HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-01-22, Page 3-:O( I __
1. -
QnHeadg OrmandFreffbis
. - .. Hair Fell Out. 11
r , " q ,, �,
of - I -
. VOMmybabywaniliftMontba
*2 ber bo*d broke out in little red
pimplea sm4 then In a wook it broke
but In ringwc,me. The ringworma
I ymm very larr,e And thore were
several on bcr head, and bc= scalp
. would bleA she was very crams
and fretta at times, end her bak
was failing out.
"I used Cuticura, Soap and Olpt-,
an had used one cake
Of 1:1 -P crid two boxes of
LL 0 0 she was bealed."
ed). a. Ldah Sargent, ]Ram-
, . ..
� ,I F0.94,1919.
I Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for all WIct purposes. I
dtment 26 and
[ ftpujA, 't tZPp.inion. Canin-be-'mo't': I
. ___
. "I
The most I)Qpu7ar of. the candies
that can be made at home are the
�. SQ -called fudges. Everyone has her
own special recipe, so that ther are
almost as many kinds of this de-
licious confection as there are people
� to make It. Some cooks cook It a
very few minutes and cool it before
� beating; one well-known girls' colli�ge
� "beats It In the pan," that is turns
� In It the buttered pan with ver� little
I beating, and when it Is partly cool stir
it gently with 4 silver fork until it
I creams. Some experts use brown sugar
. Instead of all granulated, some add a
cup of powdered sugar, and there Is 4
much -used recipe that calls for i iable-
spoonful of molasses. Lately a great
deal of corn'syrup is used. .
I There is no more acceptable gift
I that a box of assorted. fudges, daint-
. � Ily drapped, for t)i,) entire faintly,
from the child who Is Just having his
I . -first taste of .candy down to grand-
mother, who Wdores the soft, creamy
squares of different flavors.
Boil four cupfuls of "Sugar, *fte of I
I milk and two tablespoonfuls of butter
until It forms a soft bill In water.
. Flavor with vanilla and beat till I
I creamy. Four half of it Into a square
I fudge pan, cover with flattened marsh -
I � + MAJIOWS'L theft pour h. the rest. This
call be made with brown sugar, omit-
� ting the ofiocolate, and flavoring with
I . ,maple. . `-,
I 11 Boil f6ur.eup'uls of sugar, one of
. milk and a fourth of a cupful of
,butter until it reaches the soft -ball
I 'stage. Divide in tWe parts. To one
I add two squares of melted chocolate,
Spread the white In the pan spread
With peanut butter, Pour the chocolate
I J�ver it.
� . � b; , delicious fudge is mado..with
I 41
� r4wa sugar and coffee. Boil together
I . thibe cupfuls of brown sugar, three -
. I fourths & a eVpful of very. stroni
c6ffeej two tablespoonfuls of butter
I and two squares of chocolate. When
soft -ball stage Is reached renlovefrom
I stove, add chopped pecans and beat
I � I uh.rittl ready for the Pan.
if you haven't enough sugar you
11 I . can use part syrup. Two cupfuls of
. . . sugar, tWo of com syrup, two squares
I iiif chocolate and two tablespoonfuls of
. . butter and a pinch of soda make a
. . fine fudge. Beat in a euPfullof chOP-
� ped walnuts when done. .
I . For the famous sea -foam fudge.
� ,called this because it Is so light and
I creamy, cook together until if spins a
. �.thyead; it will take about eight min- I
I .utes, three cupfuls of sugar, a'half a
. cupful of com syrup and . twoAhirds
. � of a cupful of hot water. Tum it over
tile whites of two eggs, well beaten,
. then beit In chopped nuts and fruit.
Milloes Worm Powder attack
,Worms, in the Dtoma,ch and Intestines
at on", and no worm can come in
contact with them and live. They
also correct the unhenith� conditions
in the digestive organs that "Invite
and encourage worl"S, setting ,up re-
� 401ilL ilutlons tillat ,are most berieficial to
I , , the growth of the child.. Thei have
� attested tlielr power in hundred,, of
cases and at all times are-thoroughlY.
. trastWOU11Y. .
I 440 I
� I 110MIS.
� occupying a full square block on
the famous Itingstrasse In Vienna
Stands the Imperial Opera House. Two
� - bronze figures, symbolic of music, '
Iadorn the left and right wings of the
� . building. Those and the orriamental
candelabrae at the entrance were de-
signed by Fritz Zenitseli.
� I The opera house, erected In 1861-9,
1 . to four storoys high, With five front
I 6ntraiaces,aud .,,Ix side lines, built on.
� . tirely of White stollL%. It 19 of Vene-
I - tiall style, principally, of the Renals.
sauce period,, with a, mixture of French
� tvrchttecture of tile Sallie time.
I)Irectly on tile Inattl avenue is a
balcony above the entrance over which
I a0i
� are five Arches# e. - linVIng a statue
� ot a renowned musletan, At the -ex-
,trome -gides. $lightly higher, Are two
� ,Imposilig bronze figures Seated gpon a
� -
� Jorse. This section, therefore, Dy0jects
- outward over the leading dopiway,
� the opera -house Itself s0ruilig like a
� distinct building, Ono of the attrao-
tiv,a features bf the Interior are tile
138 windows of Prolich ctyle which
� I gre latticed above by Smaller round
I opeAlugs And railed in completely by
White barS.
� Scones depleted from "The Magic
� s bi, tho loggia.
The toyer to reaplondent Ili A color
- _____
selleine of red and gold. MAn,,y heavy
bronze doors lead Into the toyer, some
buing draped with red plush curtains.
Ali old warble mantelpiece stando at
This Is just the season when
one ead, with A, carved and, glided
rheumatism with Its grinding ,pain
aii(I ,stiffening of joluts gets bold
Tile ceiling Is ornamented by rare
paintings; at the oi4os are busts of
of 7, Ou. P Ight It with
composers. The walls are enriched
with wreaths of flowers and fruits
chiselled In stone, making a decidedly
brilliant showing Against a tlacic
Rheumalle Capsaleis '
marble background,
I .
