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The Wingham Advance, 1920-01-22, Page 5
'.l. kurodAy, Jan. 22nd, P W It ;. Ak... . A 0 �wswKw }.assaso Well, I can supply you with Aaolbatr LiOowol blaze Sollraoro �t WoW+ IIG11f Cav=# "House Q li � ss I� Fire broke out in the entre tr i f the tA't 4 at 3,30 q'clotk on WodneadaY rnortiiefg The 'P'oroMators hoI4 %ka'ir annual oyster ....°"�.�. wapp$r at the 3aotris of Mr. Alex Miwsrrrart The first aawoting• atf the Couisall f , �: from W. H, Willis. i I ` Jim.lathfor the at hana� iitb 17throan, sett 'Tuesday evening, ,All rs- wa's held on Jan l*h tke morabare WAS �"�1 • Men's Many Saving Values is, certain Ix th+t whole "ire to Wet J. Currie. Reeve; J. Gillerpid, W. pant a goad turns,businesst;pctionwouldhave:bcettdtsltcstY«v+trauahan Geo M Robertson and R.'*�►One by one fist old Pieties" ars pass- . Cottltaa, who roars 1lavtaf; ell, As it wAt3 tht9 was coafhled all preSataE, f�f tNAS.LSt11�r .✓� i'�+G.*,e :S two stores tend the liars will not exceed ing on to their heavenly rest, on Friday each. subscribed to the statuatry dectaw *ng .:t $ q 000. 'ly Morning Inst ons of the oldest, most high- ation of qualification and of oflllce, the respected residents passed away In the Reeve ""'" ""� ,Prueters' harness store and the Gablq presiding, the minutes of the last ti jewelry store, on Wallace street, were Jsseph person. of Janet Paterson, beloved wife of meeting wore read and approved. Murray at the ripe old ago of 90 In order to make room for ourspring stock of cloth- gutted and the sleeks ahttoat entirely desiraYsd• There >s some Insurance The usual application for graaka to the Years, Deeeaeed had. been In 4#clining charitably institutions receivedand read. , ing, we aro offering Special 'Values in Men's and Boys' The cause in unknown. health. for some tint; but death cauls very, On motion of Gillespie and Coultea $6. Suits and O rPrcoats, The blaze had considerable headway ting unexpestedly at the last pneumonia Met- .was voted to the Children's Aid Cociet., in. Deeeasod was born at London Y 1 �r�± . Special fries $19 I a7 and was eon • when discovered a a beyond d th .powers of the firemen by the time the. Goderich and a like amount to the Musk. Bill, Ayr, years aft I83t, and coming to oke Free •I•iospitai, Canada 25 settled in floe town- ►I f • water was available in sufflcent quantities. ship years after oink• • S. Scott and Elliott were appoint - J. J Pp of Howick of which she was a resident �l I" e e is a range of lain sack form fitting and inch Here �, p i a� l� It spread very quickly and there was a until ed Auditors of Township accounts For p the time of her death.. Deceared was back suits from Our regular stock; in worsteds, tweeds hot job to do in peeping other stores from Catching fire. As it was the Karges' $hoe a Y 1919 and Ex, Reeve Campbell as member lovingwife and kind mother and alwat s of the Local Board of Health. and heather nlixture$, broken lines but all Sizes from 34 ' ' a repair shop suffered considerably, friend. to help those, in treed. She Moved by Mr. Gillespie Second by Mr, 1 to 42 ill this lot, Flan of these are Old qualities, extra • y 9 a The weather was extremely Cold and to mourn her loss, her husband,. Strau han that the ointment of Assess g pP-, values at regulars prices from $24,00 to $28.00, All one son ern the firemen are being congratulated for and ova a°tt, Mrsters vox foie$' Wm or be deferred till next meeting of Council, iti Milne, North Bay, Mrs. S. J. Nichol, i� rice 19,75. the excellent fight they put up, _carried, Regina, Mrs. Jae, Elliott, Arden, Man., on ,Motion of Coultas. and Robertson Navy Blue Cheviot $19.75 t�1UtsV�xla� Mrs. Dave, Livingstone, Tesswater, Mru, David S Scott was reappointed Collector Wm. Irwin, Aelmore, and one son Mr. .7 TRRAT FOR BLuZvALR ON FIRY, 3m). DJ. Weir, Tesswater, Deceased was'a for the, present year his farmer salary of 5 only good duality navy blue cheviot suits, guaran- EVIDENCE member of the MettiodW. church. X85" teed fast dye and all wool. plain sack style' well tailor- Buffalo, N. Y•, Jan. 8, 1920 The funeral was hold to Wroxeter cern- Six copies of the Municipal World were I; ed and perfect fitting garments, sues 36, 37, 38. Our To Whom It May Concern; eter y on Monde afternoon, Rev. L. ordered as formerly for the Council and Y Y Bylaw No. 1 1910 ratifying the leader at $25,00. special price $19,7.7, - i This is to certify that 1 take the great. Stride, est pleasure in testifying to the fine ability assisted in the house by Rev. R. •Clerk N. D, Sinclair conducted' the servisea at appointment of Townsbip officials and } ,,j Boys' •Mens and Boys Overcoat :sale 1 of Mr. A' tX . Hardison, as an entertainer the I who is touring the v S and Canada, in B Law No. 21920 appointing the Coun- house and grave. y PP g In loving memory of our mother Mrs 61 road commissioners were both read Our entire Stock of Men's and Boys' Overco8 tap theatrical sketches of a Scotish, character Jos. in which he so ably typifies in every way, Jan. Murray who passed from this life .and passed. 