HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-01-15, Page 7� W -W , — �` , I . , . I , "i '111 1, 17 - .1777 7-777 7777.77 I " a , % � I - - , 4i � 'I : 'T" " --M" -."T" 7- I . . I . '..k.". I . -1 . I . 111, . I ��,� -'.,, Ai, , .It. . 1.11 1, I I . . . 7, �v I � � . I 4 �c *�?!`,. .1 `i�,4,1,,. �, �; - ,, t I .1 ; ­_.'�% , 71 ,,, U A I � . I 1. ,. � � I I , - I 1; ,. , � , � 1�, , , 1. ,U t I.. . . I , I 11 - 1 ,;,-7('�. -. . �il. � , .. I _,Jv� `Ii ','.1 I , � -��,: _____ I" - 11�, I � I . . - , . I , � , � i .91:, � ii, i 1, 11 I � I , � ,,� 4, ��-J.. , , ;1 . .i -:,. , , � I ". I I I .: . . : ., T " �,� - . . . . . 4 111� -1 -... I I %,, . ,. , t J1 W, ,,I�z It , , , , ,* .4i. .1 _ N , I 11W. �, . � - "� ,� � , � , , . __ .# � . . ... : - - , , �, ,, P �� ( . � S,t- ,_2_: ..if ; t , . , I... � I 1 1. -1 . " ,� , � � " ­ I ? '. " ,"%'71. I I .-! - � . . �* I 11 I " ", I � I - , � - � , A I - , - I �1 I I I � I :, I f, I 11 � 'A . , . - 4. _ , ___ - Re mm, i I I -w- : 1. .. ­ . 0 - , , I . -_ I �' �� ;"I" 11 1. I , I 11 , , �� � -OWNP . G - A"- � 11.0'4,11,11,.,111� V 2:=P 11P4ft"M!!!Vr,*.4 - _ � ­ " I , I - -, 4. , - , .1 � �,,� -- , I XLLL . , , I I * - , ___ ___ , - - - " ­­ I � - �",L` - " � �, I I U .Li ,*1,. 1�1 , 11 11 - ��A F i, - ­ I , !!� .,�� . -.-.;=0"i .,�� ; 11 � - � I ___;;:;;;;WM -4 " � .,�� ; 1P 11 , �.- - -- - ­ - , Q-4 ___ 1, ___ _X -L - - 4� 1: - I I � � _.. ___ :F4 -, � I 11�. I WW N 1!� I im" ftw- , ! I I I - -_ , - - . I . I . I , 440� , � . I - .7-7 ;11&1 --- ­ ,- ____ .---.--- - I M - ,, I I I - __­� � - - . , . . 1 - -- k I 'I", , "I'll AL'XimaLwom, 1;�,�7,;� 4N 1, 4 � ! I I 7 . - __A&1_ '�' 10 �­ . RV I , ( . , , ., _� . Almoc"M 1. AA-_ i � 4 �,.' I 1 -IMM -111 I Albib I . I 1�_ �_i �, Vi,, , " " �� , " I F� �. I — , I _­ 111�"111 I I I , . � ..., - 1� Im �,ts '' � - I -- ­- J� I I I I I I .. I 1� "' WOVII, : 'i 4 , ., *.., ­ C�- , -,. , 1 �. - "W*W1 - 4 .. 11 1 . , i I � I ,_ �'11` , , 1"ITTIM-1 11 I , K � A ,4A"XA=M* . I I t,ii"X - . � i, 1, I � � . I I . I , I i _T SUANNut -:_A. * . I - "Ill, I i . , -�,. I C,,,iq,� I , �14."_, , I . 4 � � I f �'?4mr I . I I � , � ,,- , I �ft 11%,tut M04 4, xw* a, - - I iv I I . , I . I I* � Just Ott ilia RingstrAW I be " to bA tro 1p, - NEW , i, " : , 011 �, Ik % . M, As tke laost picturesque strs&t In, to I I , � 1, , " . I I I tuo=, wboreap" the B,Mtlxya (+Ov, I � , ��� f , I . I ,- , I I 14 I )i , A � World) lies the Hotburg, or city p&14% �, " I,' . � rIAMeat Might rsiWly that wlisn'Uglted - . I � 111 , 11 , I EvRAIRR, TO - T"'r AILD $ . __ '� - ' ut", ,c,4 T�Ey r05 6 F '", I - E IE pan- � � . . 1.4 . Mateo probibitionist4 Are withdra,vis . � Y . i . " , ` �, 1. * " of the ex -Emperor of Austria. I - %"'r 081N G 1 a in ` ' : , , �, � . �. I , I which 'Were constructed by Peter yon I ___ - - I . caturb-M00A would leave tug Tjvltod .,� 1,11, I �'? __ __ _ � ___ ,_­ � , i '. 1: ; I . , - , Ho'bile In ggait,, P ; - I 1_4_-_,, — I/A iol @ - -_ I'll 0 � 11AX, .. �. , I Ing through waijelve Dorle oolumm, . � ,:, r, � )? JVS T 1 1 fro Britain, BrItlob, 14aitars to "gro . 3,821-24, admission I I 009, StAt". OF THI I Rolland H, as Decilded on, -a 'rm But v -ad to the "Place of'Heroes," outside 0*00­01"�"_A � Ali" 0 I WOW— � I M_ - I- � w-, .. � I- �11 I �. 1, , I ir , tj , Co n, Although Buglialime I I 1, - ' 'the Castle ward. A new wing was JANUARY. conditions at colliery workers re. the Interference of the Anti-Woon NA" *�� . 1. here a4ded Ju 1887-94, and, visitors 1 -Two hundred and seventy matters command larger Wages, shorter League In their domestic concerns, Its Magyars Said to Be Plu. Un DOVM, by Oftims At. 000S Refusal to Com ply , frequent this Place at noon And at 4 . drowned In wreck of Yacht Iolgire hours, and a share in mine con- ageaU are hero at the InvitiLtion o -t IL I 1, ., O!Cloek Ili the afternoon, when the met- Off Storna,w&Y, Scotland, German trot for the wotkers, , Death at lOnglish tempe.-ance societies, A44 if ning An Attack On ter An X�wftins ana - - - I diorC change guard, going through subs. being divided among the al- Ilan. W. iT. Hanna, ex-Provinol4i B"Itish brewers could coinpal t , . drills at the saine, timo accompanied INS. Secretary-ot Ontario, At Augusta. societies to W1041 -4w thVA Invitat". Slovakia. MAU, " I � 2-Gormans evacuate Rigg GA,i anti -saloon Propaganda here .A_*_­� .1 � . � w by a Choice band of 1111181c. , ,. I 'Anikican � - ; 0a th`e Grounds Tbat k".1s a Political Ref The Inner walIR of this portion are 3 -Total Canadian casualties for the 21-ltali4n delegates decide to witb- would'become Impossible, ; ' The,,13ritish Government hea not yet , R draw from Peaoe Conference un, t4kft any steps to discourage the. 11. Z., ST" WET HAMILTON. MAN ,of the tenalssauce style, by Ohmana Past Year ended Dec. 31 reported to, and Baumann, Completed As late as be Z,40,182, of which the de-it'ho, lose Vi lume is Assigned to Italy. ATS . ,Ogler and Not a: Crhina[� 1907. Further on toward the Eastern WeM 60,382, one-tlalf in actle, 4 , . Migration from America of the large I . I I I ,n, -The Hpugarlaii. Cabinet ra'signs, ' Consignment of dry propagAndlets in- . � side of the grounds Is the Heiden- 5-COunt von Brookdortf-Rautzou, and A new Soviet Government vited bars. What Action the Govern- . Tte Hague, C*le - As far as 40 The -1haracter 0Z the Du6b, reply Platz, where two exquisite luanuments, new Foreign Minister of Germany, formed. wont would take Is problematical, but Allies Refuse Modification In � party, , and Hamilton \_. correspondent has been Able to learn, to the expected allied communication Stan(' - , 20-Win0ton, Churchill reports that the liquor Interests, realIzIng that the , . ,. the Ila gest In the capital. That says hie country can accept only of German Frontier I . thO Present Dutch Government has on the left Is of Prince Eugene, The 0, Wilson peace, I BgYPt Is in a state Of lusurrec- immediate 'counter -offensive to neces- M L I Auto Alleged to Be I . OrMlY decided that It will not sur- calling for ill- surrender of the . base of the statue is of white marble, 6 --Death of Col. Theodore Roosevelt, tion. siary, have, at the Instigation of thq � , 0S. I 11 "Ader the one-t!mo Gerinau, rule former Toutionto Emperm, the middle section Is carved in � ex-Prosidant of the United Stat 26 -The Canadian House at coramous National Trade Defence Associations, _ . Used. I r, 'Will 40- 0--nd 00. I I and Although recently there was Sallee" Pend largely on the text at the note niches, with four black Marble In- Revolutionary movement against rejects, a low tariff motion by 116 caused that the million. labels to be " I . . thing akin to a crisis In the Cabinet, sent to The Hague. Replidleas of tb. . er : printed Which- bear the head of Uncle All the cues Pending In the Quebec Tioronto Despatch -�At I . .e scribed slabs between. Above, to tile . the Government Is started In 13 - to 61. i , there now Seems to be no probability nature of the allied communication, figure of Prince Eugene on a rearing Ila. . 31 least Ono of . I . -Brltislx House Of Commons Pass Sam With on elongated nose And P(Illft Court Against draft-evAders the hold-up ,xanxs which have ter- , I Par- however, It waa declared to -day that horse, Beneath are supporting 11. 1�-_Olvli war In Berlin and many kI .4rge ilia � that the Government will fall. . 11- the Military Bill by Ir , jor- stamped "Prohibition." It Is planned ha e llowing the a=. rorized Toronto for the Past Month liament has drafted and presented to Holland's laws villi determine the gures of women holding garlands, - ad In the Streets, Ity. Cauadlaii-Minlater of Militim to pAste these labels on all bottles of nasty, . I I tile Cabinet a memorandum Suggest. Issue for the Netherlands G with crowns upon their heads. 9 -The Ebert Government Mies Announces that the Siberian expe- beer, wine and , spirits," according to came to grief last night, when, a$teir I � I I overnment. The equestrian inonument of Arch- troops ta Berlin to fight the . 41tion. will be withdrawn, the contents of the bottles, it is h Z- B- Clark, M.P.P.. for Bast Xent, a chase In Motor cars and a . toot, and Ing that It nowi Is desirable that Hot- The laws are said to contain no pro- I $par as left to -Premier Drury the question amid the I-ain of flying bullets, � la4d request tha former .Q'ml)eror � to visions authorizing the extradition of duke ,Cliarles stands opposite, This Is tacides, And hundreds of people APRIL. hoped by this means to get tlxis anti. of his resignation In favor of one of Frank Brake, aged IS, no home, Was � lf' . a tribute to the man who defeated Xa� Itles dor- I-Covenaut of the League of ,Nai, I 4 0 S - tile Cabinet Ministers, arrested on a charge at attempting �_ ,­ return to his own country, The Gov. Count Hohenzollern, who to said to be are shot. French casua dry propaganda into most homes. I , srumont,, however, deep not consider In the category of a political refugee, P,Dlewix at Aspern, and his azess to Ing the war up to November I re. tious drafted at Paris. Saskatchewan LOSIS14titre extended to, rob a oitIzen at Teraulay aud Dun-. tho memorandum Important, It is seeking asylum, .and not ilia a strongly significant of that period, A turned as 4,762,890, and the lium. $-Goueral Allenby restores order SE the Mothers' Pension Aot, and amend. das Street ; and PUMP Gamala and � , 8 � , t' of - I . in ' BRITI811 RAIL CA 0 1 � -,explained that it wais Introduced. at Criminal fugitive from Justice. large flag is clenched In the bands of bar of deaths aa 1,327,800, Egypt. ' 11.1 I ed the Minimum Wags Act to Include. Tony pappolo, both at Markham . tile suggestion of a single member No. secret to made in Dutch circles the Archduke and shields and wreathe 9 --Lloyd George appoints his. now 5 --Hapsburg family banished from I ., I I I .�.. girls not formerly : included In -its Street, and,141choel Ginio, MacNab � 4durina the budget debate As a matter of tile embarrassment ,4 11,. - cabinet. Serious fighting in the ' VIt. - Reply to M . � I � . Holl= %s, of iron form a footstool beneath. I Austria. ,Go , en Ex., provisions. . Street North, Hamilton,. were tak- treets, at Berlin. The Sinit Fein- Q_,Death at Sir William Crooke , i ral"Albricol, Itallau Minister or of formality. . . ,suffered by reason of the action �,f Ascondlug a winding, massive white s 3 Goile, On Into Custody on charges of vag- . , f I ., Count -Hohenzollern In planting him- stoop# the visitor Is led tothe Interior ers' constitution published, famous Chemist and physicist. ' pected To -day., War, resigned. His resignation - Miley by four plucky Toronto. offl- � 1� I . _-­ ---- ii-i I was erar P. C. Naylor, Byrt, poster and . Waialingtoa Despatioth - Firmly but self In the Netherlands. Nevertlieless, of a section of the palace set aside for 12 -Twenty -ono killed In a train col� 7-Bavarlan trocyps, proclaim SoViet . because of Opposition' to his project c . In for reorganization of the army.. i 11 A dignified and courteous r- mer, , it is felt that the sanctity of tlis asy- visitors. After gaining entrance to lislon on the Now Yorlt Central Reptiblic in that country, , Liondoill Cable - A replly from S& . Detective -Sergent Cronin. The auto:. . the Netherlands Government will re. lum. must be upheld. the lobby gn.arids approach with Slip, near South Byron. Spartacans are 9 -The "Big Panel at * Mrs. David Lloyd Goor mobile in which the alleged bandits . . I Paris decide Eric Geddes, the Minister at Trans-' I fuse to comply 'with the prospective The position ol the United State$ Pere Made ,of a carpet .material, -and defeated In, Berlin. Supreme In- that - France shall have economic port, to the Communication of the rail, the Prime Minister, took get wife of operated was a 'high-powered All -on, , her seat in brought from Hamilton, the Police al- dolliAnd of the allies