HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-08, Page 1(.0 e 25th Year f 1 Al )1411.... p•No..••• i••••••••••=m•n•••1 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1904 docebeoecioseq. sleitesetietteisesemetteiteitaitileol Ten Good Ideas What to give a man for Xmas . .• • 1 --A Fur Cap, Beaver, Astrachan or Per- sian Lamb to $12.00 2—A Fur Coat, Dog, Racoon, Calf or Fur Lined, prices • $16.50 to $75.00 • 3—A Fine Cloth Overcoat in black or dark . grey, a fine choice at $6.50 to $12:00 4—A Fine All-woolSweater either plain col- or or fancy stripe. The best there is at $1.25 to $3.00 5—A pair of Gloves for driving or street wear, a big assortment from soc to $2.00 6—A Fine Silk or Wool Muffler, all kinds here -25c to $1.25. 7—A "Tooke" Shirt, the newestpatterns are now on sale, price75c to $1,50 8—A good Umbrella, all- the newest shapes in handles $1,00 to $3.75 9—Handkerchiefs, - Our stock . is extra large this year, especially in linen and silks. Prices start as low as 6c and end at $1.(00 10 -NECKWEAR -Who ever saw a man withtoo• many ties. The range of patterns we are showing • for Xmas is tbe best we ever had. Just two pri- ces. 25c for mice ones. 80c for nicer ones.• • • We J. W Newcombe Co., Tailoring— —Men's and Boys' Ready Furnishings— -7-to-Wear Clothing, Hats *. . aoseesesesesoiesolesolaositiesewseieilaseeessasserseseeeseieseseseisesiele VOIIKAPOIn1110001111011101110 0 06011101110111100011110111 • O.044.04-0009000000,000.00.004-.000..0000 . . The Sovereign Bank . . Chartered by = Dominion Parliament <> .0000.w> oo 0000 K>00000-*** 0. -Orr; orsitt. •••• • • • • ••• • • •••• sr* • • dim- • 0000 0.000 • Interest on, Depcsiis: paid. 4 Times a Year 0000 •000000.444 . 0000000 000000 04 . . CLINTON BRANCH . . H. T. RANCE, Manager.' - W. BRYDONE, 0000-00.000000oo • OoGo00044,04441,0 1 -1•44.1 -14 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -+.1 -1 -1 -?•14++ 4-1-1+1-1-1•+++++4-1-171"144-H' • „ • Cl. thing Sale - • • The Sale of Clothing which: began on Saturday last still continues. Having bought • • the goods at a lay price, we are enabled to give our pat- rons the advantage' of same. • • • e• • : • • • • • • • • 11110- . lime •••• - .4?;••••=44- •••I •••• "T. • -• • •. • ;7,0 JACKSON The Clothier. ::••• ,•• ++++.14+44+44444494++++++1•44+++++1•444144: ' .11•0•11•1•••••1".....,• • 44144 4).*****444".....4 4•••••••••••••*••••••44 This is the*, weather for . ; 4 h RUBBERS We have the kind that arc satisfactory to the buyer for price and wearing.qualitieg. Rubbers • R. J. CLAIM Clinton. •••••••••••• MEETING OF TOWN k COUNCIL. The regular monthly 'fleeting of the town council Was held on Mon- day evening with a small attendance of the members. Mayor Hoover, whe was laid up• for a week with an attack of quinsy, had not suffi- ciently rkovered to be able to . at- tend. This is the first meeting he .ha,s missed . since his inauguration. Councillor Cottle was also on • the sick list, while .Couneillor Wallis is in the Northwest. In. the, abseuee sf his worship, Councillor Wiltsie was requested to preside and he pushed the business through as expeditiously, as seemed possthle. •• • • Mr. H. Beattie presented his -bill for law costs in the suit of I3iggart vs. Clinton and stated that though. the ease was decided hi favor of the corporation, there did not seem mach prospect of recovering the eosts. The council coincided and or- dered Mr., Beattie's bill to be paid.. • By the way his .own portion of it is only $19, the balance being barris- ter's fees: In speaking of the matter Counell- tor. Wiltsie remarked : "I guess it's allright and rjust as moderate a ch- arge as lawyers generally_ make.' .. Reeve Middleton of Goderich towna ship intimated by letter that • :::he work on the Maitland. hill is now complete and that the balance of the council's. • grant would be acceptabl.e. It will, of course, be paid, but the hoarh of- works* wants to think the matter over. for- a few days. . . Thistithe last year the council was in- an economic mood and reduced -the pay of the deputy returning offieers to two dollars, with the . result that twoof the appointees refused to act.' ,The remuneratien..has •been restored to the old figure • and -the . following appointed as • deputies. ; • • St: Andrew's Ward, N. Robson. . . St. James' Ward, T. A. Walker • St. 