HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-24, Page 2.T.rit C'.•
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%kg +vet eat a n
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The Sunlight Maids aroahvays through nihelr wash
t :yr
at twelve o'ticck,
with ordinary sown a woman has to wtlric .so hard end so :• , ,: a wank day
she has no time for prc,iaring any c.f the feud:y meals, Wash day is a" trial,. and the
good NV ire faces each St ith a sigh of despair..
Sunlight Soap makes all the different:;• in the w.,rl•l. No rialto,- -
no boi:ing-less than half the labor with much b - tier r. 1Il•a. tlort w„togs are all -
through their wash by twelve o'clock wh::, they wash with Sunlight Soap the Sun.
light way. It makes child's play of work.•
Sunlight Soap washes the clothes wleitr cm! won't injure the bands.
..w nTY11FM.+MM..stw ..•. +1.,- SMt co)
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• The. News of Goderich.
Tile Clinton Newe-Record
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( fr°,tfr C."! nt•c'c., ir ter, aiel {eiW'4 ill
Miss Elelse A. Skltuings, . c:orrespendelrt
a • i`,• •c. • 0 00.0 • ;;.+ i • i a)`,✓"`twi <.i.)(0.70ti'si a(•,tC:ttXti• a O
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The Thanksgiving supper and en- How does your subscription to
tertainrnent given at Victoria street The News -Record stand ?
church °by the Ladies` Aid was a Mr. and Mrs. George Porter left
grand and successful affair., Five for Toronto on Thanksgiving day.
tables were set in the lecture' room, Mr. Porter returned on Friday but
which had every one of them a ;boon- Mrs, Porter remained until Monday.
taut spread. Jardinieres with flow-, Mrs. '.(Sheriff) Reynolds returned •
ering plants and vases of flowers last week from a visit to Toronto.
were plentifully in evidence. Tho George M. Elliott and son Chester
table that attracted us most was spent Thanksgiving . day' in Leeming -
one on which stood a pumpkin ton- ton.
verted luta a basket. Rev. W. H. Mr.. James Clark was in Hamilton
Graham was chairman and made, as last week.
the. bill had it, a "snort and crisp MacKenzie of Clinton has furnished
speech. Reif, Jetties Anderson gave the woodwork for several new houses.
a short homily on congregations and here.
pastors. Iiev, Mr. Hazen .launched Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Serinhgeour
out loyally on the reasons why spent Thanksgiving day with relativ-
Canadians should give great thanks- es at Toronto.
to Heaven oil Thanksgiving Pay 1004 The sympathy of the whole coin -
Godt;rich•. .
Gospel Temperance meetings • will
also be held every Sunday p, m•' . -
William Birnie has 'a mamrnoth.beet -
weighting 9i• lbs. and measures 2 ft.
2 inehcs by 2 ft.
While • sinking a 7:0 foot well • for
1\IeLarty- and Doyle at the brickyard
in Colborne the other day .there• was
a narrow escapo from instant death
attending it. Mr, Wesley Steep was
below. and. Mr. Grunn ict at• the wind-
lass. They. had .got down about fifty
feet when a full blaeket which Was•lie-
ing raised, when nearing the surface,
struck the crib.. and fell, striking the
shoulder and feet of • Steep, Although
suffering much pain Mi. • Steep. -cooly
;attached the .bucket •and was • raised
to the surface. • • -
We were sorry -to .learn pf the 'aeci-*
• dent that befel Rev, Mr. Robinson of
• Dungannon, late of Victoria street
church., A :large box' fell upon hie.
toot, •injuring apart el it badly:•
` Tenders are :out for building. • the
new 'North street church
• : The disabled ,three masted' schooner
Charles Crawford has 'been purchased.
by•.Messrs 'J...Clark and W:II.IIor-
ton for $800, The storm was • so
great on Saturday, lltb Nov., that
when• they gest• anchor' in • the harbor.
the anchors dragged,:causing• her, •to,
- run aground ee Marlton's Island. '•
On .17th :Nov,, 1903, :there was-good
stinting in. -t oderieh -rink:
Consul .atter ;Ars. Shirley returned
last week from, a sit weeks''•. visit•
to theh home.. at .Chicago .and to the
'exposit'ion .at St.. Louis: Mrs. Shir-'
.leyexpected • to ,find••on her return.
heee .any amount of snow: .
