HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-01-08, Page 2- . - I --1 ­ I - I - _. I - ____ - I I '111�11­ `7- N .0 - plosa- - . - ! . 1, � -7 6 !.i .­ 171,1177, - 1, , , . I � t, I ,.,. 'i�l .1 � " I I � , �� * I'll , I "I'. I Ir I, . !I I J "4�, , , i,l ,., � —,— I I . . , " , � - -W , I -0011 - 01.00 llr�* -"W F4 � . P ,,� . " " - *,�%. -, 114;� Iii ;;� - !,!!�_40419,0 M . M!""MW W,P1,A!:111!!1:1 ,-.-,--,.,—. __ , - I I ,TOP#" , .- , , , * ,,, , .1, .. r I ,; .... , : . ­.— W4 - ___ 1!�ll!!i!lli�illll,,,�,l 11,11011,11 ,11,111,1,1 I . �r .;� , ,,, . I � .__ . 1 41� ,;7 r * , . _- , �', 11 I " 4 " :2i:.1=12 - =11!1:1!:31.1 ", I.I.M _-__%-11_- @!1i0#: i 1111-1!t,�% 11 � I 1! 7. - �,.�:* .. 11 ------- "lly!'' ,1,.WiVa"00A*#AVft" ' - - . 1. 1 4; 0 I'll, "' -'!ill�l��1!11!!Ilill--.,--,. I—— � - :-1 , 00V " __ -1 � . — ;F�____._­1.1- - _7��, . ., I ,, I �, - _;= __ F.—P-M-0% ..J�Jww 11 I ,,,�, IF, i . , I'm 00 !o�', . ___M%�A41 _.__ _ __. ___ , I . W�� 11,121211tit 1221:11 =1= " ___._ 1- ­ -, -1-1 1- - . I rftllwl�lvl.t� I$k We bftMk Peter *h%rtad bU kou,. ED P =.�."2-4;—"!;;Z!;­: W! —1. ­ - w.w��� VA! 1�11k, 11*�Altib' 1910�t . � " witu ths 4404k ot ourist AM d*- Ift Will have li"li fille,cL &12d M*11 they �n . _­_._.___ ___5 .0 ON 61" aja 044 "it# 0 t . It " X f AAAMA...a"k � 1 faft I � Inut b4k ready to mg . bal , uu t* Mt #A *a ks-hroit);w ! bikh"* � . 'a bi=� , W Lain "d itti. I ... . do& GREAT ROUN04P OF R 4 proyo their positim in the foreign A0 4 #"Ila v*",%1. 34kay are 11� 3 . . I . - Th a 440 apoatles JA the 404ty nmkots. . DISARM CRE W, � znWlo�" of lumani,ty the &MAI i" � , 11 .11 .1 . 31 I � VAwsr of Christ bAd reoultod in a � % Aft '!Whatever may have boon the At. to bor or' -OSK t'lls 00-Ast U d , 46 � � : _ OdIt 41 . . plate cure, 17-26. Peter took ocoa� ",tituds of British d1DIom%tjSt4, conl.� Also AW0119 MO max4ala'a lalaad4, 00.A tt" LAWN U., JAN. 31, JW� 1 10 , to declare that Qo4'% wor(U were I U . . . . . . . , [TED; %� , 11 TE CITIESMOrclul attUbes, and cou4ulx before OF Uo So 'SHIP and who,ro her Prow** hu mado itar Peter aud'Jolm iio* nm Ax olus fulfilled and to exhort hU aw OMAK , ,l, It 144Me MUU." - _,__�_______ tile war, vioir paraltiount duty. now the n1tost-th,ought-of craft alous the , Pr*4t. 3. 1-16, , I hoarend to repent and receive forgivo. � Is the furthorance. of British trade. ­-._­__-_* "OW. f3hot to lougor belougo to Far- "&- bANA 40 44044" ,4" 44 � , � . "M___= -T* � 411har Dres., of Halifax, but to Saixo,, �%Z I - � 0 � . 1. . VoutiatiAtary.---j. ChrUtts pow4r to 11%w through Christ. IW&%Iled in 33 The, ,German trader was always A Action Of Cork Author, Folm's, New- . I I 11441 tva. 1-8). now—No Inforsuatiou. U ter And fifteew Hundred Had Been C better advertiser than, the British, but , ittes Jobwoue & (,a., of St. sm. vmwi, , � Q 44WrIONS.—WhO wore Va , or Jvmm" A�V.A� . . John? Why were they together? What I 4 foundland. 11he has it *Ujiter ullip, the � i .. I ft givOu us as to how long after Pon. We 110110 that the British Industries Causes Protest. 13ab!e j., ))ul.l . � I I U4006t the IncIdAnt about to be do. hours were set apart by the ,Yews, Fair will be a blow struck at tile %vhl(�,l I'i al*it by <�apt, Farquizar, � . I . , setting daily for prayer? Where w84 the cities by Mid , era �._ t 6 doing spleuditl %Y4�rk , I I ... ,ierlbod took plAo. From tile I 0i ht fatiall of Gorman cheapliess. Buy , lie Jeo"t. W"" A% 01*200 L Of the narrative It was apparently but ,:­­­--�_ 141C Fair, and (lorman Government ny Attaob on In , 1. lit lier gallunt trip to N � 141 I 10"I'm pill. _--11, , %4 004 " #, short time. Peter 4nd Johil---They ' Describe the healing. 1F "IT"ht, ` ave oneouliterea g4to Beautiful,' Whon . 9 from all over tile World went to 1,elp, Ma 411 ,APR% man he4lod . was the 141110 ow commercial bodies save them tile time, . nelle uIll;1" illuot 11 !04t. � " , woro Oloftely associated In the walk ot Iloi� were the ,people Affected? W110 n - of their lives. Gorman manufae,tiir. Auto Drivero, h 0,3 ry tee, even though cbe took the. ,0 ' 7 - L ba", � I t4o early Christian chu a4drossed their,,? Where? NIF1W 414 Raids Plan anort east route 11a Vapo Rave, for no _ 4 0 i roll and Appear . nod to obtain Cause for 0 . - . eltrllor than !)ce. 17 Ig Xane. or M � LO )'&vs -been leaders 4 he say had healed the man? How was � � Up w era Used to book ordk,s at the fair J urlug the PO4- _ and got enough to keep themselves Cork., Cable --The , c,t (,,,tpt. OAMW*N "940"004 . . twostal revival. Y%tor was perhaps the healing brought about? Give an going twelve, months allead, f1cers of t Captain 444 Of- of the steain�r Portia, ct the Item - L tile 0100st and John the youn I Sest of Outline of Peter's, discourse. To whoft It Its American steamer Lake Newtounalgild (J40111pany, orted I "so" "low 0"*J V1**%f^L '40t 1 Was the gospel tirstsent and how WAS ation of Most Dangerous Classes we havo hAd British Industrial Gretna, which arrived here to -day, having met hQavy PaelL9d , . _. I.... I . , rep t I tile Apostles. went up—TIle temple Pairs ourselves far tour years, and from Now York, proteste I�e all . . ! %us built upon the bill Morlah, hence It received? _­;-� d against the along tile owit coast of Newfoundland, . I I ,some firms have booked no outside 80tiOu Of tbO P01100, Who boarded And since tilen the i(,e Illust naturally � V-10w4mo i . J 14" 4110,14110110M ; . . We propriety of saying that the apoe. 11RACTIC474 SURVEY. Washington, Despatch—The greatest 800 IN NEW YoItl�. .orders Since they became exhibitors, tile stealuer and took thoJr firearms have thickened And multlpl!(id. I � Usti "went up" to tile temple, at the Topl�-.­Relpin; men to help them- round -up of ra4loals in the nation's This voining fair will be hold in the froratholu. They,%aidtliattiley,had According to., t 014� , hour of prayor--Tha J'ews. observed Oelyes, NOW York, Jan. 2.