The Wingham Advance, 1920-01-22, Page 611:.� 011=== Z =:!-w ==,= . I 10-- ­----­-­-­' ­ .�--,--.-�"-�.,-����.-,--,,,-..,��-,-,-�..-..-,...... --1 .. 1-1. - --.--- - __ __ +#_;41# __­­ — low .......... . . . . . . __­ I _1 -1 I I 0 0 V _ .---_1-- -1_-1-_11_ . I The Ancient "' i I no;" 1 04.11141 10.00,11 4 � 0. - ___ __ ___.__1___________-_ _______ , , .. . - - : Sumeria "I . . 1++*4+#.e * 0-++++*+++-* , . f S An Al"OrIcan arellamosist whose; SIR WI I work has probably been more severwy : critteleed than Any other by �,oilxe of . , _ ., , : I I I . his fellow Scientists has ree6yed all .1 - honor at tile hands of Oxfor,l Utiliver. L I __"WM0*M --- _ -9 . Alty that Should go fill, toward � WILL I � � 1.1 F Vindication. reprecenthig, as It does, 11 r"co of 111k; Scholftr$11111 by I I I)r. T11111.11(lil I Save'), ollo of tlw leading I � ­­ I - . - I I Authorities lit tills w4cuce. Dr. Ste- - I : . -, ____ - . I 11 , Phell HeeDert Latigoloa li,ts Stist been � - , ­ � I $No" I- .. � elected to succeed pj�. so,yce as pro� CHAPTE 11) XXVI. You Please come round And see m3 , . , _1� fessor of Atsyriology at Oxford, Un. When JR(ac dashed from the cot- Sister, At Rose cottage, at once? Sho til recently Dr. Lanatoji wA-.j (.11rator t4go Millie was too overwhelmed to Is very III � ., Doctor Marsden." of the Babylonian tiectlon of '%lie Vai- do Anything but roeX herself to And "Certainly," he Said. "You had bet. l versIty of Pennsylvania. fro and cry -and accuse herself of ter come with me, had . � you not?,, I I Dr. Langdon is ,% native ,)#11 �jjcjli- havjjij� destroyed ()Iytie,s happiness. In A minute or two the broughair I gan, and, bas achieved disth otlon In She was still gobbing when the door drew up At tile gate, and Mollie ran it q Ills cho3en field at An age v...en raost . I opened and ClytIQ came Into, the room. to Prepare Clytio, who, .much toMol. . � men are unknown. 1-10 wa,,. born Ill She looked -round., then hurried to Mol- lie's surprise, uttered no ramonstram .Vay,� 1076, tit Monroe, ?;11(.h., � and lie, and displayed no reluctance, The doe- � studied at the Univer.4tty of 1IIeb,l,-,ait. "41T011ia-VI'llat to the matter? lyherc tor looked for one brief Instant rathei Union T11001091cal S3111h­lry And 18 -where Is ile?'s surprised at the sight of Clyde. Columbia University. He Aya.i Fellow -Mollie clutched ClYtte excitedly. "Is this my patient?" lie said, wj.t� , In Semitles at the latter !;�.ititutlon "lie has gOnAl" she gasped. "He has a smile. "She does not look very In ID03 and 1901, International Fellow gone forever. And It was 411 my fault, Pbad, at any rate, Let us see what IE . Of C01111111AA In FraucO, 11,'64 to 1900, X called him by -by his y!;;Ilt name; tile matter, Now, tell me all aboui and is the anthor of a "inall library It slipped out, and -he was furious. It.11 of volumes on Babyloni;. in, . recent No declared we had tricked him, that Between them, the two girls told the years he has been devoting virtually. You had marrier him so that be should Story of Clytie's attacks ,of illness, and � . -ill his tilile to thb study Or the Inn- have Braniley and the money, that.you he made a carefi . il examination; thbA . 9=90 And cust011is Of the 211clOnt didn't love him, but had sacrificed 110 $at down and pondered; lie did not Sumerians, who had achleN�ea a re- yourself for tile sake of an idea; and look surprised or puzzled, becauso no warkably high degree of culture In he swore that he 'Would not claim doctor who is worth his salt ever doeq .DabylonlA Ion,- before tile -Semetic yoU, It was all my fault, But I to�04 look surprised or puzzled, At last he Influence wan know.n. hlm-1 told him over and bver agaill- said: it is lit tills field that Dr. Langdon that you loved him , . . And yoll do, don't "I suppose you think it is you'r Ila!$ niade his greatest diacover1w mild X,)u, Clytia?,, heart?" - � ls iticism. - Shortly L Clytie sank Into a ob4ir and looked "Yes," said Clytte, . I after Ills appointment as curator of Straight betore her. "Well, you're wrong," be retorted., the' University of Pennsylvania lyfu- Itao Ills has gone," she said, almost 'With -a smile. "Thore, Is n thing what- seum in 1916 he made DU';Iic the to herbelf, . ever the matter with It. 0 is 4 little translation of a tablet containing a t4 1�1 . Yw., gone!" repeated Mollie. Then weak, perhaps; that Is accounted for 8umerlan version (f Parlld.'EO, tile. she stopped And staredut Clytle's Dale by these attacks; but that; it is per. . . Floaol- and. the Fall ot Man, The hera but calm face, "Don't You under- fectly sound I will stake'Tay profes-i of the flood, TAgtug, has bcen iden- stand? Me inearts never to oome-back, sional reiputation.il Palollie drew a tMed by Dr. Langdoii as tho, ori.11rial Don't you care? You loolt like a Stolle long breath of relief, and he glanced, of the biblical XOR11. The. account Image. We ),nustn't sit here;'we must at her and nodded compreliendingly, �, differs groin the Hebraic version .go after him,, find li-ImIll "It's a Very-- strange thing," he re- � chiefly ir.t that Nomh is naniel as the Olytie, shook -her lie4d. "No," she marked, "but whenever any one is at � . cater of the forbidden fruit,' and not isaid, In a low voice. "It Is better that a lose to ascribe their Illness, certain , Adam. He has also IJ011she,I. several he skould go." volunies of Sumerian 1:1turgleal Symptoms, to any cause, they Immed- texts -from the tablets obtained by "Better that—', Mollie flew to her iatelYpItch upon the heart, It Is the , . and shook ber by the shoulder. "What Most long-suffering and deeply In- , the 'University Museum In Its exDedl- are you talking about? Clytte, wake Jured organ we've got, and in nine I tions to 1,71ppur-the Calitell -of the Up! Do something, or I shall go madi hundred And ninetY-alits, cases there � BibIc-prior to 1900. 1 Do You mean., to say that you don't is nothing the matter with it, though I Prof. Laugdon's appointment is mind whether he comes back or not? the thousand patients are firmly Con. understood by Ills friends to herald Do you -mean to tell me that you are I the Announcement of a still greater not vinced that they Are going to � . In love with him? If nOt-but heart -disease.