HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-24, Page 6November 240 1904 •••• 1, AA L.- WPOWSWIFIIIIMIP"; • • P.' '17.'7, THE MOLSNS.13ANK Incorporated by Aet of Parliament 1855 , • CAPITAL PAID UP,S3,0001000 RESERVE FUND $3,0000000 —HEAD oFFIce, moNTRam..— Fat m era' Sale Notes Cashed ow Collected Drafts on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain, United States and all Foreign Countries lani4 .11U lal Nolti at best. rates. deposit receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed. Advances made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest atee and on most favorable terms, —SAVINGS DANK DEPARTMENT— • Deposits of SLIM and upwards received. interest allowed at highest current t Utes ft orb date cd' deposit, compounded ball-) eati) and ado, ed LO principal June 30tb and December 31(a. ti. C. BREWER Manager, CLINTON. •+.; 4 •ia- • '7; 1 0 • • Watches Are Our Specialty COC)0€0,C:XD rZwawaugaster We have concentrated all our attention, energy, experience arid enthusiasm ' -("in this 1iii That is why we can justly claim leadership as the Watch - Supply - House of this section, and provo our claim so large and comprehensive that every Sr ATCE NEINID of the public c i bP supplied promptly and satisfactorily. 'v\ e are in closest touch with leading watch and watch case makers. Consult your own interest and call 'on us. W. H. HELLYAR. JelA eler and Optician • —CLINTON. (..!? 41. • 4.-• tr .0 • C11•Y4-!YOY4Y4/,‘.0; "4,Y 4). 4-ri.') r s • ..•. • FOR AT RIGHT PRICES Tu n . E'ei.5 CLINTON Houses for Sale. 1-1100c1 Cottage and two lots 011 Isaac strvct. 2--Gocd 'liaise and two lots with large plum orchard on Fulton street. 3-Cmuforta1.le Ifc.use cn Joseph street. 4 -Brick 1101.,e EMI MCI street. 5 -Two IIcnsc on Rattenbury street west. 6 ---Large Brick House, with six acres of land, barn and drivir.g barn, good orchard, within a mile of centre of Clinton. 9—Frame !louse with eight acres of land, barns and orchard, -1'611 Dinsley Terrace leor terms, etc., apply to HENRY BEATTIE, Sc,li'citor, etc. and one lot lots on Mary Souvenirs Clinton. We have a beautiful display of Souvenir Views of CLINTON PUBLIC LIBRARY CLINTON POSTOF EWE - CLINTON STREET SCENE. ey sell at 254: each. Irs, Shier's VARIrry STORIL (fa 0 0 0 0 aaa sa 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 PURE SEED GRAIN. -,WE HAVE opened out a Flour and 'Feed Store and keep in .stock flour, bran, sh- orts, cured meats, etc. We made a special effort to procure and have on hand a supply iof Clean Seed Wheat and Timothy, and farmers making their purchases from us - can rely upon getting their • seed as free as possible from all noX- ions weeds. Ford & NeNeil. COAL !•. LEAVE OUR ORDERS NOW FOR YOUR SEASON'S .SUP- •PL'S.' OF COAL. WE CARRY : ONLY THE VERY BEST GRA- DES WHICH WILL BE SOLD. AT THF LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE . .• ORDERS MAY BE LE,FT AT • DAVIS ROWLAND'S HARD- WARE STORE OR WITH 1441179411r17-4 Tito Milton INows.Rocord TliINDputA WANTEDIaa TENDEIRS Marriaget. will he received by the I.COutiell of the Township of Mullett up to 1 McEWEN.-.STANPURYm-At the resi- n. in. onTliursday the 15th I)eeemb- deuce of the bride's parents on er, 1901, for the erection of Con- the London Road, Stanley,' Ion erete Abutments to support two November 17th, by Rev. R. A, sleet bridges, -also for .a Concrete Miller, Rebecca,. eldest daughter Arch four feet in diameter Mud eig-. of Mr. George Stanbury, •to Jas. Wren feet lin. At the ataine time •hicEwatl• and place, Tenders will be received McILWAIN-ROGERSON- At the for the steel superstructure rat the home of George MePhte, Loyal • said two. bridges, length between postollice, on Nov. Oth, by Rev. J. abutments being 80 feet anal 16 ft L. Small, William J. aleIlwain and 14 feet roadway. The lowest of West 'Wawanosh, to Annie Rog - or any tender not necessarily ac- ' erson of .Loyal, cepted, S'peeitlations for the con- ARCIIIIIA.LD-CRA,IG-aIn . Montreal erete work can be seen at the cleric's on Nov. 7th, by Rev. Canon olliee, Lchniesboro.