HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-24, Page 9November 24th 1904 niagligligillarlillb if a 11. II I 414.1..„' D incTaggart ..E1TE 4 13ANKER.... , -GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ' TIAITSACTED. NollEs DISCOUN- TED. DRAIMS ISSUED, INTEREST 4 LLOWED ON DEPOSITS, --. 1:7.0: AInnERT TREET, CLINTON, • W..BRytioNE, . BARRISTER, SOUCITOR. NOTAI?4, BUBLICa .TC. OlikleE1--Sibarte Block— CLINTON, a • .• . BEATVE (uc9esso to ;Mr. James Scott.) DARRXSTE.C;,:‘ SOLICITORt ETC oitic.e.• forineri;y.. Occupied by Mr. .James §,04t4s,.,in Elliott Bioo. . - • • VALE • • 2-rii .ancers, Commissioners, Reel • „•..aW and..Insurance Agency.. r ,Money to Loan. nianIn LE a- JOHN RIDOUT, DRS. GUNN & GUNN Dr. W. Gunn L. It. c; P. R.C.S. Edistleirgh. • Dr. J. Nisbet Guem t. R, C. S. Eug. 14. R• P. London • Night calls at front door of residence on Re.ttenbilky street, opposite Presbyterian church., OFFICE— 'Ontario street —CLINTON. DR. SHAW. PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON: ' OFFICE— Ontario street —CLINTON, • Opposite St. Paul's church:. DR. C. W. THOMPSON 1-11iYSICre.N AND SURGEON,. • Special • attention 'given to diseases of ' the. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat —Office and Residence— • • ALBERT STREET WEST, CLINTON.. Mirth of Batten:bury -St. - DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- lister on Main street. • BAYFIELD, — — .--- ONT. DR. 'AGNEW, .DENTIST, open - every day and Saturday niglits until to O'clock. • CLINTON, ----- '1•2... G. 1:•11..NEST HOLMES' - • 4:3pecia1ist in ',roe', u.,.a AJIldge Wore La D. S.—Graduate oi the Royal 'Col- lege of Dental • auracoes La Ontar- io. . . . 14. D..S.—First class honor • graduate of Dental Department ca toroutn -University. Special attention paid to 1 ..cservatien • of children's teeth. . . • Mill be at the River Hotel, • Bay acid, every Monday from_ ro a. re. LO b J.; FREEMAN VETERINARY SURGEON. ,n. member of the Vetainary medical • Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate ot ate Oetar- io Veterinary College. OFFICE— Huron. street . —CLINTON. Next to Commercial Hotel. Phone 97 Marriage Licenses • ISSUED BY • 3.13. Rumball rilintou aIll ntIneleilDmanetE312 n mnE1173,112 1/11 11.4 ffej DR. OVENS OF LONDON !In RI X* En Surgeon, Oculist, Specia; iat„. kit nit Diseases of Eye, Ear, Noecand int inn Throat, visits alinton•inonthly La . En •tin taij GLASS14',S PROl'ERLY FITTED Lin fIll Ei . 0 Nasal Catarrh and Deafness (ni D treated. • T.43 O NI NI London Office 225 Queers's dive. al] O [in glic Clinton Oilice Conthe's Dreg •Ni 0 • Store. IR 0 ..... CI 0 atours 8 a. na, to 4 p., th. Dat- • DA Of es of visits—Tuesdays—Feb. 0, . ad NI Mar. 1, Mr.r, 29, May So May N go 31, June 28„TIlly 26, Sept. 6,, rig c -J Oct. 4,• Nob. r, NOV. 29. g g airt10-110.1VINIXIXIIIIIRJAIXIXIXIMINIIKIIIIKlat al -LIPPINC0iPS MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY o Bost .In Current literature 2 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY ANY SHORT STORIES AND PERS ON TIMELY TOPICS 2.60 inn Veda ; 26 etc A 001$11,, o CONTINUED STORIES 11114/1101111111NCOMPLittit IN ITSELP ...ii•.140;...+,0....41.:11/1111111E0011010/1/101** 011 it ENO aidtd Aa a (114infettaat, Rattenibury Street Works • •importers. 'Workman- ship and Material guarantee 1. J. G. SEA.LE & Co. "...N..% We have a, good as -1 sortinent of New • Buggies always • on lian.d. Just now a ntunber of second. -hand Bug- gies in good, re- pair. Cheap. -Repairing promptly attended 'to., RUMBALL and McCall Huron Si,., ()Britoil. OW,..02101.1,-esocicar The fficKillop Mutual Fire lima= Cumganu —Farm and Isolated • ToW11 —Only' Insured.-- . • OFFICERS. • J. B. McLean, President,. '3":.ipPen F.: 0. 0. ; Thos. Fraser.; •Viee-President, Brncefield P, 0: ; •T. 0#:flays, :See.