The Wingham Advance, 1920-01-08, Page 1smile Galles - Torree Cents WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 811x, 19ZO r 30 82 ELECTION AT "WINGHAM local. i. PATwrAsoxl 1 m Clifton, Kansas, on Fri- ... ... r,..., �„r„ ,... T poug is Reeve, and Councillor Elliott Heads the Fail If you want your Khaki overcoat dyad . 0004 Council For 192 0. and remodelled go to Templeman's, Ed- '! Patterson, a son, Mrs. Patterson was, druggist ward St., ruwriable prices. " T tccitestra played at a Mr. Isbister lost in the race for th*treeveship in Monday's elections to Mr. lila An Naw Years night Tipling by 32 votes. Mr. Elliott heads the poll for Council with Mr, T. R. Bennett and g 'entire satisfaction. a new man a close second. Until the returns om ward 4 came in, it looked as. . Mr. Pettigrew and family have taken g though Bennett was at the top of the list, but I1,�iptt reegived 14 more votes In'thfs ward than Bennett which gave 9 votes to the good. Mr. Cunningham, president of Stheir residence Mr, W. V. Van- t one's dwelling opposite St. Paul's the Western Foundary, and a new man in the field canna next. These three gentle - Jan. 9th. Ex -Students. and man, an old councillor and two new ones made ria personal canvas, but were on the church. war veterans slate, Mr Thos. Fells, another member of the council for the past two Mr, N. L, Brandon, son of Mrs, Brand• years come fourth in the race while Mr. Simon Mitchell came fifth and Mr. R. A. ori of town, was elected Mayor of St. Currie, came sixth, We have not heard from Mr. V. R. VanNorman since Marys onMonday. We congratulate him the election but we believe he is better pleased than If he had been elected, for he act - on hit success: ually told voters that he didn't: see why he bad qualified for he didn't want the posi Owing to the Council meeting on Mon- tion, The results of Wingham elections as follows:---. day evening the glection of officers of the 1,.oR ,M.Ayolt-W, N. Gurney, Dominion Day Sports committee will be Clay afternoon. ' held in the council chamber on January Wrt�xter Bylaws Carry 15th at S o'clock. Wards 1 2 3 4 Total Board of Trade meeting in the council chamber at 7.30 o'clock on Friday even- lableter, Wm ..... • • • . • • • , :. • 88 48 53 75 27 -- 241. 73 62 32 --- 273 ing of this week, Important town mat- Tipling, Amos .............. 60 46 ters to be discussed. co 1VNC14401 t.,f' Mr. Thos. H. Moore, 2nd con, of Kin- Wards 1 2 3 4 5 Total loss has purchased 50 acres North half of Angus, A. E . ..... . ... . .... . . 40 .36 38. 46 2$ -- 183 L Co B Turn be fro Mr 85 27 329 BORN VL « n rry, m Alfred McCreight. Bennett, T. R . .......-- Cunningham, J, J, , ..... , .. ss 4fi 85 79 29 - $02 i. PATwrAsoxl 1 m Clifton, Kansas, on Fri- Mr; F. F. l Tomuth, formerly of Wing- .Currie, R, A .. . . . . ......... . . 47 42 62 75 23 -- 249 day, Dec, 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ham, but for the past couple of years a . Elliott, H. B ........... . . . ... 67 61 86 99 25 -- 838 '! Patterson, a son, Mrs. Patterson was, druggist in Harriston, was elected to the Fells, Thos., ......•, , , .. , , , . , . 36 44 68 76 30: -- 254 formerly Miss Mary Scott, daughter of Harriston council board. Mitchell, Simon . . ...... . ..... 51 39 '61 63 36-- 250 Mr and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Wingham. The, High School Literary will hold an Patterson, W. G. , .. , ... , . 52 41 56 69 20 - 238 open evening at 8 o'clock sharp on Friday VanNorman, V. R. , . , ..... 34 38 48 53. 