- . �I honor, this time at the hands of the I don't believe It -why did you marry "There! "exclaimed Mollie, reproach. � British coverilmeat. It is expected him, and so suddenly and In secret?" fully pild yet joyously. "Then what � that tile yiorl� of Archaeological ex- A faint color st6le over Clytie's face ploratloft to be resumed In the near and�she looked at Mollie tenderl Is the matter with her?" Y. Nothing," he said, calmly and de� eastL will . be under ills direction. "You know," she said, almost 4n - Plans have been' made for a survey audibly, "I wanted him to have that ll�orately, I I I of every field 1poyrn to have been which belonged to him. Ahol-and. Sit "But people doal,t faint and grow- � the home ot'An6leilt peoples-, and,'for Mollie dear, life is -uncertain. I have oldeoly weak without a.. cause," ,TO- . I the first time In the history of arell- been 111-1 am afrald----�� torted Mollie. Impatiently. I I . I I geology Its leaders will be enabled Mollie sprang at her again, and. "Quite so," he admitted. - . "What I � I ,to make e-.tploratlons on 0. sYst6glatic gripping'her by the shoulders, stared say is, my dear young lady, that there I . scale, without danger of Interruption affrightedly Into her sad. eyes. Is nothing the ma.tter with Your Sister from,,the Turks or from -wild native "What do you mean?" she demand- ,At this "present moment, excepting e, tribles, , ed hysterically. She gave ClYtle a little general weakness. She is per. I , . , Even In the morg widely known little shake. "You don't mean that featly sound, In fact, She Is one Ot th .1 . , e sites such, as Babylon, Lagash and, you think-�:­you're afraid that -that healthiest subJects I have examined I Nipper arnhaeolog%ts have hardly there is anything serious the matter for a1ong while; but she Is very . done more, that . scratch the surface � with you, that you are going to die? highly strung, and she appears to me . so far, More thin .eight years was 1. you know there Isn't, you wicked to be suffering from -the effects -of 1. . spent in, excavating at Nippur and girl! 11 some severe mental strain, or-" He apout 5%000 tablets were obtained, - "I don't know," Bald -ClYtiO. "Be broke off And demanded sharply: "Do . half being retained, by the Turkish calm, Millie dear. Sometimes lately. you take drugs?" . . I Government, but much still remains since I've had these ittacks, I have "No," said Clytie, "I have a horror to be done at this site. The opinion feared .that there Is something the of them. The only medicine I have . has, been expressed by archaeologists matter with my heart-aill, he calm. taken. Is a ionic proscribed by my do(i- � who, have studied the klins that the dear! It palpitates, and I am taint tor at home," . I most valuable records of the past'da- and w�ak. What else can It be? And "Quite right," lie, Bald, emphatically, I )osited in the temple, at Nippur are think, Millio dear, It I had died be- "This drug -taking is, from Our point I ll silli to be found, Paid thin. is truc�. fore I ' of view, -one of the great curses of the also of many other cities, White.us ,a. ghost, Mollie gazed at day, and I ant quite certain that soon - in the early days Of aMliaeological her. er or later the legislature will have to . expeditions the explorers were forced "I gee !low " she said, under her deal with it. Nt"the promsent mo m-ent, to seek something startling kpid to breath. "I un'derstand. But I don't it is quite possible to walk intb"Alie- I find it In as short a time as possible. believe It! I -I feel as If I siv)uld ueArest ,chemist, and bu7 one or those . As a result nearly every expedition know if you were as Ill as you th!n1c, charming little bottles watch, though spent time on the Ziggurats, or stage I If you were going to -1 won't speak Its con -tents may appear so harmless- . . . L . . towers, N�hlch were a part of every I the word! I tell you, I don't believe and, -inind you, really are harnlle�s � I , I ancient ' Babylonian temple. It was i .It. No; 11 am not afraid. I'm not when taken. at the proper time and In tile building Of 0110 of these edificez. trembling- because of what you said. that led to the biblical story of'the but' because of poor Jack; Clytie. a. proper quantity -will quite possibly , I . . � tower of Babel. As a general rule don't you fealize how efuel you have prove fatal it ' taken to excess or uxider � . the temple proper was Situated along- been to bIM? And you, who are so certain onditlous. I'd like to see thaf � � I bottle, of timic." � side the Ziggurat. In the temple the' tender-hearted and gentle, who would. ' . . kings who rule over cities and some- 11% kill a flYl You've broken his Mollie brought it to him, -and he times over the wbole region then set- 'heart; and all for an Idea, though it smelled and tasted it. I — tled,, placed their records of con- wasn't the same Idea he thought. Some. "Tilat Is All right," he said, sp�rov7 . � . - I " � quests, in scribed oil vases and tab- thing must be done at once. We must ingty. ' "It is what I myself should lets. Here, .also, they stored the t ( bring him back. But," she uttered a have prescribed for you, and you can't phles Aaken from other monarchs, Ittle cry ott dismay; � "we don't know do better than go on with It. For When all of these * regions are 'Where 110's gone, don't -know where the rest, I can only advise you to take . .opened to exploration it may be pos- he Is staying. Idiot Mat I am., I nev- plenty -of'exerelse, plenty of nourish- sible for science to determine with er asked hinly Stay there, or go and Ing food- Oh, but my deat young � great accuracy- the period of the lie down; do nothing, say nothing, lady, I can see that you are possessed - world's first civilization. At present till I come back." ot com I men sense, and that these pro - there are many differences? of opinion She flew frGm the room, Seized her fessionAl platitudes are not necessary. on this point, but nearly all Urch- tam-o'-shanter,, and ran td the sta. There Is one thing,more, a rather im- aeologists admit that mail has been tion. The platform was empty, a train portaut one -it this