HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-24, Page 710
Black or Green
bot b eonalln Purek TIncolered, Undoetered, 'Unadulterated
and Unmet chable.
What shrunk your woolens ?
Why clicl holes wear so soon?
Impression He Makes =the Great
Dopp's KIDNEY Piass .ault.ED ajority of -His Fellow- A
Countrymen, W. 11 N • BASKIN'S, P.A,INS.
There is about President Roosevelt
a brusqauess that is essentially an
American quality. Ile is a Man with
wliun one would: not care to take
liberties, and exactly the same thing
may be said about the United States
lin its dealings with foreign powers.
0 temper of the 'country is pugna-
CEYLON TEA ie °`Slipretue.” Sealed ' leacl packets only, Never cious, • It would light more quickly,
sold in bulk. l5c and 40c per lb. By all grocers.
There is a creeping moss %Quad in
Jamaica, in Barbados, and • other
islands of the West Indies whieh is
called the "life tree," or more peo-
peeler, the "life plant." Its powers
of vitality are said to be beyond
those of any other plant. It is ab-
solutely indestructible by any means
except izamersion in boiling, water or
application of a red -not iron. It
may be cut up and divided ie any
manner, and the smallest shreds will
throw out roots, grow and form
buds. The leaves- of this extraor-
dinary plant have been placed in a
closed, air -tight, dark box, without
moisture of any sort, and stile they
Tlie war may. run into next year
but no longer. Russia cannot sten
tho draie and the strain. Internall
aad externally the Russian empire i
being strained as it never was; it
laboring like a liege slap in an an
gry sea, Every defeat inakeEi Pol
and Finn take Heart of grace; ever
Russian bayonet that falls into th
Bands of . Japan is one less Russian
bayonet ,between Poland and flier long
cherished dream of freedom, Russia
is propped on aer bayouets;• bayon
ets stand 'between her and royale
tion. Russia no more dare denude
the einpire of • her troops than a
hunter nlio has climbed a. tree ato
probably, than any other large na-
tion in the world, The idea that the
President also would be very, prompt
and violent in resenting any person-
al affront is founded on fact. All this
is pretty Well steamed up In the word
a "strenuous" so frequently applied to
y • Mr. Roosevelt and to' tlie age in
s which he liven • Strenuosity is the
s ideal of the present generation of
- Americans,' From boyliood the Peed-
() dent-lias led a strenuous life.. A tboxer
y at college, a cowboy on the plains, a
Q hunter in the mountains, an explorer,
a lover of nature In the. West; in• tne.
- East a politfclae, a superior sort of
detectivein New Yorke Under-Secre-
- tary of the Navy, 0, rougii rider in
- the war with Spain, the leader of a
• noted charge up San Juan Hill, Gov-
ernor of his State. Vice -President and
• escape a savage bear dare cut down
the tree, because above hiiu is a nest
•of hornets, 'it is impossible for Rus
sia to send a million men to Man
Weitz. We doubt if she will find-
flnnlly ffiresidont, •The record_tells
tlip story of strenuousness of a very
superior order. To cap it all, the
- President is still a young man.
That all his streituousnes; would
have raised aim to the position . lie
•now occupies, uoless• aided and abet-
ted by largo means and influential
family et:Inflections, may be reason-
ablydatibteci, In fact, it was his
money which gave him a Chanceto
become strenuous. As a youth he
was sickly, an il so was comfortably
despatched to alie Maine weeds, there
to live in the open and still -hunt for
the health that had neaffr been his,
Tlie President is fond of tellies of an,
• adventure he had in the woods, in
whieli he played quite an unheroic
•pert. He was, in fact, soundly
the/toned by a native. It was Roose-
i volt's first encounter with the strenu-
life. He longed to be six feet
•ihigli end two feet Weir.. • On the
• scene of his ,nisdoraliture ho vowed to
'attain as nearly as possible to his
ideal, so that he nilght not againi
figure as prey for a ro.w bumpkin.
With this resole burning in his
breast, he returned home and re-en-
tered• llarverd, where he cultivated
gymnastics and the , noble art of
self-defence. •
Tonic Treatment for Indigestion -
New Strength for the Storeacla
From New, Rich Red Blood,
The Tonic 'Treatneent-that he the
iatest and only scientific cure for in-•
digestion. All the leading clOcters
if Europe and America are using . it
with sensational success.' No more
purgatives, no more pepsin, no ainiei
iatent foods, no more long diet lists
saying "Thou shale not cat this 'or
that." • No more of all this -noth-
ing, in fact, but plenty of now, pure.
rich red blood to tone the liver and
give the stomach strength for its
work. That is the Tonic Treatment
for Indigestion. •
The tonic treatment is based on
the new idea that dregs .which diges
the food for the stomach really
weaken its powers through disuse
The digestive organs can never do
their work properly until . they are
strong enough to do it for them
it advisable to.. put half that num-
'bee in the Ileld, in view of Lie situa-
tion at home and.: the necessity of
guarding Iter European .frontiers.
