HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-17, Page 1=
25th Year
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•••• .••••
Prices range from 50c to $2.00 each.
s> < )
'401600490016C -tete --Ws; )-Wie4e4E'.+ete,
Boys' $5.00 and $7,00
Threemwriece milts
On Sale During
November Only, at $3.49
We have secured about one hundrecl Boys'
Tweed Suits—Lion Brand—in sizes from 28 to 33
that sell in the regular way at $5.00 to $7.00.
These Suits are made from good strong gervic-
eable Canadian tweeds and are guaranteed to give
good satisfactory wear.
Your choice of any suit in the
lot during this month at $3.49
• .
Special values all this month
in Men's Suits and Overcoats.
10 per cent. off all men's Underwear includ-
ing Stanfield's and Penman's, All kinds in stock:
We J. W. Newcombe Co.,
Tailoring— —Men's and Boys' Ready..
-•,' 4 Furnishings—, • —to -Wear Clothing,. Hats
'4 . .. .
•<*d.` 4 ..
--CLINTON--. ... • . • -.: ..
?.. It*,,,laietemo.cietarAommtsiatoica,sidomicisio6lerifiesBiNsts05
,r4st,toPcio ..c "'' •.• X.M50/9115K.4( TKIWaVa6V ''
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Directseyour attention to its speciel
facilities for issuing drafts on all the
leading towns and cities in Europe and
else w her e at the loviest tates.
This is the safest, simplest and chea-
pest method of remitting money to
foreign countries. .
Correspondence Or interview re-
quested. •
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u. T. RANCE, Nlanager. - W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
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• •
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• •
• • JACKSON The ''aotihier.
•▪ •
0000000000.00 000000000
The Sale of Clothing whipli
began on Saturdaylaststili
continues. ria,ving bought
the goods at a low price, we
are enabled to give opr pat-
rons die advantage o'f same.
:1:++++++4 -H -H4++++44444÷1.444-1-1-1-1.1! 1111111 vt I 114
.....e.t46.•••••••••••••• 4•••••••••••••••••••••
IThe Invictus
R. J. .CLUPP, — Clinton.
The best Shoe on the market
••••+•••••••*••••44.' i•••••••4•••04+44.11.0*
Swit CIO
CLINTON1 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th,. 1904% - Whole Number 1345
Mr. R. Fitzsimons shipped a car-
load of live hogs • to Petrolea on
Monday. The price paid this week
is $4.60.
Wheat $1.05.
Oats 30e.
Barley 40e.
Hay $7.00,
Butter 130 to 15e.
Eggs 17c to 18c.
Live Hogs $4.50.
On Friday evening last Mr. John
McCaughey placed his cash box, con,
taining $115 in money, notes and
jewellery, amounting in all to about
$175, in his dresser drawer and thou-
ght no more about it until Monday
morning when he wished to make use
of the money. But it was not to be
found. Cash box and contents had
disappeared entirely and have not yet
been recovered.
Mrs, J. Allenson's house at the
south end of the town Was broken
into one night last week pia the pl-
aee ransacked, but nothing taken:
Mrs. Allenson nailed tm any entry
easy of access and a second *Mite pt
to gain entrance was uueuccessful.
Mrs. Allenson does not now live in
the house, and the perpetrator was
.net observed, but their is a suspic-
ion as .to his. identity. • •
• Sermons 'on behalf of the Educa-
tional Fund of 1 the elethodist church
were preached •in Wesley church last
Sunday by Rev. A. K. Birks of Sea -
forth. The reverend gentleman is.
weIl known and miner respected here,
so is greeted by good congregations
whenever he makes in 'exchange with
either of our Methodist divines. '
• Wesley eherch, as usual, he,s • this
year again been ,.generous in 1 ita
COntribUtiOUS to the Edecational
Fend. ' •
. •
. On Monday everting. last Mr. Thom-.
as Little passed from time into
eternity. He had been about as well
as usual up to .the day cif his death
when he becaine- ill, but nothing ser-
ious. Was expected. ' In :the .evening
the doctor was . summoned, biet the
pioneer passed away a• few minutes
niter his arrival. The cauSe of death
as angina pectoris. Mr.Little lived
for many years in Ifullittt, .but sever-
al' years ago took up his eesidenee in
Clinton where three of his daughters
reside. He was a quiet, inoffensive
mail and held en neuch respect - by
those who keeer. hint' He was eighe
tyetwo years of age and sia survived
•hs wife, his son Harry of Hallett
. and daughters, Mrs. Whitehead and
the Misses Little of town: and Mrs.