— The greatest a lie lilecoage rceeived . , � I . blistery was conducted to-nigut by the round -up Crystal Palace. Thirty-two tbop� not been subjected to Such troatm nt :here to -night, tile soal left 1,olle 1;310 ,16* *0 **, *� **A $a* 'I three tioure of prayer during the day, 1. Who first QhrlsitiAu 4uiracl% Government, actl , Devart� - this L Of radicals ever known In and Invdtationa have beell Istiued,jo At bablin and illelfast, where tile with hot, refugoe,j Otbor late last %*NO"*^ t I ' L . .1 ateamer previously ^alled, The Lake night or early to -day, and ,3hould bo, � I... 11 -111 I . -, - ­ -.-- I . 0oun 17 bogell at 9 P -m- t0-311ght- foreign buyers, nearly forty t1lo"And e , The" were the third hour, or utue 11. The Miracle explained. illont of Justice .ng through . Wh011 oil t army at agents of the De- L . 1. 11 , 4 4 I O'clock, tile Sixth liour, or noon, And i Agente In tbirty-tbroe, partment of Justice" a L Pamphlets have been print A lit seven 0"' tna sailed from New YorU De., In 0t. John'e, 'Newrour.diand, fiw.no ' . t4a 41nth hour, or three e44,oek. 2. IM Peter's oecond sermon. cities, stretching from coast to coast. warrants, simu ruted, with 4,00D different languages, and c COM441, 4 for Dublin and 'Cork. time ta-ularrow or ear',Y Sunday. Arthur I Irwin I . Itaneously raided every sale buyers are admitted, only whole. _ aud ,a certain man lame ---This mart 1. The first- Christian. Miracle. At Midulght reports Indicated that tile rati. SNAROR ASSTJItAXCB Co. __-W._%1____ 0.0.8, ".6, 4aa been 4 cripple from hisbirth. He Peter and JqDbn, who in early days , , known "Red's headquarters 14 the being closed to the general pubile. Dublin, Cable— A large force at � 6510001000 BU.'rSOLI) . Dul"itubf D01441 0urge;!7 of the.re'un. , V t , had never walked ond hence his case . Wore partners in trade, after their more than 1,500 members of the Com. .principal. cities of the country, In "Preceding fairs have never cost military .aud police to -day held up 111v 14 � -New York City the raids were under the t1i L r I I Ives getterally acknowledged to be cr,"NOT01011, became colleagues In the MUllist And Communist Labor parties, the ,x ­­ L 6'.�Y'Dl ge And Licentiate ofDour � personal payer 0110 ce-nt," added Sir traffic On the 0`00,1111oll Bridge while Su At Ontario. . aptlstoUte. Both were Intimato wo- supervision of Chief Hamar, aud proceeded to describe they searched the promises of tile coed. everl. ,%Vd4nex4ay A bop.less. Nilas carrie'd—Bolug unable ciates of Christ, were "eyow!tUosece against whom .the raids were directed, Flynn, head of the Department Of ill$- Another forthcoming, venture.- namely, now Ireland Assurance eociety, an , tterngon, , to, lhelp himself, his frlen4e carried NXere 14 custody and Department ,of tice Secret Service, and $00 warrants long Ay 10anaftn Wheat Board Officer In Mitodon;,11d Block, �� him OWly to, his accustomed place at 01 "Hie -majoety", the oh000ll com- I I , meet Justice officials ;xpressed the Opinion were issued for the arrest of radicals ',' trade exhibition jo tour the Domin. the directors at Which are ,,prominent —Big Deal Now on. 1 -10. I I I . I - �.- � tile temple gate. At, the gate...., paillone of 1114 ,sarrow and clung t4at 10110# This to ,consist of five hun. Sinn Feiners, The isearch apparent- L' '-- __", closely to , the tragedy daylight 'would see twico ,that In tile metropolis. .--:--- - I called Beautiful—Ttils gate was pro- . 111ra through L number behin dared OxhibItO, which Woilld remalix ly was fruitless, as nothing Was Te- W, Jk, flambjw L , of Gotheamalle and 04layry, The old , 4 the bars, the'L Atornoy�Geuoral'Palmer personally porllapa,�slx weeks lit each big contre. moved from the building. Winnipeg, DespAtell—The Telegram Mo., 0.141 . bably We one on the east leading from companionship existing before the Not alone was -tile round -tip directed the great round -up from "There is Publishes 41* the court of tile women. Josephus. cruelf L 1xion was resumed. after the largest yet conducted -by the (-,,Ov, Washington whIch, Federal offlel Is I g SOme difficulty about book, Slnri Felners here deny tha tO-night a SOt of figures 544W . t me a W ton VvAd to diaegsoo o4ya. tha � ,A n orders at the exhiltion," lie said, birs of their faction In' which it says have been,obtailled by '16, ouout � t this gate was m4do' Of COrin* resarrection. The first Cbrlb-t'lau ernMerlt, In Its effort to rid the here stated, had as its definite aim "the present suggestion b were concerned a corr.%spondent from the BrI W -04M A%4 Plill4ran, kfyl�S � . oing that -it in the raid last ulght on the LimerIck -Wheat Commis5ldn, asserting Lit fish . tot" ,autiful. miracle properly succeeded Pentecost-,' country of radicallem, but in view of score at firm . S Should Ile represented Post Offioe� I at the I U W�qrlx 14 our. , oUtan. bronze and was more b. the Adding of the United States at a and costly than the Ither temple gates, of W1111ch it was'ail outgrowth, occur- officials, It Was the ill alien who Platted against tile on tile exhibition oil tour byL One S*rl LL 1010 And 00144aae , . ost thorougluly Overy Canadian Wheat Board has di I --.....,..A q to 210% AIM$—It Was A common Sight ring pa.-etbty a, few weeks later, at carried I American Government. The raids Two hundred members of the sposed 9 *In*, I 1� out, )Department of Justice of 65,000,000 bushels of 1919 export r'liv. . 4ift . ttien, as also now, to see beggars sta�, the hour of the evening sacrifice, the agents had been instructed several were - Specifically directed against the agent. Similar travelling exhibitions Trav,aport 'Union of Dublin struck wileat to B OW" la the Kerr reizems Ifo,vorite Season of devotion with the are m0oted for tile Far East, Soitth t*-daY at the Anglo-American Oil ritain, France and Italy t7ft ! tioned at the entrances of places or days ago, and at nine Welook to -night Communist Patty and the Communiaz America, by November 15, 191D,' a - L " tko Queen'* Hotel �w 04 worship to ask for gifts from those Jerusalem. population. Among the as- the , Move was begun On the , radical Labor party. and even another exhibition, Company. aa a , Ild on that S"titt Obureh L * oembling mulfl*udea� were the apoetl consisting of some of Britain# Protest against the date ,was negotiating tile sale at all, �AA bwata"Z 0YOU carecil att4ullon. wiw passed by, Tho- poor were not ee, headquarters, At 10.1s Chief Flynn an'll-mliced -buyers, 8 lux. Government order requiring motor , he British provided -for then as they now are by wsho had not yet broken with the Maine, whether in Portland, that About 300 arrests had, already Urles, to entice tile United States drivers to secure permits. The of- other 10,000,000* bi3shols to t pho" K or in Portland, Oregon, , feet of this- Strike will be Government. The correspondent saym P. 0. 