HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-12-01, Page 2Sunlight Soap does not
harden or shrunth woollens
It is injurious chemicals and adulterations in common soaps that
destroy your clothes. It is adulterations that harden your woollens..
and the excess alkali that destrrys and shrinks them
r 6
unlig t Soap
contains no adulteration or excess alkali. It is just pure saponified
fats and oils. That is why it cleanses your clothes perfectly in hard
or soft water and does not injure them. .
All dealers are authorized to return your purchase money if you
find any cause for complaint.
r,w�, ,r;va. d JNt , ,mss
As. Winset A'/1 4i
The Sunlight Maids find that flannels do not 'shrink when washed the Sufilight way
••••••••••••••••••••• Goderich.
- FOR-
Pe t
� Mec1inli1s:
Miss Victoria Blackstone, violinist.,
was the guest of Miss Mabel Thomp-
son of Seaforth for a few. days.`
Mr. and Mrs. John Weiss have re-
inovedfrom the Temperance hotel,
Saltford, • •tothe house on South
street lately occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart. McColl. • .
The :Ladies' Aid of Victoria' street.
church ' Presented. the trustees of the
church With $100, the proceeds of the
Thanksgiving supper and entertain-
Mrs '.D. Macdonald was pin Toronto
.the , past week. Her daughter; Miss
Lilltan,returned with her 'to- her stud-.
ies at Haver'gal College. • •
Miss Holmes 'of Clinton was the
guest Thanksgiving week,
Misses .'Sharman. •'
Harry Cluff of the Polson iron
works, Toronto, was home for Than-
ksgiving sg ing . and' the following .days.
Miss Mabel. Thompson of Seaforth,
was the guest of the Misses. Black.:
stone while in Goderich.
We have been• informed that Dr.
Holmes .has 'sold 'the residence on. --
North street now known as the 'Ab-
Ab-erdeen, ;to . Mr. George Thomson of •
the . Harbor Lumber • Co. .
We sympathize deeply with Miss
Madigan on tho •death' of her 'brother,
Mr. L. Madigan, at Windsor.
Mr.• William . McEwen has 'returned
-from his business trip to Blyth.
.Advent began on the last ,Staiday
in'November. : ' . • .• "
Master John Murphy is assistant
.with Mr. St. George. Price.'
: Quite an amount . of money is being
expended on /improving the :outside,
Ch gS apPearance of the British Exchange.
••••O•�O.0.0,64444,4'4• , • The Rosemount • made; her first'
• trip to Goderich .harbor on Tuesday
afternoon. 'She unloaded •85,000 Wish-
... .•.., els of wheat at the` elevator and.
Cleared light on Wednesday, Captain
John `Wood, commander:
Mrs": Maleolmson-of Win(gham spent
Thanksgiving` week with her slaters'
.here, tho. Misses Rutson:
The Rosemount is .expected to w_ in
teL at our .harbor. .
Charles Bates is still making •bar- .
H. H. Combe,•
• t _
Chemist and
▪ Y ., .111. .I.I.,Jt.s1.L..,..°d.1 1.
Of 100 Ladies, :.90 at least =Ms.
prefer Rings to any . other
kind of Jewelry..' For this
reason we pay spectal atten-
tion to this . line:
You will find .all the favor-
ite Stones and.. cc'mbiriation:s-
at their best with us.
Every Ringat 'very' its. V
ar best
both as value andqual-
ity. . .
See Large Ad. on page 3..
A. J. Grigg,
For Xivas
Nothing will plea-
se your • friends so
much as to give them.
a photograph of your-
self or frinily
Make arrangements
at once for a sitting,
flEjilra PHOTO MM.
Sore Throat and Coxigho
A simple, effective and eafo remedy; for all throat
uritat,one lei found in'
Cresolehe Antiseptic .Teeblets
They cpmbine thegermicidal value of Cresoienewith
the soothingpropertles of slippery .elm and licorice,.
lOo. All Druggists 400
Include stop over • privileges at
Chicago, Detroit and Intermediate.
