HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-17, Page 6LIC
Wili You Take
artiftotally,,Oolorod, o4c1. o.d.ultarato4 Japan tog, or
=nous Dia&s.rExts.
4 .1.9...
Orcivra Ruined the Boot of al,
• Buildinge-Eagles carried Off'
A lien. recently •overturned a wag-
gmette and several injured' four of He Wall linable to Work, and Bee
the Seven °cannel:de. Tbis eXtraoreeonsig Destititte, Before He
ary accent happened in this, WAY'. ;
71* pieasure party were driving near 1 1,fied.the Great ganadian Kidney,
Sheepwash. a Northumberland vil-'•es a
=ION NATURAL ,GREEN tea which absolutely “Pure" aud,
delicigust.t ig sold. in the SaMe form IP "SAA" Black tea in
eealed bad, packets. 25e and 400per 31. By all grocera.
, .
WiU TkroW A • Projectile Over:
Thirty Niles,, NEW rum vp.OTECTION POS.
The six-inch Bronas wire gun,
which lias been, builtin•
g' at the SCott . •
iron works in Read ng, Prt., has beet Curious/ Plan •That is Being 'Used
eompleted. It was nally inepected on Some London. Business
by an expert 0 sent by the 'UnitedBuilding*.
States Government, and will be
shipped to the proving ground, at he adoption by New' York of an
Sandy Hook, , etaxiliary system of mains which wUl
Tbe workmanship on this modern carry salt water for fighting tires
cannon is of the best. It has a nine., has interested merchants an.d (sten,-
inch powder •chamber, whieh will ers of warehouses and other large
hold front sixty to seventy pounds buildings in the scheme of checking
of the best smokeless piawder. •The the spread of lire from One building
idiot will weigh 100 pounds, anti at to another, by means of a curtain
an elevation of forty-five degrees this of water, which, in an emergency,
cannon will hurl a p‘rojpctile from can 1* turned gll, completely cover -
twenty -five to thirty miles. :A, ten- ing the skies of a building with a
Inch Brown gen, it is estime.ted, will force sufficient to prevent any. flames
eend a shot fifty miles. •from petietrating it.
The charge of powder tg be used A building in London: has recently
will be twenty to thirty pounds been equipped with such a protece
greater than that tised in any six- tive eystera, and, as a result of tests
inch gun known. The chamber will the value of the appliance has been
have a volume of 3,000 cubic inches, So recognized that a substantial m-
end the inventor says that he ex.. dUction hag been. made in the lire
pects to fire the gun under a pres. Mainlined premium demanded by the
sure of over 65,000 pounds to the cempany carrying the risk,
square inch.
It is asserted that the gun • will On every side of the building* Sep -
tend a pressure of 50,000 pounds • arate water pipes, perforated on
to the square in at the muzzle •the under side, are attached to the
without the slightest danger, and roof a few feet from the walls. These
fully twice that pressure at breechpipe.s are connected by valves with
The breech of the gnn is of the or- a central one, in whfch a water Pres -
(Unary interrupted screw, made extra- sere of SO pounds to the square inch
large and strong, and is opened and is maintained. •
dosed with a one motion lever. If a fire in a nearby building
The cannon will be mounted on an threatens to spread, the opening of
iraproved seven-inch navy carriage, a single cock, accessible from the
The company has agreed to •fire street, will throw from the pipe on
this gun with a 3,500 foot .second the roof thousands of jets of Water
velocity, which is 500 'Se '7450 feet .so close together that they form a
better than the best guns in the perfect • water eurtrtin between the
army or navy are doing te-day.
• • flame and the threatened side of, the
building. The force with winch the
streams are thrown from the Olpe
makes it impossible for the water to
evaPortated by nearby flames and
.prevents 'absolutely eny flames from
passingthrough it.
. The .• water may be turned on • to
ANOTHER TRIUMPH •POR DR. protect only one wall or all of them,
WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. as circumstances may make news-
sary, and another set of drenchers,
working. on the same principle, but
Kr. Rtsell, of Walkerton, Suffered throwing the water horizontally,
For Months and Got no Relief protects the roof.