1�031 US Christlan,I)enevolence and,publie char-- outWATd forms of Jewlsh wors'lilp. Do artm*nt of Justice operatives boon Made and. that additional ones .to check ____ itable Inr The L publicity of the mlicle gave wer I 0 P directed to notch, the radicals Were being o0listantly'reported, As --------*-* 0 1 . the supply of petrol to the COW ears "I was able to get the following infor- , ­ - ­_ 1. �__ ' 'L. L L Altutioas. of them that eu- emphasis and aosure& a w140' knowl, ot fast as the radicals arrived at the De- RII which are now on the streets, driven illation. L -Orn the British Wheat com� tered Into the temple—Those who . Dr. 4"Itobt. C. Redmond gave attention to religious matters wore hise with the goods on," Arid that these R9 by their owners, who have obtained Mission, The figure,i are tip to NTOV. I edge, The sOject, wlioee tory r, as Partment of Justice offibes, they woro 15., WIL0.8. (Bur') naturally sirpposeil to be compassion, w ,11 Rn - evidently a faililliar dIrbetlons were carried oat wAS OV1_ the necessary permits. i e1g, ' w 4L segregated into Aliens and citizens f I "Purchased Ili Canada.—Whea, 500',- LZAP, (14ad.) lit to aw I' I!requeaters of -the temple , Last 'light near Mulligar, ,county of , the deuced In reports, particularly from , ate and liberal to'Ward file poor, S. New York, w.ftere the offices of Com- and the foreigners were pl%otograph- in Westmeath, a oar was rl - ddled by bul- 000 tons at $2.44 per bushel; flour, F"ICIAN AND. OUROImA, I � , preclacts. His two -Cold �_affllvttlon ed and "finger -printed" prior to their P.; lets fired from the roadside, , . (* O&Wwx olistft;o. . about to go late the temple—The two 'awakened public ayunpatbY. 'Vie munist newspipers were ral4ed, and I . an,t 50,000 tons At $10.85 per barrel, apostles were oil their VaY to the ,cure departurm for Mile Island, Oaly one TH"'EATY Sib"NIN - "Prance—Wheat, 75,000 tons at $2,50 ' - - was Instantaneovs. It was complete, from Now England, where consider- woman had been arrested up to that . U ,the chauffeur escaped only ,by throw- _ I , place that was prominently set apart It -was Wrought, In the name Of Jesus, able literature prepared for dissem, time. . Ing,lilinsdIf In the lbottom of the, per bushel; flour, 25,000 tono, at $11.50 1 -W-1 ..... . � . - for prayer and worship. . which fto the occasion of the op. Illation by tbe two parties was Selz. vehicle. per barrel, &% . 4. fastening big eyes Upon him I . NIMSPAPERS RAIDED. Motor ow4ers of tile county of . "Italy—Wheat, 75,000 tons at $2,55 III Peter and John both gave Attention to Headquarters of Communists Sides in U, 8. Senate ri� per busbeL" I lit -ion and plea. "look ou'lis;" a cqmmaitd, apparently The primary object of the ralds, Communist newspapers wvm raided Are Active onymous circular that all motor ___e� I the 'lame nian's cofic _ pcoltion. It awakened. Ili the procein ed, and Both . R" T we note three things: Aix invitation, PRIMARY OBJECT OF RAIDS� QueeWs have been notified In all a DRX R. L STEWN' i simultanobusly -by the Federal agents,, Graduate of Vniver,olty of Tpronto, The spirit was guiding them in the 1rupes$11ble, "ritie up and walk." an Assistant Attorney -General GAVIvan vehicles will be forced to stop ru vo]ao;�Ilt,Y of Xmielne- ZiqT1tl,Wt7Q of tbe) - d at 3 I ,c I , Peter's words were Intended to gain- All suggest that 0 never Issaeo, deac evI , diers, Chief Plynn Announced that wIthdraNva. . is C L 0`01 WATCH Surgeons J170 cli a and i i course they -Were taking, lookonus- act of assistance, "He lifted him UP," announced, was .the obtaining of who wore Aided by the police and Sol- I ­___W'_� - nIng until the Government or er . � S ON Col ego Of F ad .e upon which the Department i the attelltlon. of tbLe lame -mail And commande.w.hich he does not bestow ' most valuable Information 'had beelt But Each Wants Other to Another automobile containing two ;nnc-m VaNTEtAxon, L A of Labor might proceed with the de- obtained lit �a mass of documents army offlears, I was reported I -ate I l bring 'him tuto such an attitude of Ability to obey, Strength calucis w4h Portation of undesirables. . Move Yi t. .t ! InInd and heart that he cotild,recelve, .obedience. -seized. About 75 per cent. of the .rs I to -day, was shot at near Mulligar last OR p "' � I Raids were condu.cted In the fol- night. Many bullots lift the car, but B1 IND PIGGERS 0 1 what .the Lord,was ready to bestoW. 11. The miracle explained. The lo�iliig cities: , Now York, Raid- prisoners were declared to be Rus- I � "� ZURDRIGGIS PHOTO STUDIO, I .