HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-24, Page 10'408801810188008m1.168101, The Clinton News*Record November 34th 1VO4 * • OriOniti Issoos ot * * Jacketsat Grand Christmas A big slaughtereala.. fiku MI II Double Numbers Money wSaving Prices • It i a Settledfeature of our business policy to clean out all lines of goods, as far as possible, in th. season for which they we.e bought, and the time has 439W come to cut :the prices on our Jacket stock. Commencing SATURDAY, 26th inst., we will sell the balance of our stock of Coats at remarkably low prices. Thete are not a great many left to sell, and the prices we will °He- them at are low enough to save money for people who get them. Our reputa- tion for keeping an up-to-date and reliable stock of Jackets is thoroughly established. Customers can depend upon the garments we offer being dependable in every respect. Ladies' Jackets. To facilitate ceiling) we have grouped this season's stock of Ladies' Coats in three lots. Here we are selling them-: . Lot No. i. • Ladies Jackets, in blacli, grey, fawn and navy, in plain cloths, Zibelines and Tweed effects, regularly sold up to $7.O,yeur for........ IN STOOL PEAR'S ANNUAL 3 Colored Supplement Plates...28e BLACK AND WHITE 25 Colored Cover Delicate Desiku 50e THE LONDON GRAPHIC, All in Colors and Full of Fun 50e ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS Usual high standard of excel- . For LADIES AND CHILDREN . . • NEW GARMENTS, to be sold regardless of cost or real value RED LETTER DAYS OF SALE fence 500THURSDAY, E ID AY SATU 1 AY, Orders Solicited for- -The Christmas Globe- Canada's National Holiday Number Nov. 24th. Nov. 25th. Nov. 26th. Eight Colored Pages. Four Separate Plates. SUPPLY LimifrED •-•• PRICE 50c ;ORDER EARLY. NQRDHEIMER PIANOS. • Agents Paxker's Dye Works., is th.e way • • Owing to the very backward season, sales ir. our Coif Department have not ben up to the mark, To make a sure thing of cleating out every garment this season, iht.t regular prices have teen entirely forgotten, Ninety per cent of our Coats were bought in Germany, and all are new thsgason, many of thein only being in the store a few weeks, EVERY COAT IN THE. STORE IS INCLUDED IN THIS SALE -nothing will be kept back, if you want a new Winter Coat or Rain Coat, be mire and come to the store. 22 =BRAND NEW COATS TO CHOOSE FROMr. Lot No. 2. A good assortment in plain cloths and fancy Tweed effects, in. all. the latest. styles and shades, our regular prices range from $9 00 to $13.00. clearing at Lot No. 3. Our very nest Coats in blacks and colors, very stylish, sold at $13.00 to $18.00, clearing for There is not an old garment in the .:entire lot garment this season's style•-'- nicely tr well lined, and. the best workManship. I D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest. Always the Best, About • $4.15 People $6 509 • 7 00 to 8.00 Coats at $4 95 • Ladies Misses and Cbildrens coats in Tweeds Frieze and Beaver cloths, in several styles, these aro made midi tight and loose back, and some havebelts, regnitv prices $6,50, $7.00 to $8.00 $4.95 Ladiets $5 00 and $6.00 Coats at $3,00 LaAies coats in several styles, all made ei good •wearing.. Moths in black, grey, navy and mixed tweds, coats that sold up to $6.00 for :$8.50 Rain •Coats at $4 50 • . $3,00 • W Know 25 Rain Coats made of an sfl : wool Covert loth -whir Mr. B. ICennedY *as in Goderich • on sa.tiira.ay. Ladies and Kisses COats in several Mlles, in aivorted, "Mr. J. Beaman has returned home 'colors cloths are fine tweeds, smoothfadd Beaver, Ker1 