end is the dehorniug of all Ant- not require as much handling whoA chttio which are tied, up practically all In the co-mimunity." and eating until the last droV was I I I. I.. . 'TO Save New. F rene the time which require special atten- , - Other:'toples touched on by Mr. go. t n, removing tife steaming I I : . ,oienignolingtNtt. Germany deliver him ' The he u . Ale. h6 ' . .i . I , . .1 I I Ainerangoll special cable Form- s, mals not already deprived, as calves, in the box stalls, rd b 11 . . I . .. 4 ove;.,,t-o the Allies, In accordance ,with ! I , rom Defeat. - tion. These should be groomed regu. Piltuaiii wer6- Rural neighborliness, red liver, be cut it Into 1311cesi Owal- ' I Itho:prcylsione at the Treaty of Ver- er Emperor Wfiliam, of Germany.was mi,er r - a- - In the case, of should be kept in a box stall, first, be larly, using curry comb and stiff corn home improvement, school better- . . , lowing them as fast 0 POW-ble. I I ' I : I I talitex. ,not surprised by the. formal refushl of . breeding cows overcrowding should be c%usa If full grown lr6, is, or should brush aiad,plou y of elbow grease. ment and demonstration ledttire . ,,I wag troniendouely ,surprised, bUt '- "'. '..' ' '. . ., , . 1 the Dutch Government to comply with . guarded against as well. be, too large for' the ordinary tie -lip minutes per Animal .per. . day courses. - XOrealAS . I .; . . . , . .-Seatiment In official circles here is the Allied demand for 'his smrr nder, XilleranWs PoliCy is Not in Two learned. atterwiLrd that the , .1 1..V -q*lt,ist such procbdure, as there Is n6 Outdoor Neding is& of course, par- .Stall; secondly, it gives him a chance with these tools Will Make quite a IMPORTANCE Or TEAM WORK. believe the blood of a deer or any . .. . . ;. . It was declared to -day at Boutincli tictdarly adapted toAhe larger farms, to go asen- n h a arm 0 . . 'mporor re- I t a little of the exercise so e . wild Animal, if drul k wl e w , t ., ... , ", I that tale former I, Castle, where the ex -ruler makes his o . Question. where .besides the winteTing of the tial to a breeding animal: and lastlk, change in their condition by srring. In tbo abseuce of Mrs G. "A. Brodie, 0, r 1 , . .. . ". 11 tlu M,Mo Germany. It Is feared tha b ember that While Many Of the President of the U. F. W. 0, Now- be a E!plendlld toni Tige g, a awa FIlern In home. News of the oldelsion.was first . I . regular. ituia er of bre6ding stock, he ii Much mora sage there than in , Rem seem trivial, taken market, Miss ,1%,I. T.T, Watson, director whiBuers, bonos and teeth are es I vre ,nee of Cr.unt lie enzo commullicated to ill; castle by the Aq _1qtl,1,j .dable-preirt-lor aillierand and carload 'lots of. stoerg are parchased any other Place In tho'stable. A wdll- points raised may G 'any Would -solidity the monarch- a , of home economics at the Macdonald pecially valuable and preparatIOUS . d to be I 00elated Press correspondent here. MeMborj of the cabinet are to-d&y C011- and fattened during the, winter mo the fenced paddock. connected with the collectively and properly uppilied they inade front thesse materials were Often . is. *arty, ,which I,% reporte sitlerili,c; the attitude.