HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-11-10, Page 7f f , i November 10th 19�d4 0, D, McTaggart j' t11^�R. • BANKER. Q. .GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUII- TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST I. i • ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS_ -- — I 11. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLI:ITOR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE —Sloane Block— CLINTON. HENRY" ' BEAT TIE (Successor to Dlr. James Scott.) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC office formerly occupied by Mr. James Scott, in Elliott Block . MONEY TO LOAN. , RIDOUT & HALE .-onveyancers, Coninisioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan. C. B. 'HALE -- JOHN RIDOUT. DRS. GUNN & GUNN Dr. W. Gum I,. R. C. P. & I,. R.C.S. Edinburgh. Dr. J. Nisbet Gtirm el. R. C. S. Eng. I,. R. C. 1'. London ' Night calls at front door of residence on Rattenbary street, .opposite • Presbyterian church_ OFFICE— -Ontario street —CLINTON. DR. SIIAW PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Or1ICE— Ontario street—CLINTON, Opposite St. Paul's church. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PIlYSICrAN AND SURGEON. • Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat s —Office and Residence— . ALBERT .STREET- WES'r, CLINTON. North of Rattenbury.St. DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office formerly. occupied by Dr. Pal- lister on Alain street. IiAYFIELD, — — — — ONT DR. AGNE\V, .DENTIST_ O11icc adjoining Photo COIlLry.. open every day and Satur,lay nights until do o'clock. CLINTON, ONT. Tg. G. I:Rx sT.11oI,MES specialist d i•� in tied lir r D. 1). S.—Graduate of the' Royal Work al Col- lege of Dental Surgeons .ot Ontar• io. • L. D. S.—First class honor graduate of Dental Department t'( t,lrouto. University. Special attention paid to ] eservation of children's teeth.- Will eeth.Will be at the River Hotel, ]lay field; every Monday from to a. to to b p, m, DR, • J. FREEMAN VETERINARY SURGEON: 1s member of the Veterinary llieclical Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. • OFFICE— IIuron street .—CLINTON. Next to Commercial hotel Phone 97 Marriage Licenses ISSUED BY J. B. Runball rilinton Rattenbury Street Works importers. Work roan ship and Material, gUarenteed. J. G. SEALE & Co. ]u.ggies' We have . a goodas- • sortment of New Buggies always on han\:• Just now .a number of second-hand Bug-' 'gies in goo.d.re- pair . Cheap. Wrfili iki 1cT►L tt ttlttiminipteu tixisisinIni tj >. Er DR. OVENS OF LONDON (ig• O 0 U Surgeon, Oculist, Speciaist, U (D Diseases of Eye, Eor, hose and U [] Throat, visits Clinton monthly re 0 U D GLASSES I'RO1'I;RLY FITTED jiej NE ID He Nasal Catarrh and Deei_ass U it treated, I ■ x a London Office 225 aiicen's- ,Ave. ID x Clinton ()Rice Con -she's Drug []x ■ Store. 0 © 0 EI Hours 8 a. no to 4 pie in. Dat- 0 j] es of visits—Tuesdays—reh. 2, 0 0 Mar. 1, Mex. 29, May 3, May Ili ID 31, June 28, July 26, Sopt...f., D Oct, 4, Nob. t, Nov. 29. C"d fliistitldtJgisagstionisni !J lit solo J1 IKimici • Repairing pi.omptly attended to. RUMBALL arid McMATN: . Hnrun,Ste 011nten., - The .11lcKillop- lutual Fina Insurance Comnanu —Farm and • Isolated Town B;operty-• =Only'. Insured.-- OFFICERS. nsured:- OFFICERS. J. 13 McLean, President, ;:ippon P. 0. ; Thos. 'Fuser, ,. Vice-Presitleat, • Britcefield P..Q. ; T. E. Bays, Sec.