HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-01, Page 98 Continuation ...of Our Jacket . Sale We remind you again this week of the .remark- able prices we are offering on our stock of jackets. We are bound to clear out the entire stock, if prices will do it as we do not want to carry a single gar- ment over into next sea'on. We repeat again the prices we are willing to take for the garments: Lot No. 1. Ladies Jackets, in black, grey, fawh and navy, • in plain cloths, Zibelines' and Tweed effects, regularly sold up to $7.50, your choice for 10 Lot NO. 2. A good assortment in plain cloths and fancy Tweed effects, in'. all the latest styles and shades, our regular prices range from $9.00 to $6,90$13.0o. clearing at Lot No. 3. Our very best Coats in blacks and colors, very $10.00 stylish, sold at $13.00 to $18,00, clearing . for There is not an old garment in the entire lot—every garment this season's style— nicely trimmed, well lined, and the best workm.anship. In addition to the above, which are ,all new gar, ments, we have about a dozen Coats, which are all we carried over from last season, and.in order to clear them out we have cut deep into the prices. . Twelve only Jackets, last season's styles, fawns and blacks, some of which sold as high as $12.00, clearing for each Three Dollars .ond Fifty Cents. The Clinton:News-Record ilri1=MIS"4" * * 4' Original Issues Q * * Grand Christmas Double Numbers IN STOCK. • PEAR'S ANNUAL 8 Colored Supplement Plates -25e 13LACK AND WHITE .Colored Cover Delicate Desigh...50e THE LONDON GRAPHIC All in Colors and Pull ot Pun...50e ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS Usual high standard of excel -- team 50c Orders Solicited. for - December 1st 1904 Our Cot..Price Sale of Winter Coats.. and Furs 'Continued. • We are anxious to dear out every Winter Coat in the store before Christmas, and, in order to make the clearance sure, we have lost sight of the cost or real value of these Coats, and while they last you ran buy thein less than makers' price. These Coats aro all this season's make, excepting about a dozen garments; they were made by the best manufacturers in Germany, and were personally selected by our syndicate buyer. Just think of being able.to buy a 05.00 ani $6.00 Coat for $3,00, a $7,50 to $8,00 Coat for $4.93, $12.00 to $0.00 Coat for $8 75, Every Coat is reduced. It will pay you to come NOW and get first choice, '••••••••go.•!••01•61•24p“...!....,. —Tho Christmas Globe.— Canada's National Holiday Number Eight Separate Colored es Pag. 111 , BRAND EEW COATS TO CHOOSE FROM -225 Four Plates,. SUPPLY LIMITED — PRICE 50o ORDER, EARLY. NORDHEIMEt PIA.N0S. • Agents. Parker's Dye Works; Di Fair Go.. $6.50, 7.00, to 8.00 Coats at $4.95 Ladies $5.00 and $6.0O Coats at $3.00 Ladies Misses and Childrens coats in Tweeds, Frieze and Beaver cloths, in several styles, these ' are made with Often the Cheapest. Always the Best tight and loose back, and some have belts, regular etA r prices $6.50, $7.00 to Abouteople. $8.00, 9.00,1000 Coats at $6,50 . P Ladies and Misses Coats in several styles in assorted lAre Know.colors, cloths are fine tweeds, snaoothfaced Beaver, Kersy Clerk Harnwell : of Varna. was in 8z0. 4.11 are lined with satana cloth, and. areexcellent value Clinton •on Wednesday. Mrs, (Dr,) Blacken of Hensali visited a at our regular prices $8.50, $9.00 $10.00. All to go Clinton frienda this week. Day of? LOndon was the guest , .• • • of Mr. .11.• Hunt over Sunday. . • 11. 12 14 and $16' Coats at $8 75 Mr. and Mrs. John Lashani of Lon- 54, - - desboro were in town yesterday. $6.50 • • - h • e of any of our. very finest coats, made of Y Miss Maggie Dowser has' been visit- . our c ing Stanley friends this past week. .Covert and Kersey cloth,in colors of 'Brown, ..Fawn, Navy, Me,ssrs. •Alf. Askwith and H. MeBrien. Grev and Blaclithat sold at $11.00, $12.00, $14.00 and ,00 for • ' of Auburn were in town on Satur- $15 $8 75 Mrs. J. R. Smellie of St. Thornis is • day. . the guest •of her daughter, Mrs. A. . • J. Grigg, • Councillor William Patterson, also • • . .burn, were iii. Clinton on Thursday . • . 