'George's Ward; S. J. Andrews St. John's. Ward, 0, lIelyar. • The' nominations will take Place on -Friday evening; December .23rd. The running of. the, see* plOwi was • discussed at •some length - and • the utianinious opinion was that the phi- ws.-Siletiht he startedat aneatly• lions in the morning. ••Couneillor Lax.; is :would have them nothing shortly. after •five..*so that theehaties on :their 'way to work nilght not have" to wade • . . through.the snow.. Some of tate other councillorg thought five a little early, so. that. if, the. eontracters, turn out at Sixthere will not be :Muth.. reoin for .complaint. • ' , . • • '['he-. various 'Sidewalk i.zyjaaren were put through their 'final reading so that the dobeettireg may be placed on the market. The expenditure the put season • oil •aceourA agrega-. ted $6,900. Quite a numb•er• accoents Were, 'presented and ordered paid. .The re- ceipts Were rather Alirg•py than usual and, consisted of: Scales $34.85, rent $33,, Cemetery lets $12, ..•Work, . in ceteetetY• $127.75. , • • • . . --The' report of the niedic'al health officer, Dr -Shaw, was presented and, is here' appended. As usual,: he spea- ks: -'quite plainly..,and 'entirely, willing • though .• the council .iS-te'reCeive hi admonition, it, does not'always :act tin it The report is as foil& ' Gentlemen,—I must I Congratulate your. honorable:body Upon 'having almost cOrtipleted ..the* Mary . Stre.et, drain• which • had. been stich• k pre-. bleat ler .previous.councili and I hope With thisbugbear off your hands, the next .will .grasp-„sotne of . the . other reforms, • •the. board. of health :has so :long reeemmended.. •, 7. : If your honorable body and other enterpris-ing• Citizens. would ,display half the •energy and tithe they, give to other • reforms. in assisting -.the liciard of health in their, efforts • to provide cleaner streets and ...houses and bealthier. bodies,' they Would con- • a greater 'boon 'upon Soetety, . ..perhaps white a new slate • is• ' being. prepared for the ecitincil of 1905 the earn* compilers Will insert a plank forthe. betterment ;of our sani- •tary condition, "for Whit' kied:of flior- als will yen expect to, find in dis- .eased bodies, preventative measures are much more ticonomical than 'cura- tive ones. During the past year -we had in the early molyth's an epidemic of mei:Wes. Scarcely a family escaping, while at. present we have a severe one et • wheoping eough, • . • • In the beginning of those epidena- • ics stringent measures were adopted to revent Spreading, • with fair sac - •cess. School .teachers Were notified and their assistance- was invaluable but. as the disease progressed they seemedto increase in proportion, and it was found that while the day schools did their -duties, the Sunday schools and the churches enchutaged the attendance of coevalespents with the result that past preventative measures ' wereArendered useless. Superietendenis of Sunday schools and ministers huu1d discourage thee attendants, though not coninuts;., :y it is commendable.. Having had several Complaints from the citizens that our .milk supply was not 'equal to that of neighlioring , town's, I had the inspector procure for me a satnple from the milkmen • of milk and cream, to which X gave a thorough test with the resultithat, the one is meth superior to the oth- er, hut neither comes up t� the usual standard. Iappend kthc result of the inspection : . IlutterFat Cent Leckwood Sp.