9 1920. The following accounts were paid: - Fur Coats and Fur' trimmed Coats, at a special discount p the character of the true Scat. This Corporation of Blyth hail rent fry Diu. One week hap passed since that sad daq, Of 10/. Here is an opportunity to save money on cloth- ; young and able Comedian is certainly en• When the one we loved was called away, court purposes $7 $0; Geo Snell, repair - • tering upon a brilliant career, which in God took her home it was His will ing road grader 50cts; Thos• fosse, repair, Ing., _. the opinion of many will prove second to But in our'hearts she livsth roll ing railing on bridge Con 0 and 74,00; D. ----- -' none, and will compare more- than favor* Forget her, no, we never will, S. Scott balance salary as collector 8.5 00; • • S ably with the great -Lauder" himself We loved her then we love her still Tress W Wawant•sh refund trustee err -y' ,► ! It was my good fortune to secure his serFor of the beat that God could send. or io debenture levy U S S. No 7 19.18; vice for"Hogmany nicht,'' as a parr. of the A loving, mother, a faithful, friend, rhe Advance Office printing accounts • • for our annual celebration, which 6,751 Vlrs, A. Parker refund 'statue I program Ws mics her and mourn her in silence was the largest in attendance ever seen uneern, labor tax 1919 4 80; The Municipal World Highest Prices for Produce. Fresh Groceries always on hand. at our beautiful Club House The re- And dwell in the memories of days. that election supplies 8.28; subscription to ° paper 6 00; G. A Reid, grant to Muskoka ce tion which Mr Murdison received, and have been. 7tp rr ae� P Free Hospital 5 00; G. NI. Elliott, grant the encores which he was asked. to res- Family, and to, is a sufficient recommend to his to Children's Aid Society g 00; A. Porter P At the annual meeting of the Wroxeter gifts as an entertainer of unusual and -- - Rfield, expenses of nomination and election l;. "C / WhitrCl]>t1TC11 telephone Co. It was decided to have con• 6�1•ta(i; A Porterfield, salary as. Clerk es% great ability. His portrayal of the ol- nection with South B•uce. It will be • The annual meeting of the Whitechurch+" lick in Scot" together with his numerous 175.00; Postage and telephone. accounts >f - Y g l+' quite a long felt convenience. Presbyterian church will be held on Mon. 16.00; On motion of Coultes and Straug s Y .Scottish jokes, made a great impression da Jan. 26th at z.3o o'clock. Mrs, jnf. Abraham is holding an Auct- ban the CouniA adjourned to meet again y, + on the large attendance Should he ever Nurse Anufe H. Heury has resumed come this way again, he will receive even ion Sale of Farm Stock and implements. on Thursday Feb. 6th at one o'clock. her profession at Speedwell Military a greater reception. I predict for him a The past week the world over was rg- A, PORTERFIELD, WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166 Hospital, Guelph. great and brilliant future in his chosen vo. cognized co the week of prayer Our Clerk. '> The school with competent instructors and superior courses. Graduate Mr, Huh Cunningham of Drayton, is cation, vicinity recognized the tinclag s God' at laced in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in Toronto >'; g y ' this way. Prayer meeting was held at visiting with his cousin Wesley Le att Respectfully, and the Centra, Business College, Stratford. g + y g both. Mcliintosh and Belmore churches, W r-oxBter , Mr and Mrs. Wm. Garbutt Winnipeg,(Signedi GLENN O. CAMPBELL. Enter an time. Past Pres't. St Andrew's Society. Mrs. A. Pitch spent. last week with It is with dee re ret we chronicle the Write for free,.. catalogue. Yy , P g is visitin with relatives around here 1 1ATJsr:& SARDONYX is an inexpensive gem but can be very prettily mounted in rims, pendants, brooches and ear ornaments, If you have a friend who was born in August does this not suggest a pleasant way to remember him or her? We will fit the bridge between your eyes with an adjustment that won't let your rose know your eyes are using glasses, R. M, MCKAV Jeweler and Optician Wingham ARE YOU INTERESTED iN RAISING POULTRY ft I Frets t Board of Trustees, her parents in Wingham. the death of one of Wroxeter s most highly D. A. Mc1G�chlan, prES.' Murray McLeish, Prilit. Miss Robina Henry is attending Busi- St Andrew's Scottish Club, ' Don't forget the Debate the Literary is respected citizens in the person of Mr. �`.�/`. `•.+ ness College at Guelph. 1 In Bluevale. Feb, 3rd", Forrester's Hall, putting on in the Hall on Tuesday. George Wearring, who passed away on XX,XX 7 iw�lXoi?AX?4 XlsaeXJCX? ==.M7 e - - =- --- Tuesday evening.. Mr, Wearying, suffered (l Eypp ,pp F C�ppC,C3t�pf pppi�f3Gif3i3k�F3a3Ct©F3f�iJCOF3G3030C3E t3GaCiLii�i�CiE?©pE7C3p4©dfl 4f9C3f3f3� aC3CGt 39(33 ii9Q�r3 Morris Council a paralytic •stroke on Friday Jan. 0 from ✓� g. which he never recovered. The bereaved IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR TOWN! Jan. l2th.1920 family'have the heartfelt sympathy. of � aThe members of the council except Mr. e n p of Business everyone in their affiication. The, p'�lg�,�r' qT� Spel�td �� iilg ally Will "Carne Home T® Boost" Abram Proctor who was ill, met at the The attendance at Church Sunday lA l I1 1..a a a w Township Hall on Monday, January 12th, evening was small on account of the after subscribing to the declaration of stormy weather. , • �,� ' Mr. Clarence White is at present visit- Clearing Sale of ��� follow the Reeve took the chair and the The following business transacted• -Mina- Ing friends at Toronto, •` Advance,Mr. Thomas Gibson who has been � all- lines. ' tea read and approved. The following Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thau-ght of before. Patronize the officers were appointed. -A MacEwen, spending the past few weeks with his �� i••\\\ people whose ads. are here. They are our neighbors and will treat you right. clerks' salary, $210.00; W. H Kerr, mother, Mrs. John Gibson, left one day °�� in •The mons ou s end with Printing Contract 70,00; Richard Proctor. l Come for Bargains I • y y g y S y y P last week to visit friends in Toronto them stays in circulation in Winghatri. Collector 180 00; Sanitary Inspectors. Win, before returned to his home in . Winnipeg. Abram and J. A Brown 15,00 each; B. O. It is with much regret we report the tQ©tif�fidZ3E3ff!!Cd©Qt3t3©CSCs H , Henry Johnson; Auditors, Richard ?deathof Mr. Geo. Wearring, Who passed �E3©flt�43�it� r�j Johnston and Peter McNabb. 