HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-29, Page 5O O 0 00 O O O O O 0 OO O O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O 00 O 0 • • • • •X,X•X•� x•000.00.0••• December 29th 1904 +1 111ILII THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855 CAPITAL PAID UP $1000,000 RESERVE. FUND $3tM000 —HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL— Farwell.' Sale Notes Cashed or Collected. Drafts on all pointsiu tire' a n Foreign. Countries, Duwinimi. Gretr.t Britain, United States d all g bou- ght and sold at best rates. Vepoeit receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed. Advances made to 'Fargaers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and nn Most favorable terms. ---SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT--- Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Interest allowedat highest current t ates from date of deposit, compounded half -yearly and add- ed to principal June 30th and December net. H. C. BREWER Manager, CLINTON ••, 1 ,,,e4:.4.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 000000000000000000000 0. 000 00 00000000000000 Are . You- Puzz]ecl To Know What To Give For Xmas ? 'If so give us a call. and we will easily help you out of your difficulty. We have now a full stock of goods such as are usually found in a jewel- ery store and in addition il, large number of things es- pecially suited for Chistmsar gifts consisting of WATCHES ' CLOCKS BROOCHES OC RINGS CHAINS LOCKETS BRACELETS CLIFF BUTTONS EBONY BRUSHES AND MIRRORS SILVER . PLATED WARE CHINA STERLING SILVER . 'CUT GLASS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES Agents for the Sta=Lon Eye . Glasses. THEY STAYp ON. No trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. 4 • W. HJ ELeLaY4.R• Jev1/4 eler-- and Optician --_CLINTON. , (•)•:)• • e ° ° •,°1 ' y O O O 0 0 • O 0 • 0 0 O O O O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 O O 0 0O 0 O O •) 0' a O 000 O OO O O O0 0 0 O 0 .,.........„.: ...,..,� ..;.,...............)....t..;......;.+4;44N.N:N:••:•.;N?„N.N.N.• f=i . '2• N•ot- COME? 3. Why 1®T t and SE .. ..,; ....t• WHAT \VI: ARE OFFERIFG IN MEN'S 'AND. BOY'S CLO'T'HING 4 FOR THE NEXT MONTH. •_• In order that ae hulk of our Clothing may be off our shelves before •_• •2• the be•gining of t)5, we have gone through our stock•and have.markedin 2 •2• plait, figures on each gat inent,.(tegardless of profi ts,) prices that must.?; Y mean $'6 in the Tux•ketif those who come early. • Below'wequote-only a••2, 2 few of the u,au•y bargain be found here during the next 30 or 40 days, '•_. t. °; A lot of men's odd Pants made of good' heavy .tweed, the kind most ' Si;2; stores retail at $1.50, our price during this sale ' . $._. •;� BARGAIN NO. 1 BARGAIN NO..2 A lot of $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 Pants at BARGAlliNNO. 3 Men's Odd Vests worth $J.25 and $1.50 for IBARGAIN NO. 4 • y'2Men's Over•cnats w , h $10 for $7.50, This has been' our leader. .., at $10, and is a very dressy coat. It has all the style of a $20 cus- Xtorn made cuat and is a great bargain at $?.SO :..44•44 :2• The Clinton NPwom ecord III f1111)i .,, 1 1 • 1 II 1 11 III 1 1111 I ' ounty Board of > xani Uetllsl".Il. liners. A meeting of the County Board. of Examiners for the County of Uucou was he in the public school, Seaforth, on leriday,. Dee. 23rd, to finish the work of the Model School examina- tions. After routine business the fol- lowing rem ution was passed: That no students be admitted to the Model Schools who have not obtained the necessary non-professional standing ; appeal students may be admitted, but in case their appeals