(11 1021 3 .18 Churehill • Sp.Gr 1030 . 4.1 23,9 We have had only four cases . of ty- phoid fever reported, none proving fatal and what has been unusual uot a single east of scarlet, fever report- ed. A SUPPLEMENT. A four-page supplement accom- panies this issue of The News-rItecord making • ita twelve -page paper of eighty-four columns. • MISSIONARY SERVICES. Rev. C. W. Brown, the popular and eloaseent pastor of the Mitchell Meth- odist church, will preaeh at the Mis- sionary anniversary services in the Ontario street church next Sunday both a. m. and evening. • THE, A. 0. F's WIN. • During the winter months .the An- cient and Caeatlian Foresters have many an enjoyable evening 'playing., carpet balls. Seine -limes the An- cients win and sometimes they don't, lint so far they lead. the score being 185 points 19170. A BROKEN ARM. . ' • lk her Mrs, J = os. Alienshad the mis- fortune to fall upon a slippery. wa the. other day and tlislecated left wrist and .fractured the arm just us • is above. .it, as if one misfortune -was not enough. She is An industrio and tireless little woman and ' bearing up under this affliction with, great. cheerfulness. ' • , • PLEASANT EVENING. , • . Saturday evening a large number. of . invited guests .gathered .0,1, the home of Mr. 0. Olson where • they were entertained by Miss:.t-Iydeman, a friend of the 'Misses' •Laura and Delve Olson, .•the..oceasion being her. birth- day. The evening- was spent •in pam- es .• of various . kinds, muSic, Singing, etc., and at the close • a most elegant luncheon was served; b•y the Misses Olson. . Ahoet. midnight ' the . happy gathering breke up after wishing the hostess • many returns of the .day and thanking the Misses - Mon for • . their kindness in entertaining ..them. .Dur nig the evening My.. J. W. Moore. on behalf 91 those present„presented Miss •Hydetnati.wtth rt handsonie Methollisr, . AN ATTACK OF QUINSY., Mayor Hoover wes dovvn town on Monday for the first time in g week, having been confined to his house with a b•ael attack of quinsy. It did not ditninisli his stock iof good nature, howezerfar he was justat eheeiaseer: • • GOSPEL TEMPERANCE. A gospel temperance meeting will be held in Wesley church next Sun- day' • evening afterthe regular ser- vice, to be addressed by Rev, Mr. Magee, the new pastor of the Baptist ehurch. Mr. IV.Tagee is in thorough sympathy with the Temperance cause and an active worker. THE PUBLISHERS MEET. . • . . .The besiness meeting of• the Chris- tian Endeavor was held on Monday evening .and •after the *business had been transacted- there was a ',musical and literary •.program.. - • • ., January -7-111: communion Sunday,. The • preparatory service • will. be conducted by -Rev,' Mr; Lou- ghea.d, formerly of Londesbpro.. Next Sunday Will bethe last Sun- day for .receiying nominations for the Dew elders.. •,- • .. • .LOCA.I., 'MARKET -REPORT. A meeting of the Huron . county Publishers' Association was held in Clinton last Friday to consider mat- ters of vital importance to the craft. Among those present were : T. Hall; AdVanee, H. B. Elliott', Times, Winghatn; A. E. Bra,dwin, Standard, Blyth ; W. II. Kerr, Pest, Brussels; J: W. Whetter, Signal, 'A. M. •Todd, Star,. Goderich ; 0. H. Sanders; Ad- vocate, Exeter. • • • WILLIS' CHURCH. , • • Wheat $1.00, • • . • Oats 30c. Barley 40c:. • Live Flogs $4.75.' Turkeys 12c, • • GeeSe 7,Ac to 8e.. • .