10 00 each;''`wap at his home here Tuesday afternoon %,` ' SEE US FIRST when you 'require' PURE DRUGS ARE ESSENTIAL to Jan. 13th after a short illness, The KNOX S J EW'E ll E R Y STORE 'Soots, Shoes,, Slippers, etc. yWe spcial- Mlp pInvaledge fl blisfness practices. �Se The Reeve gave a written report of the plays upon these tendencies of man good health. We carry a complete. stock work of the B. O H during the year remains were intened in the Wroxeter izein foot apparel and offer a splendid- MANY TUUST of es. Remedies° as well as Drug Stin- g g , cemetery Friday afternoon The familyassortment for your approval. A full° 1�� to false a chance, to trust in the ace dries. Toilet and sick room articles and 1919 The followingrants` were }vee stock of Trunks and Valises, -W. J known re-ther than the l noNn, to place Stationery Let us fill your next pre- Sick Children's Hospital, 10.00; Free Hos the have sympathy of the community. XX XX� � GREEK THE UN�NUWN confidence in the stranger rather than t scription -E. J MITCHELL., petal for Consumptives, 10.00; Children's;,A �N I the friend. I Hope to Draw Prize, Aid Society, 1600; The council decided. Fordyce QUALITY AND GOOD ,SERVICE at Bio Pay lac per yard for gravel during 1920 Those who buy merchandise from a � Q P p Mr. C. F Martin made a business trip W�tIGL.EYIe �kTaouA THE R]3XALL STORE is criterion for i � t lowest possible rices is our motto. Let It was decided to advertise for an as- v ee�� purity and wholesomeness in ready-made i mail order house are moved partly, us supply your home with choice Grocer- sessor also'to advertise for tenders for the to Toronto last week. formulas, Besides you have'the benefit Never Satisfied With Those whether they realize it or not, by that les and Provisions. Our stock is fresh Glad to hear that Mrs. James Martin ' • pp Y trait in their nature which prompts and clears. We offer you satisfaction.--- construction of Mothers, Sellers Mills who has not been well recently is recover- Tns PERFECT GUM of an international service, Full au 1 Things With Which The s of Drug Sundries as well. Seo me when g y them to trust in tate unknown 'rather I R BROOKS: y and. Kelley drains. your eyes are causing trouble. - J. �('D Familiar. than in that with which they are fa- The following accounts were presented. 'ng as well as can be expected, WALTON MclXIBBON, miliar. They are hoping, It may be un- { , Mr. Harry Chamney who has not been 1 passed and paid. -John Rogers, engineers • consciously,that they will draw a prize. EVERY DOLLAR you spend out of well lately is recovering as well as can be , town helps the town p account $35400; Assistance at drains They do not know what they will get, p you spend it in. looked for WHEN YQiI BUY Boots and Shoe sat -,INCLINED TO ' fiAKE CHANCE Boost your own town. Boost Wingham 25 50; A Shaw, financial report 1000; Wm for it is impossible for one to know We mise our general' mail carrier this t� etc., from us you are sure ofsecuring sat- . � Let Hanna's supply you with Dry Goods, Elston, financial report 2.00; Wm. Abram. what he is going to get when he or- last few days not comingon account of IEt isfaction as to the quality and pries. We j Goods. Groceries, Etc You will be pleas and R Newcombe. sanitary ins inspectors ed with our service and prices. -••HANNA the storm and roads being impossible for V stand back of all our goods. Full line of � I 'cera merl:handise from a picture and y P Trunks, Valises as well. --W. H- WILLIS' $.al�� Eiurlour Tralte In Human Nature Haw 1 n highly •colored description 1n a eats- & Co.GO. 15.00• R B Alcock. Hanna dram 12!4.76; . him to get through. Made Possible Growth and Devoi- logue. He is taking a chance on the R Proctor. collector. balance salary, 30 ; / .unknown. Miss E Robertson who has not been well Postage 5.00; John ?trMcArter tile good Gd` o POOR PLUMBING � IS DEAR at any oprnent of the Great Mail guying merchandise from the local MAKE UP THAT ORDER for Grocer•loaof late is able to be around again. price, Let us eatirnate for you on all Order Houses. les. Sarin it to us and we will save 8.00; oy John Craig wick on roads , kinds of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, _-__,_ merchant, s the other hand, contains g y°II 8.00; Roy Turvey, sheep worried 10 00; none of these elements of chance that money. We carry a complete line of Tarnberry C011ncii • Tinsmithing, etc. Our prices are right 1Ccpyrlsht, iii7, Western Newspaper Unioa.l Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Wm Scott returned soldier, refund Town - We guarantee our work Patronize home • A eurlous- trait in human nature r enter into the dealings with the mail Confectionery Let us supply your home, ship rate 10.50. order house. When one buys a stove --R. S McGEE. Minutes of council meeting held in business men. W. J BOXGB. fttakers itself apparent very frequently. The Council will meet at the hall on g All lel Sealed - That its an lnclination to trust in the- from the hardware store in his home Bluevale, January 12th, 192u. Members Look for unknown rather than in that with town, Ile may get none o4 the thrills Monday. February 9th, I920. YOUR EYES are