Until lie Began the tree of
••• The valves which control the sYss
These Pills. tem. on the London building are
Of the many employees of 11:. 'Ira- op-
erated front the sidewalk, and the
ax Cz Co., Walkerton, Ont., none policel stationed neaeby have been
stands higher in the confidence of bastrneted . how orate them,
to (*
h.:, Thos. LexidOrt- authorities have declared
is employers than does Mr
J. :Etsell. He is ..kis excellent- axe, • that the system is a notable mployvance in probe:aide. against flre.
chanic, and has been in the e '
of this firra for upwards Of ton In London a separate pump in the
years. But although Mr. Eteell now building has: been necessary to keep
up 'the pressure in the pipes and
ranks among the few men Who are
never absent from their post of there only fresh .Water is used. . In
duty, the time was when he was as New York bait water mains have
often absent as present, all because been. installed, a ee.irtral pumping.
of physical inability to perform his station •operaterl .by, the city will
work. For. years Mr. Etsell was e produce such pressure that sufficient
•great suflerer Srom sciatica. and ae, force to Operate the water curtains
. • • • will be obtairted at the •top ofa any
lege, and all had passed happily,
when a fowl suddenly fleve from a
hedge and alighted on tbe liorse's
back. The ' anitnaI, ,thoroughly
alartsted, at once bolted, witli the re,-
eult that the waggonette was over-
tUnned and ita inmates thrown bed-
ily out.
A seagull some menthe beak wreck-
ed a cruiser ot considerable size, Be -
Having that his vessel, the Flora, had
passed Village Pointe off British Qe•-
ibia, .Captain Baker bad • ordered
the look-oist to watch for a .black
•1.41111all, Man., NOV. 14.--(Speeittl)
.a.linalsle to work beeauSe of KidneY
DiseaSe, pronounced incerztble by the
doctors, and fest becoming destitute,
Mr. J, J. Perkiee, of this place,
found. new We and health. in Podcrs
• Kidney Pills, In, his gratitude he
pants all the world to know of his
cureand tilftt he owes it to Dodd's
Kidney Pills, Mr. Perkins says :
"After two years of Kidney Trous
ble I get so bad the doctor said I
was incurable. X got still woree
• beacon With a white dise on the op- and at times had such terrible pains
posits side of the elms:Mel, What ap-
• peared to be swat an object was passe
ed, when suddenly the vessel strand-
ed qn the rocks, doing much damage
to her. The supposed beacon turned'
out to be the Village Point buoy,
wench Was distorted in the fog, and
on which a seagull Was sitting, giV-
ingrothwes es.opmpertaixoncee aogto Alla; hl tiete1%1i:be:
lie Werke Department of Victoria,
British. Columbia,. to a deal of trou-
ble. For a long time they wore puz-
zled to account for the lealtage of the
• roof of one of their buildings, an
imposing structure with a slate roof
and solid-looking towers in front, In
spite of frequent repairs, too, slateR
would persist in falling down.
.A thorough investigation showed
that the trouble was caused by C.roWs
who swarm en the beach at low tide
and dig. for clan*. The Wide found
out that a clam dropped on the roof
would break nicely; leaving the con-
tents. in a sale and convenient spot
for leisurely consninption, • Nearly
every time a clam was dropped a
slate' would be erecked as well. Since
scarecrows have been erected, how-
ever, no further troidde. ha* been ex-
perienced'. •
Crows, again, were responsible for
a sad state of affairs at S.inda, in
WM.. A couple of birds lied built
their nest at the central office of the
Calcutta Telephoue Company, ata
spot where four wires converged, us-
ing tin clippings and bits of wire for
the purpose, with the resultthat a
complete' electrical communication
was esta3li4hed betivecri the. whole of
the four lines, \Viten, a subscriber
rang up someone he wanted he was
Answered' fr6rn lout different offices
at once -much to the imprise' and
In my back and kidneys that I
thought 1 would die.
"1 Was •Unable to work and was
becoraing destitute when a friend
persuaded Me to try Dodd's • Kidney
Pills. Five boxes oared me cora-
pletely.'4 •
Iztvention by Which TWO Systems
Work Together. •
Stephen Dudley Field, nephew of
the Atlantic cable inventor, has re-
corded successfully the Morse alpha-
bet on paper. by means of wireless
telegraphy, says the New York Her-
The feat which has baffled electri-
cal experts since telegraphing with-
out Wires became established com-
mercially Was rnaile possible by Mr.