- Tre.astrer; Seaforth P. O. DIREc'rORS.. William Shcsn • caforth • -John Grieve, Winthrop ; 'George . Dale, Sea - forth ; John Wyatt, Ilarlock ; John Bennewies, Brodliagan ; James Evans, , Beechwood ; "J amen" Connolly, { li2itoii: • • • AGE Robert Smith, chley, Seafortlt.; Egmondville ; J. vide, The Clinton News4ke'nrd !G!7t'`rT:, x 1i4! :1fj t:'Y fr,4P:Y•yr:I:Q7it0•1:i>1.":t.l!MI7l-Cii**Q.'Ie*7F 1i41447e+AAit 4 ounBy Charles Garwice Author of 44A Modern Juliet,'" "Better Than Life," �w _►:GirrsT�_ � "Once in'„a Life." .T\ ,1.),141.1,4 i ;S ”-ii44C;s ilE.M4S... e0;t;4..r.:m f3vil=Q K461.4:ii+3434(#,Ali i voice •grew very .low. -"I think .so lad. a sigh rose tet her liiu its she still, There, don't sit adgbting any remembered - Becky, whose .satin - longer, but join your angel. Stop," 'smooth neck she need to fondle, and he added, as St. John rose; "let me ; kiss• give •you ii word of advice, if I.3nay My father is .,rather , proud of be so • presumptuous." St. John "lie really St. John stood waiting. heroes," said understands theta, which means more "Angels aro soon frightened, . Pon't . than it sounds at first hearing. X alai'n yours, or she Will take wings. • suppose you have a • number of and fly .away froth you, perhaps for, borsea' ;, ,, said. !weir," Yes, I think so, said Nance. T "Not if I know it, St. John," re- 1 theorscst . " in at .their. all h -think that aro St. John went � on to the 'terrace, atorted the earl, making for the door, his heart beating.wildly: therewhichYorkesleft,a wcthe . and i1Lr, . "Not in. my department. Discuss it Tho countess, and Lady Dockitt Graham has bought others. I do with your mother;" and, than -like, were seated in, a sunny and secluded do not now for certain. he bolted. "Yon prefer. the little pony -cart?" nook Nance was loaning on theWhen St John saw Nance the the exquisite Yview—a scene in which , love of simplicity harmonized with in the habit which Lady Dockitt, burn lawns and rusatt-tinted woodii the' purity of her beauty. I under- with commendable foresight, had had • y stand," softly, as if he read her formed the conspicuous features. 6 made for her before they left Iron- I feed to lot me try and teach her to ride," he said. "We go for our tlt'st , lesson to -morrow, Polly will be the best mount for her, will sho not, ,sir?" The earl broiled, the comatose stared'. "Do your mean that you and Miss Harwood aro going alone, St. John?" she asked, with not unnatur- al surprise. • "No, mother; there will be the grooms," he said, "The grooms? 'I never heard of such a dream!"she said, "I had better send for Ermyntrude." She was one of the cousins who, lived with hob parents. at a reachable dis- tance, ' "No, thanks, mother," he said,. with, his gentle firmness. "Why should you? Miss Harwood will not allow me to run away with her." "Worse luck," put in the earl, dryly. '• St. John turned to him with ap almost girlish blush, "Is she not beautiful, sir?" he atone railing, looking dreamily at he said thinking how perfectly her next morning, standing on the steps. Tho countess had, after the mail- mind. But I think you would' like .:don; he thought that,. if possible, nor of her kind, been trying• to learn to Tido, Como and see this hors!. she looked more beautiful in the something of the lovely unknown, Do not be afraid; she. is quite cion! -fitting black cloth than alio had 7. i But Lady Dockitt was°also a wo- quiet done in the dove -colored .dress; but ) . man of the world, and, though ap- I am not • afre.id, Nance said, what struck him; even more than her 1 �1 Davis ��"'.'