HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-08, Page 8maw New For Christm Just two weeks, and the world's greatest holi- day will be here. From now, till then, things for Christmas will have first place in this store. There will be no neglecting rsgular stocks, but holiday goods, of all kinds, will be kept in the foreground. This week, the store is putting on its holiday dress. New goods and novelties, suitable for gifts, are ar- riving every clay. By thetime this paper reaches you we .will be ready with a. display of the useful and , enable goods for holiday giving that will be well worth seeing. 4 Ribbons for Fancy Work. The Clinton Ncws'.Record ► * „ Original Issues of * * Grand Christmas Double Numbers This is, unquestionably, the Ribbork'store of town. Every wanted pattern,.kind and width,.suitable for Fancy . Work,. in stock, and you will save time and bother :if you will come here first when looking for Riboons . Bebe Ribbons, Silk and Satins, alt .colors, 2c sift! 3c Pure Silk Ribons, all widths, all shades, 4c, 5e, 8e 1l0e Satin Ribbons, suitable for Cushion Frills and Fancy Work,. many qualities,. all widths, 5e, 7r, •1Oe, I5c Fanry.ltibbons, in widths suitable for Fancy Work;; 35c, 5Oc and 75c Sateei1S, Plain and: Fancy. Soine handsome patterns. in fancy. S.ateeris, suitable for Cushion, Comforters, etc., also a' complete • assortment of • all wanted shades, in plain and colors; Fancy Sateens, 20c, 25e and 30c Plain Sateen's, good quality, 15c and 2ue IN STOCK. PEAR'S ANNUAL 3 Colored Supplement Plates -25e BLACK AND WHITE Colored Cover Delicate Design 50c THE LONDON GRAPHIC All in Colors and Full of Fun...50e ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS Usual high standard of excel- lence 50c Handsome Cushion Tops You are not likely to find a , stock of Cushion:. Tops in to n to compare with the selection .we have gathered together • for this Holiday selling, The designs .are new, ,unique and up-to-date, and, although the variety is Iarge, there are very few of any single pattern. Come and look them over before the best are gone. . Heavy Lithograph Cushion Tops, .great combination 01.'new patterns 'at ;Me, 50e and 75c Damask and Silk Cushion :Tops, rich colorings and patterns,in crimsons, green and:. blues, each $1.00 and $L25 Heavy Velour Cushion Tops, in redand green, each $1.7.5 and $2.25 Japanese Silk Embroidered' Cushion Tops, each $1.00 and $L25 Tinted Cushion' Fops, inn a large varietyof designs, each. 25c to 60c • Cushion Forms, with Down and Combinalion' Filling 50c, 75e, $1,00 and '$L25 Orders Solicited for— The Christmas Globe— Canacka's National Holiday Number Eight Colored Pages. Four' Separate Plates. SUPPLY LIMITED -- PRICE 50c 'ORDER; EARLY. NQRDIIEI1IER PIANOS. ' Agents Parker's. Dye Works. W. Dr Fair Go• Often the Cheapest; Always the Best,. About People We KrtoW.. y . 011111 December bth Itt04 Deady ity, Christmas Trade, Mr. W. ' Jackson is in Montreal this week. Mr. Jacob Taylor was •in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday, Mr. D. Cantelon isattending county. council in'iGoderich this week. Mr. and Mrs. Case left on Tuesday for their home in New York state. Mr. • and Mrs. James. Workman c,f near l:lillsgreen were in 'town on Tuesday. ' • Roy Bali, John and Wilbert Mellveen visited . Blyth and Auburn friends. on Sunday, . Mr: R. V, Williams of the Sovereign. Bank visited the parental home. irk Zurich' on `Sunday. gr..Samuel Kerr of the Nile was 11.e guestof his. daughter; ;Ivtrs. D S. Cook, over Spitday. Mrs. R. 