HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-08, Page 4The Clinton NewpReeord . December 6th itt04 "Simorrio"."" The News -Record CLINTON, ONT. Terme of subecription—$1 per year in ittivence $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No poor discontinued until all arrears aln paid, Unless at the opiniOn of the publisher. The date .to which every subscription ie Paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates •- Transient adve- tseznents7 10 eeuts per n�nparlel line for first insertion and 3 'cents per line for each subsequent insert- ion. Small Advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as • "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc, in- serted once for 35 cents and each subsequent insertion 10 cents. Comenunica Weis intented or p tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. ' W. J. MITCHELL, F.4 d 0 r aud Proprietor. South Huron Conservative Convention, A convention. of South Huron Con- servatives will be held in Miller's hall, Hensall, on Tuesday, December 20th, commencing at 1.30 p. m„ for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the Legislature, Zurich. Constance, West Tuckersmith Goderich Township. The annual meeting of the Bible Mr. John Pepper has bought lar. Society Was held on Wednesday in the Joseph MeCully's farm on the Ilud church when the officers for the en- concession of Stanley and will letee suing year were elected as follows : immediate possession. The pummel President, John Wilson price was $4,500 at which it IS eon- - Secretary, 1. Tatnlan On Tuesday week a terrible &CO. - dent happened at the farm of Mr. 'David Sclineli, Mr. Wm. Celeste with his gang of men .were cutting! stray, with the -engine and power cutter for Mr. Schnell, and the cutter was not working sattsfactorIly: It got chok- ed up stopped occasionally. At. one of these stops Mr. Calfae was M- deavoring to get it started again when in some wayhis right hand was drawn into the machine witbi the result that his hand was broken and his arm near the wrist was also lelro- ken. He was brought •to the villagi and his injuries Were dressed. Mr. Jas. Rannie had his tillable Severely fractured in the same way about ar hour before Me. Calfas met with hi accident. Mr. C. Either, our baker, naeroWly escaped a severe scalding the °the/ day. He was in the act of caeryine ,a boiler full of hot water from •Ite house to the hake shop and in de- scending the steps his foot slipped on the snow. With rare preseneesof mind he threw the boiler from ' him and thus saved himself from a ter- rible scalding. As it was he war slightly burned on the face and aim. Mr. Robt, Drysdale of Drysdale re- cently sold his general stoke, dwell- ing and farm to Mr. Joseph Gelin- eau. Mr. delincati gets possession about the first • Of • April next. We understand that Mr. Drysdale in- tends retiring from active business life and himself end family will likely settle down in one of the eieighniiring towns. . . The residents of the Sauble Line were deeply shocked last Saturday to hear of the death pi Miss Emme Jane Denomie, daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Ed. Denomie, at the age •of 19 years, 9 months and .9. days. The de- ceased had bee ill with that, • dread disease, pneumonia, for °illy about three weeks and on Friday seemed to be much better. On Saturday morning she seemed eo well that her father left for Zurich to attend to some business, .about twenty utes before he re ehed home dea,th claimed her, havi g taken a sudden turn for the wor e during his absen- ce. She was a po u ar young, -lady and was much bel' ed and respected by teeth old and young. • Blake. Winter has made its appearance again, seemingly to stay. • Quite a number of changes of pro- perty. have taken place of late. R. G. , Nichol, our; genial merchant, has disposed of his place of business to Mr. Robt. Douglas, who lias also sold his farm to a Mr. McKenzie from the north. We are sorry to sidered a bargain. Treasurer, Robt. Clark. The sound of the axe can be heard Directors—Richard Anderson, Wm. from all quarters these days. 