The auditorium, one of the finest
TempletoM.9 Rheumatic cap -
. finished by
Anywhere abroad, was
sules bring Immediate relief, and
IlItterlich, while the drop curtain used
in gay operas was painted by Laut-
permaileart results, They are rec-
ommended by doctors, and 6014 by
berger, that for tragic purposes being
reliable druggists everywhere tor
designed by Uabl, The Imperial box Is
$1,04 -a 'box, or write to Temple -
located Ili the centre, with a senting
ton's. 142 King street west, Toron-
capacity of two dozen persons, for the
to. Mailed anywhere for $1.04. 1
royal family and guests Of nobility. It
protrudes slightlybeyond theothor
W-0-0.0- . - I I . 'I
loges, ,And bears the Austrian Seal And
======m'--- .1 --11-1
flag. ,
state, costly beyond everything, the
The Imperial Theatre, on tile Lowel-
tapestUies are garnished with gold,
baster section of the Ringstrasse, Is
Pearls and procious stonw-one table
equally magnificent. The exterior has
cover alone is valued at above fifty
statues of Phaedra, Don Juan, FAl*
thousand crowns -not to mention t1le
staff and Hanswurst. The surround-
royal throne which is studded -with
Ing nielles contain the, busts of Posts,
very large 41amogds, rubies, saR-
A feature of singular note is_the
pillres and the like that glitter among
grand staircase of. 100 steps. Tall
I other precious Stones and pearls As,
laifips it the base and head Illuminate
the situ among tile starp.11 -
the wide ascent, and the sides Are
Tile casual visitor to HamptZ
framed In open pillars, colonial In
Court probably carries away two or
style. On the left and right Wings
three definite Impressions of thel
ar � e small balconies for pr9menaders
d chim-
who can get views of .the wouderful
neysiacks, ofwaria -red bricks, of cool
The auditorium, from which. the
quadrangles, of broad lawns and blaz-
ing flower beds, of an outlook over a 1
steps of tile grand stairway'lead up-
boat -dotted river, of galleries I filled'
ward, is unique, and the foyer
equally attractive, built In semi-eir-
with a bewildering succession Of- old
paintings, of tapestried walls-and'Of I
cular lines and extending the ent4ro
length of the facade, The ceiling is
, the whole set amid stretching tree -
formed In high and low graded arches,
grown levels, It is, however, neces-
Sary to know the place closely to AP- �
with paintings by Charlemont, An
interesting room Just Off 0 ne of the
preciate it fully -it grow$ upon one,
side corridors is used as a picture
as the saying is; we should have
seen the homely court of the Master
gallery; it has a collection of W'ater
colors and oil paintings of the leading
,Carpenter as well as the stately Foun-
I 1
actors and actresses from . the year
tain Court,, the sculptures in the kar-
dens as well as the encycluoyaedlo
1780, �
clock, the kitchen as well 940 tile Pie-
. . �
tuer galleries, to have lingered about.
the wilderness in the spring as well
to have seen the Broad Walk in
Ill,, blaze of summer, to�,Ilave vistied
in some of the'residences as well as
to have passed through the public
galleries, to have been about It at all
. I
seasons and not merely to have scain-
Dr. ,Williams' Pink Pill$ Act Dir.
pered through it as the central iuci-w
dent In a half -day's excursibil. It is,
ectly'On the 'Blood and
indeed, properly a place for restful
enjoyment rather than for hurried
. ,
sight-seeing, though a hurried glimpse
Food Is as important to the Sick
may well prove a provocation to fur,
Person as medicine, more so In most
ther visits and more leisurely inspec-
cases. A badly chosen diet may re-
tard recovery. In health, the natural
The beautiful red brickwork, the
appetite Is the best guide to follow;
various castellated turrets, and the
in sickness the appetite is often'tIckle
I . .
clusters of decorated chimneys, with
and depraved. � �
the quaintly carved beasts seemingly
Proper food and a good tonic,will
tobogganing down the'gables at the
keep most people in good health. Dr.
wings, together form a fine example!
Williams' Pink Fills are the- most
of Tudor architecture, though the ap.
bopular ,tonic medicine In the world,
would have been still better,
harmlqss and,certain in their action,
'had the gatehouse, when restored in
which is to build up the blood and
-eighteenth century, been kept to
restore the vitality to the run-down
its original proportions, .and had the
system. For growing girls who become
leaden cupolas not been removed from
thin and pale, for pale, tired
the many turrets. Two or three of
and for old people who fail in strength
those turrets that remain Ili other
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal
parts of the buidings retain their
tonic. Thousands of people have tes-
� �
cupolas, to indicate how. fine must
tifled to. the health -giving qualities
have been the whole effect before any
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in
had bee
many homes they are the Only medl-
cine used. Among the homes in which
the benefit of -this medicine has been
' E)onit Submit to Asthma. If you
suffer without hope of breaking the
proved is that of Mr. E, A. Undorwciod,
chains which ibind you do not put off
Kingston, Ont., who r.ays: "I have used
another day ithe purphase of Dr, J. D,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with the in O�st
Kellogg's Remedy. A trial will drf*e
beneficial results. As the result of
arway all idoitbt as to its elf1fix,lioncy,
haid I was veri much run down,
- The sure Teliel that comes will con -
and. my appetite was very poor. I got
,Vince you more than anything that
a supply of these pills, which r used
.can be written. I When help Is .so
regularly for some weeks, with' the
sure, -why. su-!,fer? This matthlpss
r red me to my
remedyods sold by dealers oNerywhere.
old time strength. They also proved
1 .040.
a blessing to my daughter, who was in
a very anneime condition, and Who
seemed not to get more than tem-
__z___ .
porary relief from any medicln6 until
BWS Axe Greait,gt Daylight �
She jtook Dr. Williams' Pink Tills. She�
took the pills for about three months,
� .
ers in the World.
ai: � id is now.enjoying the beat of health.
- I -
For these reasons I can strongly re-
The greatest daylight saver in the
commend Dr.,Williams' Pink,Pills."
� w6rld-the Arctic teml
At the first sign that tho, blood is
Many years before the Clumsy
out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink
Mortal began to puzzle his brain with
Pills, and note the speedy Improve-
a scheme to utilize the'extra hour of
ment they make in the appetite,
daylight, the Arctic tern had discov-
health and spirits. You can get diese
ered how It was possible to spend over
pills through any,dealer in medicine
y n where the
or -by maif at 50 cefits a box or six
sun never sets. -Cj.xld the above men.
boxes for $2.50 fromThe Dr. Wil-
tioned 0. M. follow his example, the
liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
lighting problem would vantsh into
i . $.I 0
nothingness. And this is hoAv the -In.
.. I ---- I . . . . . . . . . � - . . - 444
gentous bird manages.'
Hampton Court
He has his summer home in the
Arctic circle, the Land of the Mid-
night Sun, where, for many,,Nveeks,
- - -
darkness is unknown. When he sees
*.,b.. �, 4
It was just before he became a
the sun making his way alarmingly
near the horizon, finally dipping'for
cardinal that Thomas WolseY, on Jan.
a few hours each day out of sight, he
11ths 1516, took a ninety-nine years'
begins to think of his winter home
lease of the manor of Hampton Court.
