HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-17, Page 2I ,11111 I I I 11101111011* Soaps Containing Injurious Chemicals Eat Dirt but they also Destro), Clothe* Vou've probably used soap that cleaned your clothes quickly but have 'impel out afterwards that it had destroyed th.an. Sunlight. Soap is guaranteed to he absolutely pure, containing no ingredient that will. 1. injure the chtiatiest fabric. It washes equally well ia liar 1 c softavater witland brad:n-0r hard rubbing. Follow the arectiens on the package and you wia have a more successful wash with less Hoer. Your dealer is authorized to -re:und the purchase money to anyone findioa Leese fur comi.alat. • • . LEV,7.il BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO • 41411 The Sunlight Maids admire/Atte rcatilts after washing ihs,runUht any •••••••••••#••••••••: Goderich. 9 • —FOR— • • rugs • • —AND— • • • PrOprietoru rioulaines• • I The Clinton News -Record 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0000 000 ..:0•(!ancirtYa•;6•0.7.(q.faXAY•iFraq:0$1;t: The News of Goderich. Miss Biotite A. SicimIngs$ • 4;Orrosporodent octo0(313 WOCI te 00000 0000000.' 00:KaOSAIECItsist (i4)0:410 • • • The residence of Mrs. Brown, own- The Ladies' Aid in the vit toria ed by Mrs, Dr, McLean, Florida, has street church are holding tam had a• stone foundation put under i.t, Thanksgiving supper and entertain - which has made a decided ChUllp th meet this evening n their (herrn its appearance. The National Cloak Co. have got We wolider how many young men the, walls 'of their new building . in this town bane a museum, Mr. islied and are now preparing to get •. Ernest Kneeshaw has a wonderfully the root hashed h 1 •re wintts • largo collection of the skulls et bird a sets in. and animals, -and. snakes preserved in Pretty little Gladys Bedford, dee- Alcohol, specimens of amethyst and shier of Mr. J. .S. Bedford, imp 01 other pyetty stones, butterflies and the heirs of the Bedford estate, mile - their kind, and many novelties of brated the third anniverstay of her man's werk. Ile has -one room tot birth on 7th Nov. by holding a bitth- - his curios at his residence Victoria , day party and giving a f'.° oelok street. •• • •• . tea to fourteen •of•her young guests. We regret to learn ot the 'serious Her grandfather, Mr, maleolia iu- illness of Mr. Hugh Chisholm, an Lean, who is abliost a century old, enterprising farmer ,of Cal3prne. • enjoyed the party as much as his Mr. McLennan is an old sailor, 'hay'. I little grand -daughter. Little Gladys ing sailed the "Maitland" that often 1 received a great many pretty tittie '• came into our port. He has no use souvenir gifts. . for steamers,• being, a lover of the To get good sale, a gentleman says old time sailing vessel. He came (who knows) for apples shipped to • into Goderich for the hrst time . oa the West end of London,* England, the day on which the first train ca •that each apple ,should be done up in - Inc in with excursionists from Brant- tissue paper like oranges and 'emus • ford anal other towns on the • new are. They would bring a much higher Buffalo, Brantford and Goderia R.R. figure. After leaving the sea ate settled down • in Ripley. • Mr. and Mrs.- W. II. Trembly, who came lately to towna reside co: Sou- th street. • • • Mr. • R. Parsons has had the land: aroana his new house levelled . and made ryao, to be converted •• into 1 awn. Tlic •two new houses being built by Mr. Moser on • the "Passmore pro • perty are getting- the porticos. paint- edwhite. The buildings are nearly ready for opeupation. • • Wetaxathat either •Rev..Jpsepl /Elliott or :Captain. Dudley Holmes is to be the ,Conservative candidate fot West • Huron: Chaplain or Captaio: For •the Reform party. We. have. not heard any name mentioned save that f the 'present .M.P. P., ' Maleoln• 1Grutile, Cameron. •• , - Mr. Joseph Whitely has •• lad, the !verandah over Harrisoa's bakery • • 1 en • down to prevent any .accident i . oe- cureg during a hen.ay rain or snow . . fall. . • . reSidenee on South street is 'tearing coMpletion. • We trust they can Cele • brate Christmas Day in. it.. ' ' ' 1• Mrs. John Brepney • spent a, week — ,"or two the a guest of • her , daughter, as • Mr. Joseph WhitelY's handsome new • • MiSs• Brophy. Mrs. Brophey .was in- elisliesed last month but she is betfer now.. -4, GO TO • t. 44.0441,4i...4.