HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-01-01, Page 7I I — IPI; 1 1 7 -"IT- ,_f. , --1 _ , 777i7T I , _7 - , , ,* ,; .., .,*.-.r— , , , . -b '' - ".7. — I 11 - _______ - - I - - 11 v - - ____ - -_ —_ - - — .—
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" Jow*lry were 005111Ai%do taygivix S , 14 F IU dft bw r4iasii red thr(DUKII 911 t IMO, - to -
ormoua loss. I *010,rftp A M,d owtmfL ttm" I I
ot Geralaa subaLtriAW AELL tL ,
P - "Im"""O""Y"a"'t is ce- P1 _1 U WSI& 9 '446 "" , I ING Al L, Slri ke ?
1j,a0t4 of art W%;dL 11114ch el. W'", t aMs
' '0% 'Wt t
1':r a' ' k"
T, R Y MCROWN R11K101E , I'm ST b* 11 I S\ 5 +++ ",* " 0 is 4 # 4, 4 **-**4++++"
4 _R I -0" 4o, t,, 0, R E- -,
, The retreat Of G.orteral Venekine'a . "' " g4roplanam, fortiftwd
voiti-Atears has bion completely savor- diatr(q,eit AIIA
un ; ad, Accordlug to a Bucharest ;daaVatcb. ky bristling tiers o -t guns, proteated — Labor " rsillealm In tb* iad-W&W'
L LISH by 1mvy, lox&-distatio oboro bat -
FOR LOOTING IN FRANCE ' Their only recourse, the despatch adds, ,, A10MATID ENG Wheat BoWd MA 1XP*rtS4 LO%T, vook And xet as It the vnrld
is to 400 k refute In Rounlauls. 11 teriew and avery kind of mcdOm entirely wn them, WbI10
. _- . ,arpimeat, About Two-thirds.
.% I , provad no in,)rs tiapr*X- thW mra Indaip ndent of 0
1 Bevea persons have been burled and . 0 a0le before the daring and the In- I aid evairylwcW. Here in =,"0Z
- .killed In an avalanche tllat covered Vollulty of ioaglimb sailors than did from a wwAwa P-4ar, "Otto*Wfal
, If t the plountgIll.ra- Inoidiants in NatonalMstory—Vnt= Of AM910- be
. -air to German Throne One of 6T several chal(A4 a, Nombre do Mos, ceatti-ries. ago, - Farming" -*UU,h saw"Ad 003VIO$0
, I
- - Big , 1 A79A]h 1 -Su -i V,%lU6 $110r
.. .r ," , fore Drake and his littIs force Of less 48 even the'luest LztkinI:,IAX roAmi 1JvAt
....... "I'll, . L Whose sort Qt 1)"'"wItzerls"'. I . saon Races. , .
I I C OinifialS ' slao'heil screw , . than 100 MOD. shipa versus land 183,265, 6011VOUt. ke and hin are depsedent. itrou owletY
Thomas Clir.otle Nvaa r . ,
surrender is Askel ,',, I the forehead, -by DoullatC.0 Uarlar4o. , ! __ . I ba.tterles-it is a dangerous duel, In am a whole, and without It bA WPuld
rl . I -R -l -Mi" ys be at . S
in Toronto, who was placed under S5 ==` ;1; - -
- _ I . - I base which the ships must alwo tarve, freeze (r .go naked, The WU
, .1 , — arrest. but difficulties , Ottawa Diopatch. - About , two- torlat In part follows: .
R. 11, Anderson, of Toronto, was M J. Reynolds in Manitoba, Fr a 0 1,31iglish race for centuries, and t % great dlsa4vaota,96, t1trite of the exportable surplus ou.' ,,We sm% city workers to rowler It
' "no attacked by motor bandit,3 on Lons- . prow.) have united the soattered battallonsi are only noted by our r - . y to be met I
o Insure all allit , 4 Omm a
r No 'Decision on Ex -Emperor StePs t Icce and one cannot olAborixto Or say , assured action for tA, e 0 ond overcome. The word "Impoo- the Canadian vmeat crop,haa alreatly moluent INhat ulight haprip If tho
dale avenue, kitockea eenee 01,14, be good of the country and tU8 empire, sIble" Is still, as, AlwaYsf, unknown to been oold and exported through the ftrillers should do wbat the vT,MkA%r4 1
, robbed, that could, and perhaps sh I I I.,
, concerning a character who, . when revived by UIQ 900041061 0010- the fleet. What needs to be 4ouet medium of tho Canada, Whewt Board, ,are doing -demanding shorter "Alft I 11
0 . 4 The, farillera of Q1101'e4"' wwlteTu 'sald igi corapebo. attraira. bration of tile anniversary ot national : always pan be done, There never L,ha, sole 1purchailing agency Of the it,nd hIgher pay. The farmers An thoir
surrender Agreed Upon I (,,ountlea gre to, be,- organized on lines &PRTt from rel oni 1XIS ulauly cour- events. , war, such a forlorn hope but 'F*ngli4b. Government. The total Is vatiOuslY own boseem; so they would not ItAve to I I
I — -41mila 0 United Farmora tion and reeliect for prIn- UNION OF ANGILO-SAXON RACE. sailor$ wqr.e ,ready to lead it ---and to calculated frora seventy-five to a Ulln- quarrel-, -with anybody. They 00014
r to thca# of tit age and steadfast devotion Z(
of ,Ontar'o. ' , - 11 Who was Tile fir,attered, Anglo-ftxon racq was lead it to, jsucces! . dred MlIlloo, busholo, the quantity In hold out on strike Until they got $004
. *. ciples, even unto death. In thlo. . -yet being I nd ready, for they cAu feed them- .
Loudon Cable—Fralerick Williall1i tll(',' fornler S In ia buying tanka from, Britain , un On to Make 4 Fitt'lag, indeed, It was that the bands of the farmers not
st oeorge?" has I)COU tile theme Of . Itsd In its detallulAvAl
, Da against the most tyran- gat war, this war ot giants, ung. UnQwn exactly. While no deflatto IV gaivo,
(jelmmil Crown Prince, will be included in thelist of per- in addition to W.Itultiona, from ourPluS Qn4le0a, and 'to Say a,CrIUl04IQU0A con- solid stand gr s.