George Brownlee of ,Seaforth;
The funeral of the late Me. D.:F.
Macpherson took place on Sunday af-
ternoon. The attendance "W:aS very
large, for in addttioe to the citizens
Who paid .this tribute of respect to•
the incenoey of the departed, there
were Present friende from Stretford,
Seaforth, Fingall and London. Those
from the last two. montioned places'
came up by special 'train which .ar-
rived in Clinton: at 1.30 p. nt. The
funeral took place at 2.30 and was
condected by. Rev. Dr. Stewart. The
pallbea.rerswere : J. P. Tiedall, G.
D. McTaggart, J: Fair, N. ,Fair, R.
•Holrnes aed J. McMurchie. Among
the moutnere Were the five brothers
of deceased: Edward of Indianapolis,
Indiana e Cherles of the state of
Washington ; John arid Alex. of
London, and D. L, of .Clintori. Reg-
istra•r Coats, and Mr. EWA. Coats,
Ottawa, brothers-in-law, .were also
present. . I • • , •
There were many beautiful florae
offerings, atone them being : Wreath,.
Foundry' Employees large spray of
chrysanthemums, Geo. White lee Sons
Co., London; floret design "'(Gates
Ajar), .'John. Goodison, Sarnia; spray
of chryianthemunes, Mr. and lefts. J.
Rattenbury, ; spray of chrysanthe-
mums, Mr. E, FI. Kidd; spray of
roses and chrysanthemums, Mr, C. H.
Waeerous, Brantford; wreath., Mr.
and Mrs. Ransford ; spray of 'Chry-
santhemums, Mr. and Mrs, T. Ca-
hill, London; spiel of chrysanthe-
mums, • Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Martin,
Toronto e spray of roses, IVIr. and
Mrs. W. W. Parrett; spray of chrys-
anthemums, Mr, and Mrs, H. T.
Rance ; spray of chrysanthemums,
Mrs. J. P. McDonald, Toronto ; cross
Mr, A. 13eruhe, London; spray of.
roses arid cernations, Mr. W. T.':
Mar; Brantford ; spray of chrysan-
themums, Mr. and leirs, W. Brydone;
spray of roses, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Dowding; Spray of carnations, Mr.
(i 13. Hovey; floral design (Harp),
London friends; spray of roses, Mr.
W. 1VIcKay, Toronto ; white roses,
Miss Ridout ; chrysanthemums, Mr.
and Mrs. M, D. IVIeTaggart ; spray
of reses, Mr, and Nil's, IL C. Brewer;
spray of chrysanthemums, Miss Wau-
gh, Stratford ; wreath of laurel and
roses, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTagg-
art; chrysanthemums, Moe M. 0e -
Neil ; spray of chrysantheinumg,eliss
Guano L spray of chrysanthemums,
Miseete Doan ; floral design (Crown),
Threshing Machine Section of Cana -
Man Manufacturers Association ;
spray of white roses, family ; spray
of carnations, Mr. and Nita. W.Corits;
spray of cheysanthemurns, Mr.. and
les. A. D, Macpherson, London ;
'bunch of violets, Mr. E. J. Archi-
bald, Toronto,'
Elmer Taylot; who was assistant
at the •G. T. R. station, has tesign
ed and has been succeeded by Mr,
Victor Miller ot Goderich township.
Chaeles 1VIoNevin, who has been
checker, has beee promoted andnnade
relieving agent. He leaves in a few
days. Ale Butt succeeds him here.
The concert giveal in the town hell
Friday evening last was. not by any
=elle as well attended as its merits
warranted, Among • the local artists
who took part and excelled them-
selves wore: lelirs Maud leleNaugbe
ton, , Misses Stanley, Mrs. S. H.
Smith, Norman Mercy and James
' Mr, John Fraser of Bayfield was iii
town Tuesday and in conversation
with The News -Record remarked that
on . this date last year snow fell
and continued on the ground until
spring," Mr. Fraser had juet driven'
in from the lakeside and the bright
sky, fresh air and splendid toads
made the contrast between the wea-
ther of '03 and '04 apPreciaeed...,
• . .
