HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-01-15, Page 2��Uh,_AJLO_ .__Aww�_010�� __ - _. . . . 'fir . . � .1 ... I .. - ... * - __ .- - ___.___ ---,-,, ... ­ %� 11--l-ww"'T� � polwZ�-WIM1166 I ..��_ U..�-,:i.-.:�:'"---��Aii;6-".i.�-�;.��4-�. -, � , ­ - �. .. _�, _ ,. �;.gl _ . � - . -1. __ .1 ... ­ _ .­ W .44��_. - ��111 11 11 - I _­ ­...................... I � . - , - I I , : I . Z=1 , A 1� I ,- � I I .1 . I I , , � , 11 - - — J . r— _ - ­ - I K W . I V11t, I 011"Unity tor ftaruag & rs,ralutl4a. I H"Y"AEV � Oftew wmx.� � K47 =V"Zoat. j� A" 4 I lj� es c ; % 11 , I oliiut 0% I �' I'll I I � - - M_ iht*4 - � , �� , co4mon , IN KINNS tX I " , 11 I . .1 � What did they do with tbA apostles? � I , '... � kAiuwI#dg# to 4:1000 obsmors of the I 11 � : flow many oonverts did they bAlre I I L, situittion. It Is mud to b* invocAdblo r I for the British authorities under the ~ 0050* 4104L4% aspisa The Bolds4ee of peLmr "A 30,hg, . eallod tosoth#r? law* of tree &Tff '" *& LaMMON n I. JO& Tjtkri . that do,y? What groat eoilnoll was � � liberal WST TO BEA 91 I - . N �00zc� Why did they wait mP*Kh to do mueb more th" watch U&N "Ama I-Irlat 4. 9.21. till utorning? Whitt question wAs - - " An I the P"09r6so of events. The mere fact -.�_ &an ��$* Ow I " Ukod th(i apostles? �Give the main that an Individual. or an organimalon C0=1g*l1t&n­l- Peter and Job* p7ointa in peteeg reply. Why ,did the I I 19 allied with the Mascow intergation. XOntrftl Italian Returned ; 9�% 1K - __ i . 410 and to preaching revolution by ­ � � - 11.M=_ RU,sr arrest (ft 1A). Pster'v addrwa People mu,vol? What did the San. BY Pu HE POWERS ""' u&trA and Wax murdered 1; I& "01110a's Porch, in which be do. kedrin docide to do? Why did they I I M- I 111111101140 Is declared to be insufficlent ( 04w*4 the resurrection of Christ, not punish the apostles'! Who glorl. ground for police action. In other I 0 & 00Q;�� �� . "=46d the ooDfaitition -of the priests, fled (;od? Why? #04 V words, It 10 declared, the British gn . 1�1 th% OffieW in charge of the temple —, A0000% WkW00406 '-" PRACTICAL SURVBY. Exchande of Rafittc--l-tons :'------------ thoritles. broadly opeeking, esnuo; ­ ----- * P-01 4 000 V4Vd and the Sadduvees. The Sadda- elpN, at , Be- I which won,d del, BY 00HU900 He H4d = c*" were An influential Jewish sect at Tople--The need and source of ght It Darwin could take Preventative measures, but must "Double- Crooned, " I ,,Am ,. a live for ortough centuripa to ob, be content to deal with ,some actual Du,d* � thU t1rue. They rtjWe(t the dootrine. 10bristlan eourage. I serve it---tbat .experiment , . ie of literally event, I I —_ of the resurrection and did not believe I. The first persocUtion. tween' All" s and -Germany h *AMOY"% � . M, I mixing AtWlellt Portuguese and pro. Great Britain con, and does, do- � In thit UIRtence Of angels. Peter must ll. A noble defene*6 Columbian Iudl,tri stock with that of po# undesirable alienox but In the t"Woatxtal DesPatcll' ­ Returning Mw � tkRy,o oQutlaued his dIscourso for two (rom Ills Place of refuge in Hamilton - "" No** VW I � ho4m. jJ*c# 4a and .YoUxt wefit up to lll� Christian tourage aud uni I Other B,uropcau and North American case of British subjects the, rsituation where be had hidden for two months mlio 11", �" pop"-- __ ­ ­ -1 , , ,The inoldents of tile lesson 11 P0411clat dcuirmraey in a social do. is more delicate. There ere several I 11 11 Jug the Imprisonment of the spostle4. --- mocravy wilich 4006 not f, extremist Organizations ip London as the Police Were looking for him on no the teuipla'at about three o�Clbek in !,7i -d- After � Ger man Envoy S)"gned the, Inch at the charge Of attempted murder, Francis. I P,�_-e.- tho afternoon and lie began to speak acid to,�l Of inter -marriage, and In various parts of tile country- co Riverso,mernberolnotorlous, crim- *400070 PAO "w"V^ � 8JhQrtlY after that and It was "even. constitute the official answer to Whitt ; some Political and Othe'.0 allied with inal gang, waB murderptl by �� precedes., NVe have studied the first * . "Tho3o who do their arm-chatr tray. � the extremist 147)orites-which avow, former 16aW * Is" o4 $r#* X** t1dV' when they were arrested and Conquests of the Christian church. We i Scapa Flow, Protocol ailing with only the fl(IMOR rOroancera colleagues, who claimed lie had dou- placed In prison. . It was then too late edly Are Bolshevist or Communist, ble-crossed them. *"Not#^ � for thelli to be Inought before t14 . now VrOmd to Its first conflict witb. for guJdw, and 80 conclude that La. Individual agitators daily are � : Sonliedr1n, for.that body could alt an hed, but degenerate. tiXt-Anicrica is an p,rea ,of revolution spreading about hugh quantities of RIVerNO bought olgars In a grocery 40� - ""054, �'. 0! i PA""I". ,,,,,l. -- o a dellbevftive body onW by daylight, Judaism of its, day, - I � , Paris 06ble,The Gem' and, tran,spiallted aristocracy, should � at the corner Of Davidson and Ontarlo - persecution. it if, A Wag o . - I = peace treaty protocol ,.�,all th(,,,p . --t u r I I * ,fF 'Lery Of th, written propaganda and also loq�ur) g 1. The first ,it comparatIvell a , Streets for himself and another man. Alth Mon '' theratote t.