Field's invention of What he calla an
amplifier. It is an electrically deli-
cate machine of wire COUS and mag-
nets so adjusted as to record all
variations in the electric current
wliieh pasees through it. ,
• It occupies less •than a lialf cubic
foot of, space, and one of its most
novel features is the use of threads
of glass one one-theuearedtli. of an
inch in diameter to truss and con-
nect some of the smaller parts. In
the demonstration the usual • tele-
phone receiver was cut out from the
electrolytic responder which received'
the 'wireless tnessageS The current
was turned into the amplifier and the
message was • clicked -out in printed
•Morse characters on the tape. The
amplifier, Mr, Field explained, •was
nothing but a .meelianicel miscroscope
for electricity.. ••
• •• The inventor declares that all' the
attachments, secli as photograph ea -
annoyance of the telephone users. producers end the like, now in
Shirt waists and dainty Cr
linen are made delightfully •
clean and fresh with Sun.
light Soap.•
to grow cold tetettnis me,' hatlfe
sobbed the younte wife. "What's he TH
"1 ern afraid George is beg;
Wa can handle your poultry
po• ilLT alive 'or drawled to best advantage,
been doing nceiv?" inquired tier Moe E DAWSON
ther, sharply, "In his last letter lie
Also your baker, WS, boner alla
other produce.
cor.. %%pat. mArket 'oral Colborne Ste,. TORONTO,
Only sends Me a thousand kisses, and , •
always 'hetet%) lie Used to Send ten
ullY lillittr$ Was Thumping my Lite *000
As the way Mrs, •23.. K feright, . or
Brockville, Ont., describes her sufferings
from smothering, nattering and palette. -
tion, After trying many remedies
without benefit, Six loOttles Of Pr.
neves (lure for the Heart restored her
to perfect health, The iirst dose gave
annest instant relief, • and in a, day
suffering ceased altogether. -81.
Paris has the biggest debt of Ethyl
city in the world. It amounts to
about $400,000,000.
Minargi Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
The number of Chinese outside of
China is esetintated at dyer 7;040,000.
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans
with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It
will remove the grew' with the
greatest ease,
A movement • is on foot in Russia
to dirniaisli •the excessive number of
• For Over Sixty Veers
miltionsof motherd for their °Marva while teething.
Itsocabes the child. softens the sumo. all agn pain. aural
wiecloollo,regulatem thestemach and bowels, awns the
inetreatedytor Dierrhon. Twentrare cents a bottle
Sold bydruggista throughout tho world. De sure And
Uke tor" Mus. WaraLO W. liSOQTIMI S TAO r.” ttl
There's a Polieemari in Chicago
who, was actually born within the
city's litnite.
Pinarti's Liniment Cures Colds, etc,
I think we ought to do something to
improve George'e manners. 'ne's too
roligh and neisy and regardless of
the rights of others'. He seems, to
have a reputation as the worst -be-
haved boy In the neighleorhood,
"'''Wha says lie's the Worst-4)011,4mo(
boy in the neighborhood?" demanded
his mother, promptly, "It was pro-
bably that man Billings that you go
to town with in the morning, and I
want to say right out now that his
Jack is as had as two of our Geor-
gie. Or maybe the Longs have been
talking*. If our Georgie Was as rough
and unmannerly as their Willie they
would have reason to talk, and you
can just tell Mr. Long so the next
time you see him. Worst-•beliaved
boy in the neighborhood! Well, I'd
just Ilke to have somebody' try to
tell tree that."
The Chicago & North. Western By.
has issued a new publication entitled
"California.", It contaisis a, beauti-
ful colored map of the stat, a list
of hotels at California, teurist
• Sorts with their eapacity and rates;
and a .most interesting series. of Pic-
tures showing California's resourcea
and. attractions. The'. prospeetive
visitor and settler sliotild be in tog" _
session of a copy of this profusely 11-,
lustrated 'folder. Sent to any ad••
• tfress on receipt of two cents in
stamps. Low rates ' from all points,
P. H. Bennett, 2 East King St., To" -
ronto,' Ont.
1 •
11 11.114i m•
The repatation of Manitoba as -
or ovan
. wheat-produting country adds. inter- _
Dad men tell no tales, Put ltS
est +n+.. results of recent expert- _ ,. ea al I
different with the liters of obi
ments in Wheat -growing conducted -
arles. . . ' by the Canadian goirernment on two
experimental farms, one at Nappan,
The Stomach's " Weal or Woo." -The Nova Scotia, the other at Brandon,
. .
