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The Wingham Advance, 1920-01-08, Page 3
11 ., ' . ,';* - -R. . _._ .. i ..... .....Z . WO; Jam 8th, 10to I A • R T_ A~ 4Fr +„;--„ Nslat,:ter: f.. .,*_ a New �ist,48 I'br TIaminations .r{' 'fit.Ly.;w�+'#'9'"t'+2�+f«d~3�b�1RS�• , I 1.fi 11aa{tata Sat !"ox 1M+prta+r lead 04summor P aid i , �"+r V LS4141'1 His f� ')ye i Holiday* 1f �� Gitillg 1p.rienii The thoughts of love are strong, strong thoughts, - Hereafter school :examinations, which � 'With His )Life .,, - '7 [� [� �]p sweet, n[� p yr�� ( f /�y� ,, i for years past leave been bold in the hot AS 411 1r18.l Ad'v: n tyre r But 171GnifJ1'lt~'S SL3'LOt 45FIAMxt['4.ii4 Rf9f�0�.,*Ny.P*NwNyH�NMsw�N�N*NwyNwlrwM�liw a t •<•:P.,,.s0� ! r I days of July' are to be hold in ,Tuna. The - C -K+, i+0.0+0'RNRN4U;N'NrN,'N+.c",. ,.s..•a.6w±yqe. • : . r calendar of the Pepartment of Education Ult1NC: the >skrf>11S enmity . . ,hire bonds of wealth are strong, strop bonds J counter-attack a Lewis sun TTATI ,'.R. mac maty think announced by Ilan, R. Gnat Tires the in a forward post #n, a eom-• of the nusitiorl in Alttt•riiit t311t lnklSfnObS friendship's S Stl'Qfl rfwl', dates for the various sxalninationa which ' of Iv4lYuonli tdo Ya1dL1'it. la will begin on June Skh and end durinll the lntlnication trench Iead#ag to 'Prciii+Il Ali nl' rh1� TI if,11 r i last week of the month. The chango has the enemy Imes, `'Was buried by a been advocated for a long bine,. and will shelI, and the crew, with the excep- Ropubile", the Initfi Willrelf h,p hu'l { tion of 0110 man, killed, It rather iYltcrOstlYlf• lrtt.tory not only, provide .ht; students with mora The Sinn I�'C111 feadVl' vias born #:1 " - Sergt. i•Iobsall, though not a �'ptF� .� pleasant weather, but will ,enable them to u get their work over in. time to get the full nor, grasped the groat importance of Now Xt ells. to "u t lut iiia tire; 1, i,, I benefit of the summer vacation the post, rushed from the trench, duly its is it would tako'.tit iutt�l lttt!ortnl oqt the gun and got it Into action export to say. Ills f.ahci is w it It.;• The senior high School entrance and tiv0 of seine „ onth Pr i, f-ricaa vial :- I senior public school graduation diploma against the enemy who were now examinations and the examinations for advancing down the trench and across try, Ills motiler vas It i:•:it. 11,L :,r I j,,� entrance in the Moder Schools oxo to be, the open, Ing now in Itoviwnit?r, hs'.i;qz u'.;r- Thespirit of the -season prompts s o gin on June 8. On ,June 9, the lower .A Jam caused the gun to stop fir- tied agit-In aftor la•? 1,1411 r,,.:a f,1111 i. p p p 1X P"K►press , died, The boy was set that slur=., tt,d., school examinations for entrance into the 'ing. Though wott>xcted, he left the Normal Schools and into the Faculties of gunner to correct the stoppage, rush and a halt' years nid, p.11c1 We"i t; ii__ , tq his mothers family ii, ..Iilt rli ''. to you appreciation of our pleasant business Education and the pass honor and scholr e4 forward at the advancing enemy It wits there that h,, Imbibed 1 's �. , arshipmatriculationexaminationswillbe and, with bayonet and clubbed ride, hata•ed of 1,,'ngland,•ttnfi (Ir,..itta+i t+: single-handed, held tbeln back until llrst dream of an 1001rr•Rttl,lir, it it n' he himself was killed .toy a rifle allot. was educatod at 13luroe!. Clrarrevllw•, relations during the pastyear, and t4 heartily On Juno 16 the Normal Sthoal final By this time, however, the Lewis gun and the French College f3laek Roc V, examination for group 2 will begin, and was again in section and reinforce- County Dublin,. and "later Tato .do d on June 18 the Model School examinat• ments� shortly afterwards arriving, lectures at Trinity College Du,r;ir).. ions for entrance to the Normal Schools lite enemy were beaten oft, -. As a