HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-17, Page 7NA 41‘,
Novembet 17th 1904
G. D. McTaggart
ALLOWED ON ne,rosrrs.
OFFICE —Sloane Block—
(Successor to
office formerly
James Scott,
Mr. James Scott.)
occupied by Mr.
in Elliott 13lock .
conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insuranee Agency.
Money to Loan.
Dr, W. Gunn L. R. C. P. & L. R.C.S.
Dr. J. Nisbet. Gunn R. C. S. leng.
L. R. C. P. Loudon
Night calls at. front door of residence
ou Rattenbury street, opposite
Presbyterian church,
OFFICI-1,— Ontario street —CLINTON.
OFFICE-- Ontario street —CLINTON;
Opposite St. Paul's church.
Special attention 'given to diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat •, ,
—011ice and Residence—
North of Rattenbury St.
Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal-
lister on Main strest.
— . — • ONT
°nice adjoining Phut° Gallery. open
every day end Saturday' nights until
to o'clock.
specialist 111 morin anti inidge Work
D. 1). S.—Graduate of the Royal Col-
lege of Dental burgeons ea Ontar-
L. D. S.—First class honor graduate
of Dental Department t iosonao
University. •
Special attention paid to j nsernation
of children's teeth. •
Will be at the River Iluiti, 13ay beld,
every Monday Irvin le a. 111 LO
A member of the Veterinary emeslical
Associations of Loudon and .ti.din-
burgh and Graduate oi the ()aer-
ie> Veterinary College.
OFFICE— Huron street —CLINTON.
Next to Commercial Hotel
l?hone 97
J. B. Rum.ball. olinton
ti Surgeon, Oculist, Sperianst, Il
(xi Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and an
lin Throes., visits t. Hilton nionttly IJ
London Office 225 Qneen's Ave. lit.j
Drug fig
• kg]
ri •
on Nasal Catarrh awl Deana!
Es treated.
pJ Clinton Office Cornhe's
• 0
El ir- R a. tn. to 4 p., tn. Dat-
ki] es of visits—Tuesdays—Feb. 0, Ill
D Mar. 1, MEX. 29, May 3, May .g
igj 31, Jima 28, July 26, Sept, 6, ga
[3 Oct. 4, Nob. 1, Nov. 29. • QC
- , The Bost in Current Literature
12 Comistrrc Novtt.; YtANLY
$240 Pen vtA Ft 28 (WC A COPY,
mitnv Norsoth COMPLitile iN
The ClIttton ImowsoRecort1
• Istriar ,lniasostr 11• 11.1 , 1 j 1, ,
oung By Charles Garvice i
Author of 1
"A Modern julieti/
Rattenbury Street Works
importers. Woukman-
ship and Material guarantee
We have a good" as-
sortment of New
'Buggies always
"Better Than Life,"
s"Once in a Life."
"That would be rather unntst,"
Nance said; "because you can not
very well hold me on all the time,"
They rode every day, and every
day St. Joh*t declined the offer
which the countess made of Cousin
Ennyntrude's company.
"Let her alone, ntother," b saki,
almost sadly. "/ am happy. Let
me be happy while it lasts,"
bwith a slowly gathering ohorror
The countess looked at him to_ un in her eyes. "Speak to me! Why da
quiringly. . you -you look at me like this? Are
you nioao_do you think_„..,P#. you so angry, so—shocked? I can
He knew what she meant. not help iti 1 love you I can hide
"I mean that she does not know, it no longer! .1 roust tell you! Speak
does not guess, bow X feel," he said, to mel
She drew her hands from his
with a mixture of ,bitternees and
melancholy. "She fas innocent as grasp, and, rising, shrunk, actually
shrunk from him, putting out her
a child, as—as frank 'as a sister.
Yes, that is just it, I Might' be her hands as if to keep him from her.
brother—Just her brother. She treats Be rose and drewnearer, his eyes
me with perfect frankness, I
melting with love's prayer, his lips
come, she gives me her hand and quivering.