**•!**•• H. B. Cotnic•e; • Chemist and Druggist • 1•91,01-11,9 90, 44:-Ot CCOC+4>c LADIES' • RINGS. uickl ..; TO BREAK .tiP A. COLD. . Right quickly nothing works soni- cely as .Netviline. taken real 'hat. • It sends a glowing warmth all through • the body, and when rubbed on •theath- • roa.t and chest loosens •up the cough and relieveS .tightness• and Soreness tn. the chest; Ne,rviline iS• used. as 's .preventive and cure far colds, coups and .winter .ills in thonaanda lip les . because.' it 'gees right to woza a, a brings relief .•qpiekly.' There is aeare. medy in the world Withhalf the .114 wet and Merit Of ; it's in. valuable' in 'every house. In lava! bottles,. Price 25c. • • In, Murney's meat market the head of a Dorset rani with laeautifully curled brown. horns Ison view, beau- - Welly mounted. The nostrils have been 'painted red • and. tatite a bit of • the neck is left. We have often see., a deer's head •mounted but not shetta's. . •" . • •• We areavery• sorry to learn pi the Continued • illness of • Mrs. Coates, Trafalgar street, 'who has been since May- • • Mrs. Janes and •two children arriv- ed from England and with Mr. Janes reside: in the house owned by. 'dr.. Nugent on St.' Andrew's street; • • , Mr.. and. Mrs. FOrden • ha4 removed • -to the iniuse on St. Andrew's Street lately ocetipied by M. Carroll. Mrs. Morris is making great pro... gess toward recovery from her lon and serious illness. ' • • • • • • • Miss Maggie, Doak is assistant. at ' the lialitioral cafe.. ••• We were. serry to learn of .the death. ..af Mr.. Archibald Sands,' • . • On MoittlaY evening of last wet. the McGillivray Mission Band bele a•,think'offering entertainment. • There was a good attendane•e and. an • ex- cellent program: • •-• • . ' • • Mr. • Jonathan' Miller. has. beilt an annex 'to -his livery barn.. • Several' of • our citizens -drove. to Clinton. on 'Sunday to ahead tht funeral 'of the; late D.F.MacpherSon, Mrs. Edgar Mason Cook is spend- ing few days 'with Miss.' AcheSon in Goderieh.. and will' not .receive . until the second and • third Tuesda;r4. .io facceMber. • • • .•• • • Air. •4:- MeLe.an is now a' le . go • ..tO his place. of .bushiesi every r.day. • • . Service. will .beheld at 11. m. on Thanksgiving. Day at Knox church.. ' The latest cereal compound is Ape-. tiza. It looks like ground coffee... .. • Miss Nettie Price has aceepted p 'lion in Detroit. • • '• • • •.. • Thc ho.usehold: effeetS of the ' latd. Mrs, • VanEvery -Were sold o' Sattn- lay ny , order • of her datiga ter; Mrs Rothwell ;of Toronto. • . • • Cranberries •are plentifal /low. T4cy •eaine for Thanksgiving 11 iv . • • A• great quantity or large etie y . . . • .. . ... • .. . • . . heads ..- mine !rem K a I a in, iate t 1a I • . a ' ..: . . • , • • :., .• a a - ,.•. •• . • .. - • .. .. •:.• ..weaia - , • - • • •.• -. • ... • : • • . • , Of 10Q. Ladies, '.90 at least prefer Rugs to any -..',..other atr; • S. Kntiekle was taking a boll- •• ' • . I kind of jeWelry.' For this reason we pay spectal atten- tion to this line. •• You will find all the favor- ite Stones and combinations at their best with us. D I A.al ON DS, PEARLS,' EMERALDS, RUBIES, • SAPPHIRES, OPALS, OLIVINES, • TURQUOIS, Every Ring at its 'very best both as to value and qual- ity. • •• • , • . . • • . • • tion" in October. 