•' • .1)01ufeickkaelfi.):,:86. - L'ggs 17c to 'life, • • Mater 11c [9 :150.: Dried Apples 2,ls• to -a;, • The price' quoted for:fowl is for dressed, .dry plucked, - : • AN. ENJOYABLE RIDE. . ' Monday evening three sleigh. loafl of R.T: of T'S, sOltio 35 members in aal, Visited: Seaforth wherethey wtre entertained right. rotrally. The' even- ing was all. that could be desired for a . good • sleigh ride and the Council enjoyed th•eraselves• to 'the utmost. Loyalty eotinciljureished the. pro- gram,: which . included the follow- ing selections ! • •'Recitation, Miss II. Flintel/ . . • Piano Seleotion, Miss L. Cant:elon Recitation, Miss Belva Olson - *Reading, Walter. Tovvnsend • Violin S'ole; Miss..Latira .Olson . Recitation, F. Wilson : Sold, Mrs. Bayley. ' Addresses of welcome were giVen by• several Seaforth TeMplars . and were responded to he the Select Co- encillor of Clinton. Lodge. " 1Y-eft:ash- • ments were served 'at the -close of the program and about .ntidnight Clinton: •TomplarS* left for lidine,.having spent, one of the most pleasant evenings in the Coondil's . history:- Seaferth peo- ple are certainly roy,a,1 entertainers. • . • , hymn book, • . REV, W. McDONAGH'S SERMONS; • • Rev. W. McDonagh is assUred • of large congregations. When -he-Occupies: a 'Cliutop pulpit, but Whether thi,. dee to .his:oratorteal power,- his.'ear- nestness or his eccentricities,is for his . hearers to • 'say...Last :Sunday a. m. theclitirch,'•wasfairly...well fill - pd,. but hi •the evening it: was.erowd- ed. ., He . Spoke With nearly •his old ti- me.Viger and not.infreq,uentlY moved thecongregation to . laughter. On the Local • Option question he was particularly • pungent .and rather "roasted" . members' of the Methodist Church who do not on any and ev,ery. . occasion.' support . prohibitory meas- ures. He is. a toned demi, editien of..* Sam. Jones, ../but Whether . bis 'manner of speech •briegs. good results is a debateable question. He. does • .net add any dignity' tothe; pulpit , but itere. is no doubting his :earnest- ness and desire to lead- erting. • man- kind on to the narrow way., '• • . . MEETING -OF I'. S. BOARD. . • A • meeting ..ef the Public school • beard was held oii . Thursday •tiven.-. ing last; but there was little bui ness to transaat'lieyoed receiving the . reports of the ..Principal. and spectora: • • • • • • - . Principal. • Lough. reported .fol - Iowa : • • • . • Ottr: - attendance for October? was a' • follows ; enrolled : boys 190; • girls 168, total .358, aVerage 297. • November :, boys 181; girls 150, total' 331..„• average 269, The. 'Whooping ceugh. has ' reduced est thorn is affected most.. , the .atteralance . very 'much.. 7.110 I have paid .the treasurer .$30 for. non-resident 'fees.. In'. all I havepaid the 'treasurer $205 for fees of stu- dents and non -:residents.; • .. . • • The new regulationsrequire that before intho fourth book' write at '-the Entrance they must . road fourbooks outside the ordinary teXt books.. This will entail a cost of $1 per pupil: Soma boards are purchas- ing these supplementary . readers and keeping them In the school fors future classes. This lightens, the expense as the books. will serve • three • classes, probably. Vitt' you. authorise me to., purchase twenty sets of these books. costing $20. Weshall need them ear- ly . in January. I do not know .when I shall take thiS work; unless ,after foun.o'Clock Or on Saturdays... Mr. J. J. Tilley, provincial iespec- -tor cif Model schools, wrotd as. 101 - lows: • • I visited Clinton Model school . on the 12th ultimo and .found • that. a Written examination in school man- agenient, giraded, was e•hid.. An oral tirx a rn inat n. iji tnethods of -teaching, by principal, was excellent. The tea... ehing of students was good. The spit- ' and' attention of class was excelnt, Nis. Tilley added : "I met a. ty intelligent class of studerxts in this school, They were much inter- ested in their work, and passed a very satisfactory examination," Inspector Rebb reported thus : The ' Clintoq school house atid'gro- unds are neatwatids well kept. . The newer members of the *staff seem to be doing good work. „It takes some time to be sure whether. the work is effectiVe or merely Stilt edictal. The rest of the staff is, as Usual, doing perfectly satisfactory •wolrk.