HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-01-01, Page 4Pip roar TAB WINGRAM AI1VA as ,tl Treleaven Clinton; Miss C"tll)ltttili s, 'ONAM; I. xx ' tt Toronto; Ada aad f raneS Webster, Tor- N A, G. SMITH, Editor and Prop. - onto; Dean Geddes, Oil Springs, Jack Ilr Town l eautif,,l -- - - ^ Newton, Galt; Dave Thotupson, Rvgiva; Int thea. A doctor claims to have found a way to •I,rnirt Mtlilsair,'Corcnito; Mr. 1tU"l Zlrs, A y)t of cheer when campp . 4nts are be ng imassed around, let us add fifteen years to a maws life S}nlcoe G. Smith and ch}lilen, Winghani; Will, our compililients to the charming to Reforaw is doubtful whether it is a bene- r McDonald of the British Navy; S Mal- it, which we live, the door old home to fit. Coin a Irian really afford it? it lougli, Ramilton; Isabel Douglas, Shat• where we wer bora; and reared, the to asks. But on the other hand, there's: the i' AERONOLA barn; Mfrs. C. V. Rieliardsou, Teeswater; we have know since Mlle was a Band Finlay Ross Toronto; . ), Burns, I)etro' matter of funeral eitpensett to cantttdPr. Y , , it . of wee houses the banks of the Ma qr A wedding of interest to titan here land. Yes, we love the old place --fur h a , took lilacs in Toronto when Miss Jean ig own sake as weltip for the sake' of th , t) ; ► l;aX t linston Q 4titl o#1 +L? Morality J ...,was united ill Marriage to Mr. we have known as•;'.zcr life-long resider Oii Rl'Ew t1lliSiC lover, have SO1l1ctl1iil l ll ait John S. XcLarty of Hyde Park. The Not many towtia'c"dn hold their clia>a l4forltlity in Germany has falls„ so law, _ ' ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. thro the whole year as this old bury, says a writer from Berlin, that a hotel .: will ixlket'e,;l 3't}II' J. Knox. The bride is, a sister of Mrs, her mantle of snow She is beautiful guest dare9 not leave his shoes outside his , John W, HVIlder0on of town and is well behold as when in all her snmmer'$ gat room door to be pol}shed for they will as- . . Until you gave Beard the' CURTIS ABRONOLA you have not ` M known by many here, of flowers, lawns and parks suredly abe stolen. That is due to the Investigated the la tstlacbleveraonts in sound re ' , , , production, You have--•. «M-•F-.--..,,....» Her public buildings would. grace a cit t;Satcity of leather, Icor a similar reason ° heard many difierent talking machines but you have 1>eea waiting fora ' WANTED V ES JJer schools, hospital, library, the state it is not safe for a guest in a Canadian s machine that would trulyrepro the ori nal vales or instrum4nt. W hotel to leave a flask of whiskey In an un- ,, p ' The' post oilice as well as the splendid. railw CURTIS ABRQNQI A'is made:with the:satt,e degree 4f precision and • 11rir. T os. S c depots, memorial balls, departinKnt locked valine, . ; .sk ll t at° h to ty, Turnberry handed tie. t i h ,Gurtts people Used in making Aeroplanes for Allied fi ovs rn- . the following article which as Clipped from stores of all varieties, and last. but n k . " menta and like the Curtiss Aeroplanethe CURTISeAERONOLA is al. .. an old Country Paper, Howeverrewe are least fila the ban churches t .at de hold ions and the banks galore that hold o : ,.1l1CI iQVi'' ways "Over The.x'og" in every detail $25 places one in your dome .and fir! ffrmly of the belief that Canadian girls are money for us, +„ the balance rata be, paid,ln miionthly instalments, , plenty flood for any of our Canadian man- ,The Funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Mc- , .'-. At this festive .season we invite eve Chine whose death occurred, at Speirs, .: . hood, pot that we wish to throw stones at hod I wish. to ex Ie W- English girls either. y young and old, rich and poor, f Sark., was held on Sunday .afternoon fly P' ss my appreciation of the patronage I have received •. , „ and near to coxae and visit our To American and Canadian 'soldiers are. : from the 'Presbyterian church. k5f'rs= . ` in the•past, and extend to all a Merry Christmas and Happyand Prosper. ming for English wives The studied Beautiful and if , possible to make tli McClure died a week ago and the body , ous New Year. }s j y e home here wherein the suinm inokit lour girls while over here and carne to the we can sport ourselves an the banks was brought here for burial, arriving on `` } .. r I conclusion the were the best on earth— y the beautiful Maitland or stroll under tl the late train Saturday night. Site was v + ►' espseially as farmerettes, shade of the tall maples or rest in t formerly Miss F,dna Gibson of Goderieh ►- G spacious park, and even if we must $hi , : Land girls are specially mentioned in a off this mortal 5Qi} we can be laid away but went West some years ago with other' . . membersof the family and 'was married I to MtSOWLER` letter received by the editor of ""Lloyd's a beautiful and well kept .cemetery beyoNews from six Canadian soldiers in Vic• the old river, and thus we address. the to her now bereft husband, The service"coria. Their name9 are, Charles Nicol, "Thou dear old Towti Beautiful "was conducted by the Rev, Mr, Mae , .ori Old Resident, Music Dealer, Phone Zg • Ronald McDonald, Jackd Connor.Henry ' ,E. Tucker, Edward Taft and J'oht` BorCallum, assisted by thechoir, he xe- mains were interred in Greenhill ceme- 1,. C ` der. tery. Desides her husband She 'leaves ► rs ii rt ,r►i+► !W► r► r,i iw ► r► .r s w r► yr r ► r► r► i► ro ► +1r r Yr iise%iCi,`( ;. . s,,✓►`...r, They say that they are desirlous of ttva email children, who have the Aytn- Communicating with. some British girlsThe No c o s-sa Py of the whole community. _ a Mettyodist church, Thursday in the with a view to ma'rirnony, for while aver- ` Mr; Jas. McKiution of the 2nd con. of It is 27 years since he went to Chitla, his seas in the Canadian Forces #lie were Methodist and l: rlday mi the Presbyterian y I;inloss, died very suddenly on Saturday church. These taleetings will be address. fainiip growing up there, two daughters struck with the superiority