1 -le mad° his ;a7- TWEr;NTY YEt1,1F15t, Mr. R. Postlewhaite t • k • • e a tri - o " su ered fro chin ,f • • g cs ol • Grand Bend, Fort Frank, The India., twenty years add cannot Imagine) any liesetvp, Petrolca, besides doing r greater distress. DL a Chase s Oint• good deal •of Work at his own build taunt • gave me relief frem the first ing. He is a steady and efficient po., application, and nonchas 11 - Beeman, • ' • een me of this horrible disease." -Mr. Miss Hattie Robinson of Nitiga, J. S. MeLaren, Farmer: and Contra - Man., is visiting ner cousin, 1VIrs. etor., Tiverton, Ont. • • ' ' LaVis, and will spend the winter with• •. •• her and Clinton friends. • - • • We 1earn that thc congregation 01 • When Lady Aberdeen made Ottawa the North street church are going her Ionia she introduced the obser-. on with the balding of a new ehureli . nation • of May Day by having the Mrs. C. Cribb left on Tuesday to May Pole danced . at• the •Lathes' spend the winter in Los Afigelos,Cal- ifornia, the guest ot• her son, •M College of Ottawa arid chose Hallow- • •e'en for having the May Queen cro- Charles Crabb, • •• d d h ' th • t d is h Id The second. brick house built •Y azt anniversary supper. The. Panel - A j Grigg 1Virs. 'W. O. Rhinos on East. street fs pat, Aram j. (+rant Needham, re- • / nearly ready for Mr. W. H.' Thome- • caved' a cablegram froni Lady Aber - JEWELER A.ND OPTICIAN • son to occupy. Mr: J. Thomas his removed to the stone cottage on Newgate street late- ' ly ,occupied by Conduator BOyd. Mr.. • Lane is having' his residence newly shingled. ' • • Mr, P. O'Rourke is 'very :much bet- ter the Past month.. • Mil • • ' IP YOU ARE. LOSING WEIGHT. Your: system is out of order and Perrozone in needed to start a re- building process. . Ferrozone • makes new tissues, forms wholesale blood, stiengthens the nerves and keeps your physical condition up to the standard "I lost fifteen pounds through La. Grippe" writes Cyril Lash of Hart- ford, "hut soon regained my former weight and improved my health, by using Ferri:Acme, It's the best re - builder and fittest tonic I ever used." Use ,Perrozone it assures health, Price 50c. at druggists. LARGEST AND BEST IN WESTERN ONTARIO Anyone to go away CENTRAL dissatisfied. Vire will guarantee that if you will take tirn.e to see our line of mounts that you, will fin,d what you want at a price you want to pay for it 110111RW PROTO STUDIO STRATP0010. ONT/ Thls .,.seltilool enjoys *the reputatiOn elLuelt'doittgn Iin tleost Itt,;oornkliniitotrillusinyrs largcscehools in Canada and Unttel ic States'rs; SITI;.Pig°itt.e°,1111e g,i;:tntnengs tsti tf:.; to all and that 'the best. Students may enter at any Write for free catalogue.. W. .1°, Elliott, Proad.itt. • • D. AT McLachlan., Principal, dem that evening wishing the • Maa Queen coriatjratulations. This year the May. Queen crowned under the. auspic- es of Her. Exaelleney does not now. attend the Ladies' College and Miss Elise Tye,, a graduate of the and. 0 and eldest daughter • of Mail Clerk Tye here, was the young lady chosen to • be crowned use of .the Ma for 1905;, "The College dining hall," so says the Ottawa Citizen, "was suitably . decorated, the time honored pumpkins .being Much In evidence. 'In the evening a pretty niasnuerade was held, both teachers and students ali- ke joining in the frolics and fun.." We wish Mis Elise Tye all. honor as May iaueen in 1905. ' Captain Murray McGregor left on Tuesday of last ,Week :for Sarnia, Windsor and Muskegan • where mem- bers of his family reside. . Mr. Davis of Hotel Bedford wore a very smiling face on his return from - a'• visit Mitchell for a week's shooting, his game being composed of partridges and over- thirty rabbits, besides other ganie.., Last . week's issue of The News - Record gave A. E. Saraffleld's name for being in a collision en route for Pasadena, Cal. It should have been Reginald . Black 'who left some wre'.s before A. J. Svvaffield. The News -Record gives the news of town and township. In