'The Britton, William Wilson. Rev. Mr. Messrs. Cole have a large contract Birks of Soatorth Om a very line with Mr. Fred. Waldron. discourse on the origin of the Bible. Mr. Alex. Grey disposed of a wing On Tuesday atternoor,t last a bran- colt to Mr. W. W. Ferran at a teed eh of the Woman's Institute Was Or- figure. ganized here by Mrs, 'Colin Campbell The W. F. M. S. in connection with of Ooderich, who gave a very, inter- the Brucefield Methodist church met esting demonstration on scientific at the borne of Mrs. Waldron on cooking. The following officers were Tuesday last. elected: The roof of the new addition to the ,President, Mrs. Chas. McGregor House of Refuge is Acing slated these Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs.Rolet. cold days. Clark, The next meeting is 'be be held on Deo. 14 at the home ot Mrs. George Stephenson. The subject will be "Christmas Dinner" by Mrs, William Clark and "Bread Making" by pees, . Miss Pessie Rowed of London, for - Geo. Stephenson. merly of Auburn, i$ the guest of the Miss Ada Drake of. Starlit B is this Niisses Macdonald. J week the guest of Mrs. R. Hotham,* Miss Henderson is the guest of Mrs. Master John ritton visited fniends . Taman. Blyth last week, Mr. Jas. Dawson has returned ho - Master Walter Smith of Galt has me from near Blyth after working on engaged with Mr. Thos. McMillan for the 0' Pe Ft• for a 13./Clath. this yea. Miss Teanie Sprung has been en - Mr. Win. Jamieson of Killarney, gaged to teach in the Wineheart sch- Man., is home on a visit to ' his 001 after New Year's. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gavin Jamie- The 'Presbyterians intend getting son. into the baseinept of their liew chur- Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Tudor spent eh on Xmas Day and a incinth later Sunday with the latter's ,grandmoth- they expect to to, able to melee up- •er, Mrs. A. Elcoat of Tuckersmith. stairs. • Mrs. John Mills and daughters of The News -Record is the most pop- lar of all the local newspapers cit- Harlock spent a few days with Mrs. Wm. McIntosh. oulating in tbe Auburn district, Don't forget the annual entertain- The Methodists intend holding, their • inent given by the echolars to be he- annual Christmas tea-meetirig on 'd in Temperance hall in this village Dec. 26th. A concert will be given in Tem - an the 22nd of Dec. Mr, N. 'McAllis- ter: is busy training the pupils. perance hall on Dm. 14th under the auspices of the Auburn brass band who Will be assisted, by the celebrate ed Blackstone .orchestra of Goderich, coesiseing of violin, Miss Blackstone; 1st clarionet, 0: Blackstone.; cornet,: Reg. Blackstone; flute N. H. Black stone, Solos by Miss Brown of Goderich, Milton Tindall of Carlow, Miss Pearl Tretheway of Goderich, and ethers. There will Also be reci- tations by Rev J. L. .Small and Miss Annie Couplarie. The Donnybrook bridge is pa.ssable at last; after a long„ wearisome wait. • The News -Record will be sent to .any address .until 'the end 9f beict year for one dollar. Auburn. Seleforth. Mr. •Michael IVIeQuaid and Mies Annie Morris of Tuckersmith were quietly married at the St. Oolum- bare church on Tuesday ni Rev. Father McKeon, Only the immediate relatives �f both bride and groom were present. The •yoeng, couple were the recipients of many handsomeand useful presents. They have takee up house -keeping. at the home of the groom, 3rd con., Tuekersmitle .and their many friends extend emigre -Cu. lotions. On Tuesday evening large number of the members of the Catholic Or- der cif ' Forresters of Seafortb, , of which Mr. McQuaid was a /Umber, drove , demi to their home and pre- seeted • the lamely married couple with, a handsome couch .and an address and spent a pleasant - social evening. Me. J. McCulloch, a former . forth bey; and brother of 'Mrs. Alex- ander Stewart and Mrs. John Smith of this -:town, has just proved his claim to the • title of champion check- er player of Manitoba. Ina recent ehallenge ffiatch. with Thomas Bent- ley of Winnipeg, Mr. McCulloch won three games out of six and drew a fourth genie, thus giving him the match. He has also heatee some of the most noted ' players of' the Do- minion. • , • ' Mr. Chaie 13readfeet . of Brussels was in town on Saturday enroute to Chicago. Hie sister, who underwent a critical operation there •some time ago, has rapidly recovered. mill will likely return with ehim. •. IVickillop Township... Mr. Noble Forbes has returned from . Maniteoba, where he spent the Past summer. • Miss Edith Gray of DashWoodeis on g visit at the home of Mr. J.J. Mr. • John Scarlett attended. the • meeting of the Synod of Huron at London one day last week. Mr. 'Ilene. Smith is summoned to attend on the jury at the quarter • sessions to be held in Goderich next week. For downright cunning, deception and deviltry nothing we have ever heard or read of can come up to the Ross Governmeet and -their horde of heelers and hirelings. --- lose Mr. Nichol for he was a most • LittleMole! -.parties are all the go obliging resident. of the village, but down this way, • . • welcome Mr. Douglas and wish eine Mr. W: Gray of Hibinere visited unbounded success in Ms nevi em- friends here on Sunday lest. ployment. • Mr. and Mrs. Barker. Of Logan were Mr. Robt. Douglas Sr. is now able visiting . relatives here ane day re - to sit up. We hope 10 scion hear of his entire recovery, . . g au or. our on y. If there is a good dollar's worth offered to the tanadian people this season it is that of. the ,Family Her- ald and Weekly Stir of Montreal: with its exeuisitely prettee premium' picture "The ' Princess at Work," The public have been tempted by dollar dailies and tra,shy weeklies at give-away prices, but. whee it comes down to value for your money the Family Heald and Weelcle Star has . no competitor. The !publishers report an enortnous increase in new business and are earnestly beseeching their old readers to renew now and save them from confusion In the great rush at Christmas. Bailie. • Nile. . nere and Mrs. S. J. Tiffin visited friends in Trowbridge recently. The ladies of Nile entertained the W. M. S. of Carlow and Dungannon on Wednesday.• We regret to report that following the resignation of Miss McIntosh, Miss Olive Hellyar, the popular and efficient teacher of U. S. S. No. 17, has also given up her school. We understand that she has accepted a position as teacher in the county of Kent at a salary of $425 per annum. Although sorry to part With Mies Hellyar, we, together with a large eircie of friends, wish her every sue. cess in her new field. Her place at Nile will be taken by Miss Mabel • Kippeh. Miss Lena Kat returned last week. - Mr. John leleClymont spent Sunday crt hoine, Mrs. J. Dinsdaless many friends are pleased to know that her health is Improving after her rteent illness. , Last Friday night the 'Literary SO - clay held their first Ineeting for this season. An interesting item on the program Was a spelling match. A good time was spent. 11 .wa,s• decided ho restrict the attendance to mem- bers and iftvited friends. The Rev, M. C. McLennan is the Reform candidate for the. Legislative Assembly for South Retell, fslext Sunday the Rev, G. W. An- dreWs of Centralia will preach nils- SiOnary serMons on the Kippea th- East Wawanosh. Mr. Phos, Williams is engaged on the hew railroad at present. Mr. M. Walsh has purchased, a small herd of cattle from Mr. Thos. Scan- drett for winter feeding. 