HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-29, Page 344
December 29th -1904
We experienced farmer
has learned that some
grains requirefai differ .•
ent soil than other s ;,
some crops need differ-
enthandling than'others.
He knows that a great
deal depends upon right
planting at the right
time, and that the soil
must be kept enriched.
No use of cotlaining
id summer about a mis-
take made in the .spring.
Decide before the seed
is planted.
`e best time to .reme-
dy wasting conditions in , .x
the human body is be-
fore the evil is too deep
rooted. At the first
dence of loss of flesh
Scott's Emulsion
should be taken imme-
diately. There is noth,
ing that will r e'a i r
wasted tissue more
quickly .or replace lost
flesh more abundantly
, than Scott's Emulsion.
It nourishes and builds
up the body when ordi-
nary foods absolutely-
we 171;111 send you a sAmpfe free.
Be sure that this
picture in the form
of a label is on the
wrapper of every
bottle of BmulsiOn
you buy.
Toronto, Ont.
Sec, and $r;
all druggists
Miss Mounteastle of the means God has provided to
relieve pain and lengthen our days,
Opposes. tweet Option, and forgetting the poor when striv•
t .., Ing with might and inain to raise
Established 1879.
) Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Creeolene ie a.boon to Asthmatics ,
C1i2SoLENR is a long established and standard remedy
for tho diseases Indicated.410 cures because. tho air ran'.
dered strongly antiseptic is carried over the dimmed 00-
. fw:es of tho bronchial tubes with' every breath, giving
' prolonged and constant treatment. Those of a conaump.
tivo tendency, or sufferers from chronic.bronchitis,,flnd
immeatate roller from couglu.or inflamed cetditlon, of
the throat.
Vapo-Cresolene 1H Hold
by druggists or sent pro.
paid on receipt of price.
A V.po•Cresoleoe out-
fit Including a bottle or
Cresolunu $1.50. Send•for
tree Illustrated booklet.
LEEMI\0 MILES Co., Ltd.,
Agents, 288 St. James St..
Montreal, Canada. 906
To The Editor .of The News -Record : the price of strong drink beyond the -
Dear Sir,—Again I feel impelled to it reach, yes beyond the reach of the
take up m„y pen in defence .of the poor and afflicted for whom it was
poor, the sick, the suffering and the especially ordered by God. See Pro -
'aged inhabitants of the town, and Yerbs, 31st chapter, 4, G, 0, 7 verses,
beg that those who are peepared to "It is not for kings, A. Samuel, It
vote for Local Option on the 2nd• of is not for kings to drink wine, nor
January to reconsider their deter- for princes strong drink, lest they
niination lest .we have more drunk- .delve and prevert the judgment of the
enness, ,More lawlessness and more th4cted, ' Give strong drink to him
general wickedness in the future than that is ready to perish and Cyan un -
the whole country by any option to those who he of heavy hearts,
will be'able to subdue. Let !tiny drink and forget his poverty
and remember
A. conscientious man and a life-lomremember his misery no .mono."
aaner told me a few days ago You will here note that the wine
that he was never tempted to drink. must bore been fermented and cheap
tillthp Scott Act came in force, and that• the. strong drink was whis-
If we have any pity for the drunk- key or brandy, or something note
d Wine.
and let us strengthen him morally p have ful than
een theieate nmation that
and spiritually by making such laws follows a •broken Bulb or strain te-
as will aid him in the constant duced in a night byconstantpraca is
Ways ice of self-denial, himsher cation of whiskey, nd. have. known.
ways ,leave him to manage ahimself, a dying child given back to its .fond
He is not, exposed to greater temp- `
taytion, nor' even as .much, as 4*:.124-
tired by nearly all places of business
in this town." .Then don't be too
hard on the hotel -keeper, who is only
like others trying .to make a living.