Stomach is the Centre !rota which, from 1/8.ttitoba. Out of '58 varieties test- ;
standpaiot of health, floWs f"weal ed 'in both places. • 40 d d
or woe." A health?. stdmach means '
. pro uee a
means larger yield . per acre and heavier 7•.,
This went on for AOlTle hours before for wire telephone and telegraph hnes perfect digestion -per ect digestion
strong and. steady nerve centres -strong grain" on the Nova Scotia than on .
nerve centres .xuean cf. ood circulation,- the Manitoba •farrn. Over two-thirds
the cause Was located, and the birds may be made by the amplifier avail -
were effectually routed. able for ocean cable systetri. 13
. 37 rich Wood and goo health.. South of the varieties tested wee repro sue-
. means. of it a land line may be joined Ainerican Nervine makes : and. ireeps the
he was'drivingenear Dole,•in, this means a message might be sent • ' s'----..•
French &pertinent; of •the Jura, ;lot
long ago, a man named Gonin was throtigli either waves from , London 'Mrs:.Wylkyna••--"Why is -it, Herbert,
itind that you .never call me alear, now?"
acrciss the ocean to New York,
EtilatleniSr . attacked, by an enoeinoas
buzzard, whielistried to tear Ins head there turned into -a wire and carried Mr. Wylkyns-"Well, 1 deret, ,ilco' to
with lieak and claws For ten rain- tzilisto:mt. :. interruption to. San, Fran -:twit yott with 19." , • .
The Same '
until at length the bird, which. Mee -
directly to a amplifier wireless to
applied ,
one and by stomach right. -52 cess u n ova Scotia, than ha Mane
' the
utes tine strange aombat continued,
sured 5 feet 2 bechee across., was : ocean cables, it Is asserted; will more
stunned by a blowfrothan doable' the present speed of
' nt he . men's
whip and captized. '' • tOnstilis.sintt and will nhow the •con-
Thatwas a big 'fighttoowhich neection. or cables and Wireless or land
' ,' , line direct, so that messages may
Ma Samna' Cross, inspector- for tbe
Plainillon ,Watel Trust,. had with a be sent taiPworldbY ane op-
timeswithout Its being repeated
ftte 80 111- great eagle when out driving near °rater
- from station to station' , • • ,
t o su ering a
high. heading. It will simply , Arelbourne,.. kustralia. •By• *a. wen -
tense that for days he was • 'Unable
to leave the housenecessary to connect the private pre- directed shot the etegle was . brought - • • . . • '
During these years, li;Er.• Ettell, t --ton system with the vity's power- to'. earth,. 1Var: Cross" tied -it seaurely HOW litfaXIO.A.e rnzap' vies
. • •
,water supply. to be ready , for to the back of his trap, tsncl then It
ay readily e imagined, eon:.
•is eommon sight in the plaza
drove toniewtud. The eagle, however to behold it stall woman, who is sell-
tinually on the lookout for some any emergeacy. . '
The curtain plan has beep talked wan only Stunned. • Before the ,
in- Mg two 'reels' worth of eggs, pick
remedy that would rid him of the
of in New York before,. but the cost spectate Was aware of Ills ah'il. get, it :them up one, by one, put one end
disease, but for a long time without'
Of private pumping plants. and • the had fastened its talons Oil his hand S :and then the other to her lips and
success. Doctors wereconsulted and
inadequate supply of water from the and litid driVen its beak through •the • hand them over to tho. customer'
although he took the treatment pre- Croton males have prevented -anY fleshy. part: . A.N. terrific struggle then who repeats the same identical: °Pere
scribed, it did not help hina Then
eas'ued, which. eventually ended in the ation. To the inexperienced• onlook-
he tried electric treatment, but this general attempt toward the adop-
tion. of the. plate NQW that the eaptor forcing a knife -blade into the er it seems as if they tvere tasting
also failed to give relief, and in de- salt water mains. ar•ri aSsured, • the back of the , hird'e , peck, thus • dis- the extremities of the egg, As a
spair he had about made up ; his
Matter is being. discussed More and patching' it, , s . . • matter pf fact they never tench the
mind that his case waS hopeless and •
that he would be a suffering,.. help- ore and there is little' doubt that, . It is not often that an inhabitant egg with the tongue. The idea of
unless smile unfoz:seen obstacle conies •
of Gii•eat Britain is attacked by an the performande is that when an egg
less cripple to the mad of boe hisadvised up
the plan will be •tried by eagle.Yet a. couple of years ago' i* fresh one end is distinetly colder
Then one day a neigh -
him to try Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills. many persons who ex e interested an
a Worldliest employed • • in repairing than the.. other. The end which has
1 1 ctur s til- • 1 e the 0 Mail Lobb - of the air chamber is the warmer of the
.the holm Of Conunoue had a, sharp two. The htiman lips are exceeding -
sensitive to heat and zold, and
. _ ,
conflict of several Minutes before the .