are not sustained by the Department, they must cease attendance as soon as notice has been sent. Snell attendance may be cred- ited students, at a succeeding terns. Students are .required to report stand- ing and produce certificates. within z fortnight after the beginning of the term. There was a large attendance of students this year, Clinton having thirty -live and Goderieh twenty-nine.. Ali succeeded in passing the examine - tion . The pass mark this year is 000, or 00% of the total. The honor mark is 82 , or 75% of the total, The following is the honor list ; Hoxozzs.. Best, Minnie A. Rienzie, Ot'ara II Cooper, Olive McDonald, Pearl A most successful Xmas Tree and young, people's entertainment was be - Id in the basement of the Methodist church here on Tuesday night. An excellent program was given by tie choir stili others. Harry Caldwell was preset.ted with a handsome :bible by his numerous friends here and others. He is about to wirer his coati nection with the business • firm of McCandless and Balfour. ° The pastor and his wife were made the recipien- ts of a fine Xmas goose placed on the tree by a kind and considerate congregation. Refreshments were ser- ved after the program and the gifts on the tree were distributed by an amateur Santa Claus. The ease of Coleman vs. Cochrane, Which was tried at the county court evoked much interest in this neigh- borhood as both parties lived near IJillsgreen and are well known here, The plaintiff claimed damages for be- ing upset out of a rig near Kippen by the reckless driving of defendant. There were twenty two witnesses for plaintiff and defence. The 'suit was (.lark, Elsie Naftel, Florence ; won by the plaintiff and the damag- Henry, Elizabeth Le pard, Harryes assessed at. $50, the defence to Howard, Winona White, ClaytoS pay the costs ~which will be very PASS. • large. Armstrong, Hester White, Cora 'Much,. interest was felt by our citi- Ohidley,' Llizabeth 'Willison, Maggie rens in the case of Copeland vs. Bev- Dalton, Dora M Wilson, Agnes Orley; tried at the county court at Grassick, Lottie VVilson,Tianmall Gocferich. The . followin witnesses Graham, Mildred Wynn, Pearl g Gaetzmeyyer, Maria .Young, Loretta went from Hensall : J. Beverley,•W. Hayter, Maria Oolwill, Miss McOloy, W. Welsh, J. Hartleih, Lily ' Johnston. The plaintiff 'sued • for C' fly,. Mary Afkenherrd, Male, •damages . for unlawful entry and for Kelly, Helen Alexander, Chas, Kilpatrick, Marg'et Anderson; Wilbur damage to•.his goods .from dust • and Koehler, Clara Cameron, James exposure, owing: to the defendant's Milligan, Katherine Coulter, Samuel J. workmen ' making changes in the McDougall, Isabella Oarnpbell,Herbert building while yet in possession of McKay, Isabella Currie, J. Elgin • the plaintiff. While not denying' the trespass the defence endeavored •.to= show that no damage had •been sus- tainod,• The judge however thoulit differently and 'assessed damages at. $90 :and costs. ' The' case being tried ii. the county court brings: the• costs ftp' into 'the hundreds.. ' McEwen, Annabel Murdock, Grace • ?euhale, Minnie, Park, Ariel G. Parsons,, Mary Pure€11, Stella Robinson, Ruby , Sleeth, Ada . 