sy from Lauder, Man ' All are lined with satana snd are excellent veue 1 , . ing holidays in London, at our regular prices $8.50, $9,00 $10.00. All to. go • Thursday and Friday -last. • . . trimmed with capes and belt. Regular $9.00 and Mr. George Twitchell,' rirantford, • Mr. D. Lindsay .spent the 'Thanksgiv- rubber lining. Just the. thing for an). one /taxing 't erive, this ;Re,. • has been the best selling c /at Iva ever had. Our gular pricers $8 50. Sale Price - $9 and 10 Rain Coats it $5.96 en nn cn 0 UU Mr, W. J, Tozerwas M Toronto on at • , .... .4. • ou.ou 20 Rain Coats made of si all wool Craven/ tte cloth, nie,ely • • ' cam,e home for Thanksgiving. $11,12, 14 and$15 Coats at $8 75, Coats to go•at Childrens $4.50 to 5.00 Coats at $350 Mr. and Ms. Murdoch Boas of Bay- • : • field were in town on Monday. your ohoio.).. of any of our von finest -cols mule of $10 00 Miss Mildred Graham visited in ' Lucknow on Thanksgiving day.. ' • - Covert andyliersey clothii4 colors of' Brown, Fawn, Navy, • • $5 95 -eVery Miss Tena Cowan has beenspending Grev and Black that sold at $11,00, $1200, $14.00 m e • . / Barrister Beatty and Mi. S. S. Coo- - per were in. London vn Frihv iabt. d --a few days at her home in Blyth. and $15,00 for • . Miss McCallum of Ailsa Craig visit- ti if p S In addition to the above,•which are all new' gar- ments, we have about a dozen Coats; which are all we carried over from last seasoh and in order to -clear them ^ . a = rice. a e f old 'Clinton friends durfug 'Thanks-, ' • Mr. Dottglak „Moir, London, -viSited. Millinery . • orge MeEwen's .the • • , Mr • Lewis Gavin of Galt spent his ' This has been the greatest sale. We have ever had in our.4 Thanksgiving holidays at the home 'Millinery Department" Just think of being. able .to buy the 8 to out we have cut deep ihto the prices.. • • 25 Childreni Coats made of. fine all wool •Twe0.d's and in.• Navy, Red. and mixed colors.nicely and trimmed. Regular prices are up $5.00 to go at • „ Our Christmas Reception THURSDAY EVENING, DECEIVIBER ist, • You cordially invitt.d to attendour Chnstrnab Open which will be held Thursdayseitening, Der. ist, from 10 o'clock. "..lo make the evening more . enjoyable we secured the services of the citizens' •Band:c%hich fur • of Mr. H. gent. verY neweat styles in 1-1-ats; at exactly half the usual Value,-..- I have '1'welve only Jackets. last -seaSon's styles, s 14. " 4 During this sale yoti can• have your. choice of any Trimmed men a. very fine programme. Mis -ou o o er c AV the guest of Clinton friends for fawns and blacks, some of•whiCh sold: as high couple of days last week. • • a:t 111 t e . .. spen•t froin Weanesday.th .Monday chided in 'this Half -Prim Sale, We cleared out several huh; . if you want It. H • • h Store at exactlyhalf-price,Over 2oo DRESS Miss Maud Porter teacher, .Creditca, and OUTING bkIA.PES, the- very newest- styles, are n - as $1 2.00, clearing for eachYour money back Three Dollars and' :fifty Cents. ; with Win and IVIrs. David Tipia y. d d Mk and Mrs. George Hardy of Lon- re of,these hats from a large 1Viillinery House some' time ago . . . . • • • don were guests a ley:, dayS of•the and while they last they are to go at ..Exattly Half Prito • arrains ind .c t . . past leek of Mr.' and Mrs. J. W. ' , • Perkins,- : $ 0 FELT HATS to go at 5oc • • . • . • • . • We are also- selling our Children's. Coats at special prices. Ifyou want a Coat for your girl, c6rne and see what we are 'showing. In ad.dition to Our gular stock we cleared a lot at aargain .Prices now pass them unto yonin