1411 -- 188 DIED evening, Jan. 9th. Ex -Students. and The candidate for school trustees were elected by acclamation. The new men $Di1TH--In Souris, Man., on Sunday,: others. are cordially..invited, Haines and Hills while t Bisbee W. H s a F. wh h J J .i e d re R. S. Williams, G. L, , on the boar a . : Jan.. 4Cb, Margaret Deacon, beloved We learn on good authority that T. R. men elected, last year'are H. B..Isard, S. Bennett, Robt. Allen and A. G, Smith. wife of the late Cornelius Smith, former- Bennett, -J• J, Cunningham and H. B. Wingham is one of the very few places that have not elected ladies to this position, ly of East Wawanosh, aged 80 years. Elliott have taken the largest votes ever It, is roost likely that one or two ladies will sit at the I921 board. -Funeral to Bethel cemetery on Thurs. polled for Councillors in Wingham. - --�--- --• �-�— ---• ---------- Clay afternoon. ' Mrs, Jas. Weir, Glenanuan, moved into Wrt�xter Bylaws Carry -WEDDING BELLS town 't last -week .and is occupying the The hydro bylaw carried. on Monday at Mr. and Mrs, Dave Joynt of Detroit, i ill uckn w Plax M A L a recent- residence on Shuter St., which shea xeter, 65 for and 8 against: The by, '• CAr BY--•S7EWAR'V Sax mill, Messrs, ly I,ucknow is to have a m purchased from Mr, W. F. VanStone. lay to lay cement sidewalks also carried, lay The marriage took place on New Year's x,ogau and Cutt of Blyth have bought. Your absent friend or relative will ap- 55 for and 16 .against.' Day of Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, the building of the Sagholder Co,, and precliate receiving Tuz WINaaAM AD- Blame The . T. R. 0 R T I. Stewart, to Me. French Canby; Port -ora going to convert it into a mill which . vAxo>r in their boarding house many miles "its Owing to the fact that one of the ship- Colborne,,. Rev. Dr- Perris performed the 'Mr. will -be in operation. next summer. They '. front home. They all say like a letter from home; ' ments of paper was lost between Hamil- Ceremony, and Mrs Canby left on the afternoon train, the bride travelling in will'emiploy about eo men throughout the and in harvest timewillwant a lion, Rev, F. E. Powell, son of Mr, Tom K and Wingham, Tim ADvANCE is com- ; a suit of .brown silvertane; I _year 4• dred or more Theyare making arrange-' Powell, Turnberry, was elected as a mem• pelled to print a much smaller paper than usual this week. ' menta now to have several hundred acres ber of 'Toronto Board of Education, He well, and .who he now recalls lived next Ross—VANNORmAN of flax sown by farmers near town. `headed the poli in Ward One getting over Dominion Wide Woman's Day of Prayor Two of Wingnam's popular young' ---=-- - -- - --- 1500 votes more tban his closest oppon- An undenominatonal prayer meeting People were quietly married at noon on given him as a birthday present, but he ° rational �,g h int. On election night the band played in will be held in the Presbyterian church on Friday afternoont commencing at three Wednesday, January 7th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V R VanNorman, Minnie Staff spent the holidays t the. home Of S . p y a therefore. that this immigrant, who settl- front of the homes of the mayor, reeve o'clock. Representatives from the mis- St., when their daughter Irene Isobel, I l COAL OIL and councillors elect and received contri. buttons from these men for which they sionary societies will take part in this All ladies interested in mission-' became the bride of Dr. Georgi R. ROSS. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. ` publicly thank them, The band bas meeting. ary work are invited to be' present., Perrie in the presence of only a few im- Superintendent Rogers, who has written 'lie Oil YOU Will eeent- placed this money in their treasury. Culross, who High School Teacher Leaves ' mediate relatives and friends. The bride who was given away by hex father, wore k Y tially buy. iVlr. Geo. B, Armstrong of exhibited twenty-three ' Bowhill Farim Mr. F. H. Butcher of the High School her travelling suit. After a short honey- a No smoke. N O Odor.Show Leicesters at the Chicago International • Sta'I' has, accepted a position on the Staff of the Brockville High School and will moon trip Dr. and Mrs Ross will take up their residence in the bungalow lately vac - ton' Ladies and Gentlemen:— sever .recently, won_ four first prizes, several seconds, and a championship. kilt move his family to that town in the near ated- by Mrs. Geddes on Leopold St . and all, for the excellent vote you gave me at Mr. and Mrs. ' W. J. Radford's last oyali a Coal s• flock tAk first prise for the American future, Miss Gerrie Cruikshanks, daugh= ter of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Gruikshanks. Tait A>,vexciti joins with their many friends in extending congratulations and .town council but at the county council. Oil Special. Seriiices in the Wingham Methodist Turnberry, has been engaged Lto succeed him on the Wingham High School Staff. best wishes= Culross. Yours sincerely, church on Sunday will be as follows: 10 Astros. Tirim;o. w k Barrel lots 221c per gallon, a, m. Class Meeting. 