-Ot tho ChaWbel' of - on the smaller farms the same neces- bull's box st Lay inean'the difference between sue- Institute. was called on next. bliss 1. I ,Ivan to eoldiers before A: ba.ttI6 or I . I A rdfusal of extradition, had been i.)eputle,4, Which, although it has Voted all, SID that he can be giv- ni ,t g I j ;a' lig strength daily. for increased room may not be (in additional exercise aally, virould,bo COBS and failure. A.n,vthing which , JVatson emphasized the fact tha I ily hazardous enterpr!0, . . -A— Altij,c ugh already diecounted, 11101 I expected from. the first to corres- coMidence Ill the Government, Uss sity vertheless the hous- I est lit an under nothing could be accomplished with- any CrItier'.1 believed to Inculate 11 I I ,es, -taffi, do& I acIqUisition. Whenever since tbey4wero I I inder the pondont WWA told, but the castle's r _ s1lowit A cei rreo. 09 coldnesS ta evidenced, but ne I A valtiablo are at undertaking a now out team rork is as of Rolland to s the 110AV ro.-imo. Ing problem 'require's attentionf. AN; taicing gives tll Work. "This, m . I .urr,% . great bravery!' . I cabillet weather porWitig the other otock in I bet- easily o J , German Emperor hav3 been I dents had never been"-,. officially 121 There Is Itb Indleation t1lat tho saving of labot is mentioned as an I trapetus, and the chah903 for the rganized ln rural communities -------------­ o..f__ I 1112tal . 1 I It, r *111 resign as a result of yester ity's I I . . given a, mixed reception ,by the lie'Ns- I formed that such a decision had been , outstanding factor In the economy of I tne stable should be turned out for Oat I ter which will follow proper care of as in the cities." said- the Speaker. T -do P - or would be. reached. turbutelit vessi011 In the eliainber," but -must of necessity h4bur or two in the day for oxorc!4 will give the necessary "And still another necessi ,' Papers here. -he Fo*jn, I 6re tire, auy who bolleve Jules 8teeg, . and fresh air, especially if they ure. the live stock ty of this , . Me Interior, about whola the - be of impmtauee Ili tho indoor feed to imprOV0 that ,live team work is the will to -work togeth- ' S A ar s, r, th outdoor feeding, It I I I I I- ­.. ,=. .. Milliater I encouragement LE 000 - "' , I emm __!T ____.____ ----------- __ entred, may surrander hts port- . ables that are not too 11 Y. " !, , . ,--- storm a an einbarrass ,the Prem- lug as well. It may rightly be looked confinsia in at , If the Animals Are worth look- er until the Job is finished. Tills ro- 11 . " folio rather 1:11 well ventilated. The result of poor Stock 1.1 Jqr In the open .1 ventliatioll and lack of exercise Is, of- I I . I'M Istration, , I facto n of rg after well, Moreover, if . . b eated it it pays and real oconolllY that the COMMU111- I . i " Ing cUys of h s admin- ,Upon ag one of the most JMDortant ten seen towatds spring In the Ing after at all they are"worth look- qu res all the to aration, good nature ;,-f-j V-1 ' W I .- V l if rs tit housing, The - elatio I1.14; PROGPIANTINTE SATISrACTOXM the stable to tb.3 storage space should ordinary animals well, ties possess, and this will to workto-,, W HENTAL I. . NE VRAGERS ILLIEVED Varls, Jan. 2a.