it first he refused, believing they • g • , •
would prove like other medicines, 1' •
having herself been greatly benefit- • A WISE. PRZCA.UTION,
' ..: • . niedF-a. young eagle of epasi.derabl41 even the nov cc this form o nig
but the neighbor was so insistent, ,
felting. prorriptlY •beconies a capable
ed by these pills, so that' at last he • No matter ' whether the 'babsr. size .Was eventually. oVerpowered
consented. The remainder of the' .siek. or well, liaby's • Own Tableta -• • • • • . • • • •• • judge. If both ends of the. egg re -
story may best be told in his own:
"When I began taking thesapilis,"
said Mr. Etsell eo a reporter of the
Telescope, "I had been 'off work for
three months. The cerds or my eight
leg were 'all drawn up; and I could
only limp about with the aid of iny
stick. The pain I aufferade was ter-
rible. I. could not vsleep at all dur-
ing the night, and. I „Was in misery
both night and day; At ann. • I
thought the pills were doing. Ale' no
good but after • I had taken'.six.
boxes I fancied I was feeling. better.
and was encouraged to continuo the
treatment. After that, I got better
every day, and by the time had
taken about- fifteen beaes every ves-
tige of pain, had disappeared. . For
over a year," continued Mr. Tetsell
"I have not bad a twinge r . pain,
and although I am forty yeasis of
age I !feel as well as when I was
twentys Pink Pills cured rna, and:
have • ino hesitation in announeing
them e best medicine in. the world
for sciatica." .•
The came oi Mr. letsell proves that
Dr. tVi If anis ' Pi n k Pills are no t alt
oi•dinar4.• inediciee, and that their
pOter /to cure ill allstemfbles of the
.blo d a r nerves pieces them_ beyond
all ()thew medicines. Voir can get
these p1118 from any medicine dealer
or direc t by mail at 50 cents a box
or snt noses foe $2.50 by writing
The Dr , Mediclee . Co.,
Brockville, Onte See that the full
name • Dr, Will Jams' n k Pills for
Pale :People" le printed on the
wrappo around every box.
established , tax on all atout Per- rather took him OA MIA Proceeded
• .
should always be n the house, ,ey
net only cure infantile disorders,
but they prevent theit, and sho•uld,
an cal. i e , g
veal the same ' temperature, that'
eagle flew at the workman, biting a egg may be counted as bad, .as it is
piece froth: his band, and inflieting se-
a •feirly geed sign that the air chant -
vele injuries to his face: The eagle,
, hes ,, ber is broken and the corttents
be used whenever a, the little'
' unread equally within t shell
01155 which: it was couje u1 he:
show the slightest signs ' Of •Iiinese. -:
breught in from the country. by 7"
No other medicine is se eritittislastis strong *arid's,. Was eonfined in an im- • • - - .' l
catty spoken of bis inotheise-ne: other For !graining" Or Sightili ' h. -try
medicine has done so mach to make s•ssi, ,
anti gpod natal- ,rnr
provised cage in :thei l'eatchrean's box
at night, very 'Minute
g ' Oa
ed. Mee. Albert Luedingtole :sit. .iiit
little copes healthy 011A NCI:ILI:Mt' S 9 ATZ-. 111137a gl'in's
H 6. ii c ,eights :are , and are
Metrical ' ' fitted '
ore feequentl , w e .re tiered des- saidto be very effective.