�,e apostles were pluced "in I igued by G ' PEaceful, steady evol tjo of t a r4. throughout th country, There also They ,seemed friendly. Wbon they striUlug fact that all reforms flavo f a dozen periodicals hold u4to-flis next day," The preach. emADY's representatives here toAay, u rt h 0 are soine hal. 0 D.D.S., L.D.S. , � Zillan republic, Undisturbed by revolts which are out and out 1,red,­ And , stepped outside, the groceT was Doctor -of Dental Surgor.v of the Fe,uo. , ro I I their origin and' greatest opposition preliminary to the ceremony 'tif,eat,0110 or Impor,aut Civil wars. amazed to see tile other mail, Who sylvania College and Licentiate of Den� 149 vras by no mean(; Ili vala, for the , O(exch&nging, , PoPle believed the message. Within'the church. At the moment Brazil's con. some of them make no protenal 'I � when the usefulness of the apostles Putting the treaty into effect, StItUtIOU Is modeled atter ours. Sorge. hiding the fact that they are One at had Just accepted, the treat* draw a - tal Surgery of ontario. IL, Peter's Defence (vs. 5.12). 5.7. SOOM04 tO be at Its height and �tbelr tIme-4 wbole Passageo will be found c4ting Soviet rule in England, o,dvo- revolver and shoot Diverso, who tell Closed evor3, Uredneedvw &Iterpoon. The poxt, morning the Sanhedrin as. words � and. Works were affecting a Biron. Xurt von Le rioner, the head Of the Gem � word for word, and her plan Of gov. There are only a few big "red" lead. dead, With one bullet in ills brain and Office In Macdonald Stock. 1 .4 . I . another in Ills body. The assailant � --N, q , ___ .. . � sealbled an(I t4 ' 1. an ernmont Is strikingly similar, even to ers, but they have a suffIcient Tel- flew, an w 4 , � ! . . rQ was takeu to have ,entrance tuto the ueitrta', of -the people, nussion, affi I d ban Ch "a by an onlook. the Oromineut member$ Present, for they were apprehended, Two motives oiciock. 9113tUre to the protocol at 4.09 Ouch details as ,provision for a capital lowing to form A dl sl ad nuala. W. R. Hamb` I � . I zittlon!00TI 2 -Hyde, W � tile -case to come before It was an Int- may have entered Into the opposi, which sonlO day Is t0be built for the eir whole ef- erp Arthur lie turned at him and � POrta.nt one, Aunas was #n ex -high t1on., � T,he,mlracla. was acku, owledged * Purposes as Washington was, but in fort now is centred on sowing the pointed his revolver, Yelling "Leave &ON M.D., 0-M, prieRt and Calaphaa the acting high to b(� viudeniAble. Its subject was . . RATIVIED1 the central Inland district, as Wash. seeds of discontent and they me alone, or I'll kill you tool�f Hyde . are bank- . "W= on &14 too 41SO&W Ing on the employment of then abandoned the chase, * an I was not, Dlv6rgoneleo due to Mob Psych- Riverso was rODUted a "bad man" taken d 1141roll, boyJAS PrA64t, 010 same officials who had par- Well kROWItt Was Present In person, Paris Cable. - The trQ"%ty Of Vers,MlIels, Making 4"'a"Utoon"al temperament exist, 1�1 ticiPAted In the trial of Jesus S. till- and by voice and action attested the There ology in starting trouble I by -the Police, and was wanted for at. CV7. ortology and SosmUft _ are no partles In Brazil, as we know of a widespread strike, .according to == usto woft 14 sw�p 04 Vilth the Holy 014ost-Ag, -he and reality of his restoration. The first peace between Germany and th6 ratifying allied pow ' them. The .Latin-American prefers the m1thorities, tempted murder Ili a rooming house MOROI** the Fest �Pf, the OAO hundred twenty 04480 of Complaint wao that 11th W I er'St were og tile day of Pentecost. An -oc- taught the peol)le.,i . I The "red" Idea, It to asserted, Is. to On St. Felix street early In Novein- 005" In the Rerr midsm- l- , ey as put into effect at 4,15 0 Pelock ihis afternoon by the Personal Iftderalilp, to abstract Plat- wo bar, when tie stabbed Felipe Centric, tw*ft *0 'Qu"W, aotoi-i;w ia- . caslQu bad arlsen at special importance gave it stroil The ralracle forms. Thus opens a fascinating field rk for affiliation with existing or - g leverajo-for the go�pw .1 exchange of ratifications. , o I atIll, In hospital, The killing x4tist cybulok and lie was prepared by the Spirit for � � for the student who would g4nizations, rather than for the area- wh s by I It The Promise of Jesus to his disel- messake. A consciousness of priestly The entire ceremony, which, took+,' observe . t1on of new ones, The agitato.-s can. of ItiverOO' was undertaken the AA bufts" W04 "Tqtd %#W401% . __�__ -_ What fratt two racial branches will not be reached by the law, ex, - neglect may have rendered the pr1isto Place in the Clock Hall at the French . . . 0�spt gaug, after a solemn vow of ven- P%"6 K P. 0� ift us Plea (Mark 13, XJ) livae ab4ut to li?.Ve nncAsy., - The Influence . , bear after being grafted on tile same for direct Incitement to revolt or Xor geance against him as a traitor, Of the $ad-' Forelga Ministry, was completed by constitutional tree. . I 1. A a &­;­ i , A fulfillment, rulers- The heads Of ducoes, a rival seet of the Pharlaeos, 4.16 O'clock some other breach of the poitze. the tVrellty-four courses of priests. Who denied, the.. res4rrectiort,, is ap. , Peaceful relations "Induatrially Brazil It s been a Famous Albert Hall, with all jto Dr. Robit C. RedMond 04ors-Twenty-four leading, Citizens, between Ger. boom country, as growina 0A.0inal Ntll,to King, . - -4 parent, The preaching of the restxr-; AkaAY and the greater number at the , I 9 countries historic associations connected with U&C.4 (MRS.) . � - 110da Of families, elected'to places Ifi, Wetion' Of 'Iesus with its attendaPt nations engaged In the great war with are apt to -be, and each boom-eGf. the throne, has been used for wnitt John Fong I ?i;T;&) f �� � the Sanhedrin, In addition to these truths threatened their faTorlte dog- her are established by the action . te0,41amOnds, r0bbor, dye woods, cot- virtually were Bolshevik meetings, at : bler, LK&K : � I MMICIAN A440 4URQW& � twenty-two scribes or professional U, S, is OUTSIDE ton and gold -added force to the which extremist speeches were de- Was the Original potato king. lie