10 a. m. Junior How Does It Read corrected Howick Returns •-- : I most heartily thank you for the mag- League. I1 a. in. Public Worship, the pastor will preach. 2 80 Sunday School. Our mailing lists were on Monday, Jany. 5th, If you paid your The elections in Howiek resulted in the fact that I did not do any personal can - Ross' Hardware �d 7 • m. Public Worship, the pastor will P P> P subscription to THE AnvANcr before -has election of;— Reeve -P. Doig the home of Mrs. Griffin's father, Mr. thirty-two years as a resident of Wingham: I will serve you to the very best of my �� take as his subject The Salvation Quart ette."' been that date and our label not b Y changed kindly notify us. Don't allow Deputy Reeve—W. J. Spotton - �� ._ -.-• -- morning for T hku maa, Manitoulin our label to read anythin . but 20 or 21, Councillors --'rhos. Inglis, John Bryant •.. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN - — The (ibis Acrossthe Sea- if it does you are in arrears and everyone' and George Hubbard. Ladies and Gentlemen: -- spending the winter in Kansas wrote to who sees your paper knows that you are Junior Hockeyists Agog pact SALE—Seventy-five acres of F soca paaturo land, all seeded, For forth• Another clipping from an Old Country paper received by Mr. Thos. Stacey,.. before our arrears. Get a calendar b o The junior Hocks team: at a meeting J Y B or partioulars apply to, Rosue BosP , Bluevale, stock otdck is all gone. on Monday evening elected the following 0. $luevale, P. o. •- u M ature Grand FOR ue.i.N in its Hundreds of letters have been receive d. from Lloyd s News reader in reply to "Lloyd's " in' Drunk And Dressed Up The residents living near, the corner of officers: Manager—R• M. McKay. ht t be .L' Plana right: at its best: Reduced ab re. meek half price at H. W. Bowler's Music store, the request of six Canadian soldiers ;for Patrick and Frances streets were awaken.: Coach—Alf. Lockeridg e. F, J, Br"• the addresses of English girls, preferable ed about 3 a, m, on Saturday morning by Secy. Treas.—Howard Grey. junior FOR BALE CFikaP-2 oak heaters in splen- Apply ,> ��farmerettes , with whom .they may f help moans and .groans and Cries or p The rt of support and T s re worthy a h s a 7 Y PA be did condition, born cosi or wood. to mm GFAitugr, „ „ correspond, with a view to matrimony". Three or four men crawled ifito their encouragement as they will the senior rr __ ,.-- John St, A big parcel of correspondence is pow on clothes and went forth into the frosty hockeyists of future seasons, ORSALU—Just arrived one ear of Amerl• Corns its wayfrom-$Llo d's News" to six Can•, y night to render assistance, To their sur- Will Soon Be Manufacturing cau Yellow A, Fox, Whitechurch. Fox, adianS. brise they found a man lying in the. snow with bare feet and nothing on but a thin Everyone who has ordered machinery Fox ck. Ark with a few Ot7 al LOST—White spots small brown spots on book, anyone know- log anything of lite where abouts will kindly, girls setphotographs,,aim Sonne n est every -writer' describes her personal ap- shirt. He had. been drinking and wand. Bred away from his bedroom in the hotel during the past couple of e years know the great delay which occurs before they can oto with. oommunic w Phone'23.804..,; res, 9mn1"bExorr _ — n pearance; but the practical side has of been overIool.ed, and ofFicienCy 1r- farm , He was taken intoe good Samaritans home where he received nourishment and Bet .any. satisfaction regarding its ship. mint, So it has been with the machinery I ORT—Chain olr Adto Truck somewhere be• L tween Win *bam and 'Bluevale in Novem-care