�� 7 Q� parently frank and candid, told her with .a smile; • and she went up and grace and beauty, was her complete y Sale by .Vav s CJtJJRowland, L' To get that appetizing, brown appearance and out- side crispyness on roasts of iamb, beef, etc. -to keep their goodness in them they must be basted. In the old style stove this necessitated reaching into the hot oven and fnovin g the hot, heavy pan and holding it in the front of the oven while it was basted. A tedious performance with unsatisfactory results. The draw -out oven rack of the Imperial Oxford Rangemakes basting a, simple -and successful operation, Draw the handle in front of the oven for. ward'and the rack brings thepan and its contents out of the oven where it may be thoroughly basted with the greatest ease. The Imperial Oxford Range lessens the labor of cooking and insures the most successful results. Call at one of our agencies or write for the Imperial Oxford 1ea4let. The Gurney Foundry Cc-. tiimi'ted Toronto Montreal. •Win nitseig and Vancouver , 1 little. patted a handsome mare in the loose unconsciousness of them. "Aly dear Christine is an orphan," ' box which they entered. She received him with a swept she said. "Her mother died when sho Tho 'marcs sniffed at her inquiring- and sereno self-possession, You say you have used oyerything gravity G darXCh.. • • • was quits a child; her father "died a . ly;; then put its velvety nose . into . end* they started as free Froin stn- for that okistinate case of constipa- Councillor • J. P.. Brown;. who has been on a:trip to Sault Ste. Marie, 'and other places, returned to •his• some last week, • 11. 'Benson Guest, who ;spent .. the' •past , year in the . West • for the bene- fit Of his health,is now- at the Tor- onto :University, • Muss •Lath. Vivian has •returned front a few' months'. visit ...at Naiamaon where • she was' the guest ' of . her sister, Mrs..I3rown • • • •• ' • Mr. Robert Kerr, ship' builder, 'has • taken. ,a position. on" the staff of 'the • organ factory. ' (Charles B. !reale. of New York vias ited • his parents. oil Saturday anti ' Sunday.. • tHE HARDEST• PAIN TO ENDO - ' re' is 'the pale off a tender t;.orn, but experience •proves that *corns are cure, ed quickest 'by Putnam's Painless.. Corn Extractor, which .acts. in twen ty-four hciurs:Puttiam's. never burns' is causes .•sores. • The :only painless .sure is'Pu'tnanm's.:. fee no other.. • • NE* S'PFAMSIIIP TO.. CUBA. ' . .C'onrmenciug: November 15tH, • 1901, the large and Modern steamship-Sa = atog't of.,•thc:Munson ,Steamship Lino twill ply•:betwcen'117obile, Ala:, .and Iiavana; Cuba, maki.U:g:.the Trip ':in less than 40 hours. Low rates • via she Mobile •tend O1tio..Ra'rlroad. Write John • M. • Beall, G. T. •A., . M. & • O.. Railroad; St: i.ouis; for full particu- few months ago,. He Was a crier- her hand, and said, as plainly as a barrassment _as if they were boy and tion ; this proves' than you . have not chant, an old friend of the Yorkes, horse can .ePeak: u girl, brother and sister; • tried Vito Laxative Fruit Pills', oth- whom he had befriended. The Hall• I Itke the look of you, mdy ear. And soon at. John experienced an- erwise you would he :cured, Mr. R, s { canoe into Christine's hand in the •Lbe et us friends. 'other surprise, for the delicately P. F{Cekiq druggist, keeps most honorable way, I beg you. to "That .is one of my father's fav- beautiful Irl,. who Zaoked as fro Ile p hem • an bellow!;, Lady Litilc. It she had not oritos," said Lord -St. John, strok- . as • a rano pisco of china, • :stock ; price K5 cents: seemed - had it, it would have Callen into the Ing the, mare's. Hoek, and soal,nos.t without fear. As a rule, a lady is' apt to: display some nervousness during -het first lesson in equitation; hands . of far worse people—Jews, for touching Nance's .white,' • ungloved instance."