of our girls, " Thing night. He had just come home from the ed b fire Revs. Irwin 1VIacCallu C e- are nslrses and his sots is an the silk bus- Sir Nevil Macread Chis Col 3s iy ln, op y, f nm s oner West on)tlonday to spend Xtnaswith hrs meas, of Policq h +) s mother and sisters. He had been aft poor land and Bcolestone, as been asked by a U;S. soldier , p A dance was Held in the town hall on Christmas visitors at their homes here to help hila find a `"bice young English Health forover five Years but had eon- woman in the twenties." , . Friday eight, and was largely attended, are: -Herb -Graham, Toronto; Huntley tinned to run his farm in the west. SPI_ Gordon; Jas. Spence and Alf 'Mitchell of He. is dissapointed that he did not got ur$ay night he had a hemorrhage and- The dance was under the auspices of the Kingston; SteeleMcKenzie married while in England nd fo e n- e o • hockey club and music was furnished b g e of near l;l- g a r h feels that Tono eased' a z few hours. e a passed away y a H els ,n Y in Margaret Irwin • Guelph; Mina he 'cannot bank on American girls " ' his 4rstyear,. •The funeral was Heid oil the T,ucknaw orchestra, and was much ' p ' However, Tuesday to South Kinloss eter , enjoyed, we cannot see why they need to Graham* of Chillichothe, Ohio; Mildred , he will come over fcr a holiday t T day.cemetery, He send out of town for an orchestra Spence, of J. R. Catruth, .Guelph; soon, leaves his mother and three sisters and F. L. Carruth, Wingitamn; Myrtle Shack- He is twenty-four, and of -.:a nice quiet r' one b><other. here to mourn his lass, The Grand Trunk has. put the noon leton, 'Win hat*• Clyde e' , .disposition and will send hisPhotograph j Miss Christena' Graham received the . train on again and we arc now getting the g , y Rid, Detroit, g g --?but ac u u it e ' jack and Dan McDonald of Toronto;, S N .vii has felt obliged Ira decline r sad news on Saturday, when she was in. i*orning edition of the newpapers, If Gladys McQuaig, Detroit, Alex Lockhart the .honour: See we about it we only had electric lights uoly ever Low rates, No ' 0 formed that'her nephew, James Graham, g y and; Marion Fisher, Toronto; Melvin Orr, - son of Mr. and Krs. Graham, Detroit had thing would've lovely, H ' premium note, One of the strongest > Hamilton; Mass Williams, Uxbridge-, 1'OXL>ti t' companies in America. died. he s T message gave no details, so A visitor g g v e t z ,to in town this week is ?)r, .$wart Cameron, Y'V'al>rertou; Telford The Manse at Armow, Bruce Co., that relatives here do notknowwhat hap 141alcolen, •Medical• Health. Officer of Aitcheson, T'hedford, WM Huston, De-) was the scene of a quiet wedding o pened but death most have been sudden Chefoo, China, Dr. Malcolm is a brother troit; Mrs. J Brabson, Toronto; Madeline " s ly n Dec. ID' when Anna Louise May, only daughter - as his aunt, Miss 'Nina Graham left. ,l)e- of Thomas and Robert Malcolm of _Kin- M'cltiloran, Toronto; Bvan Allin, Detroit; :af Re • v. L. and Airs. Perrin, formerly of ABNE C , troll that morning, and be eves an his lough, Iyr. Malcolm left his home an Gordon Little, Palmerston; Ethel Howe, Wroxeter, health and at work in the railway yards, Chefoo Ou Oct. 3r and travelled coniin- Windsor' HelenMe was married to s r Cooley InToronto; Geo of Prmow, Miss Perrin zvxs organist in Insurance and Real Estate The late t 1 L Mr. ra alai r S about 2 r l0 lel until a G h B a a years t1 week a lc o when y 1 a en h a and F 5 y a arrived d ager ',Patterson, 1 x Coro* o• t i m , J Chalmers Church, Armflty, of vliis;h her Successor to Ritchie & Coscils. i : of age and had visited friends here some here, Dr. 'Malcolm. is going to Nein Scrimgeour, Milverton; Alicia Miteheli, , father is pastor and Mr. Coale is a farm. time'•ago..:., York to take aspec aal course in medicine, Midland Lillian Mitchell, Toronto; Prin- er near the village. Y Wingham, Ontario A very pretty wedding was solemnized ai"tlle 'hoii i `of ,.Mt.' and Mrs, Dag Me- - - Inpis of I,angside, when their slaughter, Miss SY(TA y, ,lnecame . the bride of Mr. Gordon Jamieson of Aslifield, Promptly 4t . at the hour of four o'clock the bride en• { Y . ,• ,mow ' ,tered Elie Parlor which ' OW, CA .r - :-• , , P It was beautifully l decorated for the occasion, leaning on the t 0. x+rr .arm of her father, to the strains of the to wedding 'march played by Mrs. 'Tiffin, r sister of the bride, and took -her place be- side the groom, . The ceremony was per- formuedbytile Rev. Mr. Scobie, pastor of 4, 129sidt chlarch, The bride r oom a _ $ w s unattended, During the. + _.siagaiug of the register, Xiss MaryAitch- esoti, sang r"The Sunshine of Votir Simile. After the cerenlon all adjourn- ed to e diniugroomwhere abountiful wedding supper was -partaken. Of.' The t evening was spent sn games and dancing, g ( . i J rl ig,4 oa, and the happy couple left on the earl}* . j / morning train for . London and other • : t i 1 Points. .- On their return they will reside oft tial grdotu`s farm in Ashfield, The^ ! ` bride was the recipient of many valuable and usefulpreseuts, Both are weVAVo n ---- here and will have thhe"t_*v i tis of all, - The curl" weld a very enthusiastic mee ing on Thursday .night whetit the nead sho Iders abo following officers were eledted. 'Pres,- the Russ Robertson; Vice -Pres. -John Mc- - Quaig; Tress -T. S. Reid; seinretary- --stands- Ino A,EdisoRobt, Johnston, A:fansgang• Gotnmittee-- .i .114 • ' k Win, alliin, Robt, Brown w, Davisonr` f>r J• Head and shoulders .above he and G. H.. Stnith. Bonspiel committee - l crowd Of.ordinary Phonographs and"' firm n ]' C Anderson, J MGQuaig, Cliff Aitch- maTCI7Ti1e3 stands EdiSt?r1 rrt Ortt fi 9re- _ rxbxrtfan to the worlds erg opment -- eson, It.. Robtitson, W. Obastou, H, Allen, M, L, Johnston, B. 