1Vliss Annie Leielunctit is slightly in- dispoeed with la grippe. Mr, J. Stewart of Belgrave was a Sunday visitor at Mr. Mattel/1.i Wal- sh's. Mr, and Miss Ohatriney of Donny - gook Sundeyed with Eitst Wawa - nosh frienda. Mr. L. Nethery had a new ereeted ,recently. Mr. J. 11. the taxigath- eret, is on his rounds again. Mr. Duneati McCallum returned on the West last week, • Porter's Hill. Miss Nellie' Macdonald, has returned from a three months' trip t� Mine: toba awe iooks as if that ceuntry suited her well: ' Mies Annie Macdeugill is the guest of her /mice, Mrs. Fred. Morgan of Goderich. • ' ,Mr. James Sterling's little son is, wei are •serry to say, very ill. : Mr. James Hamilton spent Satur- day night . and Sunday with his old friend, Mr. Petee Macdougall: Mr. Perdue intends returning to his sawmill on the fourth conceesiont this week. He ..wishes to ' get an early start as he is afraid wood will be getting scarce in that vicinity. Mies Edith Holdsworth is visiting nt Braceide. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Cox visited ,at William Lolib's lest week: • The many friends of Mr. David,Lin- dpay are sorry - to hear of his severe illness. • ' Colborne Township Mr. Ed. East of Clinton and Miss Jenkins of Hullett spent Sunelay last at Mr. George Cooper's, Mr. Ad. McCartney of Hennesville spent a very pleasant evening otie night last week at Mr, Perdue'. The many friends of Mr. Samuel leathwell's family sympathize velth them in their affliction. Mr. Rath - well has been in bet for almost two Weeks with a severe ,attack of cre Sip- elas in Ms arm. We sincerely hove the afflicted members will soon 'he re- stored to their former health. Mrs. Deetty Webster of, Lucknow spent a few days last week at her home on the 7th concession. Mr. J. P. and Miss F. Cole .pent. Thursday last with Seeforth friends, Mr. Walter Rathwell 'was last week slightly indisposed for a few days. Mr. W. E. Jarrett, the efficient teacher of S. S. No. 9, intends hold- ing a public examination and enter- tainment on PeidaY, Dec. 16th. Un- der Mr. Jarrott's able tuition the pupils are well prepared to give an excellent program, As this school contains the rnost noted elocutionis- ts, readers and singers all should a- vail themselves of this opportunity of hearing them. All the local teachers are expected to be present and • sev- eral from a distance. Lunch will be served. It is very much to be re- gretted the departure of Mr. Jarrett but what is No. 9's loss is Zurich's gain. Mr. John Smitli fractured one of the small bones in his left hand a few days ago and will likely lose the use so. of that member for three weeks or The municipal pcit is beginning to boil, but we will say little about it for a week or so yet. One of the names we hear Mentioned is that of Mr, R. J. Draper. He would make a pvoteseritioena.pable meneler of the council if he could be induced to accept the The township council met on Mon- day when it was moved by J. C. Woods, seconded by J. Cox, That the following accounts. be 'paid : Gravel— J, Rogers $23.20, W. Colclough J. McIlwa;in $1.62, S. ,Ratheeell $15,- 60, T. Jewett $5.47; W. Murch $12.- 18, Jas. Hays $2.64, T. Betties 311.- 20, Je Connell 331,14, Mrs. McCart- ney $16.80, Jas. Ccinnoll $4.20, Jep. Brincffey 328.80, G. Wise $10,50, Jae, Thompson $8.31. Moved by J. P. Stewart, seconded by J. Ford. That this .counell de 'now adjoern to ineet on Dec. 15th at 10. o'clock. The 'following is the report of the pupils, of S. S. No: 3 based on ,regue larity, goodedeportment and general profieiency : . ' , ' 5th—Herbert Roes, Egerton Will - . 'Mr. ,Alex.. Kirkpatrick has purehas- - ed Mr. A:ndrew :Yeung's driver. A. will make it .hot for the boys now. Mr, Leslie Cox was the guest ef Mr, Thee. Mitchell on Sabbath'. Se- ine attraction for Leslie, pure. • . There will be. an entertainment gi- . ven in No. 8'school. houseon Thurs- day.: Miss Johnston,. teacher, net prepared a• good program for the oc- casion and a good time is expected.' Mr. With and Miss Ruthy Allin returned home from ehe Northwest last week. 1 . Mr and Mrs Varcoe accompanied by their eon mid cletiglifter and Mrs. Welsh have gone to California where they will spend the Wintee months. The wedding bells