. war Material. 1poussioA. History nous Military system the world has land1g, unique and historic nsYY BUO1114 gures have been received Aere front 1, ou work;ng fellows, suppose for A
troversy and d I I , n ent that
I demanded by the . , greater Int'ROPt 'win quo. of It$ most ptrlXing 01140400* the Wheat Board, which is given a 441 the farmen
00118 whose surrender for trial is The world's record for speed, 46 says. ever known, a44 a Is Day I won i adopted the
, "Time, tile great destroye , es, Oqvering itself and ,Britain 'with free band, a fair proportion of Vie I clSht.11our day. it would cut down
I )rding to all uiiofficial report of a recent miles an hour, was pttalned by the r of truth egems, to belong to St, GQO 5 40 production.4
rheneh,. aec( ' 13 itish torpe-do boat destroyer Tyrlau as of flotloil, has left us btl little be- for ba, A glorl, on St. George's D w- Ana fit' supply I 0 ITIii0d St%tef It least half. ,SUPPOSO they
vlug such a powerful InfluelIC Is moving to th
lue ritish law officials and E douard Ig- , on ber recent -trial. yond the bare facts, and that little, in forming the ChAiactOr Of 01% 43IS' ting, too, that this. great O*Ploit should since the embargo was lifted. A Print- I -price upon their labor and
. etligg between B Premier it lis lie in& Peoples, -who baye hail bO the achievement of fhe Dover 04- ary - consideration, however, Is the ItIhIle5orsetrosducts based on an alght'
uaec, French 1jude'r-secretary for Military Justice. vertizelos, of -Greece, after unfortunately, has, been ovor%ld 0, 4 11-8 au I I
With 4penajug a abort time in Rome, has obscured by fairy tales more Q11611Y to facel And fight against many iliffl- trol-, for It was in the Strait$ of'Dov- diall Millers for wheat hour basic scale, where would You -get
Tile ("'X-Cro"Vil Prince, it is said, will be charged accepted. But such eultles, in ago, that need - Of call -a )ur,. but %180 your food? Only the rich Could buy it
alld robbery With left for Par!a, rejected than , their Persistent detton0e Of or, just seven hundred Year$ for -milling dotonlY of fl(
t ding looting It 6 officially announced that tile stories surely were bazOd Upon fact44 freedom Ana just 100-diplemAtically, :England won her first great naval vie- at all, for the price would be probibi- I
and B41slievIk delegates In and had aoine figure around which to I of by-products neecild In stock-rals- It the cost of
,orftTAnal offences, inclu I 1-:01ionlan and with tile Clash of arms, while the tory over her ancient foe, now, and Ing. 111he reliwval of the OMI)KT90 to. tIVO to men on strike.
io.lence, committed in France, e reached an Cling just 93 the Durtui"' ' lvY attests Governments. of Britain and the we may hope for all time to Come* be'! the States, it Is announced, does not living, Is too high now, how will low -
IV conference at Dorpat bay conceals n V
li no further decisioll agree ent oil the . questione -of fron. the existence of the tOw0T It Valted States, with the goperous, sup- clort ally, detract from tile authority of thO ened production affect W Ow ill .
There appears to have been in from. view, Prof I . u tlon bring
of t!ers and nillitary guarantees, esoor Owen, the J)drt of their people, have been a41O , Wheat Board, W.Ilick will ,continue as increased cost of prod .
' e conference with regard to the case eminent Ornithologist, was able, from . , the ,buying and selling agency, though d
reached at th . peacefully, hand in hand, for , own prices?
. I McClure's jiliagazine has been bought single bone, to reCOUStruct the biril, to work ,% you city workers expeot the ,
t Kaufman, poet, author and 'a several goiae.ratlons, In the, interest of its marltai is now Oxtead2d- .
. . former Emperor William. by Herber of which it Originally formed a part; ' POLISH' TROOPS' Aal the receipts are to be pooled. farmers. to go igi feeding you at 010 , ,
e surrender will be de- editorial wrlter. Is actually known of humanity at large: r is oneirill I I I )rIce, you have got to: got bacX
. A full list of the inen who$ and from what 1. I.N Coll. "Thickor than Wato er the wqleat has already been old I
, and steps An airplane race from New York I St, George we . are enabl*d I k at the old wage and ma,'k6it
to t YOU, lecture what manner of mal, hC ."as, Through centuries of story contracted for, or Is atilt in the to wor
WA Our SEk:Kon blood hag flowed, and still hands -of the farmers, any of It In- possible for the farmer to, buy eir%per
' en under the 4nd how oventua he b6aan.. IN 'HOT BATTLE w"et" This Is
,,, , mp&4 has been completed ' it was stated, Alaska will be ,held early nex
I be taken to basure their surrender have be auspices -of the American lly ,
V bich are to I special patron of chivalry and'a th. We'll share toget;46, , good. and ill, tended for export must ft sold by so he can produce Cheaper.
&eided upon. Ono or two question's still outstanding Flyin.- 0'ub, - The sbadow and the glory." . —, and through the Wheat Board this not a one-sided game. , It t4kes two to 11
-Year-old son of George tutelary sallit of England, whose ex , Play, it, and It 'You city fellow's quit,
B The thirteen I tion days, the
Will be submitted to Premier Lloyd George and Clemen- lackwell, '01, St, Thomas, who has : emplAry life'and virtues wore wort!J) Though, since Reforma, 'Must Out Their Way Out of "Olng I" a policy adopted to Pre dorl'i -
I I . been Ill for"the Pact ten days of of all emulation, and ,have exerted, observance of St. George's day has . . vent eCccrimInation. -, get sore At you go hungry soon
11 in Paris next month, not been so general as bqfore that ,, 'Up td -November 30th -a total of Either the farmers must do as you I
eea,4, when they meet ' a, will continue ', to exort, swide e houn and de-
. . sleeping Ichnese, died at the Isolation and influence ovel l all over the I Oiberia, I bushels, valued at $110e. are doing, shorten tit they must
I .1 . _ .. I 11 , Hcepit?l. . spread and inspiring epoch-making period, yot L, 48,379,310 -at abroad. Tile Wand higher pay'. or else I
0 . our country i nglishmen were, Bet- . .