In the Antarctic circle, even thougir
from the Knights Hospitaller of St-
twilight and dawn still overlap so
John of Jerusalem, and at once set,
that it is never dark. �
about building the magnificent pile
which remains his most enduring
"This Is God's owit country In the
montitnent. There appears to have
summer, but It belongs to the Prince
of Darkness In the Witter," he says
been here an earlier manor house or
to himself, and bids Mrs. Torn and
mansion, for there is a record of
Henry the Seventh visiting It a few
the chlildren, prepare for their yearly
years before the lease was granted;
trip south,
but probably Wolsey did Away entire-
Nor do they at Palm Beach,
ly -with 'the older building and plan-
for t4o tom Is Ono who d ' Oes every -
lied the, whole place anew. Rapidly
-thing thoroughly. If lie wautg; Wa-�-
rising in royal favor, the Cardinal
light and sunlight, It is not for tin
designed a lordly pleasure house on
eight-hour day, but for the Whole
the banks of the Thailles, Where he
twenty-four hours. If he goes south,
he Eftops barely short of the South
could worthily entertain his pleasure.
loving sovereign, and, where he could
Pole. It Is an eleven thousand mile
hold state In a inanor that should
trip, but the Torn family are goodi
fliers, and can easily mq�ce two or
prove impressive in the eyes of %m-
bassadors and important visit-
three hundred miles a day without
ors from foreign courts.
motor trouble. 1
Having acquired his new mano'k,
By file time he reaches the Ant.,
arctic, he fluds his home basking In
Wolsoy loit no time In getting his de-
the sunlight for virtually tU whole.
signs carried Into execution, and the
day, About June 16 lie Is back In his,
magniticeiA edifice, built about five
Arctic home. ill$ summer estato,10 on
courts ar quadrangles, grow So rapid-
the most northern land Ili the world,
ly that In 1516 he was already able
as fa� north as he can find Anything
to,catertain Henry the Eighth hero,
stable on which to construct his nest
The whole palace Was of red brick,
so arctic are the conditions undo;
und surmounted by many castellated
whloh� the terns breed that tho-first
turrets topped by ornamental lead
nest found by man In this reglon,,
cupolas, The western portion of the
only, saytlk and It half degrees from
buildings probably gives Is a Very fair
' 010 ontalnod it downy chick
th' p
Idea of the whole as It was planned,
surroundJ by a wall of newly -fallen
though all the turrets from this aspect
Snow that had be,�n scooped out of
are wanting their cupolag, though the
the -nest by the parent.
gatebodse Is less lofty than it wits
originally and though some mor4
. About fourteen weeks later, Aug 25,
the little terns Are full
westerly buildings have disappeara
when grown,
and have become experloheed avla-
A foreign dulm visiting Haropton
torS, the entire family Start out for
Court during Elizabeth's reign de-
that long journey to the regions of
scribed It an the most 'splendid, most
greatest best, across the equator,
magnificent royal palace of Poly to be
and then on to the Southern edge of
found in England or any other king.
the Antartio continent. They Prob-
dorn, and the details which, he gives
� IN I 6,11 I I i W , 1.1 1. !�_!��!!!W�_!
Seem to beer this out. More apsel4i
, wu he Struck by what it later verse
MDA" Vft&10;nog1UUUj
� writer described as "that most pomp.
W a are 11sh onad
OU15 roora called Paradisep" a room
which, according to the ducal dwrip-
"at at Inv! �tAl t whorlo,
rAry , & =0 Iced
I 0 Ne"ON4
tion, ,,captivates the. eyes of ill who
- Dtbilft ental in
enter by the dazzling of pearls ,Of all
I kinds' 11 And "in particular there IS _
000, IV' f A"r-wo IFIM, I I , ,
I'd .1
, apartment belonging to the Queen, in
which sbo Is accalstoln" to sit In
Z or mktri In P1 n pkl� I �
I , 0%. , v ,, 4 , I
I /
4 1 1
.. i
i �
I . . ... . <1
TrT9r-7W- ',77,717-7 - -1 -
. I
- I . I -, - .11 1. .11, 11 11 -1 .. I- -11 __ I.. - I -11 . - .... _ .. . --. - - - __ , I-
I -
ably spend A low weeks longer In &. aft A A spok -amb. - -A all Xnaliall wu,d along. Ills, sooluslon Is I. I #,+*+ * # I 0. * +* 1�"�*++,* **,* * * .,
their w1uter than in their Summer b4wt Rttedt'l for give I
ofAils, mix y"ral uta& he did not "- � 11 I
home, And this would leave scarcely in u K*5 ME 3 ChAu mor; 444 �
twenty weeks for the round trip of tr a ,word witit - o Soya I T I
; of a hr" oommloolo"ra--Russlau, -0 T I M E L. 1.1
22,000 miles. Austrian and Yrsnch-xoJ*uruInV there . IV -1\
In the north, the widulot sun, h in a treaty 'to "sure 0* h`vO . I .._�
which has Already appeared before ADVISIX taoillmolvem of Ills pro,sence., one saw him I I 001m, 000, I,.- I
. through a tolwwopo one4, a, socmW look- RECH"r.o.
their arrival In the middle of June, UZ-BuA, boosus6thoy hx-ve proved h for the first timo whan.
o Was ,to be buried, and the third saw .�
never sets during their entire stay tbAt It does what loelatmed for It. VMM 4-4 11+4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
at the broeft& grounds. In their Rios S. 14. Dox �Jm not at all. .
ey, or4duat* nurse, "Napoleon's days at Saint Helena were � 1,!01TY(,LXD 4,'0I)FJiJH. 1
Antarctic ,sojourn the birds do not Of $220 Xichigan AVO -k 01110980, not wholly devoted to killing memories Iratigued 11
see a sunset for two months, and the SaYS*. "I have % patient who out- and military commentaries, while a, num- J --:� r,"A -Wu,4(,kccLP.ng rcc,'pa for
Bun dips only a little way below the fored terribly with piles. Zam-Bu I AcupofOX0 �4-i :., egiff"a has I)e1en testal, And
, .k be" Of Ills associates lated added to theme �
horizon. during the rest of ths.time, to the only remedy that gave her (IlArles, conversations And memories of I
their own, In4courato or deliberately min- is both re. fo" I i:Q,'Ich)u8. 51.%sh and abrod &
Now ,this activity "Ill -Ill Of Salted CZ;dfloll. Cut In quar.
while broad daylight during the win. relief. ' leading In large part. , freshing and ' I ,
ter and summer', and with more day- "I bave used Zim-Buic vayself would be called propaganda. It was high. I 0.13Z1 P�ut Of 11110301ceil Potatooa� Cook
light than. dark during the spring fortho same ailment, also for sores ly effective propaganda, too, Though invigorating. . 1.11 I all� POt3toea togeth,or In Silted
Napolcon's ageape was prevented by viol. I . - . A
And fall, And burns, and have the. greatest . lance to an absured degree, and though Ready in a min I I ;� 4 -Or Unt'l the potatoes Are soft, but
� L" I
A second record they hold, as c0lifidetwe in it.,, the affect of hiswinning personality was "te-tho mirtute 114'p 90�,",,!. Drain aill mash, and beat
champion m1grators of the world. I guarded against by forbidding visitors to you I . .IA -1 t1w muture is. ligut. a0w.