cob. , � ma. - This was head and front of taken in Paris to -day, The peace l huge, Industrial snowball which Is live.red and "The Red Flag" was sung bled shoes for sailors in Portsmouth � (Dr, QUILQ�Mlx 01& $t&44)1 * t0cliers of the law were added. These their offencef In the eyes of the Saddu- treaty now goes Into effect as bo. "----"- grolligg down to Rio' front a hinter- to t 9 the � rulers, elders, and 4�ribes together With Ceeff., , I - tween a--- A 11 he accompaniment of tha' roat and 'was grieved by the sight of - - � ,00 41A. ,priest: constituted tile San. bodrin, "Vetet 'addressed thli. body� -J —1 4, WOO powera iga�, IL A noble defence, The second have finally ratified It—Great Br itain, Londoll Papers On Peace land Of unknown Wealth and re- Orgau." Similar. meetings rogularly, ragged boys who ran about the quays. He I . . with becoming rospect. 0, the good Christian. apology � IB. not Bee . Ond in Praneq. Italy, Japan, Belgium, Bolivia, clearness or euvrage to that of Pente. Brazil, Guatemala, Panama, ' . J R,%tif!041011 To-da,y, sources aligost as limitless and di- f the 'United States. are hold In Hyde Park and other set himself the task of rescuing - . places'la London, and the poij"�a ;Dre them- A hot'p'otato was a wonderful df;0�—The apostle was uotalow.t(ydd. Peru, cost, The source and secret Were, Po and, Siam, Czecho and I .Sloyakia . . I 1__._-� 4 'Note, too, on your map, that In all � bound to protect the speakers so lon e Youngsters. John 00'ra- that It was. for a good deed that � `11�:Aud John were arrested. Both the, the same. N w, as then, the speak-- Uruguay. . er was "filledowitb the, Holy Ghostl� r s the 'of thal must Go On, but Hope She I this VUt land there are no deserts, like those of Africa; tuat tl mighty as there to no actual breach OC the Pounds set his bait. lie offered hot peace. Potatoes to boys Who Would come to . he' - InVing of the Cripple and the Preach � 4 Vf the gospel Were good deeds, Im- flimt This, made tile difference between five great Powers represented In the Peter before the ascension and Peter Suprome Council Peace, . 'Will come in. Amazon has some 2oo trlbu'tearles, Of which -halt now ate navigable; Still, Great Britain va-I'Villisly Is him and be taught to read and Write. not unduly discouraged .-it the tronO Often he was seen pursuing a boy I Potent—HelPlesS. , 10. be , It Irnowit i Unto YOU all—Peter'was reaO to on.' of tile Con�. ' after It. It was. not mere natural' ference to take such action, being tot. courage, of whloh�ho had given ovP lowed by France, ­� and that #he Aloe on Is -but one among tile roster of Bz I razi Iiin rivers, of events, believing In the Power of along the wharves holding out a Pa- the law to COPO With BUY actual ht- tato like a farmer trying to catch ' � � ,bwer the question 1hat -was- asked him � ­_ ,and bold In .Ai4kIng. the Italy and Japan. dance that he posaesed but little. Theil The United States alone of the' 'big boldness of those'-'fiahlearaed and five" has LOU0109 Cable — Regriet over ,&M� erlqa's absenteation from participat- such as the Negro Ma delra, the Parana and th6 San Francisco.,, a tempt to use fame, and trusting In colt with a feeding of oa�s. Usually tile good sense Of the publ:c not workroom to John crowded his narrow -declaration. , I 1W th , a nam�ai Of'JeSils.- ChrIst'of, Nazar- ig-1 not ratified the treaty. As hot4ht - men�! attested 'their fotmer the list Shows, formal orleals abstention of .the treaty o f Versailles is expressed . __4V*.0._ be misled by propaganda. . with his charges. When he died 'it -6 9 , 'eth—Through fho'nutliotitY iind power -ratifications: ,companionship with.. Jesus and ppr.4 have been vIven b —, 0 - . in 641torials *. � was reported of him. that he had � . . . 11 - a small. a mornings newspapers, . 011 - ____ — � ­ _�� I Of him wile, Was of Nazareth, a tlo- PlOxed. th9ir persecutors. They were dr �owers signatory to iPAIT2012141551. saved 500 childron to useful citizen, % olsed C4, -. the � li fraol ' Wits wrough the treatyj "America's absence,,, says the 'Tel, rJUNI MR Lift ship.' I 6, , t. ,Confounded by their prisoners, e!6� China did not sign the document, be, a�graph,l "clouds alike 011e prospect of ' i F W110M yo cruelfied-Peter was stand. , quenee. Both IiAd ggrbatly c the , sent and th-e future, It we ______ -c-t-0- , hanged cause of her objections to tile Shall pro ' ,� , * ak. Budget to Carry Gospel to +-��*-*�o-#-4-4�__..,. SAYS EGYPT TO I Ing before 'the, very body that had � it, `04466 they lUd" deserted'and denied I tang provisions, but Proclaimed 14 ens Profoundly the moral authority I . I 1 few Weeks, before Condemned Jesus on �`tho'Mitster, lu'the �U'Our`,Of his: aPPre* state of peace with Germany, � OX: the League Of -Nations, and consQ. I I � quently the sense Of security regard- the World. A 10 -false. testimony., and caused him to be -hensidif. ,-ThInga had,greatly�allauged The treaty not only HIGH UP IN AIR Plants Ned I Ing . .Put to death� � �,He hid 1he opportunity ob�ice the tra,psal4ions In Geths�rgano terms of peace with Germany, but the Immediate future. Instead of I . BE INDEPENDENT � . to preach Jesus to this company -of, :bQth with ,themselves and with i . AlblantletClItY, N. J., Despatch -_Tho .be contains the League of Nations cov. )law machinery for the now world's in of $1,320,214,551 was fixed In For 1" anning .. high offIcials, itid'he told th6tif,witli Vaster. He btid ri0h'dud ascended ellant and the Provisions for the in. future guidance standing 7eady and Workers On Ohicago Build. " , SOMi-inspir d toura'go the truth4 they " 'nd had given his �Alnifghty Spirit, by -1 tornallonal labor organizatiog,. The'l Completed, Waiting only motive pow- a report aubmV,ted ta-day to the ,44-o.