� 6. gave hood unto thelxi-�-Initead of apostles utterly disclaimed all per- sians. Tile radicals were searched for Washington, R011011-11ifforts to break tile occupants were not tliJuret - - . asking one after another of those who s0nal efficiency lit the beneficent more, Boston, Buffalo, Chl"90o Weapons, but none were found. The the Veace Treaty deadlock in the Senate A -large force of antlitary police V- JOSEPHINE ST. I PHONE 29 , � were renewed to�day as senator4 of both . i L I I . were passing by for aluis, lie gave at- work accomplished. Their sole coU7 Cleveland, Deaver, Des Moines, I)a- majority of the Reds had large raided a music shop In Ontario License Board - 1- I trolt, Grand Rapids, Hartford, In- Amounts of Pal'ties began returning from -their bon, Dublin this . � . � . - tontion to what Peter said, but be ex- nection therewith. was Instrumental. money on their persons, day trIps preparatory to the reconvening, afternoon. The five -story building 'Takes Coiitrol Measures. � - I peered to receive 4oney only..L 6. SlI_ ;Neither their own "power" nor "hall- dianapolis, Jacksonville, Xansaa I Eighty per cent, of those taken ad- Monday, of Congress. -was thoroughly swarehed, but no. . � . neeeP was the occitsion, Neither hu- City, Los Angeles, Louisville, M11- mitted Membership in the Russian The only out -face dbvelopment to Indi- � . latfons were a i , . lumber of conferences in chvisetts, th,, made. � Large crowds ,stood by And I . i Republican, Leader, and Senator Istch hooted the raiders. I : I __ - elette tleq cd -Jesus wore promised no earth- 1 19 ly wealth.. Peter and , John had no ured In the rase, It does not appear Phia, Pittsburg, Portland (Me.), Among the radical publications I - . I a HP . Get Reports On All Liq I Om L I ' ver and gold .have I none -The apos. San Francisco, Scranton', Spokane, 0 thing was tound, and no arrests were ' 1 1 man' energy nor Moral excellence fig- Waukee, Newark, Omaha, Philadel, Communist party. ate ill,-, trend of negot - , that the apostife ever possessed the raided was the Navy Mir, tile paper cook of Nebraskai Acting Leader of the . I'lorL L I money to give to the poor cripple, rower ,.of working miracles at their St. _Loills, St. Paul. Springfield, oil which Trotzky worked While ill Democrats, were prominent figures, � I . . . such as I have -What Peter bad,to 91vit discretion, 9bift Always under the (Mass,)., - ffyracuse, Toledo ' and New York ,City. they did 'lot see one another. All of the* Nut Kisses. Shipm-ents. ,,' llw����� . . � , ".. give Was only What LG The publication Is conferees declined to go Into details, but - In preparing 'a Plain omo.lot (one I , L I od ,would bestow direction of the liely Spirit, Paul Trenton. ' - recognized by Comiliquists here .is they gave an Impression of hopefulness Put through the chopper one-half I . without the addition of other Ingredl- ___� . , I L I through ,him, in the, name of Jesus Wrought, mlracl6s� healed the slick, At midnight more than 300 had the official Bolshevik organ. sw,rile that the day's work has advanced the .cup of pecans, a dozen English wal- Toronto, Despatch-WIlile the Board WAG Or any filling) three egWallotI14 Chriat-Name is here used for the raMed Rutychue from the dead, but been arrestud in New York alid Communist World" also was raided. situation toward an agreement. nuts And* two dozen Almonds. Beat at License Commissioners has not be allowed for thre& PerSOUS;., but tile I power and 411 the other attributes of 4, Who should Make tile first open move . .� not ,heal li:paphroditus and left sent to Bills Island, From a dozen The radicals were brought to the for a compromise, however, continued the whites of six eggs to A stiff froth, 'aiiy data as yet as to, the amount Of number May Do Matordally J!ossonM I Jesus. of Nazareth -Nazareth was a Woplilmus at MIleturn elck. Equally New England cities 300 or more of' of L to be a waritily-debated question, each folding ih gradually three-quarters of When the filling is of . term of reproach which had.ibeen con. the miracles at the goqel in renew . - trae Communists were gathered, a -ad headquarters of the Department Ilde doing indtioeuvring, while th2 nego. liquor that is being shl-pped Int this character. a substantial I I . . ' _,JL ' � - Justice in police patrol Wagons and liations went . oil under the surface, to a pound of- powdered sugar and the 0 1 . . . . liected 'with the %lame of esus by ing .t'ho, 'heArtf, and r0forming tile Ili Detroit the raiders found plentl Province ,from Quebec, it has Made Q11any persons . - rise up _ army motor trucks, Which were man- force the 9ther side to be 1ho first to ntita, Drop by teaspoonfuls on wax- consider that an 011ie. . I Ilia enemies and L walk lives of men are due neither to the ful supply, taking about 300 into break from Its former position. V arrangentei,ts to get such informa- go Q, . 41, "Walk.'�­R. T. . ned by doughboys. They arrived in senator ed paper and bake"In a modemte o en, let Is one of the hardept thin t I piety nor ability of those ,who pro- custody. Chicago and Philadelphia batches of 12 or 15, Lodge still maintained that,, any com- � 0 i V - tion, It is not the desire to get this cook, and It ,cannot be deriledthat it . I 7. took .him by the right ll�ud_ claim It, but solely to Him through, supplied more than 200, and Buf- promise move S1101414- corn6' fr6i� thip ft . . � � � . The narrative gives the detalleof this Whose Spirit both precepts and power The largest utimber secured in 4, Democrats, and Senator Ultobcook 'it,- All nformation merely to Satisfy curlos- L takes practice to turn� it Oucceporully at . Check . miracle. Pote'r` had 'faith that the are bestowed. I falo about 100. single naeeting lijace Was at the Com.- sisLed that the Initiative should be taken Ity, InAt to Iteep an accurate . on Just the right moment, when It Is deli� ' . . Lord would heal the lame man. , other '-cities reporting up to mid- munist headquarters in Dro by the Republicans, HEM O the incomIng shipments, which will cately browned oil the under side and 1, I . . He ,TIT .Peter's second serpion. The ni,&Iit follow.- I Oklyn, ATeantfine both sides were actively at enable the board to trace "blind r1sela ter the limit of pu , would encourage the crippi y L Miracle gave aecao.lon- for the me$sa . where 150 were corralled, work oil proposals they 11oped to 'use ffluoso and I e's faith b . . ge� , 50; I L i .1 . The Appeal In this discourse is ll Cleveland, 20; Paterson, N. .T. in -jarlous -Communist headquarters, bneo the wheels of compromise formally to their sties much better. arid lightness, Ilowever,'this Is 'all � L reaching out his hand to him.. Immed- . a- -176-well, Mass,, 930; Lawrence, Blass., were set In motion. and were feeling out " Ail arrangement has been made art easily, acquired, . 