HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-29, Page 2The Clinton Newa•Record. AU Soap .s not Pure Sou That is •the reason why $5000.oa reward will be paid by Lever 3rothere. Linu.ted,, Toronto, to any per who cal► prove that Sunlight Soap contains .any form of atlulteratioa whatsoever, or contains any ire jurieus chemicals. ° Shrunken woolens, frayed Perces and sora chapped, hands aro evidence that a:1 souls arc not pule smolt*. Sunlight. Soap is guar:Tutee.: to be a pure soap. Dealers are authorized W return purchase 1.•oney t a any one finding cause. for complaint. Suir;ielit tittep is eqt::t}ly good is hard or soft water. LCVCe e onee.tC t•IMITt,o, TORONTO loot There's easy, good washln:; ahoad for the wsn tight Maids !C! • ,.•.0 a o C+AC• . • •�.�nI1aOSC• C! • • Me F!rst Xrnas OUR NCW PIB1TI!SBs .With . 011:oW floo3. r • Everything absolutely DOW. .We are not looking'for .: a profit this mar "so much• as we are for a reputation of ahandling the choicest goo.ls at Xmas :•... See Oureal Leather Travelling Cases R .. These contain Hair 'and. Cloth Brushes; Mirr:irs, .Soap and Tooth Brush C'tses,' Razor and. Strop, 'and. every- thing to complete a.toilet .when travelling or visiting. 'Prices ,range *obi $3 to $6. Brerdenboob s Pei'fuines.(le;),igllsh) in cases per bottle, from ... , ... .. • .:'2gc to $5.00 The :largest stock or EbonyGoods in town • and the :lowest pries.. Nasmiti 's Confectionery in : ioiiday . Boxes... KODAKS FOR XMAS -We Will give fiee instruction in Amateur Photogt'aph:y. to all of our cult n)e. 4. CHEMIS:C • 0.0 OCD 1\ D3 t • AND. : . I)RUG.CIIST, t• 0 0 O 0 0 0 i i1Q410lO!'J(eJSO • iffsA901:0t 111M s0 .• ! eeeet- 1'he. News -Record givesall the'news. COAls, 1 LgAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR. YOUR SEA4oN'S 'SUP PLY or COAL. •'W"hP' CARRY ONLY THE VERY BEST" GRA- DES iVHICH WILL BJ S'Or,D AT THE LOWEST POSS113LT PRICE ORDERS MAY DE LEFT AT DAVIS & ROWL D'S LIARD-. WARE STORE OR WITH . . W. Stevenson, PURR SEED,. GRAIN. PURE SEED GRAIN, -,-WE HAVE' oohed out a FIour and 'Feed Store and keep in stock flbur,<' .bran, . sh- orts, cured meats,. etc. We' made a special effort to proeure and have • on hand a supply for Clean Seed Wheat and Timothy, . and far,iiers making their purchases from us. can rely upon, getting their seed as free as possible from all nox- ious weeds. • • Ford & NoN'eil. YOU . will never . regret having a Photo of your family, Our spec- ialty is JaftOUP •'OTO open. all day Xina.s and mew Years. Sore Throat end Coughs - A 'simple, effective .and hale remedy for all throat rcritat,ons is f ound In Cresolene Antiseptic Te bleats They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith• the soothing properties of slippery elm, and lit price. il0o.• AilDruggists. . -• Op An • adirertisement in The News - Record brings good results. • A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL CENTRA , STRATFORD. ONT., TMs school has a continental re- putation,. for thoroughness. Our cour- ses areup-to-date and practical and the teaching is done by experienced instructors in each department, There is "no better school in Canada. We would like~ to 'give . full irforms,tion concerning our work to anyonedew siring a Business Education or Sho- rthand Training. .Write for free•cat&i,- llogue. Winter term opens Jan. 3rd.. W, J. Elliott, President. D. A. McLachlan., .Principal. Harness and. Robes For Harness well made and that iooks well and wears long Come to us: Do you need a robe 9 If so see our stock of Saskatchewan ro'bes,ete. Thereis no better stock food than the International. Read the testi monials and you: will bury it. We sell it, 1J. N'ioiioiSon., -AUBURN-- WE SAVE YOU MONEY As Xrnas approaches the thought of what is most appropriate beeotnes more earliest, Call and.see Our Xmas Toys, Cal- endars, Sleighs, Rocking horses, Pavey I3ortes, Pretty Dishes and oth- er