- e
, B. Combe;
Gaelniat and Druggist
4e.+44 tt.4,4®3 C&00?+84
E'• Cd '
cs ' :lNr-
Of 100 Ladies, 90 at least
prefer Rings to any other
kind of Jewelry. , For . this
reason we pay spectal atten-
tion to this line.
You will find all the, favor-
ite Stones and . combinations
at their best with us.
Every Ring atits very best
both as to value and qual-
ity. ual-ity. A
A. J. Grigg,.
Anyone to go away
dissatisfied. We will
guarantee that if you
will take time to see
oar line of mounts
that you will find
what you want at a
price you want to pay
for it.
on account of the absence Of famine,
pestilence and war, three horrors
some people. have to combat against
particularly in India and other Eas-
tern countries, Mrs. Elliott. of Wat-
erford sang in fine voice "Alone
With ,Thee," Organist Parnell Morris
of London sang in fine baritone voice
"Out of the Depths;" • The, Messrs;
l3elcher sang the dao ",Ship Ahoy.".
Miss Brown sang very clearly and
sweetly "Angel • Land',' and for her
warm encore' . "1 -le wipetlt - the tear
from every eye." ' Some of the sing-
ers mentioned sang other numbers
much to. the pleasure of the great
audience, ° );very seat ,in the body of,
the church •was occupied.,
The British Whig of Kinghtoni says:
".Over . the title of Golden Leaves
another' and greaten volume . has
appeared of the poems of 'the Poetess
of Huron, 'Miss Eloise A, Slcimings
of • Qoderich. It is truly a•• massive
work, till of the •sympathies, appre •
otic who feels
dations 'and joys of
the sensitive touch of real ,friendship
as 'well as inspiration. For her toy
alty both town and friends are gra-'
teful • .and if good . wishes will waft •
her •verses store .speedily, over • the
Land, they are • hers inoverflowing
measure. •' •
Mr.. John Johnston reached home
on. 'Thanksgiving.Day after spending
solve' weeks the guestof his dau-
ghter, Mrs. Ciaigte, •. Tobermoray: .
• Mr. ' Stratton still improves•in
It's the dried sputum floating aro-
.und in the air that gets into..your
.Lungs' and Causes . consumption. . A'
.sure preventative is fragrant healing
Catarrhozone, which is inhaled right
.into the lungs, kilts every. germ, hea
Is the sore membranes and carestiter
oughly .every type, of-eatarrh•, bron-
chitis;. astlinia -.and .lung .trouble. "1•
caught' it severe cold which develop-
cd into catarrh and finally settled .on
my lungs," • writes Mr. • A.. Northrop
of Bedford. .Catarrhosone . 'relieved
quickly and . dured the: ;I. recommend
Catarrhozcne. highly. ,Two ..'lentils
treatinent'$1 ;, trial size 25c:..
And, everybody is, wondering wit••
to do.. Isere is a. simple -cure. Use r -
gargle. of Nerviline and water, as re-
eommended in the. directions' and rut
your 'throat and chest vigorously
with Nerviline. This has been tested
and proved successful athousand/ time
es. Nerviline. is- .a specific for .'ton=
siiitis'a and' in fact we know of noth-
ing hall so good for breaking up col-
ds, curing tight chest and all muscu-
lar pains,.. Trya. bottle of Nerviline,
price 25e,'
On - 12th Nov the family: of. Mr,
James. Eagleson•; providentially escap-
• eel being ,asphyxiated. Their little
son; Master Wilbur, was the first to
awaken . - anti. on corning . down stairs,
his father was awakened' 'and• lit a
lamp. Quickly imagining that the
boy was faint he'opened the. outer
door and. then bathed the boy's face
with 'water.. Mrs.' Eagleson .-and her
daughter were suffering, too, ' _ but
they... never 'fel't any. odor from the
:escaping gas; Mr. E,aglcson .never
had so 'many aecidents •happen before
as .what • have happened.. to him .since
he carne to our town, but happily he
'is none the .worse . for them. • •
Miss Lttiii •Eagleson .is assisting
Srliith 'Bios. in .their clearing sale. •
Mrs: J. Fraser • and ; daughter .have
removed from their late residence on
South street ,to the house owned and
• occupied by the late Mr,' and Mrs. •'
The lease by the • C. P. R. • of the
G (r'railway is..for
Guelph oFe ick
999. years,
Mr. Robert McLean intends im
Proving his South 'street property
Mr. .Robert 'IJlliott shipped ills ]ast
carload of apples .to Liverpool last
Friday. •• .