+.44444444.444-,�.++�++44-+.++. I x0eded to b 0 . . 'a document lug in FierceStruggle + j.Grand Nufti Firm Against I ear., ,� � - , which they 'were 'Instructed. and sus. comprises fifteen parts, er to set it going, the ingehine is -not Inter-Cbur�ph World Movement Con. Note). I - 1, . . Ili. the. stolle4hieli w,45 Get -at talned: , They �werek superlinglanly With numerous annexes, It Provided yet Put together. The United States . I- ference in seeision. here, as the least _ - nought -Reference is made, to.. pst�. inspired. and empowered. The, Sttg- that as soon as it had been ratified still stands outside. The Allies have amount that will But -flee to finance The essential feature in tanning Is Milner's Plan. . 1 118* 22, 'Thef1gure is tha't OV'a's-tano bedrists were in ,perplexity. The mir- by Germany and three of the prh waited until they, could wait no longer While People in .Streets the proposed nrovement to carry the the ..precipitation Of golatine by the - __ 11 ,V chemical substances to Which tihe . . acle could not be disputed, nor the; ar- Allied and associated powers, a pro* general term "tannin', Is applied, as iPresent Unrest Due to Di . . being.- Judged by the builders as unfit lCipal and must now go forward alonei deep- - Gospel to every part of the globe. ' I toe At.1144-,Irli the sttu6juro;;hUt later I gument of the. apostles overthrown. Cosa, verbal of the deposit ly -.sensible, of the loss they have bus- Look On Helpless. The Burn includes the $99G,412,192 I .1 s I d to be thO very one rl�ede4 - fbr The'klo�y of"th4'niltacle waTdistlact_ tIons should be drawn up, frogithe the .result Of which hidee become . � tong �ca 'of ratitl' Wood, but still hoping that sooner or which Contracted to ral$o-Scr -all pur- : l I . . later they will bQ rejoined by the leSther. appointment. �. I th',- Most important. 'land prominent '1�_--�hBeilbedAo Christ and his saving date Of Which the treaty . ,04kicaga Despa,tdh Poses during the next five Years, to- � I plate bai, It., WOU14 Come great 4public.11 " NOmeroue,per- The tannins are of -very Wide oc- I . ­_ I 1A. neltIter1r. there sal. triiih and power Vel$00'rted. . - , , . into force as I�etween the powers A . $0118 stood In the vicinity of the gather with $250,131,477 for special currenee in vegetable kingdom and — L I I vatfort .,In,- any ADthor-r4n. one, so tegee � ,111.' ChrisUart .. Courage , and unity. which had ratiff The Paily News contends: I north abutment of tile ne higan types of undenorginatialial, activities, Occur In almost all parts of the plant, Cairo ca,ble: A conversation be- . � P�iii declared the 1, L , , , 4 ad it. The treaty "A new world order, from which w Xic and V3,670,882 specially for use in '1' I (I L noffleleacY, of the CoiXtrar 'Will enter Into force for each other Boulevard link briage this morning . L .L . . , y to: the e%pectatiort of its In- - forms and Ceretrionle4a, of tlid Jewish ' Power at the date Of t1le deposi, 'of America, or, for that matter, Germany areas into which none of the denom- but not ,always in sufficient quantity tween Vise3unt Milner,,., -Special Bilt- � �IsYstegl to SaVe any one. Jesus in the stigators, ,the '_'Itostility directed Its ratification. 11 Or Russia, or any considerable frac- and watched ,two otritatilra to be of commercial itilporta Ish COmmissioner, with the Gran(I against the ClAritlahal resulted in un -L . ere engaged In 'Iron wor.k- Inatloge thus fair have carried nee. In L MO619`etecQRQg1Y,' � gone other name- � Iting' tM31d ��Iftbre Closely together. In October last a �ufflcle , tion of mankind, Is excluded, is for- a life -and -death battle Christianity's b*adget. . the plant known as Canalgre (Rumex 'Mufti Of Egypt, Who is the religious .; L On the olender beams of the steel IlYahenosepalus( 'which is ,really a chief of the Aloharnmedans in Egypt. I I -Of POWOrs had ratified the treaty to : The newspapers urge that . t Is ad. framework, 150 feet in the air. S con- species ot dock occurring In Texas, Is reported in the newspaper Bi *1isr, L , : . . ,It mu avi 'Pleiced "'his hearers"11 TWY `w6re of � bile hearV and of one nt number doomed to failure." Fascinated, .they saw one of the Dr. J. B. Hingeley, who ha It Is found in the roo es In which . beart;4 deeply when peter told them soul-.�'1� One,coolmon purpose Possess- c0rAPIY with the requirements for Its , visable to press on with the el ducted the survey for ministerial re. that lesus Whom they had crucified ad 416111, - IlLtoll"t110311 in the truths effectivenesa� Because of the'staking tIon' of the League, onstrue- men scale a beam at the pinnacle Ilef and suppoTt, ,declared tba,t 51 such as Hemlock it ,the Grand Mufti Attribu,4o(I 1, even in the event of occurs in the the present ' troubled spirit to the I 'was the only one who Could save them_ believed, emotionally Ili the itiprome Of the liltA.Med German warships . by that America determines to remain the structure, seize an Iron cudgell per cent. of the Protestant ministers . bark,* in the Sumacs, it Is abundant . . country's disappointed expectation re - I . or,rhAY,On%11J - their offlc�rrs and Crew$ at Scapa Flow, In America average loss than $1,000 In ther le-aves; while In still other garding its independence. I . , 00, '. -, �,: , - , . . affection cherished'they were "of one outside, because "there Is reasonable and elo4ly descend, swinging It In L, III, The Apostles Relea�ed (vs. IS- ' deebrd; of o" inind" (Phil,, 2; 2). In- AOwev0r, and the failure of the Ger- . hope ,that, once the League Is In be- ever -nearing