'Smith, Annie Rogers, Oscar Telfer, •Kathleen Scott, Arthur Webb, (Catherine A Sherwood, Ernest Welsh, Agnes' Stothers; John 0. The following, who are • under the legal age, will not receive their certi- ficates until they are eighteen : . Currie, J. h, "'Naffel, Florey{ Statham, J. 0.' Parsons, Mary Henry, Elizabeth Smith, Annie Kelly, Helen . • 'vVhite,.Oora. McEwen, Annabel• GEO. BAIRD, ,Secy. Dorrance, H. A. Faglestone, George Freemen, Wm. • Gelinas, Arthu; - Henry,i r ry, () eve ,;- McDermott, Vfrm:. McLennan, °Rod k. Naylor, Alfred • TELEGRAPHERS WANTED; LE- - am Telegraphy at home and fit yourself .for large salaried; positkon. Students taken at. G,'N: W. Tele- graph office. Particulars at Watts' drug store. ` 51 :THE ANNUAL MEETING OF' THE . Hoimesvillc Cheese. and ' B;utter. Mann factu ng Co.. Limited will he held in i son's hall, Holmesvill.e, oh Friday, the Gth day of January; 1995; at 2 p. nt:. for the purpose of Winding: up'the business of thepast. season.,. The .erection of +dinners for Ilii ensuing year and also 10 con - sides tenders for purchase' of butter-• milk at a 'rate ;per ton of• '.(butter. manufactured during season of 4905. For filling. the ice house- and ' . the trar saetion of. • any other r usiness that ine,y•-• a presented.. It is de- sired that all chcctlpes be. cashed before that date, --Jas. Connolly, President ; A. J, Courtice, ,Sec.. X BARGAIN NO. 5 2 TAll other lines of Men's and Boy's clothing at almost half price... .. •Z• _ ;. A Remember we do not ask you to come and BUY, bite to come • and SEE. t .fir H`�'' '`�'M M TEFL, i;. JL. La 6.d �7 1 2 �• The ld Stand, +Llinon.:2•: ..:N�•••.•�•••N:.•�•:N•••:••••i•••N••••••••••N•••:••••.••••••�••:. ••NDN.•4•N•••••••N•N•••••4N••.••••N•Nf••N•N••.•• STOCK REDUCING SAL —FOR TEN DAYS WE WILL OF- -FI.R TILE FOLLOWING BAR, -- -GAINS IN SIIOES * * * * * Men's Shoes Heavy Shoes, regular $1.75 for . r• " " 2.50 Fine Shoes, regular 2.60 " 4.25 4.00 Ladies' Shoes Fine Shoes, regular 2.75 1.65 " 3.40 Boys' Shoes School Shoes, regular 2.25 $ .15 2.25 3.70 3.65 CHINAWARE--- Chamber Sets - 6 only, regular •$3.90 for .$3.50 2 '" 2.75 2.40 2 " •5,00 • 4.50,: 1 " • • 5.50 5.00. White Cups & Saucers . per doz. regular $1.00 for 900. Glass 'Preserve Dishes • each regular .20e for ,15o 2.40 1 Dinner Set $12.00 for $10.40 1.40 1 Dinner Set 013.50 11..40 3.00 1 Dinner Set 12.50 10.40 1 Dinner Set 7.00 5.90' 2.00 3.00 2.65 1.35 1.20 RUBBERS, RUBBERS AND SOX, OVERSiTOES, AT BARGAIN DAY PRICES. We will give a straight discount of 5 per cent. in all Groceries with the exception of sugar SI'E('IAT, SALE PRICES FOR • CASA ONLY. We have a• nice Stock Pattern of CIHINA DINNER WARE You can make up a Dinner or. Tea Set to suit yourself out of this line This is a nice way to get a Dinner Set and you can get it at our REDUCING SALE PRICE Berry Sets, Salid Bowls, Talilc S ts, B. & 13. Plates, are all nice Mites presents. It Will be dollars in your pocket to buy your Xmas China ' at this store R. GRAHAM, Clinton.. ri'vTry The ..4 IIIDIrS AND SHEEPSKINS WAN - ted• atmyhide house in Clinton. 'Highest cash juice paid.=0. S.' Doan,. Clinton:. . 50-3m* FOR SALlfi.—LOTS '4 AND. 5, RAN - O M., 1Bayfielk consisting of 49i acres. Well watered by spring' creek • and; :two wells, . 7 aeres bush, good Orchard, geld house ' and barn. Will be .seld on -easy , terms. F:or further .particulars apply to Mrs. George 'Woods, Bayfield. 49-4. FARIVt FOR SAI;E=THE 'UNDER - signed oliers ar sale lot 21, Lon- don Road, Stanley, consisting 'of 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, halance . hardwood' bush. Well watered and'. fenced. 1�, miles from. Brucefield and:5 from Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms is the• pro- prietor is in other business For further particulars apply to' ' F. Tomlinson, Brucefield P. 0.. 