HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-15, Page 1a
25th Year
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 00 0
Ten Good. Ideas
What to give a man
for Xmas . . . .
1--A Fur Cap, Beaver, Astrachan or Per-
sian Lamb $3.50 to. $12.00
2-A Fur Coat, Dog, Racoon, Calf or Fur
Lined, prices $16.50 to $75.00
3-A Fine Cloth Overcoat in black or dark
grey, a fine choice at $6.50 to $12.00
4-A Fine All-woolSweater either plain col-
or or fancy stripe. The,best there is
at $1..25 to $3.00
5-A pair of Gloves for driving or street,
wear, a big assortment from 50C to $2.00
6-A Fine Silk or Wool Muffler, all kinds
here 25c to $1.25
7-A "Tooke" Shirt, the newest patterns
are now on sale, price 75c to $1.50
8-A good Umbrella, all the newest shapes
in handles $1.00 to $3.75
9-1-landkerchiefs, - Our stock is extra
large this year, especially in linen and
silks. Prices start as low ae5c and end
at . $1.00
10 -NECKWEAR -Who ever saw a man with too
many ties. The range of patterns we are showing
for Xmas is the best we ever had. Just two pri-
ces. 25c for nice ones, •80c for nicer ones.
Ve J. W. Newcombe Co.;
Tailoring- -Men's and Boys' Ready
Furnishings- • -to-Wear Clothing, Hats
CLINTON---,- •
000• 0000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 000 00000
0 0 0
0 0 OGOO 0 000 0 00
. The Sovereign Bank . .
- Dominion Parliament•
Chartered by -
4)*po 4,0131(
0 000 000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0
Interest on Deposits paid
4 Times a Year
000000 0 0 0 00
H. T. RANCE, Manager. - - W. BRYDONE, 'Solicitor.
0 000 0 000 0 000 0 0000 00
3 i 3 1 11 1 0
4+++++.1+144 7.44-14
- Clothing':::$01(
The Sale of Clothing which .
began on Saturday last still
continues. Having bought
the goods at a. low price, .ive
are enabled to give our pat-
rons the advantage of same,
JACKSON The Clothier.
d m*
74++.1.4 1 1 8 I I 1 8 3 I i +4.4+14.144•1.•K II!!! 14•14.14+441+14•1:
'......44•••••4••••4•••4 4•••••••••••••••••••••
- This is the weather for
Wa havthe d that are
satisfatteary to kinthe buyer for
price and wearing qualities.
Jr CLUPP, Clinton.
Whole Number, 1349
Court Clinton, I. 0. F. will hold an The Salvation Army will hold their The bundles of News-Recordsfor
At Home in their court room this annual Christmas entertainment on Bayfield left for their destination by
evening, There will be a program, Ithe eveningi Of the 26th inst. when the , 4,15 train last Thursday after -
refreshments, ete.'in short, a vood they will . gwe a musical program, noon, but failed to reach there on
time just 1.44 such as the 1. 0. F's Officers will be present from stir- time, we are informed. We hope the
always have on such occasions.' rounding corps and a' regielar rousing gross carelessness of some months
DEAD SEVEN YEARS., hallelujah time is expected, ago is not again to be repeated. If
so, we will know the reason why.
me to Clinton on Friday; last tO visit ,ANOTHER SUPPLEMENT.
Mr. John tiartin of Shelburne ca.;
his brother Thomas whom he had A. four-page supplement a.ccempanr- i
A meeting will be held in Clinton
not met for abOut twenty years. He . es h' t TheN R d,
heard he was living east of 'Andes- it a twelve -page paper of Paxt Monday evening for the purpose
of re-orga,nizingthe local Orange
maiong •
eighty-four 1 columns, the largest pa -
bore, but to his !sorrow found that Lodge. Among those who will be
per in the county. Ota readers are
Thomas passed out of this world present aro County Master Nevins
seven years ago and that bis wife is asked to make comparisons and after
Of Centralia 'and District 'Waster Wal -
also dead, doing so we feel sure they will say
sh of Seaforth, It is expected that
that no local paper gives a bigger
there will be a full attendance of the
A FAREWELL. and better dollar's worth than The
News -Record. local members of the order.
The Gospel Temperance meeting
held in Wesley church last Sunday
evening was vfell attended. Rev. Mr.
Greene presided and with him on the
platform , were Revs', Dr. Stewart,
Manning and Magee, The latter de-
livered a logital address, strong yet
moderate. He is an accession to the
Temperance plialaux'in Clinton.