arcs at the head of the a- Year ill,salaTY, -and that by the ln� plants It Is found In the fruits or in . Lord Milner contended that a pro- . � . =)A , 42, ,unlearned .and, ignorant men ,Stead - of -- being, 'intimidated, the mans td live UP to some Of thef Ing, this attitude 'will ultimately b man below. � come tax returns of the Government certain pathological growth ,known tectorate was necesary to 1?1qypVs In- . . ­Petft an(f John bad not studied un, apostles were Inspired (Y. 33). Fresh armistice terms, the Allies ort,Nov, 1 come irapossible." . a" They shuddered as they saw the Of last year, only 1,671 pastors o,f as "galls," ,M011 as thoss ,on various ter08ts and that a discussion could , . der the great Jewish tellchers of the �Attg.Statlolls, of divine approval were' .,demanded that before the treaty was )Referring, like other Journals,, to weapon GtrIXe the maWs head twice, ,churches,* or less than one per cent. species of Oak. settle nine of ten disputed points. The � . 4aY, and they Wert ordinary It-kinejI, received., The B�irit of consecration Put into effect Germany should sign Political conflicts irk America regard- sending him reeling -toward the � of the entire numiber,, received as , _AanOng pIftfits growing wild in Alufti replied that no Egyptian would � aa; tbs O.�lp - . a Protocol Providing for reparation Iles edge of a narrow scaffold. . much as ",000 a year. Canada which . enter into discussion except on the 1. , 441., Of the I Word Ilignor- ,,%as deepened. W. H. C. . for Ing the League and the Versat contain tannin In con. . � �,AXIV IMPIlin. They marvalled-Potek ... I., .. ��,.'-. � :,�!L.a.L, . the destruction of the warshipsi and treaty, the 'Chronicle' says: . Wolgan turned away when the . sidera,bl . . , I . - - - I guaranteeing the carrying Out Of the. "The Position is not very reassuring I .0 � - , e quantities are the follow. basis of independence. Lord Milner � at* loly 'Urit, i armistice terms. . species; The bark of He,mlook maintained that some Egyptians were ! I , , � to Europeans who are living in rought the bit down (Tau willing to , I I . . arried members of .the .1%1, , I . Since that.time the question of th a acrose the right ,shoulder- of the man go, ,canadensis) yields nearly 14 discuss the subject, but stonlahed A' Y " 'Ot"'CE � a world shattered by war." Pezeelit of tannin, the 'bark of White fear deterred them. . I and Zahn: filled with -the if . oudgel-wielder recoiled from a last tug � *66 wli� , ,tvenitho le ' & Dower th Is _ effort and b COAL FAMINE IN , _1__, I tux 107, of,- the -�Ows. -Took �kno,,W_ . . � protocol, and particularly the'repera. I - . beneath. - I .1 I ' Spruce (Pic0a callRdensts), TaimPrack The Grand Mufti replied, "Rvery �leftq of them-Thei reCO61z�.d the � � I rfIX �: P1046rat tiOn Provisions in It, have been under 4 4 0-4 0 # 6 * i * 0 0 0 0 0 ++-*-*"-+ Tile victim, Matthew -Charnbers. i (Larix larleina), and ,Ralsain gir country has its traitors, But any ,� I I 1. negotiation ,between the Alleld Su, .. . I turn slowly, as It about to topple (A4'bles balsameQ, contains 7 per patriot would refuse to enter Into ia&a b:a4 been -influenced slid ,GmPo,w:. - , . . I S" Preme Council and the German Gov� 'BARITISH CITIES Cent. to 14 per cent.; the bark of such discussion." h, ,tesug . ,�fo I -Y'h6d been wIt , 'Veter, was seen to stagger and ,Fact thai the , R r. I ; . . . , I. Into the river below, but with an at. Chestnuts Oak .Qt PrInus), , The Commissioner sought to con- , eAA by -bIld., They, had .received .his , � I I 1. erurnent. It"Was only within the past , I , ..,opirit an4... oppl;a as.. be., hod spoken, 11, . � . ! � . I I 'fortnight that the situatitti be , to 'I "+++ - - ___ , seized one of the ropes which held and Ited . Vince him that Creat Britain, was ac- , , RR ( ,iercus - . 1� d s � ay nothing against jt_�Tbe I I 1, 1� ­ � � . gan AziL fort he exteAded his loft hand and White Oak (Quer-cus siba,), I 11 1. y clear all adjustment of the tonnage Oak (QuarcUS Tubra) Yields 12 iper tuated by friendship and did not wish I 11VINT 96vlet,ture' --Secret I he P,06010'01 Joi-6salern had pou. I � ArY In demands upon Gerigany being the scaffolding. There he. swayed, al- Distress is 'Acute in the 15 per cent.; the wood of to impose her will tor.olbly, although 't feabhed, It# - a i .. � s 6 # s o +++++4.+� mcot unconsclouG, while rescuera American 'Chestnut (-Castane% den- able to do so. To this the Grand Muf- I knovvrk I the � cripple: who had .1gin � at oi- ­ J cent. lo l U. S. Makes Charge, Of thp commissions now beglailing The U. S., National Geographic so. swung a derrick toward hIM Ile man- ' Populous Gentres, tate) yields 8 iper �cent. to 10 iper cent, tI replied. . I I . Is the � I I .; Reparations commission, whose spe- "As religious chief, I can only say the tempi$ 'gate for Years, and object � . - their librk, the most Importint, clety has Issued the following bulletin - aged to fasten himself to the derrick of While the otems and, leaves of:pity and eharity� and -they gaw,him, , . beforo them Completely healed., ' colloething what It terms "the giant hook and was lowered to the ground. =Ignt species of Suglas aontaln 11 . 