• . hand.."She is .very •affectionate and •"And has she any relations?" 'ask= faithful, and as reliable as a bishop: but Nance did not show a trel'.nor, ed thecountess, in a, tone polite •She is a petfe.t_ lady s liaise, one of c}f .and as they rode •on through the ; lndifferonce which masked her 'anxie- my cousins used to ride' her,. I won- .'lanes and• over: the commons; ;fit. ty. dor, Miss Harwood it—if"--ho fait- John's love few 'her and pride in her • "None—absolutely none!" replied . ered in his eagerness_"if You would . grew and swelled in his bosom. Lady Dockitt, emphatically. ' "'She like to .lear'n to ride? 11 so, and "You . Will learn in no time," he is; but for inc, quite alone in the yQu• would let me, x.. should be• glad said "I never knew •zany one so --so world, poor Oleo' to teach you. .I am reckoned rather fearless, so free from nervousness, • She was far. too :wise tb• launch in- good in the saddle, notwithstanding :AU my cousins were frightened to to praises of her ward, but left the my limp, , I won .the county steeple- death when they cantered the first steeple - matter just. where' it' stood.: shasc,". ho added, pimply, and quite time; but ' you=" His admiration It' was all very' vague and unsatis unvauntingly, as ifhe, were •Just was too great for expression. ' factory, and the countess suppressed offering her evidence of his clips city Nance' smiled, a . sigh; • If only St, John •had taken. for teaching "It is the best of all .,Z am not very.,frightened;"• she a fancy, to one of his cousins! • And - . forms of exorcise; 'and—and 1 will . said. "The horse scorns 'so quiet and there were 'so many from whom he take every care:. of you—indeed 1 : friendly, and" -naively "it is not so ,could have chosen! .. 1 will," Very far to fall; after all."' ' St, John went straight to Nance,. a Nance .scarcely-, hesitated;. but. .tic- • . "Fall!" he exclaimed. "You won't "It. is almost like ` summer," he. ' cepted at -once.. • fall, )n a week I 'will. 'undertake, said as he approached her; "but are "I •am .afraid .I shall .give you a` i:really'.well that . that you shall ride , you sore ':you are .. waren,' enough?. ` great dual ot , trouble," she ; said,. ,e "' la cin at her'ea eagerly; "if yQu•, getyou'simply. .. "I shall probably .fall oil." !; n :out i3 Y, taltah.�I'' a shawl -some. can come:out everyday,'". thing? The rare smile and the suecoss of Oh•y • said Nance piacbdly , es," .. • ' No, •thank, you, Lord St: .John; his little plan sethis heart beating • and unsuspectingly. "1 have .very i- q I- inc Warm'enough." wildly, ' `• • • " This is due south, . and shelter- "Not off. Polly, he said. "She .little tofdo,.'and I shall. me it; it n? ed " he said; ",but: I wanted to. take wouldn't permit you. :;hall we delightful, Shall we banter ;again? go But can• you spare the tine?'..".' you., into the garden to.•.see.the.house. to -morrow? Yesl - I';wi3come for "Oh, yes!" he' said, 'With. prompt. ,from the lawn, and•,it, may' he 'cooler you .' at •' eleven. .;.':Will : that be too assurance. "I. have absolutely: noth there. Let ire get you a.wrap. . early?'"• wen off—be „ " i)%g: to, do, :and - woll..:.you :see, . it. He t o he.. scarcely. limped to- Very well, Laid Nance. But will he .conferring a 'favor upon. me, day=and returned with ' her hooded :you must promise to tell me II 1" am : " because if I hadn't some inducement,. cape; and. as he put•it over her shoul- ..too much trouble." "� I Shouldn't ride; and—yes, we'll cah= ders, 'ha thought it the sweetest "I make that remise most soleinn� •I ' g p t >r gin. Rut put your hand :.tn ' daintiest out -door o o garment •that ever : ly, • he responded. 