. VQh see him, his writing$ and these of men- . , -1
Las Claaes resulted in the I '
tholon and I ' "I"' one tea"POOn- ' 0 �L
their round trip In twenty w1olts, 150 M_% royallstle lftrebachl that put his nephow __ A&SLA911L '3')P! Beat t6gethqr ,-..j
In order to cover 22,000 miles of Me I ""' "' or' 1
a i0k Flit ID!
. �) -1�1
on the throne of Orance. It was � 'JEW ,M�1111111P Aetki - .:" , 'C n- �'V�or �
miles In a straight line must be their AMW ) .1 "l . 15 rJlnii,�o3 !u an olled ea�-or ,.
Napoleon III that Queen Victol 1! 4 "
this is undoubtedly a liv t;n- Sorve iv',th egg sauce, I
aally task, and . ,I% pre 1�
I sented Longwood, where Nopoleo, e4
multiplied several times by the � IrW! . W.- , ----. .
Ir ilg- ,11 I and died while at Saint Helena. . Covig-42 .
aag twistlugs In pursuit of food, raphically, Saint Helena IS Ps- � 11.14002.25 ,41i"4 if 11111SI&I PUFFS.
What their 'track Is over this great -------,-�--i----------�.---��,-- culra�llilyg fitted for an Island prison. Its .
volcanic formation accounts for a - (*a.4r�n (I 3 DGwid ef Sweet at.
distance no one knows, The groat Small olectrle heater that maj be circle of mountallia which permit only - ----------
flocks of thousands And thousands of Packed Away In a handbag. one landing plac(,)--th4t at tile Island's 1 .4-"+-"-+-+++++ Llon`!', l.a*J* All 011.11ce Wttor 0r.psitV, .
these terns which range from pole ins single port and city, Jamestown. Unin- �1110.*ia.l of ,A pollill A,Vhite sugar, Oe
to Among other things the war. habited When discovered 10 years after 0 1 w,.-. ,Gs 01, tAro ogga. Pound the, al. - -
pole have never been noted by been responsible for a great reform In Columbus sailed for America. the Is- alon�d;, beat the whites of the eg2-s I
Druithologis's competent to Indicate land was settled �by British, Dutch and
, their time the making of boxes for the shipment Portuguese. In the days of sailing Recipps 'i) a 3tilf troth wlth the sugar, mix all
their preferred route and , of goode. The United,States has hero- Vessels and before the Suez canal. was tog'al"'Ier, Have S�lllo patty Pan$ till.
3chedifle. They are slender and grace. tofore been neglectful of this work opened, the Islabdero thrived by provid- I wi'th Iriff Pazto, pour Ili the ml,!- .
full long-wInged, , dud with irregular and packages from this cou'litry has I supplies for vessels. With tu-.0; s'ft !Y-111to ,sugar on top. 3300-0
and hovering flight. , First coubins to been passing of M's"i'mg4rkot for' their, for Fish c
the SO poor as to Interfere with the t$ and vegetables, the island's prin- ,hX11 2, 119! t Lrewn,
,gull, they ale gray sea birds with expansion of trade. . t I Induatyles waned and.the Inhabl- I
red bills. r ;40 0 . I 1. ,Carrier pigeons are. plAying a part In ats dwindled until there are now only 404004isq-oN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
. I
. I I -
. I I the PAtrol of the U. ,0. na . tional toro about 3,600 personq as compared with Flounders, politely called ,,so . ie,l 01 ID -*:., C11110:441) INDIIi-N F'UDDR�tl
I 0�4 0 # 0 esto. . twice that many rpsidents 30 years ago. Scald a quart or milk, Don' a ,sea. t
I The Island belofigs' -to Great Britain and _ when filleted, have become a fish Cupful, Of cornmeal with a cup, '(f .
Some of the dwarfed trees of Japan - It adMinistered directly by the crown." standby With the housewife, and It is
Don't Hawk, BIOW9 . I have been knQwn to live for 200 yegrS. 4 0 b , - a pity that more of the women do not riiolasw.�, ,jud .4 teaspoonful of salt an I �
. Woodworking has been made easier , "'I'M to fillct 'tem, at home, ns well Stir Into the boiling milk. Let It ,
' Sneeze, or Coudh by the Invention of an electric )land , Women of Canada AS the art'of serving them In greater cook ten or fifteen min,.1tco, then 43rat
saw. �. - .. . I . I , I a3lde to. cool, ,Add half a p'iat of co t I I
Use. "Gatarrhozone" The -size of the private tolegr�ph,.dx- . 1, Varieties of ways, In buyluo fish ,We miIII, a, beap'n- teaspoonfu -
.11, , ,6W,VV ho Testify ,maY pay for skin, bones and trim- 0 1 of b"Itter. . �
b � . change grows with the erection, of mings, then accept thb fillets, and a little allspice or clove and cluna-
06$40+11 -el or office building of any leave the rest behind. F rench women 11,
. I I *ssos4 every hot TIIW6nburg, Out., -"Ever since I can -ca and two woll-beatcn el,gs. Poll.".
considerable proportions. The largest remember, Dr. Pierce's medicines were used aild their English sisters demand the �h:s mixture Into,a well -buttered bak. "'
b '
In ,
When germs attack the lining -tt �" in ourfamily at home trimmings for fumottes, gravy stock '; ffloll� and cooy.< Ili a, steady ow a
the nose, make you .Sneeze and gag- ever constructed Is that of a New . - and they never failed I .
when later on they Infest the b - York hotel which ,has been recently to give good results. for Immediate use and rtock for � t*,.,xee or 1�nar hours-tha lon-er tile
. rou . 31
I 'ter. V`hon the pudding has. balmd
chial tubes -how can you follow them opened to the public, It oceuples 3,165 � Tho'GoIden Medical chowders, soups or jelly foundations. I be. I I
with a cough syrup? square feet of floor space, 1aving an Discovery' *a& used � in choosing flounders, the short, ll-�-,irly an- hour pour over It half a P!nt '
You can't do It -that's all. Cough- operating room 110 feet long by 15 feet 0 4=1 as a tonic and blood broad, thick and firm flesh are best. of cold milk, which must n6t be stirr.
syrups go to the stomacli-that's why wide, a terminal koom, 30 feet long And I p. r an for ron- Elastic to touch, skin firm, clean and ad, but al'owed to ocalc Ili gradually.
of trouble and it � I
they fail, ' oom 23 feet by (�_qj ro excelle t, I cool, eyes full gills fresh and red- Th o pudding requires Ili ailthree p'nt!3 . . I
.0 .