11 i I I tion, rAther than individual, so In the including one with the title, "Hell 'and as tholinlabed . I I I lately -There as no -delay and no AT BELLE i 6" LE P'g'4"- I . ,W 4, Denver, Colo., 6; Nashua, N. H., sel"InOnt On the opposite side of the . � N-vitil the wxpress companies to fur- product 1-o not only very nutritious, but . atmining to OXercISe to faith. The sorilaon at Peliteoost. The a -cope Is , Gate Branch " Meetings were in pro- �z'L`rty fence in preparation for the break, , . . 150 (including 23 women); Spring- ' % u1sh Information as to the destina- economical an . . ., L - cure was wrought instantly. w1dor, aUd thooutloolt broadened. The gress when the raiders arrived, and which would bring the whole situation to d delicious as well, it . feet and , Mass., - 65; Holyoke, Blass, 20; from 15 to 20 arrests were 'made in a head. , ankle bories-The words in the origi- firot sermon emphasized the Messiah- field I Lion of all liquor coining, In and -the. will well repay the housewife to ex - Ship of.TeSus; 0, MOGt Unwelcome PrOC- riNyorowter, MA -III.,' 50; St, Paul, Aticle Tell continued ills, crux of all the* persons to -whom it Is shipped, Those perd " . lial are.found. nowhere else In the Novi lamittlOn to th,cee who had d6liber- Minn., 9; Trenton, N. J- 75; Haler- each place. � discussions, neither side having found Little Steamer 4$eal 'Save$ Who bring in liquor for their own uzo ment until she has become letter The Communist party represents much favor in its round�about proposals . perfect. . ­� % Testament. They are at A techilical ately rejected H!a Clain I)III, Mass',, 2i; Louisville, -Ky., 20; on the atibiect. have nothing ti) fear ivom this plan, 1. . I chara.4Eer, _ns and. cruel- Next in promineng Maroon Partv It is rarely wise and their . alit., 15" the advocates of violence and "direct the cittestion e, Was 1.014 I'll I to ,undertake to '%so- tegether fled the "Prince of Life." 04 the Baltimore, 18; Oakland, C of voting -power the bUtL by this ,means the board will be make a larger omelet than one cam- . _,�, . � I with the other features of exaet de. present occaololl all t'lle people were Manchester, N. H., 65; Bridgeport action," and heads Its International League of Xations, witl , I the Democrats I At ill'times- advised if a Person Is pe- . Posed offour eggs, and fotr the novice . I I I I scrIption of the cripplaN case, MI- addreQ30d and national dell anee Conn., 15; WaterbuiY, Conn., 7, a�� membership with the names of ?rich- 4PParentlY determined to make soino curing ,quatitities of intoxicants th'.1t It IS well to remember that the small- . 7 1 existeno cat* that, we have before us the lau- ver - alas Lenifie and Leon Trot,ky. In the modif cations in the reservation adopted Were in Dire NOW, bUt Would udic4te the e of an il- , promised upon national repentance. Berlin, N. H., 40. . I at the last session by tile Republican � . . - guage of the physician (Col. 4.; 14). The "restitUtIon, of all thingle' was A SCORE OP SOVIETS. United States it has, found its main MaJo0ty. There were a few other points None .I$ipk, legql traile lit liquor. I or the omelet the easier it , 1,5 to - iecolved stren-th-Not only was. tile ' sources of recruits among the Most of difference, but the general lmprcs� -V' The securing of this information handle. When, a larger quantity 19 I u Xbrotold by their own prophets. Peter officials here declared tile n reqikired, two omelets should Ild wadibi ­_ _ cause at the lanienese removed, but , atI011' Ignorant of the Allen Population, And slon Peemed to be that an agreement oil will also %ervo another purpose, -, , , , . 11 feet and ankles, which must li . the was severe in his 'Indictment, Dut wide round -up was the ihost Article Ten would MlITLOSt end tile wh,le -If Instead of axis. � , . a -ire been thrust the lantb deep,deep into their cOl", its �rinclpal strength has be controversy. Quebec, Despatoll-"All hands '0110'_A' it should be decided by the Legis. . I . ple congested districts of Now York and that your Omelet pan is L . . wealR throrigh constant 4tsuae, became soul( the grace el peace and . tely planned arid the machinery lature to act upon a suggestion made Be ,sure I �� .. �,�i - .3, that -gas the best oiled for this of any Chicago,. What the Communists, who '-- - <1 owofully taken off Delle Isle, 4'n4 In Government c!rc!es a week scrupulously cleall, and that the hoat S strong. 8. stood -Ile had never leap- Pardon might flow Into their hearts. mer fSpall ago over whloh 'the omelet da cooked is, . 0 up and Stood before, yet there, Was a-IOPBL is imparted by -the amurance raids launched against the radical Ole- take their name from the wild orgy Relic of Ung-ftst Age, now sale on lboard the eiea that amount of liquor a 'person may I � no uncertainty And no hisitatiou, that the coVenant had not been all. Ment in this country. It was ar- of bloodshed and anarchy which Paris - While cutting peat in the Leithen bound for Newfoundland." hqve on hand, it would not ibe so (11,,f- VOU moderate. Remember that any . Walked-�-Ho at onr,a had the strength nulled evoi by their ouprome trans- � ranged Some tan days ago that the experienced after the Franco-Prussian headwater area, tile sheplie?ds un- � Thto laconic yet reavauring mes- ficult to euforce such all enactment. egg preparation (which contains albu, ' alld the skill to walk. entered with grea6ion. raid should take place to�nlght, And War, really stands for, was Set forth earthea a norn. -which may have be. so- wee received in Quebec Mr. J, H. Bertram, Collector of Men), Is best when cooked at a low L ce I to- I . them Into the temple --It Was the best L - - — , confidential communications wore in a manifesto by Lenine which- was longed to Boo Drital-genus or Boo night from a lower Gulf vii-ia 'O which Oustoms for the Port of To. -onto, yes- n melet Is no ex, . Possible uda lie could wake of hie new- sent to Department of Justice re- prodttqed�ln evidence at to -day's bear.. longifrons, the wild OXen that roamed reports gett!ng the message t�r`OI 130118 terday