- ., I m 1, 11 D .I:
,* I ,, I - sion of .tile blelg en." world, where ore or 183,2t.6 .ad been so the value or, lengthen tile hours. and produce more
f , . A diecue !an Govern- I- it St, George, the sPG tied) the, arniversary has been in princlr,a,l outlets and
An ment,s policy in the Chamber of Depu- The identity 0 valry, hae beet g Battle Now Raging purchascs cre us follow$: I without more Day, cen b4lent. I
. .ties was followed by a vote Of con- cial patron of 0111 less popular, according to tile extent Bi . I have b ,
=IN 9 stablielked. of the, settlement, antl St. George's "The farmers -
. I
fld ence in the ministry, 120 o 0. clearly e . Christian parent- societies ha,ve been-forme,4 to uphold WAt)i.Reds. Bucihole. Value. I Ith. you.. - When they- lose their ift.-
Alflfl the t French Ot' Cx I Briefly, he wm- $77,188;240 w tult, Who Is
K -eek origin and
I i Llout, Etienne Paulet, age, and born. at.LYdda, in PalestlA% the ideals of the warrior patron saint ____ I 0. britala ". . - - 33,395,300 tience, look out, It they C, I
aviator, has . ,net %bandmied his flight I tit XOR Vam and martyr. 4 4,688987 * 9,311,151 It city workers I
. it 0 beautiful Yale lot Sho There Is one man who " Ing to feed You?. Wha
I have in common with fa,rTers la not
In- ffiruallington, Dispatch.Tbe Polish U. S- -, - I
ns to Australia, adcording to Tile ous ' richly deserves tile respect Of his roops ,caught west of Taiga, in %- 3,073,916 6,936,715 go
- , for its roses), on April 23, AM Franc
ap- Greece ::,:: 2,666,540 6,161,796 .so
I a 06,0 ' 0 F T OR U transigeant, which has -taken eapedal , -4 the em- berla, when the latter place was c a .. . , njuch political as eCOAQW10- What
TWO ""M 0"BLE 270 fie held high Military COmmand fellow countrymen all over -t
I .interest In the aviator, but Intends to tinder tho Romau Emperor Diocletian, pire, for the energy and self-sacrifice tutted by a Bolshevik force last week, Italy ... .. .... 1,119,290 21462,023 aTe you got g to do about It?" - I
, 11
I . . _-) I continue and return to Paris by air. during, whose reign lie died a Chris- liq has given, by persistently and raro endeavoring -to fight their way 13elgium .. .... 1730,374 4,092,048 In many. countries Of Europe food .
,- . I I . W L Rev.. Walter H. Balid, pastor of the tiati, martyr at NICOM-6dia, in Asia consistently support the observance Gibraltar , - - - 1:659,484 3,998,146. produCtipa this year was half the ' I
First ,Congregational Church, Ottawa, his birth eastward, and have already eetab- 07,893 usual amount, becau
Minor, on the anniversary of of St. George's day, and. pro Ilslied ,contact and becaMG Ong .. .. 45,333 1 .,so fariners could-.
b Formilled a He ilineas of moting the aged Rouniat'00, the average,, crops.. Ueliet I
Revolutionaty. "hocialists Have died after a two-wctr,13' (,G*od Friday), A.D. 303, and was ideals of true pastrIotlam. Mier much ___6_* -0._ not plant I
pneuntonia, I-10 was in hie 40th year. : buried at the Place Of his birth. Al- irk battle with tile Red forces, leg Are now- trying to save the
. . perseverance and persuasion, Howard The State Department to d I I gtarvat , I . on and tuber. , . .
. 1 ,,He was 0, native of Brantford,, Oilt. tilough the meinory of St. George was l?.uff 25 years ago -was succepeful In that -an " :1ygRg'e3: children froul, I ,
I I . : The fourth hold-up in the P highly revered by the valorous Xing celved advlices I 'alls heoXeil- . .1
. aot week, U105is. in the radio . .
Goveffle"ent in Siberia . FLOOD' DAMAGE ' `00"t .
. I Ill . . . Round starting in London, PlI&Iand, the Royal ment. between these Poliol'. forces and c . .
I . . . operat'ng at Winnipeg tool(. Arthur and his Knights Of the Society of St. George, under royal . R,ussla-farmers. have gone on striker . . ..
wore tha,11 ..
. , . — _-_ by a gang Saxon tim -_ - the Bolsheviki. at Talga, whiell is the and refused to Produce I . .
I place on Christmae, -Ivq ,whan, Gdorge T%Vle-in , ea -and by our. and distinguished patronage, which, Railroad junction for eds. Poa- . . .
I . ' ,,I . d ' Utk tor ectiod4, ch valrous, crusading Xing, Richard I., I tile found . er, trans-Siberlan K nun UTIES sufficient for their own ne. . . I ..
. I I e ,W. ,e, manager of a me I of under the supervision Of to Tomsk, Aas been in - bread is now
. . - .. . . r waa stopped In his auto at 00 P -m- at Wvs King King Edward Ill,, the, 'branch line IN F'E"'"' ` session of a piece of I I
1. While Bolshlevik Forces, are UiVin Ail -Ross . the machine, and gtorioue memory, -who firat pro- has been carrTing forward a great progr."s, beginning the hiornlug Of - 0 fight for. I 8
I ordered out 09 . L, something t I
I .11 - . I Y) I robbed at the Point Of a 901 claimed him "patron of the right and growing work ver since, through . Dec. 23. __ __m*_* , . I .
. . le Relalme of E'llgland," foundilIg which much has been done to foster The State Department announced . , ODS., , .
One inan. lost hiq life, property,10 itob patriotism and physical Culture In melting ftow From Alps is . nv tin .
i and in his honor, In 1347, the Noble Order I on Dec. 23, that advIcea dated Dec. 19 1
.Armies TroWe Too - the amount -of be6rean $40,000 end .
I . go,000 -,vae destroyed, and tile Monc- Of the Garter, the trjue ribbon of dhi. &CnOO'SL and atilletle clubs, from reported the captura.of, Taiga, by the Causing Trouble. : EXPOK I hu I
I . I . —_ -_ . valry. I . to end "of the empire,. regardless of Bolsheylki, and. th-at the Polish troops I 7k,- I
. I I . ton Street Railway was temporarily surmised that St. George Was Creed or politim, The world ove,r $t- marooned weat. of that ,Point would I .
I . ,JAQ1IdN)n, -Cal>le , Admiral i, Kol- ornMent in Irkatack, SlIberla, vuere put out of commled on by a fire it is slort I.O, Britain, where George's societies h%vo become aff-11, . - . I
_ . - , ussian' Gov- the All -Russian Government of Ad the Moncton. sent. on a mis 'have to fight their way eastward Riverlwelve Feet Above . -
I - : fiak, head of the all -R which burned down the jolmt lattit with t I
. KoIchak established its head- Electric and Gas, Com- at that time, Constantine, ,Ile parent stem, The The two American Consular Offl- BY PERIMMIT ONLY .