42 FARM FOR .SALE: -LOT. 14; CON. 4, Stanley township, containing 100 :acres, about: 85 acres cleared, • the balance hardwood bush containing•a lot of hemlock and other valuable thither.. The place is situated t.bout 2i•• miles 'from Varna and Brumfield and 11 miles from school, is . Well' watered and well. fenced and in a good . state of Cultivation: 'There is 7 acres of fall wheat,• also 12 acres ploughed and all •seeded ex- eept 16 acres. " Frame house arid .good out buildings: Possession gig ver at any time. Terms •made easy to suit the purchaser. Forfurther particulars apply to Samuel Reid, Varna P. 0. • 44 FARM south half of lot No. 21, Bayfield :concession, Goderich township, well wooded 'and well supplied .rtwith FOR.' SALE, -73 ACRES Marriages. CAN'T ELON—CHAPMAN—A.t the re- sidence of the bride's parents in Ilensall on December 28th; by Rev. Dr. Medd, Kate, daughter of Mi. William Chapman, to D. A. Cantclorji JACKSON=MAII.SHALL-A.tthe re- sidence of .00 -groom's sister,Mrs. W. Hislop, Detroit, on December 24th; by Rev. Dr. Ryan; Lena, daughter of Mr. Robert Marshall, Goderich township, tb • Ernest Jackson, son of 'Mr.' Isaac Jack-. son of Clinton; LONGMAN--GOIVIER=Inn Blyth on December, 21st, by Rev. Johga Ilolmes, Margaret; daughter • of Mr. Joseph Govier, to 'Ifarvcy„ ,. Longman,, all .of .I-lullctt. • • REID-WILLEY—At the residence of ' the bride's parents, on the.: Parr ' Line, Stanley, on • December 21st;. by Rev. R:.•A, Miller,. Gertrude, daughter of , Mr, Thomas. Willey,; tq Williairi Reid.. • .RARER--DECHER—At'.the home of the bride's parents on the Balby- loli : -Line, Hay, on Dee. 21st, by alev. E. Schuelke, Lizzie, second daughter of Mr. John Decher, fo Ernest Rader. COLLINSON--MCWHtNNEY—At the residence of the bride's mother, on December 14th; in •Ashfield, by itev. J, W. Robinson, Effie, dau- ghter. of Mrs; Sara .McWhittrey,, ' to George Collinson of ICintail: McCLURE—GARDINER-At the -ho,' me of the bride's father on Dee, 20th', by Rev. J, G. Yelland, Nina • Gardiner to John McClure, ; both of Colborne township, MITCHELL—NAEGLE—At the _ :Nie thodist : parsonage, Benmiller, .on Dee, ,20th,'.by Rev. J. G. Yelland, H. G. .Naegle to Claiide M. Mit- chell,. both. of Colborne township DAWSON=SIIILLS=At Knox chur- eh manse;, on December .17th, by - Rev. Jas A. Anderson, Henry Alfred' :Dawson' to Jennie Shiels, both of •Goderich. DOWNIE—McPAGGART=-At the•sna- .aise on December 19th, by Rev. W. M. Martin,. Richard Downie of . Crystal City, Manitoba, to Flos- sie McTaggart, of Exeter, • 'wII1'I'E-PICKARD-Or. Nov. ' 14th, at Catalla,. Alaska, by F: J. Gri- ffin, J. P., Maria (May) • Pickard, • daughtet of the. late Robert`Pick- ard; .formerly of Exeter, • to D. Lawrence White, . formerly of Granton. • RAYNAT D—TTU1! FMAN-At the re- sidence of the bride's parents on Dec. 14th, by Rev. C. P. Wells, Austin Raynard ' to Essie Huff- man, both of Grey township, DICICSON--MARTIN--'At the, rest.- deuce esindeuce of Mr.' P. J. Martin, broth- er rother of the bride, Morris, on Dec. 14th, by Rev, J. J. Hastie, Geo, H. Dickson of Mcg(illop to Lily. Ida, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Martin 61 Hullett. ' KICI•IN'A—CARRUTHERS—At . the residence..of the bride's parents, Lower Wirghatn, on December .20th, by Rev,.„ D; Perris, George. Kechna of Berlin to '.Carrie Car- ruthers, daughter ,of Mr. Thomas Carruthers. Births. ROGERS-On »ecember:,.lOth, to Mr, • and. Mrs. G. F.:Rogers of fortti,'. a daughter, , Deaths. • . • EAlAN—At the Parr Line, lay,on spring water. An excellent grazing - Tuesday, Dec. 20th, Jas. Hagan,' farm. Apply to James Sheppard, Sr., at the age of 74 years. Clinton ;. J. T': Sheppard, Clinton ; ROMEL--In Zurich oti December 22, or to W. Brydone, solicitor for the Herman Romel., aged 03 years. executors' of the estate of John ECHLIN -In Ashfield township' on Sheopard, dee sed 47* Decemlrer 20th, John Echlin,aaged '77 years and'l.montlis. ARSCOTT—At