But CatarrhozonG goes everywhere 15 feet and a locker and washroom 6u, . a rsonall ta - these are th, points to Judge fish by. G-l'uillk and should be allowed to Starlit I
. I
-gets right after the gerins-kills feet by 14 feet, The operating force \.,., ' olden edical Altllou,�h the flat fishes are bettei'for zcar:y Lialt an hour after it Is taken . � 1. I
I Discovery' for bron- keepin� than the large fat ones, it is from tbo oven before it Is. cerved. In I
theni-heals the soreness -cures the consists of one chief operator, eight . chIal trouble, and best to'scale a,qd clean them, rubbing bak:ng, It It Ghoald become tco brown,
Inflammation --makes Catarrh disap- supervisors and 110 attendants, The K the 'Favorite Pre- ,0().,er x,,Jth ,,- pan or tlilpl." plate. .
pear. -Not difficult ,for Catarrhozone switchboard consists of 23 positions, I , scription' to build Inside and out with a little salt, then i b . .1
to eum, because It contains the es- Thirteen positions are equipped with . I I me up when I was wrap them in a dry linen towel, and I I - -_ -_ - I
sences Of pine balsams �and other telautographs uged IGr paging and An- run-down and they both were very bene4 place on tee as soon as brought from HOT ,9LAW. ' b
antiseptics that simply il�ean death 410uncing only. Th6 switchboard has ficial. Mother always used Dr. Pierce's the mark,et. If they are to be -used Chop ha � it aii: ordinary ca')ba.-a Cue . .. �
to catarrh, Large si7,e costs $1,00 and a capacity of 3,340 extensions ana 180 Cqmppund Extract of Smart -Weed for 'Immediately they call be filleted before au�l .qprinkle lightly with flour. Me!t 1, I
pain, it also was very good, I feel safe in b
contains two m6iiths' .tFeatment; trunks. . The hotel has telephone sQr" recommending all of ,Dr. Pierces medicines being put on tee. -1 On3 table,spo,�nful * of butter, put the I
smaller sizes 25e and 50c, all druggists vice in each of Its 9,200, rooms, and knowing them to be good.": --MRS. CLIr - - - THE FLAVOR OF F ISH, ca.4ba.p Into It and place1ii. the Oven, � I . . . .
and storekeepers, � there are 40 public - telephone booths FORD MITCHELL. . . I
. 04. served by four switchboa � The flavor. of allsh.,depends largely Mix cn3 tabie3poonful of mustard, one . .
6 rds connected Central Butte Bask -1 have used Dr. on its feedink grounds, Which also I toaspoontal of ,sugar, one tablespoon- . , 4
040404ssol I 0 �- with the main switchboard. The fol- Pierce', Modioaf DiZveo for a number Influences its color. To fillet a sole I ful Of oi.1vo o�'l oenrolted butter, 0ae
* -
lowing gives some idea of a few of the of years and am pleased to recommend it lay it on a fish board, head to' the I .13calen egg and three4curths clip of . � I
%"%' Items which make up part of the tele- as a blood purifier. I know it bas no c u I
_ 11 4 1
630 fuseo, lo170 con. as I used it for my boy for tuberculollc 11. right hand; with a sharp knife cut I cream. Heat thcrouglily, pour ovel!
K-Fabbit phone system: the knee joint. My neighbors aikd friends right around the fish Just inside the I the. slaw, after spiInkling it with salt I .
� densers, 2,400 relays, 5,350 lamps, 3$,- were surprised with the results; in fact I do ridge of bide bones, then loosen the I and prpper; put in A, hot dish and' .. 11
000 jacke, 750,000 soldered connections, not think he would be alive today had I . , 11 �
0 it not fillet from the backbone, rolling the !,Sarva. .
I& 71296,000 leet of Nhre. been for the 'Medical Discovery.' I also meat -back over the left hand, 11everse �-
Re'cipea According to Professor Vaughn Wae- keep it on.hand for coughs as it differs go the fish and repeat the operations on .1 " -W ni bAim. �
Caughey, of the College of Ra"ji, the from other cough medicines, instead of up . N .7GLAND PAN I
------- Hawaiian m bee I Setting the stomach as most cough syrups the other side. This leaves a fish i ,(�Itlr gradually into two . I
- � --- _ ine Is rapidly oming do it is good for the stomach. I only. Nylsh skeletori. Lay the fillets, skin side, I tablespoonfuls of i3iftea
---- � ____ extinct. The disappearatice of "one I had known about Dr. Pierce.'s medicines down, on the board and run the knife ; er6am ti'vo I
0 �, S E 0 flour. Whip the �LO]ks of sevan fresa I
First catch or buy or beg your'rab- of the finest physical type(3 kliown in soon r. -MR.. P ROY W OD. down as close to the skin as -possible, ' . . I
bit. Then try any of the following the history of the, human race" Is due , ' then cut the fillets intb any shape and ' e"s and the whites of four, aeason
recipes: . to the Introduction by white men of .1 When, you take Golden Medical Dia- I w th cne .teaspoonful of Galt. PoU2 . "I
Broiled Rabbit. l alcohol, plague, measles, leprosy, tub. -oovery, you are getting the benefit of the size desired. these in-lo'the flour and beat unt'll, .
Skin and soak In I salt water; then erculosis, pneumonia and the most,ter- experience of a doctor whose regutationi goes If the fillets are to be bolled whole I � .
: they may be rolled and tied securely. I Sir
broil Just like chicken over charcoal rlble* of blood diseases, none of these all around the earth. Still more, you get a , ,400th, 11eat Ono tablespoonful of
' xyin- 'pan and put In a
If soaked they may be spread wIth I 13utt,�r I' a f � � I
embers till done. Season with pep- having been known in Hawail before tempe-ce medicine that contains not a a stuffing and laid one oil top of the . thin layer of batter. When brown on
per and salt, and just before sending the advent of the white man. drop of alcohol or narcotic of any kind., other, buttered and basted with ,gay- I the under side-tufn and brown on the I
to the table pour' over it a. dressing A (loll ithat really walks, Is eald to Long ago Dr. Pierce combined cattain ory sauce as they cook. , If to be cl;poside ,31de. Roll and serve Wit", �
made of two tablespoonfuls of melt- have been achieved by a New York valuable vegetable ingredients -without fried or Cooked in a *casserole, then powdered Sugar and cinnamon. ,
ed butter, two of vinegar and one of inventor.. It has "muscles" of rubber the use of alcohol -so that his remedies they should be cut up in suitable ' .