student Ate was briWitut, an:l 11 I wish you a Ha and Pros erous New Yearship !if , The valor'and evotion to duty Happy p will begin. The English French Model The by this non-commissioned terns scholarship fall atop hlinJ Ill ftrtr, ,, entrance examinations will begin on June officer gave the gunner the -time re- science and pedagogy, Iu .:•atilenta- 124, and the junior hf h school entrance on quired' to again got the gun into tical science lie taught tit,) sp�,viai 4 i Jnne 28. aetion, and saved a inapt serious sit- honors courses in Du'alitt ('uiJ,*!tsity, The calendar sets the number of teach- '.rat •on. --Official Record. at Black Rock, St, St�,plt(rn s 'Grtelt, ' The lii,byrinth of trenches between Eccles street, Loretto, )aids later .car ing days in the public schools in I920 as Hill 70 ant' the city of Yens was cap- lecturer in the%k pour s,.,3,it 'tlaynouah r 199, and in the high schools as 196. hued by -the CJanadians in the attack College. For ten year; ire was pro- . i Fallowing the Christmas vacation this of August 15, 1917, That piece of fessor at the Royal 'iTe,iining COlopr. . , year the schools re -opened on January ground had passed between hangs s0 for prlinaiv teachers, avid was mathe- d The Easter holidays will be held 'from often In the three years pre sous maticai examiner for the Inter. • April 2 to April 11, inclusive, and the that No plan's Land was a maze of mediate u'nd national unlversities, - midsummer holidays from June 20 to trenches running In all directions, tend, exanfiner in Irish for the noyai xkkul August 31 in the public schools, and until in places they led directly from. the .Cgllege of Surgeons. It is interesting September 6 in the high schools, Canadians t4the Germans' lines, and to note that, like Casement, De Va- s- 1 — n,, b . . , were divided only by blocks garrison- lera: has drawn considerable money ed by machine guns. The weather, in his comparatively lyt'iet nareer. CUPS THAT CHEER which was unsettled and sultry on I?b Valera first came into proud Highest Prices for Produce. Fresh Groceries always on hand, "T hE GAY LORD Qr, the 15th, by the 18th was clear and nence in the Easter rebellion in 1916, - sunny and the rains of two weeks when the Sinn Felners made their o� umm,s, Midnight varties beautiful girls and previous were quickly drying the attempt .to seize Dublin. He was in a>sc -chalky soil, command of one hundred sten, and plenty of the liguld that cheers gave the Nabob alloy was one of the old it is said that this Iittle group put "— ----, __ gay Lord Quex something besides a head- communication Iin4 leading across up an unusually stiff fight, - When w ache. They puha big blackogmudge all No Man's Land. 'Up this trench on � /"' -� ` Teeswater Carries tlydro over a good family name. • But his lord- the monfing of the 15th Sergt. Hob- 11 ® $ son, of the.20th Battalion had bomb- .'-'%W. �- That Hydro is going to sweep this ship wouldn't have worried about that if �; ed his way for about 70 yards, There � : t %�` >" section of Western Ontario is almost cer- he hadn t met Tr3I. GIRL and found that lee established a post and garrisoned ", fain. In Teeswater on Monday b citizen's his 'wine, women and song" had put a it *Ith Lewis guns, The conquered I "-°" dent in his. aspirations to sail the seas of -trench was held for three days by . <;; voted against the enabling by-law and 1.40 "A" Company. WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166 • matrimony. �Ie tried to reform, but -Midnight of August 17-18 passed, `M >{ voted for it, while 142 voted in favor of g " , l i fate, in the person of a fascinating Duch. It was the dark of the moon and The c w school with competent instructors and su prior courses. Graduate p the move b bylaw .and Ia ,and 4 ole% < Y voted against it ss contrived e Y ago s e t iv d to stage a little affair in the Iittle could be seen of what was go - placed in positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in TDronto k ��'.; , and the Centra. Business College, Stratford Someone evidently was in favor of the ladies apartment at midnight and the gay Ing bn out on No Maus Land/ At ?