Veakness of . civilized for at least 7,000 years; had Just gone; Jack had disappeared your% these attacks, arise from undue that is to say, he had become more -indeed, Into the DwIgItelt. On her excitement, or mental strain, you Must . than a more hunter at least 6,000 WAY back she saw. a gentleman com- .guard against It. Oh, ,7es, I will . � years befora Christ; had learned how Ing from a gate with a brass plate on come in again to�morrow, he wound . to build cities, and had actarted the It, and he was abollt to enter the up in answgr to MD11je,s, fervent re- development of writing, music,- SCUID- brougham that was waiting for him, quest, � . h Some lead- when Mollie caught his arm: ,,Hes right; I'm sure he is! 11 ex - L ers in the field are Inclined to believe "You are the doctor, aren't you?" claimed Molliej when he had, gone. that systematic exploration will trace the said, hurriedly, and glancing at "There Is nothing the matter with the history of early peoples back to thebrass plate to see the name. "Will you; you are not going,to die; you are it point from 10,�00 to 14,000 years 0 - - - _P�_,­ 11 ,.. .1 . . I . �,___ * before Christ, One of the stron&est _____ — reasons for this belief lies lw, the chronological lists found in many site,,%, In which tarly Babylonian hiso � torlans, attOmpted to record the : reigns of various Wngs. I Dr. Langdon expressed the opinion . some years ago that the world's first i library of curielforni writing.. on claY I I tablets will be found at Ur of the I I Chaldeea, mentioned In the scriptures . as the ancestral home of t�a prophet � Abraham. A little work has been i done at this site, but the groat store- liou= have not evon been touched. ; Archaeologists also Are particularly � Interested In varlow Otte$ to the south, toward the head of the Persian Gult, rttell a.z Lagasit, n6m, known As Telloh, and Vinnia, tho otodern name - of which Is Joklia. Undoubtedly Sys- , . tematle exploration will reveal many now wonders of a peo0lo-the stlmer� I"_g_,%vIlose existence wag doubted loss than fifty years ago by some, of I ", the world's leading arehaeologists. 41 .10 . � 1.4XV111FLUID CODPISII. Vols 1,3 a isavory and lnoxpensivo dish, Cut a pound And one-half 61 ,rantia steak in strllpo or cubes. Cut three Or four ounces of tat pork In anixill pleaw And eook In a hot Tryin.m, : Dan with an oalwA slictil very thin. : ; Wh6n both art browned lkdd a quit' , or boiling Water, 811111ner live minutos, 4 pour tha whole over tilt Stealt, 't'ring to the bollfrig point, boll for five wititttes and the�a cook slowly until the weitt It, tender. Ilave ready five � large DoI.Atoeg Peeled, sliced, acalded � � In balling watter, dridned and rihnod in co'd water. Add the potatoes, one teampoonful of,ta*t and Galt8poonful of I I Doper. Cook itnt!l the potalu,w are, , Under, tht-n A4,1 on" wIL'I Ore-�!l'f enphilig of ra."I milk attol K little niare . 41alt If ntce�5r,ary. Ittat to Vio 11011:ng I . . pr)lnt and pour ovre pilef - blicu.t Ar.r I -thitt craekera which hava bilen OptA I . fir a seocnol in hot water. ­­ 1 12 .1 L, __ � . ". � ­Wfi"iftm � I . �.. _�,_ ­­., �, __ N my 0 "kil .. I I_— ­­­_­._ going to live to make, poor Jack happy. . just his flowers rosponot to cultivation, so Ill your I And We'vO got to find him." she said, . baby, by the use .of w I - 4. I b4twe= her teeth. "And =tit we dQ - v. : we must 106P, the marriage secret, We , ' Mothers Own Infaut Tablets .: dQa*t waAt to set every old Soulp in I For Constipation, indigestion, tols,thing, collo, algr. . -mongeritig; 11on't "I 1,hoo�al worlu", etc. the county Scandal � r want to start your marrIO4 life with � A -11k liewwpqr row4nee. Now, lot Sold by All Druggists or sent direct on recolpt ol - price, 25c.-Addreva. Mothers Own Xedlolne QQ., Tor - me think. ,YOU; that's It! An Adver. . T onto, unt., tisent - _ 0 1 ___ ___ - . 0, ti 4 11121t I 9 oRue II)p tZQ a tow'Aw bity U Ptl ic 1 y t 1 O' -­­ __-__­1___­.�,�,__._,_._ — ext ­_­ - train and Insert It in the papers." I ", - - - - - - 0V0i0040#4i$�$;40-0 I 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 #Is 0 It 0 9 I 9 V 9FF I She sprang to. the wrItIA94010, A114, I thrusting her fingers through tile tk,,L. ties of her red hair, presently ,evolved the following: : I IN THE Z'SPRING I ",T, D. Is Implored to return to 0. . I (PPIAl 614ftri In Hame OW). . All will be AxPl4laeol. . M.1t I I-. - . 101),rUe flushed hotly as this "agony I 1 0444*++++0004 6 #toot 44q0$__._, I . advertisement" was read out to her. I * 614 ­ _,�_" _1 -_ "Must You Say, that, XoDle dear7" Of course. it was ail the fault or the Case In 44upstion was, after a per , She faltered; "Isn't it too -too Implor- spring- When Almond,blosoom is set three months' promoted train the darkest Ing?" against 0, clMlIgOgul API'll Sky, wltien the carrier of a little-umed 4rAwor to a treeS. 4ro yelled In green at its tenderest, little bed. in her Suede bag (olay-time),11111419 �.Wnf 1144, of 1'. , iYOU Can't do that In & orowd*d rsstau� "On, , 0c she 51414 distantly i"t"A. "I, W, You', fault at first. Xou w4kro 4"Or"In"lY tactless, Gorxld." � -V- h said, with ak suolden s4lt-loth: in 0 tone. "I was a perfsatly price ,"mo u� But r -i oouldn t mA W. 4ACOA, becgume, I didn't know. k"j-1.1,mond you Punished me buo4ume X didn't know." "Has It been pullislimelitt" she Asked very low. AIN JIP# tWIVt$4-htq bronzed face was odd!l white. , 6 "I aon't ft?" !hs $414. She was so desperately near to tear$ that she had tQ-4imply had, to-gableve the Commonplace. She did lt-�-boldly And badly,. but ske 414 It. ",Don't li, Plea $0, . -0 . so "don , she maid. "I do so want my . juncIlt" which offoctu. 411Y Silenced bim-rAthetO too effectually, Indeed, She thought,h1m; offended until, .at r Impa ting, he Asked iler tc drive with 11 tO-morrow. fte acquiesced. eagerly. P , I 11 � 190 , - Allother Case 014100d r0i'1041"a -,AV ­.­.­, -o". , M I ,, .. ��'Iok,t­­711t r �, 4�, � ? .i. I I � I.. 5�_ . � � I . , ,�; � . I . .�" I 188UP4 No. 8. Im 10"t"111,1-1111 111111MMM j I- ­­-- � —.0w, I.M., I 01 -11 !"m Ylop, a lu - ... I I.. W;W%%0 .