gar the surrende G " t has been to question the each person Is expected,to protect the ter -allied CouLiell of Peace assem- 1 , control of the Saar mines, but, wAymen rejerthig the G the quarter sessions at Carnavon, 'a 11 . overnmont,s lizollern, forinT r v nietu of the proposed trial Of floors of the Imperial Hotburg by I that territory to remain German. terms for soitle.aen,t of the wage do. 11 . � -of Count William Hobe er " ,4v,,e,',-'br,, bles In Parts, Bulgarian losses In Wales, 43 the first W.al$ woman Mag. lege, by the gang. German Emperor. Strong intimations] the Kaiser, c n the, ground that neither wearing the same over hiS. olloes, I . killeci ouring the war were 100,- 11-Th6 League of Nations Commis- Mand6 of the workers, IS 'expected lotro,,to, . � 1. . ­ . The attemp0d robbery at Terau- � Ao title effect were given to -day In the recogn r . � ' Dundas Streets oo;urre4 cedent. justify such, a procedure. . famous E � Maude 1'owol, American f � I best informed d lomatte quarters. I ,Xzed intematio al law nor,pre- This large room is rich in sluipli, 000, Death of $1 ' Clia;rleo ' Wynd Stan reject Japarl's. Amendment on some t1we cl.,.rlug to -day. I , violinist lay And I P . . . � city ancl lighted by a chandelier .of ham, nglisli actor and racial equality, During tho morning Sir Eric Was of international repute, died at 'Union. about 10.20. At the time sorgt.. S. . . . I I . . rare value, wbIqh drops very IS mana r. . I In communication by telephone with town, !'a,, to'.0wing a . H. Martin, then on duty At the desk I I . I . . . . . , . - _. . . I P I I 12 -Disaffected soldiers kill Herr Neu� Premier ,Lloyd George I seizure while In West Dundas Police station was . . � � 1. ,- -,- � , . . I I I � �., low .1 - from the Coiling, suspended by bronze I -U.1 S, House of - Representatives ring, War Minister of -Saxony. At Paris, who PIw;1r,­ An. a local theat-.0. I chainst pass appropriation of $100,000,000 , engaged in examining ,ane, "Bilis. I I I � I attached to Drotudbig Claws, to 13 -The League of Nations Commis- .is kept In Closest touch� With the sit- FIftY'CA;ie3 of sleeping sickness ,lvere worth Green, Manchester Avenue. . �: German Government whilo he light$ of singular r the'rellef of Iftrope. tion, anxious to adjust the difficulty, discovered in Detri6it, 2.6 being fix has- . Green had been brought Ili on a I . I ff 9. - - - And In- Stan decide Germany Must PAY � Ua I � . . � i . I ' 11"'morable electric candles 'are beld 14-AJIIQO Council at Paris decide on V3,800,000,000 for losses land dam- Shortly afternoon I J. 11. Thomas, .pitals. A Medical expert diagnoses charge of shopbreaking, it being, al- I . War. *O11 of the brain leged that he -had entered the tall- , � �, . Rumo.11*,wed Overthrow " in place by the hands of anglals. Low representation of British Dom- ages caused by the � general meor-�tary ( I the railway that it is An 11104mulat, , . 1, . --' . . I .:1 . .i Jr I/ chairs In bench form -of rose colored inloas at Peace Conference, Spar-' 0 workers , organ`!atlon. declared the covering, .- I � oring eStAblishMent of Crawford . . I . , , 14 -April 25 named as the day for th delegates who havd"been meleting,here . I . � - I . velvet seats and gilded back$ hug the tacan, revolt , at Berlin finally "'Big Four" to me Interest . in fishing has received a I � crushed. . Scur . . �. .. � . I . � I ­ . . . walls Ili circular fashion, and� through 1. at Gerniah date- to tit, .,s fli.e Government's proposal, Bros,, 315 ' Yonge, Street, With intent "I . I . . I . .*- "r&vellers from Oerniany reach- -a PASS into one gates at Vord'ailles. Munich gar- sharp impetus -out of season at Bil- to steal, � � . i ­p . . � I , BuSsels) San. 10----!1 . .a wido foldiii,- door iv . 16 -United Statee voted "dry" by cow- rigon sweeps� away Soviet tarcea, would remain In conference until a OXI, Miss. It is reported that.fisher- � Suddenly, In the 'midst ,f -the. ex- I 1� .1 11 - of the pest roems, . StItutional amendment, Rosa decision was r­.Wled by the Govern, in ' : '. ... . . 1. 1. . �� ell 'Caught'! several,quart bot AmIliatiou" olinton ]:)eluco, all Ital- � . : '. . .1 . � -itmed: reports that the Luxembourg and 3?r. Karl Lteb- 10 -The "Big Four" decide Mat the ment on further negotiations. ties of , .. ' I I 1. . 14g heic. to -day brought unconf . . Once occupied by 'Maiiia Theresa, ' . . whiskey, white fishing in Mississipp Ian, 201 Jarvis Street, rushed Into ' � I ... I I., . . . 11 , I q I . I . I �, this enebaliting� spt)t , takes the, nI&t, prominent leaders Of the lReligoland forts must be dis- I 0. 0 - Sound, . � I the station, and ,cried ,out to the . , . I , ... � Germa.4 Govern m'ent has been overthrovil. visitor tack many generations, for Berlin Spartacans, asoassinated. - .,mantled. I J � . . . . � � . . . 17 ... �Aoviot Adtainistration in, Bruns- A despatch from Wellington, Now Sergeant. and constables, withill that - I . . a the old hnperial,�;bed Is alWays an ab� 19�Openln`g, qf the Peace. Conference I I he and a friend, Follotti, at the same . . � ,,� I . I It was reported th t the Socialists were inasters al . wick overthrown by Go RATIFICATION ' Zealand,, says that -on the referendum . � I I ! I . - r . . , I . . !� f, -!-, . . . Ject of close Be utiny. The little foot- I a,t Paris ' I . troops. , vernment I ­ recount prohibition has failed to I Be- address, had been held up'by,threo � ' I . � . . . - I Y,. . I I I . .the Situation, andthat a general strike had been de- stool atits side Is ve:y necessary, for 21 -7 -Sinn Feluo'lis, meet in Dublin And 20-Presidenf Wilson stron , " - cqre the necessary absolut ajorlty,' . I � I I . 1. 'tile bed is extremely! high from tile constitute themselves tile Irish gly op- th eom .14 cl4red throughout the territory not under Allied occu- I poses F fume going to Italy at Big ,� � . KNI The present system will er fo . re con- . Teraulay Streets. . . I . , � . I . I floor, vntl� an equal space between Pa,rilament. 