your greatest asset. that come from taking a chittice buf OUR ATM IS TO SELL you a line of A. MacEwen, Clerk. all present, viz, Jas Moffatt, Reeve, Jas. the dame: paCtta�eS. When they require attention the best ad- which one is familiar, A person is _ he will get a stove that *111 last longer Groceries the quality of which will keep I. Scott, Wm. A. Mines, J. J. Moffatt and vise is none too good. By consulting me very apt to take a chance, even though. and keep him warmer than the one your money in Wingham. Our stock is - James Porter, councillor's: you assure yourself of proper treatment . he may know that the odds are 100 to fresh and wholesome.. Our butter and Death Of Mrs. Allison Lot me reacribe for our eyes -R. M. r that he might get from the mail order eggs are fresh, -MRS. A. CUM Each signed his declaration. Of Qualifi- McKASC y Y ene against him, Instead of being datis J The death occurred ort Tuesday of last cation and of Office and then went -on house and to the average individual, fled with lesser rewards about which: these things are likely to be more Im- INGS. week in Goderich of Estherenee, wife of with the ordinary business. there is no possibility of doubt. portant than the thrills. Rev. Willis Allison former rector at Dun• Minutes of last regular meeting and It is, possibly, the sAnring up of the• Using Your Eyes. _ WE LEAD in trunks, bags and suit cases I g - ONE VISIT to our establishment will ,ganrian and Port Albert parishes and also nomination. meeting were read and ,.._. full stock always on hand, also good line ever-present gambling instinct but: . When'you buy from the local mer convince the most skeptical that our single harness. Repairs a speciality there is something more in it than i:nat- rices and quality of Wall Paper, Fancyformer Chaplain of the fi2itd Battalion, C. adopted on motion of W. A. Mines and J. '- chant you sec the thing that ,you are p q Y p 'E F. Death was the result of a serious J Moffatt. ` Helps 8ppetifl3 Call we will attend to your wants -- There !s In It the u:ivxI,IniT1Q l ten buying, you inspect it carefully, eg- China. Books and Stationery are rigkr THOS. KSVV. tieney on file ?fart of most people to Let us estimate on your decorations.--- operation some six weeks ago,. from the On account of other important business- -- reach for the chimerival and Ignore amine the �varltmansllip and the gnnl- GEO. MASON & SON. end dige5liioh• -= effects of i►hich she never recovered. Mr. John W. King handed in his resig- x'== the tangible and stthstantial thing ity of the material of which It Is made Three flatioUr6. WE OFFER. YOU a splendid stook of and in many cnsc ; you have the prlvi- Gaming from Dryden with her husband nation as Treasurer of the: Township of �_ - ahelfandheavy hardware for your re. itllith 1s near eft hand. b1aI1 Is eel n in for it. WE SPECIALIZE in Halters of our to the Dungannon parish, Mrs. Allison Turnberry -= �'rilu satisfied with those things tllttt •lege of testing it before p$y g quirements. It will pay you to Inspect, you have not only your own eyes and own make and r m a 1 I goods of all won her ways into the hearts of the par. Moved by Jag, I.. Scott and James Por - 0 ur stock and one visit will relieve the the ev}thin his gtaslt but is reaching kinds fox horata ~_ Snot enough to^ 1 e '1'00 ot-knowledge of values to rely upon, but Tru , A full stock of harness. ishloners by her kinkily disposition and ter that said resignation be accepted. �~ necessity of going elsewhere. Order always for the unattaina it you have the advantn p of the advice Trunks, Traveling Bags as well always in g Moved b W A Mines and Jas. Porter -Y _ g untiriri efforts in flee work. While Mr, y your coal from us. -RAE & T IOMP len, he loses that which he might ells- of the merchant who has all expert stock, Our repair department will attend Allison was overseas she took u the work t Mr Benson Cruikshank be a oint� WRIGLi-+ D .,0 goods %e SON, fly gain by blindly put ning that which knowledge of the werchandise which to your breakages - J, JOHNSTON, P the pP F -=- is always lust out of his reach: in a most capable manner. The family ed Treasurer to act forthwith, ------ rte Is selling and who, in 99 cases oat } r " Why "Cort" 'Man Thrives. 1 be col}cd upon to tell the LET U U moved to town last summer and since By-laws were passed appointing the fol- mus` It good nn11 .— fol - PRINTING AT HO, t is a of.1 poorer . coupled, in a way, with his faith In of truth can x 1 5 S PPLY your home with that time she was an acttva worker of St lowing oMcers.--No. 1, 1920 -The whole of, by ig»front People, to be of poorer ;the unknown iii the tetxleney on the ' f runt about it. .fhnn you have the C>rrocrrl #, >�rovteions, rte. Otte trial will quaiitythan that which yuu can get from , guarantee that is bnekecl not only by convince yd'u our prices and quali'ly are Georges Church. council Road Commissioners; No. 2, 1920• the traveller: We know of ladies who {Bart of so many people to plant; eon- lite retell merchant, brit in many case: Stich as to merit your patronage Watch -Besides her sorrowing husband four Geo Y. Cruiksbank and Allan McEwen You get rte have compared wedding stationery print- , fiidence in a stranger in preference to 1iy the manufricturer, If the ardele I this space for future special announce thildren Survive, auditors; No. 3, 1920 -•W S King, asees- ed at Toronto with that printed at THE + one who is known and has bt'en tried tvltich you buy does not prove eati:afac- meats --R. A, GrRAHAM. AI)VANCS and found the latter to be tied proven. It is