„,;y> , ,„ �� e g town borrowing the money but not in gaiety. See I.40 orclock the silence of the nlgllt x' rye ,.�,, Write for free catalogue. Enter any time, g Lord Quex lost some of his y y I favour of getting hydro, while another Tom Moore in "The Gay Lord Quex” by eras iirgken by the roar of enc a :, `.._ ,a. ; $ , artillery, Every Inch of the Canad .n „ < , voted on the money bylaw but not on the Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, at Lyeum ' Prone line was' delved with shells. �` ,< r L `•� �: A. McLa chla►n, PreS. Murray McLeish, Erin. � enabling bylaw. "` Theatre Monday, Tuesday arid Wednes- For half .an "hour the din and de �; `°r -� 1 day. vasty+ting fire continued. - Every wire . �' < ' tm to the ZOth Battalion ,dieadquarters .<;;t;u«„.L' k "'_ €IOUDOOCOOOC)OOW:.3c3wt�CCKi)1 fl©ivc:,c)c)i.�oQoot5 c�0vtli oot;oc m'��cuia(3E:. LWT r3c3Ur�c3¢3e+ooium� .ncac',;e_-§Vitri 0, ;c)=Ir�CK3t0 ar, 000.?t�arxyt"Ao�c.Q $,- was broken. �� s„x..�:5 �_ e> I .. .` Then a lull c tIn•e. The Teen in :4 FF IF L�5 , r Nabob alley ernurllFd in their.trench :+•>,. ups ,± 0 ]! Y(l'f7 BUY OUT of f6WN A ND I BUY OUT COF TO N, WHAT LL BEcom U R TO � ?q,,? r, while teas shells poured over thein' •� : on 6o the villagelof St. Pierre) be- a.<: � es �� ,,hind thein. Another pause and the Darlar "�'ou Spend In ing,ham, Wil "'Come '"Home T6 Boast artillery broke out again: .Every - ' gun that the Hun could bring up Was trained on Hill 7O. -The ground wad ” " .;....:., :.:: Thu r '� H0 M"'F-Ca'1110al torn up and tons of earth' and stones ,.. , ss ` V w Tw Q I hurled into the cti fly wey killed EDi'VARD DR VALl'.4A.���rrr � aaa � in groups. 'Practically every Lewis g gun was smashed or buried beside the rebels •surrendered, De 'Vater ., Read these articles with care.' They may present something you hadn't thought"of before. Patronize -the I its crew, ills advnncerl posts were was among those to be court ground into', khe earth. The Cana- martialed. He was s ntence,d to life . people whose ads. are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with dean lines werb iii confusion. Imprisonment, and svbs thus luckier . , them stays in eirculatiofi in Wingham. � Then down:,the line'the word was than any of his chief associates, for 1. I . passed from lip to lip that the Hun the rest of . them suffered the death was out in No Man's Land, coming Penalty. 119CIt3C3C.Ie�GCie�Ctt�t3QfJrft:�Je'1f 000OO)CO000Q0t3+., e—ACOCAicE tlfat"rE 001-PJt:e3C3t�CDCW-' Ot�tt3OC)O.�C•tOOc400cco c)tv.3oOr�c)oc4 Z300t30e9esLatuJt�t3;;:4 ,3t�sdi,3 towards Nabob alley: Sergt. Hobson He was sent to Dartmoor with 64 ""' peered into the darkness'and•saw the other jrrfsh prisoners, and for some > .SEE US FIRST when y,ou require' "PURE DRUGS ARE ESSEN'f'IAL to grey figures of the enemy coming at time endured the `rigors of penal Boots, Shoes, Slippers, etc, We special-: MARKETS '�� needs the town. The farmer peel( s lite good health. We carry a , ompiate stock t1Fe dlotible. They came down Nabob perv3tuiie. When Prof. Eoin McNeil, . ., ize in foot apparel an offer a splendid assistance of the storekeepers of the of Nyal Remedi: s as well as Drug. Sum alley, where only one Lewis gun was pf the National 'University orbublin, Assortment for yours approval. A full , I town in securing a market for his dries Toilet and sick room articles and now left. The gunner trained his fire arrived as a, prisoner one day, De stock of Trunks and Valises: -W.products, He_ needs the assistance of Stationery Let