County Councillor - Connolly gave a. FOR THE COUNTY COUNCIL, .
supper te a, few of his friends,atthe
close of the late session ef the coun- In No. 2 Division the retirement of
ty 'council. The guests were kindred Mr. .. Connelly leaves the field hare,
spirits so that a very pleasant time Mr. Thos. Churchill, it was suppos-
is reported. It was in a sense a ed, would be a candidate, but he de -
farewell to his colleaguer as the clines •absolutely, and when he thus
"genial Jim" is retiring from the says no he almest always, means' it.
council where he has beena very Had •he taken the field there , would
prominent figure for the several yea- have been a lively contest. Mr: Jas.
is past. . Snell, we are indirectly informed, is
not seeking the !suffrages of the dear
LOC.A.L MARKET REPORT.. electors: He has net , yet forgotten,
Wheat $1,00,
or forgiven, the ingratitude of his
. ' •
Oats 30c to 31e. who turned him down, Mr,
Barley 400 to 41c. D: Cantelon will be a oandidate and
Peas 63c to 64c, So will Mr,' Robert Perris of Hullett.
Butter 15c to 16c. ' Just now it looks as if, they will
. • Eggs 18c to 19e, have a waikoyer.
LiVe•Hogs $4.60.
Turkeys 3ipz.): 90 . . • THE MUNICIPAL'ELECTION.
Though several names have been
Ducks. 90. 90.80. : mentioned • in connection with the
Chickens •
mayoralty of Clinton it is quite nos,
Hey $7,00.
Wood, short, $2.50. eible that the contest will narrow
down to Mayor Heovet and Mt -Mayor
Jackson; last year's cotimetitors. It'
THE SCARCITY OF WATER. • has been tustomery to give theonley-
The scarcity of water still continu„ or a second term, if he so desires it
es and much inconvenience is the re- and has been doing good work; It
suit thereof. This not only applies to will not be disputed that Mr. HooV-•
the country where 'Many farmers ha- ar has served the municipality well.
ve to draw water for their stock, 'He has made tactical errors Kebab -
but to town where the manuft.cturers ly, few ' publie men but do occasion -
ate put to considerable expense for: 'ally, . but on the Whole his tenure of.
the sante thaSen. Fair's pond is dry office has been Satisfactory.. •Mr.
and a-suPply, is . obtained • from : J. Jackson also made an efficient and
dignified mayor and devoted. much of
Miller's artesian well, while the
Jackson Mfg. .'Co. are drawing water his time to the affairs of, the cor-
for their. Oiler 'frorri the organ fie- poration in which he is so much
interested. He has- now been fifty
tory.. '• • •.
years , in the clothing business ir.
A LETTER ON LOCAL OPTION. Clinton and' re) citizen is•riMie cen-
• versant . th
To the Editor Of' The NeWS-Record : present with e past history andneeds of the town. • "
Sir, -It is well to•hear both sides.
PLEWES.. JOHN Those in favor of Local Option have nt;t:rif OF JOt4
held Meeting upon meeting, not only • • .
in the town hall, but have used the Mr. John Plewes passed away yes -
very powerful lever of admonitions terday morning at his home 'mkt .mile
from the pulpits on Sunday eVenings. south of Clinton. He has been ' in
We are all award of .thet great weight poor health: for several months and
'that accompanies the utterances of: a not feelieg. strong enough to con -
minister, .very much more especially thew the management of his farm, he
in some religious communities than disposed of it a couple of weeks ago
Carets. Those opposed 'to Local Op- andhought:a• property in town of
tion have practieilly done nothing which .he ciepeeted to take posseasior.
and have allowed their. opponents full' shortly. . The. Plewes family :.came
and. complete sway. This has not originally from Yorkshire, Eaglet&
been done because there is nothing but the subject of this obituary noti-
to be Said 'against :Local Option, for ce was born in Toronto township,
theie is a very ',great deal to be said- county' of 'York and forty-eight years
against 'it.. It has: been ..thought; ago' came :to Stanley with his Pat-
hewever, that. controversy in many...exits. They took up the lot on :the
'Cases only creates bad feeling -Watt 3rd concession which is now owned
is not .advisablepto do • by Mr, Edward- Glenn. Fier the past
thirty years Mr, Piewes lived upon
, •
To any in- favor of Local •Option,
' . .
hoWevet, who are open to conviction, the farm where hediedHe was a
man of sterling ietegrity. ad broad.1 Would. ask them to • quietly 'con-
symPathies. The : simple word of
sider. the • : , A prozninent
prohibitionist, in this town, was la-
tely Called upon by a traveller who
is also "a -prohibitionist, and upon
being asked what his experience is
as regards Local :Option, he replied
without any hesitency that wherever
he travelled it was beyond dispute
that Local ;Option injured the trade
of :the town, The .traveller *ea ask-
ed Wile knew' Blenheim. He replied
that he did and that the traide of
Blenheim was undoubtedly injured.