'nlalf u h and , J o g ._ ,. Mr. r ' " 1wlen .11 are 1 i " y ookan forward to J. •-rID y N4 D r one of the best season's ever heiti. ! A week of prayer will be held coin- menciag on January 5th, Monday in the Presbyterian ahutch, Tuesday in the Anglican Church, NVtdaesday in the . , R01 -win No • arodutct can e bigger than" th W c s Y> A • e brain'that evolves t. c other OSTEOPATHY brains in the world today has the inventive abilityof Edict n"S. That f act alone i s DR. i , A. PARKER s 1clent pro of the l bsolute sty marl o .., tY f the Aa beXalaa steopathic Physician, only qualified ..• _ :1 • •o u.. u osteopath in North Huron. But the Amberola can Adjustment of the spine is Moro quickly , t Ie b stfi l t .e Brea. St,. the b,yanyi the with rawer treatments than iCl l aricl easily chile kltsfF R E xx tlna le, east of by any oilier method. C1 t j ulS `< Hlooti pressure and other examitlations own superiority, Its tone- - ohr fascinating ',Cl'IOlCad , ' made. All diseases treated: , s + t• what a revelation com axetltd . het the laz 'est sll<)c Orse of 1 i?171rIGE OVER GITRISTTE"s STORE metall c "talking machines"' all is the lari#0 " lxs wonder PH and shrill -sounding phono. e' phonograph Cvsl3 less than , 0,400 Iis7 Tol AN ,graphal None but Edison 'W rwill lacssgill Amberola ferior Ct i°l petitoral There, is H1 AC itc Chiropractic Drugla ss Heeding accut• atoll• tocalas maid rambves the Canso of dist aa* is lowing nature to restore health, J. A. FOX D.., D.O. osto"thy ' Electricity . 'yM. tssmyb#rr DrW# ss Physicians Astocia- t.y{. I",✓ INV –* Ts : DR. . W ROSS Gradukt t Royal Qdsge of Derrtel C rtete i31s1~vat ty ref' Totmna lvacuity d. J utlt" K A. Ium's attore. 1 i w i r :Ill yott'r ww, #ar zht a not a single draw -back to yo r cr>;>alcl workthat 1'Y.l'Ira;C,ltC of tone. Trial, wbieht%,rlllttatputyou) W fr undo" tltb rlightoot ohliga• 4JiVT1Tri aH,tillihei"lile"t r ylrtnawl erl tli}ter6tCCf3rdS tiancraxs,amtse.Comtoharro, s . " Week to A.mbero10 ,,uJ it Dont lister to the claims of llna e • r the xr hertola xlol a uun'tisei~ofrboordsand we'it They are ?1°r"lctil t trrb •e r .. send Client Its your'tome. other' manl(,1,fcacttlrers -•-.,••6ten to ar f At hits and of S dogii, if you able Sind everlarstin o.' At da naf ' rant the All bamlit, their machines, Then come in + Wsll 0411 t ud take it,,, acid Gf77 pelre the matchless tone If rale ds want it, we'll ar« oris c ►X1tI . t to the costly f%`agIlC:pl:et' t°l ra»ga tsrstist of tsayaeteat #o• s other phonograph recd c s. tttlty6u. rr; tl te,i ,rllberol tW l dlsarl iNl7w RICes ardls will w1n you every t> llne. i.na for Irange of mu ie— " e'll expect YOU in ,10,1 the widest in the world all i now don't forget. 11'McMbbo wa, n4h 1 nt W*ngha lit-urX&Y, , AU, Isi,i 1.90. RAVES MAKE DEMANDS: zFB- 1KT`k7til+H'fiJNQ :Dt x 1, , ori" .e1Mt3dYC,1 l y SRT} NA'p)tti,N >Gi)iDIAhti. lull Aleft Who i ota i► t ForTheir s`ntzzz#r Nit Puring t1to ti1'ttr Are 1(l m )as s tt 11 t' 1 #ts0 U fel the T'ndian,s e)ntsrli its Now Clot,« it- stunted and t`lmisn it Voice Xt, t1te hi Clovernmentt of the Tired hien oft e file Rese,we Nene" Brantford. MII cc HTT.D the tamtihawlt •Iles ' G In Tong 9iE,GA' been buried, . to and no longer the braves r ga ,slut clad in btifkskin and marked with leathers the flght- 1 le W y Ing spirit of the Indian has not 'dem i►arted. Proof of this, it it was new ly cossary, was vouchsafed by the in- _00'.00m wo owl ay al diens throughout the l7olniz►lon der - at ing the past ave years. Int Chit} th0 . . at- Six Nations, Inhabiting the reserve ,! n ur near Brantford—what remains of the tract of land, six miles on each side of the Ouse or grand river, given -to rthem by the British Crown, for their41 services to the royalist cause during e x the United States Revolutionary war,, h$ —were no, exception, Their record is of evert better than that of the remain - is dor of Brant county, in which, a part he of the reserve, tend their council seat, ft Ohsweken, are located, and Brant, in including the city of Prantford, lays nd claim to having furnished more men e, in proportion to its population than tr Buy other, part of Canada, Olflcial records show that 295 of the braves of the Six Nations donned 1rhaka, Of these 27 were killed to action, six died of sickness co'dtraoted while on active service, one was re. ported missing, 55 were wounded, and but one was taken prisotler, This is a record whieh'can be compared with that of any ass other class - t /! i i s)r cam . nun ty without bringlag a blush of shame to the cheeks of lovers of the Indians. X It is more than passing interest to note, that the drat Brant county born Sf man to fall In aetion, was Lieut. Cam- eronIlk D, Brant, ti direct descendant, ` V imtronne on both sides of the house, of that IC noted warrior chief and loyal Britishburing The end ne to chief Joseph Brant, he Past tui• W X whose statue adorns Victoria Park, Brantford, and whore tomb is beside trust that b, fair atA n un His Majesty's Chapel Royal of the . Mohawks, just outside the city limits,ni•1 a2 and a spot frequented by many tour- b. oneat price to ! 1 `erit Ists. He fell in the charge of the our +1a4 rr l+ th our... } Botta Ian when that 'bat- , r talion gained its name. of "Mad j favors burin ® :Fourth," when they charged the hedge at Ypres in the second battle of that name, Ii It 1 the Six Nati N ons Indians who fought for democracy abroad are now ready to fight for democracy at home, For many years past the war- riors have protested against the Gov- ernment by "petticoats" which is to- day in fa .r res among the Six Nations. The stein s which Y C, is denounced ed as s C 0 potticoat government" is based upon the tribal law that the chiefs shall be named only from. among the im= *mediate family of a deceased chief, and by the women of than family. QZ r .o ` vo +✓ ar / re r e Thus, if a chief dies, the women of ( i A /' 0$I i`IP Ai/iii the chief's faulily meet and decide A\ d1i upon the succession, which through the distaff side, The Chiefs Guelph, is spending his vacation at his 3 lbs. lard, 3 lbs, Butter, apples, 4 sestets in the aggregate form the Council . home here, of,Chiefs, which rules. the