-James Cam- I Renaud, William R. Archleald of ph ell, clerk. • •46-3 i Tuckersmith, to ' Jessie V,, eldest daughter of RObt. Craig of Craig • • • Park, Strathaven, Seotland. TEACHER WANTEI).-MALE TEA" )11TASON-13AR3ER-aAt the resideri- cher as, principal for the Bayfield ee of the bride's parents on Nov. Public School, holding .a second-, Mason to Jennie Barber, eldest 91.11, by Rev. Dr. Gundy, Robert class certificate; professional. Ap- gf• plicittions received up to Dec. 71..11, dauhter oMr. Chas. Barlibr, bo - . 1901. State salary. Duties to : th of Whigham• -. commence Jan, 2rul; .1905. Address FIR(USON-MeRAInOtanbrook all. applications to. J, W. Tippet, at the , residence of the bride's Secretary. Box .5, Bayfield, .45-3. parents, on: Nov. lath,. by Rev., . D. B. McRae, John Ferguson of . . . • .•• Brussels to Lizzie, daughter o Rev; D, B. 1VIellae of Crauhrook. . , . • . TEACHER WANTED FOR la: S. No. 9, Ilullett, a male o1 female, holding either first or -second-class • certificate. Applications received up. rrAyboit-tu. East Wawanosh - on ' to Pec. 10th and applicants to sta- November 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. te salary. required. Duties to com- Charles Taylor, a. son. mence 1st of January.- Apply to KNEESIIAW-.-In Goderiah on Nov. Rundell flunking, Laudesboro P. 0. 17th,. to Mr, and Mrs. T. Xnee- . ' 44-4 Wm.*, a son.• • . • . • GUNDRY-In "Goderich on: Novem- 8th, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas - AUCTION SALE OF HORSES ANI) Guadry, • a. son. Cattle. -The ' midersigned 'has re- GARDINER-In Exeter • on - Novem- ceived instructions from Mr.• George • • her -14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Coleman to sell by Public Auction Gardiner; a son.. • at 'Lot 4, Parr Line, Stanley; • en. ITOWELLIn'-Goderich .on Novembe Saturday, Decereber 3rd,- the fol- . 12th, ' to Mr. and Mrs. '• M.•W lowing :• 1 heavy draft 'mare 7 yea- .. Howell, a daughter. rs old fromimported afeek, 1 bea-• 1-1OLMES-4n Goderich •on• Octobe vy - draft filly 3 years old, ' 1 match- .• • 29th, io Mr. and Mrs, 'W. C. Hol • ed 'team 'of .drivers. 4 and i years • .MeS, •a son; . - .. . • 'old Wilder Lees', 1. set light dabble i IIARDY-In Goderich on November harness, I working horsenrears 1 . .13th, to Mr. and MrsHugh liar.. old, . 8. 'Steers, 2 : years. did; '5 stfeers l' . •dy, a daughter, , . - • I year, old, 4 cows supposed to be aPEAGEN-4n Colborne on oh NoVeniber 1 in calf to thorobre.d hull, lf due on .- 14th, to .Mt: and Mrs. • John, Fa- th e .261,11 • Nov.,. and 1 last of Jan. . • • gen, 'a son, . 1. farrow cow, 3 heifers 1 .year old, ' POWL1E--In ' Goderich on, November •2 heifers 3 .yeara„ 014' supposed to be . 15th, to Mr. 'and,Mrsa. Fowlie, - a in. calf. . Sale to 'commence • at 1 sOn! . a ' . . . , O'clock, sharp.. All must be 'sold • BELL -In Seaforth On November 11, without reserve. Terms -All suns! to • Ma. and .Mr. R. P. 13011, a of ' $10 art& limier ,eash ; 'on . over ! . • daughter. . . . 4 that amount' 12 months' credit. will • MOORE-fa , :Tuakersinith on Nevem- .be given on : approved joint notes. I . .her . nth,. to Mr. and Mrs. • Isaac 4 . per • cent per annum diatount an • Moore,. a • credit amounts. -Geo.