will ring on the 4th and Zion in the' neat future. • Zion Sunday sOhool intends holding . an Xmas Tree on the Friday night before Xmas, A good program being prepared. ' Dungannon. IDivine service was conducted in St. Paul's church last Sabbath forenoon by Mr. Cox, divinity student at Hur- on College, London. Mr. Cox sup- plied the pulpit during the vacation last summer Mid fall very 'acceptably and was much esteemed by the con- gregation and other citizens of this village and vicinity. . ' Mrs, C. Durnin's numerous eriends are pleased ,to know that the vener- able lady is gradually recovering fr- em her illness. Her son, Charles Burnin, M. D., West Hope, North Dakota,' Who came to visit and at- tend her, returned home last Friday, • after remaining for several days un- til a -change for the Better came. We are pleased to know that Edith, - second daughter of Coubeillor T. Stothers of Ashfield, is grasidally convalescieg from an attack of ery- sipelas in the head and face 'which for a few days was so serious that faint hopes of her life were enter- tained. We regret that Wellington Oliver who has been ill for some time, is /tot improving in health as his fri- ends would wish. _ ee. h ligalrerenere Illarate'e 41100111111! A Blenheim Business Man SuppQrts Local Option. That the interest in the Local Op- tion movement is growing was sho- wn by the splendid auditnce that greeted Mr. J. 13. Shillington of Blenheim on Friday ever.ing. Mr. Shillington is a ready Speaker and bas his facts well in hand, which ho 1 1..soacsal withotigonfronta oodenect.gPsineessilsan' spoke eons standpoint, being himself a merchant of 13lertheim with considerable ex- perience, and ex -mayor of the town. /le spoke, therefore, with considerab- le infiuence from his standpoint of a business inan. What be said was I very convincing for he plainly show- ed by statements, which he defied anyone to refute,that "No License' as he called it in Blenheim, had proved, to he, even under Unfavorable con- ditions, as far as trade was con- cerned, a blessing to the town. By various quotations from leading mer- chants, and others generally em- ployed, he showed that busiuess was better teday in Blenheim, after six months trial of "No License" than it was a year ago with license. Ibis was not the showing in other towns of that vicinity where they still have license, as bis various references showed. No branch of trade had suffered, nut rather had increased. His own business, and he is a leading merchant carrying on a general busi- ness, had increased ten per cent. This he took to be the natural cour- se of things, as the money that for- merly went for whiskey, now geeee to stimulete, the ger.eral trade of the town. And as he showed, if this is the state of things at the beginning, what may we not expect in the fut- ure ? But, as he also showed, they had not gone Local Option from the standpoint of trade. They went into it because it was the right thing to do, and because it was right they felt. they ought to do it, even though trade decreased. But, not only had they the blessing. of God and the approval of their consciences .but also temperal prosperity as the result of no license. He used the word no li- cense because, as he fully'. explained, Blenheim was not ender Local Op- tion, the council baying refused to grant the request of the people at the polls, And therefore refused to give the ylaw its third reading.