Silks; satins, jewelry, cutlery, china;
bouseefurnishings„confectionary, tur-
keys, geese, etc., are constantly dis-
played '. on the street before. the ad-
miring. gaze of those who have nob
the means to b,'uy them. Homes are,
made desolate by the membiers in-
curring debts that they have no mea-
ns of paying. Names dishonored that
otherwise might' have: gone spotless
to the grave. Local Option as:hrou-
•.ght forward. now, Will not remove
any of these temptations to sin ; but
don't lose sight of them in Your -de-
sire tO.pretcet the inebriate: •
i have been told that' drunkenness
is almost unknown in Persia ,.where
the law prescribes that the man who
is so wanting in self-governing. pow-
er as to drink to . intoxication is
botintf hand and foot and laid on the
side -walk for ono day that every
passer.:by may kick'.,and spit. on him.
That is enough.. Ile • does; not get
drunk again, thus proving that .with
the terror 'of the law :hanging, over
Min "a. man finds himself able to ex-:
erose a. considerable ainouet of self
government. The punishment is aw-
ful and I cannot say I would ,like t0'
see • •such. a .law inforce here ; •but.
think of the : amount of • good aceonl-'
plashed Still ."I think less drastic,
'measures; Might effect a cure. '1f the.
subject. had. been well studied; welt
'thought., out, Local Option as, at
,present.suggrested would never' have:
—Terri —Territor
Between • all stations in Canada
fort Arthur,' Sault Ste. Marie,. Sar-
nia, Windsor and Last, also to De-
troit and Pt. Huron, Mich., Buffalo,
Black Rock, Susp. Bridge ar.d Niag•
ara Falls, N. Y. •
—Rate and Limit—
.For the Round Trip.
Good going Dec. 24th, 25th anti.
2fith, valid returning until Dee. 27th;
also good goit.g Dec. 31st, Jan, lst.
and 2nd, Valid returning until Jan.
rd, 1'005,
• —Rate and Limit--
For tfic Round Trip.
Good going Dec. 23rd, 24th and
251h and 20th, also . oli Dec. 301h, 31.
Jan, 1st and 2nd, valid returning un-
til Jan. 4th, 1905. •
For tickets and all information
apply to
F. R. I.lodgens, TownAgent.
A. 0. Pattison, • Depot :Agent,
The (llobe's.Ottawa correspondent
says there has been no corresponden-
ce of late 'between Washington • and
Ottawa cin the subject of .the Joiilt
High Commission. •
Mr. Jahn Small • died at
Valley, aged 104.
Constipation and
Stomach Trouble
•been'' tail°ted. • ,
We•have had enough of the or
ques:tion. Our franchise :has. een
denraded throui;b' it, our counts dis-
honored. The high, tariff on -liquors,
• u ht u • the indefatigable
bre g, irbo t by 1
struggle' of, 'the Temperance. pa to
save' the': '.feelings of the inei, te,
has." filled :the treasury to • overflow-.
ing- curly to be,, spent .on lot
sty}ffing-- -allot burnir►;�ballo ro•
wring -and buy,in.g of . elections
• All. this state of'• things has -:come
froth! 'their . setting at naught the
'word' of• God• as expressed in • 104
Psalm and, the 31stnhaptcr'0 Pro-
verbs'.• •,'.
• The 101 Psalm after telling Vie
Wonderful works of Cat..says If
scndeth vpringsinto the Valle hi
ch run. among `tile hills. ,:They give
drink to• every •1%eaast of '.the •fit the
•wild asses' quench .their thirst lie
causeth the grass to grow, le the.
cattle and herb for the 'S€rtitr of
mint •that he may bring fort ood
out of• the• earth and wine the a!''-
eth glad: the heart.. of man. liquor
You Will-. readily Y ` see h . these ,,•
The most common ills of life,
are quickly CUred by Dr.
