HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-29, Page 8a
Tk.ciintott Nows•Rocerd
Docornbor 29th 1904
Inc IlolidallS IWt Past. 0 • - • •
Now for our Januarg Sok
• .
Conunerices Tuesday, Jan.:3rd, 1905,
Will Continue all Month..
We make no apology, and have no excuses to offer for announcing
to -day the Commencement of our Annual January Sale. This sale is not:
the whim Or thotight of a moment, but a settled feature of our business
policy, the same as our special holiday displays or Millinery Openings.1
januaa y is stock -taking mOnth. Oa the 31st, we enter stocks and bal-
ance our books for the year. t3efore the clay arrives, stocks must be
be down to the lowest level possible, and shelves and countersotleared of
Winter Goods. This January Sale of 1995 will be a money -saver, an
we are going toMake it pay you, ani pay-Aou well, to do your Dry
Goods buying here this month. For reasons not necessary to mention.
we are anxious to get stock clOwn below the average level this year. 'Here
is a pirtial list of the Bargains. They are big, and only a few of the
many you will 'find at his store •
Clearing out the Mantle.
$2.90 . $.1.1.85 $730.
. .
Every Mantle in t4 store must be sold this season.. We positively, will not
carry one over. Halfprice, and less, they have been marked, to clear them before
the 3ist day lof January. The entire stock has been divided into three lots, and $2.9o,
$4.85 and $7.50 are the prices that will clear them out in a . hurry. All are this
season's garments, but must.n.jt have..a single garment te.mix with 1905 'stocks, when
next fall comes round. Good business demands that, so value or cost have not been •
considered in making these n.ewprices. ; Commencing Tuesday, Jan. 3rd; we will sell
the cheapest Mantles
ever sold in Clinton, Comeand 'prove the truth of this•statement.
Mtintles at $4.85 Mantles at $7.50
Mantles at $2.90 : , Regular prices up to $12 00 ' • • •
. • • Your choice taf. (leery . mantle in .13.e?;1.11e,r prices up tO $18.00
That sold up to $7.5o the store solid at from $8,00 up to
• ' and including $12.00, fee r $4 ge. We have about a, dozen high class
. e _ Sonia of our handsomest and meet males that sold' et $1 •
351. $15.00
Your choice of every Inaevie al stylish garments are in this lot. and $18.00. These we have marked
$2.00. Every size represented le former prices but rather tshan take
They were excellent values at their •$150. They are exceptionally hand-
some and stylish garments, well
the store that sold up to $7.50 for
the h t, new and stylish gatemen:1e, e el inc of °among teem own we made and lined throughout with
perfect fitting And male front go e have mit the price below the half. good linings. Bethel. than take the
up to and includiug those that ev, 1
a eteleackit'and °plots. Your ehoice over, we clear.Everyany these high grade
wtetring materiels, regular price. prize mere, 1.,
sold at $7:60, for our great eq fl0 for our great jaineiry Sale of every elantles for less tha'i half-PStiN
J emery gee. .... ,........ Vie 1 mantle that sold up to and commencing TuesdaY, dc-,
41 50
'2 $4 85 give yen your choice for ., i
... . -
Children's Mantles at Fialf---price
exattiest Childrenei Garment. lee
Thie seaSon we imported ' the
we have ever shwa. There are about 25 of theta left in litock to -day.' Reefeeti. •Threetquarter Coate.
and Ulstees: Made frent plain cheviots, fancy tweeds, with tree:linings of braid. 'broadcloth, 'etc. They
are stylish and handsome garnhelts and w el fit, ebildi en from 5 to 12 years of age. Rather than ..carry
one of there over we put these oatty and servicable garments on sale•Tueiday,
January 3rd, at your ehoiee of tee.entere lot fey.... '....: .--.....e ei . , ..-..........EX441Y. half -Price
Mantle Cloth Bargains
Clearing ;some- odd
tines at 25e and 50c, worth
two or three' times these'.
prices. Just the: thing for
Children's Reefers or
• •
100 yards of Mantle Cloths. arid,
Ulsterings, 14 to 5 yards ln the end;
mostly (leek colors, ieguiar
$L00 to 31.50, for January rigs
Sale per yd ... .. Lein
1 - • • •
25 yards fancy. ' tweed
effects and plain clothe,, lengths •
from le to'6 yards, sold up to
$2.00 per yard, clearing for,,
January Sale per yd tteetb
:Final Clearing 'of Millinery
Now for the final clearingof ourMillinery Stock. A
most successful season is drawing to a close, and every
table must be cleared before •Miss Pettigrew goesfor•
her helidayS, 171ere is lie% we are doing
%oilseed fiats $1.00 '- Any Pelt Shape itoc.