• would respe.etfully recommend. . that about $40 worth .of books lh' placedin the upper rooms for sup- plementary reading. Such books are in use in Brussels and Seafortir and are well read and highly appreeiated by the pupils. No. of deaths 30, rate per 1,000 14,7 No, Of Blab 44, rdte per 1,000 15,0 . • SERVED THE DIVISION. WEIslo • NOT 1-4:WOUGH WATER. , There IS a scarcity of water throu- ghout the country and many farmers have had, for some time, to draw, ik some eases at a considerable dis- tance, a supply for their stock. Niter& a roamer is feeding, say forty or fifty head of cattle 'this drawing. of water Is quite an expense. . • "YOUR, OWN SAM" BETTER; Mr, S. S. Cooper, sometimes known as "Your Own Sam," was so ill last week that two or more doctors were called in. Appendicitis was fen- - etc., but Mr, Cooper is • now improving rapidly and will soon, we all hope, be out hustling , oh his con- tracts. To a man of his energetic nature •enforced inactivity is doubly irkSome. TWO ADDRESSES. A literary 'evening; which will pro- ve profitable as well as interesting, will be held at Ontario street league next. Monday night. It is expected. that, besides special music, Rev. Mr.. Gunne • is to give a talk on the sub- ject "Amusements • for Moral Im- provement" while Mr. Robert holm - es will • speak on "Can a Business Man Bo Spiritually -Minded ?" •Sucli topics . as these are important clues - tions • of the day to both old and young. • .•. A FINE SHOT, • • Mr. J. E. Cantelon attended • the gun club tournament at -St,' Thomas "lastweek atid though shooting froth the heaviest' handicap inflicted on any of the' shootes he made the' follew; ing scores : . • • • . Birds. 7 ,, • Score 7 " 10 ,,, a . 15•. ,,, 12 " 20 • '" ..18 • 10. • " • 10 •," • ••• " Or an average of over .9.0" per -cent. In the Canadian handicap he ina.dc' la out of a possible' 20. 'Mr. ".Canteleti will attend the Hamilton -shoot nest- ..ment11.- " • ' • ''.. • ' •. - . • , . THE C. 0: I. LITERARY SOCIETY. . .„ . . ; . • . . . . .. 'The 0. S. I.* Literary Society met in the assembly ' hall' of the' Institute ein. Thursday afternoon last, ... the president,..• Mr. . .E: . Bandour, in . the. .chair. The meeting- was opened • by an instrumental by Miss Etta Davis. The minutes of the previous : Meet-ing• were : then read and adopted, aftet which. Miss 0: Cooper was -apPointed • erttic; . Miss. L. Cdats.,gafe. a solo,' Mr. II. . Colclough ,a reading, then carne . a debate . on "Reselved, that Canada should' be • annexed to fliC United States." The. affirtnatiVe•Was -taken by H, F, .. Johnson and • • D.. i McLean ..and the n4atiVe by' Messrsi.. .0, Fleury .and • W. Stewart. The ne-. gp,tive iron:- 'Mr, A. Scott then gave a, solo and .Mr. 'Cranston a :reading. - Mr'. 'E. M. 'McLean. • also made ' some reinarks.and the 'critic- Criticised -The' meeting '•closed with the . National Anthem heartily:sung; .• . , , . •. • • . , • , mEpTIN9-, Or. THE C. I. BOARD.. .' . . • ..• • . . - ' . . . .The heard of ...trustees of the C91.- legiate • Institute •met..on.•Friday ay. - ening 'last. a .special 'meeting1.havinfo been called to discuss the..insPeCtor's • ilPort. AS all News-Reeord readers. 'are. muoli -interested:in, the 'welfare of, eur .educa•tional 1nstrtettons, . . but more' especially In -our own Collegiate Institute, we cannot de better than . . publish the, inspector's repo ,• which is mainly as follows ; . ' "Water supply; • school g he • , ting and ventils,tion—Fair. ,.1 h ot I buildings,: Class rooms, halls, • les 'is, blackboards. and lighting—poor. 'ff -, ehers' .private room—Bad. Waiti g : rooms . and eap rooms-.