nine Cason out of ev..ry ten 11.ht tired, cross feeling is dati 1.0 an Mat-- • tive the habit of ,letaing cross will be eompleety overcome if you • take Vito Lax 11,Ie Flint, P/!1:,; .bey cure liver trolble without prod/wing any bad effects, because th ate co- mposed( of Iterha, barite and• Mak Mr. E. P. Reekte, Clint drugg- ist, keeps them in stool* ,rice 25 centti, ObLOMEL RUINS TIIE SYSTEM. And should only bo used under' a doctor's orders. For a mild physic •ta.ve Dr. Hamilton's, Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. No grip, • 410 pain, certain relief for headache, con- stipation and torpid Baer. •Use oily. Dr. Hamilton's Pills, price 2,5e, • • • . . . • Miss May Doyle left fpr Chicago on hionday 1ti resume' 'her duties as nur- • se in one of 'the ho•spitals ' in that. 'city. . . Mrs. Captain McKay is spending a • few weeks in Brantford the. guest of 'her sister,' Mrs. Carlyle, She was a. guest at the wedding Of a 'relative which took place iast week in'Irma- loordn.• 'S'aturda-y' . • a•. th.e • Naves Waa shed over • the' pier. Early in the day •word came that the Wymouth with . a raft of lumber for the break- water had run *ashore on, the betich. aomewhere. • • . ' • A crowded house greeted Rev. • IL Gramme en Sunday evening', it being Commotion' Sunday. For' • his text•he choae ist..Cprinthiaas ; 21; • • • . • • • . . . •'' • • I fEALTHY AND. VIGOR° Mr. John Shelton, the well-known • bridge .builder, ot 101 Sherwood St, Ottawa, stales : have used Dt Chases Kidney -Liver Pills for kidney and liter derangements •arotarht (1.11 by eapoiure, and find them better 'than ••• any • pill or medicine • I .bver natal.- • They • cleansed 'lily System and made nie feel heathy and vigerous, aftd better ipeverys-WaY." -• November 17tli 14/04 1• II. I .1.. ,„. 00110000010241111111110001011..M01111111101Wini a, • / .1. 0. TIIE YOUTH'S COMPANION AS oirr. 1 . . 'What other Christmas present eau - you choose that will give sa,inueb. pleasure for so little money as a year's subscripti4 for The Youth'e Companion ? The • Holiday Numbers and the Calendar, joyously welcomed on Christmas morniug, malting a • good gift in themselves, are but the foretaste of a whole year's feast to come. The mind iS enterrained with the -numbers in hand, and the imagi- nation revels in the pleasure that each new week will bring until Chri- stmas .comes again. - • •If you desire to make a Christmas present of The Youth's Companion, send the publishers the- name •and ada o -0 1 d soil,like lin ov- erislied blood, needs a proper fertilizer. A chemist by analyz- ing the soil can .tell you what fertilizer to use for different products. If your blood is iinpoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize it and give it the rich, red corpuscles that are lacking in it. It may be you need a tonic, but more likely you need a concentrated fat food, ;and fat is the element lacking in your system. : There is no fat food that is .so easily digested and assimi- lated as 1 • Scott's Emulsion{.7- .4.- . . . . -me 1 V.- . • •-•,,,a , • • • 0 of Cod Liver Oil ::-..' . •1 7 $7:: 1 1 ) 1* -- . • • ..... , ..... ....... _..., . ....„ ..„.„.„, • . 1 the.body. when milk and cream tr.: 1111 111.1C11 V 1(1.11 . .......• .1.0' . . • 1 ' It Will nourish and strengthen r.,...,•• 0 • 1 ' fual. to do it. • Scott's Emulsion :"---.- •' . . -. . ...... , . 3 0. ' ...00 •Can Be Supplied Here ......•• ie always the same; • always rtz . ....ao . 1 f • dress of tht' person to whom you wish to give The •COmPaniona with $1.75, the •annual substriation price, t m„that it is to be a Lift The will send to the address namedO , in a parcel to be opened a rietmas morning, all the remaining issues for 1901, published after the ubscription is received, including the Double Holiday Numbers, The Com- panion " 's Carnations' Calender for 19051, lithographed la twelve colors and gold, and subseription certificate for the nfty-two issues of .1905. Full Must:Ea:led Announcements, fully describing the principal features of The Cm opanion'a new volume for 1905, , be sent to aay address The Youth's Companion, 141 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass 0 . 