French mustard. Servo with apple bands. � -
. � 94.ways have been strictly temperance pieces. ,, Bo�aeless fish put on in CORN GRIDDLE CAKES. I .
sauce. ". -1 ____<�� : � �
I . � -ige'diciries. 3 --- cold water require only a few min- (&;I.ara.'e L*,ree eglgs alid beat. the
Rabbit Pot -Pie. I of -
Make a rabbit Pot -Pie of thT Dr. Martel's Female Pills utes to cook, r.fter It begins to boll, yolks. ToAhe latter add two cups .
SAUSA ECIPES. which it should very gently. nillk. -: Gift together one pint of flour �
bits cut Into pieces, flour and --try b For Women's Ailments - . . .. I
brown in some drippings; � add two � - und Ono rolgiding teaspo,onful of baR- I
pints. of boiling water, two small on- A Scientifically prepared Remed recent. . 41 On Sale, Evepywhere�--There may ,,Ing powder, To thia. Add halt a eltil. �
Ions minced, twa slices of lemon, 0 mended by physicians, and sold Y?1r near. Nothing so quite fills the bill on 9, (be ,country merchanits who do not of cOrn, from Vilch the juice b'4'4 . .
n I flft years or el&ye , d Inful cold winter morning as nicely brown- keep Dr, Thomas' Nclectri'd 011, I been strained, tile oZg'and milk ml:c-
teaspoonful of salt, some cayenne enstruation, Nervousneb Izzh1e3 . - ed sausage in siame shape or &orm. though they af(rfew and gar between, ,
Pry the minced onion brown In ackae e, onstipatign. an t er ' ' It you are, one of those ,Who disap- and these may suggest that same oth- , turc-G and finally the flour, Boat -to -
&Ills Ills. cce t ro othe . t yo
spoonful of butter and add the water, dru gist, or b all direct , i our an- Prove of meat for breAhfast then aP- er oil is just as good. There is noth-, * gether therouZIllyand put in gradual- .
ate, Cover closely and stew one hour, I n ag uts. yman ros O., t -, ply -these sausage suggestions to your Ing -so good ,as a liniment or as ,-.4 -ly one tablazpoontut.of melted butter.
Make a rich biscuit crust, cut in oronto, an,, upon,recelpt o pri , I win -ter luncheon meaus. They Are -Internal medicine In certain cases. NOW qtlk in the weil.,boalen, whitts of
rounds and lay on- top of the rAb- e . on a griddle and serve
bits; let them laoll, covered closely, 444+44-++-4�40;_� -�:Z�r;,-;q-.;�-V-!P-04-94 auttable.for either, . Take no other. The demand for it the eggs- Dalte .
, 11 - %ppIng hot. ,
PIGS IN B14ANKETS. I shows that It Is -the only ipo,,pular oil, P-
for 20 minutes. , Put the rabbit In V-7 Jr, � Roll each link of sausage In either . 4 ffi 0 - . - � . � fl , �
the cenire of a Platter, arrange the li-9 L a thin slice Of bacon or of cold boiled rOIIJED FISH. SPANISH Purrs.. .
dumplings around it: thicken the I* srr. JUL LENA I ' . .1 on.2, ta,bI(,.SpooujuI ,of powdered all- . I
gravy with browned tlour and pour. --- � � - � - - - � � . ham, ,fasten It With a toothipick and Boiled 'qr A'ric ' fish should be care- butter, one teaspoon- - � . �, . .
over it. Serve tomato catsup or an $ � 0 it. try slowly, ,turning continually un- fully drained In each case and served gar, t,po ounces 11 .
� til the bacon or ham Is crisp. There In a napkin with the SFLuef3 in a hot till Of Galt, one- cup Of water, Yolks ' I 111� _.
acid jelly with it. ' ' . "Saint Holena, the Island whose 8iec, is Just enoughdW, erence In the Ilavor% four eg4s, Put file water Into A I 1. .. .
atewed Rabbit LardeO. . lalty� is the entertainment of deposed gravy boat. Boiled fish inay be placed ot . . 1.
monarchs, has good economic reasons for of the -two to give the dish piquancy. on a buttered dish, after draining, sau-,opau, 061d the sugar, salt and but- .. �
. I
Take a rabbit, a few strips of bac- its reported desire to have tile kaiser � SAUS,A,,GE BAKED IN ,AA3,pLES. I . _�_,
, dusted with seasoning, dottod %vltb ter and while boiling etIr in flour . 0, �.
on, two cups of stock, a bunch of fell ,a, prisoner," says t, bullown from the little lumps of butter and ifuntod wlth cn�ugh to'have it leaV3 the pan, then I . . .1
savory herbs, salt and pepper to taste U. S. National Geographic society's Baked halt a dozen small apples the
Whshington headquarters. I grated chees2. then lightly browned In *,t* -,r in one by 0110 t�'(i yOlke of .. .1 ...
and a thickening 0-1 butter and.flour. "Napoleon was Its Mont famous aniLl with the skins on, extricating all of the oven. . A thin cream ssu�e Ill often c.ggs: i,Tov .-drop a tablespoonful Int') � . .. �
Wash and soak the rablift; cut Into best -paying 'guest,, though not the only the core and leaving the hole in the .
quarters, lard with strfp� of, bacon one. Dinimilu, a Zulu king, Was (t more celktre quite laxge. Now fry your served with fish cooked this way. liGIM11.0 lard and fry a light -brown.. . . I
' - I I . I
stew_ - recent exile, sent there after he led a sausages, not too brown, put one link , Now as i) the left�ovar" of the -if -done properly they, will puff. ' I . . ..
and fry them;; then place in a rebellion against the British In the filsh, If we- must use the ex.pression, , ,
pan with the (broth, herbs, ..pepper and Transvaal In 1889. While Napoleon Was in the centre of each aPble. set all - , I
salt; simmer till tender; strain the at Saint Helena, "profiteering' at t Into the oven for a few min from Which tho Fituco founda.tioli--la 13COT
he utes, I CH SCONES.
gravy, thicken it boil up on-ce and "Peur-10 of the Bonaparte household o6nd sprinkling the apple with Just the made, known as funiefte: Place the i -
the 'numerous members of the garrison very smallest amount,of s gar, and skin, boi ad add a level teaspoon -
pour overthe rabbit. Garnish with I u lea and trimmings In a sauce- . Stft one and one-half pInts' of, flour'
Bent to �uard him, was reduced to & fine cover them with the sausage gravy. pan with two cupfuls of water, a clip- into a bowl a
Sliced lemon art by the Island citizens. . ful of tomato julne. a small diced Soul) ful of bicarbonate Of soda- sift thOS3 4
. - ' "in fact it was the high cost of Saint SAUSACM CROQUETTUS. toc-ther four times, mal",e it gro3va .