1. NTS. ' milliner had planned 'IIis h d" They went back • to-" theh ti e. a a an c o se the. front of the saddle.. It's all. very well;_ •to joke about your falling oil,. shook as ' it touched her shoulder=- through 'a .shrubbery' which wound in Hariock • 1w Iiia but if you did I-1 should never for; James Cummings shook • with the deep reverence of his. 'and , out maze -fashion, . and so gave gilsa myself.''. ' . g , passionate love h! f h e' t th P th W,Yet r P t garden, A t o fI -tried to talk t s t d h st asked. her to turn - round • and look and amuse her, 'but :Love held him•'I back f PTER Holmes- m more o et so to y ant they 7 CTO BE CONTINUEI? ) to a to o he s t nd h n he - 1 h Parties, desirous to effect. insurance or ' transact other ; _;busipess will •bd oro application attended n a atict e 1 promptly o i IP to any of the. above olIicers addressed to their respective postollices. .Losses inspected • lay the director who, lives nearest the scene, . • •• TIME TAB Trains will. arrive from Clinton .station • BIJYAI;O AND ' GO Going East Exprese Going East Going West • Going West'Expresa. " " ` " arrive, 6.15 leave 6,4o g , members of the four . !ted order. Devoid of opiates and injurious sub at and depart Chelsea. ' "11Ii'sg Harwood has been with mo AND TURPENTIINE, • life! She, the poor.. lace -girl,. was John. a medicine .that not only heals and 'hey went down the, wide . stone had gone' straight • across the .lawn • . e. o.p y o spell -hound and. silence.. his generally. �, ready tongue. He was in l'arudisoEl • CHA • XXXIII.• while' she was .by his side.,: but his Brea joy wan dashed bythe ..thought that, '�'� �' �. �'"�,,' , The court.. wee not: so. old as the in: a 'short:time; 'she would be gone �a Hall; but it was larger and grand- . from him. It. Was only . the •Ilt'os , '- e.r', and, :'fn its '.wax,. more pictur- pect of to -morrow .that sustained YJAT the .lungs are irritated and . esque, and'. it Was evident :that it him and enabled. him. to: talk at all. inflamed and need the influence • - was the latter quality. which .St. • When they regained. the. house• they. of sofas. soothing, healing,. curative . •John• .wanted her. to admire. found :the ' countess with the tea , • "-It is beautiful!" said Nance; ' and table before her. And, strange •.'to ineiicine,.sueh as as she spoke, there stole 'anon her=: relate the earl was•with the ladies• , _ Dg CHASE'S ,, ae ort , at a hour.ce :: SYRUP• «F .LINSEED of � the dfiigy. F,deq Place in far -away • - in the drawf�tig-rognr at that hour, A Goderich,.' 'Miss , Weiss 'of Sa}tford,•who'Was very • .i11. at her home is progressing most favorably. . ' Dr.: `Wilson Jerald of Walsh:, Assa.,.. after spending tivo months In. -Liven: pool and -Glasgow en .husincss:•intent more than pleasure,',reached Gorier Leh recently after spending a few days ori 'the 'way at Kingston where . he Was' the guest of♦his. parents.. While. in Goderich lie was the'guest off his fathei-in-lav, Mr.-. :John Ralph. Mr, Charles •Nairn- and :Mrs. , M. H:• 1110111s r eturned : front Detroit •• • this •week,.. .- • • • . . 111x,• •and' •Mrs...Geor • e Donaldson: and t1)is yoa`. George •IteLnid were guests recently of Mrs:' bonatds0n;,Sadttord, Mrs. J.. 1Ieale 15' iinproving .' Very satisfactorily.' from • a' very'. severe. at- tack of inflainniatery :rheunjatism. • In a letter from Milton Bell, son of ..111r. • Devi -it Bell, writing home from the'• Lr: S•, .'Wyoming, •he said they had' been at San>Juan and•noW oil . their, return they:, had' velyr rainy. 