. . •
In the election held in the state
of Micbigan on Tuesday of last week,
Mr. Robert Attridge of Marlette
polled the largest vote cast for any
candidate. For state representative
he received 4000 to 1555 given to his
oppenent. Mr. Attridge, whp is •a
nephew. of Mrs. William Oil -Mimi of
town, is 'a Canadian by birth and
for same time lament school. at Mil-
.verton. It is about twenty -eve yea-
rs since he left this country .and
we 'may judge by . the .sepport accord-
ed him stands well in the thoughte of
the Michiganders.
On Monday evening Ogle Cooper,
John 4olieson, Mel Harry Bar telit
arrived home from Algoma; where
they spent a, fortnight deer hunting.
They. had a pleasant'outing • andeach
brought ',horrid a deer, bet they sit,
that the season has on the whole been
rather a poor one and some parties
with 'whom they journeyed part of
the way home, met with little, or eei
success. Partridges, too, were, scar-
ce. .Mr. • Ceeper • and party • might
have eremained a few days longer,
buttheweather grew too wintry.
AU the lakes , were frozen over and
on Saturday nieht there was ardown-
fall of five inches •of snow; •
On Friday evening Iase a yokieg.
man, who gave ,his name as John-
stiene, ' arrived. at the Mason HeUse,
•from' Godericheaceonipinied by a ceti-
zen cit that tows,. site cleoee 'a livery
rig which 'he. had hired from Mr. !lod-
ging'. ,of Lean With .which to drive
to - denirelia, but he wait instead to
Goderich, thence to Clinton. Ile 'zee-
resente.d himself 'as the representative
of a ' Londoncement cdmpany, On
Saterday Morning he drove out 'Meth.
saying that he Would be backin a
few hours; but he never ceme back.
The othee young Man • brought back
the horse and: rettitned to, Goderieh,
Mr. Brandenberger received no paye
merit for the board of the two men
while they stopped in. hie house .• On
Monday 'Mr. •tiodgins ,carne up from
Lucen and tookhis. horse home:
.On Noveriibler 15th eWenty-five years
ago 'Mr. and Mrs,. W '1'. °Keil be -
,came man and wife: The ceremony.
took piace at Merittoe .and was per-
formed by Rev: Mr; Swan,. eow • of
'Holmeseille who bad •• himself delY
been married a 'few weeks Previously..
. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs,
.O'Neil celebrated their silver wedd-
ing .and though the invitations sent
•out said "no presents" it nutnber of
Valtiable and useful ' ones 'made their
appearance. The friends woeld tes-
tify in a practical way their esteem
for this • worthy couple, whether or
• Among the guests were Rev. Dr.
Stewart; Rev. Mr. Swan of Holmes-
ville and Rev. Mr. McLennan Of Kip.
The evening was pleasantly spent
and much enjoyed by all present.
• The News -Record joins the meet,
friends in Wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Neil many, more happy anniversaries'
of their wedding day, .
The services which began in St.
Joseph's church • on Wednesday of
last week and continued twice daily
until Sunday evening, were largely
attended. A number of Protestants
were present at .the evening services.
The preacher was Rev. rather O'Nee
il, a Jesuit Pa,ther, who conducted a
similar • mlesion hero twelve years
ago, In this' work he is continuously
employed and covers a wide field. He
has an imposing promo, Is a rapid
speaker, has a great flow of langea-
ge and 'in an impressive manner linen-
ght home the great truths of the
Bible. He dwelt in more than one
of his sermons upon the evils of in-
temperance and tee the testa of- 1.•
counsel and admonition a Iarge num.
ber of the congregatton took the
pledge on Sunday morning. They
will form the nucleus of a strong and
practical Temperance organization
in the parish of St, Joseph, for the
work which has thus been set ozt foot
will be eontietted by the energetic
peeleh priest, Rev, Father Pensoen.
.On Motley Rev. Father O'Neil left
for Stratford Where he is now on
thiethig a mission,
A sale of Mercy work will take pl-
ace iii the council chamber on Thur-
sday .afternoon of next week wider
the 'auspices of the ladies' guild of
St. Paul's e.hurele In the evening a
supper will be given to be followed
by an entertainment.
• • •
The local corps of the .Salvation
Army will not hold services in their
barracks this winter owing to. .their
being so old: The extra fuel reqttir-
ed to keep thern comfortable • yould
about pay rent for, other quarters;
so they have rented the hall over
IVIt. T. Jackson's clothing store.