nations to fruit, Xmas ca$ss, cake, oatmeal, qtc. this day, with practically ell the .old Mr.. George Mcclen' aghan has hsd the Donations of money, amounting to $13 Insignia and customs retained,the reserve to-dotelephone installed -line 612, ring 14, were also received. A gift. ,of 22 aprons The position oil , was also sent. Is what might be termed as critical, Mr. J. Conn led the Guild- on Sunday In that the war has brought to a night, The leader for Dec. 28, is Miss' focus the tight on the part of the lg, Peddle. warriors, for a share in the govern Summer Weather'In Alberta! ment of the nations. Conscription at Miss Minnie Coiling: of Ripley, has re- Jas. Irwin of Cowley, Mita,, was seed - first was ruled from Ottawa to ]nave signed her position as teacher in No. 10 ing fall wheat on his farm there on Christ applied to them, but later this ruling school. mas morning when stopped at noon by a ivas' withdrawn,' and the M;S.®., at 110 time was enforced: The warriors Miss Edythe Peddle has returned from heavy shower of rein, - Summer weather Went volt4ntarity and gladly, London, where she spent the past few prevails throughout the whole of Southern But the warriors 'elalm that the Six Alberta. Why go to l:±lorida for the winter? Nations Indians' Council did not do weeks, Its part, They point out that whenMiss Margaret Campbell hits resigned the question of ,sending an Indian her ,position as teacher in Murraps' ---' contingent cavae up through the offer school and has _ . of Lieut. -Col. Hamilton Merritt, of ) gone to her home at Toronto, Toronto, tin honorary chief and a life_ Proton, l"RpNi l lir STOCK AT long friend of the Sime Nations, to The PROM entertainment given on ER equipment eequipprovide t oft for .the complete , The night, by the Presbyterian S. S, quipmeut of two companies of Six Nations' Indians, the Six Nations' was a splendid success. The pupils Cows yield more milk at loss Council refused the offer, on the gave a program of music, recitations coat. Livo stock gain weight ground that they, the regular Chiefs and dialogues, Mr. Mac, Ross was chair. rapidly and loop better if or sachems, had no right to make Iran, T`he clothing on the charity tree y0LI use war, but that this should be taken Up by a war council, Later in the was valued at nearly $100, This was 114th Battalion, Brook's Rangers, sent to St. Christotmher's Home In Tgron the Indians hada Naee, but unfor- . to. The door receipts were $4$. tunately owing to the exigencies of Endorsed by Government war, this battalion was broken up The annual meeting of the W. M, S. Experiment Endorsed stations, and many of the men sent to forestrywas held on W, ednesday of last week. TheIs 100c lo selected 10a /o ,Bure Sugar and constructions corps, no body of. following officers were elected: Pres- Cana Molasses.. r Indians going to tile front as a unit. Mrs. Walter Lott, list. Vice. Pres -Mrs. sprinkle it ovovstraw,ensil- thThe warriors 81also point to, ills fact T. Moore, 2nd, Vic. Pres--b?rs. Geo, age and ull'roughage and at thg Sly Pat}ons' t7ouneil 1'efuoed fodder. heap your live stock A assist ti}e Patriotic is und, and that Wilson, Secretary -Mrs. A. Emmerson, In ;A. -r condition. P-1 Dile time the Tndia•n ecddiers' de- Treasurer.. -Miss L. Paterson, Messenger Mapes all • feeds tempting pen4ants were pill off, and remained Sec --Miss A. Fox,.Home Helper's Sec and digestible, Sold in stfioug Without that assistance until the rdiss Ft, Henry, iron-hooped'barrels at a most Raldhnand County Fati-lotio bund price, na solsl®p Game to tete rescue, As further $vi- Miss M. Hamilton of Lucknow, has reaso air le p ria ami est amass Once of the Heed fol' a change of been engaged as teacher in. No. 9 school deniers ga'Verninent they point to the, fact (hurrays') that the Six Nations' Coisneii ,aro- CANE MOL,CO.. 0f WAR LTD. tested against conscription, and they The congregation of the Presbyterian tt3t, aiSt, also protested against registration to church sent a box of eatables to the Res. lit i fill W, Tlontrtai, oda. Such Pimm 01011t that they engaged cue Home in Toronto, for Xmas, This hO°'Ii iiiatribu WS legal talent to fight for those Indians ttctv+ sdiv & ttctWsort who refused to be reglstered, though contained 20 IUs. pork, 35 lbs, Fhicken, they Claim that a huge majority was In favor of registration. t + ps / ``.. _ ._-_:-- _ ` _ .. . •,-•. .-_ , . It zigth be ` interesting to point a lCrii 9sts i ii 11 .•s ♦ ,* r ts * n04tthdt: the basis of the decision of t.Tle Indian chiefs' pounpll on Con sicript#ort was that by :regt the Six Nations wore '40 stltijeets o Canada, dor of the British erayvn, pot wore.00 Oliea of the Pritisll 0"rewtl. They theIre t7lat tender the trand b and I have ;d right to thank m Erie the treaty is stili extant and bears g ' friends Out the clttilu---tile Tung :across the water eould call ori his allies of the $Ix Nittiono'- fndjans far help, in and Cu tOtilet'S tot making the W#nleh ease llleY *,list, 40 treaty bouAd, respoznd with all available Men. Such call must come Irom the past year al ORO of the most Success - Xing hlmself, liozvevwr, and not through tile Canadian, Government, rrt11 ell since WWII had J10polvel' over them,. In years in blames since I have thO it is held the chiefs were legally eorreet, but the warriors maintain been iii' that despite this, the attitude Olt the11111 }t??. aatioti Was proof that the attltudo of the chiefs was slot that of the trarriors, _ _ to - (Too tat* (itr foist issue.] 11'i1118 Isabel PDX, who liar been itttetld« Ing High school lit Dalt, it, horns for tht Christmas holidays. Mfsat LillIAft Longmen is hdmdt 'ii'ottt 'Cf/'indtor, for the holiday*. Mrs. 3, Hisggitt of Blyth, visited hap prttwntr, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tlim) arson, lest, Mr, J. VCalltthsn cetne harts f m 9966tYt)r, on "T`hmrW*y night. Mr, asrowspotrung of tho 0. WiShitlg YOU all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Wt G. PAI"'TERSON "the great Watch' Doctor Rad Optkian • 4 TAB WINGRAM AI1VA as ,tl Treleaven Clinton; Miss C"tll)ltttili s, 'ONAM; I. xx ' tt Toronto; Ada aad f raneS Webster, Tor- N A, G. SMITH, liditor and Drop. - onto; Dean Geddes, Oil Springs, Jack Ilr Town l eautif,,l -- - - ^ Newton, Galt; Dave Thotupson, Rvgiva; Int thea. A doctor claims to have found a way to •I,rnirt Mtlilsair,'Corcnito; Mr. 1tU"l Zlrs, A y)t of cheer when campp . 