•"Don't—don't touch me!" she gasp-
ed. "Don't—don't say another word,
No, no!" for disobeying . her, ho
sought to take her hands Ewalt; ,she
clasped them 'above her head with a
gesture of tragic despair.
"Christine!" he cried, "what does
it mean? Why do you shrink from
me as if—as if you hated me, an if I
were a leper? ?or God's Sake, tell
me!" •
eyes, wide open and innocent, gazed
down upon. him..
"Christine, don't you know?" he
panted. “You must knoW1 I love
you! X love you! I can not bear to
lose you for a single day. I can not.
1, can not! X love youOh, speak
to mei" for her face now was as
white as his own, and she looked at
smiles at me; but—but—there is no
• blush on her face; her eyes meet mine
• without a Waver. 'Ibis I who change
color, Whorn. Can scarcely speak,
who can scarcely lift nay eyes to
her, face, lot she should see 'how I
love her,"
The 'Countess laid her hand on his
headn He had sunk nrito tbe seat
beside her, and leaned his head. on
his hands. •
"Have patience, •St. John," he
said. "Remember that she has
scarcely known you more than a
I "I 1 "
a, year. AXother, if I do not win her,
if she will not love rim—" he said,
Repair in • 11 his ---------.--nanaggard. Christine!" he pleaded, "What is
Just how a number of
seoond.-hand Bug-
ig es in good re -
:pair • Chea '
week.' •
that a I? ho said. It scorns
Nance stood with her hands clasp -
c1, beyond St. 'John's reach, above
lair heacl, thee look of horror in het
• eyes, as if lacapable. of speech.
. •
e pimp y attended to.
`Be patierit,'' said the countess is? Are you angry because I love
again "And—and even if—if you you? I Me not help it! I have love
Can not get ivh t • you Want—well en you eVer sinee the da we rnet
• Ilitron St., Clinton,
The illoKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Coffman
—Farm and Isolated Town Property-- 1
nlv Instimclen
, •
St. John, you will.not forget that My heart went out .te you even then..
you are a Lisle,and that the Lisies man life since• has been one
are not given to weaing the willow, 'thought of you,, one longing tor you!
or .going about with their hearts on You are an the world to me, all that
•their sleeves, for daws to peck at." • is good and beautiful and worth line
"X can not understand it," she - Ing for.' , Christine, I can not live
said, later in the nay, to the earl. without you, I can' not! To lope
"Innocent and unworldly as the . You, even for a day, is an agony for
seems, she can't be ignorant of. the , mo. Al, do not be angry . with me, .
fact that a Marriage with St. John do net ,shrinn from me! No one
would be an•excellent: thing:for her." could love you better than tot Nis '
The earl. was silent for a moment. • onc!''. . • . •
"It seems to me Agnes "' he s,aid • Still she Ives silent her. breath •
no you think that I should think
less of you, love you less, because
of that fact? Poor or lift, you are,
have always been, the sweetest, pur-
She shrunk still further away froin
nim. The old. love—that bitter-sweet
time at Myrtle Cottage." -031)0 bask
upon. her. If he could only know
how far from pure she was, ^would
he not shrink from her?
Ile saw her painful gesture of de -
pia', but paid no beer!, to it.
—"Always the sweetest and purest
type of womanhood. Christine, if
the past is painful to yon, why
should you dwell on it --why should
yoo think of it at all? I do not,
will not. Let us dote our lives from
to -day, date mine so. •I have not
lived until I mot you and learned
to love you. Dearest,* do not be
hard with rile. Let me try and win
your love."
He sunk on his -knees in front of
her and sought to take her • hands;
but as she held them from hire, he
touchedher dress, a,n4, passionatenn
reverently, put his lips to it.