, trump Tramway, L ated to iSt. George, need for 0, jealous cave - Of things I having , I 11
. - _nt in Siberia, apparently faces m4xal I - front I r barnq and machine shop, church was dedle re, reported 9,3 .
" ;, a britical 0tilation, according to Mos- quarters after being driven 9-,ny s. ca __*_* b!s cers Who we Normal. __ I I
,. _.. .; ' aws r ceived In I Emperor with .Diocletian, held national and, imperial have, ,during alga are now .. .
: '. . to -W a-dvicee. Botshavik forces, dd- Omsk ' according to' e . YO74k the past years, been exemplified to 'been out ,off wost of T and I 1, —_ , , "
I g .along tile trans- Frenlch official circles to -day. The outt. at his daPIW City Of . .
.11 ,?oing eastward, VIET CLAIMS. e nstantlus had mar- the ,whole empire lit it most.torribl6 *sate. They are T. It. Hanson , ilow ,Control to Be Placed in Ger- .
.. 11 4 - revolutionists toolt possession of the BIG 8'0 (E boracum) - 00 ,JOB, R. Ray, bot1h Vice-ConSuls as- U eva, Cable. - Melting 8
, Of er,tau Railroad,, from Omek. for Irkutsk station on the Traus-Siber- ried Helena, a, 'BrItlah prInceas, born manne,r, , which should cause every in- signed 'to Irkutsk. Tile State De- I on ' P .
", ir capital of the 'all-Rue0lall T89imO, at ,Colchester, and the borough seat divIdual who claims kinship to Britain . from the lower Alps has swollen the man Gov't. Bureau . .
nd jan Railway, the reports state, tit.led to -day that . . I . . . .
- ,,, l , sive said to haXe captured Ton's - emier Pepo;llaeff, of the lColehak Allege the,0apture of Forty- (over 500 year e old) bears In tatin to'stiffen hip b*ek against any future partT,aent Was no Rhine Rlyer to 12.feet above nor- I _. .- ,
. I
I .
I - 1.
'', - -and to have occupied Pr "Colchester. - - Is the laxity 01 loyalty to England. 'both these ,officers are safe, and that flood lower .
Wga, a on, Goverment, is absent front Irkutsk, the inscription, Cross ma,l, threatening to . . . I
ber of smaller towns, in tha Two Villages. whom the cross trains -bearing American Red I
. t I I . birthplace of Helena,, An Australian Poet Says: Germ= And Revenue to In loiffb . ..
Aftiral Kolchalt and his, Cabial t Ott being on- his way west to meet Ad- I I eded In getting be- Basic, -and towns along t1he - . . I
set. miral - Kolchak for a conference re- , , n1akes glorlotio," Not without reafson ,, supplies had succ( . . .
. .
Tomsk ireoently, ret!rIng to the e . . . it is surmised that St. George Con- Great Queen of Nations, yet depend , yond the fighting lines. . . shore. Floating trees are doing t . Conditions.. . I . . 1.
. ,
but, reports received here indicate the garding the formation of a new Min- - London Cable' A- Boishevtki com- r Helena who, Upon each stalwart son; . I f Japan, damage.. Tramway service lit 13asla 1. . I .
: . Minister I ' vorted to Chrlstlanit;3 . We, am of yore, can yet defend I Ambassador Shidoharai 6 I .
I retreat of, the all-411usslan. armies may Istry, J%J. Tretickoff, tile muttication received from the region . )nd Interview "' has, been r6duced one,ha,lf. Serious I . I.
. . Siberian .Thea Releltsartzelger
... .1 b74 put off as a result of the action -of Foreign Altairs, also left Irkutsk In turn, caused her son, Constantine, The famq our fathers von; -has -had a sev at the I
, , faith. ,t on the floods aria also reported from . Al- ,' Berlin, Cable.-
. . of , goolal revolutionary eltments. recently to -1heet General' Semenciff, of Gakhmut, about 125 miles ehst Of born at York, to embrace the e . that an order of export tri 'do con-
. . . And ezell must take the soldier's Tow Stat Departmen I says a .1 . .
. . . . I . In the BalkaA re- Yekaterliloslay, says; 110, aa Coustattine the Grwt, found- As aoldler,'11nafrald; situation, ,but Secretary LAtLsIng Is sace. I er- .- '
. ., WhIch have oet up a new Govern" the Cossack leader, . . I fierce fighting with tile ed Constantinople, and became the God and St, George be with us now, - understood . not yet to b . e Prepared to Heavy snows are continuing in trol ,w,ill be Issued shortly OmPOW . .,
.. . . . Silent at Chermakov, about elglitY , gion. , I I I , "After Ing the National Economic minister to I .
. .
.... . , . . I . attgo-tiorthwest of Irkutsk, Further I Taking advantage of the absence of troops of Gen. Matikontoff and Gen, tlTot Christian emporor of Rome, an Lost 1:ugland's glqrk filde!" present this Government,$ views, as eastern Switzerland, .a, fresh fall of I ex . I
I . a south- 11
. the enemy Englishman, or shall w . some weeks ago by the 20 dnolleis being .reported frolit forbid tho . pOrt of goods of every I
. . I ' a say) I I
gagt, another Centre of I the princ, of 'the Gov- 1. ROSS. requested oitirlie, tho .
.... rebellion hie pal members Bitkuro, our cavalry flung INSPIRATION Or' THID 0 I . I
- t th Soctalisvis, according to Reds occu- ern Briton. ,, Tolt,lo Foreign Office. The, belief is 'Davos and St.. Moritz. Many trains kind, go that exports Will r
0avetope4l in the Amur River vallff back to tile south and the y.R= AT M100MEMA. "St. George for merrie England! , Permission of the national commis- , ,
from e nmao e MA'RT I here that the State Depart- are stailled. . . .