Ile was asked if he knew Mr. .Shil-
Wigton said that his business was not
injured since Meal Option but. rather.
increased. His answer was that Mr.
Snillington was a perfectly truthful
min and that he knew for a fact
that his business had increased and
the explanation was that it was ow-
ing entirely to personal reasons. He
instances a village named Merlin Whe-
re a man had spent $12,0001 for an
hotel, which since the .passing of
Local Option he had retired from,
and it cost the village council $200
a year to keep that hotelopen, or in
other words, they had to pay $200
a year in order that the village might
not . be entirely without hotel ac-
This Sort of evidence may be in-
creased to any extent but coming
from a prohibitionist, I thought it
worth while publishing. If there is
anybody in favor, at ' present; of Lo-
cal Option, who is open to reason,
and calm consideration, he canna
. Inspector Robb, who is town this
week presiding at the Model school ex-
amination, is pretty much :on the
move throughout the year and has in
consequence to considerably patron-
ize rural hotels. °In most places he
is comfortably lodged, but at others
he has to act as his own hostler,
etc. The number of hotels has de-
creased considerably .during his in-
spectorate. Five of them have gone
up in smoke and have not been re-
The • annual meeting of the Domin-
ion Draft Horse Breeders' ' Assopia-
tion was held in the council chaMber
yesterday with a large attendance.
The reports show that' the Associa-
tion is in a prosperous state, •The
receipts amounted to $149 and the
expenditure did notdiaturb the baI7
ance in the: bank ef ;$681, The elee7
tion of officers resulted, as follows':
president, D. McIntosh, Bruceffeid
Vice, IS. Smellie, Itensall
. Secretary, Jas. Mitchell, •Goderich •
Treasurer P. McGregor Brucefield
Directors', T. McMillan, 'Constance;
J. Henderson, Belton A. innes,john
Avery, George Stanbitry, George
Dale, Clinton ; Thos. '.Green, Mit-
chell William Sinclair; Hens'all:: D.
M. Cole, Lakeside J. McDiarniid,
Lecknow.; J. Matti Hatlock ;: J.
.Bush, Stratford ; MeDonell Exeter.
Ale*. 'Inties and DM.' Cole were
appeinted delegates, to the 'Western
Fair and T. McMillan to the Cana -
Mon Horse Breeders'. Association.
. . • .
Loyalty. Council R.' T. of :T„s
growing apace, 'In the Past..week a-
lone there have been five additions
to the membership and there are
bright prospects ahead. A piano has
been placed in, the council room whi-
ch will add still further to the pleas-.
itre of their meetings.' The °Tiers
for the ensuing tetra were: elected
last week and Are as ;follows
Select Councillor, S. Andrews..
'Vice, J. Ceoper • •
, Chaplain, E. East
John Plewes had all the weight of a Pm. -Secretary, F Wilson
bond. He was a merrr of the Ree. -Secretary,. Mrs. F. W. Watts
tario . street Methodist church and Assistant, Miss A. Plintoff
when able to attend was always on Treasurer, Mrs. W. Townsend
Sunday to be found in his accustoni- Herald, Walter Townsend
ed place in the church. His wife sur- Deputy, Miss V. Burnett • .'
vives:,him and to her the sympathy Guard, Miss D. Walker
of .the community is extended. The . Sentinel, W. 'Nichol , ' •
funeral takes place this afternoon. Pianists, Misses M: Twitchell and
Among the relatives who have . ar- Belva Olson. •
rived for it are Mr. and Mrs. Robt. The council has, for: the winter
• Sharp 'and his sons Joseph and Jas. months, established a side contest
of 'Watford. . : whereby an excellent program is ren -
ONTARIO STREET LEAGUEdered each meeting at the close -of the
. liesiness. '
the Literary evening last 1VIonday MISS LOUGH FAREWELLS,
wes one of the most enjOyable that • •
the League has ever had and a very The •Peterbero Review ,of Monday
fair audience was present. All , the had ;the following ;
speakerthat hid been previously "The retiring General ‘Secreitary of
announced were present and although the Peterborough Y. W. 0. A„ Miss
not strangers were none the less Lough, conducted her last service
Warmly received. The addresses were yesterday afternoon at 4.15, when one
praetical, witty and instructive. The of the .largest meetings of the series
first speaker, Rev. Mr. dune, dealt was held, and that the • members
with the subject "Amusementsfor of the Association are very re-
mora' improvement," showing how luctant to part with Miss hough was
even innocent .amitsementssometimes amply evidenced yesterday when she
could beceming e degradinstead of gave her farewell message to them..