­_ ­­_ 00-0_0^00100M 1,111111,11111ill it 11 V -Acim-1, MILD arm III i 'M � IfAmlltoa market. ) I ,sq,Cb0*m100enf1'%jM ,t - ro", I wilea soil , room frame boll n� . 11 4r, wells, 11V1 shape bank bs,ra, At% w 4 rail), Pion# foundation, o0A=t f1w,03; lar It x ,ffl) drive 'shod, hen house work X - - wit torso, 0 Acres grousA, i acres box 16 acres 41tatfg, It acres fall wheat. Acres fall plowin I U . n Vie, ,0r1s,nn be bougbt wi 1 31. or without stock And baplomonts, Ar. will take city pro 41114 _. J. , (Aerty tit V,4�t gym W1 A Bisgar, ( ol rat 06) 01Y0 I Ock, 04milton, On __ - ;�" . I . 4 � k WA MIA A3.04140 044VXA%�," - the ureegea blow wooingly-well, An 0 frost.- ­ ... ... . .. mg"'A"'s"O' k'& V� V.— , .qu4ljy Bring bed beneath her pillow Persisted in paring hfs corus with natural gas, furna lZ CallY. "And you'd say so it YOU know, you 114vo done mad things Pit night. 'A . you'd seen Yourself', havan,t You, In the spring? a ra?4pr. , Foolish when curo Is 00 and orrICO& - This is one of Can&44 . him and heard ill And If Only that '%%If -hoop" Could have. OW P1464 I you feel; that It in. Ob, I know what It Seemed much a glorious w4k, too, to "auto-blographed.11 It might have told a painless and Sure with Putnam's corn ,I, 1. t and is a, money.mAking i54't beCOM11119 01 flnish A Wooing that bad In truth not tale of tear-moddell white checks and red- I Qlxtraotor, Use ,putualu's Onlyl�-Ilvkl 00OPOs (toll, being offered as 4 going , acorn at a great Sacrifice. X V. 341g, You, that It's Immodest to Implore him, been 'long a-dolng-to walk from t118 delle(l Oyalldis to a world that looked anew tho lbest-guaranteed and pailile580 94v, (Regent 934), 205 01�40 )Block, gara* bright Out of doorn to the dim glory of each morning upon an apparently care- price 260 at all dealers. . . liton, 0114 1 _ k -but let me tell a church With Gerald -just Gerald, And tree, happy "nothing-10ft-to-wJah-for" H-------___. you what I think you deserve to feel 40 On I 0 also, and to come out -well, Mrs. Youn person, Officially known a Daphne I .0 ore I I)AOY. You've treated him very cruelly. Ge' . Id, ' 1. Trenf -8 180 ACRES STRONG SAND LOAX Oh, Clytie, forgive mel 11 She broke off, The rapidity of it ail e It was. chiefly pride that urged. Daphue They CUAPWE R III. I 90 Acres hardwood Umber, mostly tu0s, RPpe4led t9 Oeratd-the flai t__ I onward and up , taxied Into the very heart of Our- )argq body trees, 16 acres pasture, bank . As Clytie's eyes filled with tear$. , w4rd In her career,. Of Past hedges jewelled with May, past barn, 06alent floor hog pen, other out- , MYStOrY, the madness . appeal�� to coulu, Gerald would never Seek ,bar p,`uyxApiq pyrum x04 of lilac flowering above buildings, "There-therelt I'll take It back but , Daphne, agal Otlot rack litter, apple Orch- It's true, All the p f e,s house A n, but -well, If Ilb 41(l (WOMAXI like. mellc,wcd�yejjowed wit , , all a (in a , Its, past the I'drop. ar4* one mile from chur a d oihool, 8 It for 4 wlAsn't It?) he jqst had to find her I'm4k- pIng rain of tire" of laburnums, past the On Same, Don't cry, morning's shopping, not a Sant knowing- I good." ravel road adJoInInir atone road dear; doult be unhappy; I'll find him, , guessing. of p , rao-tp go gaily through I "Ind one day, In a scented AprA They were -both rather silent u liQ4 and west from Wator4own, .16 ,qu Pink And white lamps of chestnuts. , . 0 0 - And everything will come 'right, 011, With the great adventure, And later to an gleams And. glittering showers ( � lit" they miles from Hamilton, J. D. Wggar (ROS - I rp ahnon toll, reapled their objective -A little old-world _'134) 205 Clyde Block, 0 ,,to , 0 t, . . ace the In-ipnrtant event by tole- Be minded her of another April � H,m n A how hungry I am! 9mm, . No tiresort � explanations or ex- d 0 Ow. ire Inn, with oak bearam, and copper warm- I I She Snatched up a roll AS she I . all gleams and no Showers). she Ing -pans, where they were to have tea. Oft postulations. Mae ad the 13U It of her A bition In $be � made a Charming plQtul*o presiding $20,000-15Q ACRES ON STONM the bouse,with the advertisement In Of course, It was rather startlin Ing the proud position Of Plivate eye%, the little teo.-table, with Its simple road, 3 miles south of rims - her pocket. . Parents And aunts, poor things, but gthetso scOuNyary to A pro Inent Statesman, by, solid brick house. 10 room$. bath. I Are startling times. If. people are not decoratiort--a great brown bowl at min" 110t water, furnace, full size . collar, 3 I artled by nqw� * * * ad a flowers and daffodils. . � -Isterns and wells, good barn, 60 x 80, hip It appeared In due course, but no prepared to be gt Yet there were grey day a answer came, The days dragged their * 0 * a when she a ate ad or white fingers moving root Stolle stab asked herself If her success really meant efficiently among the blue and white of ling and silo, drive sh. , weary length, and the two girls ,wait- She had been pale and all ring In to her the joy and the trl had Out-bulldlugs -all Painted, 4 acres grapes, ehurch-she was pink And alluru I U . arPh 0110 the. willo �pattarri cups. and the wild 2 acres orchard, apples, pears, cherries in -greyer da s still w Ache and longing within him deepened, and small fruits, 25j - � ea, hoping against hope; so Ing n Ann ad it would � hen MetiMeS Seated by her husband's side In the otuoewr-' the. taste of It all 'Was as Dead Sea fruit 41 * * acres pasture 0, acres bush, CIAY loam, good state of 61. they went to London, and, riding In 'WISO OmPty compartment, Yes, I maid In her moutlu � In the sweet waning of the spring even" tivtttion rural rcute,'tol�phone, etc, Will hansom -cabs, or walking through "O -Pty-" P or Gerald never wroto-except 0 Ing the), drove back Londonwards, and streets likely or unlikely, so Guards - especially ex0ellently-tipped treating bar draw the separation al,11-10W�l aga n stlence-a wonderful, portentous, D. Biggar, (Regent 934) 2% Clyde 00 d I . take Some city property In exchavo, 1. . light Valli- guards -Are Omnipotent b6ngs. ance-never came. "fult-of,possibilitles" silence--enchalned Hamilton. Ont, ly for the missing man. Now and And then somehow, some way, h6 And she never wrote, but went about them. again some passing figu blundered -he, Gerald who thought he the business of living, gallantly', her head He broke It at last unsteadily. I re 'or face knew the meaning What- slightest look hold high, only her eyes as expressto ass "Our- last drive together, Daphne. I 54 ACRES ON RIDGE ROAD, EAST whichbore some resemblance to those- the significance of ilet, faintest gesture' as &Q,nia deep, datk pool, Wilic I as want to thank you, It's all been very of Grimsby, 10 room frame house, of' Jack made Mollie exclainx and He blundered because he was not a beneath Its still beanty secret thin a. sweet—" 1-10 stopped abruptly, roas- terraced lawn and temilh court, frame clutch Clytie's Arm; but as the figure woman, A Woman would have under- And then, a year- later, Inexpil t tered a strangling feeling I olit,butiolings In good repair, 12 acres drew near he brought disappointment stood Instinoti'vely the "paniciness" of enough, rate Chose to take a ban in and said, "To-morr n his threat. In asserted ,fruits, balance of The land I that Just -married hour -would hm Ow I'm going away.', , with him, for It was a stranger, not on a4so. jrlstinctl ve the gam. ose excellent Wgetable soil. Will take good giv- In wa:, and the spot she all to lay Jerked out of her usual poise, she said, I I vely the necessary coax- 9. London rcs�jaurant, dismayqdly and Incohorentiy: city Property as Part Payment, J. 1), , Jack. It was Clytte who hit'Upon the Ing and Potting. The place ivas Crowded, and Daphne "But -1 -you SAid-I thought you had Biggar. Regent 031, 206 Clyde Block, Hem- ' truth, and who, when que . evening yOt, After all, It was Daphne herself watched the thtong of lunchers and fourteen days' leave, and YoVi've, Ilton. . . only r_-.. who widened the breach, - would-be luncher6 with languid a umo� had eight." - they had returned from their frUitleds She sajolz ment, wlAloh Presently quicloenlyninto "Bxactly," he said evasively. "I've 98 ACRES ON HIGHWAY EAST OF search, said, Ill a low voice'. I "When I go back to the oftice--.,o something like interest as her eyes tol- . And Gerald, In the midst of rifling a l got to go Away to -morrow, anyway." Albertan,' ClaYAOam, rolling frame A man, by the .'Where?" she said. "And why,j,, buildings, I bank barn 46x50, another "He has left England, Mollie, We lurichoon-basket, Said 4ghaot; iv Y became miglitIly- Something Impelled her to sa� it, I without foundation 30x35 hog pen,'61lickon � lowed a man In khakl- tb� , a whom khakf shall not find him." "When YOU go backt But you're not ding his way betwe "Where?" he repeated, anilling at liar house, 39 acres seeded. 10 aer433 wheat, Presently there came a, letter from going back to the office,o tables. Intentness, "To Scotlmid." Ills smile 35 acres PlOwod, 8 acres hardwood bush, 'Lady Mervyn. Percy had been in too Daphne, settled ',bar CKIn-and, a very She could really see very little Of him, faded -the blue fire went suddenly out good fences, radial freight stop on the I determined little chin It looked at that for hits back ,was towards her, and he of his eyes. "Because " 0 was Promises, immediate possession, .great a hurry to get well, had gone laoment-costly among her lure, kept getting lost to view and re-ap -;R IT. D, pear. & long and pregnant pause. art he Biggar, Regent 931, 205 Clyde Block, Ham. out on the terrace In a devastat0j; "'I knew You'd oppo.qo the Idea," She Jag In the most mysterious and delight- turned and faced her, drawing tier un- ilton. was said calmly. "That's why I didn't tell clashlon, but what She saw she IJked. willing gaze to h s, ---.- 11, . . east wind, had caught a chill, alid "T .at of I What she saw in I You before- but r intend to go back, The Th his shoulders reminded her ,h!s eyes she loved, bling to have mu any time." Somehow of Gerald. And then he spoke, low and passion- Iles from Norwich, D14LY and sand . thrown back. Lady Mervyn hinted,, chief is �v OXFORD COUNTY, 2% almosC Said plainly, that If the two Gerald's own, chin was looking aggfeo- At that moment the puray-looking ately. in girls were absent from him much long- $Iva by now. dame who had been occupyl g the other - loam, 90 acres, working balance pAstur6 Because,"'he Said, "I can't stand one and bush, 9 room brick house, hot water "It's not to be thought of!" he said am- seat at Daphne's small kabnle rose, and day --one hour -more of this!" heating. Basement barn 4049 with good Or Percy would work himsell! into a phatically, "I shouldn't have inarried jr took her leave. "Of this?" She lifted ,%vide, wondering stabling, water basins for cattle. Will fever. I couldn't provide for my wife comfort- The man who had awakened her In e�es-mymtifled. "We must go, Mollie dear," Bald Cly- ably. without I terest and admiration emerged from th; 0. sell or exchange for larger farm, price ,of our being toglather-like this. $10D Per acre. Clias, Shaver. Norwich. "It Isn't that." Daphne had flushecl crowd at tild'same moment, and headed She said -not understanding: do tie, with. a sigh. ,epbr and becomingly, "It's that I like straight for the 'vacant space at bar "I thought you liked It, Gerald... -- -- �-- --- — = "Yes, I suppose so," admitted M01- It. Basldes� while you're Away it'will whelmed her. "Liked It!" lie said. "Liked It! I've . lie half-reluctautly, though her heart help me to forget. When you Como borne For the man -the set of whose Should- WISOZZLAN it will be different of course," liked It so muchf--hoarsely-1 that I -I .- . ROUS - � arm reWinded her so of Gerald -had Ger. —­ By a tremendous effort he con- "I ' EXPE ~1� . was'drawn toward the fretting Percy; Gerald's fine' brow's drew together. aid's broad brow, Gerald's hair. Gerald's trolled face and voice. . 11,Vuab, would Do ,Ew MONEY On. reluctantly -because she kneV that - "But It was art understood thing that firm, Indomitable chin, Gerald's unfor- have ,,more.', he ended . qoIetI3,, "and- �O'r,'T,Neon sale in five thousarid-dif-. while Clytle remained at the cottage YOU lived at home with Your parents un-, getable eyes;. all be Jacked was Gerald's can't.' I ferej�t offices throughout Cana4a. I tit mr return." . 1! smile. � — , - - _� L . 