'German elections ro- tInAeii , . Sergt. Martin immediately crje�i to , 11 . I I � � .11MIPOSSIBLE ` . I ­ . . . Four meeting. . , ­ . .. - � i . the steeper and the canopy overheid. -, .suit in, Socialist majority, and -� . -. �� nd Byrd, who had captured, � . I �i � I 1 ation, , . . . . . ­ ' I . . .:., � 'Notwithstanding tile. higil cost of , . , P . . 21-GermanY notifies Allies she ac- � , . .1 � Naylor a -, �, I . �. � . � Along the Sides and foot ATe 11 " . (Ireene: "G'et Out, quick; .there's a, '� .. . . f .� I I - I . Ung .Friedrich Eberts becomea Premier CePta the couditons regar4lug'Ver- .�' living, Governor Willfgm� Luton, Of hold-�uff at Teraulay and I . . 1. I hcavy red plush eurtains� which con of the Government. , . Dundas, � I . . In, I � . . . I . I I . .. . .hat a two constables rushed out of,the. I .. . ,. . Battles Conference, . the Elgin County Jail, announced t Th I .1 . , I �� . . 1. , I.The: Brussels � reports of, a Germa:4 + I __. I be drawn together so as, to colipletely 29 -Council of the Pence Conference General and Inspector -Go I enral for �By U. S. Senate, Says" Re- the list quarter of the. year. he had gation. I 1. . �:� . Government Overthrow are -net -con- means i6ars?" "Should think I ' )I enclose the. bed., I . Invite organized, Russians to meet . . � ., fed .31 prisoners at . the rate. of 15 At tha ,corner they saw .. � . � .. - flr=4. from -any other source, and do! Directly adjoining Is an antique . representatives Of Allies on Prini- 22 -Italian delegates Cease to attend . publican Leader - cents per .day.. . � Ergo men. Seeing' the Policemen I I !� I .I. it may -be noted that the dispatches was ,the answer. "She cried till 6110 rooln With DIVe And white , Color eeas Island, Foh. 15. , Big Vour . meetings, contending . 11 . 4 the three Men, after a, Wild look - , ". . p I - I . j . + . - � themselves carry their own qualifl- got 'am." - scheme. The treasury is open.to the 25-Pea4o Conference endorse idea of that Italy must have Flame. I � A plan. with.smallbox walked into around for A means iofescapet separaii ,, � I he Brantford CItY`1-1aII_ and when Atpd. . ... : �, . cAtione, emphasizing the lack of posit- The son ofthe family was home on public -as well on certain visiting days, the League of Nations. 24 --Ontario Legislature proro�ued, After the President Makes , t .Brake ran south� along Ter- . I � tAve,j,11or,a1,,. his first vacation Since be had attain. -but that Is a Storp by itself. ­ ' ' SO -Death of Sir John Steele, one -of 27 -Revised draft of the covenant of I . the fact became known officials e,ave aulay Street, the others heaaed north . I I silo ed to the dignity of college prefect. Th& Palace .was once an - old CanwNs best. .known military ­ . the visitor a wide berth, K-hy I I . it .t uld prove true that there tile League of Nations made public . Stand Known. . He came on the 'same thoroughfare. , I jor I .. . . has been a now Uprising In G , el"Atallyk He and his father were ,discussing I . litill . _. I 1, at Washington with changes to � I ... . � from an Onondaga farm, and Was !in- followed Brake, Byrt pursued the � . .1 . .. day, Bud finalik ill& with -no speclal,imDortariee attached men, I . 1. . . I I .medlately despatched back home for ' . I ., it would appear to have been deliber- affairs of the 31-Serlous Arilles In Belfa Glas- safeguard the Monroe doctrine and WASh. Deap4tch quarantine., � . I other two. . I ately k!med to coincide With the date boy remarked: "Dad, I hope when I to it, and not until 1570 did Alaxmil. :� � . ­ I . st and-il I . . to Permit a nationto withdraw _ _Sonat, , or Lodgel . � .11 I I "Brake Tall South �. . . Ilan acquire the spot and , have a go%V. . . . Oil I . - On . Teraulay I - . I , - � I � . two Years' notice, , of - Massachusetts, the Repubjioaii - Mrs. Dan, McDonald 'L Tenth Line, Street, on the west sidoof the'streat," I .. Sallies In -to effect, and creating a You db." "Fit go one better, my b' - t � FE BRUARY. . leader, declared in a statement to- 111ast Zorra, is the first woman selho3l; said Naylor, in relating the story. "I , set for putting ' the treaty of vi�r_ ,anf as old as Ton I I'll kn6w more than small castle libereupon erected, a 28 -The revised covenant of the League night that he . feared Pre'stdent Wil- trustee to be elected fix Oxford Conn- took a oy," which PNriod It was used as a shoot. 3 ­De Valera, Sinn Feiner leader,. of Nations adopted by the Paris � fter him, calling meanwhile for , � , State .of Peace between Germany and .the father .replied. . "I hope that Ing box for wiid deer in the surround- and two Sinn Fein M. P.1s escape ty, having I -the Allied -Powers. . � .. 1. . 1. . - . . I Soli's Jackson Day.inessdge'had Made been selected for School him to stop. ; Re -refused -to, stopi, . li . I I , I When you are that old you will know Ing forest,. -This castle was destroyed from prison at'Lincoln, England. Peace Conference. -Impossible "thaf in the Senate we Section.No. 11, Bast Zorra, The new Whipping out my gun as I Tan,. I I . I I S much as'koii thifik You . 2.9-1ohn A. Ayearst, chief licerise In. . I�. . Independent ,Socialists have been a do now-" by the Turks In 1683, aild, was not re. Armistice -signed between Czeeba- Spector, exonerated Inight, have come together and ratl� trustee has four aons attending the fired a shot in -the air, hoping ,there - the. disturbing factor for the Govern- -Miss Wilcox had been giving I the built until the year 1700, by Le pold . Slovaks and Poles in the Silesian � I - train charges tied. the trealcy protected by the prin- school, over which she, IS the Official, by to ,make him halt. Instead he .. I i . I Meat In the., German in-ternal. sitlia- class an: elementary. -talk upon arehl. L .From then On it was used los . front.., inade by Hartley Dawart in the set lorth. in the fourteen rds, rAUI) I I e a Onarlo Leglslauure by the royal . I . W, It. Tru6mau,'X.A, one of win� kepton. At Albert and Te sy r , . tioll. Since'the, defeat of th Spar- teeture, "Now,".sald she, "Can any- Summer palace, But to Marla Theresa 6 -Government troops enter Bremen Commission. I 0111les I . I nipeg's leading lawyers has been ,x -c- again fired at him, this time -twice. I 11 . . orvatlons,,!' � I tacan outbreak last spring they 'have one in. the class tell me what -a 'but,. "The President has - made ,his p6- tallied by the Labor. 