garden, anagain d housework is and again for a day or so. purchased for the Aero Cushion Tire bar. Mader will kindly leave same with W' p" Pxtx°ria emphasized. , Sometimes the sentimental note is en- -East WAWOUO$h Elections Company's New Factory at Wingham. This machines has t last arrived in T a a a iV Y SALE—One heater good as STOndw al U a Kitolaott Range A�nlyto BO .. tirely absent. Three sisters write, We The following are the official figures for .Wingham, and is rapidly being- set up in x. zi. UIR John Tt should like to exchange photagraphs with the recent municipal contest in East their shops. Work will now be pushed --•-------�-- Jack O' nnor and Donald McDonald, Co J « Wawanash. t and we are assured that everything will TENrilliitS ti ANTED-•••Tendors will boreoeiv. ed by the Undersigned up till Jan, 20th, 1920 John Borger. Should they be already on Font R conic soon be in readiness to commence the for twenty coral to be good bony wood, beach and ma le' ZO inohea Ion q to bo delivered at order, we ,don't mind trying the other blighters. We in twenty. Wards 1 2 8 4 5 Total 38 48 18 16 5 0 manufacture of Aero tires for automobiles. Loser vin ha Schoo!by tha first ofMarch three range ages Buchanan, Rob t. -161 t, eco Pan ordered this machinery last 1920. Csvzx Wrxc•TreaeurorI Lour, twenty`and eighteen. Should we Currie, Wan, J. 14 33 77 37.10-171c June and for sometime now people have Be 1, , 0W Come to terms we hope to be allowed to Pox ColaNcIttoltl3 done considerable talk about them be- WANTED—&n honorable, haudp, native do liget A takeourtender, parents it us, also aCoupes, Robert ...80 48 72 26 19-195 ,cause they were not operating their fact - man to clean work, middle aged retired farmer. Cr any one who may dog, two birds, and a rabbit with three - Gillespie. John .... $0 62 67 49 81--239 r tory, Fiend forpartionlars stating the present im. ployinoua, Y will reply at once, and make fir• M11- encs to see you pergoually. Write by and a l :f legs (the other half remains in the rat trap). Yours truly, Thne Who, 1 — 2 Leishman, Henry .. 9 29' 83' 2 8 9 Robertson, Geo. M. 26 47 76 24 28-200 l , Celebrated (itllden �eddio$ return mAtt. Youra in stood faith. as, ci Gree Enjoy a Joke. '` Straughan, W. W.. , 43 80 31 80 54--21$ Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, Belgrave. celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniver- 9G olling, ten lit. South. Woodstoolf, Ontario. Quito sporting also is the type -written letter of a London girl:•-- Only Twenty Years ago.• saryat the old homestead on the 10th NOTICE TO WATER USERS "Dear Boys, --«Lloyd's News' published Nobody swatted the fly. con. of East Wawanosh on New Yeare Water Usera are requested to shut ell' their taps at; night. Mary taps have beonleEt rano_ - last Sunday a paragraph respecting letter received .from some Canadian boys Nobody wore a wrist watch. Day, Their children. With the exception of Mrs Robertson, who resides in e, Nobody wore. white sheer. s0 « w lSeattle, ingin order to keep water pipes; from freezing but the Water lir -letting 16w and the water- who wish to make the acquaintance o Wost young. then bad "livery bills", � were present on this memorable occasion works committee urge that no more inter beer ^ wasted in this manner, English girls. Well, here is onel I am me to town .for their ail, at were also several friends, This highly Farm s ca sn By order of Committeo, twenty-six, quite fres, and swilling to go The 'heavens were not :full of manblyds. ; esteemed old couple were married in Lan. Oro. Astra. chief,, This request must be complied with or scat- abroad. Further particulars on applicat+ Nor the seas alive with underwater ark fifty years ago and came to live in East er will necessarily be rahub oil~ ori". boito. Wawanosh in the spring of 1870. They R 1t:A1tM FOR LE B Y' TENT 91t ,My parantswould have no objection to The hired girl drew one -fifty a week have since lived on their farm on the 10th S"lad tenders will bo•reetived by the un. MY riding abroad", says a good-looking dernighed, solicitor for tlie, Estate of James Brighton girl, who enclosed flet photo. g g p and was happy. 