'i she would find It easier to cherish and ,, 'T shall live with them, "*a aid Daphne, Feeling that every drop of blood she Mimird's Linime'nt Curc4 Qarget In A B)� PARCEL POST. kee alive the frail hope of Jack's re- until or unless I get a fresh post.,, � RW -trbU.Rv'e You? What Price? Reid I p possessed was In her . face, ,paph a Cows. !r, 3 turn. Clytte said very little, about Gerald's frown grew more pronounced. reached for her bag, drooped her hea'd, - .7h3oth'.11 , Ont. . . "There's no question at any post at E411 and pretended to ransack its contents. -1 0 0 . ._ . __ � him, but her thoughts were centred, so far- AS you're obnoorried, Daphne.', Gerald Adeane Seated himself and THOSE VAIN MEN, __ __ ! ! = � upon him day and night; Indepol, From under drooped lashes she flashed acalmet). the-meml. A second Imter-like BUSINESS CHANGES oftentimes she woke In the night with him a defiant glance. steel.to magnet -gaze leapt to gaze. It is said that Richard II, of Eng- .,,- - I the unspoken words, "My RUsbanoll" "Don't be tiresome, Gerald. I've made 1. ; 1.1.� I . land, used to, wear a morning coat � u UP my mind."' - FORSALE-LOOOD GROCERY AND , — )i 30,000 marks, all sewed up with I ' fruit business. Doing good cash. bua- , Gerald's handsome face' darkened ree ness, Good opportunity for right Party. - � I curiously. - "Ok'S WWI Rest Compoafl& wdi'a"m-toilds and p;arls, and a ep- Good reason for selling. Apply jfaX I . "And I've made u ninel" he said, , .. - more. -ramilton, ont, ,C�l r , , don robe worth* twice as Much Gross, 13 York street. I , , . firmly and -very qu Y. "Understand, , � 'A sqe,reliable reimlating � . . Daphne, You're not going back to the of- I Medicine. Sold in thno do. Henry 111, of France, the king who . f ice I - ges of etrength-No.A, $IJ OR SALE -HARDWARE BUSINESS - "I amll, - . I 7. 2, 38; Uo. 8. $5 par box. used to 'wear a basket of pups swung, F train five to six thousand gto6k; , , Bold b from his neck, had diamond Cellars t,4rnove.r eighteen thousand, 'You're not -pardon ine!" � Id ail drugr'sts, or sent F of, particu. ' P-rcPai On receipt 0I.Price. on the pups and fairly blazed with lars, write W. w, Rumball, Victoria Uar. The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" says, "Then -then—'? Divided between tears Free pamphlet. Address- . "I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the and anger, and at the very end of her - I a diamond collar hipiself. hot,; On - t. ___ � I - 11 I " 4 . I best LINIMENT In use. emotional tether, the girl delivered � T"R COOK ME0101NE Co � But of all the vain men of history ; her 0. P�ir, Tokofizo�OKT. (FS I Vgot my foot badly Jammed lately. ultimatum. "Then I'm going back home!" . - � rRally VAN'sler') the vainest was old Prince Nicholas FOR SALE I Whed It well- with MINAIW'S LINI- she gabsped defiantly at last, "I didn't � __ ___ ". - I XVNT and It was as well as ever next know eing inarried was like this-hav-, She watched atoulshra , alit and some' . Esterhazy, excepting perhaps, his Son, , . SALE - GOLDIE�McCULLOCYA I day� Ing a man domineer over one.,, Pression she could ex- Paul, -Whose uniform of general in the FOR ' She wanted -wanted badly -to say some not fathom Fireproof safe In excellent condition. ; Yours very truly. In his face. wil'810- Hunga-lan arjoly was ornamented Outside dimensions: 68x34x49 'Inches, .. more, but she knew If she attempted It He half- so, then,, conseloug or tile* with 50,000 'diamonds besides many Weight 5,600 Pounds. Price $375.00 f,o.b. , I T. G. IIMULLBIST. that her lips would quiver, and r Apply Grab Shoo Co.,'Llib- : . I . hef 0 lel Kitchener. �. I voice likewise. So she began to collect rowded ro in, reseated ,himself, With fine rubles, topazes, emeralds and Ited Kitchener. ont, . her suit -case and the feNy eteeteras' at a Smile she had so terribly missed theme sapphires. His cap was encircled by _===____ . 1, . luggage she had, brought with her. two years, lie hold out Ills hand, while a band of pearls and bore a plume of jrN . . she blessed his savior faire. ITTING YARN MADE FOR ROD I . I I Gers,14 Adeane's jaw fell. He said: "This Is 5,000 diamonds, and every time he A� Cross, grey and black only, will cleat I ,'But You -you Can't! You're marri very unexpected and de ght- at dollar and quarter per pound; sarrip,14 I I .. to me." . ad fill." he said, Ili a low, pleasant tone, wore his general's coat It cost him kain � , . albeit the red had crept to his cheek- $500 to repair the ,wear and tear. His " thirty cents. 0 Georgetown Woollen - �� bones -"for me. at any rate." A tinge AIIII, Georgetown, nt, 11 son, rin .— . throbbing In her heart. It -was weeks of pride came Into his voice, And I P I ce Paul was, if anything, ..I . . stnee his departure, and she had learn- 1. hope You Understand that It was entirely more extravagant, and when he died p AIR PRACTICALLY 13LACK .PDX. ed during the dragging, wearisome , unintentional on my'Dart.11 a bankrupt in 1866 his unifo= had as, also twenty other pairs. Reid time how deeply she loved him; and, - A I " He" Violet eyes holding the old fighting to be sold to pay his debts, 1. Bro&, Bothwell, ont. I . � . ' _� ' he had loved to provoke, she said I so realizing, came to learn AAd under- I SINCS 01670 . � ? i'ull,e'ttly: C I — 11 I I stand what he must have suffered by . . I - ­ '. can understand that.,, F On SALr-BnAND-NEW 'PALKING He . machine; His Master's VOIcO Victr6lo . the loss of her. To return to Bram- 4 Went on, In a controlled tone- I grand, cabinet mohokally, No. XL; pr(C4 . $225; will take $180, with seven records-, - age will go at once. You have only to say "EALTH FOR THE BABY tills Instrument is one of the I ley with the secret.of her mar,ri � I "And If YOU wish to bes-to be alone, I H smouldering like a thlolden fire In her ltl-^ MpS CoXjC . 