Miss Eva Bradley of Norwich, was
the guest last week of Mrs. J. C.
Ilarrison, -
To relieve• constipated headache try
Dr, Hamiiton's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut. Wonderfully prompt, and
never cause griping pains. Por head-
ache and billiousncss use only 40
Haniiiton's Pills. Price 25c.
- • .Harmony 'Club gave a• most enjoy-
able '.hop : at Oddfellow's. -hall on • the.
anniversary of their inceptioli, . g Than-
in.glvin : , Day. About. forty coupies
attended including the following guts;
as from:a distance :• the .Misses Ilelen.
mut►ity went taut on Saturday to our
citizens, Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Swartz,
when it • became known that their
lovely and only -little daughter, Iso-
bel, . could not live many hours.. She
died in the evening. She took sick
some days before but her mother
thought it was. only some slight f11 -
IMS and did - not •call in medical aid
at once. Finding after a day .passed
that Isobel did not rally• she sent
for . the family • doctor .who found that
little Isobel had tonsilitis.• which
turned to diptheria: From the first
the doctor feared the worst, , Her
little white casket was covered with
flowers and her litho, remains. were
laid to rest at 8 p, m. on Sunday in
Maitland cemetery beside 'the remains
of her ' two brothers, Guy and his
young brother. •
And utter weariness. arc due •to .the
blood .being weakened through faulty
action of the kidney and liver. . l ti's
a surplus of energy, lots of' red,: vit-
alining blood you need and it can .be
•acquire'd quickly by •using• It errozouo, '
the greatest strengthening tonic ma-
tte: ' "No • tonic 'equals Ferrozone,"
writes II. E. Jennings, of Westport.
"Last spring I was :tired and cfe-
pressed, had backache and. • laa!(e.l.
.sIrength. Ferrozone soon brought Die
to. good health •and riiade me well:" :
Price 50c at, druggists.' -'
Two Minutes
Mrs; .:Arthur Cantelon.took sudden-
ly' ill • last week.. Wo' trust her re-
covery will. be rapid.' -
Airs. Ed.; Munro and Master Harry:
of Meilen spent Tha,nksgiying
town the guests of little Harry's
grandparents, Mr. and • Mrs, • Janie;',
Munro. •
' The Azov. lei t the Georgian: Bay on
Sunday night With lumber' for Chai-
• liars, :. Captain Murdoclr .:11lacdonald; :a
brother of the owner, -has 'eon'in)and
of bei.•. '
Mrs J. Eagleson attendeil -. the fun-:
eral of -the late Theems LittTo , . of
Clinton last week. •
. A the. • gre uing of: the W.C.
T. U. it was.lar nnet.decided to hold: another'
series of mothers' meetings, the first
to be held at the. home of Mrs;. Rob-
erison; Britannia Road, on• • Friday
Nov. 25th. Mrs. Colborfic will
• take, the .Bibilo reading and a Tercet; 6
lady is expected to take.. the.. ,duce-
tional"'ta1k. ••
The World's, Temperance, Rally Day
• in the 'S. K. will be. on .Sunday next
• 11 •
fit he
ion 4
Davis and . i1►otl s , in North street 'church.. A gond pro
alis; Edith Halliday, London ; •
Eva giant will. be prepared.' ,.
t'radle of Norwich, •• and .'1\lessrs.lehil-: William Ie a•w.'. out .for
ip •_ Kiehl; Montreal ; Ed'ivard , T111,, genic last ;week 'anti bagged... • ;cies
Buffalo ; John:ntotd and Roy kIeT .rabtrite. A good .flintier for • Thanks -
Clinton ;. and.' Alderman •, iii1de giving. flay:
ward B. .Gibbons .of. .Detroit 'rim.