'The buteber "«threw in" s chunk of which they cleared, until last summer when they retired to Belgrave and left Weir, dooeared. up t.t) and inolueivir of; the : lath day of January, 1920, for the par. graph. She writes directly to One of the liver. y, the farm to their son, Jack. Their family ohs" ofWelt It r f holA oftLt:t number Zhirbeec3n{hCth� ��illyd, beginning lies letter with, `«I work „ ., , Tl1l� inl!TChantg t1iYCw In i1 pills O� fir@Mrd, itaberteon of Seattle, Mrs, Sinlp. son of Denfield, R. Stewart and Harry of Y;isveni.h ooncess,ion of the Township of reading'Lloyd's News' on Sunday when Turnber , oontaining One hundred and fifth more or loss, save arid except suddenly 1 Came upon an announcements Suspenders with every suit, Nobody "listened in" on the telephone. Wingham and Jack On the occasion of taros of and. �,rf�,Ion sake to the ltattwxy Company for a trightt,t-ova . r ,Wanted: Many wives. Well, it just Thera wore no electric mettro, their anniversary Mrs. McGee was pro, dries •share In ata>,te on thio property X oomfort• struck me first topping offer. Straw Stacks were burned instead of rented with a silk and a came( able desalting and two arced frame barna. Tho 11 0 rre the til a a of Iehannan and sr r ,tcsivsd will be forwarded did t .Al 1 iettt s t a fir led. o baled. brooch, whits Mr. McGee received st soil «,,~ b an market. ,. v*4 x of t e no] d "idt71" liAl.li.: Tan per cent, of the a ilii soldier at the taddretiser given 'b them y N I ubifSh n; s Coll,+try newspaper was of clothes and old headed cane frons h t a a g a a their family, May they long be spares prrrchome monsyon mppmtanee of the tender Q the balance within twenty days therr- blibeet no to ►r n+aces�►tilf in British Columbia. Th# numbers of letters addressed to Mr. Donald MCDoo- not a business --it was a dueling some. There 'Wad ilii Bolrlme elrtt or int(lrnatiAn- to each other. r, Dai , Ths ,.r riom"ihie tsveuty third of lrtaetnl«er. A. >u, aid bear evidence to the magic of a nasus. We wish him and his five friends tha boot Al Anarchists. The safety razor had not introduced Mr McGee wort his wedding Suit of fifty years ago. It was black broadcloth 1t. VAN1iT'eNit. %11*31tor for a&xeeutorg. of luck, sntl thlrak thtry 'grill gat it, ' floe of at]-shawtii face with silk binding. • . -.•v. ':,.=a c:-r.,rv.rv.R'v. „•+.nrr,:»4s+.Fh++r#+s^::tea.. I STOLEN IN IRELAND er n* ; � RECOVERED IN ONTARIO.: ,e1 Va,sdh.Rlln"4s'w•SA'MWl1n1c'W.»H„M1.FhM'M/Ys•�+IV MfV,M�M'� '^ Mr. Vance Sanderson has accepted a P. C. Walter Moore, Flormorly Of 0949 - position, in Detroit, ricli, Makes an Inter#stlax Find Mr, E. R. Harrlsoa made a business This is thh story of a etch and of flow trip to Toronto lest week. . the arm of law was long; enough to stretch Miss, Maud Davis is spending a few from the old to the new world to find it days with relatives in Toronto, after it had been. stolen. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyd are visiting People. have become accustomed to the with the for oes mother, Mrs, Boyd, police going across the continent to appre• Mrs, A. M. Fralick has returned from a hand notorious characters wanted for couple of weeks visit with relatives in some crime, but it is seldom that a search Windsor. will be so diligent as to go half -way Miss Nora Kennedy, is visit- y around the• world to. locate an ordinary timeplece. Yet that is what Accursed a frig with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L, few days ago when a watch that had been Kennedy. stolen in Ireland was found by the Pro - Mr, Harry Wells left on Monday for vincial police in, Northern Ontario, Windsor where he has secured a good Several weeks ago Superintendent Ja+ situation, seph E. Rogers of the Provincial police Mrs. Thos. McCreight and Mrs. Alfred was advised by an officer of the Royal McCreight spent New Years with friends Trish Constabulory that a watch had been. in Atwood, stolen from him, and that he had inform - Mr. and Mrs, Dave Joynt of Detroit, ation that it