711S the woriW, best, Batts. � QVYST PS ISO magically — 11 faction guaranteed; references Molsonq , - . -�ul)e,rl,�I,Y a OL woman will. I . Bank. Address D. N. FlOmIng, Drum O, bosom. would be an ordeal, but It had -.4 She. had recovered her po - , � b I . --- .1 0 'jjl� to be faced. . I t be so cruel," she declared The baby of to�day is the man or Ont. - , They arrived on a lovely eVennig, The girl gave a Shrill little laugh, � laughingly. "If your appetite is a woman of to -morrow, Thus the sue- — — - ' turned and faced him, High up in olthell t like mine, you want'your Iunl.,,�!,_. cess�of the future man or woman de- IM, LP WANTED - in which Bramicy, lightened and,glorl- cheek appeared.,& charming Patch of hllxi�eg ordered It. (Silo had already got 4 fied b� the Sunset, looked at Its best. odlor. I ! hers.) peads upon the babi§ present wel- WANTED -OAK CABINET WOnX. . Strangely enough, Mr. Hesketh Carton "Unfortunately." she said, acridly, and * * * fare, It the. ,baby Is sickly and Ill - quietly. "But -no Vne knows it. Xore. Becauie they were both terribl On Oak Cabinet& Reid Bros.. happened to be at the station when *I,r,,O.one need know, I am of ten of silence, they talked -of Aralls Y afraid nourished it Is not to be expected that Bothewroall, Ont. Out tice Day, they arrived, catching sight of them, . long as this -and the telogj�sms of the election, Of the.difficulty of get- lie will grow into a s._.5, "�u.y. .. - he came to help them to alight from 00*110t Seat." ting a decent meal In London -and, somo� man who will 'hold his own In the WOOLUN MILL HELP OWANTEDL_ � The train drew gratingly into a sta- how, they left together. We havo openings for tomato the train. He shot a quick, keen tj I ­ business world a few Years hence, weavers and apprentices to learn weaving, on, Phlomatio porters called Clipping. Once fairly outside, he Said: Mothers, It is a duty you Owe the Special consideration shown lip . glance at Clytie, of which she was ly, . "If I'm not actually repulsive to you prolitices, half-oonselous, and which she remem- 11 'Pstowl 'Pstowl" that Is -I mean, couldn't �vo do a Show- f4ture to keep your little ones well In teaebing this work and good W&ge4 Daphne looked Out of the Window.' together somewhere?" I while learning, Tills work offers per. bered ,afterward -it haunted her, after now, This Carl be easily dolle It Baby's anent eMP(oYment, anol'bxperlenced op. "ChoPstow," she said. "It's a junction, Aware Of devastating emotions around Own Tablets are *kept in tile house. arlators eara high wages. Other opening$ A, Tashlon, during tile evenIng-but I shall got out here, and take the next, her, no less tlytn within liar, silo his eyelids were lowered like a sereen train back." ad somehow, A Supper foil ao-lont- The Tablets are a mild but thorough for winders. Finishers, etw V ull parti. owed the &how. aln1GSt Immediately, and he said,, with Even as she spoke she was on tb� plat- She was conscious that she was look- laxative, which regulate the bowels culars will be given upon application, forra-Gerald close bablud, utterIna vain trig hi�r best, and was suddenly fiercely and Sweeten the stomach, and WrIte us, The Slingsby Alfg. Company, friendly Interest,. expostulations, glad Of it. thus Ltd., Brantford, Ont. , � I Cerni 'Orser, Elgin- ­ - _-W�_ � easy, if the next treffn back had not ac. ,our. . ng them Mrs. W. I "You ,are looking well, Miss Bram- Even then, If It had not been so fatall'k Gerald was delightful -carefully 0 make baby healthy and strong, Con- � ley; -you are both looking well. Need teous, chivalrous as was his wont --ac. POULTRY WANTED, tually been standing In the station, the cording her just ille right amount of at. burg, Oht.,. writes: "I have a fine, I say how glad I aill to welcome you thing -the horrible, unheard-of thlng� tention, %_1-1*-^-___­1� healthy boy three years, and have ENS WANTED ALIVE 17 CENTS A back? T have good news of our Inv4- might even then have been Averted. I Under all his self-possession there 'was used Baby's Own Tablets go H lid of -the Towers; he Is much better. So Gerald though later; at the moment a hint -no wore -of sornethi r him ever pound, any size, 1,1.0.33.�youj- station, ;--In fact, progresslug rapidly, and of the Unlooked-for crisis he did not Ing and dangerous held in leta�sfi.faSen'ritahte- since he was A sliiall baby. I certainly If within 200 miles of Toronto, ship 0. 0. . think at all D.. in crates or boxes. Albert Lewls� Lady Mervyn assures me that he, to -was not, Indeed, capable of dim Intimacy of the taxicab a sudden think them a splendid medicine." The 666 Dundas street west, Toronto, Ont, displaying all t�O Irritability which thought -only followed ,liar miserably, his thought�was It fear?--assafled her. Sup. Tablets are sold by medicine dealerA -,- . . young eyes tragic, his broWs knitted in POSO he Should kiss herl W ­= . 1, moody indeelslori-and Indecision was One look at his face reassured hot- il At 25 cents a box from the . . Accompanies cdfiValtscelieL." . In or by ma WANTED, He escorted them to their carriage certainly not 0. weakness of his. every fine line Of It Pride gazed back at Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Break- . . � � I And Stood looking after them, )jlt� hThe station was crowded, only once liar; he would take nothing unless At were yille Ont, a managed a hurried, unhappy sentence, gladly -oh, so gIftollyl-givell, Would he . # L ADIV S WANTZ D, TO DO PLAIN a smile on hifs thin, pale face. "Daphne, YOU carVt mean 11 take It then? she found herself wonder- i -.*— I I light Sewing at home; WhO'e Or Spar4 � "I wonddr whether Mr, Heaketh She turned oil him ewitty. � Ing, TO thathis face gave tie answer, time, good Pay,, work sent any distance; Carton could help usZ" said Mollie "I do mean ItIll shop.cried Stormily. During the Short dfiva he was entirely 'Worth Knowing. charges Paid. Send stamp for particulil,ra, I "Don't you see I-we'VO Made A mistake? charming; she had asked to be putdown National Manufacturing COMPA-11Y, Won - but doubtfully.. , t � Ah, here's a seat Ill at the and of the road wher she stayed, Ali expeditious And Cleanly way of treat. . , Clytle shook her head. "Oh, not' Quicker than the Words wore spok n and he obeyed her instrucatIOns to the removing rileat from the shells of crabs _!