'weather and a Very. cold •tine gener- ally, Ile is gettingbn. well but was not. well enough''to: go. with: those wlio, were chosen. to go to China. He met :Mr, • Albert • Johnston, who is a cleric .in the I'aeitic Coast Steamship Co,,'Portland, Oregon. Albert was delighted to_ meet' a`•Goderich boy. Thirty. ears Came into the -elevator '-on Sunday "•tinct several 'cars*,of grain went out Mr. • Peter .McFarlane 'Of the G::T IL staff; is bricking 'up the additiop to his :handed/he residence -on• Briton- why she knew not the remembrance f held put p as iellaws : What a change had come over her to the stable, sit,'" said Lord St.' DERICH DIV. • :, now the owner of a place almost as Lord Lisle shook his head. soothes the bronchial tubes and 7,38 a,m•• grand as this—was the ,friend of . an . "Scarcely, fair, St. John," he said: TungS but also effectually 'clears earl! She Nattce Ore y# Why' even 3.23 p.m.I wanted to take Miss Harwood to '' 5.20 p,m• the name shad changed, and she was the hone farm to see the pigs• I the ' air: passages by itS pourer . to ao,z5 a.m. . Christine Harwood, mistress of hope you like •pigs, Miss Harwoode loosen and throw off the' sticky 12,55 pan. .Rainford Hall! She sighed, They.'are the only real% satisfactory •`mucous Secretion called phlegm: Slight as the sigh was St: John. -f r " " : " I0,32 p.m, caught it. You must promise to 'coup and see nt stances; it is the ideal treatment for BRI7CF DIV. • .he said in a IoW voice • r.47 a.tit. "You. are thinkin that it. fool+ 4,z5 p•,nt.. g to death; besides once he has got •. ailments of :the throat and lungs.' too dream to sl that it LONDON, IIU120Y .AND Going South Express; • ". North Express • know :what you are thinking " t t • our nia .Road, • NERVOUS' . DYSPEPSIA. • • Mr, George I3oieit, -Spry, Bruce 'Co., writes • "1 :was ::troubled with rel virus .dyspepsia: for soma years .-'and after • using nine`'bores of: Dr. (/hose's Nt'rvo Food felt better than I.had . for years.: .r, Chase's .Nerve hood': is. certainly 'the beet medicine I ever used aril I say's!. because I want 'to' "give hill credit where :it is dile." • Col: Samuel -Hughes is reported to' have.iffered.bit R. L,. Borden his seat for Victoria and Haliburton; no a tthin next vs,. ,• " coughs colds croup'bronchitis,. Do nothing of the. kind; said the �* ' ' Nance started. countess: "Y•ou will be bored to U'hclept•ng cough, astlitha, and all • 1 y 4 espy• • 0;;5 a.m.. — you as far as - the pigs—' . • • Dr,. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and ) 1if. strikes a discordant roto in these "My fattier will lute you. on to Tu entire 25 cents a bottle at a I e 03..1 shoving,, stirring days. Yes, that is the cows, and from the cows to. the A O PAT'1'ISON Statidn A rent. just what I. feel: Tam` ashamed of sheep, and from the shed to the . ern. rt r)rot ,4 you against halts. °W •+ b all this 1 thisold-world l P � the portrait and signature of Dr, A. W. • know your . • wicked ways, sir, and a is uxury, .o d-livord a oei i= turkeys," put <in St, Jo n. ''Wo .Chase, the famous receipt book author, F. R. IIODGENS, Town :'ricket' Agent. ss It 's almost' death lif ne .. s a mos ca to e J. D. 112ACi)O\TAI,D, Distriet liasaen-are on every bottle. ger Agertt, rorouto.