HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-01-01, Page 37/t/
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f ll arsd . . . . . . . . . . . . . t
a tat At of t
F ogled. the meat repacked anf�i late uiitll of the Prince, I
tttred. the le.nslth of time rsquirad bslnil it ,H'you XAOW .ou� boon
the wed. as when the bt is iffloj d fs iect11ring, MIVS?' I
cured ii. outer tit@ meat is sufflt; tthO
cured it should b91 reanavad frau•; 4n* � " `i�iq. �'�d I it rO. And any,
brine. soaked It% warm water for S TAway what'9A to + 0 h you.?"
AT LA 0 Utes to remove the exeeA of silt and CZ
hu it up to draitt for 19 haus before be- "` 'Nqt much ` `t�nly that
.t_- Ing' smoked. The Pieces should be hung � young m ' pp t be the soli Of
If, the smokehoue@ se that none of them the ling Of Gr ritain and Ire -
feet Rheumatism 'I
f touching, and, if possible, sheet least faun
FiNsCurej� YQEit atlave tits rare, or a sheat at metal 1&n+�:t
�� salI lut11 be aua.pandad above the fire to a Qn Ge Aid "'pR oallrSe . d reme%x a(ereQ thea# n
�r faring fiftyYearstime h the haat. farnbobs or any of u V4 t1 tat&t the ?"rin as Riraiting in they a
the hardwoods, preferably hickory or i neighborhood. Her U90 Wont rod
maple, may be used far amo7sittg. e
- ~- and then wit 'Qb, what will help-
I,A11'X a� EWS `•AND VIEW& "°" n? What all_ I do?' she dried, t
4OW � "S2"cat"s Olt Some men got load results from food ui bad*bom troubledwlthwAemA 'Well,' Y 'you take Mit ad -
because they know haw ter good, Sairta said. if
Il>3 Streingth feeders fall to get satisfactory returns on my` face which took the form of A vice, a ill go back. and beg Itis ' 0
" because they have not learned to food to rauh. Loiter it broke out on. my
iiAd Laugh$ at limke ixrtd t itched very much Boyal JdWt eIn forgiveness.'
would have the
man being$, in that they have their awn cauai me to sc: Mtch them until,
t' �j �,ci1D individual preference Eur certain fopda" they were bleeding. Ti,Crnoil vvauid nerve to do it. But she was a trate' t
While this reference is formed by llait, British girl, And Hack she went,
to get the beat roeults with the feeds it o£tcn keep xcra awalso at night, thaugl, I could dee it eget her salnO• !
Is Lost generally to cater to the animal's "I t&i d a -no remxli:4I whicix
ii Fishin appetite. Some harass will not do well failed, and then thaugbt I would try thing to do It,
'Your Royal ilii;lsM
notespeciallyin the
for lasts,. but Others
Cutictua Soap urid flintndeszt, t i7teSa,` she staiumered axllid her blush-
$ to $ll corns some require more hay than others, VMS not long till the rash b to a$. "I did not kegs yon—were--and ,
some rnuat have ground feeds, To get the dasappcar, and I used three ca�s Of I ant. So sorry And ashamed I was
1'eB19 beat returns such animals should be hu- &tap and four 'boxes of Qintr=t,. rudo,,"
Iw$s mored. Our problem in, feeding is to ,� (Mignal) W.lyl, "q'he prince just laughed and said:
Ike i $dW 1 watch the animals and see that they got wbdob heated me. yon 1`e quite right, I Was clumsy
the feeds titoy require and no more, Food Hymers, Paris, Ont,, Sept. 12, 1939. ' '
left in the trough or scattered on the Cuticura Soap to cleanse, Cutleura And Here,' he picked 1111 his rod.