• . •
• 41.:340Tutirs PRECAUTION.
• .
There is no teilirig. when a medicine
may be needed in homes where tine's
are koung children, • and • faiMre
to have a reliable medicine. at !hand
May mean rntich. suffering, and, per -
baps;• tlie loss •of n priceless life.
Every ..motlier shook" always.keep a
boX of • Baby's Own Tablets in the
house. This in'edicine acts ' promptly
and speedily, Cures sucheills as. stem-
ach and • bowel trot:Mies, teething
troubles, simple fevers, colds,worres
aaandenther •little ills. • •And the moth -
�r het a guarantee that the. Tablets
contain net opiate: or liarmtuldrug.
One wise mother, Mrs, Goo. Heady,
Fourche, N.S.•says: ••"I have used
_ Baby's Own Iiiblets and find thin a
selves. .The only thing that cai
give the stomach and the• liver new
strength is toed blood -and the only
thing that can actually make 1101
blood fa ne, Williams' Pink Pills foi
Pale People. They have long • beeri
known as the greatest. blood -building
tonic in the world, and all the high- .
est, medical authorities agree the
the ono scientific! cure for indigestio
is the Tonic Treatment. The mar
vellous success of the treatment has
been proved in every corner of the
Dominion. One of the latest wit
nesses ie Mr. Joseph Roehette, St.
Jerome, Que., who' says : "I sithp15
hated the thought sof food.. Of
course I had to force myself to eat,
but afterwards I always suffered
with •teull, heavy. pains in the stom-
ach. 1 seemed to be bilious as well
and this caused severe headaches,
which further aggravated my toner-
tunate position. I grew pale,' fell
away in weight and the trouble
seemed to be undermining ray whole
constitution I tried several reme-
dies, but without success; a doctor
whom I consulted advised absolute
rest, but this was out 0? the ques-
tion as I hadto work far my living.
Fortunately for . me, one of rny
friends advised me to use • DP. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, and I decided to
do so. Aftertaking tho. pills fee
several weeks there . was a decided
improvement in my conditiOn.: • Not
only was my digestion. better, but
my • general health improved in ovory
way. New blood seemed to. be
coursing through iny veins, bringing
new health' and strength every 'day.
I took eight boxes of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills altogether, and those who
see me now would never know I
had seen an unwell elak in my life. I
owe my splendid health to •these
pills, and strongly advise every
dyspeptic or weak person to lase no
time in taking them." . • .
Mr. Rochette's statement is a
strong tribute to the Tonin Treat.-
rnent. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured
him because they, actually made now
ric' blood for hini. These Pills go
3•11. . down to the root ot tbe trou-
ble in the blood and cure that., The
»ew blood they make carries .healing
health and etrength to every beet of
the body. That is t he new 'Panic
Treatmee a and the highest • Medical
authorities now recommend this
treatment for all. the common ain
ments such as anaemia, headaches,
backaches, rheumatism, sciatita, nee-
ralgia, nervousness, dyspepsia and
general weakness. These are
caused by bad blood and therefore are
all cured by Dr. Williams' Plnk
Pills. You can get these pills from
any medicine dealer or by !nail at
50e a box, or six boxes for $2:50 by
writing to the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
1 .
Mr. Stubbe-"Yes, that ales. •Full.-
rich attended the . missionary meet-
ing and contributed even her jewel
lery to the poor heathen." Mese
Stubbs (en.viously)-"Wt It,' only a;
aeathen would wear sueh jewellerenas
&teethe Fullrieti carries on lier per-
blessing to children.: I ma not sat-
isfied without •c. bo,cjn the iiouse at
all tiniee." If your dealer does' not
ir keep these Tablets in stock send 25 ROOSEVELT TIIE IVESTEeRNERa
• cents to The Dr, Williams' Medicine Still his heal*: did 'not become an;
Co„ Onte and yeti., will flint he desired, and young Roosevelt
get a box bk male post 'paid. on completing !ins 'Otiose, reselyed to'
. go West and aecOrne e•eattlernan.