Blackstone orchestra gave great sat
isfaction, • •as . they always •.do, Re
freshments'.were served at .• midnight:
. The members . of ..the chub vied with
eaeh:other in introducing theieguests
to .their friericls; and servingthe-gues-
tsduring. luncheon.-
Mr. and Mrs. Dobson 'spent, Thanks-
giving day. at the residence of Mrs.
J. L. Turnbull. •
Miss;Attrill' has taken the residen-
ce of.`_Postmaster Galt for the win -
„I'. Robertson. placed for the
Woodmen • of the• World- a handsome
monument of granite . in Maitland ce-
metery. to the memory. of their late
brother James J; McMath M D:•
Buffalo to sp nd Thanksgiving iweek
with his parents, Mr. and.. Mrs.
Tilt. "
Miss •Maude Iiale.le
ft on the •eve of
Thanksgiving to spend the 'balance'
. of the week in Toronto where -.she
as the. guest of, her sister., .Miss May
Ilalew• -
- . JohnSalkeld . of The
,1Ir, and
4laples, Bayfield Read, left on'rhan-
sgiving day for London where: they
will be the guests ofthcir son-in-law,
Mr. ,Merritt. Mrs. Salkeld' will spend
tyro weeks iii' the city, but . • Mr.
-Salkeld returned to his homeon
Monday. "
Mr, • and Mrs. Davidson spent Th-
anksgiving clay the guests of btrs.
llavidson's brother, Dr. James L.
Turnbull. -
Services were held in Knox chtircl
et Thanksgiving clay when Rev. Aird-
•rsoti preached. -
Miss Edith Halliday came up from
London on :Thanksgiving day and
while here was the guest ot her aunt.
Mrs. Smith. -.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pringle have
.returned from their Thanksgiving viii-
it to friends at Toronto.
Mrs. McClay spent Thanksgiving
day e•ith friends at Seaforth.
Mr. Albert Kneeshaw has been vis-
iting her mother at fowmanville.
Miss Helen' Atirill spent Thanks-
giving day at Toronto. Master Ilea-
• ton accompanied her on a visit to
his parents.
This school enjoys the reputation
of doing the hest work in Business
I''.ducation in the Dominion., The
large schools in Canada and United
States- employ our graduates as tea-
chers. We give the same instruction
to all and that the west,
Students May enterat any time.
Write for free catalogue. -
W. J'. Elliott, 1'restd tit.
D. Ai Mctaelilan,, Principal;
Nearly every disease : originate s
+rom impaired tissue, that• is why
Vito 'Tonic rarely fails to cited a
pernrartent cure, it acts as to food for
the system. Patent i nedlelfies, on the
tither hand, produce only temporary
relief, Vito 'Tonic is composed of
'rcrb% barks and fruit. Mr. R. 1'.
heckle, druggist, keeps it in stockA
• Mr. NV. J. Brennan, Western 11111',•
St."-•• Catharines, - Ont:, Writes : • "My,
face was: all twisted dut of shape
with facial: paralysis,- and five .doe -
tors • failed to euro or' even. relieve.
Ise: - By the 'persistent ese of. 01..
Chase's -Nerve Food I .have beets •en-
tirely cured •and have returned • to
work strong and well. i have gained.'
in Weight and feel:that I have a
lease of life.".-
rshed s l
1 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Gripo Asthma, Diphtheria.
Cresoleneis a boon to Asthmatics•
• carsorsNrIs n long established and standard
for the dlieo,oes Indicated. It cures because the air reit,
dared strongly antlecptio io carried over too diooased sur.
Riede of rho brimneblal tubes with every breath. glving
prnlongedand nonsta,tt treatment. Thome of n nonentity
time tendency, or macros. from chronic bronchitis, And
Jmmedlnto relief troin'eengbs or Inflamed condtttOna of
• the throat.' ' • -
Yapo•Creaotono 1e'. hold •
Uy drugglets or sent pM•
yard on receipt of price.
A Varn•Cresoleno out.
nt including A bottle ot
Creaolono sial Send tor
trno iIIu*trnted booklrtt
IRA:MING MliIS CO., 1•tti.,
agents, 288 EL James Bt.,
Montreal, Canada. 315
US,neSs AC j'
(.orl4oN em
iEach pupil is givenyitt.
dividual instruction.