1terests to go Still he refused to halt. 1� E I., I . . . been ihre0gn!ng a renewed efifort to. tress' is?" .Little Walter arose, big it, JPRY blalm."Its, present -beauty, for after defeat of the Spartacano. $O-P,reSs. censorship In Canada Sons.;. Sition To Y plain," said the Senator. over the ground covered Ili the recent "Turning weston Albgrt -Street he , . � . I . Elle eommissicn,,ed Pacassi, -a deno*n- YLabor representatives make plea H f Commons ,,He r. r I . I ejects absolutely the regervA- -R. 13. Itussell. trial, and give an opla. headed toward Elizabeth street-. Some '. take control of affairs, which have face beamingwith a quick flash Of ad architect, to .erect ane, of the most ,to the DomlnWo Government for at OttawA. vote against knight- -tion � 1. . I . I . Invariably been. -put down ,by the ,Intelligence., ,"L know," he shou ad e exquisite ail . I S adopted by a decisive majority Ion as in of Laj)or citizens saw .him and 1 'called to . � .1 .1 o . fDrCC6 Of Minister of Defence Nooke. "a buttress is a nanny goat." t . $ d elaborate palaces p. ., a stronger. ibeer', � . _ to how the positio J I n . I . - I as � . . hoods,laCanada, Peace Conference , . I � Senate, He says -%-a must take will be affected thereby in future. . Ahera to stop Brake. , 3kake brand- , , I Bible, on this, .Site. � 6­41?aderewski gets a -majority In the conceide deinand of Japan In Tela- 0 hange which - I . Prominent Germa*n Officials, however; '11V� Bald the teacher, "A star,ts for" I . . th'e"'t'r'eaty without any c � I. I 1 3 deelaring their Tlwre are 1,440 roonis In this; palace, election, of an.,A6-sembly at Posen. . `tjon to Kfao-Chau. A despatch received In Copenhagen ished a revolver.alid the people fled, . � 11, . .11ave been quoted a .1 twenty -mile walk at the rate.of four 1,40� ,,-,tch , � alters Its meaning, or leave it. He I .1 I be)Ief tbat revolutionary risings � En s and its courtyard covers. First German Assembly apeeta at , from -Prague says the Czecho- Slovak to cover. Nearing Elizabeth, street - I i I I . thitht have to be faced during the miles an. hour,,and B starts half a,31 91, 000 nieters.:. Two huge 'Column I RAY. I will permit Interpretations, whatever Minister -of War in an. interview de- 33ra,ke slackened speed, '. He was tir- � � .1 hour later at the iate ,of five miles pol, - " is Weimar. 1,Red flag loweridd at Munich and that may mean, expressing, its un- Ing. - I was pretty well vinded my. . I � se expressing conflii� -hour at what point on the Journey forin the gateway and Upon each JSA 7 -Lloyd George -and President Wil- clared that the Magka:rs undoubtedly I l Ill reniflidous tird. Just beyond, a life-, P are planning an attack on _91ovakia self, He halted dead opposite ii ''. . "At the fW 9 -Muni Government lyi, a line of it which has not been though there is 'no Immediate Ilkli- board fence-, and litted his arm -threw . ,. B caich up with All, son. fall at 'Peace ,Conference to Buda est. . � doubted meaning, When there Is hard - deuce that the Government would be , , I abTe to deal with tb,orn. .. . !rat sized ]ion reposes upon a marbie pillar, get Abandonment of conscription. ch reoccupied by 11 � .. . Public -house," Yelledi'one of tile $Chat 1 troops. . . � � aWoned and given many meanings, . I The present German Government is am I . I � - and. White stoue arches conVIete the I�German,Natlonai Asseembly adopte . head of hostilities commencing. his gun. over the fence He then I I . � provisional. constitution and Ebert 4-ChInese, delegates to Peace Confer- permission Is valueless, � lie I . .1.1 ,, dropped exhausted agai * I � I ust the fence, I . . �i a doalition one, with strong repre- Th proprietor of a greengr6o ' ' enirano�. To the westward � is the elected President. . ence resign As a result of Shall. stands as he has always stood, for ilia A �Wireless despatch from Berlin to and I took h1in into custody.pr 11 , I I ientation of the majority Socialists. Shope, - Cry zlorloaa,,'in, arclidd hall witfi. an treaty just as it Is. - . I . London says the Supreme Council at I - .1.11 I',, � I I I I The present premier, Gustav Bauer, I chanced to glance out of I the, I"- la-4tevotution. breaks, out ' in Ron- tung settlement in favor of Japan, , Paris has refused' a request of the, Byrt in the meantime had. followed . . . . Is a Socialist, as it; ,also Preditch plate -glass window and saw a small cline stairyMy of 51 meters. It is to,. mania, Allied powers decide on , 6 --.House of Commons at ottawaPass "The Issue Is clearly ,drawn. tLha German Government to negotla%e a Brialce's companions east along Dun- - - . . e �L� 1, Inoue lghtY Attica, 'n which . Ic , bay lingering around a barr , for Its nit reservations intended solely to pro . . . das Street to A MOrt., the president. I ;1 I al of ap- . 0 how armlsUce terins to 0erm,acy. bill to Incorporate the ,Canadian � � -modification of the Getman froutior Yonge. The Men then I "I �., I .. I ples exhibited on the Pavement. ItHey, Stand three distinct symbols In bronze. 