Di vestchenak being isolated Vvices, organized an ineurrectivii. ,pled Starouielisk town. From Nov. 20 was thef joyous shout at tliq tourna- gaining I , ,who can transfer hie autborltY
:,6tWa world, necording to dle- It is considered doubtful ' here occupied 126,000 As alr6ady stated, St, George wag nt will indicate in its reply that RApIDL-f SUIL91DING. sary
to Dec, 20 the Reds "God and St. George for ,ftg- in( no . . I I to other bureaux. The existing, con-
.. . I I I Admiral Kolchak will find square versts Of territory, together Martyed at Nioomedia, lit Asta Minor, ment; put the American Government - 'has Cable. - The Wort will ,
I pl tobes. whether Wit land!" waa the battle cry that I of withdrawing Vancy, France, ,as trot bureaux for export perml . I
. I %%Ip, which to a.-Utiated at the allything of his lGovo-ramPlit, on be with Xiev, 1,Charkov, Poltava, and 39 whence. after some years, his body courage Into the men and helped Present tntenti-on 000 American ,floods are Subsiding as rapidly he replaced by export Permission lioad
I Trans-Siberian Inally gots, to Irkutsk, ,Als present sinalle - wa g brought to Lydda, his Place of from Siberia tMa 9,' 111e5 rose. The damage dDue by the . ''. ;
jAnctlai between the r towns, and captured I 5,289 pris them to come *through the fray vie- we, but., that ore than quarters.
Rgilway and a a 1117,11ne which runs whereaboute 10 not definitely known. birth, and Interred with great pomp troopsnow stationed th( wa,,era W estimated at 'In rising expense to
T D I early this oners and 890 officers. " - , tortouslY , Oil the anniversary of thq rpose of the Washing- ' To covet the
, . I AoTtLw4rd to OM0 I was, it Osems- (Dispatches from Irktask !,on the Turk-estan front the Reds and Ceremony, .q6,v, if we look at the birth and death of St. George, -A. D. It Is not tUe vul I tP11 million francs. Most of the . charges will be Imposed
* aup:)ly depot for the K-Olehak forces. month announced that Adm:ral *Kol, have occupied Balaishem southeast oi, map Of Asia bfinor. so familiarized , 10050, King Edward' 111. and tits ton Government at this time to Plan metal and other. ' industrial , plants the nation, to of the ecO-
whelt tits town fell a large. ftad * established of the American ,com- aCcOrdIn- decree
and chak and his staff I This Krasnovodskt and captuked 500 pris- by the recent dreadful war, we can knights, -at Windsor, vowed o devote the reinforcement eeas6d operation. Railroad a export .bu-
. fell'Into their headquarters at Tdl'ga. easily follow the course of the vesset themselves to God!s service, and up- Expeditionary Forces in Siberia. Is partially interrupted, itomic Minister. The eclat rates
- k , Amount of Munitions of war I to oners," I . municatiOn demand Sp
.. "thtj hands ot the Soviet armies- town, together with - Tomak, just _______-*_ _ I I bearing the remains of St, George. hold all that was true arid good " I " ---0-4-1>— large portions of the track north of reaux can also at expenses.
0,411clan forces,.which some time the north, has since beea captured bv Starting from N4comedla, at tho east- did St. George, the, patron sain f the city, having been washed away. to meet their addition Ort
"I MMalided by the "Bolsheviki.) Ile is reported as .in erft extremity of what Is, now the Sea 0 The money dorived, itront 01P
ago., left the, army eo difticultica and Wit tn 'R
11 having encountered great would gall I ONE VAST SHEET OF WAT13 it will 'be devoted -to lMPrOY* 11
11 Stmoa,-Vetlura, the Ukrainian peasant of Marmom, the VeWO1 the order and of England; ' %'I V L U I , Ono. The pOnaltIOS I
.. . of Czecho-SloTak blo'ERIANS, POLES I ' the knights of this most noble order mIERS ON porm s
. I -1 - Dealkine -with detachments , -he Dardanelles, afterwards Colmar, Pranco, 'CablO.*- The ,Ing social conditl
I . . . leaAer, and joined General through t take the ,same vow as did their pre- tween. the Whine and the 3n greatly
, tl& Southern Awgia, have revolted troops, which are en route to Vladl- 111, E U A' S known as St. George's Arm, and, decessors for close on 600 years, A1W, jor illegal export have bw
. 11 . al$altwt DealkIne, afid have attacked vostok by the Trans S5berllin Railway.,. calling at Thessalonlea, WIICTO a thank God,. tho rallroad[.' from Mulhausen to Schle- lncrease , The, goods Will be,,couffs-
I ., evfents of these. last d
the. latter's army in the rear, accord- These troops have been guarding sea- K U . it would sail along the Aegean Sea, . U stailt is one vast sheet of water. The, mprlsonment has been Pro-
- BEFEAT,THE five years have shown that Brital LANa 00 WELL 'Plain "'O ,cated,
Ing to Xoea6w reports. The Ga- tions of the line, and have not sue past the south-eastern, Point of Thes- I Inhabitants Of many villages In. the Well as, lines to triple
.; I along well with Ad-. I I -.-.---- ,vided for, as
. I I lwi4ns are said to have been ordered ce.eded in getting . . . ___ n his day as St. George's and her sons from overseas 'have not ]ley have been driven from their ,the value 4of the commodities. , "I
chak. . forgotten the true Aobilttv that has yoi' a number ot .1
'Y. , t# defead Xlev against Soviet troops. miral Xol -Ar nol, I . qa,po, thence by the Isle of scyres, keep her. high Settlement Board!SeeretarY vh'c',mea, At -St- 10 x and--
wWoh have been moving nearer that Bands of Bolsheviki are no [ Bol I 'k e Had Re- helped England to
41 i Hav ; here Is situated the town of St. plaea among th ' nations of the house% bave Deen swept away
theast. far front the Balkal dIotriet, which Is " ,Completes Inspection. sovs.-ra.1 persons InJured,
- 's1lev
City from the noTth and nor I diploftlatie Z at Many Point$. George, skirting the gouthern, shore Of world. I
Sovie,t.anthorittesin Turkestan are raising the question .n verse -, , I I - . ------- * CONFER'i"G ON
onicountering trouble, aocord-Ing to circles here how Japan will look lipon. , . . St. Oeorgeys ' Day to the beautiful city The red cross banner of St. George, K ri
desVa.tches, it being stated the prospect Of the presence Ot . __ of Beirut, whose inhabitants, were the flag of old tilgland, has b-gon N arly go ome TO SELL ALL M
1.1cutsk, es in ininiediate Prox- and still are, mostly Christians, and carried to victory ift many a tenacl- , e 1000 Loan0---4S
tbat the cities of Kho'kan and Sko. Lenifte'a fore and in the district, leAly on,; battle on sea and land -it' Was Debts Cleared. a "
I -taken from the Doi- imity to the Japaneae'sphere of Influ- mks. where, ' RAI IFICATION
. ). 11, belo,v have been ence. It is euppc,jed here 01.11; COP.- -Claims, churches, were built in honor of N119- Dj ake,s flago ,and Nelson's, and is I
- 11 Qh0_V1ikL ThO unti-Dolshevik troops more Big . . ..________
. i slbp- land's saint. Arriving at JdPP4, there atilt the flag of the adnilml of the .