Ot hers May ground out of reach of the animals does ,
( not produce. Even Iii feeding cattle a . Ointment to acetate end heal. Will you take my rod in alike 70e
De It +0 i' skillful feeder will soon learn the dlf- Soap 2Sc, 01uhnent 2$ ,.rid 60c. Sold for your lost tackle. Dol I'd like y 11
ferent animals' peculiarities and meet throughouttheDominion. CanadleADepot', to;
their requirements in such a way as to s,iimn!ed„i±.I'n 1Sc.,P>Soutcoal: "Covered with. Confusion that girl
get economical gains. If he does not 1W1MWi,ruSOAP nhuvosW40%tttnuq, tQOk the rad. The Prince held Out
watch closely he is animal to waste foodt- his hand.: Then the girl dig the gret-
• whiles. some of the animals are not got* ,,,.,, — M Y ��_-_-,_„�;.,�-- �.--'�'= ,
ting encu h. tiest thing I have ever seen, She
Take of � the 'harness, collar and all, clot 7larrison; who Was interested; in dropped gracefuilY on one knee,, and
when the Horse comes in to teed. lie will like a lady of the Court in days of
,� rest better without It, all things, and Whom nothing escaped,.
When rite horse carnes in sot with ,rain, comments thus upon the fascinating o1d, raised the PrinCe'S hand to her
iiOw IT HAPPENED. first scrape him. then blanket him, and ' problem: "If the philosophers stone dater lis And the Prince, blush -
rub his head, neck, loins and legs, If were once found, and one part thereof Y lips.
"I am eighty-three years old, and I the weather is cold, put an an extra , frig furiously very gallantly PUt"OUt
doctored for rheumatism ever since I blanket in 20 minutes. Change the wet mixed with forty parts Of molten. $lass, his outer hand and raised her to her
eamo out of the army over fifty years: blanket when the horse dries, Do not it would induce such a metallic feet, Then like a wild thing she
ago. L1lFe many others. I spent money wash the legs. Rub them dry, or band- toughness thereunto that A fail should
ago. for so "cures, and I have age• loosely with thick bandages, It is ” scampered off, and wa soon lost in
read ybout 'Uric Acid' until I Could a1- far more important to hove the legs nothing hurt it in such, a manner- the woods,”
moat bort ' I could not sleep nights warm and tart'y than clean. So Par tl,e philosopher's stone has or walk without paln; my hands were The chamien, action In the manure pate eluded.the. avaricious grasp of mann
iso sone. and staff I could not hold a pen. d g and well
that sawdust used for bed- ,re those su`biect to bilious head -
But now I am again in active business safe t0 use ottmhoeiawith Horsoamwnure beenganniounced that a Qn ebody -or
� 'Remedy for Billoup headaches.
and call walk with ease or write all day tache, Plarmelee's Veg(ble 1?iY19 are
with. comfort. Friends are surprised at contains less water than cattle manure, other has discovered a process of trans^ recommended ae the way ter speedy
the Bhange " and as the horse has less power to di- muting the baser metals Into precious relie8 Taken• according to • r direo-
gest cellulose, the. manure: Is more Ore. But In spite of these announce- lien they iillStomach andduo actg,uaoniesthf
HOW OTHERS bT1lX }3DNEk`IT. Fibrous.
Horse manure ferments easily and ment8 the tranquility of our financial
These statoments•may seem strange hence Is called a hot or quick manure. system remains undir.urbed, And
to scale folks because nearly all suffer- It is always desirable to grind all grains plat - aged hea d, vessels that the
ers have fall a{ong been led to bolleve in for the dairy cow because or the large from time to time there are reports in ing in the head will cease, There.
the old "Uric Acid" humbug. It taolt amount of feed that a cow must digg4t the papers of the secrets of malleable dare 'few .rho are not at sometime sutb-
htr. A,shelman fifty ear to find out this in order to produce well, glass having at last been discovered.
I He learned iaow to get rid of the When butter becomes strong and ran- jeCt to 'biliousness and familiar with
truer .gauge of kia rheumatism, other dis- ofd break it up Into new milk, working Only the other clay a news despatch its attendant evils. yet none need
orders and reeoKer his �� strength from this through it; then take out the butter, from Bridgeport, Conn., announced the
""Tho Inner lkiysteries, a remarkable wash tt and work tri@ mirk out of it as discovery of a glass with this `"metallic suffer with these pills at hand,
book that is now being distributed free by you did the buttermilk in the beginning. toughness.,, But I dare stiy that this ,
an authority who devoted over twenty Fall plowing is all right on some solls
years to the scientific study of this . and in some places, but hillsides or slop- grand desideratum is no nearer fulfil- MAI�jZ Ti)EA�.