- 'rreasurer, Seaforth T. 0. - - DIRECTORS. . William Shestiey,.. • Seafenth ; John GrieVe, Winthrop ; ',George Dale,. Sea - forth ; :Jelin Watt, Harlock ; • John Benesvies, B d ,n an neeelrWOOil ; 'James Calumny, Cliaton! , 'AGENTS, ' • ,• ' Robert Ea.rloek ;, E, 'Hin- chley, taforth , 3anies Ctuninuigs, Egniondyille ; ' J. W.. co, Holmes - vale. • •• ' •• Parties desirous to effect insurance' • or transact . other • • bnsineaswill bes • premptly attended to ' application • to -any of the above officers addressed to tbeir .reepective poatallines. Losses inspected .by the "_directer . Who lives nearest the scene, '• - ',SYS"T-E1117 TrivIE TABLE. Trains . will arrive ' at and • depart from .Clinton station. as follows': Btle'ALO AND GODERXCH DIV. • • • • • Going East Express, t, tt • oing Host Going West Going West Express " arrive • it ' ',OMAN, HURON AND Going Sauth. Express • . " North Express* 7,38. am, 3.23 p 5,O p.m. - • 26.15 eau, Pan. 6..15 leave 6.40 10.32 p.m. • • BRUCE •.7.47 a.m. • • 4.15 P.M. ro.i5 .5-35 P-nt. A. 0, P.,&TTInflala Station Agent, F. R. iioD9ENs, ToNi;11.. Tienet Agent. J D. MACDONALD; District Passel), ger Agent, Torouto. I l'.•''-ntnynnn-nnstenn.nn. ann.7--n1 • . . Cook's C�ttoi Root Compound. •, Vavoritte, TO the only safe, reliable •regulator ea vv,hich woman can depend "in the tour and Dine of need." Prepared in two degrees of .: strength. No. 1 tied No. 2. No, 1:—Por ordinary eases is by far the best dollar / • medicine known. NO. 2-13'�r special eases -10 &veal stronger—three dollars per box, Liadles—ask your druggist foe Cook's; Colton Root compound. Take no ether as all pills, mixtures and imitettIona are dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are told and recommended by all druggists in tbe Do - Minion of Canada, Mailed to any address on receipt of_vrice and four 2-eent postage staineet. Wise 100olc Company, 0 iiiiindsora Ont. Na. r and No. 2 are sold in Clinton by Watts & Cc., fl. 13, Connie, R. 11. Reekie and .T. 1, Hovey, clruggiats. SCI YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKE DESIONs COPYRIGHT R &E• Anyone seeding a Adel! and dosbrintton MAY quickly ascertain one opinion free vrnothee an Invention le nrehnbly patentable. Communleit. ttons strictly confidential, RANDBOOK env/110m.y eent fte0. omen agency for securing patent,. Patents taxon through Munn & ce. receive specie/ meta, without enema fir the 1 Scientific ilifitliCall„ A handsomely Maar/add weekly. Intaeafi elr. deletion or any Salentine lontnat, Ttornm $3. a eat t fonr menthe, 4t1. noid by an newadcalora CNN & Co seibroadwaY, ew York Branehomce,64v8t4vrai,bington.thu. ...,,..,,,,,,,,,t,,..„ ,..• ,......„,.. , 1.0,t,e0y.ziwilsemettoimaiofee.tanbsoop. I Powder le better than other scrap neVi'dereg The Clinton Ni wisiRecord :..worgift.oiewog=rmysoompoiwo,rouv olei,t1,04,?yte3E.E.4,4314,3wAii.xiotrAtsmoweir,00)0004:0(444)10 A young By Charles Gandee i t ..), Author of i '4Y I "A Modern Juliet', , , I t. Girl'sTrilst..., i 'ttnecreTtnLifeile!' §... ,4.-• Z-... 'f..f..„. .^.....4,-,1z1;70.!'NOti(t,VinInnnOn'n1W-IntnIntnttonInti-int..-34)1(4K4k3(Sinnti , ° "Is that the truth? Yes; your silence tells me so. Then—then, °Mistime, 1 have not lost you alto- gether! He—this other—must be • un- worthy of you. lie must—he /must 1 I do not, care who be is! Forget him, dearest, dearest!" "1 eau notl You do not knoW • what you aski" broke from her parted lips, "You do not know, can not guess. Oh, go, Lord St. John, go now! I—I can not bear any more, . I can not be your wife. I am grateful—grateful. I would go oii. my knees to you for all—all your goodness to me. I am all unworthy • of your love; GO.. know 1 would take it if I dared, but I dare not! I ban neva be your wife. Go now" —her voice Was • piteous •in its en- treaty—"go away, and do not see me again. • Forget that you ever saw rne; forget—" Her voice was choked by. a • sob that seemed to rend her heart, . St. . John rose and stoed beside her. His all -absorbing love shone in his eyes, and indeed his face, "with the dignity and nobility which -come to a man who has learned the great lesson to suffer and be strong. "Yes, I mill go now,". he said in a 10tv voice; •'but not fcirever. You must not send me away forever, Christine. That would be too great a 'punishment for having dared to • love you. You must let me be your friend still; you must let me come and. see you . as have done, Do not be