articles too 'numerous to mention. Goderich. At the Victoria street dwelt the Sunday school rendered a C,'1►i stmas cantata very nicely. Miss 'Vida Bell presided. at the organ in her usual eifieient manner. The first anthent was "Hark the Heaven Bern Prre of Peace." Little Lily Newell itY a 1 c:ear sweet voice sang a Christmas nursery Bong. The choir also render- ed several selections. At' the close of the pr'egranr• the:. scholars were each presetrted with a 'bag of candy. • Rev. Mt. 1-Ioliinrake of Hamilton preached: in 'North street church on Sunday, ' At St. Peter's and St. • George's churches the services were wholly for Christmas Day. At.. St. Geor- ge's everting service Rev. Mark Turn- bull chose for his text, St. Luce, -Chapter 2, and from 15 to 17th ver - see. He depicted beautifully the bir- th of a child on • earth today, when people .young and old go to ,the hoe- se oese in which .a child is horn and little children will stand on tip -toe to see the -babe. Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Wright of Str- atford and Miss' Thompson, • teacher, Berlin, spent their vacation at the residence of • the parents of the two ladies, Mr. and Mrs. .James Thonip- son. ' The nomination meeting held in tc"e town hall on Friday evening' was one of The most iutcrestirt; meetings held here for a long time. 'The mayoral- ty contest is a three sided. one The candidates are Messrs. W. edurney, Geo. Elliott acrd Mr.' Tilt. In a letter from: Mrs. W. A Girvin of Winnipeg, received on, Christmas Eve., thanking me for sending on ` a -Copy of "Golden Leaves,", writes n -e as follows, enclosing the, price, of the, book; "I log to acknowled e•the receipt of .your much valued book; which 1 prize very highly, it brings to. .my rccgllection so many names that had 'been forgotten for years. - Miss Wheatley, trained nurse, Port ITurai); returned°'to her hornet at Clin- , ton on Christmas Eve to spend the vacation Miss Stanley of Stanley's Milli returned from Toledo on Christmas r Ee'• to visit her relatives. Miss Stani.ey is ;also a trained nurse. Mr. and Mrs. John Strai4on and two sons returned . from '.their home at Hagaraville• to visit their .respec- tive• families here.:Mr.. Straiton only .spent Sunday; and :Christmds • Day here Mr..•.Stewart Stratton and his.wt:e (nee Miss Jardine) ar.d Miss Strait- on,.M.trein-ed` nurse, Rochester, arrived on Christmas. Eve, to spend, ,the Clir- istnias holidays -.at their houses here. Mrs. W. b.. Tye, Miss. Lurie :and Reginald lett oft. Christmas Ere ,.,to spend their holidays with relatives at Maysville. « Mr: and' • Wire. • Gcor;,e• Sfc- les an son 'Vallee :of. Port' IItr on • are .; the guests Airs. Sic',lee' mother, Mrs. Lewis Elliott.' Miss.Maud 'Tilt returned' on Christ.- Inas hrist-rias Eve from the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. She hes been -chosen as ons: of the singers to t.tke 'part in the Mendelssohn choir.,. • ' Mr. .•Joe Tilt' returned •from Buf1tllt on. Chrisetnas• Eve to spend the holi- days at: his home. •• - Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph, Barry : 'and children of London were guests this holiday week of the. tormc'r's father: `Mr. George Barry.. • .Mr. and Mrrs... Graha me , Moorehotise of Detroit are guests at. itis ` .old home: hi Bayfield. e We wish • them a Happy New Y'ear. • Miss Frances- • Brindley hes • been Very 111 the past month. . The great._st . surprise the P. O. D. ever 'gave us' was •to issue • a pretty, little post 'office rogulations andxulcs 'booklet:gotten up with tivo teranches of. unpile,' leaves in a pink :.bade' and the Coat of'Arms of Britain • in 'gold. with greetings' Crani the Goderich po- stmaster •and staff.. Christmas 1504, New Years 1905, --John ,Galt, P. M. • Miss, Jessie •Miller, trained, nurse, Woodstock, came • up • to spend . he Christmas holidays • but received. "a' telegram from one of the faculty t+ return immediately to a special rase• Miss Nellie Chrystal returned' t. • her home' on, Christmas Eve. On Monday the remains of ilio I1:- t1e Anfairt son of Mr. and Mrs. Were Babb • were borne . to Maitland. •ecriie- tery, several carriages escorting the remains, Rev. Mark TurrbuB in .. at. tendance. Mr. and Mrs. S. Knuckle spent Christmas Day ' in Woodstock .with their daughter and her :husband, Mr. and Mrs. 