• The licensed commissioners, however, re- fused to grant any licenses; with the approval of the Government, as the. people voted in the majority for Lecal Opteon: The /natter, as, ho sta- ted, was still in the courts, but in the meantime no license- was a .eucc- ees, not only: in the respeet of busi- ness but as far asthe drinking, habits of, the people weee condeened, thelaw was being oeserved -ane many whose weakness itwas:to tipplevand cithers who -drack to . excess have found it possible to get along- without spend- ing their moneyefor that which did not profit there and declare they are better for it, and• therefore. as satis- fied with things as they are. There are a feW of course who will have it and get, it of their .owt. accord. • The truly eloquent appeals to the, young , men present were both timely an touching, and were calculated to make a lasting impression on any peesent who were in danger of yielding to the temptation, of strong drink. • ' The singing of Mr. Sine Murch was ,Yery midk appreciated' by the audien- ce. ' He was in good voice and hi. selections Were very appropriate. The expressed opinion of many is Cartney, Ella Colclough, Lulu Will- that Friday's meeting a egured. well son, Stirling Dempsey, Norman Hole for the success' Of LocaleOptioe. ' land, . Verna2nd_miRhodes.nicRoss, .jJosephRev. J. Oreene °Coupled. the chair Pt. and on the platform Were Revs, •er,' Lottie Layis, Delbert Huller; Mailing., Magee • and Dr. Cook, Ow- - pt. lst—Hattie Miller, Ernest Mo.. ing. to illness Dr. Stewart could. net C.aroon oi , rElie,52, a vPreveetroaie :be present...a-Com N .. • . 44—N W Trewartha,• Teacher. . •The sentence of death imposed ' on • dward .Slaughter ((colored) for the iseThferomBeljle.i'u:sletolinneer C$760m0Pialii7ye:ahlaev'' Ilcouney has been commuted to secured an an exclusive five-year eranch murdee of John Redden in Essex tally shot • and killed his son while uitii.efe9dr slitfeee. es 'aritil Henry. Van Ness of Aiden iciTtrust trw aden- Prish°e41.111en deer hunting. The bullet passed tin_ was invoked- to -protect) two theatees ough the body of Janies Parks, who :i1IT:Mh:•11113e'ethaoLdist church Ot R: ichn;iond,' will recover: • int., was burned. • Sr: 4±h -Leila Ford, Oscax Tebbutt, eloseia Hollinee, Muriel Willson, Ho- ward Trewarine,•'' Albert Pickard, May leleCartney, Francie Potter, Etta Colclough, Florence Layis, Pearl Heller,- Myrtle Connell, Clarice Ba - dour, Leone Yeo; Ida Huller: • 'Jr. 4th—Minnie 'Sturdy, Wilbert Halstead, Edith Levis; Lulu Mule. holland, Myrtle Trewartha,- Clarence Potter,-- John Sturdy, Clifford Mc- Cartney. , , Sr. 3rd—Emily Yee, Enema Hol- land, Alex. Ross:. Jr. erde-Retta Ross, Horner Can- . telon, Chatlie Levis, Lorne Jervis,' Frarils Williarns,* Lizzie Baclour. • Sr. 2/ d—Nererian • Miller Percy Munnings, Ernest Huller, Athert Proctor; . • •Jr. 2nd—Jmsie .Ross Lorne Mc- Ceelie044+044.444•4•4+004,4000004.008444000•14teeelee8+eieteel.14.4. f McKINNON. & 00., BL (TH. „ \ y . ' , , ' 777 .7 7 - - " - - ` - . — . - - . i-- - - . — - -- Si :. . 1 p . Christmas Ooods •A . y tot N Chrietnete is enet. approaching end we are fully prepared forit with • )4: e e the finest stock of Christmas gifts buitable, for Men, Women and Child- y Y ren thee the; great store has ever Ei ha vvt). AM our space is limited we ee et. - cannot go into details, but we &nearly men tiOn a few lines that mei be '•" e .e • interesting, and give a taint idea •tif the display Ivo •inake, • ee. Lediee' Neckwear in ail thu la tf‘st Ftsio of stork vollars; lace ties, turn- ). over% chitlon collo rs. cue., n t 23 e 35e. 00, 'fee mei $1. • en Ladiele PON in ail the latest designs with fancy Nickles, in all the new ete shapes, In eilk and oath's in biliele white emit corms, at 2e)c, 3e, 500., 75e, $1 ep to $1.75. et. Pillow Sheins, Sideboard Deppee, Centre Plecee, leoiles, Stauiped Lin- ••• en, etc., at elose prime. • •,e Japanese Silks, in all t he leading shades at 2ee, eite, Japanese Silk Table Covers in color s of ea rdinal, turquoise, nee: pink ee and blue with heavy knotted frilige. They wake a nice Christmas ,-e; eapplOenseesnetD4tralpt°;e1M7h5eicl)fidde2rY(Mw.ith silk and gold, in a variety of colors, •:** ' i at 50e, 75c and $LOB *.. .: Silk Waist Goods, in a great variety of patterns and colors, from Ws t to $1,50, . ., French Flannels and Silk mixtures, for shit t waists, in fanny stripes este: and floral deeiges. at 50c, 75c and $1,00. 