��� She ,Sald.' decidedly, 'Mollie looked .ire- ,she had taken her plate in the crowde letter. is to use a nut pick. NOTIUNG SERIOUS, Ileved, compartment, uttered a Constrained But the next day when they met--lic- A wise woMan who finds herself (Birminghard Age-l-lera'Id.) "Goo4-byel" and was suddenly Part and cording to arrangernents-for Jullob, be "I am glad you think that, dear, for parcel. as It Were, of th(i snorting mon. said, abruptly: without barley or rice for the soup, "Is this patient violent?" I ehoUld bitte to JiAye to AAk ,him." star that wall beartfig her away, "Of CO(IrSO. YOU ridedn't tell, but r think or who craves a change from these "No," replied the asylum attendant The two girls drove over to tbO And, Standing there as useless and jm4 I've a right to know. Just what YOU are cereals, substitutes Oatmeal, "lie merely thl1lks VIO WA -IIS of tile rooni Mer- movable am I tailor's durmay--as 110 at- are pa,pered with Chinese money And he's And Lady ' doln In London?" with ex - Sl g Towers next morning., terwards told himself --Gerald lot her go. Ig told him promptly ariough, With a celi.ent results. The 1110al thickens the an American adding machine trying t4 vl�kcoined thk!A)�!Ith oped arms. What elst, Indeed, Was there to do? more color In her dheeks-realizing Soup egattly ,as the White grains do, strike a balance." owtcil tvon as the train startedhor had seen her 'In 16 - 0* .-. I find iPerty on the terrace," thaftothis was a hair Of tile dog that hit and Im5arts besides a subtle flavor of she said to UpIlle when she had klss� Swiftly pull off her left glove, And, in. .him, "MinArd's Unimint 10UP60 Dfpkthema slinctively he know that she had r Wh "I'lli Secretary to Cyrus Linklater." its Own which to MADY palates 19 . ­ _�% - d A. He didn't like tila itif -she hadn't known epicurean- LITTLE ]�Y COMPAnISOV. ed her; but the, Inforination was not h6r wadding -ring with It, It inatin tively, t noct8sary, for he thad heard their 'Off CUAPT:int ir. his nitted brows Would Soda should be used for washing "Did ill dentist cause you much voices And was valling for tbem. , ]lava t0% her. Pali] Mollie went out t0 him, and the boy That particular Blightl leave of Oat- "But Is It necessary? You-you.vo re. greasy things, for the alkali addell to 6xtractinge your teeth?" � LI CeIv04 ray allow.%nde, of coursev, the grease Dratelally makes 80ay, "Not S ald Adeane'N was ever a torwards a, sub- , 0 much as he did extracting hiA gripped her hand and pressed It to �ect on -which even him beat and dearest very levelly silo met his gaid, es the work of cleansing. � .;fees," pain date not tackle him. which do ­ 11 0 � 6 - him. ails fstde� was flushed, his eyep � " "I haven't touched it, Gerald.,p When cleaning metal candlesticks bright; but the flush died away and Shut$ his Mouth like a trAp,11 said "In heaven's name, why n TIM, OLD TRICX. one Of theso worthies, "It you SO Muth flamhod. irritably. at?" be do not stand the candlesticks on the Second Isfate-The cook has been Swept he looked thin and vegly, so that am mention It, and looks II.ko a horse She Said, still Steadily but rather low,. - glove to inelt the grease off, as people overboard, air, Mollie's voice was not 80 sarcastic and that's going to be nasty," t "I-% couldn't use It. I didn't teel on. often do, for ,an easier and better plan Captaln-Just like a oodk, to Ie4vj aggressive as usual. " An for Daphne Adearte, alke rMulaed Itled to IM, without giving he "You look QUItO tbO interesting In. her well-paid, post, and tried hard to for. "I thought as muoh, lie said unaxpec� 'is to till thal-A with boillug water. t., C.O - - got dark -blue oyos, lengthily lashed, Aild te4ly. - HIS look Smote her suddenly to 1)0)1,t allow It to Stand Any time, but t � The truth IS I'Alghty, and Some fOl, Valid, Lord Stanton," she began; but a mouth that waN Very firm yet could be lie hoart--so terribly hurt it was, yet pour, it off and rub the candlestick low$ only tell It to the highest bid4ot he broke 4n With a Votes that waig rA- very tender,. $hot through with tot),dernegs, a, dry, cloth. Xnameld caly , 1, �, , �� w. ther tretnilloud In Ita eagornees', Sho did not (in approwd fashion) Wear "Xiddle," he said, ,,you did treat r,a6 V"Il wit 1: I -� � 11011, WOW% what 4 time youlvd her weddlft ring hung roond hop neeko abominably. didl,,t you?,, dlestleC as WO -11 as those of Plain - -_ but kept It lit 4, little, worn, old thiMb][6- She couldn't bear It-almply could metal, should be tretted thus. ; 04 I X=)tX*)0"9*)" I Wen aWaYI And how I've mlasW you! came she had at home. It was. Of Course, She VAnted to Sob Out On his Ahoulnd'eer' I � A# i� , I I've been bored to death. I'M ejo jolly, entirely her Own affair that tlio Illialble. how sorry -bow terribly sorry, alle wft.q. . minArd's ILInIthOnt CUl'66 ()Ist6MP6l1. glad you've come back .1 doJA know . � 1, � 61 A 6 , � - W I 111111111111110111116111 1111 ill I I I ii I A Cople "or what I ahould litive, done If vau had. _-9, , *_"""*" .1 . n't come soon. But, I sayl You'ro not looking very bright!" 110h, I'm All right," Uollie #Agutoa him evasively, as she drew a chair be. sldo him. "Now, tell me all the tewsr. Wh4t a otupid boy You Are --you've lot your Tug Allp down, all catch cold 11 , " # you'll , Sho drew It Up, and he cstught her 1 hand and held it; and Mollie let it remkin in his ArOAD for a littlo whilf -you see, he had btktn so Ill. I (To bo, tontilauma 1. 4-4#* i �4 V 41M P , toomlig Out 16t Witsollf. 11ad lit.% - - dh T' IRATM-1- Pat wa one day driving cattle *#Ad ttbAth 16 0. I ft di d6tayod through A Country town, accompanied teeth, (out st== ,Or untloth by a eollie, The dog, unknown to how*]." 111y6uttaithategood, '*o A 'a h, , - " I, I I .' � hinu,boltid Into A butchor's shop and 1Obk to Your disrottIve ormm# At b6w rall off with a leg of muttft. Where- owde. ClAt Woe),$ Curative brup ' h � 4 � upon the butcher Issuod forth, da. 61 g1ruggistA. Is to 30 dr6ps o' A 141t manding of Pat if that was h1a dog. After moth 01a.11 up your foiyd . i A r4l 1 *IN6,11 replied Pat, slyly eyt�.tjkg the pastAge wil stop 1h4 44 lwtith ao" I ­ ering dog, which by tbIR tims WOA odor. $00. tind $1.00 sotdos, ' I&Imont out of Sight, 'ho W44A Onft L06, Aot hw suhWtUU& act � taln6, -but he secins to t -e doing W 16 venulao. � - 6 � �� I klmolf 110W." I � . IN&I "In " - " &*%11ftdk#. �,l . .�. "44 _­ , __,.Y4 vft I I . ;*,..� lom"hvl I 1, ._:4�. I* -