• estly' for his. daily bread, Do' : youf wood. There was a Bush on his face; . ho understand nio, b#las�HarWood? Have had got as near to Nance as ho '11TH COMPANION INFORMS you never felt that? Id holding her b d d Cook's Cottol Root Cato Sometimes born poor Nish that. I had been t feel it our duty. to warn Miss Har born poor—a workman tailing • lion- •�; It was on the ti of Nance'A coo . , was o ng. o res -an - 1 AND ENTERTAINS, „ p butter plate, looking down at her as 1 polbtl�. tongue to gay, Y have wonted for•if she were a Omen or a goddess, ! .� Is the oniy� safe reahlo h i l lrt ensu and he her slave or devotee, Ms Ladies, •Favorite illy daily bread,'' •But shesur +1 1The Youth's C,ornlanton uses enter-. t e des re., • taintneni a a means rather than•an regulator on whic'lt woman ''1 do not think you would have father and mother exchanged algal- end conte in alas sin its fiction can ,depend in the hour ,,. y ficant glances. But Nance looked, Y g y • and time of need." lilted 3t, she said, instead, and with as indeed site. was, quite innocent aril its articles some Convilicing Cru- • strength. V twoand No 2 a• strange smile. ��. and unconscious. of the young lord's th'or, some contribution to the use - No, 1.—Forcbesteases I don t know,"he continued. I ordinaryattentions, even when he persuaded fol knowledge of its readers: •. IS by far the best dollar think they are happier—the working/ . her to go with him into the hail to The 225 men and women enlistedc to No. 2--1Tor medicine rflses ri30 c1A tees theclasses—happier than..two imagines see some rare antiquities—china, quite for The Companion represent p g they are.. We know moree about them p stronger—Blies dollars per box. chain armor, ancient weapons—she hn ihfinitC vat'iet of taletttS anti Ladies -ask your druggist for CODCleohet ' boor than we used tn. do. Ono can Y Cotton hoot Compound. Take no other understand their trials and their chid not suspect, and rose and ac- tailings: Through The Companion ate all pills, mixtures and imitations are troubles, and feel for then)." cotnpanied him, inspecting the curios they address not only the young and dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sola and „ and listening to his almost whisper - recommended by all druggists in the Do- Ycs?" said Nance, softly. ed information. respecting :thorn, with inrlrcessionable, but the fathers and minion of Canada.. Mailed to any Pddres5' She was thinking how little he simple, c riio hers of the nation. The entire p ', hild-like interest. on receipt of rills and four z -cent postage knew—be slid his cltyss—even naw, She ho looked aa. child -like, so In- family claim a share in the good ettrmfis, 0 Cook Oetuirany, of the lives of the millions who earn- �1 Companion's yVittdsor, bail;, trocent, indeed, that St. John al- things which fill the Comt}anion s ;eel their bread by the sweat of their most despaired. How should he ever Na. t and No, 2 are sold in Clinton brow.. pages. "Yea, I often wander why they sub • dare approach this sweet, virginal, : Fell illustrated announcement dc- lry Watts & Co., II. II. Combe, It. P. lull as patiently to the fearful in- heamov enly creature t the guise words of of a scribing. the principal features of` dtcekl Said J• R. Hovey, drttggists, equalities of life. I wonder that they flow dared he a there than toloveThe Companion's new volume for 1905 sento doi • , not r Ise and crush 'its --we,. who her? 4 will be to any address free. . �. 