us fill your next pre, on the wave of German grey, but Valera called out, Irish volunteers! GREER J BY THE Fla ROMERS the storekeepers of the town in gettings scription -E. J ,NtITCHELL. while lie was in the action a shell 'Attention! Eyes left," A few days I gdlod roads over which he. may haul his ' made a direct hit .and buried crew later he committed another breach arid, gun. Only one man was ative of prison rules and was amt to pick j products without losing more time QUALITY AND GOOD SERVICE at � when Robson ran up to the spot and oakum. He refused to work; and THE REXALL STORE is criterion for PI,eSe11C0 tai ThrivingCities Nt r than the products are worth. He often , lotivesr p,rwsible painea is our moria Ler started igglllg hilts out. Ile pulled when charged :with this additional of - purity and wholesomeness in ready made. ;. needs the assistance of the storekeep- • t1, supply your hr me with choice Grocer- I him out of thei debris, bruised and fence went on a hunger strike iintil formulas ' Besides you have: the benefit Ov, Important t0 Residents ei:s in helping him over a period of i-, and Prov;,,3o�{s. Our stack is fresh dated, the charge against him was'svith- -of an international service Full supply financial stringency. and r'lean We offer y,,u satisfaction — "Pretty close call," the gunner i drawn. .Next he was removed to of Drug Sundries as well, See me when of C,ouritry, , R 13ROOI{S • Maidstone your eves are causing trouble. -J., + Storekeeper Needs Farmers Trade. said to 11;4 rescuer, but Hobson was prison, where he assoefat- alretidy digging at the gun, while ed with English convicts who had WAI.TON IUIcKIBBON On the other hand the storekeeper the Nuns advanced down the trench..no interest..in Ireland, - t® �+ �!�y ®® needs the business of the farmer. He E L- RY DOLLAR you spend out �of I "Let's get this out," said Hobson,- He was taken to Lewes, but had u IRCHANT� lJ~Q � �n► I nKI does not ask the farmer to sell him his ,,,wn helps the town you spend it in, and the two men began to, d1k with not been there long before he organ- WHEN YOU BUY Boots and "Shoe products on credit even though at the i3na' your own town Soosi Wingham i all their might, The Germans came E Ized a rebellion among ],25 Irishmen etc., from us you are sure of securing sea- i time he may be hard pushed for_cash Let Hanna s �t-pply you with Dilly Goods closer In the (lark. Hobson was who were also prisoners. As spokes- isfaction as to the quality and price. We and may need more credit bail He GoQda Groceries etc: You wilt)iMe pleas struck by a stick bomb, but on he man for thele De Valera demanded stand back of all our goods. Full line of TOVM And Rural Community Are Do.. 9 y d with c,ur service and rices - TIANNA that they be treated asprisoners qP Trunks, Valises as well --W H WIL,LI9 pendevit Upon Each Other --Ca ' does .not ask the farmer'�o help him � CO, p wegt with his worst. The gun must p operagtkm Alone Brides Pros. i build a sidewalk in front of his store. • be got out at all costs. At last they war, and not as felons, and when ' .., He does not ask for the business of got it into position and the gunner this was refused the prisoners return- ' ~- eerily to Both. opened on the enemy with telling ef- ed- tdi their cells, wrecked what fur-' - 4tPOOR PLUMBING IS DEAR at any the farmer -provided that he Can Bell MAKE UP THAT ORDER for Groner nitufie there was and smashed the •- feet: Two men were holding back prick Let us estimate for you on all (Copyright,)' thb farmer the goods h® needs at as ills . $ring it to rI8 and we will. save you the• (l Two advance.' Then the gun 'windows. This led to the men being kinds of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Residents of towns and cities every- low a price as he can secure them for tno>7ey We carry a complete