: • a Though a man of lneans he dfcanot
ti • . • ... • . attempt to save himselfa Fatigiie
-••PILLS ADE DOOMED. andaliardship he 'courted, He hoed
• • not only with cowboy, but AS a cowa
Medicine in Future to' be Taken in, leek.' Nr ) trail. was t • Ion
weather too rough for the tender-,
The tateinpt hi being Made at the footed:. Ha beeenie one of three
• .
Vienna Agricultural Institute to in- 'Partri° in. • a' cattle • OlLe#,' 'and
might, had he Olean, have, beea :a
trocluce iron salts into the human
raochipg•kien,• for he had the zhaneer
eyetere in an ,original manner. The
and also. the necessary:knowledge: But
• eXperiments, which are being Carried
he had. not gone • .West' t� make A
on by the bacteriological clepteament,
consist so her •in sprinkling, e sonition f'Drtline! Health was his primary
coneideration, end he decided • that
of hydrate' of iron over Otsego beds of
spinach and °tame 'vegetables • ;pee, there .tvere more eneeeable ways of
theory starts with the fact that these establisliing and conserving it than
salts, in 01 der to be.kept in the body in the toil and anxiety which the
far ownership of vast fnerdo wood entail,
must be.. '"vegettilized.” . Thus
they simply -traverse the system he'became More and more a •Inine
ter and lesi and lees a- cow-puneber
Whica evonlca otherwise behefit" by the "
as the time Went by. A]1 ever Mon -
vital energy contained in them.. The
term, Wyoming and Dakota he ream -
experiments. have •ben aroWhed With
ect, gathering prairie , lore, trophies
tmeeess. At least a large proportion
and increasing • vigor* /wherever . he.
of the Hydrate' has been introdeced
Wenn ' He aectane Weeterner. 'in
into the spinach. without hurting its
Little but Searehling. -Dr. Von Stah's
Pineapple Tablets aro not big nauseous
doses that contain injurioua drugs or
narcotics -they- are the pure vegotelle
pepsin -the medicinal extract from this
luscious fruit, and the tablets arc pre-
pared in as palatable . form as the
fruit itself. They cure indigestion. flO
in a box, 115 cents. -58
Modesty is a great virtue, hat a
man seldom gets hiS salary raised on
the streneth of it.
Ilinard's Liniment Corea Dinlittiria,
Unless a man id Willing to ,e0iness
ignorenee lie will never IO.ti a
position to Iearri.
One Short Purr Metro the Head.
*Boos you head ache? Itave you pales
over your eyes? Ts the breath Wai-
mea? Theta aro certain. symptoms
Catarrh. Dr. Ammo's Catartlial Pow-
der will cure most stubborn 00.505 in a
marvellounly short thee, la you've had
oo g, no
Vegetable Diets.
taste in aov. weer, and in Mali hash- very split, and till this day be !has
ioe as to become a constituent of the rTlained one?
, 1
liodk. • Similar attempts, 'ere said AS rotacE.COMPSIgSIONITAI,
to have been 'Ina& without seccess • Having. acquired the health he •Se
Well.aeonivrt Norwood, Contract°
Always ella,s a Good Word 10
1/odd's Inil.ziey Pills.
• Norwood, On., Nov. 21---aSpecial),
-Mr. W. PaSkin, the well -know
aelr for aro Octagon Uwe
11 . • .
'motorman ar d railroad contractor
here, is ono of those who never fai
to say a good word for Dodid'e Iid
neer Pills. Mr. Deana gives the rea
son why as follows:
'Por two years was laid up wit
Lumbage and 'Kinney Disease. A
times would become very weak and
would have to give up work. I di
tvorlc on the Q.P.R. and the Parra'
Sot 1.B., and people all know how
sick I wan •
• "Reading of wonderful. cures IbY
Dodd's Kidney Pills led me to try
• them, and I can say I have not had
• any Tains since I used them. It
just took three boxes to cure m
campletely." Lumbego is one of .the
results of Kidney Disease, 'Cure your
•Kidneys with Dodd's ICidney Pill
and you will cure your Lumbago.
1• How many know that there is a
blind spot in each eye, no matter
how perfect your Blatt play be? This
•e little spot is exactly Where the
optic nerve enters the eye, or about
‘' one-tenth, of an inch nearer the nose
than the centre. To discover this
d spot take, for example, two rubber
4 •
tipped leadepeneils and hold them
together at arm's length, directly in
front of you, one in each band, close
your left eye And ft7S the sight of
the right eye on the left-hand pencil,
• gradually separate thera until about
•0 inches apart, when you will find
you have lost sight of the rubber
on the right-hanch pencil. 'VVhile this
is a natural condition in all perfect
El eyes, still the feet will be doubted
Jr many until it is tried.
Picture • Which •the • Iron Duke
Wanted Lanciseer to Paint.