afraid," lie wenton; gently, ai she. - shook her head; "I shall not harass you. I ,will not, if 1 can help it, even reinind you, by word or loon, of ehat has passed between us this morning. I will try—and I shall succeed—to hide the love bear • you. But"—his Voice grew deeper—"I will not 'promise to for- get it; nor will I promise to giye up all hope. There is something—some mystery—in your: past life,. some- thing in .which some other man is bound up, which divides us. But it may—oh, God! I pray•that it may" • —his ,vciice rang in 'fervent supplica- tion—"be removed!. Yes," he look- ed At her • with a passionate hope and centfidence burning in his elo- • tempt Wes, "I think, 1 believe, that • the time 'will come ' when I may again tell you that 1 love you, and • that then yen. not send Me. from: you; • but Will turn, to - zne j can wait' truth that hour—the great heur of my life—eornes. . • Untilthen, Christine, ' I Will be content to be _ youe' friend—to be near to you—and silent." • His. voice died aWay. He held out his Manngance raised.her eyes and looked at him'then put her hand In kie• bent t� -kiss it, lint :check- ed himpelf alritost as his lips touched . It; and; left her. • • Nance. threw .herseif- upon the sofa and hid her faee'in the cushions. No 'tears would come; but her -heart ached all the More f Or ler ineapanity, to shed there. • Pity, reraose; stirred in all her veins, If she had only known, guessed, • Whither they had •been drifting!: All unknowingly, in Perfect innocence, silo had been cruel, cruet,. She laiew ho W he must auf, fer, •woeld suffer; for _ had. • she not • herself- leved„ arid, :did • She not- still • 4.itiffer? • • • • ' . • "Oh, -poor St. John! poor. St, • John!" she Moaned. '"I wish that. • I were dead!" • . •• •• ; St. John rode 'Immo slowly. As he passed .along the 'corridor to his own room, the countess, who was writing letterein her boudoir,' heard: his footsteps., and called to hint.. • , "Is that you, St. John?" • •He hesitated a moinent, then en- '. ' She rooked round and started, •1 "WhY1 • What is the matter? Has anything happened? Where have you been?" and she glanced at his Cord Tiding -suit. ' ' •• "To the, Hall,. mother," he said. 11is- voice rate., with a new nOte—a ten° of manly dignity whieh . was quite new t� her, as new asthe wern, haggard look in' hie, face and in his eyes, • . • . 'To—to tbir Hall?" she.intid, "Did you see--Misa PlaiwOod?" fAren,"' he Said. Then he went straight to the point. "I have ask- • ed her to .be thy .wife." • •• The countess winced. ' "Yes? Well, St. John, you know that your hanpineas is rny, and your • father's first consideration,: We have only youitt—hut 1Vliss Harwood, we know very little about her. She Is a-charofing girl; oh, yes!' X grant that, But—nut still—you are the next earl, and—and—" , • • I Ile 'smiled, and the smile was sad - dor and and nione grim than arty sar- castic "Radinal" retort could have been. •'.•. I "Christine has refused roe, moth. ! • • The countess was almost' guilty of • jumping fnoni her chair., Amazement sat on every feattire. • "Refused—youl You!" she • • defined in ' a suppressed voice . of astonishment not unmixed with in- ' dignation. "A Lucre nobody, daugh- ter of 'a Money lender,' refuse the heir and hope • of the Lisles!" teemed incredible. • • tl "Yes," he said; "she has refused - Ma. "But—but—why'?" $3he demanded, not unreasohably. That any girl should refuse her son scented simply incredible. The girl moat be mad! "She does not care !Or me," he said. ',That appears past belief, to you, mother," with a Sad smile. "But it is true, But I do not want to talk of it, even to you. 1 have Still ALMA hope—thank God' And must be patient." "Shemust, be triad!" exclahned the eountess, • St. John smiled again, more sadly than before. . "Ali, mother," he said, gently, "you Set too high a Value on rank and position. You forget that some women can be indifferent to • both, Christine is one of them. X can not, talk of it, 1 mist, go away for a tl " "Yes, yes," assented the comitese, eagerly, "No. I shall not forget her, Moth,. er," he said, as if ha read heA, mind. "No man wbo ever loved her —truly 'loved her," he added, as he remembered that other man whom a Christine had spoken of, "could ever forget her. But I do not want to seem to harass her. I will goaway tor a few days, a week or two—if I can stay so long," nie added, with a smile. "Don't tell rny father. He is very kind, but—but, well—he is not .you," • The countess was pale with amaze - meet, 'aral.