A table of trimmed:hats, ineud- Aetable of ,trizeneed hate,. this
• ing a few ready -to -wears. lastlot ineludes practically all our real
ones that we have left of lined , good lilies with the exception of
that sold at $2 td $2, for$1 00 three or four priees, were NA
January $3.50 to $5, January Sale. a
trimmed Oats at $1.5050 shapes at 10i
• A' table of brimmed hats, in Less than b0 to oell, blacks and
eluding practically all our real colors, desirable shapes, sold en
good lino:, with the exception of ' the regular way at from $Le5 to
three or four prices, wel'e $1 50 $2.60, you can take your 1.00
$3.6q to$5, January Sale • choice for.....
., .. ,
We are Going to Sell Sotne Cheap, rappers. _01401.w.dinraftotTeerraephewape.a.p.eardse, bil
W 140
. . .
the best Wrapper fa tory in Caeadannd from strong, fast -colored Wrepperettes. Medium and.70ft
dark patteres, waist lined, very full skirt, extra good value, at 101.00, foe January Sale special at I OW
. .
Shaker at 5e
Out go.the.Skirts at . Half Price Pale Blue
January Sale prices have been put. on all the, Cloth Skiets, in
this case they mean just half w.hat we tormerly sold them at,. for we,
are bound to have a bright new etock to show for Spring. This is
your chance for b, Skirt Bargain. 1)o not miss it, see what it ixtesees.
During january Sale you eau buy a $3.00 Skirt for 1111.$0
6. • 84.0,3 o s2 00
s4 10 60 44 46 6* 44 $4.s0 tt $2.2a . •
it a " iff a 44 $5.00 .. 4, 82 50
Is not that quite San ng?
MI11 Ends Flannelettes A Cage of mid remnents of Viantelettes to sell at less than to -day's
mileprices. Dark and light patterns, mostly etripes. 1..engths 8 tb ,
10 yards, reinnantseust es they came from the mill, too short to put up in 'webs, for January Sale 'alt.
One end only hea,vy shaker 'Flannel,
pale blue, regular 8e, for Ian- Re
uary Sale, per yd. tin
11 ShirtIng l'a.1 gain.
12 1-2e and 140 English Oxford
Shirting guaritnteed fast col- •
era, will 'give excellent wear, a:.
good rauge of patterns, On
for jantutey Sale, per Ulu I
ping at Bargain prices. . •
Fur Jacketkloo, at Januray Sale Prices .
Par Jackets have had the kuife applied to prices for this great
January Sale. Every garment wee made to our order from .choleh
selected skinetels absolutely rode' le and can depepended upon in every
Way. No better chanes this season to get a good Fur Jacket for
little money.
$33.00 Jackets for $27.00 A Persian Jacket tor $50.00
best wear. size 80' reguiltr $85A $50
Ladies A.strachan Jacket made One only Persiart Lamb jacket
from choice selected skirle, nice even curl, will give excellent
• dye and finish, rich glossy curl,
linedthroughont withgood Farm- it ye_ epociai haroain, foi
er Satin, regular peice$83. tq 7 -.7
forjarmary Sale 'DL I
A' 10 only odd Muffs goOd, size. and
*111110 $1.00
$3/.80 Jackets for $20.6o shapes, coney, goat and other
Ladies k t ext a, furs, clearing for JanuarySalc
Clime() goods, hese dye ancl-rech et.each,
Omer Ott, neweet style, perfect
oods in every way, lined with Galetitle ti 60e
25 poke Gauntlets leather Wein
heavy Meek Satin, regular $31•5° Ladies and Misses sizes wool lin-
for January Salo each t 9fl go t
Lug. regular $1.15 for Jan. anti
..... ••••••• ... ..... W116011t1 uary Sale cleaxing atper pr.1/1/11i
Dress Goode, Bargains
Big Drees Goe.iii Bargains for January Sale. Your ebanee to
make a Weise or dress and save enough on the material to buy the
liuinge. Balance of winter stock must be cleared before Stocktaking
A. Igratse aft?! good pair of wool
blankets at maney- saving prices.