this tentleney w1110h lion; No. 4, 1920 John Mulvey, Mefnson tory after it is given a fair fest, volt { f� ,�1• far superior in geality and workmanship. fn'xkes possible the operations of the- torn trite It back to the store where Srw-ftls of Board of Health; No. 6, 1920 -Benson Hence the sealed package -`- --�-�- man, the get -rich -quick artist, `� Cruikshank, Treasurer. " r tooter and the yrtu bought it, in most cases, and get The rUrai frail carrier's were unable' to i WINGHAM BAZAAR for fancy goods the unscrupulous Ito your money back. The retittler Play I N G B R d S that u Jas, Porter and J I. Scott � ..,,t1�1ppC��►.Pt'Oo� —guarding, -�- and china, wall paper and stationery. The Wil of worthleAs mining stocks- •,ct his money back from the tnnttu- i make their tripe on Tuesday, owing to that the Auditors meet at the Treasurer's big store with thh small rices. Call and r1` 6 loan who would not think of the fierce blizzards and impassable con �-, prices, t.teturer but if lie doesn't, Ile stnnd:a „ke, Bluevale on Jan. 22nd, at 10 a. tri. cr,mpare prices before sending your anon- trusting hill Sones, his next-door the lose. In an;� event, yell err, pen- GENERAL 1V1I RCI I A T ditiori of the roads. ttI audit the Treasurer's books. preserving the delicious COn-SEE ey out of town. i neighbor and fellow church member, tested. _ D. B, McDonald halt disposed of his Moved by Jas. I Scott and W A. -•�- -- will eonfidin ly turn over his life's awarwme,aar 14 , "FVriy a person. will place his coni}. butcher business in town to Howard $ol, i Mines that we advertise for tenders on ten�a —the bene�ftcial goo'd�%+► ` M` ' WHEN YOUk WATCH or Clock re-; savings to to stranger who unfolds a I deuce in a ittrnnger rather than a . ARE YOU PAR'li''ICULAR about your ger, who recently sold his farm In McKil- the McMichael drain, tenders to be in by l �uir.at at•enticrt brie talo of riches to big won. Bill Jon" t friend or will trust to the unknatvn tea. Our teats are of our own blending q g it to Wingliam s ; and give you a richness In taste obtain• lop Township. Mr. Bolger takes Possess- noon, March 22nd, 10204 :lr#oto#t Watch Doctor. We guarantee rafght talk bias heats off In behalf of at j rather than In that which Is tangible, salts in no other title stock Cirncarla# on the flat of March. Mr. McDonald legftimatt ro olsltion without getting t Statistics of Births Marriages and Cour work Our optical parlors aro cam p p � r+r With sal something that Is htlyd to under- .1 and Provisions. Prulte and Confectionery has not deers enjoying good health of late. Doatho for the year 1010. --- plets let us relieve that eye strain for you,, a dollar vrhsrs the slir'l, . traria stand. Invert the mail order house does :A8 well,-] HENRY CHRISTIE. ,-W O. PATTERSON. the worthless propn>'fiC 0 enn get thorn- Fiat pretend to know why' !t ial so but A reface Meeting wtlr' held In Melville total number of Births 87, Males 1b The Flavour Lasts leai.11111.111.1.1 nds, t f; acceptis conditions alai ft finds them Church on Sunday evenitw on behalf of lFem Iles 22; Total number of marrimgt!s 1$; " It Its thease two trnrlPricies whiell, aP- 7 end ntt'tkrs the inoet of the olsltnalr• THRONE PRIC9 HOUS11 have sin- the Armenian relief fund, Vhen addresses I Total number of Dtathe, 20; Melee 10, o tpp11NN YOU RlIQUIRI3 Dry (' woos I�srrntly, are fro witltily prm-aletti dsavoured to anticipate the requittrrients mere delivered by the resident 'pastors. Ma#�t1Al 'Itjex that they offer. 1Wetaiatra ltl. Garpsts and Rugs relate, Caps. Far* 14mons all Clam" of ppople that lime � of the M611 and women of Win Sham to Bpwads of rWas ralJW for the cause ' Nat Cnncil Watt Ing will be hold its �'�� ����� orep oviwti. bo•3ty and Shoes • etc oft° ^ " ` " " " carding the treating a pat'el. We gat•ry 4 vloft es our estakltsliment will, convinae ntacle loosstbir_ the Jsur ossa of the (trait ,.:..e p. 'III Nwho believes all he 1 MIL11 oroier houses in the big eltlerr, ., „ rt,ae ae ,was and a >�lratlwale ad Mrnadrky, leash. ath, v<0 alt 156 the t t,las4stlnal am ��trftrtis and quality iw goal's salt Q iae 11tilofvtltit r t use t iaof7S 9- It- C tM 10 tbo ltfrtltl of ill tern ' -- . A. 1h1ILL:11. • A. itta'eYs'ls�t;e ire patyehtilolKl► i•w� ae lip» j �0111 a eerrtapl+#ts #�tirck of ra 3a resew tskinl melds of tpse >V M. lk A ,� tQ t". l Q� W" ox >� 1t1at1et, ►. , iii�l �l1 i sew mi 11 Well, I can supply you with `"' ''• " ;;', hatching eggs or day old chicks •� _ ` this splIng from myWhite Leghorn, I� r poultry plant, lately purchased 4i a �: from W. H, Willis. i I ` Call at A. Bell's and let me book r, "`•'`� y order early for dates when -'your you want stock, first orders have -` preference, A few cockerals for sale. tNAS.LSt11�r .✓� i'�+G.*,e :S :--.—�..� is. A. Manning .:t Hingham, Ontario w ft I Frets t Board of Trustees, her parents in Wingham. the death of one of Wroxeter s most highly D. A. Mc1G�chlan, prES.' Murray McLeish, Prilit. Miss Robina Henry is attending Busi- St Andrew's Scottish Club, ' Don't forget the Debate the Literary is respected citizens in the person of Mr. �`.�/`. `•.+ ness College at Guelph. 1 In Bluevale. Feb, 3rd", Forrester's Hall, putting on in the Hall on Tuesday. George Wearring, who passed away on XX,XX 7 iw�lXoi?AX?4 XlsaeXJCX? ==.M7 e - - =- --- Tuesday evening.. Mr, Wearying, suffered (l Eypp ,pp F C�ppC,C3t�pf pppi�f3Gif3i3k�F3a3Ct©F3f�iJCOF3G3030C3E t3GaCiLii�i�CiE?