1 IITIIT M1111'1171 tii 11711 r .? ir•-, . i,...-. ,3077 ...;...; Store closes ; Saturday 40) ...., at 6 o'clock 1111, nights at --r. r every night. 10 o'clock, 7-14 palatable and always beneficial Our stock is most complete in INFANTS 1:44 where the body is wasting from any cause, either in children • • • 077! 1111,0-• • 'rely - or adults. 17:-. and CHILDREN'S Vests, Hose, Cloaks, Ruffs, . We will send you $ sample free. Mitts Bootees Carriage R.obes, etc, etc. You 91 • Be sure that this pie. ture in, the form of a • label is on the wrapper lea...- of every bottle of Emu]. glom you buy. SCOTT & KWH CHRMISTS Torogio,igt. • 50c, and $1.00. All Druggists.- . Mr, Wladiriiir Gelesnota a Russian. nobleman, conducting evangelistic se- rvices in Teropto, speaks of ,his WO- rk and the war. • • • • An attempt is beingmade to arr- ange a wedding between. King. Affon- so Of 'pain and Princess Patricia • daughter of the Doke of Connaught,' • Mr. Watnoek's squash at the :St. Lents • Exposition is:quite a. wonder in the' vegetable kingdom., They'll think. our . town. is a second Japan, • cabbages there • weigh 100, Jim: Mr. .Warnoekis squash .weiglis•. 403 pounds. and the St.' Louis ,10.'eSS 'Says 11 is the- biggest • thing . there. • Mr. War- nock has had a photograph taken • of his two .pretty little gals, Glace and Iris, . seated upon the squash. • Captain Willoughy , told • tis . pn Sunday night: that the "Charles ;Cr- • awford," that was soMetshat : dis- Obledofl:Satuiday rea.ching..eate port, was. ail right on Sunday,. • The Ben:. • . toll did not leave •Ori wind being too higb. • •••• . . • The Wyoming, with . rat of for 'the...breakwater was wrecked off 'Sandbank, Mich., on her. witY !rota. Saginaw • :to Goderien • ' during •the • .gale. on Friday night •or Saturday Morning, The crew, were taken-• off. at.. that point. The Benton laid .afe- ly. at.' the aorta 0,1ring tlan • ales Fridayand Saturday. • • How does your 'subScriation •to. The • News -Record Stand'? , • • • ' Kidney Disease and Rheumatism These terribly painful ailments araethoroughly cured by... .Dr. ahase's Kidney -Liver. Since rheumatism arises from derangements of the kidneys it can never be cured until these organs are restored tohealth. By acting directly on the kidneys Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver, NIS cure both kidney disease andrheumatism. • • MRS. Mouit, Newmarket, Ont, states I—. • "1 have used. Dr. Ch.- e's Kidney -Liver Pills for kidney, trouble, and would not be without thein for .a great deal. They have certainly done me a world of good,' and I -would not think of 'using any other medicine for an ailment of this kind.". •• • • ." My husband is tronbled with sciatic rheu. matism and is using Jr. Chase's Xidney-Liver Pills. They are doing him more good than any medicine he ever used, And we both heartily re. commend them as an excellent medicine." Dr, Chase's kidney -Liver Pills, the comfort of old age, one pill a dose, 26 eints a box, at all dealers. Portrait and signature' of Dr. A. W. Chase on every box. Pain cannot exist where Dr. Chs.eVrt Back • • . &die Planet, is applied. • • .. • .• Estnbqsked .VihooPink Cough, Croup, Bronchitis , Cough,. Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria • • .Crosollonc., is a .1130on to Aothlmatlosi ohnotrlood it, long established and standard remedy • fertile diseakes indicated, It cafes because the air nip dered strongly atittsoptle is carried oVerthe diseased mut, faces of the bronchial. tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and Constant treat:neut. 