- Coleman, pro:. WRIGHT-4n. SeafOrth• on •November .• prietor ; • T. Brown,. auctioneer. .• J.. 13t11, • to. Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. Wri- , . • . : ..• •. • .:- . . • • ;• . • alit, a tiatightet. • • . .. • . - . : . • .1. .• . - STEWART-LIn Eafft•Hawariosh . on' lIt'RON. COUNTY. COUNCIL,-TIIE • November 11 th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. • council of the-- corporationle • ' 0 o • Isaac Stewait a . 8°1i county orklertin will meet ' in the -, • ' • -• . • .. • • aa, •aa • . .. . '•'. council : -Cbantb,er.. id Alto. -.town : of i. • * ' . ' ,, • iveams.' '• ., ,' ••• .• ..: Goderich on Tuesday, tlie• 611t day . PAVIISON-Iti Clinton an November' Of " December next at a 0iciocul p., 21st ,' '0 corge Elmet, son of Mr, • in. All . accounts against the count y A.:. 0. .Pat tiami, . aged 14 .years. Must.be placea with the Cleric by 1IANCOCK,-4n •Hutlett •on Ntivendier • first ' day of Meet31047- W. . 17!all'6,. •• lfith, John Hancock, : 'ag'ed 813 1 West Tuckersinith, Maplehurst, the home of Mr. Geo. Stanbury of -the London Road, was the scene of a pretty event on the evening of Thanksgiving day when his eldest daughter, Rebecca, was united in the bonda of matrimony to 'Mr. John 11.*MeRwen, one of Stan- ley's. prosperous and progressive yo- ung yeomen. Promptly, at 6 o'clock, while tbebridal march was Wing rendered by Miss Pearl Wise, the bri- de entered the parlor where the cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Miller. After the congratulations of some fifty invited guests had been offered the party adjourned to the dining room where a sumptuous re- past had been provided. The bride WAS attired. in a gown of grey voile with chiffon trimmings. The gromnis present was a beautiful pearl cresce- nt. Tho rooms were prettily decor- ated with myrtle and chrysanthe- 11110118. Among the guests from a distance were ; Mr. and Mrs.. J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, Mayor Chat and Mr. and Mrs. Sydney johns of Seaforth, Mr. azul Mrs. • Findlay McEwen, Mr. John Scott and Mrs. f Scott of Clinton,' and: Mr. Anderson of • Kippen. The best wishes of the many friends of this popular young . couple are extended to them in their new home on the. 2nd concession. of SI:alilecY TlMisses Allen of Godertah were • the guests several days. of the week past or Miss C. J ohns.• Miss • Mary Layton spent Thanks- giving with friends' in Berlin and Stratford, -Miss May Dixon entertained a -num- ber 'of her friends: to a pleasant Thanksgiving 4.• r Mr, and Mrs. j.• G. Crich- were the guests of his mother, •- Mrs, George r • ' Crich of 'IV:Citibank, daring the 'Thanks-- •• .giving .holidays. a • Miss Mary • Pepper has been on the sick Eat: Mr, Kerr of • Fergus, formerly • Of Kingston, andait 01(1, • Mr, Thos. Waldren, spent Sunday • last under .the latter's hospitable roof. ,,Many were.. the reminiscences of pranks played in boyhood days. . .• Hillsgreen: • • • Mrs. J. Watson' •Of .Torerito is vial. it, . , me of • is, James Jari•Ott, and other.' friendsa • • • . .• • Mr, Geo. Pringle 'left town . last w'reek' Rev.G. Long of Harrow delivered • j an .excellent- sermon •Sunday °Veiling in the Methodist church. Mr. .Long's friendswere all .pleased to see him .Clerk ',Dated Nov. 21si 1904. 46-3 • • it ' hieMURRAY-In :Bayfield oit••NoviatiLl • • ' 1 : her 22nd; Mrs'. Jane Me811.1P:ag, STOCK ..FOR • . SALE. -AT OUR !' aged •:.70 years. a • • • • • farm on•• .the London Road; -one Seaforth on November': ' Mile. SOU 41 of town., pure bred •Ilth, Medora Evelyn, itife.nt, dan- Sh.orthorji Cattle, both males and " ghter. ot Mi.