A few pairs ouly heavy all wool .
Blankets, soft fluffy fluisd, wilt
w sh and wear well, 60x80, regular
$8,60, for January Sale pereq nn
pair 011
Linn 'aunt At 50C •
A chance to,eover a floor and save
some money doing it. Ono endonly
good quality Scotch Linoleum, 2
yards wide, neat pattern, regular
05o running yard, for Jnnurry Arm
Sale, ...•....•.. emu
Sateen Skirts pc
How is this for a Jerniaty Sale
skirt bargain You can get one
if you come soon enough after
you see this.
Ladies' Week sateen th.der-
skirts. good weight and fleish,
very specie', f Sartuarythe
Said each .. "e • . .
A few better Skirts' mi;,ae from
extra fine Sateen- with wide
frill, regular $1,50 for Jan. VI
uttry fettle eeelz * 401
Silk Ribbons at 7c„
1300 yat.de nil Silk Ribbons. 0 to 4
inches wide, good weight, soca-
efl colon, clearing for Sam- 71%
pry Sale per he
Hodgens Bros
r Annual January.Sale
Starts Friday Morning
%M' Annual January Sale,,that usually starts the first week of January, will commence Friday morn-
ing Dec. 30th, one week earlier than usual, The aim of this sale is to clear out everything Iii winter
goods before Stock.taking time. which is Feb. 1st.
In addition to the big reductions on all winter goods we have planned a clearance on all goods such as
Fahy Linens,tiandkerchiefs, Fancy Collars, etc., someof which came in too late for our Christmas trade-
These values and prices Will speak for themselves,
lialf Price Sale of IA Big Snap in Ladies' Cloth Skirts
Ladies' Winter Coats •$3,50, p.m to $4 SKIRTS AT 2.50
Every La.dips Cloth Coat in the store is reduced to just I H' b icl lit that la uld brin you.
$6.00 Coats for $3.00
8.50 4,25
12.00 " 6.00
half the regular price,
$5.00 Coals foi. $2.50
7,00 " 3.50
10.00 " 5.00
14.00 " 7.00
.A Big Bargain in Lawn
25o..Inclia Lawn, at 14c .
39 inch. wide India Lawn,
this is .a very fine quality,
made of . round even thread
and the regular value, is 25c,.
•to go at • Vic
eresa argontailorraa estrs a s gy
out bright and early Friday morning. These skirts are made
of good quality of homespuns in several, differe'zit styles and
colors and coma in assorted lengts, toe regular prices are .up
to $4 to go at ' $2.50
All. Golf Coats Reduced in. Pr:ce 85c BLACK SILK
In the lot will be found the following colors, navy, red,
green, black with stripes of white, also solid' white with blue
stripe. -
$2,50 .Golf Coats at $1.751
2.75 ' " 195
3,50 " 2.50
AT 85c •
This is a very fine quality
of black eau-ele-Soie and will
make up• nicely for waists .or
dresses, regular 85c
• • •
Ladies' and Children's Astrachan A Clearing Sale of Children's Wool Underwear
35c, 40c, 45c and 50e UNDERWEAR at 3(c
Gauntiets at. Clearing Prices On Friday 'morning we will place on sale 120 Children's
• •
Children's 50c and 60c Gauntlets at
• white, grey, red and black.
Ladies' 75c and 85c Gauntlets at •
Ladies':$1:15 Black Gauntlets at •
Vests and Drawers, all of which are made of a very fine qual- ••••
38C ity of wool. This isa line we can't repeat, so, in order to
clear thefn out at once we have marked them to go at 30C
55C • • In the lot you will find more at 45c and 50c
85c than any other price.
85c and 75C FLANNELETTE GOWNS at 50c
, 'Ladies' Gowns, made of an extra heavy quality of Flan-
nelette, in white, blue and pink, all are nicely trimmed. Our
regular prices sre,750 and 85c, all 'to clear at each ' 50e
• 200 fine embroidered Handkerchiefs sortie of which have
been used in 'decorating and 'are slightly soiled, regular
25e qualitiips to go at . . 15
BEAUTIFUL SILK COLLARS • 131g Reduktions on Fancy Litsetts
35c . Linen Tray Cloths . . at 25e
" . " • 40c
& TableCovers •55C
• et C1 (C 80c
Iisted here also reduced in Price.