Sir George Hayter, the court pain-
ter to the late •Queen Victoria, was
at one time invited. to Stratbfield
• Saye, the home of the Duke of Wel
• lington. • -The duke had prozniend him
sittings for his portrait, The fol-
lowing extracts from the • paintea's
diary,. printed in the London Clime-
icle, give an amusing glimpse of tile
duke's ideas on art, Ho .told Sir
George that there was one subject
for • a painting which he would lace
to see done well, because he consid-
ered that it would be a great lessote
He said :
"We are infornaed that all the ani-
inals of the creation had been 'made
lot our use, but we don't know how
to reduce some of them to obedience:
the lion, the royal tiger, the hyena,
and others; but Van Amburgh • has
effected this. ' What I. want Landseer
to paint for me is Van Ambitrgh,-
he is a fine, athletic inan,-surroand-
ed ba the enimals he has so well
known not only how to render obe-
dient to himself, bot" also to live in
peace with each. other; 'Van Ain -
burgh standing upright, a fine figure
of a entin, with these animals lying
round his
for he •pleaei the lana between. the
lion and the tiger, and •they •• dere
not touch it. •••
• "That le not •you .me. • In ale
adjoiniog cage these ferocious boasts
are together, not: injuring each other
This is education; •this is the great
moral lesson, • • . • •• ,
• Then he • lamented • that. Edwin
Landseer's health had bcit permit-
ted him to paint this picture for
him, and repeated the description of
Van Amburgh's prowess.
Sir George also says that the. dune
amused the company treryamtich by
an account of his attending. . divine
service in London • always ta, eight
o'clieck 1nthe rebelling at the Chapel
Royal; that • he never found more
than the officiating priest and a sort
of Abigail, mid. that he, the duke,
always acted aS clerk; that he uni-
formly went through ail the reepons-
es ewith a loud voice, -oven to •tlie
Innen. •go geld; "I suppose if the
people of London knew that I, his
Grace the Duke Of Wellingean, regu-
larly attended .as clerk at the Chapel.
Royal every.' Sunday, they would
at least not. leave•xooin for Me even
to get • in;" thus appearing quite
aware of his own. great popularity,
at the same time recognizing in him-
self the humble. Christian who -.goes
in Paris aionte years ago bet Chin earnestly sought, Itoonevelt's Jennie:di-
ripi Vicued,-"*It is proposed Pik, ate besiness• le She West *as . at an
• •"the •'spinach on sala under' • the nettle e ,• he reihrnedto •
ndand '' - the•East..
of "ferruginouti" .sainach ioaall• the Soon....afteS his arrived we find
v •
prineinal merIcets and groceries t•
ienna. n er to it ro uce it roUgli sojoiirn among Men '.!tvith t
among the' poorer ciassee, whom •it beak. eat' lead developed in him a cle-•
ould Most benefit it is bein • sold
ac e in Now York politics- His
b Pray and who is willingly :clerk
n an. empty chapel.
. • .
Ahnig •theasakeed road of Nikko, ,in,
. .
Japan, is an inol about eWhich Con-
ers ono of the Most 'curious .
hips in the world. • 'Linen the
pee of the statute are seen little
pieces of what appear appear 'to be • dried
aper. ' If. you stand by the idol for
while ',and..wait ,fer a worshipper to
cane along, you wilt sed What:these
its of "viper are. The devotee halts
In' front cif the imago, then scribbles'
a prayer. a.bit, of paper.. The wod.
he •thon .chews .up inter "ci, • ball', and.
hiirle. at the god. If. it hits the..face'
arid sticks the prayer is sure to .be
ranted, and the pious pitgrino gees
away happy. If the bean sticks • to
seine portion of the body the omen.
is hot quite so prepitious, and if it
falla•to the ground there is absolute-
ly no hone.. •• " • '
Would , .. g . tided gift as a manager, and this, f
at Substantially less than the ordine backed by energy, ambition and fam- P
ary vegetable. ' • ily infltteoces,• made him a leader in P
• a.a
State politics. . So it came about „,
• that. at than of 26 lie was elected '
delegate to a. Itepublicart national .b
TM Simple' Dish That 'Keene On
•Vigorous and Well Fed.