'Vole Barney.. Messts .Rey Harrison ani William Bradley Spend Christmas Day • at Norwich.. • . ' There was much fine dressing . o' windows for Christmas, but Idod- • gens Taros. outclassed therm all fr r artistic draping. . Mrs. McK' nGuel h McKinnon hasbon inG c n e .l hospital ,for • some timeendergoin treatment for her ;eyes. The Messrs. Charles,. Ilartrlti •an,r Reginald 13laekstone were guests el the ball given on the 14th. Dec., l,; the gentlemen of Blyth. A great treat was given all wh attrndhd the A. Y. P. A., meetiii given on 20th. • Dec., by Mr. Wright late of England, which was an a.t dress on "Africa" with lime light ✓iews of Johannesllure, Pretairl Tugula river, Dundee, S.pion t: o etc., and of views of noted places et. the 'tvay home to Eland, :millet the coast of Spain, Suez Canal, Zal.- zibar,. ole, T)RUGGING• WON'T CURE CATARRH, Ali the rnedipine fit the world • ta' - en into the stomach won't cure. eat arrh, and it's useless to s,uandtr honey on tablets, hitters and liquid remedies. Catarrh is a cl:seaso of the °nasal passalges; throat and l',t o; - ehrai tulles. Stomach medicin $. can't reach these •parts. It's c<irly fa'zlr,rant. healing ('aftarrhozone which is brea- thed all . thratrgh the air passages that is sure to Nadi the seat of tyte• arrh, No :aitt.re ever Lti -W t if Mite arrho:.one was t:sr.d. It he Is an 1 doesn't irritate ; it soothes, kills ti'e germs and therefore cures. rse only Catarrho7..one the one certain Cure. HENRYS„` PHOTO STUDIO. Mr t h e t' VA1 ft '1'Y 'Tests months treatment tl:r:ii ; trial • �# PHOTO STORar MU. 250, December 29th- `".7' 9th-ye ".. I '�►i' q ,.' F 1 � r p +� ��►' �M.! N. �r�► �M•'�► 4rl++n0►' 6,•10rWi►Ar1 1,o.'9M.•11r•0rrliwer''%-', 4b--So•h; Tozer 4t Brown Store closes at 6 o'clock every' night 0 Saturday nights at 0 10 o'clock. . ,r y ,tom .� i r�► �vrA 11r 'r►' �1► " r'�R�'� 1r . ` 3r1►1.�. Vii• y► � 414.-416-010-1 411.46,1'x! • t'L PI t...! . p- , iu Wishin del... , r J,i.. ..: - ,. 12 •e'. -' a'-' , :' Our Patrons and Friends a • =. 7 Nappy. and Prosperous New. Tear and thanking therm for their generous support for the past year 'ours very'trtxly TOZER & 0 & BROWN a I 1 I •.l. . u I,I. J . W. •.••_ yre, ,- - Successors to P..Loats s9`s,.Sur'. . .-.i+� �: waw: � � r x• r zM 0.O.0•0000000 'opc�(i •p!o• •Od'„• • a "•Qil • i .T?e: rl,t<_. •wingham, 1c ii ,.., .r...ah:;1. • The News of.: GodericIi. .• • Miss. Eloise.A. gleno ngs, '• Corespondent Cet � :•� • • t • •.•�d(e` • •-•i''l • • o:v�=:�vY '�: • • •:'.0 ���%r<1.. kfe t, O o • • I y. Mr. aiid Mr's, elctlry Oke of Boise - vain are the'gueats of Mr, •Oke's parciiits, ' 1VIr; and Mrs. Oke Cambria Road.' .Mr. Oke coiitelnplatcs spend- ing' em three months here, and May; re - 'main for a year at last. • .., Captain and Mrs:; Alex Craigie .. of Cleveland are. visiting the Ceptan`s mother, Mrs, A, Craiibie. V'aptain f, Crai �'ie is • coiuznander of the steaaner John Crerar. Mr., Kenneth Cantpi:•ell of Boston is spending'tlie• .'balance of the winter; with his mother, Mrs: 'Jolie Lint. Miss Elwood :of Toronto is the guest of her mother, Mrs. John. El- wood for the holt lays. The News -Record Wishes all its friends . and patrons a Happy New 'Year. " - Mrs. A. A. Macdonald, (nee Lottie Kirkler'id•ge) has been very: ill of, rhe- umatism .,01 the•heart, at her home in Vancouver.,. ` ' ' Mr, . and Mrs, Bisset' . Them and family returned ,from. a' very pleasart.t visit ,at Gait and other• places. Master Reginald Harrison, passed 