received Instructions from ot- cOPtI0n to this rule. Above all, jitke I presentatives and United States at- Ing before the Lask Legislative Com- over Britain from the glacial age t ' Isle. . te,jya that no liquor must enter Can- plenty�of time, and ,don't hurry the I . . � . RUSS SOVIET torneys 'in the 33 cities. mittee in Rochester, near historic times. it was foun 0 LarI7 this week it was, reported ada, without the owner first payin& 000king. . IL The offOct of the miracle UpoU � L�, . I - 4 at - con - the people (vs. 9-11), 2 _ , I . . Department of Justice agents de This manifesto declares that the a depth Of four feet from the surtape, that the steamey Seal ll�Ld been de- It duty of VS a gallon Plus 7 per r For the filling aromelets almost any k, Walking and ,� sired most of all to capture Incrim- Communists. must plan for the dis. and, the shepherds ale . e Isle around' the w.ar tax. The order remains in toreo "left overs" can'be used. All kinds of Pralsilli; God -The people had otflan .04. Uf Mo ' L 0 Averred thIlt spatched to Bell . SeOn him before, but always as A. L . inating documents, not so much of Arming of the "laborers," �and the there was a small patch of brown hair east coast of Newfoundland, and that until the ond of the mant(h, and has cooked vegetables; meat, poaltry, . :. I Ing 2 0 0 ONE G. � ITALY ttLe literature of propaganda, but formation of a Red army similar to attached, which Is quite probable,' its ahe was to Attempt to reacli tile ma- tile affect of ohecking a possible Cheese and the fressh,-green vegetables � L . . criPPle, lying by the gate to beg at papers showing details of the Com- that of the Russian Soviet., It de- the Peat would act as a preseryatiVe . rooned lighthouse keepers and wire- vast ituportation at liquor from tile like minced 'green peppers, Parsley, - , them as they passed by; now they . , , 7 ., F , ` ., . munist brganizations In each city. clared that I JcA1pOW_ L. -London, Mail. lece operators, L- who had bee.0 living Ui1ited States whioli owners there Ote., are excellent, while a few sauted �L . were amazed as they saw him walk . It was indicated that If Such evidence conquest of polit -0-0-0-- � to get"rid of before their mushroorns or.,oys-ters Will turn , the - ly a ch it e oil short rations for vee1w, ana whose were willing , Ing and heard him praising the Lord, Offers Block Sea Route for was obtained, detortation at the 'per- er should mean not more a g NOT oRn prcepects cf getting relief Seemed Possession of It Is illegal, Olatelat ifito a nwst elaborate dish, I I 10. XUeW that It Was ho --The people � sons concerned would be an easy mat. in personnel, but annihilation of all 4--.0 , An Alliance, from day to day more and morp ----.* 0 V_ good brown or tomato sauce, &a always - I were so familiar with his countenance . ter. As in the easo of the mombors opponents. , FIERCE FIGH 0 meagre. in�__ � --- . I . .. ..'""OXIX that they at once recognized him., Fill- , I I in the TTnitod States, the organiza- W. , , !%, good to pour over the finished omelet, -,.,. -W - lit the meatltlmq the C.0,S. MoUt- % .. , r�p � but 4t Must be quickly done, as ,the , I of the Union of Russlan.Warkers, sev- tion of the,Communist party had 'n .. _1 " 2 'VI". �, .5i , U -, , �� I Od Vith Wonder and amazement- oral score of whom were aboard the ME calm was gettlit ., �"8 ­ _­_ , Such A, display of supernatural Power L Maurice Fears a Mena,ce to reached the extent that Sunday � g regdy to put to �.,X,� � R`�`X:rli� lightest Omeet Ithat was ever coo3ted L transport Buford, which sailed front sea, and Ili fact she ieft Worth Syd- 0"i.iu `P .. � RM .0 , , "o �, n�.. . schools had been formed Ili Now IND` I A1111 F R`6 N T I E R r ,�_,_., . falls very soon after its removal from . .�il . Nl­ "'I might well excite the wonder of those " India. Now York ten days ago, membership York, Rochester and other cities . ney at 7.30 thlo morning, presum- . . :�, I , 5 R5 9 tile fire. who saw what was done for the I%mo - cards In the organization were re- -1 I ably bound to Bolle Isle. But tho 1. A 1*1 ,a, - -,qv.l � �. 11 where the childreti - aliens .. ,%-' r­,�___ . _ L .' ­ 7.1 As eXamples of delicious omelets, , I . _ I I al for'the cured and Tojoic I% Well founded, 'had made her­�vay - � 01 k� I the following teSted recipes -are oug- - � Man. -leld Peter and John -It garded by officials as constl of were . Seal, it the above-igentlaxi %.port � � , I , 11, I I tilting the tought the CommunistaA. doctrine. and Battle Yet ig pro. .ed re �' -Y `:" . 0 90sted: -- I ' . wat. liatur. - London, Cable -7 M, TchitqUerig, best doeumentAry evidence on w4tch %tiffest F� — 12� V, , . Ing man to ei . encouraged to ridicule 0,11 religlati. .. I Ing to thO 4POstleso for JaOIShOvIk Foreign Minister, has pro. to base deportation cases.' ' . ' ' to the lonely And d!otant island, and .F... I .. . . they, had been 'instramental in his Officials said the only . difference, bodies, Evidence WAS Introduced ber. . gress Recently. . had safely' removed the entire colony '. . WELCH RAREBIT AMBLZT. . I , "' _. PcQed to Italy a resumption pf rela. tore the Lusk Committee, Which for .. .4 i . I I . heallug, All the people ran together L from the spot, and is now eto4nilfir, �, ", Title Is partIcularly good for supIker tions between that wunttY and Soviet between the Communist party andL t4' �.­ IkA , e months has been investigating Sedt . I back to clVillzati6n. The A-eport 40t ' LL � . . 01, a damp, bbilly evening. proceed I UZA-0 them - The report Of the cure Russia, polliting oU mi, ,v2A On@ Of tious activities in New York State, to the Seal successfully reaching Belle ,kgj I 1'1 :.. . L, th�tt the ,,im Communist Labor party N 1"�-�' -L A I . leadership Both have e L � � as tot Plain Omelet, and While dt L is soread rapidly, and CrOlVdS Wished to bent capture of the Black Sea (b (?