Canadian Stations. , Handsome Illu-
'strated Booklets free on' application
to any Grand Trunk . agent, or to J.
D. McDonald, • District Passenger; Ag-
ent, Toronto. •• -
December 5th to 9th, 1904. Single
est class fare for round trip, it good
December 8rd. valid returning'
until December. Otlr inclusive,•
Chicago, .111, - from Clinton $11.75
for the round trip good going Nov-.
ember 27th, 28th and 29th, 1004 valid..
returning on.,or before December 5th,
Mount Clemens Mineral Bath situa-
ted near Detroit, quickly and com-
fortably reached by the Grand Trunk.
For tickets and all informitutkon ap-
x''. R. Hodgcns, Town Agent,
A. 0. Pattison,Depot ',Agent. •
This school enjoys the reputation
of doing the best work in Business
Education in the Dominion. Thi
large schools in Canada and United
States employ our graduates as tea-
chers. We give the same instruction
to all and that the Nest:
Students may enter at any time.
Write for free catalogue.
W. J. Elliott, Vresidait,
D. A► Itlet aehlari,, Principal.
Til Clinton News -Record
0. 0. Lea has been awarded the
contract for the installation of the
Webster steam, heating system in
the Jackson Mfg. Ws clothing fac-
tory, Clinton.
We regret to learn that Mrs. Jas.
Brown has been indisposed for some
time owing to an accident that betel
We must congratulate Bandmaster
Theo. Smith on his marriage at For-
est on Thanksgiving day to Miss
'Edith Gage, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H, Gage of Sarnia. Mr. and
Mrs. Smith: arrived at Goderich on
Nov. 21st.
Franklin Smith, a former leader of
the marine band, has been re-engaged
by the musical society, Mr. Theo.
Smith having resigned the leadership.
TheRosedale when she was in a
couple of weeksago unloadedher
cargo of wheat in 9 hours and.. 15
minutes. •
Robert Clark is having a gasoline
engine put in his sail boat.
John Runciman is placing a.cabin
in his boat, the old life boat.
We must congratulate Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Duff, Toronto street, on cele-
brating the 25th anniversary of their
wedded life on Nov. 21st. Seven
clever children assisted their parents
in the :celebration. Those from' a
distance who attended were : Mr.
and Mrs. .Bert Elliott, Woodstock
Mr. andMrs.. Pickard, • Holmesville ;
Mr. and Miss Rumball, Clinton , Nir,
and Mrs. Hanking, Londesboro. Mrs.
Bert Elliott and Mrs. Honking are
the sisters of Mrs. Duff and Mr, It>rm-
hall and Mrs. Piakari are cousil-t:.of•
Mr. Duff. Mr. and Mrs. 1•:. N. Shaw
of Leebarn were also guests' of lige
host and hostess. Rev. Mr. Graham
made • .a most happy and congratiila-
tory speech during the wedding tam-
per. Mr, and Mrs. Duff were ntar-
ried at Seaforth in;1879 by 11,7iv. Mr.
Graham. Handsome gifts of sliver
'were' presented Mr. and Mrs. Duff
by their guests.
The dancing class in Oddfellows'
hall has .been re -organized for • the
winter. • •
• We note from a letter received .by
Mr. George Thomson. from his bro-
ther, Captain James. Thomson, Bow-
esmont, N, D'., in 'which he writes •s.
Robbers' broke into our, store last
.month, and 'took ,$200- in cash besides
valuable papers 'and notes: •
The first mothers' meeting of,tho,•
season was held at .the residence of
Mrs. • Robertson; . Britannia Road.
.Mrs.. J. P, . Brown .presided. Quite a
number of the .W. 0, '1'. U. were pre-
and some guests. Mrs. T. M.
.Campbell of Toronto gave .a' • very.
'nice address, dealing with the care'
of .teaching children how to do ri.git.