-(i1avas)-Xewapavers sidit sod hair falling alit in Patches. to look after NP LORRAI , I , . herk , In comnienting upon the situation be such that thAlifeed, particularly the not been how much betterit will pay to spend gether is One ,of our strbilgost forces - :, I 1 I %I of tho .'Killeratid Cabinet aft6k yester- bulky roughages, such as hay, straw The air In the stable, has the tiale on good animals. . towards the betterment of conditions , , . . . day's vote In the Chamber of DOPUtI03, and corn silage, mai' be easily reach. changed .often eaoug4, to enable the 1: Vhe Canadian Gotintryman. tit general." Ana . .. . VIRIGIN, V21SITED TRUM DAILY are unanimous In remarldng the vote ed, The layout of the stable itself lunge to function properly, hence the 11. . Address Practically, None th A I w." g!ven On ,A question of person, alid . 1 . I ! , 2 Following Miss Watson's . ilot r,li tiia Amilsterial programme out- *w*1=".mW_-%"ozN==*v __ mmrxmw-" for a brief Englands F rolu 0. E. V. ,) I ____—, It is gen- - _n=== ­ . . . the president then called I __c7__ . I .; , I . _ . 11nod by Promi3Or M1110rand. wilinent, the Audubon spolettea and 0,11 discussion. I - . .'. , I I er,t11.,3,,r,, believed the Pltuot!Dil will clt*r ants. Such a coml)at Thoreau wittiess- v/ould h&va beon awallowOd Oive!)' rds aro trying to eoni- .i rather Bentz, who made a careful cn Lpon DaudeVs 1nt0rVPl1VLt10n1 ed, and his descilption of It in 1%Mkolon ThIs I doubt, though I laava heard 10v0ra of sort 1A D sEEDS OBJECTIONABLE. i .But Wise Priest Investipt. tho trageTles that are caumod by the 001W lospitals Under :i . Inquiry, posted 111MG019 0110 Ovcntng up -CUSSOL, 13 now famous naturoa history, many storlos ftb6ut analtes charming ba t . first only Five 1 I t a point whore othoro claimed tO are 01, ..__._.__..*'.*,...­.._ I A fox Js undoubtedly ettlinhig, antl cAft birds an(I oven Mon. On this Occasion sparrows. 1. writtoti on the littlo 11'rog. 4, W . Crow was the ad alld Clawed Up the a . A book could be a session. lie Military Rule. , I have s_ en tile Virgin, and At once - east outwit a dosr, but the Unlid rab- the robin W90 prabably oxclt t iforest the speaker at the AfteVnOO . - bit ly, ill the cliestnut tree -and tragedlea of M6 field and th( L of "Breeding . I solved the mystery, He found two 11 11 ofton escape Reynowd. The [at- she had a best r4ajority of whieh exe not witnesood bY dealt with the4lil)JOct _ . Miracle, LITRE TRAU'EKCS ff ter is a, finemit. Once lie scents a r-thbit aake aw,iy froln the . I . triod to drive tho a lylkno but which ftre cOnstIntlY tftking i;lants Prom h 110rtitultuftl Staud — trees 6owe distance awal, Which, Just . i I cmep up a,v-aftWy to him, th4n 7oung b1i do, 1. place, night aLnd day. V,very observant v , lie AV I , point.,, An(J compared . theill to t1le i Ottawa despatch: Al lexcept it a Of I ! -alt r0tile Of prdy, I I I sunset, cast a shad6w presetting "HES I pounce suddenly upon poor buaw-1. How- A MvIal'o, -is a grA , tha country, br who Excitement among at HEL9 AND FU' over, bunny has ali&rp earts, aiia Is Ed- thou5h it Is Often PrOyed 110011- Figs. person living, I the ho,gpIt111,3 whl< h