Chase's Kidr►dy.LIVerr
PHIS, •,
tracts from "Idoly '1Vrit".that. God
made. water for the wild • asses and
wide to make glad- the heart of nian;•
anil the wine.must hav � i- blre c
ed .or .ft would not have . made man's
heart ,glad. It' would have disarran-
ged his stomach and:: his smile would
have been'• nipped :in. the bud: • Now
in studying the above lines in:scrie-.
tore to ascertain. what' God would
have es t:o do; now .thr:t d.runktilttiess
has • broken out among us' we conte
face .to face with this thought. If
an ass, ever. a. wild . ass, should 'he
come overheated 'when travelling over,
a rough and thorny road and should
drink more water than wb,s bpneficial
for' it under the circumstances; even
of .the., water .that God had 'caused
to gush out of the rock for its use,
should we, .if we had the power, stop
all the spiings,•from flowing and thus
deprive all ;other asses, )vho were
faint front long travel over stony
ways, of the •refreshing draught their
Creator had caused to flow for their
express use.? .And . if not, . why shou-
ld :.tve seek 'to. destroy or ' prohibit .the
use of wine, "'that maketh, glad. the
heart of Man"
be ause in • c:fianC
Clod's command "Be .ye- not drunken"
some men', • 'though .conlpaiatively-
few,• occasionally become intoxicated.
I any: told. we .have only two drunk-
ards in Clinton,'. but allowing there.
''are many, who take more -than' the
majority of the ratepayers think
good for theta, and thus become a
public nuisance, would, it be right to
deprive.. all the remainder of the in-
habitants of the town, including all
the sick and suffering ? •Would it .be
right, would it be .just to' deprive
them of this God given blessing; the.
wine"That .maketh the heart glad?"
Why,. I ask 7 Why are these beings
that are selfish* to.the core, who
never allow their finer feelings to . be
developed by endeavoring to make a
home -for those who have a right to
took to them for food and shelter,
why are they to' be petted and fond-
led and Mold that they can't' over-
come their craving for drink because
they were” born with it, thus taking
mother's arms. by Causing it to swal-
low a few drops of brandy,
Tho .poor love••'their children equal.
ly with.the rieh, why place so heavy
a tax upon this, valuable ,nielicine,
this elxiar of life • because igeorant
people don't know how to use it.
Would it - not be better to compel
children in the noininen school . to
study the use and abuse of fermented
liquors ? and thus ` relieve parents
of a .responsibility that they seem
physically unable to cope with,. .
In the •meantime put Clown by law
the low degrading hal)}t of treating
and by law give .the-• fully .fledged
inebriate such lessons . as will • aid.
him in self • government: I. do riot
say take the Persian method, though
I .,feel. _sore it', would ,be, very effect-
ffect-the • I Believe we. have men and wont='
en in Clinton who 'are clever enough
to find a way less .revolting of tea-
ching .tlib drunkard to restrain 'his
selfish "and loatlisuffie. propensities
and, seek to livi. such a lite as shall
be an' honor 'to himself and -a glory
to his God...
The 'Clinton News*RocOrd°
Government Creameries
- . . Holiday
(For The News Record.}
The Dairy Division of the Depart- x.. ,.
ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, has o.
gain this year operated a number of „ T�
ereameries in the North West Territ-
so-that farmers le districts a-
ifferent '0 .� �►. Other .
dapted to dairying might be able to ,
obtain a cash income* Iron*.,: their
cows until such time as they are acb2o
to carry on the work for themselves.
Considlera'ble attention. has recently
been devoted to developing now mar-
kets for the butter produce, anti the
results have been quite satisfvwotory.
In spite of the fact that"the price of
l;rutter,.in Eastern Canada has been
lower this year than last ,the pat,
rons of the North, West creameries
have received an average net price of
20.98, cents a. pound for the butter
manufactured from the 'cream suppli-
ed by them, over a cent 5 pound
more than in 1903, and the highest
price over obtained for the season's
output . of the Government Creamer-
ies: •
British Columbia has naturally
been the chief market for Territorial
butter yin the past and still . continues
to .• fake the bulk .of the shipments„,
Freight rates and other expenses- are -
so heavy that a satisfactory trade
with Great Britain cannot be carried
on at preten•t, but a considerable ex-
port trade is. being developed -*nil
Japan and other Oriental countries.