line or split up again. They were put in the Tinsmithing, etc Our pride are right 1 where axe beginning to realize more elsewhere, . S• - t ';. d F,tr c't G Ir ert-, F ,:its and i Tempted. chain We guarantee our work. Patronize home , - : Fctt ; x a,- l., e x : . Grabbing a ,rile, Hobson ran gangs and their former con - business men. -W, J BOYCE. .acutely the fact that, except under Taut does he always get the farmer's _R 8 AICOEE N'. uppl�° y us. �1,, MMt. ' ahead, the Bps were cancelled. But again I ^vel:, unusual conditions, their commu- business? Ask t4 a mail order Dian "I'll keep them back, You fix the the British Government weakened in I ZIties will.,,prosper and develop only 1n the big city or ask the postmaster r gun," he said and opened on ,.the response to pressure from some . As enemy. With bayonet and elubbed ter, al6ra a rebels were released. As YOUR EYES are your greatest asset, q Sri proportion t0 the prosperity and de- or tete eMtpress agent in any town or OUR AIRK IS TO SELL you a •line of Ile Valera left Pentonvilie he receiv- When they require attention; -the best ad- j: celopment than comes to the farming city in the country. They Could, if i Groceries the quality of which will kee rifle he fought them off till a pile of ed a telegram urging brut to run as vise Is node too good. 13y consulting me„ .sections which surround them. Real- they would, tell of thousands of dollars ypur money In Wingham. Our stock is their dead lay^ at his feet. epublican candidate for East Claire. (( All right, shouted the gunner to you assure yourself of proper treatment izln this fact commercial clubs and t sent away to the big cities to pay for fresh and wholesome, Our butter and .. a accepted and was elected with a IVTcT{ALet meY,rescribe far your eyes --R. M. ;,chambers tri commerce have in recent goods that could be purchased just as eggs are fresh. --MRS J, A: CUM- Hobson, and opened on the Invaders, great majority. Ile then gave his at.INGS, But at that moment a German got a tentian to organizing Years been devoting as much of -their ( cheaply and much more conveniently direct aim and Hobson fell killed g the Sind Fein attention to developing the country f in the nearest town or city. 'These � Instantly,- � party` WE LEAD in trunks, bags and suit Gases; districts as they have to securing new thousands of dollar's, when sent to the His organizing ability was respons- ONE VISIT to our establishment will , The gunner made the enemy pay Isle for fit results of the last elee- full stackalwa s on hand, also dearly for the deed. With his Lewis y good dins:' industries and. attracting new rest- mail. order houses in the big. (Teles, .convince the most skeptical that our tion when his followers elected sov- e s • t' sin 1 harness. e airs a s r ecia t p p quality gun he stemmed file advance until g p p Y .dents. They'know that as tltE< Coun� never come eek. They dei not lies rices and ttatit of Wall paper, Fancy nets -three members of the House of Coil. wt w}II attend to your wants - - try about the towns becomes more to build good roads past the farmers' China• l3ookEr and Stationery are rlgrF, he was reinforced bye another com- Commons, although each Sinn Fein THOS K1SW. thickly settled stud as the farmers be- houses, When the nest crops are her- I G$ us ea?imate on Your decorations -- !)any ani they turned the Germans candidate was pledged not to attend . O MASON & S )N I back. But the hero wile had saved ,� come more prosperous the more money vested, the mall -order man wait buy^ the chamber, Then was hold that WE eI?T?I3R YOU a splendid stock of s the post In the first onrush lay dead will be spent in the towns and the any of the farmer's products. The who tis Irish -Parliament in Dublin, l ;--his rifle still tightly grasped in tits shelf acid heavy hardware for