4nts are be ng imassed around, let us add fifteen years to a maws life S}nlcoe G. Smith and ch}lilen, Winghani; Will, our compililients to the charming to Reforaw is doubtful whether it is a bene- r McDonald of the British Navy; S Mal- it, which we live, the door old home to fit. Coin a Irian really afford it? it lougli, Ramilton; Isabel Douglas, Shat• where we wer bora; and reared, the to asks. But on the other hand, there's: the i' AERONOLA barn; Mfrs. C. V. Rieliardsou, Teeswater; we have know since Mlle was a Band Finlay Ross Toronto; . ), Burns, I)etro' matter of funeral eitpensett to cantttdPr. Y , , it . of wee houses the banks of the Ma qr A wedding of interest to titan here land. Yes, we love the old place --fur h a , took lilacs in Toronto when Miss Jean ig own sake as weltip for the sake' of th , t) ; ► l;aX t linston Q 4titl o#1 +L? Morality J ...,was united ill Marriage to Mr. we have known as•;'.zcr life-long resider Oii Rl'Ew t1lliSiC lover, have SO1l1ctl1iil l ll ait John S. XcLarty of Hyde Park. The Not many towtia'c"dn hold their clia>a l4forltlity in Germany has falls„ so law, _ ' ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. thro the whole year as this old bury, says a writer from Berlin, that a hotel .: will ixlket'e,;l 3't}II' J. Knox. The bride is, a sister of Mrs, her mantle of snow She is beautiful guest dare9 not leave his shoes outside his , John W, HVIlder0on of town and is well behold as when in all her snmmer'$ gat room door to be pol}shed for they will as- . . Until you gave Beard the' CURTIS ABRONOLA you have not ` M known by many here, of flowers, lawns and parks suredly abe stolen. That is due to the Investigated the la tstlacbleveraonts in sound re ' , , , production, You have--•. «M-•F-.--..,,....» Her public buildings would. grace a cit t;Satcity of leather, Icor a similar reason ° heard many difierent talking machines but you have 1>eea waiting fora ' WANTED V ES JJer schools, hospital, library, the state it is not safe for a guest in a Canadian s machine that would trulyrepro the ori nal vales or instrum4nt. W hotel to leave a flask of whiskey In an un- ,, p ' The' post oilice as well as the splendid. railw CURTIS ABRQNQI A'is made:with the:satt,e degree 4f precision and • 11rir. T os. S c depots, memorial balls, departinKnt locked valine, . ; .sk ll t at° h to ty, Turnberry handed tie. t i h ,Gurtts people Used in making Aeroplanes for Allied fi ovs rn- . the following article which as Clipped from stores of all varieties, and last. but n k . " menta and like the Curtiss Aeroplanethe CURTISeAERONOLA is al. .. an old Country Paper, Howeverrewe are least fila the ban churches t .at de hold ions and the banks galore that hold o : ,.1l1CI iQVi'' ways "Over The.x'og" in every detail $25 places one in your dome .and fir! ffrmly of the belief that Canadian girls are money for us, +„ the balance rata be, paid,ln miionthly instalments, , plenty flood for any of our Canadian man- ,The Funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Mc- , .'-. At this festive .season we invite eve Chine whose death occurred, at Speirs, .: . hood, pot that we wish to throw stones at hod I wish. to ex Ie W- English girls either. y young and old, rich and poor, f Sark., was held on Sunday .afternoon fly P' ss my appreciation of the patronage I have received •. , „ and near to coxae and visit our To American and Canadian 'soldiers are. : from the 'Presbyterian church. k5f'rs= . ` in the•past, and extend to all a Merry Christmas and Happyand Prosper. ming for English wives The studied Beautiful and if , possible to make tli McClure died a week ago and the body , ous New Year. }s j y e home here wherein the suinm inokit lour girls while over here and carne to the we can sport ourselves an the banks was brought here for burial, arriving on `` } .. r I conclusion the were the best on earth— y the beautiful Maitland or stroll under tl the late train Saturday night. Site was v + ►' espseially as farmerettes, shade of the tall maples or rest in t formerly Miss F,dna Gibson of Goderieh ►- G spacious park, and even if we must $hi , : Land girls are specially mentioned in a off this mortal 5Qi} we can be laid away but went West some years ago with other' . . membersof the family and 'was married I to MtSOWLER` letter received by the editor of ""Lloyd's a beautiful and well kept .cemetery beyoNews from six Canadian soldiers in Vic• the old river, and thus we address. the to her now bereft husband, The service"coria. Their name9 are, Charles Nicol, "Thou dear old Towti Beautiful "was conducted by the Rev, Mr, Mae , .ori Old Resident, Music Dealer, Phone Zg • Ronald McDonald, Jackd Connor.Henry ' ,E. Tucker, Edward Taft and J'oht` BorCallum, assisted by thechoir, he xe- mains were interred in Greenhill ceme- 1,. C ` der. tery. Desides her husband She 'leaves ► rs ii rt ,r►i+► !W► r► r,i iw ► r► .r s w r► yr r ► r► r► i► ro ► +1r r Yr iise%iCi,`( ;. . s,,✓►`...r, They say that they are desirlous of ttva email children, who have the Aytn- Communicating with. some British girlsThe No c o s-sa Py of the whole community. _ a Mettyodist church, Thursday in the with a view to ma'rirnony, for while aver- ` Mr; Jas. McKiution of the 2nd con. of It is 27 years since he went to Chitla, his seas in the Canadian Forces #lie were Methodist and l: rlday mi the Presbyterian y I;inloss, died very suddenly on Saturday church. These taleetings will be address. fainiip growing up there, two daughters struck with the superiority of our girls, " Thing night. He