. I -1. OT4 AaIA to be advAncing toward vema,tione are already in progres Igrit sit flcet_ Ithie flag that braved a . GER% 15 .
A ,!..Ingt!)il reg,ard are but nine miles Inland to Lydda) I . Otawfi, Despatch.- Mr, S. Maher, MAN alliPS * —_
ThShk6nt, i. jiveen T61do and 'F L, . it' * Aff vil, *'hore, In one and tile secretary of the Soldier settlement Swiss - Want Conditional ,,
./ . Ing the .Siberian quotlor, as a "atc(I Irkti.tsk Cable. -The general at In tile vale of Shal thousand years, the battle ad from .a tour of
. VVIRTHE!R DETAXIIS. ay I I r advance n" th) Bols., ( - t lit 4.11al an., of the most beautiful $Pots In 01 Pal- breeze." Board, nas return
r, " of the lil-Russivin Government Entry to League.
. . I
fttl.g, Cable. - Revolutionary So- elia v; eakening of the Xc"111!c .Wv- epose, the remains of the pa- Enough has been said. to make It Inspection of 019 board's organization
l fallzts hikye formed a commit -tee gOv- I crr ilif n t, . notinced to -day that an attempt by estine, r of. England, Sharon, az rer- clear ifta,t In tionoring, Saint George. in the. West, He attLted the quallti- U S. Shipping Board Is 00yl- — . . .l.", 1 ,Vopl . I ,
4 . - - . I - ' BolsileVIIII to Occupy the L11tvin- trOu saint ng with hundreds of .
- ., . the the Trans-Siberian corded In Holy Writ, was celebrated ,)it England's day one will be.la full cation in dealt soldiers I 1, , . I I I .
40 . 'and may we not from at has done applications from returned ering Plan. ertg DisspAisfied I
. I OVO Station. on for its roses; sympathy -,vith a race th I at the prospects are Ally 9XP .
I A,400 lwfrmn, 00,jing fill wheat Thursday 'wholl Railway, Just west of Talga, was re- this f t reasonably inter that the more than any other to make the everY week and th ttle as .niany --- With German Offer. 1 1.111$ 1
stopped at noon by a heavy fall 09 pulsed by Siberian and Polish troops. ae- ,f flowers, that the board W1,11 80 tile Must Be Ru I . I .
The Bolshoviki have been defeated At rose, the lovely queen o world a better place, where freedom as during n Under .
S ROK I i t rain. thus go happily assoclatOd with I11119- equality, justice dftd truth may on the land next year r 33,000 ex -801- , I .
- EittwOnO MUID117, a veteran employee many points, losing Machine guns wid: an a so , when ovel an Flag. VarlB, CoWe--Tho ;Suprom( 'COUR-
of the Grand 'trunk Cr 4 prigotiors. The Siberians and Poles land's patrou, saint, beedmO, as lt'Over abound; so that, betwecil natIOUS d pa t a Wpagged and tlearly twenty . 0 Into aeosion thiO MOTning .
I Canadian Pacific Railways, died tit are in Posse$ and wore 9 under th; prezidc A
I - 0
1 N b.- 0 Taiga region. of militarism may be made possible Ing to $53,000,000. e n rina
edit VallfY q,u Sion of the Litvinovo- will remain, the national Omblenl 4f 'Individuals, ,I square deal and 0, right dlers WO ell wcut 4
England? ' . to live -without the arrog I ranted loans amount- ac" of,premler Ole-,
OF THE 'EV" Woodstock, ag,Ae olghty-sIx. . -, I This is tile story of St. Georg , from Washington, Roport --Tho Shipping menceau, and receiv a I f0 tioll as
I 1, TH141 BOLS14OVIX CLAINTS- which has been dilmin.atod the Cap- and Practical for all time. The applicants were for the most . thG to,oqhe rcoults, or the first meeting.
. I rd Callwood, fifty-three yearG Cal,ble.-The rebels In tivating' and beautiful legend of his 'ItTillurl the flag of England, . art of lt good type and likely to Board hae under conoldetitt*011 any an4 Allied militarY
1i I ag was run over and. instantlY Et,oliC,-M, P the land, said Mr. sale of lilt former Gerinall p c,-jellgcr bet%cen Germ ing arrailgOMOILts for I
OF THE 01", O,E111.11 astet l Siberia, says a Moscow de- combat with the dragon, which, SYM- And fling it to the breeze.' . m%ke good an wj h tile atipulatzo.n tuat the eXperts I-Cgardl
I 10, . killed Ly a yard on. -Ino of the Algoma have Completely severed all bolizes (he dual triumph of Ohriatlln Beloved by British hearts ,at 110113e, w greatly' Impregood aall)s rl tile treaty of Ver- . 'A
St t1ult Ste. Alarle. spatth, ' A,J Per, lie W4 be run unaer tau Ame Can the cxc(,UtIOU "
,-_.__.__,W I I Corporation at S Ong on the Amur line ity over paganism and of good over Avid those beyond the seas. I with the chaTit0ter of settlers already. VeSGOIS fmilled I
I he Grev-Dort Motor 4, Limited, Of COMmunicAti Leshtch,ensk , troops, In- evil. Should the evidence adduced ,)t them had fit- flag, It N%aG announced to-d,'Y' )P ared On, the'llrat ei'VAtI94 Of
I on the land. Malty vec-aels, which wcre taken It al
'hatham, nustrial . ,o ,ow,g that the
I$ S. nailwayo to Be Re- 0 em- "I B agov It .. ..... IncondlugiV0, it fOI10w make good; lit Thea tile v, L railroad material of-
. 0 r Ill,, d OMIev, have be deemed -5 ruo symDol, as lit age$ gone, . ready shown they will vGOveTn1IIcIIt dut`-II6 Germans fo) I
Council syetem, insures every e"'noo Denikine, the thsLt mitell of ancient history must be t . onsiderablO over by the fercil by the the trans- I
'O Of reverance for tile Tigh , far,ty in one Province, it 0 war, total 103, Aggregating approxi -
, 1110yee, Will inaugurate a botius system, tei ed "nuoral dione go well during the ar a text ef Alllod troops to districts
turne dto Their Owners rev Ited against 2 regarded as unintelligible and fabul- That leads Ine v r on and on, 1*40 1) t t
v and croct *,I chlb k.JJU,QC. alit 11 Ishovik leader in the sonth and It 0 0 n1imbar had - had been able Inately 250,000 deadweight tcns' acit"' are to be held was .1,
( att 01. 0 1 t light. 6, .1. r Vie Ghil;G, where lylcbl'
I o,d tile volunteer army in thf Ong. Gibbon, the grai Through liberty, to paat year that tb price has been fixed ,ugutficlent bY the Allied
On March 1. J,!mplrc, unaccountably tit of friendshirl apealt, 010 of their lAdebt- ton is ouggc. ted as a Drob- Considered .1
The German a0vernment has Chosen the Romalh "Its Nds to . y ,off the Wh but $250 a
— 311c. It rear., George, tho to P1, f course, there . re-prr,aviltativeo.