"I` don0 AtorY's nivel', 14-s-, ott:Ys: - - perate through, want ot food, eaglea --
believe My baby Would bare been', will attack iefante; carrying them ri
alive to...day had it not been for OIT to their eyries, A most. exciting .
flab 's •Own Tablete, Since using d i il-
caee of !hie. kid ocenrre n *.c
thein he is growing nicely, is good.
getting fat.„ .00(yd lege near Suez, leranue, two or three
natured and 'is
fore.the new Tenet baby ;or groWing. beck, A Ole ; . eagle lied SW001)-
child -and above all abselaiply 'sae, uowo eta! Picked up it ill'n-Y0ar -014
you con; get oaa aaaaaai +CAW, -the son et a...farmer staince. 1
coots o box by tug true . Dr.. at once went Reareli of the eagleat
nest, Ile found ita a t :lest in tt, cleft
getlicine Co lirciekvil le,
Oat, • . • Very' high rock, • After consider-
. able • difteuIty he wee lower •d b
oponieg of the cleft,
told his wife stie'-ougut take, rolxi iti('
rookina Iessoes,el-Ha osaaa, %slum, to hie horror,' he lotted the
eagle in the aet- of attacking- -fro,
VOS She sent for her mother to •
ehlld My: :natty, after fearful
dome ale( give hee '"""`".''' combat, Oliezzi killed' the int e ria t ed
bird and reeetted the .itifittit, badly
• hurt„ but still' rdive„
"Regular, PesionIslonert- Ne nenult." That. fortnnately, Writs tlie condi-
;-,Urs. Annie • C. Chetattut, Whitthy, Moo of aaottwr eund swan on* a
'teas for mouths a rheumatic victim, bot year later by' on NW°, rrhe baby
South American Itheninutic Cure champ. .
belonging to a family earned Varela,
ed tile song feeie -tleenoli'" to *1°Y.'" 'riving in the town. at. Indictee,'
Mei ses"e moved' untold mleerff 'was left Asleep in liniereock by ite
13 (318 rhnitInutism•*doutra a' medicine did mother, To the woman'S 'terror, as
tee ea goo cl- o ttien Of 80 ut , , . • -• • ,
American Inieurnatic Cure cured tee -re- she Ives 1 etuining nom she sae
• „baby' being viireicql up to the Ales
The Swedish tot in of Ifaraeger has Die talons ' of huge .ragle. • The
frcen your f 11'1 Ist or • by men at fe). Ilbezzl, Thitt e father, a noted • shot,
note weighistg 'more than 'one Iron- to follow the blvd. ARM, a'ettreult,
The '•,patit half year's production of deed and eairty-five potnele, of a mile the bird ewooped down and
caul ,yin. (mally raiet 58,82000
mal I fl • ° alstsmo•sit , egntoered aturnemni, wheee the father .form5,
:lasPied hs fly nuervellonatstonsor 8,836,000 tOgsmore than inldLikCs on forthe behy wasuninniredlateer. m .
'save for 'bruises tnade by tile eagle's.
Elettor AVIKhOut it Steam* than With 0114
that:no got it hOtleitif.i. "lrilri" to it, Dr.
Von Stun's rionapple Tailletn Nti ululate,
tho digestive organs. Let one enjoy
the good things of life and leave no
bad cadets -carry them with sou in
your vesu pocket -00 in box, 05 cents.
A 'Wontate In liuseire mitil 1.11es day
of her (loath, if stlie remain enniarri-
ed, fa under the stieroittte awtly .of her
ilDatta thitolotwit ores Cow to Cows
I'm years ago the deeert of Recline I 01113vs•
a -a -a -4e.
-Dottie in India, had net a single in- i
Alabitant, but now there are A410.000 1
i 1 [ving in comfort • there, %freight ion 1, ficf.eirrivIY1:01,:flott 1 '111,1°ttit'sett(ltillutill'vE;Icitnil.ot'a , yol,,,* i
IN responsible, I
........... .
'rho President sk Oil000 to catarrh ' Illra gualierS, Me boat:411in; and one' '
eap, na 8ample, president of etrunee ! a ecil`Penter. /
i ':, '' . ., .0
mitted to Wear foreign orders, Pour
' Instalment, eetteetny, WashingtOili Pts., 'mita wro. ,pretty bat that 4,Vre..
*rite." "r" 5/01158 1 Was °filleted with 'Jones: woect Inn( WOO," be finggeeb-
Viiroille Catarrh. liemeilita and treat- od, ''Pratt?" who 0:t5immed, with
merit by specialists Only galal me tilt*. itintrito scorn( r holvon. to 1,
porary relief until WAS lifdticed know that that hat o»Iy cost, right
use Dr. Agnew'e tle.ttirrhal VOWder. It idolittra.#0 .
gave afineet instant retie/. 50 toots.— .