Before the Osaka "Exposition there
was scarcely any • Canadian Chatter
sold to Japan, but in spite' of the
war some 34,000 pounds have been
stripped to that country: from the
Government Creameries during the
first ten months of this year. The
total consumption of butter' in Japan
is not large, but thele are indicat-
ions of a' decided increase in demand
for the Canadian. article at the close
of the war.. .
The Yukon butter trade 'is also be-
ing recovered for Canada. The total
amount consumed in that, territory
annually is ovcr • 500,000'p'6tinds,. of t ��
which ,nearly :200,000 pounds has this
year been contriliuted by: the Govern-
ment Creameries in the' North West
Territories: .When the countrywas
firsten v r
op cd se a aI shipments of tin-
ned butter: sent up b' Canadian firms
were. fourfd • to be -Very infgrivr°in.
quality; anti, consequently, thle Can-
adian' article got a tad name and the
nsarket ryas practically 'monopolised
by -thd" United States Indeed, until
1903 -about the only Canadian butter
used in the;.Y•ukon *as tha��,.,s��ent to
the Mounted . Police. IVIeanwl:rfie .the.
Daily ihvision. had been :testing.,vat-•.
Mos . -7 styles of tins, and • .other
es, and had . Mound that a first
class article, proberly 'packed*, . could"
be shipped there'at.a profit.. Orders
ter. J 90,000 p .uids'wer
e received last
year and tibe amount ha's been more
than doubled this 'season, as menti;
,fond above. •
— THE VALUL,:,:+.03?- STRICT:.-
• There has Been sone opposition to
our stringent. Ieg1'slation such as the
Dairy`•Prodticts Aet of 1893 and'the
Butter Act' of .1943,: which :forbids
the manufacture and sale • in Canada
of adulterated " dairy goods, including
filledcheese' and • process Mutter. The,
Hastingscheese case, recently relior-
tcd in the. press,' has shown that if
our dairy laws , •had been, one .whit,
•less strict,.:the Ceeredian cheese tra-
de might have received a blow front
which it would have required' years
to recover: The ease in question . is
still fresh in the public.memory. A
leading • firm of grocers: in Hosting?,
England, was charged With selling
as pure cheese an article, which' the
local anal yst.alleg'ed was adulterated
with foreign . fat. Fortunately ` the
Canadian High. Commissioner and tire-
chief inspector"in' Britain ori the Dep-.
rrtniont of• Agriculture were able ., to
present a vigorous defence, .backed up
by. ,indisputable ellidence forwarded
from% 'Canada by the Chief of the
Dairy It was sho - '
any �Divfsion. a wn that
in Canada the manufacture of .mar-
garir.e or "filled" cheese was' absol-'
utely ' prohibited . under heavy . penal-
ties, and' the, conditions of manufaet-
ure wexe such, that it was 'quite "int- •
possible for this to''happcn without.'
the fact coining 'to the notice, of the.
Whcn'Dr. Leonhardt's, ,of• Lincoln,.
N2ib,, gave Anti -Pill • to the world he
had t,nhiounded. Faith in the treatment
but he. . did :sot forsee the ; wood
wide and woudprfttl results •rt is now
achieving ing ; itt the •'mire of edisease.
Isere -•is the story of . another. Anti
Pet victory • •
`YFor many months 1 have' been:
troubled With dyspepsia, dizziness in
my bead, calci chti,s,,and suffered.
Most of the tune froth constipation,
and vas:, unable, to 'do .tny hgdsework,.
I tried beery :kind of iii l;jand " rnedi=
cine .that either tile. tloetors or :my.•
self coukl think 'elf', and • finally trie•l
Anti -Pill; This ttreatntent h. s -pract
really',made:a' new woinan of Me, 1
ant able .te do all, my own work. The
dizziness • has . all. gone, my: stomach'.