The Shorthand System
'taught is that used by all.
_ . newspaper and court re•
porters. -
Beet • n stems ' of i3ootc.
keeeing, I''ennutnehip, Arith.
- matte, etc., thoroughly
Situations ftuitrenteed
to every Graduate,
cdt'xt,00tn i•Ittx.
ofrot taLetrwompNt♦tr' x ,
Physicians tell us that all
the blood in a healthy
human body passes through
the heart once In every two
minutes. If this action be-
comes irregular the whole
body suffers. Poor health -
follows poor blood ; Scott's
Emulsion makes the blood
pure, One reason .why
is such a gzeat aid iss because
it passes so quickly into
the blood, It is partly di-
gested before it enters the
stomach a double advan-
tage in this. Less work
for the stomach; . quicker
and more. direct benefits.
To get the greatest amount
of good with the least pos-
sible effort
os-sible:etort is the .desire of
everyonein poor health.
Scott's Emulsion does. just
that. A change , for the
better takes place even be
fore•you expect it.
We williend you a,
ample free.
Be sure. that • this
yt picture in the form of
Y l , a label is on the .wrap-
riip t' per of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy; .
Score & BOWNE
Toronto, Ont. •
so sent* and lir. oo
a•. All druggists .
November 24th i °1{..!4
An Episcopal Optimist.
• The I3islioli • of London ie. an op-
timist wbo has always a good word
to- nay for everybody, even if the
pt•r;;otl wider discussion clay seem to
have no. admirable qualities. • One
day, when he had been standing up.
fora particularly disreputable spec-
imen of humanity, a. friend said ter
hlIrt :
"flow is it that you always ran
think of something pleasant to say R. flattens, `Yawn Agent.
about everybody under the sun ?"'A. 0. Pattison, Depot • Agent•.
The bishop laughed.
Well, you see," leo sant, "there is
so much ,good in the wortit of us and 'Time titilrau Government gitcs an
so much bad in the best t:f us tIi t emphatic. denial .10 •a report th.tt it
it does not. become any. of tis to sp- e'lntt• epla•tc8 the sale of warships •lo
eak -ill of the rest of • us." . 13nssia.
+coca_ _ p1? :' .._..._. . _..-._ ...,._ _ •- _- -^,-_ _.•
1 lt.... I N •""• •vvoloomosout.,QoPumeAii
$17.55 • with stop over privileges
Round at Chicago, Detroit anti
Trip. intermediate Canadian
• . stations.
Through Pullman sleeper twice daily•
For tickets, illustrated literature
and full information cull on -
Nttt?ll?tt?ttthitt!'9tPit?4» ' '- WttrttfWtt? !PUflttt97fl
« Store' closes
at .6 ' o'clock
'F every night.
t .
' Saturday --
nights 8t. a
10 •o'clock.
-of Dress Goods 1
We are going toslake the balance of th;e
---and Furnishings
month. • interesting to wide = awake- buyers. a
Space will not. permit us to advertise every-
thing in the store at bargain prices, but YOU
- willfind something interesting X
n every de
Ste _ kk. -Department
400 yards. Flannelette, 36 inches 'wide, Dight pat-
tern, all good colors, excr:t heavy.. cloth, 12i'c.. fir 10c. fie',
.-._.. .. _W .....- . ;_ •
200 yards Flannelette, '29 inclies wide,' seven . good .z
Sir ' Wilfrid Laurie r was ,63 years
old yesterday- and was'•the•, recipient
of limey birthday coaitrk:a;tulu:tions:
Tho. steamship Sicilian, prince, from
Naples. and Palermo,' went ashore
near New York• on Sunday mor tii n:
.but her 012 passengers: were all sav-.
For Backache and
• . .