1 h aCou ee n 50 'have all the Wealth 'YEAR$' and iho calfs, •th. nt s and the earl Were • The noun subscriber. for 1005 will EXPERIENCEonce ' 1) 0 and fine linen of existr kind, 'unaffectedly kind,.to the last;' receive all the issues of The Com- "I 'suppose it is because they do and when. they were alone•• -St. John panion for the rentairting weei s of PATENTS: TRADE MARISA DESIGNS COPYRiOt1TS &0. rl tion Kr d n K ketalr Kriii iloeC *nor pit brei Bending e titudicly opinion Free u invention ie probably ntortn b Cemmu»ec- Hone MAW, confidential. HANDBOOK onPAtentn Sonofroo. (Most nsenerfor securing ,1Ktents. PKtonts token through Munn 116 Co. reeeitO apetktf notice, Without chase, in the SCdentiflC Rmterlcan. Ab},Knifeomoly flln,trste4 weekly. rtroraeet air. oilmen of any eclogues Journal Toms, $34 esr i van. Month*, $1. SoId by A!) Toms, nowbdrelorn. iUN & Co.36tntosdtaar, New York Wane Office., !ice.: t33 5' Bt.. Waelilocoon, i). C. not know their power " said Nance havinggone to put the two 'ladies 1001 free from the time of enbsorip- t .s snatch another dreamily• ' or, perhaps because they into the jingle, totir»i, .also Thr, companion h.arnat- aro - --- of suffering and unceasing toil to ;looking into her eyes and •saying, in twelve rotors and olcC, mak! a stand and risty to claim their sighing another good-bye—the count- g too �tired� and 'weak with years chance of touching Nance's hand, of ions" Calendar 105' 1005, lithographed L1PPINCO1T'E MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMi6V LIERAttY The Bast In Current Literature 12 ComPLZTr NovcLs YEARLY MANY SHOAT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS' $2.60 pairsVeAR; 260 06 A COPY ,ANO CONTINUED STORIES 1 V*I Y NUMetn COMi"LtTC IN ItikeLV .i.,w..-.i .,a ,le i share in the good things.,' • 1 ens said: Lord St, John gazed at her .with 1 "Wo11?" reverent admiration, She had ' said "Web, you were, right," he re= nothing very clear or remarkable, aponded, "She 15 as perfect as she but it seemed to him as if pearls of can be, Poor' 141. John! he is quite wisdom Iihd dropped front the soft, hopelessly smitten. And, upon lily red lips, curved with the sad smile word, Agnes, I am not surprised. which lent them an added charm. • `There la something in addition to het They sulked side by aide, siowIY, beauty',and she is as lovely as a and sontetimes in silence, through painter•y s dream. the magnificent gardens, whose The countess shrugged her should• autumn flowers rivaled those of mid- ers• sutnttter; they passed under a lofty "You need not rave about her, Y tt "t3he is a ver Arch into the stable -yard. 7 aibot, silo said. + " nice gill, I admit that; but- -htit " "1 didn't ask you whether you dikes tievere'iL VieeIe )s`mfdettat3ntp ed horses." he said, is largo. ryoft tit. Jolt Caine in before she could Powder ie bettor than outer soap Powders, " eyes seeking hers apologetically, finish. tw it also Acts t; a disinfeetitut, 04 101 lk till,,, p ,' 'JAW l Ot•1 "MIs* U'aryrood bap kindly Prom* •..04 u t e •..-.•.. F�...-r, q.•:,,. 't'lte Youth's ('ompanion, 14 1 Berkeley • bit. Boston, Mass. Frank :3wari•zenburg of • Toronto, rim over by e train at Guelph, di d friar his inhiries. Soto Throaf bald Coughs A simple, effective and sells remedy for allthroat ntitatiofi is found in. Cresolette Antiseptl0't'nblots+ 'ffiep combine, the germicidal valuoof Crthsolcnewlth ore 0,04th'ns r o ertier of *Opposes clt Add licorice . Ilno. ASA Dru;ldiet t 10f .FOR. ••OVER SIXTY: .YEARS..;• • Mrs. Winslow's: Soothing Syrup has been used by millions • of mothers fur their children ' while teething.' If dis- turbed by night and broken of your rest by a slick ;child suffering and crying with :pain ..of cutting 'teeth .send at once, and get .a' bottle of 'Mrs. Wiiislow's :Soothing Syrup" ' for child ten. teething. It will relieve, the poor little.. 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