©pE7C3p4©dfl 4f9C3f3f3� aC3CGt 39(33 ii9Q�r3 Morris Council a paralytic •stroke on Friday Jan. 0 from ✓� g. which he never recovered. The bereaved IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR TOWN! Jan. l2th.1920 family'have the heartfelt sympathy. of � aThe members of the council except Mr. e n p of Business everyone in their affiication. The, p'�lg�,�r' qT� Spel�td �� iilg ally Will "Carne Home T® Boost" Abram Proctor who was ill, met at the The attendance at Church Sunday lA l I1 1..a a a w Township Hall on Monday, January 12th, evening was small on account of the after subscribing to the declaration of stormy weather. , • �,� ' Mr. Clarence White is at present visit- Clearing Sale of ��� follow the Reeve took the chair and the The following business transacted• -Mina- Ing friends at Toronto, •` Advance,Mr. Thomas Gibson who has been � all- lines. ' tea read and approved. The following Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thau-ght of before. Patronize the officers were appointed. -A MacEwen, spending the past few weeks with his �� i••\\\ people whose ads. are here. They are our neighbors and will treat you right. clerks' salary, $210.00; W. H Kerr, mother, Mrs. John Gibson, left one day °�� in •The mons ou s end with Printing Contract 70,00; Richard Proctor. l Come for Bargains I • y y g y S y y P last week to visit friends in Toronto them stays in circulation in Winghatri. Collector 180 00; Sanitary Inspectors. Win, before returned to his home in . Winnipeg. Abram and J. A Brown 15,00 each; B. O. It is with much regret we report the tQ©tif�fidZ3E3ff!!Cd©Qt3t3©CSCs H , Henry Johnson; Auditors, Richard ?deathof Mr. Geo. Wearring, Who passed �E3©flt�43�it� r�j Johnston and Peter McNabb. 10 00 each;''`wap at his home here Tuesday afternoon %,` ' SEE US FIRST when you 'require' PURE DRUGS ARE ESSENTIAL to Jan. 13th after a short illness, The KNOX S J EW'E ll E R Y STORE 'Soots, Shoes,, Slippers, etc. yWe spcial- Mlp pInvaledge fl blisfness practices. �Se The Reeve gave a written report of the plays upon these tendencies of man good health. We carry a complete. stock work of the B. O H during the year remains were intened in the Wroxeter izein foot apparel and offer a splendid- MANY TUUST of es. Remedies° as well as Drug Stin- g g , cemetery Friday afternoon The familyassortment for your approval. A full° 1�� to false a chance, to trust in the ace dries. Toilet and sick room articles and 1919 The followingrants` were }vee stock of Trunks and Valises, -W. J known re-ther than the l noNn, to place Stationery Let us fill your next pre- Sick Children's Hospital, 10.00; Free Hos the have sympathy of the community. XX XX� � GREEK THE UN�NUWN confidence in the stranger rather than t scription -E. J MITCHELL., petal for Consumptives, 10.00; Children's;,A �N I the friend. I Hope to Draw Prize, Aid Society, 1600; The council decided. Fordyce QUALITY AND GOOD ,SERVICE at Bio Pay lac per yard for gravel during 1920 Those who buy merchandise from a � Q P p Mr. C. F Martin made a business trip W�tIGL.EYIe �kTaouA THE R]3XALL STORE is criterion for i � t lowest possible rices is our motto. Let It was decided to advertise for an as- v ee�� purity and wholesomeness in ready-made i mail order house are moved partly, us supply your home with choice Grocer- sessor also'to advertise for tenders for the to Toronto last week. formulas, Besides you have'the benefit Never Satisfied With Those whether they realize it or not, by that les and Provisions. Our stock is fresh Glad to hear that Mrs. James Martin ' • pp Y trait in their nature which prompts and clears. We offer you satisfaction.--- construction of Mothers, Sellers Mills who has not been well recently is recover- Tns PERFECT GUM of an international service, Full au 1 Things With Which The s of Drug Sundries as well. Seo me when g y them to trust in tate unknown 'rather I R BROOKS: y and. Kelley drains. your eyes are causing trouble. - J. �('D Familiar. than in that with which they are fa- The following accounts were presented. 'ng as well as can be expected, WALTON MclXIBBON, miliar. They are hoping, It may be un- { , Mr. Harry Chamney who has not been 1 passed and paid. -John Rogers, engineers • consciously,that they will draw a prize. EVERY DOLLAR you spend out of well lately is recovering as well as can be , town helps the town p account $35400; Assistance at drains They do not know what they will get, p you spend it in. looked for WHEN YQiI BUY Boots and Shoe sat -,INCLINED TO ' fiAKE CHANCE Boost your own town. Boost Wingham 25 50; A Shaw, financial report 1000; Wm for it is impossible for one to know We mise our general' mail carrier this t� etc., from us you are sure ofsecuring sat- . � Let Hanna's supply you with Dry Goods, Elston, financial report 2.00; Wm. Abram. what he is going to get when he or- last few days not comingon account of IEt isfaction as to the quality and pries. We j Goods. Groceries, Etc You will be pleas and R Newcombe. sanitary ins inspectors ed with our service and prices. -••HANNA the storm and roads being impossible for V stand back of all our goods. Full line of � I 'cera merl:handise from a picture and y P Trunks, Valises as well. --W. H- WILLIS' $.al�� Eiurlour Tralte In Human Nature Haw 1 n highly •colored description 1n a eats- & Co.GO. 15.00• R B Alcock. Hanna dram 12!4.76; . him to get through. Made Possible Growth and Devoi- logue. He is taking a chance on the R Proctor. collector. balance salary, 30 ; / .unknown. Miss E Robertson who has not been well Postage 5.00; John ?trMcArter tile good Gd` o POOR PLUMBING � IS DEAR at any oprnent of the Great Mail guying merchandise from the local MAKE UP THAT ORDER for Grocer•loaof late is