• Your choice of several dozen beautiful silk Collars ni,xly
made and finished in several styles and colors. - 10 dozen of
these collars.caTue in too late for our Xmas trade, regular 65e
and 75c collars to go at '35e
50 8, 60e* "
85c •
$1' & $1.25 . • "
Otlfer.odd peices not
yotaft barmy nazis •• , •
yov •waisT eV • .
About Personal. • .
:ftlid=VVintet Sale of
Mr. James Lcslie. heme from , ' . •
• •
We no.w. - spending a month at her, • •
K 1V1a,y, Leggett ,of Vorcerta • . Ordered Clothing.
• .
• A large number of former citizens
spent Sunday and Monday in Clin-
ton, some at the old bonne and
otheri with friends. Among the
number were
Jae: Keine, London. '
R. J. Bell, Toronto.
John Jewell, London,
• James Ball, Chatham. •
Ed. Mogridge, Chesley.
George Cook, Toronto.
Thos. Peekitt, Toronto.
W. MeTaggart, Toronto.
John Mennen, Collingwood.
Miss Cora Bawdete London.
Miss Maud Porter,' Centralia,. '
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mennen, Lonclon,
Feed. and Wilt. Stephenson, London.
Mr. awl Mrt, Ralph leezzo,'Londene
Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Sheppard; .
Mr. and Mrs. Relent Watkin,
Stratford. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wheatley and
babe, Woodstock.
Mr. Pred.:.Eegleson, who recently re-
turned from Langdon, North Dako-
ta, visited Clinton) friends last week
• and is noir at the parental honie
in Godetich. -
Miss Kathleen Stanley' is home from
St Mary'S Academy, Windeot, but
after the holidays will continue her
studies at the convent of the Sac-
red ileart, Londote
Mr. Charles Tisdall is home front the
Military School at Kingston, Jitit
looks well and has evidently thriv-
ed upon the physicial training at
thet institution. The holidays oil-
er, he'll go back. •
Miss Blanche Shepherd, who bas been°
teething at Ara for the past
three year, is now home for the
holidays after which' she goes ,to
'Ilyde Park, having accepted a po-
sition there. Miss Shepherd is re-
garded as a Very successful fteacli-
Mrs, Albert Kemp and her little son,
Master George Z., came up Satur-
day and spent until Tuesday, with
her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
EafioM of the 14th eon., ,Goderich
. township, Mr. Ea80111, we are sor-
ry to say, has not been in good
health for some time.
Mr, Harry Morrish returned last
week from Oxbow, Assa. He has
been Aseinabdia for the past Ave
years but looks scarcely a day old-
er than when he left. He has pros-
pered on the prairies and believes
them is no countrrwhere the op-
portunities for farmers are so ab-
undant. Ile may remain. in Ontario
for a couple of months,
Mies Lizzie Graham enjoyed Christ -
mad with London friends.
Mr. • R. J. Macdonald of Toronto was
in Clinton on Wednesday.
Owen Atkinson of Exeter is visiting
his aunt, Mrs. A. Hooper, `
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reid and Miss
Reid were in Seaforth on Satur-
day. .t
Dr. Cook of Goshen, ihdiasa• visited
tending a business college in ',mi-
.*, 011ie Mellveen, who has been &t-
his mother from ‘Fridhaoyi udnot,yixl, Mon-
day afternoon. • , •
Mr. Jos. , Stephenson and wife of
Souris, Man., are visiting' the for-
mer's brother, Mr. John Stephen-.
scale .
Rev. Frank Hovey and Mrs. Hovey
of kIagaesville arrived on Monday
and are spending a ,few days with
relatives here. •
Mr. and. Mrs, Williain Centel= and.
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Cantelon at-
tended the wedding of Mr. D. At;
Cantelen in IIensall yesterday.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Brydone were phr-
istnas guests of. Mr. and Mrs. J.
MeMurehie Blyth while Dr. and
Mrs. Agnew spent the day ie Weig-
Miss Minnie Ker, who. has been teach-
ing at Veestfileld, is home for the
holidays. She has been engaged for.
next year by a school section '
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Of Ridge -
town are $uests at the latter's
parental. home, Mr. James 00111101:
Ws, Goderieh township, They,
came up lVfonday.