When tlie fleeter takes hie • OW
d wardee in two yeaas bv an appoint -
medicine and the grocer 'eats the foo
He recommeacls 'semheonadence comp
to the observer. •
• A' Grocer 'of ossian, Tnd., had
practical 'eXperience with food wort
azi.voneni attention. . •
onvention, and bccanie onc p1" • the
e sponsors for Benjamin IflarriSon. Hp
"fernielied" rapidly, and in two",
• yeaza was a can/White foe' 'the New
• -York Mayoralty, His defeat .was rt -
s malt as Civil SeryC
ice ommissioner,
which he held for some years, all the
a time etrefigthening himself political -
h lea It was his Work as Police Coin -
Ito says: "Six years ago I bacam
go weak frOm stoinctch and bowe
trovible that I was finally compelled
to give up all work in my store, eh
in fact all sorts of Wm*, for abou
four years. Tile last year I wa
'confined to the bed nearly all of th
smoom . New orn •in 1895 that
O first brought hire, prominently'before
1 the : people who, nine, yeaes later,
were to 'elect him President of the
d United States. Theodore noosevelt
t was the best official of that •sort
9 New. York ever !had, and what any
O one Inan could do to reform thcain-
thne, and . much of• the' tiinteunabl
to retain food of any •sort on in
stomach. . Myboteclo" were beat
eenetipa.ted coritinuallye and, I lost, 1
weight from, 1(i5 pounds down to 8
p�unds.. • .
S"When at t)ie bottoen of the laado
• cliangecl treatlnelltentirely • ani
started in on Grape -Nuts and cretin
for eaurishnient., I used absolutel
nothing but this for about thee
Mouths. I slowly improved linen '
,pit reit of bed and began to 11101'
-about. .
"1. hone been iniproviegeregularly
and.now in the pest two years hay
teen Working about fifteen hours1
day 'in the More and never" felt bet
ter in my life,
"Inng these two ,years hav
never mimed a breakfast. of Grape
Nuts tufa cream, and often nave it
tWo manta day, but •• the entin
breakfast is always made of .Grape.
Nets 'arid cream alone.
"nce a3ieonenencing the use cif
Graae-Nuts e never esea any-
thing to stimulate the Action of the
bowels A. thing ban to do for
years, but this feed keeps me regu-
lar end in. lino shape, and am grow-
ing stronger and heavier every day,
"My cuatmtiere, naturally, Mee
lion interested and r ant 'compelled
to aneweia a great Many questions
about Grape -Nuts.
"Some people Would think 1110.1simple dish of GrapeeNute andm
Would not earry one theough to the
noonday meal, but it Will and In the
most 'vigorcitte faohleet,".
infinite giVen by Peanut,. Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Catarrh week it's a mire euro. If it's Look in kelt package for the Min-
ot fifty years' standing it's just ef. • °US little b0014. "The Read to Well*
eorrigible force 'he did. •
' His next step was that to 'Under -
Secrete*. 01 the 'Navy, wader Me-
n Kinley, pciiiition ho pronnitly re-
signed wheft the Spanieh-Amerlean
iwar broke out, in order ,tliat • lie
• might be free •to organize e force of
i•ougliAnders.. At' the head of this
• "forridaine unit" lie saw honorable
L: service in Cube, and • had the good
• fortune to 'figere in one or two eein
• sational encounters, 80 that lie came
• Home •notional hero. • He became
Goveritoe of his State.. hut resigeed
to accept the nomination for• Vice-
' Presideet. • The supreme ,nilletz be-
came MS on aleeinleys death, His
, chief acts. ee President have been his
0 mai-trust legislation, his interVention
• in the great anthracite cool- strike of
1902, and his really iliecretliteble
coeree With Pe eaten . The Washing-
ton poStoffiee ecendal was an incident
to his adaninietration for Which ho
cannot be lieki reeponible. President
• Roosevelt has slime • courage, • au -
deity' mid honesy. I1 remaIne for
him to prove that he heis inherited
from his illustrioue ponlereeeer any
of thatdeep angacity nod wide toler- •
• talon Whit* matte William Afcl<itil'ist
Ond of the great figures OR his day.
Trrn•pAtimisi, Armee
British professional cilium are „,
the tallest adult males in the World.
'The average Is 6 feet 91 In. Milted
States Males follow, afid behind
• them come males of 411 Whisk clas-
eli, 'Most European natives avetage
Motive. 50 cente...57
for the &hilt male 5 ft, 0 inn but
• the Auarkie, filittniartis, and Pore •
Atigese just areal short of this stale.
• Food is not all that thin
people need. • Maybe they're
sick. • You can't make them
eat by bringing them food.
But Scotes Einulsion can
• make them eat, • That Ernul-
sion gives a man appetite
and feeds himboth. It brings
back lost flesh.
• No trouble about diges-
tion, The weakest stomach
can digest
Scott's Emolsione
It tastes good, too. Scott's
1..,*mulsion paves the way for
other food. •When wasted
and weakened by long illness
it gives strength and appe-
lite that ordinary, food can-
not give. No i only food ---
son of pure cod-liver oil.