Teeswater on Dec. SIIORTHORN BULLS FOR SALIL•-* 14th, Mary, Bell, wife of Mr. I 1 TOP THAT C k!,11.! A Mei,..11l Colds Leas to CatarrhCatarrh Leads to Consumption, A Beautiful, Girl's Experience Nine cases of consumption out of.. ten occth In this way:• A .person catches a•cold • 'The Cold is not proporlyy cured, :'and they quickly eateh another one. This cold is dilly-. dallied with by no treatnent,'or some f Miss Alma Lillia,'5061Sth-St., •l1 Rock Island. .: y Illsays: • '41 am a.firm friend to Peruna, for ° 1t cured mein two days of a cough which had been annoying me for three wieeks,and which had de- reloped'a serious catarrhal Oleo - lion of the throat and lungs. • ',I had a. number of colds 'during' the year, and each left me with a little more catarrh; •then this bad cough was the worst. l took cough medicines until l sickened at the sightof them. But Peruna cureg. me, up in such quick time that I am its firm ,friend. Four weeks' con - dant use on-Stant.use of it got; the catarrh en- tirely out of my system. "•It deserves all the praise be- stowed upon it." ---Alma Lillis. treatment that is ;ineffectual,' and the 'cold. continues. • ' Then they catch another coldand be- gin to cough. Then the -P. -take cough syrups, but they dome good.' By and by , they get tired of taking medicine and .give up indespair. Their cold continues andtheir cough grows worse. Then they apply to a doctor, only to discover that they are in the first stages ot.consumption. • Another untortunate accident hap- pened 'ori:: Saturday . week on the farm a' of Mr. Ross Johnston, near Blake., 3tr. John Thirsk had°hts' outfit there - cutting straw .and Mr. Thirsk,' in pi- cking tip sonic loose: straw, ,ir some way had. ,his .hand caught in the ma- chine.with theresult that .. • three fingers and' part of thumb were so badly crushed that ,amputation was necessary. Luella, daughter. of . Mr. Jaeob Brown of 'the Goshen Line ' south, was severely .bitten :by a dog on. Saturday last..'- She was returriingl home from • the village and on . ac- count of : the' cold was• well muffled up. The dog seemed • to think it -was a strauger and attacked her Wand be- fore he Could be driven off,hadin- flicted some :nasty wocinds•.. on ` . the girl's arm, Ashfield Township. The anniversary services were held in. Hope church on Sunday, tlie. 18th inst. 'Rev..11Ifllyard of Luck now i ached in the morning : and evening and ReV. Mr. Kerrol in the afternoon. and all three services were well at- tended. The people of Hope were con- gratulated on. the tient appearance of , the church which it•has been all pain - fed resh ain-ted"fresh and furnished. A publicschool examination was held in Zion school on Friday: last. Much regret '.• is felt because of • Miss Buchainnan's . resignation. :She has •decided to give up school teaching. A. program was ' given by the child- ren. . Mr. John Itelin is busily ' hauling gravel for the purpose of putting' in cetrient floots in his sta'.ien. ' y' Pride , i p orted (78853)4-- . R bt At tt, former y o and s m- or c a sea 30032-a Buchan Lassie, red with a Wingham. • :.little white, 4 years old. Match- WARWICK -4n Morris on December less Star, a Matchless, 18. months • 20th, Robt. Warwick, aged 75 old, red. ' Also Mohawk, a Mina, years. . 15 months old, red. They arc all WALKER—Ili Brussels on December of extra good substance, iiitality 21st, ,Sanibel Walker, aped 75 and breeding. The two yearlings years. are sfrccl by Imported loancyrs Pri- 'DAVIS---Tn Chicago on December 19, ews �� 1905 cls. Particulars pedigrees gy, slleoerd and sent. Annie Gregory, or wife of Mi. 