Many parents shesaid were. very
exact, with :their children and .yet.
they were not- exact themselves; sho-
wing that c:tainplc is better than
'precept.. Al ter" a ' little' suggestive
chat it 'was decided to hold the next
meeting, at: the • residence of 'Mrs.
[Capt.) McDiarniid.' Mrs: Duff also
made 'some practical: remarks. Re-
freshments were served. at 5 p, in. by
Mrs.. Robertson and Miss Fraser. Air
ter singing: the doxology all ,left for
their • respective homes. •
Miss Maud. Johnston was ,last week
laid .up with an attack of pneumon-
Miss McGregor, accompanied by
her• friend, Mrs. W. Graham Williams,
both of Toronto, ate the guests of
;Miss: McGregor's sister, Mrs. '. C. J.
Harper: •
The Woman's Institute. will he held
on Thursday • at the home of Mrs.
Doty. Candy making and what to
have 'for a Xmas.„dinner will be two
of the 'demonstrations. We hope Mrs.
Doty : • will be greeted with ;a large.
number of new members.
.We learned on. Saturday that• the
house :owned by• Miss Sara Dark and
lately 'occupied by Mr. Lawrence was
sold: on Saturday. '. :
On Sunday • next at Knox....church
Messrs. ' . James Mitchell, George
Stewart and George Frederick Blair
will bee ordained and inducted as eld-
ers •of Knox church. •
The Salvation Army is holding
Meetings at Saltford Sabbath school
building every Wednesday nigh -Vat 8
p.• m.,Licut. h. Matter. and Lieut.
Carter in. charge. Special music and
singing. ,
About' 10.45 on Sati,rday a. m. the
fire '. alarm was , heard and a` dense
smoke. was soon seen .rising; fn • the
north end, ' of the 'town... It turned
out to be the fine brick storehouse
of Alex. Cooper. • Only the walls re-
main,but no other buildings fell . a
prey to the flames, 1VIr, Cooper was
at work at the time at the engine
which in some manner • unknown to
him exploded:
The Story ;of a
Successful Man.
Welland, Ont., Nov. 28 -(Special)-
There is no better known or more
highly respected man in. Welland than
Mr. J. J. Yokom. Born andbrou-
ght up in the neighboring township
of Crowland, by his own industry
and sterling honesty hes has grown to
be one of Welland's leading merch-
ants. ' Consequently whent Mr, Yokom
comes out with a statement that he
was cured of a serious illness 1, ' Do -
dot's Kidney Pills, everybody knows
it must be so.
"For year or more I had ICittney
Trotthio in all its worst symptoms,"
says Mr. Yokom, "Myy head was bad,
I hdd , no • appetite and f lost weight.
fast, At times I was entirely incap-
acitated. I doctored with a physic-
ian.of vast experience but got no go-
od results.
"I became despondent Of ever lying
well again, when by good luck "I ch-
anced to try Dodd's Kidney Pins and
front the first they seemed to suit
my case. Pive boxes cured me coln-
�rr••rA"•�✓�I •`,.•�.�„� �'�,'•"�i�'�►''�r �41v"�►.'�+^� 'w►••1• •'�^►•.�,�, "��•"�1►•'�r��'�►'.�"1 �i.•�-.'V.•'Wl• ^410. ••4* gCti.
Saturdayni hts ats' ozer Brow g night # 0 10 o'clock.
.5-...p n _ Yt!y,•�;r{,.rrr
December list 1004
....". ..
�. _...---.T .. _-A�•�: n rl. 1.1 rid
inlatiblilitialliMU', lit
. Month
End Sale
We are going to make the balance of the month interesting to wide d awake buyers.
Space will not .permit us to advertise .everything in the store at bargain prices, but YOU
will find something Interesting in every department.