—it must be written—in- dignation. • "I will sea Miss Harwood," she He laid his hand on her fAtoultier, d his Voice "Do not," he said; an was almost Stern, "X am grateful to you, mother; I know what Yaat. would try and do; but • you would e, If yon only. make matters wors went to her to plead for me, dr to —remonstrate, it would only widen, want toe. Great the gulf between u, In bridge it. , • Leace her alo Heaven!" his voice rose and his ink that; I eyes shone, "do you th have only to throw my handker- chief, as if I were a sultan 'and she g, wrong! a slave?. You are wron The highest . in the land can not ntle and touch her for pride, ge humble though ahe be!" The countess bit her lip•. ."1 wish sho had liever come bere,".- she .said. "And I arn. glad, .gladl"- he Said. "Yes, whether 1 win or lose her, 1 my death shall feel to the daY of that I am glad, glad to have known her, to have loved herr"' - • He went straight • to. his room and hours had did not for - packed up, And in two started for London. He get that Nance -was going there on. the Morrow, be sure. CHAPTER. XXXV, St. John Was a Member of the Corinthian, and the .•niorning after his arrival in town he walked down to that palatial club. It was the • forenoon, rather early for visitors, and St. John had the magnificent red. reading -room allto hinieelf. 1 -le lighted a cigarette and took up a society paper, and almost the first paragraph he lighted upon Was that announaleg the engagement between Mr, berruted Yorke and Miss Patna era. The writer was gracefully -con- gratulatory, and delicately alluded no the beauty or the lady, and the •gopelarity of "Bernie" Yorke, A. word was said also in refeaeace ato • :; Miss Damerens wealth. • •St, John wai'pleased. He had -al- ways• regarded Bernard an a hero and •AdmirtiOle Crichton,-anct he re - jolted in his happiness; bat ne . 'could not liaan sighing as le- wished that he .could read . some nuclt para- graph announaing his ()WA' betrothal o ine.- • . t ' ' ' Presently. two -or three men came: ra a . . • . . Welehmed him with : the •fashiorm,b16.- Al.n..-`n1"3 ondlannn:•;ini'n. innn. mtztana : affection Of coolness.. which is mado otateorrip.af 'Math' iil tananatlataia. '. • ha They all -knew. St., John, .. and . ''' Ill''F'rkt.r.2 'N'-'n'nnnn'.."-7.,„ ..,,,, 7-. r... • to conceal genuine warmth, • a - . • The person whose rier,,e4 are cyliausted.crir • Don t Often -patronize the little : riot keep ottlei but. isa est lets e il a • rt,....lety, eas", village, 'St , 4 ohn," remarked one.. jrritate& and subject to spells of FC -6,•1-1 heatlacl •"You look ' a little off color.,:' You and iildiption. Dr. Chase's N., rye Foisd.,h • should come up ofteaer. Dreadful oughly cures nervous clIsentes by building up tt unhealthy ". place,' the ' 'country; • so t•ystem and instilling new vitality into me waste, wearing forth° eierveS.•• Nothing like nerve cel.in.•'• ' • • . . .a steady, 'regular .London life."' . - • . • Miss .M. Anneitsc,e: AIN •, 11, NEW STEAMSIIII"nO CUBA. CoMmencing November ltith, 1001, the large and modern steamship Sar- atoga, of the Munson. Steamship Ling will ply between Mobile, Ala., and Havana, Cuba, makibg the trip in less than 40 hours. Low rates via the Mobile and Ohio -Railroad. Write John M. Beall, G. P. A., M. & Railroad, St, Louis, for full particu- lars. The News-Recort will be sent to any address untililthe end of 1905 for ane FOR OVIIR SIXTY\ YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. /if din. turbed by night and broken of your rest by a nick child euffering and, crying with pain of cutting tenth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child - reit teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Infiatrimanion • and, gives tone and en- ergy to the whole systeru. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-. ren teething is pleasant to the taste and- is the preseription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 Cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. Be sure aud ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" .t‘ poor Galician, working in a Sad- dle factory at Witiniaeg, dropped $90 inbank bills into a. straw cutter and cutthe bills into pieces. , -Do ' you realize that every., organ in" the humanbody is composed - of tiny cells called tiSSUe ?. If this tis- sue is • healthy you need have no. dread on diaease, Vito Tonic aeaews the tissue and • builds up the system. Mr.. InaPa Reelde; druggist, :keepa it' ha stock, , George. McCalltim froin a high chimney 'at Barberton and dashed his brains out againSt an iron tube. • Do nou feel tiredand. wearY. with - 'out any apparent- Cause ? • Don't be alarmed, all you re'quire is Vito Ton- ; it will noon bring • back • Your strength and •ennigy, Better' try •• a, bottle. Mr: Reekie, Clinton, keeps it in stock. • ' Thomas : Ileaslop,. suspectpd of hava ing':rotibed the. .postoffice a,t Mitt°, Man., was; taken...into enstony Winuipega • . *4:,41* - .1.44 • •• . . , 1,11 I ,1 ,111 1 111, Guessing at the heat ()tan oven spoils more food than inexperienced cooks. Dainty pastry and delicate cakes are ruined if the oven is too hot or not hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Impedal Oxford Range does away with all guesswork. The least experienced can tell to a certainty when the oven,is ready for baking or roasting. Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the I 1) Imperial Oxford Range Most cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you don't know your oven. • With the imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact temperature, Write for the Imperial Oxford, booklet. Or better still, will you call at one of our agencies and see the stove itself? For sale • The Gurney Foundry, Co. Liraited Toronto, Canada Montreal, Winziiipe Vancouver 3 by Davis & Rowland. 112 Sovereign ank of Canada (IneorPoraied by Art' of Parliament.) 11,11,LIF... YEARLY REPORT CONDENSED COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. ASSETS Casn and 13enk n. on ' Bonds and Investments Loans and Discounts • Bank Premises, ineluding Safes, etc LIABILITIES Capital—paid tip ' . Reser've 1!und and. Undivided, Profits .I. I 'Sovereign. Bank • Notes in circulation DepoSits' 31,at Oct. 31St 1903, .• 1901- ---- 022 :774 $1 '214 822 • 713 397 • 672 031 5 821 390 8 193 663 52 359 121 .135. $7 209 920 $10 201i151 si 100 000 .0: 300 000 • .302 $38 . -120.373 , • .231 '050. 1 281 810 4309 432 7 196 711- 209• 920' $10 201.9.51 • D. m. stliprAVART;:.•, •Genesal Manager; Immediately Available ASSiyls $8,774,765. .To The :Shareholders We beg to peel:esti herewith eembnsed e onip ar at tne stittettletit'SA the Bank's position at the • close elthe flacia•Ilnlf-Year and at this correepon, ding' 'date last year.- • You, will 'observenange increases in' Deposits, Loans, cash and Total:. Asseta.. Tim 'Note cincelation aa • clOse. to- the legal limit as :e .thiak . it prtident•tO :a:116w and we.lone' nibliged to pay out 'notes...of . or banks at the large effices' ioin'the past •Sii week'. • ' . Trade in Canada bq .the'wbole in Satisfactory Mid bile ilank's.business increaaiag in every: direction. We have Over 25,0011 Customers' and wo- - -think we can .safely say they are all well natisned; with, the widen' •and 't.reatment they. 