, • The finestsregion in Canada for the .
, ' tater ..who • wishiisato secure knows
Is the Ternagaml region New Ota
• Deer Was, for seven ''years tario, and 'now easy of access by the
a sufferer from Bronchial trouble grand, Trunk Railway Sastere, and
and avotad be so !hoarse at times North Bay. All infoemation regard -
that I could scarcely speak above ing guides routes, rates etc., curi -
a 'whisper. I got no 'relief frOin In3r- be lied on application to agents 'or •
thinetill ,tried your IMAM'S by addressing G, T. Ban, pa & T.
HONEY. BALSAM. Two bottles A,: Montreal. ' . _
gave relief and six bottles made a • --- •
complete cure. I would heartily . Thested Cross Society has its tome- I-
recotomend. it ' to anyofie suffering at on in the Geneva treaty, 1864'.
frozzr throat or •lung trouble, - and .is for the relief of the suffering 1
J. F, VANDUSICTRIC. by War, peSti.lenCe, famine, flood, tires
Fredericton. ' s and all other calamities of sufficient
inagnitade to be deemed national in
People read too mulch and learn too
Mrs, Doolan.e-"Did Yea hear the
landloed had lovvered the tent for us,
Mrs, Casey?" litre.' Casey--'‘Yer
don say! 01 e pose he thinks he'll
loge less Matey When yez skip widout
payin' •
An officer. in the Army laughed at
a timid woman because she was.
alarmed at the noise of a cannon
witen saint was tired Ile subse-
w e Et
quently .married that timid womcui, • The cure that is guaranteed by
and Six months afterwards he took' your druggist.
off his beets in the, hall when he earns • Prices: 8. C. Wur..r.s & Co. 809
in late at night. 250. Soo $1 LeRoy,N.Y.,Toronto,Can.
• •
'La grippe; pneumonia, and irtflua
enza•often leave a nesty cough
when they're gone.
It is a dangerous thing to neglecU'.
Ctire it with
csv...".. The Lung
%Aka. %.0 Tonic
. '
.li 'sent direct to the &semi
-alio by the Improved Blower.
'Hash the niece, dein emote
. toototca stops droppings In the
duvet and permansetly cures
• ,Catawb and Hey Fever. Blower
kee, All desisers., et Dr. A, W. ChM*
Hatches Co., TosontO and Suffsle..
• • •
CRefuLA si„ THE ANGRY - was angry.,ACerffEll..
• The bey had been in trouble again.
Scrofula may 6e described •
seine kind, and oyen a mother's pa -
The boy usually was in trouble of
as "scattered conSumption,* • tierme will giVe out in time. •
To cure 4 take Seott's'Emuli.
sion. .
• Scrofula is consumption of
the small glands under the
skin, and these break out into
sores, Scott's Emulsion heals
these sores. •
But thire's more to, the
story.. The loss of flesh and
great weakness that comes
with Scrofula is a regular part
of the disease—the same as in
• consumption of the lungs. Por
this as for the sores, Scotes
Emulsion is just the remedy.
Flesh and strength are
gamed by the use of States
Emulsion quicker than in any
• other way..
Scrofulous children improve
in every way on Scott's Emul..
StIta (op Vrte Stample.
SCOTT 414OWN Termite, Oat
A-at.illk A.
"You're the worst-belistered bey In
the neighborhood," eh* said..
The boy'sfatlio looked lips front
ids P.aner as, if sometvliat aatonislied,
• but one glance:was antlicieut to con-
• vince him 'that he didn't care to jot
.mikecl up in the affair.
"You're alwaye in some. kind ef a
scr. oPei"she went on. "I don't gee
why you can't net like. other boys."
• The boy hearnotliing to seas A
boy leartis early in life that there are
'times When there is nothing for Win
to .do but *hold his peace, and the
lesson sten-ds him in good stead late
er le life when lie marries.
neVer •hoard • of Willie Long
squirting water at the little girle
tolien they are coining Imams from
eicinday-sehool," She eontireted,
ea t nee res. ."1 never see at
Billings throwing stoneinto .nreet
puddles to splatter people, and 'Fain -
my Tucker never talks: back to- hie
elders or speaks disrespectfully to, his
"I haven't said a word," protested
Lf e boy.
' "Not to -day," admitted his um -
tiler; "hat yesterday 1 wee actually
ashamed of ;Win because of your im-
pertinence, and to -day I saw you
swinging on tlio I3rown'e gate. When
You have twee repeatedly told not
to, hecauee it pone off the hingee.