Well teed you s little to try if you like,
medicine too—Scott's Emul
Lever's Y -Z (Wise. Head) Disinfece
ant Soap Powder dusted in • thea
bath, softens the water and disin-
• fects.
'Many a. man who, imaginesalie could
run the earth client even, manage a
sinall gerden successfully. . •
. •
Bod-rIdden 15 Years. - ".If anybody
Wants a written • guarantee from inc
pereonally as to .niy wonderful cure
from rheumatism by South .American
Itheuniatic Cure, 1 will bo the gladdest:
woman. in the world to give • •says
Mrs.. John Beaumont, of Elora. "I had
despaired, of recovery upto the teir
of taking this wonderful' remedy. t.
cured •completely." -as
Be the critic of your own work, and
have no higher court of appeals than
your own •judgment.
• f.ai.Wieueoteaseerneto Tete? has been ism! Yir
- •
• re0 over Sixty Veers
rindeoln regulate's tbeotosemenuand bowel's, meals tr
tis'otrvld."ttsa; b
ekelor"Mus. WINASLO IAIN a tinter.' r;L-ei
"Mr sister can play the Ian beau -
tifulial" "Oli but you Ou ht to
h-g14 iefA4,
1 -Aa eote- orice4A
ie/m/tie,de eee
er.44 -14r44
••••••••••••••••,••• •,•••••••••••••i•••
We can handle your poultry eithee
alive or dreamed 0 best advantage.
Also your butter. egge, honey and
THE DAWSON COMMoilier prruceN. coil
oar. West 11/hurket and Oolktorn• OW, TORONTO.
the phonograph. This the inventor
calls the phonontotor, and, though
its usefulness is not apparent in it-
self, It paved the way for the per-
fecting or the 'phonograph.
While engaged In his inventions
bearing on acoustics Mr. Edison
found that the vibrations of the bit -
man voice wore capable of develop-
ing considerable energy, and he
therefore constructed an instrument,
which he first of all called a, vocal
engine and then a phonoinotor.
This niteresting little macaine,
which is at present in' the •galvano-
meter room of Dar. Edison's laborae
tory at Orange, N. j ., and which
was shown at the Minneapolis Ex-
position in 1890, consists of a
mouthpiece resembling the trausmit-
ter of an ordinary telephone, and a
diaphragm to, the center" Of.' which
is. attached a brass rod cloaking a
steel pawl, Thie.steel pawl acts. on
a ratchet -wheel with very fine teeth,
mounted • On ,shaft carrying a- •fly: -
wheel and driving a colored disc by,
.means of a belt or cord,
The vibrations of the voice in
speaking or singing into the instru-
ment. cense the pawl to impino the
teeth . of tile. ratchet -wheel, produc-
ing a rapid srotation of the fly-
wheel and colored- plate, A contin-
uous sound gives tbe fly-wheef such
monientura that considerable force Is
needed ,to stop M• There is •not the
slightest .difticulty in boring a • hole
through a board or sawing • wood
by means' • of this anstruinent, so
that it is 'really within . the . limits
of practicability for a man with a
powerful • Voice • to "talk. a hole
through a• board." •
• I . .
•g .
hear Fly sister play the pantlemon- The buildieg of railwa'0
ys:1-1 over
• this nommen is opening good Posi-
•• • tions i telegraph.iioperators. The
bard% Liniment Curd Disteriper. V0P.P2gr. .7.'ultd1'30`eerntahlgt good
more attention, The work is easy
ati to learn, and the. expense. of qualifa-
•"Yee; stibmateneboats are• ' ver :ing, is small when • you. atteed the
populof late Yearna, Soon'. •!.
:Central School..et Telegraphy id
navies of the Worldwill be • under
Totonto, which is in affiliation with
water ." "Yen and I reckon Ruseia's
the well known. Central BustrieSs
will be the first!". . • .
• College Under the principalship of
••' Mr. IV. Ha Shaw. • rahee schools are
C. c.•nicgAnns & .co. thoroughly reliable and offer. super
Dear Sirs, -A fa*, days ago x wiis
tor anew,
taken with a severe pain ana. con .• , • •F • . .
• .
traction of the cords ofmy leg, and. Teacher -"I suppose• • aint
had to .be • taken home in a rig. "• I Irartiyi that in keePhinytata aftee
could not sleep for pain, and was tin: school I punish myself ,aswell as
able to pet my font to the floor. A • .you?", Ineia-y-•"Yes, mate • that's
friend told me of your MINAllp'S why T ion'` i miricl it!".