elevating. In conclusion, he said The attendance yesterday afternoon
toyer engage in any amusement whe- was Oho of the 'attest and was led
re you cannot take Christ. The next by Miss•Lough for the last; time be -
speaker, Rev, Dr. Stewart, spoke on fore her departure for her home in
"Reading, (fiction) its effect on man- Clinton, where she will go to attend
ners." He showed how the authors her niether, who is ill.
we read will mould out chaeacters, In her address yesterday Miss Lou -
illustrating by the effect of I3urns
on the Scottish people and em-
gh emphasized the necessity, 1st, of
decision on the part 63 those who
but be affeeted bY such evidence, es- phasized the Bible as Ithe one book have not yet accepted Christ, 2nd,
pecially if he is in business will it to be studied for the Moulding of our of examination of our hearth as to
tell, People who are independent, Or liveN, Tho lad speaker, Mr, R. whether we are merely nomiefflly
have a fixed income sea as salaried Holmes, discussed the question Christians, or in the true sense of
sereants, Will hot feel the pinch the "Can a successful blisineSs mall he the word ; 3rd, of discoveting the true
same as those who have their spiritually miaded 1" He said he be- plan Of God for our individual lives,
capital invested In different lines of lioved there never was so much the. Miss Lough spoke of the great op-
leusiness in the town. I hope that spirit of Christ abroad in the bust., portunities in Association work,
, common sense may yet prevail and ness world as there is today and emphasizing the thought that it is
I hope to live to yet see the day gave an extellent illustration. He not a work for young women by one
when the majority of the ratepayers based most of his remarks on the your woman b'ut a work in which
of this town will indieate in a quiet passage "I 'pray not that thou shell- all young women may ii‘e helpful, one
but no uncertain manner that fan- ld'st take theta Out Of the world but to another, thus fulfilling the Spirit
atielsm is not to dictate to comMeen that thou should'st keep them from of the Association motto "fly love
" sense. the evil" and Made it clear that any serve one another,"
case there should be artylkdi man engaged 4n a legitilnateblisirtoss The responsibility of this nerticu-
doubting the Information I have May be aS tur any Other. tie far aseociatlion was spoken et and
given, if they will ask me, I will not sides the foregoing there were IWC tho neeossity for the 00 operation of
have the Slightest hesitation in giv- musical numbers which were MO each met:abet was dwelt upon, it the
Ing theft. privately the time of the appreciated, a solo by Mrs. B. .1. work is to be slueceesrult the means
informant, the name of the traveller Gib:Wigs and a &tete by Miss Elva of successful work being pethedied in
and the wholesale house for Which Wilts e and Master Wilbur Ford, the words,
"Not by might nee by
he travels, yours, etc, ,10hri nom -This last. number brought a Very power, butby My Spirit ealth the
ford, pleasant evening to a Cies°, Lord of HOete,”
It will be seen by the report of the
county council proceedings which ap-
pear on page three of The News -
Record, Mr. D. French tap been re-
appointed manager of the House of
Refuge with Mrs. W. Simpson of
of Clinton as matron, Mr, . French
fills the not very enviable position
well and it is expected that Mrs.
Simpson will fulfil the expectations
of those who supported her appoint-
ment. '
Mrs. It G. Hutchings spent last
week under the parental 'roof.
Mr. Wilson Cook is laid up with la
'grippe. We hope to hear of his re-
covery soon. •
A. Higgins was in Goderich
Tho English church Sunday svkool
has started to practise for their an-
nual Christmas Tree which will be
held in the week between Christmas
and New Years.
Master Frank Higgins was in Hen.:
salt last week. •
Mr. • Percy Wanless of Hensel' spent
Sunday under the parental roof.