Services Wilt be held on' Thanksgiv-
ing day in St: Paul's church -to be
conducted by Rectot Gunne and Rev,
W.' Craig and in the Ontario street
church Where the preacher will be
.Rpteivad...br. Stewart. The usual collec-
tion will bp taken in aid of the Poor
Atter a week's illnese of Pleuro-
pneumonia Mrs. Robert Dowes pass-
ed away on Monday evening: She
was a true Christian weman and
tench esteemed tor her many virtees:
She is survived by her husband . and
three eons, William, Robt. A. • and
Richard, and has One surviving Sis-
ter, Mrs. Richard: Dawes, Toronto,
who atriered on Saturday and WA at
the bedside:when the final suMmonee
came: .The funeral will take place
Thersdaye to Ball's cemetery . on elm
Base Line. . • - •• ••••
• •
• . • , ••
'The Itoderieh 'IVIodelitee and a num-
ber of •others were. entertained at a
social evening Tisdallis hall last
Friday by the Clinton Modelites.
There was an excellent program con-
sisting ef promenadee,recitatioes,
speeches, vocal and instrumeetal•sel-
ections end. hutch which wee thought
the hest:part. by a few. The .• chair.
was taken by Principal Lough, ably
:essieted by Principal Heston of the
G. C: I. Ile evening was closed by
"God Save the ICing" and wishing'
the Goderich Modeliees a safe trip
home and riot to do, as the teliiiton
. .
'students (tide take a roundabPut may,
. • .. •
A joint meeting' of the exeeue
tiees • of • the West and .East
.1-luron Teachers! • Associations
was held in• Clinton Mgt Sa.tueda47 to.
arrange for the proetain of the ae-
nual convention to be held in,this
town on• the 2.5th and am . next,
'Among those present were : West Exit-
rim—President Geo. S. koward.,, Bla-•
ke ;. Secretary W A. Johnstone, Kip-.
Pen ; Miss ceagitt, vice-president:
.Hiliegeeen ; Inspeetcre ,Tom, Miss Par -
lee and. J. IL Tigert, •Goderich ; T.
I-1. Brownlee, Fiensall ; Bluett, Cred-
iton. .East 1-furore—President Rogers
• of Seaforth ; Miss Hamilton, Myth ;
Inspector Robe and .Priecipal Cattier -
011, Brussels ; Hartley,Wroxeter ;
Moffat,. Seaforth ;, W. R. Lough, Cline.
. • •
There was not a worse .dieeppeint-
ed lot of -people itt the province on
the night of NeVeraber 3rd that the
South Huron Liberalswho confident-
ly counted on winning by a large Ma.
In Brucefield, it le said, that ste•
int Was kept up at th'e mjilso as to
he abed to teot the whistle 'for, 'Fra-
ser, but there was no tooting , thert
that night: •
Down at . Zurich they were So _cer-
tain that theevictory would/ be theirs
that. they had gathered the Materiel
for a hellfire. But it was the Con-
servatives 'who 'applied the . torch.
The Liberals then got :outthefire
engine to quench the bonfire, but a
Goshen Line stalwart , look a heed in
tire game and turned the hose again-
st theinselVes to the discomfort of
more than ene. This did not sooth
their feelings, but the opportune ar-
rival of the village constable hipped:
in the bed whit 'might have been an
unpleasant continuation. • •
The above isa fairly -good picture
of Mr, J. B. Hoover, who, alter ser-
ving. an apprenticeship in the town
council, Was elected mayor at the
last municipal election. In addition
to his prominence in municipal mat-
ters Mr. Hoover 'has taken .an active
interest in society affairs end beg
been at the head of two of our fra.
lernal bodies. He has a pleasing ad-
dress and is a good speaker,
Owing to Thanksgiving day
on Thursday The News -Record goes
tO press a day early this week and
in consectnence some interesting mat-
ter arrived to late for this issue.
a •
Mr. W. Jones' cottage on Iseee
street, which' has for some time been
oc'eupied by Mr. Thos. Dowson, lias
been leased by Rev, Mr. Magee, the
new •pastor of the Baptist church,
who moves his (array down from
Goderich uext week. .
A ball was given in Tisdall's hall
on Tuesday evening by the Cinderelle.
Club. The floor was itt good shape,
the music excellent, the lunch dainty
and the attendance just what was,
desired, so that a pleasant time ;is
reported.. The success of this "Cin-
derella" will encourage the club 1 t
have them at frequent ,intervals..
At the last meeting of the C. I.
literary society a debate took place
on the subject, "Resolved that the
G. T. P. as at present projected sh-
ould not be built." Miss O. Cooper
aid Mr. A. Scott championed the
affirmative and Messrs. J. T. Mus-
tard and L. -Cantelon the negative.