-,oeridoav- Bugler BOY Proves Hin'iself " ­ � coast . rom the ,,� �, :, ", T-041lig an Vao pan preparethe filling as : pstabligh. . stranded colony was coilfirmed to- �-,-, I . - bY the Soviets will Open the Black Moftt of a Soviet folLm Of between the Americaia Communist or- a Hero. . . , Q��; L, . L f011ows, Place In a pan one cupful ,, see the Man. himself gad his Apostles aring to ilrIng aboui; ti, Show that a close connection. existe(L Isle and removing theref 111. PeteVS, sermon (Va, 12-26). 12, Sea route to -Italy,- says a Moscow Government gauization and the bureau mallittiln- night from two different -sources. -.1,' ;, � , of grated ,choose, halt a te,A(gpoonfal a Whon Peter saw It-ThO P015PIO had wireless Message received here. Ila this c;ountry since their organiza. ��!,,' -A ­ .... i ", -�.- . I Fz,;; � . ed in New York City by L, tC. A. X, - -This meeseage of the safe reocue ��, , L ., ',,I .. come together, and wore all interested , In an &I-ticle in tion last September, according to of I ,.�. U ftrd, tsatt and paprika to taste and the Dally News, I f1cials. - Martens, tho self-styled Ambassador Mandanuankitch, India, C4blo - Of the marooned. islanders came to- . 1-11, , : tour tablespoonfuls at milk. Cook in. what had been done, The w3raele Major-General Maurice declares that of Soviet Russia. The growth of 'I'llp fiercest fighting ever experienced A I I Was wrought, not alone for the sake Do night shortly after o'clock. It �, : , �. Over A moderate heatj stirring con. by Federal " .L. � agents recently allow conclusively it gave no particulars ae to the altua- '�R� - � �, , . . the road to India Is open as a result Mulelitg gathered the propaganda spread by the Com- on the Indian frontier ho,s been In ...T; , *1 � . .. stantly, until Of the consistortcy of -�, 0?1110 AffIl0ted man, but also for the of the presouce of the Bolehovik troops munists in the United States was Ili- progress during the last three days, t!on in which the stranded People 4- . Welsh .rarebit, and *%our lisLif at the I . , � , .� ­ ftke of tke people. Peter now had on the Afghan border, And adds-, "An Was said, that plans were drawn Up In which L -line the Biltio,ill casualties were found 'by the rescue ship, nor ;;A.;`.-- .. MiXture over ther ometlet before fold - both a congregation and.n. subject for by the leadora of eAch Of these parties dicated by evidence, Showing thatle4f- , I:— 11 .L I I . , lots Setting havo been heavier than those in tile as to the hardships, not Aa to the �� . - �._ I 'Use, the remainder over the top, Immediate policy Should be establis 0 to develop a score or more of Soviets forth\ their principles, entire campaign it, the Tirah district, 9411allt Seal's experleneeks oil liar r L, 1; 11 __ i .�L I Ing, diseouroo. Answerect-There is UO by the tritleb Government 'to prove have been di tributed throughour tho I I �� aftor the omelet 10 turned out OnAhe . renrd that the people had asked - througbogt the country, These Were 0 1807, while -the ',Hill tribesmen saf.. trip or morcyt , I him furtraer e.ttension, of the Reds' sph . a quo,stion. There was a question In to be country at t �e rate of 200,000 to NO,. . i Platter. or influence in countries now -1 merged under u Soviet 'Conticil OOOL (10,11y fared as never before, . It WaG reported to -night, though, .� � I . I 111' 8110fiar to that which now exists in . OL CC) � ' . - their Minds. Ye Men of Israel- British control or protection -J$ �L ,— The Mahauda displayed the Ittmost that when succored th lony at ..... L t, .. I I I OMMAT AUX VINES )JMI�gg. Peter addressed them In a most re� ' "' Russia, according to Mr. Garvan. I determination In OPPOS1119 the oper. Belle Isle was In dire need of help, �t Beat ,tIlO Y*Iklg Of the eggsand Add spectful manner. Why look ye so 1`10 advanco of the Bolshevik forces AMONG THE NEqRot.�S, but that to ,ono was oick, ' 'two table6poofifuls In the Dolldtz coal basin is developing atl0itu 01! the ,British Expeditionary I , ,� ... � Of Vety finely L ct '. Z ...... earnestly Upon us -Tho people were , 'tment revealed to.nfgftt 10oree, resisting in the Most stubborn , N - M I min4ed (ParalOY With four t6blespoon. The DOP91 The ft that the C.G.S. Mont 1, rAPIdlYt 04COrding to 4 Soviet wireless SCHEME TO PUSH calm left North �Sydnoy early this � . fuls of milk loreath four ewe, Set regarding Peter and J'oha with wou-, despatch received bore to -day fro activities of these two organizations Itleh p1ttempt-9 to morning seems to 14dicAto that �fl ill CL cold plwce for two holtrs, before dor, thinking that they were possessed in I manne"the 1�r ad - Moscow. It is claimed that all of the among tile nogroos. Thelr atteings vane.l. Tile British column cause. . Of supernatural to organize the nogroes In, SUPPOrt of L quently ,wao Compelled oither the 'm4rine Depar4nent, 4t Ot- il.;9� M'skulng the omelet, This will give power-'- oil'! own rO.IlWay junctions between Dakhmut CIZ to remain oil. tawa was unaware of the Seat'd yen- . 11 � ' ' Power or holiness- - Peter stud John tb. Plahs to overthrow tile present Dalai. BRITISH WARLIJ OftIPPed In the PalOSIna Plain. , , 4 �' , . tAO finished Omelet it PrOtty green gother with niarty others had rpeolved arid Lliganek bavt lbeeh oteuDlod and M And economic system were carried I All'Unriallded bugler boy of tile 34th tUrO, Or that the uNloatcalm wad In N Q r �� .. ,color, Whou ready to Cook the ,oMe- reality bound, not to Dolle List but I 1. .1 L� , , spiritual powerand purlty At Pente- I � L14..", " .. I . -.11 . . lot iAdd to the yolks One tablespoonful L, miles east of Lugan8k. -hall 65 far and Officials admitted that thla Native Pioneers Showed notable hero. to Of. John's NfId., where the Seal .10 TH� Oftch of chopped chives, tarragon a that the Red 11005 ate less t �, ,.. � cost, but It was- not what they had With the capture propaganda had gone to.such 0, length ISM in the course of the hand-to-hand taking Ite rAfugeos, ,N,vh lice the alont- RISTORtd NECKLA09 Or, nd that wrought the mirat'le oil the lame thousaUds - Sir H, Greenwood Ontlines of Prisouer'if; wNeorveoctaiekon'lasky. that t"Oble may yet bd expected fightln- Left With only a few com. calm will bring thell1e back to the CZARINA is FOR SAM ohOyvII and salt 4nd Whit4i popper to Man. 13. The God of Abraham, etc, Among -certain Negro tommunItIol. rados, " taste, then fold Ill tile White$ and tool -Peter was a Jew, and WAS address- he seized a lilek,zxe and fought mainland. It Jet possible also that the For $1,400,000 you 'Ordfng to thO Soviet report, which ft. , 'Mr. GArv4n made Public Infornla. � MAY haVO 0114 as for the French omelet. . I c the Plan. the tribesmen till they retfrod,-w�en Marine and Plohorlea Department at 11 � Ing the JeWS, henCe he Mentioned the clares the 0ec"Pation Of Ilovayokoye tion gathered by the Federal agents . e rilp. laden -With tro. helt,loom necklace, RVOVIdekd tiobody A MOVENot, 0�*dlol,UT. sp -1 names that were honored by them. way loading Up to thc,L front, I OttaWa knew right along of tile Seare makes a higher b d. The jewols, . . 