0.0 Mrs. `Grumniett is recovering+ slow= ly' from. her late . serious attack of 'appendicitis. . Master :.George Vivian after • sere frig his: apprenticeship :with C" •13. Humber has= gene to •Stratford and is now in the establishment' of- John Welsh & Son of, that .city, . A ' lively time, rs_expecteil at' : the. • 'election.. of, Mayor and. .douncillors for the' rvew Year, 1905; .There , were never so Many candidates 'eager,, for ."election: before. - i ('aptain 'Shephard.' was- expected ' .home for Christmas 'Day but he cow - Id. not get his shin laid up in tinier'• 'Mr. John Lethbridge .arrivedtfrom Glencoe to spend Christmas. 'Day wi- - th his .brother, Mr. George and' go, at the St. Lawrence. and both re-- • turned to, Glencoe 'on Monday. ' Several locust trees have been felled at different angles of -the square. •The perfumer. of their blos- soms • In the spring' was so b.eantifr:I that , we. felt.sorry''Ito see• them etc dowf►,: They were very hard to saw up into ..lengths. . . Captam Viltbu i q and Engineer Baxter have both, ret',rned `to their ,respeetive homes her... . Mrs.. baiter 'returned with •her husband. The Alb- ercorn .will likely be rebuiltthis winter. - - .Mr. Alex, lelegaw must feel happy that . the Rosemount and :other ex- pected grain , boats reached the har- 1 .l vr as carry as 'they did for he said he would not .put onhis winter hit hail they arrived. • , Mrs. L,opciancl lett en Friday after- noon to spend . the whiter in Chica- go witlr, first honors,: his 'December ex- unination,. -at • the Collcge',of firer-. nacy, 'Toronto, and Harvey. 9. Diet- rich with second honors. • Mr., Seeded, Hart also passed in every •sub ect,btit tiffany.. • The mother's •meeting was held 'on Friday at the, residence of Mrs. John Tett. -Mrs. Davidson • selected 1st:' inks :rel (battler for the Bible le s - •on. There was ti'.11te• a ilisctission, or.; ett)jeets connected with their• wprir, •queetioii Drawer • has, been introd ccel, at these. meetings.. Miss C.hes- liey •rife Bayfield, •a•'whrte-.iibboner,was ' guest at the: meeting, • A Lendin'., Iary s about to be Instituted at lie 'Temperance Hall by the W. C. U. They now , have :a number of Isaoiss froth the • pen of Dr. Mary 'lt'ood Alletk; In Writing to his mother, Mrs.. I 'tooth, Mr, W. Caltlo says that 'ontl;omcry is being irri •ated. Ile the happy owner of 'a ranch now ,on which he is now, at work. Ire 'le 'summer he is withthe start of openers. Mr. Bissett Thom kindly 'presented the Galt r Library ith a copy of "Golden Leaves." Ire will, we hope •tecept our thanks for his courtesy.' Dir. Geoffrey Holt. of Trinity Col - !les As .or1a,nist of i i- ,John's could :of; arrive at his home for Christitnlas Day (Sunday), bat returned on Mon- day. Alms. • J. 13ar,iell'and little son of Kincardine were the. poets (Iris ('irrisinlas holiday week of (toderi h "rinds. The first nate of t••he Turret Mei is ('aptain Jn'tbter. So now we have two captains of the same naltie in town. Miss Eliza, 1''ritser has returned. from a, visit since 'Thanks giving to her brother, t)r. SIntdtl Prager, T)e- troit, Mr. Hugh Bain returned from "the University at . Toronto on Thursday Miss' Maude Tilt returned from the, Conservatory .of Music at Toron- to • on Thursday. We are sorry to learn that Mr, at el Mrs,• W. Hackett contemplate leaving to spend the winter at Wiarton, no work being done on the Ilarlier• Is- land this season. Mr., Hackett :came down to spend Christmas Day with Mrs, 'Baokett before their leaving town.. Mr, Malcolm Macdonald, hate of the 13. Lyman Smith, arrived at his home from Buffalo on the 21st Inst. The 13. Lyman .Smith with officers and crew had' to remain seven • days surrounded by ice in.Lake Erie. Mrs. Neil Campbell left for Chica- go on Friday to nurser the wife of C. C. Crabb of ethat city who is fed n„ from 'nervous , Oros tration. Airs: Alex. 1s irklat•ide the other day visited her niece and grandtiece,Mrs. Goodwill and Mrs, W. Glenn Camp- bell, Aspectivciy, of Clinton. Your correspondent wishes The News-ilecord aprosl erous 9011. In this the rlodc•r'elt veletas of The People's Paler heartily join. . ii • The Canada : Fuiniture: Manufac- turers. have consofidatrti- tb.'ir two factories eine -Wiarton. 