LINIMENT, "and pee hour froni•• the ....:4' : '. .. .. * ...
• .
feat appiicetion, 1 was able to walk, • Baby Humors, -Dr. Agnew'S Ointment
and. the paid entirely disappeared. ,
• effective cures in ail skin eruptions coin.:
Soothes, ; qUiets; and 'effects • quick and
yoYuoulikceitil.laislsier mcfn
remedy I have ever 'used. •e •es harmless to the hair in eases of Scald
moo to baby during teething time, It
• CIFIRIS'rOPEER GERRY: Sead, and cures Ilicexemit, Salt "{Ileum:
Ingersoll, Ont. ,. • - : . • . :and ell .Sichi Diseases ' of older people.
'.--- - ----:--
A young married comple's• first goitre , e - • .....
sr? corits.-55: '.. .;
ref usttallet 'begins. with an argernent ' Johuny," said his mother, • who
about how to avoid quai rels:. had him. acaoes her kilo°, athis hurts
. • • ......-a,.__, • • • ine Worse thao it does yeten "I wits
••afraid;'' said.. ,Jehnity;„ under his
Mara s iimmeareures COM ID COWS,. breeth, "that cardboard I put in my
• • trousers might inane her ,deliaate
'It is easy enongli. • to acquire a IlEtnd!" • • .- • • ••• - •
reputation ae an otatoe if ohe • can • . • e . • .•. . .
reenembee what 'omeone. • elee line
. ,•. .
The thousands of people Who. -tail di 1 . I 11 Y • I 1.I . kl..1. i II 1 11 1 Il
write to me, saying that . •• ,•
▪ Made big enough for a big
man to work in with comfort.
Has more material int than •
any other brand of shirt in
Canada. Made on the
H.B.K. scale it.re5uires 395
to 42 yards per dozen, whereas
common shirts have only 32
to 33 yards.
That's the reason why the
H.B.K. " Big " Shirt never
chafes the armpits, is never
tight at the neck or wrist-
bands, is always loose, full
and comfortable and • wears
well. • ••
Each shirt bears a tiny book
that tells the whole history -
�f the "Big" Shirt, and
also contains a notarial
. ,
declaration that the H.B.K.
"Big" Shirt contains 394;
to 42 yards of material per
dozen, ••
• Sold ai 'all dealers but only;
with this brand:-.
i Montreal :Winnipeg Dawson
aright is Disease.- Insidious Deeep•
tire 1 Relentless1 has foiled hundreds of
trials by medical science :to, stem • the
tide of its ravages -and not until South".
American Kidney • Cure proved beyond
a doubt its power to turn back • the
tide, was there a gleam of anything but
despair for the victim of • this dread
. form of :kidney disease. -54. •
• Sceue--Small wayside station; train
approaching -Sandy (to his Master);
"Here's yer train, • sin". Master
(who has his own ideas about cor
rect speech) : "That's not my train,
but rather the treat I'm going
But, it happened to be a apedia.1 train
and didn't • stop • at the station,
pa To prove to yon %tab Mb
i ies grasTreongstoi•eretg
and every term of itching.
bitedingand protrudingpiles,
• le, manufacturers have guar? ateed it. See toe
Sin/mites In the daily press and ask your neillr
lora what they think of it, Yon can use it and
ret3•our money back if notroured, 6000. box, at
11 dealers or EnuassoN,BaTics lit CoToreto
Oro Chas's Ointmeni
ure The Lung
cured them of chronic coughs,:
- •• cannot all lee mistaken. There .
• must be some truth in it.
Try a bottle for that cough of yours.
• Prices: • S. C. Wstas & Co. 310
ase. 50c. el. LeRoy,14.V, Toronto, Can.
• '
• . . • .•
nioGtsT. gill:PI-TAM.• • .
There has :latly arrived In One- 'of
the German ports th0 hide and ekel-
etonand tusks of the largest ele-
phant on record. •The monster • is.
stated •to have measured 161. 9111.
in height feont the forefoot to the
shoulder, which is no less than over
31ta more than the tallest elephant
hitherto 'known. T,Jp to now. the re-
cord has been held by Dr, 'Donald-
son' Smith, the American explorer,.