'receive.; . „ - "Yes,": drawled: • the wit of the club, . "Ie Lei -Mora It's early to bed • and .early to rine,and that'a • why • • we're all so healthy, wealthy, and -wise. Wo none of us go to bed later ' than two or three, nor get up till after' one: Early hours, you see. And We're as regular—in our bad habits —as clockwork..' ", . . ; ' St. John -smiled. ' . •' ,,..r improve was um e •"I don't know how you fellows do . •.A" sleeplessness'. • and head, , it,', :he. said. ."It would kill . Me in , , bilfifl ANDERSOR ache, and roe system gee- •.; , - •• 'erally seemed arbe thoroughly built up."' a a e 'o p , this great food cure, You can. prove that new, OM the 'toinfe song says, adinitted . th° 11esh andlissuels being added to the body. To 135 Creigtton' 'Street Iiatifax„ N:. S state.; ',klywhole nervoussystent was &Cranked, Iented not sleep and' bad t•evere at. . lacks of headache, 1 pro- cured a box of Dr. Chasei. NerVe. P.00d 'and by -the time I had taken a few boxes I Was all right again. .1yappetitewas very naieli • Only six •of. our customers- have failed since the Bank ntarted land .• of 'the :three paid US in full, .:the others being- quite . small 'accounts. • ,We mention this fact to...givq• you some, idea.. of .the high qttalitn of. the Bank's . clientele, . . . ' • ' The Bankis- Anecte arc 2in ..first.cla;ts Condition, and thc,. profits are highly satisfactory;: no •seinens lesses having. been sustained :this''yeara-cir, • in fact,:since we eOnitneneed business:: . • • ' The Bank- is very well and favorabiy known in the Mann States, . • eat Britain. and Ineropea aad our businesa theae NMI -tries is griiwa • -.inn, rapidly. • . . . • • • • . "Outside capital ie being -directed • t Canada, • and we -sate 'frequently.... asked tor...information regarding nits for , hanufact tiring puiposes; • Whenever America,n coricerrin that We. have itseiated in this Way 'peened • .. where We. had branches, the Bank seettreff 'their 0,eeOtints.. There . is but One "matter ••61 regret that Vie:have to report,. and,that is : the retirement of. the • President at. an nate.. •.-• The ' Ilank's business • • • 4 • 4 has now .assumed such .proportions that • tiaas :desirable to- hold' Boarl. nieetings. more frequently than has hitherto been news:sexy, awl' AS Mit -Meetings are held at the Head Office ina,Toronto,: Mr...Holt (Who resides - in Montreal)" finds it iMpos.sible to al lend as Often as he,. 'desires. • • • in accordance with the policy which has .prevailed Since its ineeptitin, • of managing' the Rank to the mottle! advantage •of both Shareholders and Customers, we have decided ' to pay interest on deposits. quarterly here- after, instead •of .ortly twice a :year', • .• • , ' • • Shareholders. whrt.hane aot, already opened. Savinga and Deposit Ac- counts with us are litynten to • avail themselves of this. Opportunity.. ' -Please note that any suggestions you ,wisin 10 offer regarding. the. Bank or the. furtherance of ita nusinees will always be gladly redeiveda. • The whole staff have worked hard, and, su.cCessfUlly, to .gisc the share- • holdere• • a; thOroughly .safe and profitable institution, and the Directors .aad 'myself will appreciate your co-operation in making ,the',Sovereign Bank,a power, not .only ,your own neighbcahoon„ ;but throughout the • -entire • Dominion.. . • .• • • . It is not cestoinery foe; Canadian bankers to address their 'aliarehold- • as on such matters as the above except at the annual meeting, but we haye done so from. the outset, our policy being to keep. the shareholders of the .Sovereign Bank fully and ebrrrelly informed about their own ina • stitution as -frequently as poss4ble. • We also feel that , such ;information as this letter contains will convey a, much better idea as to the 'real condition and business :,01 the Bank than the most.' deta.iled statement of figures could possibly reveal. . Wu! obedient Servant, . -D. M. • STEWART, .. • ' General Manager. ' It takes al f. tttetice , Bynoting your int-.eaga in weight while using protect you against imitations the portrait and ,."X was juSt reading the announce- signature of in., A. W. Chase the famous ment ,pf Bernard Yorke'S engage- receipt bat* author, are on every &A, ment" said 'St. John, holding up , • • the PAP"?' "On, Yes, Poor old Bernie! ne's -- -- • --, "-- eaught, There's 4 warning ler. you, Henry C. Niece; an insane man, WORM • "Insr child"—the speaker was perhaps confined in jail at Sandwibli, commit - only it year older than St. John, teti suicide by . • nvinte too young to take medicine nit4 be •nt cl of erottu,whooultitcough and colds bY Vt,po-Cresolene- -they breathe it. though •he looked ten—"there's an instance of a good roan gone wrong. There ought to be, a law prohibiting. matrinioriy Until a Mart% sixty." .