- P. A. Reeve's, aged fainales, different ages, at low 6 months. and 11 days. • price, quality Considered. • Also a FISIIER-4n. Colborne township on • nomber of iMproved large. York- ' November 14th, Catherine Akin, shire Pigs, all ages,•first class ; : wife or Peter Fisher, aged 83, breeding. stackaforfarmers, and at ! years and .1 month, . . low piice Come and see.aalt• GRIGG:-In East. Wawanosh an Nov,' • Plumsteel, •' 13th, Wilfiam Grig,g, aged 55 yea-, •I • ta, 3 month's and 13 day. • . •McINTOSH-At the residence of hei: FARM FOR SALE-THEUNDER-.' .daughter,' Mrs...1-1a.tty aleIntost,. signed offers for.sale 10'21, Lon- in Rapid City, Manitoba, 'on Nov, don Road,' Stanley; Consiating of 1 . 15th, Sarah McLean, wife of Mr, :100 acres, .00. dates cleared, balance ' . William McIntosh of ,1V1eXil1op, hardwood bush: Well watered and aged 55 years, 7. Months, :and 5 fenced. • la Miles from Iltireefield dayn: • , -and 5, from Clinton. Will be • sold a . • • • on reasonable terms •as the: pro- 1 prietor 'in .other business. : For • FOR SALE-A LIMITED NUMBER further ;particulars apply tb. . F. of:. shares in • an Agricultural Int:- • Tomlinson, Brueefield P.' 0. 42' . plemeet Manufacturing Commits, • , • which has-been in Successill :mt.ta77. . tion ainee 1868 FARM: FOR • SALE, -LOT 11, CON. owing to increasing reauda fir . • Enlatging factory 4, Stanley township, .containiag'100 Companies! .goods. • Pays 8 • pet acres, about; 85 at res. cleared, the cerit. " Per • arinem, :ioileresa payable balance 'hardwoed hash containing a half -yearly. Apply 'alias. Pates • lot of hemlock and other valuable Commercial Hotel.. 164 timber'. The place is:site:Veil t.bOut ' • 2 miles from Varna a,ncl Brueeflehr, and. 11 miles from s'chool, is wen. bOm14tIo WANTED. -:-SMALL FA- • watered and well fenced .and in a' oillya.-Mrsa' T;-Jaeksen Sr; • 45. good state 'of cultivation, There • . .•• .• is 7 acres oi 'fall' wheat, , also 12 • • acres ploughed and all seeded ex- BOY WANTED TO LEARN .TUE sept .15 acres; :Frame house • and btatiag.-4, good • out buildings. • Possession von at any tithe. Terms made cagy . • • . . . to suit the purcha.set, For further • GIRL 'WANTED 'FOR GENERAL particulars apply to. Samuel Reid, house work. Apply to Mrs, • Geo. \Tarifa P..•. 44 W. Barge: . • 45 • .. •faa aaaaa•aaa6.a66•aaa6a4e.aasaa aaa.a.a 64a6 66 6 6 6 666666.kt 111 OUR MOTTO X GOOD. GOODS at LOW PRICES:: • We have just got a chance for. another big bars + + gain for our customers,about 3000 yards of Fh.n , nelettes,, best of patterns.: • W. J. Stevenson. RUBBER SALE NOW ON A small boy is always curious to know whatZs inside things. Many ot the older people would do .well • to imitate his example by inveOlgaping what'a' inside this fine Shoe • Stem, for they .would find among other things a new lot of Rubbers and Rubber Boots Come in and,ilook DIM over. The prices will make you glad to part with your money. • We have new dinner setts int arrived, in stock patterns, which we I are selling very cheap, also fancy china. Our Groceries are always fresh and cheap as the cheapeat. Highest price for good hater and eggs. R. GRAHAM �P • Os X 1 34 inch- Flannelette worth 10c, will sell for 8c * 1i. , « , •« • " S , 12ic, , " " " 10c +. These ore genuine bargains, nothing like them. :? e .fr. to be had for the money outside our store, f . , • DRESS GOODS• ., . ,; „•, -Weiare working up A trade in Dross Goods by keeping— x. fr.—stylish Goode and selling them from 10 to In per wilt.- '44 -less than regular prices. Come and see them, ••• LADIES' JACKETS ., ..... . 