0 cial duty will be to regulate Ger- I . - � � and affirm that it is impossible to 15� Conferred ant ' theind4lVips- repo Schools Closed for Lack of O� ,per cent. to"M per cent. ation of the futility of .ong Wants t ­Oive V,vidence be. blic of South America": "Throw bila 'In the river," shouted 10 convince the n Peter hiLd 'fully aliswored their ' ' many's Payment of itidemnifleation "Giant-Ilke, but far from eleoping, other fron workers, .gathering about . ques. - - fore Senate. - during the next thirtr years Puel. T116 'HOMO'Chestnut (Aesculus ,Hip- a thing Of which I Myself amconVlnc� tioicand had done it with a bolddess - � our equatorial sister-repablIc is as the base of structure and shaking . I " In0castanum) although note, native of ad. The entire nation claims its. In. : -he slons dealing with the Sarr Valley, .born Of conviction and eertainty.'l Important also will li� the comilils, large as tile entire United States, ex. their fleto at the wielder of the .. 'Canada, Is fairly hardy at dependence, ,and It would theref".6, be � � t"UMONY WaS all given and, ht order Washington despatch: Santerl N I cept for Alaska. It borders *it every cudgel, ,S. weno, of , 952 -Madison ZOIX4,011 Catle - Shorta.,ge Of ho)use. Its bark yields a -coneido Ottawa. useless to speak In any othor,&`ngtl� rable quan- ''might freely discuss tOV1, "Secretary Of the Russian Soviet g, Doundary Led by Al. "be and Swell titY of 'tannin, while analysis of the that the members Of the Sanhedrin our- Rhenish tarr torles, street, . C"OvOrc-litalit Bureau," deal.�rod Teschen and schleswUpper 'Silesla' South American '60untry save Chile; hold coal, -,villell age. I do not forget your pawer;, but the *eighty to- . 0 g1missions which are to fix upon the It has the longest river In the world,, Carport.' approaches famine leaves Made in d2farent, months of it Egyptians bend to -day betom foreq . question as to what was to� be done night sha ter they started to ClIurb the stua- Proportions, Is reported In . '. . t Ludwig C. A. K. Wartells, 0 It ]!as the oldeat post -Columbian civ. many Of the Year showed a Percentage vary- they Will seize the first occasiofi to to- . -with the apostles, Peter and John wero, tho ao-c-alled "Soviet Ambassador to spot the new boun&rlos of Germany ,,, ture and carry ollt,their Purpoe-3, but the thickly Ing from 2 to 61 volt. The guarantee of foree,is , . , Uken outside. li�. What shall, %VC, -do tlib United States " uu hiding With Belgium, the ga-�r basin, Poland llizatlon and Is, among the newest re- Were stopped by a foreman. � Populated districts ,". . . not . . . throughout Great BrItaig, and 18 re. - While the bark$ .Collected In May eternal. o to these men -The 4tiestion was a ser. Washington. Wlil' In and CzedhO-SIOVak!a, are to be ap- Publics of the western world; and Chaniberg was carried to the offi sulting In protests to the Coal Con. and Juno Are said to contain the larg. . le Nourtava , waA a Ce "BetWeen Syria, occupied by Prance. , . � tout one. �ThOusands of persons hati, making this 6-tatGnient, or. the -second Pointed within fifteez d Ya. ' were It as don 61Y peopled as Massa- of Dr. Earl P. Pi,sher, whore it wft,s troller frogi numoro;�-.T plac t amount of tannin, turther 'Inves- and Tripoli, oecupled by Italy, it Ili .... . I .. I believed in Jesus and this miracle floor of R, hotel, agenW or the Depart. A speedy development to expected ChU$,Atts Its populatton,.now about a found that his right Ghoulder had cashire, Sol� es In Lan- es better for you that Egypt be iniiep%14 . _11 Wales," the London tigating seems to be necessary before . . I r9uld ,greatly Increase the influence ment Of Justice sat walt!X19 la the to be the prese-,.tation to Oermany.of fourth of that of the United States, been broken, and he wAs suffering distriatts ,and also froin Ireland. the Point ,can be regarded as tinally dent and frlendbr." I Of the apostles. 17. That is Spread Ao l0bby. It la antletrated that Marten% the list of war Criminals to be ,10. would equal that of all Asia� Egrops, from aealp WoUnde. His Injurleir were Despite the fact that offICY&I return's settled, as the analyses .that have Lord Milner cantende4 that the Afut- _. further --They had g more alffl�alt *%Ill be arrested- irn6 held, ,suibject to 111111,11ded by the Allier for trial Under Africa antl America together. dressed. and he was,taken. to his home sllow a .constantly increasing output been made of some ispecila do not ti's arguillelits, did not prevent. discus - .task thiln they Imagined to keep the deportation 'proceedings. . the treaty. Although It has been re. "Revise your notions of jgngl�s and at 6207 Wentworth OLVenue.. Neither of coal for sov(ral months, excepting seem to bear Out the above statement, Sion; and asked him to discuss the .gosbel and,the-repo,rt,oy tbo,.-.)!raeI tter ,qttttei,�ent, ,Ported recently that this list has been aboriginew and primeval fastnesses it worker would divulge the nature Of during the Christmas and New Yeat's questions. But the Mufti ioeplie'd., . , from spreit4ing further, .Let us straite Nourteva asserted that "the frantle, considerably cut down from the orlg- YOU would get 0. correct picture of the, dispute which precipitated the holidays, poorer cittzelts have found it - Increased attention is being devoted -We can have no dimcussion. until the lY thrOttell theth-The Sarihe4-.Irl had man -hunt", Carried on -by the Depart. Inally propo-ned 1,200 narges,,if will Brazil. Those things are to be found battle- virtually impossible to Procure even at'Oresent to the Sumaos as a source prot,ectnrate Is withdrawn.11 . � went Of Justice, Wag an attem Of tanning materials; in this group it to r0*1 cause Against peter -and P hit 11r, pt to Still name the former German Crown -in Bratil, as are Indians, prairie Priondis ot, Chambers went to the .4-c- ind'they ntood in fear of the poopl,a,' vont Peace "Vith ftyien ,Rum�kla. Prince and Crown Prince Rupprseh� of �e and Chicago A -venue Police 9 small supplies sines the Government Is not necessary to destroy the tree , a try to :n. and to keep totests In the United States; but they tation and announced a reduction of ten shillings as the leaves and ONE E114OUGH, therefore WOW could .Varten(i and Xo11rtava Bavaria. asked that Wells be arreat not the ,bark are Mrs, Knagg-Did the doctorw4k. to from It Is reported that the treaty ar6 only the national park% partly un. .ad. The on each ton affecting household coal. used. There are three Canadian see your tongtto?