during the waIr $ a car outline of a statue of the tvfa- t kill btts visited tho great outdoor.4. has sedil breeding of animals, stating that they L i . a el. I dam mught napphig. r,or a small aiwan', dopm, cats and otl,ar tLitin'talt W11 Mgedlex . ,proved In the same Way. were ,dlr6ctcd by the Canadian AMY the people of Noveaut, it small village dounn, the resomblanco., being strik- L . ,- he can run quite rapidly. Ile onnnot full mitakes. Thd voracious siAmka Will catch 'hutt I itave brlef could be fin red ! L Through silence broods over Vold a -rid down hill vor wall but he wax go uitb rtilei (Icvour rabbits, ehicks, tol"ds. frog -J, ly mmtioned. Whild these are so fre- He Pointed out that sv,v,aU %eed3 were Medical Corps have been transfer i - Ing, - qudnt of occurrence as to oausa slight 1 1 near hMp ovor the impposed appear ,,,as igr1prising opeed. 1116 will circle awvy I mief, ,etc. Just tts obloctionablO ag "scrub bulls, to thoi DeP3,rtn10At of Soldiers' -Civil I Bishop 11itch, of Mot%, COMITiontim,e" formt, antl at girst blush llothlal; 3. ro n colunicat, tl%ey wntain, navat-tholtax, I aue of the Virgin, near a churchyat . the fox, allv&ya going apr 1`111 (It SNATCM AN11) nrltDS1 XA, Mg. Inany a sound woral In bftvary, prd,yipt. and went On to stgo that frola "O to Ito, o.,,tablishaltnt, and th,0 word "mill- V 3, atioll oil the case, said, when It was Ox- to happoll, 01, seeltis P05"J610 to lurp- Olt IN lovel, uttlean hovl)d )tt, lho% od- ,glIaltes is a woilderful athleb . It WHI no m, skill alid p4r6til:41 f1d,611tY. It Is has bon cabrOd. by an In 1>eu, yet Naturo I.-% o%co,-e.d1a,,1sr . of the Ontario Zplo tary" has been doleted Uom the UtIG . lied to libil: . I 014111iltic- curs all interesting ganie of Wile und cilml) a teee In quett of aftiall birds. 11to 1116)torabla law Of dtpo'llarr, ()f the , ja,d4catfl%, tl-.oir reversion to, conducted by religious A11th ritleS, It Wal - ia the p.ac ,l wildvv)od ",&V '.()U Will s%,15, for 4t rabbit It lit has ally llovtr Alm.%', %v11a,t A, Istul bttie tragedy It In tO wild Inliftbitants to prey upon the other crop was lost ovary y6ar because of of oach . . I .1 was said the apparition Appeared at a "We inust4lat expect too many mir suddeuly chaitoo upon & 3w1t and -,)If-x- at 'A-11 will tollee.". 1111nimelf rator 1111.1iijig &Ve eLlid ilear the Daro-nt birds Yly about 11alf, a, cotiolition which oftelt purtles infection with apple scaly. By broad- the statim of civil Indt'lltatiolla. , certain time each day, so I Vy las. We have just witnessed one of oes-0o tragod'v lflo.'3 th%'11'.1119 UM11 11-C a .41iort disitance. Of coane, the ,.-tluye Moll, iie3t, uttering almobt liuman Odes n. mativi rea,ion and dx0tt6n 1110 011AMthy Ing type Immune front this disease A -statement I'mued yesterday by the , NIIIIIA, and tah leg of all timeo 8 _tllc artincial tirtanas Of sc-'JI11 R1141 MUM- ,f thd ]-and either helDa or hinden Ws es- hite the oa&tce 13 0LIA11Y and Kngor. Thk) tr&gedleW Of the wila stop% or a little o greatest nilrac I jt,kj;e OXII)e.. ed at least 40 DePArtultat t 'Militim and Defenct 0 I . Oti 1.110V wh, ftt 3.