. Disease
Dr. Chase's :,Kidney -Liver Pills,
are the most prompt and
effective treatment•
While this statement is strong and definite it
Is postively correct and is backed up by the evi-
dence of cured ones in every part of the country,
Ma. E. T. BEDARD, Lac aux 'Sabl'es •Portneul
Co., Que., states :• "For two. years 'I tried a
number of different remedies
for backache and kidney
disease without . obtaining.
any relief. Since' having
used Dr. Chase's Kidney,
Liver Pills, however, I am
happy to say that they have
proven of wonderful benefit
to me. I can certify that
for me these are the best
Pills I lave ever come across
and we always keep them •in
the house. It will be a
pleasure for me to reply to
any who care. to. Write me for
• rift. E. T. BEDAUB further particulars of my
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one p111 a
dose, 25 cents a box. To protect you against
imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A.
• W, Chase, the famous receipt bookauthor, are
on every box of his remedies.
Solid Sterling Silver, heavy ,
weight, enclosed in enatneletl card
box with satin lining and hinge
• cover. "llferry Xmas" is embossed •
on outside of cover. •
Thimble is made with hand-
somely chased hand, or plain band
with fancy chased holes. ..
Needle holes are much finer
than on common thimb',es so that
needle cannot slip,
Makes a pretty gift for mother,
sister or friend,
Price 40( -lents
-'?WIth 3c. for Postage -
Oood Value at 60c..
More elaborate styles, of Sterl-
log Thimbles from So to 85 cents..
Gold Filled at $ t.5o.
Solid Gold at $4,oe.
170 011110AS ST., 1OEN 1N
This i
patterns, This line•.is a big' bargain, regular 7c for 5c
Factory Cotton, *full 36 inches wide, ' .extra Ile vy
r eight, regular'.10 for,.: 7/c .::• :
. Grey £Iannel, all. wool, 27.'inches wide, was a grt'ed
seller at 25c . sale price (...;
.. Grey 'Plague l; • nil :rcoil,. 28 ilit;lies'tvtde;'° regular ,
E.36c for 25c
23:. • .11iital•y Flannel, bought at a :. snai, regular. 3 c "
' •line for • r-„
odds Department ......
` ='
-- ••.• •Grey Cravenette; shower :proof cloth , G0' inches ..._
P.N. ••
. wide, regular $1.25 and $1..50 limes for - - $1.00 .743
.Fancy .Tweed Dress Goods, 42 i'llehes Wide, : five
pretty mixtures to choose from, regular 50e for . 35c ;.
Fancy Tweed Dress o :'U ods, 42 and 44 inches wide''
e f ttei ns, all new• this liar, regular 60c :for 40c
tn.PY. g ....
Black Crevlot Dress Goods, 56 inches wid.', egu-
90c for 65C .
Black Cheviot Dress Goods, 56 inclies.wideo regi-
$1.M0 sale'.priee 75c . .
25 and 30c Dress Good: '40 and ‘14 inches wide, in •tet
plain grey,black. and fanc . >atter•l s, per 'yard' 20c
Lud>ie Waterproof..
Dark. Grey Tweetl shoulder capes, no collar,. brass
and oxidized buttons, well Inade, rc'gtrl n' $6 for $4.550
Dark Grey : Cravenette, two 'capes and collar ,good
heavy coat,- Well niade, regular $6.00 ftir ' •: $5.00
Light and litter '.Grey,. two ciliac'; and collar, full ,;,G
length, 1111 sizes,'' :regular $10 for $8 00
Hark Grey,'tirer (:darter length, extra heavy for
fall wt,ar,:two capes a:. l collar, re;,llflr.$:S for' $6.50 „
Men's :Sh i r s
" Men'i' Black:Satteen Shirts, oodlieav'y satteen, well;
ss,..made, tl,
,s regular r(c for. 3
• Men's Black Satteen Shirts, extra pod satteen,reg-
ular 75c for. 50d tit
dozenMen's Soft Fronted ] Sl l lfc
es makes as - .e
Skelton's Princely and Star brand, regular 75c,for 50c .7.
gr. 25 dozen Neil's soft dila stiff. fronted . Shirts made
bythe above makers, sold, everywhere at $l and. $1.25..tti
' or clearing price ' '75c rzt
--or your money back. :::.;
What is advertised we DI
Successors to h', Loats & sop. ., w
Do not 6onsider it a hardship
to do as much for The Noway-
Record as you do ..'or a city
weekly or daily - pr,iy for it in.
advance. -
Consult Your Address Moores.