'Atkinson of; :Exeter is spend- ' ing a week or. two :with her (laugh- ' ter, 'MrsA. Hooper. IXrs. J. W Green of Wellesley was the .., guest of her mother, Mrs, John Croll, last week. Rev tlz... McDonagh:'of Stratford Was the guest of 1VIr, .John Cuniniughame . While in town', over Sunday;. , Mrs.. John Croll leaves this week for Galt where shewill spend• the win- ' , ter. Mr. Croll will join Ler•later. Miss Annie Wright of 'Goderich :spent from ,Saturday till' Tuesday with her friend; Miss Blanche Mcllveen. Dr: Chisholm, M. P., Major. ' Dudley !Holmes. and Mr. Thos, Bell; furr.i- ture manufacturer, Weis in Clinton on Tuesday, '. -Mr. John. Landers of the 'London Road, Stanley,' spent a few days of the past week as the guest of 'gr. George Shipley. Mrs. .W. Fletcher and Mrs. 'Themis Ketehie of Galt have Leen .pending the past week at the {,ttrcitval no- ine,. Mr;. John Crop's. • Mr. ' Will Miller, has returned •to Hen,sell to help Mr. Alniart McBricn ov.- er the busy season. Ail seasons are busy for Albert,„ but some Fartiqu- larly 'so . . . Mr. and Mrs: H. Derr of Wingham: drovedown't to :.Clinton on'Satur= day • and spent the two following days as guests of Mrs.. R. Glazier and' other friends. - • i ergs for Farley No I ; New drawing and: fancy Linens just to hand. We carry - several qualities and different widths, up to gii inches.' They ' are made by one of the best Irish Linen Manufacturers. They sell at per yard 40e, b0c, 60c, 75c and $L00 Christmas Gloves A lady never has too many Kid. Gloves and they are .al- ways acceptable gifts 'Kid Gloves bought' here can be given with confidence, and we guarantee every pair that leaves the store. We are making a special display of the standard lines and novelties, suitab.e for Christmas gifts.;. • At $i.ao Real French Kid Gloves, made from thin, soft skins, two large, dome fasteners,' self or white stitched, in blacks, greys, fawns arQ�� 0/1 browns, every pair guaranteed, very special value, per pair... tt�� i U 'At $1.2$r • • Fine quality French Kid Gloves, made from soft pliai r�ble shins, • • • .perfect fitting, all colors and 'black; per pair $ !. ` At $i.50 116 Extra fine quality real French KidGloves, made from choice selected Mins, pique sewn, one large pearl clasp, in greys, fawns. 01: r n and browns, per .:,»,...,.,.....•rr ,.. , Silk-linedll ocha. Gloves; in blacks and colors, per pair $1.50 Christmas Handkerchiefs The fines and largest stock of fancy Handkerchiefs that .has ever been in this store, will be ready Saturday or early next week, Never have we had such dainty and beat tiful de- signs nor the variety to select from that we show this season, We advise early buying, for best patterns go first, and of them a we only havelimited quantity ofany onedesign. A Millinery Bargain. We place on sale on Saturday about so Ladies' Felt shapestarid Children's Felt Hats that originally .sold from 50c to S'g,00, 'clearing for... ...... ...............15 `rents Each it ei Mayor 'Sharpe of Winnepeg was re. elected by acclamation. A flow of gas has been struck • ob • the property of the, Goold, Shapley +& Muir Co, at Brantford. Read The News -Record for the ne- Ws of lluroa, HE OPENING of the holiday season finds this sl,ore stccked from it one end to the other with the most desirable wad up -t o -date Staple and Holiday goods, gathered from far and near. For months we have been planning for the Holiday season. We have spared DO pains to get the most saleable merchandise, to get it below regular prices, when buying in. syndicate quantities would make this possible; and, because of our foresight, we are offering you NOW values in Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Ribbons, Gloves, Linens, etc,, which we say, without hesitation, are unequalled in any other store in town. A, BEAUTIFUL cALFNDARF1-EE0 Commencing SATURDAY. MORNING, we will give toevery lady customer visit- ing our store, one of our beautiful calandars, fl�IcsIoIerCoIs :At Here Any it On ..Sale Saturday. Morning- on Saturday;niorning, Dec. Leith, you can have y iur choice•of. any cat in the'store at xz►etly Ealf .i?fiCe The very backward season is thecause of ' this big reduction. We are'anxious to clear out every Coat in the store ' before Christmas, and in order to make the clearance sure we decided Jo cut our former very low prices exactly in two.: ' Every Coat in the store. is marked in plain figures, not a single price being changed since, they were first marked. • Brucefield. Rev. Ir. I3: Sawers attended the funeral of 'the late Principal cave!' of Toronto .this week • , Miss Aggie . Beattie is visiting! Sea- forth .,friends for, a •,few days, itfr•. Andrew Scott has returned from Michigan where he went : to attend, the funeral of his cousin,. Mr,.. Will. Scott. of Detroit.. Invitations are out for the wedding of one of our popular' young ladies, to take place on4hei 13thof this month, The •W. F. M. S. met at :the home of Mrs. Waldron •on Tuesday... Mr. John Murdock has returned from a pleasant visit to ,St; Louis, Chioago, Detroit andother. %places. it • Was a • surprise to Grits. and Tories alike around here when they heard that. Rev, Mr, McLennan of Kippen was . nominated . at the Liber- al .convention held in Kippen :Miss. •Aggie Savers has returned from a very pleasant visit to 'rill bury and London friends. Mr. John Reid's little :daughter is, we are pleased to say, recovering af- ter : a : very severe attack of intiam motion, . , .. • • Mr,. Wdbb, .former proprietor of:. t,he. Londeshoro mills, was in town yes- terday. He is now living in Sea- forth and taking the world easy this winter after many years close application to business. . Miss Ida Erb, who had been :.living With her aunt, Mrs. T. Jaekson Sr,, • for .several months, left Tuesday to join her:. sister at Cranford, New Jersey. Mrs. Jackson accompanied her as far as London. Mr. H. B. Hodgens was (burl town on Tuesday' for '..he ' first time In about a month. Tlut he is building up rapidly now and in a few weeks will again be actively engaged in business. Mr. Hodgens is a wedeln • man of affairs with whe.ii it is 'a pleasure to have business relations. Warden Bowman spent Monday in town' and is how in Goderich pre- siding over the deliberations of the - county council, He has accepted the Conservative nomination for the Legislature in East I•Iuron.'and. hasthrown himself into the con- test with an energy which is the forerunner of success. Mr. . and Mrs. Richard Davey of Spokane, State of Washinkcdonmere guests. of their niece, Mrs. f). S. Cook, on. Sunday and Monday, 'Mr, Davey formerly lived at the Nile, this county, but twenty-three years ago went West where he has done so well that he is r.ow an the retired list, that ishas made suffi- cient . of the, wherewithal to take things easy. Sir Percy Girouard hast been gazet- ted Lieutenant-Colonel. President Roosevelt made Many nomirra,tions, including four Cabinet, positions., The Japanese on 203 -metre hill. riddled the Russian warships . in Port Arthur harbor. DIY GOODS w MM INTON • Summe rhill. • •. 'Mr... R.. G. Reid, a' former. papular teacher, paid a welcome visit to the school here on Friday last Mr. 0, J. Nesbitt is recovering from his late indisposition. • The •40lowing. is • .thereport of the school here for Noveinher, based on \weekly written examinations. Some of the pupils Were ,very irregular in attendance which accounts' for their low standing : 4th Class—Annie. Challenger, Belle Draper, Grant Archer, Ernest Mal - tenger, Vella Bali, Eddie Farquhar, Gcrtie Oakes, John Hayes, Melvin Hill. Sr, 3rd- Minnie Easom, Howard Farquhar, Elsie. Lobb, 011ie Lobb, Asa Mair, Murray Draper, Stanley Challenger, Myrtle Beacom. Jr. art! --"red, Lobb, Nettie