__- I a Poll" discovered that WeI16 jg the 11 thaste them. 18. ,simply - ,igitteeaPPLI ring before the sub�corg_ Itself arralgas formo- Eirperor W11- xplored as yet, of a nation which T a distress, therefore-, Is aeute In the species whose leaves furnisli t4nnin , called them 0. Br000t them. before the Sanhedrin tione Of the 48eliAtO Poreigli, Aela. flam. "for a supreme offensive again t s I 8 a 8 Owner of about $60,000 worth of Witot 0 h P4 It r bbar, It diamonds, Its .81de Property and refused to take Present cold spell. In considerable quantities. Dwarf Husband -No, I told him about 4gaig to warn them against the fur- day. Nour. international mortality and the saile- manganese and its hidea to all (Inar- In some places the municipal � a. Sumac (Rdius POrallina) Occurs in yours, and he ordered me away for a ther preaching of Jesus. %. Judge 'tells, Who Is a, kinn) -accused "offl- tItV of treaties," and provides for a ters of the civilized world, do bim in'to custody, saying that hd thorities have decided to close tile Southern Ontario, White or Smoot.11 - inst.-Londoll Tit -Bits. forces" of trying to suppress as Its coutil be apprehended easily Zuld a -.-- . a special tribunal to t,y him after his shopping In Europe and in the !United grade schools becaus they lack fuel Sumac (Ithus glabra) extends irom . not to be in- "the truth about RusAla.." warrant be obtained. Chambem' - ye-­11oter and John Wert cta, a - U3414ated, They hsLd received tho surrepdor has been asked front the Sta 140 said that It afforded an oppor. Governme.nt Of H I t "�r buildings. Nova !Scotia, to British Columbia, commis. , ollitl, 4 tea; and has 'or Its capital with which to bee SELP-SACRIF I= 1101Y Ghott -and they bstd rL ,, that friendis say a warrant will be asked Alon from Jesus to prMph the gospel. tu"It-v to API)CIr beforc, the filti.-Colft. � ,. � � , _1 ­ , Jewel of the Atl&nttc,' RIO, In 9, Ila- for, Swansea, In WaI0, is one instance : while Staghorn Suhl[10 (Ithils. hlrt,a) Is VaVellt'--Of c0u"60- as InY daut4twr is I I .. __...14--%_� . '"' a in 'y ft IttO2 Which will InyoBtigate nolahe I found trom. Nova Scotia to Ontar o. of tar' sile 0 'quit "Orsolf 3 to 11111N, �,'Verl 016 members of' the Sanhedrin v!st I tlltal setting of rarest beauty, rleh, Where th a c6nditton prevails. Ing ou, but the day she does I activities In the lyti4ed. States prosperous and beautiful with its Officials of tile "flners, Federation The best time to gather tile loaVles lout Fler off without a cerit. : boulevards, Its stately homes, and allege the shortago of coal is due to Is during the months of Jn1Y, August sultal-111 that etlk'e, Wa till off, I Could rather thon man. 20. 'he things ' . K . iot tbink of deprWhig a FOUnq lady of InuOt Admit that One should 0110'00 be abd Martens, Could. refute entirely ANOI H0 IRISH' anek 8optember. Thib b rich f t 'I the braterieal IfeWs told about -their _ sky scrapers, Iwo lofty, but vas BOLSHEVIKI IN Ilier hiheritance. which we have seen and heard ' � _ the fact that the bulk of the supply ra o he I aDostleg were sure of their - The 1, work In this Country. At the sami )ro decorative than m.tp,y of the . I'll lelng sent abroad at hugo profits atirront Year eliouldbe ,cut Or b,rokOn I ***� I orthern sort. USY for the Owners Who Tefuse to allow Ill Ouch a way as to leave 4a -few buds 1111ncrsM ThAr had definite knowledge of the � fic'.Als hsre feared an expose of th "Its People are hospitable and gall- the coal to be sold :.I Great Britain at the base 10 'COntill" tile StOwth - "A I I w Vi hinner is very rweci,�e in iler Imth4 they were proclairging. 'rhey !i1t of I n groaad. time. he charged that Gover.unli. V. e BARRACKS RA DED, go . PAkhmetlaff Embaosy, wbith he eald. � BRITAIN L 0 �- for household purposes at the Gov. next season. The leavep� ,contal ing.11 , erous, apt In the ways of trade, but - : it a ,$Yes?" I had Convictions as to duty. and "!&Y had '14qllaliderod, $80,000,000 loaned by Peroleting In a wholesale love of oranient's pr!ee. much greater amount of tannin 'that wing, automobiles tlit*t ntlwy day, 01outilbotkeep their eon%elences elear thO A1110rican Vlovernment.11 Dublin Cable _- Pollee. lbarrukts Al,V a A deputation, representing the the stanis. Green Sumac losses so 'el-1-11le SlIP could riftbrd to and itot Continue, to te,stify to the f. 01reet chargm d �' Mine Workers' Federation, ii prepar- per cent. to do per cent. of Its weiglit buy one of t1los ,Ict ,play, mixing friendabip and bual ess. sh 131 She wh5lled Of Christ's rexurreetion. 21. Mad Nourtava that Dep were mtt el by miles from the village Ot Tuarn, Gal- Courtesy and commerce, sornottilles to Are Forming a serious Ing to walt upon the Government with Ili drying. , e -.qu . 740thing—The apostles were triumph. ag artment ,at JustlCe way county, were attacked Thursday the discomfiture of the 1whirlwilid' __,.