Nance's heart ached with pity—
pity for herself, as well as for him;
but mostly for him, lIe Was to her
-as he had said she was to him -
the typo of all that was nolle and
pure and unselfish. X1-11 the' past
had. not been—if she could only have
been all he deemed her! But, oh, tho
terrible significance of that "if!"
Ile loolced, at her, waiting for,
preying for. her answer, Something
her face, in her eyes, alarMed Ulna
and struck to his heart like a into -
den chill.
"Christine," he said in a low whin-
pere "is—is there any ono else?".
She turned her eyes inwaY. •
He did not speak, but his heart
sunk. •
—mere is!" he said, hoarsely.
'"Pell rrie—can, you tell ine?—who it
is? I• have no right to ask I know.
knOry that there can be no hope
for nee now; but—tell me, Chris-
ti1141e'an not!" she breethed, •
co1,1,1111.;_aivinesdS. sitilearintya, moment. It was
evident that he was fighting for self-
one I know?". he
asked. '
en,e0••• •
nisio?" • He thought denply. "Then
—then you have not seen him re-
eently—rtot since -you have been here?
It, is net :long time. He must be"
—he paused; then, as if he could not'
restrain hirnself,.• he went on—"he
must be cold-hearted. • He can not.
love you as—as I do. I, could 'not
stay away 'from your side. Ali!" he
broke out,' "you bane -parted from'
him, He was not worthy Of your
love. 'Is that its Christine?"
:Nance covered her •ftrce ' with ner
hands'. ,, • n • . •
St. John's face . floshed feverishly.
(TO .13E CONTINUED.) • • '
. ,•
that St, John has found that rata corning slowly, painfully. •
• •
avis, a girl who is Insensible to the .Is at—is it becauSn' —his vOina
J. 13. McLean President, enipIien
O. '['bus. Fraser, • Vice -Pre
Brncefield P. 0. • T. E.Hays,
Treasurer, Seaforth P. O.,'
advantages , of rie•good peril. • She •gle.'n very IOW and faltered—"b A ern .
Might to be eaught and put in. a cause 1 am lame?" He 'clasped his L. RE I. T
p ; OIUSGU171.'
d hie
non as itseemed,•:not only.
to the earl and countess, but to' better every day; My love .for you
has 'helped to strengthen me. ..Is it,
' Lady Doekitt, Nance was quite urn
I shall get better -stronger; X do get
• suspicious and unconscious. She because of that?" . •
William Shesney, Seaford! nolzn
• . •
Grieve, Winthrop ; ',George Dale; Sea:
forth ; • John -.Watt, lIarlock John •
Bennewies, BrocIliegan,•; ...TAIIMS Evans, .
Beechwood . James •Connolly, Clinton.
had done with love. It seemed to She made a fiesture of, denial, but
• •
her that, in some way, OverY one still stood regardinn with • the.
expression of horror and dread
who'saw her, though ignorant .of her
terrible. past, moat . see that site:wen 'her eyes. .
not as other women, and -that love -i'What is it then?" he asked, irn-
and marriage were not for. her, ploringly. nIs it because—because
because you d t I •
• n her .oWri eyee she was as one •o no ore me? , Per-
haps that is it,"' he went on after.a.
AGENTS. • apart from the rest of womankind,
Robert Sinith, Harlock •, 2-tifi_ gen far removei. from love as if she :•mainent's pause; sn."but-nbut you
chley, Seaforth ; lames • Cummings, had entered a, nuimory, .or—terrible would not shrink fiord me, you
Eginondville ; J.: W. Yeo, Mimes-
•theughtl—wene infected With merlin would not look at me ae •you' do, if
villleprosy.e. •
it were only that. • Yon do not
i She liked St. JohnHis frien ds hipositively hate me, Ch .1 tien
Parties . desirous to effect insurance
-or transact other - business will be •
promptly attended to- on application
to any of the anove • of -kora 'addressect
to their respective. postoffices.. Losses
inspected by the director. Nvho iives
nearest the scene; • . • .. • •
—she never for a moment .suspected • • o, e said, at last, axxI her•
anything warmer—was 'very weinnue voice came painfully. • nne-I do not
to her. She talked t More freely to , hat, you. • Nin, 'no! But—IX do. not.. him thanoven to Lany Dockitte and love you!" • .. •
when she did not Lane, could ride or • SonarO•ing ltko nope inns., In hill
Walk beside fin a silence that . earnest eyes. • ;
was perfectly .s6r6na and unimbar-
"Thank God that:you do not ho
rasaed, She did not know than, me!" he said, "13itt-ebut if you, do'.