your re-, waster these -towns will grow. It is potatoes, the tomatoes, the melons and i Mpg SPECIALIZE in Halters of a hand. They `'found him when dawn haltingly proceedings were eonducand uirements. It will a you to inspect largely for tilts reason that the rest- other thins that the farmer. raises g our haltingly In the Erse" tongue, anct q pay Y 1Pe g y G own make and a m a I 1 goods of all was coming over the ridge. which declared the Independence of our stock and one visit will relieve. -the 3, (lents of the towns and cities have may lie and rot upon the ground so !kinds for horses, A full stackg (Harness, Prederick Robson was i»rn in Ireland and hailed De al necessity of going elsewhere, tale'., been doing more and more to aid the far as the mail order man is concerned. i Trunks. Traveling Bags as well always in London England, to 1876, Before i Valera as your coal from us. --RAE & THO MP i farmers In stock, Our re a p y ' President of the new republic. In SON. growing bigger crop,q and No Credit From Mail Order'Mart, p ir,de ortment will attend coming to Canada he had been in May, 1V8, the I3xitiaaIt Government In improving marketing conditions, to your breakages •- J. JOHNSTON the Imperial forces. He enlisted Ih arrested and deported from Ireland ---a The towns and cities have contributed The moil order man wont sell the the 20th Battalion at Toronto in farmer 2 cents' worth of goods an one hundred mala Sinn Ir'"einers, and October, 1914. On the morning of -. ,- PRINTING A'I` IiONIE ist5ftetsthotigh>~ more txrld more liberally toward the , I.i3'T US StTPPLY three women and until the following ,jive days credit no matter how badly your hams with August 17, Robson was aeting ser- March hold, them Of, b ignorant people, to be of g of good roads In the country Groeerf a Provisions etc One trial will pant -ma or and it. was In fulfilment prisoners, Of , Y g p p , poorer ; building elle fni•luer may need elle goods or hoML' , � r It j ,course, De Velcro was among them, quality than that which you can, get from , districts and stave Bald a large part tittle ready cash lie has •to pay . convince you our Prices and quality are! of his responsibilities in that capac, Ile was confined i the traveller We know of ladies wbco ' of the expense of maintaining agrl- , : such as to merit your patronage Watch , ity that he made his last gallant do- a re ed n Lincoln prison, have compared wedding stationery print- Cultural orients to assist the farmers them. If the farine g house barns :this space for future special' annww,te fence of his battalion ands won the land. where 'V' hila escaped to her ed at 'Toronto with that priatea at THS in roWT.n bigger crops find getting down, the mail order man is not go• 1 InEnts - P A GRARAM. land. tie lay Bidden, but whether ad found the Tatter to be:,, s g >;g inn to melt him any lumber on credit ; Victoria Cross. --O else Cornell in the British pllfiur were ro Aly sin - mole in ney out of their clops wlift ,'Toronto Star Weekal�. Ct'i'e Tildt]it?iI' C)i t�t'f.tl to ri'etilrt I`t' lllln far superior in quality and woi'ktrlanshig,. a . so that ho may build anothov home. i they are placed on the market. _ is a gut st4on, At Tyles ,,Tete a svgs -, Ile will -take what orish lie otln got the . slik The Crucial Momor,C 4 Not One -Sided Pedposltion, farmer'to send him and there his in. at large for solute ni��r?tri t, . ,,. the n WINGHAM BAZAAR for fancy goods' � - w K I N The tithe, when life's affairs begin aplr'arvdl dram-i0eally in the th,ited Tlut thus is not a one-sided proposl torest In the farmer ends. If the farm G"' B 0 000 and tB;15a, svaU paper and stationery. Tile: �rt`o seam entirely wrong "States to flo.:t a loan of $5,000, big store with the arball prices. Call ands., tion. If•,the City Is dependant upon er lied no money to pay for what he 1!s when you've started buttins * for lilaropublie., compare prices before trending your nion� n4 ds, country, so is the country depend- nds, the trail, order man will -and GENI RAL MERCHANTS Where you_ donot llelou*, tiout of town. { Ont upon the -city. , What the farmer others to help swe11 the stream of clol. �"""'" .