___.n11Lr_111r-,4l.,-e9-1 1, 4At- NO true cause was found against catents had becv,ine "agente Provo. evening by a large party, <)f men, ne- tY.00 or salesman, but convinced of I Problem Now. a, demand "that exorbitant profits to Theprice,pall ,for cured Sumac 11, PIUNTP,119, VLtx. them, stud for fear of thp eur," e,uc%. so abound Ili Ruroipe, Lord, owners be stopped Immediately." it 'the United States varies from go aents "There never lo any v,ariety in tills y ItPACItY the Depart- The attacking Party, said t6onumber as summed tip by one of them, is, in is also announced that u, conference _ people thp and that In thia V ng to reports roaching tiris ,city, the wisdom of their attitude, which, __ to $1.10 per 100 poulld.,, according to bla of farc," grOW103 ULC p08131111JStia e0uld not bring false charger;, The Moat Of JllfitiOa detectives had even abox I patron. � MIAltitudes in Jeruimlern believed that gone to the extent of having it onc hundred men, beBleged the effect, that the Amirlao n maychoosio British Law Blocks the will be called by the workerg on Jan quality. "You forget the typogral)]WICAI Orrors. . 4014 liftling of the Istme man wal; the insf,.rtlad In the P Plank's barraelts, firing repeated rifle volleys, tho ighortest roitd to a glv,-n end, ff 29 to consider the Government's repli Furthor 1partlettlars, ,will be found Sir," XTT)Iled the fat;ctloUo Waltt,r. . ,oinninnist party plat- In Bulletin NO.- 706 of the 1julte& "What?" . work of God. 22. The healed man foft, �d that that organIzation could which riddled the doors and smashed he will, but the Latin-Anierleari pre- Authorities. to the doman4, * 1 "We havo & now Jot everr day, air, or three bomb# were MAHtL,!_y.71A_TAT11 I en- ftild UP011 lily Word, toine 03 1,110111 are ,iiqe d Nourteva 6ald he (,.ouia till the windows. During tile fight two farm to set,k the prettiest. -­�_ titled "Americitti Sumac: t% 'Valuable � itlost 8no,$)11g,,, liad Ionir, been known and the mir, �erpl,rgle_ . States I)0P4rt0l6nt of AgrIcultuie 11 . VU a notable me. .0 or this to the Senate eub�Com- t�rown, ont witil "It Am(..rlm Dc; a welting pot Brazil London cable: nolghe,vik AgIta_ (Illebs.) Tanning I Urterial ttnd DYOStuff," pub- 1.1--- - ... I 4.."I'l �.� IV. A Notable Prayer Afeeflng (Va. mIttee.11 being dentollsht,.d. Frn4j one pollee xer- literally Is a mixing pot, for there a torn In thia country are working ener- 1,*ood Varent-Did you hear lily daugh- lished 191&--J. Adetlffl;, Assistant Do- ItI4 *X,VV'W 1101tV To �V.%IC. . .- 23 81). The 2rrostleis went at ion(,,e, Purtber, h* ellsilged thrit American I goant being AlKhtlY 9rounded. The new racial exiinriment IF; In procer�s gotleally along line, fer sing 7 minion Dotanist. The littly whoz3a motor rete Itail nin Vh*n they V" Lreleafed, to the,ir lorret "Ivi" men had bollwed 10 oeC,upant.% of the barraeks returned the . ." 9 similar to those neturnod Voldiel—r eortainly did. ---*++— tlown it 111(ta Called to m�e the Vietim In .. " Iotio* M.4"tifts. 'Ther mok the met- "PILMV Wkgt I 1101 rAlled "celebrated flf* Of thf% 111911t assfillAnts. . ­ 1_- ­ ­_ -..-.,��-".--,-----!�!!��!��"!!!!�!!� Projected by the radicals In thoUnited Pond VArent.-What did ,you tionk of A JJLAvX �.qrgol.,ts. tilt- h0.qp1tal. . ter of the thrPsttoknino to the bomb ploto," Nourteva a9filn aware Two hold mail robberies, one lie � States. namelY, tile overthrow of the lirr range 7 You ktko%v.11 till�j ��,,Ijql, ­v,jIt, 1,f,,1llV Lord ar , _ 111ust IN'S 9609, Vilreshes, Saofbts, Government And tha calablishment of Upturned Poldler-4 ihould say s� 811�ep If you e-111 t ,sleep? n dV0 110.0 WIM10,141 cJre14_,.9sl�. I am to MYPt- While they ,pray#4, there hn wi,i ready to prove thig, and add- , Limerlek and the other near llyfullingar, Ila (11r-ral1l_'%VI1Y (1011't ,VOU tVy coulitill- 11 " � V01, V It 1�4 Ought to kill at thret) jullea. ( a v , .00d driver. I've -W,en drivipj,, for od ilint ­Nme o(11r,,I&1A,, vp " Ifeals—Keep our Eye$ 4 Soviet form of (1vovernuient, _______1#_0-0______ VvIvildinev-1 trle(l it tile othel, 111�-;Ixt, ISUV01 yral;A..' N " ,"is a istrik" physlftj i�snjfpttatlog t ,re tlnxloll# wer# mparted on Friday. About 00 9troni and ifealthy.01f thought probable that the p1sus on ' (t"kl I c0u"tC4 ft Mticlt OWN 3114 whon , Of Mt. ni'Vow", re. cif %T4rd's presence, and tbay wsrp � ieeP "these f1c',W' from b,ting steriltigo in trknslt to r,,�.Jpleritm of , .%tO',Vr,y IN r-1.1;AJ'LT1AVACT1o,%T. "You q,ot notlOW, � . inown, they imAna this aide of the Atlantic linve not yet I got to , I tchlot thillkin't of you I laouldn't RO tortfod 01A. 111"111. "I've bc,1�11 W"Ilkil"'. ter A 44 V10 Use Iftly otfosi 710Y "of 0, I old age penalon%, wan taken. Burn, If ($Ore. I tat rettehod the point achieved by those (Loubiville Courler-Jourrial.) oil with the count. 69 3,caro.,, �1 b" no thOTIA Of tumint b&ck from The only true PrIftiple for blimall. - I,- __ f1ii) kk Inflamod or Granulated In the rotted $tRtes,. but it Is believed 11Vouldn't, you filto to see evory nialt ----+44---� _-.-4J0.4."00._ � The man who is too budy to hatifled with his lot", ; Owe work w4to od them, be in Lve 1. rich I P"W" tolerance is the glory *..;jof._A1&I#l. 'with sharp featurts Jx Infghty dull, 'Its in COuldli. Writo for Frail reAelling the point whtra 1, (7sn't say I would, It w6uld hutt MY spands his Inoner liko wgtt, I I ftT ?!#10 to Preach the wor4 of timine#N." r. Guzzler Tsarlis old clotheo. b - - - " hinTe - is -i'-iiali .1 —ffuh- Whitt has water lot to do 1, tll1A It ,00, ut it tak,m Th47 Ity Is jrtstk#. A,ad r 1w" ­ " ') you that YOU never ORA toM Murina often. SAM for TnfantorAdult that the radicals Wigwag -- That fellow pneu lt*# fill right to iiiRke ovo, , Malay a milli At *11 a ,1, 1wit Or. . t1te :11luxtit You oue__ , ni��rf) , 80 Boc'k wl" Ct"ANY, Chk#O*, V, JI, 4, 111111%* Upon tha big labor atrikoy astlath4t I 'A real extate airent. " with spon4ing money? t Of Pilint. to make an ola . womn loot Ad $004 8% ne* � "*% . . . . � &0490_�_ , - __ __ _­__ ­_ - . e"Aw � A , ­�_ I 0