1Don t Forget .Our . ". Misses' Rachel and Mary of Walker.; : • . • • • • Ladies coats in several otyles, all made of good wearing Cloths in black, grey, navy and mixed tweeds, rubber lining. Just the thing for anyone having to drive, this coatsli$3 0 that sold up to $6.00 for . $8.50 Rain Coats at $4.50 25 Rain Coats made of an all wool Covert cloth with has been the best selling coat we ever had. Our Re- gular price is $8.50. Sale Price $4.50 $9 and 10 Rain. Coats tit $5,95 1 f 11 ()ler veto tte cloth nicely trimmed with capes and belt. Regular $9,00 and nr $10.00 Coats to go at , 43.U3 Childrens .$4.50 to 5 00 Coats at $3,50 25 Childrens Coats made of fine all wool Tweeds and Frieze in Navy, Red and mixed colors.nicely lined and trimmed Re Oar prices are up to $5.00 to go at $3.50 alf= rice Sale of Christmas Reception . Mr. William Brown and his •• Sister,. .Miss Bella. 'BroWn, of. Tiverton, vis- : y • • ' ited :Clinton and Stanley friends.the 1 .. • . . . . eia e. urs • . . mr, and Mrs'. Thos. Archer of.Hullett, • '. . This has been' the greatest sale Wehave ever had. in our -0 R 'have . returned home after a visit ,milAinery Department,. just think of being able' to buy the. ursaay vemng ley and ChesteY• •• very newest styles•in liats, at exactly half the usual value, --- Again we tell you of. the variety and goodness • to friends' •in Ltickno* RipleY, Pal. • • Messrs. 0, Johnson -and.. Cantelon DuiTown ,Banti to'be present. ing .this sale you can have your .choice of any Trurimed (sept. icst.) . . • • of this Fur stock. It is a good mozk. Every quality.aud.rr: (7000„ attended Hat in the Store. a:t.exadly half-price, Over .2oo DRESS - . . . ' convention • kilo* tril':roitoonsheirsvta'ririve:k. in and OUTING SHA.PES, in .the very 'newest styles, are in- • b k • eluded is absolutely dependable. in. every way; and we Mr, . W.T.Bett, son of the well-known in this. Half -Price Sale.. We cleared out several hun- , Your money ae . . • , . , . horseman of Clinton,: is spending dred of th, ese hats from a large Millinery Honse-some time ago , • if you -want . . . our Furs are priced as tow as is. consiste,nt witn. the the week at the Arlington, --Lia- A :t an,., whue they last they are to go at .Exactly AO' Price ty of the goods. N.•ot a poor line. or an un- Mr. Jack Vilatkina was among those H FELT ATS th go at soc quali , ,•• • towel Standard. • . • • worthy quality in' the. entire stock aria' we: are ready 1.743 hu910.tti,teinhdeedaptphiee csitureerr, ;arr. • , . $1 50 6 6 6 • 75C; in • .- • $2.00 *6:4 `‘ " • ich on ,Friday evening last. • • to stand behind -every garMent we sell;'. tu. .11 ..our Mr. Harvey Mulholland returned on . . :$2.5f) • • Monday after several weeks spent - • $3.00 4 4 guarantee that. if it is not as it should be,we, will • • in the Cartwright, Man. district. • • He will go West again in the spring. make it right: We sell good. Furs or Vie cotild Mr. Thos. A. Walker returned . • on • not do that. . Ruffs $3.00 up to $25.00 • • Monday from Toronto where he spent nearly a week: While in the city- he a,ttended the Conservative conferenee.. • Mrs.J. P, .Ti.sdall returns today from Toronto where for several weeks • she has been undergoing medical Stoles $6.00 up to,$40.00 . treatment. Her many friends will be pleased. to learn that her health has much 'improved. • Caperines$5.00 up to $40.00 . Rev. 0: R. Gunile and Messrs. S. G. ' Plummer 'and John Ransford were Ladies' Jackets $25.00 $30.00 .