You breve :had a fight With ltitrry
• Jones. too. I'm sure 1 don't know
wbat to de with you to Make' you
'behave properly."
This neemed Lo be an opportune
111110 for the boy's Maio, to Chip in,
so he suggested:-
)., quite agree With you, rey dear.
Says Mr. Ilayaslei, a distinguished
cititen ef Japan: "To -day we Japan:
•ese have battleships, torpedoes, can.,
non. The China sea reddens with
the blood of our killed and of those
we kW, Our torpedoes roar,, our
shrapnel shriek, our cannon breathe
slaughter and we die and are the
cause et death. And you oceidentals
say -to is. 'Yon have won • your
rarik; you have civilized yourselVes.'
Centuties: upon eenthries we have
had artists, painters, sculptors, phil-
osophers, la the sixteenth century
we haul Published In Je.panene the
fables of Aesop. ;Were we then bar-
Used in H.B.K. Mitts,..Gloves
Mocca.sins—tough as whale- -
hone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch, -
,proof,. wind -proof, boil- proof,
crack -Proof; tear -proof; rip -proof, -
cold : -proof, 'almoSt wear -proof-:- ; •
certainly. the greatest leather
ever used in mitti and gloves.
: Like bickskin it. is tanned
without oil unlike buckskin it. is
outwearnot poro us,,it is wind-proofwill
three' buckskins.
" ?into " :Mitts and Gloves
never crack or harden, never get
sodden, are always worni„OtiOle,
:soft and comfortable.
Sold at all dealers but never with -
opt this brand :--
• Montreal. Winnipeg Dawson 2
Ind all Hada of house Hangings, else •
LICE .01111Ti111.8 .°YEitif&I,414"4.1ge.
Write (0 351 abo
'imam AuggioAN Oa, Box 158, tioninne
, •
Is the special work of the
Telegraph School
ToletINTO, ONT. •
• . Writs for Oartioulare to
• prinCipet
Yonge end Garrard Ste., Toronto. •i,
1. IN d. LA 11 d 1 1
•J•• For the. treatment . Of all forms of .SP.EECEI
DEFECTS, We treat Inc CAM*, not Simply MO
hdbit, and therefore produce natural speeeli, •
• Write for.oerticulars,
Kidneys Are Delicate
Easily Affected by Changes of the
Drill Chase's Kidney -Liver PflIs
Not even are the lungs Imre sus:-
ceptible to the effect of cold drafts,
of overheating, •of dampaese or cold
than the kidneys.
This accounts for Workingmen so
fre.guently becoming tvictime of pain-
ful arid deadly kidney diSeases.
Pains in the back are usually the
first note of warning.. Then thorn fs
freepient and Painful or. smarting ur-
ination, headache and ilerangemente
of the digestive system; and bowels.
To be certain of iinvnediately ar-
restieg disease and bringing about
thorough eure, „vett must nee Dr.
Pheee's Kideey-Liver rills, which
so many times have proven their
superiority fts a treatment for the
Most serious diseaSea Of the kidnaVS.
acting 011 the aver and bowels
as well IM Ofi the kidneys, Tea
Clittee's Kidney -Liver effeet
thorough cleansing of the whole III -
tering and ekeretory systems and en.
a A 511,,e 4AI 41 a -at ri...4ai.A.A.* A* +406.4t.
tirely rid the body of all poisonous
Waste matfer.
Vine, N. 13,, writes: --."About fouri
inenthS ago t found My cOnxlition so
serious that I had to leave woric. I
coukl not sleep nights, my appetite
was very poor and my kidney& were
so affected that 1 could hardly walk
on account of backache.
"1 resolved* to try Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver rills and Ilaolcache
• Plaster, After three weeks' time, /
ern glad to say, wes able to re-
• same work and note feel as well ae
ever did. I therefore say that Dr.
Chase:s remedies are excellent family
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver rills aro -‘0"
so thorough and far-reachieg in ,
their influence on the kidneys as te
thoroughly eradicate the most seri-'1-'
elm diseane. Ono pill a dose, 26
cents a box, at all dealers, or Fld-
inanson, Dates Co., Toronto. The
portrelt and signature of Dr. A, W.
Chase, the famous receipt book title
tlior, are on every boX.