The 'annual meeting. of the Women's
Auxiliary was held in St. John's
churoh last Week and the, past year's
business was gone over. In the re-
port a healthy condition of affairs
and a bright outlook was quite evi-
dent. 1Viiss R, Beatty read a report
that revealed that the interest of all
is still maintained and zeal unabat-
ed. Miss A. Faster 'gave a, report of
the fina,ncialstanding which was a
credit to the members of .St, John's.
The 'monies collected :amounted to
$8.40 with expenses of $8.55. Above
this a bale valued at $26.43 was sent
to Rey. D. Lawlor of Spanish River.
Froin all •sources the sum of $35.00
was raised for missions with • $6.75
in the treasury to begin the corning
year upon. It is evident the meinAets'
'are not sleeping. The following were
elected as officers for the coming
• • •• •••• s .s••
President; Mrs.' John .MeNaugitton
"'Vice, Mrs; Henry Diehl •
Tthasnree, Miss Allele Foster : •
Secretary, 1V1i8s R. Beatty •
McNaughton was electedto
represent the W. A. in London in
March with Miss Foster as substi-
. • • •
Township •
• • • • •
Mr. R. R.' Peck has :returned hoine af-
ter . spending. a few days around
Parkhill:" • •
The Misses. Susie and Mary Rich-
ardson of West Branch,Mich., are vis-
iting at the home of their uncle, Mr.
Joseph Richardson. •
Mr. ' and MIS Andy Duncan are vis-:
Ring' friends in 1VIcGillivray township
this; week.
Mr. R. Penhale has rented the
farm belonging to Mr. .Wm. Johnson.
Mrs. A.r.drew Stinson of Ripley is
spending a few days with friends in
this vieinity. • • •
Mrs. James Walker has returned ti
her home in Exeter after spending a
few weeks with het) mother who is
Miss Minnie Webster,spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. James Reid.;
Miss Maggie, Penhale and Miss R.
Westlake have gone it, St. Thomas
to visit friends there.
Sorry to hear that Mr.: James
Reid: Sr. is laid up With •a • sore
back and a cold. . '
On Thursday morning Mrs, Andrew
Keys of the Babylon Line left for
Chicago . where she intends spending
the winter with her sister, Mrs.
Messrs.. Thos. Robinson of Goshen
Line and Artie Keys . of Babylon
Line went to Goderich on. Tuesda,y
as witness on the Coleman . vs.
Cochrane case, '
Mr. Wm. Rabhwell of Ethel was a
guest of his biother-in-law, Mr. Ben.
Keys of the Babylon Line one day
recently.mrand Mrs, Matt. Bates of the
Bayfield Road called' lin BaliWrIon
Line friends one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys of the
Babylon Line spent Wednesday and
Thursday of last Week with relatives
in Goderich, • ".
Misses Mary McGa.vin and Ida
RathWell were guests of their cous-
in, Miss Gertrude Graham of the Ba-
bylon Line, on Thursday last, Miss
McGavin, who has been visiting fri-
ends and relatives in this vicinity for
the past three weeks, returned to
her home near Seaforth ontSaturdiay.
Mrs. Weeks of the Parr Line and
her grandson, Master Russel Wilson,
were guests of Mr. and 'Miss Elliott
of the Babylon Lite one day recent -
Mrs. Chas. Logan of the Parr Line
spent Saturday as a guest of Mrs.
W. L. Keys of the Babylon. Line.
Mr. Will. Beatty and sister, Miss
Rachel, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. Jos. Richardson.
Miss Emma Peck entertained a
number of her young friends on Mon-
day evening. All present had a very
pleasant time.
Miss Minnie Webster of the Parr
Line visited at the home of her sis-
ter, MrS, James Reid, on Sunday
latrnon Armstrong of Gerrie is
spending the winter with his uncle,
Mr. Arch, Armstrong.
There is yet no talk about lettnici-
pal matters so that theft is a pro-
bability of an election by acclama-
tion. For the county council division
little interest is beteg shown and it
is possible that the present members
may go back unopposed.
Bayfield. .
Mr. T. II. Brownlee, for several
years principal of S. S. No. 1.4., Hay,
has beerengaged as principal of our
school. In addition to being a suc-
cessful teacher, Mr. Brownlee na
young man of sterling integrity.
At the WWI supper in St. Andrew's
church a short whild.tege the resident
ministers were each lamenting in
their addresses the few marriages
they were having during the year,
but hoped that things would soon.
change. From rumors now afloat we
think that their hopes will soon be
Mr, R. Wilson of Seaforth was in
the village last week;
•Messrs. William. and George Stun -
gem'. returned home on Tuesday af-
ter spending the past few months at
Port Dever.