had just come home from the ed b fire Revs. Irwin 1VIacCallu C e- are nslrses and his sots is an the silk bus- Sir Nevil Macread Chis Col 3s iy ln, op y, f nm s oner West on)tlonday to spend Xtnaswith hrs meas, of Policq h +) s mother and sisters. He had been aft poor land and Bcolestone, as been asked by a U;S. soldier , p A dance was Held in the town hall on Christmas visitors at their homes here to help hila find a `"bice young English Health forover five Years but had eon- woman in the twenties." , . Friday eight, and was largely attended, are: -Herb -Graham, Toronto; Huntley tinned to run his farm in the west. SPI_ Gordon; Jas. Spence and Alf 'Mitchell of He. is dissapointed that he did not got ur$ay night he had a hemorrhage and- The dance was under the auspices of the Kingston; SteeleMcKenzie married while in England nd fo e n- e o • hockey club and music was furnished b g e of near l;l- g a r h feels that Tono eased' a z few hours. e a passed away y a H els ,n Y in Margaret Irwin • Guelph; Mina he 'cannot bank on American girls " ' his 4rstyear,. •The funeral was Heid oil the T,ucknaw orchestra, and was much ' p ' However, Tuesday to South Kinloss eter , enjoyed, we cannot see why they need to Graham* of Chillichothe, Ohio; Mildred , he will come over fcr a holiday t T day.cemetery, He send out of town for an orchestra Spence, of J. R. Catruth, .Guelph; soon, leaves his mother and three sisters and F. L. Carruth, Wingitamn; Myrtle Shack- He is twenty-four, and of -.:a nice quiet r' one b><other. here to mourn his lass, The Grand Trunk has. put the noon leton, 'Win hat*• Clyde e' , .disposition and will send hisPhotograph j Miss Christena' Graham received the . train on again and we arc now getting the g , y Rid, Detroit, g g --?but ac u u it e ' jack and Dan McDonald of Toronto;, S N .vii has felt obliged Ira decline r sad news on Saturday, when she was in. i*orning edition of the newpapers, If Gladys McQuaig, Detroit, Alex Lockhart the .honour: See we about it we only had electric lights uoly ever Low rates, No ' 0 formed that'her nephew, James Graham, g y and; Marion Fisher, Toronto; Melvin Orr, - son of Mr. and Krs. Graham, Detroit had thing would've lovely, H ' premium note, One of the strongest > Hamilton; Mass Williams, Uxbridge-, 1'OXL>ti t' companies in America. died. he s T message gave no details, so A visitor g g v e t z ,to in town this week is ?)r, .$wart Cameron, Y'V'al>rertou; Telford The Manse at Armow, Bruce Co., that relatives here do notknowwhat hap 141alcolen, •Medical• Health. Officer of Aitcheson, T'hedford, WM Huston, De-) was the scene of a quiet wedding o pened but death most have been sudden Chefoo, China, Dr. Malcolm is a brother troit; Mrs. J Brabson, Toronto; Madeline " s ly n Dec. ID' when Anna Louise May, only daughter - as his aunt, Miss 'Nina Graham left. ,l)e- of Thomas and Robert Malcolm of _Kin- M'cltiloran, Toronto; Bvan Allin, Detroit; :af Re • v. L. and Airs. Perrin, formerly of ABNE C , troll that morning, and be eves an his lough, Iyr. Malcolm left his home an Gordon Little, Palmerston; Ethel Howe, Wroxeter, health and at work in the railway yards, Chefoo Ou Oct. 3r and travelled coniin- Windsor' HelenMe was married to s r Cooley InToronto; Geo of Prmow, Miss Perrin zvxs organist in Insurance and Real Estate The late t 1 L Mr. ra alai r S about 2 r l0 lel until a G h B a a years t1 week a lc o when y 1 a en h a and F 5 y a arrived d ager ',Patterson, 1 x Coro* o• t i m , J Chalmers Church, Armflty, of vliis;h her Successor to Ritchie & Coscils. i : of age and had visited friends here some here, Dr. 'Malcolm. is going to Nein Scrimgeour, Milverton; Alicia Miteheli, , father is pastor and Mr. Coale is a farm. time'•ago..:., York to take aspec aal course in medicine, Midland Lillian Mitchell, Toronto; Prin- er near the village. Y Wingham, Ontario A very pretty wedding was solemnized ai"tlle 'hoii i `of ,.Mt.' and Mrs, Dag Me- - - Inpis of I,angside, when their slaughter, Miss SY(TA y, ,lnecame . the bride of Mr. Gordon Jamieson of Aslifield, Promptly 4t . at the hour of four o'clock the bride en• { Y . ,• ,mow ' ,tered Elie Parlor which ' OW, CA .r - :-• , , P It was beautifully l decorated for the occasion, leaning on the t 0. x+rr .arm of her father, to the strains of the to wedding 'march played by Mrs. 'Tiffin, r sister of the bride, and took -her place be- side the groom, . The ceremony was per- formuedbytile Rev. Mr. Scobie, pastor of 4, 129sidt chlarch, The bride r oom a _ $ w s unattended, During the. + _.siagaiug of the register, Xiss MaryAitch- esoti, sang r"The Sunshine of Votir Simile. After the cerenlon all adjourn- ed to e diniugroomwhere abountiful wedding supper was -partaken. Of.' The t evening was spent sn games and dancing, g ( . i J rl ig,4 oa, and the happy couple left on the earl}* . j / morning train for . London and other • : t i 1 Points. .- On their return they will reside oft tial grdotu`s farm in Ashfield, The^ ! ` bride was the recipient of many valuable and usefulpreseuts, Both are weVAVo n ---- here and will have thhe"t_*v i tis of all, - The curl" weld a very enthusiastic mee ing on Thursday .night whetit the nead sho Iders abo following officers were eledted. 'Pres,- the Russ Robertson; Vice -Pres. -John Mc- - Quaig; Tress -T. S. Reid; seinretary- --stands- Ino A,EdisoRobt, Johnston, A:fansgang• Gotnmittee-- .i .114 • ' k Win, alliin, Robt, Brown w, Davisonr` f>r J• Head and shoulders .above he and G. H.. Stnith. Bonspiel committee - l crowd Of.ordinary Phonographs and"' firm n ]' C Anderson, J MGQuaig, Cliff Aitch- maTCI7Ti1e3 stands EdiSt?r1 rrt Ortt fi 9re- _ rxbxrtfan to the worlds erg opment -- eson, It.. Robtitson, W. Obastou, H, Allen, M, L, Johnston, B. 