4 s .7. + v In 4: Se 44,4 e4 t -We have them at right • prices and n p.toala tea No old- )* -stock, all are new goods made by the best tankers in- .( -Toronto. • -We have our store full of new goods in all the Stn.nle- ata. -tines usually carried, too many lines to give a deserip-- -tion of each line. Come and get what you wantfit- alto -lowest price. We won't he undatsold by anyone the- -Dry Goods horsiness in Clot hing,Undertvent and Blank.- ASS•-• We have the hest WoOl plan this fall that we have -a -ever had. PLUIVISTEEL Y The Old tand 114 T tt1•0+408•00*00++044+0+++44++++4"*84+0044414.44044 . iat A a: ' 41k.)/kAit .4' 4 4 Oil I t1 1 II II 11111'4 HAPPY AND IlALTIIY. A, Beautiful Canadian.Girl Saved. From Catarrh o1 the Lungs by 1)e-ru.na. • • Miss Florence E. 11'.ottah, 434 Maria street, Ottawa, Ont.; writplg ; • 61. f.! 44 few months ago 1 canght a severe cold, which Settled on my lungs and remai.neci there so persistently thot I became alarmed. 1 took medicine without benefit, until my dig,pstivo organs" became npse4 and my bad and back began to ache severely and frequently. 6'1 was advised to try Peruna, cncl although I had little faith 1 • felt so sick that I was ready 0 try anything. It brought Mc ,blessed rollef at once,and I felt.that I had the .right medicine at last.• Within • three weeks I .was .corniVetely restored 'and have enjoyed perfect he0arnos'vvinhcea. the greatest t faith in Peru' na.; • F. B. IMNAlf.. OMEN'should beware Of contract- bought a bottle to'try. am pleasedVV ing catarrh.. Tho cold Wind. and that /did, for it brought speedy relief. . rain, slush and. zizd:of winter arc espe-: It only toOk about two bottles, and cially conclueive to 'catarrhal. derange- considered tbia money well spent. , . merits. Few women. escape.: . You have firm friend. in me, and / TI on the ft st Ei to?) tchin is ds g ... and .0 , )1000 without the means to buy, and • Carrh. • . . . • have noticed without exceptionatht it • . Thci•kolioaring letter givei one.young has brought about a speedy cure where- ' womates experience with,Pertinat • .• .o•ver it has been. used.” -kiss Rose Miss Rose Garbing is a popular society- Garbing. ' • woman. ot Ctowil l'ointaInd., and she. If. yon do not derive prompt and satis7.: • . ;writes the following: - faetOry results from the use of Peruna, Recently T, took a long drive in the vrilito at once:to Dr. Hartman giving a • 'country; and being too thinly. elad I full-statetrient of yonr case and he will caught a bad cold which settled cal my- bo pleased to give. you his valuable ad- lungs,. and virhielt. I could not seem tO vie() gratis. shake Or. I had heard a great deal of .Address Dr, Hartman, President `of Veanria for colds and catarrh • and I The'llartnian Sanit.ariurn;Ooluarbust,O. p ymp ras o ea g not only adv e its use to my teen , but cold laeruna should be taken.' It forti- have ptirehaSed several bottles to give to lies the system a ainst colds a- t don last week- visiting friends. sr, • . Northaa :Workman was in Lon. johimaiswaitaamaaagagrasiniesoodmioaaalsme• amssemulzkx The following teachers skill: That- tad • CZ 40' ,A1,, in.t lrA • kggivitip,, at their respective homes kill 1 dlioL .2...x.tnC011.11.4 foalv of . Messrs. R. F. Stelck, • 'J.1W.•• Hogarth, W. E. :Jarrett and NiSs• Annie lion- sitt. • Quite an excitement was. caused la- st week' when, it immune knoWri that a deer ' was. peaeofully, grazing on the .flats of 'the river ••• . • • • Mr. and Miss Islet of 131akeviajt- 0(1 at john • Turner's. Sunday. . '• Mr. 