Mr. and Mrs..11ttil Yellowlees of Bdw-
etreenville, formerly of Clinton, are
Spending Christmas holidays in.
Bruceflehl. Mr, Yellowleee was in
town this week. •
Mrs. E. Laird had her son, Mr. John
Laird, second year student Toron-
to 'University, are spending the
holidays at the old homestead on
, the BroWneon Liu°, Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mason, Mr. and
Mrs. George Cottle and Mr. and
Mrs. Charism. Smith partook of
Christmas goose with Mr, .tuid
Mrs., Wiltiara rtoss of tioderielt:
Mr. William 'Murphy of Bdinbnrgh,
North Dakota, son of tfr. Henry
Murphy of Goderich township, who
le accompanied by e, reach -
the old home i time for Christ-
mas. Ile has been in business in
Rdinieurgh for several years and,
as his many friends are pleased 'to
hear, is doing well, Mr. and Mrs.
Murphy le 0.W3 for the Weat again
In a week or so.
• .
Because.we must keep our workroom busy during the usually
dull Mid -Winter months, we hold this Sale of Fine Ordered
Clothing . Northwest 'orders begin to come in about the mid-
dle of February, and we will be busy ennugh then, but before -
that we will not have enough work to keep our big staff busy
unless we can get extra business. Thiswe are going to get
by 'Saving. you 'money. :Expenses go on just the same, business
or no business, 50 you can see that it pays us better to cut
liberal slice off regular prices, rathe than have the work -room
practically closed -down for 6 weeks, We simply cannot afford
to do that, so start this Sale. on SATURDAY, 13E0 31st. It
is your chance to save to $6 on a 'Suit or Overcoat. Gan.
yOu afford to miss it? Here are the lines we are going to sell,
SCOTC0 TWEED SUITS. for $12.50 • •
. • •
. ....•
•e.„, ,. •
• Suits made to order from pire wool, genuine Scotch Tweeds. ' Theseare not
this season's patterns hut they ere good for all that. Suet ten Suit ends in the
lot. and our regular pi ices were $18.00 and 520.00, for • onr $12 50 •
' :Winter Sale we will make them to your order in A. leetyle, at each ,
. .
CANAhlkiN TWEED SUITS. utidy:to. order for $12 75.
Randsotne designs in pure wooL.Otteadien Tweeds. correct in every parte •
,colar, ell this Season's goods, the last.wehave left of mir lines that sad at $15 .
'and. $10.504 also an extrt. good black or neve sergeetted of the above .inade to .
your order With good ti•unittiegs, and in first class style, during
ottr.Mid-SVinter Sa e, for.$12:75 •
. 15 Suit ends of high 'class Scotch. Tweeds, A 1 patterns one quality, will .
wear like leather, all new this season,. lest ones that are left of lines
that sold at $22.00 end $24.00 Made to your order d.uring our Mid- tl 7 7g-
svirtuir Sale for 66 0•066 • 6 .. co.. VI
WORSTED SUITS at. $13 4)0 , • , •
Suit made to your order from very fine Black or iliety 'Worsted. This is a
line we bought at less than Mill priee, and as we• got a bargain ourselves, will
give you one divine this Mid4 litter Sale. If bough in the regular way wo
Would have iersell it for.$22.00. For Mid -Winter Salo We will make tiot fin
it to your order, and use good linings ter, •••••••riaoa....*•*11 lai66•44,66 sp I Uiu
OVERC1)ATS IliAlkE TO OltilER for. $10.00
Overcoats made from very heavy Overcoating, dark brown, just enough for
5 Coats. liega'ar $14and $10 lines. We will use good linings and ei
Make them to your order for Januar Sale at .. IUBLIU
0111111410ATS at sit
Six patterns only in high class fancy Overeoatings. These sold at $18 earl).
We wili use good linings, make them up in A 1 style, during our Mid $14,00
Winter Sale at each .tz.,
A. nice dark gray Cheviot Overcoating, good winter weight, our regular
$20,06 line. rOX' this side we will take your measure, use good Ilnlngst4 1znn
and make you a Coat to order for.... W 1th UV
We both perfect by this Sale. -you by saving $4.00 to
se 00 �n an Overcoat, or Suit: we, by keeping our wqrkroorn
busy during the dull season.