$35.00 $40,00 ibriihgattordiaiiiiecestytdwri jautrolecamneemi to eiect a bishop to succeed ,the •• in shop..Baldwin. • •• : Every quality absolutely . dependable n tilat•Bi ts. A. Ginn ha.a returned from the Northwest after spending several weeks with her daughter there; She' every way. • ls not in love With thal.country and as that while it may he all right • . for young people it does net. • suit . the old. • *. • Ready-to-WeAr li.ats. Mr. Paid Isbec :and wife returned last in Syria. He witnessed -many. a sad week item a visit to his old borne' scene in that part of Asia and was only too glad to .get away from it. The return journey- to Clinton occupied a month.- ' • Mrs, A. Hill and her daughter, Miss Ernma, who have been ill for sev- anal owl lialf=Pce and Less----- NV,e are. .o ering the • balance. of . our Ready-to-wear Hats .at half-price, and less. They are all this .season's styles and sold. •from $2.00 to $3.00., To clear them' out we make the price ONE DOLLA A Snap in Blankets. ISig. PAIRS all -wool Canadian Blanket sizes 60 x 80 inches, soft yar • thoroughly cleaned, well worth ti $ $3.50, per pair for.... ....... ....... ...... hi • 4- - • A 110114[NS • DRY GOODS CLINTON the Temperance Issue ' Will Not Down. •The temperance issue, like aanqu'o'q :ghost • will not down.. The resolu- tions of .the Lihetal convention, in-, stead , of appeasing the advocates of prohibition, as was hoped, has only brought forth —a was, 'of protest against Premier Ross' mosaic of UV, - ken pledges in regard to the liquor.. question. Almost :without exception the temperance leaders of •tha pro- vince, 'both 'Liberal and Conservative, are unanimous in :their condemnation of what they characterize as this final treasdh el Mr. Ross towards them, The action of the Premier in Putting up two of the members of his Cabinet to urge: the defeat of the all-hiapottint local 'option clause af the temperance 'resolution brought be- fore the convention and his declare:: tion afterwards that he was delight- ed with the decision arrived at, has roused a genuine feeling Of indigria- tion and resentment in- the ranks of the temperance people. • It was the eral weeks at the residence of Mr, Ontario 1 lance last • straw, and a manifesto of the • • Hiram Hill, left on Saturday to will ' • • d hortl visit at Mr. S. Hill's of Parkhill, the prohilAtionists' disapproval of the express • ha no uncertain, words Prom thence Mts. Hill returns to Premier's course and of the way he her home in Michigan, but her dam.- has forfeited their confidence in his ghter remaies at Parkhill. promises, Dr. Ovens, eye and ear specialist, of London was in town on Tuesday d 11 - other visit to Clinton on December 27th. By the way the Dr. was re- cently in the Northwest where he made the purchase of 4,000 acres of land Mr. M. A. 1Viaedonald, wife and son, who have been residents of Clinton for several months, left on Monday for Stratford where they will take ,., . up , their abode. While here Mr. 15. Macdonald was general agent for the SavVyer-Massey Company, but n, has transferred his services to the 7 Macdonald Threshing Machine Coin - 0 Mit)," Jo'hn Ferguson, who had been in ivfalito-u, Man. for three months, called on Mr. 'William Milker of town on Saturday while .on his way to his home at Auburn. Ile • was engaged at his trade of blacksmith- ing and ills° in threshing while, in . the WeS).4 naas pleased ,wIth the - coun-try, but tot to" such. an- ex- tent as to induce him to take up land there. t. • • The Dominion Coal Company and Its employes in Cape Breton have ex - rived at an agreement by which wag- es are to be stationary for three professionally willmake a Vara.; . • Poultry Doing Better. $ o , 1.25 ' 1.5o • • • tosses 'On Holding Hogs. • The recent drop in hdg prices ;ap- pears to'hair caused some farmers to hold back their supplies 'in 'lhoPe of obtaining a 'better figure: Out of - - eighty -ones hogs :sweetly received by • the Win. Davies Co. froth Oshavya, • twenty-one 'averaged 23.4 leg., and out of sixty-five received by the same Arm from