itabbit Fricassee. Helena living which created part of the This i,4 a nice way to use left -over bunch, a bay lea, two oll,c*.d onions, � e middle of the Ilcur and pour I*i I �
Remove the Meat from the bones, friction between Napoleon and the British a half bud of garlic, Rix c' .ovev rrid -in th
k fire, ,bu t- ge. Roll the Small pieces seasoning. Boll goftdY for halt an t',V 0 011 I I
brown In butter over a quic governor of the Island, Sir Hudson Lowe. cooked sausa ,,�)3 of t1ilck buttermilk. Mi% Ill I . .b
ter over a quick -fire, b Instead of living within tile UOD pounds ,Ili loft -over mashed po .ttle tiour (1111.ckly and carefully WWI ...
ut not7l'oug sterling allowed for maintenanee of"Bon- -Which a little tatoes Into hOur, then strain fl:rut th.-Ou#h 0, 011M-, . 11
enough to color; cover with bolllng� aparto and the halPhandre milk and an egg -hay a soft broad douglh Is fOrmOd- RO*11!
his elitoumge, the bills for ,linembors ot Le then thiough a, fine cheesooldth. Sat ..
water and Simmer until tender; re- c year mount- been mixed. Shape Into croqaatt63 aside to cool, Peniove lbe groase nj%d out on 11 U-01ITed board and klietid . ...
duce the stock to a pint and use It to ed to three times that sum. Upon com� and fry slowly In deep fat, the fumatto is ready to us', 9s the 'Lightly and rtpidbrl Spread out to an . .
make a. sauce,with one tablespoon- plaint of the governor, which Napoleon USAGE OMELET. . foundatiou Of a, creat_:, towAto, drawn inch In thiekne4s and outinto 9011�3 I *. I
resented, the ex -monarch executed a bit SA cutter. Rlub the .
flil of butter and two of iflour, aeason of *play to the galleries' by ordering his This is also A! suggestion -for sau. butter or' ally s!%uco desired, . .With a round cake. � .
with -a half a teaspoonful of celery silver sold and his bed broken up for @ 'a-- . with a little suet and c400ktbe .. - - 1.
Salt, two teaspoonfuls of lemon Juice, wood whIcI,4 when reported In England, ,sage lef t -over. Make your omelet M -griddle , 1,owly for five millITUG on one, j�._ �
. I 1.
ereq;ted so much criticlAni, of the- gover as usual, and just before you turn It,. A pleasant madiclue tv., ,chtldro .Scoae,s 6
three drops of onion, some salt And nor, already none too popular, that fur�_ scatter over it Your sausage -sliced Is Mother Graves, Worri 9xtermin- ' v1do and fLve minutes on the .other. I 11 I - I I
cayenne popper; when thick -Add a ther remonstrances were not made. Into very thin pieces, Season with altor, and -there id notiling better ter They Should be thoroughly d011Z and I I
cup of hot cream; Lpour the sauce "N oloon's wants were few. Ills prin- a little parsley, if you like, but the driving worms from tile SYstoln. - I 1111t1oly browned an both eldes, ;
slowly over two well -beaten elp&tluxury was boQks; his diversions beauty ot,ttll sausage dishes Is that I 10.010 . " I " "".k B,:%!C-,�D PEA011EIS. I I
eggs; chess playln
fog ,.wd digging In his garden. PLCr I 11
stir well and put on a hot platter hav- Like the rm r kalser, he spent many they need very little geasoning be- SnLV -SACIU), I . _Cgellent elthor I
ing the moat In the tontre; garnish hours with the Bible. He professed 'no ,cause of the highly Seasoned force. Pattlits-Of course. " nly 4aughter I I ed peaches are 0, .
with tonst point curly parsley. piety, however, frankly admitting that he of tag she can suit hm%,Olf oLs to marrY for I)rcalt dast or SO a dossert at lullch, ;
11 'In" hient In the sausages themselveg. select good-sized frec'. I . i
:..4. WAS making a study of certain Old Tes- . - � Ing you, but the day she do6s I shaT, or dinner. �
lament books to show that inonarohlbs I .- - out her off without a cevt Ston�V,L Paro, Cut thein ift ha*VL,s AW1 .
State of Ohio, City of'Toledoi Lucas had divine sanction, and lie also spoke suitor -in that dUe, yt*s all off. t could a Stngl:J
flevive the Jaded Condition.-141.tLion I lady of remove the st,01109- Place
County -se. of wanting to write a monographon ,The eilergyj,lags and the cares at .,business not think of depriving i y*unlg
r1rank J. Cheney makes oath that lie Campaigns of Moses.' her Inheritance, �6 . ? layer in a bal;Ing dish 110110W 81de'UP'
is senior ,partner of the firm of F. 1. frosintho Saint Helend. Is some 700 miles ibecomes Irksome; -When the whole I 1n-tG :each halt put half 0,
chene-Y & Co., doing ,business In the in nearest land, Aseen4on island. 11 out Of -sorts and there is hitnardle Liniment distoes, Colds, oto. ! pormost. - A the ear"3
City of Toledo, County 4nd State afore. and 1,200 miles frow the nearest Aft -lean opression, try Parmelee's I I 4 - � , bbb . 'Caspoont'll of butter At ttio More' it
sa,ld = "d 1,
, % the extreme precautions talcon by ONEI BNOTJOU. , Amount of GuVu, or It 11
and that said firm will Day the oi Vegetable Pills. They will regulate I ,Sprinkle nil',
sum of 014E HUNDRE)D DOLLARS for Me to prevent the escape Of Ille luan - tho fa -1111V 111tO 13=02ts, I
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured who once had ruled limit ot r, urol.e, the action of a deranged stomach a4d Mrs. XnIiggDtd the doctor a -k to ii,ag gencroully over the wilw,e, (ill I
by the use of HALL148, CATARRH XruDl. I created considerable amusement,, Sir a disordered liver, and make you toot tee your tongue? . when sort t1to
CIN11. Hudson was 9r0atlY distul'bed one day like a nowman. NO one need suffer Husband -No, I told Ithit �.bout bAko 20 to, 40 minutes,
VnANIC J. C11P,X1,33t, ' to find a newly -arrived Cosican priest a day from debilitated digestion when yours, and lie ordered ros% away for a Peaches" �'dono. serve 1101. * I .
Sworn to -before 1116 and subscribed in riding horseback in a. coat similar to ___*_6_*-_
ray -presence, this Oth day of December, Napoloons's, believing tile compatriot In., 4o aimple and effective a 13111 can be rest�_Londori Tit -Bits. I
A.D., 1888. volved In a plot to deceive the guards, got at any drug store, I I .. - A START.