ehis bedy celled aloud for her; that
every fiber of • . not love me now—and I did not ex-'
When' he was near her,
pea, ask for that, Christine! WhY,
his heart ached with longing for her, should I dare to ask so inuln
and that' when he waaway from: so. soon-ebut man be table to win
1111,1E TABLE.• • , her his waking times were spent in • your love, you may learn, to .,care.
• • thinking of hers his sleeping ones in. • for niel Simla • love as 'mine mist
Trains will orris; d dr a i ' conquer in' tiniensif you do n t nit
frem Clinton station as iolarins e central figure • • • dislike, me! Give tne time; 'let , .eae,
tu El C .
Ts a,.neeessIty every home il
consaniption and pneuroceiia are
to be warded off., Jod TectLy resorts,.
there is no preparation re'llich can
r:ve.1 Dr. Chases yri,:p'cif IrinSeed
'and Tttrpentine as a claimant for yott
confidence. n' •
• •
is entirely different horn ordinaty
cough mixtures and has a far reach-
ing effect on the whole system whicli
not only brings relief but•positive cure
for colds and severe throat, bronchial
and lung troubfes.
'Sold by all dealers at 25 cents a bottle.
To proteet you against imitations the por-
trait and signature or Dr. A. W. Chase,
the famous receipt book author are on
.ev b tit
e an epart e ms in wIt ch she was always the
0 4 0 • •
• N .
InSALO .AND GODERICR DIV. excited, fluent, at others silent' and
to show you how deeply, hoW train GOderich
rile; - on
,,t),r,,,,,,,,,;.• - i 15/1„;01010...,PY.,li '
l-§44.4::',, 0, .„....„...'1'
...„. .i. ...
, .• .--
The oven of an Imperial Oxford Range and the old-
fashioned spit.before an even fireplace do better roasting than any other cooking
apparatus invented.
In the olden days the spit had to be kept turning to get all:sides of a vast • ,
cooked, It is much the same with the ordinary cook -stove. The heat of the
oven is greatest on the fire side—roasts, bread, pies, cakes, etc., have to be
turned and twisted. to get them coolced at all. The result is uneven, unsatisfac-
tory cooking—good food rumed, he diffusive flue construction of the '
Imperial 'Oxford
draws fresh air into the flue chamber, supenheate it and ...Wines ft evenly over the
oven, thus heating it quickly, thoroughly and =1(er:illy—back, front and sides
are at the same equal temperature. The result is juicy, tender roasts, light,
; dainty pastry, evenly raised bread—successful cooking.
• When you buy an Imperial Oxford Range you get the result of over sixty years'
thought and experience in scientific construction of cooking apparatus.
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited
Toronto, Canada
Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver 2
For sale by Davis & Rowland
Godeiich. •
. Mr, J. 11. Coiling of Torooto,drog.
gist, whose eldest son reeently
in that city Of • lockjaw,' is a 'broth-
er-in-laiv of Mrs? B. Parsons Xthe
Fair here. The press of •Toronto all
had articles on the sudden death •of
Ralph, who was only nine'. years . of
age. A law :has been enforced -itt
that •city. that every. one •of the school
children. Were to he vaccinated. Ral-
ph availed being :vaccinated but he
and his younger brother had • to obey.