-Wone.... - This , main seho61 building. has fallen . into * disrepair,' The school grounds should: be improved. in front. The walls need greatlyto bw papered or re - calcimined. The lower hall is gloomy, . The floors are in bad Condition and the building appears, to be sagging. The whole interior is shabby in the .extrente,• "Dirty" indeed is not too strot.g 'a - term: .to apply to. the con-: dition of the premises, 'Mats • for the entrance doors aro imperatively need- . ed. Under the .present conditions in, caretaker could . keep the building in • a 'state •ef• cleanliness, The heating anti . ventilation are also: imperfect, and new blinds are needed. There are very. few ind.ced, if .any, otherschool in the province. in which the general .Pico6ntciloitniaolt)ilooof the building is so Jib.- . • Following this a letter has been received from the Deputy Minister o; Education as. folloWs : "I' am directed by the Minister. of E ueation to ask you to deal prom., ptl and effectively with The recorn . mendation in Inspector'Seeth's re - Port of your Collegiate Institute. „As you are no doubt aware a High, school board is required to provide not only adequate, but suitable and - conifOrtable aecotnmodations and the IVfinister trusts that you will have no difficulty in obtaining from you: council the sum that will be tleeded to enabia yot to do,. ems dutp " -rt, will thus. be seen that the trus- tees have -only two courses oeen ti: them : either to disregard the report and the reeuest of the' Minister of Education .and in se doing to kis - the; Government 'grant, or to com- ply. One difficulty that confronts the trustees is the building, tho bare walls and roof which were brullt planned and badly built, The pres ent intention is. to consult .an al chitect and to put the building into as good condition as possible durine the\ eoming summer holidays. ' A rouffli estimate of the cost is in the neighborhood of $2,000: JAMES CONNOLLY C. C. :Mr, James 'Connolly informed' •Tho NeWs-Reeold on Monday that, he will not Oiler himself for re-election. • He has represented the • Second Division for six years, but believes that the hellos should pass. around, -.conse- quently 'his retirement. He is. Well informed .id township and county af- 1 and •has rendered Goderich to-, wnship and the county good service. ', Mr, Connolly:s decision will bring other oandidates into the field and atnong the nitmes mentizi4ted ate those of Mr, Thos. Churchill and Reeve Middleton, , either of whom would Worthily till the position. .We Jancy, howeVer, that 14. Middlettm 'prefers his present aoet which is filling* very :acceptably. If Mr. Churchill enters the contest it will be, a • spirited one for he is a fighter ',./om the drop of the hat. ' • Mr. James Snell is also spoken of as likely to again offer his services. His experience and knowledge of the. reqatirements 'of the position will . en- able him to make a g.4tiod run, Reeve. Ferris. of Irellett has been in the field for some time, and Mr, IL Ceti:Ron wilt again be a candida- te. "D. C." has a host of warm fri- ends who always give him it loyal support and have twiee pitted hint at the head ot the poll, Whole Number 1348 BIG SHIPMENT OF FOWL. Ford es& McNeil .bought, killed, dressed and shipped $1700 worth of Christmas cheer last week, consisting • of 1100 turkeys, 200 geese and a large number of ducks and chickens. They sold and shipped to George Bros. of Crompton, but the lot was destined for the Olcl Country mar- ket. • • • ENLARGING HIS POSSESSIONS. . Mr. John Johnstone �f Rattenblury, street' has added to his possessions: :by taking, over. that portion of the • .Straith estate .consisting; of .the hou- se on Mary street at • present occu- pied by Mr. John -Bell and Ave and a half acres of land on the • northeast Part..of the town upon which :is - • .gravel pit out of which he will be drawing some revenue next :summer, SATURDAY NIGHT'S FIRE. • • At twelve .0%4W( on Saturday it- . ght fire was noticed. in the building at the east end of High street owned , by Mr. James • Steep. The ., alarm was. sounded and the brigade turned out, but ere it reached the scene .. it was seen that it was too late to save the building which went up. in smoke. It was. built some years ago ' for the killing and curing of pors,but .. • of late has been -used as an ice house.,. The instirtin.ce amounted to $100. • A REAL .ESTATE TRANSFER,. . .