4a44,tompu,,miona.amosip --asomores. mum misio=,ranirezmcarmssiessw _ , . imeereeeeeeeereeetiso • Everybody Don't miss our Holiday Display. Our elegant line of Holiday Goods is now open for display. Call wirly and make your selection. Christmas is Coming and everybody who sees our beautiful display of Holiday Attractions is glad of it. Come to head- . quarters for Popular Presents at Popular Prices. -- We Will Please You we will sati6fy you. We will meet your wants, be they' large or small, with the most suitable pres- ents at fairest prices. Our Fine Holiday Stock ..:. Ladies' French Kid Gloves, in reliable makes, in Week and colors. .t, every pair guaranteed, $1.e0, g1.45 and 5150. ; Ladies' Fine Shoes and fancy felt slippers, in great variety at popular 'ee. • prices, .I. Ladies' Fur Coats in Greenland Seal. Astrachan and Electric Seal at e:e red /red prices. ee : ne t t McKINNON &CO1 , BLYTH + , 4611 •:• 4+4'4. 4.4•4•+ 4•••:.•)•:••:. 4•+ +•:.!:. 44 4..44 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.90 * 0 0 ‹? • #) t 4.< 40.******404, 8.4-6....***414 4,904•411•41111•11•••••••: FOR • 1 Seasonable oot ear T4YLOR St5 SON. . have the best assortment to choose from. . 4I• . One great aim is to please our numerous Customers and we have the stock., het will give satisfaction „, . ,,, ..... ,...... We are sole agents in Clinton for the celebrated 'Kant Krank • nud Granby' Rubbers. They are more popular this season ehan ever. Oui dustnmers say they are the best HAVE YOU TRIED THEM . They do not eastany more than other rubbers hut they wear • better. Weare also sole agents in• (Allston fon•Williains' Pet,. ent Lace Leggings and Felt Lined Boots and they are a -first- class combivation. AA those who are weiteing them what • they think of them and we know whatthe verdict will •be, .... • -Now, is the time to invest money in footwear. Our stock is the biggest and our prices are the lowest for FIRST CLASS " G.00DS. Lotus help you save dollars on.your shoe bill. We • know we can- do it. 'We will not be endersold...... .,,......e . 4. The Old Reliable WM. TAYLOR & SON. 1 . . . • . • • . • . . • . •••••••••i4o.•••••••444.444.4)**4044••••••i*••••• J. B..HOOVER. NELSON SAUL! HOUSE ANI) OFFICE /... ,FURNITURE Your wants can be supplied best by *. US..: Our prices bring us the -- trade. • ' you have our personal supervision . I and satisfaction - c ,guaranteed. oc>06ce0000- HOOVE 84 BALL.- . .Updertaking promptly attended to .by night or.day. it . 4 •• : I Night and Sunday calis answered as residence of i.,ithet of the prinei- ' 1 • *4***41fr*. 4)oe.i4i4•••••••••••444.4.4.4)e...**44..4,4#4* . Is full of Quality, Variety., Beauty and Good Taste. It is easy to seleet from, supplies exactly wh- at you want, and it would be a mistake $ to buy before you see it.Rerneraber this splendid assorta ment contains The Right. thing for Ev- ery Person, old, mid - ale -aged or young. Thel infant Crown Prince of Italy •Don't Miss Our Holiday Display, Was baptised in the bellreom of the Cenie in and Pee how satisfactory Christmas shopping can be made, how well we can fill your want, aud how five we can make your money go. ' • qi.46-;e4.46~%,•6•46,‘,WrikeillikAlmakwvibo-- • • HE GREAT CASH STORE . . This is the place if you want a snap in .11ILLINERY AND CARPETS THIS WEEK We are Selling beautiful READY-TO.WEAR HATS at remarkably low prices while they last. . N W TAPESTRY CARPE'1' Good value at 05e for • 15 0 C $ " " 5 0 e .4. 40e All -wool and Unions at rock bottom prices. Special prices in Ladies' and Misses' Coats this week. Don't miss the bargains. - See the range of nice 130W Corsets that we are selling. Na better value in the market. We have a very large stock of Overshoes and Rubbers for the cold weather. D.. M. MoBEATH, BLYTH . , . C , C . • - Subscribe for The I avisullee rd. Over 150 passengers were injured . ' ' ' a Missouri Pacilks smashup near 11O1- W den, MO, -ooper o., 1 _ C Bead the Xmas ads, , ee• ..;