the mandate. Ralph smiled :to stif-
fer for' a, longer period , then :inhere
but iielleing serious .was ',ever appre-
hended, when • lockjaw set in. : and
poor Ralph suceumbed to it.:
Miss May Edlioti of Londen, who
came to spend her. vacation 'here;the
guest • Of her mother receited tele-
• grant last week from. her firm • that
they wished. her to' go Kincardine
•for a few 'days', to 'Manage some
:business: fdr them •there. : •
.And: Brother •/3rad win of Blyth is
anxious to come 49 .the. county town
for a felit'days•in, Jantiary; and 4.11t.le•
All right A.. E. 13.. there's lots' of ro-
om. for the "Standardn' -bearer of
Blyth. If the work is too heavy.
for him !we'll have. the hospital. ready
for him - in which to .rest from tdil
fort While, : • .• • n n. •
'.• '• : ' • ;
• •
• • -
• • .
Among the Japanese eons tipation• is
alniost unkneWo. would oe
fly' unknown in Canadaif everybody
used Vito . Laxative Print Pills Nat-.
reinedy,'".compoSed of herbs,bar.
Rs 'and fruits:- • . • • .
Mr. ,It. P. Reekie, droggiat
keeps them is stock ; price 2.5c.
• • He grew pale iiineo no won .. try and eofteta yotir, heart; let .trie try
B •
Goilig East Enipresn • ' - 7.38 a.m.
G. oing East . 5.20 pan.
Going West ' . .. . o. IS a...1n.
Going, West EXpreSS . ' '12.55 p.in.
arrive 6 75' leave 6.44 .'.
” . • 1.1
10.32 p.m.
Going South Express .7.4 a.m,
„ • 4.15 P -lin
" North F•xpress ro.x5 ann.
5.35 Pon:
A: 0. I'ATTISON; Station Agent.
F. R. IIODGENS, Term Ticket Agent.
J. D. MACI)ONA.LD, District Passen-
ger Agent, /formate. ,
.• '•
WPOOCI'fil rb.061,11.6dine,
The Great teglisd Remains
is an old, well 'estate t
liehed and reliubie
preparation, Has been
prescribed and used
over 40 years. Alt drug.
gists in theDominion
at Canada sell and
recommend as being
Ildford and After, tba) otilY medicine ot
its kind that intros and
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently aurae all forma of Nervous Ilreak•
nom, Ilniissions, Snermatorrbeca, I'mpoterem
and all effects of abuse or excesses the OXCOSSIVE1
IMO Tobaeco, Opium or atimatants, Mental
arid Brain Worry, all of Which lead to InfirMity.
Insanity Coriatimption and an ,Early GraVe.
Price 51 per package or RIX for $5. One todl
pease, Ail; win cure. Mailed prompty re'
eeipt ;glee. Bend for freepaMpblet, Address
The Wood company,
Windsor. Oat., Canada,
Woods l'hoiphodine is sold hi Clio..
ton by Watts St Co., 'It 13, Combe,
1'. Recide and .1. E. Hovey, Drug.
Anyone sending a sketeb and eloserlptIon MAY
quickly ascertain our opinion free 7,:),,,,,grtlial
tiottsstridtitceneddtaVontIen 1* aal• HANDBOOK on Patents
ilent ftee• oldest Agency for nom riug atents.
Patents talon through Munn & Co. reed*/
insminats, Without charge, in the
sciatific Jiiltrirait.
A handsomely Illustrated Weekly, ttrizest Mfr.
euiation of Any tsennaloo lournal. Tonna, $3 a
mOI' four month, 41, solabYtoi sowomalent
UNN k f!
. u00113rotidwai New York
Drench Wise, G'25 li/ $t. Waillagton,D, O.