had been brought to Canada spent New ,Year's with the former`r by a man who was living in South Por - mother in town. cupiae, Superintendent. Rogers forward - Mr. Leon Cantelon returned to his ed the cominunication to Provincial Po- home here after an extended visit through lice Officer Walter Moore (formerly of the Western Canada. Goderich police force,) who has as his Mrs. Walter Patterson and little grand. "beat" a large section of the North, A daughter, Audrey Patterson, are visiting few days later the watch seas received by with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Rogers, Constable Moore having Mr. Jas, Dobie, Stratford, spent New D for 'R successfully located the man who was alleged to have brought it to Canada. Years with rents and Mrs i s Parents, • The story told Constable. Moore by the J. Dobie, Diagonal Road.' man who had the watch indicates that he Mr, Geo. Hawthorn, British Columbia' was: innocent of the timepiece having been is visiting with his mother, Mrs, Henry stolen. According to his story,, the watch n e ' h Hawthorne, Lower Wi_ng am came into his possession through a trade Miss Mabel Walsh hasreturnedto ke before he carne to Canada, He states duties as teacher at Preston, after spend- that a young man`whom he knew quite ng the. holidays at her home, here. well, and .who he now recalls lived next Mrs. Cloakey and daughters have re• door to the policeman whu communicated turned home after spending the holidays with the Provincial police, gave hum the watch for a rifle and a two -pound note. With friends in Windsor and Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. J. D Burns of Galt, This man claimed the watch had been ' formerly of Wingham, are visiting at the given him as a birthday present, but he home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vanstone. was anxious to dispose of it because he Miss Davis of the Stratford Collegiate pelt the money. It was with- Considerable surprise, Staff spent the holidays t the. home Of S . p y a therefore. that this immigrant, who settl- her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. H Davis. ed in South Porcupine, heard the story of Mr, acid Mrs, Alvin Orvis_ of Owen, Constable Moore, But as the :number. of Alta., are visiting with the former's _ the inner case of the watch was the same brother, Mr. E, W. Orvis, Boundary west. as that given by the Irish complaintant, Mr. J. J. MCMannus of Powasson, who Constable Moore took possession of it. pent a few weeks renewing, acquaintances The watch is now in the possession of in this vicinity has returned to his home, Superintendent Rogers, who has written Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A, Miller of Luck, to Ireland seeking confirmation of the now, spent New Years at the home of his story told by the South Procupine im- brother,. Mr. W. T. Miller, Pleasant. Val- migrant. ley. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Boyce` and family ELECTION CARDS spent the Christmas and New Year holi- days with friends in Toronto and Hamel To the Electors of the Town of Wingham. ton' Ladies and Gentlemen:— Miss Marian Scott of Plattsviile. and Allow me to heartily thank you one, Mrs, Wm. Radford of Blyth, were visitors . and all, for the excellent vote you gave me at Mr. and Mrs. ' W. J. Radford's last Monday. I will endeavor to advance the week. best interests cf Wingham not only in the Miss Myrtle Walters has returned to .town council but at the county council. her school near Grand Bend,after spending Wishing all the Compliments of the her Christmas vacation at her home in season, I am Culross. Yours sincerely, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Neirgarth of Astros. Tirim;o. Kitchener, spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. -Win Chan- of To the Electors of the Town of Wingham Turnberry, Ladies and Gentlemen:--- . Ha return- : I most heartily thank you for the mag- to their home in Manitoba on Thursday. nificentHawkins vote you gave me on Monday. The vote is the more appreciated from the after visiting with relatives in