Rev. J. Snell and son, Master Gere
ald, spent a few days visiting frien-
ds inExeter this week,
'Mr. D. MeMurtrie of the Knox
Morgan & Co,, Hamilton, spent
Sunday in the village. .
Mr. J. Spotton of Listowel was in
the village ono day last- week on
buSiness. •
Mr. Colwell returned home on Mon-
day to Exeter after spending the last
two weeks assisting Rev. Snell . in
evangelistic work.
Mr. F. A. Edwards is having a hot
water furnace put in his store and
house this week.
Mr. John H. Elliott and Wile have
returned from Seattle, Washington,
and with his brother Arthur has
taken over the old homestead adjoin-
ing this village' where they intend li-
ving for the present. •
Mr. Thomas Elliott intends moving
to Bayfield in the near futute.
Last Sunday's storm . affected • the
church attendance. . •
A little daughter has arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.. D, Gal-
braith. Cerigratulatiens.-
Mrs.• J. Tippet has been ill for a
few days past.
"Mr. James Parke is still confined
to his bed.
.Mr. P. Geminhart captured two
rah/bits and a fox in short .order orx
day last • Week. ' • •
The Xmas. tree Wider the auspices:
of •the English &Minh is promisinei th
be the best yet, Date, Dee. 27th.
Mr. and IVIrs. Partridge 'of Goder-
ich visited Mr: and Mrs. C. Cook
last Sunday and Monday. ' ' '
•The Presbyterian Christmas enter-
tainment will be held in the tatVn
hill on the evening of Thursday, Dec.
On. Saturday evening last the lel-
loaring were elected officers .of the
Loyal Orange Lodge far the ensuing
term: • • •
Master, .A. E. Erwin
Deputy, Ben. Spencer
Rec.-Secretary„ Robert •
Treasurer,. John 'Tippet
Chaplain, Rev E. 0: Jennings
Committee, D.. C. Galbraith, Wm.
Higgina; Harvey: Sperling,' A. ,Par-
ker, Wm, Harrison. " • .
The lodge holds 'its, meetings on
'the 2nd. Saturday in each' month, . It
is in a; prosperous condition. •
Messrs. H. Datrah and A, E. Er-
win ' spent Sunday last in goderich,,
The fall of snow has .made business
moie brisk.; S. . •
Dr. Woods has been repeatedly re-
quested • •to.be a candidate. for the
reeveship, but hp. deelines He has
done the village good service in More
ways than one and wouldundot&ted-
ly be elected: Mr. A: E. Erwin has
also decided to retire troin inUnicipai
politics, that • is so far as member-
ship of •the . village council. is 0011 -
Sunitnerhill. •
Mrs. Waite has returned after a
pleasant sojourn with friends in
Tho 'ninny friends of Mrs, J. Hill
will be sorry to learn of her illness.
She is at time of writing 'under the
care of Dr. Shaw.
We are .sorry to hear',th-at, Mr. G.
Johnston is on the sick list at pre -
sen t. • .
Mrs. Camplipli had a very successful
wood bee in Mr. Lovett'o bush.
Mr. Garnet McBriett is visiting his
parents at present.
Mr. It. 0: Reid of Stanley paid a
fiyiiig vitit , to friends around here
'Mr: and Mrs. Ball were called away
to attend the funeral •of Mrs. Cowan
near Blyth.
Miss Ethel Lovett is at present on
the sick list,
District Master Walsh of Seaforth
attended the r?cent election and Iii
stallation of officers of the L. 0.
L. After the business of the meeting
had been transacted, the brethern re-
paired to Mr. D. Barr's house where.
an oyster supper was partaken of.
At a recent meeting of Loyal Or-
ange Lodge the following officers
were eleeted for the comitg year'.
W. M., Win. Brown
I), M., J. 5,
Chaplain, C. S. Lowery
Rec,Sceretary, R. J. Draper
Fin -Secretary, James Ramon
'Treasurer, R. Miller
cotfur(C117, DThoBarr
s Cousins
1st Coni., II. Watkins
I and Com., W. J. McDrien
3r4 Com., 0.0. Beaton's. •
.11h ' Corn., J, Thorn
5th Com„ J. Moffatt
Inside Tyler, II. Beacom
Outside Tyler, George Johnston
Auditor, It. J. Draper.
There was a riot in the
House of Parlittinent