(Vlt 4 V, .11 set. f (Itattlods, NV r stand on the . Olt ille Oil rock land, oil In tile thick 6 piaces muet be taken phlloso Mowlly. And the cropeould bo Inereal, . return of Lorraine to 111ranc0--alld WO and the zereeii, but the dr2ato o,. Nla-ltio 3l"nowing their tMglings. Ill grMs In do- mucU credence was given the storiek; uIldellnu.911, hn lids a good Witnoe of in defending (heir young from being if & -%A46ke dovoura a, boatiti ul mongbird, per cout. lit vatlie. I indicates gratUying pl,og . of those who claimed to have wItUO3- cau afford to wait a little While 10V mnj)ri,w voix constantly.'wita their unem. making his "Pet -away," 1-lowilvor, maliv a oul-._d, evell tt timid and fmil bled will &puneahould my: "If Is Milinly the patients 4n military 1 .111;1.4 4(1 .,..W,. Oce, . 6v , ' ""a E. j, 1,avitz, I)rovinolal Forester, r1r,11,;!I,'.,,atl0l Of : sod the plimloulonon, anotht.r." 0. rabbit, e2pc lally the roulig on0s, make ising ifight. When & 611&14LO tUre;. PrG.V doft"t gO.t 46-CltlSd ,bo%4 on, tile question of "Th3 r, orO3t- 110f Pltal'S- Ili(' aillr'ber of cona4lari '1110 ..".. V,va I of th f fAte"A" LI tile U11. a tootlisome nical for slv Roynard. out UP & SUITY I 111%vo .-Aid noinot1iing like thig apoko I __ lit awr-new 1310 cd 1110 Wtusth. spDiosidies a bird's nest in ilia artion or it.,, Great DritaIA 11 -I I ill I ow _______. __ a It 1`1 ftealting of Youlifl, rabbits, ,X once in in Ontario" and contend- 80410'A In ll c-`Pltals In 'I "i' - tstur(Y 01DIAM11- i p. c -"I Cold, aild for bushes th arent bird.q will fiy at It wher, I 01 not wltnem tuell, a ti%960, ry. proble I . -------- __ blM'l and reptiles of t . cound a neat in oL cow 1). wi )on their tWy bills fly at It. but wll#11 I mmv a tmake about to devour is now practically nit, In ooMparagon I . "'t, When certain autumls men V usu, I- lug six auto HU16 bunnies. Tho,V we -10, 0 drive the intrudox Away. Pro- or owdllow a bird, I prornptly forgot od that Ontarief wai hardly awake to 48,C00 a ycar alp,o. In Canadian ly Illealis sure and Suddol dea"a rw ,,ue quite young, and not havlig their x.yes tt""" rd Li learning I'din inexorablo Ittw of natullo," and yet to the real needs of ,t progres.ifte ibo number has : of thtm Vortlinatmy, tile fam. -it do.aih oDon yet (rabbits are 11orn 'blind), thky, fly it will bot to the groulid, pitched,into the'gn&kt Avith a .stick or forest Policy. LLOYD GEORGE PREDVCTS H IS endows Veu tho loweet class of Iffe with n.1vilautyo . Ito said there ,was military 11C.-Pitals I , I helpless. and f(Ul to vaurix to the 1103t 9,0111. On ,& AW1161 b3mi rediteeid belo IV I . W sV,rif tilep.-l' mild etinn%gg t&Lt Wo'dltl Put were vory P&A-11ig tlukt the ___-*-w4- much edifteationAl work to be done th.ree thousand. cor,s iWg it tro,,td into tht neat; I drove (,,iall r u occasimi, If a hunsray snake or f demon. The patlents L%ve ceased to be 801- . to nliatno the ordinary inAn and woutwil. ol utunb6 , r of .stakc% about It ar4 i pto- eat is neir, a #ad traged*,r occura. HE HAD NO iDHOICV. through the establishment 0 k'as civiliand. Thib I , lit timoj of (I-laiget, 11iotillat orten r1aes tection; Tile inothen- robbit undoubl6illy Tho 40MOstic Mt 10 n bloodthirsty strAtIon forests On larger waste arem diers, end