1'he huilelin!;• will be`enlerg,ellpand Lht' $trill'`ntlnrh,r of hands employed. Consolidation is also going on' in?other placee..Redi,c- tion of expenses is 'said to tee the oh- ' jest fa. eiew. . • • ' ololiee•following iter'. fIutnja Mooscw •Assa,; will hp of intcrest to 13(1.:•rave paaple :-"A new Ort.:11; e 'Lodge, has been formed; in the .eloosejaw. d strict. ;.• under the tisane of "Be1.'rave Star' iv o, 181tii' .The Dani c +. is: taken cn ft•urrr Belgrave;0ift., on 'aciroitit''of must tf its "members being f1'i);it t&tat le at. 1. t- tle viIIsgt south • of Wingham, 'I'Ihe officers' elect are :�1V, Vi.- I;obt.. dal - •laugher ; D. M. -A. Fr•airks : >'Iltpl fine ; -R..Scc:-Lcirne Knot: I rn'MSc Sec, -•-J. D. Gallagher ; !'ra.is.'�-• W. McKCai;ue ; '1) of ('':-C', -Knox ; Leet, -H.• ,Doddsworth ; ,ComTnittee• - J. 'Bruce, J. G. Knox; W. 1e. Wright.. Old Belgrave lr'd'c . No.. 402• will wish "Bclgrave ,Star";lodge Nro'.`1815 grtrat success;"„ • Mr.'•*Ja;mcs Boevnian.; Conservative. • car•ditlate 'u •,I,a� 1 itu;i • i .tIi•WcS ('41111 1 ' On a • a number c t tht people in 'etc..- • KFilo li • last .week. Ile „is a l;rrtiai: stir ti Highly. intellectual ge•u.tleinatr au:i makes friends wit reve:r he go.s: . ;trn Dundas' iS ,•su.iferirig Cerci. t a• i%1i fracturJoed bone . received titan 'a fall . - but We ` hsiiC. r.tc heat. pf ills S} t' t,l) . ' • . ' . recovery... - - • •AIr. It. -.t tr ' it of St.' Catharines dais • • het:n.. visit:lir i'rlatives .in l4lcKillo a• ' .1 tannic, . • t' s held in Bethel clutr= • 'kit .....Mona.ay. c -;-ening last: A tutrelie o . eexeol , '.�,:.. i1, 1. e c 1, rt.l...,ualt..ts. cor)irr.)utetJ t'i'�• the pl'o't;rain and a pleasant. tinicj-W. s spent. ir: rt. 1`i: n ry of Grey spc nt a iia - 3 oI". tive i i I fir; in leteKilletp in i'. the early part of last' week. Mr. • fithn 1'I tiiir • of the sawmill 1 , ,suffering troth a Wound reet'rvetl neat. tete tri firs :itn :e .Caps whilechop}ttter in the woods a • w'rek or two . ago. , 'Mr...F. •Iluchannan of town h s • re- • turned •• from, 'I'oreitto, where he at- tended a -.meeting of the I' xec+ :'•Lc of the Ontario Alliance. It 'was one:of • • The , .veiit;e 1 wishes all 'thee` friends 'affil patroirs' a happy' Ni'w. : 'fear '.• • HD. AI I W(YelleN i'I{1 "'1 News • • the .most &n.th i.iast'c and lar;;c•1y'. attended' tneetines of the Executive ever held. The meeting .was markt d by great unanimity, and ,r•any' life:-. long and stAti ch Liberals. expressed, themselves F s. reeoivcd to oppose Government eanlidates at, he appro.., aching election. The gen,ral • concert_. sus of opinion evas that the Iters re- gime of deceit, , trickery ,and corrupt- ic> n was nearing rin g ancnd.• • ,• . • circulation • 1 rrozone quickly tohrin•,',s • . the glow of healthto faded chi+i'i;:. , •the News;Record wishes all .;ts Its neo - trolxblr tit All .tri beetle tif.r ''friends, and patrons a: Ilappy ` New' your ,loofas -simply use Ferrozotii'. fear. •. . q r•q it. Prices 5-tic..at druggists, •' Quite an. unnecessary qurt t•ion, ly •cause• so •many woinen,have such p complesiiarls. We want • to tela• won: - en 'with pale sallow cheeks about I"t'r rozorie,' which ciuiekly imparts hoe ceiter and glues the 'skin acloar,ritlr appearance. It's pure, blood th:^tt urn-, bete fine cora)lritxiofs,, 80 by producin lots.•of vidalieingehlood, building ti,p' The dtlilitatt'd system firer asin 11'; 0 A Do not consider it a hardship to do as ranch for THE as3rou do for a city eek- iy or daily pay for it in: advance. Consult Your Address d igu e4. 1