Sin- clair, Albert McLaughlin, Annie Rall, Maty Smith, 'Howard IIi1i,Fern Beacom, George Johnston. Sr. 2nd- I':isie Farquhar, . James Lovett, Annie Johnston. Jr. 2nd—Blared Metirien, . Lois Challenger, vera Lobb, Lynn Mair, Eddie Miller. Pt. 2nd- Iluelalt Nesbitt, ' Calvin Lovett, Maggie 1;aaom, Prank Lobb. Pt, 1st—May Sinclair, Jennie M11 - ler, Seeord Mcllrlen, Horde Beacom, Palmy Lovett,—J, 11. Lowery, Tea- Chet. enChet. Varna Mr. B. A. Higgins has• been busy the past -week ortwo buying 'turkeys u and' one day had about nine hundred dred delivered,;; to his place. Ben always pays "a. good. price ', and gets' •a share Of the fowl Both the Presbyterians and Metho� dists Sunday schools .arc mak+inh pre- parations for their annual Christmas Tree and entertainment, the former to bb held about the 23rd inst. and the latter on the 21st of this inorth." Mr. D. McNaughton is ripe . of the busiest men 'in the :village these days. His blacksmithing' business and his grain- ' grinder. keens himself employed late and early as well as several;. hands he has employed. ' Wedding bells are. ringing in. . ,our midst •.loi d and clear. Watch for the wedding notes.. . • ; Are you a News -Record st.hscriber? Stanley Township :Ofnumber of the young people of h'fs : vicinity spent a very' enjoyable vening at the •hone of •Mr. •:L. Clark hili; evening recently, 'Mr. autl Mrs.•. Wm. Rathwell spent ,Sunclitty at the home of Mr. S. Rath- well, Goderich. township. • The many friends iof IVI> s;, Wnl.Ciark I. Sr.' will be' sorry to :,hear that :she still continues very i11: Glad to hear that Mr. Charles Ra- . time'', who has been on the sick list lately, is able to be out again. The following is the November re-. port of- the. pupils of S. S. No. 14, Stanley: The best in each class is named in order of merit : 5th—Ida Dinsdale, A. W. Johnston, . Mary Johnston. Sr, dth—Eleanor Hood, Gemmell, Jean Grassick, • • Jr, 4t11. -Etta Jarrott, Jas. Jarr- ett, Aggie Gemmell. Sr. and—Ida Jones, Herbert Jones, Retia McBeath. ,Sr. "And—John Kehl,, Jas. Gemmell, I3annalt 1)insdalo, ' Jr. 2nd --Lola Itathwelt, A. II. Jon- es, Bruce Logan. Pt, 2nd -Prank Gemmell, Walter MeIleath. Pt, 1st—Allan .tidier, Herbert Kehl Anna May 'tided. The best spellers in the monthly spelling nut -Wiles were : f tit— Mary Johnston ; Sr, dth-•Jean Gra,ssiek ; Jr. 4th -Murray M. Fisher ; Sr. ;irti- Herbert Jones ; Sr. 2nd --John Kchl; Jr, 2nd—Arthur Jones . Pt. 2stcl-- Walter Mefeath GG GL is the :way we 'sail them. 5.00 Coat for 6.00 7.00 it 8.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 14:00: 5.00 • Your money back if soli want at. •ii. GC will 2.50 3.00 3.56'. 4.25. 4.50 5.00 5,50 6,00 7.00 7.50 CLINTON. Great Stock o en's ' We carry the biggest stock of Men's Fur, Coats in this section, One thing we ,are very particular about is to handle only lines that are throughiy.dependabie and can be relied upon to give :satisfactory wear: if you buy a Fur Coat here, you select it from the biggest stock hereabouts, and can depend upongetting one that will give you satisfaction.. Men's Purr -lined Overcoats, with Otter collar. Calf Coats, black brown. Canadian 'Coon Coats Flack Curd Coats. We have all sizes in stock—for little, mecliurn or big nmen.' IC you are going .to buy a Fur Coat this winter, come and talk the matter over with us. We can interest you and probably save you a little money as well. Iii envy Woollen Socks 25c per pair. Men's heavy knitted Woollen Socks, seam- .. less feet, spliced heel. These socks are made to retail at 35e per pair: fly special arrangement, we, buy them front the mill at the same price the wholesale house pays, and, taking theist in 25i, quantities, we can sell them at' per pair,,,,,,,. 'q1R y odgens... '' cc 44 clothing Md. gen ••