troubio. if any reader of this Paper ing, washy fields should be kept in .grass }Hent than it was in Friar Bacon's
wishes a copy of this (book that reveals of in ,cover crops through the winter; time Or in Canon Harrison's day. .mss
%atartlinir fact$: overlooked by doctors and Clean straw and marah hay make ideal Were (of Ol"Ji$�.WAY F'1'd BBaA
scientists for centuries past, simply send he
materials. for the story of the roan who was shot
a postcard or letter to H. P. Clearwater, •she. rich time to mulch the strawberry in India for having found the 111111000- a11{i Birds.
666 k` St„ Hallowell, Maine, and it will be bed is immediately after the ground pher's stone, I am inclined to believe
sent by return mail without any Charge freezes.
ree apple that has been well Cured in an that it was an old, Old story in the The origin of things they COnside
whatever. Cut out this notice lost you
torsed If not a sufferer yourself, hand open outhouse will last longer than one days when Cyrus the Great was spread- conventional evidences of Civilization.
this good news to some &f1licted friend. put down cellar as soon as gathered. jug his peculiar kultur throughout the As a matter of fact, Mari got most Of
It is ;all right to label young trees, but to
, world. Donbtless if We were his ideas originally from the beasts
be careful not to have the wire so tight
®' that it will girdle. the wood. and kill the ter excavate copies Of .the Thebes ea and birds.
f tree, Herald or the Memphis Gazette, w4 Gave -dwelling creatures taught him
Newly planted trees in exposed, windy should find therein that Ptolemy, or the advantages of a lair, and bur-
locations, may need staking; .but watolt hire the
some other Egypt -an kaiser had ex- rowing beasts -probably gang
out that _the ties do not chafe the bark
and thus ruin the trees. touted scores of magicians for daring first notion of building one for him.
dipl�q� It may be that Some suckers have to upset the financial system of Egypt
started around the base of the trees since b turning copper and iron into gold. atielf. He learned the art Of plaster•
tine last trimming. Cut every one of Y
w If
CURING MEAT ON THE FARM.' these, out before snow comes, It's an old world, and in it there is articularly adepfrom tits ts He got his 0prim•
Curing meat on the farm is a matter . The moment a littler heap of sawdust nothing new under the sun. 1 lessons in mechanics from nature
worth considering The satisfaction and is noticed at the toot of a fruit fres ft a
convenience a! having the home larder is time to get busy. It means borers at The cheapness of, iMOther braves' Has any inventor improved on a O'
ptipplied will well repay one for the effort work. Get right after them with a sharp it
required• to say nothing of the financlal narrow bladed knife, Kilt them or they Worm
of all, it cars be got within screwe ne half laimedhe "t atgthe err
gain, At present prices charged at butch- will kill the trees. any druggists•
er shops and the prices farmers get for selling the heifer calves and buying at , OY dancing is the very epitome 0
their cattle, sheep and hogs and buy the public sales cores of untried performances ��_ Civilization. Absurd. We got ou
fresh meat at retail. is inks _stopping the bung and knocking latest popular Steps from.tribe
ANIMALS FOR 112EAT.• out the head, e` �s�(�� dances of the people who learns
Not only should. hogs enough for pork Dories of them, direct from the birds: The lad
and bacon be rased, but every'Earmer ��� Oriole WAS An, expert skirt dancer be
atiould have a beef or two during the When The Oav I5 Over ������ � list fore Woman had draperies wit'.
year for home use. Sheep are excellent �+
'animal$ for Fresh meat. It will not cost which to imitate her vibrant Plante'
much ordi�rdrily to Peed a few Iambs. If When the • Ytemember the stately minutes 0f th
there is plenty of pasture land two or , �t household r whooping crane.