.Then, after an address on Canada by
Mr. Irwin, the meeting closed with
the National Aethern.
• • ., . . • '
tiollett ToWnship,
The township council on Monday
decided -to submit Local Option to
the electors at the January election.
- The trustees of S. S. No. 7, Hull.:
Ott; have 'engaged Miss Lizzie Chid -
ley of Clinton as teacher for the year
1.05,at a good 'salary. • ,• •
The concert given. by S. S. No. 8,
Hullett, in 'the town hall, Londes-
'hero, last Thursdae was a great
success,. the hall being filled to the
doom The receipts areourtted to
over $34. •
Surnmerhill.. .
Mr. Ches.. Lovett has had., e. niuld
.attack of iriflanimation ofehe lungs.
but is recovering. :
Whooping dough 'has Made its . ap,
pearance itt. this yicittity.;
• 'Johnston Bros. haver sided their
•hoese se that it will be eoinfortable,
for the whiter. •
Rev, Mr. Rhodes has been obliged
to have the. weeknight. meetings in
the church fortnightly instead ef
Weekly • „
Varna •
AnnieersarY services will be held
in the Presbyterian church next Sure:
day whet" Rev. Mr, Larkin.ot Scatter-
th • 'will preach both a. enand even-
ing. A ;large attendanee ie looked'
eor at' both so:Vices.. : •
On Monday evening a fewl Supper,
will; be given under' the auspices, of
the Methodist .chuicie• Supper win
•be served in Temperance hall' from
0 to 8: o'clockand the enwrap given
in the township hall. The services of
the Seaforth Methodist .choir and
cmertetto have been scolded for the
occasion. Miss Franeee M. Evahs,
elocutionist, • will also assist. A
number of a.ddresses will be delivered
by clergymen:.
Mr.. Percy Wanless hae returned
Mem after . spending several months
in the Northwest. • . , :
We are sorry to record the serious
illnees; of Prank:Higgins,, but hope
to hear .of his speedy recovery. •
Mie Johns and Miss Ethel Johns
spent Sunday. with ..Goderich town-
ship friends. .. •
Mr. and Mrs. john Wallies's were
ie Hensair last week. • '
Mrs. Turnbull and fitneily, • visited
with Varna friends last week, .
• Mr.' John MeAsh of Detroit is visi-
ting with his parents. •
' Blake.
Another Of Heron's old settlers
passed away on Sunday last in the
person of Mr. Henry Ottereeiti, heart
failure being the immediate cane° of
death.' It appears he was working
around on Saturday itt his usual he-
alth and retired with the falnilyedbut
on calling him to breakfast next
morning the family were ;surprised ,to
fled him dead. His remains were
laid to test hi the' Bronson Line
cemetery on Tuesday afternoon whit-
her they were followed by a large
coimoiftse 'reed faluily td mourn their
los. • •
In. John' Johnston his, completed
his third SU/Taller itt the service of
Mr. Geo. Douglas, and has gone
hoe to enjoy a, well-earned rest.
People are beginning to feel the
touch of Jack Frost and' are M•epar-
ing themselves for the colder season
which, wehope will be mllder than
that of last vitt. • .
N1r. Itobt. Dangles ,Sr., veho has
been ailing for some time, is, we are
glad to say, on the mend. We hope
to soon see him round again,
Service will be held nn Thanksgiv.
'•ing in the church itt whiett a, tollect-
ion 'will he taken up in behalf of ihe
Pointe -Aux Trembles Sehool, Quebec
The Scarlet Rash is still lingering
in our neighborhood. It is now al-
most a year since it ntarto.
Collectors for lila niw Society
have been eanvassing tlie -community
and have raised eelitie a sten foe that
ileble Vaeleee
West Tuckersmitb.
Mr. Nelson Cole and Mise Noble
of Clinton were married. prt Wednes-
day last and have taken up house-
keeping in Mr. Levi Wiltse's house
on. the London !toed. In the even-
ing a number ofrelatives gathered
to help warm the house and tripped
the light fantastic. ifis many friesids
through these ,pa.rte extend con-
gratulatiens. " ' . • •
Miss May McKnight' has been on
the Sick list. • ••
Mr. John Elliott has been busy
shipping his sugar beets.
Mr. George Stanbury shipped his
last load of cattle for the season on
Saturday last.
Farmers are ver' busy this fine
weather finishing up iheir fall plow-
Stanley Township.