able to be around again. price, Let us eatirnate for you on all Order Houses. les. Sarin it to us and we will save 8.00; oy John Craig wick on roads , kinds of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, _-__,_ merchant, s the other hand, contains g y°II 8.00; Roy Turvey, sheep worried 10 00; none of these elements of chance that money. We carry a complete line of Tarnberry C011ncii • Tinsmithing, etc. Our prices are right 1Ccpyrlsht, iii7, Western Newspaper Unioa.l Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Wm Scott returned soldier, refund Town - We guarantee our work Patronize home • A eurlous- trait in human nature r enter into the dealings with the mail Confectionery Let us supply your home, ship rate 10.50. order house. When one buys a stove --R. S McGEE. Minutes of council meeting held in business men. W. J BOXGB. fttakers itself apparent very frequently. The Council will meet at the hall on g All lel Sealed - That its an lnclination to trust in the- from the hardware store in his home Bluevale, January 12th, 192u. Members Look for unknown rather than in that with town, Ile may get none o4 the thrills Monday. February 9th, I920. YOUR EYES are your greatest asset. that come from taking a chittice buf OUR ATM IS TO SELL you a line of A. MacEwen, Clerk. all present, viz, Jas Moffatt, Reeve, Jas. the dame: paCtta�eS. When they require attention the best ad- which one is familiar, A person is _ he will get a stove that *111 last longer Groceries the quality of which will keep I. Scott, Wm. A. Mines, J. J. Moffatt and vise is none too good. By consulting me very apt to take a chance, even though. and keep him warmer than the one your money in Wingham. Our stock is - James Porter, councillor's: you assure yourself of proper treatment . he may know that the odds are 100 to fresh and wholesome.. Our butter and Death Of Mrs. Allison Lot me reacribe for our eyes -R. M. r that he might get from the mail order eggs are fresh, -MRS. A. CUM Each signed his declaration. Of Qualifi- McKASC y Y ene against him, Instead of being datis J The death occurred ort Tuesday of last cation and of Office and then went -on house and to the average individual, fled with lesser rewards about which: these things are likely to be more Im- INGS. week in Goderich of Estherenee, wife of with the ordinary business. there is no possibility of doubt. portant than the thrills. Rev. Willis Allison former rector at Dun• Minutes of last regular meeting and It is, possibly, the sAnring up of the• Using Your Eyes. _ WE LEAD in trunks, bags and suit cases I g - ONE VISIT to our establishment will ,ganrian and Port Albert parishes and also nomination. meeting were read and ,.._. full stock always on hand, also good line ever-present gambling instinct but: . When'you buy from the local mer convince the most skeptical that our single harness. Repairs a speciality there is something more in it than i:nat- rices and quality of Wall Paper, Fancyformer Chaplain of the fi2itd Battalion, C. adopted on motion of W. A. Mines and J. '- chant you sec the thing that ,you are p q Y p 'E F. Death was the result of a serious J Moffatt. ` Helps 8ppetifl3 Call we will attend to your wants -- There !s In It the u:ivxI,IniT1Q l ten buying, you inspect it carefully, eg- China. Books and Stationery are rigkr THOS. KSVV. tieney on file ?fart of most people to Let us estimate on your decorations.--- operation some six weeks ago,. from the On account of other important business- -- reach for the chimerival and Ignore amine the �varltmansllip and the gnnl- GEO. MASON & SON. end dige5liioh• -= effects of i►hich she never recovered. Mr. John W. King handed in his resig- x'== the tangible and stthstantial thing ity of the material of which It Is made Three flatioUr6. WE OFFER. YOU a splendid stook of and in many cnsc ; you have the prlvi- Gaming from Dryden with her husband nation as Treasurer of the: Township of �_ - ahelfandheavy hardware for your re. itllith 1s near eft hand. b1aI1 Is eel n in for it. WE SPECIALIZE in Halters of our to the Dungannon parish, Mrs. Allison Turnberry -= �'rilu satisfied with those things tllttt •lege of testing it before p$y g quirements. It will pay you to Inspect, you have not only your own eyes and own make and r m a 1 I goods of all won her ways into the hearts of the par. Moved by Jag, I.. Scott and James Por - 0 ur stock and one visit will relieve the the ev}thin his gtaslt but is reaching kinds fox horata ~_ Snot enough to^ 1 e '1'00 ot-knowledge of values to rely upon, but Tru , A full stock of harness. ishloners by her kinkily disposition and ter that said resignation be accepted. �~ necessity of going elsewhere. Order always for the unattaina it you have the advantn p of the advice Trunks, Traveling Bags as well always in g Moved b W A Mines and Jas. Porter -Y _ g untiriri efforts in flee work. While Mr, y your coal from us. -RAE & T IOMP len, he loses that which he might ells- of the merchant who has all expert stock, Our repair department will attend Allison was overseas she took u the work t Mr Benson Cruikshank be a oint� WRIGLi-+ D .,0 goods %e SON, fly gain by blindly put ning that which knowledge of the werchandise which to your breakages - J, JOHNSTON, P the pP F -=- is always lust out of his reach: in a most capable manner. The family ed Treasurer to act forthwith, ------ rte Is selling and who, in 99 cases oat } r " Why "Cort" 'Man Thrives. 1 be col}cd upon to tell the LET U U moved to town last summer and since By-laws were passed appointing the fol- mus` It good nn11 .