'and Mrs. R. Makins .of Exeter visited , at Mr. E. Troyer's Sunday.' Mr, Geo.' Greenslade,- nether and. siter, visited . friend's ii 'tlitai vicinity on Sunday. • • .Thos. Farquhar la Visiting. fri- ends in Toronto.this week, • .a • . . Stapleton '• • Erite Brown has returned from the, Northwest. Where he was for several nionihn. • . "old -.Charley," the • tweritia,thiee Year old •stailion 'Owned, by J. •Ransiord,'•:was - sent to the ...happy hunting grounds last 'week. He was big' arid 'strOng and for many years Was used on the salt ;block, but add age was ..beginniek to telland rather than have him neglected or .overwerk, ed the firm decided it ,would be more merciful to have. 'Min. despatched • as aforesaid. •• . . • SHE- WAS IN BED FOR'THREE Ng.A.Rs. . . • PAIN -RACKED WOMAN CORED - . 13Y• DODD'S KIDNEY PILL'S. STRONG S TA TEME N T •BY MRS. HUGHES, OF MORLEY, • , SHE'S STRONG AND HEALTHY. ONCE MORE. • • . Morley, Ont.,' Nov, 21-(Seecial.) ,ALA•••TA What Dodd's 'Kidney Pills are doing for the suffering women 'of Canada Will never be telly known, at is only when aortic cotirageoua•• Voltam breaks the secreey that' coVets. wont, an- and her troubles • that a passing glimpse '01 their great work .is given. loor • this reason a statement made hy Mrs. Jas; fiughea, of this place, is of more than. passing interest. "a was a great .sufferer .for four •ycars," says • Mrs, Hughes; "I• was treated by five doctors and a apec;•. lalist from the U. S.. I tried nearly every kind of medicine I could hear oi but note seemed to do me any good." • "1 was in bed for nearly. three years. T had pains .my spieal (9d. umn, in my head, over niy eyea, "a- cross •lily Mak • and through my fait. side, I took fourteen belles of . Xidney Pills and now I t1,111 ,stroll; . and able to do a good day's work, thanks to Dodd'a Kidney ' 0 0440444440;444.44044044044/44•44 ' • • 44 PLEASI.1 NOTE . • 44 Accounts are being sent • * out tom thls office to,those + of aur subscribers who are + a in arrears. • + To those concerned we. *:# O would say; Please give the • + matter your prompt atten- + tion. By so doit(g you 0 • 0 • 6446444.0+1111+411440+114044.+404:. t + will oblige, . . . . 1 . ;,—• 0 0 • .,, ft I e ._• ., MU LI i Pill. itiagegit2,1014421 ,I9 Alio IL 1 11411oairafaineacaftieataileMela .. . 30 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ,-. Sale•opens•MONDAY, NOV.: 28th .:. 'Arid will continue for . One Week. .. ., tlivink purchased a: -large consignment ofGran.. iteware at a low, rate on the dollar, we.have., de= 7,. cided to share up the prOfits with our customers 1 by giving then]. Grailiteware•at 30 per cent. disi. count off regularprices for one Week.. . , .. Just think of it as a cOmparisciu. , • Ari :ArtiafQ that reuillarly sells for 2 00 only *1 40. . . • t< • 25 18 10 07 arThis is certainty a money saverja . A list of the Articles to go on . . i)ish. Pans Kneading Pans Tea Kettles Ladles Vegetable 1)ishes • (ullenderS Roasting Pans • 'Jelly Metilds Bqrlin Cook 1 ots • ;. • Spoons Pie Plates • Soap 1)islies Jelly Plates • Lipped 1)te- serving 'Kettles ..Irry'Pans Tea Steepers • Cups and Saucers Wash Basins lgugs Teapots ' • Saucepans Coffee Pots Charribpr Pails Rice Boilel'S 4 DiP" Water Pails ..; 1N/fixing Bowls Toilet Jars • Soup Bo-wls Pudding Pans. •a 1 Water Pitchers - Milk Pans _. --1 ▪ . Syrup Jugs Berlin Sauce Pans -4 Covered Pails. Stove Pots 1 • Remember this is A special Granite Sale and such Bar ?.! gains will not be had again for some time, 1 HARLAND BROS 1 STOVES XIARDVTA.1 RE 1 mompiiumommiftwoommousk:,:".: rAmtiweirazzotanalimostattoomo0 !Ascribe for The l'iervvs.flecord. • c • ..lk 4.Ai, AIL L. Li: ...ILL 11:: 412 .0. A 4.. Ai. ALA, 14. Al Ai 4. 4. t.A4. Lt .1 4 444114 •••, As A. A L L. A .1. A. a. a. 44. 4.. 1 AL 44. .46, 8844.L .•• . A A. at . 1