a now cost of arms for Repul avo eaptured Towsk confused 8t. George with Of enmity to none,, nogs to the board. 0 able valuation 'by high officlals considered the 114- i
. a gold TIfe Bolshevik h' he, by ad weak. failures, OW- ra held by Tile Couddl, also .1
Consist, of v. black eagle on and ,also the towns of FaStoff, VaS L fraudulent army contractor, w Prottetion for tile wronged st httd -been 0, few partial The six ex-,Gc' Mau 11110 ture of the reply to tile Swim mem-
I I and yellow background, without Other iv, Xremontchug, Izium, Belovo- devious ways'. ultimately bevame the wherever shlnCa the 'gun." 1, to tho drouth and other Mitili- the Shipping lioard pending the final
I ,re , Ing - orandum concernIng the -entry of
SPAIN GETS TANKS ornamentatiOns the crown and Otflcr 011kc 1,1,01CPCkhta, RC- ,krian archblsbOp of Alexandria, whL 8 of .which ,the 111631 had no con dotorminat'011 Of their etatum, 41`0 not I e League, Of Na,
I I ou1b1,a=G having disappeared. Isic, VlAkeevoka and s -despatch TO- his Infamous Conduct catised him to A MOST IvIIIA10111TAL 13VENT. tion n in the aistrietri affec. Included among the vcVGo!G which SWItZOrland 11110
1. .14-- I Cording to,a wireles I Ao A.D. 362. St. coorge's Day, 1918, will to al. tTol, But eve t, thp tionns. Tile Voiluct: will reply to the
The Hungarian sLuthoritica hZVOr Is- celved to -night from Moscow. be slain by his own Peol , ways remontl*red as one of the most _Gd, by the drOugh S1)Irlt-',',of the ma ..et ,offered fo SvI;v,r,, g y lAt*
I , ,uggesticn, hat Its tntr
' death Of an they %V0 While no announcement haB been I
ftft"*h Torpedo Boat De- allpel warrants for .&Iejandor Garbal, The Communication adds that after nearly 60 41barA after 'the mettiorable daten in naval lllstory ! ob+tiprs was excellent, d f a change In tile_&ague be swMect to certain 0=_ .
I former Premier, charging hint. widi the capture of Tomak the Reds ad- England's patron. tile Vindictive at Zee %R4 the, future With high hope%. Made by the board *
re adopted tile care. The fight Of S *Woil - made by Mr. policy w,tth regard to the present ditiO110 - ------ 4 -"*.-
i Instig, ting 20.1 murders. G-arbal to. re- ikolaeVs'k to tile Those who bw bragge 1p, to -d ogmirrA lit n1tval Arrangenlent-A were Inipilt of CAX-
, , stroyer Does 45 Milea a vanced from NOVO N rtions of Gib- ay ree tho West, to take progravIne, for the Ntftblisl f the V, nijtT
. . Vorte lamanlaii, jurls- -81boriall Rall- loss and sneering assc history as tho 1110,.t outsiftit,ling fea- 1,1; er, while in -.241),31 ARD .50"AMIA110
i Perlffour. dto be under Ito main, line of the Trans .Ause they found 1rease it, tile applica- ppleacilger I,Iucs to &II Dart -3, 0
" d!C4.011. road, and occupied the Station of bons have done so bw )11 and ture pe1ormed by tile rismy dilring cg.re of the Inc was w6ild, offle'a!0 I'V0131y, di enmcl tile DID.
$ writer whose Dooltil Organization ourtial.) .
The vale of a tiniber 'Alnilt Wn' Talga, taking ftift Onof-Alous amount Of In him P. unchamngvil, tile war, from all heroic Point Of tions, and the ry. possibility of tile bottrd'o aban'10111115 (Louloville Courler-J I
c`r df prisoners, general accurarey were , strength . 41MY . ied 1% Ith the td-
, oned where
Thund A ,ver ne(-essa to
flrftiok textile Tnills lo6ted during calt Of Gull RIv,3r In the booty and a number 'd a View. _* r,*_ pAcriger AeTvice. it pCom is returl
ftr hro running again. which wan; ob3"-ted to ', "Tit() road to Xrasnoy%rak and Irk- and whose opinions upon so Vex own "Llver the fan endurcs, .__ I pa if tile boari not orl%3 rogreto. I nonder It he is quit$
P & I- subject coin(, The deCIS1011 (
13tty Digtr!et, no d Admiral Xo ,Ided with their land, I)ID Sljti, M,a,AX JUST THAT?
"Ident Wilson dacides railways by the 1),rOvinclat LtbaMl IAaderp 4 ut#Ak IF1 W 0 On, n j8h destro to belittle, With Pith- li:ngland, 1117 191119 to .permit the use of liquor on (lov(Irn- candid with me?" se"o why he
"A railway txprcr.5 corpDanies are to C C., has (!h&k1A army in tbig region has ended Churl or jealous 9611d SPIPn- Englaud, my own! lie. -But I a4ed You, dearest, exppetej, by "I fc.ar not. I don't
Mr, 11. 11prileY D61VATt, I - COMMunica- Otte Indifference , - - P 3 I" volli -
been pogiponed by the Department its existence," says the Take wid lyreak its, wq are yourg, our (!ng0LgdMc1lt a secret for the Intut owilea 'h* Re regrets, at sendinit .