— fol - PRINTING AT HO, t is a of.1 poorer . coupled, in a way, with his faith In of truth can x 1 5 S PPLY your home with that time she was an acttva worker of St lowing oMcers.--No. 1, 1920 -The whole of, by ig»front People, to be of poorer ;the unknown iii the tetxleney on the ' f runt about it. .fhnn you have the C>rrocrrl #, >�rovteions, rte. Otte trial will quaiitythan that which yuu can get from , guarantee that is bnekecl not only by convince yd'u our prices and quali'ly are Georges Church. council Road Commissioners; No. 2, 1920• the traveller: We know of ladies who {Bart of so many people to plant; eon- lite retell merchant, brit in many case: Stich as to merit your patronage Watch -Besides her sorrowing husband four Geo Y. Cruiksbank and Allan McEwen You get rte have compared wedding stationery print- , fiidence in a stranger in preference to 1iy the manufricturer, If the ardele I this space for future special announce thildren Survive, auditors; No. 3, 1920 -•W S King, asees- ed at Toronto with that printed at THE + one who is known and has bt'en tried tvltich you buy does not prove eati:afac- meats --R. A, GrRAHAM. AI)VANCS and found the latter to be tied proven. It is this tentleney w1110h lion; No. 4, 1920 John Mulvey, Mefnson tory after it is given a fair fest, volt { f� ,�1• far superior in geality and workmanship. fn'xkes possible the operations of the- torn trite It back to the store where Srw-ftls of Board of Health; No. 6, 1920 -Benson Hence the sealed package -`- --�-�- man, the get -rich -quick artist, `� Cruikshank, Treasurer. " r tooter and the yrtu bought it, in most cases, and get The rUrai frail carrier's were unable' to i WINGHAM BAZAAR for fancy goods the unscrupulous Ito your money back. The retittler Play I N G B R d S that u Jas, Porter and J I. Scott � ..,,t1�1ppC��►.Pt'Oo� —guarding, -�- and china, wall paper and stationery. The Wil of worthleAs mining stocks- •,ct his money back from the tnnttu- i make their tripe on Tuesday, owing to that the Auditors meet at the Treasurer's big store with thh small rices. Call and r1` 6 loan who would not think of the fierce blizzards and impassable con �-, prices, t.teturer but if lie doesn't, Ile stnnd:a „ke, Bluevale on Jan. 22nd, at 10 a. tri. cr,mpare prices before sending your anon- trusting hill Sones, his next-door the lose. In an;� event, yell err, pen- GENERAL 1V1I RCI I A T ditiori of the roads. ttI audit the Treasurer's books. preserving the delicious COn-SEE ey out of town. i neighbor and fellow church member, tested. _ D. B, McDonald halt disposed of his Moved by Jas. I Scott and W A. -•�- -- will eonfidin ly turn over his life's awarwme,aar 14 , "FVriy a person. will place his coni}. butcher business in town to Howard $ol, i Mines that we advertise for tenders on ten�a —the bene�ftcial goo'd�%+► ` M` ' WHEN YOUk WATCH or Clock re-; savings to to stranger who unfolds a I deuce in a ittrnnger rather than a . ARE YOU PAR'li''ICULAR about your ger, who recently sold his farm In McKil- the McMichael drain, tenders to be in by l �uir.at at•enticrt brie talo of riches to big won. Bill Jon" t friend or will trust to the unknatvn tea. Our teats are of our own blending q g it to Wingliam s ; and give you a richness In taste obtain• lop Township. Mr. Bolger takes Possess- noon, March 22nd, 10204 :lr#oto#t Watch Doctor. We guarantee rafght talk bias heats off In behalf of at j rather than In that which Is tangible, salts in no other title stock Cirncarla# on the flat of March. Mr. McDonald legftimatt ro olsltion without getting t Statistics of Births Marriages and Cour work Our optical parlors aro cam p p � r+r With sal something that Is htlyd to under- .1 and Provisions. Prulte and Confectionery has not deers enjoying good health of late. Doatho for the year 1010. --- plets let us relieve that eye strain for you,, a dollar vrhsrs the slir'l, . traria stand. Invert the mail order house does :A8 well,-] HENRY CHRISTIE. ,-W O. PATTERSON. the worthless propn>'fiC 0 enn get thorn- Fiat pretend to know why' !t ial so but A reface Meeting wtlr' held In Melville total number of Births 87, Males 1b The Flavour Lasts leai.11111.111.1.1 nds, t f; acceptis conditions alai ft finds them Church on Sunday evenitw on behalf of lFem Iles 22; Total number of marrimgt!s 1$; " It Its thease two trnrlPricies whiell, aP- 7 end ntt'tkrs the inoet of the olsltnalr• THRONE PRIC9 HOUS11 have sin- the Armenian relief fund, Vhen addresses I Total number of Dtathe, 20; Melee 10, o tpp11NN YOU RlIQUIRI3 Dry (' woos I�srrntly, are fro witltily prm-aletti dsavoured to anticipate the requittrrients mere delivered by the resident 'pastors. Ma#�t1Al 'Itjex that they offer. 1Wetaiatra ltl. Garpsts and Rugs relate, Caps. Far* 14mons all Clam" of ppople that lime � of the M611 and women of Win Sham to Bpwads of rWas ralJW for the cause ' Nat Cnncil Watt Ing will be hold its �'�� ����� orep oviwti. bo•3ty and Shoes • etc oft° ^ " ` " " " carding the treating a pat'el. We gat•ry 4 vloft es our estakltsliment will, convinae ntacle loosstbir_ the Jsur ossa of the (trait ,.:..e p. 'III Nwho believes all he 1 MIL11 oroier houses in the big eltlerr, ., „ rt,ae ae ,was and a >�lratlwale ad Mrnadrky, leash. ath, v<0 alt 156 the t t,las4stlnal am ��trftrtis and quality iw goal's salt Q iae 11tilofvtltit r t use t iaof7S 9- It- C tM 10 tbo ltfrtltl of ill tern ' -- . A. 1h1ILL:11. • A. itta'eYs'ls�t;e ire patyehtilolKl► i•w� ae lip» j �0111 a eerrtapl+#ts #�tirck of ra 3a resew tskinl melds of tpse >V M. lk A ,� tQ t". l Q� W" ox >� 1t1at1et, ►. , iii�l �l1 i sew mi 11