the saine way. Children's Coats at $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00. oe 41 Worth half as much again. iat eAt Mr. Lester 'Whitely of the teaching staff of the Collegiate at .. St. Thomas, was in town for a cou- ple of days last Week." Mk. and Mrs. W. Downs, who tame up to attend the funeral of • the late Mis R.Downs, returned to. onto Monday evening: . Misses Ida and Gertie ThompsonO London and Miss Alice Watson of Blyth were guests on ThanksgiVing. of Mrs. D. If. Kennedy. Mr. Douglas Goodwin has returned • $2.00 ." $100 $2.5;1 66 64. • " 1 • .25 - jrai N.. hi hi IUUII� hirt&hp P.; $3.00 6 66 6 6 1.50 • CLINTON. • • ' . • • ••••1•4:.•••••• :STILL CONTINUES Weyburn • • •• • • • • • • • • • • In order that everyone may see the astonishing Bargains we are offeror. .during our . from , Assa., where he. 'Was visiting his brother Victor who Clearingout theMillinery taken lip land there. • • • has We have had a tnost successful Millinery season and the time has now come to clear the balance of the lines on hand. Trimmed Hats one third off. . . The balance of all our trimmed Millinery, without reserve, at a straight discount of one-third We . have a good assortment to 'choose from, but' early buyers will get the best selection. • . Ready-to-VVears :• • $2.0o Ready-to-wear Hats. for $3.00 and $3 5.0 Ready-to-wear Hats tor ..„. . .. $2.00 Colored Felt Turbans • • • About one dozen in this lot that sold for $r.25 to $r .5o, clearing for .......... • $0e • Infants Bonnets . • • r • Infants' Persian Plush Bonnets, also some wool Hoods, small sizes only, clean, fresh stock that • sold from 65c to $1.00 each, clearing for d. . , .. 25c Children's Felt Sailors • • About two dozen Children's Felt Sailors,' good colors,sold.frorn $1.50 to $1.75: clearing at each 9oc. • -"`l • New Lace Colars From Germany • We opened out this week a shipment of Lace Collars imported b3r Qursel Ares direct from the -German ManufActures. The3r come in heavy andfin Grtipute Lace and in white, crealn and linen shades. They art without doubt the best val aes we ever offered in these goods. Prizes are, 75c, $14.00 $1.25 $1,50, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00) • 11 • x „ • Mrs. Straughan and the ' Misses Straughan of ' Goderich were guests of Mrs. John Johnstone, Ratien- bury street, on Thanksgiving. day. Mrs. John Layton Sr., accompanied by Miss Mary Layton, visited her .daughters, Mrs. flv Ober and Mrs. G. Hofflieh of Berlin the past week. Mi and Mrs. ROA. Sharp, Miss Lena and Robert were guests ' of, '1VIrs. Arthur Cantelon and Mrs. John Plewes for a few days of the past week. • • Miss Hellyar returned to her hOote ' at 'Bowmanville on Motif atter. having been the guest of her broth- er, Mr. W. H. Hellyar, for a few' days. • • Mr. W. Scott name up from Toronto on Saturday and returned to the city on Monday. fits sister, Miss Agnes Scott, will spend:the %vin - ter with him. • •.1 Mrs. W. Mitchell and Miss Shaw of Wingham and Mrs. James Walker and her daughter Eva of Goderich were guests of Mrs. John Walker on Thanksgiving. , Mrs, Henry Cook, for 'Very many years, ' a resident of the 9th con., Godeich township, has come to • town and will spend the winter with her sons, Joshua, Thos. H. • 'and David. Mr. Thos. Campbell of Chicago was the guest of Mr. John Johnstorm% Rattenbury street, on Monday and together they Visited Blyth friends, Mr. Campbell spent' some of his youthful years in Clinton when his father was employed in the fan- ning mill works. • Messrs. George and Frank Coleman of the Parr