'nlalf u h and , J o g ._ ,. Mr. r ' " 1wlen .11 are 1 i " y ookan forward to J. •-rID y N4 D r one of the best season's ever heiti. ! A week of prayer will be held coin- menciag on January 5th, Monday in the Presbyterian ahutch, Tuesday in the Anglican Church, NVtdaesday in the . , R01 -win No • arodutct can e bigger than" th W c s Y> A • e brain'that evolves t. c other OSTEOPATHY brains in the world today has the inventive abilityof Edict n"S. That f act alone i s DR. i , A. PARKER s 1clent pro of the l bsolute sty marl o .., tY f the Aa beXalaa steopathic Physician, only qualified ..• _ :1 • •o u.. u osteopath in North Huron. But the Amberola can Adjustment of the spine is Moro quickly , t Ie b stfi l t .e Brea. St,. the b,yanyi the with rawer treatments than iCl l aricl easily chile kltsfF R E xx tlna le, east of by any oilier method. C1 t j ulS `< Hlooti pressure and other examitlations own superiority, Its tone- - ohr fascinating ',Cl'IOlCad , ' made. All diseases treated: , s + t• what a revelation com axetltd . het the laz 'est sll<)c Orse of 1 i?171rIGE OVER GITRISTTE"s STORE metall c "talking machines"' all is the lari#0 " lxs wonder PH and shrill -sounding phono. e' phonograph Cvsl3 less than , 0,400 Iis7 Tol AN ,graphal None but Edison 'W rwill lacssgill Amberola ferior Ct i°l petitoral There, is H1 AC itc Chiropractic Drugla ss Heeding accut• atoll• tocalas maid rambves the Canso of dist aa* is lowing nature to restore health, J. A. FOX D.., D.O. osto"thy ' Electricity . 'yM. tssmyb#rr DrW# ss Physicians Astocia- t.y{. I",✓ INV –* Ts : DR. . W ROSS Gradukt t Royal Qdsge of Derrtel C rtete i31s1~vat ty ref' Totmna lvacuity d. J utlt" K A. Ium's attore. 1 i w i r :Ill yott'r ww, #ar zht a not a single draw -back to yo r cr>;>alcl workthat 1'Y.l'Ira;C,ltC of tone. Trial, wbieht%,rlllttatputyou) W fr undo" tltb rlightoot ohliga• 4JiVT1Tri aH,tillihei"lile"t r ylrtnawl erl tli}ter6tCCf3rdS tiancraxs,amtse.Comtoharro, s . " Week to A.mbero10 ,,uJ it Dont lister to the claims of llna e • r the xr hertola xlol a uun'tisei~ofrboordsand we'it They are ?1°r"lctil t trrb •e r .. send Client Its your'tome. other' manl(,1,fcacttlrers -•-.,••6ten to ar f At hits and of S dogii, if you able Sind everlarstin o.' At da naf ' rant the All bamlit, their machines, Then come in + Wsll 0411 t ud take it,,, acid Gf77 pelre the matchless tone If rale ds want it, we'll ar« oris c ►X1tI . t to the costly f%`agIlC:pl:et' t°l ra»ga tsrstist of tsayaeteat #o• s other phonograph recd c s. tttlty6u. rr; tl te,i ,rllberol tW l dlsarl iNl7w RICes ardls will w1n you every t> llne. i.na for Irange of mu ie— " e'll expect YOU in ,10,1 the widest in the world all i now don't forget. 11'McMbbo wa, n4h 1 nt W*ngha lit-urX&Y, , AU, Isi,i 1.90. RAVES MAKE DEMANDS: zFB- 1KT`k7til+H'fiJNQ :Dt x 1, , ori" .e1Mt3dYC,1 l y SRT} NA'p)tti,N >Gi)iDIAhti. lull Aleft Who i ota i► t ForTheir s`ntzzz#r Nit Puring t1to ti1'ttr Are 1(l m )as s tt 11 t' 1 #ts0 U fel the T'ndian,s e)ntsrli its Now Clot,« it- stunted and t`lmisn it Voice Xt, t1te hi Clovernmentt of the Tired hien oft e file Rese,we Nene" Brantford. MII cc HTT.D the tamtihawlt •Iles ' G In Tong 9iE,GA' been buried, . to and no longer the braves r ga ,slut clad in btifkskin and marked with leathers the flght- 1 le W y Ing spirit of the Indian has not 'dem i►arted. Proof of this, it it was new ly cossary, was vouchsafed by the in- _00'.00m wo owl ay al diens throughout the l7olniz►lon der - at ing the past ave years. Int Chit} th0 . . at- Six Nations, Inhabiting the reserve ,! n ur near Brantford—what remains of the tract of land, six miles on each side of the Ouse or grand river, given -to rthem by the British Crown, for their41 services to the royalist cause during e x the United States Revolutionary war,, h$ —were no, exception, Their record is of evert better than that of the remain - is dor of Brant county, in which, a part he of the reserve, tend their council seat, ft Ohsweken, are located, and Brant, in including the city of Prantford, lays nd claim to having furnished more men e, in proportion to its population than tr Buy other, part of Canada, Olflcial records show that 295 of the braves of the Six Nations donned 1rhaka, Of these 27 were killed to action, six died of sickness co'dtraoted while on active service, one was re. ported missing, 55 were wounded, and but one was taken prisotler, This is a record whieh'can be compared with that of any ass other class - t /! i i s)r cam . nun ty without bringlag a blush of shame to the cheeks of lovers of the Indians. X It is more than passing interest to note, that the drat Brant county born Sf man to fall In aetion, was Lieut. Cam- eronIlk D, Brant, ti direct descendant, ` V imtronne on both sides of the house, of that IC noted warrior chief and loyal Britishburing The end ne to chief Joseph Brant, he Past tui• W X whose statue adorns Victoria Park, Brantford, and whore tomb is beside trust that b, fair atA n un His Majesty's Chapel Royal of the . Mohawks, just outside the city limits,ni•1 a2 and a spot frequented by many tour- b. oneat price to ! 1 `erit Ists. He fell in the charge of the our +1a4 rr l+ th our... } Botta Ian when that 'bat- , r talion gained its name. of "Mad j favors burin ® :Fourth," when they charged the hedge at Ypres in the second battle of that name, Ii It 1 the Six Nati N ons Indians who fought for democracy abroad are now ready to fight for democracy at home, For many years past the war- riors have protested against the Gov- ernment by "petticoats" which is to- day in fa .r res among the Six Nations. The stein s which Y C, is denounced ed as s C 0 potticoat government" is based upon the tribal law that the chiefs shall be named only from. among the im= *mediate family of a deceased chief, and by the women of than family. QZ r .o ` vo +✓ ar / re r e Thus, if a chief dies, the women of ( i A /' 0$I i`IP Ai/iii the chief's faulily meet and decide A\ d1i upon the succession, which through the distaff side, The Chiefs Guelph, is spending his vacation at his 3 lbs. lard, 3 lbs, Butter, apples, 4 sestets in the aggregate form the Council . home here, of,Chiefs, which rules. the nations to fruit, Xmas