'Those of a •censumh• tive hindoney, or Sufferers (ruin chronic 'bronchitis, And en t Ist! re116! from coughs or Iniairooa.conolUorm id o Vatio•fireselonit it sold • by druggists or nut pro. Ind on reprint of prin." • A Vs ho•Cresolene At inelnding a • bottle of ermine 31.00, Send for free illustrated .booklet. Liihsitmt hints 00,, LtA, Age/1%208 81 James St.. ' Alontrool. Canada. SOO I, Do nor ply! OusinettP deof4, Each pupil is given in. dividual nuarnetion. The Shorthand S5/stem taught is that used by all newspaper and court re* Best tyntems of Book- keeping, Penmanship, Arith- metic,. etc" thoroughly taught. 'Situations guaranteed to every Graduate, or riciaok,ICIrAETNAotoOGRA:0oc Sterling • n Thi . Solid Sterling Silver, 4eavy weight, enclosed in enameled card box with satin lining- and' Itingc, -cover. "Merry Xmas" 6 vitt/Joss/A on outside of cover. Thimble is made with hand- somely chased band, or panic basal with Taney chased holes-. Needle holes are 'much finer • than on common thimbles so that needle cannot she. •Makes a pretty girt for mother, sister or friend. • Price 210 eonts With Om for Postage • Good Value at 60c, More elaborate styles of Stera leg Thimbles from so to tas cents. Gold Filled at $aso. Solid Gotd at Sloe. J. • 8. BARNARD 110 DUNDAS ST.f ▪ LONO0 • • • • can rely. on our qualities and prices. -No trouble to show. goods and money re - b funded if not satisfactory. O. - PURITAN INFANTS' SHIRTS - • I... • • • • .. • . . . No child should be. without the. Puritan'Shirts t..-.3 . . . . ON• .. 1 - R ..r.,:i no buttons -to.b.urt,..rio trouble to put ' a protection . on, • •• .. .„1.. to the chestand Itings which.prevents colds and coughs ,.. • • t -z •so fatal tua great.many . children' .sizes 1, 2, 3, and 4 •-•-.3-44 . •,.....- . ..• • • ' .'. '. • - . . • ' price -. ' .05c ...0.-- , . . . . . . . • • . • ...et • . WHITE. HOSE for INFANTS and CHILDREN An pure cashmere,. well made, good quality, in solid white sizes 3, 4 4i 5,bi and 6' • . prices 20c a Id 25c •:4s 61••••• -• --.•-:-- — -----:-7 77-- - 0.-• • .E.-- RFD HOSE for 'INFANTS and CHILDREN ...-• • • . 1 r-- • . All pure Cashmere, good quality,. well made, in t-- sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6,'. solid colors, price . 25c --1: ir- CHILDRENS' BLACK 110.513 . ....,...4 = fa•-• • In good quality cashixiere, fast black/ e , all 'gives/ . prices frCin 20c ttp -21 4111... . . . -0.0. A,....., el -- on— : CHILDRENS' BLACK HOSE In all wool ribbed an,i., heavy makes, double. kneed, elastic knit, all sizes, prices 15c up . ' INFANTS' BOOTEES. 4 • In .solid white, fancy knit, ioft and warm, .prices 20c to 25c • INFANT.S' COATS • • •In solid red and 'White, made .6.1 good quality- 792_4 Iderdown, pretty trimmin-os.--well made, • • , • brides $1.25, $2 and • $2.50 • , izt-- INFANTS' MITTENS • •• • . Made of fine white yarn, well shaped and made, pri▪ ces 15c, 20c and 25c Igrz CHILDREN'S. VESTS AND DRAWERS • . li .ileece ned, warm and 'soft, sizes 3, • 4, 5, 6 and 7,..prices 35c up: • sr- CHILDREN'S' WOOL VESTS and DRAWERS =4-) . In all .siveg wqglits and quqlitieq 0h. ego-, • BABY CARRIAGE Rues Made of good 'quality Cream Bear Cloth,. good • Tong glossy wool, size 34x28, price $2.50 Al • THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL . • 0.7- • • • • • • Boys' worFted Hose, double heels and toes, made r.t. from good Scotch Fingering Yarn, f,izes 6, 6i, 7, 7,1 8, 81, 9 and 91, price to dear. . 17c . xr . . 401.-••• - . . . . ...if?' • • . wir ..•••••„..s. 7.0' ...al ar-, • .•e"- GIRLS AND MISSES HOAE Assoi\ted sizes and qualities, regular price from • 25c up to 66c, to clear at 20c -4 • -713, TOZER & BROWI • • ' • Successors to oats & Si. • . ="7,1..! . • . . "..."-aa- • • • ' PLEASE ramie. Do not consider it a hardship • to du as'inueh for The News - Record as you do for a cit weekly or daily----pc,y for it in. advance, Consult Your Address Figures. _ 0