'feels- much better, and I ani no long-
•tr •troubled- with constipation. I
cannot praise. Anti -Pill too , highly."
Emerald St.
..—Mrs. � 8
Iho T b 7
\oitll ilanrlttoli;• Ont`•
• Mrs. .Tabil's• letter • is:. only one of
By enlivening the aptlon 'of lildneyu,
liver and bowels Dr. Chase's Kidney.,
Livor Pitts entirely overcome constipation
and ensure the proper working of the
digestive system.
Mus. Owsu CVMAMIffG'S, Deseronto,
Ont., states :—" I was in very poor health ,
when I began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney. away from them every grain or re*
Liver fills. T had been a great sufferer sponsilfility that they might other -
from constipation and stomach trouble wise have felt. We were all born in
and was weak and run down in strength. sin ; but that is no reason why we
I was gradually growing worse everyday, should let it over -master' us, When
and finally .deotdedthat I would have to do Christ died to save Cts Ile expected'
something. Hearing of many being cured
by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills 1 began us t'o make some little effort on, our
using theta, and soon noticed a marked own behalf, or why are we 'LOW' to
change for the better. I continued title "Work out our own salvation with
treatment until 1 was cured of constipation fear and trembling." We should be
and my stomach was restored to a healthy willing; to hell- others on the way,
Ionndition. It only took about three boxes llt.t we do not °iti any way assist the
of pills to entirely care me." drnnlcarcl, when pandering to his
Il Ci e s Kianny Liver relic one pill
Anti -Pill is sold ,by all druggist at
50c., 'or The. Wilson-Fyle Co., L trait=
ed, ,Ningara'lFalts,• Ont. Sole agents.
for Canada. " .102
The Ottawa and' New .York: Rail-
Way ; hag.been .sold for $1,00(1,000. It
is likely to pass •in.to New. York Cen-
tral control;:~`...
a dose, 26 cents a box. The portrait and weakness, by oppressing the sick
• With acid 'corn salves when 25 cts,
buys a bottle of 'Putnain's Painless
Corn' Extractor, It's purely vegat-
alble, never causes sores, arid acts• en-
tirely without pain. Use. only • Put-
naln's-•the best.
The flour, oatmeal and saw mills of
the Favurre' Miffing Co: at Fever
sham' were burgled. authorities. The• purity, of the r.heese
was admitted and . the charge finally
signature of Dr. A.W. Chane, the famous and aged and we seek our own de -
receipt book author( are on of *ty tote, truction When refusing to ttlal% rise
Z have made extensive preparations
for IEoliday Selling, with a large as-
sortment of beautiful, unique, artistic, and
in a- large measure. exclusive goods.:
Th,e attractiveness of our stock and the absolute
fairness -of our prices combine to make gift seleo
tion in our store a pleasure. We .have : °
Storling•Silver Goods
Cut Glass -
Manicure . Sets
Gold Spectacles
wN •e..� r .• ,kelt: � geeese� �•�
Selecting from our stock is a
pleasure as. every article is of the
• highest quality and latest design
• dismissed, when it was found that.
STOMACH and LIVER TROUBLES •the Canadian contentions were pro -
Mr: Alex, M. Finn, Inkerman, N. , yen b? . the report of the Government.
13B.,; writes : ='`x have used Dr;C'hase's Analst which showed that the'satin-
Pills for derangements ple, in question contained 43 per. dent,
of the kidneys and liver and' stomach of milk fat and no foreign fat what -
troubles, and can certify that they ovcr.
diel nlc a good deal of good. 3 can The case ]las . attracted almost ur...
heartily recommend them" tot anyone iv'ersal attention in Great' Britain
suffering as I did." t and the triumphant' vindication of
' - the purity •01 Canadian dairy .prod -
nets will prove a• great advertise-
ment of our' goods.. .If, however, our
dairy laws had .
Do You Make Your '.