14 -Constitution ,of League of Nations National Railways. tect tile United States in its sover- headed north to. Gerrard Street, West I 11 I LONDON DOUBTS IT, Next Is the Roman Ruin, whose art- , eignty and independence are discarded lines, as they are stipulated In the - I theTe, boy!' ,exclaimed the green- drafted ,by Peace Conferenco, 7 -The peace terms of the Allies peace treaty. , . on Gerrard Street,, -South on Teraulay ­­ I I . ten4on Cable - In, connection grocer, going to thedoor. ;,What are gin dates back to 1780. It Is"charac- 15-Dardanell thrown ap . I handed to the German by the President. The President . Strobt, to XIm street, Whefe Byrt - � I I I Cis an again * preuipo- , I ,with the unconfirmed reports train You doing?" "Nothing," teris,ia of thd RoMan conquors,.but . . , The death took place of James M. caMO upon them. They were exhaust- I � , � laconically is in so, id,lgpl.lat to world trade. Armistice be- tontlarles at Versailles, and fit- places himself squarely. in behalf of 4c- . , ,, larussels of A German Government answered the boy, with his �eyes still _ - � ed a condition at the Internationalism against A-merlean- Macoun.. C.M.G., chlof.of the- Dialog' ed, and Incapable -of fight or flight. I - t I . tween. Allies and Germany ex-� teelidays .given for -them -to sign ism, 41 Division of the, Geological , averthrow, messages from Berlin by -fixed on the barrel, *Xothing, ,ell?" pirreaent er�.'thut but two Or three of . tended. .. or present reply, Su"OY` Byrt,took them into custody And � 11� � � - Way of Copenhagen, received this the steps leading toward one of the . "I ba He was widely known- throughout Can- 1. ' .11 , .. � p I .11 I doubtfully returned the man'. "Aren't . 11 -Death Of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 8 --Admiral Xolehak, head of the. It . 4 ho ad that In the Senate wo marched them, a sorry400king pair, I morning, did not Indicate .that any- you ��m have Come Lt ada. and in other countries Where he .� L trying ta � st PoAals remain, the others be$T19,1ioth.; 19�Premler Clemenceau Shot at by Olirsk Government, continues suc- ogether and rati- to the station. I.. .:,�� � I hqs fied the treaty, protected by the prIn- had a reputation as one of the beat . thing of an extraordinary nature had apple&) "No ,air," responded � B` big bvt crumpled atone. Porh4ps.tha Emil -Cottin and 'wounded Ili the cessful operations against the ]$al- While Byrt and Naylor were out .I ��.' � .1 �,; � , � been forseen In Germany up to late Ah elples set forth In the fourteen res- informed system botanists and as an .,; . 0 best pvesei-Ved part of the rulh*is Its , Ahoulder and arm. shovilks. , . chasing their men. Sergt Martin I I � I � Youligster, "I'm trying not to.:, ell pro . ervaltions. The President, I fear, has expert in the fur seal Industry. . 'L � I � last evening. � tall arch, ,Not far. rcinoved.'fs the 20-11lowlillon., Parliament: aneeta.� Pill 12 -Dominion Alliance Coun . I communicated with detective heaa. - � I � I I .1. I � -, 0 � 6i After the Conceit certain of the art..i. noted Obelisk, resembling a ,needlo raging in�London, England, � tests against dropping.of the red- made this hope Impossible." . I ---. 'u on duty there I � I I I 44 0 11 0 0 i 4 0 +* i6 Isis were relating former experiences, ... 0 � 0 — ' � quarters. All the me - Police cars . 10 I I . . more than most moaumenks'of the 21-Harl Elaneri !Bavarian Premier, eral Prohibition legislation. I Instantly responded. I �. � ''. 11 I I "I was singing A pretty song once," 1 -Ind. Its top is finished In gilt AM, shot and..ktlled ,by Lieut. .Count 15 -Big strike at t"Innipeg, and 2 "REDIS."' I were quickly placed In ,commission, , � I .1 I � : BIMT Isaid one. I 7,000 KEEP - AFTER QUAKE -ROUSES ,­, . . I % �� I It was called 'Row, the. sides I -ear hieroglyphics -of' the Arco valley. men quit work. rody of Edith -1 . I I I - . and after a Wild hunt , Detective- I ­.. - � :: - 11. I I . I I �111 I ITISH WIT Brothers, ROW; the Stream Runs history of Austria, Near by the glorl- 22--i-State funeral of Sir Wilfrid Cavell Interred at Norwich Bing- . . I rgt. Cronin Came Upon Ou-noi seat- , . Fast,' -and when I was half -way ous Neptune Pounitain, Presellits itself, Laurier. , . land, after funeral serviee aiwast.. No Let -Up in the Round -Up J R ed it the wheal ,of his car, on E I in I � I . ­ AND ,HUMOR through the Audience were' bibliffing 24-44). D� 'Mackenzie, ..M. P., North Minster Abbey. -1 I V Street, apparently awalt(ng the lie- . . � backwards and forwards, and 'pulling, and train Schone"Brunnen (beautiful 't -QUIET HICANO SO I I *Victoria, Cape Breton, chosen by .. "I I � 1 *44410 0 is ., fountain), the castle grounds derived 16-Winnipag tied w, by tile strike. ill T. "'S. � . . I I I turn of his Comrades, . . I . � 01 '" - 44---- for all they were worth." "That's �, I P. , OPPOoltion Members at,Ottawa as — � . I , ll — . 1 I "Whiskey, -my. friend, has killed nothing," said another Iheir name. Sc"nbrunu. � . I . I . Three American seaplanes start to - I vctcalist., "Why$ . 4 1 0 � leader for the swelon, naden cross the Atlantic, via the Azores, Washingtoa despatch: New appro. -.­­ 11, ­ More Men than bullets," "That may at my last concert I gang 'The Last 1. ' PGPUI&ce Proclaim a republic Apparently- Extinct One in RECONCILED- 11 'I 1*, Sir, but, belabors, I'd rather be full Post,* and the whole house bogah to : 25 -Opening of Ontario Leglsl�tur 11 -Two of the American pianos priations, aggregating ;1,150,000r, haVe M i it .. I I 0. 1 . . I of Whiskey than,bullets.11 lick -imaginary 6 Postage -stamps, and J I . Herr Gabled Chosen head of the reach'the Azores; time of the first, been asked 1,V Congress: by the Do- RagingNow. , � �.� i. ­ , . MISS � - AND BRITAIN Bavarian GoVernm par use in further- I � I ex co S a - , Y-1 frankly admit I am look- rushed out to the first pillar -box so, as 0 Sm, ent, , 1 13 hours 13 nibm � � . — . � Roum nian Crown Prince . Ing for a husband, Mrs. 0, ­So am 1. I to be sure not to miss the last Colle�- 2 7-�A of Princess Patricia to 18-Australlan avlator, Harry J. Ing the GovernmonVs Campaign to � 1. � . tion.11 ' 'ge Hawker, starts on Atlantic flight cleanse the United States of violent Not Less Than 20�O -Deaths Again in Good Pavor.. - .- ' farria . . U14B Y.