Sorry to report that Mrs. D. Je
*Clint:hey is on the eiek list now.
° We are going to the fowl supper at
Varna next Monday "light for there's
always a good supper, an eicellent
program and a large crowd.
jelr, ;William Taylor Spent Friday in
Seaforth. • •
Some sneak thief yisited the hen
roost Of Treasurer John Reid on
Wednesday night bit and carried off
a number of turkeys and other fewe
We Would yearn them not to return •
on .the same' errand as there is a • •
:strong sespicion• les to who t ii1ty••
'pieties are. ' z*. •••• • , ;see •,: .• •••
Mrs. L. Clarke and 'her daughter,
'Miss, Mable, ere' vieiting ',fiderele
Benmiller this week. -
Mr. John Smith of the .16th con.
•Gederich township, accompanied by .
the lelisses •Mary and Susie Richard-
son oe West Brancli„Mich., spent
Sunday. at the:home of Mr. Joseph
Miss Mary j. Reid has returned
from her 'deft 'with. relatives • near
Lucknow. •
Mn. Wesley. .Peek and Miss Emma
visited lest week at the home of leer.
P, Cole; Goderich township.
Mrs.. John Peck of Bayfield was
the guest of 1VIre: johe' Reid • Sr. last
week, • . • •
• Auhurn.
A convention of 'West Hume Coe-
servatives will be held. here , on Novi '
28th, •
Miss Slater spent Supda,y at her
home:at 'Seeforth, "
1Viiss Martin, who 'teaches school '
near Carlow, called at kr. William ,
Roberton's last Saturday: •
Mr, Arnistrong of Godefich Sufi- • •
dayed at her mother's, Mrs. e W. "
Youngblut's, • •
• Rev. Mr, Small preached in Blythe •
lest Sunday night, In the eftetnoon
he gave a Temperance liddreas
Ree, Richardson pf London • will
preach in St. Mark's church .on Tues-
day night of next week... ,
Mr.Fre,nk Munro left for Winnipeg'
Monday morning wheze he has secur-
ed a situation. • ' •
'Pherc will be a• concert •fn Tent- .•
perenee hall' on ...Thanksgiving night .
given by the : Presbytetian choir., '.
Mips Buschlin is to be present. • !
. •
Colborne Township
The apple packing will .be wound
LIP thie 'week for the season, • '
Mr. Ben. Cox of Goderich township
has purchased the f arni belonging to
the late Mr, Edward. Jenkins at the: • ,
neat sum of .$5,350, „.
We are sorry to say 'thee Mes.Chas,
Fisher is laid up with , appendicitis.;
We hope to sem bear of ber reedVe 'e-
ery, . • .
We aro gladto see Mr. Geo. Mill-
ian able te be around again , after
having been undet the doctor's care
for some time with a swelling of the
Mt. William Vanstone returned hoe
me from the Vilest on Wednesday of
last week. •
One of 'Colborne's old residents pas-
sed away on Wednesday of last week
in. the .person of Mr. Archie Sande,
Mr. Currie. of Goderich „township is
busily engaged le this locality eremite
Mg grain and cutting straw,
Leadbury. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. Nesbit of Listew-
el are visiting at thelattcr's parents'.
Mr.- and Mrs. J. Kenny's. •
Mise Ross of Constance is thageest .
of Mrs. E, Dristell this •week. • •
' The Orangemen of L. O.L. No. 8.1.3e
McKiliop, celebrated the anniversary,
of the Gurip.oweter Plot on lefeday ev-
ening; Nov,' • .4th, in their new hall.
which was 'full to overflowing with
'people gathered from .far end neat to
partake of' the.hountiful tea provided
by the good ladies. There • was a •
. lengthy .program of addresses by the
Rev. Mr. Baker and others, also
number of recitations. Mr. ..I, 0.
Morrison presided as chairman . and
introduced each of those who volun-
teered their services to the entertain-
ment. The brethren are to be con-
gratulated' upon the &Meese of the
affair. It. as quite evident from the
hearty applause that the audiente
'appreciated it, We are quite safe in
saying that when No. 813 has ano-
ther celebration'they will have an
overflowing house to luip, them along
'with their new hall. Many thanks
were tendered to all who took part
and also to the good ladies who pro-
vidcd the eatables ahd tea. Tho
chairman wan also inciuded.• The SD.
• nging of the National Anthem ken..
glit the prOceedineli to& clospi
• ti
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