- No bee% to,owaers on Mpreh 1. . 'Otte enel -lary Boldler-Mint runs high keep shipping (,,xpf rt4 hcro to wa should havP anY
I ry, the tute - I presont. - .
of T,ands and Forests. tion "Ifo L", good and joy petition with prlvat(,,IY OWTIPA WC -11"I back tMa ft!uff-"
Mr 94ward ,Carson, t1ister Leader, _ ++*— of Zngland, nCtNvcC,.% V,nglisll eart!I ttud sky: ildn't help It. That hate. --- -**-00- --
son, 16 years old, of N,mw "We not yeari, In She,- -1 eOV practivally impu.-.31ble. The latIker, br-
alskew &pp"i for brotherhood and T'I'lla Peter , 17vo in depas. reason I serve 'ntoxicants 01it"dilf, -,' INCIPWTIVS.
-Ca,1160 . . Death Iq MAUI; but WP 'shall (Ife fill Mip no for), In-, able to Till
1 04ft4linew. . York, shot and killed herself be on xasy strot. ihouglits not breathi , ,S oldult said thO 0 Inflei 111111t, bilve I
I nuished her for telling lall TO tIlp, ,gon,- on y0lIr bugles blown, wa,4n,t inalriod was beeftIlSk, Of the thrO, Pon -
(V 1,",ngland hoa pr,)poped to tile, 90 I UP Pn4 tOld qgo In pa'!svilger
I Mr. ,Tua+lce fluthp.r1and quashed th'a her nibtbor p .1, vfll(,n you IIV,A (In ,%,It y strcet, you in f#.L.11ngs, noi in fIgures On a d' ,ilderable ative.nt (wilehington Star.)
pMItW,Ija 1))portnlent of Ilealth's it", lKye a Ilast or frlmd%, We should Count time by heart To thn ORI'll on ,yonr bugle .-vlown.11 her you had. - 1, Nfr.4. lionii.1body--.1 life you've won
I traffic, It i4 0)nXd('rtd. tion. I didi't ku*W ;
. a lit"ott for maraditnus o foree lluchavemt newspitpOr-A a-giert that Who eA)mo to drop In on you for vhIts tbrobn I)rlf)r t) goint' I"I,(* nc-tlOn '1A that ___+_._ .. **.It -- a 1pv.reh decova I I
R,3.. )n, _,*,,,, following 1tV,S0iV1t0E10UL, , I
=to to egforce t.to vaccinition Prl11%,.o (.%arl,", the Roumalnan Crown Without onds. : He most ltvm. ,neljiora!,Ae inte ' Nature given -to every time, and sea- -,oil %,.(%.re a. ril)bon hunter,
-1 I t, tecl%'the noblest, " it raining!" and from I didn't care d*
1 I
I I I I ---"P I AT I 1 I.
11 I FA
, armor 1. . _
I 1. I I
. I
I q I
I 51f -
, i
I**. il" q ,-,y1 ,-()yine by twos and dozenq, III!- Who thinks moo tween the Yin- perelval---aaah! Inn't , , MN. overthere, ,t
Prbace,wbo enter,ed Into a, morgana, ,signals, wore pRu.-A be 6 fftth. ton some beauttes nf Its Own', d"
I -,,Never mind boysic' tA,k s niuv!l ftir t",
ra . 1%tint or's Wnbre ' I Ao
trArriags In LMR, and rOCOttly I'" ,&tOOns, squads, aets the, best." Pansy K to. night w from the ceadl# " oration. tat T ones
Amp, pansp r dietive Find thp RdMiThl: 11a, thpn jwrheips 'he won MOTnin
1%* Utmitobs, Ow-erarneat will IIK- ,% on sind the ealende I g rrom on
_ lt4 b,u, a t;11p,i,ee,A1,)n of I A.1W ,,1 l--r(,nv'h Veneral gin
&r been living In Morialtir, 19 roopolrl.ed go,mp never h"rd of you beforp, but, As t dogth- Neyela ttigntil: cb mitill youl, Coming bael.." tk) the 1.;rave, . I I him, And
aw iV4,fM,(*0 worth of T,Te eyar bon4a Adnilml MU ___
. wpli, whatlq the oddR? again PoInti, to. tkg birth and ___._.0"*-_, io gentlk% A114 (-,1i.4v that Wn , a f.oldtor an'l then kift 11
ow4Y In JAnuary'. to bavo mads tin RtOmPt LO COMInit I ob) t. Oeorge, ihA Imtron mldler- ti,,,yrre. for Tl,ngland!" I ebangm 4 1 ... %rAI4 at* I
I I I rnp. of tb(,..e rrrLn<,h PR
rp (:J, And otkors ofttn p%#%(,fl you by with d4y of 8 Vtnf1I(..tiVP rpply, "May wo- Wben you know a wan to 1) , , Tel - Call scarcely mark their progress.-' mo.
Vk6 McTA%tam rxrntla . F,n1l , muleld(% 'ngland, It IN well to untold * - ; low it ,M 111st ##1 well to 41raw t e wfully gcvd inekliag. I
-ad a % Z- 1"re virtually dastrnyed tha V41406 mr,'vr R pan" to ir"t, Itoklat of Ir the slrnxofi'v tali a damned Pickens. It A
*fttford ('balr Co. annouar of the Dno lexs of mfinsmmd, In ma- I svt", Ito," Itow tb07 admirk, YOU *b#11 tka scroll of blxtorY, Gnat tihowghta . m1ne line, I
ton f*T Iwmrlus everY ,1mPV)Y8Q. rt ti&mbs jilys Lu4piryod the iwl"t!"
I james Irwin, of cowley, Alta,, was drld. Wrorts to extinimlsb 0* Ifyip *A ftar Strom. I &*d hea . ,
. P .1 _-_.Aw
I I , , ,:) * , ;* 1'. "
I 4a&& kA L- ,,,_, _J
. .
* , F .
A ' __ __ 01, 1-! , , t " '.11 ,
.11 4: 4 1 I ,
f , ., . . "; " _,r" , . I r, I
- . I I , 1, ., I .;I .. I
- - - .t6A_
11 I "