11 � deprives the enemy of the only ral" allowing tile nature ot tile warl Big Industrial )?air for. L Ifl,"I" L . vq'age, 6mt kept It secret, and that WhIch ar6 said toi I have Ilden the It"ry one tablespoonful: of mince(1_6& L . I � Ilath glorified his Son done aIUOng the negroes. One docut lon Ili one tablespoonful of bacou'dril). -Teaus - The The Doloboviki, the rtie,wago eon. Mont 0olitaills t1le followIng. — the Woutralm was ordered out to Now. PPOP61'tY of thb, OtArina NathAlla apostleswere bold to Drool4im,lesus As tilluee, havo 6ccupled the important 04 d, . London. This action was evidently A con. foundland without her ordere being Narvieh Kiva, mothtr of Petal, the Plugs until delicately colot0d; add tour . tht Sou of God. Whom ye ddlivored I In close Connection 'with the un. ­%� thlultlOd of .tile fighting reported In divulged, OreAt, have been Placed 04 tho 1,14ble-spoonfuls of canned tomatoes, � statlong of YUSOVO and Dolla, 4111d akil ad workers IS the broblem of London adVices of jan, It b,,tsed on At any Tate, the report of the safe plapket in London by Oftlef Of thd , halt Z tCR8DO0T%fU1 0aell. of gait and L uv-Ardong the hearers were those are Marching towards MarluDol (all , the negro. The negra presents ,ft London, Cable -To -day Sir flanlar dO8Dftt0hOs from MR11dannankaell, dat. removal of the Bello Isle colony by I A ,S(tIt_fVOol1fUI of . I who had been eager to Uve Christ Important seaport On the Bait of Azov), Political and po e 0 a 0 S&gt 0 the Seal, coining, ae It doe.3, simul. 0806110Ants of the Russia dynasty. sugar, .P&DrIka and condemned and crucified, And Peter A quantity of guns- and booty w0A 0 01101410 bondage gild Oroenwood, Overseas Minister of, Ad Dee, 18 aild 20. Th a i a s d . 'rlie necklace 000slas 6f four, row* a Pluch of vowtlero4 thyrae. Cook, stir- I , (1bArW them with his death. .-They clotured In this reklon, a ppremlon, each intensifying tile Trade, outlined to the Canadfatr- Pre!sg - serlbod thO falling back of the Bri. , tAnOOnsly frCHI two different 00uree6 Qf POSIPIS, the total being 198, and ring constantly, for giX Ininutes. ,tub . a WAS 1180 a t h O'. bad clumored for his crucifixion even the enflr4� .Varkboff division, one of . Thia complicates the 110gro the scheme lit hand for PU9bIng )JI -It. L tiall fro I ill 1) S t 0 to-Illsh't, leavea littli) doul)t aft to its w6i,Uhs almost tWo poundg, With a LeUt 410VOL Of garlid � h they i When Pilate, the Roman . 18h Industries, especially by means of had oep d tho final recapture r4t* Problem, but does not alter Its pro ft a h 0 1 1 n whic Tile over a bowl goyoru", General Denciklne'o finest eorpe, th# �Upled an veracity, ftpotlally when already, a rtsetvd Price Placed on the deco and In this beat the egg Yolk; thon, danired to rol6ame hint (Luke 2011; 11, letarian character. The Communist the British Industrial Pair, whi(,Il Is Of tho 11091don auln(bor of daye ago, It wita ro-ported Von Is 350,000 pound#, V, B(OXCOW report aad4. Alter lt�avy fighting or AlMost add the stiffly whipped whitse an11 t.h,N, . 24). 14. The Holy One. -A tttl,a Peter , �� &--- Party' will carry On agitation am6ng to be held next month, In an Attack lastIng two houra. that she was,on her way to Dollo tole, $1,400#000. . t0mlft filiXtUre, <'ook &6 for plain. : the negro workeril to 14nite the "BrItIsh manufacturers, The Seal Is a eturdy little veesel. . I L filviled to Jesus. see 171311 16; 10. m who tire ___44_0�__ 1 1 The Juot-The word just here dftwotem '01 39Yerything that looks to the future with all ,elass Conscious workers." suffering fV0111 a VArlety of troubles plobbs - Say, wilat yoa.will built in 1911 by Capt. J. A. IV. VIZACTIMNG 1411,00 1 11% t Y. I omelet. ­­­*"��_._V ! f life- 6V04611 1111140,11 nature; for never is The Communist party recently arising through the war, are ever. I Of Quhar, of llallfax, a, veterAn of the Nerk On delientossel , I shop) The Innocent. 19. Tk# Prtnee o 1� ig lff'6 80 low, or So little, &i when oc- sDread brolde -NvhsLt t.an Ind ia tPuiperetl to lbs�N ,ql,4)r:l - %L I � . . . L . = eL.,09, Thro """���� 4 � I I . fi* , IN I b 7,0� 11 R TA 1 4 1 "Wrag 340tor 14OF 'a, I I I I I - . - "Avtkor of We." R. V., margi ast Among Its adher.ants whelmed irith home market orde 1110"S' he has A lot Of 9',0d In him, Newfoundland Vanks, who, at the I flo for you, liladam ? n. ro." I T31obbs--P6rbftPS, but It's. a good bit ago Of 11, Iq Atill .4 1 la4l% W I CUPied V�jth the pr"ent_-W. 1.4. Lan- it ,tulanifebtois ,setting ff)rtll Its views Said Sir 114mar, "the tinle *111 Come, ' like consulting & reference book W ill. promincstit Vgure , Mrs. Nowbride-A %yant �to)no bollell but that do#sn't !1It,­e.;t the WbOm 00d bAth rAI"d from the dftd dor, " Vn4 Plani. however, when some of thn 4emAnd I among ehippIng people on the hain and enough apple ple Sol, Live per- I rf � 101v Wha is, out for Mo (111.,;t. . ,Out (in Inder. 8he 1i barely ovtr 600 eftat. , '40tin. .4110%v IlLe tile Cheaper cats of A friend In llijd to one we ,ean tell t(MA, Ud NV141 butli, please. OlIr troubles to. 1 4 . I - L I �� I �, k I 11 I , I I � 1. . 1. I - � - ,I, .1 , 11 _�� 41- . , 11, � I I . � ---At. _. ,_ L I L