Wife An Allowance..
• Judge 1:rmatinger of St. 'Thomas
gave ,n interesting 'decision they other
day in a. suit brought .against a hus-�
band for goods furnished to his wife.
It was contended by defendant's co-
unsel .that the husband allowed his
Wife $4.a week and 'ad instructed
her that no debts were to he .eon-
tracted, and .English eases were cited
to show that in such circumstances
a. husband was not liable. The court
took this view of the case. It wi:l
be in order now when' a lady says,
"Charge this to my husband," for the
merchant to ask "Does Mr.
make you an allowance."
DODD'S r�\
q:-1( I El NI EY
laivr, A1,5044.0:0
Rf;$ RiCIG1N�YiSM..��c1�:`:
,Y 1,Yr"`*aft
13 only in
heen ,lax or our de-
1►��!1••� 7••11 �r1► 6e11 •rte
We want you to•feel' just. as tree to:come
in and view;our stock as to glance in out
�ndo M�► when. he� .passing.
You " say you have used. everything
for. that obstinate case of ceestipat-.
ion"; this 'proves that you have not
tried Vito Laxative Fruit • Pills oth-
therwise• you :would- he .cued. R P.
Reekie druggi3lt, Clinton; 'keeps them
stock' price 25 ccn�ts..
partmental orgianination imperfect on'.
either side of , the Atlantic, the res-
ult might have been different.
Yours very truly,
W. A, Clemons,
Publication Clerk.
"I had itching -piles for six .years,
and the. doctors told ins there was
no cure. for me unless an operation.
Dr. Chase's Ointment completely
cured me in one week. As that was
six months ago, and there has been
no return of the old trouble I bell -
eve • that the cure is' a permanent
enc. ",-1VIr. J. Mawer, It den inn.
on Tuesday James Hagar one the
poineer farmers of. Hay townshipipas-
sed away at his residence at Hills -
green. Mr, Hagar had been ailing
for some time. The deceased was
'tvell known :as 'a genial warms heart-
ed Irishman with a keen eye •to busi-
ness. Ile had it large family 'of wid-
th he was very fond and exceedipg-
ly ' proud. Itis widow survives him.
Ile was a sincere Member of the
Roman Catholic church and a Liber-
al in polities. Ills funeral' takes pia -
e0 today to St. Ilonifaui church,
'Zurich. ,
i .a
04'1 Interest to .Teachers. "
In accordance. .avith a resole}tion
Massed in a union ,meeting of f -7 -the
Executive Committees of the East
and West Huron Teachers' Associa-
tions • the :Secretaries requested' :the
•' n to statemore
• ti atno
Ministers of Ed c
explicitly 'the nature of the entrance
paper on written reading at !the next
examination. The .following is • the
reply ;... •
`iii m tlinof tire. fortifioa-' The NensRecord gives ail, the•atews: e
the s an g 1 •
i•, tions at Esquirealt is in • girirgn'ess.
.i-, M
re -ail
1. facu
suspicious o
. Yot, e _ t
i •,
. � •'•we • .That
s why, :'
remedy so •ate
t,i e ,
1 Y•
don't chaggerate the virtues of . Vito t
i Tonic, but we ; do claim- positively
u ,
] .that it .is .a• wonderful tonic. If yot: THE- HOSPITAL ,,FOR � •
1 r • r •ove '
i are run down buy a bottle end • g r•
the truth our•statement,: R..' IP.
Reekio druggist,: Clinton, keeps it "in-• ' • .
• stock.:. .
For it•Cares for'EverySick Child
n •: in Ontario whose :Pareiuts / !,
, Mr. J. P:Whr•, rie spoke at. NaI?� .
� Y l?.
alrcc is rel to .Premier Ross. Cannot,Alford to Pay
�. 1Y
Por.' redtxnentt;
I • s'yIr
, FOR'A..