�== -= - ter~ ,� t ffilge9 las worth absolutely nothing to larg which i9 building tip hits great for- woolen's Institute Meeting Sells %agve Sheep Jilin unleaals ho Cali sell it at a pir'ico that time and helping build up the great 11 'WHRN YOUR WATCH or Clock re- lives, ARE YOU PARTICULAR about your The East Huron Women's itittitutes '� farmer near Kingston tells the Whig mo slay ldittl 4 fair return din this city in which Ile vee. vetthe home tea. Our teas are of our `bwrl blending • that since beginning to plate bells on quires attention noon bring it to Winghtm e: 'money still time invested In itw tiro- 111rrc11ant holp the farmer when lie g will hold public meetings throughout the Greatest Watch Doctor. We guara>atea and give you a richness in taste obrain- sheep he has Sufferers no loss from his .fold duetlon. The farmer, without t ga , needs it, And the 1 al merehalant does able in no oth We stock a 0 dries district as follows:-- rrur work ecru,, optical parlors are cr►m through the depredations of dogs, "IYe . plete let us rtlieve that eye strain forgot. kAtm, wo*1d ber In the same fix as it help the farmer as and as he can, but and Provisionst Fruits and Confectionery irordwich--Tuesda Jain, 18th. w "_W t1. PA�`TERSON. , stbrekeepgar wlthoatt eattomerrs, itt sI> titers eomdys et tulle ellen 11a cannot. as veli •-1 HEN1iY O%iRls`Tlll. y does flat uy0 small bells something as -s eel ---J �� . _ � rn �5 Molesworth -Wednesday, Jan. 14t11, _.__��_... _ most evetry 40asse the farmer Is de- 11.4 cannot mako money' without ells- , _�,,- - .. �; larlteas the sheep Gari Ogtnfortalaly Carty. "'�" "' Pendent upwk this Mar -by towel or city tourers, Withotdt the legitimitf profit 'i HIt ONE PRICE HO BittOvala3 -'Thursday, Jot; �l;th. VSI�I have err• I3rustseli--Friday, Jan;, lith. Or1e night ll0 sale Clogs enter a field where WTil3N 31CnU ftE(ZU1RlI Dry 4�odis+ fora !market for at leasee blit perish• tli:it ho tri;tilCeii from hIs solely li4! cilli= deaveured to amici ate the re,y h e ti Ills sheep were Just as the canines were tr the t p n it send n ,{ r, `t ar a Tr ure. W It tt .. e C a q 'Tu sda an, 20th Rugs, �s , J Ce a ee ells be - not r h riper � Y read to pounce upon th sh , b r e. not d! r t rr % ors the► ra�a abI6 oaluCt Ii of the y p t y telt► a ellen tt' 1m p acwam women of 't7Vin it aryl re • a I�eo g t:erit t6 and 9hoety p aero etc.. one � tits tfdldgtta3go site Yht attract, 1t is gllot6; ho Cannot confribate lSb t'htM 11 gaI•d;ng the wearing apparel. L'o'a errf'y_ Federated Mrs. Patterson, Vice-president cit" the gen to ,,Tete and away ran the dogs tit. flip visit to our establishment will convince ; road ttnridan he (epee iii a cam rete stork of Gro a Cr e ' n speed The noise scared then, tiff it. is the r114st eakcptiertl our ricks and ttitift B fittjt lifts Proposition, "1`he totvid a9 r t+ titMty>tit13s10. p arias as well,' fed at d Women is Zritititute b!r Ontario rather it ti tb -..: p tt tr fa tlltti aatf'lsFmtlP exth fok Ids prodflotsli I,et uai rupply your horrlc, li. i , x � will present fl tdr ath r better bus Teale to buy b& the aro right J. A. IiIILY„e. _ t iE n ._ ( awL.P Lot S Cts. ll be p int and give sil siddtsss at ask rnutltcir4l councils to pay two thirdat wait Of' Ills*nlettifigai.