Wingham fact that I did not do any personal can - Turnberry. Griffen and son Nis. and Mrs. Wm, Grilf Mr. vassing. The 'vote is also appreciated Wallace, of Exeter, spent the holidays at from the fact that I am compieth ig almost the home of Mrs. Griffin's father, Mr. thirty-two years as a resident of Wingham: I will serve you to the very best of my Andrew McDougall, Town Plot I ability. Miss Myrtle Bennett left on Friday Sincerely yours, morning for T hku maa, Manitoulin H. B, EzzioTT Isiand,'where she has been engaged to teach school at a salary of $650. •r f the m To the Electors To of o Town Winhag Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Scott who are Ladies and Gentlemen: -- spending the winter in Kansas wrote to I thank the people of Wingham who friends in Wingham, saying that they are supported me on Monday..I think we enjoying Hies summer weather at Present. .have one of the beat councils for 1420 we Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Patterson of Wing- have bad for some time, and there is no ham, announce the engagement of their reason why Wingham shouldn't Boom. neice Eva Marjorie McMahon to Mr W. G, PATTARSON Robert Meredith Hunter of Kincardine, The Great Watch Doctor and Optician. the marriage to take place in St. Pauls church Wingham,4th. February h. 1920. To the Electors of the Town of Wingham Ladies and Cotlemew SCHbiL REPORT My is on again an it still fits. To sow that I appreciate the splendid vote following is the report of S. S, No: The fo w g P you gave rife I will do what I Car► to 'n 4, East Wawanosli for the month of Dec' a of all concerned. e best i ter fits t er th s further ember. The flames are arranged in order Thanking you, I remain, Yours truly, of merit. mer Sr. 1V—Wilfrid. 1VIc'S7ittie, Mae Perdue, T. R. B nNi.ltTx Wil- Jennie Anderson, George TAYlor x, Wil- he Town of Win ham c rs of To le to Tothe B g T frid Congram x,� Jr. IV --Jim Coultis. Ladies and Gentlemen: -- Sr. 111—Cecil Coultis, Lorne Scott x, I sincerely appreciate the magnlficent Jr. IIIIrene Taylor, Albert Coultis. vote given me on Monday and you can Sr, It' Alba. Carter, Harold Kerr, . depend upon it that my best efforts will be used to advance the interests of our Agatha Voultis, Joe Kerr John Currie, town. Every ratepayer will be used alike Lawrence Taylor x. James, Maragaret Me, Jr. 1I • Viola J as far as is in my power. . Dougall, Agnes Coultis, Dad Arbuckle X. r a prosperous 1920. Yours fo First --Norman Coultis and Dorothy J. J. CvNxzNuIrAm Kerr (equal), Mary Scott X. -. Sr, Primer --Leonard Jamet, Elmer Ar. To the Electors of Wingham. buckle, Ladies and Gentlemen. _ Jr. Primer -Alberta S111e11, For the vote accorded me on Mvt day Those marked x denotes absence from in electing tele as s member of the T'hwn one or more examinations. No. on toll -Council, you have my hearty thanks And 26, __ I will serve you to the best of my ability. 4 i,+"1LuirA M C:rULL1NC4. Yours sincerely, Teacher. R, A, Currie. Mayors and Reeves Elected To the electors of Kinloss. Kiticardine-»-1 J. Hunter. Mayor. W, Ladies and Gentlemen: u for is esti yet e iven me thank h g I t a rt Y J. Henry, Reeve, Clinton--»ThoMaa Cottle, Mayor. on Monday, I will endeavor to do my Goderic:h --E: R. Wigle, Mayor, duty, to a member of your council to the Blyth -Jas. Cutt, vary best of my ability.. Lucknow--R. Johnston. Yours truly Malcolm Ross. St. Marys --N. L. Birandoo.. r Subscripff ns; $1J0 pa yoke, rh '441 atock 500 Zambuk ........................85c 25c Bromo Quinine Tablets 16r, So Scribblers, 4 for 50C Gin Pills ........................85c 250 Writing Pads ..........:.....14c lye Bottle Ink ....................tie 15a Glycerine Soap 1.15 per dog WZ PAW THE WA 9R T,A X PHONOGRAPH SP'�CIALtS One only Heintztrlan Phonograph,. $79 Table Model, second hand, for $60,00 (But in good Condition,) One only Columbia Grafonola, $95 Table Model, slightly shopworn, for $x75.00• 300 Brunswick Records at half price --50c a record. RKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Drugs and Stationery 1 as o ole si s o p a o other commodities: In addition each ` issue will contain accurate and full in. formation, political and general, up to the ` s hour of going to. press. No other farm `y`g yx•. ,,, paper will equal the Farmers' Sun in the service rendered to its readers. Wher you subscribe for a farm paper, ' > - subscribe for.The Farmers' Sun, owned by Y the farmers and published in the interests :L of the Ontario fanners. The s.