• Mr, John Plewes has :disposed • ot his property •on the Bayfield Road, a mile s,outh of town, to Mr. • Julies Siuith auctioneer, 'who; gete possess- ion shortly. The place consists of twenty acres with a cOmfortable. . hotou fse and good tbuildings. • • Mr.' ' -Plewes has not been enjoying' good health for some time, hence the. sale • ale has bought a house aed 'lot in town- • „from Mr. John PearSon. and * • . will move: in at an early date. . ALLAN TURN13ULL DEAD. • An Saturday Dr: Turnbull, Goder- • ich, received a tell:gain from Chica- go stating that his brother .A.Ilan was " dangerously ill in'ene of the hospit;- als ef that eit.T. Dr.. Walter .Turn- bull At once left for' .Chicago ,aiat was • . bringing his ,brother home when he ' succumbed. The remains "were taken . to the honiestead at Newton'Where the interment takes .place. ,The de- • • ceasea.at one time lived in. • Canto:in and was here engaged In the ItVery, . besiness, . • - •• COMING EVENTS. The invitations are Out for the Wed- ding of Miss Alice Burnett ,of Godes• - ich township to Mr. Will: Townsend of town, the. event to take: place • en, Wednesda,y of :next. week. . •The llth inst. is' the da,te set for . the marriage of Miss Maggi e GoVier, • • daughter Of Mr, Joseph Govier of Hellett, and Mr. .Harvey „Longman of the same township. . Another event for 1whieh thedatei is set is the marriage of My. D. A. Cantelon ,of IIensall, who 'about the happy Christmas time will take unto' • himself a wifejin the pergon of Miss Chaninatt of the -seine :village. • But ot ' this, and • the others, more aatn. pREAciiErt OR POLITICIAN.? , • • • • . • • • . As was expected, . Mr. 11.1... • Lean of Seaforth.• refused the. Liber- •:. al. "tontine:ton in 'South ..Ituroe, Con- • sisteney •forbade him carrying the Ross. banner. Also, being canny, • 'lie . 'realized it was toe *heavy' load. • ' . On.-Alr. McLean. declining , to be a ye; .. Roe, M• *C. McLennan hint- ed tha he. was • net quite so • particu- • . las and ccordingly he was offered • the • .noini tion which. he accepted: . Ile is, therefore,. right in the • politi- cal, arena; • for better. - or worse. • '1Mr. McLennan is not a political • • 1. parson.. after the': Brown. of Blenheim. . stamp,but how .• he can reconeild Preachirig. • the gospel with defending • the. • ROSS Government is just now ' • what. ' is -puzzling his Kippen and • flillsgreen floeks.•' • • :. .• , Personally 'Mr, McLennan is an ,• estimabje gentleman and . issaid to • be a good speaker, IIis -best friends regret the. stand he has .taken, . . . . • • Mr. Sainuel Moore has a' ' large number of :men. engaged 'netting wood in the bush. • • . • . Mr. ' Robert -McMurray has rented Dr. Stanburyls cottage and moved ' in this week. • MSS Ada .Rouittt is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Dow - seri of Hay. Mrs. Hoare ot Clintou vas the guestof her brother, Rev. J. Snell, the past Week. ' • • . • . Mr, James Eagleson of Gliderich ,viSited . friends in the village on Saturday. • Mr. John • Thomson, who has been in Rainy River district the past summer, returned home last, week. He expects to goback in a short while. - • Archdeacon , Richardson London eXchanged pulpit:. With Re', E. Jennings on Sunday. Mr. Edward Peck of Gaitthrer, Nor- th Dakota, arrived home on Tuesday A evening to spend his holiaitys, Messrs. Chas. Caltler,„ South (has- • , 10 ; J. J. Prestith; East Ihithitinamd. • . Niajor tirals;, Wellington were nominated by. the CenservatiVea yesterday for the Leg:. lat vire. The mobilization of reserves eauSed . riots in Warsaw. Sir Hostler Tozer advised Queetts- land to adopt Canadian farming me4, • : a .• •