` 6f the value of lost sheop. c. S . I - PAP Five11. stMSMNdsIIyelMstfy, �' � * a Ih 4,"It p, wiv . Xet /�/} /�/}/j Lt �,5 01? ' E VERY growing youth and every adult should possess a watch.' The ownership of a reliable timepiece ,beaches els lessons in punctuality, Every watch sold by us isdependable in every respect, Both plain and complicated C timepieces ars: repaired and.adjusted by us. , `J4 a display an; excellent line of watth chains, fobs and pins.i , If you would safeguard the health of your children 11 allow our expert to examine and pre. • scribe for their eyes. l •R. M. McKAY Jeweler and "Optician Wingham The longoest . lasting benefit, the greatest ,, satisfaction for Your sweet .. Moth. UMNIGLEYS' yin the seated Packages. • Air -fight and Impurity -proof. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT .�tI....,1I , t�,. f" ,_ "�,__ :� ._ ... 6 A . ..r'. • , I r' u- ter; -.1 A0*A HLaasvTo5m� k I # s rt — l�,MEMORIAM fs I,grR. V, . I A union meeting of the Women of all In loving memory of Mrs Nelson' the churches will be held in Knox church, Gowdy, who died December 26th, 1919, 1 Beigrave, Fridiy,,, Jan. 9th A program Farewell dear Evelyn, rest in peace, i has been Prepared by a •committee repre- Thy cares and sorrows o'er I i senting the Woman's. Mission Boards of And thou art free from trouble now iall the churches, ealling for the Dominion Thy care on earth's no more. ,a ! Wide Day of Prayer, i We cordially invite 'Twas hard to lay thy dear, dear form ', the other congregations to join in this Within.the cold, cold grave -, ' meeting, Addresses by Revs. Davision, . Our hearts are sad and sore with pain, Hawkins and Hoyle. Since Evelyn went away. t __ ._ ._ It does not seem the same to us, tWhit Chu_ch „ There is. an empty chair, It seems so very lonely now Mr Harold Sparli'ng has returned to For Evelyn is not'there. the O, A. C. Guelph after spending the We did not dream that Death so soon, ' holidays at his home hers . Would bear thee from our side Mr i and Mr . Jas. Ae Middleton 1 iddleton o f r - t'Vcvs It took from us a loving friend, A t ue and faithful guide.here d eter, were recent visitors with- friends But ohs how sad and lonely now, we miss thy counsel dear, Misses Alba and Isabel Fox have gone For there was none more dear to us to Gait. Than Evelyn was when here Miss >�,dna Musgrove sent a few days Our hearts are sad and care to day of last week at the home of her aunt, We only sit and weep ..!VslTrank F1,. "'" Oh! could we press but one more kiss, The LAnp,.i<ie YcrnL,s 1'ct Ara .s I , "I"'., Upon thy iovjng cheek. entertained the presbytettau t.s?olid oil Your husband and father both are sad, 1 Tuesday night of last week Your sister and friends too, i Mr. Isaac Stothers of Guelph was a., Their hearts with brief are riven, visitor in the village recently. But ohl we think its wrong -to weep At the annual meeting df'the rate -pay - When thou art safe in Heaven, But when we meet in that fair land, ers of S. S. No, io Kinloss, Mr Peter With joy our hearts will swell, Moffatt was appointed on the Trustee hoard in place of Mr. W. A. Taylor, ro meiet dear Evelyp gone before„ whose term of afhce had expired No more to say farewell. , A Friend. Miss Annie H. Henry went to Guelph on Tuesday, where she will be in Speed- well. Military Hospital. In loving memory of Mrs. Robert 3reenaway who died jan. 9 th. 1919 Dfisses Millie MacGregor and Margaret Daughter Gillies were home from Toronto daring the holidays. R rxCHIE-In loving mt=`mcry of John The Y. P. 8 officers for 197o are: - Ritchie who passed out of this life one fres.-� Angus MacKay; Vice -Pres Ag - year ago, fan. 7th 1919. nes Kennedy; Sec. Kathleen Terni; , Jean M Ritchie. - Tress, -John Gaunt. ...- - . The longoest . lasting benefit, the greatest ,, satisfaction for Your sweet .. Moth. UMNIGLEYS' yin the seated Packages. • Air -fight and Impurity -proof. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT .�tI....,1I , t�,. f" ,_ "�,__ :� ._ ... 6 A . ..r'. • , I r' u- ter; -.1 A0*A HLaasvTo5m� k I # s rt