4,1 • • . . • .• ' ...
tever's V.Z, (Wise Ilearl)Thainfoctantbear
Powder Is IAtter than other soap powder,
OS It AISO Mtil 44 & fli4h1104tit&to .,,,,,,, _, rid'
I lovo you, and want you. If yen
gloomy, but always her slave„ and
attentive •to her lightest wish. But will do that, if Yoh will let .inc ne an n'
iss M. xraham attended the con.
near y,ou, as I have 'been; I shall
She did not notice these moodi. She- ference of charities that waij held. la -
liked him as a brother, fe.0 a. hot despair of winning y ! Let •me
try, Christine, and—and I shall hope, st month in city hall, Londbu. She
nothing more. • . • •
even yet, to win you for myereifel" Said. it was a highly interesting M-
ao was with her it great • deal.
"Oh, no, no! Never, never!" she fairs l''
When they were not riding he foetid,
same excuse for coining up to the breathed, "Lord St. John,. it never • Mi. Maccabe, aft r spending. three
could bel X can not be your 'Wife!"
Hall. Nearly every day he was inmonths at : Yellow' Grass, Assa...„. 11,1 •
ni$ face went white—the flush of rived fit the reessidenee Of his. sister, •
the drawings -roans at tea -time; r9inT;
times with a book to 'lend her, hene died out of it --.an0 he hung his Mrs. Angus ;Matheson;`last week.
head. '
tithes coming to borrow one. When . • .
,,but Why'?" he pleaded. "You are Ott the of Thanksgiving Day
the weather was Minnie Wouldentice
nor on to the terrace or nate the
not like some women. hard and cold- the annual hop of the Harmonies
hearted. Every day .I have peen how _ Will be held in Oddfellow's hall.. A
jacket Would fetch her hat' and from tbeir hook in the hall, '' tender-hearted and loving •you . can number .of Visitors are expeeted"..
would tarry her -suit-shade or bilk, be to the .poor, to the ehildrent. You • Our tugs are nearly all: fishing at
014/Jays hanging upon her mono hot,' Can love, them, 'Christine,• Will • •yon peke. xsjand, .• • • ,
. not t ' 1
read 'to her, 'or wouldegaze• at the. With her head torned away • from 411 e manage/neat Of PigOtt's • bears •
/1,Ir. and Mrs.' Weiss. nave 'man, ed
naught for some answer Whieh shoUld
'breathing, as if it were •tbe music of
word: When it was wet, he n ury andspare a at e love tor Mr. and Mrs. Dodge hone 41;10 would seat hinaself at, her feet and in° •
ing• house at 'Saltford,
tire, Listening to her soft, regular his ardent, imploring eyes, nshe
serve °nee and for all, which should front the Saltfered to Goderieh. spheres,
'But, all the time his heart was con- show, bins. that no hope •Was
sittriing with a high-ritinded man's °ibis'
• •
Dr. . J. 'Turnbull -has hie heart.
stlit in the "Burnside Fenn" at New-
ton.. 1•Ie purchased 75 head .of- cattle
that came the other slay froln
bent.. • • ' • ' • • •
Mr. *Willie Craigle. spent. a eOunle Of.
w.eeks at his...home' October, after,
Web : he rejoined the crew of .' the
John: Crerif on its trip to 'Qupb'ee. •
On 27th Nov. .Anniversary ser,t•
mens; 'will ' be preaelie& Victoria•
street choral both morning* and.. ev.7.•
The following harveSt excursionists
returned from tho.West last • Week :
gail„ 1VIatt.',•Spioule.,: Walters, Smillie
and 'Ilawkins.- They are from.. the
)ungannon c fist. • .
The NeWs-liecord' will be sent • to
any address', Mali the end of • 1905..
W. .anif• Stnith, Angus ninedou-
, Rev. henry isnartyn 'Parsons, 1),
who completes fifty years bi the min- :
isti:-y to -merman talk!! uf the robe.-
joun outlook, and some sta tisties aro
given: of . what he has :done in his
busy and ' useful life,
Will first destroy the 'geniis, that
excite the disease,. .Then there are
iiumberlese sore spots iv the -Mucous
tnembrane to be. healed.. Every re-
quirement of it perfect cure Zor ' eat-
arrh is. found in fragiant healing Cat;
arrhozone which not only -instantly
liills the germs but •restores the dis- .