Staple Department
400.3 yards Flannelette, 36 inches wide, eight pat-
tern, all good colors, ex& heavy cloth, 12iic for 10c
200 yards Flannelette, 29 inches wide, seven good
patterns. This line is a big bargain, regular 7c for 5e
Factory Cotton, full 36 inches wide, extra heavy
weight, regular 10c for • ?%c
Grey Flannel, all wool, 27 inches wide, was a good
seller at 25c sale price 20c
Grey Flannel, all wool, 28 inches wide, regular
30c for 25c
Military Flannel, bought at a snap, regular 35c
line for 25c
Dress Goods Department •
Grey Cravenette, shower proof cloth, 60 inches.
wide, regular. $1.25 and $1.50 lines for $1.00
• Fancy Tweed 'Dress .Goods, 42 inches . wide, five
pretty mixtures to choose from; regular 50c for 35c
Fancy Tweed Dress Goods; 42 and 44' inches wide,
ten patterns,' all new- this year, regular 60c for ` 40c
Black ,Cheviot Dress Goods, 56 inches wide, . regu-
lar 90c for ` 65c
Black Cheviot Dress 'Goods, 56. inches,.wide,. regu-
lar $1.00 sale price 75c
l5 andOc
Dress Goods, 40 and 4 inches wide,
plain grey, black and fancyatterns,
at per yard 20c
• Miss Eloise A.Skimings, •'Corr'espondent
Inxernoss' Caiaip S. 0,. S.. marched George Potter was . 'among those
to the tunes of the bagpipes to Knox:' that attended . the Liberal: convention
church on •Sunday a. m: Rev.' James at�`Toronto .• last week..
A. Anderson took- for his text:- St: Mr. • Murdoch Campbell and his
John 4 :' 38: "I sent' you to .reap that daughter, ,Mrs.. Wynn Price of Sea,-
whereon'ye bestowed no labor ;, other forth, his son,' • Thomas Alexander
inen labored' and ye' are entered sato Campbell, end• -grandson, Master Geo:
their labors." He • showed by this Campbell,': both of :Chicago', ; spent
'passage how. indelibly it is imprinted- '. Sunday the guests/ of Mrs. John.
on out ming. that . seed has to • he Tutt .
sown: and 'that. the .:blossom of today ' • There , was . a very' large attendance
isthe 'seed of .yesterday; but he told at the meeting of the recently organ -
them to beware • of what seedsare ized Rifle Association .in the ,town
;sown: He also . portrayed the trials . hall on the. 21st November: Postman-,
and perhaps tears of the toilers who ter Galt was elected treasurer .aird
broke thegroiind, to make it 'ready 'Harry Kneeshaw secretary. 80' nam=.
for the :seed, but what joy the har-.;es • are on the: .roll of 'membership.
Vest time. gave !reaping ' .the crops Twenty rifles: have been ordered: -sand
that sprang from the seed sown. He• 8,000 lbs. of ammunition. The mat-
ended by saying that the Sons of ter of• bonds for the rifles was ar
Scotland, no •'mattor : what little an- ranged and Captain M. 0.. Johnston
noyances might sting them to be was,, empowered to name a committee
brithers for a' that. The solo in the •to draft by.laws to govern the , -or
anthem, . "Worship the Lord" -sung . •ganization. The next meeting will be
during the offertory-, was beautifully : held at the call of 'the captain .
taken. by Miss McVittic. The acconi- A' few snowflakes fell on Thursday
pantmerit was an illustration of the a..m •• b'ut a good fall surprised :us
mountains, etc., mentioned • in the on Friday. .
anthem. About thirty members 'of Mr. Harry Turner of`the Sault Ste.
Inverness Camp •. attended, Captain Marie Telegram' was in town a couple
Malcolm Macdonald' standard bearer, of days. last week,
and Mr.. Craigie pito/: They heard Mr. Mcclregor of •the C. P. R. en-
of what was expected of them, they • gineers playedfor our edification the
being• the trustees: of the inheritance; other evening at the Abierdeen "'Vis
the 'stewards of whet`God gave•:th- the last rose of summer". with the
em; greatest: of pathos, upon his violin.