three owes with their lambs can be very � tom- caro$ and the A
cheaply kept. A. lamb i$ a small animal r A Canadian detective who travelled g Vo the birds, too, man had a sinl
and little danger is met in using a car- ��, jv worries o f
cess even in the warmest weather. everyday life through Canada% with the Prince oY Ing vaiCe in mating time, It"ls mace;
�i� �.'} ", a products of- this meehanical ag
Some farmers find that a small flock have dragged Wales, writes: "There isn't a better
of goat$ is Very desirable for fresh meat. you down, , that now, Instead ' oY trusting tO
'.They.:are said to be easier and cheaper made you un- natured chap in the world, I'm sure, he is more apt to buy his sweet -hex;
to'raase than sheep, and the meat is ex -happy, and but he is shy, like'his father is still, the phonograph record of some Son
celloht. The lids are very thrifty, it re- \ there is moth- . sq I`m told, and very unlike his he Peels more perfect than his owl
squiring but a very short time to maintain Aw fF' _ ing in life but
an •animal till it is large enough to. ;;, ;may -" headaehe,back gxandfatherr, whom I knew pretty the primary fntenti0u is all the 'son
sl&dghter. With pasture a few goats ache and wore�+, well, p -•-to please her fancy. Does' he tal
will cast very little, and the expense they ,� {urn tother}gh1; "But if he'takes after his, lather in her out, to dine? l have Seen tl
would 'save in the meat supply may be prescxiptfoiz, some things, he resembles his grand- towhee. offer the bird of leis choice
CURING 11¢E,AT ON THE FARM. one gotten up by -Dr. Pierce fiftyyear$ l►ga.. gather in others, and has a quick eye particulBrlY luscious morsel to t1
!The first essential to be, observed in Everything growing out of th0' 916=1 for the _pretty' girls in Canada. During same end,
the o first a preserving e, meat is the a 'function at New Brunswick His The most unnatural appearing pr
proper curing or cooling out of the car- seems intended far some nee in establish- Royal . Highness was standing alone duet of civilization is clothes. I tot
_N cars after slaughter. The ideal tem- ing natural conditions, Dr. Pierce, of for a augment ryalting. for his suite, a puritanical erneptiou t0 the hE
yyeratur@ for cooling is from 36 to 40
degrees Fahrenheit, and under no condi- Buffalo, N. Y., long since found out what When he saw a young girl leaking at Ment of a pretty, sweetd have g
lions should the eareass be allowed to is nourally beat for wotllen s diseases, him very shyly, but with admiring in x garment she would have het
freeze: If frozen soon after slaughter- hrough treating thou- ' eyes. By Jove,' he said, `that's e. tated to don if it,were offered her
He learned it all t
Ing the meat will spanl, while, freezing at pretty girl! Who is She ,'
any time results in the loss of Juices and ,Bands of cases. The result of his studies , wear at a fancy dress ball nsteAij
flavor of the meat. Where possible the was a medicine called Dr. Pierce'$ Favorites ' I happened to knovr that she swan on the streets as an exposition Of
care6ass should be allowed to hang ata the daughter of a prominent police current Styles. Perhaps the unif<
to J st above freezing for two Prescription. This medaoine is made of ill rid miry of the feathered clans, was in I
-ipera re u
tattoo frays, when it should be cut into ..vegetable growths that nature Surely m- official 3n the district, w se
ccs of the side desired and plscaured tended for backache, headache, weakening for her in a minute;' said the prlliCe• inmost mind• "Why does she attr:
'sure, Pork may be either dry -c i am sure she wants ter speak to mi attention to herself that way?"
brine -cured. both giving satisfactory pains, irregularities, and, for the many dio- sJ m afraid because I aIn a Prince"omb thoughtlessly demanded.
alts, the, latter method, however, be- drders common to women in all ages of life.Her employer had a twinkle ,1A J
more generally used. . 'tA few minutes later his suite earns "Stupid-" he said, "this is
'or brine curing of crocks Orillia,Ont.:--+`I sufferedfromabadcase along, He told one of his Staff that place for her, in Ari arid office cal
i much ibore s tisfactary than $bar- Ire Wished to knout the young lady, behind a desk; she wants a nest."