-laut I thought You had one. omniander Alexander R., 'Al. - * �� , �. �i Mrs- 0.-80 I have'l, Bad I Spend most, ,,, -Miss. "Muffit had recently Joined the TO' POLICE '�"-EAS Rallaisay, R.N., at We6twinoter train St. John!s, NfId, r4dicallsm. With 2,500 members of . . From Lava. I I ­ .i. I Of my time looking for him. . Band Of Sister$ for Befriending Burg- � ,� , . Abbey. �� 19 -Dominion Government takes Steps the communist and communist labor Parts, Jan. 9. -Complete recon. � . .1 - . . . - . I I -les now Awaiting deportation I , I 1. . MARCH. to Maintain order at Winillpe& part - : 000tok (to fArmer's 'wIfe)-yOUr, lars," and was beirig Shown, over a ._..__..ii_ -_ . I e ilation ha,s been brought, ,about �' husband to not getting On As 'Well as he Prison for the first timo. One prison- 2-Domoblliz�41oix of Canadian, corps 2 I 2-Dominlon ,House of Common$ proceedings, the department stated ad. Roxico) Despatdl-A vivilenit val- �botween Crown Prince iCliarles of � I shoUld, Mrs. Brown. Are you giving or, evIftntly a man of education, in- British Vriter Appeals. for begins. Ainiouneed that the Brit- votes for Petitioning the King to ditional funds will be needed to off- canic eruption has been saused by tile Rollmania, who entered Into a mor- "I � ,, I � � him PIOAtY of Animal food, as I told torested her more than the others, He � fall army is to ibe reduced to abstain from bestowing titiers.-,on set-tho Stubborn legal resistance which recent earthquake noar'Cordoba, where ganatle mnrlilage In "1018, and his 1, I Poolin ­ the radicals ate expected to set up. , .. I YOU? 'Mrs- B.-011, Yes, Sir; but I TOSO and bowed to her when she en. . g of ITavies 952,000. persons living In the Dominion. Cereo de San Miguel, A small and ap- parents, ACccirding to a Paris tewlt,, I think tbat!s it, 110 gets the Oat$ tered his cell, Apologizing for the . � . , . ­_­iiiii,i,,iii,i,i ,. 8--�-Peaee Conference Committee on 25-11arry G, Hawker and his navi. In the meantime the Department of I � , Reparation ceptimate. $1.90,000,000 gator," Lieut. Crievo, picked Up by Justice agents had orders to push the parently extinct volleanoi has been paper. King Ferdinand and queen I i- Marie, with Princess 14;lizabeth, the "*111 all right, but he can't get the poorness of his apartment. Allss .Aluf- To Prevent Pozisibility of a 000 Is amount due Allies by the �s from round -up of "reds," and proceedinks burst again. The new crater is throw- � .�A�f down no-howI tit could not help wondering how this . I British warship 1,100 mile Against the prisone.-s in sever.al. cities Ing out nine newopapar says, Went to v!alt the I .. 'I'l. used to think you were not refined man dairle within the clutches . I efterfly. Newfoundland, . ke, ashes and flame, while . prince on January, 5 at 91stritza, � � . a Wash. , 4 -Sir ,Sam, Hughes in tile (lanadian 26-Vorty-four Toronto unions vote In were set to� begin to -day, lava Is flooding 'he nearby territory Transylvania, where he Is living in I of Your word, John but . I've Of the law. In fact, ad sho was leay. - f i . Commons charges Iblundora Ili favor of A general strike. . I . -*60 I In a strewn more than 200 Yards wide, . , . hged ray, mind 11 "Ab' Yea under. Ing his cell, she said., "May I ask why "' France cawed, malees, mamacres 28- The U. S. plane IN'. (!.-,I completed 99 resulting In no less than, 200 deaths. agarris6n. I � d me .now, irlend �Mltfi. But YOU are In this distr,essing place,!,, Loilklon :Cabler - A strong apIp"eal of ('anadlan trooM . fifth leg of the flight to Llobor. DesDatehos, from Vera Cruz to -day ,. 84 at led you to change your mindQ,f ".'Hadam,ll he replied, "I am here f;r In favor of pooling the Ill.itish and 5 -Lake navig4ilen Opened by tile S. 30-BrItIsh land at Archangel. CAN BUILD HERE give some details of the Catastrol,lib. Crown Prince*. Charles was to - on remember that tw . e hotel!" "Ob, United States navies, and consecrating, orted In a Bucharest deopat,ch on 1�1 o pounds you S. !-NIfteaSsa to Hamilton, a now � 31 -The Strike in Toronto falls to I � I Every nearby eminence in this dis- 1) lWowed fram, lue?,, ,,yes.,F how very Inteorsting,"sald �tlss�luffjt. record. trict has been levelled, Scoro of wor- Nover ber 8 to have rejoined hia ,,well 11 them to the service of the League of become general. the Street Rail- A � � M swe keeping yottr word like 'a "Wore you-er-er-the proprietor?" Nations as an In �- 6-Serlous disturbances In thlo�can- way oniployces deciding'-uot to WARSHIPS NEEDED shippers in the churches at AhUlli- morganatle wife, from which be � Man." General Smuts tollts with gusto tile strument, for bAn- . adian camV at Rhyl, and several abandon their job. . � . uIxtIa and Troza wore buried beneath had been forced to separate by hie t ,y1tHere, waiter, this steak is positive. following story against himself: 111 Ishing War from the Sea$, L will be persons are kliled and wounded, (To be continued.) - . I . � the rains. Great gap3 Ili the earth ap. pwrents chortly after the marriage, I burned black." Made In the weekly article of Alfred I-Ontarlo, Government discontinues - I - -6 0 6' - 11 ".) peared at San Francisco do La ponas, The Prince renouncod his rights to "Yes. air, IMark was once at a social gathering wit'h G. Gardiner, Ili tile Daily News, to. the Provincial war tax. ontariol � ' BRI Ministerof Marine Confi. San Carlos and Agogtadera. the throne, after the andwrilago, and � Of teSDeet, Sir, Our head cook'died MY distinguished friend and c011eRgue, day. : surplus, the largest On retard, b Vera Ortiz tonfirms the earlier re. when he was forced to separate yeaftriday.11 Oeileral, Botha,, 'he says, "when two - Il,jr, Gardner declared that if, 1119 $1,009,719. 1 an port that the village of Ixhuatan was from his bride, tried to kill himself � "Yea, he had some rare trouble with Pretty fIRPI)ers'Of sixteen or so tame through machination �,�: TISH. B�REWERS . . completely destroyed. � 9 In Paris, the 0--l'tioting at the American tage - _40 . 