Sunday; Nov. 27th, is now ack- It was really beautiful.
nowledged' to be tht date all over the Mr. Anderson •t owile has been seen
Christian world for the World's •ding a few weeks with Mrs, Fowlie
'Temperance Rally Day: The nicinb at Mrs. Alex. Craigie's,
ors of the Sunday, schools of ' the. Captain ^ Will. and :Mrs Tre'theway
Pres'bytcrian,. Baptist' and two Me- of Sault Ste, Marie, Mich.,.are. the,
thodist churches attended the day's guests of Mrs.,' Captain T: Teethe
services in. North street church whi-
hi eh was pretty well filled. Mr. Torn Mr.'; and Mrs. Swartz of Clinton.
I. S.. presided over the exercises. At have been in Goderich during . all the
the opening all sang "A Better Day illness through which members of
Is Coming" after which Mr. • Tom Mr. T. Swartz's fancily have been
gave a very suitable address, ending passing.
up with all repeating • the Lord's Lieut: Col..Varcoe accompanies his
grayer. The responsive reading was wife, daughter and Son and sister,
taken from Isiah 28th chapter, 1-13. Mrs. M. H. Welsh, to Ontario, Cali-
ReV. Anderson gave an address.' fornia.
"Dare to be a Daniel" was then sung CaptainlVlontgomery,bade his adieu
and - then. Rev. Mr. Levaek, Baptist to our town after a sojourn in it
minister, was called upon. He said of nearly half a century and will take
they had never met him before but up his residence at Sault Ste. Marie
- -1 Mr. Steele.
with iinaw,
n' w t hiss r
doubtless they knew where he,,
from. He had only •one thing to tell Messrs. George and Henry Mont
them, that he was saved from the sin gomery, Captain Montgomery's sons,
of intemperance. Ile/quoted. many and Mr. Henderson and their families
examples that came to his knowled- have removed from Goderich town -
go showing the great evil of %intern- ship to Thessalon.
perance. Rev, Mr. Hazen then took , The banquet tendered Robert Elliott
charge of the blackboard. The text our "Apple Kt,rg" on Friday even=
of it was a hammer and anvil with ing by the apple packers of West
red /narks on the anvil indicative of Huron at the •King Edward hotel,
the hot iron to be beaten, He asked was a great success. About forty
the children many .•questions regard- guests from Saltford, 13enmiller,Port
ing the name and uses of the figures Albert, Dungannon, Milburn, I3ayfleld,
portrayed and in showing now they Clinton, tlolmesville and same from
must with teaching, example, etc.; Colborne. Each place was ,represent -
beat out intemperance ,like the black-, ed by a foreman who made a speech
smith beats out iron, the blaeltimard during the evening. The tables were
slipped from its position. The infant bountifully laid for forty covers. The
elassesthen sang, in beautifni voices menu included turkey and oysters
"When He Cometh." That was one with everything in season, A deli -
of the most beautiful features of the ghtful evening vas spent in music
aft'ernoon's work, and song,
Ladies:' Waterproof Coats
Dark Grey Tweed, shoulder capes, no collar, brass
and oxidized buttons, well made, regular $6 for $4.50
Dark Grey. Cravenette, two capes and collar ,good
heavy coat, well made, regular $0.0O for $5.00
Light and Dark Grey, two capes and collar, full
length, all sizes, l egular' $10 for • . • • $$.00
Dark Grey, three quarter length, extra heavy for
fall wear, two capes and :collar, • regular $8 for $6.50
Met.'s Shirts
Men's Black Satteen Shirts,good heavy satteen, well
made, all sizes, regular 50c for 35c
Men's Black Satteen Shirts, extra good satteen,reg-
ular 75c for 50c
15 dozen Men's Soft Fronted Shirts, such makes as.