The meat should be out into Pieces of woman's trouble with backache, nervomt• 1.
it will pack well, then rubbed thor- noes, disordered digestion, irregularity and Ont.of them protested that she wad , Cramp it by ecopomic pressul
Shay with salt and placed In the crock. deny it for any consideration you, i
flight With Salt QP salt bates placed I had great pain all iile'tirirle, sometlmeo I riot down on the list of presentations.
rho botto of the Crock and between would faint at my wort . I hid one physlr ^1`hen T' saw the Prince really angry, sented to came, beneath our r urface verse
eh layer of meat. After standing for
,m a to 1& hours tare liquid should be elan after another but they did ins no gd0t�. `I wish.said iia way thalady to be t reminded beneath the very barriers We set
lined off, the brine poured into the I then took Dr. Pierce's i'avgrite 3"reacrtp- Ire, ndfaiTler, to blind"yqur tantalized eyes, 'lies
5ek and the meat weghted down go tion audit me of his gra ' big reality wet share with _alt Ti's
at it i$ all well covered. For Plain ""There was nG further argument. ,thl top need of our own nest.
It cork the brine should be made by better and fool fine. I will reCOmte0nd �t11e ,,,oho Staff officer ;departed 'and a B Bundy wines of 1916 are
solving 10 pouttda of salt and two 'Prescription' to ail suffering as I iia• -- orted by the most eminent conn(
noes of saltpeter in three gaAons o4 few . moments later the girl was
Iter, brought to a boil, strained through MI.8. MAYBEbI:E B. GRATiiIS, Iib brought before the Prince, But it sours of lsarls. to be the best si
sloth and allowed to stand until cold Albert St. was the ' Prince �SOCn who WAS allyl .18 In fact, their verdict is "1
More being placed on the meat. Tho• foot",
rove is srlffieient for 100 pounds- of meat, The maid ;was .quite self possessed, The summer of 1915 was hot, so
Iter standing from four to five days Write Dr. ilier,eo Invalids' Hotel, and She Spoke to the Prince for fully
g meat should be removed from the Buffalo; N. Y.; for confidential advice and tilt MiOUtea, Willie outer high-bornthe autumn, with light rains now
It aitd repacked, being Covered. by the you will receive the medicalattention of a dames were Itept rwai'ting• again at exactly .the right intery
mo brine. specialist, wholiy;tvitlxout fee=no charge "Not much alas been said about the
Where sugar curing is desired an ex- Mathieu, COlebrated savan on
)hent brine ,Can. be made by the use of whs lever, Prince's shooting and sporting ex- subject of wines, writes: "'Since
ght Pounds &4 salt, two -pounds of sugar edtilonS while Ile was here. He, is there have been no Burgundy
rid tow ounces of saltpeter for each 106 p
funds of meat. W +', here it is desired to GULLIU a first-elasS anglOr, and i have seen that Of 1916 in delicacy or atrOn
cep the meat in the brine until used, him land some fish with true skill and .The 7915 vintage i8 a remark'
to plain salt cure is recommended, while ud ment. (ince ori Buell an expedi- Synthesis of bouquet, aroma, i
it meats to be smoked the sugar cure You, Call Pool Soule of Tatem All tion -the Prince WAS fishing in a quiet and flavOL”
preferable. all this is of me
MEAT TO 3319 0MOXED. the Tillie, r spat, such as fishermen love, and. But, Of course, Y.
Meat which is to be smoked should be Where there wad abs0ltlteTy no need academic interest to Us'
:e t 3n the brine only long enough to A story' comes from England to the for MY services. However, I was de' -rhef existed theroven me hoe obese
fleet a sufficient cure to guarantee its
*eiping. The time will vAry In accord- effect that a British subject ill India tailed to remain on hand, and di ngo. asthnl,
,Hoe with the size of the pieces of meat, found, during the war. the long -Sought "A11 at onC11 I heard a clear Foung lick of much he�allded reanedies,.
, rule often followed lei to leave each . voicie raised in a 11911' tones.