0, . with a revolver, bitt only suceftcled b4s eyes," ,said the celebrated oculist, upbalv,d asked me for my autograph, League ,of Nations, is lost, nothing huts In London, E ngland, in putting a bullet through Mo right . . 'I a e flattered, ,Will pencil '10 V May Build Big Liners for ' AND TH141tt ARV, OT toot. In Deomber, 1919, hof was valid "ID"ry time he started to read he n ' t got a fountain Pen,' I said, can prevent the United St4tes froin Soldiers, oallora and the I ILIRS. would read double." "Poor fellowTo much A11010 -P-111 PLAN TO HIT BACK I remarked the Sympathetic person. ,.I, 'Yes,' said the other flapper; so I do?' becoming the greatest naval power In 10-0,- T. P. XlRilwaY l4nes taken over (Washlugton Star.) to be living in X!,ona",tir, Serbia. I took the world, and that this situation - the D.N.R. "I can remember whon pecvle thoughl - — I � .. I seppose he can't get work?" ,,Not&t out MY pencil and.signed my name in would produce a feeling Of anx.laty in by the Dominion Goveramont. Its- th6 telepholic was ,,,oniething invosm1ble.11 , 460 strictions on importa from all — � , . ,," 2*,flss Cayenne, "ours A 91AUtIltLfL COMPLOXION. I ull. The gas company pay him well the daintily bound little book that she England, which could easily develop : Parts of the British Empire to It .. tio road ga,i Meters." had given Me. The flapper studied into suspicion and perhaps Into on- Great Dritain removea. British Against U. 8, for Its Prohl- Monbrestl Donatch-(By the Cahad. ' - - Thttt charm rty b "cured by using tile signatura with a frown, Tha she tagohism. I i; and Ion Pross)-Tlon. 0. C. Ballantyne, (London Punch.) . "Gorrlo'6 JerxeY BAIM." It beftutiflos had siven a lesson In An InfanWolaeg Ile contends that the Initiative for. Minister of Marine, announcM last i A tetchi�r in a big elementary school ,coke(, up, and said, 'Aren!t you Gen Frenich Governinelif.1 agree to bitiot Emissaries. and prevent. roughness al I Chapping on the ton Commandments, oral Botha?, ,No I I said, ,rm (4en- the pooling of the navies a Id COMe � the eonAtruction of a tullnel FLCroEe - night that the Government lista under Tli 4, SUALTs ITAT'L. of the skin, Every 1.�dr hbould use It, In order the EnjKlish Channel. a light fingered gentry, ill a,r)po.1t1,g consideration the building of passon- are lesuinhig their Dre-wilt. 0ec131)ft1l,)jj' Prim 21 I -The 1nterprovIn(,!n1 TAbor i�onfer. Would Stir Trouble Among sor steamers of 16,000 gross tons Ill ()aly last weel, it 8060v Tattv lmd a now James street nor0h. 091L oral Smuo4.` The' flapper turned to from England, bqvmum the tritish sea 14 ric. at GerrieN1 drug store, 22% to - Umt .their Memorles' S' 0 asked: her friend with a shrug of disgust. power Im actual, while that. of tee ov "No. any little obild give Me a Coln- id.00 enco at Calgary decide upon ,,Ono hig froek stoleu rrorn her reticule. ---'--* 0 0, — fusadmeut with only fbur AFL United Staten Is pot4dritial. Big Union" , ikubj&ct to a rereren. Negroes. conueetlon with the Canadian Nation. t'v("11 . . AN. . words in ,. ._.___.1,.,0.++__ ­ ­­* � 4 Vi � 4 6 * ---,, It7' A baud waa rals�d iintnedist,ely, THOTIGTITPUL. STnAT94Y. dum, as alwo breaking loosio from I al Itallways. Mr. Ballantyne briefly 'Up. -t plent.y of Mime. ,mp llagnt. January 9_ -Tho, H%r,icond ­ . ly r 4 Y" ohnnilofrof 11nr1larA*nt VmtOrlftY stftPt- . ----"In your portionx of pork and ' 2ifr ,10nP*--CAft`t I -' 0 1 el to 15 -Hydro ftdial by-law carried In London Calble--The British 1&*w. ton Government merchant marine, and While a reporter was telephoning �d by a veac of 49 to 26 a bill authorft- ��**U,11 said the teacher, "Keep ott 1,0t(ron International control, reviewed the optrations of th6 Canad- was the reply. benimll. nhy do you sivio so dny a out At enrinx your knir ovier Tir ftra? 6 %9:11"W'"atie Yery flas "Arlo, bIlt 0 0X11r17 one* --Oh, Yes; by Ing rne +tamllton by M majority. Ing Interests, Infuriated by t1t4 10. kv- stated that the new profits on the his stary from Sing Sing a conviet itig a fe.treed tive per rent. lomn of 460s- .. `14..1i1,1,!:..,,,,, so.#.,, Xjr, we dotq dismonloarrInga,, 13--D'Aths It all &4 &Mies 6"0904 rein of the prohlbltion cam,I)IIArk"126 sit"Mobip nervica had been a Very haratrioring on the floor Made it hard Pm,(M r;orin4. (The norm4tl valwo of t?4* fiftsbow Join$$' fr1*14 Nelfted blar. vm"t t,0 7,tido th4 m.., , flerin ie about 40 cents). = Ili the G"At War 40timsit&d Rt O." again urging that as a r#prI.ja,1 al;t- ,11",dwme one. for the reporter to bear. The law pwovido-t that eypry rmto)rmao in " "'"*�* Of tli"A' 'i- a 400 — WIf4--To-%aorrow Is tbe agwv4rmry 000,0100 and the Cost In Money It Ish alnimsarlas should be sent to) t�* Mr. B411antyne alxo stated that be "Would you mind stopptiag for a with piojo,rty vAlved At wore than W. " 10 I llr�"- 101il" 11*d it Is it XMt WTOtU estimate p*o- of ow vrad-dism AP7. WAM Uall w1b $11n,0100001001 OT $1110,00,0000 , 0 A,Outh&Tn otxtft to Stir Up tMab"'a wow 'Ift0stwd that Canadian ship. few mlnut4a?" asked tba reporter J" florins or *n InOM* *f W&ft th*h � = . wby d'i 7" 914 by outsido appsaran-ces. fot it to - d4 &boat It? TU* PM*Wor 60s,smy) ,mrz, This FlaKnoial b`aI%,W4 will Vo ablo to build any war- "All riSht. b,csx," said tk* ,;;�vict, 10,000 tl*rl"s must slub"rit,o. !, arl litatlaco f r hilr 081,t witMil vh;ax makes tias maa�_ I -�-Pl mv"* we a-baill Aaye �o ftice , v0%,a elf North Amorft. News to-dtj ob t )r aamtavw4s this "A tkiat 00a W ro"irod by this "go to it - To ptn.wsra I'no 00111tava'IftIVUL Sod IV* a �Oist that ;WIS v wsx 1 got twolty years to 11A P t ,F�,"kr*,W`2�,�4,14�1,,V,"* :1A4X4 1.40t.a9l. trA b,W of W-W40tv, 44*4m, ' W-Dritift 00V=WVft lat"OpI04t saksuv, I fwmu4*tsd VY 00041'V to Wo iob. I slIwAt is Me but a&**iw to o0ofty. I . I If .1 IN ­ I I I � I ­ I Af I � . , :;[�,,. . 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