now rail * DEFEAT INSIDE SIX MONTHS f ulwrjor to edumtion and cold aelbhtl5o bo,(.o,me tLiallnod ,at nly nieddling, und re- beast of PM, lh&ying 401 tho risros and GLIMOU-1 tee 7on -are wearing that in the other parts of the Province, etaffs are aleo (,ompooe'd of elvIllans, qMicuiationH, which d*11glits to tempt moved the yollug ones. CunnWX litstincto of ilia tkar. Wh4n A ,extraordinary neolctio Your W'Lfe gave ' to . grini, Dtath. I At the tonclUSIOn Of his &ddM3 A fllt'a011gh In most er"es the doeto i I warning of instinct &%v -!x (lie weak- LNven Of K Arnallo"O'. If You ))limit A Atick 1K11yt1kjl1g tilat %lie can carry. I *&W 11*, The A toad In verr Much nNaid Of ,- Fllf'10, cat liao kittens xhe w11W catch alMoxt you f,jr your b!rthdey. Itt a totri 4ic will promptly leap kwan it! Meekes-01 eou m The rea. resolution WA4 paosed to th?i offect ,And nurses t,mve terved In the (!Mit- ille er animki and bird from dArig4w. The pedItIonlry Vofte,, Th!3, Pro- rAbbit im moon A"ris of tho premm". of th, , %ya 111 -Fortune Has At- Georges Menienepan NvoilK bo thiiiking it N hifs old etio.niy the inAke., cm' bringlu,61 & anaka homo to b#r k &e boug,41.t it for me wag to show at the Ontario Legislature should Alan L-- , ,neV. Presidont, of 1:110 FtMll ne,- hip, oldent,my, the box, while younx Wil'- aftor hiln. I RAW kffi,iod st blotelonstice ttn;, The Snake WAo *bout two feet IMIx. elOn f be as'ke(l tcF undertake .a progromive, ieptos 6b(,ve referred to 'is 90109 00 I ' tridgom will conceal them"Iyet ountlilig. pm(l vory muelt alivO,' It twisted fibout her authorlty.-Stray Stories, YAOP#A 1 r 4# * tanded StMeSMOn Who public that lie considered the ,race i not over throo fmt lonx. And It had puesy, but m%e told onto It. said dragglkl — ­qo.*.* _ forest policy to allintAin pxtfiting for- quictly and MeM611Y, And It 19 er. Therefort. when he hola, d Oi IV Anlid 010 lftVeA and twigs W1. etu awallowed & full-grown tond. it ajolig ill #p1to of its struagita, ,wiijah in t e near future ,nno Of MOtN e. election of Paul Demehimal al? I dAnxer thremens thorn, _,*,nd you e&n dislike & nr,ADy Pon A CITAXcn, oats; and to ri for6st waste nVOS4. Nat ng, military hoe- .1 Irmed Peace Treaty. (t,hv Ttf='; AND RZrTIt.14. - t xcon md6d with ft stiok. I Dridget'S Callor4-I'loWwould you, likk M An Interest- ,of the five rcalAint! P walk directly by them and ftil to 10le naka 404M president., lie could not retrain from t,hom. One* whilo t wu wallthig with a friend anake. I san awaro that it x ransfanx-d I , W, ur# some good, but whea I TA*1kL Wit I lu- to haV6 SL home of your 0wh? Ilig addrets on co-operatIve exparl- pitals in Carltl.a %ill 't!0 t expr3saing his antAllighluent, There am 111.4.W OdMbh n b0Ww0#.A .4rd down a wood road we *am* to a Mst x G&II, 0401notim" % bAl" cook-Flne! 'I'm tired bonsin' other to tne Depar;;Ont (t sow%rel civil 11.1 Palo cabI(1: 111-forturie hu at. animals and Powilbs, The 4row wIll el. where a ro'bin was flyinK about in ob. ,%*I kin It If Awky, Uut not peoVe's famiflog. mouts to be6kt,.eving, and pointed out ) "Who could have exppeted Mitch 6 : tack the hawk (ax vrill als* otho), LIY00, Vloya "(111:6MOnt, WO APPmAc1TW, It"d 16t sinall snake wriggld .. . thittthimuseof raw augstrwas not flat* Ite-eal,41,lisbment. The r(I)VAN ob- he electo_6 When the ebteken hawk arki ut* m,)w wi.1 Ir.