.eased membranes to a normal colo:
dition and prevents the relapse 'which
sure to. follow the•use of ordinary
remedies.- Catarrhozone is a • anent- .
cure :for catarrh' that 'relives' qu-
icker, is more pleasat most certain
to •euro •than: -any , other -reniedy. Fail-
ure is impossible, lasting cure is gua.-.
tanteed.. . tio; 9oly eatarrhazone.
Two • mon I hs' treatment $109. ; trial •
'Get • t t ' 1
1. 91 ay,
. • .
• ." nlen• . STEAMS'IIIP TO 'CUBA. : . ..1.•
thCe'4911411;te'llC!itilnigd.nl\lioterniii.bsel:tea.:11511s11111p1S90a4r-,.... •
atop, of the MunSon Steamihip Line,
will ply :between Mobile, ,Ara.,, and••
Havana, •Cuna,. nialtibg the . trip. in
less than.. 49 hours, Low rates • Via
the • Mobiie and OlifinRailroad. Write ' •
-.John M. Beall, 0.. P. A M.' & p..
, •,
Railroad; St. Loin's, or .full pardon- •
lars.• . . •
. • '
$17.50 :"with stop', over privileges'.
Round sattatdiohni;go, Detroit 'and.
Trip. intermediate • • Canadian
ThroUgh Pullman sleeper' twice daily.
For tickets, „illustrated , literature
and full information call on ' .
, : • • • .
manta too young to take Medicine rein be
usbg Vo(riroP-0.11D'reswellieTiel)-i-nttec;11b4rellaailnicie ictt).1d•bY
• • ---, • -,.. , •-•-- • .
for one dollar.
beMenrs sSeVcii oby oossthipilg.nsiyort juipers bas
their childreti while teething, If dis-
turbed by night and hrolieti of your
rest ,by andick child suffering and
crying with pail; of. cutting teeth send
at once. and get a bottle ef "Mrs.
Winsiouna, Seothing Syrup" '.or
r'n. teething. It will relleee the poor
little sufferer immediately. Depend
Knelt it, mothers, there is no elietalte
about it. It cures Dia.rrhoess; raga-
ates the Stomach and Iti:oVels, cores
Wind Coli, softens the Guins, reduees
ntainin anon and gives ton.and Su-
nni' to the WIfille _System. "Mrs.
Winntow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren tOkthing is pleasant to the- taste
and is _the prescription eine of the
ldest and best female physicians and
urses in the United States. l'rice
25 cent" e. bottle. Sold by all drug-
gistenahroughout the worla. Be sti*
and Sayskrupf:4' "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
as the flame may .
nered. "They aria different, torsi St. Not long ago a' Man Who was el,
love, whiel bUrns, and burn's, pure be
• "The poore the children," she fin- •
One afternoon. they were sitting • " , g W a &pi
'-that X am not a nt wife for yeti!"
thus, Nane, by ehaten wore tile e
dve-olord dress whieh he loved oti—not fit?" ho xclaimed.
No," she went on, '''You aro a.
better than tiny other of hers. She.
L_nolgeman, you are the son of a
sat with her hans,ciasped on her
''', great earl, I are only Christine Harr
lap, her eyea fixed Mt the fire. rYou know, la your heart,
She was thinking 000d. of Bernard. If
Johcould only, ityour people Must have tOld you if
St. have known
and she started slight IY wh on he nie-that you ought ht to a& me
they know that you--eyou Cnre for,
to be your wife; that 3. am beneath
'Shall we go for our ride In rank, in birth— ' to-
rnorrovv? It will be firie, X think; y"What this the glass is going up."