11606 of meat In tho brine, two, days for philosopher' stona, and accomplished ' „ 'You are clumsy, Couldn't yari $hey have proved aver
-g lived
�aeh pound that it weighs. The time the miracle of transmuting base Metals
mired for the amaltar Pieces to cure into gold, writes J. N. Ho in I-tochester See ane Coming round the bend? NOW � ti0n1eo8 T7t'.Td bD� I�el�log$''s Axid
wl I vary from two to four weeks and for Remedy has 91Y01% it a place in
its, hams and shoulders from six to eight Post-Bxpxess. As the Story goes, the yo,t've fouled nil+ lino and I shall 0se field 0► Illediolne which n0 other
ireaksl. British Government, fearing that this the fish And hi,lf my tackle, You
Where the dry curing method is used discovery would overturn governments aro stupid'
'Iveepound$ of salt, two pounde of sugar and destroy the existing gold standard "I knew 'there Was only one gorilla- gbdiprsae a tonal i tet od but eV been
ind two ounces 0t saltpeter are used for ply Sons, etfeotin�g relief 944 ,1
each 100 Pounds t meat. 7:lach ed With � bdern Merlin OXCht court-martialedshim on charge- t.10 Ia strolled pquietly along
meat hou111 be, thoroughly rubbed with
the cure, usit'u; about ane -third of the . to See who had had the cheek to talk Ing now canoe s.
mixture. paitrs being taken to get plenty a ecuted hint. charge of treason, and to him ill that fashion. I saw a hanth
of watt around the bones. executed him. The Vir1i•�.f00.
Pack the meat in to box and allow to This prOPOSterOUS yarn is believed' some girl,' of charming figure, with
attit►d four days, when another one-third by many, according to English paper.•$. dark fyaShiflg eyes, Standing near the At Briattza, in Lombardy; i
�,cko6dlfor anoshould
her t our days when the Those that believe also probably be- Prince, and looking ed angrily at him- flourishes a very curious sort
,alit third of the Itrlxttrro should bo ap- 1Teve that Joan of Are was not burned while he stammered hid apologies be- lzatid, all the memlierd of which
e to death in the pyre at Rouen, that tween his 1s,ughter.
Doc Cook dlscOvarea the North Pole, "The girl would not listen, and
` that Lord diseXitov nor dial not go down soon strode off in high dudgeon. I as the �"firliiitoena.11 iThis, of
' i to his death in the North pea. Ther ..a.=_ -._ - spends to what we know as '
ereduloCh, like the poor and the pro. � � pipea," slid 10 constructed of
flteers, are always with u8,fastened side by side, the bass
Even the slaty were true, there n0� IO �,1 being .Often several feet fang. "
would bea nothing new in it. Men hags f,
been killed before bscalwo they boasted the,
otl,Ora gradually dOcrOaese iia
All -
of possenning the P11110SOphses StOUO. a Diod The "rxli gradually as the se 'a!
Waasn"t it 'ItbOrlux Caesar whet dashed ' culled atter their inett'1tmOuta, It
out the brains of un all-too»cihvor t"Nt l to thirty drops 6f a rule igil.oMat of music, and
ro' machanie who declared tltit her hail 20trad of ire, 0muiouly learit; their tunes by oar, often ff
aecompliaked the miracle of makiiag milled .dells selgef"%i Cosa" 1phonoii�ph. It to etald that the
r malleable giase? Unbt a akeble Ir'l rill bode 5yr�tps yyaaY be t90.1riti: wit it 1
bad a, strange fatrdnatiarl for the in- ti7r * msala, and at bsa dal* i piliO I► alerts a lcitiOiaeo all the, 6
( vetitora at all a> (• It has been almost the ours of Indtaw0011, sda das of 1t,e aarpt aiwil a, r
as tea desireratum ax trunsmutin pagorl bod 1wood. i�arxitrb+ dnO to,the ewimg of ,ltl� 1** est.
r iron and: pig le.A into ',rfaW ipid. OldOtt* In 66;er xsent 4�'ee � a��►t waggi>ag of �,+ laeia�d is
fm Thi ftaIN94.., li.it'@te9"l ti 00at
the feat Of tam ti ams in viewly swore o to the dtf'i,tiX*r ata %most eta
t + tin ialvsrlt to be aelrlm pts Ksn� at effect, Is s
d� a:ld to w�lot tt;l.P16*1tw
b+ielel �Pe>t� tam glass fist *f t3ash
__ MLit 14t Aid�ti'" l �`