• . w , during nis firizt trip- to Lake
Rudolph,' shot an elephant which
LITTLE-KNOWN IVENION. stood 18ft. 4in. In height. • _
•••,••••••••• •
Possible to Saw Wood. With the
• When., a •'long-establisheci business'i
isspoken of, • fifty " or one hundred
years is considered a very respecta-
ble continuity in England. In Stras-
burg, though they have just set
about • repairing a building, • "The
• Sign: of the Stag," which has been
constantla occupied as a chemit's
shop, though not, of course; by the
same firm, .ever since before 1088, in
• which year a document still in ex-
: istence testifies to the iact that
Henri Phillippi, an apothecary, car-
ried o.n bis business there. The end
• noose, hi the course of its present
restorations, has Slielded up a treas-
ure of eld coins, dating, however,
Only so far back as the reign of
Louis ,XV.
•• + •
!Millard's Liniment Cures •Cold, etcl
• .
riend-tanhy do. you allow your
daughter '• to bang the piabo . so
hard?' Father-slt' hoping • she'll
either sprain her wrist or break- the
Human Voice.
The general pUblic has but little ontroi of Bronchitis
knowledo of the extent and variety
of the • intrentions which bear • „the
name of Thomas Alva Edison, and
many a man, were he asked offhand
to •Mention Some of thewizard's
remarkable achievements,
probably mimethe pheitoe
ogeaph end the incandescent lainp.
and there pause, Ho would doubt.
less be astonished were he tepid that
Mr. Edison has, by long odds, been
the Most prOlifie • inventer and pat-
entee of this or any Other age, hav-
ing filed more than 1,100 applicae
tions in Amerieit • alone, for which
over 700 patents have so" tar . been
granted, and more than. 2,000 an.
plications for foreign. Patents in
Most Of the countries of the world.
Edison'a work en an inventor,
too, extends over a most varied field
and in attention to his patents
rated In connection with the tie-
lopment of the eleCtrie latlip, the
telephone, oreemilling machinery,
and steerage batterie, hie ineentiotie
include vote recorders, typewriters,
electric pens, vocal engines, address-
ing machines, methods ea preserving
feint, cast -Iron manufacture,
drawing, electric loeomotives, InoVe
ing•picture machines, the malting of
plate -glass, rompieitifietnair appara-
tus, and many othere. 'Among theite
numerous ineentione le ono Which is
particularly interesting, tts R. was
evolved while Mr. Edition Was ex-
perimenting With the telephone and
dard. SCOTT& HOWNn, Toronto, OM ISSUE 00. 4/-04
10111111411111AdULLAAAALLA4 .11:A4,,A.AhAra/ A ALS.Alliiiika,A ausSail ;Las Aia &A •iikAle Ai ALA A dA A Al A/C.JAL a Al_
IS Undoubtedly Possessed by That Well.
Known Family Medicine
Dr▪ Chase's SYRUP Linseed and Turpentine
• •
. .
. • . ,.
Turpentine is Considered a specinc ie sufficient evidence tliat it is effec-
for bronchitis. tive in ordinary couglis and wins.
The diluloulty has been in the ad- benacadie liaats
ministration • of turpentine so as to "I have used Dr, Chae's Syrup el
reit& the irritated and Inflamed Lfnseed anlvdryTuseropoeundtindowziititlior good-
parts and hot 60 disagreeable to the
troubled with bronchitis . from the
Not only has bage of three weeks. Oftentinies /
een thought sho would choke to death.;
overcome by Dr. Cthe trouble been
haae in his Syinip The several remedies We got did not
of Linseed and Turpentine, but ho seem to be of mach Use, but the Mat,
fo.dunortisteh • cortrf uDtr rpr,e6,1
Citinar baroStYgPt• r0eflilljefinsaeendd
hate altio combined With turpentine
two or three ingredients,. of almost
treatment made a thoneugh
equal power in soothing and healing
cure. This tremble used to come
the ;diseased parts and onereozeing
back fromtiine to Mine, but the euro
bronchitis and other' dangerous. ail -
permanent. Dr. Cbase's
merits of the brondinal tubes and IR now
Syrup of Xanseed and Torpentiee has
saved us many doetorne bilis, and.
By a secret peacoat thee elements would not be without it in the house
been. coenbined in Dr. Olittae'S Syrup Dr. Olutee's Syrup of Linseed and
of ankitidatiOlied Medicinal poWer bane tee mow tones. its 0081."
of I.Ineeect and Turpentine so tut to Turpentin, 26 cents a bottle, at alt
pleanint to the tate' and :eatable dealere or Iildinanon, DateSc Co.,
for eliiitiren and adults alike. Toronto. Tea proteet ou against
The renneekeble • Sticeeas of Dr, imitatione the portrait tied signa-
Clittlite's Syrup Of Lintieed and 'Pure titre of Dr. A. W. ChaSe the farce:Ms
Anthem, croup and whooping cough botle,
pent ne as u care for bronchitis, receipt. boek author, .ou teary.
. ,d