+ibscription x :r�.�;�; •�� �.:•< . puce of -the twice -a -week Sun is only 81.50 <> per year or 3 year_ for $4 00, No well= wishcr•of:the farmers' movement should;, t be without The Sun, t,rntQOlZk:HTheGa LordQuet r�l ►" t.... o tivv ,jT B G•I.D ,NPC l,$ The Sun and THE ADVArica will be clubbed for $2,85 per year. Subscriptions At the Lyceum Theatre next Monday, taken at this office. Tuesday and Wednesday, w- OOTWEAR i *--SPECIALS IN F 0Z Early iambs �s�sssseaenaarca�esssis�air i Mr. Cyrus Scott of East'Wawanosh, ` (''� u 1 'S"� T j, (� �,/ d i 1 1. - has nine pure bred Dorset Hon1 Lambs, �7 eeesslc�ei two weeks old. ++ f PHONE 59 M,M! I1, I.IAII��.M IMs 6pairs Boy's Oil Grain Bal'si Felt lined) sizes2, Kinloss Council .,...�,. 3and 5,regular price X4.00, Saturday pri0e�2.� 0 The'municipal'contest In Kiriloss was w keenly contested. Four men ere in the , } Sl color* 20' pairs'W'ontien s Kosey Kornerlop > colo s• field for the reeveship. The elections • re - in Black, Brown, Red,. Wine and Grey, regular suited in the election of `Reeve, Henry' Mathers and for count hots Mac Ross,! YOURS J. W. Colwell, E. Ackert and George 14 airs Misses and children's Kss Slippers p y Ferris. ,o regular price, $1.00; Saturday price................75c, The Farmer's Paper Twice A Week FOR The Farmers' Sun is to be enlarged and The above lines ate filrst quality Arid the cut prices T tl Y improved and to be published as a semi weekly. This move to supply the, Out. 1920 ario farmers with a paper of their own more frequently than weekly, will be ap- Shoe Repalpind— preciated not only by readers of The Far- Bring your shoos here for repairs, and see how mer's Sun ;but by farmers generally. how well and reasonably Well :Mend .!01 -aptly, y +� This is a move in the right direction . heir- and will eh ble Sun subscribers to kee a keep.1- —""-'""""' better posted on the live stock and other ( The Teta and Coffee House markets, which are of great importance to t 0,s, all having stock or produce tQ sell, as well `in uc s f t th der t r h a sed r arsaaIiresnansnsa�ieisrar as o ole si s o p a o other commodities: In addition each ` issue will contain accurate and full in. formation, political and general, up to the ` s hour of going to. press. No other farm `y`g yx•. ,,, paper will equal the Farmers' Sun in the service rendered to its readers. Wher you subscribe for a farm paper, ' > - subscribe for.The Farmers' Sun, owned by Y the farmers and published in the interests :L of the Ontario fanners. The s.+ibscription x :r�.�;�; •�� �.:•< . puce of -the twice -a -week Sun is only 81.50 <> per year or 3 year_ for $4 00, No well= wishcr•of:the farmers' movement should;, t be without The Sun, t,rntQOlZk:HTheGa LordQuet r�l ►" t.... o tivv ,jT B G•I.D ,NPC l,$ The Sun and THE ADVArica will be clubbed for $2,85 per year. Subscriptions At the Lyceum Theatre next Monday, taken at this office. Tuesday and Wednesday, w- OOTWEAR i *--SPECIALS IN F 0Z 9-�.r �`�onext, SatupdayJan. 10thl­001 - eeesslc�ei �,+, M,M! I1, I.IAII��.M IMs 6pairs Boy's Oil Grain Bal'si Felt lined) sizes2, .,...�,. 3and 5,regular price X4.00, Saturday pri0e�2.� 0 w , } Sl color* 20' pairs'W'ontien s Kosey Kornerlop > colo s• in Black, Brown, Red,. Wine and Grey, regular Iprice $1.40, Saturday price.......................,,,..,..,$9c« 14 airs Misses and children's Kss Slippers p y .�.� ,o regular price, $1.00; Saturday price................75c, The above lines ate filrst quality Arid the cut prices T tl Y for Saturday only. EE Shoe Repalpind— ''�r"Vi Bring your shoos here for repairs, and see how how well and reasonably Well :Mend .!01 -aptly, y +� heir- rIe WVVser TIF, 140ME FOR GOOD SHOES,