Newmaiket twenty-two' aver-. aged 216 lbs. These, of course, were beyond bacon weight and the Davies people say they•will have to dock 25c pet ewt, in the event of more hogs of the same class being received'. It is not • wise to hold 13a.ek. hogs when ready for the market at any seasoe • of the yeari :It is doidedly unwise to hold back at this particu- lar season because the tendency al- ways is towards a decline during the iall menths. Besides, by holding back -when mature, the bacon, product is depredated, And that injuriously af- fects evetyone connected with the bacon industry. Win re farmers are not satisfied with prices offered the best remedy is to curtail production. That has been more or less i.yste- rnatically done or snore than one o'- easion and the effect, where . iaices have been uLduly depressed by -the packers, has almost invariably pro- ved beneficial. In the United States the same inia- take in shipping of poultry for the Thanksgiving market was made as here, Supplies were held hack too long. Twenty-five cents was the Pro- Gunns, Toronto, report that the over -supply of poultry on hand last week has been 'pretty well cleared, and that there 4s now, with the eold- er *weather, a good demandlfor that coming in. They quote dressed chi- ckens at 9c, fowls 7c, ducks 90 to 1.-0, geese 8e and turkeys 13e .to, 14c. Park, Blackwell and Co. quote chi- ckens 8c to 9c, fowls 7c to 8o, tur:- keys 1.2c to13e and geese 8e -to 00. DavAons quOte dressed ehieltens 8e to 9e, fowl 5ic to 6c, ducks 90 to 100)geese 80 to 9c, and turkeys 12c to 150. Smith wand Carmichael quote chi- ckens 8e to 9e, fowls" 6c to 7e, ducks and geese 90 to 100, and turkeys 18e to 14e. • NI VaiteaS quote chie.kens 7ic to 8e, fowls Go to 70, ducks 90 to 10e, geese 7c to &le, choice turkeys 12c to .13e and poor 8c to 10e, • , Alt the foregoing prices are for M. P., Mallon quotes chickens, live, drosscd litds. at 80and dressed at 10e. bowl he • • • (MINTON. quotes in the same way, at 5c and lc,ducks fie to 9e, geese 70 and 80, The News -Record gives the news of end turkeys- 120 to 14c I . duce Reviewsays, paid for turkeys in New . York a few days before the holiday, while just on the eve of Thanksgiving some fair Stock dropped to 18 cents. Britisb Apple Market. In a cablegram received Wednesday Messrs. Woodall and Co. say the Liv- erpool apple market was then active, with 26,000 bbls. selling. The Manchester Pruit Brokers, Lim- ited, cabling the same day, say that the market in Mar.thester was decid- edly stronger, with art upward ten- dency and prospects very favorable. They quote greenings at $2.40 to $3.24 ; baldwins, $2.28, to $8.12 ; spies, $2.76 to $3.96 i• russets, a$2,64:' to $3.36 ; and kings .$31I5. $3.84, • • • This year the C. P. rt. Coat -hand- ling plant at Port William has taken from boats, over five hnndred thous-, and tons of ord, and the O. N. It. over two hundred thousand tons at Port Arthur. %IN December 111 be the last day of our GREAT FIRE SALE__.,, And we are going to make the last day lite greatest of all i money - sa-ving opportunities. • Our space, this week, will not permit a list of the prices or a description -of the.. goods, but both goods and prices will be in keeping with the high standard of our stock, and the enormous reductions in vogue, since the beginning of our 8A1E. • Wethave been gotng over our stock, and find we have a. few odd lines of Undershirts, slightly damaged, and as everyone of these garments must go, we have cut the price in two, to . hurry . then -a out HeaVy Union Undershirts Regular 50c., .Saturday 25c each . Reece Lined Undershirts 'Regular 50c., Saturday 209 ' each Heavy Ribbed Undershirts *es* Regular 750., Saturday 373c each We have only about 4 dozen of the above garments so it will be to your advantage to buy . early. Cash only for this Sale Hodgens Bros. Clothing eul trAWS 111111111111buiwa 1 1