Or any soreness''in• the .muscles of
the,baek' or sides you can't get any
N rviline
fso oi.:.a
s e
h'n a ,
big g
The Hospital for Sick Children, College
street, Toronto; appeals to the fathers and •
mothers of Ontario for funds to maintain
Toronto Dec. 8th 1904..most powerful liniment made. "My the. thousand sick children that it nurses
• b the neck was so stiff I couldn't turn it a .within its.valle
Dear Sirs,—I am directed y
Minister of Educh.t.ien to state in
reply t0 your' letter of the 28th inst.
that the_' Entrance paper on .written
reading will consist of a . series of
sight passages in literature Upon•
which .'questions. will' be asked , to . de-
termine the power. of the candidate
natter of 'an inch writes Fred rl'.
to understand, interpret,, and ap
'predate literature as a whole, These,
selections, will be within the- dint
prehension' oil 'the candidates. Aa. -a
preparation for their. work. 'the .ean'-
didates are assumed to have -studied
literature as provided for Part 1 of
the examination. The 'Written
Reading paper will also test the pu-
pil',s knowledge of the passages se-
lected for rnefgolixatioit; -
di t servant,
e en
Your ori •
Deputy Minister;
W. H. ec.;' W. H.'1'. A•,
Kipper Ont. • J Johnston,!Hartley, See. E,.IL
T. A,, �Wroxctor.; Ont.'
Baldwin of Portstnouth. "I has rub-
bed• it . with Nerviilne a few times
and fall:ihe'soreness and stiffness dis-
appeared, I don't know another lin-
uncut you can, depend on ilike ':Nervil-
• inc ; it's . splendid for colds, lameness,
and cart:be'beaten for' cramps and
internal pain." Try • .Nerviline your;
sell. Price 25e.
Mrs. Colwell Price of Brisbane
committed suicide by taking. I'aris
'green;. _ I
Most sensible people 'want 'to l'now
the reason why. Well, .the reason why •
•Vito ''Tonic has cured so Many;severe
eases is bccauso• it butlds up the tis-
sue of • which the human body is inacle •
-it •is a natural tonic, composed of
herbs, barks and fruits, •• R. P. Roo-
kie, druggist, .. Clinton, 'keeps it in
Do not consider it a
hardship ta do as much for
as seen' do for a city week -
13r or daily.. -.pay for it in,
Consult Your Address E igores.
every year.
-- The Hospital is nob
a ..local institution—
but Provincial. The
sick •child. from any
place in Ontario who
can't:-a@'orid'• to pay
has tho same privi-
loges asthe child.
• living in bronto and
is fres* :free.
Tlie. capital had
last y' it in.its 'beds
and:cote:761 patients,
267 of these were
i- from 196 • places out-
side of Toronto:
• The cost is.98 canto
per patient per day,
and there Were. 129
_ sick little ones a•day
"ewe DAV, DOCTOR.0 -
Since its founds -
don the Hospital ✓ . ;o, A
has treated 10,371
ch ,
i. I:iien—ftb
cut •
7,600. of those were
unable to pay aid Ne
wore treated free.
Kvery dollar may
bo tho translator of
iour kind thoughts
nto the Hospital.
kind deeds:
lar may be t h e
Friend in Need to Kr►ssraa.
Somebody'* child. _
Let the money of the strong be moray to
the weak, The Hospital pays out clivi.
dends of health and
happiness to /suffer.ing childhood on
every dollar that is
paid by the friend
of little ohitdt. n,
I# you knots .t f
any sick oiledin
your neighborhood
who is sick or alp.pled or has club
feet send the par.
tint's narne to the
- hospital.
"eirn'e xterrrr,ta" See the exampl:r
of what can bo done for olub•fnot children.
There were le like eases last year and bine
drods in 28 year's.
in t/
I'teaas send contributions tt if0t4
1 1, ettertson,'Chairtntte or to Doss ,.ss/ David.
0. n, See, •'1.'rcae., of The Ire.4,it:+.l for Sick
Children, College Street, Toronto.