"To -morrow? Yes— Oh, but X believe in the words you speak;
forgot! "VV* are going up to Lon- thdy are Words, words only. You
don." ; know that you aro worthy to be the
wife of any man, eveh thotigh he
a s you aro Saving?" he
-cried in it pained voice. "ou do not
"To London!" He looked Up at
her with as tnuch dismay as if she were a prinee, a Itirig—nn'
had eel& elle wail going to Timbee-
to0. 0, no!„
ilhe altnoet, moaned, not and
"Yes.” She had not looked at ...r hands writhed. X aro
him, or the change In ,his face must know hothiog about toe, about—my
have startled her. "Lady Dockitt past life."
worths', Lord St. John. Yott—yott
has been wanting to go for scone 1Ier vole.° almost died away.
Cite past. She says that we want Tre looked at her as if ho did not
some more dresses. I am sure I ursdatita 4
.don't IctiOW Why! X aeon to have
tnore than n. I cawear already." any'loveNotken:G*4 you
o/121) 1' il%thee ysoltui 41, ' ' Chris--
"When---Whext aro you emits tine, is to lia.ve a fuller knovidedge
back?" ho asked in a voice he tried at thent thim one who does not love
1,o Itoop toitdy,. To lsehrforeen
could acquiee in a, Iffetitne, A tO
day was almost unendurable. your tunit, life". --he made a gesture
"I dn't knew," Said Ii.noo" "In of indifference, as if the matter Were
a week or two, I suppose. You not worth ll1iiet180 t.-- what, could
must feel quite glad to be relleVen there be in ft of which you should
of your responsibility. If oven a be ashamed/ There could not be, 3. 1
ridin-master deserved a holitleY, Whit X knoW what you mean?" She
you de, Lord St, John," lookwl at hire half fearfully, and her
It was More than he could bear, breath came fast. "You may moan
"Minn Xlarwood-Ohristine," broke that you have not always been as
from hitn, and he taught her hand rice ae you aro notyn•
and held it, irt both his, his rue"Yes," she said, softly. 11 was
turned tip to hers, net X was poor, very poor -.once."
Mateo v§toted. Sho WaS too startl,e,priatinel" he murmured. "And
64 to withdraw it ho.nd and her •
• t •
Ways cross and tired arrived hoin
amiling joyfully; he explained t
delighted ,vife that his liver t able
was cured at last 'through Vi o
ative Fruit Pill.
IVIr. R. Ileekie Clinton drugg.,
ist,-keepa them is stock, price
Sorb ThiVat ta.nd coa• ha
lritithetettivdei:nd, 'ate itmedi for a" ill
Cresolone AntlsOptio Tablets
he; eomblne the germicidal valueot Cresoleoe with
the Seething properties of slippery eito and licorice.
too. JUI Drudsists 400
The News-Recod gives the news oL
Do you know that the Greatest
Exposition ever held closes in four
weeks and that if you miss it you
will always regret doing so. All the
world is interested and nations arc
represented with palaces, statuary
and exhibits, etc, Through Pullman
sleepers leave for the World's Pair
Daily. nemember tha,t in addition to
reduced rates, you have privilege of
stop over at Chicago, Detroit or at
intermediate Canadian stations. For
i Watts, llandsonie Must rated tools lc t
and full informatiori call at Grand:
Trunk (Aces, or address J. D. Mac-
donald, District Passenger Agent,
• •
• .
10,011 • STATION
4° •
Through Sleepers and Cluing Cars
St. Louis and,Moile,
St. Louis and New Orleans
Ask for tickets via X. &i 0. R. R.
'Speed and Leibility.
A shorthand system to be of any use must be rapid,
and after written must be readable.
The Gregg systeM is both easy to write and transcribe
because there is no shading, no arbitrary positions and no
use of vowels—no other systems Lave these important
Over 40o- leading schoo1, including the Forest City
Rosiness and Shorthand College, have adopted the Gregg
and discarded the older ones. •
Students may enter any time during term. Booklet free.
Nit. Wesiervell, Principal, Y.M.C.A. nuitein, London,