ca$ss, cake, oatmeal, qtc. this day, with practically ell the .old Mr.. George Mcclen' aghan has hsd the Donations of money, amounting to $13 Insignia and customs retained,the reserve to-dotelephone installed -line 612, ring 14, were also received. A gift. ,of 22 aprons The position oil , was also sent. Is what might be termed as critical, Mr. J. Conn led the Guild- on Sunday In that the war has brought to a night, The leader for Dec. 28, is Miss' focus the tight on the part of the lg, Peddle. warriors, for a share in the govern Summer Weather'In Alberta! ment of the nations. Conscription at Miss Minnie Coiling: of Ripley, has re- Jas. Irwin of Cowley, Mita,, was seed - first was ruled from Ottawa to ]nave signed her position as teacher in No. 10 ing fall wheat on his farm there on Christ applied to them, but later this ruling school. mas morning when stopped at noon by a ivas' withdrawn,' and the M;S.®., at 110 time was enforced: The warriors Miss Edythe Peddle has returned from heavy shower of rein, - Summer weather Went volt4ntarity and gladly, London, where she spent the past few prevails throughout the whole of Southern But the warriors 'elalm that the Six Alberta. Why go to l:±lorida for the winter? Nations Indians' Council did not do weeks, Its part, They point out that whenMiss Margaret Campbell hits resigned the question of ,sending an Indian her ,position as teacher in Murraps' ---' contingent cavae up through the offer school and has _ . of Lieut. -Col. Hamilton Merritt, of ) gone to her home at Toronto, Toronto, tin honorary chief and a life_ Proton, l"RpNi l lir STOCK AT long friend of the Sime Nations, to The PROM entertainment given on ER equipment eequipprovide t oft for .the complete , The night, by the Presbyterian S. S, quipmeut of two companies of Six Nations' Indians, the Six Nations' was a splendid success. The pupils Cows yield more milk at loss Council refused the offer, on the gave a program of music, recitations coat. Livo stock gain weight ground that they, the regular Chiefs and dialogues, Mr. Mac, Ross was chair. rapidly and loop better if or sachems, had no right to make Iran, T`he clothing on the charity tree y0LI use war, but that this should be taken Up by a war council, Later in the was valued at nearly $100, This was 114th Battalion, Brook's Rangers, sent to St. Christotmher's Home In Tgron the Indians hada Naee, but unfor- . to. The door receipts were $4$. tunately owing to the exigencies of Endorsed by Government war, this battalion was broken up The annual meeting of the W. M, S. Experiment Endorsed stations, and many of the men sent to forestrywas held on W, ednesday of last week. TheIs 100c lo selected 10a /o ,Bure Sugar and constructions corps, no body of. following officers were elected: Pres- Cana Molasses.. r Indians going to tile front as a unit. Mrs. Walter Lott, list. Vice. Pres -Mrs. sprinkle it ovovstraw,ensil- thThe warriors 81also point to, ills fact T. Moore, 2nd, Vic. Pres--b?rs. Geo, age and ull'roughage and at thg Sly Pat}ons' t7ouneil 1'efuoed fodder. heap your live stock A assist ti}e Patriotic is und, and that Wilson, Secretary -Mrs. A. Emmerson, In ;A. -r condition. P-1 Dile time the Tndia•n ecddiers' de- Treasurer.. -Miss L. Paterson, Messenger Mapes all • feeds tempting pen4ants were pill off, and remained Sec --Miss A. Fox,.Home Helper's Sec and digestible, Sold in stfioug Without that assistance until the rdiss Ft, Henry, iron-hooped'barrels at a most Raldhnand County Fati-lotio bund price, na solsl®p Game to tete rescue, As further $vi- Miss M. Hamilton of Lucknow, has reaso air le p ria ami est amass Once of the Heed fol' a change of been engaged as teacher in. No. 9 school deniers ga'Verninent they point to the, fact (hurrays') that the Six Nations' Coisneii ,aro- CANE MOL,CO.. 0f WAR LTD. tested against conscription, and they The congregation of the Presbyterian tt3t, aiSt, also protested against registration to church sent a box of eatables to the Res. lit i fill W, Tlontrtai, oda. Such Pimm 01011t that they engaged cue Home in Toronto, for Xmas, This hO°'Ii iiiatribu WS legal talent to fight for those Indians ttctv+ sdiv & ttctWsort who refused to be reglstered, though contained 20 IUs. pork, 35 lbs, Fhicken, they Claim that a huge majority was In favor of registration. t + ps / ``.. _ ._-_:-- _ ` _ .. . •,-•. .-_ , . It zigth be ` interesting to point a lCrii 9sts i ii 11 .•s ♦ ,* r ts * n04tthdt: the basis of the decision of t.Tle Indian chiefs' pounpll on Con sicript#ort was that by :regt the Six Nations wore '40 stltijeets o Canada, dor of the British erayvn, pot wore.00 Oliea of the Pritisll 0"rewtl. They theIre t7lat tender the trand b and I have ;d right to thank m Erie the treaty is stili extant and bears g ' friends Out the clttilu---tile Tung :across the water eould call ori his allies of the $Ix Nittiono'- fndjans far help, in and Cu tOtilet'S tot making the W#nleh ease llleY *,list, 40 treaty bouAd, respoznd with all available Men. Such call must come Irom the past year al ORO of the most Success - Xing hlmself, liozvevwr, and not through tile Canadian, Government, rrt11 ell since WWII had J10polvel' over them,. In years in blames since I have thO it is held the chiefs were legally eorreet, but the warriors maintain been iii' that despite this, the attitude Olt the11111 }t??. aatioti Was proof that the attltudo of the chiefs was slot that of the trarriors, _ _ to - (Too tat* (itr foist issue.] 11'i1118 Isabel PDX, who liar been itttetld« Ing High school lit Dalt, it, horns for tht Christmas holidays. Mfsat LillIAft Longmen is hdmdt 'ii'ottt 'Cf/'indtor, for the holiday*. Mrs. 3, Hisggitt of Blyth, visited hap prttwntr, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tlim) arson, lest, Mr, J. VCalltthsn cetne harts f m 9966tYt)r, on "T`hmrW*y night. Mr, asrowspotrung of tho 0. WiShitlg YOU all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Wt G. PAI"'TERSON "the great Watch' Doctor Rad Optkian