• ' ••"I suppose Ilerniena vay happy?" said St. John, almost to himself. . There was a m'arnent'a silence, and the men exchanged glaneeS. - • • "Happy? hens! Well, I suppose Se. ' Can't say he looks it, though. But,. of course, henf had a nanty cropper lately. BeaetlY long illness for one thing, and stonti-broke .for another. Oftn3 'expect a than to look very chirpy in the face of a double knoeke down like that." "But—bat We again now," said St. John; "and"—he hesitated :delicately—''the paper says Miss. Demerolis very rich, Or hints at it, ls she'?" ." "Rolling In moneyt" replied the . wit, sententiously: "Got all old Lady Winehire's, don't you knoW? There is plenty of oof"''• • '"Of what?" asked St, John, who was not quite up in the most recent slang. The men laughed, Sore Throat [Led Coughs "Hav•3 some regard for the child's A aiapte, effective and sato remedy for alt throat iiirtoeence," said some one. " 'Oof,' arritationo;6 foulut in my dear St. John, is Greek for CresoIene Antiseptic Tablets 'spondulicks,' otherwleo 'stamps,' They combine the germicidal valuer otCreedienewith • alias money." the soothing properties ll of sliapery dm and licorice. 4 "/ see," said St. John, smiling. 10o. ADrugalata 00 "Well, then, Bollard Yorke's losses Will not matter," ' "That's exactly What we tell • Read The News4tecoh1 for thc ne- him," remarked another Mae In un' WS of Huron, injured tone, "But he has insisted . upon selling c)ff everything—his dog. 1 PERMANENT 'CURE .• • FOR BRONCHITIS. •: "My second daughter was 'troubled • with bronchitis from the age of three weeks: • Oftentimes 'i thought ehe would choke to death, Dr. ' Chases Syrup of Linseed- and Turpentine brought relief, and further 'treatment Made thorough cure. This, trouble used to come back from time . • to tittle, hat the. cure in now perman- ent."—Mrs. Richniond Withrow;Hants Co,„ N. S. • • George T. ITemp•thorna bralleman,of fell off : a train near Dan- daa and Was killed. . a4,1•44.441,441 • cart, and horseS, and yacht ---and has ! A WEER AT $T. LOUIS. resigned most of his dubs, It was only lay downright bullying that we prevented hint taking his name off here." "Poor old Derniel" murniured an- other, with a sigh. "What a thing luck is, ieri't it! You'd better be born lucky thee rich, any day." "Well, 'X should consider myself lucky enough if X were in hie altoea," retorted a fotieth."X should say, if you asked me, that any one of 1113 WOUld think himself • fortunate ehough if he were going to marry the diviee St. John winced, He did not like to hear a lady spoken of in a Club, . and it jarred upon hint that Ber- nard Yorke'a afilanced should hp. al. VCCOV.tir upa Do You know. 'that the • Greatest Exposition ever held eleSea in four weeks Mid that if you miss it - you Will always regret doing -so. All, the world is interested • and- nations • are represented with palaces, statuary and exhibits, ole, • Through Pullman -sleepersleave for the World's Pair Daily.. Remember that iti addition to. reduced rates,you haveprivilege of atop over at Chicago, Detroit Or at intermediate Canadian stations. For tickets, handsome illustrated boolilet and full information call at grand Trunk oaten, or address J, D. Mac- donald,: District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Montr-ea1, 31st October, 1004- iv; • • • Best Equipped School. If you intend sending your boy or girl to buiiness college, why not choose the best college „in the land? It costs no more. The Forest City Eusiness and Shorthand College has been established over 19 years, and has increased its patronage every year. Every department is in charge of a graduated expert teacher, and the facilities, appliances, systems and courses are the most approved. in the world. ' The rooms are large, airy and comfortgble, and the school is located in the prettiest part of London. • Students may enter any time during term. Dooklet 4'ree. .w • Fr"VI. Van a.e." inaea J. W Westervelt, Principal, Beading. London. rts