Line, Stanley, were in town Monday en their way to Goderich in connection with ihn Suit which the latter ha' s 'entered against Mr. John CoohrnAn. . of Hillsgreen, Mr, Coleman claims' $200 damages for injuries sustained by being mil into while driving ho- me from Kippen a few weeks ap. Both -Mr.'and Mrs. Coleman were thrown from their buggy and lia,ve not yet fully recovered from the effects of it. ' lifear.y Riastic Bibbed UnArrwear• . Marriages. Shitts and drawers, Tigei-hrand un -el nn • shrinkable, Veg $2.00.01 ire Sale per sultqf I NU GREAT FIRE SAL We are continuing .it until Saturday, Dec, 3rd, three days longer Ohim we intended, This week we have the same Bargains, for all men, and a special Snap for big MOD: Metis Overcos.ts liittck Beaver Overcoats . Good linings and .welleinade, ,„„ regular $7.50, Fire Sale 0„15 Emir,' Stripe Tweed Oveiseoats . .Made with -half belt, a. Coat we made'to run as a SPECIAL at $ r 0.00, -Fire • Sale $8,00* • 7 ' • ****Yg********"IE Men's Suits.. MADE -TO-ORDEF4 * Oxford Grey bleed A good general purpose Suit• 601 n .TROUSERS... .1K regul....r $5.50Fire Sale price ' . 30 patterns, Ellisb •Worsted . * 81`4„ve $6, Fire Sale per pair ... Trouserings, reg. $ and $3 90 ood heav double-breastecl. Suit • hid- Boys.tind Youths Overcoats ! Sizes 30 to 35,fancy tweed, a. very dressy coat, regular $7.50, Fire Sale ° $6.00. . Bo)is OVercoats . Heavy tweed, regular $6.00, e,„ fire Sale . . .. 4,13 Boys 81ak: Frieze overcoits. . Velvet collar and pod regular $5.00, Fire Sale Black Beaver Overcoats t antlers' Satin lining and very finely made, was our leader at- $10.00, ram y '11Weed OvercoatS $8.00. Fire Sate price • • Iebrown mixture, best Italian lining, reg. $1345o, Fire. S4e ..,. 10,01 Fancy Strip(' Overcoats Satin lining; our very best dress Overcoat; regular $.t7.00, Fire I Sale ..4.1 ..... .. . $14.00' • , . . , li . K IZTitYivii7FaltiiolFs11:11?1, eir. Cash Only G • by Rcv. Mr. Manning, Rose, dau- *ter of. Mr. James Connell, Kennedy of Clinton, For this Sale Goderieh township, to Norman •., , • PRY Goof:* OL(NTON • **************4.i • Odd Trousers. Stripe tweed Trousers, all sizes a. good servicable Pant, reg. $1.5o Fire Sale, per pair Zi j15 Extra. heavy, all -wool ed, special value at per .pr. '$2.50, Fire Sale, price $2.00 **************** BOYS' KNIOKERS pair knickers, sizes 2 to 25, Fire Sale per pr,300, *************** men's Reefers Dark grey Frieze, heavy, „„ reg $5.50, Fire Sale,. ..... Boys Reekrs Heavy navy blue napp, 3 only, sizes 31, 32, 33, reg. $6.00, AA it Fire Sale.......... ....... ....... 4i1110 Boys Reefers • Heavy Frieze, sizes 23 to ,,,•,., 27, reg $3.5o, Fire Sale 4-LIZO Boys Betters sizes al. to 8o Heavy Trish Frieze, greys wilt stand any amount of wear, -was „„; our leader at $7,50, VireSale price . - 1t11 Wool Ntivy. Serge • • --- -. ,Regular price $8.50, Fire Sale price. Finely tailored and•best linings used throughout, regular $1.2.5o, Fire t 0 lc Sale 7.7" • . - . OW. 1411 000 Eapi'y Stripe TM eed • •Good value at $8.00, gire Sale price Our 810.00 Lemke All -wool Tweed finely made and trimmed, regular $ro, Fire Sale price ° 41 UU Fancy Grey Stripe Worsted • The famous 2oth century brand, best lining and trimmings and made by h!gh. • class orkmen, regular $15, Fire Sale price.... •• $10.09 Fancy Stripe Tweed A very dressy. Suit% for business wear, regular price $12, Fire Sale eo price. ........ %PUS I $5,50 • ileavf Fleece Lined Underwear, c Regular $1.00 per snit, • .150 and browns, reg $5, Fire Sale $3118u pur r.4111t. „ otemmomea Ti1.2. Big Clothfers4