'h"re& on application to W. J. Biggins, Davis, formerly of "gmondvilte, Elmhurst Farm,. Clinton, Ont. 3b aged 29 years, 1.1 ar Although Sugar ,, thas advanced in price we are still selling Retipath's Extra Standaid at wholesale pr i Ces, Fresh Oysters Daily. • CLINTON Miss Lillie, of Illinois, started ont exaetly in this way. loortnnately, she took a course of Peruna before it was too late• She had caught several colds, then a cough developed. Sho took all sorts of cough, medicines, until, asoho puts It, "I sickened at thosightof them." In four 'weeks Peruna had cured her of her catarrh and )ror system was entirely' rid of it. Tlris Is what Peruna is doing all the while, Not a day, and probably not an hour, passes but some one has a similar experience with Peruna. Tiro first step toward consumption is - cateliing cold, The next step Is a, failure te- cure it promptly., The third step is the development of catarrh, which grad- ually becomes ehronle. The fourth step, the catarrh begins to spread• from; tee bead to the throat. Tho fifth step, the catarrh spreads to the bronchial tubes and lungs. It then becomes consump- tion in its first stage. At any time during the progress of the catarrh, from the first onset of the cold to its final settlement in the lungs, Pe- runa can be relied upon to stop the dis- ease. 1t cures entirely. Even after.. consumptionhas become . thoroughly developed, many cases have found in Peruna a permanent cure, After they have been given up by physicians to die of consumption Peruna has cured them. Wo have hundreds of testimonials that declare these facts in the most enthusiastic language, • 'U. S. Senator John M. Thurston, front Nebraska, }writes the following letter frotnR ashington, D. C., under date of .Apxil6,'1901:.. ' ' e I have used Peruna at wari'onstimes, during the past year or two with most satisfactory results.' "It entirely relieved me from an irri- tating cough, the result, of excessive .. effort in the Presidential campaign, and I am a firm believer in its efficacyin any such trouble."—Jno. M. Thurston. To take quieting' medicines to• stoli a cough is absurd and harmful. Theonly • way to stop a cough permanently. and ' 'tho' wt u' tainlo g more injury than good is tocure the catarrh, which is exactly. what Peruna does. It cures the catarrh of the bronchial. tubes and the cough ceases. . • At the slightest appearance of a cough a bottle. of Peruna. should be taken. according to directions. Ona bottle' in the beginning; will do more than a half dozen bottles after •the catarrh• has • fastened itself on the lungs. :•If you do not derive prompt' and satis- factory results atisfactory.resuits from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Rartman,•giviug a • 'full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to givo you his valuable • ail vice gratis. ' Address Dr. '"'Hartman,• President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbu^,Q. thll. ul1 L,. 1 • .i, 9:, I. n6,p6imi,.laitir6s IlYJIJ1 Jai L a,u.fho.m.l1,6.1 ! II.144,*' HARLA.ND BROS. STOVES IIATROWARE: oiylfsai .i. 111 x,11 a Christmas or New ears Gi�'t °� There is nothing:nicer,itmore appropriate and more useful than any of:the foilowing•artieles ire Have a Nice Assortment CARPET .: SWEEPERS POCKET & PENKNIVES KNIVES AND FORKS R CARVERS. IN SETS .... CARVERS IN CASES PARLOR LANYPS 'IANGIN,G LAL IPS SKATES . ' SCISSORS. • TEA TRAYS - -: Platedware TEAKETTLES TEAPOTS COFFEE POTS TRAYS SPOONS & FORI CALL BELLS Granit caro - CUPS & SAUCERS ,MUGS CRUMB TRAYS TEA. AND COFFEE POTS --- and last but not least A Happy Thought Range. or iA Radiant tome Parlor Heater. • HARLAND BROSI •^^^ .IARDW6RE, i $TOVES W 10-