Skelton's Princely and Star brand, regular 75c for. 50c
25 dozen Merles .soft•.and. stiff°fronted• Shirts, Made
by the above makers; sold everywhere at .$1 and $1.25
our 'clearing'priee 75c
What is • advertised we DO
or your money back.
Successors to
P. L.oat5'' & ' Sor.
tom»•.--.- _ ..- ia......v.,;`,ryy";jxli. . ' r♦ „
• :•
00 00000000000000
The'. News of ' Goderich.
o w
On :.IVlonday,• .21st. Nov., the house
f of:Mrs. David Bell was one • of great
social• enjoyment, on the occasion of
her birthhay. , rthhay. -Some of.'her young
'lady friends invited their friends to
I the ..supper and hop in elrtr 'honor.
Chick -en. and hint sandwiches . and
many kinds . of cake with tca.,r: and
coffee •were 'served at 'nightfall. Mus-
is "for: the' lop • was furnished by. ]VVI/.
McEnoneny, one of the C. •P: R.statf.
Beautiful•: presents..were.given Mrs.
Bell : and :if' good wishes will add to
'Mrs. Bell's •enjoyment in li'fc she will
have it. •
• Mr; :anti .Mrs.. George. Acheson leave
today. for • thrix. winter. residence in
Ora,lige, California. • .
Rev. 'Dr,. Carman •gave two .flirt
sermons' .at Victoria.street church,
on ...Sunday : last...He is. wonderfully'
vigorous, and in stentorian tones .'he
• put' true repentance in the foreground
•and brought. all the :logic he' could
_master to show that the heart of a
main can-alono, tellhim if ne ; has
put off. the old .man and put on • the
new. His text in the 'evening. • was
taken from Ephesians 4.: 22, 23,-24.
Ile possesses • a fine flow of 'laifg}lage
and drew to the church. a great
number • of members of thea different.
congregations in town. The nntheni
before the 'sermon "God is 1•' iug"
was extrc•tnely well rendered. Miss
'Nicholson' thole the soprano and Mr.
Belcher. and his son, ' rho baritone'
Eggs are two. •cent:s • a piece here
now and " it is . not Christmas . time
yet. •
The shipping men are loud in their
praises of the . Grand • Trunk's energy '
in sending on special trains' to ' help
therh.•get a number of shipments
... ...
Mrs.. and Miss • Evans have returned'
from their visit to. rho St. Loitis
exposition: • • •
�,. Contractor Pigott has evidently'
not forgotten the old adage f'A11 wo•
rk •and no p' lay" for he is getting` a
billiard table , prepared for,. . "The
i Master- Dan. McGillivray of . Kings-
ton returned as watchman. . on the '.
' steamer • Rosemount after 'en. absence
•of •eleven years.
Mr. and Mrs. .M.. J. Wilsun. • of
Teeswater were renewing old ac'gtia-
iintances in this locality
Miss rilahel Bailie and Miss. :Olt' e•
IIelyxar. spent tlic Thanksgiving holt
days , at tiro 'Home of .the latter it
fClinton: • •
.,. '
.: At .i•lie I,p��. i.h League on fiuesd:ry
evening the subject "How •Inter'nper-:
anceliindet's liissions" was taken Iry
Clarenec: nusiow. -
Read The i, ews-Record• for tfie'ne-
ws of Huron..•
hu.e+e Ji V T+r+s 2fyesbaa+-•t2�eKa'.i.R�..ms?F•X.-,
e r9.lr'��
[For: harness well' made and that
loo -s well wears [look's, 1 ea s long. Corrie ': to
Do yott netd a robe ? If, so see.
:our stock of 4askatehowan ro Ics,etc;.
• Thereis ,no Metter stock food that:
the', International. , Read the testi-
monials and 'yeti will buy. it. We sell
W. J. Welsh is having leis jewelry + .1,C QlO
establishment arranged in' up-to-date
• e
Do not consider it a
harpship to do as much for
as you do for a 'city woekM °
ly or daily -----pay for it in
Consult Your ,.ddress altrures.