- urAtr a choMtkut trot #&w th6 rohin 011C7 wati tha bovul" Eo kait it 0"nt . t niputiceed U" I tololod stAtOslaen Indm4tell 0,980cht- fe4111W towards It. Love ISLU ha at 10-00iml hs. Atlyone for bees during a lihrd viviter 11 y t I In the Tcm" . I it the reanIt was finnounced. Viviek, tt,e thirnpa,rel r)r smsit chMeenit, tlying xbmit a largo blAolt-snak*, whidli I t "' a ,Cl&t!f,LJ'nJ.' to th* =111tarl - I I gi *lt,h +.be fromilug Of thp trtWy of ix.531, Inilis o1-%wi#A off as we rAmt ii*arV11*. "T"I'lly d takes & ear- arA Vartule.tNI citigar were llftiirhlb,! . ' b*v'fT wc,Pt . , -mbpr rg A hawk will (Atilh a r 1%11 'is ct.n it ro J)ig atid fightint. As eavi Pkk a quarrel, blat It " I "Mrroylquisra Cion'"110 bird " I ,luthorlVeg I V*11wiflts, in the, opinion of Premier 7n eonveL,matlon with & mr e,bove her, And sn,4dwnly siw0aP1n1r 1N , "Tho anakq was chsiming the robin!" A V - "4 0411irrvIrt will -NArhl vklib I v.toaimod M lb*,, 63-mffows kr" V4rY num" toln nmour t of t4kill to plek a loek. ter. ", _y friend. "Il" we not I Ott$, they -- - -4-o4- -- - -- ----- . ­_ _-*+_*1__ . 11 VAyft JAo7d (1-M0, of (Rpat Witain, the Chamber of. I)Ppittlem, the 130111811 I'm" her, n bi=nd I I 0,W&d.,st to a vewrpaper st d Im qVinvin. A"4 drive them stwity, fr1Xllt#th-4 the ansko aray the robin havA Ici,efttly snnoy&i aur ux'"Iwia a Yc ttll. IV* a,k Wl", None In b%i7ft #Xperl-411104 It Is 1104mry tt twvft cim I ..jIll 1. 1. rtirle pub- Premier Is said to have *1%Dr#1t%f ,"h*& ' ' b%ft mak, afte, kIll, Jg;X4, ZW1drJg5V%1 I Vod it 600VW. It vroalo hoop thFin AWAY. XAh h ,d wellt or progn,oatlositor w1he) nowx _k 1tre, to blind as those who , qr ltdjm 14TS. I olp!vton that thfA "PeRce tr#Rty ,WAS mttv0p rn A ttv*7 Vattle. th _ I Vo ewer ad gloter until it war -nsrOnst tho Prolifla #VwrMV", An i'"t whim to b,QTTOW an, tvibrella, took for trouble. to pay O"t. Yom agret M it O,A UsX. 1 N k , n , I _,Of , I i Iff0i"61 I 1 1 1 K -_, I 111"F I` .1, ` F I I 'I. I I I I I I I I I I , "g,'' a* - i I 1 I I I I I I I --W. Uad George was so COVIVIRC94 liard ltwk for A4701# kalfirot k4k4 a i6o sau VM1 ~6 is IR op"00 &f dirWAIT id -to tho A0110 -S Moth, :N' JuAtlY, t11- Th4l Ulltlt Statt.4 GOV- ''L , .11 . ,_ I . . . . . I I L I 1. .1, " . I ­ . 1% I 1 . I . 1. . . . . I I I I I -11 I ,1v I.. . I ;. I I I . . I I ­ I I I -111 , I I I ,,, L' .11 : :,,,. . I . ... . 4 -d- Y ..., I ,,,* I . . . . I . I I i q I.. . . ­ I .1 ,.; ,r I 11 I I I- I ­ _. . I I I I . 4 . . I I . I I . I .. . . I I I 1. , I e, , ­ i , - 0. I I '. I I I I 11 , I J jA"* ,!, I L :1, I . . .., I . I , I . I ev , 1 I I EN ot , .41h, I . 11 I .11 I 1 I , 9 , ' I , I , , tV4 I _ , I , I ? . I I , " , ,0,:, Vy i , iii & I " , ", I I 1, Id I I 1. I 11 , 'L , , .. I - ,?. . , , I I , , .** . " . , . i , I - ,q 1. _ .-,S 1", -;k" _ - _1 1 I - . - . MR L; I &L , lkld,' . I i - I ____ , ,I! :, , L._; L tA -,:- I "' , ,: ,.. ., . . I - I , . - *1 ' , : _11. ,; ,.,% " , -.f I I ,, , ,. ., , f & Ji ; . , ; !._ " " " I Al — — , -, v*_, _ 11 .,