(Seal) A, W- Gleason, Notary Public, The French commissioner coniolalned that � , I I .. 4 L 6 . AcQx1A'INTAXCV3 CULTXVATED,� (Loul:4ville Courler-Journal.)
I-XAMIS CATAR1111 X39DICINn is the sight of a passing dog wu ollopgh .
taken Internally and aets thro tuce the governor to plant a now� THE WAY OP A MAID WITH A "They mot at a lawn pmrty. Awro. "I "On't ,,�'vc my con'�"eu"" a etiough
ugh the to Ine . ,.14ut, father, I tell you Ito Ila I
Blood on the Mueous Surfaeem of the Sys- sentinel an the spit; but perhaps the MAN. priate, wasn't Iti seeing Pile was 11 gmas I liloney for us to start On."
tem, most extreme of the many amusing stor. axl fare 1:6
Druggists 75d. TesitmoulaIg free, Ies of Lowe's solicitude was the occ&. Por the encouragement , liow?" "Miat dce� thai ineati? T
of young W6,4yes, I,U(l he Stith a rake." tile �3tatich9l,
V. a. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Sion of his protest against Na,poloon,11 , men Ili love let us say that 0, great , , ,,.� .. I _____*4-o-- .
I � . ".. 1. I ik._.N� *
-, 4, 4, ei . - planting some white and green bealls, � many girls say "No" sit first, but HIL . B 1ASILY FTXn1D-
,tiensIng In this eombinattion of colors a , I I I'll, ..
90==PT0 S072MGS. vubtle allusion to the white flag of tile the photographers they know how to ____ I I - � _ "_= I ..'re'l auntie, it. Is rathcv sud,1011, but
11 I � Q . ne'.1; wc,klt,"
� Bouvbons and the distinctive green uni, retouch their negatives. 6 U111 6 130 211allictl -
It takes 6,000 bees to . weigh Ono form of the general. -1. 006 .111, it ,It J, ,qlat ,you I. -now nothina about hollse-4 4
I I , . *11,
OLTRD HIR T9HTH OUT, POMIA.PS. k 11M V*.. :., "I .1�;('1-1: th(,,ro
pound, "Living almost Wholly within two J � I., i 191 It( up, , " , arL, p*,(,11,,y of niagazinpA
bills and his garden, N41)0100" 11181stad 11 -
The nowe-st. esmora tonturo enables r0ol ,,, the Pomp And Ceremony Possible Yorkshire papor (during the rallway 1-i �� i,%. , .� I..; ca% tile b-111ject, I aliall innuealately tub-
� ,
the operator -to expose, -part of a in such cramped (tuartera. .4luce Ills mtrike)-11A duke Is also driving A, motor ,I I— �% 11 . , 't
I !,Cllbe to mle Of theill. .
plate, companions necessarily werg much in lorry and mantleating sandwiches wltll I . I , -
Thus a number of small viewa may his preS6114% his Insistence upon their. his 9l'iuW hands." 0 �e � - I 1118 SCUUT112111S.
, , -
, t ��
be made on one plate or film. standlnPr sometimes brought them to tile 466 � P., t �� .1 , I -.ql,,�I. I,,I,1tbu,qhB& your husband didn't
The trackless trolley how being 0 it of fainting, None 'night speak un. FAWN Tlox= 10XI"InnD, :: Vlaw --"-" go to"1110 NvAro
08 Apo on to and all became extremely She -I told You to ask me In
made'use of in Now England pulls up I Ith court life in & shanty fnvolv six 'Wher is 1'.d Uri% 1,10118c'nimn-�tXo, lie dAn't.
niontlis about accepting the ling. C�&? AVA.1 Ito .
. .h. "Wlint Wat) U10 1nV1%C1l`?
at the curb to take on and off pas. Ing all the burdow4 without ally of the jack DeBroke--Well? I I ice .4if armld�,
oeftsera. I sp, ors of a pablee, jq)hg, " oil, the six months are up, hW"WtW."4,, Nh4,Aa*,W4-M*4%Mk*'0 .-Yeil, Coat w,l;, tile troub!e, It Ike went
- V' ,
I t first the exile r0ft lloradbadk, but 0 roke-Yes; unforlunatelyp me is ths iw i. - W N. ".0k 1:.(� wn,4 ..-to0d ht"t) just, mal.4� a slaughter.
tho Is 140. so abotlidoned that rather thaft hire Ing. to WAM N" % PA WA I R90 W VA UN lk" H.*% IK , ttV01 . , ,
A v6eatt6rkal sch6ol In Id r '" ht'll-il Cf 1h(1, 1,4 . 0 d.
000 toot underground. It Is dealMod - � - I'll, I,— __ oib 4a awrorptaryo .��A ..
for returning soldiers and Instrue. �,1____________' TUM :BUSXNIW HrAD. I Lw.
I.., I . I I— 1 14 ' I I-— I— I ,11 . I 1. .=4=..A_�, A�A'...b.o*.. A N."I"'W INMANTIVI"'.
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Greater accuracy Is obtained in the *r*4 MA J* 4M W wm4w %I 000 U, 'A to inut-niur when, it Tn,*tn rame �
tne�asuring of fir,s screw threads by A TVIOPLET-01418, shrewd as they make em' and ablioliltely %.a* 0 1 VW a,,,cwil whispel-hil-, fine thing&"
unocrupulouS. ., tftml, .W * .."Vell1
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hifthine which probots an illiago of PAZ -MAH 4apsules. Sentor Ilartiler-41oul(In't we WSuAd* i 1, N'ow :1!e .ar.) 'I'l he after my vote?, It
the, threaded *fticle, upon a here , T trm 1 --.----4-+4-------
OL Adr,en am guarantoed to i0love ASTHMA, him$ to 10111 Our 1 ?
With the don't suffer nuother (Iny. iN (Bilghty, London.) 'It�flker% I "fli-2 U,%Itl�vt ir.ay hn pardortil f:)r ..
when it can be measured _ "tr"et --+44- "I _X . ,
Writo Te-inpletolilm, 112 R111w street �
least posilble, error. .6t $1 0 . , i fcolirl" ,Irel� em 11:11*"ieA when kA
. West. Torolit') for freo rnisiple. I Coriss cause rguch sulterIng, Ut I I - I'll Se r.mlLe.; that it man aml his wife am
That the tou.rl*t may hays hot neil&bio ditiggists .seu thein at $1.04 1 Holloway's Corn rure Offmr4 a wpeedy� a * C., -11 (".
wat4or wh"over d-4slr&d ther# is a 1, & box. I , sure, and oatWaptory relt(,t, I 11 I I -0-0000 I . I
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